WtA 20 - Auspice Gift Deck - Cards [PDF]

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Blur of the Milky Eye

Infectious Laughter

Liar’s Face

Ragabash The werewolf’s form becomes a shimmering, indistinct blur, as though seen through heavy cataracts — even in the midday sun. The Ragabash is not truly invisible, however, and if spotted, this Gift’s protection fails until the observer is distracted. A chameleon- or ermine-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Stealth (difficulty 8). Each success increases the difficulty of all Perception rolls made to detect him by one for the rest of the scene.

Ragabash When the Ragabash laughs, those around her are compelled to follow along, forgetting their grievances. A coyote- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Ragabash must make some comment mocking the present situation in which she finds herself, then laugh at it. The player then rolls Manipulation + Expression (difficulty of the highest Rage rating of anyone listening). Success causes those who hear the Ragabash’s comment and laughter lose hold of their ire, and forget what it was that had them upset in the first place — although their temper will return if they are reminded of what the New Moon has made them forget.

Ragabash The Ragabash wraps herself in such a deceitful attitude that nothing she says can be trusted — not even the clear and unvarnished truth. The werewolf may make a single truthful statement, and no human who hears it will believe her. A platypus-spirit teaches this Gift. System: After the character makes a truthful statement, the player spends one Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). This Gift is automatically effective on humans, causing them to believe the Ragabash is lying. Supernatural listeners whose Willpower rating is lower than the Ragabash’s successes also refuse to believe the Ragabash’s words.

Open Seal

Scent of Running Water

Blissful Ignorance

(Level One)

(Level One)

Ragabash The werewolf can open nearly any sort of closed or locked physical device. A raccoon-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty of the local Gauntlet rating). If the object is sealed with magic, the player must spend a Gnosis point before making the attempt.

(Level One)

(Level One)

(Level One)

(Level Two)

Ragabash, Red Talons The werewolf can mask her scent completely, making herself virtually impossible to track. A fox-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The difficulties of all rolls to track the Garou increase by two. This Gift’s effects are permanent, though the Ragabash may temporarily suppress them at will (which may be necessary to blend in with wolf packs).

Ragabash, Bone Gnawers, Silent Striders The Garou can become completely invisible to all senses, spirits or monitoring devices by remaining still. A chameleon-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Stamina + Stealth (difficulty 5). Each success subtracts one success from the Perception + Alertness rolls of those looking for the character. If no one is actively seeking the werewolf, one success provides perfect concealment.

Pulse of the Prey

Spider’s Song

Taking the Forgotten

Ragabash, Black Furies, Red Talons If the werewolf knows anything about her prey — even a nickname, initials, or crude description — she can track it as fast as she can travel. This unerring sense of direction works anywhere, and is as useful for tracking spirits through the Deep Umbra as Pentex executives through Baltimore. A wolf- or dog-spirit teaches this Gift. System: No roll is required unless the target is actively hiding, in which case the player rolls Perception + Enigmas against a difficulty of the target’s Wits + Stealth. If the target is a spirit, the difficulty is the spirit’s Gnosis.

Ragabash The Ragabash can steal messages from the Weaver’s web. The Ragabash must be aware that a conversation is happening to listen in on it. For conversations across land lines, the Ragabash must place her ear against a telephone pole or cord; to listen in on cell phone discussions she need only be able to see one of the phones being used. Spider- and raven-spirits teach this Gift. System: The player spends a Gnosis point. She listens in on the conversation (or receives mental translations of text messages) for as long as she keeps her ear to the line or keeps the cell phone user in sight.

Ragabash A Ragabash with this Gift can steal something from a target and make his victim forget that she ever possessed the stolen item. A mouse-spirit teaches this Gift. System: After successfully stealing the item, the player must score three successes on a Wits + Larceny roll (difficulty of the victim’s Intelligence + Streetwise).

(Level Two)

(Level Two)

(Level Two)


Liar’s Craft

Open Moon Bridge

Ragabash The Ragabash can cause a technological device to malfunction merely by touching it. This Gift actually causes the spirit energy within the device to work counter to its function. If the Garou can frighten the spirit sufficiently, it will flee the device, causing it to malfunction permanently. A Gremlin teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Intimidation; the difficulty is determined by the complexity of the item. The more successes the Garou obtains, the more the device is damaged. Three successes disables the device permanently (the spirit has fled). The lower the difficulty, the more complex the device, i.e. computer = difficulty 4, phone = difficulty 6, gun = difficulty 8.

Ragabash The Ragabash can tell the most outrageous of lies and have them accepted as truth — for a while, at least. This Gift is taught by a fox-spirit. System: The character first tells his lie, then the player rolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Wits + Subterfuge, or the highest rating in a group of listeners). One success convinces a single individual, while three successes are needed to dupe a crowd. Since the roll is made after the lie is told, this Gift always carries some element of risk.

Ragabash The werewolf has the ability to open a moon bridge, with or without the permission of the totem of that caern. A Lune teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point. See the Rite of the Opened Bridge for more information on opening moon bridges. The maximum distance that can thereby be covered is 1,000 miles (1600 km).


