Unit 9: Lesson 1 Grammar - Verb + - Ing [PDF]

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UNIT 9 LESSON 1 Grammar – Verb + -ing We can't afford to buy a house so my husband suggested (buying) (buy) a flat. I can't imagine (living) (live) in a flat. I have always lived in a house with a garden. Living in a flat means not (having) (have) a garden. I like (being) (be) in the garden and (planting) (plant) flowers. We have started (growing) (grow) some vegetables in our garden this year. I don't want to move to a flat. Vocabulary – The cost of living (MORTGAGE) (CENTRAL HEATING) (LOW) (FOOD BILLS) (HIGH) (RENT) (GAS BILL) (ELECTRICITY BILLS)

LESSON 2 Grammar – Present simple passive Tea (is grown) (grow) in Turkey. Tigers (aren’t found) (not find) in Mexico. Poisonous snakes (aren’t found) (not find) in Ireland. Hazelnuts (are grown) (grow) in England. Cotton (is picked) (pick) in Uzbekistan. Chocolate (is produced) (produce) in Germany. Cocoa (isn’t exported) (not export) from Spain. It (is imported) (import) to Spain. Cocoa butter (is used) (use) in soap and cosmetics.




Grammar – Past simple passive The food in my cupboards is from all around the world. Example

avocadoes / grow / Mexico The avocadoes were grown in Mexico.

yoghurt / produce / Turkey (The yoghurt was produced in Turkey.) hazelnuts / pick / Italy (The hazelnuts were picked in Italy.) chicken / farm / England (The chicken was farmed in England.) chocolate / produce / Germany (The chocolate was produced in Germany.) oranges / grow / Cyprus (The oranges were grown in Cyprus.) Grammar – Present simple and past simple passive A (Are) the hens (kept) (keep) in cages on your farm? B No, they aren’t. A (Are) the cows (given) (give) antibiotics? B No, they aren’t. A How (are) the cows (fed) (feed)? B In the past, the cows (were fed) (feed) on grass and root vegetables, which (were grown) (grow)




on the farm. We have started feeding them this way again now. A (Were) your crops (sprayed) (spray) with chemical pesticides ten years ago? B Yes, they were. A (Are) they still (sprayed) (spray) with chemical pesticides now? B No, they aren’t. We stopped using them because the river (was polluted) (pollute). A (Was) the water pollution (caused) (cause) by chemical pesticides? B Yes, it was. Vocabulary – Farming Animals on (factory farms) are kept in very small spaces. It's cruel. They often get terrible (diseases) because of the conditions they are kept in. They are fed (antibiotics) to keep them healthy. On a factory farm, chickens are kept in (cages). On a traditional (free-range) farm, chickens are kept outdoors. Listening – The History of Chocolate (1) Where was cocoa first grown? (Mexico) When was cocoa introduced to most of Europe? (C16th) Where was the first chocolate bar made? (in England) Who was milk chocolate invented by? (the Swiss) What new ingredient was used in milk chocolate? (powdered milk) Listening – The History of Chocolate (2) Spain and Portugal were the first countries in Europe to drink cocoa. (TRUE) Chocolate was a very sweet drink. (FALSE) Sugar and vanilla were added to make chocolate sweet. (TRUE) A kilo of chocolate is made with 30 to 60 cocoa beans. (FALSE) Most cocoa is now produced in West Africa. (TRUE) Reading – How do you like your tea? (1) Where is tea served in a glass? (It is served in a glass in Turkey.) How is tea drunk in China? (It is drunk from a bowl.) What kind of milk is added to tea in Mongolia? (Yak's milk is added to the tea.)




Where is the tea made with goat's milk? (The tea is made with goat's milk in Tibet.) Which tea is made with cloves and other spices? (The Indian tea called chai.) Reading – How do you like your tea (2) Tea is drunk in many different ways. (TRUE) Tea is traditionally made with fresh mint in Russia. (FALSE) Tea is made like a soup in Tibet. (TRUE) Pepper is added to some teas in India. (TRUE)

LESSON 3 Grammar – Subject / object questions with who / what / which A Who did Harry visit yesterday? B His sister. She's in hospital. (OBJECT) A Who's got a headache? B Jenny's got a headache. (SUBJECT) A Which hospital is nearest? B High Grove hospital is the nearest. (SUBJECT) A What does the doctor do on Mondays? B He has surgery. (OBJECT) A Which medicine did she try? B She didn't try any of them. (SUBJECT) A What do acupuncturists use to treat patients? B They use needles. (OBJECT) A Which pills did you take? B I took the painkillers. (OBJECT) Vocabulary – Health mdcn (medicine) plls (pills) cnvntnl (conventional) mdcn (medicine) pnkllrs (painkillers) ltrntv (alternative) mdcn (medicine)




stpthy (osteopathy) cpnctr (acupuncture) hmpthy (homeopathy) trtmnt (treatment) Vocabulary – Health A I've had this cough for a month now. It won't go away. B Have you tried (alternative) medicine? A No, I haven't. I've just tried (conventional) medicine. I've been to the doctor twice now. I know I don't want to have (acupuncture). I'm scared of needles. B It's nothing to be scared of. You don't really feel anything. A It's just the thought of the needles. B I think you should try (homeopathy). A What's that? B They give you tiny amounts of natural substances. I always use it when I have a sore throat. A And does it work? B Yes, it's amazing. My sore throat starts getting better immediately. It's wonderful. A OK, I'll try it. B Have you tried any alternative medicines before?




