Vassilios Christides, The Conquest of Crete by The Arabs (Ca. 824) - A Turning Point in The Struggle Between Byzantium and Islam (1984) [PDF]

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Νicοlho]οs Ρhοcιιs 1ttacking 1he casιΙe ofchandax. λ{Ιj ol SkyΙilzes. l:ltιt cenlυτyΝationιl LibΙary oΓ ΝΙadΙid, coιlrιesy photo,






- 1984

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1. !2.ι

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what excυSe Shxll ι!ο haνe ι) οΙfcΓ, whaι Γespons. oγeι the headS of mankindl (ΙbΠ ar'Rnmi' tr1ns. Λ, J, Λτberrr),


giνc. whcΠ

ιιc ltΙc nΙτΙnoned

ΡRΕFΑCΕ bγ thε AuthoΓ Τhe conqιlest o1 creιe by lhe Moslems o1 Spain (ca, 82a) \γaS a heaνy bΙow ιo ιhc ByΖaΙtiΙe Emp]Ιe, Τhe toss οf this island. cουp1ed ιlith the conquesι of Siοity by lhc λ1oS1ems of Νofth Africa three qυarteιs ol a c€ΙtuΓy ]ateι (9ο2). ο!erturned the pΙecarious cqui|ibΙiιlnr \hich hffd cxisι.d bcιιeen B}lantiuΙn anιt Ιslam, Τaking {dνnDιage of the ιjazzΙiog oppoΓtuιrity of1ιΙed to them by the revolι of ThomaS, the AndaΙιsian conquerors ofcrete ntanaged ιo buiι] a γast navy and to esιabΙ]sh a lct\ιoιk οΓ peΙmanelΙτ naιa. baSes in lhc AcgeaΠ sea, ιhough oΓ]ginally tlrcy wcΓc noι ιt scafaring pcopιe, Ιn oΓdcr ιo fncc this foΙnΙidablc nalal Moslem State and to coιιrΙeΙ Ιιids in ιhc Αegcan Sea by ιhc oιhcr Ν1osleln f|οιi||as liom Fiιimid ΛΓτica, Εgypt ind SyΙia. By7antiυn.. reoΙganized iιs navy in ιire ninιh centuΙy and adjιιsted ris ΙaΙal sιraιegy to ιhe neιν .ondi, ιioΠS. MoreoveΓ. tsyzanιium repeatedιy took the offensiνe.ιnd tΙjed to destΙoy MoslcΙι cιcte itscιf, ιγhjch foι alnrοst a cεnιuΙy and a ]rali (ca.82496l) thrcaιlrned itS !erΙ PΙioΙ tο thc pιcscnι sιudy, Do boοk has ιιcaιcd the subject of ιhe ΕmiΓalc oΓCιctc as a \νhoΙe, a1ιhοιgh νarbus atpccιs o1.this sυbjecl have been studied bj, M, C.ιnaΓd. C, c. Ν1iΙes, Ε. \ι' BΙooks, ]ν1, CaspaΙ N, Ρana-\,otakes. M. ι. Dachraoui. A, Taybi, S. M ΙmaΙnudin. N. ΤomadakeS. J, Aguad6. K, M. setton, H ' AhΓινεi1eΓ. Ε, Εickhofl and oιheΓs

bib]iogrlphy), Ι. Papadopou1os, book..H Kρητη ιlπδ τoιζ Σαρακηνon. (AthenS, ]94t). 1S Skcιchy. MoΓc (selιι is G, Schlιrmberger'S ΙolΙlnljc accouDt of Njce, phoΓos Ρhocas'expediιioD in CΓeιe in hjs Un empereuΙ b'γzantin lu Χe. s i θ c | ο (ΡariS, 1890),which is faυlted, neverτheless, by m.]n} jnaccuracies, l, GhunayΙn,s disscrιaιion, Α ιΙ m b a r . 1 ι] Ι i y a lι aΙ-Bizanti}ιlι ιν.ι Qιit a1-ιSlιιmi js r .t h ιJedda. l977). lcruaΙ])'a summaιl' οΓ Sch]umbeΙgcr,s book' ι\ith a fe\γ addiιions (See

After a cursoΓy eΙamiΙatiοn oft1re ιetevanι soΙrces, ιhis sιιιdy ιιiiI discuss lhc nιγaΙ sιrcDglh οΓ ιhe ByznDtincs and thεir Moslen adversaries, lι tυrn Moslem creιe \ιiιl be e1anrined as a ciνi]ized MosleΙn sιaιe, not Ιs a c.Jrsniιls nesι as it iS so often. υηjustly, considθΙed, Τhe ethnic aιld Ιe]igioυS c}angeS broυghι aboυt by the Andatιιsian Mosιcπs' pΓcscncc in cΓete \νill be studied based on 1he 1imited information aνai]abΙe in ιhe Sou.ceS, UιrΙbrtunately' liιt]e hxs ΓcΙnnjncd Γιom lhc Γ|ouΙishin8 Mos|em ciνilization ofcrete' one disιingυiShed iΙ afιS and ]etιerS, what liιtle we kιro$' abοuι it ΙΙιiinly dcΓjγcs fΙoΙΙ A Γabic sourccs. Ιn addition' the few monυnrcnts ιhaι betray traces of ιhe possibΙe impact of Mosιem CΙe(an ciliιiz,Ιιion wil| be cλamincd, and bricΙ ΓetcΓences \.!iιl be made b somc οther ByΖanιine monυments seeming]y inΓluenced by ιhe aτt o1. Moslem cΙele. FinaΙΙy the emergence of MoSΙemcrete and its falιwiΙL be diScussed ιν]ιhiιr its broader inteΓnationaι

Ιt shoιι|d bc ΙΙenιioncd ιcrc ιhιι MoslcΙΙ cΓοιc has usuιlly bccn considcrcd as one of ιlΙe Ιrreanest Mos]em States. Τhjs νie\γ iS nοt based on the aclιιal situation in cτete, buι is rooted υpon the exaggeΙations of Byzantine authoΙS, Ι canrrot τecaιΙ a more strikiΙg exanrplc oε iιιccoDci]ab|c diΓfcΓcnces beιwccn lhο A.ιbiο ιιnd the CΙeek sοuΓces. For the Byzantines, as \νe]l aS lbr x number οΓ modern B}antine hislorians, MosΙem cΙeιe was the πeanest MosΙem Staιe, a nest of bΙoodthirsti, pirates] foΙ τhe Arab aυτhors iι ιιas a |ald of illυSιΓious men. Ιn a fjeld so ofιcn γcicd by thcsiS-nrοngεring and γiΙu|cnι paιιisanShip, nry cπdcaνoΓ throυgbouι wil] be ιo p]ace this criιica] theater οΓ the ongοing Byzantincjs]amic Struggle in a bΙoadeΙ, more syΙnpathetic perspective, ΙeS]sιing SchoΙarΙy and eιhnocentric preconccplions $hiΙe bringiΙrg into p1ay a rnore eΙtensive raΙrgc ol sources,i.e,, GΙeek, Αrabic

V. Chrislides Uniγersity of Αιhens

Λ( KNo\γLΕ DGt:Ιl L.ΝT ]n thc suΙnnrcι of i980 aι ιhc Ιhis boοk \νns planncli and its f]Γst ι1r!lι 'ιaS \1riιιen .,].,],":' Ι \ιοuld lik: ]:]ι)li:::l r"ui..,.]ι". ,ιa**ω Stuι]y (Ρrinceιoi, Νe" Jersο}), granι\\hiclr].cnabIed tlle ιixγel a'"ιιι1ing me a .., .,'".i"in.',ni ..,*,ι;or.-.,i Aιtrens foι Foιnι]aιioi. the oΓ ιhanks ιl ιllι diιecωr ιo the Lτjriιed Statcs, Ιn paιlcuιar t c,ipιeSs Ιny εncouΓagenreΠι, and D.. " . D, Laιsclr' lor his k]nd rntcren i1e ιo the lnst ιι|tξ g."ι.πr ι, Ρrofs, κ, λl, Sειοn and ι], l.-e\Ιis Ιor inliιirrg iaΙn teache] ^r,o ξ.ο,. l,m plrticι.l.r|ly iidebιcd iο ΡΙo|, B, l'c\νiS, thε siinrul3ιing τo ni! ,ι. nJ",,'..i pΙoper the Φpιoncn sι rc(s xnd υhο Γirjt ittΙoι]uc.ι] nrc ι] the Study of Arabic

'o''".o,. o. G.abal (H.trνaΓd UΠivεrsiιy) xnd c. λ1xιrgo (oΧ|oΓd 9,t:".'ll]] :Ι::".:ι ο11 ccrιaii B)'zιnnne nroΙ ." ι,""r,ωl" xdliccοnlhe posSib!e jnΓhcncc of voiΙenr aιι Dι, M, Mι|in- oΓ.ιhc Hitρι1οUDiγcΓriιJ ιl1 ω ιιaarπ; οr. A, ZaΓraga ιιd N'Ι r, γ. Kaιsxι]s of thc Ma|ιeZου of ιhc N.tιional' llelIeni' ^*'ii''i'i"i. t:,"".l"'""i'.ι δr' Λ, ιfarkopoulοs 1nd ΡΓο|.. Ch, Dr, T, Ko|1iιs oΙ thc UDiνcΙsit,ν oiΙoanninl: ReSυιιrch Foundιt]on: Prof, Ε' ChryjoS alιr L, Molcboιr. Unilcrsiιy of ι]ιahi and ιhθ xΓchιeologisι MrS, nn-^"", ω .l"i,',, ]rsougaraιis 'sonrc useΙul cοιΙof 'he o\fo|d UniνeΙsity ι'es kiid enough to mιke οι1y wxrnl ι1aDκS, nrcnts on my \'ork. Τo 3]l ol thcω Ι express ιhc GΓeek Λοademy: ιhe 1aιe Prot τhanks a.c aιSο duc lo 1hc pΙoΙlrInenι rnen]beΙs οf publicaιioι Zak)ιhiDoS. \ιho rccoωnreΙded ιhe t , Ριnrιes. Pror K. ΤrypaniS ,rnd ΡΓof, D. οΓ this book by the cΙeek Acadenry, my .Γo Proι D, Ζaιyιhinos ι cxpιcss my deepcsι gιaιitude aΙd ιΙlc :endeι γir:sι oa). Ιιs pΙcsenι untiι tiπe ]tis lcarΠcd gurdance thιougn my ιnι1eΓgraduatc giνcn ιo me br Spθcial bib1iοgraphicιl infoΠτι1ion waS


ι shalI ne\er fοrgct' indclaιigab|c aSsisrance and connant eΠcοurageΙnenι Λik, chΙistophiιopoutou tor FiΙalιy Ι shou]d lΙke ιιr cxpιcSS πy g.atεΓιιllrεSS 1o Prot m-Ι work. heΓ kitrdness aΠιΙ inνaluable coΙΙmentl on ιioΠ τhe manuscΓjpι of Sk'νlit7es. a piοιo Τhe ΙΙοnt |.igure is an i|lυ lnanoιr ιa}ien

$'hichwasscnιΦmecoιιΓιesyofιheMυS.υmofλ{adridlhΙoυghτhεkindnessofDr' wcΙe kindιy λ1, λlarin.


.the photos of ιhe goΙden enrrings from τhc Staιhaιos coi|ccιon

;y thc DjΓectoΙ ol ιne laιional

Α|chacoιrgjcal ιιuseυm


Aιhens' t)Γ-

Ιhc Π:]ρS ο| ιlΙeιΙr ctlapι.. \νcιc dΓaψΠ by λ{s, Ιι'Ι, Λnasιopοu]ου o1.lhc \ationιι| GιograPhic SeΓνi.c oΓ GΙ Ι)r' \\:, \ηerλπci'te|. th. ]ibΓι|]ιn 01.ιh. orieΙlι| njcιioo o1.ιhc |ibraΙ} of lhe ι,ni \er\|ιr οlΤιibjlgclr. gencιoUsly prογjdcd nle \ι]ιh photocopics o| sonrc iΒtpοΙtιlι lrateΓiιι Τλe ιc\ι ιrΓtbn.ι|.λ1x|Ιqati S Α 1' A h k.ι m ψasρΓolidcdto ΙΙc by Ρrοι.' \1' ιlaΓ]dr, Τλe ΠranuScripι Wιs lΙped nΠd pιoo1.r.nd b,". my ιΙi1ι Εuriιlice: hcr |xtieltcc 'γithoιι lhc publicaιiοn of this boο( \νouΙd haιυ ιιken 1eaιs nιlre.










Ι. Α NoTE oN


GRΕΕK SoURCES Byzanιine Historians aπd chιonographers Naνal ManualS, Metοorological Treatis€s and Manυals of Gοnera] HagiogΙaphicaΙ and ΕccΙesiaSticaΙ woΓks lεonography




Arab Ηistorians and Geographers Arabic ManuaΙs of Nava1 \γarfarc ΑΙabic }tagiogιaphicaΙ works Arabic Ρoοtry Αrabiε coins







t9 29

3l 32





Mosιem CΓctc

Τhc syrian semi-tndependcnt EmirateS ΝοΙth Afri€a: Aghlabids (8οο-909). Εaιimids (φ9-]]71) Εthnic Αppel]ations of the Αrabs of the variouS tS]amic Sιιtes in ιhe Byzanιine






l8 39




RccΓuiιing of Byzantine and Moslem Sailors Differences belween ιhe Dυties of Byzanιinc and MοSΙein SaiΙors Mora|e. MiΙiιary Ιnιclligence

50 53 56

FοrtΓesses. sack of Fortresses by TrcasοΙ




Νaνal Tacιics


creek Fire




Τhe Νeg.ο Τroops in ιhe ΑΙmy οΓ MosΙeΙn crete


c}iΑPTER Πt. ΤΙlE MosLEM - sPANιsι{ coNQUERoRs








where Did the Andaιusians coΙne to crοte from?


















97 Cretc and its People 99 Crete in the Arabic Sources ΜjΙitaΙy Administration and Religious and Social situaιiοn befoΙe ιhe Mostem Ι0ι lnγasion




Εthnic compositΙon


l. THΕ NΕw oRDΕR Ρopulation changes




Ρeasantry and To\γnspeople. Urbanization






The Administ,atiγe and Judicial sysιοm in Mos]em creιc


.Γhe Reιigion of thc conquerοτS




Slave Trade


Craftmansbp and Art


The Literary Activities of the Moslems οfcrete








Τnc Raids oΓ MosΙems of ΝoΓlh AfΓic.


Τhe Raids of Moslems of syrja (TaΓsos, ΤripoΙi, eιc,)


Τhe Raids of MosΙοms of Crete


Τhθ Reactioιr of Byzantines lnd theiΙ Raid\


Ρerman ent conque StS of the λ1oSιοmS

2, ΤιΙΕ 3.

ofcrete until 96l










ΑΡΡΕNDlX Α. Description

of γaτjous Types of '.creek Fjrc..

FΙaρment from the Arabic ManuscriDt 3469 of ιsιanbιι]

APΡΕNDΙX B. FΙagments ΙΙom the

ιifc of Saiηt Thcoctistc


c. Narration ofthe DiscογeΙy ofthe Relics ofsaintVaιθΙiuS, the Bishop, vincentiυS, the Deacon, and Eu]aΙia, ιbο viιgin


APPEΝDΙΧ D. Νicephoros Ρhocas. Sailing venture

to Crcte (9ω), Τhe S t a d i o-





TRΑNSιΙΤεRATΙoN Ι have foΙlo\Ι€d, in geneΓa|, ιhe tfansliteration System of the EncycΙopaedia ofΙdam, .j. .dj' .q. 2nd edition, \γith few exceptions: insιead o. and instead of.k., t lefι unchanged thc ιransliteΙationS in th€ tit|es wΙitten by other authors,


Byzantion ' 0Ζ DoΡ ΕL,

Revue 1nternaιionaΙe des Etudes Byzantin€s



ByzaΙtinischο zeitsεhΙift (Leipzig' ]892., Munich, ]950). Dumbartοn oakS Papers (carnbridge, MaSs., 194l). The EnοyοΙopaedia of ΙSΙam. Newοdition (Leiden-ιondon' 1960r.





ΡG Viz.

J, Ρ. Migne, PatΙoΙοgiae craeca. (Pans. ]85?-|φ6).


i z a n ιi j s k i j v re m Moscow, 1947).


en n i

cursus comp1etus' k


(PetrogΙad-Leningrad, ]894.1927;

For the rest the fulι titΙ€ is given when first cited in each chaptοr.

NοΤΕ: For tccbnicaι reasons letterspacing was used inst€ad abbreviaιions likc BZ, DoΡ, etc,, ιγerο not itaiicizοd,

of italics, tn additioπ,





Byzantine Historians and Chronographers .Γhe

hiSιoΙical evenls ι)1.the nΙnιh and tenth cetrιιlΙies, duriΠg \νhich ιhο sea Struggle berιιeen ΙSlam and Byzantium reached its peak, aΙe pooΙly recοrded in 1he works of ιhe Byzantine histo.ians and chronog'aphers1. True, 1here ιγas a cerιain Γeγivaι of hi!1orical \riting in the Macedonian dynasιy, but R' J. ιΙ. JenkinJ! sangυjne remaΙk thaι lheΙ€ was a huιΙ1niSiic revival in lileιaιure paraΙΙeΙ to ιhat in the aΙt of the 1ime iS unfound€d,, Αl ιhough it is true 1haι the characιers in ιhe histo rical w ritjngs of ιhe Macedonian dynasιy aτe depicled wjιh hunan faces raιher ιhan as depersona|izcd ιypes, angelic or diaboΙicaI (aS Suggested by Jenkins), Byzantiυm and ils enemies aΙe pΙ€sented in b1ack and \ιhile ..suppΙessio veri., Ιack eγeι a faint descripιjon of lhο Moslem ιοrms and the abundanι worsι ofa]Ι, even ιh"^ feυ hisιoτjcal evenlδ po\ιer achieγemenιs3. adγersaΙjei actual aΠd

mentioned by 1he Byzantine hiStoΙiaDS reΙating to the Strυggle bοiween Byzantiυm and the

Mos]em woΙld in the Eastern Medjterranean often appear οoΙfused and incoheΙeΙι. FΙ. Gr.goiΙe.s ΙeΙnark oΙι the Byzaιrtine hisιoτical SouΙces of th€ ninth and tcnth cen1uries ..ιl

faιιt ΙeS Ιire avec la p1ιιs exιrθme mοΓjince eι ΙeS croiΙe capable de lout- Ιl faut sanS cesse ]e\ Soυpgonne. de reπplaceΙ l,hisloire par |a ι6gende..iS sornc\haι etaggeraιed. buι iι

], FoΙ lhe ιΙisιinc.ioη bctΦen hisιoΙians and chronogΓapιrers sec ΙΙ ιΙunΔeΓ, Die hocι,spraci1iche pΙoιarΘ Liτcra1ur dοΓ ByzanιincΙ Ι (Munich, l9?8)' 24] fl, and lhc


B!zan ιion 2 R J ιi,

49 (l9]9).199-2α}

Jenkins,..τhecΙassjcaιBackgΙoundoι 1ne sσiltores posl Theophanem-, DoP 8 (1954). jn Byanιine histoιiοgrlphy sΦ R, sΦι , '.Thο ciassical T.adilion in ] ] Ι,l ioΙ the cΙ tΓaditiοι aιd the c]aSSical T ra d i ti on' αl, M, Mu]Byzanιine Histonography.,, in Byzanιiιm (nirminglram, t98Ι)' 6ι].ι l.ι and R sΦιι ], Jcηιins, ..Thc cΙassica] Bacιgrοund oΓ the ScripιoΓcs pοst Tιeophanσn.., lil,

ιeι]ecls lhe perpιexity and obscuΙity of thοse SourceS1. ΙngeneΙal, jι should be noιed that ιherΘ is a c1ose inteΙΓelationShip among the ByzaΙιtine hiStorical Sources; plagiaιisιnwas considered a viΓtue al ιhe t]me, and the Byzantine fondnesS for anιiquaΙian information

on the one haΙd h€1ped to preserve paΙιs of ΙoSι Sources and on the othοr created con-

Silce ιhe Scope of ιhe pΙesenr inquiry is focused Sol€Ιy on rhe Moslem'Byzanline jnto any lengthy dis' struggle in ιhe ΕaSιern Mοdiιθrrancan, there iS no need to enteΙ here cussion εonceΙning the soιrrceS] bul ouΙ Ιesιricιcd diScussion of ceΙtain ιeleνant pΙob]eπs nray occasionιιlΙy thΓow Some Ιight on lhe lΙoΙe geleraΙ problems of these sources' FoΙ the Ιeign of Michac] ΙΙ (820-829) ιheΙe iS no contempoΙary hisιoriοaι sοurce \ιi.h

any SubStantiaΙ inΓoιmaιion. GeoΙge Monachos, whoSe chronography coγeΙs th€ peΙiod fΓom the cιeation oΓthelvorld ιo 1he year 842 Α,D., has only a briefand νngu€ Staιeιnent nbouι ιhe conquest ofcΙet€ by ιhe Moslems and ιh€ir raids in the Aegeans. The tenth cenιury historical works of Cenesios aΙld ιhιι οf ιh€ so-caΙΙed Thοophanes continuaιus (aοtυal]y a number of auιhoΙS are cονored by this 1ppeιιatioD), in paΓιicuΙar thc tiΙSt l.iγc books, ar€ oυr miin authoriljΘs foΙ rhe ninιh centυΓy6. The nain pΙobΙemwe οonfront in uSing ιhe t\νo aboνε menιiοned soιrceS is ιo undcrsiand the Ιogjcal Sequeηcc of the historical evenιs descιibed by ιhetn in aS much ιhey jmpoΙtance 1br the preSent do Ιιoι alwayS foιΙo\γ ιhe naΙratiΙe sequence. ThiS iS ofextreme ινo rk for the accuraιe dating of the conque51 ofcrete by ιhο MoSlemS, of ιheir firsι raids. xιrd

ofιhe ΓiΙ'i attempιS by ιhe Byzantincs ιo feconqueΙ CΙete. BaΙiιid poStulated ιhΘ vie\Ι ιhaι ιhe workS oΓ GeneSios and Τh€ophaneS conιinuatus

jn theiΙ which aΓe cιoSc]y inιeΙwoνen, prc'ent inconsiSιΘnοi€S and an incoherent sequence naΙr.ιιions bοcaυSe bolh dreι\ trom vaΓious and someιiιΙes controνersiaι SourceS. NeveΙ. ιheΙess, h€ addS that their pr€sentation oε ιhθ evenls, at Ιeasι for ιh€ period of MichaeΙ Ι] (820-829), Seems to be coherent and without inconsistenciΘs?. This is because Genesrοs and the auιhor(s) of the firS1 fouΙ books otTheophancs Continuatus livθd at the coιlrt of connanιine ΡοrphyrogenΙiitos and wroιe ιhejΙ woΙks lt hiS ιιrgin93, Thcy uSed basica1iy one no\γ 1ost souΙce of Sergiοs the Confessοr, ιo\γhich sοΙΙe secoΙdaιy Sourljes and daιa 4, ΙΙ, cr€goire. '.ManuοΙ et Thcophobο otr ]a Φncurrence de deux monaslδrcs.., Byzarιion ..EtιΙdes sυr ]es dcux hisιoiΓes dU riqne dο Michel ΙΙΙ.., B yz a n ι io 9 (19:]4).201i P' κarlin ιΙayιer' .1Ι





pIofaΠe ιiteΙatu!, ι. ]47Γ1.: Gcorge MoΠa rcνiscd by Ρ, \γiΓth, ΙΙ (stuttgard, 1978),,97-98, ctj, c. de Boo|. Ι.25'rff'i 351.5.1]F'Ba hοchsprachliche profιne Liιeraιιr.

