You and The Shadow Ebook [PDF]

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TABLE OF CONTENTS You and the Shadow


Bypassing the Decision Making Mind


Meeting Your Shadow


We Live Our Shadows


The Genetic Imperative


The Mind Is the Servant of the Genetic Imperative


Open Centers Are Amplifiers


You Cannot Avoid Conditioning


The Gift of Openness


The Not-Self Strategies


You Cannot Trust Your Mind


The Head Center: Occupied with Questions Which Don’t Matter You Stop Seeing What’s Possible

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The Ajna Center: Pretending that You Are Mentally Certain


Seeing Your Family’s Designs in Others


No Original Thoughts with Undefined Ajna Center


Living through Your Open Centers


Homogenization Distorts Us


We Are Not the Driver


Your Vehicle Is the Life


Openness Brings Dependency


Surrender to Your Vehicle


The Mind Is for Measuring


The Decision Making Mind Cannot be Aware


The Throat Center: Trying to Attract Attention


We Are Design for Cognition


Sharing Awareness


The Vehicle Knows What to Do


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Awareness Doesn’t Mean Life Gets Better


Allowing the Vehicle to Live Its Life


Attracting Attention


The Vulnerable Thyroid System


Open Throats Work through Conditioning


Wisdom of the Open Throat


The G Center: Trying to Find Direction and Love


The Importance of Place


The Potential Wisdom about Love and Direction


Finding Your Place through Strategy and Authority


The Heart Center: Trying to Prove/Improve Yourself


Trying to Be Willful


Do Not Make Promises


An Undefined Ego Has Nothing to Prove


The Sacral Center: Not Knowing when Enough Is Enough


Generator Sleep Patterns


Non-Sacral Sleep Patterns


Sleep in Your Own Room


Love Yourself


The Splenic Center: Holding on to What Isn’t Good for You


The Wisdom of the Spleen


Undefined Spleens Are the Best Doctors


Insecurity and the Undefined Spleen


The Root of Our Intelligence


The Solar Plexus: Avoiding Confrontation and Truth


Emotional Beings: Trust Your Emotional Process


The Emotional System Is Sexy


The Emotional Frequency and the Open Solar Plexus


It’s Not Up to the Mind


Resistance and Depression


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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU Enjoy the Dualistic World We Live In


The Root Center: Always in a Hurry to be Free


The Split Shadow Design


Strategy and Authority


The Mind Is a Treasure


Awareness Takes Place One Person at a Time


Let Your Vehicle Operate Correctly


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You and the Shadow Good morning, nice to see you all. To explain the timing of this class, we have a two-hour slot, so somewhere around midway through I will give you a break for about 15 minutes, so your brains won’t explode and you’ll have a chance to catch some fresh air.

Bypassing the Decision Making Mind Everything about Human Design can get distilled down to a number of things. The first thing is to understand that all of this is about being able to deal with your mind. It’s about being able to replace your decision making mind with another mechanism that you can use and trust. That does something special, something really extraordinary, because we’ve never had that in the history of our development on this plane, which is an opportunity to develop and use our minds for what they were intended, which is for awareness. You cannot be aware if you’re trying to decide how to pay your bills tomorrow. It’s not possible. You can be aware watching yourself pay your bills tomorrow, but you cannot be aware deciding you’ve got to do this or that because in the end it’s always going to lead you back to the same mess. You’re never going to get out of it. So, the first thing to understand about Human Design and your Type, Strategy and Authority, is that it gives you a mechanism to bypass your mind, to take away from your mind the responsibility that it has to spend 24/7 being concerned about what you’re going to do or not do, what you have to say to this person, what you have to ask this person, and so on.

Meeting Your Shadow What that opens up is an opportunity to give your mind something else to think about, which is really nice, by the way. You’ll find it quite relaxing and © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU relieving not to have your mind constantly putting you in a state of being afraid, concerned, driving you to worry about this thing and that thing and the other thing. You can give it something else to do. What you can give it to do is watch how you lost your way, and it’s an incredible journey. It’s called meeting your shadow. It’s something really incredible. I’m just like you; I started this life deeply conditioned. I was conditioned for nearly 40 years of my life. I was really unaware and quite ignorant. And I’m an Ego Manifestor, so I did a lot of damage along the way. I had no idea how any of these things worked. One of the things you would have said if you were trying to describe me in that era was, “This is a man that’s emotionally volatile.” Now you can’t get the joke until you see my Design because I’m not emotional. Not only am I not emotional, I only have one Gate in my emotional system and it’s unconscious. I married three emotional women in the space of 10 years, and nearly killed all of them. They would meet me and think I was terrific, and me with my open emotional system being ignorant as hell, I was attracted to them more than they were attracted to me. It was like, “Wow.” And then of course, I had to experience the other side of that wave, which for somebody like me was plain awful. I remember a night of sheer madness. This is what it means to meet your shadow. And this is only in retrospect, because at the time it was quite different. I was living in Northern Canada, a really cold place. In the winter it was incredibly cold, so cold that when you walk on the snow it squeaks. It’s that kind of squeak that sounds like a blackboard scratching. It’s not a nice squeak; everything squeaks. And I get into an argument with my partner at the time. This was somebody who was a 35-36 and incredibly emotional. It cranked me up, and there was no letting go, because if you’re unemotional and somebody is cranking you, you’re not in charge of the on-and-off switch. There is no way. So, she would get mad at me and I would get madder at her. Then she’d get madder at me

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU —and it kept on escalating and escalating. At some point I lost it. I put my fist through a door, and I thought this is madness. So, I—stupid man; it must have been about 1:00 in the morning—go tearing out of this house—a real Manifestor—slam the door and went out into the street. It was freezing cold. It must have been -30°. I’m walking along this road, and my boots are really squeaking, and I’m singing. I’m actually enjoying myself. I’m walking down this freezing cold street and ten minutes before it could have been homicide. Ten minutes before I could have killed. Here I am walking down the street and I’m singing, and all of that is gone, and I’m thinking, “You’re out of your mind.” I was a real shock for me. I had no idea what that was all about.

We Live Our Shadows We live our shadows, spending our whole lives living what we’re not. And it’s a trap. We’re a bioform. Genetics—it’s quite simple—says if you’re going to incarnate in a bioform, you’re going to have to reproduce. You have no choice; you have to make more. If you have to make more, it can’t be your brother or sister. It’s got to be something different. It’s the genetic imperative.

The Genetic Imperative The genetic imperative says you will be attracted to what you are not. So, if you’re unemotional you think emotionality is everything because it’s the pleasure principle. “I don’t have that. I want that.” If you’ve got an undefined Spleen, you want it defined. If you’ve got an undefined Ajna, you want it defined. You meet somebody who has something that you don’t have, and it’s like “Oh wow, I want that.” But you’re getting the whole package, you’re not just getting that little connection that’s there in that Gate, that Channel. You discover very quickly that this is not necessarily what you want. It looked good, but this is us, it’s the way we’re designed as bioforms and we cannot escape that. We are constantly attracted to what we’re not.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU If you look at your chart, you’ll see that there is other stuff that’s colored in, and there is all this stuff that’s white. At that stuff that’s white is the genetic imperative saying, “Come here, lose yourself in this and forget everything else. Forget that there is actually a possibility for you to live what you are. No, don’t do that. Why don’t you live what you don’t have?” That’s what it does.

You can see the dilemma right away when it comes to relationships. I had this wonderful experience. It was in the early years of my teaching and I was teaching at home in Ibiza. I had four students and I was doing an analyst training. I noticed when I saw the charts, two of the students had exactly the same chart. When I say exactly the same, they were born on the same day and same year, but different places in the world. One was born in Switzerland and one was born in the United States, but it was the same chart. So, you look at the overall Design, not going below the surface of the Line, but just the overall Design, it looks like they’re duplicates. Both of these women are in my course. It turns out that both of these women were sannyasins,

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU they had been in the ashram in Puna together. They had been to all these places where they were there at the same time but did not know each other. They had no idea about the other, and they had exactly the same chart. If you go into a gathering of people where a person that has a chart like yours, you’re never going to pay any attention to them. They’re not interesting to you. The genes don’t go, “Wow, I like that.” The genes say, “Forget it, that’s incest. We don’t want that. We don’t want sameness. Sameness is bad. We want different. Different is good.” You end up with a partner different from you and you’re both conditioning each other. You’re trying to be that, she’s trying to be that, or he, whatever the case may be. Neither one of you are living anything that’s real. And you never entered into the relationship as yourself because your genes took you there.