Luna’s Blessing

Umbral Dodge

Ragabash Werewolves can strike implausible trails through pristine wilderness and the urban jungle alike, locating the fastest and shortest routes from one place to another. A crow-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Perception + Survival (for wilderness) or Streetwise (for urban environments) against difficulty 7. The number of successes equals the quality of the path she blazes and how much she decreases her travel time. Every success reduces travel time by approximately 10 percent, up to a maximum of half the original travel time. The difficulty of any rolls to track the werewolf increases by two when this Gift is active; this decrease is cumulative with other similar effects, such as Scent of Running Water.

Ragabash When Luna stands visible in the night sky, silver ceases to act as a bane to the Garou. Indeed, when the moon waxes full, silver may well turn on those who would wield it against Gaia’s children. A Lune teaches this Gift. System: When the moon shows in the sky in a visible phase, the character suffers lethal or bashing damage from silver, rather than aggravated. Additionally, all attacks against the werewolf with silver weapons at this time are considered to roll a 1 in addition to all dice actually rolled — or a pair of 1s during the full moon. The Garou retains his normal vulnerability to silver at all other times.

Ragabash The Ragabash finds the best way to deal with an enemy is to send him far away — perhaps to a place where he’ll learn the folly of his ways. She may tear open a hole in the Gauntlet while dodging an enemy’s attack, sending them to the land of spirits. A trapdoor spider-spirit teaches this Gift. System: When attempting to dodge a close-range attack, the player spends one Gnosis point and increases the difficulty of the dodge by one, or to the rating of the local Gauntlet. If the dodge succeeds in avoiding the attack completely, the attacker is dropped into the Penumbra (or into the physical world if this Gift is used in Penumbra).

Whelp Body

Thieving Talons of the Magpie

Thousand Forms

(Level Three)

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

Ragabash The Garou delivers a devastating curse upon a foe’s body, causing it to weaken or palsy. Many consider the use of this Gift upon a foe to constitute a declaration of eternal enmity. Pain- and disease-spirits teach this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis, resisted by the target’s own roll of higher of Gnosis or Stamina. The Garou’s difficulty is the opponent’s Willpower, while the victim’s difficulty is the Ragabash’s Gnosis. Each success allows her to remove one point from any of the victim’s Physical Attributes. The effect is permanent, although the victim may restore these Attributes via experience. This Gift may be used only once against a given opponent.

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

Ragabash The Ragabash can steal the powers of others and use them herself. Naturally, a magpie-spirit teaches this Gift. System: This Gift requires three successes on a Wits + Larceny roll (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). If successful, the Ragabash steals the targeted power, depriving its owner of its use. A Ragabash who steals a vampire’s power to merge with the earth (Protean •••) doesn’t also gain his ability to see in the dark or grow claws. The Garou may keep the power if she pays a point of Gnosis each turn. The werewolf’s Gnosis is substituted for any Traits exclusive to the victim, such as a vampire’s blood pool or a mage’s Arete.

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

Ragabash, Black Furies The werewolf with this Gift may change herself into any animal between the sizes of a bird and a bison. The Garou gains all the special capabilities of the animal mimicked. She may even take the form of mystical, nonWyrm beasts. Wyld-spirits teach this Gift. System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). Success allows the character to assume the shape of any normal animal. For the duration of the scene, he may make additional transformation rolls without spending Gnosis. To take on a mythical form, the player must spend an additional Gnosis and succeed against difficulty 9.


Mother’s Touch

Spirit Snare

Ragabash The Ragabash performs the ultimate trick, stealing a supernatural power and turning it into a Gift, which may in turn be bestowed upon others as though the New Moon were a spirit teacher. Coyote or another trickster Incarna teaches this Gift. System: After having a power used on him, the Ragabash may spend one permanent Gnosis to internalize it into a Gift. The Ragabash cannot use this Gift, and forfeits all defenses against that power if used on him in the future; it exists instead as a treasure to bequeath upon the Garou Nation. Any power may become a Gift in this fashion. The Storyteller determines the new Gift’s appropriate level and teacher.

Theurge, Bunyip, Children of Gaia The werewolf channels spiritual power through her hands, mending the wounds of any other living creature. This Gift may not heal the werewolf herself, spirits, or the undead. A bear- or unicorn-spirit teaches it. System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty is the target’s current Rage, or 5 for those with no Rage). Each success heals one level of lethal, bashing, or aggravated damage. The healer may even heal fresh Battle Scars in this manner, if the Gift is applied during the same scene in which the scar is received and an extra Gnosis point is spent.

Theurge The Theurge casts out an invisible, mystic net that entangles hostile spirits, confounding them with a mixture of magical force and long-broken but still-potent Gaian law. An owl-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 8) as an attack directed at a spirit within 30 feet, which can be defended against normally. Rather than inflicting damage, this attack reduces the spirit’s effective Willpower by two for the purpose of all combat actions for the rest of the scene. Multiple applications of this Gift don’t stack.

