Umberto Pelizzari - Specific Training For Freediving - Deep, Static and Dynamic Apnea (2019, Independently Published) PDF [PDF]

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Training programs of:




English Translation Copyright© 2019 by Umberto Pelizzari. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical system, without permission in writing from the publisher and author. This is a translation of "Allenamento Specifico per l'Apnea, Apnea Profonda, Statica e Dinamica", Copyright © 2015 by Magenes Editore S.p.A. - Italy. ISBN: 9791220043922 Translated from Italian by Claudia Aragno. Editing by Claudia Aragno. Front Cover Photo by Piercarlo Bacchi. All rights Reserved. Graphic Cover Design by Leonardo Gatti. Graphic Design and Layout by Stefania Pelizzari.


Umberto Pelizzari




To my wife Irene, to our three children, Tommaso, Niccolo and Giulio, my future buddies in spearfishing expeditions, to my sister Stefania, to my mum Maria and my dad Gianni, and to those who, like me, cannot ignore the call of the sea and its depths.


EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY This book is intended to provide information regarding training freediving disciplines. However, it cannot be a freediving coach or instructor substitute. The role of freediving coaches or instructors is crucial both for education and for providing safety in the water. If there are any doubts or concerns about the proposed exercises or any possible risk, you are advised to consult a qualified professional, instructor or doctor. The exercises in this book are aimed at healthy individuals who constantly undergo medical examinations prescribed for underwater sports and mostly for competitions. It may be that some of these exercises are contraindicated for individuals who are ill or have bad social habits debilitating psychomotor performance (alcohol, smoking, drugs, and etcetera). In both cases, the exercises are strongly discouraged, since they would be inappropriate, if not dangerous. The author and publisher do not assume, therefore, any liability for problems or damages of any kind arising from improper and inappropriate execution of the exercises described in this book. If the reader has a medical condition, it is essential that he/she consults his General Practitioner before trying any of these freediving exercises. It is the precise responsibility of the reader to understand the associated risks related to freediving, whether it be in open water or swimming pool. Each freediving training session must implement and follow all security protocols. NEVER FREEDIVE ALONE! Every freediver should know first aid techniques as well as to perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation). If not, it is recommended to join a specific course of theory and practice. The freediver should seek instructions from a specialist in order to learn how to correctly manage an emergency procedure. The reader bears the sole responsibility for adopting a behaviour which ensures safe activities. The author and publisher are not liable for anything read in this book, in respects to material and non­ material damages, caused by the use or misuse of the information contained herein, and are not liable to any third party claims.




Foreword by Enzo Maiorca Foreword by William Trubridge





24 27 31

CHAPTER 1 • Analysis and management of the specific training 1.1 Work on technical skills and motor coordination 1.2 Training and maintenance 1.3 Periodization and variation of training volume 1.4 Hypoxia and hypercapnia workouts 1.5 Alternative workouts in freediving: my experience 1.6 Practical tips for specific training

33 33 36 37 39 39 41 44 48 53 54 55 55 55 56 57 57 57 58 59 59 60 60

CHAPTER 2 • Dynamic Apnea 2.1 Introduction to dynamic apnea 2.1.1 Warm-ups in dynamic 2.1.2 Speed in dynamic 2.1.3 Contractions management in dynamic 2.1.4 Management of the last part in dynamic 2.2 Assessment for dynamic apnea 2.3 Swimming training programs applied to dynamic apnea 2.3.1 Dynamic apnea exercises training different energy systems 2.3.2 Periodization of specific trainings 2-4 Series 2.5 Pyramid series 2.5.1 Pyramid series decreasing departure times at fixed distances 2.5.2 Pyramid series increasing distance at fixed departure times 2.5.3 Pyramid series increasing distance with active recovery Hypoxic and hypercapnic series 2.6 2.7 Technique series 2.7.1 Kick and glide series 2.7.2 Series in conditions of instability 2.8 Split Increasing dives with decreasing recoveries 2.8.1 2.8.2 Maximum speed dives 2.9 Dynamics reproducing constant weight dives


18 20


2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13

Stop and go Long distance training Dynamics working on breathing Specific training for spearfishing

66 66 69 71 72 80 80 81

CHAPTER 3 • Static Apnea Introduction to static apnea training 3.1 Warm-up for static 3.2 3.3 Contractions management in static Training for static 3-4 Other ideas of training for static 3.5 3.5.1 Top/Time apnea series 3.5.2 Series of maximal statics with progressively decreasing recovery times 3.5.3 Series of statics with short recovery times How to overcome psychological blocks in static 3.6

89 90 90 93 99

CHAPTER 4 • Deep freediving 4.1 Introduction to deep freediving Technical information 4.1.1 General information and safety 4.1.2 Deep equalization 4.2 4.2.1 Deep equalization training Parts involved in the equalization 4.2.2 Locks and air shift 4.2.3 Deep equalization techniques 4.3 Frenzel 4.3.1 Advanced Frenzel 4.3.2 4.3.3 Sequential Frenzel 4.3-4 Mouthfill 4.3.5 Handsfree Wet equalization 4.3.6 Packing 4.4 Depth training 4.5 Relaxation at depths near our own limit and adaptation to those 4.5.1 depths' pressure 4.5.2 Relaxation and stretching during the descent Position in the free fall phase 4.5.3 Optimal thrust in finning 4.5.4 Depth training series 4.6 4.6.1 Deep diving series to adapt to a new depth Series of deep dives according to traditional tables 4.6.2 Technical information for the various disciplines 4.7 Dry exercises for thoracic and diaphragmatic flexibility 4.8


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112 114 118 122 125 130 133 133 139 139 142 145 146 149 149 152 153 156 162 163

CHAPTER 5 • Dangers of freediving 5.1 Pathologies in freediving: haemoptysis and pulmonary oedema, Taravana, and Blackout 5.1.1 Haemoptysis and pulmonary oedema 8

167 169 171 171 176 178 178 181 182 185 192 193 193 194 195 200 201 205 210 215 219 223 228 233 238 242


5- 3

5- 4

5.1.2 Taravana 5.1.3 Blackout Otorhinolaryngologic problems 5.2.1 Barotraumas 5.2.2 Final recommendations Nutrition and freediving Nutrition fundamentals 5.3.1 5.3.2 Nutrition basics during physical exercise Metabolism during freediving 5.3.3 Nutrition in freediving 5-3-4 First aid techniques (BLS) Basic anatomy and physiology 5.4.1 5.4.2 What is BLS? Why BLS? 5.4.3 Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 5-4-4

CHAPTER 6 • The training of champions Goran Colak Miguel Lozano Alexey Molchanov Patrick Musimu Guillaume Nery Herbert Nitsch Branko Petrovic William Trubridge Alessia Zecchini Andrea Zuccari




FOREWORD BY ENZO MAIORCA Many years ago, I received a super polite letter from a young man, "an emerging freediver". He asked my advice on training programs and other things that could improve his freediving performance. I said to myself: "Damn! I worked hard to get where I am (fatigue, cold, eardrum pain, fear, criticism, and dire predictions), and this young man, who has just started, wants to sit already at the table of success". I did not reply to the letter, regardless of how well it was written. Today, after so many years that are weighing on me, I would have never believed it, but that emerging freediver became the founder of a very established school, Apnea Academy, and lecturer in the school of the sea: on his merits and his only. Umberto Pelizzari one of the greatest who deserves admiration also by Enzo Majorca. With my disappointment of not having distinguished a "sea heartbeat" from a "breaking wave".


FOREWORD BY WILLIAM TRUBRIDGE In 2003 a Kiwi knucklehead discovered freediving in the warm waters of the Caribbean. Luckily, he then made the wise move of choosing the author of this book as freediving

instructor. So that was it. From a/most the beginning I was able to take advantage of the most advanced techniques and the most balanced approach to this sport. "Every training session should be taken on with enthusiasm: we must have a desire to train," writes Pe/izzari, "training should never weigh us down." This was one of his principal messages - that freediving should be founded on pleasure and pleasant sensations - and it is the reason why, after so many years, and after having retired from competition, Umberto Pe/izzari continues to freedive, to teach hundreds of enthusiasts and to make his knowledge and discoveries available to the new generation. This is the book in which those concepts are most condensed and refined. It will be useful both for the novice freediver, who wants to ensure, right from the beginning, that he or she is on the right path, but also for the advanced freediver looking for more efficient methods and exercises. A textbook cannot be more than a key that unlocks the door to a way into the depths. You will have to take that path yourself with every training session and dive into the blue. However with the key you hold in your hands, you can be sure that you are on the right course.


INTRODUCTION For some years now the world of freediving and especially the training for freediving has been going through a period of radical transformation. Even in the last conference I presented with Enzo Majorca, I listened with incredulity and admiration to the stories on how this legendary freediver prepared for his records. For a couple of months before the official event his physical training was to climb stairs or carry heavy buckets holding his breath. Doctors suggested hyperventilation because this would have increased the concentration of oxygen in the blood (theory that has been proved to be totally wrong). He used to stop smoking one month before the world record, when he started his specific training in the sea, going on board of Syracusian fishing boats. Every day he was diving a little deeper helped by a spear gun filled with lead. This type of romanticism is over. Nowadays a high-level freediver is an athlete who trains throughout the year almost every day for several hours, in or out of the water. After the previous textbook on physical preparation on dry land (Dry Training for Freediving, edit. /de/son Gnocchi), the goal of this one is to propose a method that can allow freedivers and spearfishermen to identify and then personalize their workout, in order to optimize the results. In the book Dry Training for Freediving we have addressed in detail everything related to athletic preparation and physical training of the freediver on dry land. However the best and most important freediving training is in the water. In this textbook we will figure out how to structure the various stages of specific preparation for the annual timetable of the training (sequences, orders, frequencies). In this regard, we will suggest when to increase the workload, how and when to end specific workout, depending on the discipline competed. We will try to give new training ideas and propose new specific exercises that can be combined with traditional ones. Basically I am addressing all good level freedivers, spearfishermen and coaches who are looking for answers on training and scheduling programs. But I am also addressing everyone in general who participates in freediving, loves it and is fascinated and intrigued by the potential of this discipline. This textbook also aims to improve and train swimmers' freediving skills in order to apply them to their sport, given the importance of freediving in modern swimming both for short and long distances. When it comes to training methods, freediving can still be defined as an amateur sport, except for very rare cases.


Even many freedivers or spearfishermen who engage in competitions have difficulty in finding a method to follow. Often they can only follow their own experiences, run tests, try out new training ideas, and then try to identify strengths, weaknesses, advantages and limitations of each. Record-holders themselves, as confirmed in Chapter 6, often follow very different training techniques. This shows just how far we still need to go to accurately determine proven techniques and valid training methods for whoever wants to improve his freediving performance. However, looking at other sports and disciplines we can see that top athletes are using well studied and defined exercise models. This latter aspect of modern sports represents our starting point and to some extent our most coveted finish line. While other top freediving champions and I are attempting to adapt defined methods to this sport, based on our own experiences. In fact, this textbook sums up my training methods, the way I have changed and adapted them over the years, my ideas and medical experiments that have allowed me to find solutions to my long-held limitations. But I have also wanted to recount experiences and training methods of the greatest freedivers of the new generation, even if partially against my personal conviction and my training methods. There are so many ideas and proposals to choose from and many are highly innovative. Consider them, train them and try to understand what might be best for you, depending on what freediving is for you, your level, your aspirations, your willingness to work out, your desire to "struggle" and "suffer" in the water. Of course this textbook does not surely contain the miraculous recipe for becoming a freediver record man. My intention is to answer a lot of questions related to freediving training, such a fascinating and at the same time mysterious discipline. This is my goal and in the end I hope I have achieved it. Happy reading!




ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC TRAINING "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein Freediving trains freediving. This assumption embodies the foundation for this sport's most effective training. Nothing can replace it, it can only be completed by proper athletic training. There are many reasons why a high-level freediver cannot ignore serious scheduled in-water training: • intervening on those physiological situations and adaptations that only happen in the water: diving reflex, blood shift, hypercapnia, etcetera; water sensitivity is only acquired in the water; training specificity of muscular action in the technical movement; adapting to the pressure of deep dives; training to mentally and physically control the urge to breathe in specific performance in the water. In the small world of freediving, mainly made up of amateurs, there is a common belief that since the sport has a strong mental component, the good results will be seen even if training sessions are minimal or even non-existent, as long as you are calm and relaxed. This belief is totally unfounded! You must train to achieve significant performance in any sport and freediving is no exception to the rule. The best expression of our conditional and coordinative abilities can only be achieved through training. Otherwise, we must be satisfied with what our body is able to give us in its present homeostatic state without any training. The difficult thing to understand is how this should be done, how to train, how the various stages of preparation intersect and how these stages should be qualitatively and quantitatively measured, while respecting an athlete's genetics and the basic training principles. Training is nothing more than a change and functional adaptation of our bodies under the influence of a heavy load, a situation of voluntary psychophysical stress. We train because the body has the ability to change and adapt. If it did not, the word "training" would not exist. 14


Even if a clear definition of dry training has been given in the manual "Dry Training for Freediving", edit. ldelson Gnocchi, I find it useful to provide a brief overview of the basic concepts of general training that are also well suited for freediving training, before tackling the topic of dry apnea in detail. Training is nothing more than "a set of motor exercises that, when systematically repeated in quantity and intensity, so as to induce reactive adjustment in the body of the athlete, causes the increase or stabilization of performance capability." Changing the capability requires a constant change in training load in order to raise the level of the performance itself. Finally, increasingly high-level athletes do not allow their structured training to stagnate. It is an organized process that requires the choice of differentiated methods, of careful distribution during its preparation and ongoing adjustment of the exercises to the change of the athlete's performance capacity. All these variables require the resolution of a number of problems related to the contents of the preparation, the distribution and modulation of the ways of training. Regarding the contents of the preparation, three broad categorical subdivisions of ways to train are now universally accepted:

General preparation exercises, which aim to enhance the physical efficiency of the athlete as a whole and to raise the level of "conditioning capacity", such as strength, speed, flexibility, resistance to anaerobic workouts, joint mobility, etcetera. The exercises that pursue these goals are distinguished by the fact that normally the structure ofa particular movement differs from the movement of the sport practised. Actualfy, these exercises can sometimes produce temporary negative effects on it. In fact, they favour widespread and macroscopic adaptations, they impose organic changes that determine and lower the specific performance level of medium-high athletes. On the contrary, for young athletes, even these general exercises favour the improvement of the performance for obvious reasons.

Special preparation exercises, characterized by the fact that the particular movements contain the elements and elementary actions, in whole or in part, of the sport practised. Their objectives are the assimilation and learning of exercises and technical combinations (technical preparatory exercises) and the development of physical skills, directly involved in the movements and actions of the practised


Competition exercises, characterized by movements with technical actions, just as the athlete will perform in competition or some parts that in every way have the characteristics of the athletic action.

This classification ensures a sufficient wealth of resources needed for training and helps to harmonize the effects that training should produce on the system, subsystems and apparatus of the athlete's body. It guarantees a fairly elevated correlation between the movements and actions of the practised specialty. It is a recent fact, even if it is still not recognized unanimously, that training has switched from empirical observations to scientific discipline. This is largely due to progressive mathematization and quantification. In fact, the elements that are used to measure training load are quantity (or volume) and intensity. 15

Quantity defines the overall work that the athlete does. While intensity, which is a derivative, defines the manner in which the work is done. Generally these two entities are opposites. Namely, the increase of one corresponds to the decrease of the other. There can be a simultaneous increase of both parameters, however this progress cannot go on forever. At a certain point there will inevitably be an increase in quantity and a stabilization before, then a decrease of the intensity, or vice versa. It is important to emphasize the different effects that these two parameters produce on the athlete's body. The relevant work in terms of quantity contributes to the formation and the building of the athlete in all its different technical, structural and functional aspects. The quantity of work also ensures the performance stability during competition. In other words, the more relevant the athlete's work has been, the less positive and negative deviations will be from the highest performance capacity. Intensity, however, turns the generic adaptations obtained through the quantity into specific. The intensity work, for the reason mentioned above, determines the rise of performance capability. The different work distribution during the year is determined by the two different effects and by the contrasting relationship between the two ways of understanding the workload training. This is by giving precedence to quantity in the first part of the training, basically away from competition and focusing on intensity right before and during the competitive period. However, it would be a great mistake to clearly separate these two phases, firstly focusing only on quantity and then focusing only on intensity. In each period, both parameters are present. What varies is their incidence percentage. This concept, which we have been referring to, is for a year of training and can also be applied to the athlete's entire career in order to ensure that his training load adapts, as we pointed out before, to the evolving performance capability. Depending on the athlete's evolution of his level, in respects to the quantity and intensity, there are unappreciable effects on the body below certain limit values. Magnification of the athlete's functional potential, as well as sophisticated and fine coordination of all the functional processes of the body (of its organs, apparatus, systems) constitute the basis of the physical condition or rather of the highest performance capacity of the athlete. The factors that affect the achievement of this particular condition are: • an elevated ability to adapt to training loads;

an improved ability to perform technical actions at a high level of skill, strength, speed, rapidity and etcetera; an economization of the body's various functions, which is shown, in particular,

with a decrease in energy consumption per labour unit; a rapid progress in recovery processes.

Therefore, the purpose of training is to have function economization as well as the ability to magnify to the maximum. These two conditions must coexist at their highest level when the athlete has to achieve the highest level of performance. The combination of increased organic, psychological, technical-tactical (level of fitness) potential cannot be considered permanently stable. On the contrary, it has been found 16

that the more an athlete reaches for higher performance, the less he is able to prolong this condition. In other words, the highest performance capacity cannot be maintained throughout the whole year. This is a consequence of the fact that there are at least two phases for the achievement of higher performance capability, namely:

• •

the first phase, which aims to broaden overall efficiency through multifarious activities (general exercises) and to acquire new basic technical and technical­ tactical knowledge; the second phase, which aims to make "specific" the improved and available general conditions and to summarize by recomposing the abilities and technical­ tactical knowledge acquired individually.

The purpose of these two very different phases may not overlap, but they must blend together, or rather the first blends into the second. Otherwise there is the risk of reducing the effect which can be obtained from each one of them singularly.


Each one of us has innate characteristics that make us more or less skilled in a particular activity. The sports field is no exception to the rule. I often hear freedivers who complain about the fact that a friend, without any training, is able to achieve better results than them. There are two explanations for this: that friend trains in secret and does not say it or he is naturally talented. This means that he is able to achieve better performance, without training, than those who train seriously but are not gifted! This does not happen only to freedivers. For example, I am a terrible klutz in football. I think that even if I trained 15 hours a day, I would still be worse than someone with Maradona's skill, who could easily skip workouts. We have to accept our condition, what Mother Nature has given us and since our body can change through training, we can try the best we can with determination. I remember an anecdote of my childhood swimming competitions. I was consistently training, but despite this, a kid from my own swim club, who was rarely seen in training, invariably beat me in every race. One day, after yet another frustrating defeat I went to my coach crying. I remember that the coach let me speak, then gave me a fatherly pat on the shoulder and said, "Umberto is better that way ... Imagine how it would be if he had decided to train seriously!"


1.1 WORK ON TECHNICAL SKILLS AND MOTOR COORDINATION As in all sports, freediving performance can be improved with training and by working on improving/refining technical movements. In this book I will deliberately neglect to mention the details of various indoor and outdoor techniques and thus avoid repeating a manual on freediving techniques. I do, however, wish to alert the reader on how important the pursuit of excellence in technique is, regardless of the level of practice. I am following world ranking Russian swimmers and high level swimmers of other nationalities, having Olympic and World Cup medals. Even for them, at those levels, technique is crucial. Sometimes their focus is on correcting the small details, such as: the position of their hand, opening their fingers in the boost phase, the position of their head after the turn, the elongation of their arm in the recovery phase and so on. In swimming, the search for a mistake or area for technical improvement is made by filming the swimmer, identifying the situation and then working on correcting the mistake with specific technical exercises. The mistake can be eliminated with certainty only when proper automation of the movements can be seen during a race. In such a situation, the athlete, who is completely focused on performance, may not think about changing the movement or cannot stop to check for any imperfection. If he had not previously worked to improve the movement in those moments exclusively dedicated to this, the technical excellence or an improved result could have not been achieved. Let us use this swimming experience to understand how we, freedivers, must work to improve our technique. Video support, from an educational point of view, is essential. Let them video tape us (at sea or in the pool), observe ourselves and with the help of skilled technicians or coaches, include in our trainings a strategy which aims at identifying and correcting the mistake. At this point, the question arises: after the mistake is identified, what is the best way to correct that technical mistake? Clearly the learning of the technique happens through the repetition of specific movement sequences. It is necessary to point out that those movement sequences are the basis for effective motor coordination. Through the repetition of correct and controlled specific movement, each athlete is able to automate the movement without thinking as he will not be able to concentrate on it during his performance. In freediving the ritual of the movement becomes important. In fact, every time we succeed at making a correct freediving movement, in an instinctive and natural way, it means that the learning process has matured and it has become automated. In addition, when a freediver makes a movement automatically, without thinking, he finds new physical and mental energy that will be able to be channelled into further improving his performance. That is how we work on technical mistakes: through the repetition of the technical movements until they are automated. The training focused on technique will have its maximum effect far away from demanding performances (the competition for swimmers). For example, if the goal is to not bend the knee in a constant weight dive, we could take action to correct the 18

mistake by focusing on the movement until the correct execution is automated, especially in particular moments far away from the competition. Otherwise, if the correct movement has not been fully assimilated previously, after the duck dive and just a few kicks into the dive our attention on the knees will "vanish" as we will be focusing on achieving the target depth...and then the mistake will unfortunately and inevitably reoccur and our technique will not improve. While observing the performance of high-level athletes in a lot of sports, their elegance, beyond the apparent lack of physical exertion, can be noticed immediately. The record or victory is often associated with the beauty and diffused perception of ease of movement. These results are the valuable achievement of a great deal of work on technique. A particular feature of exercises directed at improving technique, in addition to their nerve-wracking repetitiveness, is that they make the athlete practise in distances far from their maximum performances (for the reason just mentioned) . This could lead someone to mistakenly think that they are useless. This is absolutely not the case. A good coach should be able to invoke this message that: "both training and technique together bring the athlete to a higher level." In situations where there is the tendency to "give up", it is recommended to vary the activities focused on technique (after evaluating the possibility of suspending the training sessions). In addition, it is also recommended to do (or make an athlete do) exercises that can provide measurable results in terms of performance and easily satisfy the immediate expectations of the athlete. We will have to bear in mind that the problem is not physical but motivational. This requires a delicate and professional approach that could affect the psyche of the athlete. On one hand, this is to regain confidence in the sport practised, on the other hand, this is to avoid degrading into the typical pathological aspects of overtraining. It is, of course, also well known that it is difficult to have good feelings when we start to work on our technique in order to eliminate an important mistake, something that we already think "belongs" to us technically. This should not discourage us, but it should serve to inspire us to work our hardest; knowing that the result will not betray our wildest expectations! I would like to end this paragraph by emphasizing that technique is essential for freediving in all its disciplines. This is not to say that, for example, dives in constant at challenging depths cannot be done if the finning is not perfect. It only means that probably what appears to be a top "unsurpassed" maximum performance might be, instead, keen to further increments, thanks to interventions targeting technique. When looked after, the technique brings loads of marginal improvement to the overall performance. Imagine a race car at full speed facing the various points of resistance that limit its aerodynamics. The same thing happens to a freediver who descends to substantial depths or covers great distances in dynamics facing technique errors. Perfecting our technique and eliminating errors will give us better performance for the same amount of physical effort. One must reason on this point. In a training session, I always insert the part focused on correcting technique at the end of the workout itself. Even today, however, I sometimes spend entire sessions on further improving the technique performed in certain exercises.



In watching a freediver, engaged in his discipline, you, without any knowledge of this sport, will be led to think that freediving is the simplest and easiest thing in the world. During the underwater technical movements, no muscular intervention, physical exertion or need to breathe, must be shown, but rather only elegance, beauty of movement and relaxation must be seen. This, according to me, is what a great freediver, regardless of the achievements in the practised discipline, must be able to express and how must be perceived aesthetically in the water! I am convinced that by watching freediving we may be able to arouse pleasant feelings of well-being and emotions of joy, like -sorry for this comparison- those aroused by ballet! Freediving as a physical expression. Freediving for expressing emotions and feelings. It is indeed the care of technical movements and postures that gives our sport a new valuable light (I am referring, for example, to particular disciplines of freediving such as constant weight or indoor dynamic with monofin) too often accused as a simple sport activity for catching fish (wishing it was!).

1.2 TRAINING AND MAINTENANCE One of the main questions I get asked in relation to training is: "Pelo, how many times a week should I train?". To fully answer it is necessary to have in mind one of the basic concepts of training, supercompensation. Supercompensation is the process of the body adapting to progressively increasing workloads that predisposes psychophysically the individual to superior performance, compared to previous training sessions. Supercompensation is based on three criteria: gradual effort (the gradual increase of distances in the pool within a single session or between sessions or the reduction of recovery time); adequate recoveries (referring both to those recoveries in between the same exercise in a single session or those between full training subsequent sessions); significant frequency (relative to the number of sessions during the week, month, semester, etcetera). Reasoning with the above mentioned significant frequency, we will talk about maintenance, referring to no more than two sessions per week and about training when this limit is exceeded. It should be noted, in this regard, that in some sports the frequency of workouts is every day for racing ranking athletes, even with double/triple daily sessions divided between the various sport workstations on which workout activities are run and organized (this is when the sport becomes a job!). For these athletes, in certain situations and training periods, recovery becomes a critical factor. In the world of freediving, the problem related to recoveries (between one session and another) should not be raised by whom performs his activity of maintenance and/or training, except the rare cases of the world's top athletes. With 20

the usual weekly frequency (from two to four sessions) the psychophysical recovery is already assured by the session's alternation (between periods). In freediving, maintenance means any activity carried out to maintain a certain practice habit. It is a sort of "muscle awakening" which, in our case of experienced freedivers, can refer to the early stages in the beginning of seasonal preparation (usually in autumn). For a beginner or a freediver that has been inactive for a long time, it can also refer to a kind of getting back into the sport and its movements, which were never "discovered" and/or "dormant" due to lack of activity. The ones, perhaps frequently absent, that have placed modest expectations on the sport and much more significant expectations on socialization and well-being, shall not be excluded from the ranks of those practising maintenance, in those two sessions per week. It is clear that the activity of maintaining, recalled by the three above-mentioned situations, can lead to improvements in performance, even though it will not be results related to the training itself. In the maintenance phase you can, in fact, obtain different tangible results, such as:

the improvement and/or retrieval of the technique (swim, respiratory, etcetera); the improvement and/or retrieval of skills and movement patterns (posture in static, in dynamic with equipment, etcetera); toning and strengthening the cardiovascular, pulmonary and muscular systems (in relation to the quantity and intensity of stimuli, which are training the aerobic, anaerobic capacity, etcetera); specific adaptation of the muscle structure to the technical movement (diving in constant weight, in dynamic, etcetera).

These objectives will improve and will be developing very fast in the early stages (1-2 months) and then they will slowdown in the following periods until stabilizing, giving the freediver the impression that he has reached his maximum level: this is not true at all! The level reached is the predisposition to the training itself. In that moment the "human machine" has had a mechanical run-in and can face more challenging routes and reach a higher level. At this point we can talk about training or about that sport activity with much more intensity than maintenance, planned across time and with training stimulus variety. The work objectives in defining the specific training program are: measuring and recording the starting level through specific tests;

defining the time available; defining the work objectives (targets); defining the work method to achieve the objectives (strategy); defining the deadline (long and short-term); defining the tests to run during the training period. 21

This information represents the starting point for drafting the annual training program, which can obviously be adapted, depending on the directions that emerge during the journey from the physical or mental states of the athlete to injuries and so on.

1.3 PERIODIZATION AND VARIATION OF TRAINING VOLUMES If generally there is no strong personal motivation that would allow identifying the specific objectives to be pursued, training would hardly be extended over time, in terms of quantity and intensity that could lead to significant and lasting improvements in condition and coordination. In other words, the effectiveness of the complex processes of training depends heavily on the objectives that are set to these same processes. A training program cannot be created if we do not define upstream what our arrival points are or the various goals to reach. Therefore, the best way to provide an effective training plan is to work backwards, namely starting from the objective and going back to the starting point, taking care to set intermediate milestones, which are, in a certain way, further objectives not less important than the ultimate goal of the entire training plan. Even in cases where the ultimate goal can be objectively not so important, its primary value will never be questioned. Its importance is generally irrelevant to its intrinsic value. There is, in fact, no difference between reaching a simple target of top condition in August for an average skilled spearfisherman and participating in the Freediving World Championships for a high-ranking athlete. The objectives as such, if perceived as highly rewarding, help to generate a particular determination known in sporting circles as the athlete's resilience. This expression indicates the development of physical and mental abilities to face and overcome the many difficulties of the training, a skill that is needed to work hard, endure and suffer. Having identified the target before starting a training program, also allows us to plan precise and detailed paths of variation to the volume of training, according to the period in which the same objective will have to be achieved and the frequency of training (when to increase or reduce workloads and when to begin finalizing the specific workout, based on what is required of us from the goal itself). We are introducing the concept of periodization of the specific training, which for our purposes can roughly be divided into four main phases. If we consider for example a program approaching the target in around 10 months, time periods can be associated to the four phases as follows: basic training, about two months; specific training, about four months; specialized training, about two and a half months; competition period, about six weeks. 22

Once periodization has been defined, depending on the time available for training and deemed necessary to achieve the physical condition during the competition period, workload will be distributed within each period, while drafting the training schedule. From the start of the program, as the competition period gets closer or the goal we have set for ourselves, we must proceed bearing in mind that one of the cardinal principles of the training involves the progressive reduction of workload and the overall volume within the session, increasing, however, the intensity (the performance number "pushed"). In other words, we need to gradually move from quantity to quality of the workout. The volumes of the workout, which in our case are identified, for example, with several series of repetitions far below our maximal but with objectively contained recoveries, will surely characterize specific training and the first phase of specialized training. So far, the workout we are dealing with is likewise valuable for the pure freediver as for the spearfisherman. In the final phase of the calendar year, instead, the pure freediver will have to work much more on superior performance, leaving off the quantity, until arriving at the "faithful reproduction" of the competition, while the spearfisherman will maintain a substantial volume, by performing quality workouts away from his maximal, which will be reached only once every two weeks. During my competitive experiences I have always followed this simple rule that led me to perform my maximal tests only every few weeks, or even just a few days, before my objective, the record day. Consider that in certain circles of male artistic gymnastics, in the first two periods of specific training anticipating the world events, the athletes perform more than three complete sets of repetitions in the six specialties (rings, floor gymnastics, pommel horse and etcetera) during the same training session, without neglecting the daily work of strengthening various muscle groups! It can therefore be argued that, while away from the competition period, work will be on large volumes of training activities and on submaximal performance. It is a challenging stage from both a physical and motivational point of view. This period may appear frustrating for the athlete who wants to perform test for his maximal, looking to confirm his physical condition. However, it is important, in these phases, to check the progress achieved through alternative workouts or functional tests, and only sporadically through maximum performance (this could be achieved during competitions or minor official events, distributed throughout the season). Freediving is characterized by a strong mental component which absolutely should not be overlooked. Those who practise this sport know perfectly well that continuous work on substantial distances and times is often very stressful on the athlete's psychic condition. In that regard, consider how difficult it is to knowingly prepare to deal with each session's physical and mental discomforts induced by fatigue and the long periods without breathing. This condition can be arduous, mentally stressful and can lead to lapses in concentration that causes loss of perseverance, determination and the desire to train and suffer. This is not to say that a "push" is not needed when the competitions are still far away or when the target/record is still out of sight. We must do it! We need to get into the "struggle 23

phase" and sacrifice, with less mentally demanding works than those that must be taken into consideration during the competition period. We will make workouts difficult by reducing recovery times in order to feel the contraction sooner (see next paragraph). For a pure freediver, it is clear that during the competition period (and partly also in specialized training) the stressful situation of the competition must be reproduced in training, lived and metabolized. Detailed times and warm-up exercises should be identified, so that they will put him in the optimal condition to face the maximal test. He has to reproduce the competition. Reproducing the moment of competition will have to be as true as possible to the reality of competition. Every detail will have its importance, starting from putting on the wet suit to adjusting to the water, nothing should be overlooked. For the spearfisherman, who has the objective of getting the most out of the several hours spent doing his specific activity, all these problems in the final phase of the training calendar do not arise.

1.4 HYPOXIA AND HYPERCAPNIA WORKOUTS During my workshops I am often asked to explain the difference mainly between hypoxic and hypercapnic trainings. The etymology of the word "hypoxia" means "little oxygen," while "hypercapnia" means "high levels of carbon dioxide". During a training in dynamic and static when very short recoveries between series are expected (according to some, recovery should not exceed 45 seconds) we are talking about hypercapnic training, whereas we talk about hypoxic training when higher recovery times are set. It is clear that the duration of the recovery during a hypercapnic workout also depends on the level of the athlete and how close his performance is to his maximal. For example, a recovery of 45 seconds could have a different physiological result for a top level athlete than for a lower level athlete, who recovers in the same time. The personal effects of hypercapnia tend to be less when recovery times are greater than 30-40 seconds for a super champion like Molchanov (see interview in Chapter 6 ). Molchanov can do 100 meter repeats with only 30 seconds of recovery! Given that this classification is not accepted unanimously in sports medicine but rather only in the freediving world, we will use it conventionally in this volume, referring it to specific training. The terms "hypoxic" and "hypercapnic" will indicate two different workouts, respectively characterized by long or very short recoveries. That said, in the following page and in Chapters 2 and 3, dedicated respectively to training in dynamic and in static, we will try to explain how one or the other training components is chosen, while preparing a training schedule with multiple combinations, or which of the two should prevail and/or what should be the correct sequence of the exercises in the same session and/or in subsequent sessions. From another point of view, we will try, for example, to answer to why, physiologically speaking, the result obtained by a series of repeats with substantial breath holds but 24

with long intervals is different from the result of breath hold maximal done with an interval that is progressively reduced until the minimum possible. Through breathing we can eliminate the CO 2 and fix 0 2 onto the blood (red blood cells). In hypercapnic exercises with short recoveries, the ventilation phase is, albeit brief, sufficient to fix 0 2 onto the red blood cells, but it is not sufficient to completely eliminate the CO 2 • This is because CO 2 is not bonded to the red blood cells but present in a "disorganized" way in the blood, it requires more time to eliminate than what is necessary for 0 2 to fix itself. To simplify the concept, it is easier to recover 0 2 than it is to unload CO 2 • With just one breath (inhaling and exhaling), for example, a recharge of 0 2 in the lungs can immediately be available without the expulsion of equal amounts of CO 2 • Given that the two mechanisms involved, inhalation and exhalation, are not equivalent for the amount of 0 2 uptake and CO 2 discharge, the latter mechanism requiring much longer physiological time. Hypercapnic workouts are used the most because they are mentally less stressful for the athlete. For example, when starting a static after a 3 minute recovery (almost complete recovery), one is led to think that we have to "stay there" for at least S minutes for the exercise to have an impact on training (considering that after a complete recovery we also expect a significant performance). And this, repeated for each of the apnea series, involves most of the times mental stress precisely due to the long time intervals without breathing planned in the exercise. However we will immediately feel the first contractions, if starting a performance after doing a few tens of seconds of ventilation (typical effect of hypercapnia), and will get into the so-called "struggle phase" more quickly than the previous example, but certainly with less mental discomfort and with the "immediate" obvious advantage of training hypoxia, which is our goal. In dynamic or static series, after the exit from a "pushed" performance with a very low recovery (up to 40 seconds), hyperventilation is allowed (even forced) to try to re-establish the best 0 2 values in the little time we have available, without dangerously lowering the CO 2 values. In the hyperventilation manoeuvre air is forcibly thrust in and out during inhalation and exhalation. This technique is very dangerous and, therefore, not recommended for many reasons. The main reason is the following: even though it was thought otherwise not very long ago, when we hyperventilate, we do not load oxygen in our blood (0 2 level increases are very slight, almost insignificant), but we consistently lower the concentration of carbon dioxide, limiting the important function Mother Nature gave to it, that of safeguarding our life. Carbon dioxide, in addition to many other functions, has the one to intervene in the diaphragmatic contraction, in other words that annoying and painful natural signal that our body sends us when during a performance the need for oxygen begins to be felt. If we lower the CO 2 value below normal levels with a ventilation manoeuvre, during the following statics or dynamics, we will feel less or delayed the warning signal of air hunger. This does not mean that we are not consuming oxygen during the performance, simply the "reserve" situation is not indicated to us due to the low starting level of CO 2 • In the case of a hypercapnic training (with short recovery intervals) at the end of a performance, even if we hyperventilate, the value of CO 2 will not be able to fall below normal levels, preventing the danger described above. In fact, we will intervene with 25

hyperventilation on very high CO, values (due to the "pushed" breath hold just completed) for short periods (maximum 45 seconds). For this reason, this manoeuvre of forced ventilation will never have an effect that lowers the presence of CO, too much, enough to impair the important warning functions of the diaphragmatic muscle. The practice of hyperventilation is still dangerous and is absolutely not recommended for activities that include deep dives, circumstances in which the quite ordinary ventilation will require triple/quadruple recovery times compared to the time of the previous static or dynamic.


I think all of us, even if we train for several months of the year in the swimming pool, have the motivation and/or ultimate goal of being the best at sea, in depth, whether we are going to spearfish or dive into the abyss. The help and contribution that winter training in static and dynamic can give to our deep dives is remarkable. Static trains the mental aspect of a dive into the blue, dynamic the physical and muscular aspect. But what is the mental aspect during a constant weight dive? Imagine coming up from a 50 meter constant weight dive, staring at the rope: 49, 48, 47 ... 42, 41, 40 ... The ascent never ends! It becomes very long and hard! It is a little bit like doing the 600 kilometres between Milan and Rome having a big sign that reminds us of the remaining distance! Let us try to understand what could be the mental component in spearfishing, for example, in the depth "aspect". Once at the bottom, in the first few seconds without seeing any prey, we almost immediately feel the signal that makes us want to "give up" and head for the surface. But, instead when a school of snappers appears from the blue, we are able to remain calmly on the bottom to the limit of our possibilities! This is all psychological, and this situation can be trained and best managed through a serious program of static. So even if our dreams are always to go spearfishing and do deep dives, following a serious program of winter training in static and dynamic will allow us to start the season at sea much better trained in the head and in the legs.






The experience gained with thousands of freedivers in recent years of courses around the world, allows me to say that the relationship between static, dynamic and constant weight could be more or less, the following: 1 minute static= 10 meters of depth in constant weight = 21-23 meters ca. in dynamic All this is true if the technique is correct in these three disciplines and especially if there are no problems of equalization during deep dives. Knowing the relationship between these three different disciplines allows us to understand our true potential and often constitutes major mental relief. I have seen guys with static times above 6 minutes, but "stuck" at 30 meters in constant weight. The moment they have become aware of this and have convinced themselves that their 26

static would have allowed them to go down to around 60 meters, they were able to loosen up. They have passed the psychological block that kept them anchored to the old depth and in a short time they have incremented their performances by almost 20 meters.

1.5 ALTERNATIVE WORKOUTS IN FREEDIVING: MY EXPERIENCE More and more often we hear about athletes who train dry apnea. This trend has caught on especially in recent years and is increasingly an integral part of the training program of many good freedivers. Already in the Manual of Freediving, in Chapter 11.1 of its first edition in 2000, I described some ideas of training that specifically included physical running and gym exercises done without breathing. I simply mentioned my own personal experience of "apnea running" following specific programs or doing gym circuits with certain load types without breathing. They were an integral part of my training at particular times of the year. Normally I performed these "special" sessions at the end of the specific training period and the beginning of the specialized training period. I was a black swan in the freediving community. Back then very few medium to high level athletes trained out of water in this way. Now many elite athletes perform these water "alternative" trainings. In this paragraph I want to describe these new trends to you just to be able to provide further new ideas for training. The benefits that I was achieving with dry apnea training tables were both physical and mental. In fact, I was physiologically training for a higher tolerance to lactate and an improvement of the anaerobic threshold. Also mentally I realized that I was gradually getting used to strong contractions and I was able to better withstand the need to breathe in the particular situation when CO 2 levels rose strongly, when under physical stress and when 0 2 levels were simultaneously lowered. The doctors, who were taking care of me, tested that especially after these dry training periods. I was able to "take" very high levels of CO 2 , but they argued that it was impossible to understand what percentage of this could be due to physical training or to psychological adjustment. What has emerged is that these workouts are critical because they involve all the energetic processes useful for training. Also when it comes to dry apnea training, an important fact to keep in mind is that the practice of the action without breathing has to exceed 50 seconds in total, after this time interval, even if it has not been a maximum effort, we rely on total anaerobic metabolism and we start to produce substantial quantities of blood lactate. This has been confirmed by all physiologists who have followed me over the years. One point on which I focused particularly during the dry effort without breathing was to be able to fully relax all the muscles of the body, not just those involved in physical effort, but also those affecting all the muscle groups connected to the diaphragm and the posture. 27

Nevertheless, I had to go back into the water and practise only there. If these dry apnea training periods out of water were approaching too close to the competition period, I could not reach the top athletic level. Although this type of physical apnea training was giving me a lot, I felt that I was missing those reflexes gained from the liquid element, which make these "unnatural" efforts much more bearable for humans (i.e. diving reflex, blood shift, bradycardia, relaxation and etcetera). So, in the last two/three months of the preparation, I planned apnea training only in water. Today, many of the greatest champions do dry apnea training sessions also close to major events. During the last World Cup, some star players described their dry apnea workouts on their Facebook pages or on their official websites, in the days immediately preceding the deep dive (up to one week before the official competition). Whether they were running outdoors, a treadmill in the gym or cycling, they all followed similar series of repeats: about 1 minute of recovery (breathing) and a series of gradually longer times holding their breath. The increments between one breath hold and another was from 5 to 10 seconds. Once athletes got to the top of the pyramid they stopped the exercises in some cases. Others continued in the declining phase of the pyramid until reaching the lowest time (the first in the series). For these exercises, often performed after passive exhalation, using a heart rate monitor has been useful to check the decline in heart rate. Very often top world class athletes train by doing dry static sessions. Personally I have never tolerated dry static! The majority of times these dry statics series are done after passive exhalation or after active exhalation with short recovery times. The benefit that water can give in this sort of situation is undoubtable. These athletes too, who train often for long hours a day, are probably trying to break the monotony of the training by changing their training environment. The same considerations outlined above apply to empty lung breath holds, or partially empty lung breath holds (after active or passive exhalation), which means the less air I have in the lungs, the earlier I struggle, the less I mentally stress. These great athletes are "forced" to exhale before the performance if they want to further reduce the potential apnea times and feel the contractions quickly. The best athlete in static, even with only 30 seconds of recovery, by the sixth or seventh static of the series can last more than 7 minutes without breathing! In recent years, I have been switching from dry apnea trainings, running and in the gym, to swimming. I have increasingly been involved with teams of coaches and physical trainers who follow high-level swimmers. In modern swimming the "underwater" part is always more important, that is after starting and after turns. Now, short distances (50 meters) are swam without breathing! By looking at swimmers, studying their needs and ours, I have developed exercises that I often use in the swimming pool and which have now become very useful: training ideas which combine swimming activity with


There are several exercises. I am going to describe some of them to give you a clearer idea of what this is about.



10 minutes of swimming, alternating a "fixed number of recovery strokes" and a "fixed number of strokes in apnea."


3 strokes breathing, 6 strokes without breathing, 3 breathing, 6 without breathing.



2. 3.


Increase the number of swimming laps within the same time and increase the number of strokes breathing/ without breathing; Reduce the number of recovery strokes, keeping the no-breathing strokes constant; Increase the number of no-breathing strokes, maintaining recovery strokes constant.

10 minutes of swimming, alternating phases of no-breathing swimming to phases of swimming with normal breathing.


1 minute swimming at gentle pace for recovery (normal breathing, active recovery)+ 30 seconds of swimming at maximum speed without breathing. OBJECTIVE {EVOLUTION), VARIATIONS



Maintaining the recovery constant, lengthen the no-breathing swimming part (in distance or time); Reduce the recovery by keeping the length of the no-breathing swimming part constant.

c) Series of combination of fast/slow swimming with breath hold exercises. EXAMPLE

Starting from the middle of the swimming pool length (12.5 meters), swim at maximum speed (normal breathing) till to the end of the pool, turn, underwater swimming (only legs) and then when resurfacing do not breathe, but continue to swim as long as possible without breathing. OBJECTIVE {EVOLUTION), VARIATIONS

1. 2.


First swim 25 meters length instead of just 12.5 meters; Push the breath hold part to the maximum after the turn, continuing the swim with normal breathing; Push the breath hold part to the maximum and then stop.


Swimming at a slow pace, 25 meters in exhale, turn, swim underwater (only legs) and then continuing swimming on surface without breathing. OBJECTIVE {EVOLUTION), VARIATION


Increase the distance done without breathing in the second lap.


Maximum exhalation at the edge of the swimming pool and then start, empty lung swimming at the maximum speed without breathing. 29

OBJECTIVE {EVOLUTION), VARIATION 1. Increase laps and/or distance done without breathing. d) Pyramid workout: swimming at medium pace, gradually increase, every 50 meters, the number of strokes without breathing. EXAMPLE 50 meters swimming alternating strokes with normal breathing to strokes without breathing, starting with 1 stroke with normal breathing and 2 strokes without breathing. Over the next 50 meters, 1 stroke breathing, 3 strokes without... and so on for the next 50 meters to the point of being able to close this distance with the maximum number of strokes without breathing. When the limit is reached the exercise is not over, but it will continue with other 50 meter repeats, following the sequence of strokes without breathing the other way round, until reaching the starting point ( 1 stroke breathing and 2 without breathing). OBJECTIVE {EVOLUTION), VARIATION 1. Increase the height of the pyramid, the final maximum number of strokes without breathing. e) Repeats on 100 to 200 meters distance, freestyle: one lap outward (25 meters) swimming without breathing, one lap return (25 meters) swimming with normal breathing. OBJECTIVE {EVOLUTION), VARIATION 1. Reduce the time of distance covered on 100-200 meter swimming freestyle.


I remember that when I used to combine running without breathing to dry training, in order to avoid the stress of having my eyes always focused on the watch I was looking for different points of reference to focus on, something less alienating. Normally, when I ran along the streets, I would look at the light poles as a reference and breathe from the first to the second and hold my breath from the third to the fourth... and so on! Then I tried to improve by holding my breath for two light post distance and breathe for one. I remember one time I found myself on the ground before being aware of it! It was probably in an attempt of mine to push it to the max. I was able to go into blackout in the dry. At the time I was really obsessed with holding my breath, even if there was no water. I absolutely had to hold my breath. And quite often in dangerous situations! I remember, while driving the car on the highway, I was trying to make it from one exit to the next without breathing. One morning in Milan, going to University, I got on the underground and tried to hold my breath from my station to my destination. However I was getting into the most ridiculous situation in the mountains, when I was getting on the chairlift, I held my breath between pylons! But the worst thing was that the person next to me on the chairlift was not one of my friends (and therefore knew nothing of my madness!) but a complete stranger, who when I was getting into the struggle phase, looked at me, trying to understand what was happening to me, worried about the look on my face... and I, of course, could not answer, because the chair had not yet reached the next pylon!

1.6 PRACTICAL TIPS FOR SPECIFIC TRAINING 1. Another cornerstone of training is recording the trainings in the workout table and the results obtained by following a detailed course. "Do and record to not forget!" Only the subsequent analysis of the progress will allow you to identify the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the workout. During the preparation period, in the case the predicted results have not been achieved, accurate monitoring of yield deviations of the same training exercise, performed within a few weeks of each other, allows to restructure the training variables, based on their impact on the considered factors. The same applies to the results of a full season of training, like the general physical condition, the maximum depth reached, the maximal in static and etcetera, which, when compared with the previous season can provide useful information for achieving the objective. This last aspect of being in optimal physical condition for the competition period was one of the main problems for me during the periodization of the training. Being able to go back to the workouts of the previous year and studying them in detail allowed me to avoid getting in optimal condition too early or to find myself in a declining physical condition during the full athletic season, close to the record. 2. Each specific training session should contain these three distinct parts:

Warm-up: we shall see how warm-up needs to be addressed in relation to

each discipline.

In the main set we train the conditioning and coordinative abilities previously identified and implemented as intermediate and/or final goals on the training tables. Cool down or active recovery. It is a phase that is often overlooked, but is very crucial, especially if we have performed high-quality training, like V0 2max or anaerobic training. In sports medicine it is believed that the rate of disposal of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles is up to 20 times higher if we do an active recovery instead of a passive recovery at the end of the workout. To better understand, if I do a 15 minute cool down at the end of the workout, this is equivalent, in terms of active muscle recovery, to 5 hours of complete rest. In all the workouts on technique I have often included in the final training session one active recovery. Some schools of thought argue that this is incorrect because the muscles, tired by the previous workout, are not capable of easily "recording" the correct movement and automating it, therefore, it would be much more appropriate to concentrate on technique in the initial phase of the training session. As for me, I have never had any problems in this regard. I know high-level freedivers who prefer to keep the part on correcting the technique at the beginning of a training session, avoiding the potential negative aspect described above. I personally do not like this choice because I cannot concentrate on technique at the beginning of a training session, knowing that the worst part of the workout, the hardest part, is yet to come. 31

3. At the beginning of the season, workloads need to be modest and be incremented gradually, without overdoing it, following the method of training that we have set. Let us not get too enthusiastic. Progression, regularity and perseverance are crucial for training. As mentioned, training is the way the body functionally adapts to stress, caused by the load applied. The first step is therefore to identify what the variables and parameters of the load are (speed, distance, time, recovery time, active or passive recovery, series duration and etcetera) by applying them to the exercise and thus varying the load. 4. There are variables that we often overlook, but which must be taken into account before every training session. They are situations that are also involved in defining the difficulty of an exercise (and so the load of the exercise itself) related to the environment in which the training is done, (different swimming pools, differences in water temperature, visibility or currents, etcetera), the equipment used and the athlete's conditions (concentration, tiredness, physical and mental stress, physical condition, etcetera). 5. It is fundamental to customize the tables that are followed. The parameters and variables that characterized the exercise are purely illustrative. Each freediver will have to stick to his level and abilities, adapting the workout to himself. Two freedivers with the same maximal in one discipline may have different training tables. For example, if a pure freediver and spearfisherman have the same maximal in static, it does not mean that they will also have the same training table because, normally, the spearfisherman can afford faster recovery times than the freediver. This leads him to have higher apnea sequence times (recovery time kept equal) or lower rest times (apnea time kept equal).

THE PLEASURE OF FREEDIVING Each workout should be lived with enthusiasm. We must have the desire to train. And the training must not be heavy. To maintain this enthusiasm and serenity it is important to vary the training as much as possible. Constantly change the exercises, the equipment used and the stimuli. A good workout is not as such just because we are exhausted or dead at the end. If we get really tired, but not in the right way, it is useless. Let us think about the quality of the training, it is much more important than quantity and is the basis of a proper training plan. If one day we just do not want to "suffer", to fight the contractions, it does not matter. We will devote that training session to less "stressful" workouts, with targeted exercises, keeping us away from contractions and focus on relaxation and feelings. Let us enjoy the pleasure of being in the water. Sometimes Jet us relive those freediving strong and typical emotions that have Jed us to choose this sport. Do not just get tired. Unwind, relax and enjoy it!



DYNAMIC APNEA "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

2.1 INTRODUCTION TO DYNAMIC APNEA In this chapter, I present ideas on how to train dynamic apnea. I think it is important to mention some general advice to make the workout in water more efficient. • During dynamics let us try to keep ourselves away from the bottom of the swimming pool. Our general tendency as freedivers is to tap the bottom, even when the depth of the swimming pool changes (often from a depth of 90 cm to 2 meters on the opposite side). It is very rare to see a freediver that keeps a straight line parallel to the water surface when advancing. When our body is too close to the floor of the swimming pool, it is impossible to exploit a symmetrical thrust. In fact, the freediver kicks back up from his back towards the surface and does not have enough space to fin down from his body towards the bottom. Eventually the automation of this incorrect technical movement could very likely result in the freediver repeating the mistake at sea and also during a constant weight dive. During dynamics, air should not be exhaled. Let us pay careful attention to this. Sometimes this happens without realizing it, especially at the departure and in the turn phases. If we have a tendency to release the air while practicing dynamics let us use a nose clip (with goggles) or a mask. Even if trainings are going well and the enthusiasm grows, in dynamic let us always increase workout loads very gradually, i.e. distance and recovery. In the first seasonal training sessions I suggest to not start right away using long fins or monofin. We work initially without fins, then with short fins (swimming pool or snorkelling fins) and only later we use freediving fins or a monofin. This gradual use of the tools will allow us to resume training and above all to train the sensitivity of the movement in the water. Even the greatest monofin champions work without fins or with short fins early in the season.


A solution to avoid situations of mental stress on distances, or when the number of laps and meters in dynamic start to be heavy, might be to focus only on the time spent in apnea. Do not concentrate on the meters covered in dynamic, but on the time spent finning in dynamic. In fact, at the end of the given time for the repeats of this exercise, playing a sound underwater for example (like that of tapping metal rods) may be useful. Then, normally we can return to concentrate on the distance.

I would like to emphasize the importance of active recovery exercises at the end of the training session. Especially if we have done a workout which led to a greater accumulation of lactic acid (anaerobic exercises, intense repeats, high-speed dynamic, etcetera) at least a 20 minute cool-down is recommended. In workouts where we train aerobic resistance (substantial volumes and departures at times that have allowed total recovery) a variant would be to opt for an active recovery (for example breathing while on the back fin kicking) in place of the traditional passive recovery (resting on the edge of the swimming pool). This workout variation is a valid way of recovery because, by preventing the exercised muscles to return to a condition of "rest", it enables to maintain a fast heart rate.

In the following tables, for the sake of simplicity, we have considered only measures that are multiples of 25 meters (25, 50, 75, 100, 125 etcetera). The adaptation of the following tables for those who have 70 meter maximal length, for example, will be practiced in a proportionate manner by putting a reference point (weight belt) at the bottom of the swimming pool in the following four measures: 12.5 meters, 25 meters, 37.5 meters and 50 meters.

Correct position in dynamic with bi-fins with arms stretched forward


Correct position in dynamic with bi-fins with arms by the sides

In dynamic with monofin the position of the arms is of particular importance. The arms will have to be stretched forward to find the best hydrodynamics (gliding and speed). In the case of swimming with two fins, instead, arms can be held by the sides. The choice of the position, in the latter case, varies from athlete to athlete. Personally, during the repeats I prefer to keep my arms at my sides, as I look for maximum relaxation. During sprints, it is the only time when I put them in a forward position, as I look for maximum speed.

