William Shakespeare-As You Like It (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics) - Saddleback Educational Publishing (2007) PDF [PDF]

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As You Like It

As You Like It William Shakespeare

Three Watson Irvine, CA 92618-2767 Website: www.sdlback.com

Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM

Three Watson Irvine, CA 92618-2767 Website: www.sdlback.com

Copyright © 2006 by Saddleback Educational Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher. ISBN 1-59905-149-4

As You Like It

Welcome to Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM We are proud to welcome you to Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM. Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM was designed specifically for the classroom to introduce readers to many of the great classics in literature. Each text, written and adapted by teachers and researchers, has been edited using the Dale-Chall vocabulary system. In addition, much time and effort has been spent to ensure that these high-interest stories retain all of the excitement, intrigue, and adventure of the original books. With these graphically Illustrated ClassicsTM, you learn what happens in the story in a number of different ways. One way is by reading the words a character says. Another way is by looking at the drawings of the character. The artist can tell you what kind of person a character is and what he or she is thinking or feeling. This series will help you to develop confidence and a sense of accomplishment as you finish each novel. The stories in Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM are fun to read. And remember, fun motivates!

Overview Everyone deserves to read the best literature our language has to offer. Saddleback’s Illustrated ClassicsTM was designed to acquaint readers with the most famous stories from the world’s greatest authors, while teaching essential skills. You will learn how to:

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William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon, England, the third child of John Shakespeare, a well-to-do merchant, and Mary Arden, his wife. Young William probably attended the Stratford grammar school, where he learned English, Greek, and a great deal of Latin. Historians aren’t sure of the exact date of Shakespeare’s birth. In 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. By 1583 the couple had a daughter, Susanna, and two years later the twins, Hamnet and Judith. Somewhere between 1585 and 1592 Shakespeare went to London, where he became first an actor and then a playwright. His acting company, The King’s Men, appeared most often in the Globe theater, a part of which Shakespeare himself owned. In all, Shakespeare is believed to have written thirty-seven plays, several nondramatic poems, and a number of sonnets. In 1611 when he left the active life of the theater, he returned to Stratford and became a country gentleman, living in the second-largest house in town. For five years he lived a quiet life. Then, on April 23, 1616, William Shakespeare died and was buried in Trinity Church in Stratford. From his own time to the present, Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers of the English-speaking world.

William Shakespeare

As You Like It



the old Duke

Duke Frederick



As You Like It

many years ago, three brothers lived in a rich country house. the oldest brother, oliver, took care of the house and lands and sent the middle brother, jaques, to school. but he kept his youngest brother, orlando, from getting what was rightfully his. one day orlando spoke with the old servant adam about the unfair way in which his brother oliver treated him.

When my father died he told my brother to raise me well. but he doesn’t care about me. even his horses are treated better than i am!

orlando, a gentle and kind young man, could not understand why oliver treated him so badly. he began planning to take the money his father had left him so that he could leave home and take care of himself.


As orlando was speaking, oliver en-

How dare you say that to me?

tered the garden. what are you

Nothing. I’m not

doing here?

taught to do anything worthwhile!

At that, orlando

Do you want

I am a gentleman.

to fight with

the youngest son


of sir rowland de

grasped his

boys. I only want


to make sure you

arms to keep

listen to me!

him from striking again.

I will give

And you get

Is that the

you part of

away too, old

thanks I get for

me well. Do so,

it. Now let me


all my years of

or give me what is

go, and get

service to your

mine by his will.

out of here!


Our father told you to educate

As You Like It 11

As orlando and Adam walked

What is the

The old duke has

away, oliver called to a nearby

news at the

been sent away



by his younger

The duke’s wrestler,* charles, is waiting

brother, duke FREDERICK. They say he lives like

to see me. bring him

robin hood in the


forest of arden.

Was his

Oh, no. She and the new

But there is some-


duke’s daughter Celia, are

thing else on my

Rosalind sent

like sisters. He wants to

mind. Your youngest

away with

keep them together.

brother, Orlando,


wants to wrestle with me tomorrow. I am older and stronger and I am afraid I might hurt him badly!

* a person who fights others in contests of strength


Yes, I know. but my

Then I will

When charles had left, oliver

younger brother

take care

sat quietly thinking.

hates me. he would

of him once

like to kill me and

and for all.