A No, but my husband had (osteopathy) when he had backache. They worked on the muscles in his body. B Did it work? A Yes, I think it did. He wasn't in pain any more, and he stopped taking the (painkillers). Vocabulary – Health A What's the (matter)? B My arm (hurts). A Are you (OK)? B I've got stomach ache and I (feel) sick. A What's the (problem)? B My head feels very hot. I think I've got a high (temperature). A Go home and take it (easy). Vocabulary plus: Dialogue – Health A Hi, Simone. Do you (feel) any better today? B No, I ('ve) still (got) this terrible cold. I ('ve got) a very high temperature and a horrible headache. A Yes, your head feels very hot. I think you ('ve got) flu. Have you seen a doctor? B No, I'll (go to) the doctor's this afternoon. A (Have) you (taken) any painkillers for your headache? B Yes, I have. A You should (take) it easy today.




Everyday English: Dialogue – Managing a conversation A Well you know, chickens are kept in terrible conditions. They are kept in large sheds and there are 40,000 chickens in a shed. They never go outside. It's awful. B (Can I say something?) Not all chickens are factory farmed. My father's farm is a traditional farm. The chickens on his farm are free-range. They spend most of their time outside and they only eat grass and insects. A (As I was saying,) factory-farmed chickens are kept in terrible conditions. They're fed things that make them grow quickly. The poor things are ready for the table in thirty-nine days. They only live for five or six weeks and … B (Sorry to interrupt, but) the chickens on my father's farm live a longer healthier life. They are ready to eat in a hundred days. C (Can we talk about something else?) I don't think I can eat my dinner if we continue to talk about factory farming. A Well, yes OK. What do you want to talk about then?




UNIT 10 LESSON 1 Dialogue – Verbs of movement (A What happened to you? You look like you’ve been in a fight.) (B I got hit by a ball, that’s all. Jack kicked the ball and it hit me in the eye.) (A Do you want to lie down?). (B No, I’m fine. I fell over when the ball hit me, but then I got up again straight away.) (A Were you OK?) (B I landed badly on my arm. I can’t lift anything now.) (A Well, I think you should sit down.) Grammar – Past perfect It's a mystery ! On the day my neighbour disappeared, his wife and mother were at the flat. Before his disappearance, everything was normal. They (had chatted) (chat) about their holiday. They (had eaten) (eat) lunch together. Then, his wife and mother (had gone) (go) shopping. When they got back, he (had disappeared).(disappear) He (had tidied) (tidy) the flat. He (had left) (leave) his mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room. He (hadn't taken) (not take) any clothes with him. Nobody has seen or heard from him since. Grammar – Past perfect and past simple Example

I / hear / the story / before I had heard this strange story before.

Luckily / the suspect / write / everything / down / in / his diary




Luckily (the suspect had written everything down) in his diary. At first / the police / not believe / his story (At first, the police didn't believe) his story. But after / they / read / his diary / they / start / believe / him But after (they had read his diary, they started to believe him). They / keep / him / in / a prison cell / overnight / but / they / release / him / the next day They (kept him in a prison cell overnight but they released him) the next day. After / they / release / him / they / arrest / the real thief After (they had released him, they arrested) the real thief. Grammar – when clauses with the past simple and past perfect Accidents will happen. When the helicopter (arrived) (arrive), the walker (had fallen) (fall) further down the cliff. She (stopped) (stop) breathing after her horse (had thrown) (throw) her. 'I (had fallen) (fall) off my motorbike when this man came to help me. He (saved) (save) my life!' After they (had rescued) (rescue) him from the house, the fire fighters (put out) (put out) the fire. When the ambulance (got) (get) there, the pilot (had died). (die) Reading – Kate Adie, journalist and author (1) Girls like me (didn't have careers.) People who didn't get scared (got hit.)