We can think of using t-shirts or sweatshirts to vary both the execution of the series and levels of difficulty. The fabric impregnated by water will make advancing much more challenging. Other tools, that can be used to increase the load factor in a given exercise, could be a vertically positioned kickboard during advancement, a sea anchor positioned like a parachute behind the freediver, light ankle weights, rubber bands that impede advancement, etcetera. Varying the amount of air inhaled before departure can be kept as the main part of the exercise. Let us think of a number of dynamics done after maximum inspiration. The same workout can be repeated by varying the amount of breathing upon departure (progressively less) to increase difficulty. Thus, one series can be with passive inhalation, another series with passive exhalation, the last with active exhalation. The repeats can be done within the same training session or on different days. In the following tables recovery or rest will indicate the time between two dynamics. Departure will indicate the performance total time summed up to the rest time.


The following symbols shall be combined to the exercises, indicating how to execute them: without fins fins for swimming or snorkelling freediving fins monofin N.B. in this chapter, all the exercises and tables for training in dynamic are examples designed to better understand the main exercise. Performance and recovery times depend on the technical level of the freediver.



Warm-up for dynamic varies depending on the objective: training tables, submaximal or maximal performance. Often, in the case of the latter (maximal in training or competition) high-level athletes do not warm up in the water with exercises in dynamic, but they "break the wall" using breathing techniques interspersed with dry statics. According to the athletes who are preparing for maximum performance in this way, not warming up in the water enables them to make the most of the diving reflex effect, which affects the body physiologically in a positive way, in order to face a freediving competition. However, there are also very high-level athletes who do warm up in the water before a dynamic. This is essential for them even when the goal is a one-shot performance (maximal). To prepare for a complete training table, a pre-workout warm-up is advisable. Normally the warm-up includes: •

a first part doing one or more of the following: o series of dynamics for activation (muscle warm-up); pyramid series from 12.5 meters to 50-75 meters with a good recovery; o lengths with 1 breath in and 3-4 fin kicks underwater without o breathing; series of dynamics with active recovery on the surface; o a second part: doing one or more of the following: dynamic series over distances ranging from 30% to 60% of personal o maximum; o gradual exhalation during laps in dynamic; o empty lung lengths.

Other ideas to warm up: On a total distance of 500 meters, resurface, take only one breath, flip turn and then come back in dynamic. In the first 50 meters, after every breath, do 3 fin kicks. In the second 50 meters, do 4 fin kicks. In the third 50 meters, do 5 fin kicks and so on, until reaching the maximum fin kicks that can be done with one single breath. There is no break between each 50 meters. Series of 8 x 25 meters. After the first 25 meters, recovery is 12 breaths in, after the second 25 meters is 10 breaths in, after the third split, the recovery is of 6 breaths in and so on, until the point that from the seventh and eighth 25 meter splits, there is only one break for breathing. The same exercise can be done on 50 meters as well, always reducing the numbers of breaths after any dynamic. There are no rules that apply to all athletes. It is essential that the freediver understands and is aware of what type of warm-up he needs for having the best sensations and getting the best out of it, depending on the kind of workout that follows. It is absolutely important to try and test different ways of warming up. Let us not stop when we get those feelings that we consider positive, simply because we are used to that kind of warm-up. Let us dare to get in the game, let us dare! Normally, we spend whole months on different ways of warming up before understanding and deciding what is the best for us.



Much has been said and written in recent years about speed (and therefore about fin kicking technique), especially in dynamic with monofin. There are two schools of thought on using this tool. The first prefers the so-called technique kick and glide. A powerful fin kick followed by a glide, completely using the momentum produced by the kick. About 20 meters can be done with a kick (using a monofin). An optimal setup is essential (through the use of a neck weight) which can make the weight of the body neutral in the water, reducing resistance to a minimum. After one kick, full advantage of the thrust (optimizing the body position) is taken and another kick is done again, just after the speed obtained from the previous kick is completely exhausted. We will see later in Chapter 6 how some international athletes even use the double­ kick and glide (double fin kick in sequence, high increase in speed and then a maximum glide). This second technique involves a series of kicks with higher frequency and a lower power than the kick and glide. The freediver "kicks" much earlier before the speed (of the previous thrust) is exhausted. Every monofin kick is following on a higher speed. This allows less effort to be done, but with a higher frequency. In the kick and glide, the total speed of performance is very low for the reasons just mentioned. The times of the best athletes in the world exceed 4 minutes in dynamic


over 250 meters. Performance becomes virtually static apnea between the two kick phases.

This is often a psychological problem for many athletes rather than a physical one. Some freedivers do not practise the kick and glide because it is mentally too hard to resist the strong diaphragmatic contractions that happen within such a very long performance. With a higher fin kicking rate, dive times are lowered greatly and, through movement, air hunger and contractions are better dealt with. Even in dynamic without fins the choice may fall between a high kick pace (exploiting present speed and therefore less effort) and a fin kicking technique that exploits the thrust until it is completely exhausted. To simplify things, indicatively the correct speed in 50 meters could be: about 40/42 seconds in dynamic with monofin. With kick and glide even a few seconds more, 46/48 seconds; about 50/52 seconds in dynamic with fins; about 60 seconds in dynamic without fins, with a few more seconds if the maximum glide after the leg thrust is exploited. In a 50 meter swimming pool (missing the push off the wall at 25 meters), the time underwater can be of 1 104 "/ 1 108 11 • These suggestions on the speed are purely generic, indicative and can be just a point of reference to understand if the average speed in dynamic is too slow, too fast or is good. Clearly, if we have to do the repeats on 50 meters and we need to depart at 55", we will not do the distance in 50", otherwise the 5" of recovery left will not be sufficient to complete the following dynamic.

2.1.3 CONTRACTIONS MANAGEMENT IN DYNAMIC According to all the athletes who train and compete in dynamic, the most difficult part to manage, both physically and psychologically, is that of 60/70 meters. Here, the first of a long series of diaphragmatic contractions comes, even for a trained freediver. It is therefore in this part of the dynamic that the freediver eventually enters a crisis of performance expectations. Let us see what we can find out about a 150 meter dynamic. The example clearly can be adapted to each distance. The first 50 meters go calmly and fast, continuing, even if in the presence of some slight contraction. The 75 meter line (the wall, in the case of a 25 meter swimming pool) is touched without any problems. The difficulties begin soon in the subsequent part, where a general state of mental and physical suffering, exacerbated by repeated diaphragmatic contractions, tends to impose the interruption of the exercise and the resumption of breathing. Only mental strength, will and determination allow us to continue, knowing that from a certain point onwards contractions will progressively decrease, both in number and intensity. Without stopping the fin kicking, we continue for more meters, aware of the imminent psychophysical improvement. Contractions are actually decreasing and the 100 meter barrier is relatively close. This is a very important psychological hook. At the 100 meter barrier we can have two psychological reactions: we can feel satisfied with this milestone or we turn again and see what happens. If we are inclined to turn and dare to try another stretch to test the responses and reactions of our body, contractions are always present, but frequency and magnitude are lower than before. The legs, however, begin to be stiff, achy and get heavy. Now that we are at around 125 meters, contractions tend to stop and at this stage it becomes essential to understand and listen to the signals that our body is sending us, in order to understand when it is time to exit and breathe. The 150 meter barrier is not that far away and we realize that the goal is within our reach. The instinctive urge to increase the speed in the last phase of the dynamic is to be ignored. This description of how to deal mentally with a dynamic of 150 meters clearly could be adapted to longer or shorter distances, obviously in relation to the abilities that each of us is able to show.

2.1.4 MANAGEMENT OF THE LAST PART IN DYNAMIC As in all other disciplines, even in dynamic, the final part is the most dangerous and difficult. In order to minimize the risk of blackout at the exit, it is essential to control the performance in the last meters, perfectly working on awareness and control of each technical movement and action, completely avoiding situations of panic and/or of being "out of control". In the moment when everything becomes difficult and the need to breathe is urgent, we must find the strength and concentration to fully control what we are doing. 39

We tend to instinctively increase the speed and fin kicking pace at the limit of a dynamic ( often without realizing it) in order to arrive as soon as possible at the intended goal and then breathe. A typical behaviour goes like this: a few meters from the end, we raise the head to observe the distance from the arrival point, speeding in a disorderly way towards this goal and assuming a gliding position that is no longer horizontal or parallel to the bottom of the pool but oblique to sooner reach the set goals together, the arrival point and the surface. In this last moment of the dynamic we do not have any control on what we are doing. The state of hypoxia does not make us lucid, but rather confused and close to a state of panic. This situation must be avoided as it promotes blackout. What we need to be able to impose to ourselves through training, targeting the hypoxia state, is to reduce speed to the minimum (against the instinct that induces us to do the exact opposite). This is done by controlling ourselves, speaking to ourselves and by managing every move until it is time to surface. At the resurface, it is crucial to breathe correctly and slowly, without forced and violent expirations. In order to ensure that the correct procedure just described has happened, at the end of the performance when our head emerges from the water, we must impose on ourselves a sign, a movement that normally is not done in training at the end of each dynamic, nor is it part of our "ritual". It must be a "new" sign. Having said this, let us suppose, for example, a series of repeats 10 x 50 meters with a departure at 1 1 30 11 • As an objective of the exercise, the sign that we should force ourselves to do at the end of each repeat, could be "put both hands on the edge of the pool, parallel and with a space of about 20 centimetres between them." At the beginning, in the first repeats, when the difficulty level is low and we have not yet entered into the so-called "struggle phase", it is very easy to remember what we must do at the exit. In other words, we are able, in the last few meters of a dynamic, to think about what we are doing. We check our speed, we manage our fin kicking. In this mental situation, a few seconds before our head emerges from the water, we can also think of our goal (the chosen sign), like how to get our hands on the edge of the pool and to resume breathing. With each following dynamic, however, the state of fatigue starts and worsens with the increasing number of repeats, given that the rest for each repeat does not allow a full recovery of optimal condition. Contractions always come earlier and the final part of the dynamic starts to get very difficult to manage. The feeling of needing to breathe comes on strong and it is always less obvious to remember what to absolutely do when exiting. We remember to put our hands in the correct position with some (sometimes several) seconds of delay or we even forget. This means that in the last few meters of our performance we do not have any mental control of ourselves. In this situation, at times, it may even become difficult to remember what we have done in the last part of the performance. We were "out of control" and we were finning instinctively. This is potentially the most dangerous situation and the one that easily could lead us to a blackout. What was just described (repeating a non-habitual sign at the exit of a "pushed" dynamic) is a very useful exercise. It enables us to immediately understand if in the final part of our performance, the most dangerous one, we can succeed in staying focused on ourselves, by controlling and managing ourselves. 40


NM·#• When a training program is started, it is essential to assess our own physical condition. We have already seen in the manual Dry Training for Freediving, how collection of data on our athletic training is essential and necessary in order to establish a serious training program, like in any sport discipline. This is also true in the specific case of freediving. Apnea Academy has developed and adopted a specific assessment test for dynamic that is useful: • before the start of the seasonal training program, to identify our initial level of fitness and then be able to complete, with precise numbers, the figures in the table relative to performance and recoveries; during the training course (to be done about every 6-8 weeks) in order to evaluate possible improvements and therefore to confirm that the training plan has achieved the results and that it has been developed correctly. So when it comes to fitness evaluation, the assessment is preferred to the maximal performance, given that the maximal performance is much harder to face both physically and psychologically. Similarly to all functional tests, it is essential that the protocol, whenever it is carried out, is repeated exactly the same way and under the same testing conditions (same swimming pool, same water temperature, with or without a wetsuit etcetera). The assessment (complete table of the test on the following page) lasts 6 minutes, consists in performing a maximal distance in a 25 meter swimming pool and calculating the maximal distance, by adding the distance covered in dynamic to the distance of active recovery on the surface. The assessment will begin with the freediver doing the entire length of the pool in dynamic. The return length (on the back while breathing) will allow the athlete to recover. The freediver himself will decide the speed of the finning during the recovery phase and therefore the duration of the active recovery (the slower he fins during the recovery, the more time he will have to recover at the disadvantage of the total distance covered, and vice versa). Therefore, the objective is to do the maximum number of lengths in the 6 minutes assigned (adding up the distances to the recovery lengths breathing on his back). The faster the athlete is (in dynamic and recovery) the higher the total distance will be in 6 minutes. However, it is important to be able to completely use the whole 6 minutes available in this test. Many freedivers make the mistake of increasing their pace and speed too much at the beginning of the test, finding themselves unable to finish the 6 minutes required by the test (speed burns too much oxygen in dynamics and the recovery on the back is not enough).


Name: ___________________



Execute maximum distance possible in a 25m lap pool in 6'. Start preferably from the low side of the pool with one hand on the edge, fin kicking with bi-fins (with scissor kick). Each lap must be started with the push off the wall: go in dynamic and return on back-style with active recovery (breathing). NO interruptions and NO USE of arms to swim is allowed. EQUIPMENT: freediving fins OBJECTIVE: maximum distance PREPARATION: PHASE A) 15' free warm-up; PHASE B) 3'recovery before the start of the test. Execution and filling out the form: during the test let an assistant, at the side of the pool, record the precise time of immersion of your airways, T1, and the precise time of when the airways break the surface at the end of the dynamic apnea lap, T2. After the test calculate the totals at the bottom of the columns. Laps nr. (25 + 25)



Tdive time

T recovery

1·2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22

23-24 Total time 6'


Distance (Metres)


Indicate the time lag for the breath holding part (total dive time) and for the breathing time (total recovery) for the 6' test Mark with 1 meter precision the total distance in meters made in 6' Indicate the kind of warm-up used: (swimming, freediving, stretching, respirations, nothing... )


Check if you used arms by sides O or arms extended 0

Table of physical/psychological sensations felt by the athlete (to be filled just after the test on questions from the coach/assistant) Physical sensations




Sore legs Contractions




Shortness of breath Sore calves Other

What is your freediving level? Professional, semi-professional, amateur Which sport do you usually practise? __________________ How many hours a week?__________ I authorize Apnea Academy to use these data exclusively for statistics and studies. Signed



preferably start from the low side of the pool; do not interrupt during the 6 minutes (do not stop at the edge of the pool when making the turn); do not use the arms in the recovery phase on the surface; warm-up (lasting 15 minutes) before the test has to always be done in the same way.


It is shown below an example to better understand the execution and data recording from the assessment. During the test the freediver should be able to do: 1. The first pool length in dynamic in 20 seconds; 2. The second pool length in dynamic in 22 seconds; 3. The third pool length in dynamic in 25 seconds; 4. The fourth pool length in dynamic in 26 seconds; 5. The fifth pool length in dynamic in 25 seconds; with the following recovery times during the swimming phase: 1. 30 seconds on the first pool length on the back finning; 2. 28 seconds on the second pool length on the back finning; 3. 30 seconds on the third pool length on the back finning; 4. 29 seconds on the fourth pool length on the back finning; 5. 30 seconds on the fifth pool length on the back finning; after 11 lengths of 25 meters (275 meters) and 4 1 25" of work, he would record the following figures in the table below (the test not yet being finished).

Number of lengths (25 +25)

Dive Time

Recovery Time

1st length: 0-25 meters 3rd length: 50-75 meters 5th length: 100-125 meters 7th length: 150-175 meters 9th length: 200-225 meters 11th length: 250-275 meters 13th length: 300-325 meters 15th length: 350-375 meters 17th length: 400-425 meters

Zero (departure)

20" 1'12" 2'05" 3'01'' 3'55"

Total time 6 minutes


1'40" 2'35" 3'30" 4'25"

... ....

Total Distance in meters

While taking the assessment, the person in charge of recording the values of the freediver will take care of: 43

1. 2. 3.

recording (accurately) the times in the "dive time" and "recovery time" columns; observe and precisely indicate the point of the length in which the athlete finished the 6 minutes (end of test); calculate the total distance the freediver completes in the 6 minutes of the test.

Only at the end of the test, the following will be completed in the table: 1. the vertical column T-DIVE TIME with partial times of the several dynamics; 2. the vertical column T-RECOVERY TIME with partial times of the lengths swam finning on the back to breathe; . 3 the final result TOTAL DIVE TIME; 4. the final result TOTAL RECOVERY TIME; 5. the physical/psychological sensations table. Each time the Assessment is repeated, it is important to ensure that the total distance is increased in order to confirm that the training is working. The consistency of the times for all dynamics that make up the test is also an important variable.


IM·#I In this paragraph we will present a new idea of training for dynamic completely inspired by a swimming training program, keeping in mind that the following tables are adapted to high-level freedivers' training, without precluding the possibility to other level freedivers to complete the training, using easier proportions of the main parameters (distance, time, number of repeats, etcetera). There are millions of swimmer athletes around the world, who take advantage of decades of research in sports and experimental medicine, thousands of coaches and technical staff at the highest level, training programs that have been tried and tested. Behind every athlete's training program everything is scientifically planned, taking into account the data collected through years of research, the experience of world class coaches, sport results, and so on. Of course, the exercises must be absolutely adapted to the swimmer, his needs, his body, his recovery time and psychological load factors. All the fundamentals taken into account are the same for all swimming coaches and trainings in the world when it comes to endurance training or aerobic capacity, or when it comes to train aerobic strength and in which period to "push" VO2 max workouts or when in need of doing anaerobic training. In Chapter 8 of Dry Training for Freediving, we have extensively described the meaning of aerobic capacity, aerobic strength, anaerobic threshold, VO 2max, anaerobic workouts and so on. Simple examples are given on how a workout can be aerobic or 44

anaerobic, how to calculate times and in various energy systems and how we have coded these works. In the box on the following pages there is a brief reminder of the main concepts relating to the systems of energy already described in the book cited.


With this letter we designate all endurance or aerobic capacity workouts. Referring to that quality which enables a swimmer to maintain a certain level of speed as a base in aerobic system for as long as possible, without decreasing mechanic efficiency. Within this scope we differentiate: At

This includes recovery workouts between one series and the next, all active recovery workouts that are the exercises for improving technique, the warm-up at the beginning of the training session and cool-down afterwards. The pace is very mild and the heart rate is below 120 beats per minute. A2 OR AEROBIC CAPACITY

This includes all aerobic endurance (or capacity) workouts. PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF A2 TRAINING: 1. Heart rate: approximately 140 beats per minute or below. It can increase gradually during the workout, but no more than 10% of the expected value, to maintain constant speed. Higher increases indicate a need to further develop aerobic resistance. 2. Lactacidemia: usually lower than 2.5 mmol/L during the workout and steady over time. Long-distance swimmers generally have lower figures than other athletes. 3. Level of fatigue: no higher than the third level of the Borg scale. 4. Ventilation: mild change in respiratory rate.

B With this letter, we indicate all workouts which are always developed in the aerobic energy system, but that lead us to the anaerobic threshold. Also in this system, the letter Bis associated with the numbers 1 or 2 (B1 and B2) according to the kind of workout done. With regards to this distinction, there are different schools of thought. According to one, B1 is nothing more than a slightly higher level of A2, with quite similar characteristics in terms of the energy system. B2 instead is the real aerobic strength workout (work on threshold), which culminates in an anaerobic one with V0 2max workout. Other coaches and sports physicians consider that, while keeping us in aerobic system framework, B1 represents the intensity workout of the anaerobic threshold (aerobic power) and B2 indicates the maximum oxygen consumption workout. For us freedivers these technical details and terminology are mere formalities. What should interest us is how to train freediving in these energy systems because they are, together with A2, B1 and 82, very important for us. In the following description, we will adhere to the second school of thought. 45

81 OR ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD Anaerobic threshold intensity corresponds to the maximum aerobic power obtainable without the lactate acid mechanism contributing to the overall energy production. It is expressed as a percentage of maximum oxygen consumption {V0 2 max). PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETER OF 81 WORKOUT 1. Heart rate: the figures depends on the individual, in most cases, between 160 and 180 beats per minute. Heart rate related to the intensity of anaerobic threshold increases, as a rule, as seasonal training step ups. This parameter is evaluated through specific tests. 2. Lactacidemia: In most cases it ranges from 3 to 5 mmol/L and remains steady over time. In the same individual, it is generally 1.5 and 2 mmol/L, higher than the A2 standard values. Lower values are generally seen in long-distance swimmers. 3. Level of fatigue: fourth and fifth level of the Borg scale. 4. Ventilation: slight increase of respiratory rate. 82 OR MAXIMUM OXYGEN CONSUMPTION (VO 2MAX) V0 2max value represents the maximal amount of oxygen that can be taken in, carried and used in one unit of time. It is only achieved through the contribution of the anaerobic systems. A proper definition of 82 would be: the maximum level of aerobic workout taking advantage of anaerobic mechanisms. PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF 82 WORKOUT 1. Heart rate: values hardly recognizable through manual methods compared to those of 81. They are normally higher than them. 2. Lactacidemia: values usually ranging from 4 to 7 mmol/L (normally lower for long­ distance swimmers). Lactacidemia rises progressively during constant-speed workout. 3. Level of fatigue: from fifth to seventh level of the Borg scale. 4. Ventilation: significant increase in respiratory rate.


With this letter we refer to all "lactate workouts", where the anaerobic mechanisms is in action (prevailing). There will be a distinction between C1, C2 and C3 here. In this energetic system, freedivers will work only in C1. For a complete description, we may add that in the C2 workouts we aim for the peak of lactate, which is the maximum concentration of blood lactate that a swimmer can store. In certain training exercises, an even higher accumulation can be achieved than the one obtained in the maximal. In C3 workouts all the speed exercises are included. The objective is increasing maximum speed in water through improved mechanical performance of the swimming and rise in muscle power. It is this book, we will analyse the lactate workout of C1 only, since it is the most useful for freedivers who use swimming as their physical preparation.


This is the quality that allows the swimmer to keep, for as long as possible, a certain level of speed while in state of muscular acidosis without reducing mechanical performance. It serves to resist a big production of lactic acid for a prolonged time (to clarify, when the arms are so hard that they no longer "circle"). PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS 1. Heart rate: near to maximal values. 2. Lactacidemia: near to maximal values and necessarily higher than those corresponding to VO,max. Beyond 8 mmol/L. 3. Level of fatigue: over the seventh level of the Borg scale. 4. Ventilation: maximal respiratory rate.

Even for freediving, we have indicated with the following: A1 all warm-up and activation workouts; A2 all pure aerobic resistance workouts; B1 all aerobic strength and anaerobic threshold workouts; B2 all intensity workouts close to maximum oxygen consumption (VO,max); C1 all anaerobic lactate tolerance workouts; C2 all anaerobic workouts stimulating lactate peak; (3 all workouts on maximals. In our sport, as we have already said, training has always been left a bit to chance and often improvised (often, only a few minutes before entering the water, one decides how to train, with which table, etcetera). Without a clear idea of the training progression, sometimes, some exercises are chosen instead of others only because a friend with a better performance than ours told us that it worked. Another reason can be that we have read in some magazine that the great champions use that training and we try to repeat it empirically and similarly. This is not a training program! Hence the thought: if we identify what are the workouts (in dynamic) that train the various energy systems, then we can refer to the diagrams studied and defined for swimming and use these exercises, depending on the training needs of a specific period in the seasonal schedule. That said, the first step is to figure out "what I train with a specific exercise". On the basis of medical tests (poolside lactate measurement samples during dynamic training) and application of the Borg scale, we have identified the kind of workouts trained within a specific series (A1, A2, B1, B2 and etcetera).


BORG SCALE Based on the level of perceived exertion,

Scale Level 0

Perceived exertion No exertion at all Very light



it is useful to assess


the different levels of each


Moderate Demanding


Pretty heavy




Notably heavy


Very heavy




Extremely hard, up to the maximum

athlete's physical condition.

We have created and filled some "boxes" with dynamic training exercises in various energy systems. A box of warm-up exercises, a box of resistance exercises, a box of threshold exercises and so on. Therefore, referring to swimming training programs, for example, if during this season our program for dynamic (obtained from swimming) should provide a part of V0 2 max (B2) training, we should not do anything but "open" the B2 box and choose a series, an exercise contained therein. After having identified "what workout trains what" and thanks to the knowledge and proven swimming training programs, we will be able to understand when we have to train in a certain way and when in another, when to draw exercises from one box and when to draw from another, depending on the moment in the seasonal program, in which we find ourselves.

2.3.1. DYNAMIC APNEA EXERCISES TRAINING DIFFERENT ENERGY SYSTEMS In this section, the goal is to fill the various "boxes" with different exercises, identifying examples of dynamic trainings and dividing them into different training categories. Which series of dynamic will be in the A1 box? Which ones are in the A2? What exercises are in all the others? The type of physiological quality (A1, A2, 81, B2, C1, C2, C3) that is trained with a specific exercise was determined by blood sampling at the end of that exercise (dynamic series). The test was carried out on freedivers with maximals of 130 to 150 meters. The tables are purely illustrative. Suggestions (distances, recoveries, number of repeats) are suitable for a high-level freediver. Clearly, the reader must adjust the exercises to his own level, while respecting the principles and the necessary proportionality between distances and their own performances, to be sure to stay in the specific energy system.

For an unambiguous interpretation of the various examples below, we have to note the following: the more the quality of the workout increases (from A to C), the more the total volume will reduce (total number of laps or the number of repeats within the series); with this training program, we not only work on the usual two variables distance and time - but also on speed (in C); unlike what happens in other sports, in freediving, we cannot refer to the heart rate to understand if we are working out in aerobic or anaerobic. In freediving, in fact, when we emerge, our heart rate is at a very high peak. This is because we need a rapid redistribution of oxygen, considering that for a certain time, conditioned by considerable physical effort, we practically worked at the level of "oxygen reserve"; choose only one training workout (series) from the list of the proposed exercises contained in each "box". If, for example, our training provides an A2 workout, we will choose only one of the workouts listed in the A2 "box" A2, not all of them! starting the 81 workouts, progressing towards the more "challenging", in the last dynamic of the series, we need to have the awareness of working in the struggle phase; when "departure at" is given as reference, it means that in that time interval the performance and recovery must be added; when saying performance. A1



here it means the period of rest after the

WARM-UP AND ACTIVATION WORKOUT EXAMPLES pyramid dynamics up to 50 meters (1/4 of a 25 meter pool for a distance of 100 meters, 1/2 of a 25 meter pool for a distance of 100 meters, 25 meters for a distance of 100 meters, 50 meters for a distance of 100 meters) with a full recovery between two dynamics; dynamics after passive exhalation, or after active exhalation; dynamics with empty lungs; dynamics in exhaling underwater (in a gradual and slow release of air during the dynamic itself). AEROBIC RESISTANCE (CAPACITY) WORKOUT EXMPLES 6 dynamics of 100 meters at a gentle pace, with recovery that enables to get back well over the distance; 12 dynamics of 75 meters at a gentle pace, with recovery that enables to get back well over the distance; 20 dynamics of 50 meters at a gentle pace, with recovery that enables to get back well over the distance;




• • • 82

30 dynamics of 25 meters at a gentle pace, with recovery that enables to get back well over the distance; A series of dynamics at minimum speed for 501 751 100 meters and complete recovery; A series of dynamics of 50 or 75 or 100 meters at varying speeds within the same dynamic, complete recovery; A series of dynamics of 50 or 75 or 100 meters with speed progression (slow to fast) hypercapnic workout, complete recovery; A series of dynamics of 50 or 75 or 100 meters with speed reduction (fast to slow), hypoxic workout, complete recovery.

• • • • • • • •


Series of 50 meters: 2 repeats departure at 1130 ", 2 at 1125111 2 at 11 2011, 2 at 1 115111 2 at 1'1011, 2 at 1105", 2 at1 minute. Total: 14 dynamics; Series of 50 meters: departure at 11 15 11 • Total: 14 dynamics; Series of 75 meters: 2 times (departure at 3 minutes, 2'50 11, 2 14011, 21 30 11 ). Total: 10 dynamics; Series of 75 meters: departure at 2 1 4511 • Total: 10 dynamics; Series of 100 meters: departure at 5 minutes, 414511, 4'3011, 4 1 1511, 4 minutes. Total: 6 dynamics; Series of 100 meters: departure at 4 1 30 11 • Total: 6 dynamics. VO2MAX WORKOUT EXAMPLES

Series of 50 meters, departure at 11 3011, 1125 11, 1 12011, 1 115 11, 11 10 11, 1 105 11, 1 minute, 55 seconds, 50 seconds. Total: 10 dynamics; Standard 50 meters, departure at 11 35 11, 1 125 11, 1 1 15 11, 11 05 11, 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute. Total: 10 dynamics; Series of 6 x 50 meters, departure at 55 seconds; Series of 75 meters: departure at 3 minutes, 2'5011, 2'4011, 2'3011, 2'20", 2'10 11, 2 minutes. Total: 8 dynamics; Series of 75 meters: departure at 2 140 11, 2 1 30 11, 2 12011, 2 1 10 11, 2 11011, 2 1 1011, 2 11011 • Total: 8 dynamics; Series of 4 x 75 meters: departure at 2 minutes; Series of 100 meters, departure at 41 40 11, 4120 11, 4 minutes, 3'40". Total: 5 dynamics; Series of 100 meters, departure at 4 minutes. Total: 4 dynamics. LACTATE TOLERANCE WORKOUT EXAMPLES (ANAEROBIC)

150 meter series split into 50 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 150 meters (recovery of 30/40 seconds at each split); 50

• • C2

150 meter series split into 25 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 150 meters (recovery of 20/30 seconds at each split); 125 meter series split into 25 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 125 meters (recovery of 30/40 seconds at each split); 100 meter series split into 25 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 100 meters (recovery of 10/15 seconds at each split); 100 meter series split into 50 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 100 meters (recovery of 30/40 seconds at each split); 75 meter series split into 25 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 75 meters (recovery 5/10 seconds at each split); 50 meter series split into 25 meters, at maximum speed in order to cover the required 50 meters (164 meters) (5 second recovery); Series of 4 x 50 meters, departure at 50 seconds; Series of 3 x 75 meters, departure at 1 1 50 11 • PEAK LACTATE TOLERANCE WORKOUT EXAMPLES (ANAEROBIC) Series of 4 x 100 meters, varying the speed within the dynamic. Complete recovery; Series of 3 x 125 meters, varying the speed within the dynamic. Complete recovery; Stronger swimmers can also try a series of 2 x 150 meters, varying the speed within the dynamic. Complete recovery; Series of 75 meters or 100 meters (very good freedivers may try 125 meters), at "maximum speed" in order to cover the required dynamic length (as in C1, but the total distance is not split). MAXIMUM WORKOUTS A maximum distance dynamic.

• •

OBJECTIVE (EVOLUTION) VARIATIONS The objectives for the series in A2, 81, and 82 are: The increase in the distance covered in the single dynamic, without changing the total time of departure; Maintaining the distance of the single dynamic reducing the total time of departure. The objectives for the series in C1, in the first seven examples are: Increase speed in dynamic; Reduction of recovery time. The objectives for the C2 and (3 are: Increased performance in the single dynamic. 51

PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF HOW TO READ THE TABLES AMONG THE VARIOUS "BOXES" To better understand how to move between the different "boxes" A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 and C3, let us compare some of the series described above that refer to 50 meter distances, as an example: A2: 20 x 50 meters at a gentle pace, with recoveries that enables us to finish the required distance well (total of 1000 meters); C1: Series of 4 x 50 meters, departure at 50 seconds (total of 200 meters). What is immediately obvious is the considerable difference in distance, A2 is five times longer than C1, even if the completion of the latter will require more effort compared to the first series. In addition, the volume (distance) of the compared exercises, determining the temporal order of execution in the referring period, gives the priority to A2 exercises, the so-called "base" or "quantity exercises", rather than to C1 ("quality" or "competition exercises"). Even comparing the above A2 series with those prescribed in: •

B1: Series of 50 meters: 2 repeats departure at 1 1 30", 2 of 1'25", 2 of 1'20, 2 of 1'15" 2 of 1'10", 2 of 1'05", 2 of 1 minute. Total: 14 dynamics; B1: Series of 50 meters, departure at 1 1 15". Total: 14 dynamics (total volume or distance: 700 meters).

It can be seen that the total volume of these series decreases from that of A2, but only by 30% (from 20 repeats to 14 in the series, the equivalent of 1000 to 700 meters) Like in the above example, in this case we would want to switch within the B1 exercises, from a series with a gradual decreases to one of fixed departure. The time of this last series could be between the time of maximum departure and the time of minimum departure of the series with decreases (since in the example 1'30" was the maximum departure and 1 minute was the minimum, then the departure of the second series would be 1'15"). The 50 meter exercises recorded in the B2 "box" give a clear idea of how the series characterized of that distance could also have the goal to train: • • •

B2: Series of 50 meters, departure at 1 1 30", 1 1 25", 1 1 20", 1 1 15", 1 1 10", 1 1 05", minute, 55 seconds, 50 seconds. Total: 10 dynamics; B2: Standard 50 meters, departure at 1 1 35", 1 1 25", 1 1 15", 1 1 05", 1 minute, minute, 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute. Total: 10 dynamics; B2: Series of 6 x 50 meters, departure at 55 seconds.



In the first series, after 10 repeats, it leads to (50% less than the volume in A2 and about 30% less than in B1) a minimum departure time (50 seconds). In the second series we will always have 10 repeats, but we will not reach the minimum recovery time of 50 seconds, because we will do 5 dynamics (half of the series) with departure at 1 minute. The third series includes only 6 repeats, but with a departure time (55 seconds), which is very close to the minimum of the first series (50 seconds).


Finally, let us compare: • •

C1: Series of 4 x 50 meters, departure at 50 seconds (total: 200 meters); B2: Series of 6 x 50 meters, departure at 55 seconds (total: 300 meters).

We can see here that the volume of the C1 series is 30% less than the latter, the same as the departure time at 50 seconds.

2.3.2. PERIODIZATION OF SPECIFIC TRAININGS Now that we have a clearer idea of the different training exercises in

dynamic that help us to train a specific physiological quality, let us return to the swimming training program to find an answer to the following questions: a) What energy systems do we need to train according to the current season?

b) What should be the sequence of exercises in dynamic within a training session? a) Succession of workouts during the year

Energy system

• Basic and specific training:

A1 - A2 - 81

(some from 82 and C1);

• Specific and specialized training:

A1 -A2 - 82

(some from C1 or C2);

• Specialized training and the first part of the competition period:

A1 -C1 or C2 -A2 (some from (3).

It is advisable to try the maximal (C3) once every 6/8 weeks, but not during the first and second part of the season, which is when the test is recommended instead. b) The order of the training session should be:

• • •

A1 and A2 (warm-up+ long workout); C1 or C2 or (3 (if any); 81 and/or 82.

Indeed, apart from the activation and endurance workouts (A1 and A2), higher quality workouts should be prioritized. If a training session involves 8 and C workouts, those must be carried out before the 8. The A workouts can be done at the end of the whole workout, serving as active recovery, to warm-up the legs after 8 or C workouts.




As also seen in the previous paragraph, one of the "fundamentals" of the specific training for freediving is doing repetitions. Let us understand, now, how can we intervene and raise the level of difficulty of the series by changing recovery times or performance. Let us start with some examples that are a little easier than those in the previous paragraph and have a training series that includes: A series of 8 x 50 meters, decreasing the start time of 2 minutes to 1 minute every 5 seconds. A similar difficult series, but at fixed departure times would be: A series of 8 x 50 meters, always departing at 1 120 11 • Therefore, for a decreasing departure time, as in the case mentioned above, we would like to switch to a fixed departure time to reproduce the same work intensity, it will be enough to reduce the start time to approximately 2/3 of the "initial time" (2 minutes), reaching the fixed departure time of 1 120 11 • If, however, we would like to raise the difficulty of this series, we can opt for: • 6 x 50 meters, departure at 1 1 15". At this point we try to answer the question: How can we gradually raise the difficulty level of the series? Let us look at some examples. EXAMPLE: SERIES OF DYNAMICS WITH FIXED RECOVERY 8 x 50 meters with 30 second recovery. • objective 1: we increase the distance (for example 60 meters) while keeping the same recovery time; • objective 2: we keep the same distance reducing the recovery time. EXAMPLE: SERIES OF DYNAMICS WITH FIXED DEPARTURE TIMES 8 x 50 meters, departing every 1 1 4511 (in the 1 1 45" we include the performance and rest). • objective 1: we increase the distance covered, without changing the departure time; • objective 2: we keep the distance reducing the total departure time. Please refer to paragraph 2.3.2 for guidance on when to use the various series within the year.



IM·hl The pyramid tables are a very useful workout. In this kind of workout, it is essential to exercise, above all, the beginning of the descent phase of the pyramid (when the recovery times begin to get longer in order to reach the previous values of the minimum recovery peak). This is still a very good training phase. We can consider the last part of the descent phase of the pyramid as an active recovery or cool-down. These are recommended workouts in the phases of specific or specialized training, depending on how hard each exercise is pushed to their limit. In the pyramid series, if we have pushed the increments' phase well, the first two transitions to the decreasing phase represent an important part of the training.

2.5.1 PYRAMID SERIES DECREASING DEPARTURE TIMES AT FIXED DISTANCES Initially, the series provides "high" departure times (with adequate recovery), that makes the workout relatively easy. But when we reduce departure times progressively, we eventually reach the limit. Rather than stopping, we resume increasing recovery times with same values as the steps they were reduced with. EXAMPLE

50 meters with departure at 1 1 30 "; 50 meters with departure at 1 1 20 "; 50 meters with departure at 1 1 10 "; 50 meters with departure at 1 minute; 50 meters with departure at 50 seconds (the minimum value that indicates the inversion of recovery times); 50 meters with departure at 1 minute; 50 meters with departure at 1 1 10 "; 50 meters with departure at 1 1 20 ". 50 meters with departure at 1 1 30 ".

2.5.2 PYRAMID SERIES INCREASING DISTANCE AT FIXED DEPARTURE TIMES This exercise is similar to the previous one, but instead of intervening on departure times, we change the performance in dynamic. EXAMPLE

25 meters and then recovery up to 2'30 11 ; 55

50 meters and then recovery up to 2'30 11; 75 meters and then recovery up to 2130 11 ; 100 meters and then recovery up to 2'3o"(maximum distance that signals the inversion of the distances to subsequently cover); 75 meters and then recovery up to 2130 11; 50 meters and then recovery up to 2130 11; 25 meters and then recovery up to 2 130 11 •

2.5.3 PYRAMID SERIES INCREASING DISTANCE WITH ACTIVE RECOVERY In this exercise, the duration of the recovery is changed according to distance, and not according to time. At the end of the active recovery of fin kicking on the back (end of 100 meters, 4 laps of 25meters each). As soon as we touch the wall of the pool, we need to depart immediately without a break. EXAMPLE

100 meters, 12.5 meters in dynamic, 87.5 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 25 meters in dynamic, 75 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 37.5 meters in dynamic, 62.5 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 50 meters in dynamic, 50 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 62.5 meters in dynamic, 37.5 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 75 meters in dynamic, 25 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters, in dynamic; 100 meters, breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 75 meters in dynamic, 25 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 62.5 meters in dynamic, 37.5 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 50 meters in dynamic, 50 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 37.5 meters in dynamic, 62.5 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters: 25 meters in dynamic, 75 meters breathing while on the back finning; 100 meters, 12.5 meters in dynamic, 87.5 meters breathing while on the back finning;



In addition to the reduction of the recovery interval (as we have seen that hypercapnic workouts are characterized of short rests), in dynamic, we can train in hypercapnia or hypoxia by changing the speed of the performance. This type of training is recommended in the specific training phases. If in the sequence of the repeats, we start slow and get faster, we are doing hypercapnic training. EXAMPLE

10 x 50 meters, 1' recovery, dynamic speed of: 1 1 3011 , 1 12011 , 1 110 11 , 1', 55", 50", 45", 40", 35", 30".

In the sequence of repeats, however, if we start out fast and then slow down, we are doing hypoxic training. EXAMPLE

10 x 50 meters, 1'rest, dynamic speed of: 30", 35", 40", 45", 50", 55", 1', 1'10 11 , 1'20", 1'30".



I, � I IM·#I

The 'kick and glide' is an exercise that in dynamic enables us to train and increase the sensitivity of being in the water. With the right weight, preferably a neck weight adapted to the freediver's body weight, wetsuit and the amount of air in his lungs (last inhalation of air), after a fin kick we try to "glide" as much as possible. The idea is to do the dynamics with the objective of a minimal number of kicks and make the most of the momentum gained. This exercise, conducted with care and sensitivity of the "messages" that our body sends us during the performance, will allow us to understand which finning technique is most advantageous for us. Being primarily a technical workout rather than a training workout, I would recommend that it is done at the end of the training session, during basic training and at the beginning of specialized training.




The idea of this kind of workout is born being inspired by dry functional training, in particular disciplines such as TRX and TacFit. We will work in conditions of instability, with a consequent of greater activation of the psychomotor system (greater sensitivity of technical movements and the ability to correct them). By involving all muscle groups, we are able to assure a balanced execution of motor skills underwater. Direct and continuous training in conditions of instability will certainly result in a greater energy expenditure than the ones carried out under normal conditions. Nevertheless with time, when we have acquired or gained the necessary experience for proper body balance in water even in the presence of "disturbing elements", when compared to the first few times, it gives us the perception that it is an "ordinary exercise" with reduced energy expenditure. The ways to "destabilize" balance can be: • the placement of an asymmetrical weight to an ankle or to a wrist; • the use of a single fin or of one long and one short; • the forward hydrodynamic position of one arm with the other arm off to the outside; • hold a floater (plastic bottle, a rubber flip flop etc.) or a lead in the hand; • the use of wetsuit without weight. Even though subject to one or more of these unfavourable situations, in dynamic we have to try to maintain optimal balance and a straight ahead position. EXAMPLE

x 50 meters, departing at 1 1 30 11 , speed of 1 meter per second. The series will have to be conducted in the following manner: • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the right side and the weight on the left ankle; • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the right side and the weight on the right ankle; • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the left side and the weight on the right ankle; • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the left side and the weight on the left ankle; • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the right side and the weight on the right wrist; • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the right side and the weight on the left wrist; • 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the left side and the weight on the left wrist; 2 x 50 meters with a fin on the left side and the weight on the right wrist. 16

The exercise is performed by placing the single weight alternating between the ankles and then the wrists. For convenience in these cases, it is recommended that a weight such as a neck weight be used. Begin with a weight of 1 kg and then gradually increase. At the end of the series, it is very useful to do a cool-down/reconditioning series of normal dynamic (placing the weights, for example on the neck or on the waist, in the position we are accustomed to), in order to "re-memorize" the positive feelings and correct alignment. The exercise proposed in this paragraph is more a technical workout, rather than a training one. So I would recommend doing it at the end of the training session. To be carried out during basic training and during the beginning of specialized training. 58

2.8 SPLIT In split, maximal or submaximal performance are achieved through working on intermediate distances, which may vary depending on the peculiarities of the exercise.



The idea is to get to the final established distance, progressively reducing the recoveries and, subsequently, the number of dives split into the total distances. EXAMPLE

Let us suppose, with a maximum in dynamic of 135 meters, to set 150 meters as the objective. At each step we will have to reduce the recovery time to a minimum, which guarantees the execution of the exercise in any case. Starting with the step of lowering the recovery time. • 1st step, 3 x 50 meters at race pace, with 20 seconds of recovery; 2nd step, 3 x 50 meters, with 15 seconds of recovery; yd step, 3 x 50 meters, with 10 seconds of recovery. After this step, not being able to further reduce recovery time, we will lengthen split distance and increase recovery time. 4th step, 2 x 75 meters with 1 minute of recovery; 5th step, 2 x 75 meters with 50 seconds of recovery; 6th step, 2 x 75 meters with 40 seconds of recovery; 7th step, 2 x 75 meters with 30 seconds of recovery. Next, not being able to further reduce recovery time, we will lengthen split distance and increase recovery time. 8th step, 1 x 100 meters+ 1 x 50 meters with 11 10 11 of recovery; • 9th step, 1 x 100 meters+ 1 x 50 meters with 1 minute of recovery; 10th step, 1 x 100 meters+ 1 x 50 meters with 50 seconds of recovery. Finally, not being able to further reduce recovery time, we will lengthen split distance again and increase recovery time. • 11th step, 1 x 125 meters + 25 meters with 2 minutes of recovery, and so on, depending on personal capacity! The exercise will continue with following the steps until the final one-shot is reached. It is important to include at least three workouts on the same split distance (for example 50 meters, 75 meters, 100 meters, etcetera). No more than three of these dynamic training sessions are recommended. Above all, this type of exercise is to train during the final period of specialized training, to reach those last dynamics, near to the maximum, during the competition period. 59



I have included workouts of maximal sprints in this paragraph because such exercise may be seen, in its entirety, as a split of the total distance. EXAMPLE

• 8 x 25 meters (or 200 meters split 25 meters) at maximum speed with 30 seconds recovery; • 4 x 50 meters (or 200 meters split to 50 meters) at maximum speed with 1 1 30 11 recovery. This is an absolutely anaerobic exercise condition. What matters is maintaining maximum speed for the entire distance. We need to get to the end of the expected 25 or 50 meters with very tired legs. The rest, which is relatively long, must enable us to recover to an acceptable condition (in terms of breathing) to be able to push to the maximum in the following split. The difficulty is the physical effort (primarily muscular) that it takes to keep the high paced finning until the end of the series, and not so much the air hunger. This exercise is recommended in the early stages of specific or specialized training. Repeating the same exercise in subsequent trainings, we have to set the goal of progressively reducing recovery time, albeit pushing always to maximum speed. Let us calculate the exercise total time (total time of the dynamics summed to the recovery times): each time that we repeat the exercise we need to get a lower total time.



A very interesting workout is done by varying the gliding speed within a dynamic to mimic a constant weight dive. Imagine mimicking a 50 meter dive by equally simulating the descent and ascent with a 100 meter dynamic dive. The simulation should include all phases of the constant dive known to us. Therefore, in the initial phase (estimated as the first 15 meters) of the descent we will have to "push" a lot, then lowering the speed until 25 meters, and then again close to 50 meters as if we were "in freefall" with minimal effort required, which is reproducible with the glide. After having "hit the bottom at 50 meters", we will simulate the ascent, during which we will be finning with an inverse intensity compared to the one used while mimicking the descent. 60

In fact, in the first 25 meters we will kick intensely, gradually reducing pace for the next 15 meters, gliding past 10 meters and emerging effortlessly. In summary, after placing appropriate signs on the bottom of the pool, the above 100 meter dynamic will be divided in the following finning manner: • 0/15 meters: strong fin kicks; • •

15/25 meters: average fin kicks; 25/50 meters: kick and glide for maximum glide effect with minimal effort or static motionless on the surface (in this second case, 1second-1 meter)

Arriving at 50 meters, the imitation of the descent is finished and the ascent will begin: 50/75 meters: strong fin kicks; 75/ 90 meters: average fin kicks; 90/100 meters, kick and glide or static motionless on the surface (in this second case, 1second-1 meter) It is definitely a very useful exercise and it helps in training us to handle speed in stressful situations. Maximum concentration and self-control are often required to impose certain speeds on different physiological needs. In our example, it will be very difficult to reduce speed from 75 to 90 meters and then even immobilize ourselves (after the last kick), from 90 to 100 meters, given that at the end of the dynamic we instinctively tend to accelerate in order to finish the exercise and, above all, breathe again. We have said that the free fall part and the last meters of resurfacing can be reproduced in dynamic with the glide. We can do the same in static (in the bottom, holding a ballast or floating on the surface). For each free fall meter we hold a little bit more than a second: for example, if we need to simulate a 12 meter free fall we will do a 16" static. This is an exercise recommended in the early stages of specific or specialized training for the freediver who has constant weight dives as his ultimate goal. If we would like to practise a dive in constant weight without fins in the pool, the exercise just described can be done in dynamic without fins.



This is an exercise that freedivers really like. It is not very stressful mentally because it combines dynamic and static. The sequence between static and dynamic (i.e. stop and go) can be varied, depending on the kind of workout identified: • static and dynamic (stop/go); • dynamic and static (go/stop); • static, dynamic and static (stop/go/stop); • dynamic, static and dynamic (go/stop/go); 61

It is essential to especially record the stop and go type used in this exercise and the performance of the various parts. When we repeat the same exercise, we have to increase the stop, or go, or both parts. In order to facilitate the stop phase on the bottom of the length, we can position the weight belt on the bottom of the pool (at the point where the static phase will be carried out) or a window sucker. Otherwise, the static can be completed by staying afloat, positioning ourselves in the right direction to resume the dynamic. It will be easy to realize how much 'stop and go' is easier than 'go and stop'. If the difference in performance among the two variants is significant and 'go and stop' is felt substantially more difficult, then it is more important to train the latter, trying to increase the maximum static time after the dynamic. The 'go stop and go' exercise is very useful in spearfishing training. In the static split, light leg movements and especially arm movements can be included to reproduce what really happens in a fish hunting ambush or in a hunting wait at the bottom. This exercise can be performed in a maximal performance dives (referring to distance and/or time), or in less important performance like a series. It is recommended during periods of basic and specific training and also for spearfishermen in specialized training.



This is a kind of workout that many high-level freedivers train in the stages of the start of the season (see interviews to the champions in Chapter 6). In our examples we have taken into consideration distances of 500 meters, but the same exercises can go beyond these distances and be carried out for 30/40 minutes at a time. This workout is recommended during basic and specific training for spearfishermen also in the specialized training. The most important part and the most training occurs at the end, when we feel the need to breathe. But at this time we must continue and finish the exercise that we have set for ourselves. SERIES OF DYNAMICS RECOVERING WITH ONLY ONE RESPIRATION EXAMPLE

500 meters interspersing 5 fin kicks underwater and then one breath-in at the surface.



500 meters interspersing 12.5 meter dynamic and 12.5 meters on the surface, breathing while on the back finning.

In these exercises, it is essential to never interrupt the sequence of the expected dynamics and to not rest before having finished the length. The alternative is to reduce the duration of the part in dynamic or increase the recovery part of the exercise.

2.12 DYNAMICS WORKING ON BREATHING We saw in paragraph 2.1 how to change the breathing in order to increase the difficulty of the exercise. Below, we propose some dynamic training that is based solely on variations in lung volumes during the execution of the exercise itself. In the following exercises, an important factor could be the control of respiratory activity at the exit of the performance. In the moment we resurface, there is the tendency to strongly accelerate the respiratory pace. A good exercise would be to check the respiratory rate by moving the head in (expiration) and out (inspiration) of the water. This seemingly simple exercise will be very difficult if we have previously "pushed" to the maximum. A further increase in difficulty could be derived by imposing oneself a 1:2 ratio between inhalation and exhalation at the moment of the exit from the dive. Finally, small pauses holding the breath between exhalation and inhalation are also recommended. These workouts are indicated during the specific training period. For freedivers with depth as the objective and spearfishermen, it is advisable to continue the same workouts even in the specialized training, given that inspiratory and expiratory capacity exercises are very useful for specialties at sea.


To be carried out with a kickboard on the surface. • Departure after maximal inspiration. • Carry out the dynamic on the surface, taking care to slowly exhale as long as possible and achieve maximum distance. It is important to maintain a constant low finning pace and avoid speeding up at the end of the exercise. Objective: to gradually increase the distance covered in exhalation. Evolution: to continue the dynamic with empty lungs, after having finished the expiration.


Departure after maximal exhalation. Swimming on the back doing a gradual inspiration and as long as possible, trying to cover the maximum distance. It is important to maintain a constant low finning pace. Objective: to gradually increase the distance covered in inspiration. Evolution: to continue the dynamic (in midwater or at the surface), after having finished the inhalation phase on the back.



Departure after a maximum exhalation. With empty lungs, sprinting in dynamic at maximum speed. It might be useful to reach a maximal exhalation through passive inhalation and then exhalation.

2.13 SPECIFIC TRAINING FOR SPEARFISHING In recent years the operating depths and performances (also in terms of endurance) reached in spearfishing are the most striking results of training that are characterizing this sport. Considering that now, the conviction of the importance of preparation for the sport in the periods far from the practical activity is placing its roots even among spearfishermen. Spearfishing, being underwater and for longer have improved because of more training. During the winter training a spearfisherman will be able to follow identical tables used by freedivers. However, it will be important to bear in mind that the closer the fishing season gets (summer and/or competitions) the more it becomes essential to focus on specific training. Concerning dynamic, in the first two training periods of the season, we can calmly follow the training program of the so-called "pure" freediver, shown in the preceding paragraphs. Deviation from the tables provided for the "pure" freedivers will have to take place in the third macrocycle or specialized training, where endurance will be focused on to guarantee resistance on long fish hunts. In the first two thirds of the training season, therefore, we will work progressively on raising the quality of the workout until training V0 2 max situations.

In the last part, having established a good aerobic base to count on, we will finalize the workout by bringing it closer and closer to the practical needs of the fishing methods. In detail, to make the training program more precise for a spearfisherman, the following could be proposed: •

basic training

A1 -A2 - 81 (some from 82);

specific training

A1 -A2 - 82 (some from C1);

specialized training

A1 - 81 -A2 or A1 -A2 (some from C1).

Compared to a "pure" freediver, the specific workout of the spearfisherman must have higher volume (higher number of lengths) as characteristic, especially in the last phase of the season. The final part of the spearfisherman training will feature: • a lot of work in A2 and 81; • a lot of work in A2 and 81 with active recovery; a number of stop and go with high volumes; 1,000 meters, 25 meter dynamic, 25 meter active recovery face up, suffering at the end of the exercise; 1000 meters, 1 breath, maximum number of kicks, suffering at the end of the exercise. It is clear that in the last period of preparation, the spearfisherman will have to spend as much time as possible in the sea. Warning: arriving at sea trained, we will have the feeling of being able to drastically reduce recovery times. However we always have to bear in mind that: Freediving time spent on the surface must be at least three times the time spent in the water. Any time we go spearfishing deeper than 30 meters, I would recommend staying on the surface for even four times the time spent underwater.