I don’t know why I hate my

take my fortune.

brother. he is gentle and kind—but that seems to make me hate him all the more.

The following day at the court of duke frederick, his daughter celia walked with her cousin Rosalind. Dear Rosalind,

It is hard for me to be

I wish you were

happy when I think of my

not so sad!

poor father sent away like that.

I am my father’s only child. someday I will own everything that he has and then I will give back to you everything my father has taken.

As You Like It 13

As they were speaking, one of the

At that moment, duke Frederick

duke’s servants came up to the

and several other men drew

young ladies.


Are you staying for

let us

Hello, girls.

Yes, if we

the wrestling match?


have you come


The duke’s wrestler has


to see the

already won against


three young men. he will soon take on another.

You may be sorry. charles could kill this next man. maybe you can get him to give up.

We will try.


So Rosalind and celia spoke to

You are too

Let us ask the


young. He

duke to call off

might hurt

this match!

Are you the young

Yes, I am.

man who wants to

and perhaps

fight charles, the

I can win


against him.

you badly!

I must fight him.

I wish I could

still, I hope your

make you

good wishes will

stronger! But

stay with me. I have

good luck Any-

no one else who



As You Like It 15

With the good wishes of Rosalind and celia in his heart, orlando began his fight with charles.

To everyone’s surprise, orlando

No more, no more! stop the

threw charles so hard that he

fight! the young man has won!

could not get up again. the match had lasted only a few moments.


What is your

Orlando. I am the young-

You father was my enemy. but

name, lad?

est son of sir rowland

you are a brave young man

de boys.

just the same.

Saying this, Duke Frederick turned and

Before orlando could thank

left. but celia and Rosalind stayed to

them, celia and Rosalind

speak to the young man.

walked away.

And I am

My own father

I could not answer the

sorry for my

loved your father

young lady who gave me

father’s bad

dearly. please

this chain. I am afraid I have


take this chain and

fallen in love with her!

wear it for me!

As You Like It 17

Just then one of the servants

But lately Duke

Thank you

walked by. Orlando spoke to him.

frederick has

for your

grown angry with


Which of those

The smaller one

two young

is his daughter

ladies is the

celia. The other

daughter of

is Rosalind,

duke Frederick?

daughter of the

Rosalind because the people love her. I am sure he will take it out on her somehow.

banished* duke.

Meanwhile, Rosalind

My father loved

had also fallen in love

that young man’s

It looks to me

with Orlando. Later,

father dearly.

as if you do too!

when the two girls were alone, Rosalind spoke to celia about him.

* sent away, never to return


Just then Duke Frederick stormed

I do not trust you!

He is no

into the room.

you are a traitor*

traitor, sir,

like your father!

and neither

You must leave

Me, Uncle

here at once,

what have

Rosalind! You will

I done?

am I!

be put to death if you stay!

You must not do this,

You are a fool, Celia!

At this, celia

Father. we are like

As for you, Rosalind,

spoke up.

sisters. I cannot live

leave at once!

without her!

* someone who gives his country’s secrets to an enemy

As You Like It 19

You will not leave When the duke had

here alone, Rosalind.

gone, Celia spoke to

I am going with you.


Together we will find your father in the forest of Arden!

Quickly, the girls got ready to

And my name will no longer be

leave. Rosalind dressed up as a

Celia, but Aliena.** Let us take my

man so that she and Celia could

father’s clown with us. He will come

travel more safely.

if I ask him.

What shall I call you?

I will be Ganymede.*

* a name used in many Greek legends ** This name means someone who has gone away from his native land.


While these things were happening, the older duke, Rosalind’s father, was living in the forest of Arden. Several friends were with him. At least these

I am glad that you

woods are safer

can be happy here.

than the court of Duke Frederick.

The only thing I

I know. your

Take me to him. jaques

don’t like is to

friend Jaques

is one of those

kill the animals

weeps over every

people who enjoys

in this forest

fallen deer.

being sad.

for our food.

As You Like It 21

Meanwhile, Duke Frederick learned that Celia

Send for Oliver, the

had left with Rosalind.

wrestler’s brother. I’ll make him tell us

Someone in my court

Sir, your clown has

must have known

gone away too! And

about this!

one of the court

where they are!

ladies thinks that the young wrestler who fought here may be with them as well!

