Timo 2018 - 2019 Heat Primary 4 [PDF]

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Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Past Paper Booklet 2018 – 2019 Heat Round 奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher 版權所有 不得翻印 All Rights Reserved



[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 51

泰國國際數學競賽初賽 2018 - 2019 THAILAND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD HEAT ROUND 2018 - 2019 Primary 4 小學四年級

Question Paper 試題

填空題(第 1 至 25 題)(每題 4 分,答錯及空題不扣分) Open-Ended Questions (1st ~ 25th) (4 points for correct answer, no penalty point for wrong answer) Logical Thinking 邏輯思維 1.

What is the value of the number to represent “?” in the following sequence? 求在以下數列中?代表的值。 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, ? , 129, …


According to the pattern shown below, how many triangle(s) is / are there from the 1st to the 500th symbol counting from the left? 按以下規律,由左數起第 1 至第 500 個符號中共有多少個三角 形? ○ △ □ △ ○ △ □ △ ○…

奧冠教育出版社 Olympiad Champion Education Publisher 版權所有 不得翻印 All Rights Reserved


[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 52 3.

It requires 12 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 5 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how many minute(s) is / are required to cut into 23 sections? 一根木材,截成 5 段需要 12 分鐘時間;如果每截一段的時間都 相同,那麼把一根木材截成 23 段需要多少分鐘? Today is Sunday. Which day of the week will 1002 days be later? 今天是星期日,問 1002 天後是星期幾?


Andy’s grandfather’s age this year adds 7, is divided by 5, minuses 2 and multiples 7. The result will be 91 years old. How old is Andy’s grandfather this year? 安迪的爺爺今年的年齡,把它加上 7 之後除以 5,再減去 2 後再 變成 7 倍,結果是 91 歲,那麼安迪的爺爺今年多少歲?

Heat Round








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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 53 Arithmetic 算術

s) 6.

Find the value of 48  1  48  2  48  3 . 求 48  1  48  2  48  3 的值。


Find the value of 3  6  9  12  15  18  21  24  27  30  33  36  39 . 求 3  6  9  12  15  18  21  24  27  30  33  36  39 的值。


Find the value of 11  14  17  20  23  26  29  32  35  38 . 求 11  14  17  20  23  26  29  32  35  38 的值。


Find the value of 123  23  246  20  37 123 . 求 123  23  246  20  37 123 的值。

10. Find the value of 11  111  1111 . 求 11  111  1111 的值。

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 54 Number Theory 數論 11. What is the smallest 4-digit number that can be divisible by 4 and 6? 求最小的四位數能同時被 4 及 6 整除。


 5  5  ... 5  3  3  3  ... 3 . 12. Find the unit digit of A if A  5 2018' s

2018' s

 5  5  ... 5  3  3  3  ... 3 ,求 A 的個位數的值。 若 A  5 2018' s

2018' s

Heat Round

13. Define the operation symbol a  b  (a  b )  (a  b ) , find the value of (145  135) . 定義運算 a  b  (a  b )  (a  b ) ,求 (145  135) 的值。 14. The product of positive numbers A and B is 363. A is 3 times of B. Find the value of A. 兩個正整數 A、B 的積是 363,A 是 B 的 3 倍。求 A 的值。 15. If a 9-digit number 20181013A is divisible by 18, find the value of A. 若九位數 20181013A 可被 18 整除,求 A 的值。


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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 55 Geometry 幾何 16. How many rectangle(s) with “*” is / are there in the figure below? 請問下圖有多少個含有「*」的矩形?





Question 16 第 16 題 17. It is known as the lengths of shorter sides for a right-angled triangle are 5cm and 12cm respectively. Find the length of the longest length. 已知一個直角三角形較短的兩條邊分別為 5 厘米及 12 厘米,求 最長邊長的長度。 18. The area of a rectangle is 80 cm 2 . If the sides of the rectangle are integers, how many different value(s) of the perimeter of this rectangle is / are there? 一個矩形的面積為 80 平方厘米,邊長為整數,矩形的周界有多 少個不同可能值?

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 56 19. A big square is formed by 25 squares with side length 7 cm. How many cm is the perimeter of big square? 利用 25 個邊長 7 厘米的正方形砌成一個大正方形,大正方形的 周界是多少厘米?