I never wanted to go to war zones, (it just happened as part of the job.) If she was a young journalist today, (she wouldn't be reporting from the frontline.) Reading – Kate Adie, journalist and author (2) Kate Adie studied journalism at Newcastle University. (FALSE) After she had finished her degree, she got a job as a teacher. (FALSE) She had worked for radio before she worked for TV. (TRUE) She was doing night shift when the Iranian embassy siege in London began. (TRUE) She said that journalism has changed today. (FALSE) Vocabulary – Verbs of movement JUMP RUN CARRY PULL WALK CLIMB HANG THROW CATCH FALL

LESSON 2 Listening – The Diamond Necklace (1) Jeanne de la Motte was a famous French (thief). She stole a very expensive diamond (necklace). Her husband sold the diamonds in Paris and (London). There was a trial and she (went to prison). She died when she fell from a (window). The French (revolution) had already begun, when she died.




Listening – The Diamond Necklace (2) Queen Marie Antoinette didn’t want the diamond necklace. (TRUE) Jeanne’s husband bought the necklace. (FALSE) Jeanne gave the necklace to the Queen and the Queen sold the diamonds. (FALSE) After the cardinal had stolen the necklace, he was arrested. (FALSE) Jeanne disguised herself as a boy to escape from prison. (TRUE) The Queen went to the Guillotine after Jeanne had died. (TRUE) Grammar – Reported speech Example

'You can sit down now,' the police officer said. The police officer said that I could sit down.

'The other officers are searching the house,' said the police officer. The police officer (said that the other officers were searching the house). 'The two thieves were tall and well-built,' I said. I (said that the two thieves were tall and) well-built. 'They don't have a gun,' I said. I (said that they didn't have) a gun. 'They took all my mother's jewellery,' I said. (I said that they had taken all my mother's jewellery.) 'My dad woke up and came downstairs,' I said. (I said that my dad had woken up and come downstairs.)




'I am scared to be in the house alone now,' I said. (I said that I was scared to be in the house alone then.) 'We have recorded your answers to our questions,' said the police officer. (The police officer said that they had recorded my answers to their questions.) Grammar – say and tell The man (said) that he liked the painting. The girl (said) that her husband had survived the fall. The vet (told) me that the dog's injuries weren't serious. The doctor (told) Jamie that he had broken his arm. The police officer (said) that the diamond necklace was very valuable. I (told) the police officer that I hadn't seen anything. Grammar – Reported speech Last night, our house was burgled. The police officer asked us lots of questio ns. Exampl Police Officer: Are you the owner of the house? e He asked my dad if he was the owner of the house. Police Officer: Why didn't you report it sooner? He asked us (why we hadn't reported it sooner). Police Officer: Have you moved anything? He asked us (if we had moved anything). Police Officer: Why didn't you lock the front door?




He asked us (why we hadn't locked the front door). Police Officer: Have they taken anything valuable? He asked us (if they had taken anything valuable). Police Officer: Why is the safe open? He asked us (why the safe was open). Vocabulary – Crime A

Did you hear about the robbery on the High Street on Saturday?


No. What happened?


Somebody (robbed) the bank.


Did they (steal) any money?


Yes, they (stole) £5,000.


Did the police (catch) the bank robbers?


No, they didn't. But that's not all. A thief (stole) some jewellery from the jewellery shop.

LESSON 3 Vocabulary plus – Verbs of movemen We (were walking) in the hills when Tom had an accident. We (had) just (climbed) down a steep hill when he (fell) and rolled down the hill into a river. I (ran) to help him and (jumped) in. Our friend, Pete, (threw) a rope to me.




I (caught) the rope, (hung) onto it and he (pulled) us onto the riverbank. We called the emergency services. They came and they (carried) Tom on a stretcher for 5 km to an ambulance. He had broken his ankle. Vocabulary – Personality amusing (can make people laugh) pleasant (nice, people like him/her) curious (wants to know how everything works) patient (waits calmly for a result) positive (always thinks the best will happen) reliable (always there when you need him/her) keen (enthusiastic to do things) Vocabulary plus – Crime (JEWELLERY) (CRIMINALS) (STEAL) (CRIME) (THIEF) (ROB) (BANK ROBBER) Everyday English: Dialogue – Telling an anecdote A Have you ever heard the story of the man who sold the Eiffel Tower? B No. A (OK.) It's a great story so I'll tell you it now. The year was 1925 and Paris had just recovered from World War I. Victor Lustig was a very charming Austro-Hungarian who was fluent in several




languages. (One day), he was sitting reading a newspaper. And (there was this) article about the Eiffel Tower. It said that the city was having problems looking after it. It was very expensive to paint it. It was then that Victor had an idea. He invited six scrap metal dealers to the Hotel de Crillon. He told them that the city didn't have enough money to look after the Tower (and so) they wanted to sell it. Then he gave them a tour of the Tower and he asked them to put in their bids the next day. B And did anybody buy it? A Yes, a Mr Andre Poisson bought the Tower. After Mr Poisson had paid him, Victor took a train to Vienna with a suitcase full of cash. B (And) did the police follow him? A No, Poisson was too embarrassed to tell the police. And you'll never guess what! B Go on then, tell me. A A month later, he came back to Paris and he tried to sell the Tower again!