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Tool Command Language

For additional reading, refer to SolvNet “Using Tcl with Synopsys Tools”, v2014.09.


Tool Command Language

Alphabetical List of Design Objects cells clocks clusters (Design Compiler only) designs library cells library cell pins library timing arcs (PrimeTime only) libraries multibits (Design Compiler only) nets path groups pins ports timing arcs timing paths

pt_shell> man collections NAME Collections_and_Querying Describes the methodology for creating collections of objects and querying objects in the database. DESCRIPTION Synopsys applications build an internal database of the netlist and the attributes applied to it. This database consists of several classes of objects, including designs, libraries, ports, cells, nets, pins, and clocks. Most commands operate on these objects. By definition: A collection is a group of objects exported to the Tcl user interface. Collections have an internal representation (the objects) and, sometimes, a string representation. The string representation is generally used only for error messages. A set of commands to create and manipulate collections is provided as an integral part of the user interface. The collection commands encompass two categories: those that create collections of objects for use by another command, and one that queries objects for viewing. The result of a command that creates a collection is a Tcl object that can be passed along to another command. . .

Note the get_* commands accept only a single argument. Use " " grouping to include multiple strings and patterns as a single argument. set testclks [get_clocks "test* TEST*"]

WNS Worst Negative Slack

pt_shell> all_outputs -help all_outputs # Create a collection of all output ports in design [-level_sensitive] (Get ports with level-sensitive output delay) [-edge_triggered] (Get ports with edge-triggered output delay) [-clock clock_name] (Get ports with output delay relative to clock)

pt_shell> man get_nets . . . -of_objects objects Creates a collection of nets connected to the specified objects. Each object is either a named pin or a pin collection. -of_objects and patterns are mutually exclusive; you must specify one, but not both. In addition, you cannot use -hierarchical with -of_objects.

dc_shell> man get_pins . . . -leaf You can use this option only with -of_objects. For any nets in the objects argument to -of_objects, only pins on leaf cells connected to those nets will be included in the collection. In addition, hierarchical boundaries are crossed in order to find pins on leaf cells. This option is available only in XG mode.

pt_shell> man get_ports . . . DESCRIPTION The get_ports command creates a collection of ports in the current design that match certain criteria. The command returns a collection if any ports match the patterns and pass the filter (if specified). If no objects match the criteria, the empty string is returned.

The –quiet switch is supported in PrimeTime and in Design Compiler in XG mode only (not in DB mode). pt_shell> get_ports -help Usage: get_ports # Create a collection of ports [-filter expression] (Filter collection with 'expression') -of_objects objects (Get ports of these nets) [-quiet] (Suppress all messages) [-regexp] (Patterns are full regular expressions) [-nocase] (With -regexp, matches are case-insensitive) [-exact] (Wildcards are considered as plain characters) patterns (Match port names against patterns)

pt_shell> man list Tcl Built-In Commands


NAME list - Create a list SYNOPSIS list ?arg arg ...? DESCRIPTION This command returns a list comprised of all the args, or an empty string if no args are specified.

pt_shell> man expr . . . MATH FUNCTIONS Tcl supports the following mathematical functions in expressions: abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos

cosh double exp floor fmod hypot int

log log10 pow rand round sin sinh

sqrt srand tan tanh

int(arg) If arg is an integer value, returns arg, otherwise converts arg to integer by truncation and returns the converted value.

In Design Compiler, you must also filter out hierarchical cells. set all_flops [get_cells * -hierarchical –filter \ "is_sequential == true and is_hierarchical == false"]

Using the relational operators greater than (>) or less than ( man sort_collection NAME sort_collection Sorts a collection based on one or more attributes, resulting in a new, sorted collection. The sort is ascending by default. SYNTAX collection sort_collection [-descending] collection1 criteria ARGUMENTS -descending Indicates that the collection is to be sorted in reverse order. By default, the sort proceeds in ascending order. collection1 Specifies the collection to be sorted. criteria Specifies a list of one or more application or user-defined attributes to use as sort keys.