STATIC APNEA "There is only one way to forget about time: use it." Charles Baudelaire

3.1 INTRODUCTION TO STATIC APNEA TRAINING I consider static mainly a "mental" effort. It is not a matter of technique, since success depends on the ability to manage our concentration and activated thought processes, to kill time during the performance and to mentally ignore the fact that we are holding our breath. If while breathing we look at the time non-stop for five minutes, this time appears endless. Even more so if we did the same while holding our breath! The time in static becomes "eternal". Physical and mental suffering are combined with time flowing by slowly, so much so that we begin to "hate" static itself. Instead, five minutes passes very quickly when listening to good music or watching a movie or chatting with friends. In this situation the passage of time is not perceived. Precisely we need to focus on these conditions so we can reproduce them underwater, in order to mitigate the perception of time passing by. During static we need to kill time, by occupying our mind and thinking about something other than the passage of time. That said, it is easy to understand how one cannot speak of static training without considering the essential component of the mental and psychological aspect. It is clear that this is important. In this chapter, however, instead of talking about mental training or autogenic training, I will focus instead on the fundamental concepts of training for static, on series preparation, on how to control the table parameters of "apnea time" and "recovery time", on how to manage the so-called "struggle phase" and how to control diaphragmatic contractions through relaxation. Before going into the details of the training processes, I believe it is important to mention some general advice in order to make your training in water more effective. •

Even for static, as in all disciplines of freediving, the position taken during the execution of the test or exercises is crucial. It must be a totally relaxed position. It is especially important to check the area of the shoulders and neck. This area of our body, normally tenses due to the stress of everyday life and in the particular circumstance of hypoxia. 66

Therefore here is some advice on movements to carry out at the beginning of a static: • move the head slightly to the right and left, relax the shoulders while identifying and removing any muscle tension; • drop the hands and arms towards the bottom. Let us not take a position. Let the shape and thickness of the wetsuit help us find the most suitable and relaxed position, bringing the arms to float with our body on the water's surface. During a static repeat the two movements described above randomly for monitoring relaxation. In this way, it will be easy to see that partially we will no longer be in the relaxed position previously taken. Therefore, we shall re-establish total relaxation, if obviously in the meantime we have unwarily contracted ourselves. At the end of a static a new area to be checked is the legs and feet, in addition to the ones already mentioned. It will be easy to see that in the phase immediately prior to surfacing, one tends to instinctively stiffen the legs and raise the feet above the water's surface, creating a sort of arching of the back. This movement is to be absolutely avoided. By focusing ourselves on controlling these areas and also working with the abdominals, we shall try to straighten the lower back and relax the legs completely. In some cases, at the end of a static, the freedivers passes from a prone position (at surface) to a vertical position, with the feet on the bottom of the pool, getting ready to breathe. From an energy saving point of view, this is also a movement to avoid in order to optimize performance. I advise to end a static directly from the position that you have taken throughout the exercise, by first placing the hands on the edge of the pool and then raising the head to breathe, again in the way already described. •

Personally, during static, I work on four well distinct phases. Introduction to a static. The very first phase. As soon as my face enters the water, I move the head and shoulders slightly to check if this area is relaxed. I repeat in my head: "I am loose, I am relaxed, I am not contracted." I repeat this several times, every word is followed by a slight movement to relax. This phase lasts about 30/40 seconds. Often I do not even realize when I stop saying it. I do not remember when I stop repeating these phrases because "I have been wondering somewhere else with my mind"! This is where the second phase of my static begins. The central block of a static is the longest phase. It includes roughly 80% of the total apnea time. In this part, if I am mentally occupied and thinking about anything else, time passes quickly. My eyes are closed, almost like I am in a trance. If I cannot draw my attention away from the time passing slowly, then I use relaxation techniques (visualization, mental training, autogenic training, katabasis, and etcetera). The "almost" final part of a static. This is perhaps the most difficult to manage. At this point the urge to breathe is felt strongly and the eyes are wide open. I must find "something to do" mentally to handle this phase of struggling. The mental exercises used for the central block (phase two), cannot help now because of air

hunger. So I try to kill time doing (and watching) something very simple, like a game that involves the hands and fingers. Even listening to a story or guidance of a buddy could be of great help. In these cases, the senses reactivate (visual/tactile/auditory) after the previous phase of trance, they draw away my attention from thinking about time and this promotes the performance. The last 10 seconds of a static. This is the very last phase before exiting. In these moments I continue to hold off the instinct to breathe again and sharply bringing the head back up to the surface. I refocus and "talk" to myself trying to relax my shoulders, nape and neck again (because they had probably taken a tense position). When I am about to surface, I do the correct breathing act ( control of exhalation phase and maximum inhalation). •

With the last inhalation before a static, I never fill myself completely with air, I stop myself at about 80% of maximum capacity. This is because when I begin a static with completely full lungs, I feel an "explosive" sensation (of the thorax) that does not allow me to let myself go with the flow of my thoughts and distant myself from the body. And, because of this, time never passes. It is true that in this discipline, many top athletes use packing before a top, bringing maximum pressure to the lungs with maximum amount of air charged. I advise to discover out what works best for you. If, after starting, we realize that we have charged the lungs too much, a gentle exhale will avoid the discomfort caused by lung pressure. If we feel the need to exhale in the final phase of a static (mainly because of pulmonary air pushed into the mouth by diaphragmatic contractions), we can let this air out, but performance should be stopped straight after and breathing resumed. After this exhalation, we might have the strange feeling of being slightly better than before and be encouraged to continue static. Let us not be fooled by these sensations in the final phase of a performance in static. After exhaling (albeit minimally), despite what might be felt, our autonomy is dramatically reduced, which increases the potential risk of samba and/or blackouts (see Chapter 5).

When expected apnea times are challenging and therefore psychologically stressful, a useful indication on how to mentally deal with static may be to reach maximum statics through milestones. At the beginning of the static let us talk to ourselves and get convinced that a split time could satisfy us. This time must be easy to reach (mentally). Once this is achieved, think of the next milestone that is within our reach, one that we feel we can achieve. We will reach it. Then another... and so on, until we reach the target time.

After a hyperbaric doctor's consultation, try occasionally to perform some statics with pure oxygen. Times increase incredibly. In a medical test at the University of Chieti, after breathing pure oxygen for 6 minutes I held my breath for 19 1 56 11 • I have seen students, who have obvious mental blocks in this specialty, managing to unblock themselves after having done these tests. Sometimes, habits and thinking out of the box can be used to investigate and understand how we function mentally! 68

A general question is about using or not using a watch during static, monitoring or not monitoring the time to perform better. Unfortunately, since we are working in a highly emotional hemisphere, it seems that a rule does not exist or cannot be established around the need or usefulness to immediately confirm apnea times during performance. Personally, I cannot train static without a dive watch. This is because during the middle part of a static, when I "wake up" from my thoughts or return from my virtual trips to reality and I get distracted from what I was preparing mentally, the first question I ask myself is: "How long have I been holding my breath for?" Failing to have an answer to my curious question and to distract myself from checking the time, I "return" precipitously on myself. From that moment on, the perception of the passage of time becomes consequently devastating, until at least some conventional signal (for example, a signal like an underwater metallic sound after 4 minutes, and then every 30 seconds thereafter) let me know the exact dive time. When I have the option to check the time by looking at my dive watch, I can instantly regain my concentration. And indeed, in the moments that this state of mind tends to fade, I just move my arm slightly and check my dive time, in order to "restart" calmly with my mind on my own things. This is crucial for me, but it does not mean that it works well for everyone. Indeed, I know freedivers who prefer not to have the option of knowing the time during static, because this would anchor them to the idea of time and they would not be able to free themselves from that thought. A comparison between two identical static series, first looking at the watch (or receiving a fixed signal at a certain time) and then without any time reference, would be a good way to understand what ensures the best results. Let us not stop at the first try, but let us repeat the exercise several times in many trainings, before deciding on what to focus on in order obtain the top result.

N.B. in this chapter all the exercises and tables for training static are designed to better understand the main exercise. Performance and recovery time depend on the technical level of the freediver.

3.2 WARM-UP FOR STATIC Like in dynamic, the warm-up in static (training tables, submaximal or maximal performance) varies depending on the objective. Often, high-level athletes do not engage in an in water warm-up before attempting maximals in competitions. In fact, in the minutes before the official competition, they prepare by alternating special breathing techniques and dry statics. In contrast, other athletes carry in water warm-ups before the maximal. For many of them warm-ups are performed in exhalation, with empty lungs. Lately, warm-up workouts that anticipate the execution of tables or reps are often seen in training.


The above is to state that like in all freediving disciplines there are no valid rules that apply to all athletes. This is especially true in static. Because of its mental component, the warm-up sequence is entirely subjective. To identify the best way of warming up prior to performing static (weather maximal or tables), my advice is to change and test each of the ways generally provided in freediving (with and without warm-ups, with empty lungs or after passive inhalation, etcetera). Let us not get stuck in a personal habit of always preparing for a top time in a certain way: let us play with it, try things out, change. In this way, by trial and error and after months of testing, we will be able to reasonably decide which warm­ up is more suitable for us. It is essential that everyone understands and is aware of what type of warm-up is needed to get the best sensations and to make the most of it, depending on the type of workout that will follow the warm-up. Personally, in static, I absolutely need to warm up. If I do not warm up and start off immediately for the maximal, after only 3 1 30" (at most) I am forced to stop my static and breathe. I trained for several months with no warm-up and despite many friends, who have high static times, suggested that I should have avoided warming up, I have never had good feelings without it and my times have always been short. In the end, after testing many different approaches to static, I have opted for warming up before the training tables and maximal. My warm-up consists of 3 statics, with a rest time of around 2 minutes. I do not look at the time during these 3 statics. I do what I "feel". When, during the first static, I feel the contractions and the urge to breathe (without reaching for the limit, but still pushing the performance) I surface and breathe. Only after I have surfaced, I check the time, which in this first warm-up static varies between 3 1 15" and 3 1 30". After 2 minutes of recovery I start the second static. I am still not checking the time, I get out of the water with the same sensation, the same air hunger that had led me to breathe in the first warm-up static. The time of the second static always ends up being between 4 1 10" and 4 1 3011 • Then after 2 minutes of recovery I start the last static. I surface with the same sensation of the previous static with a dive time of 5 1 15 11 5 1 30". From this moment I am ready for my training series or for my maximal. I have noticed during my courses that usually, if students are left to warm up as they prefer, they take rest periods that are too long. In some cases up to 20 minutes of warm-up time, so that the total sum of dive times does not exceed 6-7 minutes. Instead, I believe that during the warm-up, the total time of statics should be well above the sum of the total recovery time. And indeed, having had the opportunity during warm-ups, I imposed a maximum rest time of 2 minutes to the students and nearly all of them had easily realized the futility of long recovery times. Therefore the results achieved were, at times, much higher than those obtained previously. Other ideas for warm-up: • During warm-up, maintaining fixed recovery times, the freediver surfaces from each warm-up static always with the same 'air hunger', but each time with higher dive times. According to me, recovery time should not exceed 2 minutes. • In the warm-up phase, the freediver counts the number of diaphragmatic contractions and he tries to increase their number progressively in each static. 70

3.3 CONTRACTIONS MANAGEMENT IN STATIC In static, diaphragmatic contractions are felt with great intensity, they come clearly and precisely. However, in other specialties (dynamic or depth) the necessary muscle movements for the execution can hide or cover up contractions in a certain way, which weakens the perception of them, but this is not so in static. We must absolutely avoid responding to diaphragmatic contraction with muscular contraction. Normally the tendency is to close the arms strongly into the thorax, raise the shoulders (towards the ears) and to stretch the legs, almost as if we wanted to create a barrier against the contraction itself. This is the worst position to take! Instead, when feeling a diaphragmatic contraction, we must do the opposite and relax. Perhaps with a bit of imagination, interpret the contraction as a signal from the buddy guiding us to relax! This is the way to interpret it, to accommodate it, to prevent it from taking over and from "confronting" us directly and incorrectly on a muscular level. We would lose this challenge. Each contraction should be met with the greatest physical relaxation or at least with a workout that is targeted at such a situation. Paradoxically, we ourselves unknowingly induce diaphragmatic contractions at times. If we would realize that this is true, before the contraction itself starts, we could focus on the abdominal area, diaphragm, shoulders, thorax, tongue... relaxing everything, letting ourselves go. Already working in this way delays the arrival of the contraction. An interpretation that helps us get a little satisfaction from our efforts is to think that the contractions are an expression of our commitment, by proving the fact that we are training and we are holding our breath in extreme conditions and to the limit. But we must not underestimate these signals. Indeed, it is important to train ourselves to live with them in order to grasp their exact meaning. I normally feel the arrival of the first contraction between 2 1 30 11 and 3 115 11 • With this signal my body tells me to be careful and I interpret it as an "invitation" to fully relax. At this time the diaphragmatic contraction indicates that I do not need to exit the water immediately. My best performance in static is 8'01 11 during which I remember perfectly that I felt my first contraction at 2 1 35 11 and spent almost 5 1 30 11 dealing with diaphragmatic contractions and working on relaxation! In other cases and it still happens to me during workouts, when my first contraction comes after 4 minutes, I am full of expectations, I hope to reach my goal and often, unfortunately, after a little more than 6 minutes my body shows me that I absolutely have to exit and breathe. In fact, intensity and interval between each diaphragmatic contraction are important variables to be taken into consideration. These variables indicate when it is time to stop the static. The examples described above do not mean that it is better to feel the diaphragmatic contraction at the beginning of a performance in static. They mean instead that the exit is not signalled by the contraction, the amount of contractions, the time in which "I am having contractions", but by my body, by my "little voice" in my head, which has always decided when it is time to raise the head and breathe.


3.4 TRAINING FOR STATIC For many freedivers training static means getting in the water and each time attempting to establish a higher time than that reached in the previous training session. It is a little like thinking of a marathoner running 42 kilometres every day to train, each time a little faster than the previous. Fortunately this is not the case here! To plan serious and programmed training, even for static we need to construct tables, in which we can start to gradually change variables like "apnea time" or "recovery time". It is in this way that we will see how tables A, B, C, and subsequently D, E, F, G work. Clearly, the first step is to construct these tables, making them as "tailored" as possible for ourselves. That said, after a proper warm-up, it is beneficial that the table providing a series of 8 statics is performed (we will see the characteristics of the three tables later), in which the last series is definitely "pushed". Only if this sensation of intense work on contractions accompanies our last static we will be able to say that the table has trained us and that it adapts to our technical level. In the event that, at the eighth repetition, we realize that we could have given much more, we should reassess our table by varying one of the parameters in order to make it more difficult. Otherwise, if we were to stop the series before reaching the eighth repetition, it would mean that the parameters previously selected are not suitable to our level and that therefore they need to be re-adjusted in order to be less demanding for the execution. Once the "basic objectives" are defined for the Tables A, B and C, we will be able to develop the specific objectives (1, 2, and 3) of each table to be used in the pool during our static training.


In series, avoid setting a recovery time longer than 3 minutes. This rest time threshold already appears to be more than sufficient for the execution of any workout series.

We can safely attempt the goal we want without necessarily following the order of the objectives from the first to the third. Therefore, we choose what we prefer and do it. Objective 3 is the most challenging, which increases the level of difficulty more rapidly than 1 and 2.

Each time we try and reach objective 3, the table obtained from this goal will become our new basic table from which to begin towards objectives 1, 2 and 3.

Apnea time increase and recovery time decrease may vary depending on the series' difficulty in respect to individual skill level. Early in the season, when we are farthest away from our maximal and marginally we have more room for improvement, changes may be higher than at the end of the season, 72

when even a difference of only effectiveness of exercises.


or 3 seconds can be crucial to the

The times for the tables that follow might be suitable for a freediver who has a personal best in static of about 5 minutes. Warning: tables may be different for two athletes with the same maximal. In fact, a spearfisherman, who has a higher ability to recover than a pure freediver, might be able to do a harder table than the freediver, even though they may have an identical personal best. As mentioned above, the tables are purely indicative and should be adapted to individual skill levels.




















Durations in 'APNEA' column must be about 60% - 70% of the freediver's personal best.





2 1 40"




2 1 20"











Objective 1 of Table A: breath-hold durations are maintained the same, while recovery times decrease progressively and stabilize at a minimum of 2 minutes to ensure an increasing number of breath-holds with this last interval.



APNEA " 3' 30 3'30" " 3'30 " 3'30 " 3'30 " 3'30 0" 3'3 " 3'30


2 1 50 11

2 1 4011 2 30 1

2 20 1

11 11

21 10 11 2 1 0011 1 1 5011


Objective 2 of Table A: breath-hold durations are maintained the same, while recovery times decrease progressively until the last static of the series, beyond the minimum limit fixed at 2 minutes.



" 3 '40

1 0 11 30 2 1 5011

" 3'40 " 3'40

" 3'40 " 3'40

" 3 '40 3'40"

2 1 40 11 21 30 11 21 201 1 2 1 1011 21 00 11

" 3 '40

Objective 3 of Table A: apnea time increases however breath-hold durations remain the same in each repeat, while recovery times are the same as the basic Table A. Once this last objective is achieved, it will replace the "basic" one, from which to start subsequent objectives 1, 2 and 3, and so on.





3 0" 3'30" 3'40"


2'45" 2'45"

3'50" 4 1 00"




0" 4'20"





Durations in 'APNEA' column move from 40% to 80% of the freediver's personal best.


APNEA 3'30"




3'50" 4 1 00"


4'10" 4'20"


4'30" 4'30"

2'45" 2'45"



Objective 1 of Table B: breath-hold durations progressively increase, while recovery times remain the same, but also the number of repeats increases with maximum apnea time fixed at 4'30".


APNEA 3'30" 3'40" 3'50" 4'00 11 4 1 1011 41 2011 4'30" 4'40"

RECOVERY 2'45" 2'45" 2'45" 2'45" 2'45" 2'45" 2'45" =

Objective 2 of Table B: breath-hold durations progressively increase, while recovery times remain the same, but the last apnea time also increases.


APNEA 1 20 11

3 3'30" 3'40" 3'50" 4'0011 4 1 10 11 4 1 2011 4'30"

RECOVERY 2 1 30 11 2 13011 2 1 30 11

213011 2 1 30 11 2 1 3011 2 13011 =

Objective 3 of Table B: breath-hold durations progressively increase (as in basic Table B), fixed recovery times decrease (compared to basic Table B). Also, once achieved, this objective will replace the "basic" one, from which to start subsequent objectives 1, 2 and 3, and so on.




3'10" " 3'20 3' 3 0 "


3'40" 3'50"

4'00" 4'10" 4'20"

2 1 40" 2'35" 2'30"


2 1 20" 2'15"



APNEA 3'10"

0 11

3' 2 3'30"

3'40" 3'50"

4' 00" 4'10"

4' 20"


2'30" 2'25"

2 1 20" 2'15" 2'10" 2 1 05"


Objective 1 of Table C: breath-hold durations increase and recovery times decrease in constant progression. Although recovery times, despite maintaining a constant decreasing value, start from a reduced initial time, lower by 10 seconds than the "basic" objective.



APNEA 3'30" 3'40"

3'50" 11 4'00 4'10" 11 4'20

4'30" 4'40"

RECOVERY 2'45" 2'40"


2'30 11

2'25 11

2'20" 2'15"


Objective 2 of Table C: breath-hold durations increase and recovery times decrease in constant progression. Although the breath-holds, despite maintaining a constant increasing value, start at an initial time higher by 20 seconds than the "basic" objective.






3'40" 3'50"


4'00" 4'10"

2'20" 2'15 11

4'20" 4'30"


2'25 11


2 1 05"


Objective 3 of Table C: breath-hold durations increase and recovery times decrease in constant progression. Although breath-holds constantly increase, start at an initial time that is higher by 10 seconds than the "basic" objective. Recovery times start as well at an initial time lower by 10 seconds than the "basic" objective. Also once achieved, this objective will replace the "basic" one, from which to start subsequent objectives 1 1 2 and 3, and so on.


3.5 OTHER IDEAS OF TRAINING FOR STATIC 3.5.1 TOP/TIME SERIES (OR SET TIMES) Top/Time indicates the start of breath-holds making up the series: at each Top/Time a new static starts. The purpose of this series is to raise the time of static to the maximum (thereby reducing recovery time) but maintaining Top total time unchanged for the entire series. (Top= static+ recovery) Take as an example the series with 6 minute Top. It means that every 6 minutes, a new breath-hold is started. The objective of the exercise is to develop the ability to manage a specific amount of time (6 minutes) with maximum consistency of apnea/recovery durations. Bearing in mind that apnea time increase corresponds to recovery time decrease (of equal value) at the expense of the following breath-hold. As with any training activity, we must of course strive to "push" breath-holds in order to be able to repeat all reps in the series with similar times. Otherwise the series will lose its effectiveness. All this should be done within the limits of our ability to recover (in the already set maximum time which is reducing due to increasing static time). Let us try to explain by way of example, first showing and then commenting on a 6 minute Top table with a series of 6 statics adapted to a freediver who has a personal best of about 5'-5'30".



Maximum e.g. 3'50"

RECOVERY 2 1 10"

Maximum e.g. 3'53"

2 1 07''

Maximum e.g. 3'55"

2 1 05"

Maximum e.g. 4 1 10"

1 1 50"

Maximum e.g. 4'15"


Maximal Times in column 'APNEA' are all maximums. Times in column 'RECOVERY' are all times that remain at departure, after the completion of the previous maximum in static. Differently from tables A, B and C, apnea times, and then recovery times, are not set. As it can be seen, the maximum range of statics is between 3 1 50 "and 4 1 15 11 • There is less than a 30 second gap between the lowest and the highest time.


The mistake that is often committed is to push breath holding too hard to the point of not being able to recover and start the subsequent one on time (with a departure time in line with the others). This is due to such a short time left to recover. This mistake must be absolutely avoided because otherwise the consistency of breath­ hold times is not ensured. Thus, for the above example, it makes no sense to push apnea time to 5 minutes with a 1 minute recovery, if we are then not likely to even be able to do more than 3 minutes in the subsequent breath-hold. With the increase of Top/Time performance, expectations increase as well. High Top/Time series are definitely more suited towards the end of specific training and specialized training. During periods of basic and specific training or the part of the training season in which we are particularly tired, mentally stressed in static or have difficulty reaching maximal statics, lower Top/Time are decidedly suggested. Clearly lower Top/Time series is mentally less difficult than high Top/Time one. However, this does not mean that it is less demanding and the training is less in absolute terms. Let us consider a table with 3 minute Top during which breath-hold times are stable around 2 1 40 11 - 2 1 45 11 • This means recovery times are of 15-20 seconds. After such a short rest before starting the next breath-hold, diaphragmatic contractions are already beginning. When the high Top/Time number of repetitions is lowered, a 6 minute Top series may contain 8 statics. With a 4 minute Top, we may get up to 10-12 repetitions. An 8 minute Top series may provide 4-6 reps. Everything depends on how far we can push our statics. I advise spearfishermen to increase the number of reps in a series working with a medium-low Top/Time. Clearly the objective or the evolution of each Top/Time table is to always increase static time incrementally within the same Top/Time.

3.5.2 SERIES OF MAXIMAL STATICS WITH PROGRESSIVELY DECREASING RECOVERY TIMES This exercise should not be confused with the one proposed in Table A of paragraph 3.4. In that table, apnea times were fixed before the execution of the exercise. Instead, in this training series, apnea times are considered important from the beginning, and if possible, "pushed" even, and then increased within the table. This is despite the fact that recovery times are progressively reducing between one repetition and another. Also in this case, we will first give an example and then we will comment on a table with 7 statics that could be suitable for a freediver with a personal best of about 5 1 5'30".




Maximum: e.g. 4'00" Maximum: e.g. 4'10" Maximum: e.g. 4 1 10" Maximum: e.g. 4'05" Maximum: e.g. 3'45" Maximum: e.g. 3'15" Maximal


3'00" 2 1 30" 2 1 00" 1'30" 1 1 00" 30"


The same exercise could be repeated with a maximum recovery time of 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes and a gradual decrease of 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds or of 1 minute and a decrease of 5 seconds at each step. These are all examples. I advise spearfishermen to follow the type of table described above (2 minutes maximum recovery, recovery decrease by 15 seconds), or perhaps even with a higher number of statics. In this exercise, it is essential to maintain a high level for performing statics, in the range of 15 second variations between the minimum and maximum times performed during the exercise. Thus, during the performance the combining effect of consistent apnea time plus progressive reduction of recovery times will "be felt" by us. It will be imposing on us to increase the effort in order to maintain the level of execution in an acceptable efficiency range. The objective of the series is to clearly raise the apnea times every time that the table is repeated. The evolution of this training could be to reach a minimum recovery time of 1 minute and then perform a sequence of statics, while maintaining this recovery time for each static and the highest possible apnea time.


By varying Table Ewe will get for example:



Maximum: e.g. 4'00 Maximum: e.g. 4'10" Maximum: e.g. 4'10" Maximum: e.g. 4'05" Maximum: e.g. 3'45" Maximum: e.g. 3'47" Maximal


3'00" 2'30 11 2 100 1 1 1'30" 1'00" 1'00"


Clearly, minimum recovery time can be increased (for example performing a series with 30" recovery) depending on how hypercapnic we want to make the table.

3.5.3 SERIES OF STATICS WITH SHORT RECOVERY TIMES I would like to start this paragraph by asking to reflect on some of the aspects which characterize the static of the strongest athletes, those who can hold their breath for more than 10 minutes. These guys, with only 2 minute recoveries, could easily push their statics to 9 minutes! That said, try to imagine the stress (mental fatigue) for a series that includes 10 repeats with times like those! It would result in endless training sessions, where the proper workout part would be the last minutes or seconds of each repeat! These last minutes or seconds are a much lower time than the majority of the single repeat's duration. In this specific case, the repeat serves more to lead the athlete to train the so-called "struggle phase" rather than a training by itself. Simply said, during the static's final phase, we have to somehow "fight" to improve our times and if adequately stimulated, this phase does affect the improvement of apnea times. Going back to the champions, let us consider that these athletes can handle statics of about 6-7 minutes with just 30 seconds recovery (see Branko Petrovic's interview in Chapter 6). In those circumstances it appears that the first diaphragmatic contractions come rather soon (after about 1 minute) and after that the "struggle phase" begins and it can also last 5 minutes. In the above-mentioned situations all turns out to be mentally easier to manage compared to statics with greater recoveries (2-3 minutes followed by statics of 9-10 minutes).

And it is for these reasons that many high level freedivers often train with tables that provide statics with: • empty lungs; half-empty lungs; passive inhalation; active exhalation; • very low recoveries: o single inhalation, o three breaths up, o 30 seconds. These are all ideas for static training that we can safely use. The objective is to clearly redo the same table with the same recovery sequence and to increase static times. Another version of the static tables mentioned above is to perform the series of repeats while varying the amount of air at the start (progressively less) within the same series, maintaining constant recovery between breath-holds. One example (to provide an idea of how many tables can be constructed) could be a static series where the first repeat is done after maximum inhalation, the second with a little less air, then passive inhalation and continuing until active exhalation (empty lungs). The sequence could be: full lungs, active inhale, passive exhale, active exhale, passive inhale, empty lungs.

Static apnea in progressive exhalation.

3.6 HOW TO OVERCOME PSYCHOLOGICAL BLOCKS IN STATIC I do not have much experience competing in static. There were three World Team Championships in which I participated and competed in static. I never did individual competitions in this discipline. I have always trained this specialty because I consider it of great importance even if the ultimate goal in my case is depth. At times I found myself in difficulties during the training season, especially when approaching the final part of the season, when I was beginning to aim for maximal result. By difficulties I mean fatigue, the inability to achieve a static time I had already reached plenty of times in previous month sessions, the inability to regain concentration during static and letting my mind wander away from the time. In short, "easy" static performances, that were granted and giving me good feelings, were struggling to come back. Experiences of this kind are not so rare. They have been experienced several times by students and freedivers at all levels, who have come to me concerned because their static times had "collapsed" closer to important competitions. This problem is closely linked to the mental aspect of static that, in some cases, leads to quite inferior performances, especially when many expectations are riding on the result. During my workshops I often propose to students the following type of workout: • 5 maximum statics with 3 minute recovery; • a pause with a few minutes of rest; • 5 maximum statics with 30 second recovery. In this series of 10 statics, it is not uncommon to see some students who in the reps with a 30 second recovery get very similar ( even higher in some cases) apnea times as they did with a 3 minute recovery. The explanation for this paradox is represented by the same motivations that induce high level freedivers to perform series of statics with very low recoveries. The "big times" in static sometimes come when we least expect it. This is not the usual phrase said for encouraging someone. In cases, however, where there are obvious psychophysical and also motivational impediments to train static, I advise to terminate the training sessions for a while, at least until there is a will to try again and get back into the game. In some way, a complete reset will be needed for focusing on dynamic or no-limits, dry trainings, avoiding pushing the static unnecessarily, given that the latter choice could be counterproductive. If we still want to continue with static tables, then we only focus on trainings with very short recoveries or last inhalation charge lower than the maximal. So, all the exercises described in paragraph 3.5.3 are recommended. All the stop-and­ go exercises which are merging static and dynamic in one unique exercise are added to those. Other training exercises adapted to better manage the mental "struggling" in static are the ones in which you do not focus on the total time of the performance and do 85

not aim for it. In fact, the concentration is only on certain sensations (contractions, contraction management, movements...). Still beyond those sensations there will be the need to simply "push" the static.

SERIES OF STATICS WITH DIAPHRAGMATIC CONTRACTION MANAGEMENT INCREASING THE TIME BETWEEN THE FIRST CONTRACTION AND THE END OF THE STATIC. The following example is shown for explanatory purposes: 8 statics starting after 30 seconds breathing. Start and hold the static until the arrival of the first contraction. From this moment on continue the static for the time indicated below. In this table what is important is the time elapsed after the first contraction until the end of the static, and not the total apnea time. It is crucial to be totally relaxed throughout the different phases of the static, as explained at the beginning of this Chapter.


Static until first contraction, then hold for 1' Static until first contraction, then hold for 1'10 11 Static until first contraction, then hold for 1'20 11 Static until first contraction, then hold for 1'30" Static until first contraction, then hold for 1' 40 Static until first contraction, then hold for 1'50

... ...

Static time after the first contraction

Rest 30" Rest 30" Rest 30" Rest 30" Rest 30" Rest 30"

... ...


Table G can also be performed with the following objectives: Objective 1: always maintain the time constant after the first contraction (for example in all 8 statics resist for 1'30" after the first contraction, where 1'30 11 is, for example, the average time between the maximum and the minimum); Objective 2: make a pyramid series, from minimum to maximum and then descend (for example, after the first contraction resist for 1 1 , then 1'1011 , 1'20 11 , then 1'30" ... . And after having reached the maximum start decreasing 10" each step). The table is clearly an example. Recovery times are normally kept low to reach the first contraction rapidly. Recovery time could be reduced to only one inhalation. In this exercise, we could experience others contractions between the first contraction and the end of the static. In this case it is important 'not to resist' the diaphragmatic contractions but instead to let ourselves go and relax completely our body. 86

"SLOTH" STATIC While in static sometimes the inclusion of a small movement or move allows us to mentally get away from anything blocking us. It allows us to kill time. The exercise is to position ourselves on the bottom of the pool (wearing a weight belt or after exhaling) and completely relaxed, we move forward with the help of the hands at a very slow pace in a sloth-like way. Often, with this exercise, many students are able to hold their breath much longer than during normal statics, despite the movement (and therefore the physical effort). The same exercise can also be done with a buddy. The freediver places himself on the surface during the static (wearing a wetsuit which allows him to float). The buddy moves him very slightly, almost like doing a massage, targeting any areas of stress and muscle contractions. Also in this case we have recreated a situation in which we are moving during static.

APNEA AWARENESS In this exercise, at the end of a static, the freediver must state the dive time based on what he imagines was achieved, without the option of checking the time (no use of a watch or any type of signal/alarm is allowed). There are two ways to perform this exercise without any personal control over dive time: 1. ask the freediver to do a static for a set dive time (usually between 60% and 80% of his personal best) and to stop when he feels he has reached that dive time; 2. ask the freediver to do a static "pushing" his apnea time, after which he will have to state the time that he thinks he has spent underwater.

Counting or imagining the time that passes in static exercises (since up till now we have argued the opposite) could seem to be a paradox! Instead these exercises, for some reason or another, help to draw attention away from the time. In fact, in these particular tests, every time that we start thinking about remaining focused on the passage of time or even counting during the static, we end up distracted! I have had so many students that were able to unblock themselves using this exercise during static.

MY FIRST WALL KNOCKED DOWN IN STATIC I was about twenty years old. Much time has passed since then, but the episode I am about to tell you is still clear in my mind. I was an excellent freediver in the swimming pool and I was practicing often, especially static, with my friend Michele Coluccelli. Michele was an excellent spearfisherman and it was usually him who suggested to me ideas on how to best train for static. He was a bit of a coach for me. In almost every training session I exceeded 7 minutes in static. I listened to the seventh minute signal and shortly thereafter I was exiting. Although I "felt" that it was not my limit, I could not last longer than that. Maybe I was afraid. Maybe I did not want to struggle. Perhaps, more simply, I was satisfied with that dive time so why should I have continued holding my breath longer?! During the static / was to respond with the safety hand signal for "ok". The first was scheduled for 3 minutes and every 1 minute after that until exiting. Michele had noticed that those 7 minutes were not my limit. One day, when I had forgotten my watch in the locker room (and therefore my time reference during the static was made by a set time signal), he decided to give me the first signal at 3 minutes like always and then all of the following not at 1 minute, but at 1'10". I exited as usual shortly after the fifth signal, which this time was not at 7 minutes, but at 7'40"! That was the first time in my life I reached 7'40" ... I was elated! Thanks to this purely mental trick, the barrier of 7 minutes was knocked down. I was convinced of my potential and everything became easier.



DEEP FREEDIVING "And when you gaze for a long time into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you." Friedrich Nietzsche

In this Chapter, I will present training ideas for deep freediving. In general, the sea discipline training is rarely based on tables which provide deep freediving series and repeats, like it is for static and dynamic swimming pool training. This is because true deep freediving training is about working on our own limitations, weaknesses, psychological barriers and errors that characterize our deep dives and prevent us from reaching our maximal performance, as it is in all diving disciplines ( constant weight with mono or bi-fins, constant weight without fins, free immersion, variable or no-limits). Using tables has real benefits in some cases. In paragraph 4-4, we will describe workouts based on reps done at sea in order to increase our depth. Certainly the most common problem related to depth is the inability to equalize after certain depths; we have devoted the entire 4.2 paragraph to this topic. In paragraph 4.3, we will address the solutions to the most common mistakes that are often seen in the execution of deep freedives: imperfect hydrodynamic position during freefall; stress and muscle tension that is induced at certain depths; adaptation to pressure at maximum depths; fin kicking in the descent and ascent.


4.1 INTRODUCTION TO DEEP FREEDIVING I believe it is important to mention some general advice to make our in water workouts more effective.


TECHNICAL INFORMATION Regarding the warm-up before deep dives, there are no precise rules that apply equally to all athletes even for deep freediving. It is essential that the freediver understands and is aware of what type of warm-up allows him to achieve his best performance. This obviously depends on the type of workout that will follow the warm-up itself (maximal dive, series of dives and hours of spearfishing) or the specialty. This is to emphasize that the warm-up can also vary depending on the discipline that we want to train. I know athletes who do not warm-up ( only doing an important one-shot dive) before doing a maximal in CWT but instead they do dives in CNF (as warm­ up) before a maximal dive without fins. Or they always warm-up in free immersion, even if the maximum dive will be in constant weight or CNF. Also keep in mind that lately more and more athletes pause with empty or partially empty lungs between 10 and 20 meter depths. According to some, this warm-up method should work better since these exercises prepare well the body for the blood shift. The blood shift is an extraordinary natural phenomenon that activates independently due to the depth in order to stop the thorax from crushing in under a certain depth. In the next box, refer to the detailed elements of my warm-up choices before deep dives.


Early in my competitive career, before a constant weight or in any other discipline of deep freediving, I was doing about 5-6 warm-up dives, gradually increasing the depth. This was what I considered to be the best way to prepare myself before a dive. I believed it was absolutely essential for performing at my best. The only prob/em was that over 45 minutes had passed from the moment I got into the water for warming up until I started the descent. In this time, I was building up incredible amounts of mental stress. Thinking about the saying 'get rid of the tooth, get rid of the pain', I decided to gradually start reducing the time I spent in the water before the official dive, and therefore the number of warm-up dives. At this rate, in the last seasons, I reached a point to attempt the depth records without making deep warm-up dives. Nonetheless, my sensations during the performance were excellent. The same thing does not happen to me during a spearfishing hunt, where I absolutely need to warm-up with 2-3 progressively deeper dives, until reaching 30 meters. If I would not do this and would start spearfishing right away at challenging depths without "breaking the breath" beforehand, I would have great performance difficulties in the subsequent hours of activity. 90

In regards to the position of the arms in deep freediving, especially during the free fall phase, there are no fixed rules. As in other disciplines, the freediver can take whatever position he prefers and feels most comfortable in. In principle, in the initial phase of the descent, the position of the arms is the same for all deep freediving disciplines. Both with monofin and bi-fins, the arms in the boost phase are kept in a hydrodynamic position fully stretched in front of the body.

In the next phase of freefall, instead there are some differences. Regardless of whichever equipment they use, many athletes bring their hands along their thighs, with the arms aside the trunk, favouring a state of relaxation.

Others, however, maintain the arms fully extended in front of the body, preferring to give the body a better hydrodynamic shape, in order to guarantee maximum speed (see photos below).

This even applies for CNF and free immersion. In the ascent phase, however, the arms are normally kept at the sides when diving with bi-fins, and extended behind the head with monofin. Personally, during the fall phase of all deep freediving disciplines, I prefer to keep my arms stretched in front of my body. Personally I look for maximum hydrodynamics, I keep maximum speed and I especially love using slight movements of the palms of my hands to change direction. Often the choice of the arm position depends on the level of shoulder joint elasticity. The stiffer and more rigid we are, the harder it is to assume the hydrodynamic position of the arms in front of the body. For this reason, many athletes tend to lean towards putting their arms at their sides. 91

If this is the case, I recommend that you put a rubber band on your thighs, one of those thick black ones cut from a truck inner tube, or a couple of fitness bands (rubber bands from the gym). In the free fall stick your thumbs between the band and your legs, preventing your arms from moving away from your body. Regarding the possibility of using various charge systems to increase the difficulty of exercising deep freediving we can: o dive after passive inhalation or passive exhalation; o dive without weights (to train the thrust in the descent); o dive with more weights (to train the push in the ascent); Or use: o mask with high volume (to train the ability to equalize the mask); o short snorkelling fins (to increase the sensitivity of fin kicking with the bi­ fins in constant); o small soft monofin (to train the sensitivity of the kick with the monofin in constant);

There has been much discussion on the fin kicking speed in a constant weight dive. I was definitely one of the fastest athletes. My record time in 80 meters constant weight with bi-fins is 2 129 11 • In my personal best with a monofin, I went down to 100 meters (99.8 to be exact) and back up in just 2 1 12 11 • I have always enjoyed (and taught) a fast and agile kick style. Although until a few years ago, it was rather common to see performances with very slow and controlled fin kicking, characterized inevitably by very long dive times. In recent years, the average speed in competitions and in records has raised a lot. In the descent, the average speed with monofin has reached around 1.2 meters per second and in the ascent it peaks at 1.8 meters per second. I would say that in general, a speed of descent and ascent around 1 meter per second (slightly faster with monofin) can be considered excellent for a constant weight dive. In CNF, speed depends very much on the freediver's technical level to swim and move without fins. In descent, an average diving speed may be around 0.75 meters per second (3 meters every 4 seconds) for a good level freediver. Normally in the initial active phase, the speed may be a bit faster, then in the first phase of the freefall, it may be a bit slower and then it may increase again. During the ascent, the average speed could be kept more or less the same at 0.75 meters per second. In variable and no-limits, speed must be clearly adjusted to the equalization skills (by raising or lowering the ballast). In my 150 meter no-limits dive, after the first 40 meters of depth, the sled reached its maximum speed, I was going down just over 3 meters per second. In the case of spearfishing at substantial depths, the average speed of descent and ascent should be slightly less than 1 meter per second. Jacques Mayol often told me that a deep dive (whichever it is) does not start with the duck dive, but rather with the preparation that precedes the performance itself (breathing, relaxation, visualization). This phase is of 92

utmost importance for the results and feelings that will be obtained during the descent. Therefore, the position taken during the preparation of the dive is fundamental. I recommend a face down (prone) position while breathing with your mouth through the snorkel. From this position you can directly do the duck dive. The alternative would be a face up (supine) position, breathing directly from your mouth. To start turning over, assume the prone position before starting with the usual duck dive. I do not recommend the vertical position, breathing with the head out of the water, considering that to assume the horizontal position (before the duck dive), you will have to thrust with the back. Since it is actively involving many muscles, such movement nullifies the beneficial effects of the relaxation gained until that moment, compromising consequently the whole performance.

HOW I PREPARED FOR A MAXIMAL DEEP DIVE In the case of constant weight, my training table took me to record depths about fifteen days before the official attempt. In these two weeks, I did about ten trainings to a depth slightly greater than the target depth, at a maximum of two or three meters deeper. This allowed me to be very calm on the official day. I remember that in the moment I got into the water, but especially before I started, I repeated to myself over and over: "What I am trying now I have done ten times ... why should I not be able to do it now?!". This gave me great confidence, beyond being incredible mental support. In today's competitions it is difficult to see athletes having this kind of approach to their maximal attempt. Often, depths never reached before are attempted. The record is set for the first time in the competition! I am not able to say whether this record winning approach is right or wrong, but I would just like to point out how preparation methods have changed over time compared to mine. And highlighting that I would have not even thought about attempting the record in that way. Since my preparation to set the official was made of many dives to depths that exceeded the records themselves, the only drawback was that sometimes I found myself very tired, especially physically. There have been years when I came into attempting to set the record that I was already very tired and with very low haemoglobin and iron levels ... but still decidedly hyped and motivated!


GENERAL INFORMATION AND SAFETY Compared to swimming pool tests, adapting to depth undoubtedly requires long periods of preparation approaching the goal. These environmental physical situations produce important physiological changes that we have to get used to progressively. We adapt to this not only at the physical level, but also at the mental and relaxation level. Let us avoid rushing into it. We will gradually increase our depths, accepting and living with the new sensations that come whenever we reach new depths. 93

Even for the sea disciplines, the opportunity to be filmed "in action" is crucial to the understanding and elimination of technical or postural mistakes (especially at depths where we feel we have difficulties, limitations or technical gaps). After deep dives, recovery times on the surface are crucial to avert the danger of Taravana (see Chapter 5). Recovery time five times the dive time is recommended, especially if we are doing dives beyond 40 meters or spearfishing deeper than 30 meters. This is a long and therefore very safe recovery. Although, medical literature states that a safe recovery time must be at least three times the dive time. Let us learn to listen to ourselves and to what our body tells us. Almost all freedivers and spearfishermen who have had a problem with Taravana remember strange signals of fatigue and discomfort that the body had sent as a signal, while recalling the sensations they experienced before it happened. In my spearfishing hunts and during apnea trainings, I have started to dive regularly with a freediving computer equipped with an underwater heart rate monitor. In some cases before a dive, despite having already exceeded the estimated recovery time on the surface, it is amazing how I feel I need to breathe and recover a little longer before starting the next dive. This sensation is confirmed by the "cardio", this shows me that my heart rate is still high compared to what I normally have in optimal conditions at departure. On the contrary, in some situations I feel completely ready to go even if there is still a few seconds left for a "safe" recovery time. In these cases, the heart rate monitor shows me values slightly lower than those of departure. This is to reiterate that our body "speaks" to us, it provides indications, signals and we must learn to recognize them and heed them. It is the best way to avoid any kind of problem. Let us not forget to keep an oxygen tank on board, especially when we go out for depth trainings or for challenging spearfishing hunts. Oxygen therapy is also used as a preventative. After a few hours of spearfishing at 30 meters deep or more and before returning to the harbour, it is not rare to see a spearfisherman practise a kind of oxygen decompression for ten minutes between 5 and 10 meters depth. This is now an established procedure also after deep freediving competitions. Speak to a hyperbaric physician before you start following this type of preventive therapy. If you feel that you have blood in your saliva, stop and do not continue deep dives. Sometimes a small problem that can be solved quickly with a little rest, can become very dangerous if neglected (see Chapter 5). When we spend many hours in the sea, let us remember to drink a lot of water, about a glass every hour. Dehydration must be absolutely avoided by the freediver to avoid also problems with Taravana, cramps, fatigue, and/or equalising issues (see Chapter 5). Let us remember to always dive without the snorkel, to take it out of our mouth after the duck dive. If we do not, upon resurfacing, we are forced to exhale forcefully to empty the water. This would cause a sudden drop of the


partial oxygen pressure risking consequently samba or blackout (see Chapter 5). In addition, if blackout is experienced a few meters from the surface (where the risk is higher), the snorkel would let water into the lungs and they would fill with water. As a consequence, resuscitation from the so­ called "wet blackout" (water in the lungs) is much more complicated than from "dry blackout" (without water in the lungs). Some of my spearfishing friends, also at a high-level, always dive with the snorkel in the mouth, nevertheless they have never experienced blackout. I am convinced that this bad and dangerous habit has never led them to blackout because in their careers they have never resurfaced at the limit of their potential. Thus, the forced exhalation needed to empty the snorkel of the water luckily never caused this awful effect discussed. In the case of long dives on the line, do not waste time at the bottom ever at the end of the descent. Once the turn is done at depth, we must go back. Let us not waste time for any reason, not even to check the depth reached on the computer! Checking the depth at the bottom is useless and may even be counterproductive. In fact, if at the bottom we "discover" we reached a depth greater than what we had thought, the whole ascent would be very difficult mentally. After all, when we are still at the bottom reading a higher depth than expected or imagined on the depth gauge could be a very bad surprise. However "discovering" it on the surface is certainly a great satisfaction. In the dives on the line and in the spearfishing trips to substantial depths, ballast must allow us to be positively buoyant starting from about 8 meters from the surface. It is important to train or spearfish under absolute safe conditions. The buddy system is definitely the most important one for both freediving and spearfishing. Never go freediving without a buddy. In the event that there is little visibility it is essential to adopt all systems and aids in order to make diving safer, such as lanyards to guide back to the dive line and counterweight systems that bring an injured freediver to the surface. We should not think of equalization problems at certain depths like something that needs to be absolutely overcome at all costs. In some cases the freediver's discomfort that starts at certain depths must be interpreted as clear messages from the body, which at that moment indicate incompatibility towards that depth. From another point of view, the inability to equalise and then to descend beyond certain depths might very simply be a self-defence mechanism. Let us adapt to these situations, relax ourselves, let our bodies get used to these environmental conditions and then maybe in the next dive, equalization may become easier, giving us the satisfaction of a few more meters in absolute serenity. Normally it regards especially the equalization of the middle ear and the eardrum. Let us remember that when we dive down we also need to equalise the mask and all other cavities involved (sphenoidal, ethmoidal, frontal and maxillary). These are equalised directly when we equalise the 95

ear. We are aware of their presence when in cases of sinusitis we feel excruciating pains during the dive. So we have to voluntarily equalise the ear drums and mask. If you were in the situation of having to equalise simultaneously both ear drums and mask, I would recommend you to equalise your mask first and then the ears. This is because the equalization of the mask airspace requires a higher quantity of air compared to the ears. Therefore, in an extreme situation equalising the mask first may equalise the ears as well (with a tiny "breath of air"). But the other way around, that is equalising the ears before the mask, would not guarantee the same result. In addition, when exhaling air into the mask the air itself along its way "meets" the Eustachian tube. It is therefore very likely that during the equalization of the mask inadvertently the middle ear is also equalised. Even in the event of only a small equalization problem, we have to interrupt the descent and come back up. Equalization should never be forced during a deep dive descent. The risks resulting from improper equalization are significant (see Chapter 5). Some general information for a better equalization: o o o o

Equalise immediately, when our body is still on the surface; Fully equalise the mask before departing, with the last exhale; Progressively equalise the mask every 10/12 meters, so it does not completely crush to the face at the maximum depth; Equalise eardrums very gently, we not push all the air that we have available. Only move the bare essential amount of air that allows us to equalise.

For safety reasons in exercises and trainings in free immersion, I advise to perform the dive with fins (without kicking of course). The following symbols will be displayed next to paragraphs or exercises to indicate that they are referring to or can be formed in the following ways: constant weight without fins constant weight with pool or snorkelling fins constant weight with bi-fins constant weight with monofin free immersion variable weight In free immersion exercises and workouts, I advise to dive with fins (without kicking of course) for safety reasons. 96

150 METERS IN NO LIMITS WITH PERFORATED EAR DRUM Taken from Deeply (published by ldelson-Gnocchi). "[...] even though they were all set up for Variable Weight, I would prefer it to be a No Limits attempt." However I wanted to make a statement: I wanted to be the first to reach the depth of 150 meters. Everyone looked at me baffled: the record was 138 meters, and a 150 meter dive meant adding 12 meters. Even worse, I had not done a No Limits dive since 1996, when I had descended to 131 meters and I had not once practised the opening of the tank to fill the lifr bag on the bottom. But I insisted. I knew I could do it. The Thursday training session was skipped, and on Friday the Anteo took advantage of a light break in the storm, returning to the dive site in front of Portofino. The evening of the 22nd of October we were all on board for the first and last training session before the No Limits attempt. Massimo [Massimo Giudice/Ii, my coach, NdA] and I had decided on a dive to 130 meters, which is the depth at which I would need to make the last equalization, with a thirty second pause on the bottom before filling the balloon: left hand on the handle, right hand turns the lever to open the air bottle, then detaches the lit bag, which pulls me upward again like a hot air balloon. This type of training dive meant we could avoid having to send the deepest safety diver to 150 meters, which would entail an extra two hours of decompression time. Arriving on board the Anteo by five o'clock in the afrernoon meant that by the time we had finished all the checks, an hour and a half later, it was already dark and I would have to dive into pitch blackness and return with the lights of the divers' torches. It was my only chance though, so I had to take it. The sun had long since disappeared over the horizon when I took position on my sled and started the dive. I reached the target depth without any difficulty, stopped and equalised as planned, but realized that I was unable to get any air into my lefr ear. As much as I pushed, the air would not go in. I tried a third time, almost violently and suddenly heard a loud hissing noise in my left ear. I was surprised, as it was the first time that it had ever happened to me. I waited for the predetermined 30 seconds, made the "ok" sign to my safety divers then performed the returning manoeuvres: left hand on the handle, right hand opens the compressed air tank and detaches the lifr bag. I came back to the surface, feeling fine, and was met by my safety freedivers. As soon as I was back on board I called Umberto Berrettini, the doctor who had been treating me for several years. I told him about my difficulty equalising at depth and asked him to have a look at my ear. Together with the ship's doctor he took me to the infirmary, where they examined me and told me: "the eardrum itself is a little bit red, but that is only to be expected with all the dives you have been doing... " They say that no one is a better doctor than yourself. I decided to believe Berrettini, but I still went to bed a little bit worried, with a strange sensation and muffled sounds in my left ear. On Saturday morning the sea was very rough again, and the Anteo had weighed anchor and returned to port in Geona: obviously there was nothing to be done that day. The tension built, and with it my anxiety. I decided to make the most of the circumstances, and called Massimo and Doctor Berrettini together. We went to the hotel pool, where I put my head under the water, equalised my ears, and we all saw bubbles escaping from my lefr ear. My coach and doctor both went pale. For Berrettini there was no questioning it: my eardrum was ruptured and I should stay completely out


of the water. I would not have it though: everything was ready, and the idea of letting it all go and abandoning the attempt at being the first to 150 meters, all for a microscopic hole caused by a stupid mistake, just did not go down with me. "No Umberto," I said to the doctor, "I cannot go home like this. I have to at least try..." In Elba the Pirate [Alfredo Guglielmi, the coach of Jacques Mayol, NdA] had told me about the coral fishermen who dove regularly with ruptured eardrums, keeping one finger in the ear canal. Haggi Statti Georghios did not even have eardrums and unhooked Italian Navy Regina Margherita's anchor at Bo meter depth. Mayol described the Polynesian fishermen who practised 'patia-titia,' spearfishing with balsa goggles and bamboo spears, and who would perforate the eardrums of their children so that they would never have difficulty equalising. Evidently there were many freedivers who dove with damaged eardrums, and I wanted to find out what would happen to me. Doctor Berrettini warned me about thermal shock, which can have traumatic effects. We decided on an attempt for the next day, the Sunday. The condition as always was the weather. Massimo urged me to not think about it, but it was difficult to think about anything else. Every so often I would look out my window to see if I could spot the Anteo's lights out at sea, but I could not see anything. Finally, by the evening the reassuring shape of the ship materialized offshore from Portofino: the captain had decided to take advantage of the second gap between the storms, and the relative calm that always came with nightfall in order to anchor the boat as well as possible, with the intention of attempting the dive early the next morning. For me this was an incredibly important dive, but it promised to be one of the most psychologically difficult: I had never attempted a record in this state. I had trained very little in No Limits, / had one ruptured eardrum, and I had no idea what was in store for me beyond 130 meters. However I had nothing to lose: I could count on the Anteo and a perfect organization, and I certainly would not let a tiny hole in an eardrum stop me. Most importantly I thought about all the sacrifices I had made, for so many years, when I was practically nobody, and I felt that it was very important for me to reach this goal of 150 meters, 12 meters deeper in a single dive, the most in the history of freediving records. It was a very long, interminable night for me. My alarm was set for 5 a.m., and by 5:30 we were at the port. We were using enormous reinforced inflatable dinghies, with powerful outboard motors, but to reach the Anteo only a few miles away took us all of an hour, when it would normally take minutes. The port side of the ship was being hit by four meter high waves. Massimo advised me to climb up on to the top deck, concentrate on my breathing and relaxation and think as positively as possible. The team started work on setting the descent line, given to the ship's captain by the Federazione judges and notaries who had checked and measured it. Rope is placed as planned. Video cameras are positioned, ready to be activated. At 10 o'clock I am told to come down to the bridge to put on my wetsuit and begin the final phase of preparation before the dive. I can read the concern in the eyes of Massimo and the doctor. They are the only people who know about my perforated eardrum. I can feel that all the men of my team are tense: they know I have not reached this depth


before and that I am untrained in No Limits. The only thing which reassures them is the recent world record in Constant Weight, but 150 meters is almost twice as deep. I was able to relax well up on the top deck of the Anteo: most of the time I spent telling myself that I had nothing to lose and that I only needed to try and do what I could, even if that meant reaching a new limit, and that I must go slowly with the broken eardrum. Before I entered the water Doctor Berrettini came close to me and said, "Take care Umberto - don't do anything that might harm you permanently. If you feel pain, stop the sled and come back up." I winked and told him not to worry. I skipped my normal warm-up dive, and instead did a simple four-minute static apnea on the surface before climbing onto the sled. I gave the five-minute signal, and Gigi started calling out the countdown. At zero I gave the signal to detach the sled. I was lightly squeezing the brake in order to slow the descent speed slightly. On the way down I li�ed the edge of my hood a little to allow water into my ear so that I could avoid the thermal shock that Berrettini was so concerned about. I descended slowly to about 3-4 meters, then told myself, "OK Umberto, now you are going to have to try this out." I blew tentatively against my blocked nose, and both ears equalise correctly, even if a few bubbles of air leaked out from the damaged eardrum. I am happy. "You have eight litres of air in your lungs," I told myself, "it is not like you are going to empty them with a trickle of bubbles from your ears." I opened the brake and let myself drop towards 150 meters. It was one of the most beautiful dives of my life. [...] Maiorca was the first to reach 50 meters, Mayol the first to 100 and I was the first to 150 meters, and I am proud of this, it is an event that will be remembered forever!"

4.2 DEEP EQUALIZATION I asked Andrea Zuccari to deal with this topic because I believe he is currently one of the leading experts in the world of equalization techniques. Equalization for me has never been a problem. In the no-limits specialty, where the only limitation is the chance to go as far as possible with one last equalization, I have always started with little training because it has always been easy and natural for me to get to deep depths and equalise. I set my record of 150 meters in this specialty right after only one training dive. When I was asked what I did to equalise, I could never give an exact answer. It was something "natural", like talking. A mechanism that self-activated without me being fully aware of what exactly happened and certainly of which organs had been involved. After meeting Andrea, I finally figured out what was going on inside me when I was pushing air towards my ear drums, what parts I was involving. For the first time I knew what happened to me during the equalization manoeuvre. With his advice and his guidance, I was able to voluntarily move all those organs that would otherwise instinctively come into play only when equalising underwater (and out of the water, thousands of times a day, when yawning, swallowing and etcetera). I went from a natural and instinctive equalization to equalization awareness.