Orlando of course, was not

I have a little

Very well,

with the girls. But as he returned

money, saved from


home, the servant Adam came out

when I worked for

friend. we

to meet him.

your father. please

will go

take it. . .


You must leave here at

and take me with

once, young master!

you, too! I don’t

Your brother wants to

want to stay here

have you killed!

any longer.


By this time, after a long journey,

As they stood talking, two shep-

Rosalind, Celia, and Touchstone

herdS* passed by. touchstone

the clown arrived at the forest

called to them.

of Arden.


Is there a place


nearby where

If I were not

Home seemed

dressed like a

better than

we can find

man, I would cry

this place.

food and a

like a woman.

But travel-

place to sleep?

But we must be

ers must

brave, Aliena.

take what they find.

I have nothing, sir, and

But his land, his

That sounds like the

my master will not help

cottage, and

very thing for us.


his sheep are

please buy everything,

for sale.

and we will repay you.

Then you can be our shepherd, and we will pay you well.

* people who take care of sheep

As You Like It 23

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest,

But I think

Well, I’ll

some of the duke’s men found jaques.

I’ll try to

go back to

get some

the duke.

sleep right

our meal


is ready.

We have been

I have spent all

looking for you

day hiding from the

all day. Come, it

duke. He likes to

is time to eat.

tease me.

Then wait here and

At that moment orlando and the servant Adam had just reached the forest.

Dear master, I can go

rest while I go for-

no farther. I am too

ward and see what I

tired and too hungry.

can find in this wild place. I will search for food and a place for you to sleep.


I’m not sure that he Not far away, the

will come.

duke and his men

Go back and bring

waited for jaques.

him here.

Just then jaques appeared. He

While jaques was speaking,

was very excited.

Orlando suddenly appeared.

I just met a fool in the forest. He was

But who is this?

wearing a clown costume and he told me the time from a sundial* that he carried.

* a circular instrument like a clock face with numbered hours around its edge and a small stick or shaft in the center; when the sun shines, the shadow of the shaft falls on the correct hour

As You Like It 25

Stop! Eat no more! I need some food!

Then we shall help you. We

I am very

are more pleased by gentle

sorry, but I am

manners than by force!

almost dying of hunger.

Sit down then. Welcome

Thank you. But I must

Go, then. We will wait

to our table.

first bring back the

to eat until you both

tired old man who


has followed me so faithfully.


You see, men, we are not

Yes, we are all like

the only people who have

actors. And the life of

suffered. This world is like

every man has seven

a great stage with many

different ages.

different stories taking place upon it.

First he is a baby.

And then a schoolboy.

Next he is a young man who falls in love. Soon he is a soldier. Later he is a man who looks very wise and seems to know all the answers. By this time he has begun to get old, and soon he is an old, old man helpless again, like a baby.

As You Like It 27

Just as Jaques finished, Orlando returned with Adam.

Welcome! set down

I thank

It’s just

your faithful old

you most

as well. I

friend and let us

for him.

am almost

all begin to eat.

too tired to thank you for myself.

Later, as they ate, Orlando

And you, old man, are as welcome

spoke with the duke. when they

as your master! give me your hand

were finished, the duke turned to

in friendship.


And now, young man, if you are truly sir Rowland’s son, you are indeed most welcome. I HAVE always liked your father!


You say you haven’t Meanwhile, back at duke Frederick’s

seen your brother

court, Oliver had arrived at the

since the day of the

duke’s orders.

wrestling match?

Then find him. Bring

I will, sir. I

Then you’re worse

Orlando to me, dead

never loved my

than I thought, But

or alive, or I will take


you’d better find him

everything you own away

for me! He may Know

from you.

where my daughter is!

As You Like It 29

Meanwhile, Orlando

O Rosalind! I shall

and Adam continued

hang a poem about

to live with the old

my love for you

duke and his men in

from every tree in

the forest. during

the forest.

this time Orlando thought only of Rosalind.

As Orlando ran off, touchstone,

I am only a poor shepherd

the clown, drew near with the

and I must work hard. But I

old shepherd.

couldn’t ask for a better

How do you like

It is a good

this simple life,

life. . . for a


shepherd. But I am used to the gentle manners of the court.



