Summary of English Grammar For 3rd Years: Kind Kind Girl [PDF]

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Summary of English Grammar for 3rd Years Expressing condition 1. Providing/provided that/ as long as /so long as ( Express : condition) = but only if = if The rule : providing that/as long as + present simple = future simple . Eg : providing that you work hard , you will succeed. 2.Expressing wish : a. It’s high time/it’s about time (the right time to do sth) It’s high time +past simple E.g: It’s high time we left (means we are late. it is the right time to leave) b. Present wish: wish + past simple.(imagine a possible different situation) Real situation: I don’t have a car(-)

Wish situation: I wish I had a car(+)

b.Future wish: wish +would+stem ( a desire to have a different future) Real situation: Wish situation: I will change my I wish I would not school next year(+) change my school(-) c.Past wish: wish +had+p.p(regret about a past situation) Real past situation: Wish situation I took bribe (+) I wish I had not taken bribe I wish I could: expresses a wish about capacity But only if . expresses a strong desire of wish I f only I would see him ( strong desire to see him) 3.Expressing advice: Should=ought to= had better (‘ d better)+stem E.g.; you should/ought to /had better revise your lessons Negative : had better not + stem e.g :you had better not neglect your study 4.Expressing result: So+ adj+that / such +noun phrase +that E.g, Emily is kind. Everybody loves her Emily is so kind that everybody loves her adj E.g: Emily is a kind girl. Everybody loves her Emily is such a kind girl that everybody loves her N.Ph As a consequence/as a result/consequently/so (express result) 5.Expressing cause: E.g:She failed her exam. She did not revise She failed her exam because she did revise

since as because/since/as+ Subject+ verb due to /owing to/because of +Noun. Gerund E.g: Due to the bad weather ,we could not go outside

6. The active/passive voice : The active V : s + v + o (the subject is the most important ) The passive V : o + to be (in the tense of verb ) + verb in p.p + by + agent(s) Eg : the teacher explains the lesson (active) S V O The lesson is explained by the teacher ( passive) S V O Present simple Present continuous Simple past Past continuous Present perfect

ACTIVE Cleans Is/are cleaning Cleaned Was/were cleaning Has/have cleaned Had cleaned

Past perfect Future simple Present conditional

Will clean Would clean

PASSIVE Is Cleaned Is/are being cleaned Was/ were Cleaned Was being cleaned Has/have been cleaned Had been cleaned Will be cleaned Would be cleaned

7.Affixes : 1-prefix : to form opposites : im , il , in , ir , dis ,un Eg : legal illegal , agree disagree 2-Suffix : used to form nouns or adjectives Adj+y/ity= Nouns Nouns+y=Adj y , ty , ness , ance , tion, ing ,er to form nouns Eg : legal legality , happy happiness , Important importance. Sugar .sugary. spice. spicy 8.Degrees of certainty Degrees of certainty Categorical certainty Probability Possibility Remote possibility 9.Obligation and necessity; Obligation (must) present past Must+stem Had to +stem Mustn’t+ Did not have stem to+stem

Expressions Will certainly/sure/of course May/it is probable that Can/it is possible that Might/could

Necessity(have to) present past Has/have to+ Had to +stem stem Don’t/ does Did not have not have to+ to +stem stem

Because of Owing to 10.The gerund: verb+ing as a: Verb; am/ is / are + verb + ing Noun: farming An adj: organic food is less damaging 11. The use of the present simple We use the present simple : 1-to express facts that are true all the times (expository text) 2-habitual action : eg : he always gets up at 7 :00 3-permanent truth : he works in a factory 4-declaration : i like honest actions 5- instruction : go ahead 6-future references : the match begins at 8 Monday 12. the conditionl ‘if’ Type : 0- if + present - present (sure) 1- if +present -future ( if you work , you’ll succeed) 2- if + past simple- would (supposition or hypothesis) Can use the verb to suppose Suppose you were the president, what would you do ? 3- if+ past perfect would have + p.p(imagine a different past) 13. Unless =if not (expressing condition) E.g .If we go now ,we will not miss the train If we don’t go now ,we will miss the train Unless we go now ,we will miss the train Unless+ present simple – future simple 14.Quantifiers many , much , a lot of = an excessive amount few , little = an insufficient amount we use : *many, few, a lot of (countable nouns). *much, little , a lot of (uncountable nouns) 15.Used to/used for =purpose of objects Used to+stem e.g :Satellites are used to send data Used for +verb+ing Eg: Satellites are used for sending information Interrogative form: What are satellites used for? 16.How +adjectives ? Dimensions /size/height ………………… How far ……distance How big ……….size How much does /did it weigh………..weight How hot/cold………………temperature How deep ……………depth How tall.(persons)……….height How high( mountains/towers )………height How long ……………length How long does/did it……… period of time

17.Similarities and Differences : A. Similarity: Like ,both….and ,neither ……..nor, similar to, the same E.g: Neptune is a planet. Mars is a planet (similarity) Like Neptune, Mars is a planet. Both of Neptune and Mars are/is planet. E.g; Neptune is not a star. Mars is not a star Neither Neptune nor Mars are stars B. Differences: whereas/while/unlike/different from/compared with/in contrast to E.g :The sun is a star. The earth is a planet Unlike the sun, the earth is a planet The sun is a star whereas/while the earth is planet 18.Expressing concession : Although =though=in spite of the fact that=despite the fact that+ Subject +verb E.g: She is tired. She goes to work Although she is tired, she goes to work In spite of the fact that ………. Despite=in spite of+ noun phrase /pronoun/gerund


the bad weather ,we could not go outside Noun phrase

In spite of 19.Expressing contrast: But , however, yet ,………………… 20.Stative and Dynamic verbs: Stative -describe states unlimited period only in the simple form Feeling ,preference E.g: I am wanting to see you I want to see you

Dynamic describe actions -limited period -both simple and progressive form (continous)

21.Suffix ist /er to form nouns :to teach …….teacher Astronomy………Astronomer Astrology……………Astrologist 21. Plural Form of nouns (regular /irregular ) Final ‘s ’is added to most of the nouns to get the plural form E.g pen………pens Lady……….ladies Some nouns we change their root :

change in some vowels:

How fast……..speed How wide……width Datum…… Foot…………….feet Woman…….women Phenomenon………….phenomena

Final “ f “ of some nouns becomes “ v “ + es Life…………..lives Loaf……….loaves Leaf……….leaves Final “ f “ of some nouns does not change + s Proof…………..proofs Belief…………..beliefs Words end with ‘y’ and preceded by a consonant change ‘y’ into i+es Mystery …mysteries

Crisis………..crises The Reported Speech; Direct Speech Present simple Present continuous Present perfect Past simple Past perfect Future (will) Imperative Must Can Shall May

Indirect Speech Past simple Past cont Past perfect Past perfect Past perfect Would Infinitive Had to Could Should might

Interrogative form: D.S 1. Wh Questions: Wh+aux+sub+ver….? She asked me ‘What do you think? ‘ 2.Yes.No questions He asked her” do you believe in destiny?” 3.Negative imperative form : do not +v

I.S 1.Wh question: Wh+ subj+ verb She asked me what I thought 2. If +subj He asked her if she believed in destiny 3. not to + v (infinitive)

Adverbial phrases (time and place ) D.S I.S Now That moment/ then Today That day Yesterday A day before / the previous day A (week) ago A (week) before Last (week) The previous (week) Tomorrow The next day / the coming day/ the day after Next (week) The following (week) Here Then This That These Those Teacher: Miss M. K

Best Wishes Of Success