Andrea has often repeated to me that understanding and improving the equalization first begins out of the water. My approach to equalization, which I pass on to my students has now completely changed thanks to him. In the paragraphs that follow, Andrea Zuccari provides solutions to some equalization issues. The Equalization Academy educational material explains some exercises to practise on dry land in order to improve the management of equalization. This has become a very useful resource for learning. After a brief overview on pulmonary ventilation and the organs involved in it, he highlights various aspects and limits that hinder this process especially beyond certain depths. Then, he shows dry exercises that allow you to increase your sensitivity and allow you to work on the two "doors" involved in the passage of air during equalization manoeuvres: the epiglottis and soft palate. Finally, a brief overview of the manoeuvres recommended to equalise in depth reveals the description of the Mouthfi/1. This technique is done through a particular management of air volumes isolated between the glottis and the upper airway. It leads and has already led in recent years to reach substantial depth records. Being of the idea that "technical-mechanical" advice are very useful for understanding the mechanisms of equalization in its broadest sense, I am still of the opinion however, based on my way of interpreting freediving, that the secret of this manoeuvre and therefore of this sport is absolute mental and physical relaxation. And it is precisely for this reason that I will indicate in Paragraph 4.3, the exercises for gaining maximum body sensitivity, total relaxation and solutions to stressful situations that begin at certain depths. These exercises, combined with Andrea's advice from this paragraph, will help to break down barriers formed by the limitations imposed by equalization.

A MISTAKE THAT WAS LIMITING MY EQUALIZATION In 2006, I had already stopped competing for five years. At that time great champions like Carlos Coste and Martin Stepanek managed to do dives, equalising the mask, down to around 100 meters. I had been stacked at much shallower depths. It was impossible for me to equalise the mask beyond 75 meters. One day, by chance during a descent I realized that I would begin grinding my teeth, strongly clenching my jaw at around 45 meters, and then from that depth downwards I would maintain this contraction all the way down. About half an hour later in another dive the same thing happened to me! More or less at the same depth, almost like it was an "automatic" habit, I found myself with the jaw blocked and grinding the teeth. I did not even continue with the dive. I turned and went back up. The next day I decided to turn on the alarm of my freediving computer for a depth of 40 meters. I started the dive and, a few moments after the alarm, I felt that I was again tightening my jaw. I put all my concentration on keeping all the parts fully relaxed and, to my surprise and amazement, I reached the 85 meter marker, with my mask equalised. It was my deepest dive with a mask, but the best part was that I found a mistake that limited me quite a bit and that I probably had forever, at /east for the last twenty years, during the entire competitive seasons. 100

This is to show how important it is to know yourself and to know how to listen to yourself. The reasons that could restrict or prevent best performances are not found around us, but firstly need to be researches in ourselves. We are the solution to our own problems and our own limitations!



In freediving one of the main problems that often limit descending further is the difficulty to equalise over certain depths. Before we talk about deep equalization, we need to understand what happens to us during the descent when we are subjected to the effects of pressure. We know that, as we descend deeper, ambient pressure increases by 1 bar every 10 meters. At sea level, the ambient pressure is 1 bar, at 10 meters it is 2 bars, at 20 meters it is 3 bars and so on. During the descent, as the ambient pressure increases, the air that is inside the middle ear will decrease in volume. This will lead to an introflexion (a bending inward) of the tympanic membrane. Initially we will feel a sense of discomfort, then gradually will turn into pain or even to the final rupture of the eardrum. How can we solye this problem? By equalising! During the whole descent, we shall introduce new air into the ear through specific techniques, in such a way that the volume of air remains unchanged inside, despite the increase of the external pressure on your body. In the first 25-30 meters, it is possible to equalise with sloppy techniques. Normally problems begin after these depths. Why does this happen? It is due to the decrease in lung volume and taking air from the residual volume is practically impossible. Later we shall see what this is, but first let us explain some of the basic concepts related to lung volumes. Tidal volume - The measure of air volume inhaled and exhaled in a single respiratory motion at rest. The average value is generally between 0-4 and o.6 litres with a mean difference of 100 cl between men and women. lnspiratory reserve volume - The measure of air volume that can be inhaled on top of tidal volume. It is obtained by a forced inhalation at the maximum and is proportionate to the amount of air inhaled after a "normal" inhalation. This volume can be up to 3 litres for men, while it is significantly lower in women (approximately 2 litres). Expiratory reserve volume - The measure of air volume that can still be issued, by means of forced exhalation, after a normal exhalation. Expiratory reserve volume can reach a maximum of 1.5 litres, with average values ranging from 1.2 litres (for men) and o.8 litres (for women).

Residual volume - The measure of air volume remaining in the lungs after a maximal exhalation. The residual volume is a percentage of lung volume (shown in the next box), around 25% for those with limited diaphragm flexibility, around 20% for those with greater diaphragm flexibility. Hence, a person with 5 litres of lung volume and a flexible diaphragm will have 1 litre of residual volume (20% of 5 litres). This volume is important because it 101

ensures the presence of air in the alveoli, to aerate the blood even during pauses between breaths. If there was not any residual air, the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood would fluctuate greatly in each breath, which would be disadvantageous to the respiratory process. It is often convenient to consider two or more of these volumes when treating respiratory-related events. Combinations of these volumes are known as lung capacity. lnspiratory capacity- It is the amount of air an individual can inhale from the end of a normal exhalation until the maximum distension of the lungs. It is, therefore, the sum of the tidal volume and the inspiratory reserve volume. Vital capacity - It is the maximum amount of air that can be mobilized in a single breath, starting from a maximal forced inhalation and reaching a maximal forced expiration. It is, therefore, the sum of the tidal volume, the inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes. This lung parameter is the most influenced by the individual's body morphology, and is also particularly related to the individual's height. Typical values are between 4 and 5 litres for men and between 3 and 4 litres for women, but it can be up to 7 litres of values for tall individuals. Functional residual capacity - Measure of the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal exhalation. Typical values for this parameter are around 2-4 litres for men and 1.8 litres for women. Total lung capacity- This is the sum of the residual volume and vital capacity.

It is a parameter that gives an idea of the total volume of air held and exhaled, after one inhalation.

In the box that follows, a simple graphical representation of the above combinations is displayed. The volumes or capacities will be referred to from time to time in the topics that will be discussed. MILLILITRES



6.000 5.000

lnspiratory reserve volume




Vital capacity

Total lung

?:?.�?........ ........ . ...... . ........ . .. . ..... ....... . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .... . . . .. . . . .... . ... ...... �_ap��!!�...... Tidal


volume --·-···----···--·····-··---·Expiratory reserve volume



Residual volume

Functional residual



In the following tables, however, a comparison of variations of different lung volumes in relation to ambient pressure is shown. This table allows you to see that during the descent, changes in lung volume does not change the residual volume's depth, with the same diaphragm flexibility assuming a residual volume of 25% or 20%. In this case, as in the following examples, the value of the residual volume is identified as a kind of limit beyond which it will be practically impossible to take air from the lungs for performing the various equalization manoeuvres. ATM: ambient pressure. LV: lung volume.

ATM Depth LV LV LV LV (Meters) (Bars) (Litres) (Litres) (Litres) (Litres) 0 1 7 5 3 9 10 2 1.5 2.5 4.5 3.5 20 2.3 1 3 3 1.7 25% 30 0.75 4 1.25 2.25 1.75 20% o.6 40 5 1.8 1.4 1

The table shows that freedivers, with lung volumes from that of 3 litres to 9 litres and with a residual volumes of 20%, will reach residual volume at a depth of 40 meters. However, we have been previously discussing the difficulty between 25 and 30 meters, why is this different? Because the table we have just analysed is supposing the use of nose clip. Using a mask instead, which needs to be equalised during the descent, influences the limit of equalization, reducing them at these depths. Let us see this well. By taking an average of the different models on the market, we have estimated that a small freediving mask can have a volume of approximately 8 centilitres. The volume of the nose that fills the mask may vary slightly the volume of air to equalise. Scientific tests were carried and the difference in air volume between one person and another using the same model of mask varied even by 15 millilitres. So for the table below, the reference value of 8 centilitres will be used. When we are on the surface the mask contains air inside. At a depth of 10 meters the ambient pressure is doubled and so we will push 8 centilitres of air into the mask, taking it from our lung volume at that depth. Descending to 20 meters, we will have to put another 8 centilitres into the mask, again taking it from our lung volume. Let us look in detail at the next table to see what happens and where the limit is reached by us. The limit is represented by the residual volume if we have the mask to equalise, assuming that our lung volume is 3 litres.


MV: mask volume. LV: lung volume. Real LV: real lung volume. LV - MV = Real LV Depth (Meters) 0 10 20 25 30 40

ATM (Bars) 1 2 3 3.5 4 5

LV (Litres) 3.00 1.50 1.00 o.86 0.75 0.60

MV (Litres) 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.27 0.31 0.39

LV- MV = Real LV 1-42 0.84 0.59 0-44 0.21

At a depth of 25 meters, my residual volume with a nose clip should be o.86 litres, but, having equalised the mask, the volume is decreased to 0.59 litres. This value is already slightly below the residual volume of o.6 litres (20% of 3 litres). In this case, the freediver instead of reaching the residual volume limit at 40 meters will reach it at 25 meters. Let us see what happens in the next few tables with the increase of lung volumes to 5, then 7, then 9 litres. Depth (Meters) 0 10 20 29 30 40

ATM (Bars) 1 2 3 3.9 4 5

LV (Litres) 5.00 2.50 1.67 1.28 1.25 1.00

MV (Litres) 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.30 0.31 0.39

LV-MV= Real LV

Depth (Meters) 0 10 20 21 30 31 40

ATM (Bars) 1 2 3 3.1 4 4.1 5

LV (Litres) 7.00 3.50 2.33 2.26 1.75 1.71 1-40

MV (Litres) 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.31 0.32 0.39

LV-MV= Real LV

2-42 1.51 0.98 0.94 0.61

3.42 2.17 2.02 1.44 1.39 1.01


Depth (Meters) 0 10 20 30 32 40

ATM (Bars) 1 2 3 4 4.2 5

LV (Litres) 9.00 4.50 3.00 2.25 2.14 1.80

MV (Litres) 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.31 0.33 0.39

LV-MV= Real LV 4-42 2.84 1.94 1.81 1-41

As can be seen from the tables, freedivers with 5, 7 and 9 litres of lung volume will reach their residual volume at 29, 31 and 32 meters respectively. We have already stated that the residual volume establishes the limit, beyond which it will be virtually impossible to draw air from the lungs for performing the various equalization manoeuvres, although, as we will see shortly, it is not establishing the limit for the equalization.



Before explaining the various techniques of equalization, I will give a quick description of the organs involved. In our body there are three "main" air spaces involved in the equalization: nasal cavity; oral cavity; lungs. These three spaces are connected by two actual doors: soft palate, which connects the nasal and oral cavities; glottis, which connects the oral cavity and the lungs. The soft palate and glottis play a key role in the manoeuvres of equalization. Both are supplied with the vagus nerve. For this reason, basically, the movement of the former corresponds to the movement of the latter. This normally happens naturally. Let us think of the act of swallowing a mouthful of food, when it reaches the pharyngeal area, the soft palate closes upwards to prevent food from spilling out and invading the nasopharyngeal area, while the glottis is closed, the epiglottis lowers to avoid food from entering the trachea (and consequently the lungs) instead of the oesophagus (to get to the stomach).


The Equalization System.

In equalization, the ability to move the soft palate and glottis asynchronously and independently of each other is the key to succeed in more complex manoeuvres. All exercises that raise awareness and isolate the glottis and soft palate in order to improve or increase the possibility of their direct intervention are described in the Equalization Academy educational materials. Below I only show a few. However, in the Equalization Academy material there are dozens of illustrated dry training exercises that will allow you to increase the possibility of voluntarily moving the soft palate and glottis. The intent of such exercises is to maximize safety and performance results and drastically reduce equalization technique errors, through the understanding of what to do in order to equalise. In short, to equalise easily we absolutely have to be able to understand precisely what happens during equalization and what sensations are felt by all parts of the body involved. Equalization is first learned out of the water.


The soft palate plays an important role for us freedivers in the equalization manoeuvres. Two of the muscles that make up the soft palate are those connected to the Eustachian tube, the entrance door of the Eustachian tube, and therefore the access to the middle ear and eardrum. The Eustachian tube is inside the nasal cavity. We can voluntarily affect the tube and therefore equalise only by keeping the soft palate open during the descent. 106

If not, it would be impossible to equalise, despite huge amounts of air stored in the oral cavity. The palate is the upper wall of the oral cavity. The anterior two-thirds is made up of the hard palate and the posterior third of the soft palate. These two portions are normally poorly distinguished when looking at them (even though the soft palate seems to be more vascularized and therefore may appear to have a more intense red colour) but they are well-recognized upon the touch. When the soft palate is relaxed, it assumes a position where the oral cavity is connected to the nasal cavity. This connection can be closed by moving the soft palate to the rear. This is completely done involuntarily every day when we open and close our mouth. During the descent, it is necessary to always keep it open for the duration of the dive. But in order to do so we must be aware of it. Now I will describe to you two simple exercises that will help you become more aware of the soft palate. EXERCIZE 1 SOFT PALATE PERCEPTION Inhale deeply and at the end of the inhalation hold the breath keeping the cheeks inflated. Hold for a moment and then very slowly let the air out of the lungs through your slightly sealed lips. From the moment of breath holding and throughout the slow exhalation, air will only come out of the lips. The oral cavity will be slightly over pressured (which keeps the cheeks inflated). Since air has not exited through the nose, it means that you have subconsciously closed the soft palate and thus the connection between the oral and nasal cavities.

Soft palate open (le�) and soft palate closed (right).


Soft palate open (left) and soft palate closed ( right).


Inhale deeply and at the end of the inhalation hold the breath for a few moments keeping the cheeks inflated. Then, very slowly let the air out through your nose, keeping your mouth shut. While you are holding your breath with your cheeks inflated the soft palate is closed. As soon as you begin to exhale from the nose the soft palate opens because you have opened the passage between the oral cavity and nasal cavity.


The glottis is near the larynx and is located next to the vocal cords. Being responsible for speech, it serves to isolate the digestive tract from the airways. When we breathe, the glottis remains open, allowing air to pass in and out. For us freedivers, the role of the glottis is crucial. The glottis is involved both during the equalization manoeuvres and also to transfer air from the lungs to the "upper floors" during the phases of air charges in specific equalization manoeuvres, as we will see later. Now I will describe some exercise that will help you to better understand what you have just read and also in order to increase glottis sensitivity. EXERCISE 1 GLOTTIS PERCEPTION

Inhale deeply and at the end of the inhalation hold the breath with your mouth open and tongue stuck out. Count to 10 and then start to make a series of small exhalations, keeping your tongue stuck out. Do the exercise in front of the mirror. If done correctly, you will notice that you cannot see any organ moving. This is because the work is done exclusively by the glottis. When the air does not come out of the lungs, the glottis is closed, while it opens during exhalation.



Exhale deeply, open your mouth and completely stick out your tongue. Now make a "false inhalation," bringing the belly up. If the movement is correct, at the base of the throat below the larynx (Adam's apple), there will be a sort of indentation, a dimple. In this situation, we are sure that the glottis is completely closed. Due to the movement of inhaling, in the thoracic cavity, there is a vacuum effect that literally sucked up the diaphragm. This could not happen if the glottis was not closed. In the moment we open the glottis, the diaphragm lowers. If we try to speak during this exercise we are not be able to do so. In fact, it is not possible to emit sounds with the glottis closed! Later we will see that for proper management of the equalization techniques, mouth fill and Frenzel manoeuvre, the glottis should remain perfectly closed for quite a long time. However, a problem arises. With the increase of CO 2 in the blood, the brain "commands" the glottis to open. As a solution to this, there are some specific trainings to control the instinctive opening of the glottis in order to keep it closed instead, even in the face of gradual CO 2 increase in the blood. EXERCISE3 CONDITIONING OF THE GLOTTIS

Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent and arms stretched behind your head as in the monofin position. After breathing normally for 2 minutes, exhale completely. At the end of the exhale, close the glottis and relax all the muscles of the thorax. You should be able to feel an automatic rise (suck) of the diaphragm upward. Keep the breath hold in expiration for 20 seconds with your mouth open and tongue completely stuck out. Then inhale and breathe again for 1 minute. After that, exhale completely, at the end close the glottis and relax all your thoracic muscles for 25 seconds. Continue in this way until you manage to hold the breath keeping the glottis closed. Table for the control of the glottis Breathing Dyspnea Breathing Dyspnea Breathing Dyspnea Breathing Dyspnea Breathing Dyspnea

2' 20 11 1'

25" 1'

30" 1'

35" 1'

40" etc.


The practice of static apnea with the above table will help you at the same time to: increase the ability to maintain the glottis closed for increasingly longer times; 2. train the thoracic elasticity; 3. increase the elasticity of the diaphragm; 4. increase the ability of breath holding with empty lungs and consequently improve the usual ability of breath holding.


4.2.3 LOCKS AND AIR SHIFT LOCKS In all the "pressurizing" equalization manoeuvres in which pressure needs to be increased in the nasal and oral cavities, basically we need to bring air into those cavities and to make sure to not let it out from the natural exits. The nostrils are pinched with the fingers or nose clip in order to avoid the air leaving the nasal cavity. It is more complex to avoid the air leaving the oral cavity. We can use 4 locks, one is performed by using the lips and the other three by using the tongue: • • •

Lips lock T lock Ca lock H lock

Speech therapy does help freediving instructors be clearer in their guidance. For example, if I say to a student: "Bring your tongue to your upper incisors, making sure the outer edges of your tongue close perfectly along the crown of teeth and... " I have lost the attention of the student after the first five words and we can imagine that he will not understand the entire instruction. If instead I tell him: "Pronounce the letter T" the student easily brings the tongue in a certain position, because everyone who pronounces the letter T puts the tongue in that position. In fact, if I say to pronounce the P, he will use the lips, for the T he will position the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors and finally for the Ca, the dorsum of the tongue will be against the point in which the hard palate finishes and the soft palate begins. H in the Italian language does not have a sound, so it is the only consonant absent in the AFI classification and therefore it is a "free" consonant for me to use to name another lock. Lock H is performed with the foot of the tongue, in other words engaging the back of the tongue as a seal against the soft palate. In Italian, there are no consonants that are pronounced with this lock, the Arab H and the Spanish Iota (J) are pronounced in this way. These are rasping sounds produced at the back of the tongue, with the tongue closing on the soft palate, which is indeed soft.




The term air shift refers to the manoeuvre used to actively move air from the lungs to the oral cavity in order to perform the equalization. Let us remember that the freediver descends with the head down and that the air does not move from the lungs to the oral cavity without performing an active manoeuvre. Air shift manoeuvres are briefly described below. Reverse packing is the air shift manoeuvre in which air is "sucked" to the mouth due to lung depression. This air shift technique also works beyond the depth where the freediver reaches his residual volume, but it is less intuitive and more difficult to manage. Abdominal contraction is the air shift manoeuvre in which the air is "pushed" from the lungs to the mouth through an abdominal contraction. This air shift technique works until the depth where the freediver reaches his residual volume, but the amount of air that can be shifted is greater compared to the reverse packing. Furthermore, the abdominal contraction manoeuvre is more intuitive and if combined with the advanced equalization techniques, it allows for a deeper descent than reverse packing. Be careful: these manoeuvres, if not executed correctly, can cause damage to the lungs and trachea. No technique is better than another in absolute terms. Some athletes do very deep dives and use the reverse packing, others like me prefer abdominal contraction.


4.3 DEEP EQUALIZATION TECHNIQUES There are several equalization techniques that allow the Eustachian tubes to open so that the nasal cavity can communicate with the middle ear. Eustachian tubes open either due to pressure increase in the nasal cavity through "pressurizing" manoeuvres or due to the movement of the muscles inserted in the tubes through "mechanical" manoeuvres. I am going to quickly present the different equalization techniques below. VALSALVA Valsalva is an equalization technique based on abdominal contraction. Valsalva creates a volume decrease and a pressure increase in the lungs. Since the glottis is open we will have the same pressure increase in the oral cavity, which is closed by the sealed lips or by the tongue in contact with the palate. Since the soft palate is open we will have the same pressure increase also in the nasal cavity, which is also closed by the pinched nose. The pressure increase in the nasal cavity lets the tubes open. In this way, the middle ear is equalised. Valsalva does not allow the freediver to equalise past a depth of 10 -12 meters and this is already very difficult. In order to easily equalise and descent to deeper depths this manoeuvre needs to be absolutely abandoned. For this reason we will not consider Valsalva technique with further description. TRADITIONAL FRENZEL Traditional Frenzel is the equalization technique based on the tongue pushing towards the top and the posterior part of the mouth. After moving air in the oral cavity and closing the glottis, a volume decrease and a pressure increase are created through the tongue pushing upwards like a piston. While maintaining the soft palate open, the pressure increase is transported to the nasal cavity, which is closed by the nose pinched. The pressure increase in the nasal cavity lets the tube open and equalization is performed. For some people the opening of the tubes is facilitated by a "mechanical" effect, this allows the tubes to open with a lower pressure. HANDSFREE Handsfree is the equalization technique in which the tubes are "mechanically" and voluntarily opened through the tensor muscle contraction or the contraction of external peristaphyline muscle. Naturally the glottis has to be closed and the soft palate has to be open to allow the passage of air towards the middle ear. Handsfree equalization can be combined with the air management techniques of Advanced Frenzel, Sequential Frenzel and Mouthfi/1. ADVANCED FRENZEL Advanced Frenzel is the equalization technique in which at a certain depth air 1s moved into the oral cavity through the phonation of the letter N, the so-called N charge. The back of the tongue is lowered to maximize the air charged in the oral cavity. At this point, through the tongue progressively pushing from the T position to Ca and then H, a volume decrease and a pressure increase are created that, while keeping 112

the glottis closed and the soft palate open, will be transported to the nasal cavity, which is closed by the pinched nose. The pressure increase in the nasal cavity lets the tube open and equalization can be performed many times during the descent without the need to re-shift more air up. This technique can be practised either with a series of pressure increases or with a very light constant over pressure that maintains the tubes open. SEQUENTIAL FRENZEL Sequential Frenzel is the equalization technique in which at a certain depth air is transported to the oral cavity through the phonation of the letter M, so-called M charge. With the M charge air is also stored into the cheeks, in order to increase the volume of the oral cavity. After having completed the M charge, the tongue is pushed towards the top and the posterior part of the mouth, creating a pressure increase. While maintaining the glottis closed and the soft palate open, we transmit this same pressure increase to the nasal cavity, which is closed by the pinched nose. The pressure increase in the nasal cavity lets the tubes open and therefore equalization is performed. After each single equalization, it is necessary to remove the tongue lock. This will let the anterior oral cavity communicate with the posterior one and let the air move backwards. At this point, it will be possible to perform a new equalization, and so on until the air in the oral cavity is used up. Also in this manoeuvre, it is possible to equalise many times during the descent without the need of charging more air up. MOUTH FILL

Mouthfi/1 is the equalization technique in which at a certain depth air is moved to the

oral cavity through the phonation of the letter M, so-called M charge. At the same time, the volume of the oral cavity is increased to the maximum by inflating the cheeks, opening the jaw and lowering the posterior part of the tongue. Then the glottis is closed. Slowly, closing the jaw, contracting the cheeks and pushing the tongue from the T position first to Ca then to H, the volume of the oral cavity will progressively decrease and this will allow a light constant over pressure to be maintained in the oral cavity until the air is used up completely. Since the soft palate is open, we will have the same pressure increase in the nasal cavity that is closed by the pinched nose. The constant light over pressure of the nasal cavity allows the tubes to open and maintain open during the descent. Equalization Techniques - Summary Table Name Tubes opening via: Where does the

pressure takes place:

Glottis Soft Palate Tongue Charge


















Oral Cavity

Oral Cavity

Oral Cavity

Oral Cavity

No pressure

Open Open

Closed Open

Closed Open

Closed Open

Closed Open

Closed Open

TorCa orH

Initially lowered position, then progressively from T


Valsalva Pressure

TorCa or H TorCa orH N - Reverse


Progressively from

Tto Ca to H N

Handsfree Motor

toCa toH M - Reverse


M - Reverse Packing

N - M - Reverse


Air amount in or-al

cavity from o to 6





From 1 to 4


4.3.1. FRENZEL Herman Walter Gotthold Frenzel was a Luftwaffe commander of the German aviation during the II World War. Frenzel discovered a particular equalization manoeuvre useful to the dive bomber pilots. The manoeuvre that will take the name from Frenzel was therefore developed initially in the aerospace field. It was a military secret for several years. In the meantime, Duilio Marcante, the father of the Italian diving, and Giorgio Odaglia, the pioneer of the Italian hyperbaric medicine, discovered it and applied it straight away to scuba diving. Those discoveries were made at the same time, Marcante and Odaglia did not know anything about Frenzel and vice versa. In Italy, the Frenzel manoeuvre is therefore more commonly known as Marcante­ Odaglia. For simplicity I have been using the name Frenzel in these paragraphs.


Frenzel is a "pressurizing" manoeuvre where the tubes are open due to the pressure increase at the nasal cavity level. The volume increase necessary to equalise is limited to only the oral and nasal cavities, put in communication by the open soft palate. Space needs to be limited towards the outside, so the nose needs to be blocked and a lock needs to be performed (lock T, lock Ca or lock H) at the oral cavity level. Space needs to be limited also towards the lungs, so the glottis is closed. Pressure is created inside the oral cavity by moving the tongue towards the top. The tongue compresses the air trapped under the roof of the mouth. The movement of the tongue will reduce the oral cavity volume, which is in communication with the nasal cavity. The tongue movement generates pressure at the condition that there is air in the oral cavity, which therefore needs to be charged previously. Once the tubes are open and the oral cavity and middle air are connected, the pressure created in the nasal cavity to open the tubes is distributed also into the middle ear, which is a very small space, and it generates a bending outward of the tympanic membrane. Frenzel equalization can be performed in two different ways that I have called: 100% pressure 50% pressure 50% motor Frenzel mechanism 100% pressure is performed as follows: 1. we position the tongue in one of the 3 locks T, Ca or H; 2. we pinch the nose; 3. we open the soft palate; 4. we bring air in the oral cavity (and nasal cavity); 5. we close the glottis; 6. we move the tongue towards the top and the posterior part of the mouth, so that it will come closer to the palate. 114

The movement of the tongue towards the palate allows the volume to reduce in the oral cavity, which is connected to the nasal cavity. This volume reduction creates a pressure increase that causes the Eustachian tubes to open. Once open, some air will get into the middle ear and will balance the pressure among the 3 areal spaces, namely oral cavity, nasal cavity and middle ear. We define it as Frenzel 100% pressure because the tubes open exclusively due to the pressure increase inside the oral and nasal cavities. Using a manometer connected to the Otovent adaptor, we have noticed that those who equalise Frenzel 100% pressure needs a pressure of 20-30 mmHg to equalise. Frenzel mechanism 50% pressure 50% motor 1. we position the tongue in one of the three locks T, Ca, H; 2. we pinch the nose; 3. we open the soft palate; 4. we bring air into the oral cavity (nasal cavity); 5. we close the glottis; 6. we move the tongue towards the top and the back, so that it is close to the palate; 7. at the same we contract the tensor veli palatine muscle that tends to open the Eustachian tube. Also in this case, the movement of the tongue towards the palate allows the oral cavity volume to reduce and therefore it creates a pressure increase. But this time the "mechanical" movement of the tensor muscle is added to the pressure created with the other "pressurizing" movement. The sum of these two elements determines the opening of the Eustachian tubes. For this reason, we define this equalization manoeuvre as Frenzel 50% pressure and 50% motor. Once the Eustachian tubes are open, as in the first case, some air enters into the middle ear and balances the pressure among the 3 air spaces, namely the oral cavity, nasal cavity and middle ear. Since there is a "mechanical" movement, the pressure necessary to open the Eustachian tubes is lower. By using the manometer connected to the Otovent, we have noticed that those who equalises in this way need a pressure of about 10-15 mmHg to equalise. In fact, I have discovered these two variations of Frenzel by running tests on myself with the manometer connected to the Otovent. I focused on the lower values that would let me equalise. I have discovered that values do not depend on the different locks used. Since I can equalise Handsfree and I have a very efficient control of the tensor veli palatine muscle, I have been able to measure the minimum pressure values of the different manoeuvres, while deciding consciously to involve or not the opening of the Eustachian tube through the tensor veli palatine muscle. In this way, I found out that: Frenzel 100% pressure, in which the tubes open only due to the tongue movement, needs the most pressure; 115

Frenzel 50% pressure 50% motor, in which the tubes open due to the tongue and tensor muscle movements, needs less pressure Handsfree, in which the tubes open just due to the movement of the tensor muscle, does not require any pressure. In this case, I record a value of o mmHg on the manometer. In the last years, during my numerous classes and workshops I have tested this on a large universe of freedivers. I have noticed that the minimum values necessary to equalise were concentrating in some bands: 20-30 mmHg for some Frenzel, 1015mmHg for other Frenzel, ommHg for the Handsfree. These results have proved my hypothesis. LOCKS IN FRENZEL The Frenzel equalization technique can be performed by positioning the tongue in T lock, Ca lock or H lock (as shown in the following pictures).

T lock, glottis closed and nose pinched.

Ca lock, glottis closed and nose pinched.


H lock, glottis closed and nose pinched.


In order to create pressure in the oral cavity, we need to first bring air up from the lungs. If we only use the T lock, only Ca lock or only H lock, in the best scenario we can do two or three equalizations after each air shift performed, at the condition that the glottis remains closed at each equalization. Then we need to recharge. In fact, if we equalise with Frenzel positioning the tongue in T lock, after having shifted air from the lungs into the oral cavity, we can do two or three equalizations until the tongue is pushed against the front part of the palate. Behind there should still be air, but if we are able to equalise only with the T lock then we are not capable of using that air behind the tongue and therefore we again need to shift air from the lungs to the mouth. If we equalise using Frenzel with the tongue in Ca lock, we can do the usual two or three equalizations until the tongue is pushed against the central part of the palate. Behind there should still be air - a little bit less than before - but we may still not know how to use it. If we equalise using Frenzel with the tongue in H lock, we can only do a couple of equalizations and there will no longer be unused air behind the tongue. So what is the limitation of this technique? It depends on which air shift technique we combine to it. If we use the abdominal contraction, once we reach the depth where we are no longer capable of shifting air from the lungs to the oral cavity, often around 25-30 meters, our dive is over. On the contrary, if we use the reverse packing, we are able to dive deeper. N.B. All the equalization techniques that will be presented in this textbook are always combined with the abdominal contraction, as the air shift technique from the lungs to the oral and nasal cavities. For which reason? Because I believe that if it is performed correctly the abdominal contraction is the best technique and that if combined with the evolved equalization techniques, it allows us to dive deeper. Furthermore, abdominal contraction is easier to learn than reverse packing. 117

4.3.2 ADVANCED FRENZEL We have already seen that the Frenzel equalization technique's main limitation is linked to the air shift techniques used: abdominal contraction or reverse packing. From the moment we are unable to shift more air then we can no longer continue to equalise. Differently, in the evolved equalization techniques like Advanced Frenzel, at a certain depth a certain amount of air is brought to the oral cavity and then it is used to equalise the middle ear and the dead spaces in the oral and nasal cavities many times (dead spaces are those volumes that cannot decrease in dimension at the increase of ambient pressure). In this way it will be possible to overcome the depth of the last air shift. How much can be overcome? This will depend on the depth where the charge is performed and the amount of air that will be shifted during the charge, because the latter depends on the number of equalizations that are possible. Let us begin to deepen this concept, starting with the mechanism of one of these evolved manoeuvres, Advanced Frenzel.


At a certain depth the nose is pinched, air is shifted from the lungs into the oral and nasal cavities by performing the N charge. When the oral and nasal cavities are full of air, then the glottis is closed. During the N charge, the N sound is phoned because thanks to the pronunciation of this consonant, the glottis is in phonation and the soft palate is open. With this trick, even if we do not have conscious control of the soft palate and glottis we will be able to maintain the soft palate open and the glottis in phonation during the charge. During the N charge the tongue is in T lock. During the charge, it is important to lower down the foot of the tongue while the lock is maintained. This will increase the air volume that can be stored in the oral cavity. At the end of the charge, the glottis is closed. The execution of this N charge is slightly different from the one used in Traditional Frenzel, in which the ability of lowering down the foot of the tongue is not required.

N charge in advanced Frenzel. 118

Once the N charge has been performed and then the glottis has been closed, a series of equalizations are started, doing some Frenzel equalizations in T lock. At the end of these equalizations the front part of the tongue will be completely attached to the palate, but there will still be air behind it. Then some Frenzel equalizations in Ca lock will be performed, after which the dorsum of the tongue will also be attached to the palate. At that point some Frenzel equalizations with H lock will be performed. The conformation of the hard palate and tongue is slightly different from person to person, so the number of equalizations with T or Ca or H can vary from person to person. It is important to understand the concept of air management in the oral cavity and the movement of the tongue that from T lock, at the decrease of the air volume between the tongue and the palate, will be pushed towards the top for then performing Ca lock and subsequently H lock.

Equalization manoeuvre in advanced Frenzel.

Advanced Frenzel can be managed in two variations. In the management of Advanced Frenzel, there will be an ON-OFF pressure. Equalization is performed with T lock, pressure is created, tubes are open, we descend, volume decreases, tubes close, equalization with T lock is still performed (when talking about T, it is referring to an area and not an exact point). As result of the equalization, tubes are open, we descend, tubes close, we equalise in Ca, tubes open, we descend, tubes close and so on. In other words, a series of equalizations like Traditional Frenzel are performed, changing the tongue lock from T to Ca and to H. In a seamless management of Advanced Frenzel, a constant light pressure is maintained. After having done the N charge, we begin to push the tongue constantly and fluidly towards the top and the posterior part of the mouth. We do this while following the reduction of air volume, maintaining a light and constant pressure that lets the tubes open and maintains them open until the air is used up and the tongue is completely pushed against the palate. This is the "fluid management" (see relevant exercises). 119

In terms of depth, performance will be perfectly identical, as it is given by the amount of air shifted during the charge and depth of the charge. But the mistake of delaying the subsequent equalization is not made, since a unique equalization has been performed, which begins at the moment of the charge and ends at the moment in which the air in the oral cavity is used up.


In the Advanced Frenzel execution there are significantly less air shifts than the Traditional Frenzel. In addition, in Traditional Frenzel, freedivers often make the mistake of shifting air through an abdominal contraction (see paragraph on air shift manoeuvres) and at the end of the contraction, instead of relaxing the abdominal wall, they keep their abdominals contracted. After a while, they contract the abdominals even more to shift additional air into the oral cavity and then they do the same again, until they start to feel a crushing sensation at the ribcage level. In this situation, the residual volume is reached at a shallower depth than when the abdominal muscles are relaxed. This happens because the abdominal wall is contracted, so the diaphragm is not free to go up, therefore it does not accompany the air volume reduction in the lungs that occurs due to the increase in depth. Furthermore, the moment in which it is no longer possible to shift air comes earlier due to this mistake. Otherwise, while performing Advanced Frenzel, we can contract the abdominals, shift air, close the glottis, relax the abdominals, equalise, equalize, equalise, equalise, equalise, equalise ... again contract the abdominals and shift air, close the glottis, relax the abdominals and start again a series of equalizations. Almost all dives will be performed with the abdominal wall not contracted and will be contracted only during the air shift manoeuvre. It is also true that in Traditional Frenzel, the abdominal muscles can be relaxed after having shifted the air and closed the glottis, but straight after they need to be contracted again. For this reason it is even easier to make the mistake to contract them more and more instead of contracting and relaxing, so in the former way they are never relaxed. Another important advantage is obviously the potential of the Advanced Frenzel technique, which I am going to discuss below.


A quick mathematic revision of the inverse proportion will help us to understand the next concept. Two variables are inversely proportional when one variable increases the other decreases in proportion, so that the product is unchanged, one gets three times bigger, the other one gets three times smaller. In mathematical statements, direct proportion can be expressed as y/x = k. This reads as "y varies directly as x" or "y is directly proportional as x" where k is constant in the equation. "k" is a value different from zero that we call coefficient of proportionality. With constant of direct proportionality {Cpd), we refer to the potential of a certain equalization technique. This means that hypothesizing a charge at a certain depth x, 120

with the management of this equalization technique, we will be able to equalise the pressure increase of k times. This will become clear with the examples below.


N charge at 10 meters. 20 meters is the depth reached also equalising the mask. Pressure at 10 meter is of 2 Bar, pressure at 20 meters is of 3 Bar. 3/2 = 1.5 Cpd De



10 mt.

2 bars

X 1.5


3 bars

20 mt.

20 mt.

3 bars

X 1.5


4.5 bars

35 mt.

30 mt.

4 bars

X 1.5


6 bars

50 mt.

De = depth of the charge Cpd = constant of direct proportionality Dmax = maximum depth


N charge at 10 meters. 30 meters is the depth reached with a mask NOT equalised. Pressure at 10 meters is of 2 Bar, pressure at 30 meters is of 4 Bar. 4/2 = 2 Cpd De



10 mt.

2 bars



4 bars

30 mt.

20 mt.

3 bars



6 bars

50 mt.

30 mt.

4 bars



8 bars

70 mt.

De = depth of the charge Cpd = constant of direct proportionality Dmax = maximum depth



If tomorrow we want to manage the Mouthfi/1, then it is essential to learn how to manage the Advanced Frenzel. The management of the volumes in the last part of the Mouthfi/1 is very similar to the Advanced Frenzel.

4.3.3 SEQUENTIAL FRENZEL Like Advanced Frenzel, Sequential Frenzel also allows us to overcome the limit of the Frenzel equalization technique. Once we arrive at the depth where we are no longer able to shift the air from the lungs to the oral cavity, often 25-30 meters, our dive is over.


We start our dive using Traditional Frenzel or Handsfree. Before reaching the expiratory limit, we contract the abdominals to perform an air shift from the lungs to the mouth. We use the lips lock to store air between the palate and the tongue and the cheeks. The space between tongue and palate will be the "operating" space for equalising (like Computer RAM which stores the information your computer is actively using so that it can be accessed quickly) while the space between the tongue and the cheeks will be the space to store the air for the equalization (like Computer memory for archiving data). After the charge we close the glottis. At this point we use the Traditional Frenzel to perform two or three equalizations, using one of the locks (T or Ca or H). In this way we will use the air stored between the tongue and the palate. When the air behind the tongue lock is used up (between tongue and palate) we remove the tongue lock. In this way, part of the air contained between cheeks and tongue is moving in the space between tongue and palate. We resume the tongue lock and at this point we can perform again two or three equalizations. We will continue in this way until all the air in the oral cavity is used up. It is essential to maintain a closed glottis until the end of the descent and also when we remove the tongue lock.



M charge at 10 meters. 30 meters is the depth reached also equalising the mask. Pressure at 10 meters is of 2 Bar, pressure at 30 meters is of 4 Bar. 4/2 = 2 Cpd Dmax


De mt.

2 bars



4 bars

30 mt.

20 mt.

3 bars



6 bars

50 mt.

30 mt.

4 bars



8 bars

70 mt.


De= depth of the charge Cpd= constant of direct proportionality Dmax= maximum depth


In the following example, we provide the steps to follow for a dive using Sequential Frenzel with the Lock of your choice (T, Ca or H) while equalising the mask.


Starting from the surface we do the following: 1. we pre-equalise with Traditional Frenzel; 2. we equalise with Frenzel until 20 meters and we equalise the mask; 3. at around 20 meters we do an M charge for the Sequential with pinched nose; 4. at the end of the charge, we close the glottis and we keep it closed onwards; 5. we perform two or three equalizations (of the ears and mask); 6. while maintaining the Lips lock, we remove the tongue lock (T or Ca or H), used until this depth, in order to use the air existing in the frontal part of the mouth (from the tongue to the lips) for the next equalizations; 7. we repeat the last actions until when we have used up the air in the oral cavity. Having tested this in the sea, we have seen that it is possible to reach a depth of 50 meters with a charge at 20 meters. There could be differences in the anatomy of the freediver and in the details of the execution, but we can take this depth as a reference. Managing Sequential Frenzel allows us to manage the coefficient of direct proportionality (Cpd) between pressures of about 2 (at 50 meters there are 6 atm; at 20 meters there are 3atm; the relation between the pressures is of 6atm/3atm). From this, the following values have been derived and tested.

Differently, if after the charge, the mask is isolated, deeper depths can be achieved. This is not a risky manoeuvre, given the value of the coefficient of direct proportionality discussed above. Let us explain this further.


M charge at 10 meters. 40 meters is the depth reached with a mask NOT equalised. Pressure at 10 meters is of 2 Bar, pressure at 40 meters is of 5 Bar. 5/2 = 2.5 Cpd De



10 mt.

2 bars

X 2,5


5 bars

40 mt.

20 mt.

3 bars

X 2,5


7,5 bars

65 mt.

30 mt.

4 bars

X 2,5


10 bars

90 mt.

De = depth of the charge Cpd = constant of direct proportionality Dmax = maximum depth


In the following example, we provide the steps to follow in a dive using Sequential Frenzel with the Lock of your choice (T, Ca or H) while isolating the mask from the M charge onwards.

EXAMPLE Starting from the surface we do the following: 1. we pre-equalise using Traditional Frenzel; 2. we equalise using Frenzel until 20 meters and we equalise the mask; 3. at around 20 meters we perform an M charge for the Sequential Frenzel; 4. we continue to maintain the pinched nose and the mask isolated from the beginning of the charge onwards (the mask has to remain isolated and the nose pinched); 5. at the end of the charge, we close the glottis and we keep it closed from this moment until the end of the descent; 6. we perform two or three equalizations (of the ears); 7. while maintaining the Lips lock, we remove the tongue lock (T or Ca or H), used until this depth, in order to use the air existing in the frontal part of the mouth (from the tongue to the lips) for the next equalizations; 8. we repeat the last two actions until we have used up the air in the oral cavity. 124

Having tested this in the sea, we have seen that it is possible to reach a depth of 65 meters with a charge at 20 meters. Therefore, with an isolated mask from 20 meters onwards we can manage a relation between pressures of about 2.5 (7.5 atm / 3 atm). If we will use less air to equalise the mask then we will have more air to equalise the ears.


The main difficulty of Sequential Frenzel is to keep the glottis closed for the whole time we are managing the equalization. This difficulty could be connected to the light vacuum effect created on top of the glottis in case of a delayed equalization. It could also be due to the over pressure created by Frenzel or to the automatism of the motor scheme of the tongue learnt in Frenzel (in which the glottis opens and closes after one or two equalizations). In other words, learning Sequential Frenzel requires time and commitment, as for all the advanced manoeuvres. Firstly, we need to avoid delaying the equalization and increase our own equalization awareness in order to equalise in the gentlest way as possible. Both can be learnt with Traditional Frenzel. Once we have learnt to manage this technique correctly, it can be much more comfortable. It can be the best solution for those freedivers who have particular difficulties in controlling the bottom of the tongue, the change of the Advanced Frenzel's lock and those that are not interested in learning the Mouthfi/1. It is funny that many freedivers still confuse the Sequential with the Mouthfi/1, based only on the observation of the cheeks being full of air.

4.3.4 MOUTHFILL Mouthfi/1 is a technique established in the last few years and nowadays used by many athletes. According to the jargon spoken by the freediving community, Mouthfi/1 is the equalization technique in which:

1. 2.

a certain amount of air is charged inside the oral cavity, not only between the tongue and the palate, but also in the cheeks; the volume in the oral cavity is managed so that a constant light over pressure is gradually created when we descend. This constant over pressure allows us to constantly maintain the tubes open from the moment of the charge to the maximum depth.

The name of this technique leads to confusion as it refers only to the air charged in the mouth and not specifically to the management of it. For this reason, many freedivers believe they are doing the Mouthfi/1 at a certain depth by bringing air in the cheeks, but instead they are managing that air with Sequential Frenzel or Advanced Frenzel. In the case of Sequential Frenzel, after having moved air into the cheeks, we continue equalising with T lock or Ca lock or H lock. 125

In the case of Advanced Frenzel, equalizations are performed changing the tongue lock in the following order: T-T-Ca-Ca-H-H. Mouthfi/1 differs from Sequential Frenzel and Advanced Frenzel for the constant pressure. But not only for this. The other important difference is the air volume that can be charged, which is definitely greater in the Mouthfi/1. This volume difference during the charge translates in the possibility of reaching remarkable depths. Mouthfi/1 is the manoeuvre of deep freedivers par excellence.


Like in Frenzel and also for Mouthfill, we must have: air inside the oral cavity; closed glottis; soft palate open. In a dive performed with Mouthfi/1, we descend until a certain depth equalising normally either with Frenzel or Handsfree. It depends on which depth we want to achieve during a dive (see paragraph Mouthfi/1 Potential). Once we have reached the target depth, if we are wearing a mask, the nose has to be pinched. This is clearly not necessary if we are using a nose clip. At this point we shift air from the lungs to the oral and nasal cavities with an abdominal contraction and with the soft palate open. This is the so-called M charge for Mouthfi/1.


The M charge for Mouthfi/1 is the maximum air shift into the oral cavity. It involves all the volume in the oral cavity, including in the cheeks and the lowering of the jaw. This will not allow the use of the T or Ca or H locks at the beginning during the management of the air and therefore during the equalization, but only at a later stage.


During the charge phase it is useful to have the glottis semi-closed, so that it can behave as a unidirectional valve. In this way it will be easier to close the glottis once the charge is completed and the air is not able to go back to the lungs. In order to let the soft palate be open and the glottis semi-closed, it will be helpful to phonate the letter M. During the Mouthfi/1 charge the following happens in chronological order: • we hyperextend the head a few degrees; • through an abdominal contraction, helped by a crunch, air is shifted from the lungs to the oral and nasal cavities phoning "MMMMM"; • the walls of the nose are inflated straight away, a sign that the soft palate is open; • we gradually inflate the cheeks; 126

we lower the jaw and tongue, including the bottom of the tongue, to the maximum point where the lips can still be kept sealed. In order to achieve the maximum charge, it is important to maintain the muscles of the cheeks and the lips relaxed as this increases the available volume.

MOUTHFILL MANAGEMENT Once finished the Mouthfi/1 M charge, the Eustachian tubes that connect the nasal cavity to the middle ears are open thanks to the light over pressure in the oral and nasal cavities. So the middle ear connected to the oral and nasal cavities is equalised. This is the moment when the Mouthfil/ management starts. During the rest of the descent an action is needed in order to maintain the light over pressure in the oral and nasal cavities for opening the tubes and keeping the middle ears equalised. This is because while continuing the descent the ambient pressure increases so the volume in the oral cavity decreases. During the management of the Mouthfi//, the following happens in chronological order: • we bring the head back in a neutral position; we close the jaw until the teeth of the upper arch touch the ones of the lower arch; we contract the cheeks; we bring the tip of the tongue, which until this moment was totally relaxed, in T lock and with a fluid, gradual and progressive movement to Ca lock and then to H Lock. During the management of the Mouthfi/1, so from the moment of the charge to the moment when the descent is over, it will be very important that: the glottis remains closed; the walls of the nose are inflated, despite the reduction of volume linked to the increase in depth. At the end of the management of the Mouthfi//, the tongue will be completely pushed against the palate and the air in the oral cavity will be finished.


All the phases of Mouthfi// management are slow and gradual because the objective is to maintain the pressure in the oral and nasal cavities constant. Peaks of pressure would facilitate the opening of the glottis and waste the shifted air. Another frequent problem that is faced when learning Mouthfi/1 is the absence of awareness of the equalization of the middle ear. Differently from the traditional techniques, the slight discomfort linked to the introflexion of the tympanic membrane is not felt, neither the sense of well-being linked to the equalization performance. Lack of pain is the only signal that we are equalising correctly. This leads the less experienced freediver to be concerned about not equalising, inducing him to make the mistake of increasing the over pressure in the oral and nasal cavities, in order to be sure to equalise the middle ear. This causes the opening of the glottis, as the difference between the pressure of the space above and underneath the 127

glottis has become too high, in this case due to the increase of the former. And when the glottis opens, the air that is in the oral cavity, that was supposed to be used to manage the Mouthfi/1, will go back into the lungs. If this happens after passing the residual volume depth, it will not be possible to recharge the Mouthfi/1 and we will not be able to continue the descent. Another issue linked to the opening of the glottis is caused by not relaxing the abdominal muscles completely once the Mouthfi/1 charge is completed. In fact, the contraction of the abdominal wall is preventing the diaphragm from being sucked upwards gradually while the air volume in the lungs decreases due to the increase in ambient pressure. A strong vacuum is created in the lungs. In this case, the glottis opens due to the high difference between the pressures above and underneath the glottis.

MOUTHFILL POTENTIAL The Mouthfi/1 with partially equalised mask has a coefficient of direct proportionality (Cpd) equal to 3.5. This allows us to reach substantial depths. This is the reason why it is essential to at least equalise the mask partially during the management of the Mouthfi/1, otherwise the suction effect of the mask could cause damages to the eyes. During the management of the volumes it is sufficient to slightly release the pinch of the nose for an instant in order to equalise the mask. The reason why the release of the nose pinch is done "slightly" and "for an instant" is to not suddenly decrease the light over pressure in the oral and nasal cavities. A freediver, who is capable of managing the Mouthfi/1 quite well, is able with the mask partially equalised to charge the Mouthfi/1 at 10 meters (from o to 10 meters he uses the traditional equalizations of Frenzel or Handsfree) and to manage it until 60 meters. Cpd= 3.5 At 10 meters we do an M charge. 60 meters is the depth achieved also with the mask. Pressure at 10 meters is of 2 bars, pressure at 60 meters is of 7 bars. 7/2 = 3.5





De 2




7 bars



De = depth of the charge Cpd= constant of direct proportionality Dmax= maximum depth A Mouthfi/1 from 10 meters to 60 meters is a good result, but it is not the best possible result. However, it can be achieved by everyone once of course the technique is learnt. This means that the charge capacity inside the cheeks, namely the amount of air that can be stored, and the dead spaces in the nasal cavity and sinuses 128

(changing from person to person) stay in connection in order to allow this result. It will be very important to aim first at obtaining this result at 10 meters for reaching 60 meters with perseverance, before moving the charge to deeper depths. Here below, we can see the data of performing the charge at deeper depths and maintaining the management of the Mouthfill without many imperfections. Cpd= 3.5



De 10




















7 bars bars








De = depth of the charge Cpd= constant of direct proportionality Dmax= maximum depth Charging the Mouthfill at 30 meters is still feasible in the condition that we have trained well our expiratory capacity. So our reasoning is still valid, but we will be able to use the charge technique differently. Let us see the mechanism. Depth


o mt.




20 30

Dim. MF before Fill


Dim. MF after fill c.c.

































Let us assume that a charge for Mouthfil/ is of 400 c.c. of air. I use 400 c.c. as a value as it is an average. At 10 meters of depth, that is 2 bars, Mouthfill is charged, which means we shift 400 c.c. of air into the oral cavity. We descend until 20 meters and in the meantime we begin to manage the reduction of volume in the oral and nasal cavities with the Mouthfil/. At 20 meters, the ambient pressure is 3 bars, according to the Boyle law, 400 c.c. has become 268 c.c. At this depth, 20 meters, we recharge in order to bring the amount of air back to 400 c.c. in the oral and nasal cavities, 132 c.c. will be needed. After the recharge performed at 20 meters, we again have 400 c.c. of air available for the Mouthfil/. 129

We continue the descent until 30 meters, namely 4 bars. The 400 c.c. has become 300 c.c. By shifting only 100 c.c., we again have 400 c.c. That being said, it is easy to guess that at 30 meter depth, it is easier to shift 100 c.c. of air than 400 c.c..


What happens if we use the nose clip instead of the mask? The air used during the Mouthfi/1 to equalise the ear and partially the mask can be used only for equalising the ears. This is why the majority of athletes use the nose clip and not the mask. The coefficient of direct proportionality of Mouthfi/1 with nose clip is 4. Cpd =4

M charge at 10 meters. meters is the depth reached with goggles and nose clip. Pressure at 10 meters is of 2 bars, pressure at 70 meters is of 8 bars. 8/2 = 4











8 bars























De= depth of the charge Cpd=constant of direct proportionality Dmax=maximum depth

4.3.5 HANDSFREE Handsfree equalization manoeuvre is called this because the equalization is performed without having to pinch the nose, so the hands are free. The Eustachian tubes are not open through an increase in pressure but through a "motor" movement. Lungs are not involved, hence the glottis is closed, the soft palate is open and it connects the oral cavity with the nasal cavity. The intentional opening of the Eustachian tubes connects the oral cavity and nasal cavity with the middle ear. In this way, two spaces with different pressures are connected and the air moves from where there is more pressure to where there is less. This movement of air allows to balance the pressure and volume of air inside the middle ear, bringing the tympanic membrane back in a neutral position (not everted). The Handsfree manoeuvre does not allow us to re-open the tubes in the case of a delay in equalising, so it needs to be performed with greater frequency than Frenzel. 130

I have categorized the following 4 types of different Handsfree among the freedivers that equalise without hands: • • • •

the Pure the False the Confused the Advanced

PURE HANDSFREE Pure is able to open the Eustachian tubes with the contraction of the soft palate.


The soft palate has 5 different muscles, two of which connect the soft palate to the tube. They are the tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini. In the moment they contract, the tube opens automatically. One of the physiological function of the tube is ventilation, it consists in making sure that the air in the middle ear can be exchanged. This happens about once every 15-20 minutes. With this pace we open and close the tubes many times during the day, every day. If we did not do it, the air inside the ear would become stale and over time the ear would become infected. Furthermore, inside the ear there is a constant production of mucus. Therefore, if the tensor would not carry out its normal ventilation function on the tube, allowing us to open it from time to time, mucus would accumulate and would not come out, creating other issues. In fact, children that get frequent otitis or ear inflammations, usually up to 5 years old, even partially lack the ventilation function. This happens because the tubes of the children are more horizontal as they are still in the age of developing the skull, swallowing is less invasive and the tensor muscle is still not working correctly and therefore it does not open and close the tube. What does this mean? This means that currently the tensor veli palatine carries on the ventilation function in all the adults that do not have any frequent inflammatory issue of the middle ear, so they are able to open the tubes in the "100% motor" way. Therefore, we could all be Handsfree potentially. The only difference between those who are already Handsfree and those who can be Handsfree is not the size of the tubes (large or small), as it has been said for a long time, but it is about finding the "switch" for consciously and voluntarily contracting the tensor. At each contraction of the soft palate, corresponds a light noise inside the ear. It is the same noise that can be felt by those who do Frenzel. Erroneously we had always thought that it was the eardrum that was making a noise, instead it is the disconnection of the walls of the tube. The liquids that wet the tube make a very small "click" noise in the moment they disconnect. This happens either when equalization is performed with Frenzel or when is performed with Handsfree. Regarding the equalization frequency, the freediver that equalises Handsfree needs a three or four times higher equalization pace than the freediver who uses the Traditional Frenzel.


