SWOOD Report Configuration Manual [PDF]

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SWOOD Report Configuration Manual At the end of this chapter, you'll be able to: • Run a SWOOD Report • Extract the production data • Do the essentials modifications to change its configuration


Table of contents Presentation................................................................................................................................................ 3 Report Interfaces ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 6 HTML report ............................................................................................................................................... 7 EXCEL report............................................................................................................................................ 13 Common model used to detail all the objects possible .......................................................... 14 Report part object ................................................................................................................................. 14 Report excluded object ........................................................................................................................ 15 Hardware object..................................................................................................................................... 16 Not Hardware object ............................................................................................................................ 17 Parts linked to a main part ................................................................................................................ 19 Weldment object.................................................................................................................................... 24 Finishing information ............................................................................................................................ 27 Translation of report ............................................................................................................................ 32 Use imperial dimension fractions ................................................................................................... 33

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Presentation At the end of a project, the information for production need to be extracted. In order to collect it, a SWOOD Report can be generated. It can include all the following type of documents:

The report is based on objects information. They are different type of objects possible, structured like on the picture below:

Parameters accessible

Parameters not accessible

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

4 The standard SWOODData is provided with a default SWOOD Report, but it’s fully customizable. For more information on it, please contact your reseller.

Report Interfaces The report can be generated from SWOOD Design task plane as well as from SWOOD Design and SWOOD Cam toolbar. All of them are the same and give the same result.

SWOOD Report button in the SWOOD Design task plane

SWOOD Report button in the SWOOD Design and SWOOD Cam toolbar

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

5 After generating a report, the following window appears. It can be used as a debug window as well as a quick access to the result of the report.

Show the object display

Show the object data

Click on this to access the documents

SWOOD Report window

On object display, right click on this window to access the picture attributes.

Picture attribute window after right click

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Prerequisites The report requests specific material and edge band extended properties:

Material extended properties needed

Edge band extended properties needed

The description can be changed as wished, only the name needs to be exactly the same.

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


HTML report 1.

Open the assembly “Layout” created for the project. Run a report to see the result.


The standard report is the HTML one, it includes the following pages:






The Panels page includes all the list of panels used in the project. You can see the main information of the panel such as its size, material, quantity on this page. But you can also click on the picture to enter in the panel detail page.


Information accessible in Panels page

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

8 The Hardware page display the list of hardware, with their information available such as Supplier, Reference, Cost.

* Information accessible in Hardware page

To fill these information, use the custom properties task pane

Hardware information filled by custom properties form

The list of programs is available of Programs page. As in the Panels page, a more detailed program page is accessible when clicking on program picture.


Information accessible in Programs page

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

9 The Summary page is a resume of the project needs. It includes the total of each material evaluated according the costing type defined in the material library


Information accessible in Summary page

The Messages page displays all the errors set in the configuration of report.

* Information accessible in Messages page

The errors can be linked with: •

The size of the part – if oversize the board dimension (defined in extended properties of the material)

• •

The length of edge band – a minimum value is defined to 120 mm in the report The dimension of the part to sustain it when edge banding - a minimum value is defined to 80 mm in the report 80 mm minimum

120 mm minimum

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


When using a material with grain direction, “Grain is vertical” cannot be checked. The grain direction is defined by the length direction

If a part is not recognized as a panel or a hardware, then a warning message will appear to inform that a part wasn’t recognized. In order to detect if a material is missing on a part.


By default, the page “Panels” includes all the list of panels of the project. But if you declare all the “products” the panels can be classified by products. For this, select each top-level assembly from the project and declare them as products.


For example, select S1_Layout_1, open custom properties task pane


In Type of object, choose “PRODUCT”:


Click on apply:


Do the same for: • S1_Layout_1 • S1_Layout_2 • B1 • C2 • C3 • Wall • Swood part

* * * * * * *

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SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

11 8.

The page Panels is replaced by the page Panels By Products The panels are now classified by products.


This page can display panels names using counters:

Product Name


Counter value

To obtain this, declare the XML counters directory in the settings available in SWOOD Design menu: Tools – SWOOD Design - Settings

If not exist, create a new folder in your SWOODData directory and name it “Counters” In the default SWOODData it already exists, select it.

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual



After defining the XML counters directory restart Solidworks.


Change in the report configuration file the variable REPORT_SERIALNUMBERS from 0 to 1

Variable to change in the Report.Cfg file


Run a report and the result should be like this:

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


EXCEL report 1.

It’s also possible to generate an Excel report for Excel 64 bits version only.