ιΙιΙger. Dic hochSpΙοchΙicιc

cλronicoo' Di€

6' ιΙungeΓ.




(196|),257-2,li.Jenkιrs. .,The chΓoιologiοa| ΑΦuraοy of τhe.Logotιreιe,foΙ ιhe

.ι52.,19. Years A'D, s67.9l:].., DoP l9 (l965), 91.l |2; Ka.]iο.}l ayt€r. .'.Ftuds sur les doΙa hisιοires.'. 7. Barisid, L.s sources . !62-261 8, For G€nesios in sen€raι sΦc dcnoor,..zu Genοsios,.. Bz 1ο(Ι9oΙ).62.65;.\ P, Kazhdan...l2, .Κniea cσei. i .jizηΦpisann 2l ( ] 96?), ιο va Siιjja-. ν i z, v r e m,..,Λντιδρ'. istorii νjzantiisιoi ch.oΠogΓafii x ν, 3, 95.Il7. An examination ot Gcηcsiοs, hisτorjι2Ι νeraciιy iS !|sο found in v, v]ysido!.s aΓliοle,



from the oraΙ ιΓadilion \ιeΙe added,, Theophanes conιinuaιus ιιSes cenesios and hiS SoυΙces in a more deνeΙop€d form, aΙrd additjonalmalοrial Γτom the oΙal souΙc€s, The questionινhich\ΙaS neγcΓ rajsed by modern schο]arswas: fιoln \νheΙe did ιheSe ι$o ιΙιhoΙS dΙaΙ! ιheiΙ maιerial concerning the conqueSt ofcΓcιc by ιhe MoSl€nrs and the subsequenl events at the tjme of MichaeΙ ιι? Both cenesios and continuaιus Ιnake lhe sarΙe miStake perp€tua1ed b} ιhe Ιatef authoΓS, i,Θ-. the} pΓeSent ιhe MosleιΙ conqυeΙofS as coming diι€cιly ΓrοΙn Spxin inStead of fΙonr Egypι]ο, \νas ιhjS misinfornaιion deriv€d fΙoin sergios the ConfeSSοr,? Moreoνer' cenesioS and conιinuaιιιS preSent tιγo οther ΙΙbricaιed episodes repeated b,Ι laιer xιrthors. Τhey bolh \ιriιe ιhaι Αbn ξΙaf:, ιhο coΠ. queror ofcreιe. burΙrι the Ships o| his t'Ιeet ιo forcc his aΙm}' to Ιemain in Crctε, and thaι ιo p|acatc hiS nlen for]osing theiΙ \νiles hc iightly femarked lhιtι natiνe women wou|d rοplace ιheΙn, Νevertheιess, $'e dο knoν ιΙom the Α.nbic soιιrces thaι Abn ιΙafr' n]en carried ιh€ir ΙamilieS \γilh rhem. Moreover, if tlΙe MoslemS were depriled oΓ ιhejr ships ho\Ι οan \γe €xplain ιheiΙ ilnmodiaιe ΙaidS on ιhc Byzantine jS|ands? Νo ne\ν Γleetcou|d be p.oduced instanι]y- Τhe s€cond ΙegeΠd reΓeΙS to the supposοd π:trtyΙdom ofCyriΙ, ιhc Bjshop οf Gorιyne, which iS an inachronism Sincc Cyril liνed iιr the fou(h centιιryll. Both of thes€ legends ιγcrc obvioυS,y paΓt o|the B-Ιzantine oΙal tΙadi1jon and it iS from theΓe thaι CenesioS and ContiΙruaιus dΙc$ ιheir maleιial. The descriptiolr of the Mos]em conqιesi of creιe appcars thc same in its main ouι Ιines in both Byzantitre Sources, buι Theophalres conlinuaιus inclιιdes more delaj1s, anιi \ιe deri\,e from this souΓce jmpοrιant data conceΓniιg l}e graduaΙ conqucsι ofCιet€ ιheMn\|clτcnΠqLeJl., "ld λl,chae] ||,,u|ιelτp.Ioleconqιιer',beΓoIeι|-e(ΛlτΓ,eιiono| 1.hc se.τucncο o1.ιhθ narraιiνe aD.1ears in lhis foιnl: Τh€ophanes

Ι. Abι ηafs



raιds ιhe islands of ιhe Αe.gean,


the isΙaΠds ο1 ιhc

Ιt' Abn ιΙaf9 rcιuΙns ιο Spain. ΙΙt. FiΙraι aιlack on creιe (ca, 824)

tΙ, Ab. ιJafi ΙeiΙrns ιo spain, ]Ιt, Fina] aιιack on creιe (ca. 824). conqυest of the is]and SιaΙted, Ιv, Ρhoιiοs 1nd Dxnianοs are Sent by MichaeΙ Ιι lo reconqυer crete and lail

\.. Moslems

Ι. Αbn ηafs Ιaids



rhe is]and.

of crete Ιaid soΙne οf the

neaΓb} iSΙandS.


con|cssοr See Α MaiιopouΙos. x ρ o !ο (Ιoanηina, l9,8). ι55.l5,' l6.1; A.Noga.a...sοΓgio iI (jonicssοιc c iιcod,67de|l! .B]blioιΦa. di Fozio, pal.iaΓca di ConstanτinopoΙi... Λ c\ u Φ 52. (1978). 26Ι 66, 10' For th€ sack oΙcreιe by ιheAndaIυsian Mosιens lnd ΔiΙ re]e\ant ενents, sΦ cΙupteι ΙΙτ 9, Ι]aΙiij..


SοιrΦs.', 26]'64, For se.gios


,/ραφiα τοi) ΨευδoσυμεΦν {αi oi τη1θ: τηζ

sΦ aboνe noιe ]0, ι2. Thcοphanes contnι|atιιS. οd lofu,7.1ΙΙ,l οenesios, Rcrιn L.sιniιl]cr.werner and ιι, Thυrn (Ι]eΓ|in.Ncw Yorι, l978), 32 ].1' 11'

ibri qυιτ1uor]

ed A'

vΙ. ΑnoιheΙ

atιempι by Mi€ha€1 Ιι, πho Sen(s crateroS to οonqucr cΙοle, faiis (ca, 829)-


An attempt by MjοhaellΙ, ιγho senΙls crateΙos to οonqιιercrete, fai1S (οa. 829).

The maιeΙia] concerning the MosΙem-ByzaΠtine sιrucgΙο ;n the EasιοΙn Mediterr. nean aftδr Micha€lΙι's Ιeign unιiι Leo vΙ (829'886) appearswiιh lew vaΙiations in GeneSiσS and Conιinuaιus. (GenesioS' woΙΙ t€rnlinates in 886. Theophanes cοnιinυatιιs, fouΙ ,: -.jΙ., by unkno$Ι author G) and end in 867.the fifιh book \γΙittenfiΙSt bycon' ^:.}: Porph}rΛlen|)|ιo' cnd. in 886|,j Ho\e\eΓ. cenc'ioiιorι i. 'Ianι||'c

'uccjn.ι :rna er. Ijp|ic$h:leconιinι1ιι]..ιhoι!εhΓ3rΓrolr.beingcomp|eιe,o|Γe|\a|noledeIai|edaιcoLnι ιηe IDΙoΓnrat|on pτυνideι] by Genesios and conιiΙιuatus (fiΙSi fiνe books) for tΙιe peΙiod 813.886 js Ιepeated by Sιyιitzcs and cedrenos \ahose works, aΙoιg wiιh ιιose ol. ConStanιine ΡorΦyΙogenπitos, arc ouΙ pΙincipalsourc€s until thecnd of nu. p..i.J1oει1, s.iγe for the descripιion ofthe Mοslem sack ofTheSSaloniki (9ο1) Ιoιιnd in ωι, c-,'i.]:"t", and thal οfιhe reconquesι οrcΙete (96t) in TheodoSios DiacoΙtοS. cθdrenos, as haS beeη otten Said, copies Sky]itzesword for \ιoΙι] and ιhe latt€r υses nlainΙy GeneSiοS andcοL. ιinuatus but aΙsο Some aι1ditional Sourc€sΙa. AS a Ιesult lhere a.e a fe\ν ratheΙ tdγial v.. nJι|on, ||' .}e n:Irr. iJηοΓιhepa'.age'Γe|e\anιΙΛouΓ\|ud}.a\Γ.,re\anp|eιbede'cnplion..ol ιhe confΙontation bet\ΙeeΠ the Byzantiιe aιlnri ra1 Hi merio s anι1ιeο orτ;poti's. Τhe difΓerenlveΙsjons ofιhe Logoιhete Chrοnic1e (Ιοιh century), Lco;iaco. nos (tOιh cenιuΙy), MichaeΙ Αttalejales (] lιh c€ntυry) and Zonaras (l2ιh century) adα Iitt1e ιo the kno\γ|€dge οΙ ιhe MοsIem-Byzanιine SιΓuggΙe aι sea, whil€ ιhe r;ιeentι-cinιur Sphfantze9 is jn general eγ€n 1ess importanι for ouΙ peΓio.l16, special menιion should be maιte ιo 1he differenι γersιrns of ιhe Logothetο chronicΙe, dating fΙom ιhe tenιh cenιury..Γhis sourεe is of patιicιrlar λportance ιo the presenι sιudyl,. Ιts informatiοn conceιning the dating of ιhe MosΙem conquesι of |,], τ{,c \\Λk',,ΓrΦΓhxne\(onιjn,".u\,, \ner|.iη PhiIoIJgico' Ar\oc|",Ior dηι] Procecd'ns. Λ]i'|ψt-i,,22|,22., Huηc.r, Die hυ(\.prn..'i]Ι,..,".,".', cne protaoe LitεraιuΙ. Ι.339ff E 1: Tsl.ιcs, !υζαντινoi i6τoρικoι κoi 7ρo1o1ρdφoι 1]oυκαt 12oυ αι.δν α σhcssaloηiιi, 1978). 8?, noιe 1j 88, A.P' Kazhιlaη. ..lsto.niιi L.νa D,jakoΙa i sλiu., olj" i..o.ii i."ζ celνe.ti X stoleιjja.., viz νf e m, 20 (196l). 106 r2r, 15. Ιnf.n. ch.1ι, s])ιljl TlΙunil ]xtrolrr]ici iη his ncw ciI]ιιrl οι sιy]itzeJ sytopSis hi s ι o.i a Ιum (Bc.tin, l97])

16, For ι-eo DjacoΙos see N. Pan.yοιakes' .-^ioν δ.\ι..κo!o:'.' EEBΣ ]4 (]965). 1 38' For Miοnacl ΛttaΙerΦsΦd zΦras *e Tsοiaιs, Ι]υξαντινoι ιστοριtol'.]ljJ6.9]'lo1'sΦa|soA,c.K ...o sεr\idis' tsυζαντινoc iστoρι.7ρnΦoζ MιzαtΙ .Αττoλedτηζ 6ζ τη1η ./ιn τoν δνδ6Ιoτo αιlo!d... M ι Γ oρ ρ,οζ 2'J,δ,' Ι| |4 ιoΓ\pη.Π,/e.,..",η..*,,υ,",-\.'i ε" iρρ.l.','ι'. l ui,",

c AchΓonicIe by G€oΙgc Sphran tzcs ι.ιo1 ]4]7(AmhcrstReΠaissaηce QΙarιer1y (l9r2) '.K]rΓoniιa siηeona Lοsoιheta .viz γrefu. i5 (1959)' 125 l4]; \ν, T, TreadgoΙd

theB yzantine Ε η pir Ι98ο), revieφω


byv, chrλtides in th.

17. Kazhdaη.

chroηo|oεiΦΙ Λοcu racy ot the chronic]e of s}mΦn ιhe Lοεo1ieic..' DoP 3 3 ( 979)' ι t 59. ι 97, FοΙ ιhc ιog.thcτe chronicΙe SeοaΙso MaΓkopoιΙos,.Ιι xρoνo1ραφiα ron Ψε υ δ o συμε (oν. n' 9, 'Δn ωitiοn of lhe lext of s,nrcoη Maeistοr iS in pΙΞpπation by Ma.kopοu|osj see τ. κarayanιopoυlos,υs Ιontiυn ιistoriae byzcnιi]rae.., a υζ α γτ l ν ιi ]oα9so),52l.


Creιc iS of gΓeaι γalue, because iι coincidcs ψith ιhat οf cenο{iοS and τheophaυes cottιinuaιυs, $ho dre\γ ιheir |naιerjal froΙn differcnι sources, Λll lhcs€ chronographers repo11 1haι thc AndaΙuSi4ns conouer€d cr€ιc aι the ιime of or a liιιle aΙιer ThoΙnas's revolιl3, Τhe r€feΙeΙοe by ιhese Byzantine auιhors to ιhe οonqucsl of C rete abοιllιhe ιimc οfTho.,€ast forιγard.. of a 1ater eνenι. a usuaι Ιnas.S Ιeγοι cannot be con9idered sinΙp|y a practice in th€ Byzantin€

chronogΓaphy aι that


beοause 1heΙe \νas a εausa| relation

Τhomas.s reγo]ι, \\hich had wcakencd the Byzanιine dcfen5e systern. and ιhe uΠ. oppos€d Sack ofcreιe by the MosΙems, Mοreογer, thc Λrabic sources cοrrobοrlte ιhis inf()rmatiοn (see ch. Ιιι). ,τ,he ινoΓk by canriΠi.ttes, ψhich is immune fΓoιn the ι)pical BJ'z.lΠaboν€nn€nιioned ιinc r€cyc|ing of histoΓicA] materia]. is eχ1ΓeΙnely usefu| to thc pΙeseΙlι wοrk, SimilιΙty. aπoιher aιypica| Byzanιine sourcθ is De cerimοiΙiisl9.ιisaιιribuιedιoCοnsιantine ΡoΙphyrogenniιoS buι jncΙudcs πaιειia| fΙοlΙ νιtΓiou! author9. pnrΙ οf \ιιich goes be}οndconsιantine.stime:o. Dc ce riπ οn iis conιains longlisιs οfιhe preparaιiols by ιhe Byzanιincs to rcconquer crete, This ι!ork bΙisιlcs $iιh deιails abοuι lupplics, Πυmb€r and typc οf ships, and abo\e aΙΙ an inνa]ιlabΙe i1inefary of saiIjng 1-Γom constan ιinopιc to (:rcιe. The S a c k ο f T h e s s a 1 o n i k i bycaminiaιcs, an cycwiιnυξs rarΙaιοΙ, takcs ι1S iaΙ beyond any typicaΙ ByΖanιine historical Souιc€ oΓ ιhe 1enιlι ccntυryr1. tn Spiιe οΓ 1he limiιed scοpe ofιhis\\ork, it iS ne€ess.try to.rna|yzο iι aι some ιcngιh becauje ofiιs inl bel\1'eοn

porιance in 1he pιeseΙΙ1stυd}, caminjalej Sack of TΙre s s-alo Π iιi ]sapuzzliΙlg iiterar,ν !Ιork tlhose probιem5 οι composition and daιing *€rc s\\epι uΙtder ιhe rυg unιil A. P. KaΖhdιn,S rcc€nι prονocΔιiνe arιic]er]. KΙrzhζlan quesιiοned 1he ι1aliιrg oΓ lhe

sack οf


Τ h c s s a I ι) n i k i sυpposedιy \νriιιeΙr by an c!€ιiιness a 5hor1ιinlc il.reΙ th€ city'S caDtuΙe by ιhe MοsΙems undcr Leo ofTripoli in 9ο4 and hc p|1ces iι. in paΙc!rι1ιe τhe foΓmιι'hn\e it no\ν' πuch later. ca,lhc fifιeenιh cenιury. Ιn hiS pxpeΙ.. jn


19 ΙΙUngcr.