The Mind Is the Servant of the Genetic Imperative If your mind is running your life, it’s your mind that is the servant of the genetic imperative. It’s your mind that does that. If you’ve got an undefined emotional system, it’s not your undefined emotional system that’s distorting the way your mind works. It’s going directly into the foundation of the way you think. I’m going to show you how openness in your Design controls your mind. If you’re like me and you have an open emotional system, your not-self Strategy is: Avoid confrontation and truth. Now, think about what that means. If you’re unemotional and somebody calls you up on the phone. You look to see who it is, and you know that that phone call is really going to get ugly, so you don’t answer the phone. You don’t want to deal with that; not at all. And your mind is saying, “No, we don’t want to deal with the confrontation, so let’s lie. I’m busy. I’m out of town. I’m dead. I don’t want to deal with it.”

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Open Centers Are Amplifiers The world’s great liars are unemotional people. They’re always lying to themselves because they’re not ready to live with their own truth, not as long as they’re not-self. As an unemotional person growing up in a household with emotional people, when they would get cranked, I would get nauseous. That frequency of distorted emotional energy would pour through me and become amplified, because all those things you have that are white in your Design are amplifiers. You don’t just take in the others; you crank it up. And in most cases, it amplifies until it distorts. Think about all the children in the United States of American that are now drugged who are unemotional because they’re considered to be emotionally unstable. It’s extraordinary. The lack of understanding of the way in which we’re Designed ends up creating all kinds of deep psychological dilemmas in people as they’re growing up. The answer of the allopathic world that is ignorant of this is to drug them. I have nothing against drugs. But drugging children because their parents are emotional and they’re not?

You Cannot Avoid Conditioning So, you have to understand something about what conditioning is. You cannot turn off or avoid the conditioning that you’re taking in. I’m going to be unemotional until I leave this plane. And every emotional being that is ever going to step into my aura, I am going to take them in, but it’s not the same thing anymore.

The Gift of Openness If you look at your Design, what’s colored in is the student. What’s open is where you go to school. This is what you’re here to learn. This is how you get to master this plane and become wise. I know more about emotions than any human being on the planet; literally. That’s the gift of an open emotional system. It’s a gift of anything that’s open.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU The moment that it’s not dictating to you—and it can only do that if your mind makes your decisions—is the first time you can truly become aware of it. I smell the emotional wave. I can taste the emotional wave. I can feel the difference in people’s emotional waves, whether they’re here or there, what quality of wave they have, where it’s coming from. The point when you realize what’s not you is the most important thing you’re going to explore in your process. I never say, “I believe,” because it’s not in my Design. So, if I hear myself saying to somebody, “Well, I believe,” wow do I know I have a problem, because it’s not me. I’m not interested in living you; I’m interested in living me.

The Not-Self Strategies So, what we’re going to look at today is the not-self. We’re going to look at the general not-self, so you have an understanding of what this shadow does. And not just for you, by the way. Those of you that are Projectors, please make sure that you look at as many charts as you can. It’s important. Your understanding of the shadow is something that really comes by seeing it in others. So, make sure that you have a good selection of charts to look at. Every single Center has a not-self Strategy. We have a pure Strategy that is there for us, a Strategy in terms of your Type and your Authority, how you can begin to differentiate, begin to express your own unique process. But the not-self Strategies are what homogenizes you, brings you into the same dilemmas everybody else has, brings you into the questions and answers that everybody else has, ties you into the trap of the way in which sameness controls our lives. There is nothing more frightening than the level of sameness that’s out there that starts at the earliest education, the way we’re programmed in our cultures, all the expectations about the way we are supposed to be.

You Cannot Trust Your Mind When you’re looking at the shadow as we look at these of open Centers, the thing to understand about them is they’re directly influencing the way you © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU think, influencing your mind. The whole point of understanding why you cannot trust your mind is that it’s never speaking for you. It’s always expressing that openness that’s not you, the conditioning.

The Head Center: Occupied with Questions Which Don’t Matter So, let’s begin. Let’s begin with the Head Center at the very top. You can see that it says here: Occupied with questions that don’t matter. 70% of humanity has an undefined Head Center. Think about the madness of the plane. You have 70% of humanity thinking about things that don’t matter. Isn’t that helpful? It’s just one of those things. So, if you have an open Head Center —I do, I know—there is all this stuff that’s going by. And there are all these people with this stuff going by that are thinking about things that don’t matter. Atlantis—there is a piece of nonsense that has been hanging around forever. Let’s think about something that really doesn’t matter. Who cares? We’re here right now, we have to deal with things right now. So, think about the mind of these people. You start thinking about something that doesn’t matter, and there are a zillion things that you can think about that doesn’t matter. And everyone is thinking about all of that. Those things that you think about begin to control the decisions that you’re going to make, so the things that don’t matter becomes the things that guide your decision making. When you think about it that way, it’s insane. But this is humanity; this is simply the way that it works.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU Of course, it goes directly into the mental system. You cannot escape it. It’s not something that’s in your body. There is so much ignorance on this plane. When you think about the fact that 70% of humanity don’t think about things that don’t matter, if you look at the religious fanaticism, if you look at all kinds of bizarre that’s on this planet, you can see there are these incredible numbers of human beings on this planet that spend their lives thinking about things that simply do not matter. It doesn’t mean they’re not interesting. Everything is interesting. It depends on who you are and where you’re at. But the things that go through your mind, the things that don’t matter, you don’t think they don’t matter. You think there is something there that is important for you, that stuff that floated by that you think you have to resolve, that you think you have to do something about, that you think you have to follow, leads to action.

You Stop Seeing What’s Possible The moment that your mind is telling you what to do, you have to understand it’s not you. It’s the thing that you took in, it doesn’t matter that’s doing that. It’s that thing that is saying, “Oh, this is more important than anything,” and you end up with it. You never end up with being able to deal with what’s possible for you, and you stop seeing. If you think about things that don’t matter, you’re like a horse with blinders. You don’t see anything. There are so many people that are disconnected from reality, really deeply disconnected from reality because there is no way they can focus on what is because their mind is totally distorted.

The Ajna Center: Pretending that You Are Mentally Certain Think about what happens when you get to the Ajna Center, that’s when you pretend that you’re certain. Now, that should scare the hell out of you. Look at all the politicians on this plane that have undefined Ajna Centers. They are © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU very scary people. The Ajna Center is where you conceptualize. It’s what we really think of as our minds. Here is where you conceptualize. Here is where you have your concepts. They are either Collective, that is, you have opinions that are logical, or ideas that are abstract, or you have an insight that is unique, but this is a place where you conceptualize. I have a fixed Ajna to the Throat, through the center, the 43-23, and I am very consistent. In other words, my brain is wired in a specific way. By the way, it’s very narrow, because if you actually look at what it takes to make a definition, it’s a point among 1,016, I think, as opposed to another point on the other side, which is 1,016, so that fine line of a definition is really something very specific. So, I have a very rigid, fixed mind. But if you have an undefined Ajna, you have an open mind. And that open mind is never really consistent. It isn’t because it’s open. It can be Abstract, it can be Logical, it can be Individual, it can be combinations of them. There are all these possibilities. Now, think about what it’s like if you’ve got an open Ajna Center and you’re not aware, when you think about something—like somebody who is a communist and they are an undefined Ajna, they will display a certainty about why they are a communist that is so rigid it’s scary. It’s like the fanaticism of the flat-earth people. A flat-earth person with an undefined Ajna Center, you’d swear to God that they’ve walked the flat earth to the edge, because they are so rigid in that certainty. “No, it is this way.” Think about how scary that is. You’ve got all kinds of people who are saying, “Yes, they should be killed.” These are undefined Ajna centers, right? “No, I’m © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU certain they’re really bad. I’m certain we need to get rid of them.” “I’m certain that John or Jane is really for me.” Whoa, that is a dangerous one, right? Of course, the problem is if you have an undefined Ajna Center as a not-self, the way in which you get trapped is that there is nothing worse than being mentally embarrassed. That flat-earth person where you show them the globe, you take them out into space, they’ll do anything to avoid the humiliation that they were uncertain. So, think about what happens in the conditioning. Let’s say you’re a child and you’ve got a father that is a 17-62, logical opinions, fixed mind saying, “All those people are bad.” You take in the hardwiring of your father and it becomes your conditioning, your certainty. And even when the father isn’t there, when you go to school, the boys that are going to have that 17-62, like your dad did, they’re going to be your friends, because it’s consistent. It allows you to keep the illusion of being certain. It goes on and on, and you end up marrying that person—all of those things.