To allow this, change the variable REPORT_EXCEL from 0 to 1 in the report configuration file

Variable to change in the Report.Cfg file


The result is an Excel report containing all information separated by sheets:

Excel Report Example

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Common model used to detail all the objects possible All the examples used below comes from the assembly LayoutMod available in the folder: SWOOD_PARTNERS_TECHNICAL\2_TRAINING\1_PARTNERS\Exercises\Exer cises_Frames\SWOODDesign\Examples

Report part object Natively when a SWOOD Design material is applied on a SOLIDWORKS part it becomes a SWOOD Panel. The default Report.Cfg uses one object called REPORT_PART to filter which SOLIDWORKS file need to appears in the panel list. The object recognition is based on the value of a custom property automatically created when applying a SWOOD Design material on a part:

The benefit is to: •

Be able to define a counter on the parts based on the REPORT_PART object and use its value for naming of the part but also the program:

Exclude some specific parts from the report even if a SWOOD Design material has been applied on them. To do so it uses another object called REPORT_EXCLUDED

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Report excluded object Excluding a SOLIDWORKS part from the panel list even if it has a SWOOD Design material applied on it, is possible with the report. 1.

An example of this is available on the part called Folding


The part includes two configurations Folded and Unfolded


As the SWOOD material is applied on the part, the folded part is supposed to appear in the panel list


But as this part is not supposed to appears in this list (The dimensions of this part in this configuration are not correct), this configuration of the part can be excluded from the report by declaring it as REPORT_ EXCLUDED


The result in the report let appears only the configuration unfolded with the correct dimensions:

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Hardware object By default, in the Report.Cfg, all the SOLIDWORKS files stored into a folder named “Hardwares” are extracted in the hardware list. Then if not, the part doesn’t appear in the hardware list. For example, when using SOLIDWORKS pack and go, SOLIDWORKS also pack the hardware files. After this, they are not stored in the Hardwares folder from the SWOOD Design library. That’s why if a reported is generated the part will not be recognized as a HARDWARE. 1.

As an example, the following part as been saved on the Desktop:


If a report is generated, the part will not be displayed in the Hardware list, and a warning message will be visible to show that the part was not recognized as a specific object.


This message can help users to identify if a part was not recognized as: • A SWOOD panel (no SWOODDesign material has been applied on it) • A SWOOD hardware (the part is stored outside the Hardwares folder from the library)


In order to force the part to be recognized as a HARDWARE, it must be defined as a specific object: HARDWARE

NB: The object “HARDWARE” can be defined as well on an assembly or a part. 5.

The part appears now in the Hardware list:

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Not Hardware object Like explained in the HARDWARE object, all the SOLIDWORKS files stored into a folder named “Hardwares” are extracted in the hardware list. In order to filter which SOLIDWORKS file need to appears in this list it’s possible to force a file to don’t be recognized as a Hardware. Let’s see a very simple example: 1.

Some hardware in the library are defined in a main assembly driven by SOLIDWORKS configurations. For example, the hinges.


If not filtered the information about the Hinge in the report is duplicated. One time coming from the assembly another time from the part:

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18 3.

The information coming from the assembly can be excluded by defining the assembly as “NOT_HARDWARE”:

NB: The object “NOT_HARDWARE” can be defined as well on an assembly or a part. 4.

The result in the report includes then only the information from the part:

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Parts linked to a main part When parts are to small to be machined on a CNC machine, or to be banded on an edge banding machine, the working process is different. A first part grouping all parts together need to be used, then the small parts need to be cut by a manual process.

Small parts linked to a main part in SOLIDWORKS

The result in the report need to display a link between a main parts and children parts:

Small parts linked to the main part in the Report

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

20 In the same way when a part is composed by several parts to be machined first and a main program of parts grouped need to be created, the same result can be expected.

Multiple parts machined linked to a main part in SOLIDWORKS

Multiple parts machined linked to a main part in the Report

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

21 Also, if parts have to be aligned with grain direction the methodology will be identical.

To obtain this result follow the next steps: 1.

Place all your parts into a SOLIDWORKS assembly which can be as well virtual or not:

NB: It doesn’t matter the name of the assembly 2.

The result should be something like this:


Declare the assembly as “ASM_PARTS_LINKED”


Declare the parts as “CHILD_PART”

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22 5.

Now insert a new part to create the main part and name it “PGrouped”:

NB: The name of the new part doesn’t matter it just to be clear. 6.

The result should be something like this:


Edit this new part “PGrouped”


Use the feature “Join”: Insert Features Join


Select all the parts to be joined and valid:

NB: It’s not necessary to hide parts

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23 10.

Apply the material on the part joined


Declare the part joined as “MAIN_PART”


Open the part joined and create the SWOOD CAM program


When running the report, the result will display the link between the main part and the children:

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Weldment object Extracting weldment information is also possible in the SWOOD Excel report. 1.

Look at the example, Weldment in LayoutMod


To recognize it as a Weldment part apply it the object: WELDMENT


To extract information from CutList, the part must be defined as a MultipleStocks panel in SWOOD.


Click on Edit panel


Change the type of panel to MultipleStocks:


Apply a material for each stock:

NB: Don’t matter the material, but ideally choose a material with Thickness: 0

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25 7.

Note that you can apply materials on each stock at one, just by selecting all of them and defining the material:


3 2

1. Select all stocks 2. Click on the arrow to define a material 3. Select a material (ideally with thickness 0)


Defining the material as multiple stocks, allow the report to read properties into the cut list:


To read a cut list property, it is needed to add an additional variable in the MULTIBODYSTOCK object of the report configuration file. A variable can be extracted using the following syntax: SWCLP. *Property Name*

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26 10.