Di. hochspιachIichο

pro|ane ι,ileraιUr'



..Thc scholarsιip οl constaηlino PοΓDhyrogeηljιos scc ιhο Ιοccnl \!oΙι by G, ι,, ιΙuΙle). consιanιinc Ρorphyrogeoi1υs',' Pro.eedings of ιhc Ro}al t.ish Λcademy 30-c-




Fο. J ohn caminiates νe knoψ nolhιrg salc{Ιr!ιlo


abouι hiΙSe1i in


F.oΓ lh€



-liiSccaΙsoι,.ΙsoIakes.reνiewofc.Β]]hΙig'sωιionolΙoanπis camini!1ιae. ι)c €xpιg nJιioΠe ThessaIoΙicac' in .E λ 1" η ν ι κ.i ]: (ι930), lι]7' For caminiates in gΘιeraι sce κ. Κ.umbacher. Gcsirhichι. der b}zaηιinischen ι i ι 1 ο r a ι u r. 2nd cd, (Munich. |897). ]65.66j ι|unger, D i c h o c h s p r i c h l i c h c p. o la n e ι i ι e. a l u r, Ι, ]J7-]59' Ιn addiιion ω ιhe ο]d B€ιιe.scditjon iη cB (ι8]8), 487.600, ιhΘrc is noψ theed]tionoιo. Bι!|]g, t o a η D js c ιπr ι nia1a€' ι)c expugnaιioηc ThcssaIoηicΙe (8ξ.IiGNew Yorι. I97:]), |:o. a Gcιman 1.Jη'|aΙion sΦ G, Biihlic. Die Einnahm. Thcssalonikes durch di. Araber im e

9ο,1 (Graz-vienna.coloene. ι975)' ,,sofu Ιfu2hdan, Quζrιions Addrcslω ιo lhc schot,rs $ho Βclieιc in ιhe AuιhΦιjciι} o1 .cιplυΙΦ Ιιminialr' oι Th.ssaIoniΦ.... Bz ? | (I9?8),]0ι-]14; s€e a|sov, chΙi{ιids. ..onccΛgainca' rinjcιδ, ,cnplure οf ThessaLoriιi..., tsz 7.ιr (l98l). 7{0,


tr h



ιicxl senιenc€ (p, 3l]). KazhdaD Ι beΙiΘνe cou]d haνe been Said n1ore 1bΙthΓightly 'ιaleswhaι ..lheΓe and mοre cleaΓly fΓoΙn ιhe begiΠning: ι1aS a Ιeshaping οΓ aι1 ancientj noι! ]on la]e in ιhe fifιeenιh centuΓy.., t believe that if\ιe accepι lhc ιheory ιhaι ιhe S ack of ThΘ ss a lo n iki \νas cοffposed in tινο SupeΙimposed ]ayerswritιen int\ιo dilΤcΓeni periods, then Kazhdan,S ιheοry is .easonab]y pοΙsuasive, }Ιo\νev€r, we shoιlld noι ncg|ect the cnr]ier dΙali οΓ ιhe s a c k \ιhοse inrporιxDce is som€\\,hat υndennined by Kazhdanlt jS noi ιrιe ιhat the hisιοrical jnlbrmaliοΙ colcerning the acιiγilies of ι-eo of.Γrι po]i.s i|eet js tri\'iaΙ lDd nreΓcΙ} repeats nateriaι ιlΙeady foυnd in the conιempoΙaΓy ByzanΙine soυ.ces,r, on th"^coDιraιy, ιhe sack o Ι.the s s a Ioni ki offerι, usimpotr ιanι Sιιp|]emοntaΓ! evidence abouι ιhe histoΙica| eventS of ιhe p€riod. Leo of TripoΙi's jtineraΓy on his rθιlrn {roΙr.ι Thessaιoιriki to Syria is described in a masιer1y \γay' Τhe οlhe. tsyzan1ine SouΙcc' sinrpl} mention that thc cοπmander οf ιhe B]Ζantine fteet. ιΙinleriοs. tΓied υnsιccesslu]|]' ιο pιΙsuο lhe syrian fleet ted by Leo οl.ΤτΙpοli]a. Leo,s itineΙar} in cιminiateS nrani1ιsts ihe gΙcaι cιuιion he pain!ιak]nglν took s.|iting aΓoΙnd ιhe island s οf ιhe AοgeaΙ ιo a\'oid any conιι oΙιaιion the Byzxnιine Γ|eeι:5, tΙis sιop 'ιjιh oιeΓatNaxoS.ιγhichιιιhnιιiΠrcaΙon8\ιithΡaros1asμelcaΓnfromιheLifeofS:ιint


1bπτeιi x Πc.csjaΓy inteΓmediaιe Statiοn on ihe sa)'ιocΙeιe, Γeγea]s caminiaιe!. rcaIisιic deScription of exijling cοnditiοnS in ιhe Λegean,6. Morcoγcr, Caminiaιes inΙοrms us ιhat aι the ti e, Naxο\ bctonged lo the Mos]cms ofcΓeιe to whotn it paid taΙes (j i l y .t h),,, caπriniates alsο inΓ(,rm.J us thaι the Mos]ems of c.eιe did not pxΙιicipate jι} Leo's atιιck οη ΤhessaIoniki a fact aιιened by oιher sources23, tn addiιiοn. C1miniates, narraιion Ιnenιioni ιhaι among the Εgypt]ans 1heΓe were aΙsο Aiθioπεζ,,, Τhis is noι a Ijterary clich.. a! \'rοng|y as\erted by KaΖlrdan (p,3ο8), Τhose Aiοιoπεζ, ..6μορonντεζ ca]]ed Aιγιπτ1or'.. \νere SudaneSe waΙriors, noιoΓiouS in AΓabic soιιrccS foI 1heiΓhaiΙ'ra]cin:ι.bc||jcoseappearanceandΙΙartia| skj]|ro, AccordiΙrg ιo the baqι Gpe2], Kazhdln. ρ' jot]. nοlc 2ο. \γ1rcΙc hc |cfers ιo loΙjxkoνa.s stcιemenι i.hisιoΙicnΙ e!θηts aΓo Ιor ofno scfsu|iic ηg jn|rorlanΦ; th.y appear only ιs n backg.ouΠd forhisοιn adyentlr.cs ann emoοons'. tsΙt this bncιgιυund iS ν..Ι ilΙulηinaιing ιo. us, sincc wο haιeιTmosιnoother Sοιι.ιs fοr thc c!pιι.e oι.Ιhessa|oniki b} Lοo of Triρoli 2.1, Theopnaηes cοΙιinuaι]s. ω' t]onn- ]68 i5 f. ]rim ι(jΦniniaι€s]

25, (amjniaιes,





Ιlοhiig. 59 26' camiΙiaιes, 59i scc ΛpιreΠιliι E 27.

28,('aminiates.59.rhcfacιthatΙ,eoolTnpοΙi,so]ds]avcstoιheMos|encΓclans(caηioiaιcs.6' is ηoι . proofοfiΠ], crcιnn s],r]nn aΙlian.e assΓοngl} sugges1ed byM caΠard ts ν' ',Ι(.iιiSlr'., ιl:.







30, Maqr'zi' K h i

logie oΙicntaIe


a t' ed


\ιict in λΙ.

Πr ο


r. s d ο


n s t i t


ι a n ex i< d,A rc


]6 (cairo, 1922).267 ΓΓ Ιt is nole\ιorτnyιhaιlΙretsyzant]ηcs haιl ιirsι hand exρο. rιenceιν]th d'e biacι peooΙe hefoΓc t|rc conqυ.st oΙΕ.e}ρι by 1ιe A.abs' in parιicυhl'\ιiιh ιne sιdaηe*

ιΓibcοlB]em)es.Beja;cfν.cλrisτ]d.s-''PreΙslamicArabsinByaΠtinetΙ]ιminxιions,..ι€Mιsdon 8]] (1970),


ca,ι3(1982),817,ΑΓteιthοy\ιeΓccutοf.fΓoΠthesudaneselbroνe.tloceηlυΓics'ιheByΖanrinsΙeΙcΙld ιheir acquaiηtaηcc νilh sυdanese υεrrioΙs, ιhis ιiΦein tlre sea, Ιι should be thai suιlanesc φa.Γb.9cpnelredaiso in MosΙeπ c.ctci cΓ T]]eodosios^οgean Diacοnos.te\t in Ν' PΙ.ayotakes'

bcιicθn ιg}pt aιrd Νιbia. a \peciΓ;c nunrbcΓ of Such sudaΙΙeie ι1ere \cΠt to

cΙal 1re1ι),)

Εg]-pι !'ea r1y31, Αl] thiS impor1anι jn{iΙmation $.aS pιογided by ιlre fiΓsτ νυrsiοn oεthe sacλ o1. Τhe\sιlοniki, n ιlocunleni undoιlbιcdly rγritten b} an eyewitnesi sho had no pΙe. ..hinoΙ.y., teΠsionS to s riιe bυι Sjmply ιo ofΓer aΠ accοunι o1. his peΙSonai advenιuΙ cs. Γor thiS .cason, in conιΙan ιo 1he po1i fiiath ByZanιinc hisιoriin\, hc useS no wriτien sοurcer to SuΡp]enlcnι his peΙsonal e\pcιjοnce, Buι on the otheΙ hand. Ιheτc ;s cnοu3h eΙidence Ιo lupport KaΖ]ldin.s γie\γ thaι Ιleι! πater;al wat added ]aιeΙ. we need noι Ιepeat here at Δ.} ]erΙ8τh ΚaZhdΙn's ar8ιlnrenιS, ιιi, asSυΙnpιion ιhaι ιhc.inade b], hand ιhundeιS ol \τones,.aΓe in realit], ΓiΙicenιh.c€Ιrtυry siege engiΙrc\ seelτs τaι]ιcΓ peΙSυa\i\e3,. Likc\νi\c(atniniιιιe\. dclj.eht in describing Ιni]iιaΓy eΠgiΙeeringmaγ reνexlΓifleeoIh-cenιυry ιc|1d' .|.h

c l sa Io lr ik i is Ιn asιοnishingl}' lea]iSτjc Ι{ΙΓation. ShaΙpΙy compo.Jed' coΙtaini.g none οΓ iΙιε parnpherna]ia οr 1he sιi

KaΖhdan acυteΙ}, renraΙks ι]rat the S a c



tisιiο opaciιics so commolr in i1s contoΙnpοιary $urceS' Ιt is a doιΙ Ιarιaιiοn cxιreΙne iΙdiιidux]jsnr, Such an ..oΙdinarisaι]oΙi. oΓ the historica] heΙo. as KΔZhdan cοΙrccιΙy rernaΓkS, iι1BlzanΙjne liιeratυ|e SιartS \τjιh ΡSeΙbs (| lιh centιrr]], ιf νιe coπpιιrc CnΙnjnjaτes, protagoDisι ψiιlΙ DjgeneS AkΙitas, ιhe heΓo ofthe rοnlance cp'c.ιeated iboΙt Ιho sarne time (ca, 10ιh ce.ιuιy) \γe see tιvo di,imcιrica|ι]. difiιrcιι

ιlιh ΙraΙιedly

tr pes, oΓ couΓSΘ the

sιor} ο1.Di8enes

ι1aS creaτed in thc

Arab Byzanιine l.rοnιie. whi]e ltre

aυihoroΙ.ιheSnckοlThcsSa]onikiiSanuτbanΙnannnlt]γictimoΓtheMos|ems34. stiIl, this ιloes not exp]ain dιc ιΙemendοus diffeΙence in the coΙception ol hιn1an ι}p.s on the parι οι. ι\o authoΓS who Ιiγed aι ιhε saΙne tinte' Νeiιher can such a dift.erencc bο

ea,i|y justified by ιhc shccr ta]ent ofcarΙiniaιes- ι]e could not be so rnuch ahead of his t1nΙe, and ihuS his wolk beιrayS a πruch later pθΙiod, Λctιιal]y. in conception Caniniate1 ι!aS 1?trahead of tlιe au1hoΙs ofιhc Brznnline lltyιhiStoriai, So]Ιe οΙιhenr ιιιiιen in the ιψeΙlih cοntuιy, soΙΙe eνen]aιer, Ι belic\c. jn conι|ast ιo Kazhdan.s opinjοn. ιhlι Ιhere is Ιjtt|e jn cοn1mon betΙeen caπiniates. S a c Ι o f T h e s s a l o n j k i and λ{l kιembo]iιei Kαθ,.Yσμiνην καi'Yσμινiaν (Ι2th century)r5- The ]xtteΙ. a charmΙlg scmi poΙnographic account, is no tΙorc than a plcasant stoΙγ, Ιn the other Byzantine my1]ιi stoΙiai, ιhe hcιοcs are steΓeotyped (ΙmpcΙios anιi Maτgaronι. \'etιhaΙld ιo S and ChΙysanιΖa. etc,) and act ]jke puppcls \\,hi]e CaΙniΙliates,herοcs aιe eaΙιh'\ ι] lhe poiιrl οf banalization. ln their despaiι lhc\:ιcι instincl;νcly iι]n to Sιir!]vc.

oεoδoσιο; lHe.akι'on'

I9i91, l5 l6

6 Διn{o!o;

1960)' ]05; ed

:]Ι Y F' ιlasan, τhc 32 Ι.1zhdan' ]0]


Ναi τo iποιΙμα uiτoδ .."Λλωσιζ r 11; Kρiltη: Theodosii Di aco ni rle creta ca p ι a ll-cιrziε

1l cΓiscυoιr'

A|!bS nnd lhc sudan

(κh.tloUm, I97]),]7,

Ka2hdan, 105.

].1' Djgenes AkΓiιas as hc nJ]peaιs n

1hΘ epic, a heΓo oΓ m]\ed ByzaΠιiΠe-Δ..bic o.igin. is ac1uxlΙ), lhe anιipoιte of cafuiniatcs, D.oιagonisl. s}mbοΙiziΙg a sD]riι oι ltcοnυ iatioΠi see christidcs. .'Aιablc ΙrfΙuence on thc AkriΙicc].le.,. B} zant]on 49 ι l9]9), 109. ]5 Κazhdon, 3ο8 and lote 26,

Ν1oΓe pcrsuasiγε is Kazhdan.S efforι. folΙo\,ing Ι, TsaraS and C. Bι'hlig, to show ιhe grcιιι simillfitiθS beιιleen thefif1e€nth-cenluτ} accoιlnt of ιhe Turιish sacι ofThessaloniιi ι ritten by Αnagnosles and that ofcaminiltc\]6, Τhe paralleliSm nr ιhe langΙage ceΙιain expΙessiοns nnd |ilcraι)r deγiceS is Jπpressive. Whether theΙe was any actual direοt Ιe|ation beιινeen Carniniates and Αnagιrosιes is of coursc anoιher ΙΙatler which need1

l.urιheΙ inνeSιigation, To end ιhis dilcussioD

it ShouΙd be enΙphasjzed ιhat caminiaιes.ιork represents ae'lheIiι lτ:u|.e oΓ ιt1zrl lilc |ιc,:IIUre \\ \ι h) Γar e\ceed' lhc noΙms ofthe t€nιh centΙry. Τhus Kazhdan's conιention ιhιι ιhθre\ιas a ]aιer p€rhaps as Ιate as ιhe fifteenth cenιuιy ιcshxping of an eafΙieΓ composjtion seems a ιοg;caι conο|uSion, on ιhe olhcΓ hand. ιhe oΙiginal eyerνitncss account wΓitten in thε lenth cen1uΓy is a s1oιehouse oΓ raΙid information, ΙΙr conirasι ιo dΙe νividneSs ο1.caminialej hiSto|icat accounι \ιhich \ιaS 1ιιΙned inιo a roΙnance' the poeΙn of Theodosios Diacοnο\. Τhe Sack of cιeιe. is ac1ι]i1]} γeΙSified histoΙy. Τhis iοng pοem. ιγrilten ca. 961 by 1hc oιhοΙ\ιiSc unknoψn TheodosiοS DiacoΙtoS. pοrhaps aΙ c),e\'itneSS ο{ NicephoιoS Phocas. successliι] cxpeditioΠ 1ocreιe, i\ ι rnonument of paΙriοiisnr and groιeSqιΙe Γlane.y οf ιhΘ Emperor RolΙanοS ΙΙ]1, wriιren in ιn arιiΓicial, floιery sιy]e. it is oγerbuιdοned \Ιith ιheΙeaΙned StοΓehoυSe olιhe poet ..π()}'λ6ι' himse]Γ boaSιS .ινιγγ(,)ν iστoρων πoi.λιiζ βiβλoυ;... Νeν€rthe|eSS, aS N, 'νho PanayoιakeS \1ho Studied lhorough]) ΤheodοSiosDiaconos'poeΙτ iΙ1 hisdisserιation poiι1tSoυt,jιa|sοconlajns ilnportaoι hiStoΓicaΙ inΓolmaιionri..' j,e,, (a) ιhe hiSιoricai SeqυeΙrccoflhονiΙiοιιsepisodeSofΡhocaS'e\pediιiοnappeirs$iιhgreateΙpreciSiοothao iπ any oιher sourcei (b) theιe ]s a djΓfcιcnιiaιion between lhe MosleΙns fighιjn8 in ιheiΓ capilaΙ Chandi\ υndeΙ ιhο ]asι Εrτjr.Λbd at-.Azi7 al'Qιrrιυbi (cΓοck : κoιροι;πηξ). ι\hose ph}sicaι appcn.nDce Theodosios descΓibes fai1hfu||r and, ιhose ol. the inιeriοr οf creιe: ιnd (c) ιhcrc xre a|lusjons ιo ιhe cοopcr&ιion bγ parι ο1.ιhe ιoca1chιisti:rn popu]aιi(Ι]'\iιh Phocas, Τo ιhe aboνe nlentioΙed in]porιanι Γιιcιual info|maιjοn itemized ιΨ Ρana}olakes, $e can add the fo]loινing: Ι1ιcodosjos Dincolros. ιlho ιakes gΙeΙt pajns 1o ΓccοΓd eγcΓΙ deιail of the $nι bcι}ccn Phocas and t]re cretall N4ο\lοms, sayS noιhing nboul an} i.teΙ\ciιiοn b]. lhe λ'1o:'leΙrS 01.other States. continunlus τclaιοs in ι myιhologica] ιrccοι!nt. .|

()J|( (hi|,εe

i|| |he

unιler circu]Ιstances definite]y ΙemjΙding us ofli]]ktaΙe, how a numbeΙ of Mos]ems arΙived Theodo in cΙere and nΙeι Wiih ιhe Εmirrιb, Suchnnepisode$οuΙdnotpassυnΙolicedb} sio! Diaconoswhoι1aS a1eΓι to c\.cΙl lcss irΙpοΙtant eνents, Ιn coΠcΙusion, ι1e can ia} thaι Τheodos;os Diaconοs, p(]cnr. in spiιe ι]1'its frozen mοι.i.aI Sysιem, dcad IxDgιιage and ]ack of aιry poetical γaΙιΙe, rerΙ]xins in inrρoΙtanι hiS' ιorica] source fοr its Ιeferencer Δnd οΙΙilisions, cal|]ng into queslion accοunιs b], oιhcι B}'zanti,Ιe 1ι SτoΙianS.

]6' Kazhιlan, ]l ]



Fο. ιο cd]tioΠ ol thc tcxι oΙ,Theοdos]os DiacoΠos, an intΓoductioΙ and cοmncnlιΙ) s.e Ι,anayo ιaιes. Supra noιe ]0] 1heΓe is a]so a Ιeι cdjtiοn by ιl' cΓ]scιolo- sυpra nοtc ]ο.

]la, Pana]otaιes.

Θεoδoσιoζ 6 Δι.rκoνo:' ]]tι

]8b Theo|rh cottjnua1υS.


.1]7 6


Anotheι νeΓsiΓied histoΙy, wri1ιen


conslanιine ManasSes in ιie t{'e]Γιh ceΠtu.yr,,

ο1ΤeιsιlmostnothingoΙvalueiniιSdeScriptionofPhocaS.expeditionSavefοrthedisputed infοΙmaιiοn conι.orning ιhe sinking oΓιhe MoS|em f]eet by Phοcasaο,

Naval Manuals, Meteorological Τreatjses and Manuals ol General


ιJyzan1]ne liιeraluΙe, aS ha! been repeated]y saiιl, ιioes nol πiτror lhe grexιness ο1' ιhe Byzantine Empire, thοugh$c cannοι dcn} 1hεcxiSteirce offifsιraιe ]jterar}'ιorksa|, Αn iΙlιeΙeding genre of B)Ζanιine ]iteτaluΙe \hich fΙouΓished in the eaιιr. ιmpjιe, ca'

ιhοlou|ιhtofi]ihccnιuιieS.is1hatο|ρeriptoi,saiIingΙnanuaIs'!hichseΙeΙoιsimp|) iιincΙaΙieS gυidjng ships buι a|so iΠctuded laIuab|c inlbrmΙιiοn oΙ πany cοastal ιo$ns οf]brcign count1ies and on 1hciΙ peοp]ca], Sοme$hnι abΙιpιl'Ι. thesemaΙυa]S1ater diSaρpeaΙed ιhou8h a nυmber ol ιhen] cou]ιi haνc been\ιr]ι1eΙ and 1oSι' During ιhe inιenSe λlosιem and Bi,ΖanιiΙre slrugg|e at sea in ιhe rrinth and tenth cen

ιιnοS. anotheΙ B}.zanιinc Iiterary genΓe reιated to the Sea Γ|ouΙiihed. ιhe Ιnanua|s of nalaι \νarlare 1|oηg\ιith me1eo]olo8ica| ιΓcaιiscs. The Ιaνal Ιnantrxts'\ere c]o\e]} Ιeiaιed tο the gcneιaΙ Byzinιinο tactical mΔnuιιls oD γ]arliΙrc ιhough ιhe], did form a separaιe clx\s' Likc

ιhc peΓip]o;andthetacιica]manuals,rhenινa1manua]SSυflιΙparιlyf1οmlhehea!) of imiιating old ]iteΓary ι1o|ksοf lhe saιne genre, Τhe mosι astonisling eΙam]rlc i\ ιhc oιte mentioned by Λ, Dxjn' NicephoΙoS ouΙanoi, τhe famoυS geneΙ.1Ι\ιho ]ed ιhc l]yznntine ι.m}' oΙer 1he riι.οr Spcrhc]os ιo γictο ιr' (996). \ιhen he Speaks jn hiS mi]]taτ) ιrcaιisc of the way ιιn ann} shοuΙι] cιoss a ιiνeΙ. prc1ιΙs ιo piIlagε prc!iouS lileΙar} cUΓse

\vοrkS insιc?d of usiog hiS peΙSoιral expeιience*,, on the olhcr hand. the auιhoΓS of the $aΙ anΙals re|lecι Ιeal]Sι]ca]ly ιhe Dcιν cι)Π ιΙj1]οns pιeνa]iing jn lhc EmpiΙe in the tenth centuΙy; in paιιicυ|ar theywriιe ιheir nlanιlat., ιιlιh an e)'e to2the number one enοnry of ιhc |lιnpiΙο. thο Mos]emS. Ενeι in the nreΙeοro. logΙcxl ι.caιy ιo be djscιιssed bc]o$'. iι i!, mοΠlioΙtedιhaι lhc MaΓdai1es oΙci]icia pΙefel to |isk Sai]ing iD lhe open \ea rather 1han risk ΙunΙing ashοΙc jn MosIenr srriaaa' Α pas. Sagc ]η ]-eo vι,s Ν ( ι μ ι1 Ζ ι κ r) c|eaΓ]y illΙsιraies ιhe in1Ιoducιion οf frelh f j rn.hand

]11itiιaΙy e\peΙience\ iΙω ιhe nx'a| ΙlyzanljιΙe Ι]tanΙι|s ofthe ιenth cen1uΓ}, Lco. a passiο. nate conrpiιator. exprerses his disappo1n1ΙncDι lha1 ιhcre was not enoυgh rΙΙaιerial iΙ ιhc


]9, Tsoι.ιes. ιη

τ ι


κ o

ι ι

B!ξσ!r|!οι iστορ ι κο ι. ι τ o n K.] νστ α ν τ i ν ο ι

ρ 1 o

c, M.Πco,

B}zaηline LiιerιιUιe

Σιμβο7.ri στrj μειi:η τon η (Thess.bniΙλi, ]967)' 1,

10l ].1.:]dcnr, \'l α ν α σ 6

xs a Distοιting MirΙoΓ

( h|]sιides' '.The ]mxge ο1.ιhe sιd3ncse nr ihc ByziΠi]ne so!rΦS..' 5 6 .1: see c}]a]11eΓ ΙΙ. nοtc ]8, .1] A Dain',.Lcs sιΓaιjg sιes byΖJn1ins... ct .1.l. sD,



()\|o|ι]' ],i5);

2(]9l'7), ]]8

Llmpros, ..Tρiατ.ηlενα σιμβιιλ,.oντα ειζ τηι iσioDi.! iοn ναυτιΝoι) ταρn τoi: Bι]ξαν.ι.