Spirit Speech

Umbral Tether

Battle Mandala

Theurge, Uktena This Gift bestows understanding of the language of the spirit world, permitting the Garou to clearly understand and speak with any spirit he encounters. The Gift doesn’t influence spirits’ attitudes toward the werewolf in any way, nor ensure they have any desire to communicate with him. Any spirit can teach it. System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.

Theurge The Umbra is a shifting world where logic doesn’t always apply and losing one’s way is easy. Theurges ensure they can always find their way back to the point where they entered the Umbra with this Gift, which creates a silvery cord connecting the Garou to the point where they last crossed the Gauntlet. Only the werewolf who creates the tether can see it. This Gift is taught by a spider-spirit. System: No roll is needed to create the thread. However, after each full day the character spends in the Umbra, a point of Gnosis must be spent to maintain the cord; otherwise, it slowly corrodes from the point of entry and toward the Garou.

Theurge A mystical sigil burns itself into the ground around the Theurge, visible only to those with Gnosis ratings. This circle drains the Essence from spirits caught within its web. A spider- or antlion-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty 7). The battle mandala encompasses a radius of (50 x number of successes) feet (or 15 meters per success) around the Garou; spirits (other than the Garou’s pack totem) within the mandala lose one Essence per turn. The mandala dissipates at the end of the scene or when the werewolf steps outside of its bounds, whichever comes first.

Command Spirit

Sight From Beyond (Level Two)

(Level Three)

Theurge The Theurge can give commands to spirits she meets and expect obedience. The Gift doesn’t grant the ability to summon spirits — only to compel them to obey. As always when dealing with spirits, clear wording is essential. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift. System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty is the spirit’s Gnosis). The character can issue successive commands once the spirit is under her control; each additional command requires that the player expend an additional Willpower point. The spirit cannot be ordered to leave a place or object (or, in the case of fomori, person) to which it is bound.

Theurge This is a Gift of prophecy. The werewolf becomes an oracle, prone to visions that hint at future opportunities, challenges, and threats to come. These visions are always veiled in symbolism — an impending war against the local vampires might be presaged by visions of skyscrapers weeping blood from their upper stories, while a death in the sept might be heralded by dreams of a chorus of mournful howls rising to a ghost-pale moon. Owl-spirits teach this Gift. System: Visions are entirely under the Storyteller’s control and are best handled through roleplaying, though a truly stumped player might ask for a Wits + Occult (difficulty 7) roll to help interpret a particularly puzzling vision.

Theurge This is the Gift of ejecting spirits from places, objects, or even people, whether they are bound or in voluntary possession. Any Incarna avatar can teach this Gift. System: The werewolf must concentrate for three uninterrupted turns. If the spirit does not wish to leave, the player must roll Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the spirit’s Willpower). If the spirit was bound to its lodging, the exorcist must gain more successes than the binder did when tying the spirit to its location. This Gift can be used to “cure” fomori, although doing so inflicts 10 levels of aggravated damage at a rate of one level per turn as the Bane tears free of its fleshly home.

(Level Six)

(Level One)

(Level Two)

(Level One)

(Level One)

(Level One)

(Level Two)


Pulse of the Invisible

Umbral Camouflage

Web Walker

Theurge, Bunyip This Gift grants constant awareness of the spirit world. Even in the physical world, the werewolf can interact with spirits in the Penumbra at will. The Garou will be automatically aware of any dramatic changes or upheavals nearby. Any spirit can teach this Gift. System: If the Garou’s permanent Gnosis equals or exceeds the local Gauntlet, he can see into the Umbra automatically. Otherwise, the player must roll Gnosis to look through the Gauntlet (difficulty of the Gauntlet rating). Such awareness lasts for the rest of the scene or until the character enters an area with a stronger Gauntlet.

Theurge Although perfectly visible to all others, this Gift renders the werewolf undetectable to spirits. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point and, for the remainder of the scene, she is completely invisible to spiritual senses. She may move about as normal but cannot make any attack actions without disrupting the Gift.

Theurge The Garou may travel on the Pattern Web through the Umbra without physical difficulty, and without attracting the unfriendly attention of Weaver-spirits in the area. Any Weaver-spirit can teach this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Science (difficulty 7). Success enables the Garou (and her pack, so long as they stick close to her) to travel through the Umbra across the Pattern Web as though she were on a moon bridge. Whether the Web’s strands go where the Garou wants to travel is another matter entirely.

Blurring the Mirror

Grasp the Beyond

Spirit Drain

Theurge This Gift allows the Theurge to cloud the minds of other beings, making it impossible for them to find the Umbra. Once used as a form of punishment for arrogant pups, this Gift is more often deployed as a weapon against Black Spiral Dancers. A Weaver-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point for every individual she wishes to affect. The Gauntlet increases by five for those targets for the rest of the scene. Up to five individuals can be affected at once. While normally used against other Garou, this Gift is effective against any being capable of entering the Umbra sideways, including other Fera and some mages.

