War Diary - May 1940 [PDF]

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I ( ~f


100M-1l-39 (3070) (B.Q. 1772-39-1658)



(Strike out where not applicable)


_.................................... ..........

.. .....TllE ...S.EAEQRTH.!iIG.lI.!..AlJD.l.mS ..Q!'.... C.ANADA,...................

,....c.::L. ..~. .l,L... . .

FROM .........................l ....Ma.y.., .... 4.0............................................. TO .................... 3.1 ...IYlay..J .... 4.Q..,.......................................... .

VOLUME ......2., ...... FOLIO



/ I.J



( f

Instructions regarding preparation or War Diaries: (which will be kept trom: first dayot mobilization Ql' embod1Jiellt) are contained in FoS. legs .. 'Yolo 1. SEC RET. (Title pages ~111 be prepared)


Morva1 Vi. Barracks,




M.P' .11. 11. A.F.C. 211S

or Original~

(erase heading not required)

Summary 6f Events and Intormtion "

-- --.

1 , l.\ay.40



dUplicate aDd triplicate

to be forwarded to 0.i1o 2nd Echelon tor disposal. Remarks-~


Normal training during morning and Coy. Sports eliminations; Regimental Sports Day. Sports were won by C Coy., having eleven more points than A Coy. The prizes were presented by Col. B.W. Sansome, D.S.O. - Authority received for one week's privileged leave. 15% of Battalion left for leave. " Capt H.B. McIntyre attached to H.Q. 1st Canadian Division as Liason Officer. 13attnlion Order No. 115, Parts I, and II. Issued, attached hereto Diary completed by A Coy. from 3 Oct . 39 to 11 Jan. 40 attached hereto as Iiotice re. Field Sports attached hereto as lH:rJle18fial

tQp88P& _~8::paiBg ,plw!lle~eel

lea, e




1700 1800



Appendix 3. Appendix 4. AfJfJend!JE·,. Appendix 6.

.'b~aehed Aere~e H

Battalion "R" Group rendezvous at Pystock Wood to receive orders from Brigade Commander regarding Attack behind a Barrage tactical exercise. Battalion "0" Group rendezvous at Pyest.ock ~iood to receive Commanding Officer's Orders. Operation Order attached hereto as The exercise was completed by 1300 hrs , when hot lunch was served in the field. Commanding Officer then gave a talk to all ranks regarding Artillery Barrages and discussed points noted on the scheme. A conference of all Officers and P.S.M.ts, 2nd Int. Bde., was held in the O:fficers' Mess, Edmonton Regt , to discuss weaknesses in the above tactical exercise. A con:ference of Commanding Officers, Adjutants and Transport

- - --- -

rete?eJlcsa to

Append. & Initials.

Appendix 1.

, .ldershot Command Map, 1 inch to Mile, attached hereto as 2 May.


Appendix 7.





Instructions regarcliuc prep~~t10n of liar Diaries: (which will be .kept t1rs~ day ot mobilization or _bocUlum) are ccmta.inad in F.S. Iec-o Yolo 1.




M.J' .M. 11.

A.F.C. 2118


Original, duplicate aDd tripllcate to be forwarded to 0.i1a 2nd Eohelon tor disposal.


(Tino pag•• ,,111 be pl.'epared l





Events and IntorDlltion '

Off1cers was held regardIng the proposed visIt ot HIs ExcellencyThe Earl of Athlone, Ciov -Gen. Designate of Canada and H.R.H. Pr1ncess Alice, Countess of Athlone . . Battalion Order rio. 116, Parts I. and II. Iss~ed attached hereto

3 May


'. "'·: ethod . ~>~fljor !~r


Ap;endI:x 9 •

Carlpbell and 1arbuck, P.S .tL's attended a luncheon at the s., Camberle1t to discuss a - 7 ~ay,40.