ιιi;., Νioζ .Eλληνoμνημoν

9(191])'17]: ..IMαρδοiται]:]ιοιq rαζ iαυτ.nν./αλλ.iα; πDoj τo i'ι μΙ]νο; ro n.

Ι,ιο./οζ nφoρμδ6ι ιαi rl]ν iιiι' Σuραη νδν ?ilΙ τδ παndiαν i:κιιiνoυ6ι καi εloυσΔ


]iιcraΙy SouΓces ω usc for his naval manuaΙ and thar οonsequenι1y he had ιo ΙesoΙt to the eΧperiences or his naνaΙ oΙΓiceΙSa5, The Byzantine manuals οfwarfaΓe haγe been repeaιedly adapted and ιeshaped, and old treaιiseS unscrupulous|y mixed ιγiιh ηe\ι maιοιiaΙ undοr γaΙiousιiιΙes, Dajn,s Systeπalic and meticuIous effort managed ιo ιntangle ιhe oΙder of the various Byzantine waΓ nanιιali46. The Ιnost impoΙtaΙι Byzanιine naιaΙ manual is ιhe above-mentioned Λ 6 o ντoζ βασl)'.ωζ Nαυμolι κd (N aumachica) \γhich appeaιs either incor.€d in the more genefa1maΙuaι ofwarfaιe Tδν .ν πο}.iμo1q τακτ1κδγ σι)\,τoμoζ ταρiιδoσι; (Τaοιica) or separateΙy aΙong \Ιith otheΙ simiΙaι lvorks47, Ιιs ιιuιhoΙ, ιhe Εmpο.or L€oγt (886-9l2), used informaιion Supplied by a number of }yzanιine n1vaΙ ofΓiceΙ!, who had fiΙSι-hand expeιi€ncc in naγal ινaΙΓare against the Moslems, Τhus, jt offeΙS concrete adγice on ho\ι to coυnιer ιhe naval miΙjιary tacιics οi ιhe Moslem fleeιS. ΑnotheΙ Byzantine nalal manual. Α d B a s i l iυ m P aι ι i c i o lT naumachica13, j s ιγ riιlen by an ιιnknown autho r and dedicated to a ceτtai n patriciυs BιSil, peΙhaps the jΙ1egilimaie οhild of RomanoSa9, ι is Ιoι dλtcd. bιιt based οn inteιna cγidence it can be placed,juSι belorc the conqucsι oΙCr€te (96]), Scaιιeι€d infoΓmation abouι the Byzanιine naνy iS alSo found in ιhe 3yzanιinο hiStorjans and ιhο hagiographicaι works, SpeciaΙ rnention Shouιd be madc of some m€teoιo' Ιogical ιeΙιs ινhich seοmοd ιo be iΙdispensable accelsories fu the na!'al οftjceΙs, The inrportance of thc knoν-ho\ν of Safe sailiΙg is eΙnphasized in ιhe Τaοιica ofLeoγΙ \γΙιere it jS said ιhaι ιhe higheΙ navaι officοr! Shou]d also be eΙperienοed SaiΙoΙS' fυlly lxmiliaΙ $ith ιhelvindS, staΓS, eιc5ο' we can ιιssume that a number of mοιcoιoιogicaι ιext5 musι haγe been \γΙitten during the peak ofιhe naval a€tivitiei of ByzantiuιΙ (9th to l ]ιh centuries). Tν/o oΓιheΙn haγe Survived and \\,eιe pubιished by Sp, LaιΙproS alongwiιh a very inιeΙesting ιhiΙd ιext, a manual foΓ ts}zantine custοms officeΙS foΙ guidancc in computιng ιhe tonnage of merchandise51, Both of these meιeoroιogiεal treaιisΘs appea' in cοdex Marc.335 (420r-423v) and ιΙe anonymous and undated5,, The first is tided ..oι παρi τd]ν π}'ευστιxoτ.ρov (Ρdis' 19:ι])' |,l, Daiη. Naumachica pa.tim ad hunο iΠ€diιa 46, Dain wrotc a ηumbοΙ oΓ br]tliaιt Ψorιs on the Byaηiine war ftanuals. lhe Ιast aηd most ιaΙ uabl€ ιιas pυblisιed aftcr his dcath by J, A de Fouc1uι (sΦ noιe 4]). 4], D]nr. Nauma.hi.ι' l,Ι.8:]. The Naιmιchica.ι}|nrs the XΙx cοιsιiιuιio ol Leo.S 'Γ!cti c a (PG lo7' cοls 939 lο1.ι] lldxρpcaΓs aS a Sepi.ιτe \νork in thc c o Γ p ι s nn u 1 i c ι !n .15,

ambrosianuη Danr, ιes sιratiεis1cs byzanιins, .]65, ;ι8 Dain' Lcs stΙat.gisιes by7anτiηs, ]]61. afuΙ idem' Na u mach ica,

5. Ι


sι' Kyriaιi.Φ. .'Eιζ πofuν i,ναφ.ρoντιι τδ τρoτασσ6μενoν τδν λεYoμiνoν NαDμαΖικδν τon Bασιλεfu!.,iΠ At1l ιteΙ v coηgΓcsso ΙΠte.na2ioηa]c di s t u ιt i B i z a n t i η i. Ι (Rone. t9:]9)' 5oι.5o5] idοm,.ι π ι]τ, Φ ι λo σ Σ Ζ. Θ Ι] σ σ α ι o ν ι κ η ! :] (|9]9), 28] 288j \γ, G .]9

B.oιkaar...Basiι Licapcnus... (Lοidοn. l9]2), l99

stunia By7anτinl eι Neobe]|cn]ca NeerΙcnd]ca




Therc is an EΙgΙish ιranslaιiοn o| lhcse

107. coΙs, 939.99.'

5l' sρ ιoΦpιos. ''Tρiα κεiμενα συμβnλλονrα


ιi. tljν

iστoριαν τon νJυτικοi ταριrorζ tsυζ(νι

ι\o nelΦΓoιogicaΙ ιrΦιises'bυl nοi ol

ιhe Ι]rsι ιett

κlilρoι τε και dστ.ρεζ, δπ6ταν ζ'ληγ, εν τ11 θαλdσσn κCi τpι(υμiαν ειδ0ασιν;μπoιετν, tξ δν συμβαiγoυσι τ{) ναιdγια, και πdλιν νηνεμιαζ τε Mαρδαττ(nν δρθδζ παρlιτηρo'μενoι

και εt]δiα;, δι,δν κατoρθoδνται τn ταξiδlα,., Ι1 ΙefeIs ω ιhe οbSerγalions ofιhe Maτdaites, x \\'arliΙe people bιοught b} ιhe B}7anlines fr-orn Lebanon' ιιho seιι1ed in ιhe soιlιh€Γn parι of ASia MiηoΙ jn the neighbοuΙhοοd οfA1ιalcia5ja, Τhe MaΙdiites \'ere oΙiginaΙ]y moυntainοuS pcop]e fΙom Lebanon reputed for IheiΓ ι!.rΓ]ikc qua]itieS, Αfι€ι ιhc ]νtosleΙn conqucsι ofLοbanon they remajned !jΙιυally independcn1in thejΙ mouΙιainοu! dιonghoIdS in Lebanon and reιained c|osc ιies\Ιith ιhe Byzan lineS, ιΙoι\eνe., as cοΙτectΙ} poinιed oul by ShaΙι ιhe fierce, orιhodox l]nrperoΓ Jusιi Ιian ΙΙ (6s5.695/705-?t 1) couιd noι tοleΙare 1heir uΙrorlhodo\ chΙ]sιianjty anιt transfcrred ιheΙΙ inιο the ByzaΙlinc ιeΓriιοrysrb' Thus. JuSι]n]an ]Ι. nanifesτing the sanc ]ack ()1 υndeΙstanding and ιΙΙsι lιhich \νas sο chxra.ιοristic of ιhe Byzanιinοs ιο$aΙds iheiΙ pre' ΙSIanric Arab n]]jes, losi the sυppoΙ1 oΙprο-Byzantinc MardaiteS ι!jιhin thο ArabS. Ιines, ι]oΙιuπaΙe]), Eor the Byzantjnes ιhe deScendantS o1.lbe MaΓdaiιcs continued to Safekee! 1heir\'arΙike spiΓit and dcνθ|oped inιo firsι Γalc sea-faΓing fighιers, This tΙeaιiSε, obνjous]), baSed on firsιhaDd infoΓmaιion by eΙpeΓicnced sailors, dc. s.ribcj the γarious οΙimaric changc\ preνailing on ιhe 1ouihernconn oΓAsia MinoΓ and inc]υdes inStructionS for the correcι obSeΓνaιion of ιhe Stars to lccιιre Success1.ul txi]ing. aS ι1e|| aS hinιs foι lhe bcsl seasonS to Ιaid ΝlosΙem Ιa1ιds, R, }Ι. Do||ey consideΓS Con preSunrcd 'ιxΙtiπc PoΙphyrogeΠn]ιοs (9l3-959) as ιhc ιuthor ofthis trcaιisei though he iS js assump Ιbr Sυch an noι enough eΙjdeo.e ιο have wrjιιen a book on a Sinrjla.lopjc, thei€ ιion5a, Porphyrοgenniιos. bι'oi could simpΙy haγe been anothe r meteo ιolοg]cal bοok' ]Ιr1eΙnaleνidence based on ιhc langυage. aS suggcsled by DolIcy. μoiιrts ιo ιhe t€nιh cen




ιnd StraiegοS ofihe famous ma riιirne cibyΙ ιaiοιic theme. Thc identilicaτion oΙ.thΙS S1rategoS iS impossible, and ιhe daΙingguessψorkofDollcy'who idοndfieshjmπiιh t].t!iΙHeλami|i1es, a stτnιcgos ofthο CjbyrΙaiots duriΙrgConstnnιiDe PorphyΙogennitοs.Γcign, is no1 peΙsuanιes6, Hoιeνct, the men1ion in the texι οf TaΙSos and Αn ιioch xS Mos]em citjeSιhich\aere occupied b], the B}zantineS jΙ 965lnd 969 rcspecιiγe])', ]S a cΙear jΙdication thaι it had been \ιriιιen belore 965. Some moΓe nrclcoτοΙogjca] and other ByzaΠιine ιeΙts. dcahrgwith\γεaιher and saiIilg .ιbΙishedb,ιanrpΓos,inRlΙDoΙ]ey.saΓliclc..λ,eleorobgyiΠlheB)'zxnιineNavy.'.TheMar],

ner's Mi.ror ll

(1951), J-16.

5]a,K'AΦc.ιοs,\icι[''Mαpδαiταi'..Eλi'η ιι {n 5(1932),1:]Φ]:]6]ιhar..Mardaiι.s ψasSiΦρη lirc ΠaΦe ol a πι.ιime Ι as η a and that n1el \yeΙe noτ the sea lιι1ng peolrlc bΓouεnι by lhc tsyzaι Ι|..s fΓonr ιcbalon seeπs improbab|e; Scc ιΙ' Ahr{ei]er, Ι],zan.e e1 Ιa mcr [Paris, 1966). ]99 ]Φ FoΓ lhc pΓob|cf of Mardait€s see Α' shaΓf' ...rhcDeΙence Φ|tsyzaninuΙ.s Easτern Ι-roΠticr and ιhe \l.rda1eζ,.. Bc r ι|an l (l96]). 234245, 5]b sharι, .'Thc DcfcΠcc of Byzanιium,s Easτcrη l.Γonlier. ' 2].|' .'ιιe1eoro]oεδ'iη ι1rc ByzaΙline Naly..,8, 5.1 DoΙ]e).


|bid., i.1' Πoιe 4

shouΙd be mentioned hθr€, TherΘ is a βooντoλ6γιoν attributed to Leo

vltrr ond ιhr.e

anonymous hοros€oΙ,es of ιhc fiftι c.ntury A.D., wiflι 6omc nauticsι notοs and importεnt trade information, rεcently publishcd by G. Dogrοr and J. Roυgefr (Fig. l).




144 ,2'

16.3ο, 2].3o,




C zz.y;




tt-tl ι9]







Hoιo9op. n.

Fir. l. T*o anonymoυs ho.Φρes of ιh.


51h c.nτury-

ιn addiιion to ιhe manuals of naνaΙ waΙ, tiο g€rιcraΙ maιua|s of Byzantine waforc aΙ€ of som€ limiιed impoιιonce to oul subjeοι foΙ thc scatt€Ιed rcf.renocs thcy inolud. aod/or rhe iΙformotiοι tΙι.y offer us for thc ιypc ofΨarιγhich Niοεphoros Phocas appιicd in his .xpediιion againsι ModeΙn crΘtel3. Those are: ιhe Στ ρ ατ η γι κ6ν, aιtribuled to ιhe Εmperor Maurice39; th€ cod. (dated ca. AmbΙos. Bιl9 sup. (l39), a paraphrasο of Maυricc's Στρατηγικ6v


57a. ΔΙtοΙiadl.-BibiΦu, .T

Eιudcs d,histoir. mariιift€ d.s cafa ν isiens'


57b. G' Da8Ιon and J, RoυΦ,

dcs Etudcs Byzantin.s

(PaΙis' 1966).28, nole 2, ..Trois hofG.op.s νoyag.s

Φ(l9E2), 1l7.|]3,


d. Byzanc6 λ ρropos

.n mc.

(,Θ si.cle



c'),,, R

ο γ u


58. For ιh€s. rnilitary ι.catis Φ J. F- ιΙa|don. ..some Asp€cts fΦm thc siith ιo rh. τenth Gntufir '' Byzan ιine an d M

of gyantine Miliιary TΦbno|oe,


o, ιhos. ι@ιise6

od.rn G r.ek st udi.s ι (1975)' ιl-47;J, \νitta, Th€ E1bnica in Byzantin. Milira.y T r.. ιi ses(Ph. D' Dissοrlaιion, Uoiγeruity of Minn.ssota' ι9?7)j ιΙ, Hunger' Die hochsp.achliοh. profa!. Lile .ιιur, 32!.340.

.xcΞ||Φι .tudy of Byanιine miΙitary ιΦtiΦ ba3.d


is A- P€.tusi,s

Φtori.diglΦ d.i Bifunni(s.c. γιxΙ-, s.t ιim. ne di sιυdiο d.I cenι.o tιaΙiano di slUdi sυ||, Alto Mcdiocvo 15o96η'63|"


,9. H. Mihn.6.!' αl'' DΦnis (viΦna. l9E1)'


in occidenre

Mαυριtιoι Σtρατηγιxδν

(BlcharΦt, l9?0)]


.diι ion by o, T

ιhe Τacιica ofLeovΙ6':thc Pr obΙemιιa, aιιΙibuted ulsν ιo ιeo νι6:; theanonymoussyIIoge Tacιicο.u m6r alld ιhe PΓaecepιa miliιaria.


attribuιed ιo Νicephorοs Ρhocas6a'

ttagiographica1 and Ecοlessiastical


A 8rcaι deal ofaιtention has fecenι|y been giγen ιo ιhe pubtication o[ reΙενanι ha.aio. graphicΔΙ and ecclesiastical \rοτks, Νo comp]eιe |isι ofιhose\γοrks hag yeι appeιrcd, Τh. Dclorakis prcsents only a Ιimited nυmbcr of sourceS in his articΙc'..ΛΙ dραβικαι iπιδρoμαi tiαi η .ν Kρητη 'Λραβoκρατiα εi: aγιo}.oΥικli καi ilμνo7ραφικ(i κειμενα-', [K ρ ητ1κ{i Χρoνικii 2l (1969)' Ι19-]29], TheΓefore. an aπθmpt hxs beeΠ made hcre ιo oiιΓ a cοmprehelrsiνe lisι of1hοs€ Sourccs, ,Γhe hθadiπg οf BιΙc [F. Halkin. Bib Iiot heca }Ιagiog raph ica G Ιιe. ca, 3rded. (B.υsse|s. 1957) andiιs supplementAuctaΙiu m (sυbsidia hagiographica 47 (BrυSsc]s, 1969)] snd lhe Bιtc speciaΙ number arο mainly used in ιhis lisι. Νe\λ impor' tant ediιbns and studieS, not inc]uded iΠ BιΙG, are added in this caιalogue,

rιl MοdeΙn \ι οrks on Ηagiography LopaΓ€ν, ι]hΓ,. ,'Byzantinc LiνeS οΓ SainιS,'. γ jz. vrem Gene

4 (l897). ]37-40l (in


Loυilleι, G.' ..vie dc sainιs 8recqυes pοuνant serγir des soυfces poιΙr |.λisιοire de ByZance et IeS c€rtains εγ6nements racont€s dans c€νo|unre.,,inA.A'vasiΙieν, Α rλbes' Ι (Bru!tse]s' i935). 4]ι-445, Da cοsιa - Lοui||ct, c. ..saints dc crθce au vllΙc. Ιxe eι Χe si.c|es'., By,:in. ι io n Jι (|96|). 309-]69, Deιorakes, Τh,, oι "Aγ1oι τiζ πριi)τηζ βυζαντινiζ περι6δoυ τiζ

Kρητηζ καi η σχετικil πρδζ αδτoδζ φι}"oλoγiα (Aιheπs' l97ο). Sevienko, l., ..Ηagiography of ιh€ Ιcοnoοlast Period'., in ιconοcΙaSm, Bryeι and J. }ier,in (BiΙmingham, 1971'' Ι|3.132'


Αhbros gΙ, B ιl9sup (l]9) seec, Ma?zuΦhi, ..Dag|i anni d18asi]io PardιiΦοflcnos(cοd,Amb,B]t9sup)...Λeνum52{l978),267']Ι6ondG'T,D.nnis'.'F|ics,Micc 60, For Ιhc daιin8 ofthe cod,

B,2, n ι ine and Modcrn creek Studies 7(t98t)'2ft 9 7- l92]). in.lmplele .diiioζ 6ι, R,νari,ω', ιeonis imρ Taclica.2νo|s,.(Bυdap€sι. and in Pc l0?' col, li?ι.] l20, 62, A'Dain,cd,' Leonisν1 saρientis pΙobι.mata (Palis' I9]5). 6], Dai.'ed,, sylιoao ιacιicorum ( t9,8). Θ. Nicephori praeccpta miliιaria, .d,J. Kulakoνsιij' in zapiski lrρ.ra. ι o r s ι o j A ι a d e m i j N a u ι' γ|ΙΙ ser,' 8 (|φ8). s.e ο|so Π ε ρ i τ α ρ α δ ρ o μ iι ζ π o }. ε μ o ι (DeνcιiιiιionΘbe1ιica).cd,c'B.HΔseinlhcοdiιionofLeoDiεconos(Bonη'l828),179.258, (Lciρzig,190l), ΛΙolhcr ι.eatyψas ρub|ishcd by R, vari' ιibcr de.c fliIitari nd

lh. B}'a.ιinccrossbo*,.'





molr. creιeDsis. m, cοnstantinopoΙi (t766 or 767), BHG lll.l]2: -..o .Λγιoζ 'Aνδρ.αζ 6 εv τi κρiσει καi iπi εiκoνoμα. see a|so B. Laourdas. i Κρητη ,.vic 5(ι95l)' Da xρoνικd 32'6ο] G. costa.LοιilIeι, Kρητικd de s.An' Ιiαζ...



