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Succeed APTIS Preparation Units & Practice Tests


Global ELT Linda Lethem Andrew Betsis

Succeed in APTIS - Preparation Units & Pract APTIS

and Aptis is a English language proficiency exam thatprovides reliable

accurate results about candidates’ English skills. It is a flexible and accessible exam that helps candidates to accurately test the skills relevant to their requirements and getresults fast.

The exam consists of: Core Test (Grammar and Vocabulary), Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Ta



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Published by GLOBAL ELT LTD email: [email protected] Copyright © GLOBAL ELT LTD, 2020 Andrew Betsis and Linda Lethem

Contributors:Lawrence Mamas, Maria Windsor and Marianna Georgopoulou

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© Succeed in APTIS - Self-study Edition - ISBN: 978-1-78164-688-5 # Succeed in APTIS - Audio CDs - ISBN: 978-1-78164-689-2

the Speaking section.

I i|

CONTENTS Unit 1 Test 1

Key Words & Vocabulary Practice

Pages 4-5

Wordsin Context, Reading & Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English

Pages 6-7

APTIS Practice Test: Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening, Writing

Page 8

Unit 2 Test 2 Unit 3 Test 3

Key Words & Vocabulary Practice

Pages 36-37

Words in Context, Reading & Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English

Pages 38-39

APTIS Practice Test: Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening, Writing

Page 40

Unit 4 Test 4 Unit 5 Test 5

Key Words & Vocabulary Practice

Pages 68-69

Wordsin Context, Reading & Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English

Pages 70-71

APTIS Practice Test: Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening, Writing

Page 72

Unit 6 Test 6 Speaking Test 1

APTIS Speaking Test | (Four parts — 12 minutes)

Page 100

Speaking Test 2

APTIS Speaking Test 2 (Four parts — 12 minutes)

Page 102


APTIS Speaking Test 3 (Four parts — 12 minutes)

Page 104

Speaking Test 4

APTIS Speaking Test 4 (Four parts — 12 minutes)

Page 106

Speaking Test 5

APTIS Speaking Test 5 (Four parts — 12 minutes)

Page 108

Speaking Test 6

APTIS Speaking Test 6 (Four parts — 12 minutes)

Page 110

Test 3

fleet (n) A number ofships, vehicles etc travelling together.

A fleet of lorries travel to and from thecity all day.

rotation (n) The movementor sth

round in a completecircle. The earth movesin a daily rotation.

cargo (n) Things carried in a ship, plane etc. The plane can only carry a certain amount

of cargo sothatit is not too heavy.

bigger company.

refer (to) (v) Talk about or mention something. When you mentionedthelocal woman who wonthe

current (n) The movement of air or

nutrient (n)

organism (n)

Anything that animals or plants needin order tolive

River wateris full of small

it difficult to swim against

and grow. You shouldn’t let yourchildren eat so many

water. The swimmer found the strong current in the river.

compass(n) Something you hold and it

tells you which direction you are walking. Weused

a compass to help us keep walking south towards the

Any small living thing.

organismsthat you can’t

even see.

lottery, were you referring

cakes as there are very few nutrients in them.

flotsam (n)

Things that are found in

the sea or on the beach such as pieces of wood. The beach wascoveredin

flotsam after the big storm.

coast when we went for a walk in the woods.

to our neighbour?

result in (phr v) Cause something to happen. The argument that

she had with her boss resulted in her losing herjob.

and B. Practise using the words on these two pages by doing Exercises A A. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 4. We were lost in the woods so we used a(N) ......eeee to find our way outof there. B compass

C organism

2. Ifa businessisn’t ......... ie , it can’t survive for long. C pointless B stationary A profitable

D current

D clockwise

3. You need to... changeyour lifestyle, or you will be seriously ill. D drastically C overboard B relatively A subsequently 4

accumulate (v) Come together in one place; gather. The local

kids tend to accumulate in the park on a Sunday afternoon as thereis nowhereelse for them to


Vocabulary Practice

A rotation

merge (v) Join or mix together to become one. The two smaller businesses merged to become one

of lorries took the food and water to the hungry survivors. Aw. D cargo C fleet B flotsam A nutrient


Ly iferest-o Malad Sy

biodegrade (v)

Naturally break down into very small pieces. Food that has been thrown away doesn’t harm the environment asit biodegrades

but plastic doesn’t and this

stationary (adj)

Not moving. It will take me forever to get to work because |am stuck in a completely stationary traffic jam.

relatively (adv) Quite, fairly. | don’t know many people yet because | am relatively new tothis area. | only movedhere 2 months ago.

drastically (adv) In an extreme way. Mylife changeddrastically when| went tolive in Africa.

is a big problem.

wash up (phr v)

Be left on the beach by the sea. After a storm all sorts of interesting things washup on beaches.

profitable (adj)

Making more moneythan has been spent.

This is such a profitable business that the boss has bought himself a new car.

subsequently (adv)

from time to time (exp) Sometimes but not regularly.

As a result. | spent lots of money on holiday, subsequently | can’t afford to go outthis weekend.

Wego out for a meal from time to time but not very often.

PSL wee.


clockwise (adj) Moving in the direction that the hands of a clock move from 1 to 12. The cars raced ina clockwise direction aroundthe race track.

BY \

pointless (adj)

Having no meaning, reason or worth. It’s pointless trying to get Dave to change his mind because | know he won't.

in question (exp)

overboard (adv) Off the top or side of a ship and into the water. The boat had to stop quickly when someone fell overboard.

Used to talk about a person or thing that is being discussed. On the night in question

! was working all evening.

B. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words in the box below. There are two words that you do not need to use.

eS Soe

from time to time

result in

| have The man



in question



wash up

so many shoes over the yearsthat | really need to get rid of some. has been reported tothe police.

Metal and glass do not by the sea.

| like walking along the beach in the morning to see what has been | talk to John on Skype

but not very often.

The political problems between the two countries

a terrible war.

—__Succeed a7 ioltS)

Wordsin Context & Reading Comprehension A. The people below all want to read an interesting article. Read the descriptions of eight articles. Decide which article would be most suitable for the people below. For each question, choose the correct answer.

Alice is interested in healthy food and keeping fit. She also enjoys cooking and using fresh ingredients. She doesn’t need to lose weight but she would like to increase her general fitness. She’s not interested in going to the gym and taking lots of exercise.

Benjamin is looking for ways to make his business more profitable. He has accumulated a lot of stock but he isn’t selling it fast enough. From timeto timehe sells something but he

doesn’t know how to get more customers.

Carol likes being outin the fresh air and going on adventures. She is always up for a new challenge and likes to travel to places that she’s never been to before. David and his wife live in England and would like to go on a cruise but have never been on one before and aren’t sure how to choose theright one for them. They don’t wanttofly to get to

the ship as David is scared offlying.

Sienna is very interested in the environmentand particularly in marine life and how the oceans

are being polluted. She loves walking along beachesto exploreall the flotsam that has been washedup and looking for treasures in the sand.

. Getting a promotion at work

Perfect holidays These days there are so many places where one can go on holiday but it’s pointless going somewherethatisn’t

This article will give you valuable advice on how to impress your colleagues and your boss and move up in the world of work.It explains in relatively simple

going to be right for you. Read on to discover how to

language what you need to doto stand out from the crowdin the workplace. . Exercise notextra fries! Howcan yougetfit with just 30 minutesof exercise a day? This article will tell you how, by doing high-intensity workouts thatwill drastically reduce your weight within a month. This new programme in questionwill not only

makethe correct destination choices for you and your family. This article refers to amazing placesall over the world. F. Asailor’slife for me! The writer of this fascinating article has been enjoying

cruises for manyyears. In this article he concentrates on

the marvellous ships that leave from the UK and travel around the Mediterranean and the seas north of Scotland. He tells funny stories oflife on board and also one or two worrying ones about people falling overboard!

result in rapid weight loss but will subsequently make your heart and lungs stronger, too.

. Saving the oceans

There is no doubt that our seas and oceansare in danger. Living organismsin the sea are being harmed by objects such asplastic bags and bottles that do not biodegrade. Cargo from fleets of ships often falls into the water and

there it stays for years and years. Read on tofind out

G. You are what you eat! This is an interesting look into how the food that we eat affects us both physically and mentally. Learn about different food groups and the good and bad aspects that theyinvolve. Discover which foods contain the most

what is being done to tackle this serious problem.

. Orienteering Do you love being out and about and away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Then orienteering might be just the thing for you. It involves being taken to a place in the middle of nowhere with just a compass and basic survival equipment. From there you have to find your way to an agreed meeting point. Not an activity for the faint-hearted.


. Working together

nutrients and which are almostentirely harmful.

Do you own a small business? Is your current turnover

not good enough to keep your bank account healthy?

Even worse,are your sales completely stationary with no movement atall? If the answer is yes to these questions, then you should think about merging with

another business that compliments your own. Read on for useful tips about how you could do this. SSE





B. Sayif the statementsare true (T) or false (F). Alice is worried that she is overweight. Benjamin wantsto sell his business. Carol likes to experience new things.


Sienna is concerned aboutthe natural world.


David is looking for a new type ofholiday.





preparation Unit Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English C. For questions 1-4, read the text below and decide which answer(A, B, C or D)best fits each gap.

There is an example at the beginning (0).


A. rotation

B. fleet

C. flotsam

D. nutrient

A frightening trip out to sea As far back as | can remember,| loved playing with my (0)fleet of toy sailing ships so it’s no surprise | had been looking forward to myfirst sailing lesson with my uncle. He owneda yacht that was(1) ............. new so he was still quite proud ofit. However, myfirst experience(2) ..........+ in me never wanting to sail again. To cut a long story short, a storm appeared out of nowhere and ripped our sail into twopieces. The strong (3)... carried the yacht onto

the rocks. Luckily the yacht got stuck between twobig rocks and so finally stopped moving and became (4) Wewaited there for nearly two hoursuntil the lifeguards came and savedus. | was terrified.

1. A. relatively

B. drastically

C. subsequently

D. pointlessly

2. A.merged

B. referred

C. resulted

D. accumulated

3. A. organism

B. cargo

C. compass

D. current

4. A. profitable

B. stationary

C. clockwise

D. biodegradable

D. For questions 1-4, read the text below and think of the wordthatbest fits each gap. Use only one wordin each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Childhood memories My great uncle used (0)to_ live by the sea and my brother and | would visit him from time to (1)... :

Weparticularly enjoyed walking along the beachin the early morning to see what the morning tide had washed (2) reece on the sand. One morning we found something quite exciting. On the morning (3) .......:sssee question, we had gone to the beach extra early as there had been big storm the night before. When we got

to the beach, we couldn’t believe our eyes. There was a ship a little way out to sea that had been shipwrecked on the rocks. This had (4)

in bits of cargo landing all along the beach. It was the mostexciting

day of our holiday.


E. For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaningto the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between twoand five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0): Example (0)

Simon has the talent to become a professional footballer. Simonis so talented that he could become a professional footballer.

1. The swimmer managed to swim against the strong current.


THE SWIMMER ssecsisnr reer enseiimienscnsomeiess against the strong current. 2. Scientists say that there aren’t any nutrients in fast food. -

Fast food is


. nutrients.

3. ‘Why don’t we use a compass to navigate ourselves?’ he said.


He ccciun annie to navigate ourselves. 4.

| don’t approve of your accumulatingall these useless items.

| sisters mmnsonmancnnncamumsevnareesoere accumulateall these useless items.


Grammar (25 questions — 12 minutes) Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answerpaper. Donot write on this question paper. The answerto question 0 is given as an example on your answer paper (A).

0. How old___ your sister? EXAMPLE

07. John will send an email to his friend in Germany ____ he gets home this evening.

B. were

C, has

01. A: How long have you had that bike? B: | boughtit ...... é A. before three years B. three years ago C. since three years

02. We can see one film tonight and__ next weekend. A, one another B. another one C. other one


He_ afree ticket for the cinema because

he won the competition. A. was given B. has given C. didn’t give

04. Myfriend’s mother is coming to pick ___ to take me to the party. out B. me up

A. as soon as

B. until C. as long

08. Don’t worry; ____ happens wewill go on holiday this weekend. A. however B. whichever C. whatever

09. Anna and Jane ___ in the garden all day. A. have been working B. has been working C. had been worked

10. Hurry up! Andrewis waiting for us__ the gate. A. at C.on

11, He told them ___ the dog because he would bite them. A. do not touch B. to don’t touch C. not to touch


05. If my brother had enough money, he ___ around Europe before he wentto university. A. would havetravelled B. travelled C. had travelled

06. | couldn’t eat my supper because there was too ____ salt on it. A. much B. few Cc. many |

12. He ___a lot of water every day but now he doesn’t. A. was used to drink B. used to drink C. was drinking

13. You ____ go and seethe cathedral; every tourist does. A. need B. should C. would


Grammar & Vocabulary

14. Andrew ___ cycle to workif he had a bicycle. A. used to B. can

Cc. would

15. You can have your car cleaned __ you go. shopping.

A.while B.then Cc. during

20. Most people remember the day ____ they wentto school for the first time. A.which was when B.on which C. that was when

21; What time ____ your friends tonight? A. have you seen B. are you seeing C. you are seeing

16. A: How do wegetto the cinema? B: We can ___ walk or take a taxi. A.either B. neither C. both

22. When you ___ the kitchen, can you help me with the bathroom? A. finish cleaning B. finish to clean C. are finishing to clean

17. ___ apples don’t look very fresh to me. A.Them B. They C. Those

23. A: I’ve just seen Paul at the market. B: You ___ have seen him. He’s awayfor the weekend.

A.can’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t

18. At 10:30 am, the plane took ____ from the airport. A.out

B. off C.on

JE James is having a concert tonight at the local theatre,? A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. hasn’t he

24. | got blamed ___ the window this morning. A. for breaking B. to break C. with breaking

25: | need to buy the new book for my course to look for ___ information. B. many C.-

ammar & Vocabula


Vocabulary (25 questions — 13 minutes) You needto write all answers on your answerpaper. Do not write on this question paper.

01. Write the letter (A-J) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (1-5). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). The answer to question is given on your answer paper as an example (K).

0. enjoy

A. depart


B. arrive

1. ask

C. return

2. suggest

E. give F. require

D. select

3. leave

G. benefit

4. help

H. assist |. arrange

J. recommend K. fancy

5. choose

02. Finish each sentence (6-10) using a wordfrom the list (A-J). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words (A-J). 6. A person who creates new productsis called a(n) __. 7. Avery funny story that makes you laugh is a(n) __.

8. The person who looks after you in a hospital is a(n)__. 9. When you take foodto the park,it’s a(n) _. 10. The design a company usesonits productsis a(n)

A. B. C. D. E.

nurse babysitter inventor package picnic

F. production G. joke H. queue


|. rubbish J. logo

03. Finish each sentence (11-15) using a word from thelist (A-J). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). 11. If you buy a

ticket, you can win a lot of money.