20. How many right-angled triangle(s) is / are there in the figure below? 下圖中有多少個直角三角形?


Heat Round

Question 20 第 20 題





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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 57 Combinatorics 組合數學 21. Find the smallest difference by using all 8 digits from 0 to 7 without repetition to form two 4-digit numbers. 求使用所有 8 個數位由 0 至 7(數字不可重複)來組成 2 個四位 數之差的最小值。 22. It is given that the total weight of 3 apples and 3 oranges is 600g. The weight of an apple is the same as that of 3 oranges. What is the weight of 1 apple? 已知 3 個蘋果與 3 個橙共重 600 克,而 1 個蘋果的重量與 3 個橙 的重量相等;那麼 1 個蘋果重多少克? 23. It requires 10 people to take 8 days to complete a task. How many day(s) is / are needed for 16 people to finish the same task? 10 個人去完成一件任務需要 8 天,那麼 16 個人完成同一件任務 需要多少天? 24. There are a total of 14 chickens and rabbits in a farm. The animals have a total of 32 legs. How many rabbit(s) is / are there? 農場裡有雞和兔共 14 隻,共有 32 條腿。請問有多少隻兔子? 25. How many 2-digit number(s) is / are there such that the number contains digit “8”? 有多少個包含數位 8 的兩位數? ~ 全卷完 ~ ~ End of Paper ~

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 145

泰國國際數學競賽初賽 2018 - 2019 THAILAND INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL OLYMPIAD HEAT ROUND 2018 - 2019 Primary 4 小學四年級

Detailed Solution 詳細解答

填空題(第 1 至 25 題)(每題 4 分,答錯及空題不扣分) Open-Ended Questions (1st ~ 25th) (4 points for correct answer, no penalty point for wrong answer) Logical Thinking 邏輯思維 1.

What is the value of the number to represent “?” in the following sequence? 求在以下數列中?代表的值。 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, ? , 129, …

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 146


解:65 2  20  3 3  21  5 5  22  9 9  23  17

17  2 4  33 33  25  65 65  2 6  129


Heat Round

According to the pattern shown below, how many triangle(s) is / are there from the 1st to the 500th symbol counting from the left? 按以下規律,由左數起第 1 至第 500 個符號中共有多少個三角 形? ○ △ □ △ ○ △ □ △ ○…



解:250 ○ △ □ △ ... 500  4  125 0  2  125  250


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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 147

6 3.

It requires 12 minutes to cut a piece of wood into 5 sections. If the time required to cut into each section is the same, how many minute(s) is / are required to cut into 23 sections? 一根木材,截成 5 段需要 12 分鐘時間;如果每截一段的時間都 相同,那麼把一根木材截成 23 段需要多少分鐘?

解:66 12  (23  1)  66 (5  1) 4.

Today is Sunday. Which day of the week will 1002 days be later? 今天是星期日,問 1002 天後是星期幾?

解:Mon / 一 1002  7  1431 5.

Andy’s grandfather’s age this year adds 7, is divided by 5, minuses 2 and multiples 7. The result will be 91 years old. How old is Andy’s grandfather this year? 安迪的爺爺今年的年齡,把它加上 7 之後除以 5,再減去 2 後再 變成 7 倍,結果是 91 歲,那麼安迪的爺爺今年多少歲?

解:68 (91  7  2)  5  7  68

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 148


Arithmetic 算術 6.

Find the value of 48  1  48  2  48  3 . 求 48  1  48  2  48  3 的值。

解:88 48  1  48  2  48  3  48  24  16  88 7.

Find the value of 3  6  9  12  15  18  21  24  27  30  33  36  39 . 求 3  6  9  12  15  18  21  24  27  30  33  36  39 的值。

Heat Round

解:21 3  6  9  12  15  18  21  24  27  30  33  36  39  3  (9  6)  (15  12)  (21  18)  (27  24)  (33  30)  (39  36)  3 3 3 3 3 3 3  21 8.

Find the value of 11  14  17  20  23  26  29  32  35  38 . 求 11  14  17  20  23  26  29  32  35  38 的值。

解:245 11  14  17  20  23  26  29  32  35  38  (11  38)  (  49  10  2  245


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38  11  1)  2 3


[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 149

8 9.