Theurge The werewolf may carry things in and out of the Umbra. This Gift affects objects, people, and animals, both willing and unwilling. An opossum- or kangaroo-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The character must grasp the object or person he wishes to take to (or from) the spirit world, and spend a number of Willpower points: one for small items, two for larger items, and three for man-sized items (including people). The player makes the usual Gnosis roll to pierce the Gauntlet and step sideways; if successful, both he and the desired object pass into the Umbra. An unwilling subject may resist with a Willpower roll; each success subtracts one from the Garou’s successes.

Theurge The Garou may drain power from a spirit to feed her own resolve. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player makes a resisted Gnosis roll against the spirit. If the player succeeds, the spirit loses one Essence point per success for the rest of the scene. For every two points drained, the Garou gains a temporary Willpower point. She loses any points exceeding her maximum at the end of the scene.

Feral Lobotomy

Malleable Spirit

Ultimate Argument of Logic

Theurge Unleashing a surge of pure Wyld energy, the werewolf can devolve an opponent’s mind into that of an animal, effectively destroying his intelligence. A Wyldling teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty of the target’s Willpower + 3, maximum 10) and spends a number of Gnosis points. If successful, the Garou can destroy the target’s Intelligence Attribute permanently; the target loses one Intelligence dot for each two points of Gnosis spent, and cannot lose more Intelligence than the number of successes rolled. Lost Intelligence is replaced with feral, animalistic behavior.

Theurge The werewolf can change a spirit’s form or purpose. A Chimerling teaches this Gift. System: The player must best the spirit in a resisted Gnosis roll. The difficulty is based on what the Garou tries to accomplish, while the spirit’s difficulty is the Garou’s Gnosis. If attempting to change characteristics such as Willpower, Rage, or Gnosis, one point is changed per success and the roll has a difficulty of 6. If attempting to change disposition, the difficulty is 7. If trying to change the spirit type — such as elemental, Bane, etc. — the difficulty is 9.

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

Theurge Those who speak with the Theurge leave convinced of some fact they might otherwise have disbelieved. If successful, the Garou can cause the target to believe implicitly in one aspect of existence (true or false) — that the Earth is the center of the universe, that there is such a thing as a spirit world, or that cities are unnatural affronts to nature, for example. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player needs three successes on a Manipulation + Performance roll (difficulty of the target’s Wits + Enigmas).

Fangs of Judgment

Resist Pain

Philodox It falls upon the Philodox to levy not only judgment but also punishment against those who have fallen from their proper stations. This Gift, taught by an ancestor-spirit, causes the werewolf’s claws and fangs to burn with the righteous power of law. System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the next full day, all of the Garou’s natural weaponry attacks do two extra dice of damage to all beings who have fallen from their original purpose to the service of the Wyrm (such as Black Spiral Dancers, fomori, and corrupted nature spirits; Banes which came into existence as agents of the Wyrm are, regrettably, exempt from this Gift’s sanction).

Philodox, Children of Gaia, Get of Fenris, Wendigo Fortifying herself with purpose and will, the werewolf shuts out the pain of her wounds. A bear- or badger-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower point; the character ignores all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.

Truth of Gaia

Call to Duty

Philodox As judges of the Litany, Philodox may easily separate truth from falsehood. A Gaffling of Falcon teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty equals the subject’s Manipulation + Subterfuge). This Gift reveals only which of the words that have been spoken are true and which are false. It doesn’t reveal the truth behind a lie unless the speaker utters it. If the speaker is uncertain whether his words are true or false, the Gift identifies them as neither.

Philodox The Philodox may summon and command any spirit she knows by name. Only one command may be given, and the spirit departs immediately after fulfilling it. Alternatively, all spirits in the area may be called in times of great need. An Incarna avatar teaches this Gift. System: The Garou must know the name of the spirit she wishes to summon. The player rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty equal to the spirit’s Willpower). The second mode of this Gift simply requires the player to spend two Gnosis points to summon all Gaian spirits within a one-mile (1.6 km) radius. The mightiest of spirits (Incarnae and above) are generally able to ignore this Gift.

King of the Beasts

Strength of Purpose

Philodox The Philodox’s authority extends even into the realm of beasts, so that he can command the loyalty of any single animal. If successful, the animal follows the letter and spirit of his commands unconditionally. A lion- or falcon-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Philodox targets one animal within 100 feet (30 m). The player rolls Charisma + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). The power lasts until the Garou releases the animal from its obligation to him; this Gift can only hold sway over one animal at a time.

Philodox, Croatan Werewolves use this Gift to fortify themselves in the face of the Apocalypse, turning hot passion and burning Rage into cold, steely resolve. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: Once per scene, the player may roll Stamina + Rituals (difficulty 7). For every two successes, the Garou recovers one point of Willpower, up to her maximum.