12. People like to sit around the on summer days. 13. Cheeseis a(n)

in the park, especially

you need to makepizzas.

14. | was really hungry so | ordered a large 15. He is a(n)


of an environmental group.

of chips.

A. chance B. fountain C. part D. portion E. lottery

F. staff

G. species H. stream

|. ingredient J. member

TEV it leew Loree elas

04, Finish each sentence (16-20) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word once only. Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

Fat 16. John has a(n)

rear reHEICEN brother, they're identical.

17. Bad weather has caused

traffic delays in the area.

18. Jane won't eat meat as she enjoys only 19. Young kids enjoy watching 20. When | eat

A. artificial B. twin & TEABIESSIVE: D. massive


E. frightening F. spicy

series with their favourite cartoon heroes.

food, | need to drink a lot of water.

G. animated

H. beef |. vegetarian J. similar

0S. Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left (21-25). Use each word

once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

A. escape

al. tak 22. money

= ~~

B. agency C. subject

D. entrance


E. management





G. guest H. fee

F. landing

|. process

J. policy

meF(a) Reading (25 questions — 30 minutes) 01. Choose one word(A, B or C) for each space and write the letter on the answer paper.

The first one (0) is done for you as an example with the answer A marked on your answer paper.


B. teachers

C. classmates

1. A. last

B. first

C. second

2. A. titled

B. named

C. called

3. A. travelling

B. going

C. coming

4. A. nice

B. shy

C. strong


B. note

C. postcard

A. word

Dear Peter, My school has organised an exchange programme with (0)......... from a school in France.

The French students are comingto stay with us (1) ......... and then wewill go to France next month. The exchangestudentstaying with us is (2)......... Andre and he is 16 years old. He is going to stay with us for one week and weare(3) ......... to take him to London fora day trip. | hope he is (4)......... and friendly because | am excited about making a newfriend.

When | am in France,| will send a (5) ......... to you. Best wishes,


sentences (B-G) below to make a story. Write your answers on the answer paper (Questions 6-11). 02. Order the The first sentence ofthe story (A) is given for you on the answer paper as an example.


Biscuits A. When you buy a packetof biscuits, do you ever wonder howit got to the supermarket? B. These uncooked shapes are then carried through a huge oven, where they are baked. C.

When theyarrive at the supermarket, the boxes are opened and the supermarket staff put the packets of biscuits onto the shelves.

D. It all begins in the factory, where the workers mix the ingredients in a huge bowl. E. Once biscuits are cooked, they are putinto plastic packaging and then into boxes. F.

This mixture is then put into a huge machine which puts the mixture into biscuit shapes.

G. They are now ready to be sent to supermarkets around the country,

which is done by fleet oflorries.

03. Read the text and complete each gap with a wordfrom the list at the bottom ofthe page. Read the text and answer questions 12-18. Example (0): H - established A - organised

April Fool’s The celebration of April Fool’s Day on 15 April was (0)...

.. about four hundred years

ago in Europe. Before then, NewYear’s Day was (12) .... ..on the 15t April but then the and the 15t January became the first day of the year. Gregorian calendar was (13) were awareofthis change and still considered people many not that was The (14) year. These people were(15) wanes to as fools; new the of day first the be to April the 15t people. Since about that time people have weresilly they saying wayof another is that .. hoaxesofall enjoyed playing tricks and jokes on each other. One of the most (16) . time was the one performed on the evening of April 1, 1957, when thousands ofBritons .. events broadcasts - only to tuned in to watch Panorama- one of BBC’s top, (17) .

footage of a happy Swiss family harvesting their spaghetti trees.



APTIS for Teens





B - issue

C - intricate D - attend E - current

F - referred G - introduced H - established | - celebrated J - benefit K - witness


| This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).

03. Four people wereinterviewed for Teens Today magazine aboutcelebrating special occasions. Read the texts and then decide which person expresses eachof the opinions below. Special Occasions Maisie (female, age 15)

Lynn (female, age 16) There’s nothing | enjoy more than celebrating special occasions with close friends. | usually have a small gathering at my houseand,if I’m in the mood, | cook most of the food myself, or at least | can prepare some snacks. Sometimes my

For me, birthdays are a time when you can hang out with people you haven’t seen in a long time. My parents aren’t too keen on my having parties at home, but they make an

and watch a DVD or Netflix.

it every year.

Mark (male, age 13)

Jake (male, age 12) I’m quite happy with my own company,really. So | tend to spend my free time reading a goodbook, or watchinga film. When thereis a special occasion in my family,| try to avoid joining in but usually my parents make me. Weoften argue aboutit. Everyone says | am unsociable and | suppose | am a bit, but | still have a few close friends who | chat with on social media.

friends bring food, too. Otherwise, we just get a takeaway

I'm a great football fan, so one year my mum surprised me by baking a cake on my birthday in the shape ofa football. My friends even dressed up as football players! This year, however, my dad has bought me a season ticket for my local

football stadium. So that’s where |’ll be celebrating this year

and maybe I'll even have a party afterwards, too!

Who: 12, prefers to be alone and notgo out with friends? 13. can only havelots offriends round once a year? 14. likes informal celebrations? 15. quite enjoysto self cater? 16. renews old friendships on their birthday? 17. once had a themed birthday party? 18. doesn’t get on with their parents sometimes?


exception on mybirthday. Weusually havea really big party and everyone dressesin their best clothes. | look forward to

04. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25. Write your answers (A-H) on the answer paper.

There is one more heading than you need. The answer to paragraph 0 is given on the answer paper as an example (|).


The Pacific Gyre 0. The Pacific Ocean in the top part of the Northern Hemisphere contains a series of ocean currents which all

connect together and form a clockwise pattern. This is called the North Pacific Gyre. There are four different currents which seem to represent each point of the compass. They are the North Pacific Current to the north, the California Current to the east, the North Equatorial Current to the south and the Kuroshio Current to the west. This ‘circle’ surrounds approximately ten million square miles of ocean.

19. The first current of this gyre is the North Pacific Current. This current carries warm water slowly from west to east. It is formed by the force of two other currents: the Kuroshio Current, which comesoff the coast of Japan,

and the Oyashio Current, which comes down from the sub-arctic area and travels in a counter-clockwise direction

along the western part of the North Pacific Ocean. Along the western coast of North America wecan find the California Current, which flows south, taking cold water to the coast in the south. The North Equatorial Current is caused by the rotation of the Earth, which makes the flow of water go from east to west.

20. The fourth current in the Pacific Gyre is the Kuroshio Current. This current goes past the east coast of Taiwan and then goesup, past Japan, where it merges with the North Pacific Current. This current takes warm tropical

water towards the Polar Regions. Kuroshio in English means Black Stream, which this current is often referred

to. It is these warm waters that allow life on the Japanese coral reefs to survive. These coral reefs are the northern-mostreefs in the world. These warm watersalso allow Japan to have big fishing industry.


21. If you wereto travel to the centre of the North Pacific Gyre, you would be extremely surprised to see that the water is relatively stationary. The circular rotation of the Gyre forces all waste material to travel inwards towards the centre. It is for this reason that fishermen avoid the centre as the water doesn’t have enough nutrients for fish to live on, so fishing there would not be profitable. Sailors avoid this area as well, mainly becauseverylittle wind blowsthere,so sailing would be pointless. 22. This rotation in question has also caused a lot of flotsam, such as driftwood, man-made rubbish, cargo lost

ial th rt an AY to

from ships to accumulate in the middle. All this rubbish has formeda floating sea of waste. In the past, most of this rubbish has biodegraded but there are large quantities of plastic. The main problem is that plastic does not biodegrade. Instead, it photodegrades, which refers to the absorption of photons, like infra-red radiation and ultra-violetlight.

23. Photodegrading causesthe plastic to break into smaller pieces. These small pieces then begin to look like small drifting organisms whichjellyfish feed on. In some parts of the gyre there are six times as many plastic particles as there are drifting organisms. The fish also think that this is food and eat these particles. This sadly results in a lot offish dying. 24. Sometimes the currents in the gyre make a small temporary adjustment, which usually sends rubbish outwards and then subsequently wash up on beachesaround the gyre. In 1990, a cargo ship got caught in a big storm while crossing the Pacific. Twenty-one containers fell overboard eventually resulting in the appearance of

80,000 Nike trainers and boots washing up on beachesin British Columbia-Canada, Washington-USA, Oregon-USA and Hawaii-USA, over a period of three years.


n. id ie 7


25. The National Ocean and Atmospheric Authority of the USA has analysed the movement of the rubbish travelling around the gyre and have predicted that a piece of rubbish travelling from Japan will take 3 years to get to the western coast of USA. Curtis Ebbesmayer noticed that the currents can changedrastically from time to time.

He concludedthatif two bath toys are throwninto the middle ofthe Pacific Ocean at the same time, one might

wash up in Hawaii and the other one could end up in an Arctic floating island of ice in the North. Headings A. Sustaining life in the coral reef B. A threat to the food chain

20. _

C. Water contamination


D. Drifting ashore E. Unpredictable patterns of movement


F. Moving around in circle G. A change for the better

H. Inhospitable environmentfor fish I. Introduction (Example)


23. 24, a8

Listening Listening (25 questions)

each recording twice. hear 25 short recordings. You will hear This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will end of the test to copy

You will have five minutes at the Write your answers on the question paper. to an example. rsheet. Before the test begins, listen

your answers onto the answe

. What colour 0. John has left his coat at a friend’s house is his coat? John’s coat is 2. green 1. black 4. red

special offer on 01. Your friend calls to tell you about a

shoes? shoes. How much is the discounted pair of The discounted pair of shoes costs 2. £50 1. £40 4, £30 3. £80

se. How far 02. Listen to the man talking about exerci did he run this morning? He ran 2.5 miles 1. 6 miles mile 4.1 3. 4 miles

07. Listen to the radio advertisement. How often do the cruise shipssail to Greece? The cruise ships sail to Greece every 2. month 1. day

3. two weeks

08. You are asking where you can park in town. Where is the cheapestplace to park? The cheapest place to parkis 1. at the back of the theatre 2. next to the shopping centre 3. at the train station

4. next to the supermarket

s 09. Listen to the shop announcement about the shop’ closing time. Whattime is the shop closing? The shop is closing at

friend. 03. Listen to a woman leave a messagefor her Where does she want to go on Saturday night? She wantsto go to the 2. shopping centre 1. theatre 3. cinema

4. restaurant

. 04. You are given directions to the post office

4. week

1. 5:00 pm 3. 6:30 pm

2.5.30 pm

4. 6:00 pm

er? 10. Listen to the message. Whatis Jim’s telephone numb Jim’s telephone number is 2. 0544 45584 1. 0544 58454 4. 0544 84545 3. 0544 48554

Where do you haveto turn left?

Turn left at the 1. butcher’s 3. supermarket

2. traffic lights 4. bus station

ed 05. Listen to a lady talking about getting stopp

11. Listen to two friends in a coffee shop. Whatis the woman’s friend going to drink?

Her friend is going to have a 1. fruit juice 3. hot chocolate

2. latte 4. pot of tea

for? by the police. What was she given a ticket

She wasgiven a ticket for 1. not having a driving licence 2. driving through a redlight 3. stopping at the wrongplace 4. driving over the speed limit

to reserve a table. 06. You hear a man calling a restaurant

be? Where does the customer want the table to be to The customer prefers the table 2. next to the window 1. close to the kitchen 4. by the door 3. upstairs


iz; Listen to twofriends visiting a museum. What does the woman wantto see without her friend? She wantsto see the 2. old clothes 1. factory engines

3. old cars

4. paintings

is 13. Listen to a man buying a birthday present. How much the DVD? The DVD costs 2. £11.50 1. £10.50 4, £13.50 3. £12.50

BEX-yaliase 44. Listen to a woman wanting tolearn to ride a horse. When wasthe last time the woman rode a horse?

1. three years ago 3. two years ago

2. last week 4. this week

45. Listen to a man talking about the park.

What happens oncea year in the park? 2. a horse show 1. a running race

3. a music festival

4. a walk

16. Listen to a TV cook at the beginning of her TV show. Whatwill she talk about towards the end of the show? 1. biscuits 2. grilled chicken 3. jams 4. a strawberry cake

17. Twofriends are talking about taking photosof birds. Whatwill the woman do? She will . 1. use her powerful lens 2. probably get some photos from her friend 3. take photosof the birds from far away 4, help the man take good photos

20. John leaves his friend a message. What does he want to do? John wants to 1. plant some flowers

2. cut the grass

3. trim the bushes

4. plant some grass seed

oi: Listen to two friends talking about getting an ice-cream. What didn’t the ice-cream van havethe last time? 2. orange ice lollies 1. chocolate ice-cream 3. strawberry ice-cream 4. lemon icelollies

22. Listen to a man calling his boss. Whatwas the problem with the trains?

1. There weren’t any available. 2. There was a hugetraffic jam. 3. They were really crowded.

4. The electricity stopped.

23. Listen to a man speaking to a bank clerk. How does he want his money? He wants

1. 4 ten-pound notes and 3 twenty-pound notes 2. 5 twenty-pound notes 3. 4 twenty-pound notes and 2 ten-pound notes

4. 2 twenty-pound notes and 6 ten-pound notes 18. Listen to a woman who wants to buy a smartphone.

Whatwas the problem with the woman’s old phone? ber?

24. Listen to two friends talking about their plans for Friday

The phone

night. Why doesn’t Michelle want to go to the cinema?

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. She doesn’t like the company. 2. She has arranged to go tonight.

was too small didn’t have a good camera didn’t have room to store music was an older model

19. Listen to two friends about to go on tour ofthe city. Howwill they travel around the city?

Theywill 1. go bytrain 3. go by bus

around the city. 2. walk 4. cycle

APTIS for Teens

Final Task

3. She would rather go to a restaurant.

4. She has already seen the film.

25. Listen to a couple talking about a broken window. What was the man doing when the windowgot smashed? He was 1. playing football 2. upstairs 4. watching TV 3. on the phone

In the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018), we read thatin the listening test there are 22 questions, with three multiple-choice answers for each question while the Final Task is different and contains two questionsfor one listening text.

Listen to a teenager talking to his mother before going on a school camping trip. Whattwopieces of advice does she give? his

Whatis her first piece of advice? 1. not to do too many activities

What is her second piece of advice?

2. to choose friendscarefully

1. to get enoughsleep 2. not to eat too much

3. to be adventurous

3. to phone home regularly

SAE 3 av


emTatty Writing (Four parts — 50 minutes) 01. You are in a travel club. You have 5 messages from a member ofthe club. Write short answers (1-5 words) to each message. What do you do? Whatdid you do last weekend? What’s your favourite place? What’s the weatherlike today?

What music do you like?

02. You are a new member of the travel club. Fill in the form. Write sentences.

Use 20-30 words. You have seven minutesto do this.

Globe Travel Club

Please write about any travelling you have done over the last year or two.