Here comes young Master Ganymede, my new mistress’ brother.

“Let no face be kept in mind, But the beautiful face of Rosalind.”

Silly poems

Oh, be quiet, CLOWN-

All the trees

Come, shepherd,

are made

I found this poem

are filled with

let’s leave. I don’t

up by silly

hanging from a tree.

love poems to

like the poetry


My sister seems to


that is growing on

have found one too!

these trees!

As You Like It 31

Do you know

If you know,

He wears a golden

who wrote

tell me!

chain around his


Who is it?

neck that you once wore.

Why, young Orlando, who won the wrestling


How does it happen that he is here? How does he look?

match and your heart

Have you spoken with him?

at the same time.

answer me!


Does he know that I

Quiet! Here he

am in the forest? And


dressed like a man?

And then

I wish you would stop

You should stop


putting those LOVE

reading them. They are

and Jaques

songs all over this

not meant for you!


beautiful forest!

almost to the spot where the girls were standing, hidden by a tree.

Is Rosalind the name

Yes, now leave

of your true love?

me and let me stay and think of her!

As You Like It 33

As Jaques left, Rosalind, still dressed as Ganymede, stepped

You there. What

There’s no

time is it?

clock in the forest!

out from behind a tree.

Well, there is someone here who

I live here with this shepherdess,*

is keeping time like a clock. Every

my sister. If i could find the man

minute he hangs up a new poem to

who is hanging these poems all

his lady.

over our forest, I would give him some advice.**

* a young girl who takes care of sheep ** help, suggestions


I am he. what

Love is a madness which I

can you tell

have cured before. I think


I can help you.


With another man

I teased him until he couldn’t

I pretended to be

stand her anymore. it worked!

the lady he loved.

As You Like It 35

You couldn’t

Oh yes I can!

All right.

I’ll take you

cure me!

you shall call

where do you

there now. will

me Rosalind and


you come?

come to woo* me every day.

I will, with

No, you must call

all my heart,

me Rosalind! Come,

good lad.

sister, let us all go there together.

* court, pay attention to


And so the time passed while Rosalind, dressed as Ganymede, pretended to cure Orlando of his love. Then one day Orlando was late. Don’t say a word,

Men do not

or I’ll cry.

cry, Ganymede.

But why did

It may be that

Yes. I met my father yesterday. He

he promise he

he is not a true

didn’t know me, and he asked who

would come this

lover. Did you

my parents were. I answered that


know that he

my father was as good a man

then not come?

lives here with

as he. But why talk of fathers?

your father

Where is Orlando?

and his men?

As You Like It 37

But Rosalind was not the only

Sweet Phebe,

I don’t want

unhappy loveR. at that moment,

please do not

to hurt you,

Corin, the old shepherd, came up

push me away. I

Silvius. I just

to them with a sad story.

would die for

don’t want to

Mistress and master,

your love.

be near you.

come with me to see a poor shepherd whose lady does not love him.

Rosalind felt sorry

You foolish shepherd,

for the shepherd and

why do you follow her

stepped forward.

around like that? She isn’t that pretty. And you, shepherdess, you should be giving thanks for a good man’s love.


But Phebe was more interested in

Dear lady, don’t start

“Ganymede” than by his words.

falling in love with me. I don’t like you at all! Come,

Sweet youth,*


I would rather hear you scold me than hear this shepherd’s words of love!

So Ganymede and aliena left. But

Then phebe wrote a letter of love

phebe did not intend** to give up.

to Ganymede.

Silvius, since you

Take this to that

speak of love so

rude young man. I’m

well, I will use

telling him what bad

you to help me

manners he has!


* young man ** plan, mean to do something

As You Like It 39

Later, still waiting for

I hear that you are

Yes, I am. I like

a very sad man.

sadness better

Orlando, Rosalind spoke

than laughter.

with Jaques.

I grow sad when I think

You probably

Yes, that is true. I

of all my travels.

sold all your

have paid a high price

lands in order to

for my travels.

visit other men’s Lands.


Good day,

Now that the


dear Rosalind.

poet is here,

traveler! And

I must leave.

where have

Just then Orlando arrived.

you been,

Rosalind was


angry with him for being late.