Seeing Your Family’s Designs in Others One of the most shocking things you can do is look at your Design and look at your parent’s Designs, or your sibling’s Design and then you look at anybody you’ve ever been interested in—friendship, lovers, it doesn’t matter— you’ll see that over and over again you were selecting sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers over and over again. It’s exactly the same pattern. This is your earliest conditioning. You’ve got those open Centers and if you’ve got somebody in your life all the time that defines that Center, you will look for it the rest of your life. I have the 49th Gate in an open emotional system and my elder sister is a 19, the other side of that Channel. Every time I meet a woman who is a 19, they could be a goddess and I wouldn’t touch them. They’re my sister because it’s the same frequency. Now I know; I didn’t know before. It used to be quite interesting because it was familiar. It’s something you know. It was a sense of, “Ah, that’s female.” And of course, it was an incredible trap.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU When you’re looking at someone with an open the Ajna Center, think about the other side. Freud and Jung are classic examples of open Ajnas and Heads. They thought about things that don’t matter. “We’re really certain about all of that.” That’s what you get. Of course, some of it’s brilliant, because if you do have an open mind, this is deeply intellectual. The other side is the wisdom. I’ve got a fixed mind. So, if you’ve got an open Ajna Center, you’re better equipped to decide whether I’m ok as an intellectual or not.

No Original Thoughts with Undefined Ajna Center In other words, you’re here to judge me, in that sense. You’re here to assess. That’s your wisdom. So, instead of being hooked on being certain within yourself, you have to realize all concepts for you are not original. Most human beings think they have their own stuff going on. What a joke. If you have an undefined Ajna Center, you’ve never had an original thought. Try to digest that. It has always come from the outside. Because you don’t know that, you take it in as if it’s yourself. “Oh, this is my idea. This is my concept.” It isn’t, and never was. Yet, the very same open Ajna Center can be so incredible perceptive about the nature of concepts. Is it a good one or a bad one?

Living through Your Open Centers The whole thing about understanding about what happens to you through your open Centers is that you stop being you. The open Ajna Center person is not being who they are. The open mind of theirs is directing their lives. That mind is certain that “Oh, yeah, we’re going to have that relationship. Or, we’re going to take that job because it’s going to be terrific for us.” It’s not you; you can’t be certain about that if you’ve got an open Ajna Center. There is nothing you can do because you can’t be certain. The only thing you’re ever going to be able to certain about is what comes out of your form principle. I teach form principle in order to be able to liberate awareness. You’ve got to start with the body first. The gift of this knowledge © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU is being able to find that place within yourself that is free from the conditioning of these open Centers.

Homogenization Distorts Us When you’re following your Strategy and Authority, you’re following your actual imprint. You’re following your nature; not your nurture. And it’s only when you’re following your nature that you’re going to get your life, not the life that everybody lives, the same homogenized patterns and problems and all of that. You can have somebody stand up and say, “I have a medicine that’s going to help a billion people.” I don’t want that medicine. Homogenization is what distorts us. The more we’re pushed into sameness, the less opportunities we have for awareness. It’s just like that. When you have an open Ajna Center and you use your mind to decide, you’re deciding on what’s there in the frequency. It’s not you and it’s not what’s correct for you.

We Are Not the Driver One of the most delightful things in physics is understanding that everything spins and moves. We are objects moving in space, though it doesn’t look like that. And by the way, I’m really good because I’m flying backwards—that’s a joke. We’re moving in space and moving in space is all about navigating. Our problem is that we think the mind is the driver. We’re actually passengers in the backseat screaming all the time at the driver, “Go left, go left.” But we’re not the driver. You cannot navigate with your Personality consciousness because it has nothing to do with this plane. You can only navigate this plane with your form principle because it is made for being here.

Your Vehicle Is the Life

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU When you go to your Strategy and Authority, what you get is your vehicle. It’s the life. Everybody is stuck with their mind, but the mind is really just a gas of the brain. If your brain doesn’t work, if I give you a frontal lobotomy, you’ll see right away that mind is absolutely, totally dependent on the form principle.

Image: The Vehicle, The Passenger, and the Driver. Source: Mary Ann Winiger

One of the most basic things in Human Design, Primary Health System, is to change your dietary regimen, change your digestion so that you can clean up the mess that’s there in your brain so you can actually enjoy a heightened acuity. It’s a form principle. It’s what Strategy and Authority is. Strategy and Authority says the body knows precisely how to navigate on this plane. So,

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU let’s let it, and see where it takes us and be a good passenger. You sit in the backseat, you look out the window, and watch the movie. We’re so deeply identified with these lives, our minds really think that if we don’t pay attention to them, they’re all going to fall apart, that we’re not going to have enough to eat, that we’re going to lose our way, that it’s all going to be bad.

Openness Brings Dependency We have absolutely no trust in what this is. I’m always telling people to love themselves. It’s easy for me to say. Most of the human beings that I’ve met in my work don’t like themselves. They don’t know how because they don’t know who to like. They don’t know what that being is. They have no idea, nor do they trust in themselves. Openness brings dependency; you end up just being dependent. You lean on this person, or that person, or that concept, or that thing.

Surrender to Your Vehicle You’re always looking for somebody else to tell you where to go and how to get there. I’m not good with sheep. After I do a reading for somebody, I throw them out the door. This is about you. It’s about understanding the only way that you’re going to be able to get the awareness that so fascinates you is by surrendering to your vehicle, your body. Let your body just do the thing. It does; it can. We don’t understand that. We’ve lost all of that with our minds and their complexity. We’ve lost our natural connection to just being able to flow with this life, regardless of how sophisticated our environments are. Truly I have not made a decision with my mind in a quarter of century. And I don’t understand how my Spleen works, honestly, in the sense that I can’t communicate with it. The mind can’t communicate with the Spleen. The Spleen is a primitive thing. It’s just a defense mechanism. And yet, it guides my life. And I don’t have to do anything.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU Do you know what it’s like to sit in a limousine? It’s a nice experience, right? You get in there, it’s really comfortable, you stretch your legs, you can relax. It’s a totally a different experience than being the driver. The moment that you’re a driver, you have to worry about everything. The body, these vehicles are absolutely perfect if you let them be. If you give them the authority that they deserve, because it’s only out of the form principle that you get to get to see what’s possible with your consciousness.

The Mind Is for Measuring Our mind is for measuring. From the Sanskrit Ma, to measure; Maia. This is what we are. It’s a measurement of the Maia that gives the density to the world that we live in. We’re good at measuring this and that. It gives us an opportunity to be extraordinary aware, to see, because this is what we can do with our minds.

The Decision Making Mind Cannot be Aware Yet, at the same time, the moment that your mind has to make decisions, it can’t be aware, because it has to lie. Think about that. When your mind is both your Inner and Outer Authority, if your mind is in control of your decision making, then it’s also going to be in control of what you say and think. And when you’re talking to people, there are certain things that you think you’d like to do in the future that you may not want to share with them or tell them, or you begin to hold back things, you don’t really say the things you want to say because you’re afraid of the consequences that might come, so you stay with “Hi, how are you?” Keep it simple. The moment that the mind is involved in both, you can never be aware. There is nothing to see; you’re always caught up in your own stuff. There is a lovely rhyme in English (by Walter Scott):

O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! © Jovian Archive Media



Oh, these lines, all this stuff you’ve got to remember and hold together and pretend so that you can protect what you think is what you want to do. Have you ever looked at a Design just from the Colors? You look at your graph, you see this stuff that’s black and this stuff that’s red. Think about the stuff that’s black. It’s who you think you think you think you are. It is not who you are. Obviously, it’s only part of the stuff that’s there. And the black and the red don’t really mean anything until you see the whole thing integrated together. The thing that you identify with in your life isn’t even the sum total of what you are in Design itself. It’s just this who you think you think you think you are. If that thing that you think you are is the thing that’s telling you what to do in this life, I’m not betting on you. It doesn’t work that way. It just leads to more of the madness, and we have a mad plane.

The Throat Center: Trying to Attract Attention We Are Design for Cognition The Throat Center is deeply complex. It has 11 Gates. It’s the most complex of all the Centers. It says something about the nature of who we are. That is, we are here to commune. When I talk about the nature of the nine Centered being, what we are, Homo sapiens in transitus, we are unique because we’re designed purely for cognition. There is something in Human Design that’s important. It’s called © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU Variable. What Variable shows you is your cognitive path. The thing that gives me the courage to continue the work that I do is that I can see in the essence of what it is to be us this great beauty of the possibility of our cognitive depth, it’s what we’re here for. One of the things about the nature of the Throat is that it’s not just there as a place to bring about action, but it is through the Throat that we have this gift of being able to communicate to each other and articulate in detail. It’s a thing that brought us to the top of the food chain, this extraordinary capacity as a species for detailed communication with each other.