FALSE HANDSFREE The False is not a real Handsfree, which means being able to equalise without bringing the hands towards the nose, but descends with the mask attached to the face in order to be able to use the resistance of the mask to equalise with the Frenzel technique. He pushes the tongue upward like as if he was performing Frenzel, decreasing the volume inside the oral cavity, the air goes up to the nasal cavity, it exits the nose and finds the mask which is creating resistance. This increases the pressure in those three cavities (oral, nasal and the mask) letting the tubes open and the air goes into the middle ear to equalise. Probably the False Handsfree is part of those "Frenzels" that are using 50 % pressure and 50 % motor movement. In fact, if it was exclusively a pressure movement they would not be able to equalise the ears with only the resistance of the mask.


The Confused equalises by bringing the hands to the nose, but has no idea what he is doing and furthermore, he moves some organs during the equalization that it is not necessary to move. Let me explain better. He contracts the soft palate to open the Eustachian tubes, but at the same time he brings the tongue in H lock like as if he wanted to perform Frenzel. This does not mean that he creates pressure to open the tubes. What is the difference between the Confused and the Pure? The Pure contracts only the soft palate without moving other organs in the oral cavity and the tube opens. Instead the Confused, in order to move the soft palate, moves a bit of everything. The Pure can be recognized by watching inside his mouth when he equalises (on dry land of course and with the mouth open!). He is able to open only the soft palate while the bottom of the tongue remain motionless. What is the problem of the Confused Handsfree? Whatever the amount of air that can be stored in the oral cavity in front of the H lock, a little or a lot, is lost. It is not used in the equalization. In other words, closer to the residual volume, air is shifted from the lungs to the oral cavity and the tubes are open once or twice. Then, let us assume that we succeed (depending if the expiratory capacity has been trained), air is shifted again and the tubes open again once or twice. At this point our descent is over.


The Advanced is able to voluntarily open the Eustachian tubes and to maintain them constantly open. We do not have the classic "click-click-click" noise of the opening of the tubes. Until the tubes remain open, there is a constant balance of the volumes between nasal cavity and middle ear. So until there is air inside the nasal cavity that can be "sucked into" the middle ear, equalization continues. We stay "in" equalization "mode".


Erroneously it is believed that the Handsfree equalization technique allows us to go deeper than the other techniques. This is wrong. The limitation of each equalization 132

technique is not how the tubes are opened but to make sure once the tubes are open, to have enough air inside the oral and nasal cavities in order to equalise the volume in the middle ear. Either this happens by a "pressure" movement or by a "motor" movement like in Handsfree.

4.3.6 WET EQUALIZATION The airway flooding technique is a very invasive manoeuvre. Even if it has enormous potential in terms of depth. It is linked mainly to Patrick Musimu. After having closed the glottis, water is let into the superior aerial cavities, sinuses included. Since water is a liquid, therefore it is incompressible, it will no longer be necessary to equalise during the rest of the descent. It is not a widespread manoeuvre even among the deep freedivers. Beyond the discomfort of having water in the aerial cavities, it exposes the internal airways to infection, caused for example by the plankton.

4.4 PACKING Lung packing is glossopharyngeal insufflation. This was first observed by physicians, as it is a natural technique that allows patients affected by serious illnesses of the breathing muscles to breathe. As in the case of muscular dystrophy and spinal injuries. It is natural as it is only based on the rhythmical movements of the tongue. The alternative for the patients affected by those illnesses is to depend on a mechanical ventilator in order to be able to breathe correctly. In freediving this forced ventilation is performed at the end of a maximum complete inhalation in order to increase further the volume of air in the lungs.


There are two different techniques for packing. The original one, which names the technique itself and has been used first in freediving and the other is by suction. In the first technique the air is literally eaten. After having completed a maximum inhalation, we close the soft palate and the glottis and literally we eat the air, which is stored inside the mouth by closing the lips. After that, we move the jaw and cheeks at the same time and we open the glottis to send the air inside the lungs. This action is repeated for x times, keeping the soft palate closed, until we are feeling that we have reached the limit of amount of air that can be pushed inside the lungs. The "suction" technique is similar to what is done when a liquid is drunk with a straw. The tongue is disconnected from the palate and lowered down, in order to create an over pressure inside the oral cavity that recalls air from the outside. Once the air has entered between the palate and tongue, we close the lips, we open the glottis and we send air into the lungs, finally we re-close the glottis.


The action is repeated for x times with the soft palate closed, like in the other technique, until we feel we have reached the maximum air capacity in the lungs. More air is moved with the former technique than with the latter.


As we have seen previously, we have around 20 mm Hg of pressure inside the lungs at the end of a deep maximum inspiration. During the inspiratory act we are able to store a certain amount of air thanks to the expansion of the lung volume, which is obtained by lowering down the diaphragm and raising the rib cage until a certain degree through the respiratory muscles. Once this degree is reached, theoretically more air would fit in the lungs, but we are unable to because we have limitations in pushing the diaphragm further down and the rib cage upward. Therefore, we can add more air to the lungs by packing until their real maximum capacity is achieved. This is not through action in the lung area but in the oral cavity. Performing packing at the maximum of its potential can allow us to forfeit even 4 more litres of air compared to the inspiratory reserve volume. So it represents an additional reserve of air during the dive, useful both in energetic terms with regards to oxygen consumption during the dive and for the depth at which we are able to perform the last air shift. But it does not only have advantages. If packing is performed incorrectly and unwisely it can be very dangerous. We have run some tests to understand how the intrathoracic pressure varies inside our lungs at the end of the maximum inspiration and gradually with the packing. The result was not linear as we gradually increased the packing. We have a certain volume increase until a certain point together with a low increase in pressure. From a certain point onwards, the volume increase decreases and at the same time a very high increase in pressure occurs. When this happens, it is means that we have reached the highest amount of air that lungs can store and therefore almost only pressure increases. This is the "red zone" we should never reach. A freediver with a good level of awareness should be able to recognize this moment, because he can feel that the diaphragm has stopped lowering down and that the thoracic walls are no longer expanding. When we pack excessively and we overreach this red zone, lungs tissue can be damaged. In addition, cardiac tamponade and an issue with the blood pressure that goes from the heart to the lungs can occur. The occurrences of cardiac tamponade or blood pressure issues are the cause of blackouts due to packing. Let us understand what they are.


As we continue with packing, air expands inside the lungs and at a certain point we can lower the diaphragm further down and raise the ribcage. When this is no longer possible, the lungs will continue to expand towards the inside of our body, where the heart is. The heart is encased in a virtual empty space called mediastinum. When we increase the lung volume, the lungs compress the heart in a vice-like grip. This is also known in medicine as cardiac tamponade. Cardiac tamponade can limit the blood stream and in some extreme situations lead to organ failure. 134


The heart creates a pressure of 30 mmHg in the blood and pushes it inside the lungs. If we do not have the normal pressure of 20 mmHg inside the lungs, as the pressure increases to 30 mmHg thanks to packing, the blood will no longer be able to win the air pressure inside the alveoli and therefore will not be able to enter inside the lungs. If the blood does not enter, it does not go back to the heart. If it does not go back to the heart, it does not go to the brain and we will find ourselves experiencing hypoxia.


Let us go back for an instant to lung volume, particularly the relation that links the achievement of residual volume to a certain depth. We have stated that during a dive, the residual volume is achieved at a deeper depth if the nose clip is used, since we would not have to equalise the areal space of the mask. Let us now analyse what happens if we pack before departing. By way of example, let us imagine we have a lung capacity of 7 litres. With little practice, we could easily reach 9 litres by packing. Be careful! Our residual volume now should not be calculated as 25% of the total volume after packing, but it should refer to the initial one without the increase due to packing. Therefore it still is 1.75 litres. In fact, even by pumping forcibly air into the lungs, during the expiration act, we will however reach the initial residual volume. In the following table we can see after having packed at which depth we reach residual volume during a dive with mask (the variable of mask equalization as we have said tends to vanish due to the effect of blood shift). This is purely reference data, averages of an averagely trained freediver. There are many variables that could affect it. Depth

Ambient Pressure





















Lungs Volume (Litres)

If the dive is performed with the nose clip, instead of the mask, residual volume is achieved also after 50 meters. Also this depth is not very precise, because it depends on different factors. Overall it is important to have understood the concept.



Said all that on packing, we must analyse when we need to pack. More and more frequently some freedivers start using this technique to compensate equalization and air shift issues at certain depths. It is true that we can gain a few meters by packing because we can shift air at deeper depths but shortly after the equalization issue inexorably comes back. If instead, we focus on resolving the equalization issues and we are able to equalise correctly and consciously, the need for packing within certain depths shall cease. Packing can then be useful only once we have overcome significant depths. If therefore, your objective is to dive to 50-60 meters, learn how to breathe correctly and to manage the equalization manoeuvre, rather than bypassing your difficulties and mistakes by packing.

MY VIEWS I do not think that equalization is only a matter of numbers and air volumes that decrease when pressures proportionately increase. Certainly there are physical laws that we cannot disregard, but it is also true that in the history of freediving, great depths have been reached by athletes who were absolutely unaware of equalization limits imposed by the air volume. They especially had no knowledge of modern equalization methods. These athletes have overcome depths that could not be explained and justified today thinking only in terms of numbers. Paragraph 4.2 by Andrea Zuccari is in my opinion excellent and unique. If I did not think so, I would not have assigned him such an important topic in my book. As I said, listening to him, studying the tables that he has written and that are presented in this chapter, together with training these exercises with him on dry land and in the water to understand these new methods of equalizing, has allowed me to learn and "intimately" discover so many new things about my equalization. But I am firmly convinced that all this guidance should only be taken seriously after important work in the water so that the sensitivity of our body can increase and the ability to mentally and physically relax can be trained to the best. Let us try to reflect on the sport achievements of Angela Bandini. In 1988, this girl with a lung capacity of less than 3.5 litres surpassed all male freedivers with an extraordinary no-limits dive to 107 meters! How was this possible? She did not pack. .. and she did not even know about the Mouthfill! She had, however, an uncanny ability of being in touch with her body, to relax herself and to let go. I never packed as a breathing exercise to increase the amount of air in my lungs before a deep dive. I have never used the Mouthfill technique during my freedives, nor in the records. Yet, in 1999, after just one training dive, I did a 150 meters in no-limits! All this has been possible by working on breathing, pranayama and relaxation, which I have been practising in all my years competing. Nothing other than proper breathing can better lead to high levels of relaxation. And when we go underwater completely focused on what we are, what we are doing and what our body tells us, all the limits will "disappear" in a way. Surely it is a much more "meditative" and, in other respects, longer way to achieve important results than the shorter, so-called "forced" way that is with packing. Ultimately, to learn how to

pack all that is needed is just a couple of hours, but to learn how to practise pranayama you need a couple of years! In my opinion, it is this latter direction that can allow us to more easily overcome the barriers that our body, made to live and breathe in the atmosphere at ambient pressure, meets while going deep underwater. "Let us dive with our head down underwater and our body will follow us!" is what I feel to suggest as a side note in this very important paragraph, which is rich in content and elements of reflection. The most beautiful emotions come when you are going down completely relaxed and in a kind of mind trance. When you are in these situations, you not only live the sensations that pervade you the most, but above all, freediving becomes easy and normal: fin kicking, the descent position, the descent direction and especially the equalization. There are no more difficulties, it is just pure pleasure! I am reminded of an old story. It is said that the bumblebee due its structure, shape and weight should not be able to fly. But it flies. And probably flies because he does not know he cannot fly! When I descended underwater to depths in which equalization could not be explained, I probably got there because I was concentrating a lot on myself. I was able to "feel myself" and that was enough to overcome the difficulties of deep freediving. In my dives, I use the Handsfree equalization technique up to about 100-110 meters and then I switch to the Marcante-Odaglia (I prefer to call it like this rather than Frenzel). Upon the recommendation of Mayol, I did two dives to 110 and 127 meters using wet equalization. In both dives, I removed the nose clip at 80 meters and then I continued the descent without doing anything until the target depth was reached. It is a peculiar sensation you feel when completely full of water. Depth increases, but you do not feel the need to equalize. It is very important to know yourself well and above all to have strong self-control. It can be very dangerous to completely lose focus at those depths and especially in those conditions (with your airway completely flooded). As always, during competitive or leisure dives, the first equalization is done before the duck dive, when the head is still at the water's surface, and so before you assume the vertical descent position with your head down. I perform the next equalization when the head is about 50 centimetres deep, and the body is still partly on the surface. One last tip to conclude this argument is the opportunity to train some typical aspects of deep equalization without necessarily descending to challenging depths. It will be sufficient to carry out the descents at much shallower depths, however making sure to do so with empty lungs after passive or active exhalation. The advantage of reproducing dives with those exercises is the actual possibility of repeatedly doing depth training, even in the new deep swimming pools that have 20 meter deep holes, but also 35-40 meters, without risk of Taravana. In contrast, the only drawback or limitation is that these depths do not allow the freediver to train the exact psychological situation that exists at much deeper depths. This must be taken into account when doing our exercises in the sea, considering that sometimes the inability to equalize could be attributed to the stress caused by the depth.


MY TEN RULES TO IMPROVE EQUALIZATION 1. Avoid equalising instinctively and move to conscious equalization. That is done by following the steps in sequence and by doing the correct sequences. 2. Identify what the problem is in equalising. • Inability to bring air from the lungs to the mouth due to: - Loss of air in the oral cavity due to the opening of the glottis; - Abdominal muscles completely contracted; - Not opening the glottis when attempting to charge air. • We have air in the mouth but we cannot bring it towards the ears due to: - Soft palate being closed; - Tongue being blocked in the posterior part in H lock (it traps air in the mouth and does not allow the use for the equalization manoeuvre). 3. Bring air from the lungs to the mouth (charge) every 5-6 meters. 4. Relax the abdominal muscles completely after every charge and increase the control of the abdominal relaxation closer to the residual volume. 5. Try to feel that the nose is always full of air (soft palate is open) and try to sense it full every time we transfer the air from the lungs to the mouth. 6. Increase the equalization frequency. 7. Equalise gently with minimum effort. 8. Arrive at the residual volume depth with the mouth as full of air as possible, thanks to intermediate charges during the descent. 9. After the last charge, use the tongue properly like a piston in the T, K and H locks. 10. The first step to improve the equalization technique is to work a lot on dry land, above all, by using an Otovent kit.

4.5 DEPTH TRAINING Beyond the equalization issues (we have seen many ideas, solutions and suggestions about this in the previous paragraph), the limit of going past certain depths can be imposed also by our technical mistakes that we often believe we are not making. Let us see below how to recognize, face and resolve these mistakes in order to gain important increases in depth.


While going down with the students along the dive-line in constant weight or with a sled in variable, it is easy to see how the student's physical relaxation is inversely proportional to depth. The greater the depth, the higher the level of muscular stress (surely also mental) is, especially around the shoulders and neck area, for the following reasons: • mental distress, linked to being aware and concerned about depth; • the problem of charging air to equalize when deep; • the crushing feeling due to pressure. Both the physical and mental aspects generally experienced during the descent prompt the student to hyperextend the head in order to look at the bottom and automatically arch and contract the back. This incorrect body position is the opposite of relaxation and results in the inability to equalize and it also compromises the hydrodynamics of the body on its way down (speed decreases and dive times increase). When I see this incorrect body position (due to the student's attempt to gain a few more centimetres of depth) I bring my hand to the head to try to correct it. Sometimes the position of the head also rotates forward 90 degrees before coming into alignment with the body. Other times the student is so tense that I cannot even change his position. When the head is hyperextended backward the back is automatically arched. During deep freediving, the arching of the back is one of the main causes that affect the movement of the diaphragm. When we are deep after various equalization manoeuvres this muscle is already positioned upward (towards the head). In this situation, further movement of the diaphragm for shifting air is only possible if our abdominal muscles are relaxed by assuming a posture that favours release or rest of the muscles themselves. Abdominal relaxation is important because the rectus abdominis muscles give support and are involved in bringing the diaphragm upward. If they are blocked or contracted, movement is not possible. The arching of the dorsal and especially the lumbar spine causes abdominal stretching, significantly reducing the mobility and 139

especially the introversion. One of the insertions of the diaphragm, the vertebral one, is in fact located at the lumbar level.

Correct position.

Incorrect position. Given that the frequency of equalization is inversely proportional to depth, learning to equalize at deep depths also means gaining tens of meters between one equalization and the next. For this reason, being able to equalize to a new deep


depth eliminating any situation of resistance and tension in our position allows us to go down a lot deeper. To tackle situations of muscle contractions and loss of vertical alignment while descending, the following exercises are recommended: a few meters before reaching the depth limit, when we begin to feel the first difficulties, with 3-5 meters still available to equalize, try to stop the descent, twisting the cable around our foot (see next photo), in order to prevent the body from rotating during the stopover and thus taking the in head up position, opposite to that of the descent with the head down; being "hung" upside down, try to relax our shoulders and let our arms fall towards the bottom, stretching them out as much as possible, aligned to the body; then bring our head forward until it touches the dive-line. The contact will be between the mask and the rope itself; remain in this position of maximum extension, visualizing the body and relaxing it completely. Contact with the rope must be maintained;

repeat the exercise several times, trying to progressively feel the stressful situations until they progressively disappear, replaced by good sensations; after we have perfected these aspects (maximum hydrodynamics of the body, physical and mental relaxation), we can begin to introduce a further element into the next dives. During the descent in free fall, completely unfold and raise the diaphragm (which will push on the lungs) with the aim of bringing additional air to equalize the eardrums and mask; therefore, do a new equalization by trying to "feel" it more easily and immediately; at this point, try to do the exercise once more (hydrodynamic position, physical and mental relaxation, equalization after pushing the diaphragm high) without stopping completely as in the previous dives. At the beginning we will reduce the speed of descent, braking with one hand on the rope, then descend, braking a little less and then at normal speed.

Clearly, the last exercise is to be carried out using a descent technique that is more efficient than the constant weight technique. We will go down then, using our arms like in free immersion, or by using removable weights. In fact, we must not think that we can stop at the bottom, study ourselves, relax there, etcetera, since we are just a few meters from our maximal in constant weight! Instead, by reducing the effort of the descent and choosing a training exercise that does not involve finning, everything will become easier especially from a mental point of view. Finally, it is recommended to perform the descent with reduced weight compared to the more suitable ballast used in CWT and/or to be very lightly weighted in order to facilitate the phases of the ascent.


Relaxation exercise with ankle bound to the rope, the mask touches the rope, shoulders and arms hanging down toward the bottom. The body stretches, in a hydrodynamic position, completely relaxed.



The following exercise is very useful in order to obtain maximum relaxation during the entire descent, in the areas of our body that are more difficult to feel and relax (shoulders, upper back, neck, nape and arms). According to me, this stiffness is a limitation and a mistake that can have very negative effects on deep performance. EXECUTION: dives should be performed in free immersion in order to have total control of the speed and to get rid of the finning effort; during the descent, make sure to really stretch the arm which is pulling along the dive-line to the maximum, trying to grab the rope at the furthest point possible allowed by the arm and shoulder's stretching. This is crucial, not only to have a few centimetres of extra thrust, but also to insure that the 142

shoulder is definitely relaxed, that is when we are able to reach the maximum stretch; we need to equalise before pulling along the dive-line. It is a mistake to equalise during traction. In this phase, in fact, in the middle of the thrust action, with the chest muscles still contracted, it is not possible to use all the air still available to the fullest. The easiest solution to this problem is to divide the movement into two parts (in our head) combining part number one with the equalization and number two with the pulling action. Basically: going down very slowly, as we fully stretch along the line, we "count" one in our head. Maintaining this position with the right arm stretched out fully for the entire duration of the equalization (equalization is performed with the hand of the left arm, making the arm adhering to the chest), we then continue the descent. In this position, the right arm (stretched forward and not yet being used to grab the line) must come in contact with the head. And the head (in this case the mask) must be in contact with the rope. Only after the equalization will we pull the line and "count" two in our head, with the right hand letting the line go and assuming a position along our thighs. And so on; once the movement has been automated combining the actions of equalization and traction, we can focus on the exercise's evolution, which is descending and ascending with the least amount of strokes. In order to reach this further goal we must assume a position that maximizes elongation and hydrodynamics, let the rope run through our hand until there is speed, both in the fall and ascent. The execution of the exercise will be focused on the following actions: o we set a depth alarm on the computer for a certain depth. We count the number of strokes needed to get to that depth and back and we try to reduce this number in each subsequent dive; o we count the number of strokes to complete a descent to a depth that we consider sufficient. We return from that depth, counting the number of strokes during the ascent. Once at the surface, we check how deep we went. As an objective, at the end of each subsequent dive, we shall have reached a deeper depth (verifiable on the freediving watch) with the same number of strokes (both in descent and ascent).

14 3

The right arm is stretched out as far as possible. At this time, we equalize with the left hand.

Right after equalizing completely, make the traction movement, in this case with the right arm.

A typical error during descent: simultaneous equalization and applying traction to the rope.



In some cases, the difficulty lies in the freediver maintaining the correct hydrodynamic position during free fall, parallel along the dive-line. In the finning phase, the resistance of the water to the movement of the fin provides a point of support that allows us to keep the correct position more easily. When this "support" however is lacking, we tend to lose the perpendicularity to the surface, falling and turning backwards under the weight of the legs. When this happens, there is the tendency to assume an oblique position in respect to the dive-line, not very functional compared to the ideal descent position. This can happen in constant weight, with or without long fins, monofin or short fins. To correct or even better to prevent this problem, the following exercise is recommended: place a few more kilos on the weight belt to rapidly be more negative at the beginning of the descent; in the initial part of the descent, push the thrust (more than the usual) to increase the speed and to be negative at lower depths compared to a normal dive;

as soon as the body begins to be slightly negative, hold the fall position as parallel as possible to the dive-line, correcting any misalignment with slight movements and adjustments; place a part of the right fin blade on the left one to correct any backwards fall, taking advantage of this drive. Find the support point that is missing from the resistance of the water by touching one blade against the other, pushing it into the correct position; if our arms are in the forward position towards the bottom in the free fall, the correction of the "fall alignment" can be made simply by moving the palm of the hands. The hand becomes like an aircraft's tail fin or a boat rudder which will allow us to immediately change the direction of the descent;

the evolution of this exercise requires everything to be done with closed eyes, without watching the dive-line in order to make the "fall alignment" more difficult;

in any case, it is advisable to make the ascent with the least amount of effort as possible, using the arms to pull the rope as in free immersion, rather than fin kicking with the legs. In fact, we must not forget that this exercise, providing an overall high energy expenditure due to using heavier weights than what we are normally used to, needs to be balanced in the ascent phase. In other words, since correction is not needed in the ascent phase of this exercise, then it can be practised with a "lighter" and less energy consuming technique. 1 45


One aspect of the descent that is often overlooked is that of the first few meters, when there is still positive buoyancy. In this phase, in order to overcome the positive buoyancy, often the tendency to limit the effort while entering into the water is to first facilitate the descent with some more kilograms added to the weight belt, then by finning very slowly, especially in the first 10-15 meters. All this is done in the initial phase of the descent, which requires another position and speed (in CNF it is obvious that there is no finning but instead kicking). Observing my students, I have often noticed a tendency to rely on the weights a bit too much, using the potential thrust from correct finning too little. In fact, although reducing positive buoyancy on the one hand, facilitates the descent, on the other hand, it increases the difficulty of the ascent, which is the most risky and critical phase of the dive. Let us try to work with a muscular effort opposite to the above mentioned case, let us make the descent more difficult, when we are full of oxygen, in order to have less difficulty in the ascent, when we are at our performance limit. If we increase the thrust in the first few meters, it is true that more air is consumed but it is also true that the initial speed of the descent will give us negative buoyancy in just a few seconds. This point is absolutely crucial: the more we push, the more our speed increases and the faster we overcome the area of positive buoyancy and we start the freefall "earlier" (at a shallower depth). The exercise that we propose is to practise the descents without using any weight. We will notice that at the beginning we will not seem to go down and will have an extremely difficult time. But as soon as we learn to make better use of the leg thrust, we will progress straight away. Let us get used to this disadvantageous situation, to feel the fin blade loaded with water from start to finish, keeping the movement as loose, agile and symmetrical as possible. Other times, the problem may be related to the finning during the ascent phase, especially towards the end, when the legs become heavier and stiffer and the presence of lactic acid negatively affects muscle movement. In this case, in addition to strengthening the lower limbs with specific endurance workouts that can be carried out in the gym (see book Dry Training for Freediving), the following exercise in the water is recommended:

let us go down with a ballast that is right for us along the dive-line. Once the bottom is reached, at the established depth, let us grab the weight attached to the rope and ascend with it, up to the surface. It is important to gradually increase this ballast and be ready to let it go (it will still be attached to the rope) when we realize that it has increased our effort to ascend too much and put our exit at risk. When ascending in CNF, it is obvious that, if we are holding the weight with the hands, we will only be able to push with breaststroke leg kicks: this makes the exercise more intense, but also more difficult and dangerous.

Some thought on the optimum thrust that the finning must give to the body will help you to have a more comprehensive picture of the situation rather than individual measures aimed at improving this particular and important aspect of deep freediving. By comparing symmetrically the descent and ascent of a deep dive, it can easily be seen how the characterizing phases appear very similar to each other, but they are substantially different if depth and time are taken into account. Both, in fact, have an initial thrust phase characterized by powerful and constant muscular effort. But while in the descent, this effort is limited to the first few meters (10-15 meters) and for a few seconds (5-10-15 seconds), in the ascent that depends on the depth reached in the dive. In fact, at greater depths there is greater muscular effort, well beyond what is required in the first 10-15 meters (for 5-10 seconds) of the descent, as is the case for example, when coming back up from 60 meters deep. In fact, departing from this depth, the muscular effort will have to continue for at least 35-45 meters and equally in seconds before reducing due to the gradual return of positive buoyancy, that taking over with the muscular thrust which progressively fades, guarantees the ascent, increasing the speed as well. The subsequent phases after these initial phases are both characterized by decreasing effort. In the descent, it will serve to overcome the last few meters of positive buoyancy and then good velocity will follow in the free fall phase. While in the ascent, it will accompany the freediver to the phase when the thrust towards buoyancy is felt. In both cases, it is generally a "short" phase when we are talking in meters and seconds (5-10 meters and 10-15 seconds), but it is still important in the overall dive assessment when, for example, it is needed to identify errors and/or margins for improvement for a competition or for setting a record. The final phases of the descent and the ascent are characterized by the minimum expenditure of energy, "maintaining the minimum" of the human machine. In the descent, following the aforementioned intermediate phase, the free fall is directly proportional to the depth of the dive. The greater depth reached, the more meters and time will be spent in that phase. In the ascent, on the other hand, this phase occupies only the last few meters before emerging, those in which we have become "positive" during a certain depth and for a certain amount of time (8-10 meters and 810 seconds). This last phase of the ascent is of the utmost importance in the dive management (for the mechanisms related to blackout, as will be seen in Chapter 5). And that alone explains and justifies not using too much weight in deep dives, and instead using a "push" at the beginning of the dive to be able to better manage the final phases of the dive. Whereas a more favourable buoyancy, which is at its max in those last few meters, will be critical to limit the risk of blackout.


In December 1990, I met the person that would become my teacher, Jacques Mayol, at the Dive Show in Paris. A month before, I set my first world record on Elba Island, where I had chosen about half of my safety divers from his safety team. Talking to him was very difficult. His fans crowded in the thousands to get his autograph. He shook my hand and told me that he had heard of my record and that those safety divers on Elba had spoken well of me. He promised me that as soon as he returned to Elba he would give me a call and we would go underwater together. 147

1 figured this was just a "sailor's promise," but in April 1991 Jacques Mayol called me and invited me to his place in Elba. I did not hesitate and two days later, on April 13, for the first time, I freedive with freediving legend Jacques Mayol in the crystal clear waters of the Elba Sea, just off shore from his house. 1 watched him go down enchanted, I could not believe my eyes. At the end of the dive I

also made a few deep dives, under his watchful eye. After training, I asked him what he thought of me as a freediver. He replied with disarming sincerity: "You do not know anything about freediving!" He added: "You only go underwater using your strength, power and muscle. Your goal every time you freedive is to gain something, whether it is in meters or seconds. Only depth is important to you. If you want to stay here with me and train in the upcoming months, I do not want to see you in the water with any type of watches, computers, or anything that ties you to performance. Your only goal should be to have a more positive feeling every time you go down. In every dive you have to experience more beautiful emotions

than the previous dive." I told him that I would listen to him and the day after I showed up in perfect freediving gear, but without a computer. From that day on my training area became a small bay a few tens of meters from the entry point into the sea. The maximum depth was 12 meters! At first, despite not having a watch, I reached the bottom and stayed there as much as I could, I did training for diaphragmatic contractions, even without a time reference, to get the most out of my performance. After a few hours of that, Jacques would come back and tell me that it was enough for the day. A�er three weeks I was still there... I could not take it anymore. In the end, I did not even want to make any effort, fight the diaphragmatic contractions, to resist. I was totally unmotivated and did not understand what thattraining in a few meters of water was good for. At that time, the famous film The Karate Kid was out in the cinemas. I remember the passage in which the young guy (karate kid, of course), without knowing the reason and the usefulness of that movement, waxed dozens of cars, putting on the wax with specific arm movements. And I, in those long, endless moments in the bay, was thinking to be the "Apnea" Kid! I was there, repeating the same up and down movements within a few meters of water, even though I could not imagine what it was for. For me, everything was absolutely useless. I had already dived to over 75 meters and there I could only descend to a maximum of 12 meters! In the end I tried to spend those hours in the bay as quickly as possible by listlessly freediving, without even thinking of pushing freediving. I no longer wanted to, I was unmotivated. And it was in one of those dives that for the first time in my life, even though I had already set a freediving record, I felt what I was doing. As I descended, I could feel my legs, my feet and my fins that pushed me down. I saw myself as I moved my legs to descend and ascend. I saw and felt where my body was not completely relaxed and there I could intervene to reduce the stress. All this for the first time. The more I relaxed, the more good feelings came. This is what Mayol had set as my goal from the beginning. These weeks spent in such shallow water I think were the most important in my career as a freediver. My technique, compared to the previous year, had completely changed.

But not because someone had given me information about my technical mistakes J was simply freediving, feeling my sensations and relaxation. In the middle of the sea, with all the depth I could ever have wanted at my fingertips, J probably would have never discovered this about myself, I would have never taken this qualitative leap.

4.6 DEPTH TRAINING SERIES As mentioned previously, when training a discipline at sea, tables with series and reps are not normally used. Nevertheless, there are still exercises based on reps that are specifically useful at sea, as it can be seen below: • series of deep dives for a gradual approach to a depth never reached before (4-4.1); • series of deep dives for basic spearfishing and/or freediving training that requires resistance strength (4-4.2).

4.6.1 DEEP DIVING SERIES TO ADAPT TO A NEW DEPTH Sometimes we have depths greater than those already reached in our legs and body. The problem is that maybe, for various reasons, we still do not have those distances in the head. The idea, in these particular cases, rather than gradually moving closer to the new depth, is to test it out immediately by trying a series with a lower level of difficulty and then increase between one dive and the next. It is a true "adaptation" workout to the depth (which is reached immediately) through the identified descent (and ascent) methods, which in reps that start with the simplest and less consuming, and become progressively more challenging in order to ensure reaching the desired depth (which was thought impossible until now!) An example will surely help to better understand the concept. If we are facing a student who appears to be "stuck" at the mental limit of 25 meters in CWT but who could, however, easily reach up to 30 meters (since he always completes his dives very well and never reports having problems equalising, etcetera). He will not be asked to descend right away to the new depth of 30 meters in CWT, but to try to get there gradually by perhaps using a "removable weight" that can be left at the bottom on the first dive of the series. Then subsequently making the following dives progressively more difficult (perhaps by decreasing the weight to be left at the bottom and increasing it in the ascent) until he is able to perfectly do his CWT dive (see exercise 2 below). Hence the importance of "daring" to do something, through more simple descent and ascent methods, that put us in a position to deal with the dive in a better state of mind than a "traditional" dive. This situation often makes it possible to break down barriers that appear to be more psychological than physical.





Descent in FIM

Ascent in FIM

Descent in CWT

Ascent in FIM

Descent in FIM

Ascent in CWT

Descent in FIM


Ascent in FIM

Descent in CWT


Ascent in FIM

Descent in FIM


Ascent in CWT

Descent in CWT

Ascent in CWT

In Exercise 1, we looked at constant weight. It is clear that this can also be used for an increase of depth for CNF. All descents are made along a dive-line to a maximum depth in a constant weight dive, for which we are not yet ready. Below is the detailed information related to the proper execution of the previous table, which takes into account the principle of progressive loading or increasing effort: let us complete the first dive; let us do it in the easiest and least consuming way possible, diving using the arms in both the descent and ascent. In a constant weight dive, the hardest part, the part where we are overwhelmingly tired, is the ascent. For this: • the next dive, the second, let us descend in constant with fins or monofin to increase the difficulty; • however, let us ascend by using the arms. Thus, we will descend using the legs and ascend using the arms. To further increase the difficulty of execution: • let us complete the third dive with a descent using the arms and finning in ascent. At this point, let us repeat the first three dives in the same ways, but with a short pause of a few seconds at the bottom. This further creates adaptation to depth, pressure and also helps us to get used to that depth mentally.




Descent with 8 kg

Release 8 kg

Ascent with o kg

Descent with 7 kg

Release 6 kg

Ascent with 1 kg

Descent with 6 kg

Release 4 kg

Ascent with 2 kg

Descent with 5 kg

Release 2 kg

Ascent with 3 kg

Descent with 4 kg

Release 1 kg

Ascent with 3 kg

Descent with 3 kg

Release o kg

Ascent with 3 kg

This exercise refers to descents along a dive-line and all at the maximum depth (never reached before), with a gradually increasing load, and using removable ballasts of variable weight. The weight under the column "Release" is what the freediver must hold in his hand or on his waist belt (in the case of CNF or free immersion) as removable weight to be dropped off at the bottom, which is tied to a buoy/ball on the surface. The weight in the "Ascent" column is the amount that the freediver must have on the waist belt. For CNF and free immersion, we will then need to have two different weight belts, one to unhook at the bottom but secured to the rope, the other to keep on the belt while ascending. We have considered 3 kilograms to be the ideal weight for the ballast (but it could obviously be higher or lower) taking into consideration who is performing the dive, the conditions of the dive, type of wetsuit, etcetera. Below is detailed information related to the proper execution of the table, which also takes into account the principle of progressive charging or increasing effort: • in the first descent we will use 8 kilograms in total which will easily drag us to the bottom. Once at that new depth, we will let the ballast go in order to start ascending, helped by the immediate increase in buoyancy from having no weight; • the second dive will be a bit more difficult than the first because we will have 1 kilogram less to help us down and 1 kilogram more to bring us up. So, 7 kilograms in total for the descent, 1 kilogram for the ascent and 6 kilograms dropped at the bottom. We continue like this until we reach the ideal weight, which in this example is 3 kilograms. At that point we will not increase the weight used in the ascent, but we will continue to decrease the descent weight, until after the sixth dive, when we are complete (plenty of dive for adjusting to the new depth). At that point we will be performing our perfect dive in constant weight. 151

4.6.2 SERIES OF DEEP DIVES ACCORDING TO TRADITIONAL TABLES The exercises that follow are not for achieving new depths, but rather to "train the legs" of athletes that struggle in the boost phase (in the descent and ascent) or, in general, in finning. I particularly refer to spearfishermen who complain about their hunt being interrupted because they do not have the leg strength. After the first few hours of freediving they feel their legs very tired and stiff. Also I refer to all pure freedivers who complain: "I cannot feel my legs", in the last few meters of the ascent, evidently because of the excessive accumulation of lactic acid. In the following exercises, spearfisherman can remain at a slightly shallower depth than those indicated in the table, possibly increasing the number of repetitions. This is because normally the spearfisherman never reaches to his maximum depth during his expeditions. His problem is to stay at the required depth more or less, far from his actual maximal. EXERCISE 3

Series of 8 dives with a recovery time of 15 minutes decreasing, all at the same depth equal to 60/75% of the current maximal, ensuring that the recovery time of the last dive is at least 4 times longer than that of immersion. For example, if we were to do 8 dives to 25 meters with a dive time of 1 minute, the time sequence between one dive and another would be as follows: recovery of 5 1 30 11 between the 1st and the 2nd, recovery 5 1 15 11 between the 2nd and the 3rd dive, recovery of 5 1 15 11 between the 3rd and the 4th dive and so on... recovery of 4 minutes between the 7th and the 8th dive. EXERCISE4


Series of 8 dives with a fixed recovery, at gradually increasing depth. In the last dive we can reach a depth close to 80/85% of our maximal. I recommend a recovery time of at least 5 times longer than the estimated time for the deepest dive. For example, if we would perform the last dive to 25 meters with a dive time of about 1 minute, the fixed recovery time for the repetition of all dives would be 5 minutes.


Series of 8 dives with recovery time decreasing at depths gradually increasing. Compared to the workouts proposed above, in this case, the two variables (recovery time and depth) will be applied simultaneously. The recommended depth level is between 50% (minimum depth of the series) and 75% (maximum depth of the series) of the maximal. While recovery time will be reduced, for example, 10 seconds between one dive and another, ensuring that the last dive provides a recovery time of at least 4 times longer than that of the last dive time.

4.7 TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR THE VARIOUS DISCIPLINES Below are some recommendations and suggestions on technique that come from experience and underwater observation of thousands of freedivers, at sea, over these years. These are adjustments that aim to optimize the results of the training offered. Remember that especially during the ascent phase, errors in the finning technique can easily be corrected through direct observation. For this reason, during the performance bend your head to check how you develop your finning, the position of your feet, fins and knees. Try to judge yourself, watching yourself and acting directly on your evident technical errors.

CONSTANT WEIGHT WITH Bl-FINS Contracted or broken finning: legs must move in the water with lightness and agility. The movement of the fins must be fluid and regular. Head not in line with the body: the head position is critical during the descent and ascent of a constant weight dive. The head being hyperextended (a mistake especially common during descent, done in order to look at the bottom) results in: major problems with equalising at certain depths; arching of the back backward which causes the legs (which follow the movement of the back) to only be able to push in about 30% of the available space, only toward the rear; increasing hydrodynamic resistance. When I see such postural errors in my courses/workshops, I often recommend performing the descent with one arm stretched forward, telling freedivers to make contact between their ear and bicep. This strategy will easily correct the position of the head. Asymmetrical finning: often the finning does not work equally on the longitudinal axis of the sagittal plane of the body. The finning is focused on the back, to the detriment of the front, where kicking potential remains practically unused, which can range from 20% to 40% of the total. In these cases, it is advisable to work a lot on the front movement, maybe even kicking in an exaggerated way, but concentrating the most on finding the ideal amplitude of movement, and then appreciate its effectiveness. It may be useful to pay attention to the point where the foot pocket comes into contact with the dorsal fin, doing a last final movement in the moment when we think we have exhausted the thrust. Uncontrolled finning: This finning problem usually occurs during the ascent, but sometimes even in the descent. It is when you are not able to keep the 153

fins parallel, but they instead "flicker" inward or outward. This finning mismanagement results in a sort of lateral sliding of the blades, which also causes a reduced lift of the fins at the expense of a more efficient thrust. Effort and concentration are required to avoid or correct this error. We must think of ourselves as one with the fins during the dives. Both feet are hyperextended and parallel with the legs (like the feet of a ballerina on tiptoe), they have to push the pocket and "accompany" the fin until the end, both in the forward and backward motion. Initially, to correct this error, I recommend using short fins. This exercise is easier to do using fins with lateral rails.

CONSTANT WEIGHT WITH MONOFIN Correct arm movement: in the boost phase, the monofin produces a kind of wave that moves from our toes to our head. The main mistake, however, is not being able to dampen this wave-like motion at shoulder height, to prevent it from spreading to the arms and hands. From the shoulders to the fingertips there should be no movement. The wave should not involve the upper limbs. Locked pelvis: pelvis should take part in the finning movement completely. It is an integral part of this motion. That is why stretching exercises for the hip and lumbar area are critical. If the pelvis is not involved during the thrust, the finning will lose much of its effectiveness, thwarting the lift that the large blade is able to provide, with the correct movement.

CONSTANT WEIGHT WITHOUT FINS A meticulous workout in the pool in order to acquire the correct technique of the breaststroke is the fastest and most useful way that I can suggest to address and solve CNF problems. This discipline is learned and perfected first of all in the pool, starting with the breaststroke on the surface and then doing dynamic no fins (DNF). Focus a lot on the leg thrust technique. •

Hyperextended feet: the position of the feet needs to be flexed in the "hammer position" during the leg kick. The surface of the sole of the foot is what will give us the boost when we kick. Keeping our feet in the extended position (i.e. as in freestyle swimming) reduces the thrust to a minimum, wasting the effort of the movement. Ineffective technical movements: The mistake is to anticipate the movement from the thrust too much ( of the arms and/or legs) overlaying the previous movement during the momentum of the thrust. It is an error that usually occurs when the body starts to have neutral or negative buoyancy. Instead, we should be able to take full advantage of the sliding speed of the previous 154

thrust, letting inertia take us down, to minimize energy consumption and optimize technical movements. •

Limited extension the glide phase: when during the stroke we are in the catch phase, before the pull and thrust, we must fully extend the body. Imagine trying to get to a point that just a little farther than where we are aiming. Elongation is crucial. This enables us to make the most of the thrust, ensuring hydrodynamics and relaxation.

FREE IMMERSION A great work out to be done in the pool for training free immersion is to position a rope, stretched out tight horizontally, in midwater, for the entire length of the pool, fixed to the two opposite walls by two suction cups or other systems that guarantee a tight line. Along the horizontal dive-line we can practise free immersion movements, even in this different flotation, making sure to elongate at every stroke. The main mistakes to work on at sea are: Wrong position along the dive-line: it is important to have a position that facilitates maximum hydrodynamics parallel to the dive-line, for the various reasons already extensively described in previous paragraphs. It is advisable to be sure our descent posture is correct to make contact between our mask and the rope and between our arm pulling and our ear; Speed too /ow: constant weight is definitely more challenging both technically

and physically than free immersion. The reason why the record in free immersion is lower than in constant weight is because, beyond a certain depth, the slow pace of this discipline involves very high dive times, resulting in situations of hypoxia that are difficult to manage. It is therefore important to strive to increase our speed in this specialty, especially when we start to reach depths that are very close to our maximals; Simultaneity between thrust and equalization: This is a mistake that is very limiting in free immersion and can be automatically eliminated by diligently and precisely working in the manner referred to in paragraph 4.3.2.


4.8 DRY EXERCISES FOR THORACIC AND DIAPHRAGMATIC FLEXIBILITY Our vital capacity depends not only on the volume and the size of the lungs, but it may also depend on the elasticity of accessory muscles involved in breathing and the elasticity of the thorax, which is the structure that contains them. It may be more or less elastic and soft, and this significantly affects the volumetric capacity of the lungs themselves. It is important, therefore, to be able to significantly increase our vital capacity, to intervene on our ventilation capacity and our inhalation and exhalation capacities, not only in the relaxation and elasticity of the diaphragm, but also in the structure that supports it (thorax) and its muscular attachments, primarily those that attach it to the thorax itself. So we must learn to make the diaphragm very flexible, working on the intercostal muscles and all the muscles of the trunk, shoulders and shoulder blades. Only when the structure containing our lungs is completely elastic, the lungs will expand at their best, reaching their volumetric potential. Also for equalization purposes, as we have seen, the ability to use the maximum amount of air contained in the lungs in an active way plays a fundamental role. I invite you to review and train all the stretching and flexibility exercises that we have presented in Chapter 9 (on yoga) of Dry Training for Freediving. They are very useful and have enormous potential in the areas described above. Beyond these, I would like to include others that I practise during my winter dry training sessions. EXERCISE 1 Standing, legs spread shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent apart and torso bent slightly forward. With a horizontal bar on the shoulders (similar to that of barbells) and arms resting on it. We move from right to left, with a lateral twisting, trying to compress and crush the thorax fully, first one side, and then the other. We inhale when we are in a vertical position, then we arrive at a total exhalation in the phase of maximum thorax compression. Keeping the lips and the glottis open, we will clearly feel how the exhalation phase will take longer than usual, thanks to the air "mechanically" boosted by working on the elasticity of the chest walls.

Maximum inhalation.

Twist to the right, compressing most of the left side of the rib cage. Completely exhale during this movement, keeping the airway open.

Come back to the starting position, inhale deeply and repeat the twisting movement, this time to the left.

EXERCISE 2 On a bench in a supine position, we hold two hand weights (dumbbells) straight above us, each one in line with each shoulder. We move them from the centre of the body towards the side crossing the arms. We inhale when the arms are high above the chest, at a 90 ° angle from the body, and we exhale when the dumbbells lower to the opposite sides of our body. The weights will help to increase the effect of the chest compressions after maximum exhalation, due to the gravitational force. When we get to the "end of the rep." the push of the dumbbells towards the floor will magnify the stretching effect on the chest, both during expansion and compression.

Maximum inhalation 1 57

Cross your arms and lower the dumbbells down. Completely exhale during this movement, fully compressing the thorax. Stop for a few seconds in this position.

Comeback to the starting position. Maximum inhalation.

Fully expand the chest by extending your arms out to your sides, fully exhaling.

EXERCISE 3 This exercise is to be done with an assistant. The person doing the exercise lies in a supine position, and completely relaxes the whole body. Knees are slightly bent to avoid contracting the lower back. The assistant takes a position above the other and pushes down strongly on the chest, throughout the exercise. The assistant's hands push on the front of the chest while the knees push on the left and right sides of the chest, during the whole full exhalation. As soon as he begins to inhale, the assistant must provide maximum resistance to the chest movement, which tends to be moving 158

outward due to the lungs filling up. The chest will thus experience two opposing forces, that of the lungs from the inside, and that of the hands and knees from the outside compression, preventing any movement of the chest. When the person performing the exercise has inhaled as much as possible, the assistant lets go of the chest completely, allowing for rapid expansion which has a positive effect on the elasticity of the chest itself. In the final stage of release, if the mouth and glottis are opened, a noise will be heard, almost like a sound of sucking the air inward. The same exercise can be carried out only on the right or left side of the chest, placing the person on his side.

Execute this exercise in the supine position.

Maximum compression during exhalation and inhalation.

Total and sudden release during the max inhalation phase.


EXERCISE4 This exercise is to be done with an assistant. The person doing the exercise lies in a prone position. The assistant stands on top of his back and uses his feet to perform a sort of spine elongation. The tailbone is pushed downwards and the upper part of the spine is pushed toward the shoulders. After this first phase, the foot that is placed on the coccyx moves next to the other foot. This is the phase where breathing begins. The person doing the exercise tries to inhale against the resistance of the weight of the assistant who also applies gentle pressures throughout the entire exhalation as well. Important: never stand on the lower back.

The left foot (pushing towards the feet) and the right foot (pushing towards the shoulder) stretching/elongating the spine.

The left foot moves next to the right foot on the upper back. This will cause major resistance when the person performing the exercise tries to inhale. It works on mobility and elasticity during exhalation.

EXERCISE 5 The diaphragm attaches at the level of the sternum, at the first three lumbar vertebrae and the last six ribs. It is precisely this area that we will try to stretch with this exercise, which is also called the diaphragmatic massage. We have to "enter" inside the rib case with our fingers, touching the inside of the ribs, and progressively push on the issues that prevent our fingers from penetrating further. These are the 160

areas that "anchor" the diaphragm to the rib cage and points of resistance and stiffness associated with the intercostal muscles' contraction and rigidity. The exercise can be performed alone or assisted by another person.

The Diaphragmatic massage, done alone or with an assistant.



DANGERS OF FREEDIVING ·-··--- ·----·---- ------·••··

"Water - the ocean - is our most natural environment. We are born naked from the miniature ocean of the mother's womb." Jacques Mayol In this book we are trying to understand how to train freediving. But before we start thinking about training, how it should be performed and about all those physiological adaptations obtained through training that are at the base of this magnificent sport, we need to understand how to safely train and how to provide safety and assistance in water, depending on the specialty. This is a critical aspect and must have the highest priority. Do not perform freediving training if there is a safety concern. Pay attention guys! Freediving can have serious consequences if practised without adequate precautions. In addition, if we plan a period of intensive freediving training, we must also take the associated risks into serious consideration, in order to prevent specific problems (from unpleasant ailments to serious damages that have dire consequences) that could delay, if not nullifying our preparation. So let us understand what dangers the freediver or spearfisherman could face and which pathologies they risk to suffer, if basic rules are not followed.


5.1 PATHOLOGIES IN FREEDIVING: HEMOPTYSIS AND PULMONARY OEDEMA, TARAVANA,BLACKOUT Since I am not a doctor myself, I have entrusted the development of these topics to my friend Danilo Cialoni. I met Danilo almost twenty years ago. He was one of my students who immediately distinguished himself thanks to his interest and passion. He improved rapidly and steadily until 2002, when he successfully passed the AA instructor course. His passion for freediving coupled nicely with his job, soon he began conducting research and analysis on freediving medical conditions and risks. Today, he is AA Research "engine". He is a member of DAN Research as well. Experts and researchers, but especially freedivers and enthusiasts from Italy and abroad, come to him for answering specific questions about what happens to our body when we hold our breath.



Those who have already had experienced in specific freediving training, or simply practised this discipline and occasionally frequented our freediving circles know that when dives get deeper at the end of the training session, some athletes start to have a slight tickly cough, with rib cage discomfort and, in some cases, the presence of a few streaks of blood in the saliva. These symptoms, which usually disappear in a few hours without leaving any apparent trace, have not attracted special attention until recently, when we started reaching deeper. The ailment has become very frequent with the average depths increasing among freedivers and sometimes it is more serious than a simple cough or streaks of blood in the saliva. Aggravation of haemoptysis can lead to pulmonary oedema. In fact, in more severe cases, this condition is manifested by leakage of fluid from the pulmonary vessels to the alveoli, in short, blood in the lungs. Usually pulmonary oedema is linked to cardiac pathologies that cause increased pressure in circulation and results in oedema. In the case of freediving, the phenomenon is more complex and is related to structural changes of the wall of the pulmonary capillaries due to accumulation of blood in the capillaries (think about blood shift), which in association with pressure, increases can cause extravasation and passage of red blood cells into the alveoli.

CAUSES OF HEMOPTYSIS AND PULMONARY OEDEMA Many studies, in which the researchers of Apnea Academy Research have taken part, have shown that this phenomenon is associated with all issues that lead to a higher pressure in the capillaries of the pulmonary system, such as: lack of physical relaxation linked to the increase in operational depths (depths we are not yet mentally ready for);

achieving substantial depths for the first time in the season, (although having already reached them in other seasons after long periods of training at sea and freediving), without having readapted to them yet; efforts expended on the bottom (unhook the anchor, push a grouper out of the lair, re-start forcefully from depth, etc.); diaphragmatic contractions at deep depths; forcing to equalise; excessive speed during a descent in variable weight.

Situations like those just mentioned can trigger the problem or increase the extent of the phenomenon, creating pulmonary capillary stress with consecutive leak of fluids, in particular blood. This phenomenon is, therefore, tied to a sort of "squeeze" of the lungs and associated structures, such as bronchi and trachea, and it is more commonly known as lung squeeze. This is broadly in line with the findings in similar situations in other sports in which an increase in pulmonary circulatory pressure is created due to physical exertion and/or environmental conditions. It is therefore, a phenomenon that has been studied a lot in other conditions not related to freediving, such as exposure to high altitudes or in extreme efforts involving both humans and animals, but it has still not been thoroughly researched in the hyperbaric environment. We have now talked about haemoptysis and pulmonary oedema, but there is another problem reported by some experts in the field that can lead to having blood in the saliva. It is known as trachea squeeze. This phenomenon, certainly less severe than the two just described, is attributable in almost all cases to performing the equalization manoeuvre incorrectly during descent. Typically it occurs when the freediver has reached the limit of the equalization (especially of the mask). Instead of "looking" for relaxation before the air charge, Mouthfi//, he makes the mistake - in stressful situations - to breathe in through his nose. This increases the suction effect that is already present in the air cavities, thus causing bleeding in the trachea area.


How can I recognize when the problem is pulmonary oedema (the worst case) rather than trachea squeeze? If during a deep training haemoptysis manifests, the blood will surely come from the lungs and it is accompanied by respiratory difficulties, coughing or wheezing, especially in the inspiratory phase as well as a sensation of feeling unable to take a deep breath. Recent scientific work by AAR group reiterated clearly this concept, pointing out that respiratory discomfort is essential for differentiating the diagnosis from other conditions that can cause blood in the saliva but do not originate in the lungs. The presence of blood, in fact, could also result from barotraumas, for example a delay in equalising the frontal or maxillary sinuses or from small oesophageal varices. In these cases, breathing difficulties will not be experienced.

INDIVIDUAL PREDISPOSITION TO HAEMOPTYSIS AND PULMONARY OEDEMA It is quite obvious that some people are more likely than others to develop freediving haemoptysis. This may be related to the ability each of us has to "handle" pressure changes in pulmonary circulation. It is this congenital characteristic of the human body that has drawn the attention of the scientific community in order to define who are the most vulnerable and, consequently, those best predisposed to freediving activities. If there is a kind of congenital predisposition to haemoptysis for some people practicing freediving, for the rest whom are luckier, it has been ascertained the existence of a specific variant of certain genes that would allow to better control the pressure variations mentioned above. Regardless of genetics and predisposition, it is believed that environmental conditions greatly affect susceptibility to haemoptysis and that, therefore, thanks to a few simple tricks, even the seemingly vulnerable ones can freedive provided they follow a few rules. HOW TO AVOID HAEMOPTYSIS AND PULMONARY OEDEMA To limit the possible onset of haemoptysis, especially in predisposed individuals, the following is required: slow adaptation to depth (and thus to pressure), both in terms of achieving new absolute depths and warm-up before each training session. A series of dives to a depth of a few meters (5-7 meters) and a subsequent gradual increase before freediving deep, seem indeed, a great way to reduce and often eliminate the problem completely. In other words, something like a muscle warm-up done by an athlete who predisposes at best his body to sports performance; relaxation workout at maximum depths, especially in case of depths that are reached for the first time or for the first time in the season, regardless of the depth objective value. Often, the very fact of having to reach a new goal leads us to the condition of muscle tension that can easily generate an increase in intrathoracic pressures. In fact, in recent years, the achievement of new deep depths in extremely short times, which do not allow for the necessary gradual physiological adaptations to the increase in pressure, has been a factor that has raised the phenomenon.


The most important thing to do in all cases in which, regardless of the severity, the symptoms of this issue are experienced, is to immediately stop the training session, spearfishing or any other practice. If the case is severe, it is advised to consult a doctor, possibly with experience in diving medicine, or go to an emergency room for any further diagnosis and treatment. In cases of low to medium severity, an adequate period of rest and refraining from freediving (for a few days) may be necessary, at least until respiratory function is fully

recovered. In more severe cases, characterized by severe breathing problems, abstention from freediving for several months may be necessary.