My fair

A true lover

Pardon me,

No, you’re

Rosalind, I

would not be

dear Rosalind.

much too

am only an

even a minute

late! I would

hour late.


rather be courted by a snail!

As You Like It 41

But Rosalind’s love for Orlando would

Then love me,

not allow her to stay angry.


I will, every day.

But now that you’re here, my anger is fading away and I am in a holiday mood. Ask me whatever you like.

And will you marry me?

Yes, I

Orlando wanted to play their game


through to the end. Aliena,

I don’t

marry us.

know the words.

You begin with, “will you, Orlando, take Rosalind for your wife?”


Will you, Orlando, And so Orlando

take Rosalind for

and Rosalind

your wife?

I will.

pretended to be married. Celia was the preacher.

But the pretend marriage was not enough for Rosalind. She wanted to keep Orlando near her forever. Now I must go and

Do not be late!

dine with the duke.

Otherwise I will

I shall return by

truly think you

two O’clock.

are a promisebreaker.

* not good enough for

If you come one minute late, I will say you are not worthy* of the lady you call Rosalind!

As You Like It 43

When Orlando had left, Celia spoke roughly

I cannot bear to be

to Rosalind.

out of his sight! I’ll go and find a tree to sit

You have let this game

Oh no, cousin! If

go too far!

you only knew

under until he returns.

how much I love him!

But two hours passed, and Orlando did not return.

It is after two

Maybe he went to

O’clock! where

take a nap after

could he be?



Later Silvius

Fair youth, my

came by to see

gentle phebe


asked me to bring you this letter.

She calls me proud

I don’t know

and rude and says

anything about

she could never

it. Phebe wrote

love me! Did you


write this?

Poor shepherd, you have

Oh, you poor

Go back and tell

been tricked! phebe


phebe that if she

really sent you to carry

loves me, I order

a love letter to me!

her to love you!

As You Like It 45

When Silvius had gone, more time

Orlando asked me to bring

passed, and still Orlando did not

this bloody handkerchief to

appear. But his brother Oliver came

the boy he calls Rosalind.

by. Rosalind and Celia, of course, did not know WHO he was. Good morning. I seek a young man and his sister who live near

You have found them.


I must tell you about myself and why I have brought this to you!

* wound together like a rope

“On his way here, Orlando saw a ragged man sleeping under a tree. A snake lay coiled* Close to his neck, ready to strike.”


“Though he saw that

“Just then a lioness*

this man was his evil

attacked, and Orlando

brother, Orlando

drove her off with his

drove away the

bare hands. His arm

snake to save his

was clawed and he

brother’s life!”

lost some blood, but he will soon be all right again.”

“Orlando took me, his

Yes, I am Orlando’s older

evil brother, to the

brother Oliver who once

duke, who welcomed

mistreated** him. But now I

me and gave me fresh

am a changed man.

clothing. Then ORLANDO sent me to tell you the story. He wanted you to forgive him for being late.”

* female lion ** harmed, treated badly

As You Like It 47

Why, Ganymede! He’s fainted!

Be sure you tell your brother how well I pretended to faint.

Well, some

Come, young

That is so, I

people faint

man. You’re not


when they

as strong as a

see blood.

man should be!

And I must Come, let’s

take Rosalind’s

go home,

message to



yes, please do.

* agree, say something is so


Not long afterward, Oliver shared a

I am going to give you our

secret with his brother.

father’s house and lands. I will marry aliena and live

Can it be that

It’s true. I

you are so

love Aliena.

here as a shepherd.

much in love already?

Just then Rosalind came by, still dressed as Ganymede.

Hello, my

My greater hurt

friends. I hear

was done by a

you were hurt by


a lion, Orlando.

As You Like It 49

Oh, yes your

He told me even

I Know. your brother and my sister


better things

no sooner met but they fell in

And did your

than that. Oliver


brother tell

loves Aliena.

you of my pretended faint?

They shall be married tomorrow. At least my brother will be happy. I wish I Could be.


Then tomorrow

No, I can’t

Hearing this, Rosalind Suddenly

I cannot play

pretend any

got another idea.

Rosalind for



Look, when I was very young, I worked with a good magician* and I know his secrets. Since you are so in love with Rosalind, You will marry her at the same time your brother marries Aliena!