03. You are a member ofa travel club. You are talking to some membersin the travel club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have ten minutesto do this.

Andrew: Hello! Welcome to our travel club. Can you remember the first time you travelled somewhere? Did you like it?

John: Great to have a new member! Whatplaces do you normally like to travel to?

Sharon: Where would you really like to travel in the future?

04. You are a member ofa travel club. You received this e-mail from the club.

Dear member,

We were hoping to organise sometrips to other cities very soon. We would like to ask members to come to a meeting on Saturday so we can organise these trips and decide whereall of you would like to travel to.

If we have enough people,we can hire our own bus and all travel together. If you are interested in going ona trip, please let the club secretary know as soon aspossible. Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do. Write about 50 words. You have ten minutesto do this.

Write an e-mail to the secretary of the club, Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutesto do this.

APTIS for Teens

| This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

04. We are running a writing competition on our website. The themethis monthis ‘going on holiday abroad’. Write your essay in responseto this statement.

Having a holiday abroadis a better experience than travelling within your own country. Remember to include an introduction and conclusion. Write your competition entry below in 200-250 words.

Hrayarason Unk y (n)

A police officer. he constable


sruption (n)


recruit (v)

When normal activity is

Get someone tojoin a club,


companyetc. A

stopped. Th


organisation, workfor a


: (n)

Material, something used

to makeclothes. e


Something that prevents

something else from

moving or continuing. he

-oncentration (n)

An amountof something

that is found in something else. There is hi



The state of something or

someone being ina place.



restri t (v)

stop sth from moving, or developing properly. /



Do somethingillegal.

Choose the correct answerA, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

The wees security officer followed the thief around the shop without being noticed. A hi-vis

B plain-clothed

C heavy

D antisocial

It will be nice to buy a new housein this beautiful .............. area. A residential B violent C commercial

D military

The fallen tree has caused a(n) uo... acrossthe road. A concentration B constable C fabric

D obstruction

Having two young children .............. what| can do in the evenings.

A recruits

B bans

C restricts

D mixes

Move amongother


commercial (adj)

have one’s shareof (exp)


Related to buying and

Experience something. t) poor John has hadhis share of bad luck this year.

selling things. The new product has been

a commercial success.

violent (adj)


Aggressive, angry, hurting people. It took two police officers to control the violent man.


ear mmPy

hi-vis (adj) (high visibility)

Something that can easily be seen especially in the

dark because it is a very bright colour. When you ride a bicycle in the dark, you should always wear a

hi-vis jacket so that you can easily be seen.



retail (n) The activity ofselling things to the public especially in shops. You need to be friendly if you work in retail so that people want to buy things from you.

Also, as well as. The hotel wasn’t very nice and on top of that it rained all week.

residential (adj)

Where people live. This is a residential area so

) offices here.

military (adj)

For the army, navy or air force. He chose a military career becausehis father

wasan officer in the army.


antisocial (adj) Acting in a way thatis harmful to people or society. The local people here are unhappy about

the amount of antisocial

behaviourin this area.

heavy (adj)

Large in number or amount. | was late for work because of the heavy traffic on the roads.

plain-clothed (adj) Not wearing a uniform.

No one knewit but there were a lot of plain-clothed police in the crowd.

practically (adv)

Almost,virtually. Practically the whole town

came out to see The Queen drive throughin her car.

B. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words/phrases in the box below. There are two words/phrases that you do not needto use.

ee eS




have one’s share of

| broke my favourite cup and




the coffee wentall over my book. because | get discounts on lots of clothes.

| like working in George


lives at our house as he comes round every day.

| can’t believe that someone so young would We are hoping to The heavy snow has caused

such serious crime.

a youth club soon so that young people have somewhereto go.

all over the country.



Succeed in APTIS


Words in Context & Reading Comprehension A. For each question (1-6), choose the correct answer.

A man of many jobs by Peter Andrews

I’ve had myshareofjobs in my life. At the young ageofsixteen | was going through an antisocial stage in my life. | was causing disruption wherever | went and then | was even silly enough to commit a crime. | was never violent and | didn’t get into fights but | did get caught stealing a hi-vis jacket from a shop. Unfortunately, a plain-clothed security guard saw me and he chased me. As | ran out of the shop local constable caught me and arrested me.

a military career would be very interesting even though | had

never pictured myself wearing a uniform and, on top ofthat, it would give me the opportunityto travel.



So, | stayed in the navyfor twelve years but suffered an injury,

in an accident on ship. After that, | had to leave the military

That was a turning point in my life. | was lucky as although the shop banned me,| didn’t haveto go to court or even paya fine so | didn’t get a criminal record. | knew that | needed to make some changes and | wantedto start earning money. | hadn’t passed any exams so the only jobs | could apply for were in retail or in catering but | didn’t fancy either of those. Then a friend told methat they wererecruiting for the navy. It was as though a light had been turned on in my mind. | thought that


If | hadn’t joined the navy, | think | would have ended up ina really bad place. It was more fun than | imagined and | made good friends. However, when | had toleave, | was quite happy. to leave and change mylifestyle again. | felt that | had achieved what| needed to achieve at that point in mylife.

and once again | needed to get a job. | bought a small house in an attractive residential area whereall the houses were ne! | didn’t want to be restricted in an office all day so | managed

to get a job as an estate agent selling the remaining housesin my area that werestill for sale. | loved making people happy by helping them buy a new home. On the whole, | am grateful that my life turned out as well as it has. It just goes to show whata verypositive attitude, as well as a chancein life can do for a person. | feel I’m one of the lucky ones.


How doesPeter describe himself as a sixteen year old?

A. ambitious C. a good student

B. a trouble maker D. hardworking


Whatattracted Peter to joining the navy? A. wearing a uniform C. seeing new places

B. leaving home D. . previous experience


How doesPeter feel about the navy now? A. It wasn’t as good as he’d hoped. C. He thinks everyone should join the navy.

B. He wishes he was still a sailor. D . It saved him from a negativelife.


What did Peter achieve as an estate agent? A. job satisfaction C. a lot of money

B. a very big house . working in a nice office


Which of the following would Peter morelikely say?

BS The Royal Navy is now recruiting hundreds more sailors. Young people who are fit and enthusiastic should consider this amazing career.


Sometimes a bad start can lead to morepositive thingy in life. One bad experience does not necessarily mean that the rest of your life is ruined.



; ; Buying your first home is the best feeling ever. Unfortunately, many people do not get the opportunity to do it though, and haveto rent a place their entirelife.

5 ; Workingas an estate agentisn’t for everyone but there is nothing better than helping people to buy a new home. Whynot consider a new career selling houses?

oe sie

B. Say if the statements are true (T) orfalse (F). Peter used to work hard as a teenager. Peter didn’t do well at school. Peter joined the navy with his best friend. Peter didn’t wantto leave the navy. Peter lives a normal life now.


preparation Unit

Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English Cc. For questions 1-4, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (0)

A. mixed

B. heavy

C. banned

D. violent

A nightof trouble in the city

Asif the (0) heavy traffic was not enoughtrouble, last night saw more (1) ......... in the city centre. The problems started in the (2)........... heart of the city where demonstrators broke shop windowsand stole thousands of pounds’ .., a great deal of damage was done as the crowds were out of worth of goods. Despite a heavypolice(3) .. .. this morning as the local authorities and shop ownerstry to clear control. Access to the city centreis still (4) .. up the terrible mess. 1. A. concentration

B. retail

C. obstruction

D. disruption

2.[ commercial

B. military

C. hi-vis

D. residential

3. A. constable

B. fabric

4. A. committed

B. restricted

D. ban C. formed

D. recruited

D. For questions 1-4, read the text below andthink of the word that bestfits each gap. Use only one wordin each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Flooding in Australia

(0) Over the last two months, northern Australia has had more than its fair (1) ....ccsseseseseereereeesees of bad weather. Manyareas have suffered huge storms which have led to serious flooding. People have been forced to leave their homesas the water has risen to dangerously high levels. Sadly this has resulted in many people (2) .


crimes such as stealing things from abandoned homes. ON (3) ...sscsseesrseeseserersees of that, another more unexpected problem has arisen. There has been a very high concentration (4)... hungry crocodiles in residential areas which areterrifying those residents that have remained in their homes. It is not a good time to beliving in northern Australia.

E. For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence sothatit has a similar meaning tothe first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Hereis an example (0). Example (0) hings




Simon has the talent to become a professional footballer. Simonis so talented that he could becomea professional footballer.

1. Smoking has been bannedin all public places.



NOU ..ssssarerenencontarensnsenensnenceneetenerensenensesnnensatoacibieeiieand in any public place. 2. We must do something about violent incidents, otherwise theywill escalate.


VIOlEHE CIAEHtS WII ESCAlALE sscssassessissesesvsnrconesvescavceevsescceswiveenevenssaseeeesveenTs x 3. Since the traffic was so heavy John was delayed.


ae Sat oa

JOAN viecccccsscssccssscseesseeseccssesecessesseseseecseseaeceeenaeceaeenseeneneaee the heavytraffic.

4. Even though the man committed the crime, he was not sent toprison.


The man wasn’t Serit to: PrisON sss sssesoevimeenrinnnnnacnnnaiinnnmuried a


Grammar (25 questions — 12 minutes) Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answerpaper. Do not write on this question paper. The answer to question 0 is given as an example on your answerpaper(A).

0. How

07. When | studied French, our teacher made ___ 50 new words a week. A. to learn

does this bag cost? EXAMPLE

B. long C. old

B. learning

C. us learn

01. What time ____ the train to London leave?

08. A: | haven’t been able to finish my project. B:__. Let’s try to do it together. A. Neither | have B. Nor have | C. So have |

A. is

B. does C. has

02. He likes to eat lots offruit, __—ihhe’s very healthy. A. but B. so

09. Weare going to the cinema___ Thursday. A. at

C. if

B. in Cc. on

03. You ___ to finish cleaning your room today. A. have B. must

C. should

10. My mum forgot to buy food for the party.__, wewere able to have some pizzas delivered. A. However

04. She ___if you’re going to have a birthday party on Saturday. A. said B. told C. asked

0s. She can only speak one language. She A. didn’t use to study B. hadn’t to study C. would not have studied

B. Therefore C, Whatever

11. If you don’tfinish your work in time, you__. A. mayfire B. may befired C. are firing

English. 12. When he ____ his new car, he won’t go to work by bus anymore. A. got B. gets

06. There are___ than five cats in the garden. A. fewest B. more

C. least

Cc. will get

13. Please__ you go to the shop and get me a newspaper A. shall B. must

C. could



Grammar & Vocabulary

44, James

eat a lot of hamburgers, but now

he eats salads. A. used to B. had C. was used to new

45. People weretold to stay intheir homes the storm. A. during B. since c. until

46. If you had saved more money, you__ need to borrow money from your parents. A. won’t B. wouldn’t have Cc. wouldn’t

20. Sarah _____ already arrived when | gotto the airport. A. had B. was C. has

21. Sam doesn’t think her Italian is___ to get. a certificate. A. not good B. good enough C. so good

22. You _____ have brought some drinks. | havelots in the kitchen. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t

23. The magazine Teens Today ___ published for over 10 years now.

17. | think it is important __ people go to university. A. to B. that C. for

18. Before you go to bed, please turn off ___ television. A. the

A. has been B. is being C. was being

24. ___| you, | would save moneyand buya car. A. Had B. Were c.Am

B. -


25. A: Do you think you will pass the test? B:__, but I’m not 100% sure.

19, Michael A. went

B. has gone C. was going


to a meeting when his car broke down.

A. Probably

B. Probability C. Probable

Vocabulary (25 questions — 13 minutes)

paper. You need to write all answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question (1-5). Use each word onceonly. 01. Write the letter (A-J) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left The answer to question 0 is (A-J). words the Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of given on your answer paper as an example (K).

0. job 1. company ;

2. anxiety

A. B. C. D.


surprise product happiness anger

E. worker


4. amazement

F. business s G. object H. order

5. command

J. reaction

3, response

|. worry

K. occupation

02. Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word once only. (A-J). Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words


. 6. To make something clear or easy to understand is to

A. afford

B. include


C. enquire

7. To decide that an event will not happen is to —_— ‘

8. To make something better is to

D. cancel

E. defend


F. affect

9. To discover the exact size or amount of something is to 10. To contain something as a part of somethingelseis to


G. improve H. handle |. explain

J. measure

left (11-15). Use each word once only. 03. Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that matches the definition on the (A-J). words the of five need not will You paper. answer Write your answers(A-J) on your 11. Happening in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning.


12. Making you feel satisfied that you have done something important.


13. Nottelling the truth thereforelikely to steal, cheat, or lie.


14. Awake,thinking, and knowing what is happening around you.


15. Good enough for a particular need or purpose.

A. B. C. D. E.

corrupt conscious inconsistent prosperous rewarding

F. tolerant G. spontaneous

H. subtle |. dishonest J. satisfactory

Grammar & Vocabulary

04. Finish each sentence (16-20) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words (A-J).

16. You will need your___ becauseit’s going to rain. 17. The _____ in the factory is very expensive.

A. anorak B. obstruction C. litter D. caravan

18.1 work inthe sales___—soof the company.

E. department F, administration

19.The___is ready to take the boxes to the customer.

G. equipment

20. Most food packaging ends up as


H. furnishings |. windbreak J. lorry

05. Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left (21-25). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

21. brand 22, incoming 23. train 24. immune

25. delivery

A. charge B. break C. spotting

D. flaw

E. system

F. tourism G. identity H. emotion

|. call J. advertising

Reading (25 questions — 30 minutes) 01. Choose one word (A, B or C) for each space and write the letter on the answer paper. The first one (0) is done for you as an example with the answer A marked on your answer paper.


B. trip

. travel

4, A. later

B. before

. since

A. visiting

B. going

. driving

A. want

B. hope

. wish

A. beards

B. grass

. hair

A. have

B. feel

. see

Dear Andrew, I’m in London on (0) seeesonis with my brother and weareherefor five days. Have you been to London(1) ......... ? After London weare (2) ......... Scotland to see the mountains.

1 (3) wee I can see the famous cowsthatarein Scotland. Theyarecalled Highland Cattle and they have very long (4) ........- 3 You mustgo to Scotland and (5) ......... it for yourself. Best wishes, Jane

Reading 02. Order the sentences (B-G) below to makea story. Write your answers on the answer paper (Questions 6-11). Thefirst sentence of the story (A) is given for you on the answer paper as an example.

Planning a holiday Example:

A. First, you need to makesure that you havea valid passport. B. A day or two beforethe flight, you will be packing your suitcase with all the clothes you need for your trip. Once you are at the airport, check-in yourself and your suitcase and then go through tothe plane. . If not, you must apply for a new one before booking your holiday. Then, as you get near the dateyou aretravelling, you have to go online and print your boarding pass.

On travel day, makesure that you getto theairport with plenty of time before your flight leaves. . When your booking is complete, you will need to change some money into the local currency.