A beautiful dive and fluid finning that takes you deeper and deeper into the blue, where emotions can be touched and where the awareness of your body is unique. I started by meeting Umberto Pelizzari, who at the peak of his career, did not hesitate to help a shy, awkward and new freediver like me. Our friendship enriched over time and gradually depths also became ever more challenging. Driven by "Pelo," technique improved and self-confidence became increasingly better. Upon improving my freediving performance, however, a bit of blood started to appear in my saliva at the end of each training session. The phenomenon became more pronounced and annoying. No one could give precise information and data available in the scientific community was virtually nil. But one day the problem manifested again and was much more obvious and traumatic. More than ten years have passed, but I still remember every detail. The training had ended, but I had to go back down to 36 meters to unhook the anchor of the support boat. I had a problem equalising going down, but instead of returning to the surface and doing a quick nose wash to eliminate the presence of mucus, I decided to stop at the anchor line, I lifted my head, forcing equalization and then continued my descent. The anchor was stuck at the bottom and to avoid having to repeat another descent to that depth, I decided to pull hard and persistently. In the end it came loose, but I understood that something bad had just happened to me. Throughout the ascent a strange uneasiness crept over me and it increased. At the exit, it seemed like there was no more air in the atmosphere, that there was not enough oxygen to breathe. It took me many minutes to resume normal breathing due to shortness of breath. Returning to the boat, students asked me questions, but I pretended not to hear them. If I responded by talking, I would have been breathless! I tried to check on myself by doing all the breathing and relaxation techniques that I knew. I was in the emergency room less than an hour later, where my colleagues at the hospital carried out a CT scan that allowed us to see my lung condition. They were filled with blood, forced out during that effort on the bottom and during the equalization in descent. The case was so serious and unique that it took three days for my lungs to return to normal (opposed to the usual few hours), and more than three months before full recovery. In the years that followed, I focused on understanding the real mechanism that had caused all this, and thanks to numerous collaborations with research institutions and universities and a large number of tests on freedivers, the picture began to look clear. Pressure related to depth causes a "traffic jam" of blood in the lungs, the blood shift, very similar to what occurs with extreme efforts and in altitude due to hypoxia. Some predisposed people fail to manage this rapid pressure increase and develop this so­ called noncardiogenic oedema, since it is not caused by cardiac pathologies. The phenomenon is well known and studied in other sectors. 166

This was followed by tests and our scientific publications make it clear that freediver's oedema is linked to a phenomenon of increased pulmonary pressure and that all manoeuvres that cause an increase in intrathoracic pressure worsen the condition. Recently, also genetic tests have confirmed this initial hypothesis a hundred percent. An understanding of the phenomenon allows us to recognize that a gradual adaptation and proper warm-up can dramatically reduce the appearance of these symptoms just like the acclimatization does for mountaineers. I began to experiment on myself with these new techniques, and as if by magic, depth suddenly became my friend again, the wonderful emotions reappeared in a short time and I was practicing freedive training again without experiencing any disorder.

5.1.2 TARAVANA Taravana is a word of Polynesian ongm that in Tuamotu Archipelago language means "madness" (taro= fall, vana = madness). It is a syndrome characterized by neurological disorders (dizziness, paralysis, and paresis). Medical literature indicates that this disease struck the Arna, the famous Japanese sponge divers and other underwater fishing communities scattered in various parts of the world. Taravana syndrome seems to be caused by a succession of several freedives to great depths, performed without adequate recovery on the surface. It is not clear - at the moment - if in freediving, the central neurological syndrome of Taravana is caused by depth and high frequency of dives, by accumulation of nitrogen in the tissues (such as for scuba divers) or by a progressive state of neuronal cell stress linked to recurrent hypoxia. Recent studies on spearfishermen, victims of this syndrome, have allowed us to establish that contrary to what was previously thought, the repetition of dives does not cause nitrogen to accumulate. The scientific studies being published, therefore, call into question the theory of nitrogen bubbles as the causal explanation of the pathogenetic mechanism of Taravana and suggest [to imagine] a more complex mechanism. Even in scuba diving while breathing air, a multifactorial pathogenesis is clearly emerging related to a very complex inflammatory process in which bubbles play the role in activating the phenomenon. Therefore, new horizons are opening in the possible explanation of the physiological mechanism of Taravana, which may have many underlying causes, not just the bubbles. Other areas of medicine could make an important contribution to the understanding of the phenomenon. In fact, some reversible central neurological syndromes have recently been discovered. They are caused by vasoconstriction, in which the amount of CO2 and 0 2 at the central level play very important roles. And it is well known how these two values are constantly changing during freedives. It is obvious that the intimate understanding of these mechanisms might help us to prevent the phenomenon, improving safety in, for example, very intense training. Also in this case, as is the case of haemoptysis, there is usually a quick recovery time but the phenomenon cannot be underestimated.


In medical literature, the case of "shallow" Taravana treated by hyperbaric therapy has happened after freediving sequences (spearfishing) around 26-27 meters deep with very short recoveries but in other known cases this has occurred at even shallower depths. In recent years, cases of Taravana have increased exponentially and are mainly related to the increase of operational depths reached by spearfishermen. In the Balearic Islands, there is a high experience rate of Taravana and medical research on Taravana. Most spearfishermen who freedive at depths of more than 30 meters have had underwater accidents of this type. Given that in order to prevent this pathology, the risk factors considered are identified as depth, recovery time and hydration, by paying due attention to the proper mix of these factors, it can be argued with sufficient confidence that the risk of Taravana can be limited or eliminated altogether. Having to act on depth, a simple and effective alternative is to alternate between both challenging depths (over 30 meters) and shallower depths. Also, taking rest periods of a few tens of minutes (maybe on the rubber dinghy or just snorkelling) is recommended. In this case, breaks mean recovery times between dives. In recent decades, the experience gained in freediving suggests that recovery time is equal to three/four times immersion time and contributes to avoiding any risk of Taravana. Considering, among other things, that many spearfishermen who suffered from these accidents (freediving with very short recovery times) have no longer complained of the onset of the varied complex symptoms by adopting this rule. But this is not enough, given that nine out of ten freedivers who have suffered Taravana did not have the habit of drinking water during the hours spent at sea. Keeping ourselves hydrated, drinking water regularly during freediving trips, is the third fundamental factor for reducing the risk of Taravana. In fact, if we are dehydrated, blood has less liquid component, it is denser and so it diminishes our ability to respond to stress induced by repetitive dives. It also increases the risk of the formation of platelet aggregates that could increase the risk of this phenomena.


In the event that Taravana occurs to a spearfishing buddy, regardless of the pathogenetic mechanism that has triggered it, the simplest rules of first response must be applied, activating the emergency services and, if available, administering oxygen. Oxygen, while still having beneficial effects both in case of nitrogen accumulation and in case of damage caused by hypoxia or hypercapnia, definitely will not worsen the situation, but it will rather contribute to improving the injured person's state of suffering. Just so we understand each other, time should not be wasted waiting for the ambulance, we shall place the injured safely, proceed to administer oxygen and go to the nearest hospital's emergency room immediately, if we are not able to call for help. If the injured individual loses consciousness, more complex first aid will be required, like that of providing basic resuscitation (CPR).




Imagine going to the dentist or waiting to get blood drawn. Suddenly you feel light headed, the room spins and in a moment you find yourself unconscious. You just fainted, which in medicine is called blackout or syncope. These two terms mean a loss of consciousness, usually followed by a rapid and spontaneous regain of it. It is easy to see that if such condition happens in the water while the face is submerged, it can quickly turn into a much more dramatic event with serious consequences. Every freediver knows that blackout or syncope can cause death! It is the only danger that actually endangers the life of those who love this sport.


In 2004, a European task force comprised of experts in cardiology drafted a document that defines syncope in detail from a medical point of view by clarifying a fundamental aspect of this phenomenon. In the definition of syncope, "reduction of cerebral blood flow" was added as an "essential" element of syncope itself. In practical terms, syncope happens when sufficient blood flow suddenly does not get to our brain. This may be due to a sudden heart problem or more simply to fear. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness. All this does not happen to the freediver. In our case, the loss of consciousness is not caused by a flow problem, but by a reduction of oxygen carried in the blood. In freedivers, the presence of normal blood flow shows that it is not a true syncope, but a loss of consciousness of a metabolic type. This difference is not just a difference in terminology. When oxygen carried in the blood is reduced, the body has a way to batten down the hatches by trying to defend itself and providing the necessary stimuli to resume breathing. The series of stimuli, primarily diaphragmatic contractions, if properly understood and respected, signal us that the time has come to stop our dive. That is why today we tend to use the term blackout instead of syncope. In simple terms, when our body realizes it has little oxygen, it decides to stop functioning (hence the term blackout) and sends the little oxygen remaining to the two fundamental organs of survival, the heart and brain. Only later and without assistance (length of time depends on many variables, but we are talking minutes) the heart will stop and only at that point the flow to the brain will be interrupted. Brain cells can remain for a few minutes without oxygen and so the situation at this point could quickly become irreversible. From now on we use the word blackout.


When it comes to blackouts, samba can often be mentioned. In simple words, samba can be defined as a situation of distress immediately prior to blackout. If we really are forced to choose among the two, samba is better than blackout. Samba is characterized by rapid, sudden and generally asynchronous involuntary muscle contractions, with or without motor effect depending on whether the 169

phenomenon is extended to one or more muscle groups. And then it is characterized by tremors and spasms, which can occur in various ways such as by loading the entire locomotor system, starting with the respiratory system. At the physiological level, it is a response to hypoxia by some motor coordination centres.


There is no doubt that a deep understanding of the way the body feels and reacts, while improving dive times and depths slowly (gradually with increments) and training constantly represents the best way to avoid an accident. An accident, besides being very dangerous, would have a negative psychological impact on subsequent training sessions at sea, in the swimming pool or for spearfishing trips. But the best safety in freediving is guaranteed by the presence of a freediving/training buddy! In fact, because of the absence of vagal stimulation and of the absence of cardiac involvement and its metabolic nature, the freediver's loss of consciousness can be resolved quickly. Despite being a dramatic event to be absolutely avoided, it indeed can be resolved quickly and without serious consequences if a dive buddy is ready to intervene with the correct first aid manoeuvres. The study of numerous videos of freedivers experiencing blackout has allowed us to identify that forced expiration after a dive triggers the incident. At this stage, the lungs are filled with very poorly oxygenated air. We instinctively tend to exhale forcefully that air, which creates a space in the lungs for new oxygen-rich air to enter. This is the most dangerous thing to do. It is necessary to control and reduce the effort of expiration (which precede inspiration) and push the inspiration to maximum, although this behaviour is not fully instinctive. This is known confidently through many years of experience. Moreover AA teaching methods recommend that the freediver should never use a snorkel while freediving. When exiting a dive, in fact, the presence of water in the snorkel requires the use of a forced exhale in order to empty it from water, creating the dangerous situation just described. A second reason why the snorkel should never be kept in the mouth when deep freediving or spearfishing is that if we do experience blackout a few meters from the surface, the snorkel provides "open door access" for the water to enter directly into the lungs. Resuscitation from wet blackout definitely has more complications than from dry blackout. So then: NEVER exhale forcibly when exiting a dive! NEVER keep a snorkel on during a dive!


If we lose consciousness while freediving, there is no way to solve the problem by ourselves. That is why we again point out the importance of the buddy system. If the freediver experiences a blackout a few meters from the surface, after a deep dive or a dynamic, the first thing to do is to bring him back up to the surface. Unconsciousness must be immediately managed at the surface by keeping the head of the injured freediver out of the water, restoring the contact with air. Mask (or nose clip) should be taken off and the hood of the wetsuit lowered down, the 170

contact with air will help the freediver to resume his breathing spontaneously. It is essential to hyperextend the head in order to allow air to pass into the airway more easily. If this intervention is done quickly, breathing should resume spontaneously within a few seconds ... that may seem like an eternity for those who are not used to dealing with situations like this! If it does not, basic resuscitation procedure should be performed (CPR). Let us remember that the last phase of freediving (static, dynamic or deep freediving) is the most dangerous and tricky one. At this time it is important to be hundred percent focused on ourselves, checking every single movement. In the majority of cases, blackout happens on the surface, after the first strong expiration when exiting a dive.

5.2 OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGIC PROBLEMS I have asked Stefano Correale to deal with this topic. I was delighted when he accepted my invitation because I think he is one of the greatest experts that I have ever known on otorhinolaryngologic problems linked to freediving and spearfishing. The results he has achieved in this field have probably been possible because his work combines his passion for freediving and his vast experience in the field. Freedivers and spearfishermen from all over Italy come to him for various problems related to equalization. He is an Apnea Academy instructor, his main focus is equalization and he is also a member of Apnea Academy Research.



The term barotrauma defines an injury that can be produced on some organs due to the rapid pressure changes that happen whenever a diver, in particular a freediver, decides to leave the surface of the water to descend deeper. When hydrostatic pressure is not adequately countered by effective equalization manoeuvres, it produces negative effects on some especially prone organs because they contain air and, therefore, are subject to the laws of gas (such as Boyle's Law, which states: "in a gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure"). This is particularly referred to freedivers since a scuba diver uses a breathing apparatus and has the time to repeat the equalization manoeuvre if it is not performed perfectly. However, the freediver dives carrying only the air charged in his lungs with the last inspiration before the dive, so he does not get a second chance. Normally, such a situation should lead him to stop his descent because it usually is accompanied firstly by a discomfort, then by real pain in the part injured. Unfortunately, the freediver does not always have sufficient experience or maturity to notice it in time, he continues the descent under these conditions and jeopardizes his physical integrity. When this happens, barotrauma is the inevitable result. Other 171

times, it is the freediver's stubbornness wanting to achieve a goal at all costs, whether it is catching a fish (in the case of spearfisherman) or a certain depth (in the case of the "pure" freediver),which distracts the diver from listening to the "struggle" signals that his body is definitely sending him. The organs typically predisposed to this type of accident are the ear and paranasal sinuses and, more rarely, the eyes and teeth. Since these anatomical structures contain air (naturally or artificially), they are exposed to pressure variations in the underwater environment. According to a DAN statistic, more than 70% of barotrauma injuries were frequently caused by diving accidents, although these were usually the easiest to resolve. Depending on where it develops, barotraumas can be: • outer ear barotrauma; • middle ear barotrauma; • inner ear barotrauma; • paranasal sinus barotrauma; • dental barotrauma; • ocular barotrauma. Let us now analyse the specific characteristics of each one, how to prevent them and the treatment options.


This type of trauma can occur to a freediver who, upon diving with a tight-fitting hood, fails to enlarge it, favouring the creation of an air pocket between the hood and outer ear. The sudden escape of this air bubble at depth followed by the violent entry of water in its place, inevitably causes trauma to the "skin" of the external auditory canal. This manifests itself by intense pain, sometimes a bit of blood drips from the ear, these symptoms are similar to the far more serious puncture of the tympanic membrane. The prevention of this accident otherwise called the "water hammer" is based on the need to flood the hood of the wetsuit before any dive, or make a tiny hole in the neoprene covering the eardrums. The therapy is the application of a few medicated drops into the external auditory canal.


This is classic tympanic barotrauma which can be minor or severe, depending on how cautious or incautious the freediver has been in his descent having adequately or inadequately equalised. A normal tympanic membrane appears pearly and translucent upon otoscopic examination. Depending on the extent of compression suffered, the thin tympanic membrane can be affected to a minor degree or severely. The most common occurrence is represented by a simple extravasation of blood due to the rupture of blood capillaries. Symptomatology is characterized by a sense of muffled hearing that follows a more or less acute pain during a dive. This is a clear sign of the strain suffered by the 172

eardrum due to non-performed equalization. This may be associated with tinnitus, that annoying ringing in the ear and, more rarely, with a slight sense of vertigo. This event, which is often not even reported by the diver, tends to resolve spontaneously within a few days, resting a little from any diving activity, and at most, by applying a few medicated drops into the affected ear. Other times barotrauma, especially if repeated during the same diving session, involves the onset of inflammation in the mucosa of the middle ear. It develops as otitis media barotrauma, which requires the administration of antibiotics and anti­ inflammatories, as well as a longer period of rest. If, however, the recklessness and unawareness of the diver were even greater so that despite the warnings made by sudden discomfort and pain in the ears (which are the unmistakable signals of incomplete or not performed equalization), he would insist in going deeper, would cause a laceration in the tympanic membrane. This event is not particularly serious in itself because, usually the simple membrane perforation naturally repairs itself or at the most with some medication. However, it could become more severe especially in cases in which the perforation is large and if cold water simultaneously entered into the tympanic cavity. This would cause sudden stimulation of the labyrinthine structures of the inner ear and an immediate sense of intense vertigo while diving, resulting in disorientation of the freediver along with all its imaginable consequences. In order to prevent tympanic barotrauma, it is highly recommended to avoid forcing equalizations. If equalization does not produce the desired effects and if accompanied by the classic discomfort/ear pain, it is much better to suspend the descent and resurface. From this point of view, remember that diving in cold water is even riskier, besides the fact that cold hinders equalization due to the fact that greater congestion of nasal mucous reduces the sensitivity of the membrane and thus it may delay the onset of the alarming signals. Therapy. Once you have confirmed that the tympanic membrane has been perforated, the most important thing to do is to absolutely avoid the entry of water into the injured individual's ear, including water from the shower. That is in order to prevent the development of a middle ear infection that definitely would hinder the healing process, which, as already said, usually occurs spontaneously. If the tympanic cavity is flooded, antibiotic therapy will be required to recover, since, in this case, the occurrence of otitis media is almost certain. If, unfortunately, the perforation should not spontaneously repair itself, it may be necessary to close it by means of surgery (myringoplasty), which, however, does not always ensure that this very delicate structure will function perfectly afterwards. So, be careful guys! It is not really worth to risk an irreparable damage of an eardrum just to catch a fish or a tag placed on the bottom plate!

INNER EAR BAROTRAUMA Fortunately inner ear barotrauma is a much rarer occurrence than middle ear barotrauma, but it is certainly more devious and fearsome as it can impair auditory function. Here, the structure involved is the inner ear. The inner ear consists of a very delicate membranous labyrinth which resides the neuroepithelial retinal cells required for the 1 73

perception of sound and balance function. These cells are extremely sensitive to trauma and hypoxia and their impairment involves functional damages that are most often irreversible if not treated appropriately. The pathophysiological mechanisms that cause a barotraumatic injury of the inner ear are not always very clear. The cavity affected by delayed equalization is always that of the middle ear. However, in this case, the barotraumatic effect is affecting the labyrinthine structures through two small openings, the oval and round window, communicating with the inner ear. The inner ear is much more delicate and sensitive than the tympanic membrane, which is why damages to this structure are much more serious. This type of barotraumatic injury usually occurs during the ascent phase of a dive in which the diver had problems equalising the ear but in the end he succeeded by insisting at the cost of subsequently facing the consequences. In fact, as the diver ascends, the remaining air in the tympanic cavity expands and is unable to come out from a congested tube (so-called "reverse block"), so it compresses the inner ear structures, causing it damage. Other times, more rarely, there is reason to suspect that the inner ear barotrauma is produced by a hyper-equalization. Namely, it is an excess of internal pressure generated by an excessive equalization effort by a freediver who, alas, is not very in tune with his body. In an attempt to overcome his equalization difficulties, he equalises forcefully and exaggerates in pushing air into the middle ear, causing labyrinthine trauma in a very similar way to the middle ear barotrauma case. The symptoms of this event are represented by the reduction, or even the complete and immediate loss of function of one ear after the traumatic event, or sometimes within a few hours to a few days. Hypoacusis is often accompanied by tinnitus and intense vertigo. When the latter happens, there may be a suspicion that a very serious injury has occurred. Namely, the rapture of the membrane that closes the round window. This is a very serious event. In this case "labyrinthine fistula" develops. When this happens an emergency surgical procedure is required, otherwise there is risk for total hearing loss from the trauma. In any case, even if there is no such dramatic event, it is essential to diagnose the barotrauma involving the inner ear as early as possible because the prognosis, namely the possibility of recovering auditory function, depends on the amount of time that lapsed between when the event occurred to when adequate therapy is started. It is therefore very important that, if any kind of inner ear barotrauma is suspected, the diver sees a specialist and receives a tonal audiometric test. This is a simple test that can resolve the diagnostic dilemma between external-middle ear trauma and internal ear trauma. If after a dive, where the freediver had difficulty equalising and had symptoms such as - hypoacusis, tinnitus, vertigo - that do not resolve within two or three days at most, if in doubt, he should not hesitate to go to the emergency room or at least to an ENT specialist for an examination, asking for that specific diagnostic test mentioned above. Unfortunately, even today, there are cases of inner ear barotrauma that are diagnosed too late. This is either because the diver went to the specialist many days after the event occurred, perhaps thinking he "just had water stacked in the ear" or a 174

plug of earwax, or, even worse, because the specialist seen was unaware of this possibility and failed to perform that diagnostic test, preventing the patient from healing. Therapy. Once inner ear barotrauma is diagnosed, emergency care is required immediately. It is basically like a "stroke" in the ear and is treated as such. It should be treated as an emergency, including the possibility of a hospital stay, or at least as an outpatient, being given important drugs such as steroids, vasodilators and neuroprotectors administered also intravenously. Although hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), even if belated, has proved to be effective for recovering hearing that could immediately otherwise be adversely affected. Another type of the inner ear barotrauma is the so-called alternobaric vertigo, which is decidedly less intense and dangerous than the previous one and usually occurs in the last meters of the ascent phase of a dive. It is due to non-simultaneous air escaping from the tympanic cavities due to the presence of tubal mucus, as a result there is different pressure on the two sides of the labyrinths. The symptoms usually resolve themselves once resurfaced.


Even this type of barotrauma is established usually after a series of repeated and unsuccessful attempts to equalise the paranasal sinuses. They, like the middle ear, are filled with air, although are in direct contact with the nose and thus do not normally have to be equalised. However, the presence of mucus/inflammation of the nasal mucosa with oedema which blocks the connecting channels between these cavities and the nose, as well as unfavourable anatomies, constitutes a condition in which the passage of air to and from these cavities can be hindered. Consequently, the suction effect which is established on the mucus coating causes the capillaries on the surface to break and blood to enter into the sinus cavity (usually in the frontal sinus). The diver becomes aware of this event, as well as the appearance of a sharp stabbing pain on the forehead or cheekbones, also because of the presence of bright red blood in the mask. This, although it seems dramatic it is not dangerous, as long as the diver stops his dive attempt and receives adequate anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and nasal decongestive therapy. In case of persistent difficulties with self-equalization of these cavities, there is probably an anatomical abnormality, such as deviation of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates, massive sinonasal polyposis, other anatomical changes that reduce the amount of natural connections between these cavities and the outside. If this is the case, the final solution to the problem is a surgical procedure (septal-turbinoplasty).


Dental barotrauma also deserves brief mention. In this type of pathology, due to bad dental fillings or other type of incongruous dental intervention, a bit of air may have seeped between the tooth and the filling. If this has happened, the dive can trigger the onset of strong pain in the affected tooth, or it can even break it. 175

Prevention is based on the need to perform dental procedures correctly and refrain from diving shortly after having dental work done (at least 48 hours). Once the problem has occurred, the solution is to... run fast to the dentist!


This section on barotrauma is complete with referring to what is called the "mask squeeze", this term means ocular trauma due to failing to equalise the mask. It is clinically manifested by a subconjunctival and/or eyelid haemorrhage due to rupture of blood capillaries which run on the ocular conjunctiva and the skin of the eyelids. Prevention is based on the use of a mask that has an internal volume as small as possible and, above all, remember that even the mask, being full of air, must be equalised by blowing a little air from the nose, preferably before equalising the ears. Once the trauma has happened, therapy is based on abstaining from diving for a few days and, if necessary, the use of eye drops that accelerate the resorption of the blood spilled, which otherwise may take several days before it occurs by itself.

5.2.2 FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS So far I have talked in an impersonal way, dealing with more or less known topics that can be found in any diving textbook or publication. Now, to this end, I wish to speak in the first person, as Doctor Stefano Correale, physician and surgeon specialized in otolaryngology, Apnea Academy instructor, great sea lover, passionate of diving in general and in particular of freediving and all the various aspects of this wonderful discipline. Ever since I began my adventure in the AA instructor course in 2000, where, as a student I was already invited by Umberto to speak on the ear and equalization, I realized that I had a "mission" to accomplish. To try to bring a little light on this dark subject, equalization, which is often a problem for many divers and thus the dream of many people who aspired to become one and is shattered. I was lucky to be so passionate about it and with the help of Umberto and other great freedivers, I had the chance to feel and experience those special sensations that only while freediving, descending into the blue, can be really perceived and that no test or examination carried out on dry land is able to reproduce. We, humans, land walkers, even if we are formed inside the mother's womb, in a liquid environment very similar to the water of the sea, we are not made to go underwater, for depth. Unlike our cetacean cousins, seals and other marine mammals that for millions of years have had access to adapt to the aquatic environment. Man has only decided to seriously engage in the practice of diving a few decades ago, something for which we are not even structurally made. This basically means that, if we do, we must do so with the knowledge that it is a physically hostile environment, full of pitfalls to avoid, which means we must adhere to certain rules. In the specific field I am concerned with the number one rule, the first commandment to a good freediver, which is to never, NEVER, force equalization! 176

If any exception to this rule is made it could cause an accident, and not just to the ear. Nature has endowed us with an organ, the Eustachian tube, which allows us to immerse ourselves without hurting our ears. It has done so, not certainly because it would expect that men would desire to go underwater. But we must be aware of the fact that this structure was designed to compensate for the minimum barometric pressure changes that occur in ambient air, and certainly not for the sharp increases experienced in a dive of just a few meters, done perhaps tens and dozens of times throughout the day. The fact that "some of the human race", perhaps a luckier part or maybe just a part that is more trained than the average, are able to adapt more easily to depth than others, this does not mean that everyone can do it, because we are not all made in the same way. The basic rule to prevent barotraumatic accidents, which I repeat for the umpteenth time, is to never force our own limits and stop at the first signs of equalization difficulty. A person's limits may vary not only from period to period, but even within the same day, perhaps after a few hours of spearfishing or freediving in shallow water. Without breaking this basic rule, it is clear that there are circumstances and conditions that may promote or, on the other hand, hinder tubal function and therefore our ability to equalise. It will be up to us, to what we feel and our experience, to understand when and how much to push further down and when it will be better to stop and give up. This is another great virtue: being able to give up! Giving up on a prey, or on a target depth, even when it is only a few meters away, if we realize that continuing could be dangerous. Among these types of situations which, of course, constitute an obstacle to equalization and therefore increase the risk of a barotraumatic accident, there are all inflammations of the respiratory tract, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, etcetera, which must then be properly treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, mucolytics, nasal decongestants, as well as adequate rest. Other times the onset of these pathologies, when having difficulties equalising, especially the paranasal sinuses, certain nose anatomies, such as septa! deviation, turbinate hypertrophy and other morphological abnormalities of the paranasal structures, play an important role. Conditions like those, preventing proper ventilation of the sinus cavities and proper drainage of mucous secretions here produced, make it particularly difficult to equalise those structures. In these cases, as we have already said, the problem can only be resolved with adequate surgery restoring proper ventilation of sinonasal cavity. But these types of cases are very rare. Normally, problems and difficulties during equalization are due to temporary conditions. First, it is a matter of technique and training. Issues with equalization are in fact much more frequent when the diver is inexperienced, a rookie diver. As he gains experience and technique, in fact, difficulties and problems disappear. It is, therefore, essential to train and practise the use of the muscles directly or indirectly involved in equalization, both in dry land and during dives. 177

The exercises in this textbook can be used to that end. They aim at strengthening and harmonizing the structures of the nasopharyngeal-tubal area, allowing at the same time to acquire awareness and competence maximizing the potential. Practising these exercises daily proves to be very useful in allowing everyone to find and practise the equalization technique that is best for them, according to their abilities, as well as to prevent the onset of ear problems.

5.3 NUTRITION AND FREEDIVING Nicola Sponsiello has entirely dealt with the topic of nutrition in this chapter. Dietician and nutritionist, Nicola is a strong freediver and spearfisherman, Apnea Academy Instructor and for many years vice president of AA. He follows many athletes of the highest level in various sports. I believe that if a freediver or spearfisherman would have doubts about what to eat, how to behave from a nutritional point of view in certain situations, which nutritional rules to follow, no one could give a more exhaustive, effective and complete answer than Nicola. This is the reason why I decided to entrust the following paragraphs on nutrition to him. Nutrition is a particularly complex discipline. It is developed based on biochemistry and biology. It is expressed in medicine and mixes with psychology and culture. There are very few medical "arts" that are so multidisciplinary. Therefore, the aim of this section is to provide the fundamentals of nutrition deemed necessary to properly direct the freediver in his choice of food, in order to prepare at best the "human machine" for the pursuit of freediving activities.

5.3.1 NUTRITION FUNDAMENTALS In summary, food can achieve two objectives: energetic and structural. In fact, many exceptions, intersections and grey areas should be considered in these simplifications. We may, however, from this basic distinction, get to the complicated world of nutrition. A person who exercises has needs mainly related to three factors: amount of energy; proper nutrients; • physical activity time. Sport nutrition is based on these three factors, which need to be respected for constructing a proper diet, tailored on the individual's needs. Dietary science deals with the interlacement of energetic aspects with those of the right food and the right time. It is particularly an emblematic example of the concept of compromise.



All our activities involve energy consumption, a common concept! The matter gets complicated (very much so) when we consider that two different individuals doing the same activity may consume differently. Running for 1 kilometre at an average pace (according to ability) for a strong middle-distance runner involves an expenditure dramatically lower than what is expended by a sedentary individual. Being trained not only means being able to perform movement, it also means to biochemically find, exploit and optimize the energy needed. It is further complicated by energy consumption interference: • nutritional status (empty stomach or not); • environment (hot or cold); • mental state (tense or relaxed); • condition of specific training for that particular action (see example mentioned above).


Nutrients are usually split into two main groups: macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients are: • water; carbohydrates; • protein; fat

. .

Micronutrients are: vitamins; electrolytes (minerals and metals). Some of them have to be introduced often into the diet and in abundance because they are rapidly used and metabolized and, except in the case of overdose, are not considerably stored. Others, however, are sufficient in very low doses because they are effectively retained and stored in the body. For being truly deficient, the body must go without it for some time. In conclusion, often we have to introduce the ones we use and eliminate the most, in small doses, the ones that we are able to re-use or in very small doses the ones which are sufficient. Using them in harmony is one of the founding pillars of the dietary science, and this aspect is far for being taken for granted. The two main variables to consider are: • food actual nutritional content; • actual capacity of each individual to absorb certain chemicals.


Time taken for digestion and absorption is another fundamental characteristic of nutrients. Knowing this requirement helps a lot in choosing what to eat based on the programmed activities. 1 79

For example, simple sugar takes a few minutes to become ready to be used, long sugar chains may instead take several hours (about 3 hours, on average). Proteins have a significantly longer average time: 2 to 6 hours, depending on many variables. Fats (or lipids), become really useful in even longer times, from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 hours, with a mean close to 9 hours. Obviously, that said, shortly before taking part in physical activity of any kind or during physical activity, food with slow energy absorption cannot be eaten as it would not be possible to count on its energy intake, but food with relatively fast digestion times will have to be eaten.


The actual transfer of a certain nutrient content of a particular food is something not that obvious. That is to say, it is not at all certain that if a food contains a substance, that specific substance will be absorbed when that food is eaten. There are many variables to this including the predisposition of the human body to assimilate that given nutrient and the varying conditions of the individual. Iron may be a useful example to better understand this complicated mechanism. About 1.2% of iron contained in its ferric form in vegetables (like spinach) is absorbed. Instead, about 10% of iron in its emic or ferrous form from meat (or fish) is absorbed. It is obvious that we cannot purely rely on vegetables in order to supply sufficient iron to our body. This is just an example, but there are many substances that have these substantial differences. This is further confirming the importance of having a diet that includes accurate variety.

GLYCEMIC INDEX This food characteristic has been given a lot of importance lately. There is a formula to measure this intrinsic value in any food substances (see Appendix 1). The concept is that each food has an absorption tendency (see Appendix


We do not always absorb the same amount of nutrients contained in food. Furthermore, it should be considered that only rarely do we eat only one nutrient, our meals are made of different foods. Food combinations help to determine the actual proportion of absorbed substances. Paying particular attention to this is the real novelty in the modern diet. Knowing this, it means being able to direct digestion and absorption processes so that it is at its maximum efficiency or slowed down and reduced. It is obvious that before any physical effort, we need fast absorption (but not too fast). It will be after the exercise relying on long recovery times that food with slow absorption will be introduced. But we cannot base the diet only on this. Individual and chronological variables, activity type and time spent exercising are added to the already mentioned variables induced by food combinations (easy to control). I am going to reiterate to approach this topic in a scientific way (it takes time and good biochemical basic knowledge) or 180

alternatively to acquire the necessary information to understand the need for following serious and authoritative advice and not the "trends".

HYDRATION Hydration is a topic to be mentioned considering the importance of drinking the right amount of water. In this case, there can be no fixed rules, so the most sensible advice is to sip on water constantly throughout the day. Less than one litre a day is most likely too little, taking into consideration the climate, physical activity and diet, where water consumption could be achieving substantially higher amounts. A simple but fairly effective way to understand how well we are hydrated is to look at urine. If our urine is clear we most likely are well hydrated. The last thing to point out is the type of beverage to choose. Except when practising sports, normally there is nothing better than water, the rest is mostly useless or even harmful.

5.3.2 NUTRITION BASICS DURING PHYSICAL EXERCISE At this point in the reading, I believe it is clear that eating as preparation for physical exercise deserves specific attentions. It is very important that during the hours of sports activity, our blood glucose (glycaemia) level does not drop that much (never less than 65 milligrams / 100 millilitres). Typically when this happens performance drops. It is something that does not create significant problems in normal situations, however decrease in concentration and efficiency can be very dangerous for a freediver. This means that we have to "get in the water" having almost completely digested the food eaten (we will see what is best to eat later) and we must continue to eat small portions of food (we will discuss these later) during the hours dedicated to freediving. Any type of sport wears on the body. This means that during rest periods we will have to rebuild, balance out and restore what has been compromised during exercise. When we are fatigued the next meal is of great importance. Its composition must be chosen with as much more care as closer the next sport session is. The various types of sports are all quite similar for several reasons. There are differences for sure but they are not very relevant at the dietary nutrition level. In recent years, several researchers have shown that a ration of proteins around 0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight, taken immediately after significant effort, is the sufficient amount to facilitate the fastest and most appropriate recovery. Fats should be avoided prior to exercise for the slowness with which they are digested and absorbed. Often it is the fats that make up the "good" food, so it is reasonable that they are in almost everything we eat. What you should be concerned about are the foods that are particularly rich (or those that are composed exclusively of fats). Wait a few hours after exercising to eat these foods. The caloric potential of fat rich foods is interesting. If you want to create a reserve before engaging in extended periods of effort (for example, a full day of freediving), walnuts, almonds and peanuts have truly interesting nutritional characteristics and a lot of calories, but they require very long digestive times. Eating this type of food before the sport means they will sit undigested and unused until your rest period. 181

Be careful not to be misled by extreme messages. There is no truth behind excessive doses of protein or very rigid exclusions of it. Careful management and measurement of meals prior, during and after exercise are already a big dietary advantage. If we can do this, we are "halfway there". In the following paragraphs, I will explain why freediving requires similar nutritional precautions, even though it is physiologically very different from other sports. This said, the bit of introductory information in this paragraph still remains valid. The amazing ability the body has to divert blood flow to where it is needed the most in a very short time implies that if the circulating blood mass decreases in any area because blood is needed elsewhere, the functionality of that area is suspended. In this particular case, if the digestive tract is deprived of blood needed for digestion and absorption, the material that is contained therein remains intact, waiting for motor, secretions and nutritional transport activities to resume. It is therefore natural to ask how food can be absorbed during an intense run or bike ride. In fact, absorption is possible up to about 70% of VO,max (see Appendix 3) with individual variables, but it is not constant. It is intermittent due to the movement of the blood in relation to changes of effort intensity or slight declines in muscle efficiency imposed by the body itself. In other words, during prolonged exercise there are successive stages of ischemia (lack of blood) due to maximal effort, followed by almost regular short phases of blood flow. Freediving is a discipline that is intermittent by nature, so it is adapted to this succession of events. The main requirement, however, is to have foods that can pass into the blood stream in short period of time. There are a few of these like carbohydrates, short-chain mono or polysaccharides (see Appendix 4). I will translate this information into real food later in the paragraphs about the different disciplines.

5.3.3 METABOLISM DURING FREEDIVING Just a few words to anticipate for the reader that this field of knowledge still has many unknown aspects. There are enormous difficulties in understanding it, but what we know so far is enough to give general guidelines and not to overly scrutinize the details of the scientific summarized information that is available. What is written below is the summary of all of the available information, combined with a fair amount of personal experience, as a freediver and doctor for freedivers, collected over the years.


Static apnea is very interesting from a metabolic point of view. We are motionless, with our muscles contracting as little as possible, looking for the most complete state of mental relaxation, yet after just a few repetitions we begin to feel tired. Does this seem like a contradiction? Looking at it from a superficial physiological point of view, it is. Muscle is the organ that uses the most energy in our body. Intense or repeated muscle contraction is the main reason for the sense of physical tiredness. Since there is no muscle use in static, it is hard to justify the exhaustion that comes with it. To date, we only have 182

accredited theories and no real objective data. I am going to explain the most credible one. The reason for this phenomenon lies almost exclusively in the disturbance of the physiological balance of oxygen (0 2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). O, is by far the "thing" that we most urgently and continuously need. We do not possess any physiological tool to resist its, albeit short, absence. If 0 2 levels plummet, stressful conditions are triggered and this leads to a "suffering" condition that is very much like physical exertion's effect, but in fact, it only has some aspects in common. Understanding the muscle metabolism of static is to understand the physiology of freediving. I am really convinced that the hypoxia progressing in certain tissues of our body explains almost all the phenomena that is observed, even on pathological fronts. Studies on individuals at high altitudes are of great help. The element they have in common with freedivers is the /ow level of available oxygen. However, there are two basic differences: time and the different distribution of oxygen available. Time: the mountaineer remains at high altitudes for hours, even days, the freediver, on the other hand, experiences decline of available 0 2 for a few tens of seconds (but many times!). Different tissue distribution: the mountaineer does not experience blood shift as the freediver does (see Appendix 5), his blood does not deviate from required circulation. However, both the mountaineer and the freediver have a progressive reduction in muscle volumes, caused by the low pressure of oxygen (P0 2 ) in those tissues. Another striking aspect is the decline in blood glycaemia (blood glucose concentration). This situation is observed after only 5 statics. Although this happened in varying degrees, both with an empty stomach and after a recent meal. Certainly it is not the muscle's consumption of glucose that explains this. The reason most likely lies in the significant increase in insulin, a hormone whose presence usually does not change during physical exercise. The drop in glycaemia, however, is too small to explain the amount of tiredness experienced. The sense of fatigue that takes over after a few statics is probably related to the production of catecholamine (a large part of "stress hormones"). I believe we can all remember how we felt after a big fright or a violent rage, this temporary condition is a sign of the "passage" of adrenaline (a catecholamine) into our system. It should be noted that these are hypotheses, there are no precise feedback. Lactic acid ( or lactate) is a substance that our muscles produce when there is little 0 2 available, compared to what is needed at the moment. It is created to give the body an alternative energy substrate, a kind of emergency fuel. In static lactate concentration increases only slightly. If the increase is not caused by muscle activity, then it increases by the other variable, being a decline in 0 2 • In other words, although most of the muscles are not at work, those that are slightly working are most likely to find a partial alternative energy source in lactic acid. During a static, unless it has been "pushed" to the max, we are feeling good sensations (deconcentration, relaxation and looseness) yet our body is under stress, suffering a lot from the decline of available 0 2 • It would be a mistake to think that the presence of a certain hormone always means it will produce the same effect. There are counter-regulation systems that significantly affect the outcome, organ by organ. The reduction in heart rate

(bradycardia) that we have during a relaxed static, or even in dry apnea, is one of the paradoxes: stress usually increases frequency, but in this case it is reduced. The gradual change of the pressures of 0 2 and CO2, together with modifications of the circulatory flow in the heart, also present in static, most likely "win" on the secretion of catecholamine. Bradycardia is the final effect. There are lots of questions that are still unanswered and countless unexplained phenomena. But we have begun to understand some aspects of it, albeit partially and incompletely.


Metabolism is also very interesting in dynamic apnea. Movement and the required muscle contractions needed to propel the body are added to the facts discussed for statics. Together with the movements that consumes 0 2, that are prolong beyond the point of tiredness in order to achieve a certain objective. Compared to static, therefore, the outstanding fact here is the considerable use of muscles. Contraction necessary to propel the body is not intense, instead muscle volume involved is rather large depending on whether classic fins or monofin are used. There are many muscles working. But the aspect of time shall not be forgotten, as 2 or 3 minutes of constant muscular effort is not little, even though intensity is moderate. The aggravating fact is given by the gradual decrease of available O,, which is the reason that this state is called the "struggle phase" in the world of freediving. A "pushed" dynamic involves a gradual but mandatory fatigue of the affected muscles and triggers a state of general suffering that jointly leads to the termination of the movement. Studies on this are eloquent. Lactic acid increases a lot and glycaemia drops. Increase in lactate is understandable and predictable. There is a response to the distance travelled so it all seems clear. The decline in glycaemic levels can be interpreted as the use of circulating glucose, but it is very likely that in this case, the secretion of insulin has a main role. In fact, it does not seem that sufficient effort is spent to explain the reduction of blood glucose in the blood. But again, it is true that for dynamic apnea, we do not have the same data available as we do for static apnea. From the standpoint of energy, dynamic apnea is undoubtedly the hardest specialty, one in which a nutritional mistake can lead to significant declines in performance. We will see later what aspects can be looked after.


I have always believed that freediving is the discipline of the sea, where there are open spaces to travel and natural constraints to address. It is not just a matter of a "romantic" visions of our sport, there are also physiological implications. The weather conditions, water clarity, water temperature, current, brightness and etcetera are the aspects that can affect the state of inner peace, or the neuroendocrine activations that may interfere with performance. It is true that a good freediver is the one capable of not being influenced by these variables, showing consistent performance. Depth or the large increase of pressure acting on our body is the substantial characteristic here compared to static and dynamic. This huge and rapid change in the external pressure is the main reason for the blood shift, large influx of blood in the

pulmonary area. Let us start from the muscular aspect. The most intense moments of the workout are leaving the surface and the "detachment" from the bottom. Propulsive effort in both cases gradually decreases. Depending on the weight and diving strategy chosen, we can stop finning after a relatively short period time. On the contrary, while ascending and approaching the surface, propulsive effort becomes almost nil, we can perform very mild finning. What is written about muscular effort in dynamic does not apply to the entire dive in constant. Paradoxically, it will be during the ascent phase when 0 2 will be significantly reduced that the muscular work will intensify. The constant dive will have to be managed carefully considering the legs 'performance in the ascent. Energy metabolism is once again mixed: a mix of aerobic and anaerobic lactate states. Some available data allows for some reflection: glycaemia level drops, even in this condition, insulin and catecholamine increase. This data has been "acutely" collected by Apnea Academy research group, it shows how few dives involve significant number of effects. There are good reasons to believe that it is directly dependent on depth: there are more consequences the deeper we descend. Depth is a reason to "stress". Adaptation reactions involve higher energy expenditure (non-muscle-dependent) and require an exaggerated recovery time that affects a lot. Even just the "maximal" of a constant dive is felt in the short run, leaving little consequences in the medium run, while many consecutive dives lead to a greater need for rest. The cause of all this is attributed almost exclusively to an adaptation to sudden changes of depth (or pressure).


A Variable weight dive from a biomechanical point of view is the same as static. However, if we consider the speed of movement, the stressful adaptation to depth becomes rather significant.


Fasting, from a purely mechanical point of view, means having an empty stomach, or rather less interference on the movement of the diaphragm. From a metabolic point of view, fasting is calorie saving. That said, one could deduce that in general, the state of fasting in freediving is the most favourable. However, there are some distinctions to be made. It is now clear that even static requires energy, little but definitely some. So if we do minimal (3-5) repetitions or a competition (i.e. warm-up and max dive) in static, fasting, understood as 6-8 hours without eating, but only drinking water, is an optimal solution. However, if training is more complex or prolonged, then relying on an intake of glucose or carbohydrates for rapid use is needed. A small meal of this type takes up little space in the stomach and involves mild metabolic activation, much less than that of a protein meal (see Appendix 6). A small meal of carbohydrates (see Appendix 7), that is derived from cereals, the least processed as possible (avoid mixing with condiments or yeasts) can be ideal. Boiled rice is usually the optimal 185

choice, both boiled and puffed, but also cereal cakes or unleavened baked goods. Supplemental products such as maltodextrins or Vitargo@, used in small doses are an excellent solution. Let us never forget, when doing many statics, sip water constantly. Dehydration is also a possible consequence in static.


Dynamic apnea is the most "physical" of all the disciplines and must be treated exactly like any other performance of identical time. Muscles must be well loaded with carbohydrate reserves (glycogen) and the general nutritional status must be optimal. This means that we must enter in the water having already digested a ration of carbohydrates appropriate to the duration of the training. Before a competition, it is sufficient to eat carefully the day before, with an emphasis on pasta, rice and cereal derivatives in general and as a reminder to eat the same type of foods again about 3 hours before freediving. If you are in training, doing many repetitions, perhaps with successive swimming laps, then the day before, eat with the same care. Furthermore the meal before the performance (again about 3 hours before) will have to be a little bigger, but containing identical types of food. If your training lasts an hour and a half, you will not have to eat during the session. However, it will be very important to compensate for water and salts that are eliminated. For this purpose sports drinks are perfect. The sugar-mineral concentration is in good harmony. Correct dilution is crucial for absorption and fast usage. In some cases, the slight and unavoidable acidity they are known for might give you some ailment. If this occurs, let us return to drinking water, of course, not water low in mineral content, but water that may contain salt. The increase of lactate and the type of effort may benefit from the use of certain supplements. Of course supplements do not improve performance but if anything, they can optimize it. Their possible use is therefore justified only when effort is particularly intense, repeated and prolonged. That said, supplements that have possibly positive effect are creatine and beta-alanine. Creatine supplementation may help to saturate muscle reserves of this substance. This allows us to be able to count on a specific energy source in lactate effort. When an exercise of this type is performed, we use a higher creatine-phosphate concentrate, having a lot of that in the system can be a big advantage. Beta-alanine instead tends to turn into carnosine. The latter substance is a powerful "buffer", that is a contrast to the increasing intracellular acidity that occurs during intense muscular workouts. It should be pointed out that lactic acid is not responsible for this increase in acidity, but other substances (H + ions) are. Countering this trend is of great help for optimum performance and beta-alanine has a big potential in this regard. It is impossible to prescribe the dose for intake, because there are individual circumstances that make the choices for every freediver vary. It is useful to remember that there is no record of damages caused by these two substances.


Training in constant weight, if done at great depths, is fairly heavy. But, it is rare that many deep dives are repeated. If this is the case, the need for energy during training 186

is almost nil, all the energy is obtained from the previous meal. Without a doubt the same principle seen in dynamic counts. Carbohydrates taken ahead of time fulfil needs. Diuresis triggered by depth leads to gradual dehydration, but I repeat that, if the training session is not long (3-6 dives) you do not need anything. In this case, I think it is useful to address the post-workout. As written before, freediving in general, and particularly the discipline of constant weight, leads to a decrease in protein levels. After exercising (whatever type) a temporary phase in which absorption of nutrients is optimal and highly effective is created. This period lasts about 2 hours. In this period of time, it is very helpful to have a mixed meal (carbohydrates and proteins) that act as compensation. It will not take much food. I reiterate that the calories used in a few dives are modest. Composition of the meal is what counts, not the quantity.


From a physiological and metabolic point of view, spearfishing means to repeat dives at a rapid pace for a long time. There is no precise depth to be achieved, there is no fixed freediving time. Indeed, the shallower, shorter and more numerous the dives are, the longer you stay on the bottom and the greater the chances you have to catch something. So here, the concept of "rhythm" as a new element is clarified. Up to now dives were relatively few with long rests between them in order to dive "at the best". While spearfishing, adaptation to the activity itself is needed. While respecting the safety rule we care the most about, taking necessary recovery times, you would be responding to external stimuli that could cause you to spend more time under water than on the surface. Energy expenditure and stress adaptation become very high. Truly no one in the world has published anything on this topic so far. My arbitrary assertion is based on extrapolation of fragmentary data and on many years of experience, both personal and shared. Let us consider then what has been said in the preceding paragraphs and think about it when spearfishing for 3, 5 or 8 hours: repetitive dives, moving on the surface, descends like a "dead leaf" (relaxed and immobile) interspersed with occasional frantic descents to reach the specific target as soon as possible. Recovery is seen almost like a waste of time, because maybe there was suspicious movement behind a rock. It is no coincidence that in the discipline of spearfishing there are more accidents and higher risks and most of them are closely related to nutrition status. Dehydration is the first aspect by importance and shown in statistical data. Spearfishermen forget to drink for hours for many reasons. I believe the main reason is the inhibition of thirst induced by hormones that determine the increase in diuresis (natriuretic peptides). Other reasons are insufficient planning in fulfilling the need for hydration. No one brings anything to drink along or if he does it may sit in the sun becoming undrinkable. Drinking is postponed due to the "thrill of the hunt" etc. So too many spearfishermen drink very little or nothing. The result is increased tiredness, decreased performance and especially increased risk of accidents. Dehydration is one of the greatest cause of disasters in freediving. What to drink? Let me remind you of the choice of the specific sport drinks for this sport that have sodium and sugars in perfect blends for the needs of all freedivers. How much to drink? It is impossible to drink enough to compensate for all water loss, but just replenishing half of what was lost would be good. A system that is easy to understand is to weigh ourselves before and after the spearfishing trip. If our weight 187

has dropped less than 2% of our starting weight, we have done well. Warning: drinking too much is just as harmful. An amount of one glass of water every hour is a good reference. Remember that after you pee the first time, the urine that follows is practically just water and sodium, so it is important to reintroduce these elements into the body. Another aspect is the state of carbohydrate nutrition. A few carbohydrates are involved in the initiation of hormonal secretions that give rise to the drop in performance and concentration, as well as an increased risk of accidents and infections. The same reasoning discussed for hydration can be used, which is you may not feel the need to eat and you may not even think about it, but there will come the moment when just taking off the wetsuit becomes immensely tiring. Plan to eat the meal described above in advance, based on carbohydrates and nibble small rations of other carbohydrates during the session, taking care to make sure that they are accompanied by half sips of water. This is because filling the stomach in small doses allows for more rapid digestion. These measures help to have a longer and safer performance. It is not as important which carbohydrate you choose, just as long as you choose them. I have not mentioned anything about fruit because it is mainly composed of water and fibre. Water is fine, but not fibre. It occupies unnecessary space and it inhibits and slows the absorption of necessary nutrients. Fruit is fine if you take a break for at least an hour and is the perfect ingredient for the meal following the spearfishing trip. That well deserved, rich and pleasing meal should be composed of carbohydrates, fats and protein for the two dishes (first course and second course) which make up the classic Italian meal. A generous ration of vegetables (vitamins and minerals) is also crucial. Maybe one of the fish caught during the day could be the highlight of the banquet that follows the spearfishing trip. In the evenings, proteins should prevail over carbohydrates, a first course of an average size of carbs followed by a second course of proteins and plenty of vegetables. There are a few additional things that I would like to propose for the spearfisherman: drinks with salts and sugars (already described), maltodextrin (both in powder, gel or bar) and, in situations that are very challenging and long days, branched amino acids (in particular leucine) and glutamine which may promote recovery and keep the immune defences strong. Other than that dietary advice, I just want to say: remember that in challenging conditions, sleep plays a huge role in promoting recovery and causes trouble if neglected. You cannot and you should not eat whatever you want. The more intense the athletic commitment (even in freediving) and the more you have to behave according to knowledge, awareness and reasoning. I mean, if you are spearfishing on Sunday and then spend a whole week in the city, that is quite a bit of recovery, but if one day after another is spent at sea, you now know the simple rules that must be observed carefully to decrease the risk and increase performance (and not vice versa).


APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 Glycaemic index (GI) is the result of the following fraction multiplied by 100: "Incremental" area under the glycaemic curve of the tested food GI=


X 100

"Incremental" area under the glycaemic curve of standard food (*)

* Ordinary bread ("oo" flour)

N.B.: blood glucose curve occurs in 120 minutes.