24 ( 1954).




oi "A1ιoι τηζ πρ(iτη; βυζuντ1νηζ περ1oδoυ τηζ Kρiτηζ καi f] σχετ ικη πρδζ (1i,τonξ φιλολoγiιΙ (AΙhen'. |97ο). |60.19.l. and ιhe bib]iographical πote ] οn page


AnιoniυsjuΠiοranachοretainBith}niaetcοnsιanιinοpoli(t865),BHCl,1:.l4]a. Λ r e ι h a ! eι socii nlm' Νagranac apud Ιiomeriιas in Arιbix (t5]3), BllG Ι66i G, L, ιΙu\le},...oι ιhe Cιeeι ι{nn}riunr ol lhc Negrdnilej.. PΙoceοdiι1!S o1. ιhε Roya| Ιrish Λcademy, vo].80. c' Nuπber ] (1980).41-55' Ι,shahid'The

oΓ NιiriΠ


(Brussc|s, |971). (ιοιh corc}'rae ccnturΙ). Bfic:ο44-

\ ep. Aιhanasia hcgιιmenn A ΓseDiu

in Aeginιι iΙrsιl|ι (9τh ccnΙury)'

in preparatiιln by ]\. Pana}o1akeS,

ΛthnnasiυS Athοniιa (ca,,lιοο4), Bιιcl37'l9|ι anιiquac sancιi Αιhanasii Λlhonilac. Glacca 9. (BrεpοlS-Tιlrnhouι, l982),




rre!ι ediιiοn iS

J. |ioΓeι. ed,, γiιae duae corpυS chrisιiaΠorum Series


€p. Meιholrensis in Pe|οponncso (9th οentuΓy). B}'C |96l DacosιaLouiι|ο1...Sainιsdecr€ccnuv||le.IXeeιxesidc|es'.(hereafιer..SainιsdeCrιιce.,).]|3-


(]). see Ι), Zak!.hiΠos....Λ]ιo-: Bnρβαρoζ... iΠ Εi; μγημην K..A..SainιS de crθce''. l874 l960 (ΛιhenS' !960)..:ι]i-453: Da Costa-Loιli]let.

Barbirus μaντoυ 309'3 ι3.


9iu S

AΙnoricn5iS Ιnon. (ca, +9ll-9l])'



an ι in u s olim Ιιιdaει]S mοn, in ι']ιhyΙ]i,i sub BasiΙio Ι. DHC 37ο, CosmaS cp. ι{ iιrmae (t760),BHC ]94: τh. Dcιorake$. Koσμαζ .) ΝΙεi"ωδδi βioξ καi i:ρ7o lTheliiloΠiki. 1980), EliAS siculυr nron.;n C1labιia (t90]). l]tΙG jΙJo: Sec iIsoC, R, Τxibbi.viιtι di Sanι.Elia i ι Gi ονanc (PalerΠo, 1962),


n sι


junior asceτa in monιo Λιho

ΙJΙlG 655, γiι.t Eu1hytni]

thes1a|οΙicae (t898)'

t]υιhγΙniιtS paιΙ, cΡ (t9l7). ΙJιic 65Ι'652i P' Kar|i1r-ιΙay1cr, paι cΡ (Brul9e|\. l97ο): D, sophianιrs....o Bioζ τoδ Ei,Θυμioυ(vita ii)' Πατρι]ιρxoυ Kο)νσταιτινoυτoλεωξ(+9l7), καi6 Ι ρι)!oζ 38 ( ι97l)' 288-296. C ι e g ο ι i u s in Acretn (t820), Th, DetοΓakes. o i "Aγιo

συγγ ραφi ξ αi,τoι.,'







ρ(bτη ξ βυζαγ.

τινηζ περι6δoυ τjjζ Kρriτηζ καi i σΙ,τ'κη πρδζ αi]τoiζ ),oγi α (Athens, 1970), 2l ι-218. GregoΙius Dcclpoljιa (ex ΙrenopoΙi t g n ιι ι

;n ΙSaιria) (t812).


BHC 7lt'

i ιι s patr. cΡ. (t877). BHC 8l8.

to an ne s D am a scen ιι s ιΙon' et presb, (8ιh cenιυry), BιtG 884-885m. CΓela (llιh cθnιuly), tsHc 2Ι96; ;cc Ν, Tomadakes, toannes Χenus ere , in.Ιωιiννoυ .,.Yμγo.,,ραφικd καi liγιoλoγικd τoι Ξ.νoυ.., ΕtsBΣ 20 (l95ο) ]],l-330, ΙoanniciuS mon. jn Biιh}nja (t846). ΙlΗG 9]5.939: Λ, Konlinis, ΑΙaΙecta

hymnica graeca



(RolΙe, Ι972), )]1 (f.

hynnographus cP (t886),


...o .Ι(υσiφ 6 .Yμγο6(1952),]5556; Ε, TomΙdaιe,, (Aιhcns. 197l),

9aa.9.17b: B, Laourdas,


Kρητ1κi .Ιωσiφ 6 .Yμνo,rρdφoζ, βιoζ καi ξργoν

,i,ρ,φoζ εiζ τi]ν Kρliτην..,


iuniοr eremita in}teι|ade(f953), BHG 994-994b: Da colla-Loui]]eι,..SainlS de Grdcc.., 33ο ]13-


hegumena λ'lonenbasiae in Peloponneso (9th-]oth cenιuιie', B}Ιc 1l75; ..SainιS ..ΡaoIo di Mοπcmbιsia.'' Da coSta-ιoυillet, de crθce",, ]44'346; A, KominiS, B y z a n t i o n 29 ]0 (Ι959.1960)' 231 ff.. \'Ι a Ι t h

coΙ au S ep. MyrensiS sυb consιanτino (Miraculum de ιribus pueΙis Crοιcnsibu9), BHG l352q; A. Tsitouridοu'..A pΙopοS de deux nouve|les ΓepΓ6sonιations de.l.en1-ant Basile.dans lΘ c)cle ι]e Saint Ν]colas... c y Ι iIIonr οι hod inn um 3 (]975), l78-lΙJ2. Ν i

\ ic o la u s iunior m, Bunenis Sub Leone et Alexandro, BιlC 23ο9: D, Sophianos, "Aγιoζ Nl1r6).αoζ 6 δν Boυναiνη (AtheιS, ]972), Νicholas Mysιikos, patΙiarch of consιanlinopole (t925.): Seel, Konsιanιiιlidou, N ικ61'αoe A, Mυστικoζ, Πατριdρχηζ K o ν σ τ α ν τ ι ν o υ π 6 λ ε ω ζ ι90Ι-907, 9]2-925) ' Σ υ μ ,] o λ rj εiζ τi]ν . κ κ }" η σ ι α σ τ ι x it ν 1rαi πολιτι κrjν iστoρiαν τor α. τετliρτoιr τoδ 1 μ,x. αiiιγοζ (Aιhens, 1967); R, J, ιΙ. JenιinsandL,G, westerink, NichoIas Ι Paιri1τch οf con Sta]1 ιinopIe. L€ιterS (\γashingιon, ]973). Νikon δ Mετανoεττε nron, Lacθdaemone (.|99E), BιΙc l366.1368;D, F. Sul|iγan'.,Τhe

\.er,ions oΙtheVjιa Niοonis,', DoP 32(t978), ]59-173;o. Lampsidοs, ιiσιoζ ΝiκιDν 6 Mετανoεττε (Alhelrs. ι982)P


u l u


mon. in monιc LaιΙο (t955).




P e1Γu cp. ArgiγoΙuiΙ (tposι 920 ante 924), dθ,316-325; K. Kyriakopoulos'



l5ο,ι; Da cosτa-Louillet, .E Πετρoυ π ι σ κ δ π o

]oυζ βioζ καi λoγo1 (Aιhens, 1976), PeιΙus Aιhoniιa (9ιh cenιuΙ]r), BHG l505-l5οω; anοien d€ ΡieΙΙe l.Athoniιe..,


n al ect


.o i1( Π(,ντoυ


υ 'Α

ρ -

D. ΡapachΓyssanιhou,



88 (l97ο), 27.4l,


Τheοcιisia ..Πι:ρi

Lι'sbia iΠ iΠ|ula Ρ.]rο 19ih ιcΙιuη). Bι]c l72]'l726bl Ν,,tomadakes. ioρτiζ τilζ,A7kl; Θεοκτiστη-ζ τii9 ΛιjσιJiα! καi Ιi ιjισαγι),/η τηζ εi. τδ'l:ορro)'il1ιo\,... iι xαΓιστηριoν υi; Λ,K,.oρi.nγδoγ Ι (Λtheπs. Ι965). l08']l6| Kστinis. Λ n x 1e cι a.269 ft., τοn βioιl κui τijζ

Theod o.n

impeΓaιrj\ AugusΙa (t|J67).B}Ιc l7.]l-Ι7]5: A. Marιοpouk,'..-ι}iζ τ'1; σt)τoκρaτιΙρ,: Θεoι\61rιξ (B]ΙC ι7.1|)... Σι]μμει { τα 5 (l983).219.284,

Τheodo rΩ



ΠοniaΙ]s(iS9]), BHC l7]7'I7.lT, a\(cτa in (\ιhe|n ilrsula \ιtb RoiΙino lΙ. BHc ].|]ο:



t' a{.. ,

':. ., ,,1. '

Fg:.sι Νiιι.Iis.!bnι.1i1.nolι(.1rrjsι:In.hiι]nοn]1|..Fnri..snilace,ι.esj.,chu.ζhofs1 jn Rim1i'a, YιLΦs].tr]i



1lh .cΙlu|\


..'o Bιoζ τoι .Αγioυ Θεoδd}ρoυ Kυθiρoν (t0οζ Πανloνioυ Συι,εδριoυ Ι (1967)' 264'29]'


Πρακτικ.i Τρiτoυ

Ιconogιaphy Ιt is noteιγoΓthy ιhaι ιhe MoS|eΙΙ occupatjon ofCΓοιe iιsniτed a ByΖanιine arιisι ψho, infΙucnced by ιhe οf Sainl Nicho]as, depicted a Scene alιhe pa]ace olιhe ΕΙnirs ofcreιo (See Fig, 2), Νo attempt hag yeι been made to place ιhis scene repεat. ed by a number ofoιher Byzantine arijSιS ιviιhin its hisloricxl re]igioυs conlexι and/oΓ compare it with oιher ΙepΙeSenιaιions of AΓabS in Byzantine art, This arιinic Ιepresenιalion is discussed in chapteι Ιv, The pos'ible inΓlιιence of MoSΙem CΓ€tin art οn Byzan-


tine xrι is alSo discΙSsed in ιhe satΙe εhapιer'



Τhe Arabic sources, like the Byzanιine, :rre sparse bΙt of extrcme va]ue, Νoι on|y do they descΙibc lhe \νarfaΙe beινeen Byzanιine and MoSΙeΙn ιleels jn the M€diteΓranean buι a]so the jnterre]aιionship ο1.the MoSlem sιaιeS. Moιeoνer' ιhey portιay briefΙy but Ρoinιedly ihe culιural activi1ieS ofrhe Moslems ofCrete, TheSe accοunιS serγe aS a usefuI coΙnιeΙbalaΙΙc€ to ιhe cΙ1remeiir bixsed Byzanιine Sources. \ιhich nΓc aινays jnνidioιιs, denying ιhaι ιhc Mos]ems oΓcrcte puΙSued anγ oιheΙ acιiγiιies 1haΠ piΓacy. τι musι bc notiιιd hοre ιhalthΘ Arabic soυΙces, in genθΓaΙ, haνο no croSS ΙeιcΙences

BΓo.kc]nΙ1nt.s mnslerpiΦc c e Sc h i ] νo|s, (Lciden, l9.ι] l9.ι9)ηith ns suppΙ.πenι in ] voIs, (LοidΘn. ]9]7-19.ι2)' ΙrdisρensabΙΘ a.e atι reevaατ ιr.ic|οsR.it1en inthe rccoηd

65 Foι lhc Arab historians

aΠd geograρhers

.h1e dοr aΓabischcη LittcΙa1ur .diιion οf lhe



iS a standnrd book.

EnοycIopaediι of lsΙah

(Lcidcn.LonιΙon' 1960), For thοchrisιian Αιabic

]lemιυ|c scc c, craξ c esc h i c h t e d e r c h r i s τ I i c h οn i ra b i s c hen ι l t 1 o Γ a 1 u r, 4 ..AΓabsk.ya gcogra \ois, (νaιican' l9.1.l-l95l) a.d ΓoΙ the A.nb geogΓaphers see |.Y KΓa1chιoνSky, iiieskc].a ]iιeraι lzbrannyc soiineniya. voI, lv (Moscow-Leηingrad, Ι957). and pa.licu|aΓA Miqu€Ι, ιa e€ogrιphie hunΙainc jι nιi]ieu du ιιc siιcΙe, 'n, (PaΓis, |967), ]τ (Patis, ι9,5), sιpρΙemenιary νoΓks ιοr Arab hisιoΓiοgΙaphy inc]ιde: Pons Borgues

Εnsa! o b]o-bibΙiogr6fico su ]os hisιoriadoΓοs y ge6grlfos Aιab'go ESρaloΙes (Mad|id' 1898): D's Margo|iouth, Lec1ures on AΓabic ΙΙisιoriaηs lcaΙcutta, l930); Ι' ιich1ensιιidter...AΓabiο and Ιs|aΙηic ΙΙisιoriograρh'.., Mos]em wor].l]5 (]9'15)' ]26.|]} Λ,DοΙi, BaΙr1 fi NaS,aι .t1m a]Ta'Ιiklr iηd al'.Αrab (ιrcirut, 1960)! J sau!.geι' Ιn1Γoduclion ! |'hi SloiΙe ιle Ι.o.ient ΦusΙΙnral' reνised ednion h) c cahen (Parι, 1961)j H,A,R'Gibb, studics oη 1he ciνiI]?aτion ol ΙSlan' ω,s,

Sha$and\ν.Polk(LondoΙ,1962),l08137;B,i-ι'νisaηdP'ιlο]1,eds',ιΙis1oria1rSoItheMid. d Ιe L xsl(oxfo.d, |962);s. conein, s ιu dies in Ι slam ic ΙΙiS tor). and ] nstl tu tion S 1L.tdcΠ' 1966); R, Νiοholson. ,\ Literar, ιΙisιory of thΘ AΙabS (camb.idgc, 1966); F' BaΠd Ι, (L€id€n, 1967): ι Ro. s.zsin' Gesctrichτe des aΓabischeη sch.ilιιumS, r.ηtha|, λι|is1oΓy of MusIim ιΙisτo.iography,2nded'iι€ideη, 1968)iD M Dun. ].p. A.ab civi1ization (Bcirtrt, 1971): G ιΙ' Α. .Juynbo|. .'oΠ Φe ofigins oΓ Arabic PΓoSe society. RelΙecliοns on Aιιhenιiciιy,., iΙ1 sιudjοs on thc Fiιsι ceηtu.y oflsΙamic :J c H a. Jurnboll(ca.bondaic, 1982), 161-175.


ιo any ByΖan1ine soυrces. The mosι conspicuous excepιion is that of Ιbn ιl-Manqali, \νho ινλs on]y intcresιcd jn mj|ilary intelΙigence, [ι seems altogeιheΙ psradoxi€sl thst the Arab auιhors dre\ι heaγi|y on thc Grcθk philοsophicaι trad,.ion and on maιhemaιical ''ιhο geography show no interest eiιher in anci€nι Grcek hisιoriogrιphy or in ιhat of their Byzanιine coιltcnlρoraries. 1Ue knο\ν ιhat lhe CaIiph Ma'min asιed ιhe Byzanιines to Seπd him thc famou.t maιhematician Lco, a reqι!θsι tιhich ιιas deniΘd66, Τhe eΙample of Ma.miΠ.s demaπd ol. Leο MathematicoS \νaS a u,ique ej(ceplion. Ιn genera| ιhere ινas nο Arab demand for Byzanιine ιeachers. .Γhe Moslem Αrabs djd nοt even ιry to uSe ιhe 1horough knoψled8e ofιhe Gre€k ,angυa8eιιhich ιhe Byzanιines pos sessed, a field iΙt μhich ιhey seΙc Ιacking and coυld hιve becn υseful to ιhem for a beιler undersιanding οf th€ CΙeek tΓadiιion. The MοSΙems \γeΓe onΙy eager tο acqujre Greek manuscriplli \νhοn ιhey found ιhem in lheir inva1ions in ιhe Byzanιine terΓiιory. The famου5 l.anslator tΙυnayn bn, Ιshaq Ψent rcpeaιcdly to ιhe l}yzantine ιerritοfy to acqυi.e Greck manuscΙipls. buι made no uS€ oΓ any ιcaclΙeιs οΓ thc Byzanιine Εmpire. G. Strοhmιιier, Speaking abouι ιlomeric learning iΙι Baghdad, po;ntS out ftat an Arab went ιο cοnstanιinople as a sιudent of Michae| Pse||os to lea.n ιιomeric creek63- ΡSe||oi boasιing ιhat among his sludents ιherc tνιι5 somebody from BΔbylon (. Baghdad) pro. bably rcΓers tο a chΙistian Λrab. perhaps a priest from Baghdad who wenι ιo consιnnΙinop|e ιo dcνe!op hi\ leliliοu' edU(aiion6., we aIso know lhat ιhe Emir oΓ spin. .Αbd ar-Rahm.ι1 an.Νa9ir, receiνed orosiu!' C o n ι r a P a g a n o s Γrom consιanιine Porphyrogennjιos, aΙongΨith a coρy ofDioscouride'-o. bUI ιhi. sa' xgain J Ιjmiιed 1cιion, 66, |]or 1his eρisoιle and ιhc ιack o|aηy importlnι direct inteι|cυιUa| cx.hΔnges beιψcΦgyzantiuη

nndlheArabJ3|aΦicψorld*mynπicιc.,.ιΙliκnνoβoλiα τοr Bυζuγτioν στi,j ipdβι(.; zδρεξ'., ιo ap' .Eγ{ικλoτα ιδει α' sΦ also P' pear in lhe νolumc...E).λnζ.. oι the M eγαλη Σo βι εtικi Lcme.]c. Le prcricΓ hu.οaΙisDe byzaηιin (PJris.197ι)' |5G54. Ιτshoυ|d bc norcd ιhaι Τhc sιory o],KaIi1a φa.D i m na ψas ιransIa1ed u,dcrthe ιilΙe Στεφανiτηζ intheninth o.e|eleηlhccnιιιry' buιιhjsοneψisanΙndianstοry Φaηchntanlril). ι.εlsΙ.ιοd inιo Gfceι ι.om Arabic soυrccs by a c.rtain s}rcoo' soπ of seιh. ξ\ l PapademeιrioU. ..Tιc sourΦs and chaΓncte. ol De] coνcrΠo dc Regni.,, τransacιioηS !nd PΓocecdiηΙ.s oι ihc Ameri.ιη Phi|οιogicalAssocialion9](Ι961)..ι22..ι39GK.hagiog|oυ.'..oβι{ανΙνoξxαiμεταβυ] (l982),I05l]0, ιανnνδ; Συν!ιτα.|γι(i μ'dι ν.α ξκδoση..' craccoΛrabiοa The ιmiιω inlοrmaιion on ιhc Byzanιinc Empi.c n'hich aρ i. λlas.ndi dΦs nol ζomc r.onr aΠJ"

ts)/aηιinc SouΙΦs, bul n.od eaΓIier' velkilc chΓisl]an ΛΙab souΓΦ] aηd thc ev]dcnc. oΓ e!cι]ιnc\Sesl (Beηn. |9iΙ). l08 DΠnlοD. Arab ci\!|]zlιiotr 6'c sιrohΦaie.. -.ιIrΠrξ'. in Ι]ngdΙd., ι} } / r n ι i n o S I a ν i c n 1Ι: (l980). I99