Find the value of 123  23  246  20  37 123 . 求 123  23  246  20  37 123 的值。

解:12300 123  23  246  20  37 123  123  23  123  2  20  123  37  123  (23  40  37)  123  100  12300

10. Find the value of 11  111  1111 . 求 11  111  1111 的值。 解:1356531 11 111 1111  111 1111  10  111 1111  123321  1233210  1356531

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 150


Number Theory 數論 11. What is the smallest 4-digit number that can be divisible by 4 and 6? 求最小的四位數能同時被 4 及 6 整除。

解:1008 L.C.M .  12 1000  12  83 4


83  12  12  1008

Heat Round

 5  5  ... 5  3  3  3  ... 3 . 12. Find the unit digit of A if A  5 2018' s

2018' s

 5  5  ... 5  3  3  3  ... 3 ,求 A 的個位數的值。 若 A  5 2018' s

2018' s

解:5 5  5  10 5 5  3  10 5 5

13. Define the operation symbol a  b  (a  b )  (a  b ) , find the value of . (145  135) 定義運算 a  b  (a  b )  (a  b ) ,求 (145  135) 的值。 解:2800 145  135  (145  135)  (145  135)  280  10  2800


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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 151


14. The product of positive numbers A and B is 363. A is 3 times of B. Find the value of A. 兩個正整數 A、B 的積是 363,A 是 B 的 3 倍。求 A 的值。 解:33 363  3  112 A  3 11  33 15. If a 9-digit number 20181013A is divisible by 18, find the value of A. 若九位數 20181013A 可被 18 整除,求 A 的值。 解:2 2  0  1  8  1  0  1  3  A  9n 16  A  9n A2

f .

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 152 Geometry 幾何


16. How many rectangle(s) with “*” is / are there in the figure below? 請問下圖有多少個含有「*」的矩形?

解 *


Heat Round

Question 16 第 16 題

解:24 2  2  2  3  24 17. It is known as the lengths of shorter sides for a right-angled triangle are 5cm and 12cm respectively. Find the length of the longest length. 已知一個直角三角形較短的兩條邊分別為 5 厘米及 12 厘米,求 最長邊長的長度。


解:13 5  5  12 12  169  13 13


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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 153




18. The area of a rectangle is 80 cm 2 . If the sides of the rectangle are integers, how many different value(s) of the perimeter of this rectangle is / are there? 一個矩形的面積為 80 平方厘米,邊長為整數,矩形的周界有多 少個不同可能值? 解:5 80  2 4  5 5 19. A big square is formed by 25 squares with side length 7 cm. How many cm is the perimeter of big square? 利用 25 個邊長 7 厘米的正方形砌成一個大正方形,大正方形的 周界是多少厘米? 解:140 5  7  4  140 20. How many right-angled triangle(s) is / are there in the figure below? 下圖中有多少個直角三角形?

Question 20 第 20 題 解:11 6  4  1  11

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 154 Combinatorics 組合數學 21. Find the smallest difference by using all 8 digits from 0 to 7 without repetition to form two 4-digit numbers. 求使用所有 8 個數位由 0 至 7(數字不可重複)來組成 2 個四位 數之差的最小值。



解:247 4012  3765  247

Heat Round

22. It is given that the total weight of 3 apples and 3 oranges is 600g. The weight of an apple is the same as that of 3 oranges. What is the weight of 1 apple? 已知 3 個蘋果與 3 個橙共重 600 克,而 1 個蘋果的重量與 3 個橙 的重量相等;那麼 1 個蘋果重多少克? 解:150 600  (3  1)  150 23. It requires 10 people to take 8 days to complete a task. How many day(s) is / are needed for 16 people to finish the same task? 10 個人去完成一件任務需要 8 天,那麼 16 個人完成同一件任務 需要多少天? 解:5 10  8  16  5


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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 155 24. There are a total of 14 chickens and rabbits in a farm. The animals have a total of 32 legs. How many rabbit(s) is / are there? 農場裡有雞和兔共 14 隻,共有 32 條腿。請問有多少隻兔子? 解:2 (32  14  2)  (4  2)  2 25. How many 2-digit number(s) is / are there such that the number contains digit “8”? 有多少個包含數位 8 的兩位數? 解:18 (9  1)  1  (10  1)  1  1  18 ~ 全卷完 ~ ~ End of Paper ~

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 252

Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2018 - 2019 Primary 4 Answer Key

Logical Thinking 邏輯思維 4 4

Heat Round

4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

65 250 66 Mon / 一

68 Arithmetic / Algebra 算術 / 代數

6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

88 21 245 12300 1356531

Number Theory 數論 4




















11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

1008 5 2800 33 2 Geometry 幾何 24 13 5 140 11

Combinatorics 組合數學 4










21) 22) 23) 24) 25)

247 150 5 2 18





















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