Reading 03. Read the text and complete each gap with a word from the list at the bottom of the page. Read the text and answer questions 12-18. Th e Police i . 1,500 years in England. The first officers There have been police officers for (0) were called constables and were (12) ......... for keeping the peace. They were notpaid. By 1663, there were paid men looking after London at night but in 1749, a special small police force was formedto (13) ......... criminals. They were called the Bow Street Runners and only (14) ....... in one part of London. The first modern police force was created in London in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel. The policemen didn’t have guns but weregiven hard wooden sticks. For ten years they were only in London, but the government eventually

madeit (15)........ for the whole country to have police forces. Up until 1903, the police

could only travel around on foot. That year, the Metropolitan Police (16)........ twocars,

the first police cars in Britain. Bicycles were introducedsix yearslater. The first British

policewoman was (17) ....... in 1914. Todaythere are around 150,000 police officers in Britain, responding to (18) ......... and investigating complaints.


PNA elma)






Example (0): K - over A- capture B - escape C- responsible D - emergencies E-able ; F + recruited

S~ compulsory H - operated

| - risks

J - purchased K - over


| This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).|

03. Four people wereinterviewed for Teens Now magazine abouttheir weekend jobs. Read the texts and then decide which person mentions each ofthe details below. My Weekend Job

1 do mydeliveries on mybicycle in all weathers. When it is snowing,| leave my bike at home. The only thing | don’t like are the dogs.

Fred (male, 18 years old) Now | work in a large supermarket putting products on the shelves and moving boxes in the warehouse. | start work at 9pm on Saturdays and workuntil the early hours of the morning. | catch the train to work becauseit is much quicker than the bus. The main problem is that | have to wait an hour after work for the first train home.

Jane (female, 17 years old) On Saturdays | work in one of the coffee shops in town. | always catch the bus to work because the bus stop is in front of the shop. | work from 9am to 4pm. It is always very busy, and | get tired being on myfeetall day. The best thing about my job is that | can take home anycakesthatareleft over.

Mary (female, 16 years old) My Saturday job is cleaning shops after they close. | arrive at work at about 5:30pm. | always catch the 5 o’clock bus to work and the last bus back home. | love this job because | can listen to my iPod/MP3player while | work. Also,if | finish early, | can go home,and theystill pay me for a complete day’s shift.

Andrew (male, 15 years old) Every Saturday and Sunday,| have to get up early because | deliver newspapers for my local shop. | have to be at the shop by 7am as| haveto sort out the newspapersin my bag.

Who: 12. can take things home from work? 13. works outside even if it’s windy and raining?

14. has to wait at work before going home? 15. works during the day but doesn’t start too early? 16. doesn’t use public transport to get to work? 17. travels home the next day?

18. can use earphones while they work?


04. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25. Write your answers (A-H) on the answer paper.

There is one more heading than you need. The answer to paragraph 0 is given on the answer paper as an example (I). Oxford Street, London 0. Oxford Street is the busiest shopping street in Europe and has around half a million visitors a day. There are about 300 shops, including designer shops and departmentstores. Oxford Street forms part of the A40, which is a major road from London to Fishguard, which is in South Wales, 250 miles away. There are no sign posts because traffic on this part of the road is usually restricted to taxis and buses. The first department stores in Britain opened on Oxford Street and they included Selfridges, John Lewis and HMV.

19. Towards the end ofthe 19th century, Oxford Street changed from being a residential area to a commercial area. The first shops to open up were shoerepair shops and shopsselling different fabrics, such as curtains and carpets. Furniture shopsalso started to appear. A lot of these shops then became partof the large departmentstores. The

whole street was practically rebuilt and by the 1930s, the street was completely retail. It is still totally commercial today.

20. During the Second World War, Oxford Street suffered a lot of damage with many buildings having to be completely

rebuilt. During the night and morning of the 17¢ to the 18th September 1940, about 270 military airplanes dropped

bombs onto the West End of London which mostly included Oxford Street. Many buildings were destroyed and fires damaged many others. They rebuilt a lot of buildings but many of the big department stores remained closed. By 1960, everything was almost back to normal. 21. Oxford Street is in a very important location for people travelling in and out of London, as well as around London.

There are a lot of major bus routes which use Oxford Street, which is why, during the day only buses and taxis can useit. There are also four underground train stations which servefive different underground lines. About 100 million passengers a year use all four stations. Oxford Circus is the busiest station since it is halfway along Oxford Street. A new high-speedrail link is being built across London from East to West and twostations on Oxford Street will have accesstothis line.


22. Oxford Street is a very busy road with about 175,000 people getting on and off buses every day. The road is

alwaysfull of buses and taxis, which can makecrossing the street very difficult. Between 2009 and 2012 there were over 70 accidentsinvolving traffic and people trying to cross the road. There have been some plans to reducethe traffic along Oxford Street, one of which is banning private vehicles between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm every day except Sundays. This ban was introduced in June 1972 and was a success. The main problem is that there are many more busesand taxis today than there were in 1972.





23. From 2005 to 2012, Oxford Street was completely closed toall traffic for one day a year, the Saturday before Christmas. Theycalled this day “VIP Day” (Very Important Pedestrians). In 2006, the Mayor of London suggested that Oxford Street be permanently closedtoall traffic, but the next Mayor said that this would cause too much disruption around the centre of London. Local business owners were not happywith these plans.


24. Even though private vehicles are banned during the day, a report from King’s College, in London, showed that


vehicles which can be very bad for your health. The average contentofthis gas in the air was 135 micrograms



us se fl n-

Oxford Street has the world’s highest concentration of nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide is a gas coming from

per cubic metre. This figure included night traffic when there were fewer vehicles. At very busy times during the day, levels went up to 463 micrograms.

25. With the number of people visiting Oxford Street every day,it’s no surprise that it has its share of criminals

committing crimes. In 2005, the Metropolitan Police reported that Oxford Street is the most dangerous streetin

Central London. It was also reported that Oxford Street was the shopping destination most surrounded by crime in Britain. In 2011, there were 660 vehicle crimes, 920 cases where items were stolen from people, 2,600 violent crimes and 5,000 reports of antisocial behaviour. The street always has a very heavy police presence with many police officers wearing yellow hi-vis jackets. The police also use lots of plain clothed officers who can mix into the crowds without being noticed. On top of that there are hundreds of cameras (CCTV) watching every part of Oxford Street. Since these reports in 2011 crime has reduced quite lot. Headings A. Transport options


B. Extensive damage


C. A source ofpollution


D. Businesses booming


F. Controversial plans G. The great fire of London H. Traffic issues |. Introduction (Example)

23. _ 24, 25.

E. Cracking down on unlawful acts






(25 questions)


This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the


test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. John’s mum has asked him to go to the shops. What does she want him to buy? She wants him to buy 2. chocolate with raisins 1. dark chocolate 4. white chocolate

3. chocolate with nuts

3.07911 134625

4.07911 126534

1. it is foggy

2. 08:30 train

2. there is a lot of snow

4, 08:05 train

3. 09:30 train

07. Listen to the message. What is Stacy’s new phone number? Stacy’s new phone number is 2.07911 123456 1.07911 124365

The flights are delayed because


1. 09:05 train


08. Listen to an announcement at the airport. Why arethe flights delayed?

01. Your friend calls to arrange your trip to London. ‘ Whattime doesthe train you will catch leave? You will catch the

GioBOIELT -an wh

3. the winds are very strong

4. it is raining a lot 02. Listen to the man talking aboutcycling. How far did he cycle on Sunday?

He cycled 1. 10 miles 3. 8 miles


09. Listen to the woman talking about her next holiday. Whereis she going? The woman is going to

2.12 miles 4. 20 miles

03. A woman has lost her son. Listen to her describe him. What does he look like? : Her son is 1. tall with short black hair

1. Spain

2. Greece

3. Italy

4. England

10. Listen to the youth centre advertisement. When arethe poetry classes?

The poetry classes are

2. slim with long brown hair

1. Thursday to Saturday

3. tall with black trainers

3. Tuesday to Thursday

4. tall and slim with long black hair

: 2. on weekends

4. Monday to Wednesday

11. Listen to twofriends discussing their plans. Wheredo they decide to go? The friends are going to

04. You ask for directions to the coffee shop. Whereis the coffee shop? . The coffee shop is next to 1. the bridge

2. the railway station

1. the sports centre

2. stay at home

3. the supermarket

4. the police station

3. the cinema

4, the restaurant

12. Listen to two friends talking. What is Mary’s favourite drink? Mary’s favourite drink is 2. ice tea 1. coffee 4. lemonade 3. cola

05. Listen to the message. Whatis Stephanie going to do this evening? c This evening Stephanie will 2. go for a walk 1. go swimming 3. go to the cinema

4. stay at home 13. Listen to the teacher talking to a parent about

06. A customer is ordering a pizza. What doesn’t he want on his pizza? The customer doesn’t want

1. onion 3. tomato

2. bacon 4. olives


a trip. How much is the deposit for the trip? The deposit for the trip is

1. £40 3.2£20

2. £30 4. £10

Listening 14. Listen to two friends having a conversation.

20. John leaveshis friend a message about his birthday.

Why didn’t Jane do her report?

What day is John’s birthday on?

Jane didn’t do her report yesterday because she

John’s birthday is on 1. Sunday 3. Friday

1. was very busy 3. didn't have enough time

2. had a headache 4. got caughtup in traffic

15. Listen to the man talking about his new car. What does the man say? 1. He should have kepthis old car.

2. He should sell his new car to get something better. 3. He should repair his new car.

4. He should have thought morecarefully before

2. Thursday 4. Saturday

21. Listen to two friends talking about a purchase. Whatdid the man end up buying? He ended up buying a 1. tablet 2. laptop 3. television 4. DVD-player

taking a decision.

16. Sarah tells a friend that her supervisor has asked to see her. Howis she feeling? Sarah is 1. nervous 2. happy 3. angry 4. relieved

22. Listen to the man ordering taxi. Whattime is the man’s flight? The man’s flight is at 1. 8.00 2. 10.00 3. 11.00 4. 9.00

23. Listen to the recorded information. 17. Twofriends are talking abouta film they have

just seen. What typeoffilm did they watch? It was a film. 1. horror 2. crime 3. comedy 4. romantic

18. Listen to a married couple talking. Where are they? The couple are ina 1. library 2. coffee shop 3. castle 4. clothes shop

19. Listen to two friends talking about a concert. How doesthe girl feel? She feels 1. anxious

2. depressed

3. disappointed

4. thrilled

APTIS for Teens

Final Task

Whyis there a problem with the bus services?

The roads are 1. too busy 3. very wet

2. closed 4. coveredin ice

24. Listen to two friends on holiday. Whereare they going to have lunch? They are going to have lunch at 1. a coffee shop 2. an Italian restaurant 3. a fast food place 4. a vegetarian restaurant

25. Listen to Paul calling his friend Anne. Whyis Paul calling Anne? He is calling to say 1. sorry

2. good luck

3. hello

4. thank you

In the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018), we read thatin the listening test there are 22 questions, with three multiple-choice answers for each question while the Final Taskis different and contains two questionsfor onelistening text.

listen to a girl talking to her teacher about her schoolwork. Whattwosolutions does the teacher suggest?

Whatis his first solution? 1. to work with a friend 2. to ask her parents to help her do the homework 3. to arrange a quiet place to work

Whatis his second solution? 1. to do the homeworkbefore anything else 2. to do the homeworkafter she’s had a rest 3. to do the homework the next morning

i orm


Writing (Four parts — 50 minutes) club. 01. You are in a music club. You have 5 messages from a member of the Write short answers (1-5 words) to each message.

What do you do?

Where did you go on your last holiday? What’s your favourite food? Howare you feeling today? Whatfilms do youlike?

02. You are a new member of the music club. Fill in the form. Write sentences.

Use 20-30 words. You have seven minutesto do this.

Tempo Music Club

learn to play. Please write about any musical instruments you play or would like to

in the music club chat room. 03. You are a member of a music club. You are talking online to some members Talk to them using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have ten minutesto do this. you heard live music? Did you like it? Andrew: Hello! Welcome to our music club. Can you remember the first time

music groups/singers do you normally John: Great to have a new member! Whattype of music do you like? What listen to?

of CDs? Sharon: Do you have a big music collection? Are they all on mp3 or do you havelots

04. You are a member of a music club. You received this e-mail from the club. Dear member,

Wewere hoping to have some very famous musicians come to the club tonight but unfortunately their bus has broken down and won't be coming. They told us that they don't have time to come andvisit us in the future, but they have invited us to go to their practice session in London before their big concert. We would like to hire a bus if we have enough club members who wish to go. If you are interested in going, please let the club secretary know as soon aspossible. Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do. Write about 50 words. You have ten minutesto do this.

Write an e-mail to the secretary of the club. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutesto do this.

| APTIS for Teens

This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

are running a writing competition on our website. The theme this month is music.

Write your essay in responseto this statement. A




All children should be taught about music and how to learn a musicalinstrument. lemberto include an introduction and conclusion. ite your competition entry below in 200-250 words.

Preparation Unit



The state of being awkward and uncomfortable with ne other people. | ell

Characteristic or quality.






feeling that you dislike

sb or sth so much that you don’t want to be nearthem.

Someone who doesn’t

seem normal and doesn’t get on with other people. misfit when e felt like a

that happened. v 7}

Manydifferent things

or types, variety. Thereis




Situation, event, sth

art (n)

Sb who has the same job,

position, etc as sb else in a different company, country, ete.| he

Move something from

one place to another.

the sentences. Choosethe correct answer A, B, Cor D to complete

His creativity is one of his best .........0 : C instances B attributes A misfits

D counterparts

so that they wouldn’t be recognised. The robbers wore a Scarf tO ..... eee their faces

A marvel

B endear

C transfer

D obscure

nds of years ago. The Parthenon in Athens was a(N) ...-.-.-+ temple thousa nguishable indisti D C plodding B drastic A sacred after the match. AIONG sescsissivees of football fans came out of the stadium ness gauche D am Cstre Brepugnance Adiversity

Start from a particular


by soMerInE.

Bec) in APTIS



sacred (adj)


To make somebodylike you. Hedid everythin

to endea

rgo (Vv)






; (adj)

bordered on |


Special & deserving respect,






slowly and not achieving much.

y (adv)



especially for religious

Moving or doing sth very

serience, have sth (



Being unable to tell the difference between two


j Hating’ no connection with



stic (adj)


or more things or people.

the following sentences using the correct form of the wordsin the box below. two wordsthat you do not needto use.

everyone handedin their homework on time with the exception of Sue. il Probably have to an operation on his heart.

anted to go to university but sadlyhedidn’t_— Palace ae 0)

the dark old building we used to workin. an obsession as he eatsit every day.