J, . U


"es o~ t tactic 1 cl to b e 0 A cocktail party was held in the Officers' !;tess or tho Edoonton Rect. and our Unit, which was a great success anarty under oommana. ot Lt. H.J~. Snider oOl18ist1ng ot Capt. D.O. HuttOD an4 26 0iR' a WIlS lett in camp. The strength ot the Battalion mov1nr, to Tllahead . . . 24 Off1oers, 696 0iRt II and ,2 attaohe6 P.A.S.C. Dr1vers. The heed ot , At 'F.ohelon tranaport passed start line. Operation Order attaohed her-Jto ae Batta110n arrived at Tl1shead Camp. The balanoe ot the day W8S spent 1n I'.A.D. preoaut1ons and organizat1on ot the Camp. C.O. and 1.0. arrived at Point 592. Map salisbury Pla1n 1"-1 mile, 3866, where Br1gadier G.H. I'earkes, V.C. ,D.S.O. ,H.C •• issued preliminary ordars tor the oocupation ot 8 defensive posit1on by the Brigade, p.r.C.L.I. to torm the enemy, on 21 ~'ay, 40. C.O. and 1.0. made 8 ~:eoonnalssanoa and returned to Ti18hend Camp at 1800 brs. C.O., T.O. and Tpt. :~r:t. attended a oonf'erenoe at 2 edn. Int. T,de. reviewing move by !.~.T. Map ot Sa11sbury 1'181n attaohed hereto aa T .A.D. meBsures attuched hareto a. Points ar1s1ng trom Brigade move in M.'r' ••ttaohed bereto as Hear l'arty, Order No.1. ran 1 Issued, attached hereto •• Battalion lett Tl1ahead Camp by 'bUB, debussed at ,46643 am moved to Assembly !-rea }b46b,. arr1ving at 1000 hrs. c.o. and Adjutant attended Br1gade Commander'a conferenoe at advanoed Brigade E.~. \-., hen order . were 188ued tor ocoupation ot detena1•• poaition. Brigade Operat1on Order attaohed hereto aa Battalion Operat1on Order attaohed hereto as

Appendix 59.

APpendix.60. Appendix 61. Appendix 62. Appendix


Appendix 64. Appmdlx 6.5.

Instrwtiona rep1:'diDi propf1~t1on or War - • A R It I A • Y Diaries: (wh1ohw111. be)'ept. troa tirft day ot mobilization csr e.bodiJli,dt} are COILta1llacl or in '.S. Jt.... Tol. 1. S r c r: FT. I~\J[JDt~XI:m~X&JIII(I". S U II. II A R Y (Title _ . ';111 be p_srod) (orase beadiDg DOt xequ1re4)

•• P.ll. 11. A.l!'~C.

OrigiDal, duplicate 8lUl. triplicate to be forwarded to a.i1c 2D4 Eohelon for disposal"





Events and Intorlll t ion '


~ ~

.. •






1645 1800

C.O.'a oonterene••




21}O 2200 22}O

22 "



u.oO 0500


~ •


noon __1 .... oheertull7 reo.l ved by ·all ranks. .5 prisoners trom the p.p.e.L.I. were 1Aterroptec1 and 1t . 41IJcoyered that they.ere from the QJl,arterlDl\ater'. departlMnt and were 108t trylng to 100ate BrIgade H.Q.. O.F. #1 established on lett flank ~Dd O.F. #2 ostabllshed on right




C.O. 18au84 Ordera to coy. C()WMn4wa. C~Y •• oa.lenoed to take up deten.l.e poaltloD uDder GOyer ot fire .tI"Olll Carr ler , Platoon. .All Coy•• In poaltion aa per attaohec1 aleetah. FatlOJl truoka arrived, haviD@ been delayed. The arriyal ot the



AppendIx 66 ,


Appendix 67

operation Order attaOhed h.-eto a. Dlgsi~ aotl.lty observed in enemy lolnea. w_ther rainy. Coy. Commendera' oonterenee. ~3tanc1-To. all ranks. 2 0, Rt II trom I.Section taken prIsoner by enemy. Stand-Down •

All COY8. spen.t the night d1gging end ·w1r1ng. cons1dering the co14 aid rain.

\k)rale was Hoelle t .

-;ear Part¥, Order No·. 1... rart II 18sued,=obe4 hereto a. FIghting r'atrol trolD D "oy. penetrated lett tlank am returned without oasualties. stand-To. 3tand-Down.

Re&a;r'D,ret..~.a to Append. & Initials .

bra. .....