APPENDIX 2 Some glycaemic index examples (meat, fish, eggs and cheese have a very low glycaemic index). N.B.: values are not rigid, there may be slight differences. Milk

Beans, lentils Apple, pear Pasta (durum wheat) Juices

Bread ("oo" flour) Rice Cereals (flakes) Potato Beer

40 53 54 54 68

75 75 78 80 85

APPENDIX3 VO2max: maximum volume of oxygen consumed per minute. Maximum oxygen consumption is a measure of the maximum global and integrated intensity of exercise that an individual can tolerate for long periods of time (Cerretelli and Di Prampero, 1987). VO 2 max


Heart rate frequency


Stroke volume


Oxygen arteriovenous difference

APPENDIX4 Monosaccharides: single carbonaceous ring. Polysaccharides: multiple carbonaceous rings linked together. Carbohydrates Some Monosaccharides

ribose, deoxyribose, arabinose, glucose, galactose, mannose, mannitol, fructose, sorbitol, rhamnose


maltose, isomaltose, lactose, sucrose, lactulose


cyclodextrins, melitosio, fructo-oligosaccharides, maltodextrin


APPENDIX 5 In hyperbaric medicine, blood shift means "blood diversion". Indicates a reaction that is always manifested, albeit in different amounts, in all freediving dives. Due to the water pressure, the blood mass is diverted (via mechanisms of vasodilation and vasoconstriction) from the periphery of the body towards its centre, i.e. lungs and heart. APPENDIX 6 According to the textbook Energy Metabolism, Indirect Calorimetry and Nutrition of Bursztein et al. energy expenditure is divided in the following way: • Proteins: between 10% and 35% of energy following the ingestion of protein is dispersed as heat (average of 22.5%); • Carbohydrates: between 5% and 10% of energy following the ingestion of carbohydrates is dispersed as heat (average of 7.5%); • Lipids: between 2% and 5% of energy following the ingestion of lipids is dispersed as heat (average 3.5%); • Alcohol: between 10% and 30% of energy following the ingestion of alcohol is dispersed as heat (average of 20%). 100 kilocalories (25 grams) of proteins = Between 10 and 35 kilocalories of energy expenditure (average of 22.5 kilocalories). 100 kilocalories (25 grams) of carbohydrates = Between 5 and 10 kilocalories of energy expenditure (average of 7.5 kilocalories). 100 kilocalories (11.1 grams) of lipids = Between 2 and 5 kilocalories of energy expenditure (average of 3.5 kilocalories). 100 kilocalories (14.2 grams) of alcohol = Between 10 and 30 kilocalories of energy expenditure (average of 20 kilocalories). Other studies presented different outcomes on the thermogenic macronutrient impact: Acheson in 1993 recorded a heat loss of 20/30% for proteins, 5/10% for carbohydrates, the 0/3% for lipids, finding confirmed in subsequent years. While Schutz determined an average of 15% of energy expenditure induced by alcohol. APPENDIX 7 Most common sources of carbohydrates: • Simple (rapid absorption): table sugar, honey, jam; • Complex (absorption around 3 hours): rice, potato, pasta, barley, spelled, oats, quinoa, corn flour. Absorption times get longer if these foods are mixed with vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, fats. For details, please refer to the book Sports and Exercise Nutrition by McArdle, Katch and Katch (Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins). 190


Up till the year 2001 In specific training periods in the sea, close to record depths or during days of spearfishing, my relationship with food was, initially, very special. And definitely wrong. In the phase just before a record, in the last 6 weeks of training, I practically did not eat during the day until a�er the dive. Normally I used to train in the early afternoon (training consisted of a warm-up dive followed by maximum depth dive). I would wake up in the morning, eat a couple of tablespoons of honey on one rusk and then nothing until dinner, except for a light snack a�er the two deep dives. I was convinced that the light stomach cramps, caused by hunger, were the signal to go deep. Nicola Sponsiello tried to convince me (in vain) that it was a mistake. He told me to eat a light meal of plain pasta with a plentiful sprinkling of parmesan cheese mid-morning and everything would have been better. But I kept on doing it my way, convinced that what I was doing was okay. Invariably, a few weeks a�er the record, I began to feel tired, lose a lot of weight and muscle tone and ... the tailor made wetsuit I had made just a month before seemed to be borrowed from a friend who weighed at least 15 kilos more than me. I never got to the top of my physical condition before any of my records, and I believe, in hindsight, that probably was because of the very bad eating habits in the most delicate phases of my specific athletic preparation. I even followed this line of thought in my spearfishing expeditions: light breakfast, I ate nothing for the whole expedition, drink a little water ... and after ten days I was ravaged! A�er the year 2001

In November 2001, I established my last world record. Since 2002, without competitive goals, I decided to completely revise some matters that I had Jived with during the years of the records, that I never had the courage to change or question. Among which was, my physical preparation, the use of the monofin in constant weight and my eating habits in the stages of specific training. In the field of nutrition, except for static apnea (absolutely empty stomach during a static training), I started to listen and adopt the ideas that Nicola Sponsiello kept repeating to me for years: never go to sea with an empty stomach! The results were surprising and I improved my general physical condition, my freediving performance, my endurance in the water and the ability to withstand the cold. All this thanks to proper diet. In the case of a full day sea trip, I have my morning breakfast at least 2 hours prior to entry into the water. I know I can accumulate calories that I will find available during my spearfishing hunt. I only eat foods that I know I digest easily: jam, honey, cereals, bread, biscuits, rusk and I allow myself big slices of simple unelaborated cakes, like jam tarts. I avoid drinking tea or coffee (stimulants) or mix coffee with milk (not very digestible). At sea, I continuously sip on water, even if I do not feel the need: more or less the amount of one glass every hour. Every 2 hours I eat something: a small bar with a percentage of 65%-35% of carbohydrate­ protein, or nibble on a piece of rusk with a small fruit. I avoid eating sugar or honey when I am at sea. Sugars should all be slow-release. 191

Upon returning to the mainland, I listen to what my body asks me. I drink a lot and I especially want something salty, having lost so much mineral salts during the hours spent spearfishing or freediving. The most important meal becomes that of the evening, dinner, especially if I am going out to sea again the next day. I try to recover the nutrients that I have missed during the day, giving priority to protein-rich foods and vegetables, both raw and cooked. In the case of an afternoon trip, I have a good breakfast in the morning, making sure I do not miss any nutrients. A couple of hours before entering into the water, I eat a sandwich or light pasta, a couple of fruits and ... I am ready to go. In the periods when the freediving training is getting more intense, I am also very careful to take antioxidants, in particular vitamin C and E. Working in conditions of hypoxia, the production of free radicals tend to raise: antioxidants play a role as

antagonists. As Nicola Sponsiello says, as well as taking vitamin C, E, selenium and polyunsaturated fatty acids, a diet rich in foods with antioxidants (coloured vegetables, fruits, nuts, milk, liver, oil, fish ...) can definitely help solve the problem of the increasing free radical. I happened to be especially tired, at times, at the end of challenging deep diving seasons. My doctors prescribed for me a series of check-ups. From the blood test, they noticed very low values of haemoglobin and ferritin. My advice, if you feel like are falling apart, is to ask your doctor to prescribe a blood test in order to check the haematocrit (haemoglobin, serum iron, ferritin, and etcetera) for evidence of iron deficiency. If so, the doctor can prescribe treatment, accompanied by folic acid and vitamin C (which facilitate the assimilation of iron).

5.4 FIRST AID TECHNIQUES (BLS) In relation to this topic, I am referring to DAN Europe and its first aid protocols. When it is necessary to intervene to rescue a victim (sick because of, but not limited to, diving), it is important to practise the techniques which are needed to maintain basic life functions. These techniques are universally known as Basic Life Support (BLS) and can be acquired through specific courses made available by many associations that deal with safety and emergency techniques. In the field of diving, DAN Europe courses are very popular, combining BLS specific expertise and with underwater sector expertise and to the specific conditions that may occur in the water. These few lines of text cannot and do not substitute taking a course, but are just to give you an idea of the current BLS guidelines. I advise you, therefore, to take a course for your safety and that of the others. I believe it is absolutely essential for a freediver to have this specific knowledge.

5.4.1 BASIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY There are three basic concepts that need to be learnt for a good BLS intervention in case of emergency. I will start by addressing them for you so they are clear. For simplicity sake, remember that they start with the three letters: A-B-C.


A patent airway (nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx and trachea) ensures that air can get to the lungs.


Every time we inhale (breathe in), air enters the nose or mouth, then through the larynx, goes down into the trachea and reaches the lungs, where there are about 300 million alveoli, and each alveolus is surrounded by capillaries (tiny blood vessels with very thin walls). Oxygen (of the air) passes from the alveoli to the capillaries through these thin walls. The process is called diffusion. Carbon dioxide (CO2 ), that is a waste product of the body's metabolism, is also present in the capillaries (used oxygen returns to the lungs as CO2 ). Carbon dioxide diffuses from the capillaries back into the alveoli.


The heart pumps oxygenated blood (from the capillaries) in the bloodstream and carries it to all parts of the body. These functions are described as pulmonary circulation (to and from the lungs) and systemic circulation (the rest of the body). The oxygen-poor blood returning from the systemic circulation (containing CO 2 ) enters the right atrium, goes to the right ventricle and is pumped to the lungs for gas exchange in the alveoli (pulmonary circulation). The blood returning from the lungs enters the left atrium, is transported to the left ventricle and is pumped from there to the rest of the body (through systemic circulation). This blood will bring oxygen to the blood cells until it returns to the right atrium.

5.4.2 WHAT IS BLS? The BLS is a set of first aid techniques used to support (or restore) vital functions and includes: Personal protective equipment; Activation of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS); Administering treatments in the case of life-threatening accidents; Restoration or maintenance of the ABC (the execution of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)). 1 93

To be able to render assistance in case of life threatening accidents, it is essential to learn these first aid techniques: • Ensuring environmental safety (and personnel safety); • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation); Recovery position; Recognition and removal of airway obstruction caused by a foreign body/suffocation; Management of external haemorrhage (severe); • Management of shock. To provide the best possible assistance to an injured person, it is important to keep up to date with the knowledge and practical skills of Basic Life Support. Regular training or participation in other first aid courses, such as a course in AED or Oxygen Provider, are recommended and encouraged.

5.4.3 WHY BLS? It is vital to maintain the supply of oxygen to our organs. These are supplied with oxygen when: 1. The airway is open and remains patent; 2. As we continue to breathe, the air that we inhale passes from the airways to the lungs and oxygen can diffuse into the blood stream; 3. Oxygen in the blood vessels is transported from the lungs to the tissues of the body by the action of the heart, which circulates the blood through our body. When this supply is interrupted, our organs suffer and eventually die. The brain tissue, for example, begins to die after 3-6 minutes without oxygen. It is therefore important to act immediately. During the rescue, the Basic Life Support provider is responsible for restoring or maintaining the airway, keeping breathing and circulation operational, commonly known as ABC or vital functions. When we practise CPR or resuscitation (BLS fundamental part), we have to: 1. Verify if the victim is conscious; 2. Open or keep the airways open and check if breathing is normal; 3. As soon as it is confirmed that the victim is not breathing normally, perform chest compressions to temporarily aid the function of the heart pumping and circulating blood; Perform artificial ventilation to bring the air, and therefore oxygen, into the . 4 lungs. The goal of resuscitation is not to restart the heart, but rather to provide a small but critical blood flow to the heart and brain and to keep oxygenated blood circulating. In fact, in most cases, CPR does not restart the heart, but retards the damage to vital organs, such as the brain, and buys time.


It also increases the chance of successful defibrillation (chest compressions are important especially if there is the possibility of shock within 4-5 minutes from the collapse). The purpose of BLS is to: keep the injured alive; prevent further damage; perform first aid and stabilize the victim until EMS arrives. This can have a positive influence on the healing process of the victim. NOTE

The air we put in the victim's airway during artificial ventilation is exhaled by us and it no longer contains 21% oxygen, but only 16-17%. For better oxygenation of the blood, it is recommended to use supplemental oxygen during resuscitation (if you have been trained to do so).

Medical test in hyperbaric room of a pushed apnea

5.4.4 CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) It is extremely important to start CPR as soon as possible to prevent damage to brain tissue and other organs. The most common reason why a person stops breathing is sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). The heart has suddenly stopped beating and there is still a relatively high amount of oxygen in the blood vessels, heart and brain. Therefore, ventilation is initially less important than chest compressions.


In case of asphyxia! cardiac arrest (cardiac arrest due to choking, for example in case of drowning), the level of oxygen in the body is drastically reduced (hypoxia), making ventilation the most important thing. When the victim is a child, cardiac problems are extremely rare, and we can also expect a lower level of oxygen in his body. For this reason BLS protocol for a child, especially in case of drowning, is slightly different. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a technique that consists of cardiac compressions and ventilations (assisted breaths) and is characterized by: • cardiac compressions generate a small but critical blood flow to the brain and myocardium (heart) and increase the likelihood of successful defibrillation; • the rescue breaths carry air to the lungs, and increase the concentration of oxygen in the alveoli, that by diffusion will then go to the capillaries.


A mathematical model suggests that a ratio of 30:2 is the best ratio between the blood flow and oxygen supply, but interruptions in chest compressions should be minimized. We should continue resuscitation until: • replaced by qualified personnel; • the injured person begins to get up, move around, open his eyes and breathe normally; • we are exhausted.


Gastric distension or regurgitation is the expulsion of stomach contents and is caused by the air that enters the stomach during assisted respiration. It is very similar to vomiting. When you vomit, the stomach contents are pushed out by the contraction of the gastric muscles. In the case of gastric distension there is no muscle activity, but the increase of pressure inside the stomach will push its contents out. The latter will flow from the stomach into the mouth (not forced or jerky as in vomiting). If there is regurgitation, the rescuer should turn the victim on his side and clear the airway. However, after clearing the airway, the risk remains that, when you continue ventilations, part of the contents of the stomach is blown into the trachea and lungs. Gastric distension should be avoided in all cases. In order to prevent regurgitation, the volume of ventilation should be maintained at about 500-600 millilitres (6-7 millilitres per kilogram of body weight). Even faster and forced ventilation can lead to gastric distension. This is because the muscle that separates the oesophagus from the stomach (oesophageal sphincter) opens at an air pressure of 15-20 cm H2 0. If we blow too hard during ventilation, this pressure can be easily achieved. In addition, the victim's sphincter may no longer work in cardiac arrest. To avoid gastric distension you must: perform artificial ventilation each second with enough volume of air to raise the victim's chest; avoid fast or forceful artificial ventilations;

fully open the airway; allow the chest to return to its normal position before starting the second ventilation; avoid putting pressure on the stomach; check if the stomach is showing signs of over-distension.


The resuscitation sequence can be divided into three main parts: approach, checking the state of consciousness; control of breathing; initiate CPR, if necessary.


Once the rescuer has determined that the environment is safe, the state of consciousness must be verified. If the victim is conscious, he should be left in the position where he was found and you need to activate EMS. The rescuer should reassure the injured person and try to find out what happened. The rescuer should state his name, saying that he is educated in first aid and express his desire to help. The rescuer should reassure the injured person showing a caring attitude, explaining what is going on and saying that the rescuer is here to take care of him. The rescuer must also try to keep onlookers away to avoid stressing the victim further. There is the possibility that the injured person is agitated or worried about their condition and what is happening. If the rescuer comforts him, the victim will feel more secure and will remain calm. If the victim is not conscious, he must be turned on his back and the airway should be made patent immediately. When the airway is closed, not only it is impossible to control breathing, but the victim will not be able to breathe. Opening the airway is done using the head tilt-chin lift technique, namely "pressing down the forehead and raising the chin." It is an easy technique to learn, and is described in the following pages. In some cases it may be sufficient to open and maintain the airway until the arrival of EMS (if there is any breath).


When the airway is patent, the rescuer should check for breathing. Look to see if the chest is moving, check if breathing sounds come from the mouth of the victim and feel if there is air movement by approaching with our cheeks or ears. We must do everything to keep the airway open and for no more than 10 seconds. 197

If breathing is normal, the victim must be placed in the recovery position to ensure the airways remain open and call EMS immediately. The rescuer must continuously monitor breathing and should act accordingly. IMPORTANT

In the first minutes after cardiac arrest, a person can breathe weakly, or make the rare loud gasps, not to be confused with normal breathing. If you are not sure if the breathing is normal, assume that it is not.


When there is no normal breathing, you should immediately alert the Emergency Medical Services (informing them that there is no normal breathing) and the rescuer should begin chest compressions, placing his hands with his fingers interlaced at the centre of the chest. Current guidelines require that 30 CPR compressions are performed at a speed of at least 100 per minute (not to exceed 120 per minute). The depth of compression should be at least 5 centimetres (without exceeding 6 centimetres) and it is important to release the pressure on the chest between one compression and the other, without losing contact between the hands and the chest (over the sternum). At each compression, blood is pushed out from the left side of the heart and from here through the body. At the same time, the deoxygenated blood is pumped from the right side of the heart into the lungs, inside the lungs it will take up oxygen from the alveoli. By releasing the pressure on the chest, blood flows into the right side of the heart and the oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left side of the heart. When compressions are too close together, the heart does not have time to fill and therefore compressions do not send enough blood into the circulation, and the result is ineffective. If the compressions are too slow, the blood moves too slowly and the pressure remains low, and the circulation is ineffective. When the compressions are not deep enough, the amount of blood pushed out of the heart is minimal and inadequate to support the circulation. Immediately after these 30 compressions, the rescuer should perform 2 effective breaths. He must reopen the airway by placing his lips around the mouth of the victim pinching the nose closed. The rescuer has to blow air from the lungs into the mouth of the victim. If the nose is not closed, the air exhaled by the rescuer would come out from the nose of the victim. It is important to blow constantly while watching the chest rise. This should last for about one second. When the chest returns to its original position, he can give a second ventilation. The 2 ventilations should not last more than 5 seconds total. When he practises assisted breathing, the air exhaled by the rescuer (with 16% oxygen) goes to the lungs of the victim. If the concentration of oxygen in the lungs (alveoli) is sufficiently high, the oxygen diffuses into the capillaries and the blood becomes oxygenated.

Of course, during this process since the victim is not breathing, the oxygen concentration in the lungs decreases. If the concentration is too low, diffusion ceases. To avoid this we need to do more breaths. However, normal breaths per minute are about 12/20 (depending on age and activity) and during resuscitation they decrease to about 5 per minute. The amount of oxygen in the inspired air is low (16% instead of 21%) and the low number of breaths maintain the oxygen concentration in the lungs relatively low. Increasing the concentration of oxygen during ventilations, a greater amount of this gas will spread to the capillaries and oxygenation will be better. The oxygen concentration can be increased by using supplemental oxygen.

MOVING AN INJURED INDIVIDUAL It is advisable to leave the conscious injured person in the position where he was found, especially if he is the victim of an accident (trauma) and you suspect an injury to the back or neck. In some cases, however, it may be necessary for the rescuer to move the victim in order to check his breathing, to provide first aid or because there is a danger, such as a fire for example. The victim can be moved easily with the Rautek technique: Put your arms under the armpits of the victim, between the arm and the body; Take one of the victim's arms at a right angle in front of his body; Grab the victim's forearm, between the elbow and the wrist with your a hand (closed fingers); Get close to the victim with your feet on either side of his body; Lift the injured person by stretching your legs, while keeping your back as straight as possible (to avoid injury); Drag the victim away from danger, minimizing the distance travelled (just outside the danger zone is sufficient); • Place the victim on the ground lying on his back. If the injured person is sitting, it will be easy to apply this technique. If, however, he is lying on the floor, you must first: Turn him on his back, if necessary; Kneel at his side, close to his shoulders; • Place your right hand under the victim's neck and grab his armpit with your hand (fingers); Place your left hand, under the left axilla; • Rise the victim to a sitting position with a fluid motion with your hands and place yourself just behind the victim.



THE TRAINING OF CHAMPIONS "The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." Arthur C. Clarke In this last chapter, I wanted to include interviews with some of the top freedivers, who are the strongest in the various disciplines of modern freediving. While chatting with these athletes, trying to touch on all the various indoor and outdoor disciplines, interesting things, new trends and training ideas have emerged. Often opinions are conflicting... but that is freediving! Some of them use technical or training tables that I had described over twenty years ago in various articles and which now represent the main focus of their annual training program. Others use techniques or exercises that I have never been able to make my own because they stray too far from what for me is the basic freediving condition: relaxation. I think it is difficult or even impossible to identify which training method is the best in absolute terms. Just as I believe there is no miracle recipe (training program), made up of precise ingredients (training sessions, dry or wet series, exercises with empty or full lungs, etcetera). While reading the interviews that follow, let us try to avoid thinking: "Because he does it and he is a champion, it will surely work for me." Everything must be tried and tested by each one of us, depending on our level, the amount of time we can dedicate to training and the goals we set for ourselves.


GORAN COLAK Goran Colak was born in Zagreb, Croatia on April 241 1983. Goran is a very serious and determined athlete, a real "war machine" in two disciplines of Dynamic freediving. He holds the world record in Dynamic with and without fins with 288 and 225 meters (945 and 728 feet) respectively. With more than 11' Static, he is even among the best athletes in the world in this discipline. Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record? My training program is spread over about 9 months. I am a firm believer in programmed, planned and hard training. Freediving is like any other sport, we cannot think that just because the mental component is crucial we do not need to exercise in the water (which is something that many freedivers often claim). We cannot expect to train freediving while sitting under a tree meditating. One must train well, with long, serious and focused programs, with periods of loading and unloading (depending on the training cycle) and then it is also important to sit under that tree and meditate. With my trainer, I decide what will be the most important event of the year and start to plan the entire training schedule around that goal. In some seasons, however, there are two primary events; in this case everything becomes more difficult. I try to determine which competition is the most important and, through precise choices and workouts, try to be as fit as possible, giving priority to my ultimate goal. Describe one of your training programs. Broadly speaking, I start approximately 9-10 months before my goal for that season. The first phase, of about 3-4 months, is mainly made up of physical preparation. I train by swimming, running and lifting weights.


possible. In the case of stop and go, the table includes statics of 2 minutes on the surface and a subsequent dynamic of at least 100 meters. Why do a lot of athletes have dynamic maximums that are very close to the distance that they usually do in a series? I am one of them! I train using a series in dynamic (bi-fins) of 8 x 100 meters with recovery times of 1 1 30 11 , 8 x 75 meters with recovery times of 35 seconds, 6 x 125 meters with recovery times of 2 1 30 11 ••• and then as max I do 140 meters! What would you recommend to us? I would recommend to you and all the guys who find this limitation or have a problem doing a maximum dive without warming up. I warm up when I do tables or series, but never for doing a maximum. At first air hunger will come even earlier than usual, but then you will see that after a few times you will easily break down your current limits, thanks to the habit, the training and the acceptance of this negative situation related to the contractions. Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made an exercise and/or technique that no freediver has ever tried before? For a while, I thought I had "invented" the double kick and glide technique. Then I heard about other athletes who used it before me. I may have been the first to have used it at the high levels. The double kick and glide is to give two strong kicks with the monofin in succession with good strength, and then make the most of the glide that comes after it. After me, many athletes have started using this technique with excellent results.


----- --- - MIGUEL LOZANO Miguel Lozano was born in Montgat, Barcelona on March 6, 1979. He is a strong and complete athlete in almost all disciplines: 8'23" in Static, -122 meters (400 feet) in Free Immersion (but his unofficial best is -125 meters), -105 meters (350 feet) in Constant Weight, -85 meters (279 feet) in Constant No Fins . He is also an Apnea Academy Instructor and a great teacher. He owns freediving schools in the Red Sea, Canary Islands and Bali. Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record? For many years, I believed that the way to improve in freediving was by doing specific training only. In a way I think that freediving is a sport with more mental and technical components, rather than physical. Depth training adapts you technically, mentally, physiologically and physically. Therefore for me it is the best training. Over the years, I learnt that swimming pool training improves technique and tolerance to hypercapnia and hypoxia, the same as physical training in the gym improves strength and flexibility. Both trainings helped me a lot not only for depth performances, but also to endure long periods of depth training without losing too much strength or muscle mass. Since 2012, when I began to dive below 120 meters, I realized how much physical wear these dives entail. Therefore, I incorporated some aerobic training in the early stages of my training schedule and I gradually started replacing them by anaerobic and strength training, as the depth training phase was closer to the competition date. A month and a half before a record attempt, I usually go to the location of the event and train there in two depth phases. The first and most extensive phase, I try to make an adaptation to the depth with dives that are not so deep (normally between 70 205

meters and 100 meters) so that my body adapts physiologically (in the same way that would an alpinist do in altitude). During this time, I combine all three depths disciplines: FIM, CWT and CNF. This allows me to work (and change if necessary) on techniques and to not get psychologically burned out by too many deep dives, which I get to do by the end of this period. Do you train only at sea, in depth, or are dynamic and static still part of your training? For many years I focused most of my trainings on depth, but in recent years I have included some dry training, strength and also stretching for gaining flexibility (very important). I also include swimming pool training such as DNF to increase my tolerance to hypercapnia and improve my technical efficiency. I use static to extend my times and gain confidence on my own breath holding so that I can perform deeper and longer dives. So dynamic and static are important to you, even though you are a free immersion champion? I like all "no fins" disciplines. I believe that FIM and CNF are very complementary, even though they are very different. CNF is physically more demanding, but psychologically, at least for me, is less complex. I am used to diving +120 meters where any mistake can compromise safety. However, in my training without fins, my personal best is 85 meters, which is not a big number for me in terms of depth, so I feel it is a less psychologically demanding discipline. In +120 meters dives in FIM, there are new factors that have to also be considered and trained. These factors are mainly related to depth adaptation. This is obviously something very difficult to train outside of the water, so I have to leave it for the last period of my training. For such deep dives, it is mandatory to also consider factors such as: depth narcosis, pulmonary compression, depth contractions, decompression sickness (Taravana), long dives, etc. All of them are decisive factors in deep FIM dives because of the very long dive time, the long exposure to pressure and certainly they are aggressive on the lungs, mainly during the ascent. Therefore, I believe that it is essential to train statics in order to improve tolerance to hypercapnia and hypoxia and to increase breath holding, as well as DNF to improve movement efficiency, hypercapnia and lactic acid production during CO2 tables in this discipline. There is much talk about the problem of narcosis at certain depths. I do not know what it is, I have never had it. There are athletes who ask me for advice on how to handle narcosis, but unfortunately I cannot help them. Patrick Musimu claimed that I have never experienced the symptoms of narcosis because I have never done packing. He stopped feeling narcosis when, thanks to his wet equalization technique, he no longer needed to be "full of air" and stopped packing. What do you think of this relationship between packing and narcosis? I have never had too many problems with narcosis. I start to notice it in +115 meters dives or in dives that last for more than 4 minutes. And even in these cases, it 206

is not usually a very strong feeling or it can just simply magnify my feelings during the ascent, especially when I am a little bit more negative than normal. I know some freedivers that completely lose their memories of the dives due to narcosis. If that would happen to me, it would be complicated to manage my dive because I like to have total control of it. If that was the case, I would feel very insecure before the dive. I think there is definitely a direct relationship between narcosis and packing. Generally in my deepest dives, I make about 14 or 15 packs, which is approximately 50% of my packing capacity. When I have increased my packs in deep dives, narcosis has also increased considerably. In fact, in my world record attempts, I packed more than I usually do and I had greater narcosis that had even ended in black outs. Although I do not think that is the only determining factor. In my opinion, narcosis affects more depending on your emotional state and your character. But it is complicated to establish a line. Do you do a warm up before maximum dives? I have gone through all kinds of phases: from many warm ups to no warm up at all. In recent years, I have followed the advice you once gave me (Umberto): find your own way, regardless of what other freedivers do. It took me some time, but so far I think I found it. I have discovered that I need a strong warm up to wake up my MDR: vasoconstriction and blood shift, as well as to lower my heart rate abruptly. This helps me not only to prepare myself physiologically but also to understand how I am on that particular day. At the moment what I am doing (20 minutes before the attempt) is only one passive exhale (FRC) dive down to 60 or 65 meters, which takes me around 2 minutes. And this looks like it works for me. Surely many top freedivers would say that this kind of warm up is very aggressive and that it would weaken me before a deep dive, but as I said before, it works for me in several aspects and with time, I have discovered that it is my best warm up so far. I do not do many warm up dives; only one strong dive. Have you ever attempted a CNF, CWT or no limits? Certainly, yes. I have specialized in recent years in free immersion, but I have discovered that the other disciplines help me to be a more complete freediver; making long dives, changing depths and techniques, etc. This gives me the opportunity to rest mentally and physically from deep dives. I like to do no limits for working on my equalization and deep adaptation during the first phases of the training. I also enjoy no limits when diving with friends. CNF discipline helps me physically (mainly for lactic acid tolerance) and improves my sensitivity in water. And CWT helps me to do quick dives, which I am not used to in FIM, so it improves my adaptability and gives some rest to my arms after deep dives in FIM. Free immersion is technically easier than constant weight. In your opinion, why are the record depths in this discipline lower than the ones in constant weight? I think that FIM has not yet been completely explored by freedivers. Constant weight has always been trained much more, with fins or monofin. Some freedivers 207

decided to focus more on FIM and try to go further in the understanding of it. Now there are more and more people specializing in FIM and therefore more people will get deeper in this discipline. Anyway, for me the main differences are that in free immersion certain features are not as important as they are in constant weight. I mean, deep dives on FIM require a long dive time, between 4 minutes and 4 minutes 30 seconds. Not many freedivers are able to deal with such long dives. The exposure time in depth is also greater due to the lower speed during the free fall and slower ascent, which increases the risk of depth narcosis. In terms of adaptation, during the ascent, the arm pulling technique is much more aggressive on the lungs than in constant weight, so the risk of squeeze is also greater. Long deep dives increase proportionally the risks of decompression sickness by spending more time at maximum depth. These make deep dives psychologically very demanding. From my point of view, in this discipline despite being less physically demanding than CWT or CNF, deep dives become very complex, both mentally and physiologically. Can you give us an example of hypercapnic tables that you use in dynamic?

In dynamic without fins, I normally do a series of 12 repetitions with recovering periods of 10 seconds (or less), combining: arms only, kick only or arms and kick. Sometimes I also do the same type of series but with more recovery times and at the maximum speed. And in static?

In static I do not do too many CO2 tables, but I do a previous warm up and one or two maximums. I like to warm up by increasing my statics until contractions, with a constant recovery in between breath-holds. Such as: STA 2:30 STA3:oo STA3:30 STA4:oo STA4:30 STA 5: 00

Recovery 1:30 Recovery 1:30 Recovery 1:30 Recovery 1:30 Recovery 1:30 Recovery 1:30

Obviously this is just an example, because I do not finish at a set time, just when the first diaphragmatic contraction appears. In this way, since the time of the static is increasing while experiencing long periods without contractions, I feel more relaxed before doing a max and I can also lower my heart rate. Since

freediving at a high

level, have you created, "invented" or made one exercise

and/or technique that no other freediver has ever tried before you?

In my "Depth Workshops", I focus on several aspects that I believe are essential to improve deep dives: • Adaptation to depth (thoracic and lung flexibility, on dry and underwater) • Technique (with or without fins) Long dive times Deep equalization 208

A few years ago, I understood that I needed to improve those aspects if I wanted to go deeper. As I could not repeat deep dives in the same session or every day, for safety reasons and to avoid losing strength, I developed a training to improve all of those aspects in "shallow water". In deep dives, I found myself with contractions at depth, which made me lose relaxation and therefore lose equalization. And the deeper I was going the more dive time I needed to achieve that depth. In this way, I developed an exercise that helped me a lot to reproduce at shallow depth, what happened to me in the maximum depth. On the surface I breathe and concentrate as if I was going to do a static in the pool. I fill up my lungs completely, even by doing packs to take more air. Once I start the dive, I descend by pulling with my arms extremely slowly, focusing on relaxation down to about 10 meters deep (or wherever neutral buoyancy is). Once there, I hang for long time until diaphragmatic contractions begin (all this takes me about 3:30 ). At that point, I turn my body and start descending; I charge one Mouthfi/1 and start the free fall. I must concentrate on not magnifying contractions and maintaining my Mouthfi/1 to equalize. Once I reach the depth, I start the ascent very slowly. Since my potential dive time allows me, I try to do some stops during the ascent, which increases my total dive time. The total time I have reached with this exercise is 6 minutes 40 seconds in a dive at 60 meter depth. The target is to increase the dive time and to manage equalization, whilst having diaphragmatic contractions during free fall. Also, it is to reduce the risk of decompression sickness since most of the dive stays at 10 meter depth and to improve my psychological capacity. I think it is a very complete exercise for those who want to improve depth safely and to be able to repeat it several times during the same training session.


- - -------ALEXEY MOLCHANOV Alexey Mo/chanov was born in Volgograd, Russia on March 6, 1987. He is definitely the most stylish deep freediver that I have ever seen in the whole world. He is quite the athlete, capable of establishing records both in the swimming pool in Dynamic freediving and in the sea in the specialties of Constant Weight, CNF and Free Immersion. In deep dives he has been down to -130 meters (427 feet) in Constant Weight (World Record), -96 meters (315 feet) in CNF and -125 meters (410 feet) in Free Immersion. Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record? I have a specific and long-term training program. I focus on a well-defined goal, with very clear macrocycles, although I tend to adapt them to how I feel and my intermediate goals. For example, in the 2 months prior to setting the record in depth, all the increments and workouts were already defined. However, depending on how I felt during a particular dive, I kept my program flexible, in order to train slightly different types of workouts, to focus on a very specific part of the descent or ascent, to try an equalization technique at new deep depths, to vary the speed, etc. Do you also plan the swimming pool training in the previous months? For me, training in the swimming pool is not only a process of approaching and preparing for competitions at sea. I also compete in dynamic and static and I schedule just as many workouts in the swimming pool as I do in the sea. To get in the best physical condition, in all my records in dynamic freediving, I follow a very detailed training schedule. 210

How many months in advance do you start your training plan? If I had one major competition or only one record during the year, everything would be much easier in terms of organizing my training. My season is instead made up of many important events, so I have to change my training plan around them and adapt it to all these goals. I try to always keep in great physical condition all year round. When I get close to a competition, I can get even more fit with specific workouts, taking me to my maximal. That is my secret! Tell me about your physical preparation. I especially train by swimming, but I also do a bit of running and workout at the gym. I have a trainer who sets up a workout table that complements this for the upcoming goals. My physical training is spread over a period of about 3 months, with a lot of cardio and strength endurance work. And what about your specific training in the water? When I am not close to the time for setting a record, I work a lot with hypercapnic and hypoxic tables in dynamics in the swimming pool. During this period, another typical workout consists of long distances: swimming or dynamic with monofin for 400 - 500 meters, minimizing recovery times. And when you are closer to the record? Close to the time of the record, I finalize the workouts; the last 4 weeks are continuous. I still do a few hypercapnic and hypoxic series, interspersed with max dives. In these max dives, I am able to get to 75% (three reps with complete recovery) and to 95% (only one dynamic) of the goal that I will attempt for. Can you give examples of your dynamic freediving tables, both the hypoxic and hypercapnic? It is a series of 50 meters in dynamic with recoveries from 5 to 10 seconds. I start with 8 reps and increase up to 16-20 dynamics. I do the same thing with 75 meters. In a series of dynamics of 100 meters and over (125, 150, 175 meters), the work necessarily becomes hypoxic, because the interval moves to times longer than 30 seconds. In fact, in the struggle phase, I have no classic symptoms of hypercapnic workout (like stiff legs), but rather I feel the contractions, air hunger and so on. An example of my workout is a series of 8, 10 or 12 of 100 meters with 1 minute of rest. I swim 100 meters in dynamic in approximately 1 120 11-1 1 25" and split them into 60 seconds after that. It is clear that, depending on the level of the athlete and his predisposition to recovery, the same recovery time may be hypoxic for one freediver and absolutely hypercapnic for another. In dynamics, I train just below my maximum records. Now, with your changing speed, what helps you to determine if a workout is hypercapnic rather than hypoxic? I know what it is from the way I feel. The most important variable in determining if an exercise is hypoxic or hypercapnic is the recovery time in the series. 211

Sometimes I train by adjusting my speed while doing the dynamic, as if playing with the weights during a constant weight workout. I divide my dynamic into two parts. The exercise is as follows. In the first part, I start off with a good push (the same effort made in the first few meters of a constant weight dive descent). I have to force it. After that I gradually bring my kicking to a maximum kick and glide (in order to simulate the phase of the free fall in constant weight). At the end of this part, I am more or less half way (whether you measure in seconds or meters). Immediately after that, I give a boost in power and pace (to simulate the ascent from the bottom); and at the end I reduce my effort, using the maximum gliding (to simulate the final part of the constant weight dive), a few meters from the surface. Even in this case, however, I realize that it all depends on how much recovery there is between one series and the other. dynamic and static are important for deep diving? Yes, absolutely. Dynamics, in addition to training the muscles involved in kicking to the max, are the best exercises to do in order to refine the technique. And the performance, in general, can be improved through training, but also upon improving technique. When I start the training period at sea, I do a high level preparation in dynamic, which makes me feel very good right away. Even static is important to me. I also compete in static, so it is clear that I need to train in this discipline. As for dynamic, the hypoxic and hypercapnic tables are trained in static. I train max statics once a week, even if the competition is still far away. Do you think that training in

dynamic? I personally have much more difficulty in dynamic freediving. I feel very strong contractions during this discipline. This does not happen to me in the sea, I suffer a lot more in the swimming pool. And that is important. I suffer in the swimming pool (dynamic) to get better at sea (constant weight). The hard suffering in dynamic is when your body is telling you to stop, when you want to breathe, when you are at the so-called breaking point, but you know you have to carry on. And maybe this will get you to finish when you are only halfway through the scheduled distance. These unpleasant sensations do not exist in constant weight dives, not even in the final stage of the ascent. It is in this struggle phase that CO 2 workouts (trained in series and reps) and mental workouts (which convince me that I can continue even though I have these strong contractions) become very important. Statics help me a lot when it comes to self­ control. I have very strong contractions in static. The workout is in the head and is beneficial for when I do dynamic and deep dives. How do you work on the struggle phase in constant and

Do you warm up before a competition or before a max dive in dynamic or constant weight? I always warm up, regardless of the discipline. I do a series and then perform a max dive beforehand, whether it is static, dynamic or constant. In a series of dynamics, if for example the distance is 100 meters, I start with a warm up of 50 meters, then two 75 meters and finally arrive at the total distance of the


series (in this case the 100 meters). At this point, I consider my warm up to be finished and then I start the series. For a max dynamic, I do a very short warm up. I do short distances in order to "feel" the technique, then I move onto the breathing phase. For a max constant weight, my warm up consists of 2-3 statics at about 20 meter depth, and also with empty lungs. There is much talk about the problem of narcosis at certain depths. I do not know what it is, I have never had it. There are athletes who ask me for advice on how to handle narcosis, but unfortunately I cannot help them. Patrick Musimu claimed that I have never experienced the symptoms of narcosis because I have never done packing. He stopped feeling narcosis when, thanks to his wet equalization technique, he no longer needed to be "full of air" and stopped packing. What do you think of this relationship between packing and narcosis?

I do not know if narcosis depends on packing. I am not able to answer with any certainty. I do not hear much about narcosis, and it is true that I do not push it when I perform most of my packing. I only pack air up to about 60%. This is enough for me to charge the last deep mouth fill. The slight narcosis that I sometimes feel, I get at around 80 to 100 meters during the descent. What Patrick Musimu said may be partly true. Dave Mullins pushes his packing to the maximum and his deep narcosis is crazy and very strong so it may be precisely linked to this. For me, also warming up is important to stop narcosis. I noticed that if I do not warm up I feel narcosis more easily. I do not do specific training for narcosis, as William Trubridge and others do. Simply diving several times to great depths helps and the typical sensations of narcosis disappear gradually. In the presence of narcosis, I feel especially a tingling in my fingers, a slight feeling of numbness. At this point, I focus a lot on what I am doing, I try to increase my level of mental focus and everything goes away. When I turn around to return to the surface, I know that when I exit, it was a great dive. I hear it in my head. Free immersion is technically easier than constant weight. In your opinion, why are the record depths in this discipline lower than the ones in constant weight?

This is because in free immersion the total dive time is huge! The speed of free immersion is typically much slower than during a constant weight dive, both in the descent and in the ascent. My ascent rate in constant weight is about 1-4 - 1.5 meters (4'-7'' - 4'-11") per second. In free immersion, however, I have a maximum speed of 1 meter per second. This makes the performance in free immersion much longer compared to a constant weight dive. Going down to 70-80 meters in free immersion is much easier than constant. But behind that, it is not. In free immersion there is a lot less stress than in constant, but by certain depths the huge dive time causes problems that lead to unbearable levels of hypoxia.


Honestly, I have never trained the free immersion very much. Those problems could be overcome with training and that could be something I could work on. Also, my legs are strong and trained (thanks to my past as a high-level athlete in swimming with flippers), but my arms are not strong at all. Since freediving at a high level, have you created, "invented" or made one exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has ever tried before you? It is difficult to talk about myself in this way. I have been swimming with flippers in the Russian nationals. Perhaps, I was the first to bring this to the excellent technique of the monofin in dynamic and in depth to the world of freediving.


PATRICK MUSIMU Patrick Musimu was born in Kinshasa, Congo on October 12, 1970. He had a Belgian citizenship. For a period of time, before I retired in 2001, we were antagonists during international competitions and for the World Championship by Team in Ibiza. He was the first man to have broken the -200 meter (656 feet) barrier in Variable No Limits. I saw him for the last time a few months before his death at a charity event in Brussels. On that occasion we held a conference together. Giampiero Genovese is answering for Musimu Patrick (who died on July 21, 2011). He was a training partner and good friend of this very strong Belgian freediver. Did Patrick follow a long-term training program that was spread over several months or did he have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before he would try and set the record? For Patrick, it was essential to know exactly what the goal was (discipline, date, location) in order to better plan his preparation, his approach, the depth increase, the loading and unloading of training exercises, both in his dry preparation and for when he was in the sea. He left absolutely nothing to chance. He was very meticulous and precise. Every single detail was very important for him. And not just in the planning of training, but also in other contexts, like his underwater equipment and in the dry, his choice of machine for exercising... in everything! The duration of the training period approaching his record depended a lot on what he had in mind. When I started working with him, his goal was the triple quest, an attempt to set a triple world record in three different disciplines: in tandem "traditional" no limits (i.e. the diving manner of the pearl divers of the Persian Gulf to 150 meters) and no limits beyond 230 meters. Patrick's deepest depth was never officially declared by him, because for him it was important to show how deep humans are capable of going, but we knew that he was focused, organized and worked on training for this incredible feat. 215

In fact, the first two of these three attempts were mostly tests/training to develop techniques and mechanisms (in the most unfavourable conditions compared to no limits) that were then crucial for the final attempt. So, based on what I have said, his schedule for the world record attempt was spread over nearly two years, in which there were periods of dry preparation (2-3 months), and other periods in which he trained only at sea (2-3 weeks). During the period at sea, he did dives almost daily to depths around 70% of the depth which he would attempt on the day of the record, and the only reason he did not go deeper was for safety reasons. In each of these dives he practiced special equalization manoeuvres, tested specific solutions to his weight, felt out new situations or manoeuvres that could facilitate him in the most critical areas of his extreme descent. Especially it was about working on the development of a safety system that would enable him to go back up in the event of an accident. He was ?ble to perfect his technique by doing exercises in shallow water and especially with long dry workouts. Only two or three times throughout this period he was reaching substantial depths, trying to use in these extremely deep conditions what he had trained at shallower depths. Tell us about his preparation in the 3 months of dry training.

He trained every single day! His day as an athlete began early in the morning with at least one hour of meditation, visualization and breathing techniques. In his meditation techniques it was essential for him to visualize his dive, mentally repeating the manoeuvres and equalization hand movements; he "entered" the most critical areas of the dive itself. He dry trained by virtually reproducing the same situation. This happened to him every day and it was a key part of his training. His breathing practice consisted of training pranayama techniques, using his diaphragm very deeply. Then he added breathing techniques, typical of the martial arts of Qi Gong, a discipline he had already trained in the past. He had also developed personal breathing techniques, working on the emotional side and the different types of stresses, methodologies used, among other things, to combat insomnia (the latter known as Off-Thought Breathing). His specific physical training program was done around 6 days a week. He had a well­ planned program in which he alternated workouts with specific stretching of the spine and rib cage. He trained static both in the water and dry, especially with empty lungs or passive expiration to try to reproduce the lungs' situation he would experience at sea, while in depth. He trained static series by gradually increasing the dive time until he reached his maximal (most recently it was close to 7 minutes in static in passive expiration), all while remaining in the "comfort zone". It was important for him to train freediving in this "zone" without creating stress. He was very satisfied because he realized that compared to previous years, his times had improved significantly. According to him, these performances in static with passive expiration, represented a time that would have allowed him to quietly face his deep dive. For the type of goal he set for himself, he did not consider his training at the gym to be the most important. In the past, when his goals were records in constant weight or dynamic, his workout at the gym was very accurate. Every single year, he adjusted it, he was focused and 216

the workout was the result of an analysis and breakdown of what he would have had done in his performance. His workouts at the gym predicted a series of workouts on cardio machines (i.e. step, running, cycling) and energy system, such as working on VO2max, maximum effort, maximum heart rate and maximum resistance, doing it for at least the same duration of his test dive in water. Each exercise was repeated three times, alternating a brief period of active recovery (calculated on the basis of working out time). He thought it was important to prevent them from going below a certain threshold. After a few minutes of semi-passive recovery and rehydration, he repeated the same series, sometimes on another exercise machine. This type of gym session lasted between 25 and 40 minutes. This was the main set, the central workout of his physical training, which allowed him to have proper basic preparation, according to him. I often say that he had to train his "engine", leading him to have the right ability that would allow him to better address stresses in the sea. In the gym he also did some resistance training on CO2 and hypoxia. In the series, the exercises were done on an exercise machine at his maximum strength. The duration of this type of work ranged from 20 to 30 minutes. For example, in his case, 1 minute breathing exercise / 1 minute physical activity holding his breath. The goal was to increase the effort very gradually with equal recovery times. I repeat that these workouts were based on the knowledge of himself and of his ability. Through training sessions of resistance to CO2 , Patrick had high tolerance to lactate, measured in the laboratory, which was higher than other samples taken while training in similar efforts. Dr. Tino Balestra, one of the leading researchers and experts in the physiology of freediving in the world, who collaborated with Patrick, knows about that. Over the years, he changed his physical training, bearing in mind the fact that his goals ("traditional" no limits and no limits) would not have been subjected to "specific physical strain", in the descent or in the ascent. He then tried to clean up his training to avoid situations that he thought were not essential to his no limits manoeuvres (before he trained for constant), he had switched to training the specifics of what he needed to do in no limits. For example, he eliminated all parts of specific muscle training in the gym because that kind of effort is not seen in no limits. In addition to lactate resistance training, he focused on the entire procedure, exercises, and manoeuvre workouts that were essential for him in his wet equalization technique. Since I had been with him, I never saw him training in dynamic. Did he warm up before freediving? It is what one might call a dry physiological warm up. He always did this before freediving, both in static and in depth. He practiced this warm up before each training session, by assuming certain positions, emptying his lungs completely and holding his breath to work on stretching and on recalling the diaphragm. Patrick repeated this movement for as long as possible. According to Patrick, and according to some osteopathic doctors, this type of diaphragmatic exercise with empty lungs, without breathing, allows someone to trigger the production of anti-stress hormones that are 217

produced during freediving especially in the "struggle" phase, helping the body to lengthen the well-being phase of the dive. I do not know what narcosis is. I have never had it. There are athletes who ask me for advice on how to handle narcosis, but I unfortunately cannot help them. Patrick told me that he had stopped feeling narcosis ever since he started going deep thanks to his wet equalization technique; he no longer needed to be "full of air" and stopped packing. It is true. Since he stopped packing, there was no longer narcotic effects. It was a point of major work for him. Instead of training packing, he trained in expiratory (passive) apnea, so much so that he had announced that he would try the last record of triple goal no limits the "way the seals do it," that is in expiratory apnea to avoid precisely this kind of problem. What was the wet equalization manoeuvre? He would remove his nose clip around 40 - 50 meters. He would let the water enter all compartments in order to equalize, including the frontal sinuses, parietal and mastoid. Before the dive he would prepare for the manoeuvre in shallower dives. After the record of 209 meters he continued to refine and develop this technique. This wet equalization has been documented scientifically. (Germonpre P., C. Balestra, Musimu P., Passive Flooding of paranasal sinuses and Middle Ears as a Method of Equalization in Extreme Breath-hold Diving, Br J Sports Med. 2011 Jun; 45 (8): 657-9). Since Patrick started freediving at a high level, did he create, "invent" or make one exercise and/or technique that no other freediver had ever tried before him? Patrick had certainly contributed to increasing the effectiveness and awareness of how to freedive, which made to dive below 200 meters possible for the first time in human history (this depth was exceeded several times in 2005). Patrick made the most of his knowledge as a physiotherapist and expert in martial arts to perfect his training exercises. These were the result of hours and hours of performing research on himself, his body and the behaviour of animals. In addition to being a master in the art of mouth fill, Patrick had studied the wet equalization technique and the use of the diaphragm. To learn the wet equalization and make it effective, he tried shooting saline solution into his nose with a syringe. The first time that he tried it, he fainted, but as he said: "accept no limits"; he eventually adapted and became used to it. Another important contribution was that he connected the exercises and diaphragmatic breathing to the production of hormones and physiological adaptation to depth. Patrick was also one of the few high-level freedivers that co-authored scientific publications.


----- --- - GUILLAUME NERY Guillaume Nery was born in Nice, France on July 11, 1982. This great athlete belongs to the award-winning French school in Nice. He is very charismatic and knows how to convey his passion and enthusiasm to everyone who meets him. We had to "clash" at the World Team Championship in Ibiza in 2001, won by Italy against France. He was then on his world debut; meanwhile, after that competition, I decided that I would end my competitive career. He retired from Freediving competitions in 2016 after a freediving accident in Constant weight. His personal record is -125 meters (410 feet). Did you follow a long-term training program that was spread over several months or did you only do a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you tried to set the record? I planned my workout over a period of at least 8 months, I had some general guidelines that I followed in my training process when I was getting closer to the most important goal of the season. In this path, however, sometimes I decided some "variations on the theme" compared to the planned program, based on the way I felt physically in the water (tiredness, particular physical or mental feelings of being able to give more or less than what was included in the training program, the desire to work on something else rather than what was on the schedule, etc.) I felt that I had to do what my body had told me. So let us say that I knew where I had to go, but the choice of table and workouts (exercise, load, etc.) could change a few days before the training session. Did you train only at sea, in depth, or were dynamic and static part of your training? My methodology and my workouts had completely changed in the recent years, compared to how I was training at the beginning of my career. 219

During the winter, compared to before, I more or less went overboard and increased physical preparation. I worked out a lot (and I enjoyed it ...) with cycling, mountain biking and cross country skiing. I trained in these aerobic disciplines, which in my opinion are especially crucial for constant. In this period, I went to the sea once a week for maintaining freediving. I trained a lot in the swimming pool, however, especially in dynamic with predominantly hypercapnic tables. In the first phase of physical training, I worked a lot on aerobic endurance, then I moved to the aerobic power with threshold workouts; then ending the workout session with VO 2max and anaerobic recall. I started the session about 3 months before the most important event of the season and gradually reduced the sessions and physical training workload. I always did a bit of aerobic activity, but with lighter loads, less frequently and holding my breath: running with control of breathing, running while breathing the least amount as possible, swimming with the maximum number of strokes without breathing and agile bike pedalling but without breathing. During this time I started to go back to the sea with assiduity, almost every day. My dives were not very deep, working on depths that were a little shallower than my max. In some sessions I recreated situations of difficulty with respect to constant weight with monofin, by freediving with short fins or in constant weight without fins. In the sixth and fifth week before the record, I achieved substantial depths; but I knew they were going to be within my reach, both in my head and legs, due to all the work done in the previous months. I worked out every other day at sea, starting from 80 meter depth and increasing approximately 3 meters at a time. I still kept one session a week at the swimming pool where I focused on technique (kicking with the monofin) and slight physical preparation. In the last 4 weeks before the record, I was only training in the water and I gradually approached my official depth. When I reached between 100 and 120 meters I had to take one day off between workouts. At over 120 meters, I needed at least 2 days off between training days. Out of the water I only did stretching and breathing exercises. Did you train in static? The only real training was done in the 3 months prior to the competition. In the previous 6 weeks, I mostly trained static with empty lungs. I trained about 2-3 times per week and I felt that it really helped me a lot for my performance at sea and for depth. So dynamic and static were important to you, even though you were a constant weight champion? Absolutely, although I trained these two disciplines in completely different periods and ways. In dynamic I did not do maximum dives, but I worked mostly on hypercapnic series. The goal was to adapt to high levels of CO 2 as this situation would have been very useful, especially in the second half of a dive in constant weight, when much effort is being made by working the muscles in acidosis for a relative prolonged time.


You have talked about deep dives. There is a lot of talk on narcosis over certain depths. I do not know what it is, I have never had it. There are athletes who ask me for advice on how to handle narcosis, but unfortunately I cannot help them. Patrick Musimu claimed that I had never experienced the symptoms of narcosis because I have never done packing. He stopped feeling narcosis when, thanks to his wet equalization technique, he no longer needed to be "full of air" and stopped packing. What do you think of this relationship between packing and narcosis? To be honest, I cannot answer that. I do pack and feel narcosis. What I can say is that if the descent is fast, then I feel only very little narcotic effects. If I reach the bottom after just 5 seconds of rest, narcosis is twice as strong. So, I do not know if the variable is the "filling of the lungs" by means of packing. This could be a cause for sure, but as far as I am concerned the speed of descent greatly influences the feeling of narcosis (and therefore the total time between starting the dive upside down and the arrival at the bottom). Did you do a warm up before max dives? I started doing warm ups in 2009 on the advice of William Trubridge. I tried it initially only for CNF. Then I stopped warming up for constant weight. Now I feel very good. I think it maximizes the effects of the diving reflex. Have you ever attempted CNF, free immersion or no limits? I already competed in CNF. I also won a bronze medal at the World Championships in 2009 and my work out sessions in CNF had played a key role it that, I trained it a lot. It is a "tool" that allowed me to advance in depth in CWT. I do not like free immersion. In regards to no limits, setting the record in this discipline was a dream I had in my mind many years ago. But then, after all the incidents (Audrey Mestre, Lok Leferme, and then Herbert Nitsch), I decided that no limits was not going to be my competitive specialty. Free immersion is technically easier than constant weight. In your opinion, why are the record depths in this discipline lower than the ones in constant weight? In free immersion dives, beyond 100 meters, apnea times increase enormously. With dive times not far from 5 minutes for dives between 100 and 120 meters, you arrive at the surface "very very" close to the limit. We attempted to increase the speed, in particular the arm thrust during the descent and ascent, but the results were even worse. If stress increases, this reduces the freediving time, but it increases oxygen consumption. In my experience, in constant weight you can say, "Now I am going to accelerate" and reduce the total time by several seconds, while keeping the consumption of oxygen under control. In free immersion that cannot happen. Up to a depth of about 60 - 70 meters, free immersion is technically and from a performance point of view, much easier compared to constant weight only because immersion times are relatively short.


Can you give us an example of hypercapnic tables that you used in dynamic?

First of all, I worked out almost exclusively on 50, 75 and 100 meters. For example: • 2 times (10 x 50 meters) in the first series, with restarts at 55 seconds, the second with restarts 50 seconds; 10 x 75 meters with restarts every 2 minutes; 8 x 100 meters with restarts every 3 minutes.

This was because the objective was to always keep recoveries relatively short. If I surpassed these distances, to keep going with the whole series, I would have been forced to make longer recoveries. Then I was no longer doing hypercapnic workouts, but rather hypoxic. And that to me was much less useful for constant weight. Another important point, I always tried to keep my speed in dynamic the same as my speed in the ascent phase of my constant weight dives (1-4, 1.5 meters per second). For me hypercapnic training induced by same speed in constant weight was fundamental. And in static?

I trained static with empty lungs. An example of a table that I often repeated is as follows: Basic warm up; 30 seconds of recovery; (4 x 1 minute static) (4 x 11 30 11 static) 30 seconds of recovery; (4 x 2 minute static) 30 seconds of recovery; (4 x 3 minute static) 1 minute of recovery; 11 (2 or 3 x 3 1 30 static) 1 1 30 11 of recovery.

. . . . . .

Another table that I often trained with full lungs is the following: • Basic warm up • 4 x 6 1 30 11 with recovery times of 1130 11 • Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made one exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has ever tried before you?

According to me, I was the first to bring speed to constant weight dives, with the use monofin as a speed tool. During the records in constant weight to 107 meters and 108 meters, set by Martin Stepanek and Carlos Coste respectively, they did dive times of about 3 1 30 11 • My record was 109 meters, with total time of 2 155 11 , which is more than 30 seconds faster than the others. And this technique and tendency to have higher speed were later adopted by many other athletes. Many young freedivers have now chosen to use this technique, making high-speed ascents. Even William Trubridge and Alexey Molchanov, while reaching the same depth, have more or less my same freediving times.


HERBERT NITSCH Herbert Nitsch was born in Vienna, Austria on April 20, 1970. According to me, he is the G.O.A. T. (Greatest Of All Times) in freediving. He has set records in all disciplines, both indoors and outdoors. -124 meters (407 feet) in Constant Weight, -120 meters (394 feet) in Free Immersion and -244 meters (801 feet) in No Limits are his calling card. I met him for the first time back in 1998. He joined me in Martinique and wanted to train with me. He said he was a novice freediver. I remember the first time we went into the sea, I invited him to come down to do some warm up dives, and he immediately went down to -75 meters (246 feet)! A true talent.