» oF



Bee good Enmae


> a far cry (idiom)

Be very different from. ‘ i I

Wordsin Context & Reading Comprehension A. For each question (1-5), choose the correct answer. COoeeeoceecoeeoooooeLeeDeLoO0008 e

: Memo:

Please respect these beautiful gardens. Do not climb on the old trees which date back to the 1900s and please be quiet in the sacred buildings. We apologise

$ $ $ $

that some of the buildings may not be entered as

they are undergoing importantrepairs at this time.

Brenda, Don’t forget about the meeting tomorrow. | know weusually haveit in the conference room butin this instanceit will have to be

: in the canteen, as there is no power in the

e conference room.

A. Visitors must nottalk in the gardens.

* Can you let everyone know? °

B. Visitors must not shout in the sacred buildings.

$ Thanks,

§ Alan

C. Visitors are not allowed in any of the sacred buildings.


A. The meetingis in a different location. B. They will have lunch at the meeting.

Afternoon tea club - everyone welcome! Our newclub is for everyone who lives locally. We celebrate diversity here and are a secular club so all religions can get together and have a chat over a coffee or tea and marvel at our

wonderful homemade cakeselection.

Open: Mondayto Saturday 9am to 6pm.

C. Thereis no electricity in the canteen.


The afternoon tea club only for religious people. B. welcomes anyone who lives in the area. C. is open every day of the week.

Are you a ploddinginternet user? Are you a

misfit in the world of Information Technology? Why not come along to our evening classes and see a drastic improvement in your IT skills? Weare confident that we can help anyone


Hi Tina,

I’m having a wonderful time.

Our campsite is a far cry

from the noisy restaurant. | hope it isn’t too busy while I’m away. Wearevirtually the only ones here apart from one or two moretents. To be honest, at night time it’s bordering on being too

quiet. Anyway,I’ll see you back at the restaurant next Monday.


to be a successful internet surfer!

A. The classes are only for professional people. B. The classes run during the day and evening.

C. The classes will completely change your ability to use the internet.

A. Gemma worksin a campsite. B. Tina is on holiday.

C. Gemma and Tina work together.

oe Pe =

B. Say if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Only children can climb on the trees. (Text 1) You can learn how to make cakes at the afternoon tea club. (Text 2) This is an advert for an internet teacher. (Text 3) Brenda needs to talk to everyone. (Text 4)

Gemma worksin a restaurant. (Text 5)


Pcs eebechecel ty elas

Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English C. For questions 1-4, read the text below and decide which answer(A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (0)

A. does away with

B. dates back to

C. borders on

D. undergoes

Trying to getfit | must admit that my lack of enthusiasm concerning exercise (0) dates back to my childhood. | never seemed to be interested in getting fit. But suddenly | decided one day that it was time for me to take some (1) ..........05 action and finally getfit. I’m not a sporty person, so | alwaysfelt like a bit of a(n) (2) ........0 in the gym. Then, a friend of mine introduced me to a personal trainer. He was really nice guy and his friendly character (3) .............. me to him straightaway. Westarted talking about how | could improve my health and, in a(n) (4)..., he’d persuaded me to join him for a training session. The funny thing is that now going to the gym is one of my favourite things to do.

1. A. plodding

B. secular

C. drastic

D. indistinguishable

2. A. counterpart

B. misfit

C. attribute

D. repugnance

3. A. endeared

B. obscured

C. marvelled

D. transferred

4. A. diversity

B. gaucheness

C. stream

D. instance

D. For questions 1-4, read the text below andthink of the word thatbest fits each gap. Use only one wordin each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Sorting out my grandparents’ house My grandparents never throw anything away. After more (0) than sixty yearsofliving in the same house,it was full of things that they had collected in their life. There was so much stuff that it was bordering (1) ...

. being

dangerous becauseit was difficult to move around the house. My parents decided that the whole family would go and see them one weekend and sort the house out. A system was agreed between the family members. We would

go through all the boxes and bagsof possessions and do away (2) .....sssseeeeeee anything that they no longer needed or wanted. Wetried to make them agreetoletting a lot of things go and they had to give us a good reason if they wanted to keep something. After careful consideration, if something didn’t (3)... the grade, it was out! At the same time,it was a fascinating weekend because there were souvenirs and old photos that dated (4).........ccscee to the 1970s and some of them werereally interesting. E. For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to thefirst sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between twoand five words, including the wordgiven. Here is an example (0). Example (0)

Simon has the talent to become a professional footballer.


Simonis so talented that he could become a professional footballer.

1. Angela ran so fast at the sports day that the coach invited her to join the athletics team.


Angela WAS ....cccccscssescsscsseseesessessesesseseseeseesseeersenees runner at the sports day that the coach invited her to join the athletics team. 2.

| hope in the future he doesn’t wish he’d gone to university.


[hope h@d66Si't cssseccseramiaiuinnavennnenescnie university in the future. 3. Is it a problem for you if | ask you not to wear your shoes in the house?


WGUld osixccanenmnemrenme: your shoesin the house?

4. That’s the funniestfilm | have ever seen. NOVEP scsceserceseonnovenennenenasarensarennapeaperTRETETT a funny film.



Grammar (25 questions — 12 minutes) Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answerpaper.

Do not write on this question paper. The answer to question O is given as an example on your answerpaper (A).

0. You used to play basketball, __?


07. A: Why did you buy the red sofa? B: | boughtit because it was much ___ the white one. A. cheaper than B. so cheaper

B. don’t you C. did you

01. Sarah ___ making an apple pie for her sister’s party.

A. suggest happily B. happily suggested C. happy suggested

02. Since Tony moved to Rome, we __ him atall.

A. didn’t see B. hadn’t seen C. haven’t seen


If you want ___, try cutting down on sweets.

A. to lose weight B. lost weight C. losing weight

04. Could you please answer the phone ___ I’m out for lunch? A. by the time B. throughout C. while

05. A: What’s that lovely smell? B: Mary gave me an air freshener that ____ off the aroma of chocolate. A. gives

B. would give C. is given

06. Peteris__ athlete that the coach asked him to participate in the Olympic Games. A. such a fast B. so fast C. the fastest

C. as cheap

08. If he won the lottery, he ____ a luxurious sportscar. A. bought B. will buy C. would buy

09. The thief ____ with the moneybefore thepolice arrived. A. had left B. is leaving C. was leaving

10. One of the reasons why wedecided to go to Paris was ___ Disneyland. A. to havevisited B. being visited C. to visit

11. |___ go for a walk tomorrow,but | have to study for my maths exam the nextday. A. won’t B. can’t Cc. would


He’s been studying so hard. It’s time he ___ some rest. A. got B. to get

C. will get

13. | just hope he doesn’t regret __. It soundedlike a goodjob. A. to quit B. quitting

C. he quitting


ammar & Vocabulary

E wonder if | had made the right decision |saw who | would be working with.


20. ___ I’ve only known you for about one month,| feel like we have become goodfriends already. A. However B. But

C. Although

he meal, Jack insisted ____ the bill. pay

21. We ___ aboutgoing on holiday to New York in two weeks’ time. A. are thinking B. are thought

C. can’t think


will Be mailing the files as__ as | have them

22; They told __ the train had notarrived and asked us to wait patiently. A.that B. us that C. to us

23. Would you mind not ___ inside the hotel room please? A.smoking B. to smoke C. smoke

24, Mybrothershould start thinking ____ he wants to study; it’s an important decision. A. for what B. what about C. about what as done well so far, ‘proudofherself.

she should be 25. |__ home earlier if the bus hadn’t been delayed. A. had gone B. would go C. would have gone

Vocabulary (25 questions — 13 minutes) You needto write all answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question paper. 01. Write the letter (A-J) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (1-5). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). The answer to question is given on your answer paper as an example (K).

A. include


O. start

B. exit

1. build


C. fail

2. hurt


E. let

3. finish


D. construct

F. conclude G. happen H. injure

4. close




|. locate J. shut

K, launch

02. Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). 6. To entertain people by dancing, singing, etc. is to



A. hurry B. charge

7. To be the rightsize is to

c perform D. complain

8. To say hello to someone is to



. .

9. To make someone pay moneyfor somethingis to 10. To say you are unhappy about somethingis to

‘ :

E. transfer F. weigh G. hire H. insist I. greet J. fit

03. Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that matches the definition on the left (11-15). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). A. artificial B. effective

11. Usual or normal. 5 12, Wanting to know about 8

5 ething.


13. Happening once year. 14. Very big. 15. Having lots of money.

C. typical ——

D. entertaining

E. unique

F. jealous G. enormous H. curious |. annual

J. wealthy


Grammar & Vocabulary

04.Finish each sentence (16-20) using a wordfrom the list (A-J). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper.You will not need five of the words (A-J).

16. The police are looking for

17. The new road will benefit the 18. All

to solve the crime.

ofthe village.

will get a bonus at the end of this month.

19. Are you going to put up some 20. George has a(n)

for the party?

to get tired very quickly.

A. employees

B. responsibility C. description D. inhabitants E. anniversary

F. evidence G. tendency H. disappointment I. sales J. decorations

05. Write the letter of the word onthe right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left (21-25). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

21. outstanding _

A. animal B. sign

22. luxurious

C. effort D. path

23. illustrious

E. tree

24. notorious

G. money H. apartment

25. ferocious

F. list

|. writer J. criminal

Reading (25 questions — 30 minutes) 01, Choose one word(A,B or C) for each space and write the letter on the answer paper.

The first one (0) is done for you as an example with the answer A marked on your answer paper.

0. A. party

B. wedding

C. appointment

1. A. making

B. celebrating

C. choosing

2. A. written

B. picked

C. invited


B. carry

C. bring

4. A. park

B. pool

C. stadium

5. A. forget

B. have

C. remember

A. buy

Dear Mark, Would you like to come to a (0) ......... on Tuesday? A friend of mine is (1) ......... her 215t birthday. She’s (2) ......... lots of her friends and has asked me,too. She said | could (3) ......... a guest. The partywill be at a hotel which has a (4) ......... so we'll be able to go swimming. So, don’t (5) ........ to bring your swimming costume,if you come!

Tell me what youthink. Best wishes, Emma

Reading 02. Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story. Write your answers on the answer paper (Questions 6-11). The first sentence of the story (A) is given for you on the answer paper as an example.

J.K. Rowling’s life Example:

A. J.K. Rowling grew up with her parents andsister in the southwest of England.

B. Sadly, when J.K. Rowling was a teenager, her mother died and life became difficult. C. She was a great support in her daughter’s early years. D.

Most children love reading the Harry Potter books but few knowthis

sad story behind them.

E. When she was only yearsold, she wrote her first book about a rabbit. F.

But it was this terrible event that helped Rowling to create Harry Potter.

G. Her mother, Anne, praised her work and encouraged her to write more.

list at the bottom of the page. 03. Read the text and complete each gap with a word from the 12-18. ns questio Read the text and answer Madame Tussauds Waxworks ds of tourists annually. Madame Tussauds is a stand-outattraction, pulling in thousan

Example(0): G - Since

stream ofvisitors (O) segevaveee its opening 200 years ago,there has been a constant at the life-like marvel through its doors. People come from all over the world to

A- created B - entertainment

r of waxworks, this is Although Madame Tussaud is (13) ......... by manyas the invento ds by several hundred actually untrue. The first waxworks predated Madame Tussau

D - regarded

rather than secular In addition, waxworks have also been used for religious reasons saints for ksof (16) scvssvsvces . The Catholic church, for example, (17) ......- waxwor

G - since

from their real-life counterparts. (22) sesecsnne of wax, which arevirtually indistinguishable

ing in Roman (15) ax (1A) sessenses, the first recorded instance of wax figures appear

e the most famous creator worshippers. Nevertheless, Marie Tussaud was to becom

ion is down toits and exhibitor of waxworksofall time. The appeal of the attract make the grade longer no that s Exhibit (18) sssvevsss and its constantly changing nature. ad. ksinste waxwor ng are simply melted downand turned into more appeali 12.

APTIS for Teens






C- times E - diversity

F - discovered H - although

| - figures J- years

K - thought


for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). | This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis

eir plans for the future. 03. Four people were inte rviewed for Youth of Today magazine aboutth the opinions below. Read the texts and then decide which person expresses each of

Tracy (female, 17 years old) Until a few years ago | was certain | wanted to be a hairdresser when | left school. | always thought of myself as being more practical than academic, you see, and I’m quite creative. But g | did unexpectedly well in my exams last year so I’m thinkin do,| | r whateve But about going to university now, instead. know myparentswill support my career choice.

Jill (female, 17 years old) \’m aboutto leave college but I’m still undecided as to what| career | prefer. My mum wants meto follow in my father’s] footsteps and become a lawyer. I’m notso sure, though. It’s not the hard work that puts me off as much, as the competi-| tive nature of the job. Well, | wouldn’t mind the great salary, though! But | think it’s hard to find a job that pays well andis]

Liam (male, 11 years old) | wish | didn’t have to think about a career now. When you’re

Gary (male, 13 years old) Ever since | was little | knew what| wantedto be - an airline pilot. My parents have done their bestto try and persuade me

and younglike me, all you want to do is enjoy being a child

having a carefree existence. But my parents keep telling me thatit’s never too early to start thinking about what! wantto do when! grow up. They think | can be a doctoror lawyer, but | know mygradeswill never be good enough. | can’t seem to get them to understand that, though.

Who: 12. dislikes being under pressure? 13. likes varietyin life? 14. had a pleasant surprise? 15. isn’t good at schoolwork?

16. isn’t interested in the family business? 17. has changed their opinion?

18. says their parents are unrealistic?

rewarding, too.

The to work for their business, but shop workisn’t for me.

are right in that| could easily doit, of course, but | hate rou-| tine. Luckily, | know that once my parents realise I’m still serious about being a pilot, they will encourage me in my] chosen career.

04. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25. Write your answers (A-H) on the answer paper. There is one more heading than you need. The answer to paragraph 0 is given on the answer paper as an example (I).

The history of clowns 0.

Slapstick humour and an endearing gauchenessare attributes of the modern-day circus clown. Both fool and

entertainer, the clown is an amusing social misfit that we love both to laugh at, and with. However, the staple entertainmentof children’s parties and circuses alike is a far cry from the original incarnation of the clown in ancient times. For the role and appearance of the clown have undergone changessodrastic as to render the modern circus clown unrecognisable from his ancient counterpart.

19. Pictorial evidence in the form of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs indicates that the earliest clowns date back to

2500 BC. However, far from being merely an amusing diversion, clowns at this time had a socioreligious role.

Adorned in leopard skins, with their faces obscured by bizarre masks, these ‘clowns’ performed ritual dances in

the royal courts, personifying diverse gods, such as Bes, the god of dance and battle. It wasn’t unknowneither for priests to take on the role of the ‘clowns’ although the role was not reciprocal; the clowns alwayssticking to their prescribed role.

20. Ancient China and India too, had clowns dating back to 300 BC. In both instances, the clown, whilst being a

respected member ofthe royal court, played the role of fool. Whilst the Chinese clown did little more than fulfil his job description of court entertainer, the Indian clown doubled up as interpreter, translating the Prakrit language to the general population.