(Level One)

(Level One)

(Level Two)

(Level One)

(Level Two)

(Level Two)

Scent of the True Form (Level One) Philodox The Philodox is able to scent the truth of those she meets, literally sniffing out an individual’s true form. A vulture-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Garou can smell Kinfolk or a fellow werewolf automatically. In all other cases, the player must roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). One success will identify a normal human or animal; two successes will detect a vampire, changeling, demon, mummy, or Fera; four successes are needed to sniff out a mage, ghoul, or fomor. The Imbued register as normal humans to this Gift. Unfamiliar scents aren’t automatically recognized: A Philodox that has never encountered any Rokea might not immediately recognize the scent she detects as “wereshark.”

Command the Gathering (Level Two)

Philodox, Galliard The werewolf draws all eyes to herself with a great exclamation, a clap of her hands, the striking of klaive to shield, or some other such gesture. Until she has had her say, none may depart or interrupt her. A lion-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Appearance + Leadership (difficulty equals the highest Willpower among those whose attention she seeks to gain). If the roll succeeds, all in attendance fall quiet and listen. Any individual who wishes to interrupt the Garou or walk out before she has finished speaking must spend two points of Willpower to do so.

Scent of the Oathbreaker (Level Three)

Philodox Oaths sanctified before a Philodox are a serious matter indeed, so this Gift grants the judges of the Garou Nation the ability to know when an oath has been broken. A dog-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Philodox may spend one Gnosis point to sanctify any oath or promise he personally witnesses, no matter how formal or informal. If at any point in the future one of the individuals sworn to the oath breaks it, the Philodox immediately becomes aware of this and all rolls for the werewolf to track the oathbreaker by scent drop to difficulty 4. This benefit lasts until the Philodox next stands in the oathbreaker’s presence.

Sense Balance

Weak Arm

Philodox, Stargazers As an arbitrator of the Garou Nation, the werewolf has developed an attunement with the cosmic forces that balance the Tellurian. The werewolf may sense an overabundance of Wyrm, Wyld, or Weaver energies in a location. A cat-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8) to detect the spiritual balance of an area, if any. Wyrm manifestations feel dense and oily, Weaver presence feels cold and unyielding, and Wyld energies feel hot and trembling. The werewolf must be at peace and without distraction to use this Gift.

Philodox By watching an opponent’s fighting style, the Philodox can quickly evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. Snake- and wind-spirits teach this Gift. System: The player rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty 8). Each success grants one bonus die to add to her attack or damage rolls against that opponent. For instance, a Philodox who gets four successes could add two dice to her attack rolls and two to her damage pool. The distribution of dice cannot be changed once the Gift has been activated. This Gift can be used against a given foe only once per scene. A full turn of concentration is necessary to use this Gift.

Philodox, Wendigo All werewolves have an innate connection to their ancestors — a spiritual, racial subconscious accessible through intense meditation. The werewolf can tap into these deep memories to remember ancient lore. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The character must meditate for a short time, concentrating on the past. The player then rolls Gnosis (difficulty 9, −1 for each point of Ancestors the Garou possesses). The number of successes determines how detailed and exact the answer he receives will be.

Roll Over

Scent of Beyond

Take the True Form

Philodox The werewolf radiates authority and power, allowing him to exert his dominance over others. Humans bow or kneel, while Garou roll over to expose their throats. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player begins an extended, resisted Willpower contest. The results are compared to each of her opponents in turn; when the player has scored three more successes than an opponent, that opponent drops out of the contest and submits. If one of the opponents accumulates three more successes over the character, the contest ends. For the remainder of the scene, any individual who has submitted will take no actions at all without the approval of the character, unless their life depends on it.

Philodox With a moment’s concentration, the werewolf can hurl her senses to any place with which she is familiar (even an Umbral location), no matter how far away it may be. Because a bird-spirit teaches this Gift, her senses perceive the scene from above. System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). If the target location is in the Umbra, the difficulty is 8 or the local Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. This far-seeing continues for as long as the werewolf desires, but the character suffers a −3 penalty to any attempts to react to local stimuli while her senses are projected.

Philodox The Philodox can force a being into its true form. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, Changing Breeds (including Garou) are forced to revert to their breed form for one turn per success. Other shapeshifted creatures (such as vampires masquerading as wolves) targeted by this power are likewise forced to revert to their true forms.


Wall of Granite

Break the Bonds

Philodox This Gift binds an individual or group to a sacred oath. While the geas cannot force and individual to act against her nature (such as to allow herself to be killed), it also doesn’t allow her to act against the task the Philodox has set before her. This Gift is taught by an Incarna avatar. System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the opponent’s Willpower, or the highest Willpower in a group). The compulsion to complete the task set out in the geas lasts until the task is completed or the target is harmed to the point of incapacitation in pursuit of the quest.

Philodox Just as the earth upholds those upon it, the Philodox uphold the Litany that sustains their people. While in contact with earth or rock, the Philodox can invoke a wall to protect himself. This wall moves with the Garou. Earth elementals teach this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The wall’s dimensions are three yards high, two yards long and one yard thick and, if the Garou desires, it may be extended to encircle a number of allies up to the werewolf’s Gnosis. It has a soak pool of 10 dice, and 15 health levels must be inflicted to penetrate it. The wall lasts for one scene or until released.