Sharing Awareness Yet, the real goal of what it is to be us is to transcend what was the roots of this communication, survival, the strategic way of conquering the planet, to another level in which what we get to share is a communion of awareness. The world is a very narrow place when it comes to consciousness. There are very few concepts that actually exist in the world. Most of them are just variations and themes that have been repeated endlessly for centuries. There is little unique thought on this planet. If you think about it, there are very few conversations that you would want to record. This is a tragedy for what we are because we’re not here just to be physical specimens that live and die. We’re here to be aware and we’re here to share awareness. It’s to be there at every level of consciousness. You can only be that way if you free yourself from the traps of the mundane pressures of life. Again, this is what Strategy and Authority is about. It’s why it’s such an important experiment. What you’re experimenting with is freedom. It’s the only freedom. It allows your mind to surrender. It allows your mind to accept that there is no choice. It allows you to become a witness consciousness, and at the same time to enjoy your process.

The Vehicle Knows What to Do

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU I love Ra Uru Hu. It’s my trip, after all. It’s what this vehicle does. It seems to do it very well. I never know what I’m doing to say. I never prepare anything. The vehicle seems to know what to do. I listen as much as you do. I have an unconscious mind. I have no idea where anything comes from, so I just sit here and listen. It’s not me; it’s the package. I’m a passenger in here. As a matter of fact, the Personality Crystal actually sits outside of the physical body above the scalp. It isn’t even in the body. I’m an alien riding this bioform, seeing what goes on. And that’s no joke. The Personality Crystal, the Design Crystal, the Magnetic Monopole that is there within you is made of dark matter. You cannot see it, smell it, nor taste it, and it holds everything together. It is not atomic. (Sound of Ra patting his body, and the table), that’s atomic. It’s all atomic. We are aliens living inside of a complex, hot, violate, atomic thing. It’s really what we are. And until you get to that place of passenger consciousness, you don’t get it. After all, we’re visitors. These things are rented. It’s like beer—it goes in, it goes out. We take a ride, the ride is over, then next time. Don’t get caught up in identifying with this trip. See what the trip is there to give you. We’re here to filter consciousness uniquely. I can look at anybody’s Design and I can see the potential of genius and brilliance. Truly, I’m not making that up. It’s there. But you have to get rid of all the mundane stuff. You’ve got to get rid of your mind just being stuck in, “Oh, this is mine.”

Resistance It’s such a joke. When you get sick you discover it’s not yours. It’s that moment of, “Oh, I’m suffering”; it’s not yours. Looking after your body and treating it correctly means giving it authority, so you don’t have to put up with resistance. Think about what it’s like; we’re moving objects. So, there are you, you’re a Generator and you’re always initiating. It’s like driving down the highway with a fat brick wall in front of your car. Try it sometime because this is what people do. Everything is resistance.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU You can’t deal with that. The resistance slowly breaks everything down. I like this smooth kind of rocket slicing through the plane, the greased wheels of illusion, you just slide. But if you’re not living out your nature, if you don’t know how to navigate on this plane as you, all you meet is the resistance over and over again. And if you’re a Generator you’re frustrated. If you’re a Manifestor, you’re angry as hell. If you’re a Projector, you’re bitter, “Why is it always me?”

Awareness Doesn’t Mean Life Gets Better The other side of this is something you have to deal with at the practical level. At the practical level being aware doesn’t mean your life gets better. There is the enlightened monk goes back to his family village. One of his boyhood friends comes over to him and says, “I hear you’re enlightened. What’s it like?” He said, “Well, before I was enlightened, it was awful. Now since I’m enlightened, it’s still awful, but I don’t mind.” It’s the way it is. If you’re a human being and you’re living in this Maia, you’re not going to get rid of pain or ugliness. The world isn’t about to change. You live in a world with killer monkeys. It’s not going to change. You really have to get that. This idea that “I’m going to wake up and not only am I going to be wise, but I’m going to be rich. I’m going to be this or that, all of these things.” Stupid before enlightenment; stupid after enlightenment. It’s always the same thing. What you wake up to is that you get to see the movie. Isn’t that nice? That’s what it is. I’m an enthralled audience of my process. I’m not in charge of anything—truly, nothing—and it’s a delight, because I’m not responsible. My Personality isn’t at all concerned about this and that. I’m just here to see; there isn’t anything else. It’s what’s so beautiful about it. And your life goes on anyway. You’re still going to have to deal with the world. It’s there.

Allowing the Vehicle to Live Its Life But the moment that you allow your vehicle to live its life, none of that becomes an issue anymore. It all becomes a doorway to awareness, to seeing. © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU At the levels of the knowledge that I teach, I get to a point in Rave Psychology where I actually show people how the mind itself, the Personality itself, is just a pure formula, and you can watch the pure formula work for yourself and see it, because that’s all it is. There is nothing about any of that that you need to be involved in. You need to transcend that. The mind is always stuck in all this little stuff. For us at this stage of our evolution, this life is meant to be something that we can just move through so we can see and commune.

Attracting Attention If you’ve got an open Throat Center, all you ever want to do is attract attention. So, you have an open Throat Center kid and he stands up on the table when he’s 3 years old in the middle of the restaurant and screams. “Look at me.” So, think about what it’s like if you’ve got an open Throat. “I’m here; see me.”

The Vulnerable Thyroid System If you’ve got an open Throat, you’ve got a vulnerable thyroid system because the Throat is related to the thyroid. So, the tendency with people with an open Throat is to speak first and suffer later. They put all this pressure on their Throat. If your Throat is undefined, you’re not supposed to be talking all the time; you’re supposed to be reacting to speech in order to take advantage of people connecting up your Throat. I have two sons with open Throats, and when they were young, my ongoing thing with them was listen to your voice and begin to see how it can be modulated, because they have no control. It’s interesting to watch them as they grow up. So, when they get excited and they’re talking, they get really, really loud because they have no natural control over the way the Throat operates. These are children in a classroom that make more noise than the others. The open Throat takes in everybody else’s frequency. They’re the ones who want © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU to speak. If you look at the greatest singers, the ones that are the most distinctive, they’re open Throats. They’re the ones that dreamed of singing. Somebody like Elvis, who becomes an archetype of the Rock N’ Roll voice, is an open Throat.

John Lennon was an open Throat. If you’ve got an open Throat it’s like, “Oh, I want to be able to do it.” And then you have all of these singers who have problems with their larynx, all kinds of dilemmas in their throat. Yet, if you look at politicians with open Throats—you’d see they’re quite common—that’s their thing, because they want to be able to speak, they want to get the attention and they never speak their own words.

Open Throats Work through Conditioning Imagine having an open Throat and not speaking your own words. The only way that Throat is going to work is if it’s being conditioned. You’ve got 11 different Gates in the Throat and each Gate has a different voice. If you’ve got the 45th Gate in an open Throat that says, “I have or I don’t have,” and your © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU partner has the 45th Gate, what do you think your conversations are going to sound like? It’s all about “I have, and I don’t have.” If you have a partner that has an “I know” Gate and you’ve got an open Throat, you’re going to end up being one of these “I know” people because you’re going to be conditioned to speak that way. Look at your Throat. It’s one of the great games that you can play in awakening your mind to what’s really going on. Look at how many times in any given day you speak in a voice that’s not yours. And it can be with a defined Throat, too. As I said, for example, I have a defined Throat. I have a lot of activity in my Throat. I do not have, for example, the 56th Gate, which is a Gate that says, “I believe, or I don’t believe.” So, for me, it’s a no brainer. If I hear that coming out of my mouth, which doesn’t happen unless I’m setting this up, I know right away that’s not me. Somebody asked me the other day, “Do you believe in crop circles?” I said, “I don’t know; I don’t believe. I either know or I don’t know.” There isn’t anything else.

Wisdom of the Open Throat One of these things in this journey is to begin to see who you’re not and how often that’s being pulled out of you and displaying that as yourself. Again, it doesn’t mean you can’t. The thing to understand is the opposite side, which is the wisdom. Take a guy like Bill Clinton with nine Gates in an open Throat. So, there are all these possibilities of connecting in all these different ways. So, he is somebody who has an extraordinary capacity for communion with a vast cross-section of people. That’s © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU a classic politician. Yet, he’s always suffering and having problems with his Throat, always having problems in terms of his nasal system and all this stuff. Again, that is because it’s an open Throat, and he’s putting all of this pressure on the open Throat. Most human beings in the work that they do and the life that they live have been constructed by their not-self. If you’ve got an undefined Ajna and you’ve been conditioned into a job, your undefined mind is going to say, “No, this is really for me,” whether you like it or don’t like it, you’re struggling or not, all of that stuff. Again, it goes back to understanding that in you’re going to make the decisions in your life with your mind, see very clearly that it’s never about you; it’s always about conditioning. You’re never at the source of it.