Νlichc|ι'PSelIo' eρisιo|ι p ]5. ν, 96.10] ..' Mi νnν δ. τ1ζ iι

69, ]91]),

x v i c ir e | ι' c e r u | 1 r i o' ιd ιJ c.iΣ-Uο|o (ΝnF|er, iιnν Bαβυi,Φνoζ ιiρiων ι]iσtε nι,iν rδν l)μδν !αμdtoι ιiσΙ.-

dξ tαιζ τρΦωμi.Ι; iιiiλυ()ι]..' 7ο M Me,eιhol,'..Dic Miteria Φedica des DiosιυΙide1 bei dcΠ Aιa|reΙi.. il Q u c l I e n und sιudien zur Gcschiοhι. ιlcΓ N a l U . ψ i S s e n s c h a t ι ο n und dcr Mcdizin |τΙ (|9]])' 72ft; G.Levi D.|li νida in MisccΙiin.a c, GalbiaιiΙΙΙ(Ι95Ι)'I8520:1;and|-' Rοscn|haΙ. A ltiSιοΓy of MusIim ΙtjstoriograΙ,hy.80ιil' sιτ aΙso tne.Φntwo.k by J,νe.nel, EI ΙsIam y Eυroρx (Barc.lona. 1982)' 68 h rυst b€ noιω h.rc lhatlhcrcΨas,n Αrabiuthoι'Mυslimbn'AbιΙ1ustnnaI.KhυΓΓιnri.$hosr,cΠιmaηyΙοars]ηlheByzanlineΙ,nrρirΦasu


lt jS difficult to ιιndersιand all ιhe reasons fοΓ lhe Ιeluοιaιr.c of ιhe Αrab aιιthoΙS to use Byzanιine soυrces. ΤheiΙ l.ear of ΓoΙejgn inflυences, a|jeD τo ΙSlam. is one facιor, Γ. RosenιhaΙ'S asseΙιion lhat lhe Αrab aυιhοΙs ignored thc Byzaniine sοurεes becaute of the self-c€Ιtered ouιΙooΙ οf MoSlem socieιy, again on]y parι]y exp|ains this phcnonrenon'l.Ιbelicγeιhaιinaddiιiontoιhcabove-mentioΠedfactorSwοmuSlιakeinιJconsidcraιion ιhe reStrict€d palternS of hisιοrjcal naΓΓation $hich guided ιhe AΓab authοΙs, Thc chain of eyeινiιncsses (i S n { d) and ιhe previoιιslyι1Γitιen Arabic SourceS cοιι]d not bc γbialed by an inιrusiοn of EeΙerences b the Byzantinc soιιrces, This was ιnιhinkable and ινoulιi .ΙeSiΙoy the ιΙuSι\1oΙthincss of the historica] narratiγc o1.any Arab auιhοr, Thus iιwas inΙpossiblc fοr any Arab author 1o use conιempoΙar} Byzantjne sourceS! thoυgh a ceιιain Graecο.Syriac iιrfluence in ιhc .IeγeΙopment of lhe genιe of ΑΓ{b histoΓioεraph} canloι be denied',. conιemporary firsι-hand infοnΙaιiοn abouι CΙeιe cοuld have been deιiled liom ΙeaΙΙed Moslem tΓaν€lers who ν]sited CΙθl€, Lucki]y \γe lιaνe sιιch informaιion abοut lhe olher Mos]em fronιier State aι this ιime, SiciΙy: Ιbn Ha$'qal pΙoγidcs brief but exιreπe]y υSefuΙ detaiΙs aboυt jιS Socieιy and buΙeauοracy?3, Ther€ is enough pΙeciSe infoιmatioΙ about a numbeΓ οΙ ιeaΙnled Mos]emS \ιho liled or iraγellcd ιo MoSlem creιc, buι nothing rcmajns of ιheir νriιings apart fΙom ιh€ir titΙ€s and a γagυe descripιion oflheiΓ conlcΠts' Ιι iS particυ]aΙ1y dep1οrab1e that ιheΙe are ιro extanlιγoτks of the ΑndaΙιlSjan FriSι' Marvan bn, .Abd al'Ma|ik \νho, accordjng ιο the informatiοn pΙeserνed by tbn xl-Faradi. spent many years jn Crete οo]]ecting maιeΙiaΙ nboιιι its hi5Ιory74. ' Final]),, iι shouΙd be υnderstood ιλ1ι ιhere is no necd 1ο describe aι len!ιth ιhe gcneral nature and conιent of ιhe reιeγaltΑrabic souΙces, whaι conceιns u5 here iS 1hc infοΙma' ιion Γe]eνant ιo our subiecι and itS ιrusιινorιhiness,

Arab lΙisιoriaιs and Geographers Τhe nrore jmpoΓιanι Α.ab histοrians and gοographeΓS foτ the presenι ΨoΙk aS a ινhoΙe aΓe: Mas.ndi, Nu$ayri and Yaqιt, Τhe sιandard \}oΙks of Baladhuιi' Τabari, tbn 1| Αιhir, Maqrizi and Ιbn Khajdnn offeΙ ]imit€d, buι νaΙuable infoΓΙnal]on, conceΓning



he had ιhc

oppofruηity to



ιλe GΓcck laηguage' obserνο lhc life

Φe B,2anι nc cou.l

!.d a.quirο coηcιete knoιledge oΙ ByzaΠtine gcography, ιlc wΙolea lrοoι on thc lyzanιΙΙe emperoΓs iΠ ιhich heιΙso dcsc.ib.d tlr€ByzaDιine frontiοιS, but UnιoΓωnatcΙy ιris worΙ h.s nol sιΓνnω ψe ιΠoψ nolΙing ιboιι his possib]c use oΙ xny crΦk sourωsi sΦ Λ.Α vasiΙie\, B!, 7ancc ι'1 |es ] (Bru9seιs' 1935),20]

^.abcS, i]' RoscΠlhal, A ιtisιoι, 12, Ibid,,



οf Muslim HiStoriograρhy'

Γf ri was 1hc first to ΠonΦ Ιbn


ubΙ]SlEd aιong ψil ι 7]] M A ma ξ] aνqaΙ\ dοscΙlpιion of s]ci |y \ιtrich ne aΙΓcΠcht.anslaιioDunder1ieliιΙeDοsc.iption de PaΙerme aι miIieι dU xe siιcΙe ιie νιΙraiΙe par EbnιΙauca] (Paιis.l8,l5), .υ ] aπ i, a I A nd a I u S,.d cii|o(t966), Πο l415; SΦa|so.naplel 74a, ΙbnaΙ Faradi.T ai. i ι h



oιΙhe p.esenι*ork,


ιho.acιiγjtjcs of the Andalusian cοnqueΙors ofcrete in Spaio' E$/pι and crote, the main sources are: Kindi, Ιbn a]'Αbbar' HimyaΙi; special menιion sbould be made of Ιbn aΙ. Faradi and .Abd al.wahid. Ιnformation abouι chrisιianity jn Mosl€m creιe js found jn lbn ψaψqal and Ι$ιakhτi. Ιbn a|-Mameιi and .Abd aΙ.Latif al-BaΦdΑdi give an accounι of the wood sυppli€s and the construction of Moslem ships. Α bri€f skeιch ofeacλ of the5e aυthors is offefed lι|nhθr beloιΙ in this s€cιioπ. Shorι refefences ιo the Αrabs. sea raids jn ιhe Medjterranean are found in the christian A rab a uthoΙ Mah bδb bn, Qu s ιan tin of Manbij (Agapiu s of Mabbug) ( t oth century)?ab. !n thcψork ofS.vθrus bn. a|-Mυqaffa.(a bishop of AΙexand riι. 1 l th c.nιu ry), th€Ιe iS a narration ofthe acιiviιies oflhe Andalusians in ΑΙ€χandria?,..

TheΙe aΙc a|so cθrtain refeΙences' relevanι to our slυdy' in Bakri (l0Φ-1094)i Ιbn ΤaghrιBirdi(ca. 14|0.1470),5δ;inιdrisi.sbook, Nuzhat aιMιlshtaq fi,khtjr' aq AιAf aq σhe Deιjght of }tim whο Desires ιo Trav€rse the }Ιorizoοs), ιno\ιn as the Book of Rοgξr, so.caΙιed afιeΙ ιdrisi.s patΙon, Rog€ r Ιt of sicj,y' compiled in I|5476; thθ κiteb a|..ιJyin (wΙiιten byan anonymous aυthorio ιhe |3ιhcenιury): Maqqari (ca, 159I.|632); Qatqashandi (.t|418);Yahye bn' al-Anιaιi (+lο65)] Ya.qΓlbi (9ιh cenιury). and oιhers, Finall).ιso more ξource\ 5hoυ|d tle menlionetl: ιhe

yaraι Tu

A]-Ma,ieIi\ \ιa.l Musi.

ofQeci an.Ν (|οιh οenιιΙry)7'and ιhe Kiteb aιDhakha'ir ι, a'lh a ξ Ιnost p robab|y \ι ritten by Q.di ar'Rash'd (+l070)?3. Boιh ofιhese sources shed

Κiιab aL.U,νan (H isloirc uniνcrsοlIc)' ω' and ι.aηs, A. A, atfoιoεia ori.nιaIis, ν|l.(l9lI). ,75a. seνcιus bn. aιMuqaffa., ιl isιory of the Pa1ri!rchs ol'th. coDtic churcΙl ofAlexandria(MοnaΙ1oJoseph76,.849).cd,andFreηch1Ιans'byB'Eνetts.inPaιrolosia oricntalis. X. (1915). ?5b' Pa.t οf TaghrnBirdls *'οrι An.Νujim a7'z.tira has becn ιmηs|aled by w, PoΙJp€Γ 74b, Agapiυs'

vasiliev in P

(Berιοley-ιos Angeles, ,954), This lranslaιion do6 noι Φγοrour ρeriod but only ..GΝι,sιands

Fo. zuhri Φ M' Marin' (in prζs)' in which th€rc is aιl




in ιhcHispano.ArabAuιliο.s...c.acco'Arabica ]

the releνanι biblioeruph},

Arab ciγili2a1ion.

16?' Tlre Study of 1hc ιc]aιiοnship ofΦrlain refι.renΦs toMosΙemc.cleinτheBoοkolRogc.ψilhlheΓele!Δnιpassagesintsiιri,Yeqol,Hifuyariand οιhcrs' issιiΙΙo desideralum Α discιssion on ιhis ιonic is fo!η( in ιl Mu'nis. Τa.riιh a|. Juerafiyah ψa.IJugraΓiyin fi.I-ΛndaΙιs (Madrid. 1967),5]7ff;N, Marani..Mυ,jan aιBuld.η li Yaqnι aιξiimnιvi-.. A |-M as r id 7] (1978). lΦ.l 16,

?6, Dunlop.

7,, R, Gotthei|. .'Λ Disιinguished FamiΙt' o| Faιimid QadiS in ιhc Tenιh cenlury..,



o u

Γ n a

1 o|

o.icntaIsοcιeι}27(Ι90,)'2ι7.296.Α Δ P.yzec...Qadia..Νu.nΙn. ιιc FaliΦi. .lυrisland Auιhor,.' JournaI of RoyaΙ Asiaιic Socieiy(Ι934).]-32ilhcle1cνaηiιexιis pubιished by Ι, chunaym. in: Α|lnbaraturiydh ιΙ.Biza n ιiyn h ψa alΙsΙ ami' y ι h (Jedda, l9?7),2]]..15TιrercisarΦc.ιcdhionofιh.sholeιeitof^|.MajaIis*a.Ι'MUsi yarel. €d. H. aιFaqi. I shabbni and M, Ya.|aψ {Tun is. 978); h€ .cl.νanι ιcxι is .eDΙoduced anιi lranslaι€d in myarιic|e.,.τhe Moslems ofcr€ι.

a_ t08-110.


jn ιhe Λeg€an


se!..' B y za


i io n 5l (|98ι)'app.ndix

?8. sΦ a French translaιion ol.'ariουs par|s jn M, ΗamidυΙtAh, ..NouνeaΜ dοcun.nls |jEυroDe ινec l,oricnι mιsυhaη a! Mοyen Age... Α.abica 71196o),28t.3Φ


sιr |f!

Iighι οn 1he po|iιica| acιiviti€5 of Mu.izz (t975). ιhe Γiιim;d cal;ph aι ιhο ιime or Νicepho.os Phocat r{:conquest of Crete.

Mas.ndi. Abi'ι-ιlusayn 'Αιi bn, al-ι,ιusayn (cι,


Mas.idl- \γas kno\γn as ..Ιmem |Ιhin.. (ΙΙnam for all }Ιistοrians). as }lerodoιoswasthe..faιher οf ιΙisιoriani.79, But. as ιlerodotoS. hewasalso SometiΙΙcS looked upοn wiιh suspicioΠ .ιnd couιd a|so be cal|ed..Fathθr of Liars... Τhus Mas.ndi-s \νriΙ;ngs Ψefe ιΓcated harSh|y, in paΓιicular by Ιbn Khaldnn3o, Like his creeι pfedecessoΙ. he\νas aIso a ε|obe1rοιιer, ιraνelling for l he merc sake oflearniπg. Ιn ιhis way Mas.idi Ιilie a nυmber of Arab geographers conιinυed the HelΙεnisιic tradjιion of ιraνelling and Ιearning, fo.gotιen in the Byzantine Εmpire ιftercosrnas lndicοpleusιcs. Born in Baghdad ofa nobΙe family' Mas.ndi tisiιed Ρεrsia, Ιndin. ceyΙon. TransοxiaΙla. Arιnenia' Εgypt' Syria. wΘst Africa ind spaiD. }Ιi$ cοnιinuous eχhaustjνe r€ading noι onb' did he read previous Arab aυιhors, bυι h€ \γa5 a|so famiΙjar *.ith ιhe \$orks ot Pιoιemy ιnd otheΙ crcek mathemεtical geographeΙs and tr!γels resuhed in an ιmazingly pro|ific bοdyof1ιοrk3,. Mas.idi mentions that heψroιe ιhirιy-tive sοrιs. of alι lheseloΙumiηouswοrkson|γι\ιohaν€beenpfeserγed,i,e,, the ]ν1υ r nj adh-Dhahab (Meadοιs of GoId) aod Kitab a|'Tanbih (A d m o n i ι i o n). Althοugh lheseworks coγer a]mosι a]] bΓanches ofgeogtaphy, i,e,, physical. mathcmaιica|, hu.ιΙan, descripιiνe, eιc-' the mateΙia| i5 presented in an uneνen nnd υnsysιematic ιay, Neν€rthe. less, ιhcy are ο[ gΙθaι νalυe 1o us, €specially ιhosc parιs based either οn his persοna| experience oΓ upon iΙterΙogation of eyewiιnesSes8], Mas.ndi nrade a spelria] effoΓι to mccΙ MosΙem ιraνel|ers' prisoners and B}zanιinc amb.ssadols in order ιo acquife infοrmalioΙl aboυι ιhe Byzanιjne Empire. Ιn Spile οf fΓequent accusations against Mas.ιldi.s ψorks Γor their myιhο|οgicaΙ coloring' his informaιiοn for the Byzantine Empire in general and tor oι1r Subjecι in pirticuιar iS extreΙnely νaluab|c, Ηe describes πeιiculoudy thc cxchanges between Byzantine and Mοslcπ capιiνes3]. ιle of[ers υs briel.but iΙnporlant infοr. mnιion aboυι the MoS|em naγaΙ sιations. λ,losιcm seamen. ιnd aboιlι ιhe famous adπi. Γats, Leο οfTripoli and Dimianοs, \γhom he 1le\ι peΙsona]]}r, ιlewas a]so\ιel1 acquninted \ iιh Mcdjterranean ιrade and ιhe 5ιr€n!ιh of boιh BJ.znnιine nnd Moslem flcets. Ηjs 1acλ οΓ precision appeaιs only iΠ his sα1e\νhat incorrect daιing οΓ ιhe sack οf Thessaloniki

i9, R, Nicho|son, Λ ιiιc.ary llisιοry o| ιhe Arabs.:]5],ηoιc]' 8ο' \γ, FischeΙ...Ιbn Khaιiιn and πl.Mas.odi,.. in AΙMas.ndi Mi|]cnary cο ΠΠemο. rxΙion voΙum€' ed. M, Ahmdaηd A' Rahman (A|igarh' |960).55' 8], T, Kbalidi. lslamic ιi i s t o r i o e r a p h y, τhe ιlisloΓies oΙ Mas.ndi (Λ*es Yo.*. 1975)' xv: s' MΔqbul Ahmad, ,,Mns.ndi,s coηι.ibulioηs ro Medieνa] Αrab ceography'.. ι s-

lamic Colrure



82' s' M, A|i,..some ceog.apniοΔ| Ιdeas οΓ.Ι Mai,ndi.,' M i1Ic n a ry commοΦora1iοn \ olume,84:D M, Dunlop. Arab ci νili2atiοη' 1l4' 8], νasi|icν' Byzanο€ eι lcs Arab€s l(BrusΦ|s,I935)']36 ]7;Il] (Brυsi|s. Ι950)..ω5{ιl

ι:| For ιh. sacι

of Thess:ιloniki see chaDler



Τc\ιs and ΤΙanS]aιions



ιrenclr tΙans, A,C, t]arbier de Meynard and Τhisιorkwas r'evised bych, Pe]]aι,7 νο|s,, (ρaΓis, 1966-]979), Εd, cairo. nο θdiιοr. 2 volS. (A, H, l364). Ki1ab alΤanbihi ed, M, J' de Goeje' BibΙioιhecl gcographorum arabicorum, vΙΙΙ (Leiden. 1894), Trans, B, carιa de νaυx. Le ιiνre de l'avertissement et de 1a Λ, J, Β, Ρavet



cd, and

coιιrιeiΙ]e, 9 νοls,' (Paris, l86l']877),

(Ρafis, l896), Εd. Ι, Sa\ιi (Baghdad. l923), Εd,cairo(1938),

Nuφayri Λbnl-.Abbas Ahn1ad bn, 'Αbd,ΙI'wahhab


NuινayιΙ was a juriSι fΓom the ι]ιde Εgypιian to\ιn οΓΝuιιa]'Γa, about ινhoSe life ιιe knο\γ νery litllc (tl]32)3l, A,thoυghheiSalate|aυιhorhis\νοrkisol impoΓιance, be. cause oΓ ιhe plucily ofthe otheΓ souΙces' |n his encyclopaedic $ωrk Νih.i}at a|.

.Arab fi Funυn aΙ-Λdab

he has pιescιved hisιoriοal ]ΙfoΙmalion of preνiοut auιhοΓs, nrmοtinleS Ιosι, Untb.ιuΙateΙy the pubticaιion οΓ lhiS ι!οΙk has noι yeι been compleιed. The cajΓo ed]tion [γo|. ]l (l975-1976, has reachοd o.l]. ιhe yeaΓ Α. H. t32 { A,D,7,19), Τhus ιhc pasSagesconcerning the eΙpedition of Leo οf Tripo]i (chuΙam ZuΙ.Γa) mentjoned by Λ. Λ. vasiΙieν. hnνο noι appeared iΙr print36' M, Gaspaf editec th€ pa!sages refeΙring ιo Creιc31. Ιn thesο passagcs Nuwayri deScribes briefly ιhe conqu€s.

bJ. the ΑndalΙsianS, their Ιaids in ιhe Αeg€aΙ and iιs ΓeconqueSt by NicephoroS Phοcas, He has ι'νo accounts. one of a Supposed peace{reiιy bθι$'cen ιhe Mosl€ms of Crete and Romalrοs ΙΙ, and anoιhcr of the chΓistianization oΙ the Moslens oΓcτeie aliel lts recoΙquest by the ByΖanιines, Both accounιs, in spiιc oiιλeiI myιhologicaΙ characler' oΓfeΓ uS a g]iΙΙpse ol the exisιiιrg Sjιuation, PaSSages relcvant ιo MosIenl cΓeιe and SpaniSh rransΙaιι,r: Nfarianο Caspar. ..cordobeses musuιΙτanes e, AleΧandΙja )'cΓeta.., in ιΙomeDaje dc FrnΠcisco codera (SaΓagosa' |901).229 t'



bn. .Abd AΙΙah aΙ-ηama\ιi (ca,

1179 1229)

Ynqut, one oΙ.ιhe mon ouιsιanding ΑΓab geogΓap1Ιers and encyclopaediSιs. ψas ar en|.ranchised s]aιe ofCrεek οrigiD33, }Ιit ΙΙastοΓ, ι nrcrchant in Ι]aghdad, gave him a.qooο

€dυcatioιt aιrd Sent him οn tride missions ιo ιhe Pcιsiι1n Gutι S}ria aDd conltanιinople, AfιcΓ his enfΙanchisemeαt he νiSited ASia Mioor and Khοrasaιr. $hich he ιγxs i.οrced ιo


s l.