Philodox, Galliard This Gift shatters all bonds, whether physical or mental, from sturdy iron chains to the slavery of a vampire’s bewitched blood. The Garou may use it to benefit any being, including herself. It is taught by any Incarna with the freedom to come and go as they please. System: The Garou is automatically immune to any supernatural coercion, and may break bonds as though she had Strength 15. She may also break another’s physical bonds with that same Strength, or banish mental bonds from another with a Manipulation + Leadership roll (difficulty 11 – target’s Willpower).

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

(Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Five)

Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three)

(Level Four)

(Level Six)

Beast Speech

Call of the Wyld


Galliard, Red Talons The werewolf may instinctively understand and communicate with any natural animals, from fish to mammals. She need only speak normally to be understood by animals, along with a touch of appropriate body language — there is no need to bark like a dog. This Gift doesn’t change animals’ basic reactions or dispositions; most are still afraid of predators such as werewolves. Any animal spirit can teach this Gift. System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.

Galliard The werewolf may send her howl far beyond the normal range of hearing and imbue it with great emotion, stirring the hearts of fellow Garou and chilling the bones of all others. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Stamina + Empathy; the number of successes determines how far away the Call can be heard (double the normal range for each success) and how stirring it is to those who hear it. This Gift should be used in conjunction with one of the Garou howls. The Storyteller determines the effects as appropriate to the purpose to which it is put.

Galliard, Croatan Invoking the power of a waking dream, the Garou can place any chosen characters into silent communication. A Chimerling teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower point per chosen sentient being and makes a Manipulation + Expression roll (difficulty of the victim’s Willpower) if any participants are unwilling. All those included in the waking dream may interact normally through the Mindspeak, although they can inflict no damage through it. Their real bodies can still act, although all dice pools decrease by two. All beings affected must be within line of sight. The Garou may include her entire pack in the waking dream for only one Willpower point, if she desires.

Perfect Recall

Call of the Wyrm


Galliard The werewolf is able to remember and relive any memory with perfect clarity. An elephant-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player may spend one Gnosis point to perfectly remember any one detail, no matter how small, from any point in her character’s entire life.

Galliard This dangerous Gift attracts creatures of the Wyrm, luring them into traps and ambushes or flushing them from hiding. Any spirit servant of Gaia can teach this Gift. System: The player makes a resisted roll of Manipulation + Performance against the Wyrm creature’s Willpower (both rolls are difficulty 7). If the Wyrm creature loses the contest, it must come to the source of the Call.

Galliard The werewolf can make distracting yips, yelps, and howls to divert the attention of his target. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Wits + Performance (difficulty equals the victim’s Willpower). Each success subtracts one die from the target’s dice pool for the next three turns.


Howls in the Night

Eye of the Cobra

Galliard The Galliard can walk among another’s dreams and thereby affect their course. The werewolf doesn’t have to be anywhere near the target, but she must know or have seen the dreamer. A Chimerling teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Wits + Empathy (difficulty 8). If the dreamer awakens while the Galliard is still within the dream, the werewolf is thrown out of the dream world and loses a Gnosis point.

Galliard, Red Talons, Shadow Lords, White Howlers The werewolf sends a full-throated howl shivering into the night sky, evoking primal terror in Gaia’s enemies. Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl find themselves troubled and unable to rest easily while their enemies are on the prowl. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7). Creatures of the Wyrm who hear the howl will be jolted awake if asleep, and rendered unable to sleep for the next (successes x 3) hours.

Galliard With an unearthly stare, the werewolf can draw anyone to within striking distance. A snake-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Appearance + Enigmas (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). The Garou needs three successes to bring the target to his side; fewer successes will at least start the victim moving in the right direction. Once there, the target can do as he pleases, but he must try his best to get to the Galliard until then.

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Song of Heroes

Song of Rage

Song of the Siren

Galliard Reciting a tale of ancient Garou heroism, the Galliard conjures up the spirit of fallen heroes and infuses those listening with some portion of their power. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. System: This Gift requires the full recitation of a story of epic heroism, taking at least several minutes. At the end of the tale, the player spends two Gnosis points and rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty 8). Every two successes on this roll add one point to a single Ability score for all listening Garou and Kinfolk, much like the Ancestors Background. This bonus lasts until the sun rises.

Galliard This Gift unleashes the beast in others, forcing werewolves, vampires, and other such creatures into frenzy and turning humans into berserkers. A wolverine-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Garou rolls Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). The victim flies into a violent rage (or frenzy, if naturally prone) for one turn per success.

Galliard, Fianna The Garou’s song or howl can entrance anyone who hears it. A songbird-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Charisma + Performance (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower) and spends one Gnosis point. Packmates resist the Gift automatically; all others in earshot whose Willpower is exceeded are affected. Enchanted targets can’t perform any actions for a number of turns equal to the successes rolled, unless one Willpower point is spent per turn of free action.