21. Not to be outdone Ancient Greeks also had their own version of a clown. However, these clowns had a comical appearance bordering on the grotesque. Wearing a tunic, known as a ‘chiton’, padded both at the front and rear and tights that werereally knitted socks, the clown in Ancient Greece provoked mirth more by way ofhis outlandish appearance than due toartful jesting and sophisticated wordplay. More often than not, crude physical jokes were part of these clowns’ repertoire, which left little to the imagination. 22. During the Roman Empire, clowns took on variety of roles, conforming to a stereotype associated with each

role. The clowns knownas ‘Sannio’, for example, excelled in mime,pulling grimaces and contorting their bodies

into comical positions. Others, known as ‘Stupidus’, indulged in predominantly slapstick humour,interspersed with innuendo and riddles. Clowns playing this role had a somewhat unprepossessing appearance,being invariably bald and wearing a long, pointed hat. However, the role of fool in its true sense was reserved for clowns knownas‘Stulti’ and ‘Fatui’ who werecharacterised by a dull wit and plodding nature. 23. With the passing of the years, the clown became lessof a fool and morecourtjester, able to supply humour

on demand in the medieval court. At this time, court jesters also enjoyed a popularity unrivalled by most clowns

either past or present. They werealso held in high esteem byroyalty and allowed to express opinions that

would be considered treasonable offences if voiced by any member of the general public. In addition, the

closenessof the courtjester to royalty often gave the former considerable power over the latter. This did not endear them to other membersof the courtcircle, however and often created enemies. 24. Around the 1600s, the first use of the word ‘clown’ appearsin Shakespeare’s plays. However,it is somewhat of a misnomer, seen from the modern-day perspective. For the Shakespearean ‘clown’ as personified by the gravedigger in Hamlet, is a boorish, clumsyfigure. Although the antics of the clowns serve to lighten the

atmospherein plays with a tragic theme, they amusebutalso inspire repugnance in equal measure.

25. It was only a centurylater that the clown, in the form of Pantaloon, a figure from the Italian Commedia dell’arte (a company specialising in improvised comedy) took on his modern-day guise as an amusing fool, prone to slapstick humour. Joseph Grimaldi in the early 19t century then added the final touches, doing away with a mask and substituting it for make-up to create the modern-day clown. Headings

A. Special privileges


B. Visual humour

20. ___

D. Not for everyone E. A misleading name

22 — —_

C. More responsibility

F. Sacred and secular roles



G. Emergence of the modern clown


H. Role differentiation |. Introduction (Example)



Listening Listening (25 questions) This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. Listen to Jim’s message. Whereis he going on Saturday? He is going to

1. Three Bridges 3. Brighton

07. Listen to a teacher talking to her class. Whyis she upset with her students? She is upset because of their

4. Crawley

1. coursework 3. laziness

2. exam results 4. essays

01. Listen to a man choosing from a menu. What doeshe decide to eat? He has decided to eat 1. fish and chips 2. a salad 3. steak 4. a vegetarian dish

08. Listen to the man talking to his wife about his colleague,

02. A woman has lost her bag. She is describing it to a police officer. The bag is a 1. leather evening bag 2. large shopping bag 3. small plastic bag 4. large leather bag

09. Listen to the woman talking to her friend about a dress.

03. Listen to an announcementat a railway station. When is the next train to Surrey?

The next train is at 1.11.05 3. 11.30

2; 11,15 4.11.45

04, A woman is ringing a sales company to complain. Whatdid she receive by post? She received 1. a book about flowers 2. a book about dieting 3. a cookery book

Harry. Why doesn’t he like Harry?

He doesn’t like Harry because he is 1. lazy 2. dishonest 3. selfish

4. impatient

Whatis wrong with the dress?

1. the colour 3. the size

2. the style 4. the length

10. Listen to a doctor speaking to his patient. Whatdoeshe tell the patient to do? He tells him to 1. exercise 2. diet 3. relax 4. do some tests

11. Listen to a manager talking to his staff. Whyis the shop closing early today? The shop is closing early due to 1. illness 2. the weather 3. staff shortages 4. a strike

4. a gardening book

05. Listen to a tour guide talking to her group. Whatare they going to do next? They are going to go 1. shopping 2. swimming 3. sightseeing 4. walking

06. Listen to the man explaining to his boss why he was late. Why was he late for work? He was late becauseof the 1. traffic 2. one-way system 3. traffic lights 4. weather

42, Listen to a woman talking about her sister. Why does she get on so well with her? She gets on well with her because they are 1. twins

2. more serious now

3. older now

4. similar

13. You are given directions to the local cinema. Whereis the cinema next to? The cinema is next to 1. the bank 2. the chemist’s 3. the church 4. the school


Listening 44, Listen to the message. Why didn’t Rick get a train

to work? The train was 1. late 3, too slow

5 2. full 4. on strike

45. Listen to the announcement in a departmentstore. What is on special offer today?

2. perfume 4. footwear

46. Listen to a man talking about his recent holiday


experience. Whatdidn’t he like about it? He wasn’t happy with

bookshop? She is calling to check a bookis 1. still in print

2. in stock

3. available in hardback

4. on sale

21. Listen to Ollie calling his friend Jane. Whyis he calling Jane? He is calling to 1. arrange a meeting

There is a special offer today on

1, sportswear 3. accessories

20. A woman is calling a bookshop. Whyis she calling the

1. the airport transfer

2. the flight

3, the accommodation

4. the tour rep

2. cancel an appointment 3. return a call 4. offer advice

22. Listen to two friends arguing. What are they arguing about? They are arguing about 1. the washing up 2. the cleaning

3. the gardening 4. sharing the cooking


17. Listen to a man describing a problem with his computer. Whatis the problem? He has a problem with the 2. battery 1. internet connection 3. speed

4. keyboard

23. Listen to a man and woman talking. Which TV programme do they decide to watch? They decide to watch a 1. documentary 2. reality TV show 3. comedy

4. news programme

18. Tim is telling his friend about a recent job interview. Whydoeshe think he was successful? 1. He made a goodfirst impression.

2. He knew some ofthe staff. 3. He was punctual.

He is making an announcement as thereis a(n)

4. He respondedto the interview questions.

19. A man is telling a friend about a recent dinner party.

Whydidn’t it go well?

It didn’t go well because of 1. the food 3. the venue

Eas iC

Final Task

24. Listen to a radio presenter making an announcement. Whyis he making an announcement? 1. change of programme

2. urgent newsbulletin

3. surprise guest

4. studio emergency

25. Listen to two friends talking about a newstore. Whydon’t theythink it will be successful?

2. illness 4. the weather

Becauseit doesn’t sell clothes 2. online 1. for young people 4, that are fashionable 3. for all occasions

In the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018), we read thatin the listening test there are 22 questions, with three multiple-choice answers for each question while the Final Task is different and contains two questions for onelistening text.

Listen to a boy talking to his friend about getting a job.

What two suggestions does his friend make? Whatis her first suggestion?

1.To go for the highest paying job. 2. To do something that’s fun. 3. To do somethinghis parents would be pleased about.

Whatis her second suggestion? 1. To work in a supermarket. 2. To workin a restaurant. 3. To workin a cafe.

Writing (Four parts — 50 minutes) the students on the course. 01. You havejust joined a language course to learn English. You have 5 messages from one of Write short answers (1-5 words) to each message. Do you work? Would you rather spend time alone or with friends?

How many languages do you speak? Which ones? Do you like studying?

Have you got any brothersorsisters?

02. You are attending your first lesson as part of the language course. Fill in the form. Write sentences.

Use 20-30 words. You have seven minutes to do this.

Early Bird Language Course

Please write about why you think it is important to learn another language.

in the language course chat room 03. You havejust finished your first language lesson. You are talking to some other students Talk to them using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You haveten minutes to do this. other people? Tina: It’s great to speak to another new student. Do you feel shy when you are with

Whatdo you do if you feel nervous?

Leo: Hi! It was a good lesson, wasn’t it? What did you like best about it?

Jasmine: Have youever been on a language exchangetrip? If not, would you like to go on one?

Writing 04. You are a student attending a language course. You receive this email from the teacher of the course.

Dear student, Every term welike to plan an event which will bring our students together outside the classroom. Normally it is some form of social event which in some wayis also linked to the courseitself. This term we are film at the local cinema, Thefilm will be in English without subtitles, so you will have an Opportunityhoping to see a to really focus

on listening to English as it is spoken. Afterwards, we will meet in a bar or café to discuss the film. If you are interested in going, please let me know as soon as possible.

Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about whether you would like to attend and whyit is/isn’t of interest to you. Write about 50 words. You have ten minutes to do this.

Write an e-mail to your teacher. Write about whether you would like to attend and why it is/isn’t of interest to you. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes to do this.

APTIS for Teens

This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

04. We are running a writing competition on our website. The theme this month is foreign languages. Write your essay in response to this statement:


Everyone should learn a second language. Remember to include an introduction and conclusion. Write your competition entry below in 200-250 words.


—} Preparation Unit

Key Words

construction (n)

provision (n)

necessity (n)


of something. The construction of the

something. The stateis responsible for the provision

or must happen. Food and water are the

or needs to be done. The results of the hospital

two years tofinish.

people who havelost their homesin the fires.


the doctors will do next.

accusation (n)

establishment (n)

revolutionise (v)


done something bad or wrong. George said that the accusation that he had stolen the money was

or business. Ms Jones has spent her working lifeina numberof educational establishments.

something. Theinternet has revolutionised the way that we communicate.

amount,size, value etc, A £50,000 house in the year 1997 equates toa £350,000 house today.

boom (n)

herald (v)

assign (v)

grows or does wellin some

important and usually

oractivity to someoneto

The building or making new factory took nearly

Saying that someone has



obligation (n) —_

Providing or supplying

offood and water to

Some kind of organisation

Something we MUST do.

A period when sth develops,

the elderly.

way. Housesare selling very

It's our obligation to help

quickly in the property boom at the moment.

Something that is needed two main necessities for

Completely change

Bea sign that something

good is about to happen.

This medicine has been heralded as anew way to

fight serious heart disease.

Vocabulary Practice Practise using the words on these two pagesby doing Exercises A and B. A. Choosethe correct answerA, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. You are under no .. to pay for the meal if it wasn’t cooked properly. Aprovision B accusation C obligation D boom 2. Jimmy has been ..........45 the job of cutting the grass while | water the flowers. A opted

B equated

C swapped

D assigned

3. According to the law,it is ............ to wear a seatbelt when you drive a car.




D portable

4. The police officer asked me if | had ............. the robbery from myoffice window. Aheralded Bdetermined C witnessed D boosted

Control; show what is trug tests will determine what

Be equalto, be the same

Give a particular job, wot

deal with. / hope you

haven’t assigned too mul work to Adam as heisnt

feeling very well today.


Brest cael

; true)



swap (v) Change one thing for something else.

I’m going to swap this pullover for a larger one.

intrinsic (adj) Being a very important part of something.

witness(v) See something happen. | didn’t actually witness

Exercise is an intrinsic part of staying healthy.

the accident but | heard all about it from a friend.

massive (adj) Very big. Wow,that elephant is


_ meer —|


te. le


opt (v) Choose. We opted for the

villa rather than the cruise

because it was the

compulsory (adj) Something that must be

arbitrary (adj) Unplanned, not thought

conversely (adv) In an opposite way.

uniform is compulsory here

He seems to have made

the successful points of the

done or happen. School

meeting and conversely,

will be sent home.

particular reason.

were problems?

unthinkable (adj)

portable (adj)

merely (adv)

or bad that people don’t

easily carried or moved.

possibility of sth like that happening. It’s unthinkable

radio that we caneasily move from room to room,

buya big car for no

the correct clothes, you


boost (v)

Increase, help to grow or

So shocking, unexpected

The advertisement has

wantto think about the



rid sna

really boosted the sales of this product.


What do you think were

an arbitrary decision to

andif you aren’t wearing

cheaper of the two

about carefully.

For something that canbe

that both of us could lose our jobs in the same week!

We bought a portable

where do you think there


Don’t expect too much

from him, he’s merely a


or even use in the garden.

B. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the wordsin the box below. There are two wordsthat you do notneed touse.

Sf Ser


establishment necessity revolutionise


Having a goodrelationship with your staff is a(n)

spider from the shower! part of being a good manager.

the way that people do research these days.

Wearing the correct clothing is a(n) The

conversely merely

asked him if he was ill so | don’t know whyhe shouted at me.

'm not going in the bathroom until you removethat Computers have

intrinsic massive

if you go mountain climbing.

of the new college will be wonderful for students in this town.


Succeed in APTIS

n Words in Context, Derivatives & Reading Comprehensio in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines to form A. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the wordgiven e at the beginning (0). a word that fits in the gap in the sameline. There is an exampl Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.


Building homesfor the future as people want to have the Building your own home is becoming(0) INCREASINGLYpopular the way that buildings are designed house of their dreams. The internet has (1) .....sssssseeeeerees s are changing, in order to and also the materials used in the (2) .c.sseessseeeeeerees of new building a moral (3) .... be more environmentally friendly. Architects are now under that saving design buildings that are ‘green’. However, therearestill (4)... warming and constant news moneyis still a priority for manybuilders. In a time of global

stories it should be (5)

_ that new buildings aren’t built taking the environment

for builders to produce a report that shows into consideration. It is actually (6) . the future, careful planning how much energy a new building will use. In order to build for build a green home, there needs 1S (7) ceerperrassarsssavenves _ In order to help people who wantto on is key to saving our planet. to be better (8)... of informed guidelines. Educati

ns. B. Choose the best answerA, B, C or D to answer the questio 1. What has happenedin recent years? A More people are buying older houses. B Morepeopleare constructing their own home. C Most people are decorating their home. D More people are moving home more often. 2. Whatis said about architects? A They will do anything they can notto be ‘green’. B Governmentspay for them to build ‘green’ houses. C They are more awareof ‘green’ issues than they used to be. D They argue with buildersall the time.

3. According to the writer, whatis important? A schools teaching children about building ‘green’ houses B college courses for builders C educating architects about green issues

D information that is available for everyone



preparation Unit

Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English ¢. For questions 1-4, read the text below and decide which answer(A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (0)

A. fear

B. doubt

C. worry

D. concern

Small businesses and the internet

Without (0) doubtthe internet has changed the way that small businesses function. As more and more people 1B) wesesescerease for a life of self-employment, the internet allows them to promote their productsor services. For many small companies,the internet is a(n) (2) ......-... part of advertising and withoutit they probably wouldn’t survive. Manybusinesses struggle when theyfirst start out becauseit can be difficult to find new customersin the first few monthsof trading. However,it is common for businesses to see a sudden (3) .......-..-4 in trade once they have set up a website and made themselves known to thousands of people online. One small trader reported that once they had created an online presencetheir sales were (4).......0.66 by over 400% in just over six months! Nowthatis a business success story.