The G Center: Trying to Find Direction and Love The next area we come to is the G Center. It’s the diamond that sits in the center of the BodyGraph. The G Center is the place of the identity. In the G Center you get to see the dynamics of Human Design. Any of you that ever get a chance to take an ABC program in Human Design gets to see the magic of the Rave Mandala. That is, the G Center is really the Center of the wheel. The eight Gates that are there in the G Center are perfectly placed in wheel. In terms of the mandala itself, they rule the traditional eight Houses of the I’Ching. It divides the wheel into its eight parts. [next page]

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU It is in the G Center that the Monopole sits. That is, it is where we are held together in the illusion of our separateness, and we are moved along our trajectory. So, the G Center is very connected with what is pulled to us, what we understand as love, and also this idea of trajectory, this movement.

One of the things to see about somebody who has an undefined G Center is that they spend their lives trying to figure out where they should be. And they spend their lives trying to figure out who they should love, or who will love them. It’s an ongoing story. © Jovian Archive Media



The Importance of Place So, the moment that you have an undefined G Center, the most important thing to understand is “place.” If you’ve got an open G Center and you’re in the wrong place, you’re going to be with the wrong people. As an example, you have an open G Center and you’re a Generator and call up a friend and initiate. You say to them, “Let’s go to this place for lunch.” And they agree, and you go to that place for lunch. You’re already in the wrong place with the wrong people. Even though that person who you asked to go with you is a friend of yours, the fact is that you’re not going to enjoy them. You may end up having problems with them. You’re not going to get good service in the restaurant. You’re not going to enjoy the meal. Think about it; if you’re an undefined G and you’re a Generator, and somebody asks you and you go, “Uh-huh” and you go to exactly the same restaurant with exactly the same person, everything is going to be perfect for you. That is, it’s going to work very nicely. The meal is going to be good and you’re going to digest it well, and so forth and so on. So, if you’re in the wrong place, you’re with the wrong people. It all goes back to the decision making process.

The Potential Wisdom about Love and Direction The other thing is to recognize that every place where I show you that’s open, always see the other side. Don’t just see the boogeyman of conditioning; see the potential of wisdom. These are people that are here to understand what love is. They’re here to understand what it means to have direction in life. They’re here to understand what places the right places are or not. I have a defined G Center, a very powerfully defined G. It doesn’t matter where I am, it’s always the right place. It’s just the way that it is. If you have an undefined G, you have to be careful.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU I looked for many, many years on the island for my dream of a place. I got lucky and found an incredible place. My youngest child has an open G Center. I had to take him out there to make sure that it was really going to be ok, because if it wasn’t going to be ok for him, there was no way I could invest in such a place if it was going to be disturbing for my child. Not only that, when we finally had the house, it was a matter of him having first choice of bedrooms. He’s got a really nice bedroom. I would have loved it; but what to do! It’s the nature of the undefined G Center. If you’re not in the right place, you’re not going to be with the right people. You don’t want your child being with the wrong people—and that’s you. There are so many children with undefined G’s who look at their parents and say, “Huh, really, they’re mine?” And then you have these same kids with their open G, and they go to their best friend’s house, they’d like to live there forever. “Oh, I love it here.” That’s an undefined G.

Finding Your Place through Strategy and Authority It’s about awareness. It’s not like if you have an undefined G you have to spend your mental time trying to figure out what’s good for you and where. If you follow your Strategy and Authority, it will take you there. And I know so many people with undefined G’s who suffer so much, because nothing is ever stable for them. But if you follow your Strategy and Authority, it’s the same thing. Then you turn it around and see the wisdom of the other side.

The Heart Center: Trying to Prove/ Improve Yourself The most difficult is the Heart Center. A Heart Center looks like a little thing; it has only four Gates. It’s this little triangle, sort of off to the side, but each and every one of those Gates is enormously powerful.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU The 21st Gate is the muscle itself, the 51 is the gallbladder, the 26 is the thymus gland and the T cells, and the 40 is th e stoma ch. This is a powerful thing. It’s where will is, and it’s a motor. Nothing messes up human beings more than this Center. About 68% of human beings have an open Heart Center. It says: Trying to prove that you’re worthy. You get an assumption out of that that you’re not. Think about the fact that nearly three quarters of humanity wakes up not feeling worthy. Why do you think religion has such an impact of people? “We’ll be worthy in the next life when we die.” It’s one of the great jokes. It’s all going to be fine when you’re dead. Really, everything is ok; death is good, it takes you someplace else. No more worries. Right?

Trying to Be Willful If you have an undefined Heart Center, everything about your life is trying to be willful. I could have made a fortune in the stop-smoking business, which would have been a terrible hypocrisy because I love smoking. But anyway, you give me somebody with an undefined Heart Center—I have a strong Ego —I’ll say, “You can quit.” And they’ll go, “Yes! I can quit.” They pay me, which is nice, and then they leave. Then as they’re walking by the tobacco shop, it’s gone, because I’m not amplifying their Heart Center anymore. They go in there and feel guilty as hell. But they also feel stupid because they paid me a lot of money to do that to them, and there they are, smoking away. It becomes their life.

Do Not Make Promises

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU If you have an undefined Heart Center and you make a promise, you’re pushing yourself to an eventual heart attack. That should scare you. If you have an undefined Heart, you cannot make a promise. Think about how many parents with undefined Heart Centers have promised their children things that they can never deliver. Then what do their children think about them? What I tell people when I do a reading for somebody with an undefined Heart Center is if you have an undefined Heart, it means that the question of worthiness has absolutely nothing to do with you. I’ve got a defined Ego. I have to prove things all the time; it’s a drag. It’s the other side of it, right? I’ve got to deliver on the promise. I have to deliver my promise to you. I have to constantly work at that and prove, prove, prove. I spent nearly 25 years teaching this stuff and having to prove. That’s a defined Ego.

An Undefined Ego Has Nothing to Prove But if you’ve got an undefined Ego, you have nothing to prove. That’s nice karma. I’m in the minority; I have to spend my whole incarnation proving stuff. Then there are all these people that are born who don’t have to prove anything and look at them, they’re trying to do that. What a mess that is. Psychologically, if you don’t think you’re worthy, you think you’re of less value. So, as a commodity on the market, you are of less value. When the person says to you, “I will pay you this,” and it’s not enough for you to live on, you’re not saying, “No, I’m worth this.” You say, “Oh woe is me. I’m not worthy. This is all I can get, so I’ll take it and suffer.” If you have an undefined Heart, you do things for people that are so awful for you that you didn’t want to do, that you don’t like doing, like those things you have to do every weekend for relatives that you can’t stand. All that stuff is your open Heart. Your open Heart says, “Oh, yes, I’ll do that horrible thing for you. In return you’re going to think I’m a really good person and worthy. So yes, you can use me, abuse me as long as you think I’m worthy. And the one thing I’m not going to do is say no, because then you’re really going think I’m not worthy.” © Jovian Archive Media



The undefined Heart Center child that says to the parent, “No, I can’t help you this weekend,” feels they are a bad child and is not worthy, so they do it. You do what everybody else wants, what everybody else imposes on you. And there is always this underlying threat that if you don’t do it, you’re not going to be liked. If you don’t do it, you’re not going to be somebody of value. It’s a horrendous thing to live your life thinking you’re not worthy. This is insanity, and it’s a killer. Everybody is worthy. It’s really about understanding that if you have an undefined Heart Center, don’t prove things. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone ever. Don’t ever forget that. It’s the only thing that will really keep you healthy. You have nothing to prove. You say something and somebody doesn’t like it, that’s ok, but don’t get into trying to prove it. The greatest dilemma for people with undefined Heart Centers and undefined emotional systems is that they’re so concerned about what other people think. You can’t do this for somebody else. You can only do these things for yourself. By the time you understand the way in which mind works, what other people think about you doesn’t matter in the least. They don’t know who you are; they only know what they want you to be. If you’ve got an undefined Heart and suddenly you start saying, “No,” you’re going to piss off a lot of people in your life. “What happened to you?”—they might blame me, by the way, but I can handle it—"You used to be so compliant. We didn’t have to pay you. We could just use you. Who are we going to use now?” They don’t come right out and say that, but that’s really what it is. It’s so nice to have an undefined Ego to use, because they want to prove how worthy they are.