B.ocιelπlln.S sυρD|οnreoι

86 νasiΙieγ. B)Ζxnc..1 1eS AΓabes. Ιt:.]]9 8,, M GasρaΓ' ...j..i.bescs MιsιιΙaΙcs οn

y crcta..' HonΙcna]c dc Ι]Ιan c]sco co.eIa (saι]gοS!. 19α1].2292l]]; ]deΦ,^]cjatrdΓil ιiiSloΙia dc ]os MuSu Φanes de Esριη! } Al,.,ca ρor ΕΙ Nugal.l (G.ιiaιa' 191'1)'206 203'2u 217,

88 FoΙ

ihe 1Γab gcοgΓiphicaΙ οn.y.lopaedias g.ogΓaphiqucs arabes.', JouΓΠaΙ ghΙel]e.. in EΙ]' Ι\.(]97.1]' nair€S


ιr Seec..Ι Rei,aud'..Noιice sur ]es {tlcιion.




andS'ν ..Dju,

abandon iΙ ]2l9'l220 when ιhc Mongο]s ιndeI JeΠghi/ Khan inνaded. He died in A]eppo iD 1229. From his vο]uninous work a nυΙΙber ofindiSpensab]e books hιtνe surνiled,e,ρ,, ]rshid oΙ Mu:jam aΙ'Udaba,(.\ DictionlιΙ} of Learn ed M e n)l and abονe a]Ι his gr€aιwork M u.i anr ai'B u ld in, a leographiοa1dicιionaΙy which eΙn bodies a staggering amount of knoιlΙedge3,, [t shouid bc emphasized her€ ιhaι, as ι'. .|ιlaideh points οιll,..ΓaΙ iΙι'm being an indiscιiπinate coΙnpi|er. ιYaqδr]he ofιen h.tS pιoγed hiΙΙSeΙf to be i ινriιer ofcιjticaΙ acumen.,go. .Γhc M u.j a ln a Ι-B ιι td i n jS οfgrcat valΙe to oυΙ ξtι!dy. offer;nει sonrc bιiefbut importιnι jnΓorΙnation on ιhe MosΙens ofCιc1e9t. yiζΙnt describes ιhe ιopographγ oΙ. Cιete, iιS faυnx ιιnd Γ]ora li{e; moΙeover he js alοng wiιh Nυιγayri the οn]y Arab aulhorwho deScΙib€s ιh€ coΙqucsι orCΓele by Abil HafS, The infonΙation ort the coΙqυeSt ofc.ele was originaily \ιΙiιιeΠ b'γ' Ba].ιdhuΓi aΙ]d repΙodυced by Yiiqn192. Yaqnι haS a|\o pΙeS€rved addiιionaΙ infornration aboιιl Νicephoros Phocas. Ιeconquest oΙ.CΙeιc, dΙaιιn ΓΓom υnkno\'n sourceζ. Ι b€lieνe that one οfthe\c sοurccs ινas peΙhaps ηΙimyarτ }hοse $/ork has been preSer!ed οnty i|ι fragnreDtS

ΤeΙιs ιnd ΤΓansΙaιions

τ.5h i d (M u:jιm a l-U d ab a.):ed, D. S, MargoΙiοUιh' 7vols,, Gibb MemοΙin| Series' (Leiden-Lo11don' 19ο7 ι926),

Mulam ιl-BιιldaΙ: ed, F' wijsτenlι]d. JaεutS geographisο}es wδrιeΓbυch, 6 voΙS, (Leipzig. ]866-]873); indexιo ιhjs edition b} oscar Rescher, Sachindex zu \γiisιcnι.e]ds Aυsgabe voι1 JaquιS..Mu.jam alBuldan.,(Sιuτtgarι,]928).ιd,M.Khanii.

l0νo]S-(cairo, ]906 Ι9ο,). Ed BeiΙut. no

edtιoΙ' (1977). wadi J$,aideh, The ΙnιΙodιrctory chapteιs ,.M uj a nr a ]'B u I d .ι n.. (ιeiden, l959). (ιΓans]aιjon),

r!9, NumeΙοuS ioΓΙs hayc bΦn q.iιιen ol Υaqnl, πhose\νorιr s.ΙrolaΙs;Sccforcxamp|e, ιt, DeΙcΙbouΓg, ..Les croisades d,!rΙ;s


of Yeqnι.s

bΦn ελtcnsileΙy ιιsed

Ιc dictionnaiΓe


de Yako!ι'.'


iι cc


lcnaiΓc dc i,Fcole deS ιangucs o rientaΙcs νiνant.s(Ι795]895](Paris |i95),71 92, For Yaqι1in g€nc.a| sccR,BΙachιre,ΕΙtΙaits deS pIi.cipιu1 gθogΓ!phcs 3.a bes dυ Mo}eη λg ο (PaιiS Beirut, l9]2),264.2i7;.Abd aι RahΦan KhaηdkaΓ,..Thο Arab οeog ΓapherYeι]otaιR!Φi..'JourΠaΙ of Λsia1iο sociel! of 1h. Paιisιan (t958),2].28j lbrihe ]tpoΓlance oι Y.qιl olMosleηspainSΦnreΙ'o.kbyG,.Αbda].Karim,Terminolοeii geogιa].iοa adninistra ιi\ ! en nistoΙii po Iil ico cU l ι uΓa1deΙ,a|.A nd a ιΙ s en cIMι.yam a|.tsulda! dc Υ,qn1(se!jl]e, l97]). 90 wadie.lφaideb, The Ιnl.οdυcιor\ ch,ptcΓs o. Yaqιfs Mι.jani a|.tsU|. deη 1ι-eιlen. Ι959). p, xΙ] 9Ι FoΓ lhc Soι.cοs of Yaqnι iΙr genera| lhe okΙ $orι of F' J. τΙΦΓ is st]]I o| creaι \xιE, D i c h isto.iSchct ιnd geograpΙιiscien QUclΙci in Jacυ1s geograpnischcn] w.'.lerbιcn (sιrassburg, |898); sΦ a1so GfltnaΙ.Abd i|-κnrinι. La ΕspaΠa m!sιlra' ni en Ιa ob.a de Yaqnι (cranada' (1974) 92' Ya{]ιrι, Mυ.jam xΙ Bιid an. |' eιl, Beirut (]9,?),2]6' 23

Baιadhuri, A1]nrad'


YΔhye bn. Jabir

(ca, +892)

wekno$ |iιιieabouι Baladhuri.slife,whoperhapsι!asοιPersianοri8in. ιlis K i ι e b jsa standard \ιork on ιheearly MosΙeιn conque'ιs, Though the

Fυιnh al.Buldan

great va|ue of ιhis \νork is som€times

ογ€rcstiΙnaιed9J. there is no doubt ιhat iι is a reliabΙc book which cmploys firsι-hand informaliοn. the rθsυtι eiιher of pcrsona| obserνaιiοn oΙ ofinquiries amongΙoca] auιhoriιies,a. BaΙadhuri.Sbook Ki1ab An5lib aι-Ashraf (Book of the ccnealogicS of ιhe Νob1es) jsa|SoofSignaι impοrtance, BalAdhuri.S jntereSι iS mainιy εonοentraιed on ΡεrSia buι 1Ι€ :ιΙsο oflιrs sοme meag€r jntbrmaιion onιhe Maghrib and spaiπ, Ιn his Kitab Fuι nh a|.Buldan hc briefly describes cr€lc aod its conquesι by lhe Andaιusiaπs93.

Texls aπιΙ τΙaηslaιion{

Kjιab FuιnΙr al-Buιdan: ι1- J, de coeje. ed,' Liber expυ3naιio. njs .egionum (Lejd€n. ι86]-I866)l ed, sa|ah al.Dιn aΙ'Munaijid.3 νοls. (caiΙo, ι956'1951; ed. Beiruι (1978). Translaιed by Ph. }tiιιi and F. c, MuΓgolιen. Τ h e orι s o f ι h e ι S 1 a m i c s ι a ι e (νοΙ, Ι ιJy Ρh, Hiτti. Murgoιιen' |924)' (.eprinled. ).Ιcιι Yorli' l968.ι969),

g i n

Τabari. Muhamlrrad bn, JaIir



Ι916: ιο|, Ι| by |',



τnbari'.γas born in ιhe ιoψn Λmnl ofτabarjS1iΠ iη 839. Ηe ι..ινel|cd in Εg}rpt. syrii and ΙrΙιn beΓore he Setι|cd jn Ba8hdad \γhere hc died (923), His mοsιimpor1anιινorkknown noι as A n n a Ιs had o.iginally ιhetiι|e Τa.r i t h r.Ru a s nΙ \γa.l-λΙ u l n k (H i s ι o ο f ι he A pο s1 |e s a nd Κ i n g s)and is οf paramoυnι iπrpοrιance. Τabari 1ιιi οne οf 1lte firSt Αrab aDthoιs 1ο υιrdcΓtake 1he gigaoιic talk ofawor]d histοry. Sιnrting fΙonr the cΓeaιiolr unlil his li]nc, Dcsρiιe his tramme|Iing effo.ι ιo condantly pΓογidc his readcrs ιιiιh a chain of narraιors (i s n a d), Ta. bari.s |aconicclnriιy aιrd biιIanced γiess briΙlinndy sυcceed iΙ coΠleying lhehistorical


cνenι!96. }le

is νer]. re]iΙble. though occasjonall}' he crrS in hiS datiΠg.


pΙactjce noι

unuSυaΙ among AΓab hiSlorialrs \γhcn the". Ιeιaιc evcnιS \ιhich took plnce iπ remoιc places,', Τιbari o|ΓeΓS us νaΙuable infοrmaιion conccιning A.ab-BrZinιiΙre rcΙaιions.

Τexts ιnd Translaιiοn9

τ1.rikh ar-Rus.lI tιa.ιιf υlnk (Aιna|': ed, M, J. de cοejc. ι5 Ιols, (Leiden' l879'l90]i reprinιed. Leidcn' l961). Εd. M. Λbn.l.F.a4l(cairο. nο daιe). A Gcrman ιranS|ation οΓ tΙΙe period ψhich coνers ιhe SasιΠian Empire js tbund ]n T, N.tldeke. ι, ..Bt Jd|ιι.i..' FΙ]. l l |960). co] 97] 94, D,v Dυnlop, ciri|Ιu 11i o Ι. 81.85 95 lΠIiΔ, (.h ΙI|' ^rab 96 Ι)Un|οp. A. a b ci ν i |ι. a ι io Π. il9 9l, Forexanιpisofcr.orsin'ιabafi,schronolog}'.sccνasilieν.Byzancc



l. ]30 ιf 24

eι ]cs Λribcs.

zL|t Ζe|Ι der Sasaιriden

ce\chichte der ΡeΓscr utrd Arab€r

(L.iden, 1879), I85-19,1. TranslaιioΙ oΓfragnrenιs: A, A.V,Silieν, in se]S. 1935). 287fι; ΙΙ, (BruSSe1S, l95ο)' 6ff'

ByZxnce et leS ArabeS

ΙbΠ at.Λιhir, .\zz Δ.!.DΙn Αbn.t.ιΙasnn ,Αli



son ofan educated famiΙ-Ι' ιbn al-ΛthτΓwaS born in Mosu] and γiSited Baghdad and

JeΓusalοnl. Ηis majorvork iS Kiιdb al'Kanli1 fi'| Ta,Ιikh (Τhe ΡeΙΓect in H i s t ο r y), an indispeniable $ork in Arab hiStoriog.aphy ινhich assuΓed him a permaoent place in ιhο rnnks of the nrosι distingυiShed AΙab histo.]ans9,. Ιn a lucid style free ofthe mechnDica] rigoι of1he long i s n i d. in coΙlιτasι to TabaτΙ' Ιbn a]-Λιh'r managed ιo concenιιaιe on the lnosι importanι eνenιS ο1.hiStory froΙn ιhe beginιitrg of ιhe φorιd unti| 1hc year ] 23l, Ιle uses his Sι)urccs cΙiιically, ιhough he olten 1.ails ro mention them. ιΙe sho\ιS gΓeaι jnterest jn B}zantine-MoS]em Γelaιiοns, ιrhich he desc.ibes ιιith rcasonable fairneSS.

Tc\Ιs and ΤranS]ationS

Kiιab aΙ li.l'Τl,rikh:

οd.c- J. ToΓnbeΙg, l4γo]s, (Leiden' ]867-

Ι874). Ed, BeiΙut, |2 vo|S. (l967), F rench

to North ΛfΙica and spain: Ι-]. Fa}nan, in 40-.ι5 (1896-190l), ΤΙanslarion of fιagments inΑ. A, vasi]ieν.S

tΙans|aιion o|-ιhc parts


Revue AΓΓicλ]ne Ι]yzancc eι les A r a b e S, Ι, ].19 fι;lι,,

λ1aqrizi. Αlrnlad bD, .AΙi




..paΓ exce||ence.. of ιhe MamΙnk period, Neγ€rιhο' ThiS late aulhor js the hisΙorian


he has preseΙved a $ea]th ofjmpoιιant maιeΙja] fΓom noινjosι Arabic sources concerning th€ ear]y Fnlimid period,9, His iπportance for ιhe presenl ιιο.ι Ιies in ιhe ιnformation he oflers conc€rning the Mos]em naνy and lhe actilitjes oΙ ιhe Fatimid al-Mu.izz $ho plxyed a cΓucial part in ιhe Byzantine'lslaΙnic relaιions of the Ιer|1 ( ll LΙy,


τexts and ΤΙansΙaιioΙlS

Khiιaι:ed.Bn|aq,2νo]S.(1853),Ed.c,wieth M6moire! de t.Ι D s 1iτut F.ran9aiS d.Αrch6ologie oriοnτale ]ο (19l1)l 33(l9]3);46 (1922)] .19(l924)153(t927),Ed.Beiruι,3!ols.,Ποdate,FΙenchιΓιns,C,BoυrianιandΡ'casa-

Ιoιa, DeScιiptiοlt 98, ιj, Rοscnlhal.

οoιιs.λaΙι. A ι M 99.

ΙR c


a ii


e1 hisιorique

de |'Egypιe

Λ ιlistoΓr ot MusIiΦ Ι1iSιoι]orraρhy.]]2'4Ι];scelΙSοιΙ, ι a |.]t a ιni Ι (wiesbanden, 1958), 6 Ι1.

..A Lisl

ot \νriιers. BοokS and oιher AuthoΓi ιies Menιioned by lνlaqri2i,.. J o u (|90]),l03 1:5, Roscnthal, A

ηaIofthc RoyaΙ ASiaιic Soc]c1y lifu H ] s τ ο | i o g r a p h , 4?9 fΓ




τΙiSιory οf \,ιs.



in M.ΙΙoiEes de ι.lnstituι FΙan9ais d'Arch6o1ogie oΙienιal€. 6 νo]s. (Paris, t893'i9ο6).

Ιbn Khaldnn, waΙi ad-Din.Λbd ar-Rahmin


Ιbn Khaιdnlt. the nωst ouιsιanding AΙab hisιo.ian and one ot ιhe mosι oΓiginal thinkers jn ιιoιΙd ΙiteraluΙc, is of Ιimjιed use ιo oιιr Study1oo, He oflers some scaιιered but valuab|e ιefercnces for ιhe eΙiSting sjιuatioιr in creιe under 1he MoSΙems and lbr ιhe voslem naνyiιrhistime.ThiSinfοΙmationjSmainιyfound inhisιvoΙk K i tab a1''Ι b a Ι

(Book of ΕxanlpIet. knο\ιnalsoaslhc


jsιory ol Ιbn

K h a1d ιn).

T€Χls and Τranslations

Kiιnb al-.ιbari


Ιrlnstarion by M. dc Slane. Ιn υ s u l m a n e

BιΙλq,7 νols, (l867), Εd, Bοiruι.vο]. ιγ (l958). Partja

rΙiS1oiΙe deS Berb.res et des dyηasties

s d e ],A f Ι i q u e Se p te n t r ; o n

Kindi. Λbιι .UmaΓ Muham jnad κindi, \γho

Spent a]ι his

lilι iιr

1bout ιhis coυntΙy, pΙeserved iιr

(Algiers. 1852-]856)'

(895.96l) and vaΙuabΙe jnfoΙmalion s oflhe(a)Gove rn o r s (Ta smi-

Egypι, offcrs us auth€nιic

his Hj sιo rie a.M i9 r and (b) J

yat wu1at Mi sr or UmaΙ

a Ι e, 4νo]s.

u d g e s (A

Ι'Qu.Jet),.,. Τhrough

his descΓiptjon ofthe governorS and judgeS appoinιed in Egypt afιeΙ th€ Arab conquest, he οΓΙers us a thοrough insight jnto the inιeΓnaι affaiΙS ofEgypt. ι1e is υ Seful foΙ the pτes. εnt\ιork b€cause oflhe inΓοrmation hc presents on the AndaluSians befoΙe their ΙaΙding in CΙete. }ΙiS J u d g ο s \λ'ere manipuΙated by t$o hands ιho Supp]emented his material ιp to the eΙeγenιh centuΙy' I

eχιs ano 1raΙΙ5|aτ|o|ιζ

Judge s (A1-Qυ !ιiι):cd. R, J. H. GοrιheiΙ (Rome and Paris' 1908). CoνeΙnors (TasΙ11iyat \γu]at Mj9Ι or UmaΙa.Mi!r):




Koenig (Νew York, ]908).

Both texιS: ed, R, GueSt, Gibb MemoriaΙ Sοries Ι9, (Lοndon' ]9t2).

lbn al-Abbar. Λbυ ,Αbd A1Ιnh Muhalrrrnιd


Ιbn a1-Abbaτ ιlas a thοΙoughly edυcaled, Spanish Moslcm historian νhο saS a|so ιlirιiιrguishedaSaSatiricpoeljo],Ιnhis\γoιkκitab asJJulΙa as.Siyara.thcre

is scatιered but θλιrcΙneΙy irΙportan1 inforΠation on ιhe \4oslems ofCrete,

1Φ, i:ο. Ιbn Kha|dEn iΠ ceneraΙ sΦ lhc cοnrprehens]νe a.ιicΙeof RosenllΙa| iΠ ιhe sΦoΠd ediιion of ιhe EΙ' ΙΙι (1971), 825.8]ι ιl.Νιu.!ΓΓiktt ιcai.o,nd) 1ο|, For Kindi in eeneral, sΦ A Mahmld' Αικiηd| .Αbd AΙah nI τabbe., eιl. K i t a b lΙ t] υ ] ι c a s-s i y a r a. (Beiru1, 196,)' the study of 1o2 Scc



Kitab al.gul1a as'siyare.: partiaΙ €dition by R. Dozy, Notic€s sur qu€lqυes manιrscrits aΙabes (Leiden' Ι847.1851). Ed. Ι{. Mu'nis,2 voιs. (cεiro,


ιΙimyaΙi, Ιbn .Abd

(l31h century).

we kιοιγ v€ry little aboυt this spanish Mosl€m author. Ηis works were brouΦt to by E. L6viΡroγenΦto3. Ι{.s geographical dictionary Kitdb ar'Rawd alMi.ιar fi Khabar al.AqteΙ provides us rγith νery valυable infοrmation about tιe Mos|cft occupation of cfΘte.




Kiteb aΙ-Rawc aΙ"Mi.tnr fi Khabar al-Aqtar:


Ι..Abbas (Bei-


Ιbn al-Faradi, Abn'I-I,alid


H€ was an eduοated Andalusian juΙist who se€ms to have wΙjtten many \4orts of i'hich only thο T a'Ι i k h .U l a m e, a Ι.A n d a 1 u s has surviνedloa. This offers ",ork us mΦgrr but jndispensable infoτmation on ιhe Moslem occupation ofcrete.

TeΙι5 T a'r i k


.U Ι a m

e, a ιA

n d a


u s


ed. F. codera (Madrid, ι891). Ed.


(r 966).

.Abd a1-wabid' ai.Marrekushi


l3th century)

ΙΙ€ was bom in Fez in North Afriοa ana λ,t.."t lifein spain. Ιn hisιγork A l-M u.j i b f i T a1 k h i s A k h b e r a l.M a gh r i b, hc preseΙv€d impoΙtant inlormation abouι the Ιast days of Moslem cΙ€te, draιγn from the |ost work of ιhe tenth-cεntury Andalusjan Humaydi.

we kno\γ very Ιittle about himlo5.

of his


fi Taιkhis

Akhbar aΙ.Maghrib:


caiτo (1949).