By default, multibody stocks will be listed one by one, without grouping information by cut list name and quantity. The result will be wrong if variable QUANTITY from cut list property is used:


It’s possible to group this result like it appears in cut list property. To do so, change the report to be used by: Report_XMLMerge.Cfg

Result in the report vs Cut list properties

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Finishing information The SUMMARY sheet from Excel report includes as well finishing information. Information can come from two different sources: directly from the material extended properties or using custom property from part or assembly. The methodology below details how to grad this information: 1.

The first and main prerequisites is to have two extended properties in material and edge band libraries: Finish and MATWFinish / EBWFinish

Material extended properties needed

Edge band extended properties needed


Finish extended property allow a material or an edge band to be considered as a finishing

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28 3.


For example, the part R_S1_LayoutMod_2 includes a finishing (red painting) on top and bottom faces as well as on sides. Finishing on top

* Finishing on sides

Finishing on bottom


As the panel don’t have any laminate layers, the finishing can be applied directly on the panel. To do so, it’s possible to apply a specific material as a laminate with an extended property Finish. The name of this specific material will then be extracted in the report as the name of the finishing. All other properties like costing type, cost, reference can be used as additional information in the report.


For example, the material GENERIC Finish Red has been applied on top and bottom faces on this panel.


In the library it has been defined as a laminate with thickness 0 and the extended property Finish

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29 7.

On the finished sides, the information has been set by applying edge bands with thickness 0, create body “None” and extended property Finish.


For example, the edge band GENERIC Finish Red, named like the material to be grouped in the summary list of the report, has been applied on finished sides.


If a report is created on this part, the result (available by default in 1_PARTNERS configuration as REPORT_EXCEL is set to 1), displays Finishing information in SUMMARY sheet:


If a finishing needs to be applied on a laminate layer such as veneer for example, it’s then not possible to apply an additional laminate with the extended property Finish – only one single laminate can be applied on a face of a panel.


In this situation the finishing information can’t be extracted from the laminate material. But it can be extracted from the SOLIDWORKS custom property FINISH defined on the part or on the assembly PRODUCT.

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30 12.


For instance, the part Front_Single Overlay_S1_LayoutMod_1_2 includes a laminate on top:

* 13.

This laminate as it’s a real veneered laminate has been defined as a material with finish by declaring the extended property: MATWFinish


In this case the name of the finishing is extracted from the SOLIDWORKS custom property FINISH defined in the part:


Also, this part as real edge bands applied on sides:

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31 16.

So, finishing information, is also coming from the SOLIDWORKS custom property FINISH defined in the part.


If a report is generated on this part, the SUMMARY sheet displays the result based on value of the SOLIDWORKS custom property:


Instead of filling the finishing information on each part, it can be also declared on the product properties:


In this case the information will be propagated by the report to each material and/or an edge bands declared as “Material with finish”.


The result in the report includes information from part

* as well as from assembly*:

* *

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual


Translation of report The HTML and EXCEL reports can be translated into any language using a few changes in the configuration file. 1.

In the configuration file Report.Cfg the project variable REPORTLANGUAGE need to be defined as wished.

Evaluation need to be changed. For instance, for French translation set FR NB: Don’t matter the value set, the link will be done on the next steps. 2.

To translate HTML files the file Languages.js need to be modified.


Open with Notepad++ the file located in: SWOODData\DAT\Documents\Ressources\Languages.js NB: Don’t change this file with Visual studio code as it contains specific characters that default encoding type of VSC doesn’t manage.


Copy the complete function InitializeDictEN and change EN by the evaluation defined in REPORTLANGUAGE variable. For instance, the function in French is called InitializeDictFR


Translate all the words after equal sign:

Word to be translated 6.

To translate EXCEL report, open the template: SWOODData\DAT\Documents\XLS\ReportLists_to_Excel_Template.xls

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33 7.

Click on the sheet called Tp_LANGUAGE:


The column A contains the base words and translation are done in the other columns. Change the value on the row 1 by the evaluation defined in REPORTLANGUAGE variable. For instance, the column B contains the translation in French. The first row is called FR, and all the other rows contains the translated words.

NB: The translation is already done in: English (EN), French (FR), Chinese (CN) 9.

After changing the mentioned files, run a report to see the result.

Use imperial dimension fractions It is possible to have dimensions, so decimals appear as fractions. To enable it in follow the next steps: 1.

In FORMATINFO define the LENGTHUNIT (MM or IN) and the LENGTHFORMAT. When using fractions set LENGTHFORMAT=0.0000




The javascript file Imperial.js need to SWOODData\DAT\Documents\Ressources


In head of HTML documents call the javascript Imperial.js


In the documents each time a dimension is called it need to be replaced by:







SWOOD Report Configuration Manual

34 For instance :

Lead to a result as:

SWOOD Report Configuration Manual