The Sacral Center: Not Knowing when Enough Is Enough

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU If you’re a Projector, or a Manifestor like me, or a Reflector, you’ve got an undefined Sacral Center, thank God. I live with Generators. The world is a Generator’s world. If you’re a Generator, it really is your world. Non-Sacral beings are sort of like parasites. We live off the Generator world. This is where the fertility of the plane is. The enveloping auras of the Generators is what holds us all together into a speciel identity. It gives us the fertility to reproduce, all of those things. Obviously, nearly 70% of humanity are Generators, either pure Generators or Manifesting Generators. Of course, the rest is mostly Projectors, which are about 22%, with about 9% Manifestors, and about 1% Reflectors. If you have an undefined Sacral Center, you have a real problem because you don’t know when enough is enough. Oh, did I ever know that. I have an unusual Sacral. That is, not only my Sacral Center open, but it has absolutely no Gates. So, not knowing when enough is enough was really something. I went to extremes never knowing when enough is enough. And of course, if you’ve got an undefined Sacral, everything becomes that. You don’t know when to stop arguing, when to stop complaining, and you don’t know when to stop working. It goes on and on; you don’t when enough is enough. This is a killer, because if you have an undefined Sacral Center and you don’t look after yourself in terms of your energy level, you’re really going to have a problem, physically and otherwise. It’s particularly important for Projectors.

Generator Sleep Patterns As a Manifestor, I’m an energy type. So, there is a different quality with the way in which I have to deal with my open Sacral. But nonetheless, if you have an open Sacral, the vitality of your system is something that is always needing © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU care. It actually begins with sleep patterns. If you’re a Generator, there is no such thing as a bedtime. There is no such thing as having to have eight hours of sleep. As a matter of fact, if you’re a really fine-tuned Generator, you could probably get along with a couple of hours of sleep a day and not have a problem with it, because this is an incredible mechanism. But the whole thing about a Generator is they need to function until they are exhausted. So, if you’re a Generator, you need to keep on keeping on until you crash. If you’re raising Generator children, it’s quite a challenge. My Generator children never had a bedtime. When you have a seven year old that’s up until midnight, it’s a different story. It’s not like parents who come home and say, “It’s bedtime. Go away. We want to be alone.” You’ve got to live with your kids. What happens is that they just crash, and eventually they build up a fairly reliable time in which they burnout, which turned out to be somewhere around 11:00, and you would find them lying on the floor with the computer still running. After a while you can’t lift them up anymore, so you have to wake them up. But nonetheless, it’s what’s correct for them.

Non-Sacral Sleep Patterns However, if you’re a Projector, Manifestor or a Reflector child, you need parents who give you a rigid bedtime. And it’s a bedtime that isn’t about a time when you’re exhausted, it’s long before you’re exhausted. If you’re a nonSacral being, to go to sleep at night is a question of first getting into bed and enjoying just relaxing. You have to like to read, or listen to music, or watch something, but do it in a relatively horizontal position; begin to relax your body and then slowly you drift off to sleep. This is what’s healthy for a nonSacral type. For most non-Sacral beings, what happens is because we’re attracted to what we’re not, we get attracted to Generators. All the Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors who live with Generators is unbelievable. I know; I’m surrounded by them. The thing is, if you don’t have that discipline within yourself, the understanding, you end up amplifying all that generating energy of your © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU partner, your children, whatever, and by the time they collapse, you’re still cranking because you have all that energy in you. My kids are very used to the fact that at 9:00 I disappear; aside from the fact I’m an Aries, so I get up early. I go into my room early, and they just know. It’s a matter simply that you have to do what’s good for you in terms of your physical health. If you’re a non-Sacral being and you’re not allowing yourself to rest, you’re going to have problems. You’re going to have back problems, kidney problems, sleep problems. You’re going to have this apnea problem where you feel exhausted during the day; there are all of these things. For non-Sacral beings, it’s a byproduct of not being able to get rid of the Sacral energy that you took into your vehicle during the day.

Sleep in Your Own Room This leads me to one of those things that is at the very basis of Human Design: Sleep in your own bed in your own room. There is nothing more important at a practical level that I can tell you. It is something to grasp. If you have a partner, it’s not about sex or love; it has nothing to do with that. You don’t make love while you’re asleep, have conversations while you’re asleep, and you don’t deal with things while you’re asleep; you sleep. Sleep in your own aura. First of all, it’s the only way you’re ever going to tell whether you have a relationship that you really enjoy. If you’re sleeping in the same aura as your partner, you’re not yourself, and either are they. You’re the beast with two backs. You’re the thing that becomes something else because of the two of you coming together, a partnership. It’s not you. Not only that, but while you’re sleeping, you’re deeply vulnerable. I’m unemotional, and if I sleep with somebody who is emotional and they have a bad dream, I get the poison, and I’m sleeping. I don’t need that stuff while I’m sleeping. I have to wake up with it in the morning.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU When you sleep in your own bed, you wake up in the morning as yourself. You open the door and there’s somebody there. It’s really interesting because you get to meet and reconnect again. There is an enormous difference. The other thing is, if you don’t sleep in your own aura, you can’t give your body a break. It’s constantly dealing with all the stuff. By the way, it’s not like being catholic. It doesn’t mean you can’t end up sleeping together one night, that kind of thing. It isn’t about that; it’s about understanding fundamentally what it means to protect your aura, because you need to protect your aura. I haven’t sleep in a bed with somebody in over 20 years. It’s not like I missed anything; I was asleep. But I got to wake up every morning as myself, clean, me. When I step out into my world, I reconnect to it as myself. So, if you’re a non-Sacral being, you really need to protect your aura. If you’re a Projector, you really need to protect your aura. The only people that really ever have a problem about sleeping in their own bed is men. I’ve dealt with enough of this over the years, and the men think they’re losing an opportunity for sexual encounter. You get into the same bed and sex is always possible. But do me a favor, do it before you go to bed. It’s nice; try mornings or something. Do something different. But don’t feel threatened because you don’t sleep in the same bed as your partner, because there is no threat. The other thing is, if you do it and you experiment with it, and I’m just speaking to men, you’ll never do it any other way. It’s so nice to have your own room. It’s so nice to wake up in your own bed. It’s so nice to be able to do the occasional natural things that human beings do without anybody there or experience them. I got tired of people snoring or smelling. It’s really nice to be in your own room, your own bed and get up in the morning and deal with the world as yourself.

Love Yourself Human Design is for the individual. It’s about loving yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anybody else anyway. That’s all a joke. It’s all © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU dependency and hooks. You’ve got to love yourself. If you’re not ready to be selfish in an enlightened way, you’re not going to get your life. It isn’t something that’s there to interfere with what’s possible in this life in relationships. This afternoon I’ll show you what that means. But it’s about the integrity of your aura. You’ve got to protect your aura. It’s so sensitive. So, if you’ve got this open Sacral and you don’t know when enough is enough, you end up with all of the problems that come with that, the fatigue, the exhaustion, the psychological problems. And you don’t have a sense of who you are because you’re never giving yourself an opportunity to just be you.

The Splenic Center: Holding on to What Isn’t Good for You The Splenic Center is the body ’s immune system, the washing machine. It is our original awareness system. It is the same awareness that operates in mammals, reptiles, fish, and fowls, wherever you look in the natural world. It is a basic, yet in its own way, deeply sophisticated sensory system.

The Wisdom of the Spleen All it’s there for is to make sure that if there is anything that threatens you, it tells you. I have Splenic Authority. I’m unemotional, non-Sacral, a Manifestor with a defined Spleen. My Spleen is my Authority. Literally what that means is that my Spleen tells me what is healthy for me or not in the moment. It can’t tell © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU me anything else. If somebody comes up to me and wants to talk to me, if my Spleen rejects them—and I’m not doing anything, I don’t decide these things mentally—if I see myself not engaging, that’s my Spleen saying to me that it’s not healthy now, but it’s not personal. It’s not about the other person. It’s my Spleen saying, “Not now.” It may be that that person is incubating a flu, god knows what my Spleen in picking up because it could be anything. The reality is that my Spleen is saying that in this moment it is not healthy. And I’ve learned that, because that person can come back 10 minutes later and I’m all smiles. I don’t know why. It’s my Spleen going, “They’re healthy now.” That’s simply the way it works.

Undefined Spleens Are the Best Doctors Think about what it’s like if you’ve got an undefined Spleen, you don’t know what’s healthy or not. That’s why people with undefined Spleens make the best doctors, homeopaths. They’re the ones that explore it. They’re the ones with that wisdom look for what will make it work, what will help people’s immune system, what will protect them, what will allow them to know what is healthy for them or not. One of my sons has an undefined Spleen and one has a defined Spleen. The one that has an undefined Spleen has never had allopathic medicine. He never had inoculations, never had anything like that. With his body, his capacity, and his immune system, if you give it a homeopathic dose, it will recognize it for the rest of its life. That’s how sensitive the open Spleen is. My other son has a defined Spleen. He was born 2 ½ months premature. They were putting 8,000 chemicals a day into his body. He’s taken every kind of allopathic this or that that you can imagine. But then if you have a defined Spleen, that’s correct. It’s quite different.