1. A. witness

B. herald

C. opt

D. determine

2. A. intrinsic

B. arbitrary

C. portable

D. unthinkable

3. A. provision

B. boom

C. construction

D. obligation

4. A. equated

B. assigned

C. swapped

D. boosted

D. For questions 1-4, read the text below andthink of the wordthat bestfits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). A life of great achievements

.. life has been filled Not manypeople will have (0) heard ofBill Johnson but he is a remarkable man (1) .. with challenges. Bill’s life changed whenhe was in his late twenties. He was suddenly struck down with a terrible disease while he was on holiday in Africa. (2) .......sscesseerees 1998,Bill has not been able to walk and he only has the use of one ofhis arms. Bill’s reaction to this personal tragedy was amazing, (3).......ssssseeeees hesitating, he threw himself into his new life as a young disabled man. No matter what obstacles faced him, Bill wouldn’t stop trying (A) essccccssssomssvsccen he had found a wayto beat them. His bravery is inspirational.

E. For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence sothatit has a similar meaning to thefirst sentence, using the word

given. Do not change the wordgiven. You must use between two and five words, including the wordgiven. Here is an example (0). Example (0)

Simon has the talent to become a professional footballer. Simonis so talented that he could becomea professional footballer.

1. Weare so late for the cinema that we are going to miss the beginningofthe film.



THE FIAT Will HAVE sccesreseeeeennussermsnvesseviavcananes wegetto the cinema.

2. | know Jack wasn’t involved in the accident because he is in Germany.


JOCK ssiscsnicssnsresarssessnvsevnvececessaesennenverenrnennenn in the accident because he is in Germany. BROKEN

3. That poor lady’s house was burgled yesterday. That’s the poor lady whose ....


4. We won't belateif we leave right now. Wecan still get there ON ...ccccccsessssecesessescteeeenetenseeeeeeeneeneneee right now.


Grammar (25 questions — 12 minutes) Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answerpaper.

Donotwrite on this question paper. The answerto question 0 is given as an example on your answer paper(A). The information ____ given to the police. EXAMPLE Was

B. are

C. has

01. This is the girl ____ dad foundedthe school. A. whom B. whose Cc. who

07. Ted should havevisited his grandparents moreoften, ___ he? A. hasn’t B. shouldn’t C. doesn’t

08. | have run out of sugar. On your way home, could you please get me___? A. any B. some

02. Betty and Fred ____ told us if they are comingyet. A. haven’t B. hadn’t C. hasn’t

03. Please call me as soon as you ____ back. A. will get


09. I’m so excited because this time tomorrow! __ sunbathing on the beach. A. will be B. am Cc. am going

B. got

C. get

04. You are solate that even if we leave now, the play will have already started __ we getthere. A. afterwards B. while C. by the time


05. A: Whatare you thinking of doing for your winter holiday?

. are planning

: Whydid he takethetrain to work today? : Because he is having his motorbike __. . serviced . to service C, been serviced


11. We ___ when the accident happened.

A. have gone home B. will go home C. were going home

We ___ to go to Moscow.

. have been planned - will plan


10. Jane ___ been at the scene of the crime because she is abroad. A. shouldn’t have B. can’t have C. mustn’t have

12. She moved ___ this neighbourhood about four years ago becauseit had got a bad name.

A. away from B. around C. towards

13. ____ 1960the village has been uninhabited. A. Since

B. Until C. Before

chee Lae? Vocabulary

14. I really wish you ____ shouting! | can’t hear the TV. A. had stopped B. can stop c. would stop

15. | moved ___ my new house a month ago; it’s a lovely place. B. over

C. from

20. |___ left in that room for another two days if you hadn’t come and rescued me. A. might be B. was

C. might have been

21, The cottage ___ was isolated and wehad touse a car to move around. A. which we stayed B. we stayed at C. where westayed at

16. What do you think you are wearing? You won’t leave ____ you changeinto something else.

A. if B. providing

c. until

22. The book exhibition takes place __ June 4 to June 14. A.on

B. between C. from

17. That’s the woman who ____yesterday. A.had her house broken into B. got broken into her house C. they broke into her house

23. I’m sorry to let you ___, but | can’t come to your party. A.down

18. ____ wantingto say that you are wrong,| do think you need to study more.

24. As the model____ the corner, make sure you take a nice


C. under

photo of her.

A. Without

A. was turning

B. While C. Unlike

B. will turn C. turns

19. Incase you___ your mind, you are more than welcome to come to my party. A.will change

B. change C. have been changed

25. Yesterday our teacher ____ stop shouting at us for over an hour. A. hadn't B. wouldn’t C. wasn’t

TT oe



Vocabulary (25 questions — 13 minutes) You needto write all answers on your answerpaper. Do not write on this question paper.

01. Write the letter (A-J) of the word that is most similar in meaning to a word on the left (1-5). Use each wordonce only. Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper.You will not need five of the words (A-J). The answer to question is given on your answer paper as an example (K).


K a

A. purchase B. hurry

4, allow


2, block


C. teach D. enter E. permit F. imagine

3. train


4. criticize


5. buy


. encourage

G. lay H. pass |. prevent J. disapprove

K. support

02. Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words (A-J).

‘ sie 6. To understand that something is true or real is to woe

7. To feel sad because you have done something is to

8. To go somewherein a boatis to


C. text

‘ D. realise

E. save

F. use

9. To send someone a message on your phone is to 10. To cook something in the oven is to

A.fry B. laugh




G. sail

H. wave

I. regret J. roast

03. Write the letter of the word on theright (A-J) that matches the definition on the left (11-15). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). 11. Very clever or good. ak

12. Funn unny or entertaining. t :

A. enthusiastic B. sticky C. realistic

D. brilliant

13. Very frightened.

E. trustworthy

14. Excited about doing something.

G. original

15. Nice to look at.

|, attractive J. likely

F. terrified

H. amusing

“Grammar & Vocabulary

04. Finish each sentence (16-20) using a wordfrom the list (A-J). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words (A-J).


16. This is a good 17. You are under no

18, The

20. The


to offer him the job.

cheered when he scoredthe goal.

19. Do you have °


to have a break while it’s quiet.

to be in this room?

of the new school will start next month.

A. construction

B. spectators

C. accusation

D. opportunity

E. employment

F, audience G. defence H. tradition |. obligation

J. permission

05.Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left (21-25). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words (A-J).


21. winding

A. writing

B. disease

22. extreme

C, weather

23. satisfied

E. reading

24. spontaneous

G. camera H. applause

25. illegible

D. vehicle F. road

|. forest J. client





—_Reading Reading (25 questions — 30 minutes) 01. Choose one word(A, B or C) for each space and write the letter on the answer paper. The first one (0) is done for you as an example with the answer A marked on your answer paper.

B. when

C. before

1. A. field

B. part

C. area

2. A. email

B. chat

C. tale


B. yet

C. too

4. A. news

B. messages

C. words


B. choose

C. book


A. keep


Dear Silvia,

It’s a long time (0)......... I last heard from you! I'll be in your (1) ......... next week, so | was wondering if you'd like to meet. Wecould just have a coffee and a(n) (2) ......... if you like. If you have more time, wecould (3) ......... go somewherefor lunch. | have lots of (4) ......... to tell you, so | hope we'll be able to meet! If you can makeit for lunch, please tell me as soon as possible as | needto(5) ......... a table. Hope to hear from you soon! Love, Lucy

02. Order the sentences (B-G) below to makea story. Write your answers on the answer paper (Questions 6-11). The first sentence of the story (A) is given for you on the answer paper as an example.

Glass-making Example:

A. Glass is a material that occurs naturally. B.

In these early years, glass making was a slow and hard process.

C. Man-made glass, on the other hand, was invented around 3500 BC. D. Glass-making was eventually perfected in Venice, which is still the centre of the glass industry today.


But the first extensive use of man-made glass was recorded 2000 years later than that, in Egypt and Mesopotamia.


But the introduction of a glass blow pipe revolutionised glass making.

G. Cave people first used this natural glass to make weapons, money and


03. Read the text and complete each gap with a word from the list at the bottom of the page. Read the text and answer questions 12-18.

Hotels Manyofus take affordable accommodation for granted. However, the modern hotel is

nothinglike the very basic lodging that was first(0) ......... to travellers. Although the provision of beds for travellers extends back to biblical times, hospitality only became provided on a regular (12) ......... in the Middle Ages. Such basic hospitality was offered

mainly by monasteries. These establishments created purpose-built (13) ......... for travellers in the form of hospitals and inns. Later, inns (14) ......... over from the

Example (0): A - available A available B - accommodation C - introduction

monasteries, providing shelter. In the 1500s, the hotel industry (15) ......... formalised with the introduction of a compulsory guest register. Later, inns also began to provide

meals for guests. In the 19th century, as trains (16)...... to replace horse-drawn transport,

highwayinns became less popular. This century was also to see a(n) (17)......... in luxury hotels with electric lighting. The Sagamore Hotel on Lake George, in NewYork, was the first hotel to provide electricity on all its floors. The 20" century heralded the (18) .. of the resort hotel and, later, the all-inclusive hotel.




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This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

03. Four people wereinterviewed for Entertainment Now magazine about the kind of books theylike to read. Read the texts and then decide which of the people expresses the opinions below.

Myideal book Georgina (female, 16 years old) | like books that are based onfacts. | tend to read biographies and autobiographies, or anything based on true story. | enjoy reading about people whoareinspirational in some way and people who have achieved somethingin their life. These types of books encourage me to work harder and make something of mylife.

Alice (female, 15 years old) | haven’t had the opportunity to travel muchsofar, but when| I’m older that’s what | want to do; so in the meantime | read as much as | can aboutdifferent places. | don’t want to just| know aboutthe sights and what a placelookslike. I’m also} interested in how people live in these places and whattheir} customsand art are like. i

Alex (male, 17 years old)

Robin (male, 14 years old) | like to be kept on the edge of my seat when I’m reading a book. It needs to be full of twists and turns and surprises.| love it when a book has a shocking or surprising ending. For me a goodwriter makesyou think something is going to happe | and then suddenly the opposite happens. This means that the| characters have to be strong and complicated. | tend to stick to an author when | find one that| really like. |

| don’t want to read anything too heavy. For me, reading a book is all about escapism. | often want to be taken to a place where| can forget reality and all the everyday issues that are on my mind. | don’t mind if the places and characters aren't believable as long as the plotis interesting.

Who: 12. wantsto forgettheir daily problems? 13. enjoys an unpredictable story? 14. is interested in other cultures? 15. wants to be inspired? 16. enjoys a mystery?

17. likes some fantasy in a book? 18. is interested in people’s life stories?


04. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25. Write your answers (A-H) on the answer paper. There is one more heading than you need. The answer to paragraph 0 is given on the answer Paper as an example (I). Money

0. Money, as they say, makes the world go round. Today a world without currency in some form is unthinkable. All transactions for goods, ranging from basic necessities to luxury product s, are all affecte

d by the exchange of currencies. The currencies themselves, however, have no intrins ic value; their value is decided byfairly arbitrary meansand bysocietyitself.

19.!n primitive societies, money as such, did notexist, so goods were swapped for skills or work. In the absence of hard currency

this was a practical solution. However,it wasn’t always easy to determine how much work should equate to certain goods. A simple tool offered up in exchangefor a hunter-gatherer’s catch for the day might seem a raw

deal for the latter. Conversely, a small piece of meat exchan ged for an axe that took many man hours to create would likely be considered a paltry offering . 20.Gradually, due to it being largely unworkable, the barteri ng system gave way to trading items. Goodslike animal skins, salt and weapons were more easily assigne d a value. As such, goods could be exchanged for other

goods, considered to be of equal worth. No longer would the acquisition of goods leave someone feeling short-changed, as it often had done in the bartering system

21. Whilst Europeans favoured goods that were portable , the Chinese opted for the trading of weapons. It wasn’t long though, before the impracticalities of trading sharp-e dged swords become obvious. The useof actual tools

and weapons such as daggers, hoes and spades, as a medium of exchange were soon phasedoutto be replaced by much smaller, mini version s that were easily portable.

22.In time, the Chinese introduced coins. It was a natural Progres sion from carrying around bulkier, more angular pieces of metal in the pocket. However,King Alyattes, the King of Lydia, in 600 BC wasthe first to mintan official currency. The coins bore pictures which served to represen tdifferent denominations. This developmentserved to boost the country’s internal and external trade makingL ydia and its inhabitants extremely well-off financially.

In fact, the term, ‘as rich as Croesus’ refers to the last Lydian King who wasresponsible for the minting of the first gold coin. 23.Coins continued to be used as currency in Europe until the 16th century. However, by then, the Chinese had already moved

on to using paper notesinstead of coins. This fact was witness ed by the famous

explorer Marco Polo in 1271 AD when he first visited the emperor.Intere stingly, the notes carried a dire warning written on

them: ‘All counterfeiters will be decapitated’. In future years, more palatable slogans such as ‘In God weTrust’ would appear on paper banknotes. 24, Banknotes, rather than merely paper notes, appeare din the 17th century. These notes were authorised by banks who wereres

ponsible for issuing currency and exchanging banknotesfor silver or gold coins when required. The effect of the banks taking charge of currencyresul ted in an increase in international trade. Currenc ies could be bought from other nations, thereby creatin g the first currency market.

25. Nowadays, governments rather than banksissue notes. In addition, there has been a massive shift away from hard currency,like coins and notes, to mobile paymentsvia the internet, or using tablets and smartphones. Itis Not just the English Queen who never carries money, nowadays; people ofall ages

and from all walks of life are eschewing money,preferring to use gadgets to pay for goods instead, Bitcoins have also appeared, doing away with any physical coinage and governmentcontrol over currenc y. However, the bitcoin boom seemsto be over, as old-fashioned hard currencyis finding favour again.


A.A fairer prehistoric currency B. The way forward

C. Moneyincreasesin value D. A royal seal of approval

E. Control of currency F. Miniature replicas G. Coins begin to be replaced H. Unfair paymentfor services |. Introduction (Example)


19. __ 20. 21. 22 —

_— 23. 24, 25 — —_——

Listening Listening (25 questions)

ding 25 short recordings. You will hear each recor This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear the of end the at . You will have five minutes twice. Write your answers on the question paper le. examp an to listen sheet. Before the test begins, test to copy your answers onto the answer

one in a lost property 07. Listen to a man speaking to some office. Where is the man?

0. Listen to Belinda’s message. Howis she going home?

She is going home 3. by car

The man is ata

2. on foot 4. by train

do her 01. Listen to a woman asking her friend to d to do? frien her want she a favour. What does her up pick She wants her friend to 2. dog 1. husband 4. shopping 3. children 02. Listen to a man talking about his work. Whatjob does he do? He works as a

1. pilot 3. taxi driver | i | \

2. manager 4. farmer

his 03. Listen to a man talking to his friend about new car. Why did he choose the car? He chose it because ofits 2. condition 1. colour size 4. 3. price 04. Listen to a woman talking to a friend.