Bridge Walker

Gift of Dreams

Shadows by the Firelight

Galliard The Galliard may create minor moon bridges through which she alone can travel. Such travel takes one percent of the time the journey would take normally. These moon bridges are not protected by Lunes, and may attract the interest of spirits. A Lune teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point to create the bridge. The moon bridge lasts for only one passage, unless the player spends an additional three Willpower, in which case it lasts until the next full moon. The maximum distance that can be traversed by the bridge is the Garou’s Gnosis in miles (1.6 km per Gnosis dot).

Galliard The Galliard crafts a dream, then breathes it into a sleeping individual. A Lune teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty 6) to craft the dream; more successes allows for more vivid and impactful dreams. To ensure that an individual experiences this dream, the Galliard must breathe it into the target’s mouth while they sleep. The player spends a Gnosis point to complete the Gift. Dreams crafted with this Gift are often unusually vivid and dramatic, leaving even lifelong skeptics convinced they hold some deep meaning.

Galliard The Galliard invokes shadows and dreams to set the stage for a play in which other werewolves play a part. The Galliard narrates the tale, and the actors are swept along in the narrative, willing or no. The Gift is often used at moots, used as an object lesson for the wayward and stubborn. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift. System: To press an unwilling actor into the shadow play, the player spends one Gnosis point per target and rolls Manipulation + Performance (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). The effects last until the story ends (one scene), or until the actor is attacked. Willing participants require no roll or expenditure.

Fabric of the Mind

Head Games

Falling Touch

Galliard, Uktena The greatest werewolves can bring the products of their imagination to life, crafting creatures from the essence of dreams. Chimerlings teach this Gift. System: The player makes an extended Intelligence + Performance roll (difficulty 8). She can create any form of life she can imagine, assigning it one dot of Traits for each success gained on the roll. The werewolf can take as long as she wants to form the creature, accumulating successes from turn to turn, but once she stops, the dream being takes form and requires one Gnosis point per scene to keep it manifested.

Galliard Emotions become a palette with which the Galliard may paint whatever picture takes her fancy. She may change the target’s emotions as she pleases, from love to hate and back again. A coyote-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). Success allows the Garou to steer the emotions of any one individual for the rest of the scene. These emotions don’t last beyond the end of the Gift’s duration unless events naturally reinforce them (such as the Galliard acting friendly toward an individual she has forced to regard her warmly).

Ahroun, Stargazers This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling with but a touch. Any aerial spirit can teach this Gift. System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina + Athletics). Even one success sends the victim to the ground. This Gift may be employed through even the lightest, brushing contact at no cost, or may be delivered through an attack by paying one point of Willpower or Rage. Such attacks inflict full damage in addition to knocking the target prone.

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Pack Tactics

Razor Claws

Ahroun, Silver Fangs Other werewolves look to the Ahroun and Silver Fangs for leadership in battle, and this Gift helps them to live up to that trust. The werewolf employs this Gift to lend her resolve and righteous anger to those who share her cause. A lion- or wolf-spirit teaches it. System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All comrades (but not the Gift’s user) receive one Willpower point, which disappears if it is not used before the end of the scene.

Ahroun There’s no doubt at all the Ahroun should take control of the pack in battle. By taking the lead and coordinating pack actions, the Ahroun gifts all her packmates with great competence in the heat of battle. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a Willpower point before initiating a Pack Tactics maneuver and divides a pool of extra dice equal to her Leadership score among everyone performing the maneuver. The dice should be divided as evenly as possible, although the player may choose where to distribute extra dice (or in case the Ahroun’s Leadership score grants fewer dice than the number of packmates involved).

Ahroun, Get of Fenris By raking his claws over stone, steel, or some other hard surface, the werewolf hones them to razor sharpness. A cat- or bear-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Rage point and the Garou takes a full turn sharpening her claws. All claw attacks do two additional dice of damage and are made at −1 difficulty for the rest of the scene.

Spur Claws

Shield of Rage

Spirit of the Fray

Ahroun This Gift, taught by a bee-spirit in recognition of that alliance, allows the Ahroun to transform her claws into hooked and barbed spurs. System: The player spends one Rage. The next successful claw attack the character makes buries her claws into the victim, where they stick after breaking free from the werewolf’s fingertips. Until the victim takes the time to pull them out (which takes a full turn), they suffer +2 difficulty to all actions. The Garou’s claws take a full turn to regenerate.

Ahroun Such is the Rage burning within an Ahroun’s heart that all lesser furies quail before it. A wolverine-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the rest of the scene, all spirits’ Rage scores are considered two less than their real values for the purpose of rolling damage against the Ahroun.

Ahroun A cat-spirit grants the Ahroun the Gift of blinding speed and lightning reflexes, permitting her to strike before any foe. System: Once the Ahroun learns this Gift, its effects are permanent. She adds 10 to all her initiative rolls and, if she chooses, may spend a Gnosis point to add another 10 to an initiative roll (such an expenditure prevents spending Rage for extra actions, however).