Insecurity and the Undefined Spleen © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU Somebody with an undefined Spleen can be very healthy beings, but they have to be aware, they have to pay attention. What happens psychologically is that if you come into the world with an undefined Spleen, you’re insecure. You don’t know if you’re healthy or not. You don’t know what’s good for you or not, so you hold on to anybody that defines that Spleen. I’ve worked with tens of thousands of people. I know all kinds of women who have been beaten up and abused in their relationships and they have undefined Spleens and they won’t leave their men. It’s insane. This is the undefined Spleen with this terrible hook. It’s not true for everyone that way but understand that for many of these children with undefined Spleens, they become so insecure in life that they can only just hold on to things, and they cling. They cling to that defining of their Spleen because it makes them feel secure. But of course, the not-self of that is you’re holding on to things that aren’t good for you. So many human beings with undefined Spleens are holding on to things that are terrible for them—habits, people, places, all kinds of stuff.

The Root of Our Intelligence The other side is to see the wisdom of it, which is extraordinary. This is the root of our intelligence. These are beings that are deeply sensitive to what is good for human beings and what isn’t. We need that guidance instead of them feeling like they’re victims and not really learning any of that. There is no bad Design, there is no unhealthy Design. There is only ignorance. There isn’t anything else. There is no better Design, worse Design, none of those things. We’re all unique. Unique is such a profound word to grasp. Unique means there is no comparison. If I take you down through the information levels in Human Design, every single one of us is so unique from the other, so different from the other. It’s not about saying that this can be better than that; there is no such thing. There is just the potential that’s there in each unique being.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU Most of the people I see with undefined Spleens are people that are lost in other people’s lives. That’s what happens when you cling. And that’s what happens when you’re afraid of losing that connection. You get totally absorbed in their life in order to hold on to them. But you don’t have yours; you give that up.

The Solar Plexus: Avoiding Confrontation and Truth On the other side is the Solar Plexus Center, the emotional system. 51% of humanity are emotional, so we live in a world that is an emotional wave, it’s all an emotional wave. If you’re an emotional being, if you have emotional definition, everything about your life is about timing, and nothing about the now. The now is not for you. The now is a sample—it isn’t the point, and it’s never going to be the point—it’s just a sample in the flow of your wave. Emotional beings are here to be truly deep. They’re here to go through this deep emotional process in which you take the whole f requency and you process it and then you express your emotional clarity. It’s called clarity, not truth, and it’s never 100%.

Emotional Beings: Trust Your Emotional Process If you’re an emotional person and you © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU have to make a big decision in your life and you’re waiting for your emotional process to work itself through, that process is going to take whatever time that it takes, and it’s going to get to that point where it just forces the expression. The thing to understand about what it is to be emotional is to trust in your emotional process, and not control it, but wait for it to express itself, and it will, given time. The thing I understand about emotional people is that they have advantage that we unemotional people don’t have. The advantage is they can play hard to get. If you’re emotional, play hard to get. It’s the biggest reward you’re ever going to have. If you’re an emotional person and you do something, whatever your skill set is, and somebody calls you up and says, “I’ve got this fantastic offer for you; a great job,” you’re here to get your deal in your way. And that person says to you, “Ok, do you want to do it?” And you say, “I have to process this, why don’t you call me back later in the week? Why don’t you call me back in two weeks?” Now, if you’re an emotional person and you think about that as not-self, that’s a horror. “This is a great job, it’s a great opportunity. I’d better take this.” Your mind is going, “It’s a lot of money, we can do this and that, we can have this and that, it’s going to be great. Yeah, let’s do it now.” You may be at the top end of your wave and you don’t really get it. By the time you get down to the other end of your wave you’re going, “Oh, maybe that’s not really for me,” because when you’re at the down end of your wave, nothing’s for you—your best friend, whatever—nothing is for you when you’re down in your wave. You’re just miserable. You have to go through the wave. The not-self thinks, “I can’t do that. They’re just going to go away.” They don’t go away. Human beings hate that. Somebody comes up to you and says, “I’ve got this great thing for you,” and you say wait, they hate it. “What’s wrong with my offer?” They have to process it now. “Why did they say no? Maybe they’re more worthy than I thought. Maybe my offer isn’t good enough.” That’s literally the way that it works.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU You’re here to get things in your terms while you’re going through your process because you don’t know where you’re going to get, because your wave can always fool you. You don’t know whether it is good for you or not until you get to that place where it’s expressed. So, you need time. I guarantee you that person where you said wait, they’re not going to go away. They’ll call you again. They’ll up the ante. You can hear it in their voice, the change of respect for you. But emotional people who just jump, they’re chaos. You know that when they’re at the high end of their wave they say, “Yes.” You’re going to go out to dinner with friends in a couple of days and you’re at the high end and it’s terrific, but by the time you get to that day you’re at the low end and it’s miserable and awful and you don’t want to do it, but it’s too late. Don’t ever have those people come to your house. Somebody who is emotional and doesn’t want to be some place, wow, what a frequency. I know; I have to take it in. When a person is uncomfortable, this is something that gets spread out everywhere. I always look at emotional people and think they’re so lucky. Think about a job, that magic job that you always thought was the perfect thing for you and you’re an emotional person. If you’re going for an interview and you’re at the down end of your wave, cancel. Say you were hit by a bus, whatever; but cancel. But if you’re at the high end of your wave and you walk into that room, everybody lights up. What a trip. “Oh, what a nice person.”

The Emotional System Is Sexy The emotional system is sexy. It’s where pleasure is, it’s where sex is, it’s where food pleasure is. When the emotional energy is up, it’s really nice; it’s a turn on. Imagine what that boss feels like who hires that emotional being who is at the high end of their wave and is totally fooled by that. When they come in a couple of days later and they’re in their down end of their wave and the boss calls them into the office to talk about something, they go “Wow, what a trip.”

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The Emotional Frequency and the Open Solar Plexus If you have an undefined emotional system—49% of humanity—you avoid confrontation. You avoid truth. It’s one of the most painful aspects of life on this plane because we’re dominated by the emotional field. All these beings with undefined emotional Centers are trying to survive in a world of a frequency that is so deeply uncomfortable for them. They do everything in their power to avoid those conf rontations, and in avoiding those confrontations, there is no truth. One of the most interesting processes for me has been how easy it is for me in this stage of my life to enjoy confrontation. I hated confrontation as a kid, as a young adult, as a young man; it was awful. I didn’t want to deal with confrontation. I was somebody who would just literally disappear. If I didn’t want to deal with it, I was gone. Now, it’s like, “Let’s do it,” because it doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. Having emotional energy go through me before was a threat, because I didn’t understand it, I didn’t know what it was. I understand emotional beings now. You want to mess with me? Ok, I know precisely what to do with you. This is the whole thing about truth. The whole thing about emotional beings is that without confrontation, they have no truth. And yet, emotional beings are always blamed for shit disturbing. They freak out with the emotional energy, but one of the essences to be emotional is to confront in order to get to truth.

It’s Not Up to the Mind Again, it goes back to not having your mind be the arbiter of what is correct and what isn’t correct in the way all of this works. It’s not up to your mind. If you really trust your emotional system as an emotional being, you’ll see it has a perfect timing for everything. And you can tell that you don’t have to think it. The way you can tell it is that at some point it has to move you, because it will. It’s at that point you express © Jovian Archive Media


YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU it. But as long as you give time to process, you’re going to be clear and you’re going to be comfortable in your emotional decisions. And those people who have to deal with your emotionality will be able to deal with it, and you’re not going to meet resistance.

Resistance and Depression Emotional people who react in the moment only meet resistance. And it’s painful, because when the emotional wave meets resistance, it drops quickly. That deep end of the wave is deeply depressing because you never think it’s going back up, even though it always does. You know the slide going down is coming, and there is the concern that it will never stop sliding. And even when it starts going up the other end there is this, “Oh, shit, when I get to the top it’ll go down anyway.” It’s just the way it goes. You can’t escape that at all. It’s the beauty of what it is to be emotional. The moment that the wave is not the problem, the wave is the pleasure. Again, it’s about our consciousness. There is this claptrap that’s been sold that to be awake, to be aware is to be some kind of happy, giggling buddha. That’s bullshit. The serene saint—the only thing good about a serene saint is that they’re buried. Give me a break. It’s about life.