Were you following a long-term training program that was spread over several months or did you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you tried to set the record? Over the years, I had changed a lot in the way I prepared for a record. In the last seasons, my training sessions were mostly dry. During the long periods of physical training my plan was mainly based on endurance and resistance, so a lot of aerobic workouts. In the final part of this period, before starting on my specific preparation in the water, I started my trainings in static. Only rarely, when doing physical training workouts in the gym, I did train series without breathing. This, in a very general way, was the foundation of my preparation: then only 3 or 4 weeks before it was time to set the record (depending on the discipline that I had as a goal), I started the process of finalizing my in-water workout.

When I did compete, I spent 11 months of the year training in the water, in the sea. I never lost my adaptation to the pressure. In your case, after so much time spent preparing out of the water, were you not afraid of having lost your adaptation to depth? 223

You had so little time before starting straight away to reach substantial depths. How were you ready for the stress and pressure that you were going to experience down there? I based a lot on the way my body felt. This is the most important thing, always! I started out with safe allowances and then pushed and increased the depth depending on what I felt I could do. In some cases, between one workout and another, if I felt I could do it, I increased the depth by a few tens of meters. The month that I had for my in-water preparation, for the phase leading up to the record, it was a time that I knew was sufficient for my body to readjust to the pressure of that depth. If I had prepared in the water for more time, I would have probably been too tired on the official date. Four weeks is the perfect time to adapt to the depth, to increase depths and reach the record in perfect condition, without experiencing any physical decline. You were a professional pilot, so you could only train in your spare time, when your work allowed you to do it. In hindsight, if you had not had any work commitments, with the whole year available to train, how do you think you would have changed your workout program? Let us say I did it out of necessity! It was not easy to work as a pilot and train for the world freediving record. I was not a professional athlete and my training tables were the perfect compromise that allowed me to remain at a high level and keep my workload. If I were completely free from commitments, I think I would have devoted more time improving my efficiency in all areas. I would definitely have devoted more time to work on some specific situations that I thought needed improvement and refining, bringing them to excellence. I do not think, though, that I would have spent more time underwater freediving, having found that specific in-water training had negative effects on me if I did it for a long time. I got very tired, started to regress and lacked energy. These were concrete situations that substantially "wane" the state of my body, away from my goal. And on what "weak points" would you concentrate if you had more time? Equalization for sure, even if it was just concentrating on equalization efforts and research during the years of setting the record. If I would have had more time, I would have "discovered" and understood more things, developing and practicing new ways of further equalization. It is thanks to this ongoing research that I came to invent the new EQEX equalization method that allowed me to reach 200 meters. If I were able to only concentrate on freediving, as a professional freediver, I am sure I would have found and developed even more equalization techniques. There have been periods over the years when I was training only this. I used pools with depths of 20 meters to go down and stand on the bottom after having exhaled completely. In that situation, with my lungs completely empty, I tried to reproduce the effects of pressure on my body, especially on my ears and the stronger pressures I was going to face in the sea. In this way, going down to a maximum depth of 20 meters, I could make many dives without the risk of Taravana and had made a few attempts to better understand how to work the new equalization techniques. 224

Describe your great insight, the "bottle equalization" technique (EQEX). I thought and thought a lot about this idea. You cannot imagine how many hours I spent in the swimming pool and in the sea in order to develop this highly innovative technique that allowed me to reach the 250 meter marker. I christened the EQEX equalization method. Others have called it the Coke Stop. Everything revolves around this bottle (drilled and filled with water at the start) that is carried from the beginning to the end of the dive under my head. During the descent, I stop at about 25 meters deep, and through a kind of straw that I hold in my mouth, I fill the bottle with my air, emptying the lungs as much as possible. This is the only time I open the glottis voluntarily to allow the passage of pulmonary air into the bottle. The whole descent is practically done in expiratory apnea, almost having no air in the lungs (apart from residual volume), I minimize the risk of embolism or Taravana. The fact of coming down with the glottis closed, allows me also to isolate the lungs, avoiding the risk of pulmonary oedema due to equalization efforts (because the lungs are isolated by the closed glottis) and optimizing the situations induced by the blood shift and the diving reflex. Throughout the descent, equalization is therefore carried out using only the air stored in the bottle. By drawing air from the bottle and keeping the glottis closed, I can rely on a huge amount of air for the mouth fill. This is a ploy to artificially increase the volume of air in the mouth. Moreover, taking air from the bottle is much easier compared to the traditional recharging of air from the lungs. Once the lungs are empty and the bottle is full, I activate the Frenzel putting pressure on the tube and implementing a continuous equalization. What do you think can be done in order to further improve existing depths? I refer particularly to constant weight, since, as you have demonstrated that the only problem in no limits is the equalization. In constant weight we are probably not that far away from human limitations. What would you do to further sharpen what is left? I believe, especially given the current operating depths, that training should focus a lot on quality rather than quantity. We should focus on the factors limiting our performance and think about what kind of training can raise the level of each individual. There are many points that need work: dive time, resistance to effort, muscles that give up nearly at the end of the performance, equalization, the position of the body in free fall, kicking, and so on. When faced with an equalization problem, for example, it will be important to focus and workout only on that aspect of the dive. It is useless to do huge workouts in order to increase the length of the dive if we are limited to descend to deeper depths because we cannot find additional air for equalizing. In such cases, then, the majority of the training program must be targeted on this aspect, rather than general training. This is the suggestion that I give: understanding the limiting situation and/or the possibility of improving it and raising the level, by doing targeted training. However, where there are even more "deficient" points, the suggestion is to train them separately, and only then, once they have improved, combine them during performance. 225

What ideas do you have regarding the lung squeeze or pulmonary oedema? This is, unfortunately, a problem that freedivers often confront. According to me, the cause can be among the lack of elasticity of the rib cage, the failure to adapt to pressure, the effort that is carried out in depth and the packing technique used at the start of the dive. In your deep dives have you ever had problems with narcosis? If you had, how have you trained narcosis? If narcosis is physiological, everyone should have it. Why do you think that I have never had it while others suffer terribly from the effects of narcosis at certain depths? Do you think that the packing component is also the cause? I believe that narcosis can be explained using an example that is easier to understand: alcohol intoxication! For someone that drinks very little or is a teetotaller, it is easier to feel the effects of alcohol. When one gets used to drinking alcohol, he manages it better; for example, he is even able to drive a car because he is able to control its effects. The other, not used to drinking alcohol, cannot. The same thing is true for the deep freediver. You can get used to narcosis and learn to handle a situation of narcosis and then... then you think you do not have it. All of us, in my opinion, suffer from narcosis, but there are those who feel it and those who do not! Those who do not feel it means that they have adapted or have gotten used to its effects. That is my opinion. There is a stress factor that you play with. The strong presence of brain activity is a component of narcosis especially if you are stressed, the more you use your brain the more narcosis is felt by you. Less stress in your brain means a better handle on narcosis. It looks like you get narcosis when your brain asks you to do more than you can give (stress). In this sense, both physical and mental relaxation is crucial. You have never had narcosis perhaps because you have never packed. With packing, in fact, there is more air, this also increases the presence of nitrogen in the lungs... and this is one of the physiological factors triggering narcosis. Maybe that is why! Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made one exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has ever tried before you? Of course, the bottle equalization technique that I have just described. In a different context, I was the first to use the weight-collar. I introduced it myself, initially in dynamics, then it was also used in deep freediving. I got there thinking about what was happening to me and what I was seeing happen to others. In dynamic freediving the lungs are light and legs are heavy. Thinking as a pilot, I realized that if an aircraft does not fly straight it is not efficient. So having the collar meant I was able to do it more powerfully and be more hydrodynamic in dynamics. I thought of this solution the night before one of my dynamic competitions. I built a rudimentary collar and, even without trying it, I wore it the next day and set the record. Now we all use the collar. Another thing that I thought was the nose less mask. Equalizing by blowing through a tube that is fixed to one of the two lenses of the mask. I use it in constant weight. 226

As for the safety part: • I was the first to introduce a double security system which is able to bring an athlete to the surface. A sort of double inflatable life jacket. If there is a problem with the first, the second activates; I was the first to use the... electric winch systems (similar to the one on sailboats) to bring the freediver to the surface. A classic counterweight system may have some probability of failure, especially when very deep.


BRAN KO PETROVIC Branko Petrovic was born in Split, Croatia on March 11, 1986. He is a citizen of and lives in Belgrade, Serbia. He is a real talent in static. His best time in an official competition was 12 111", but his personal best is very close to 13 minutes. Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record?

To be honest, I do not seriously follow a scientifically planned training program with the help of a coach, athletic trainer or sports medicine physician. Unfortunately, I do not have sponsors that allow me to be a "professional freediver", and for several months a year I do not train much freediving in the swimming pool in order to dedicate myself to spearfishing. I fish a lot, sometimes for even 8 hours a day, for a living. We can say that this is my job. All this time, every day spent spearfishing, gives me a specific major training base, which will be very useful later in the season, when I start my static workouts in the swimming pool. In periods when I spearfish, my specific static training is reduced to a couple of sessions a week where I do two dry statics, lungs completely empty, pushed to the maximum. The goal is to exceed 4 minutes, which is a time that I try very hard to reach considering the maximum exhalation. Then, after a normal recovery once I ventilate normally, I do my maximum. Two months before the most important competition of the season, I begin a bit more serious and focused workout. I train every day in the swimming pool.


The sequence of my training is very simple: • on day one I do a maximum; • The next day, I do the following table, purely hypercapnic (and always the same after that): 7 minute static+ 2 minute recovery; 7 minute static+ 1'45 11 recovery; 7 minute static+ 1 13011 recovery; 7 minute static+ 1 1 15 11 recovery; 7 minute static+ 1 minute recovery; 7 minute static+ 45 seconds recovery; 7 minute static+ 30 seconds recovery; 7 minute static + 30 seconds recovery; 7'30". This is "my series". I am constantly training this! It has helped me. By the feelings that I have during this training in static, I am able to understand my physical condition. In the final part of the series, when my recoveries are very short, I have a very strange feeling, almost like narcosis, a numbness that occurs in the last phase of ventilation and I exit in the first part of the static. When I can hold and control the breathing reflex (contractions) at 7'30 11 after 30 seconds of recovery, I know that if my body is trained to handle the contractions, I will arrive around 8 minutes, maximum dive prepared normally. I never warm up before a max static or before static series. Have you ever trained hypoxic tables (constant interval and statics that increase)? I have tried to train them, but I realized that I do not need it a lot, I do not achieve important results. In the way I train, I have completely abandoned that, but in my "ideal training program" it would surely have an important role, especially during periods of training and preparation that are still far away from the time to set the record. Tell me about your ideal workout schedule. I have developed a specific program with the help of sports doctors who follow me. I suggested it to some guys I am training and the results were truly amazing. I would love to use it on me, but my current problem is that I do not have free time to train. Like I said, I absolutely have to spearfish for a living. But if one day I were to find financial peace of mind, or a sponsor to support me, I think I would follow a targeted and specific training program. I would develop my 6 month preparation. Before these six months I would like to have spearfishing as a basic training. The next 6 month period would be divided into three basic stages: 1. The first phase would be made up of two months. It would be made up of strong workouts, circuit training in the gym and cardio machines. In static there would only be a few max apneas. In dry training, I would devote much time to training the intercostal muscles at the base of the chest. They are essential in my extreme packing manoeuvre. If these muscles are well trained I can hold much more air; 229

2. The second stage, which would last 2 months, would be made up of a lot of hypoxic workouts, running and swimming: long distances (about 15-20 minutes) of running and swimming with minimal breathing. At the end of the performance, the sensation has to be harsh! If the muscles have been shaped in the previous phase, the purpose of this phase is to work on the "unique qualities". There is some light aerobic work and continuous stretching of the rib cage and diaphragm. This is because at the end of this stage, my heart must be ready to support, under stress, the two lung situations: the ultimate packing and maximal emptying (exhalation). And when I say maximal expiratory, I mean there is only 0.75 litres of residual volume! In this period, static would still continue to be carried out, some as maximum apneas (with full lungs and empty lungs) accompanied by hypoxic series (relatively long recovery time, but with long apnea times); 3. The third phase would be virtually identical to this one: stretching of the rib cage and, on alternate days, a table or maximum hypercapnic series, which 1 have already spoken about. Some might wonder why, speaking of training, I talk so often about the heart. Because of the type of breathing that I do just before immersing myself, my lungs are brought under enormous pressure. The heart is strongly squeezed from the lung volume (although this can be partly reduced if there is chest elasticity that allows part of the expansion toward the outside), causing arrhythmias or even stopping cardiac activity. If I can maintain a constant blood flow to the heart (thanks to the trained heart and very elastic rib cage), I can get to a level of blood saturation close to 30%. How do you prepare for statics in terms of relaxation and ventilation? My static is based on strength! When I train for a record or a competition, I do not have a place for relaxation and good feelings. I suffer and resist the maximum contractions and pain. When I started freediving, my time in static was between 6 1 40 11 and 7'1011 with pranayama breathing based on relaxation. And I could not move this time. Then I decided to change my training systematically. I started with packing. I packed to the max and hyperventilated, and everything changed. My times had improved in a few months and I had easily exceeded 10 minutes in static. Before a static, I make a final maximum inhalation that brings me to have about 9 litres of air. In this important lung capacity, I can add 120/140 by "pumping" or packing the pressure in my lungs to the max. I do the "packing" even when, in a series, I have very little breaks. For example, in the final recovery of 30 seconds of my hypercapnic series, I hyperventilate for the first 20 seconds, and then in the remaining 10 seconds I "pump" (1 am packing). How are your contractions? After how long do they appear? How do you cope? During a maximum apnea, I normally have the first contraction at about 7'30 11 / 8 minutes. 230

Up to 7 1 30" I must be completely "asleep" and time goes by fast, I have no contractions, nothing! Then the diaphragmatic contraction comes. At that point, without being able to intervene and control the contractions, the situation can evolve in two different ways: 1. In the first case, after the first contraction, I get another more powerful, intense, and always come in short intervals. In this situation, I can hold my static at around 10 1 10"/ 10 1 30"; 2. In the second case, I get a very special feeling that not even the doctors can explain... and it is in this situation that I can reach my best performance, my record. After the arrival of the first contraction (very strong), I start to feel a particularly intense pain at the base of the thorax and diaphragmatic contractions are interrupted completely. The sensation of pain is so strong that sometimes I am forced to stop and breath. But if I can stand the pain and hold on for about a minute, then all the suffering disappears. And contractions do not come back even after the pain has passed... I understand when it is time to breathe again by paying a lot of attention to my feelings and what my head tells me. For me, when I am really into a dive there is pleasure and relaxation. You talk a lot about effort, pain, extreme strength and uncomfortable situations. Have you ever thought of setting up your freediving concept in a different way and seek to find good feelings more than anything else? Yes, I have thought about it, I have also tried it, and I really like your way of understanding and interpreting freediving. I believe that by working seriously on mental techniques (which I am doing now) you can arrive safely, without suffering too much, up to 10 1 / 10 1 30" minute static. But I cannot change my thinking! I am convinced that this barrier can only be passed by "struggling" and resisting the urge to breathe. What has allowed you to reach these kinds of performances? Nature or training? I think, as in all sports, if you are not genetically gifted, you can never reach the highest levels. With practice you can improve, but you cannot get excellent if nature does not help you. It is also true that if you are naturally gifted, but you do not train, you will never reach the top. I definitely have a genetic predisposition. I think it is a common thing in my whole family. When my sister was fifteen years old, without warm up and preparation, without any help or advice, she held her breath for 5 1 24" for the first static in her life! It is a gift from nature, but we must work hard by training it. Like I said, at first I was a good freediver. I trained a lot, especially using relaxation techniques, but my times were stuck at just over 7 minutes. Then I wanted to completely change the setting and the preparation of my static. I tried hyperventilation, extreme packing, diaphragm stretching and elasticity exercises, and within 4 months I broke down the 11 minute barrier. Now I am not very far from 13 minutes in static.


Do you think you will stick with the discipline of static or do you think that in the future there may be important goals in other disciplines?

I hope to one day move on to other disciplines. I have never trained in dynamic or in depth. My best performance in dynamic, in the competition, was 140 meters. I carried out the competition without ever having done a single workout and it was right after a static of 10 1 23 11 • I remember that at 100 meters my legs felt hard. I stopped at the bottom to rest them for about 40 seconds. The assistant was afraid that I was in blackout, and I saw him come over to me quickly. I gave him the "ok" and only after having experienced an improvement in my legs, I was able to do another 40 meters. Returning home, I wanted to test my maximum in dynamic and without pushing too much (always without training), I reached 200 meters. That is why I think I have a good chance in dynamics. Deep dives also attract me a lot. I hope to be able to soon count on a sponsor who can help me go professional. My dream remains to set the record in free immersion and variable weight. I believe that the current depth records are absolutely within my reach, given the elasticity of my chest and my 13 minutes in static. The two constant disciplines, with and without fins, are something totally different. think I need more time to learn and automate these techniques better. Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made one exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has tried before you?

I think I was really the first one to learn to keep myself alert, to activate certain parts of my brain in the most extreme hypoxia. Basically I realized that, even in blackout situations, I can control my brain and make myself do the protocol needed in the exit in the competition. One part of my brain is active, while the others are completely turned off. This is clearly seen in the EEGs that the physicians from my home town University of Medicine have subjected me to. If you look at the video of my 12 minutes, my exit is perfect. I am fine. But then, if you are curious, ask my assistant what I did! It is something that you can absolutely learn. At the beginning I went into blackout, then I tottered and had some difficulty keeping myself going, but in the end, it that situation, I was able to accomplish the expected exit protocol. If the exit protocol should change, I would be forced to recondition myself to automate the actions of the Protocol in the presence of a blackout. I was able to teach this technique to some of my students.


----- ---- - WILLIAM TRUBRIDGE William Trubridge was born in England on May 24, 1980, but when he was eighteen months old his family moved to New Zealand. He has been an Apnea Academy instructor since 2004. His specialty is definitely CNF, in which he expresses a unique elegance. He is among the best in the world in the Free Immersion and Constant Weight. In both disciplines has reached a depth of -121 meters (397 feet). He is the only man to have passed the barrier of -100 meters (328 feet) in Constant Without Equipment, with the world record of -102 meters (334 foot). In 2000, William attended my freediving workshop in Sardinia, where I met him for the first time. He was already a great CNF athlete. He came to stay a week in Santa Teresa ... and left three years later! Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record? I am the kind of athlete that works out a lot and prefers a serious program and a long-term preparation schedule. My training program lasts for 10 -11 months. Broadly speaking, for the first part of my journey towards the record, I normally choose the Canary Islands, where I stay for about 2-3 months. There I work mostly in the swimming pool combining wet and dry preparation, stretching and yoga. In these months I train very little with deep dives. Then I move to the Bahamas. Here I start to train with deep freediving, but not at very deep depths. The training series tables consists of constant weight, constant weight without fins, still a bit of swimming and a lot of stretching and yoga. In this period, I do some maximum dives, but above all I work on series and technique. For several weeks before the record I start to push deeper. This is, in short, my annual training plan.


What does your preparation include? There are athletes who do a lot and others who do not.

I believe that swimming, running, cycling and in general other physical activities, from a cardiovascular physical point of view, do not completely reproduce the physiological situations that are typical in freediving. The specific training stimuli come when "holding the breath". According to me, physical preparation helps to better prepare the beginning of the specific preparation. In short, physical preparation can support the specific preparation, it helps, but it cannot replace it. Specific freediving training is the most important part of the annual training program. The best training for freediving is freediving! Personally, I program all of my yearly schedule in the first phase of the long training period, still a long way from the official goal. Rather than following the usual physical training (swimming, gym, etc.) I work hypercapnic endurance exercises, like dynamics for 30-40 minutes, minimizing respirations. The objective of this work is the duration, doing it for the long distance. Your ultimate specialty is


weight with and without equipment. How

important are static and dynamic freediving for these two disciplines?

In the water I do not do a lot of static. I work on it only when I have the World Team championship, a competition that includes this discipline. Otherwise I train dry static with completely empty lungs. This exercise allows me to better get those sensations that I feel in a deep dive and allows me to get into the struggle phase more quickly, without having to wait 4, 5, or 6 minutes. Dynamic, unlike static, is very important to me for my depth goals because it allows me to work a lot on my technique. After all, in order to increase my depths in constant weight with and without equipment, improving my technique is as important as training the performance itself. Of course, training the technical aspects of swimming (kicking breaststroke or with the monofin) and strokes (in constant weight without fins) can also be practiced in the sea, but I cannot do deep dives to minimum of 40-50 meters for at least 2 hours! I would get too tired and would run the serious risk of Taravana. Therefore, if I have to work on a technical mistake and automating a correct movement, I prefer to work in dynamics in the swimming pool because I can do it safely for 3 consecutive hours, doing many laps. After several "kilometres" of correction, I can ensure that I master the correct movement! I work a lot beyond technique as well as on resistant strength and feeling the movements. Do you train the stop and go exercise?

No, I never have. I tried it, but I did not like it. Potentially training the go-stop-go exercise could train what happens in a deep dive well, with the second part of the "go" being longer than the first. But I have never spent much time on this exercise. I would rather work on technique. According to you, can the three disciplines in which you compete (constant weight, CNF and


immersion) be trained simultaneously or do you train mainly the

discipline in which you have to set the record and then the remaining ones will be performed, without specific training? Let me explain my question be�ter. When I competed, 1 practically only trained constant (no fins and


immersion were not

there). 1 attempted the record and then the next day, with the sled, I pushed down


50 meters more. With a couple of workouts, I was then ready for variable and no limits. So, in my case, training in constant helped me to do everything else with no

problems. Do you think it is the same for you? Does training for one discipline help to train the others or do each one of them need to be trained separately to reach the best results? No. I think that constant weight and constant weight without fins are very different from each other. The muscles involved are different, the movements are different. For example, I find constant weight much more difficult compared to constant weight without fins because in constant weight, the ascent is made up of continuous physical effort, without breaks. This does not happen in constant weight without fins. At the end of each stroke of the arms and legs, I have a moment to relax, which is when I exploit the glide and my body recovers. In constant weight the effort is continuous and this is the thing that weighs on me and I have to work harder on. Using the monofin, however, is different due to the effort required by the various muscle groups involved in the technical movements: lumbar, abdominal, dorsal muscles, and leg muscles. At the beginning of the season I train these two disciplines together in the sea, but then I tend to do more specific training. Free immersion is technically easier than constant weight. In your opinion, why are the record depths in this discipline lower than the ones in constant weight? Free immersion is technically much easier than constant weight. Potentially, I think the record depth in free immersion should be deeper than the one in constant weight. If it is not, it is for two reasons. The first is that there are still too few people who are seriously training in free immersion like there are in constant weight. Free immersion, because it is technically easy, is attempted after the records in other disciplines and it is never specifically trained. In short, in my opinion, we still have many things to discover about free immersion. The second reason is that, in dives over 110-120 meters, the duration of a test dive in free immersion lengthens above all, to around 4'30". This dive time is accompanied with serious problems of narcosis and hypoxia at the end of the dive. I personally believe that by increasing speed, keeping agile and economizing technique, these depths will consequently increase.

You have talked about narcosis. I do not know what it is, I have never had it. There are athletes who ask me for advice on how to handle narcosis, but unfortunately I cannot help them. Patrick Musimu claimed that I have never experienced the symptoms of narcosis because I have never done packing. He stopped feeling narcosis when, thanks to his wet equalization technique, he no longer needed to be "full of air" and stopped packing. What do you think of this relationship between packing and Narcosis? I personally believe that narcosis is mainly related to carbon dioxide levels. When I work on deep dive series, with short recoveries, and I restart with high levels of CO 2, I get narcosis at shallow depths like 30-40 meters. So I think it depends on carbon dioxide levels and not on nitrogen. There are some dives when narcosis increases during the ascent. Sometimes even when I exit deep dives I feel "narcosised". So, if it would really depend only on nitrogen levels (linked to the large amount of air in the lungs after the packing manoeuvre), this should not happen.


Yes, but do you pack to go down to 30-40 meters? No, I do it only for deep and long dives. However, I am not convinced of the fact that the volume of air in the lungs and the increased pressure from packing is what makes the difference. You have never had narcosis because you probably are not sensitive to this type of situation. How do you train for narcosis? How do you avoid it? I train by diving in variable to 50-60 meters. Once I have reached that depth, I stop at the bottom for some statics. This is when severe symptoms of narcosis can occur and I try to adapt to these situations. Can you give us some examples of workouts and tables done in the swimming pool? In the swimming pool in my training sessions in dynamic, 75% of the total workout is hypercapnic training. The rest is all technical work with some hypoxic tables. The reps are for very short distances, but with very short recovery times. When I am at the top, I can do a series of 20-30 dynamic without fins, about 25 meters, with restart times of 29 seconds. Or the 50 meter with a restart time of 1 minute. The pyramid tables are a very useful workout. Initially the series requires restarts with relatively easy recoveries. Then the rest time is progressively reduced and when I reach the limit, rather than stopping, I resume the recovery with small incremental steps. Sometimes, in dynamic without fins I do the series without a wetsuit. This allows me to have more sensitivity to the movements, it gives me more feedback on my technique. I feel the response to a change in technique more without the wetsuit. And in depth? In the two disciplines of constant weight, I train quite simple tables. It is a series to a certain depth, with a very low fixed departure time (for example 30 dives of meters every 2 minutes). To avoid problems of Taravana, clearly the number of reps cannot be very high. Sometimes, to increase strength, I wear a long sleeve shirt over my wetsuit. Another disadvantage might be to use short fins, instead of the monofin. During the table, the level of CO2 rises overwhelmingly. It becomes difficult to manage the descent and equalize because the whole body wants to return to the surface after a few meters. This is a great workout for me to train relaxation under these conditions of extreme stress. In the final part, close to the next important competition, I reduce the tables and technical work. Training in water becomes virtually a single max dive and one or two dives with empty lungs to train the pressure and maximum feeling of it. Maybe then I add a "leisure dive" to unwind a bit. on At this stage, I continuously train with yoga and lung stretching exercises, working mental training and relaxation. I know that you generally do not do a warm up. Do you ever warm up or do you do it just before your best performances? Do you warm up before reps? It is important for me to distinguish between exercises to warm up the muscles and lungs (which can be done dry) and apnea warm ups to break the "wall". Before 236

the dive, I usually do about an hour of preparation exercises, such as yoga and lung stretches. But I do not freedive before the maximum dive. I made this choice in order to get the maximum intensity of the diving reflex. In fact, when the diving reflex is activated several times before the max dive, it reduces the intensity of each subsequent reflex. It can been seen by measuring the contraction of the spleen, which decreases with each subsequent dive (and it is not true that the positive effect of these contractions lasts beyond the current dive). At the end of the diving reflex there is a survival reflex and, as it happens for other situations that solicit physiological reactions, the response to the first stimulus is more pronounced. A dive without a warm up can be more difficult to manage from a psychological point of view, but the physical ability is maximized. I used this technique to achieve all my personal bests, even in static (where it is more difficult to apply). Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made an exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has ever tried before you? I think all the adjustments that a freediver adopts come from observing himself and others. However, there is an exercise that I have developed over the years that has become a fundamental part of each one of my workouts. When I described it to a yoga teacher, he told me that something like this is seen in the old yogic texts. It is clear that there was someone who invented it and there are probably other freedivers, like myself, who have "discovered" it by themselves perhaps without realizing it. It is about using all the bandhas (this word in yoga means "bonds" or "seals"). They are muscular contractions that balance the internal pressure in the pelvis, at the diaphragmatic level and at neck level) with a certain position of the tongue to reach a state in which the contractions are blocked, reflexes of peripheral vasoconstriction and bradycardia are much more obvious than normal levels (my minimum recorded frequency was 27 bpm, in dry and sitting). The vasoconstrictions are so strong that I can use this technique to eliminate congestion in the nose and sinuses! It is not suitable for disciplines in the swimming pool, where the lungs are always expanding, but in freediving over 20-30 meters it seems to be of great help. Even if you cannot engage the bandha during a dive, it seems that the position and the thrust of the tongue can act in the same way. It has become indispensable in my training and in my dives. I wonder if it is just a useless habit or if it is something that gives me a real physiological benefit!


----- ----ALESSIA ZECCHINI Alessio Zecchini was born in Rome, Italy on June 30, 1992. In my opinion, she is the strongest female freediver in the whole freediving history. In these years, she has won several medals at international level, among which 12 gold world medals and has set 15 records, between CMAS and AIDA competitions. She is currently "the deepest woman in the world" in Constant Weight with her -107 meter (351feet), depth reached in October 2018 at the CMAS World Championship in Turkey. Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record? I follow very precise planning and scheduling guidelines, which have been adjusted by my technical staff to my physical and physiological needs. We have discussed and studied a lot together and I believe that these changes will lead me to important improvements. In my competitive future, I believe that I will mainly focus on depth but also on dynamic. My intention was to get away from static both in training and in competition. However, my trainer is not of the same opinion. He believes that static is not something by itself but it is also very important for the other disciplines and therefore I believe that I will have to go back to training it! Basically, I follow weekly microcycles characterized by fin-swimming, training in dynamic, workouts in the gym holding my breath and breathing exercises. Every day I have a different program. For me it is essential to always change in order to have the enthusiasm and will to train. Repeating things is extremely boring for me. In the swimming pool, in dynamic, I mainly follow hypercapnic tables. 238

In dry training and in the gym, I mainly follow tables in anaerobic threshold or VO2max. In each training session, in the swimming pool or in the gym, I set training parameters for raising the level of difficulty of the exercise, while maintaining it, always within the energetic effort that I have mentioned to you before. My training program in the gym involves three main phases. A first phase in which I do strength training. A second phase in which I train resistance strength. A third phase where I follow circuits in apnea. In this third phase, I have to do the exercise holding my breath in 1'30"-2' and the exercises are mainly legs exercises: presses, squats and etcetera. You are above all a deep freediver. In your opinion, how important are dynamic and static for depth training? In my opinion, both static and dynamic are absolutely important for deep diving. Static is also important, not just dynamic! That is the reason why my trainer insisted that I go back to seriously training static. As well as the preparation in itself, I believe that training in the swimming pool allows you to also train the technique better. Moreover, in the swimming pool, you can also hold extreme hypercapnia for a whole series. In depth, after you have done a very deep dive your training is over. The idea is to train myself to the best in the swimming pool, thinking I am preparing myself for the maximal performance. The objective of important competitions like Italian, European, World Championships, will give me a very strong stimulus for the indoor competitions. During winter, I will recall depth with weekly training (one every 6-8 weeks). And this will allow me to start the specific depth phase about 6 weeks in advance before the date I will attempt the record at sea. If I need to attempt a record only in constant weight, I am sure that after a whole season of serious training in dynamic, with 3-4 weeks of specific training in depth, I could be ready for my maximal performance. If, in addition to the constant weight competition, I would need to attempt the record in free immersion and in constant weight without fins, then those 3-4 weeks of depth dives could become 6-8 weeks. A serious winter training program in the swimming pool allows starting straight away in the sea with substantial depths, like 80-85 meters in constant weight. In your opinion, can the three disciplines in which you compete in (constant weight, CNF and free immersion) be trained at the same time or do you train mainly the one in which you have to set the record and then the remaining ones will be performed without specific training? I believe that you can train at "a record level" one depth discipline and then, if you have a top technique, you can win also in the other disciplines, but you cannot be at your best physical condition for all the disciplines at the same time. Let me explain. I have won a gold medal in a discipline and a silver medal in another discipline, in the same event. But, winning a gold medal means being stronger than your opponents, not necessarily being at your best! If you want to be at your best in each one of the depth disciplines, I believe that you would need to do specific work on each one of them. 239

Free immersion is technically easier than constant weight. In your opinion, why are the record depths in this discipline lower than the ones in constant weight? The problem is the dive time. The time in free immersion for important deep dives is enormously longer and this leads to high dive time with subsequent unmanageable hypoxic situations. I believe this is the reason.

Have you ever had narcosis in your deep dives? Do you believe it can be trained or prevented by doing specific exercises? I do not believe there are trainings to get rid of narcosis. I have seen that it is important not to be tired. I have noticed it in myself that when I am well rested, the effect of narcosis is much less violent. I have experienced it often. When I did the record in free immersion at Vertical Blue, in that occasion my dive time exceeded the 4', I felt insane narcosis! I can easily bear it because I have automated all the moves I do, they come naturally to me; I do not have to think. Therefore, when I experience a strong narcosis, I try to stay very calm and do those movements rhythmically and in a relaxed way. I am aware that it will come so I get ready to deal with it and this does not put me in a stressful situation. In my opinion, there are two technical aspects that could cause narcosis: long dive time and extreme packing. Can you give us sample tables of swimming pool training? I train in a 33 meter swimming pool. At the beginning of the year, I do basic work with monofin, for example 12x33 meters with restarts at 35", then getting into the maximum load moment with restarts at 25", even 18 repetitions. Or 33 meter series, 66 meters and 100 meters in which I have a recovery of 5" before a 33 meter dynamic, 10" before a 66 meter dynamic and 40" before 100 meter dynamic. I repeat this scale 3-4 times. I work a lot on speed, change of pace and explosive strength. I believe it is a very important workout. For example, it could be a 33 meter series, repeated 4 times, restarts at 45", giving the best, in terms of speed, in each static. And in the sea? In the sea, it is much easier. I start immediately to dive deep and I do progressive increments. For this year, I will have to also work on something new: the Mouthfi/1. It will be surely enrich my experience as athlete; however I have never used it in all my dives, including the ones over 100 meters. I have always worked a lot on relaxation. What do you think of the warm up before swimming pool and sea competitions? In the swimming pool, I do not follow a specific warm up in the water before each competition in dynamic. I prepare with dry breathing exercises, short breath-holds and above all, thoracic elasticity techniques. In static, I do the same thing outside the water and then I include a static in the water of a couple of minutes. This is how I prepare in the swimming pool. In depth, when I have competition in warm seas, I do a light warm up: a couple of dives from 10 to 20 meters, with about a 2' static at the end of each descent. This 240

helps me to prepare physically and mentally, to loosen, relax and adapt myself to the pressure. In the Mediterranean it is different. I extremely feel the cold and the thermocline penalizes me a lot. In this situation, I prefer to prepare myself for the competition outside the water, in the warmth, and to enter into the sea only before the dive. I consider myself an athlete of great experience in dynamic. In the swimming pool I know my body well and I know what I have to do to get the most out of me. In depth, I still have a lot to learn because in my athletic career I have done relatively few dives: deep but few! I hope to improve not only in depth but also in the way I sense my body. Once I will get to know my body better and 'its needs' in depth, I believe that I will also improve in the warm up phase, understanding the optimal solution. Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made one exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has ever tried before you? Certainly, the use of small snorkelling fins in the swimming pool. I have started to play around a bit with them for fun, I have then continued to train myself with these small fins and I have overcome the barrier of 200 meters. By now they have truly become part of my equipment for my swimming pool trainings. In the pool, I no longer use the long freediving fins, but only the monofin and small fins. Normally I do 3-4 finning sequences and then I exploit the subsequent glide. I use them as normal fins, not as a monofin. The position of the arms is forward. Another technical thing I do not see in other athletes is the forward elongated position of my arms during the descending phase of my constant weight dives. Everyone normally, especially in the free fall, keeps them aligned behind, along the body.



--- -- --- -AN OREA ZUCCARI Andrea Zuccari was born in Rome, Italy on October 26, 1974. He has been an Apnea Academy instructor since 2008. In my opinion he is the greatest

expert of equalization in the world. He currently holds the Italian record in No Limits at -185 meters (607 feet) and -135 meters (443 feet) in Variable. He has a lot of potential.

Do you follow a long-term training program that is spread over several months or do you have only a few specific training sessions a few weeks before you try to set the record? I work a lot in the short term because my work commitments do not allow me to have an annual program like a professional athlete. My freediving centre, Freediving World, in Sharm El Sheikh keeps me too busy. However, I have the advantage of living and working at sea. So in my spare time I can regularly do deep dives that allow me to keep my freediving depths constantly high. Therefore, starting from this basic condition, however high, I decide to just try to set the record, in a short time, I focus on the goal, I work on the increments and then I make the attempt.

This, in my opinion, it means you are settling! What you are describing could be interpreted as follows: I have a good level of training and just before a competition, I raise it to what I can! In my opinion, you have quite a bit you can improve upon and I think you have never tried to be in your best physical condition. Don't you think that seriously attempting a record, with a year of work and planning, could lead to much higher results to what you now consider your maximum depths? Or does your freediving training involve only going regularly in the water? I am convinced that with a serious training plan, physical training and conditioning done in a certain way, much more could be achieved. I am strongly convinced that


the results in freediving depend on how well you prepare yourself in and out of the water. I have never been to any competition at the top of my condition. To do so I would need a lot more time. But I am lucky enough to be in the water all year round and this allows me to never get out of shape and to get in better physical condition quickly when I decide that I want to enter into a competition. I realize, however, that this does not mean that showing up at the competition is being able to give maximum potential and have the same chances. What I think I need to work on is athletic training: improving, actually introducing - as I do not train at all out of the water - the whole part of the physical dry training. I hope in the upcoming years I will be able to better organize my workouts and to find sponsors that allow me to become a professional athlete and that is it. You are a deep freediving expert. Almost all the strongest athletes in the world come to visit you to train. Don't you think that in some disciplines, such as constant weight and constant weight without fins, we are nearing the limits of depth for humans? There are many attempts, but few actually set the record. I believe that the current freediving records are far from the real human limit. There are many reasons that make me think this. In freediving, there are three to four major competitions every year, there are athletes who attempt the record in every competition! Does that seem normal? In every sport you are training to be in your best physical condition in a very specific amount of time. In freediving this does not happen in the least! When planning the workouts nobody has a real trainer or coach, as they do in other sports. Everyone trains what they think will make them better, but there are no real specific programs. Moreover, many top athletes still incorrectly use the monofin. Think of the potential leap in quality that many freedivers could have if they only would use better technique while using this equipment. How much the depth record could really increase?! Think about athletes. Take sprinters for example. They all have the same physical structure, they all train in the same way, they all have a similar diet... and that means that the limit is really close to the human potential! And the same thing could be said for any other professional sport. In freediving, if you ask the five best athletes in the world how they train in water or dry, how they eat, and so on, you will probably get five different answers: one is training only in water, the other mainly with physical preparation, one is skinny and short, and another is "ripped" and tall. Above all, this makes me think that, at a competitive level, freediving is not yet scientific nor professional. There is no other sport in the world where the preparation for maximum performance is so different between different athletes. How do you keep fit and what do you do when you decide to improve yourself for setting a record? Every day I am in the water and I try to keep my body adjusted, adapted to medium-high depths. I have a chance to do the sled all year round so I dive over 100 meters at least every week. I never miss a workout both mentally (the idea of having to go so deep) and physically (rib cage, diaphragm, etc.). 24 3

In constant weight I stay at a "safe" depth of 80 meters. Every week I do three dives to 80 meters in the same session. This allows me to start my training and preparation from this depth, whenever I decide to participate in a competition or set a record. I always have the 80 meters in my legs and in my head. In constant weight, in this period of my competitive career, I do not like to reach the limit. My goal now is to increase my "comfortable depth". I have already done dives beyond 100 meters, but, for the moment, I prefer to increase my "comfortable depth" goal rather than reaching the maximum. In no limits, in the phase before the competition, I decrease the number of dives, gradually increase the depth and work a lot, every day, on stretching the rib cage and diaphragm. A very important thing for me is to finish the dive well. Have proof of freshness, self­ control and so much untapped potential. I never come out at my limit. I do not say "let me try and see if I can do it". Unfortunately, in competitions these days, there are often "bad exits" by many athletes. I have never had an early turn [turn around before reaching the marker that marks the goal depth, author's note]. If I decide to dive to set a record, I set the record. In some competitive seasons I was very tired when I attempted the record. And this fatigue often coincided with low iron values: haematocrit, ferritin, haemoglobin. Has this ever happened to you? Unfortunately, yes. I can confirm that I also have had problems like that, at times. For this, especially when I get close to a record, in the final stages, I reduce my dives to a minimum. Often, the mistake of arriving at the competition in a declining athletic phase is made. Let us talk about narcosis. I do not know what it is, I have never had it. There are athletes who ask me for advice on how to manage narcosis, but unfortunately I cannot help them. Patrick Musimu claimed that I have never experienced the symptoms of narcosis because I have never packed. He stopped feeling narcosis when, thanks to his wet equalization technique, he no longer needed to be "full of air" and stopped packing. What do you think of this relationship between packing and narcosis? I believe that narcosis is a very personal issue. In my case I do not get the binomial packing-narcosis. I remember in 2009, when I was diving in no limits at around 120 meters, I did not pack, but I still had strong feelings of narcosis. Until 2011, when I set the record in tandem, I felt narcosis. This year, for the 155 meters, I really had no problems with narcosis. I believe I have resolved this with hydration because I try to drink a lot, even 5 litres of water per day while I am in Egypt. And I am convinced that keeping the blood very fluid helps to avoid this problem and facilitates the blood shift and the prevention of pulmonary oedema. In fact, in recent years, since I started drinking a lot, I have never spat blood. A few months ago, after a long period it had not happened to me, I felt symptoms of narcosis at the end of a dive when I had trouble equalizing. I arrived at the marker not very relaxed. To me, narcosis is also closely linked to relaxation. This was a dive in variable. I usually do the variable ascent by kicking. Normally I count 40 kicks keeping 244

my arms at my sides and then put them in a hydrodynamic position over my head. That day I was trying to count my kicks but I could not. I kept loosing count. Tell us about your deep diving warm ups.

In the past, to warm up, I did a couple of statics at around 10 meters. Then I was starting the deep dive. This year, I wanted to try deep diving without warming-up and I had great feelings. I then decided to stop warming up for all deep dives. In preparation for a deep dive, I have a method of stretching the rib cage only that allows me to get closer to the tensions and pressures that I will find down there. Since freediving at a high level have you created, "invented" or made an exercise and/or technique that no other freediver has tried before you?

Surely, I have studied and deepen the world of equalization. I have understood new things, elaborated equalization protocols and created specific exercises. When working at my freediving centre, 80% of the time I speak about equalization. Almost all freedivers come to me to learn and train equalization using my methods. And it is precisely what I have discovered and understood in this context that has enabled me to set a record in no limits using a mask. I think I am the only man in the world to have gone down to 155 meters using a mask... and it is definitely not a limit. All this has been possible thanks to what I have discovered and learnt about equalization. Another aspect in which I have worked a lot, has been training and developing specific exercises that have enabled me to delay or in some cases get rid of the onset of contractions in static. Although I work and train it in static, the target is depth, and more precisely deep equalization. If while descending, I do not have any contractions, I can be more relaxed (mentally and physically) and I can above all avoid damage to the lungs. But my main objective is different. When I go deep, I use the mouth fill technique to equalize. In this technique, after the charging phase, the glottis remains closed until the end of the equalization, which is done by using the air stored in the mouth. One of the main reasons that the mouth fill cannot be completed correctly is the opening of the glottis, which allows air to go back into the lungs, undoing every attempt to equalize. One of the main reasons that the glottis opens is because of the diaphragmatic contraction. Our brain recalls that wants oxygen and consequently tries to open the glottis to get air. If we succeed in removing or eliminating these contractions, this problem is resolved automatically. What is your workout to get rid of or delay the contraction?

In static, when I realized that I was coming to the critical area, I concentrated hard to try not to move the abdominal wall or diaphragm at all. And I realized, at the beginning, that the contractions I felt were induced by me, due to stress and low relaxation. Working on this, I have almost got rid of the arrival of contractions in static. So do you think that contractions are not something physiological, natural and that you cannot control, as it is claimed by the scientific community?

Personally I do not agree with the argument made by medicine that diaphragmatic contractions are caused by an uncontrolled physiological process. 245

It has always been said that it was normal so everyone has accepted the notion that it is so. I decided to start a discussion by focusing on my feelings and experiences. When I attended the Apnea Academy instructor course, I had absolutely no desire to do the expected 4 minute static because of the contractions, I got contractions just after 45 seconds, making me suffer until the end. After 2 months, without any training, I did the same static, prepared in the same way, and the first contraction came at 3 1 45". So this made me think, if the time of the first contraction's arrival can vary from 2-3 minutes, then the contraction is not only related to CO 2 , but to other things. I have seen students that sometimes do cause not the diaphragmatic contraction, but the abdominal ones, they were moving their chest... almost to trick the brain into keeping it quite by trying the breathing motion. By believing and working on it, I saw that it worked on me. I am having great results with students who, after doing this workout on the control of contractions in static, they have "awesomely" increased their equalization. Even those who were not able to get rid of the contractions, they managed to delay them, they got great results. When you talk about a delay in the contractions, do you mean a longer static? No. With these techniques, I delay or get rid of the arrival of contractions, but I do not necessarily lengthen the static time. One must be very careful, because the freediver could go into blackout without any warning. I did a test dive with an assistant by my side, at 15 meter depth, with empty lungs. I pushed the performance until the blackout, with no contraction. One must be very careful.


GLOSSARY AA: Apnea Academy, an International school for freediving training and research. AAR: Apnea Academy Research. It is the branch of AA that deals with scientific research applied to freediving. ACTIVE EXHALATION: If we start from a pulmonary ventilation in normal physical condition and perform a maximum exhalation, this will be defined as active exhalation. Active exhalation can be more or less deep. ACTIVE INHALATION: If we start from a pulmonary ventilation in normal physical condition and carry a maximum inhalation, this will be defined as active inhalation (voluntary, thought, willed). Active inhalation can be more or less deep. COMFORT DEPTH: Safe depths, not physically or mentally demanding for the freediver, depending on personal ability. CONSTANT WEIGHT (CWT): The freediver descends to the maximum depth and ascends only using leg strength, finning, without being able to touch the dive line (rope). CONSTANT WEIGHT WITHOUT GEAR OR WITHOUT FINS (CNF): The freediver descends and ascends to the maximum depth using a variation of breaststroke swimming, without being able to touch the dive line (rope). DIVING REFLEX: Defined by a set of diving reflex responses of the cardiovascular and respiratory system that take place in all mammals, at the time of immersion of the face in the water and especially during the first phase of the dive (surface or deep). These reactions or, rather, adaptations are aimed at reducing the oxygen consumption of the organism. The main reflexes are the decrease in heart rate, peripheral vasoconstriction, the average increase in blood pressure and the blood shift phenomenon. DRY BLACKOUT: blackouts without the presence of water in the respiratory tract. DYNAMIC FREEDIVING (DYN): The freediver swims using fins, lengthwise, the maximum horizontal distance possible underwater. DYNAMIC FREEDIVING WITHOUT EQUIPMENT OR WITHOUT FINS (DNF): The freediver swims using a modified breaststroke, lengthwise, the maximum horizontal distance possible underwater.


FREE IMMERSION (FIM): The freediver descends and ascends to the maximum depth by pulling the dive line (rope).

HOMEOSTASIS: The natural tendency of living organisms to maintain internal equilibrium even under varying external conditions, thanks to a set of regulatory processes and counter-regulation whenever there is a straying from that equilibrium.

HYPERVENTILATION: A number of forced breaths, both during inspiration and expiration. In this technique, the frequency of the ventilations increase dramatically. NARCOSIS: A situation that may occur in deep freediving and is characterized by a clouded mind, a foggy awareness of the situation, difficulty or inability to think clearly and slowed movements. PASSIVE EXHALATION: We start from a condition of active inhalation when the lungs are over pressurized. It is enough to open the glottis and the airways to allow air to come out spontaneously. This is the phase that is referred to as passive exhalation. Generally, it is a spontaneous exhalation, not forced, that is defined as passive expiration.

PASSIVE INHALATION: We start from a condition of active exhalation in which the lungs are depressed. It will be enough to open the glottis and the airways to allow air to enter spontaneously. This is the phase that is referred to as passive inhalation. Generally, it is a spontaneous inhalation, not forced, that is defined as passive inhalation.

STATIC APNEA (STA): The diver remains immersed for as long as possible (avoiding any movement that would consume oxygen).

STRUGGLE PHASE (SUFFERING OR SACRIFICE): A situation in which the body during training, achieves high levels of fatigue due to the lowering supply of energy, the increase in lactic acid and psychological stress. In these conditions there is an alteration of homeostasis, the condition of equilibrium where the body is in a state of rest. Thanks to this physiological fatigue, after each training session and during rest, compensation occurs (called supercompensation), during which the energy reserves and the potential neuro-muscular are reset to a higher value than originally, determining an increase in performance, and then the much-hoped-for results of the workout! The struggle phase in freediving is made up of the onset of diaphragmatic contraction, the urge to breathe, the legs hard and loaded with lactic acid, and so on.

VARIABLE WEIGHT (VWT): The freediver reaches his maximum depth driven by weights and ascends by his own power (using fins or arms).

VARIABLE WEIGHT NO-LIMITS (NLT): The freediver reaches his maximum depth driven by a sled and is pulled back to the surface by (for example) a balloon.

WET BLACKOUT: loss of consciousness with the airways flooded.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Claudia Aragno Maurizio Candotti Danilo Cialoni Goran Colak Stefano Correale Leonardo Gatti Miguel Lozano Mike Marie Alexey Molchanov Patrick Musimu Guillaume Nery Herbert Nitsch Stefania Pelizzari Branko Petrovic Alessandro Rossi Lemeni Jillian Rutledge Nicola Sponsiello William Trubridge Alessandro Vergendo Alessia Zecchini Andrea Zuccari

PHOTOGRAPHERS Piercarlo Bacchi Fabio Ferioli Montse Grillo Franco Origlia Paolo Zanoni

24 9

BIBLIOGRAPHY Ciampani P., Dispensa a uso degli studenti: cattedra di Metodi e didattica de/le attivita sportive, University of Teramo - Political Science Faculty. Academic Year 2009/2010 Counsilman J.E., Counsilman B.E., la nuova scienza de/ nuoto, Zanichelli Counsilman J.E., The Science of Swimming, Prentice-Hall Davini A., Ambiente acqua. Dal nuoto al/a subacquea. Scienze biomediche applicate agli sport acquatici, Casa Editrice Scientifica lnternazionale, Chapter 9 Fisiopatologia de/le immersioni in acqua, by lnfascelli R.M. Enciclopedia medica italiana, USES Edizioni Scientifiche, II ed., 1987, vol. 14, pages. 872 and following. Ganong W.F., Fisiologia medica, Piccin, VIII Edition, 1979 Guyton A.C., Trattato di fisiologia medica, Piccin, V Edition, 1985 Hofler H., Terapia e ginnastica respiratoria, Edizioni Mediterranee lemaTtre F., L'apnee: De la theorie a la pratique, Publication of University of Rouen Lysebeth A.V., Pranayama. la dinamica de/ respiro, Astrolabio Maric'M., Mazzei V., Figini S., lmpariamo la monopinna, Magenes Mayol J., Homo delphinus, ldelson-Gnocchi Platonov V.N., Allenamento sportivo: teoria e metodologia, Calzetti & Mariucci Platonov V.N., Fondamenti dell'allenamento e dell'attivita di gara, Calzetti & Mariucci Platonov V.N., L'organizzazione dell'a/lenamento e dell'attivita di gara, Calzetti & Mariucci Pelizzari U., Deeply, ldelson-Gnocchi Pelizzari U., Mana F., Chiozzotto R., Dry Training for Freediving, ldelson-Gnocchi Pelizzari U., Landoni L., Seddone A, II respiro nell'apnea, Mursia Pelizzari U., Tovaglieri S., lezioni di apnea, Mursia Pelizzari U., Tovaglieri S., Manual of Freediving: underwater on a single breath, ldelson-Gnocchi Severinsen S.A., Breatheology: The Art of Conscious Breathing, ldelson-Gnocchi Sweetenham B., Atkinson J., Nuoto do campioni, Co/lana tecnica e didattica Sport Edizioni Tovaglieri S, Samba? No, grazie, PescaSub & Apnea, Year XIX, n. 211 April 2007


UMBERTO PELIZZARI Umberto Pelizzari was born on August 28, 1965, in Busto Arsizio, Italy. As a freediver, he is widely considered among the best of all times. Pelizzari established world records in all outdoor freediving disciplines (Constant Weight, Variable Weight and No-Limits) that existed in the period when he competed. It was very famous his rivalry with Cuban freediver, Pipin Ferreras, originally a close training friend. In No-Limits, Pelizzari and Ferreras led to the furthering of the limits of what was considered to be humanly possible at that time. Their rivalry is documented in the 2001 IMAX production Ocean Men: Extreme Dive. During his career, he achieved 82 meters (262 feet) in Constant Weight, 131 meters (429 feet) in Variable Weight and 150 meters (492 feet) in No-Limits. His best performance in Static Apnea is 8' and 19'56" (during medical tests) after breathing pure oxygen. Pelizzari has also founded Apnea Academy, the international freediving education association, and co-authored the widely used Manual of Freediving. Pelizzari is part of the Staff Instructors of the famous Italian Special Intervention Group (G.I.S. Gruppo di lntervento Speciale dei Carabinieri). The Italian Ministry of the Interior has appointed him member of the Staff Instructors for the divers of the Firefighters Corps. Pelizzari has been also working as a presenter and as guest in TV shows particularly focused on the environment. www.u171bcrtqpeliz,


"This textbook does not surely contain the miraculous recipe for becoming a freediving record man. My intention is to answer a lot of questions related to freediving training, such a fascinating and at the same time mysterious discipline. " [Umberto Pelizzari] Following the previous textbook on physical preparation on dry land (Ory Training for Freediving, edit. ldelson Gnocchi), the goal of this one is to propose a method that will allow freedivers and spearfishermen to identify and then p_ersonalise their workout, in order to optimize the results. Umberto Pelizzari provides valuable guidance on how to structure the various stages of specific preparation for the annual timetable of the training (sequences, orders, frequencies). In this regard, he suggests when to increase the workload, how and when to end specific workout, depending on the discipline competed. Furthermore, he introduces innovative training strategies and new specific exercises that can be combined with the traditional ones. While he shares his experience and his training methodologies and how these latter have evolved and adapted throughout the years. Also, he reveals ideas and medical experiments that have allowed him to find new solutions to his long-held limitations. The manual is addressed to good level freedivers, spearfishermen and coaches, who are looking for answers on training and scheduling programs. In addition, it is addressed to all those swimmers who want to improve and train their own skills in freediving in order to apply them to their sport, considering the importance of freediving in modern swimming, both in short and long distances. Over 250 pages with helpful pictures and explanatory graphs that are the result of years of experience by one of the worldwide greatest freedivers. TOPICS COVERED: Analysis and management of specific training Dynamic freediving: warm-up, speed, managing contractions, tests and training models Static freediving: warm-up, managing contractions, training ideas, how to overcome psychological blocks Deep freediving: equalization manoeuvres, training and relaxation at depth, pressure adaptation, technical actions for the various disciplines Freediving dangers: haemoptysis, pulmonary oedema, Taravana, syncope or blackou_t, barotraumas Nutrition basics First aid techniques Interviews with the champions: Colak, Lozano, Molchanov, Musimu, Nery, Nitsch, Petrovic, Trubridge, Zecchini, Zuccari.