'rbe carrier Platoon aoted as an Advanced Guard aDd at 1000 repertaa to be bald up by tile en~. c.O. aDd I.C. lIDYed torw.rd to reoonnoltre a- I position. The remaindar ot the

Battallon mowed to aD advaDoed


2 pr1sonera rel_ae4 by enemy and returned. w_pon Pita oompleted aDd Co~.: areaa protected byi 'a1~f) 0011! of oon~rtl_ w1re. ~

Appendix 68.


Instrwtiona re~1Q1prep~~tioD. or war .. W A. R DI A• Y Diart es: (which will. b~.1'.pt trait tirst; day ot mobil1at1oiL or _bodWllt) are cCIIltunacl or in1!'.S . . . . . " Tolo 1. S '£, C E ~ '1'. :IJi\'»~~ StJllllARY


(Titl. pqes w111 be prepared)

, Place

(erase heading not required)





Original, duplicate ~ triplicate to be forwarded to O.i1a 2nd Eohelon tor disposal.

Events and :rntol"Dllt1on ' .

., 1000

K.lP.ll. 11. A..F.C. 211S

- --



1900 .

weather oloud1_CD4 oold, Yialbl1Ity poor •

~~ear cas. The attack • • repulaed w1thOut oaaual.tIea. A o04terenoe . .8 he14 ot the BrIgade 00-.04.. , C.o. aDd AaJlltaat l'lh.n ordere were 1asued tor a raId with the aupport ot an art!ll


. ,

Opnratlon Order attaohed hereto aa . Air t photos ()C en.., trenoh. . reoel...e4. , ~n~ obaer.ed digging-1n and ~lr1Dg po8itions.

A reh-.raal of the raId . . a oarr1e4 out in rear ot C Coy. posit1on, riaidlD6 par\y OQnaieted or Lts. A.B. Campbell and H.W.J. Paterson llDd 60 0, It' c:. c1iyi4ed 1nto t"our patrols. StaDel-To.


1:a1diDg puty moYed t.o


Appendix 69 •

C.O. and 1.0. or EdmOnton Hegt. rude reoo~.I.eanoe ot Battalion tront. PreparatioU .... _4. tor the artillery Barr:.-ige aDd Orders leaned to o.c. ·0· coy. with regard to raid to b. carrIed out at 2}OO br a.

-21}0 22}J

Rema;rks-, reter&aa.• a to Append. & Initials.

Enemy attacked our rJ,pt flank with Carriara IIDd lDtantrl" and used




stand-Down • ~{ai41ne


rarty Jump.d

start line.


W_tber olear with oright soon .


~j9r UoBrld81 H.,.f .t.l1. (M.G.) _de reoonNl188&DOe

ot Battalion· oni~ " . ~;~~ . A f'l.f;htlne pIllioro1 trOll D Coy. returned ba.Ing penetrated enemy 1 .t . flank and oaptured · two prl50nera. The renaln4er of the Battalion oontinued d1gging aDd wiring. Morale .a. exoellent. Appendix 70. Code names attaohed hereto as A.ppendix 11. Rear Party. Order No.2, Part 11 I&sued, attaohed !I. . .to •• e COl. ralcU.ng party returned. Ttre l"&1d _a suoo.aetul and the eIlelD¥ were bombed out or the trenches which had te.n 11~htly hud. ,our oaau.altl,,& 1 Oi~. i ' !



" r

DIA.RY Instr\lCtiona re~i"pr8~ratio.n at War .'. A R Diari es: (whioh ..i~lbe_k$lit from first day ot mobil1zation (If' em.bocl1Jieilt) are caa.ta1na4 or in F.S • •ep .. Tol .. 1. SEC R ~ T. ~~~. . . . . S tI)lIlA R Y (erase heading not required) (Title pages ~111 be prepared)

•• 1'.K. U. A.F .C. 211.8

Original, duplicate BDd triplioate to be forwarded to 0.110 2nd Eohe"loll tor disposal.


Remaru. p referenaea to

, Place

. summary Of Events and Inf'ormtion ' _ ~ Append. & Initials. Date ~ --_4------_+-------------------------------------&~-----------------------+---------------------

__________ __

.,01}O 0400 0500 0800

1000 lj-'~. ~ 1 C~'1.. DL-. by 1 J~"1. 40 c..s to tho c1osi:ro..bilil-Y-:Jf incluc~inc c.. sc .~ ut officer [tS D, perI:1.~tnC;n t part of the InfE':n tr~r B,:" ttc..lL:m Intellic,oncG Suctions.