True Fear

Combat Healing

Heart of Fury

Ahroun, Wendigo The werewolf displays his full, terrifying might — baring teeth or claws, howling, or simply looming ominously over a foe. Terror strikes one foe into quiescence. Spirits of fear teach this Gift. System: The player rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty equal to the target’s Willpower). Each success cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack during this time, but may defend himself and otherwise act normally (although his actions are likely guided by overwhelming terror).

Ahroun This Gift allows the werewolf to mend his injuries without rest or hesitation — even in the heart of combat — as claws and bullets tear fresh rents in his flesh. While other Garou struggle to mend their wounds under fire, the Ahroun never stops fighting. Elemental spirits teach this Gift, although they must generally be bested in battle first. System: The Ahroun no longer needs to pause or roll Stamina to heal during combat, and automatically regenerates one non-aggravated health level every round. This benefit is permanent.

Ahroun The Garou steels himself against anger, suppressing his Rage and creating a mental wall to hold back the tide of righteous fury that threatens to drown him. The anger always returns, however, and the Garou had best be ready to pay its bill. A boar-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player rolls Willpower (difficulty equals the character’s permanent Rage). Every two successes add +1 to the character’s frenzy difficulties for the scene, making it harder to frenzy. When the scene ends, past slights and injuries come rushing back to haunt the werewolf, refilling his heart and soul. He must spend one Willpower point or make an immediate frenzy check at regular difficulty.

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Silver Claws

Wind Claws

Clenched Jaw

Ahroun, Silver Fangs Luna sends her children to teach this powerful but painful Gift to those warriors who gain her favor. When invoked, it transforms the werewolf’s claws into silver. System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). Silver claws inflict aggravated damage to all targets, and are naturally unsoakable to Garou and most Fera. The Ahroun suffers searing agony while manifesting these silver claws. Each turn, she gains an automatic Rage point, and all non-combat difficulties increase by one because of the distraction. On each turn that her Rage points exceed her Willpower, she must check for frenzy. The Gift lasts for one scene, unless the Garou takes a turn to voluntarily end it sooner.

Ahroun The Ahroun’s claws and fangs pass through the flimsy protections of their enemies as though they were but air and hope. An air elemental teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Rage point. For the rest of the turn, all of the Ahroun’s attacks completely ignore any armor (mundane or magical) targets might be wearing; the targets forfeit all soak dice from such protection.

Ahroun, Kucha Ekundu The werewolf bites down with such power that her grip won’t loosen until she chooses to let it; even in death, her jaws remain locked. A wolf- or hyena-spirit teaches this Gift. System: After making a successful bite attack, the player may spend a Rage point to invoke this Gift. For each successive turn she chooses to maintain her grip, she makes a bite attack roll (difficulty 3). While foes can make a resisted Strength roll to break the grip (suffering an additional health level of damage in the process of trying to tear free), the Garou may add half her Willpower to her dice pool (round up).

Full Moon’s Light

Stoking Fury’s Furnace

Kiss of Helios

Ahroun The full moon is Luna’s warrior phase, when she searches out her enemies. The Ahroun can call upon her determination in finding her foes, illuminating any who oppose her. Lunes teach this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the remainder of the scene, anyone within one mile who is working against the Ahroun or her pack emits a soft glow, as though illuminated by moonlight. This Gift can be used to confound powers of stealth or even invisibility, but only if the target is actively attempting to harm, compete with, or otherwise foil the Ahroun or her pack.

Ahroun This Gift allows the Garou to husband his Rage, keeping it burning for as long as Gaia’s enemies remain to be defeated. A wolverine-spirit teaches it. System: This Gift’s effects are permanent. The werewolf regains one Rage point during any turn in which he takes damage. This Rage does not cause a frenzy check, though other sources will induce checks as usual. Additionally, the player can spend one Rage point per turn without losing any temporary Rage. If multiple Rage points are spent during any turn, however, all are marked off.

Ahroun The Ahroun can invoke the sun’s power to gain immunity to flame. Additionally, she may ignite any portion of her body and keep it burning as she desires. A fire elemental or sun-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The player spends one Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, the character is unharmed by any natural source of flames or heat. Artificial (napalm, gas fires, etc.) and supernatural flames can inflict no more than a single level of bashing damage during a turn. The character inflicts two additional dice of aggravated damage with burning attacks.

Strength of Will

Unstoppable Warrior

Ahroun A werewolf with this Gift is a pillar of indomitable will. He can share this terrifying strength with others as well, leading them through the gates of Malfeas without a moment’s fear or hesitation. A wolf-spirit or an Incarna avatar teaches this Gift. System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 8). Each success grants all the Garou’s allies within 100 feet (and her packmates anywhere within 100 miles) an extra point of Willpower. The extra points last for the rest of the scene and may raise an ally’s Willpower above its maximum (and even above 10). This Gift can only be used once per scene.

Ahroun The werewolf with this potent Gift may shrug off even flames and the claws of his own kind. A warrior Incarna teaches this Gift. System: The Garou becomes permanently capable of healing all aggravated damage as though it were lethal damage, save for wounds inflicted by silver.

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