Enjoy the Dualistic World We Live In If you’re emotional and all of a sudden you explode at somebody—because you have no choice, you’ve waited, it’s come, you explode—this is life. It’s entertaining. Would you go to a movie where everybody only smiled? That would drive me crazy; this flat world where nothing happens, nobody gets hurt and there’s never any pain. It’s insanity. This plane is everything; this is our Maia. I’m here for the entertainment. That’s how I got my ride; I’m a passenger. I’m here to be entertained in this life. And when I’m entertained, I don’t necessarily want a happy ending because I don’t care. Happy endings aren’t necessarily entertaining. I like a good story, what life really is. Emotional beings know what life is; it’s up and down, good and bad, right and wrong. © Jovian Archive Media



We live in a binary. We are all caught in this. And yet everybody wants to be at one end of a binary. They want to slide to one edge, instead of understanding that this is just life. My life is not a smile a moment; it’s life. There are all kinds of stuff that goes on. There are all kinds of things that happen in life. It’s entertaining. This is what we’re here for. We’re here to take in the experience. We’re not here for an agenda that says, “I’m going to become aware in order to be a success, so that I can rise above everyone. Be the great giver of knowledge,” like all these white robed turkeys sitting on hills. It’s here in the world. This is where we live. When you live in the world, you live with all this stuff. It’s what makes it interesting. If you don’t have good and bad things happen to you, how do you get to enjoy it? How do you get to enjoy the good stuff if you don’t know the bad stuff? You don’t; we’re dualistic. It’s what we are. So, this presumption that “Oh, now everything is going to be ok for me and I’m not going to have this and that,” isn’t so; you’re going to have all of it in 3D. The thing is to enjoy it. Once you get past the point where you’re not responsible for what’s going to happen to you, you might as well enjoy seeing the serendipity of what actually does happen to you.

The Root Center: Always in a Hurry to be Free The Root Center is a big league pressure Center. If you’ve got an undefined Root, you love coffee. That’s a little sidebar. An undefined Root has a lot of pressure. Basically, what the pressure is that you’re in a hurry to die. I have an undefined Root. When I was about 18, I got a summer job building track with Mohawk Indians in Canada, a strange thing. I was the only White person, and they didn’t like me because my brother-in-law was one of the engineers for the train company and got me that job. © Jovian Archive Media



So, I had a deal with all of these guys, and they’re looking at me like a little White boy who has been given his job. So, my natural tendency being an Ego Manifestor was to show them I could do this, and I could be there. We were putting in this switching tracks in train yards, so trains could decouple and go in different places. Our job was to put in the new ones and spike them down. You work opposite somebody; you spike, and they spike. I’m going along for about 10 or 15 minutes at the beginning of the day on my first day. Then a big heavy hand comes on to my shoulder. This face comes around and looks at me and only said two words: slow down. Because I’m an undefined Root, all I wanted to do was get the job done. If you’re an undefined Root and you’re working in an office and the boss comes up to you and gives you something to do and says, “I need this by Wednesday,” you get it done in 24 hours because you want to get rid of it. You figure if you get rid of it at least you’re going to have some freedom. So, you get rid of it and the boss says, “Hey, this one works fast.” They come back to you and say, “I’ve got this thing here and I’d like it by Thursday.” And you’re going crazy, “I’ve got to do it,” always in a hurry, under pressure, always thinking if you get it done and get it out of the way, then you’ve got time. But you don’t, and by the time you realize that, you’re dead. Just like

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU that. If you could have a capsule for that it would be like, “It was all pressure. I pushed and pushed.” So, you have to see if you have an undefined Root you’re always being conditioned to move fast, act fast, do things quickly. Of course, things get missed, messed up, problem arise out of that. Many people that have an undefined Root just simply collapse at some point. They’re pushing so hard, so beyond what is possible and normal and realistic, they just drive themselves into the ground.

The Split Shadow Design Every single open Center tells you something, but it is not the whole story. Here is a Design where you can see there is a split here. That is, this part of the Design, the 10-57, which is where the G Center goes down to the Spleen, is one definition. Then over there you see the Throat going down to the emotional system and down to the Root. These two systems of definition are not connected to each other. It’s called being a Split Definition. If you’re somebody like me who has Single Definition, everything that is defined is connected together. People with a Triple Split Definition, three different parts, are the ones who are most deeply impacted by open Centers. But if you’re a Split Definition—45% of all charts are Split Definition—you’re the people who are responsible for pair bonding, because if you’re a Split Definition, you need to find the bridge to make yourself feel whole.

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU What happens in Split Definitions is that it’s the Gates or the Channels that will bring about the bridge that create the deepest conditioning. For example, in this chart, if this person had the 28th Gate or the 20th Gate, either one of those Gates would bring the two definitions into one. So, for that person, those two Gates are the deepest conditioning force in their life.


The 28th Gate is a Gate that’s looking for purpose. It’s a Gate of risk taking. Here is somebody who is going to be attracted to risk taking, even though they are not a natural risk taker. This is going to be their big conditioning. “Everything is a risk. I have to take risks. If I don’t take risks, I’m not going to find my purpose. Yes, I’m going to walk on the fire. Yes, I’m going to do it…I got burnt.”

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU The other is the 20th Gate, the Gate of being here in the now. So, here is somebody who wants to be spontaneous in the now. Look at their Design, they’re emotional. If you’re emotional, you’re not here to be in the now. There is no truth in the now if you’re emotional. Yet here is somebody who by their very conditioning is designed for that. “Oh, I have to do it now.” So, that thing comes at them, and instead of waiting for the process emotionally, the deepest conditioning is that Gate calling to them, “Do it now. Do it now. And if you do it now, we’re going to find our purpose. This is the risk for us. We’ll take this risk in the now. It’s all going to be ok; I know I can jump across that chasm.” Oh, good luck.

Strategy and Authority It’s all conditioning. The whole thing to understand about being in the Maia, being in an incarnative form, being a creature that is built on DNA and RNA, the genetic imperatives that are inherent in what it is to be us is all conditioning. That’s what life is. That’s what this Maia is. What we’re here to experience is the sum total of all this conditioning, not to be unique individual victims of it, but to be aware of it so we can navigate through it and enjoy it for what it is. It always goes back to the same thing. It’s always the same answer. I could give a million different courses, a course about good sex, about good economics, about this and that, and it’s all the same course: Follow your Strategy and Authority. It isn’t anything else. At the deepest levels that I work in Design, and I have students and programs that have taken seven, eight, nine years, I am always back to the same place, because everything begins with your Strategy and Authority. Everything begins with a mechanism that takes away from your mind the power to control your life.

The Mind Is a Treasure

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU If you experiment with allowing your vehicle to move you on this plane, you begin to change the whole process of the way in which you take in the experience of being here, and you begin to discover something about the nature of your mind. Your mind is a treasure. It’s an incredible thing, because each and every one of us has this deeply unique way in which we can frame this experience and translate it for the other, instead of trying to all push our minds to be like every other mind to deal with the nonsense of our not-self lives. And when the mind is trying to work out the same old problems and dilemmas with the same old tired solutions, you never get the beauty, you never get the pleasure of what it is to be us.

Awareness Takes Place One Person at a Time I look out into the world and see that we have 2 billion people on this planet who are desperately poor. We have a billion people who don’t have access to fresh water. We have a planet that’s full of disease and dilemmas. We have horrendous problems on this plane. This is a world of killer monkeys. It’s not a world that’s going to wake up. Waking up is something that takes place one person at a time: you. You do it for you. You do it for what else are we here for? We’re here to go through this process aware. We’re not here to be driven blindly to our grave. One of the things I tell people when I teach Bardo, about death and the stages we go through, is not to wait until you’re dead to wake up. What a terrible thing that is. Don’t wait until the end of the movie to discover that you’re actually a passenger consciousness, and you’ve only been visiting. It’s what we do.

Let Your Vehicle Operate Correctly So, if you allow your vehicle to operate correctly, you can give yourself some distance from this deep identification with this life and you can begin to see. It’s the seeing that’s magic. But the process is simple. The Druids said

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YOU AND THE SHADOW | RA URU HU something great: Do without doing and everything gets done. nobody ever understood what that meant.

Of course,

Do without doing and everything gets done—let your vehicle do. Let your life be, and don’t interfere. Just follow it and see where it takes you. Then you see that life can really be magic. You’re not in charge anymore. When you’re not in charge anymore, you get to see where life truly is going to take you, what it brings you, who is there for you, and who isn’t. And it gives you an opportunity to be able to share the depth that is there in you. It’s a different movie. Thank you; that was nice.

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