Properties for above report: A - Application-defined U - User-defined I - Importable from db (for user-defined)

Application attributes are those defined by the Synopsys tool. You can also create user defined attributes: pt_shell> man define_user_attribute . . . Use the define_user_attribute command to define a new attribute. You can apply attributes to most object classes. You can use these to mark interesting cells or nets, or store values you computed, and so on. The Synopsys tool will not use these attributes, but you can use them in scripts, procedures, and so on. You can list the attributes you defined using the list_attributes command. User-defined attributes can be imported from db files once they have been defined. You must define attributes you want to import with the -import option. Note that imported attributes do not appear on the design objects until the design is linked. Attributes imported from db files will be inherited through the hierarchy. Note that attributes defined for designs will be inherited onto cells, and attributes defined for ports will be inherited onto pins. The define_user_attribute command will set up these relationships for you automatically if you do not do it explicitly.

For more information on attributes and Design Compiler, refer to SolvNet: Design Compiler User Guide v2014.09 For more information on attributes and PrimeTime, refer to SolvNet: PrimeTime User Guide v2014.12.

In v2004.12, Design Compiler now assigns names to timing paths, however they have no meaning. # Note that the name of a timing path is not unique to a specific path dc_shell> get_timing_path -from SYS_2x_CLK {path0 path1} dc_shell> get_timing_path -from PCI_CLK {path0 path1} # In PrimeTime, there is no name for a timing path and thus the collection # handle is returned. pt_shell> get_timing_path -from SYS_2x_CLK _sel141

dc_shell> get_timing_path –help Usage: get_timing_paths # get_timing_paths [-to to_list] (to pins, ports, nets or clocks) [-from from_list] (from pins, ports, nets or clocks) [-through through_list] (through pins, ports, nets or clocks) [-delay_type delay_type] (Type of path delay: Values: max, min, min_max, max_rise, max_fall, min_rise, min_fall) [-nworst paths_per_endpoint] (number of paths per endpoint, default is 1) [-max_paths max_path_count] (maximum number of paths per path group) [-enable_preset_clear_arcs] (enable async arcs) [-group group_list] (list of path-group names) [-true] (find true paths) [-true_threshold path_delay] (path-length threshold for -true option) [-greater greater_limit](get paths with length greater than this value) [-lesser lesser_limit] (get paths with length less than this value) [-slack_greater_than greater_slack_limit] (get paths with more slack than this value) [-slack_lesser_than lesser_slack_limit] (get paths with less slack than this value) [-include_hierarchical_pins] (create timing point for each hierarchical point in path)


This path group contains timing paths not constrained by a clock but constrained with set_max_delay/set_min_delay. **async_default**

This path group contains timing paths constrained by recovery/removal timing checks. **clock_gating_default**

This path group contains timing paths constrained by clock gating setup/hold timing checks. You can create user defined path groups using the command group_path.

Unconstrained timing paths are not assigned a path group (i.e. the attribute path_group does not exist for unconstrained timing paths).


Phased Locked Loop

By default, the above example is not considered a timing path in PrimeTime. In order to successfully apply the above example in PrimeTime v2004.12 using get_timing_path, you must set the following variable to true. pt_shell> set timing_report_unconstrained_paths true

Design Compiler does allow the command get_attribute to work on multiple design objects. This is not true in PrimeTime, as shown in the man pages below. dc_shell> man get_attribute . . . ARGUMENTS object_list A list of the design or library objects for which the attribute value is to be returned. For details on searching for design and library object names, refer to the find command man page. pt_shell> man get_attribute . . . ARGUMENTS object_spec Specifies a single object from which to get the attribute value. object_spec must be is either a collection of exactly one object, or a name which is combined with the class_name to find the object. If object_spec is a name, you must also use the -class option.

In Design Compiler, the attributes for timing paths is listed under the man page for get_timing_path. dc_shell> man get_timing_path DESCRIPTION The get_timing_paths command creates a collection of paths for custom reporting or other operations. Use the foreach_in_collection command to iterate among the paths in the collection. You can use the get_attribute and collection commands to obtain information about the paths. The following attributes are supported on timing paths:

clock_uncertainty endpoint endpoint_clock endpoint_clock_close_edge_type endpoint_clock_close_edge_value endpoint_clock_is_inverted endpoint_clock_is_propagated endpoint_clock_latency endpoint_clock_open_edge_type endpoint_clock_open_edge_value endpoint_clock_pin endpoint_hold_time_value . . .

Note below that the criteria, the attribute used to sort the collection, is a required argument! pt_shell> sort_collection -help Usage: sort_collection # Create a sorted copy of the collection [-descending] (Sort in descending order) collection1 (Collection to sort) criteria (Sort criteria - list of attributes)