103. E, ι€vi PΙoren9aΙ' La peπirsυΙe iberiquΘ au Moyon Ag., d,apr.s le Ιζiιnb ar-Rawd aΙ-Mi.lar fi Khabar al-Aqtar d' Ιbn.Αbd aιΙ,idΦ, r9JE} id€m,..Une dosriptioι ΦabΦ in.diiΘde tac..tΦ.., in s tu di oriΘntΔΙis1ici in onore di ciorgio ιeνi delia γida ΙΙ (RoΦ,1956)' 49 ΙT.

supp1eDοnι Ι,57?'5?Ej s,v...Ιbn a|- Farad.,. EΙΣ, ΠΙ 097l), Ensayo b i o-b i b l i o g r a f i c ο sobrΦ !os historiadorΦs y ge6grafos A.abigo-Espanolcs, 413. 104,


1o5. sΦ





(caΙι} lOιh cenιury)

aπd Ιbπ Hawqal

(late |οιh csnιury)

Τheir\γorks haνe beeπ ιhoΥoughIy discussed by many scholars, more re.€nιΙy by A, MiqueΙ,ο6. For the present study ιherc i. one va|uab|e point fοund in thciΙ\'orkS (ιS1!k. hri.s Kiιab a|-Mas.lik wa'l.|νlamalik and tbn ηa'ιvqal's Kiιab snraι a l-Λ r d), i'e,. thei. in[ormaιion concerniπ8 the chrisιian popu|ation ofcreιc υnder ιh€ Moslenrs' Ιbn ι.'aινqal exaggerateS the number of Moslems in cre1c, buι [ιtakhri offer!, us a mοΓe baΙanced γiο\1ιο7 Ιbn HaΙqal usual|} cοpies Ιsιaιhri. as D.M. Dιtnlop

stalcs: ..lhe lexι is ofιen γcrbally aΙl|lakhri.s ιΙilh tΙiΙor alteraιions ινhich are not al. \νays improvenrenιs..l03, Thcrefοre, Ι$takhΙi's vieW is cbseΙ ιo ιhe ιrulh, Texts and Translations

Kiι.b al-MasiΙik!γa.] Maσ alik: ed, ]\'|' J, dc Gοeje (Leideο, 1870). Kiιab SnΙaι al.Ard: ed, J. H. Kramεrs (Leidcn. Ι938'1939): ed. Beiruι (Ι,d,): cd, caiΙo (l96l), French translatiοlι by Kran]er! and c' wiet, Ι b n ΙΙ:ιuqaι, Coιfiguralion de la ιcrre (BeiΓuιΡaris' |964), ιbn

ιι1-\'! a Π



Ιbn al-Mamaιi ιlas a high funcιionι]ry in charεe οf all€ D i \γ iι n in Εgypι at .Αziz (l ι93.i |98). }Ιe ended ιtp his ιh€ time o|.ιhe sυhans Salah ad.Din ( l Ι69.l |93) and

in Λleppο, ιt€ tγas a νθry prolific \ιΙiιcr. but only le\γ of his tγοrks haν€ sυΙ'ιiγed, Ιn his ιιort. κiιab Qaιν:inin ad'Dawa\γin, heoffers us invalunble informaιjon about ιhe fοrests of Εgypι and ιhe γariοιιs lyp€s οf Moslem ships and their εunctionι09, ]ife in exil€


Kiteb Qa\ιanin

A.S.Aιiya, €d.,

.Abd aιLa tif

al.Ba ghd


a d-D a \Ι


ιγ i n




'Abd al.LaιifaΙ-ts.tghdadi \νas born and died in Baghdad, but Spenι nΙany yeaΓS ιιaν. clling' ιtis Ιong rcsidcnce in Ε8ypι aod Syria gaνe him ιhe opporιuniιy ιo acquire a thοr. οugh knοι\ledge of1he tin]ber sυnplies oΓ thcSe cοunιΙieS. The n]oit imporιιnt booι o]

hυmainc do nronde nrusuΙΦan jusqU-JU i06. Α Mjqucl. Li gιosιaρΙie ΦiIicu du xtο sil:οIeΙ( 1967). ]61i Γf scea|sο J,ΙΙ KrlmcΓs,,LaQιesτio|lBalh].Ιslιh.] Ιbn ξΙaqιaΙ ζl ι.aιlas dc l.h|aη.-' A€ ιa or icnιa ιia |0 (Ι9.]])' 9..t0, Ιο7 sΦ chaριυ. Ιν

Ι0ιl Dunιop, Arιb ciι i1i/aιion. ι(r5. ..L$ giogΙapbcs aΓabοs des xc eι xlΙe Siιc]es cn occident. ΤrΔd ιαbn dc Ι, Kιι ιch. 09 M ('anard. de ].!ns1iιUt d€s ειudes ιovsky.LaΙiιt.raιureειographiqueaΓabecι],pilrex..,Αnnntcs ()ΓienIa]es ιιl.l91l9606|).]|-72ι..|.e\,)ansioΙ a r a b ο.i S ι a Ι11 i q υ c eι ses r.Ι'er. cιssions νaΓiοrιm RοpriηιS. no, xιv. (London. |97.|, I


Ιhjs pΓο]ific ινri1er

is Al'ΙΓιida wa.|

'.1ibaΙ ]bout the ιimber supp]ies of Εgypt and Syrixllο,

\ιhe|e ιhοΙe is ΙaΙuxb]e jnΙormnιion

ΤexτS and TΓans]aιions

Ι.ιibnΙi ed.J, \νbilc (Tιbjngen, l789), lrans,, Re]atiοn dc ].Egyp!e pnΙ Abd aΙ-Latif

Al-Ιf ada wa'| S' de sacy,



Arabic Manuals oΓ Naval Waιface Ιι iS su.pιising 1haι nο complelc anιl independeηl ιnaιruals οf nalal \νaΙfarΘ haγ€ suΓ!iνed, Τhis mυSt be atιribuιed to meΙe chance and it is not improbable that cuch \ιοrks are e{ιanι in manuscript foΙm and haνe noι yet been recognjzed. Τhere iS οιly one suοh nanual' νeΓy slι}rt and νalυable, incorpoιated in Qιldamn bn Ja,ΙaΙ.S ινoιι, Kjιnb a]-Kharaj, Thi\ ιexι, whose exisιencewas fiΙSt noticed b}.M' dc S]ane'r1,ιas neiιheΙ incoΙpοΙated in ιhe paΙιia] cdition of theKi1ab !l. κ h a Ι aj by De nor in ιhe paΙιia] translation o1.lhiS book b}'Α, B, Shenrοsh||], The κ iι ab a]-Κh a r.j original|r. contained nine paιls ofwhich onΙy four have been pιeserνed in a unique manuScripl nl ιhe Kopτιiln ιibΓaι} iD Ιst 1bul (Ms no, tο]6), Thercjs aΙSo a defectiγe εopy oflhis manυScrjpt iΙr ιhc ΝiιionaΙ LibΙary ofPaιis (MS λrabjc no, 59ο7), The paft containing the Short naγal manΙaι\ιaS publ]shed by M. Ha. mIdu|lah] r r ιγiιh a sunrmar} byΑ' M, ι.ahm},1la. A someψhaι differeDι versioιr appeaΓs ln ι{, Khadiv-jam,S ediιion of 1he Ki1ab a]-Khara jr15. \'hich has been hitheΓιιr Qudanla bn- Ja.Ιar (died afteΙ 9]2).ιvho \ιas aChristian coΙγeΙι ιo Ιs].im. he]d a high .Abbesjd administratjοn. aι ιhe Customs offic.9 of Baghdad, Thus he had ι post in thο Γtrsι-hand knowledge of the inteΙnaΙ affairs οf theca|iphate,',.


]lo s'ι' '.-Abd aιLatila].Baghd5di... EΙr, Ι(1960]' 7,1' Fatrmy Γjrsι noιiced thc inpοlιa!ω ο] xuιhor ]br his itfoΓ|nalion on theMosΙems.timbersupFIicsiMοsΙem seaPo\νοr in 1hε

Εas1ern Medi1errεnenn (Ι-ondon. Ι950), l3. ]|Ι ]ν1 dcslaΠe,..NoιiceSurcoι]cmceises.crits..'JouιnaΙASia1iqιc]0.5ιnser(18.2). l55.lΙil,

ll2' De Goeje' ed,, Κitab a].KharajlΙ-e]den,1889)'BibΙ,ceogr.Ar.b' 6]A Bcn Shcmcsh, τ1λation jn lslam. Qudama, h Ja.far,S K]tab aικhaΓnj (Leiden ιondoη. ι965) ||], M' ηamidullih' lντιsiim condιci of s1aτe (Lahorο. ]954).306']08' ι]4. Α, M, FahΦy, M u S]im sea.Poνcr, ι40.ll'2' 115, ιΙ, Κhadiν.jaD, ed , K i t , b aΙKharaj σeheran, l8]0),22.26 This erlι]oa isnοtmcΠιiοned by Fahmy and il λas usu!|ly passed unnoιiced, l16 Εor a coΦρarisοn beινeen Qudena,s Snoπ tΓellise and ιeo νl,s NaUmacnicasΦm' aΓl].]e, ..τι'o ParaΙΙel Nιlal Gιides οl 1hc Tcnlhcentuιy: Qudana,s Docυment and ιco vl,s Naιma

.hi:a ΛsiudyoηBy2antiDetΙrdlν1osΙemNaι?|P.cparcdncss...GfaecoArabical(1982).j2.|ο0. 1]7, R, Bhοhdrcand }Ι.Dar|τoun, E \ ι r a i ι s d e s p Ι i n ο i pa ιx g. o g r a ρ h e 9 Ι r c b c

dU Mo,en Age


(PaΓis' 1957).5]


τhe MosΙems did nοt ne8lccι the ιheorcιicaΙ app.oach ιo ιhe a.ι of sai|ing and naγal \ιιrΓaΙe, The eaι]y Arabic ΙnanuaιS of naγigationa| science are alI Ιosι. Ιbn Majid'S navi. gationa|

ιeiι Κiιab a|-Faιιiiid fi


SnΙ,l,m aΙ.Bahr

w a' |.Q aw

a' id'

\νriιιen in A,D. Ι490' has b€en ιrandated and exccΙlenιly annoιaled by G. R, τibbeιsl!l. Ιbn Majid. npiloι ns \{e!| as an auιhoι, mentions in this tγork that the ear]iesι daιed pilotS w€re AhιΙad bn. Τabruyε ιnd Kha\,ish bn, Υι.ιsuf (boιh Persjan names) \γho Sailed ca' A. H.40ο(Ιω9/Ι0)'r9' τhese two pilοιs \ιeΙe a]so aυιhοfs οf naνigationa] ιcxι s. ln addiliοn' lbn Mejid informs υs ιhaι one hυndred years |alcr lhre€ΨΙiters appeared' known as ιhe ..three !iοns.. (l u y ι t h), \ιhos€ τexts ννeιe ιead by him buι ινhich ar€ Τhe Arabic manua|s of nava, warfare $ere usuaιly incorporaιed inιo mοre gen.ra| manuals ofwarfaιe. τhere wcre a considerable nυmbοrofsuοh mjliιary mlnuals by ιhe 1enth century. Ιbn an.Nadim menιions in his Fi h ris t (writιen at ιhe end ofιh€ ιenιh century)that ιhere Ψere twο sUch\γar manυaΙS composed aι 1hc time οfthecι]iphs Man inr (754.775) and Ma.mnn (8l3-83]) respectively|,o.Thcfirstmiliιarymanuaιs ψere simp|y transΙationS of Ρersian \γοrksl?l: but thcre is no eνkιence as suggεsted b}' A- Zaki _ that GΙe€k \νοrks had alSo been iιansιaιedι:]. The thirt€enth.ceDιury bοok tjι1ed T Γ e ase of \γ a r Τ r ick s. co n q ue sι s o f Τοψ n s' Gυ a rdi n g of Defi Ι e S.

ιi Based on (th€ TΨo-Hοrnθd) Alexander.s \ryisdοm, the.Soo of ιo giγe it greaιer presιige. Therc is noι any sιlch creek mode]writιen by Arisιoιle Δnd υSed b} Α]exander ιhe Greaι. Fur1hermοre' ιhe appeιlaιion οf Alοxander the creat in ιhis boοk as '.twο horned.. 1dhi.Iqarnayn). ofιen u sed in th€ A rabic ιaιe s οf A]€Ιande r, ind icaιes of a Ιate r addiιion to P h i l i p.|]J was fa|sely connecιed \γith A|eχander in ord€r

A good πunrbεr of Arxbic ιrcalises on warfare. unforιuηately tnosl of them wriιten in Ιater ιimοs' have bcen preserved. but fe$ haνe been pιιblished and τheir manυscripιs are Scatιered in nlany librarics, Τheiι pubιicaιiοn is impeded by their bοing ιΙitιen in obscure, often οoηl.using langυage, ooο of the most important m{ιnυScrjpιs ΓοΙ our puΙpοse' ινhich ψa{ unaιιainab|e by mc. is found jn ιhe NaιionaΙ Librar!,. of Pari5 (Ms Arabic

I18, G, RTΙbbelq. Λ | ab Νιν1ga ιiοn in ιhο l ndixn be.orc the coη. jng of ιhe Porιuιucse (Lοndοn, ]97l)' 119. tbid.- 5.

l2ο' J' T' Reinaud,.De ι.an mi|iιaifc chez l.s A.ab€s...,,oυrna| Λsjεliq Ι95fΓ'; Α.zaki,..MiIilaryιiιeralureοιιheΑΓabs..'cahicιs d.ιΙistοire Ε g y

ν|t. fasc ] (JuΠe. l955). ]49.I50,


(seρι, lιJ43).

p t ie n n

.. scΓi.s

Ι2I, Zaιi,..MiIil!ry ιneraιUr. of thc Αrabs... |50'

Ι22 |bid.'


'0' l23 zaιi' l50,

124, Fι1r lhis typc oι apoc.yphaΙ woιιS on ph,sics, Scc n ρ α β ι t r] τα ρ (δ ο σ η (.rhessaιoniki' t980). 10]'


c, zixkas..o .Λ

ρ t

σ!oτ.ιη ξ

στ il


l]27), This manuScript was \ιritten ca, ]285 and fuc]udes ear|ier nrιιeΙia]l,5, 11 deals tν;ιh ιΙilitary art and part of it iS a shorι ΙnanuaΙ ofnavalwaιfaret26. ..GΙeek lire.. is atSo found some importanl information on ιhe Arabic νerSion o1.ιhe in an unpub]ishod Arabjc manu9cΙ;p1 in Ιstanbu|1u 7, Ιι conιins deιails abouι γarious formuΙas of..Greek fir€.,, thΙowjng maεhirres ιmadj aniq.), and eaΙth-pois, fi]]ed ιvith fire oΙ Sιuffed \γiιh seΙp€nιS, eιc. (Εig. 3)1,3a, A νaluable maouscΓipt, foυnd in Cairο. waS Ιecenιly published ]n typewritten forΙ]r, ]t conιains naιΘΙia] by ιh€ \ιriter Ιbn al-Manqa|i, abouι \ιhom Special mοnιion should

ibn aι-Manqali.s woΓιs are a rnine of in1.oΙmaι]on aboυt MosleΙn shipS, theiΙ ιechαο..Greek Γirc,,. eιc. UnfortunateΙy, most ofhiS woΓks aΙe sι]ΙΙ unpυb]ished, ι{is ιΓea-


A]-Ahkam fr Fan aΙ.QiteιΙi'l Bahr a]-Mu1nkiyah ιa'l Da\νabit an-N aΙΙtuSiyah, has bcen reεenι]y pΙblished by M,'Abd at-Raim in a ιise,

typewιiιιcn disserιation of the Uniγersity oΓCairo, (n,d,)' Ιn ιhis tΓealise theΓe aΓe exp|iciι .Γ Γeferences ιo and fragιΙenls of an AΙabic ιransΙation of Lco vΙ.s a c ι i c a1,3b (Fig. 1Ι

Αrabic ltagiographical Works Τhcre i\ a hagiogΙaphicaΙ Arabic $,oΙk' acιual|y a ιransΙation of a l1oι Ιosι Greek I25,




. ..' ..lι a υ\Ξ,,υ ιε)\Ξ,l1,ι .,

" ι--ι 'rl--υ4Ψ)ι' Lνι/ι ! -1-i r,

υ|-'' ο:2



ιt .l.. ^ ι-Δs ./ zLj 1-ι,)



And p€opΙe, ca]ιed AndaιusianS, enιered ιthe port of Αlexandιia] having \ιith them much booιy taken fronr lhc isΙaΙds oΓ CΓeece..,

l| Ιbι !l.Αbb.Γ. Ιlu1Ia. ω,

Dozy.39] cn, ca].o' Ι,,15, Kind''

Ri1ab a]'UmaΓa.(The

(;olcrnors aηd Judges of Eσpl), e., R' Gυesl (Ι-eiden.LondoΠ. 1912)' l58

12, seνerus bn, aιMuqaffa. ιΙis1or! of ιhe PaιriarchS of thc copιic churchoI A]exandril (Menas Ι ιo Joseρh. 767.849). cd, and lrans' Ι]. Evctts in Paιro1oeia orienιaΙis t0. 1I9|5)']5?-55Ι. sονeΓus p|a6 ιhe Αndalυsians.aιlack o. ιhe isiands of ιhc Αcgeιn aηd thciΓ subseqυent iandinr iη Α]exandria aι ttre ιme of PatriaΓch Mark ΙlΙ (799-ljΙ9 Α,

Γ) ),


severus bn' alMuqaι.a.,429.


inteΙnrediaιe sιage bθιweθn spaiΙ1 and the Aegean idands \νas oiιhor Siciιy oΙ Ιntheι ιhe AfΙican coast acΓoss Γronr this isΙand as is stated iι1Consιanιin€ PoφhyΙοgΘnnitos, De adminisιrandο jΙnperio.a: ..εδρoντεζ διωρiον oi την .Ισπαviαν oiκoδνA


τεζ .Αγαρηνoi, στo).oν ικανdν εξαρτισαντεζ καi aρξdμενoι dπo τ.υγ τiζ Σικελiαζ με..aπδ τiiζ ρ(nν πdσαζ τdζ Kυκλ,δαζ νησolq ηρfμ(oσαν.., MoSι pιobably ιhc cxpτession Σικε}'iαq με:ρδν.- Ιneans ιhο aΙelr οf ιfriqiyah acΙoss 1iom ιhis island, Τhus, based on nll soι1rces. 11'e caΙ reconsιrυcτ ιhe route ofAbn ιΙaΓs.groυp fronl Spain to Εgypi jn ιhe fo]]owing way. They moνed, accοrdjng to thc AΓabic ωuΓccs, rl.on] iouιheΙη Spain15, mosι pΓobabty C.ιrthagcnο. 1o tΓrlqiyah (De ad mini Sιτando impeιio)16 reachιlg perhaps ιh€ capiιaΙ QayΙaιvan. ιΙom ιheΓe ιhey Saj|ed 1lr the Aegean isΙands and CΙele (Severus bn. a1-Muqaffa'1?, Genesios'3, De adminι

strando imperio],,

oιher,' andt.j,ally Ιeached lhe Λndilιrsian Mos]ems coΙtιinυed their raids οn lhc Acgcan islands οrοπ aΓιer rhcir seιιΙeΠΘnt in AleΙandrja, This infoΓmaιion is οοn' Τheophanes Continuatus,o, and

Alοiandria' ιbn a|-Muqaffa. adds tl€ι

firmed by the Byzanιine sοurces, as \νiιι be seen in the nex1 section],,, The advenιures of τhe Αιldalusians in Εg}pι \\,οre jmpressive, bul \iιh lιr Ιnhappy cnding, Taking profil oΓ ιhe disorder ιιhich eΙjsιed at thjs ιilne iΙr Εg} ρι. they οccιpi€d Αlej{andria (8l8) Γronr \ιhich ιhey νrere finally expeΙl€d, aft€Ι a crushing defear, by thc .Abd Α]lnh bn Τahir,tb, Ca]iph.s general ]4, consιanline Porpll,rogenoilos' Dc a d η i η j s ι r a n d Mο.aνcsik and R J. J€nιins (washn]gιon. D, c , i967). 96 45 Ι5, sΦ aboνe ηolc 10' i6, see aboνe nole Ι.1, 17. seγerus bn'



i ηΙ p e



o. cd' and lnΙs cy,


]8, Gonesios. Rcgum Ιibri qUattuo|, cd Λ ιcsΦnΙIeι.wcrηcr aηd H, Thu.n (Ben|a. Nes Υork,1978). ρ' ]]2. Ι9. De admilistraΠdo ifrperio. 96.46' 20, Theoρhπcs con tiηualus (ed, Bonn' ,,1,6 fΙ,) spΦks νagueΙy aboul Abn HΙ|s. sailing ir ιhe Ae' 3Φ. aιd his raiding o| lhe Byzanιineis1aods just be1ore he reteΙs 1o hisprc|imina.yattackagainstcrete, thiοh prΦΘded ιncιinalatιa.k b, a fewmonιhs:..δ δδ ΓAτ6Ιαψ]τλοlι' τινα επισ{ευdσαζ μα{ρli. {0ι δυ. ναμιν otl( 6λiην εξ onrδν Φiτων.μβιβισαq. επι ληστεiαν τ6oζ, Ιανθiνoυσoν E'Φν τriν Ewoιoν' τδν πρδq τi EΦ κειμ6νoν νiσoν καi fΙμτθρΦ τυ7,αν6πoν ετριΙπετo, oμoι μΦ τo αiτolζ επιθυμ06μενoν

.tπληρδνxoi.κ τδν nλ,.oτρiων τοl]τουζ rρoαoρενΦζ, Φ,,ρn. ι;νν]6Φν