Do you mean it? That’s wonderful!

Just then Silvius and phebe arrived.

Young man, you were

I care not what you

wrong to show Silvius

think. you have your

the love letter that I

faithful shepherd. You

wrote to you!

should love him, not

* one who performs magic tricks


As You Like It 51

Look upon him,

Silvius, tell this

It is to be all made up of

love him.

young man what it

sighs and tears. this is

feels like to be in

what I feel for phebe.


And I for Ganymede.

And I for

And I for no




It is to wish to serve the one you love. And this is the way I feel about Phebe.

And this is the

And this is

And I don’t feel that way

way I feel about

the way I

about any woman.


feel about Rosalind.

As You Like It 53

It is to be made up of dreams and of wishes. And this is the way I feel about phebe.

And this is the way I feel about Ganymede.

And this is the way I feel about Rosalind.

And I don’t feel that way about any woman!


If what he says

If What I say

is true, why do

is true, why do

you blame me

you blame me

for loving you?

for loving you?

If what he says is true, why do you blame me for loving you? Forgive me, Ganymede, but I am speaking to my absent* Rosalind.

* not present, away

As You Like It 55

Rosalind decideD that she wOUlD end her game and solve everything at

Listen, that’s enough! Tomorrow let us all meet here together.


I will marry you,

I will make you

If I ever marry

happy, if any man

any woman, and

has ever been

I’ll be married

happy. And you


shall be married tomorrow.


And if what you love is what makes

And if you, Silvius, and you,

you happy, I will make you happy.

Orlando, are both as much in love

You will be married tomorrow.

as you say, you will not fail to meet me here tomorrow.

If I am alive I will not fail to be here!

Nor I!

Nor I!

As You Like It 57

Overjoyed,* Orlando went straight to the duke and told him what

Do you believe

Sometimes I

that he can

do and some-

do all that he

times I don’t.


Ganymede had said.

Later, Ganymede himself cAme by.

Indeed I will, though I wish I had my lands to give with

do you agree that if I bring your daughter Rosalind here, you will give her in marriage to Orlando?

* very happy



And, you Or-

Oh, yes, I

You say you’ll

That I will,

lando, will

will, with all

marry me, if I

even if I

marry her when

my heart.

be willing?

should die

I bring her

the hour



But if you refuse to marry

You say that you’ll

Yes, even if

me, will you marry this

marry phebe if she

I had to die

faithful shepherd?

will have you?

for it!

Yes, I will.

At that, Ganymede left and went to join Aliena.

As You Like It 59


Rosalind went first to the duke.

Then she went to Orlando. To you I give

To you I give myself, for I am your daughter.

myself, for I will soon be your wife.


You’re a woman! I

I told

I’ll have no father,

can’t marry you!

you so!

if you ARe not he.

I’ll have no husband,

And I’ll never marry a

if you ARe not he.

woman—as you can see!

As You Like It

O my dear niece, you are most welcome today;

And I will not go back on my word. I am yours, silvius.

and my own daughter, more welcome than I can say.

And so, just as Ganymede had promised, all the couples were married in the forest of arden.



Sir, some time ago Duke Frederick And then, into this happy group more good news was brought by young Jaques, the brother of Oliver and Orlando. He spoke to the duke.

Started out for the forest of Arden with armed men. He wanted to capture or kill you. But on the way he met a holy man who spoke to him about his evil ways.

Now Duke Frederick wants to change his life. He has decided to leave this world for a life of prayer, and he has restored* to you all your lands.

* given back

Welcome! you bring good news and joy to the wedding of your brothers!

As You Like It

And now, before we leave this happy forest, let us enjoy the evening together. Let no one be sad!


As You Like It

Saddleback’s Illustrated Classics™


As You Like It

Orlando makes his way to the court of Duke Frederick, and falls desperately in love with the Duke’s niece, Rosalind. Meanwhile, in the Forest of Arden, the Old Duke is living peacefully after having his throne usurped by his brother, Frederick. Orlando learns about a threat on his life and flees to the forest. Shortly thereafter, Rosalind is banished by her uncle and also seeks safety there disguised as a boy. Will the Old Duke recognize his daughter? Will the lovers be reunited?

As You Like It

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