() () , J\1

Q\.!, ~v.A " ~'I t:,l (G. 1;. Turn or) Livut.-C '.1 1 . nol" G. S., 1 C(b. Div.



1 Clm. Inf. 3-' c_ II 2 !


:5 If " File Wc..r Di[\r"J"r

~ '-'


" -- 55 "


2 3

c (" Pios i,





- - ,-; ,...--~-









. . -- . .


O'.;inG to 'lnrga nU...D.'Qers of men a . . Jay on leave, train:i.ng -,iaS, to a c2rtain Qxte~t, !nterrllpt~d~ In sone cases it was necessary to combine co,:~panies and platoons.

tIt (a) -j?ielr:.. Tl~cJ-2:1'il1~ T::lO cO;':,:'Jsi to caI~D~~nles 0artici":JQ ted i!: n t~~~;.~­ sic~ed e::3I cisa G.~ai_~l8t 2 r/8:s1~ Gl:"lards. T:~is .~n:tailcd i:. IG-:-2il~ Karch to Thursley Ca;::p 70, bi VO:.1.ac there and opera ti·~:l.s tL2rc t~--..e -. 1 O';;2.f1.Z . d ay. ,-,., . ,"ras .J.. O~-LGrr2 1'" d -oy a re t urn ;'S.arCll - .t;,... I O..L LUS Q ,",c.:::}: r' 'u""'\ ': ..'1d 1


iTOV".o,1-""'C1-...u. _ ucc __

to I3a.,.,rac' ...... .J.. .i.~;;'

A""'" .,.':- 1""!1 iJ) ~,.,.!.,

"·"!=IY"l.11'''r .1._'.!r; ,--'I~C'~ .11_""- 1... raflects cre:.c1i t Ol~

ft1he .i.~...

ceedGc1 ilf

...;k.' .... _ '"'

0-;-1...-·' uller

"' . . . ' ...

S;....C -

r-> rc:!"d~.'

cG..r~::'"ir1.g Ol~.t t~' ~a 51'10;7 5c~rl:.r tr:t:"'::~~:.~. Great initiative ~as sho~m by SUb-coLillanders and~en. Our r[r~i2S [lolc tl~e illi tia ti -\t~ tll.ra"Ll~~~l:rt-;_ t, -tG t:~a 8J.:t211 t tl-~a t t~e G[,.:.3~'::~ -2r~~ cOllvinced tLs. t the:'" '.fers faced -,-;i ti-l Eany ti~:les OFT nu!::8er. For CC21pc·sl-;;e cC~~;-1~;[i~liGs, gro2 t 23 pri t-d.e-ccrr:; "~':as S~-lO\in, 8::C:~ ~~C~:l ~~I(Jrl:iIl[ ~n ::;~r= -:)n~7' y.-lt::-: llis r:ei3:1~')0r. ;Lc.~i:~=-str~~ti·:")rl f~-,~_j-.!.Ct~·2:-l:3d 7.

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r:::f:c:~~:r", ~~:r()::§;~O:_~:,,!,?-~_:_~~C~le2:e ::2~C. a _sali..i.t::r:r effsct C:.l cc:~:=-dc~_c·~ ~_~


cl,. •


,,",.~Cl.-'--C:" ~ .. ~~"~t.

A 3att8_1ion. JCll~L!e ::.~1'" ce~?~c!},. '";,,:::2_t,~, ,_cr2':i~-3.1 ::~..r~d e~l-:~n___ ss::":-'..·~' t·']'J:: ::· :~C2.

7:1is ~;as :i;;r-c:"1 to ~)ri::1L Q:_~t t". }8 :'~='-:·3 ·':r-:-_S: ::'il~st, t~~ ·~·t ,,-,.-:-~ :_.W 3~ .~' ..... C01.l'cr fl"O~1 ail~, 2~d Soco~:·::L, PIa t '~:':'ll s~-:.d i3 .2,C tiCTi CO;-} :.s.~1a. v.

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