? Whatis she going to wear at the party

She is going to wear a(n)

4. theatre

Whydidn’t he 09. Listen to a man talking about a concert. pay the full admission fee? he is He didn’t pay the full admission fee as

1. retired 3. unemployed

2. a company employee 4, disabled

10. Listen to a phone conversation. Where is the woman? The woman is ina 2. football stadium 1. theatre 4. train station 3. pub

11. Listen to twofriends talking.

Whyis the man moving house?

He is moving house becauseof his

2. family

4. accident

any. 12. Listen to a man ringing a mail-order comp ed? Whatis wrong with the coat he order

mer service 05. Listen to a man speaking to custo

about a grocery order. Whatis missing

2. lettuce 4, fish

language course. 06. Listen to a woman talking about her

Why was she unhappy with it? The course was too 2. advanced 1. expensive 4. easy 3. short


2. railway station

08. Listen to an announcement. What is the plane’s destination now? . The plane’s destination nowis 2. Lindos Island 1. Santa Monica Island 4. Fire Island Island 3. Martin

3. job

2. work dress 3. evening dress 4. casual dress

1. bananas 3. ice cream

3. park

1. neighbours

1. beach dress

from his order?

1. school

The coatis

1. badly-made 3. too long

2. of poor quality 4. too short

his friend, 13. Listen to a messagethatlan has left for Tom. What does he want Tom to do? He wants him to

1. call back 3. help him with his work

2. visit 4. go out with him

Listening 44. Listen to a woman talking about a necklace.

Why didn’t the woman buy it?

She didn’t buy the necklace because it was 2. expensive 1. old-fashioned hand 4, unattractive 3, second-

45. Listen to an announcement at a train station. What should passengers to Holywell do?


Passengers to Holywell should go to 1. platform 3

3. the exit


2. the waiting room

4, the ticket office

20. Listen to a man talking to a friend about a new public

swimming pool. Why won’t he use it? He won’t use the pool as it’s 2. expensive "1. dirty 3. too small 4. too far away

21. Listen to two parents talking about their son. Why isn’t he making progress at school? Their son isn’t making progressas he is 1. often absent 2. too lazy 3. bad at exams


4. very shy

16. Listen to a customer complaining about some groceries. What was wrong with her groceries? The groceries weren't 2. fresh 1. delivered 4. of good quality 3. well-packaged

22. Listen to a woman talking to a friend about her new

17. Listen to a woman talking to her friend in a

23. Listen to a man talking about his weight loss

departmentstore. Whyisn’t she going to take the lift? She isn’t going to takethe lift as it is 1. crowded 2. out of order 3. slow 4. unsafe

18. Listen to a man and woman talking about a performance. Whydidn’t the woman like it? She didn’t like the performanceas it was 1, boring 2. upsetting 3. unprofessional

4. too noisy

19. Listen to Sally talking to her friend about her

dress. What is the problem withit? Her dressis too 2. loose 1. tight 4. short 3. long

programme. Why is he confident it will work?

He is confidentit will work as he 1. has a personal trainer 2. likes exercising 3. eats verylittle

4. eats healthily

24, Listen to an announcement on a radio programme. Why won’tthe usual presenter host his programme? Because he is 2. away sick 1. on leave 4, retiring soon 3. on location

25. Listen to twofriends talking about a neighbour. Why are

son, James. Whatis James going to do?

they surprised the neighbour is going on holiday?

Jamesis going to go

Theyare surprised because she is very 1. old 2. poor 3. ill 4. mean

1.0n a gap year

2. on a training scheme

3, to university

4. to another country

ais Llanes

In the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018), we read thatin the listening test there are 22 questions, with three multiple-choice answers for each question while the Final Taskis different and contains two questionsfor onelistening text.

Whatis his second piece of advice? 1. to stop playing computer games 2. to help a neighbour 3. to join a team


Writing (Four parts — 50 minutes) 01. You are a new member ofa sports club. You have 5 messages from a member ofthe club. Write short answers (1-5 words) to each message.

Do you live near here? Whatwas the last place you havevisited? Whatkind of sport do you like? Howoften do you exercise? Where do you usually go with your friends?

02. You have just joined the sports club. Fill in the form. Write sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have seven minutesto do this.

Goodlife Sports Club Please write about how you hopeto benefit from joining our sports club.

03. You have just been to your first sports club event. You are talking to other membersin the sports club chat room. Talk to them using sentences.

Use 30-40 wordsper answer. You have ten minutesto do this. Julie: You’re new here, aren’t you? Are there any forms of exercise you dislike?

Toby: Hi! Do you like team sportsor individual sports more?

Keith: Do you think some sports are dangerous? Have you ever had sportsinjury?

04.You are a member of the sports club. You receive this email from the secretary.

Dear member, Many of our members have expressed an interest in buying second-hand sports equipment. As a result, we will be organising a bring-and-buy sale of used sports equipment at the sports club, on Friday 8t" June. Please let the club

secretary know if you would be interested in the sale and if you could bring any equipment for sale.

Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about whether you would like to attend and why it is/isn’t of interest to you. Write about 50 words. You have ten minutes to do this.

Write an email to the secretary. Write about whether you would like to attend and why it is/isn’t of interest to you. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes to dothis.

UES fey tet

| This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).

04. We are running a writing competition on our website. The theme this month is sport and exercise. Write your essay in responseto this statement: Sport and exercise can be beneficial for everyone. Remember to include an introduction and conclusion. Write your competition entry below in 200-250 words.

st (n)

Someone who is very interested in or likes something very much.



Something or someone that exists before sth else ofits type. 7

he death p


someone do something.

things without being told


whatto do.In this job you


evival (n)

The process of becoming more successful or popular again. Th


Pay money to help

Making decisions & doing

If someone is an advocate of something, they believe in it and supportit.

Officially ending an activity or custom, /ne> aboli

Knock something down or destroy something.

nitiative (n)



smolish (v)

2 (n)

A consequenceor result. t The outcome of



ssemble (v)


we have tried our best. No matter what the ........ of the meeting is, we all know that

B advocate

C abolition

D outcome

is being repaired. Weneed to find somewhereto «.......0 our furniture while our house D exceed C sponsor B store A demolish It'S VETY sccsesseeceees to go for a walk in a big thunderstorm. A risky

B accessible

Tir HAS iw..cscceasene with his parents since he crashedthe car. B fallen out of favour A jumped on the band wagon


Put the different pieces of sth together in order to makeit. This fac

Keep something ina place until it is needed.

\. Choosethe correct answerA, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

A initiative


C bankrupt

D sole

C beaten the odds

gotoff the ground

Eyrxxst=ce Miah Voth

exceed (v) Be more than something else.

If the cost of the project

exceeds £50,000, we will have to rethink our plan.

inconceivable (adj)

Unthinkable, something that you could not believe could happen. /t’s incon-

ceivable to think that my best friend wouldn’t help me if | needed her.


risky (adj)

Not completely safe. It’s a risky plan but if it works we will make a lot

sole (adj) The only one. Our sole reason for going to the shop

was to buy some bread

and weforgot to buyit!

bankrupt (adj) Having no moneyand still

accessible (adj)

he has also lost his house.

Immediately. Thesoldiers are instantly

recognisable from their

short hair and green uniforms.

fall out of favour (idiom)

No longer be liked or

popular. Jennyfell out offavour with her boss when she kept being late for work.


of money.

owing moneyto others. The ownerof this company isnow bankruptso the Company has closed and

instantly (adv)

initially (adv) At first. Initially | thought

this was a good idea but now I’m beginning to change my mind.

Ri =

Easy to get to, use or have. Ourholidayvilla was

beautiful but not very

accessible as there was no properroad leadingtoit.



get off the ground (idiom) Start something. /n order to get our new business off the ground, we must borrow

some moneyfrom the bank.


beat the odds (idiom) Manageto do something difficult. He was very sick

but he managed to beat the odds and make a complete recovery.

jump on the bandwagon

(idiom) Do sth just becauselots of

other people are doingit. | knew John would jump on the bandwagon and buy a bicycle because lots of our friends have bought one.

8 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words in the box below. There are two words that you do not needto use.


enthusiast forerunner amendment revival assemble inconceivable instantly initially This piece of furnitureis in six pieces and | don’t know how to Adam is a rock music and he goes to concertsall the time. It’s that | wouldn’t invite my best friend to my party. | didn’t like him

but | do nowthat| got to know him better.

As soon as | saw the sweet puppy|

There seems to be a(n)

fell in love with it. of interest in dancinglately.


1 in APTIS

Wordsin Context & Reading Comprehension A. You are going to read an article about the ban on smokingin public places. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer A, B, Cor D which youthink fits best according to the text. The impact of the smoking ban on public health This summer marks 13 years since the abolition of smoking in enclosed public spaces. The outcomeofthis is that hazy pubs and

situations. Finally, smoking was starting to fall out of favour with the general public.”, says Hazel Cheeseman, Director of Policy at ASH (Action on Smoking and Health). New research in the British Medical

13 years ago, on 1 July 2007,it becameinstantly illegal to smokein any pub, restaurant, nightclub, and most workplaces and work vehi-

Journal estimated there were 1,200 fewer hospital admissions for

cigarette-scented restaurants are now nothing more than a memory.

cles, anywhere in the UK. It would now be inconceivable that some-

one would walk into a UK restaurant and smokea cigarette.

The forerunner of this happenedin Scotland where the smoking ban had already been introduced (in March 2006), Wales and Northern Ireland (April 2007). Breaking the law is punishable by a fine, and millions were set aside to help enforce it. Toby Green, advocate of the ban and Tobacco Policy Lead at the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), says the ban was “one of the biggest public health interventions we’ve seen in the last 15 years.” Finally the government had taken the initiative and got the fight against smoking off the ground.

Before the ban, there was a large body of research linking passive smoking to health problems. Studies showed breathing in secondhand smokeincreased an adult non-smoker’srisk of lung cancer and heart disease by a quarter, and of stroke by 30 per cent. Breathing in other people’s smokeis particularly risky for children because their lungs are still developing, resulting in a higher risk of respiratory infections, asthma, bacterial meningitis and cot death. “Initially after the legislation, more people weretrying to quit smoking, and more people succeeded becauseit’s mucheasier to avoid those

1. Inthe first paragraph, it is said that the smoking ban A took placein all work places. B_ became optional in some nightclubs. C started to happen in the majority of pubs. D became compulsoryin all pubs and restaurants.

2. What does Toby Green say about the government in the second paragraph? A It had already successfully dealt with the smoking

heart attacks in the year following the ban - improved air quality and fewer smokers was notthe sole reason, but certainly contributed to this. In 2006, 22 per cent of adults smoked, whereas in the latest statistics (2020) 18 per cent did. This is part of a gradual decline in UK smoking rates since 1974, when the governmentfirst began gathering this data. In most UK bars, before the ban, air pollution from cigarette smoke was also much higher than the ‘unhealthy’ threshold for outdoor air quality (set by the US Environmental Protection Agency), a University of Bath study found. Levels in Scottish and Welsh bars were often twice as high as in English bars. After the ban,air pollution in UK bars was reduced by as much as 93 per cent. “There was concernthatif people can’t go to the pub and smoke they might stay home and smoke around their children, but the opposite has been true,” says Hazel. “We've seen a greatshift to people smoking outside, so most children in the UK nowlive in smoke-free homes.” The smoking ban is one of a series of movesto discourage smoking. “The ban has been part of a trend towards policies that denormalise smoking,” Toby says. “It has helped create a shift in culture, where non-smoking enthusiasts started to shout more loudly. They managed to beat the oddsand help to promote a successful campaign.”

4. What does‘thosesituations’ refer to in the 4th paragraph? A_ places where people are smoking B_ buying cigarettes C becoming ill through smoking D giving up smoking 5. In paragraph five, whatis said to be a positive outcome of the ban? A People only smoke at home now. B Children are breathing in less smoke.

problem. B_ It made an important step towards improving

C People are drinking less. D Pubs are not so busy.

public health. C It never really wanted to bring in the ban.

D It had tried to ban smoking in the past.

6. In the final paragraph, Toby Green is A modest.

3. Whyare children moreat risk from smoke than adults? A They don’t understand the dangers of smoking. B They smokesecretly with their friends. C Their bodies can’t cope with smoke as well as adults’. D They spend more time around people who smoke than adults do.

B disappointed. C negative.

D surprised.

B. Sayif the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The smoking ban came to England and Wales at the same time. 2. People who don’t smokecan still be harmed by cigarettes. 3. The ban encouraged more people to stop smoking. 4. Therearelikely to be more anti-smoking laws in the future.



Jaye leehecei Oialis

Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English C. For questions 1-4, read the text below and decide which answer(A, B, C or D) bestfits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (0)

A. obviously

_B. clearly

C. surely

D. certainly

The day the old factory came down I can remember quite (0) clearly the day when myself and a group offriends gathered at the site of the old factory. The factory had originally been built to (1)... machinery parts to make washing machines butit had closed over twenty years ago. Although in theory the old factory had not been (2) ..........5 to the general public, we had found a way to getin. For a few years after work stopped in the factory the building was used to(3)........... various things and there werestill old boxes of unsold products in the building. In our young mindsit wasour secret castle and the (4)........... place in the town wherewefelt safe and could run around free and wild. To watchit being destroyed broke our hearts.

1. A. assemble

B. exceed

C. sponsor

D. demolish

2. A. risky

B. inconceivable

C. bankrupt

D. accessible

3. A. sponsor

B. demolish

C. store

D. exceed

4. A. bankrupt

B. risky

C. inconceivable

D. sole

D. For questions 1-4, read the text below and think of the wordthat bestfits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Makingit in the world of rock music

For most people the dream ofbeing a rock star is a completely unrealistic dream that very (0) few ofus will ever achieve. However, (1) ..cccccesssseeseeesseeeseee the difficulty of achieving fame and fortune, some people do of COUPSE (2) .eceeeeeeeeeeeeeteeees the odds and fulfil their dreams. What often happens is that a new group will appear and do really well and then a hundred other groups jump (3)

This is not only a boring and uncreative wayto try to makeitbig, it’s also (4) . and disappointment.

. the bandwagon and copy them.

... to lead to failure

E. For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence sothat it has a similar meaning to thefirst sentence, using the word given. Do not changethe wordgiven. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). Example (0)

Simon has the talent to become a professional footballer. Simonis so talented that he could becomea professionalfootballer.

1. | phoned an electrician to repair the broken light. An electrician


«+ repair the broken light.

2. | didn’t take an umbrella because | didn’t know it was going to rain. If | had knownit was going torain, | ..

HAVE an umbrella.

3. | can’t wear that shirt because it is too small. That shirt.. 4.


BIG me to wear.

Even if the weather is bad tomorrow, we must do some gardening.

We must do some gardening tomorrow .....ssssssssssessssssseseseetesessssessesessesssveees the weather is.


Grammar (25 questions — 12 minutes) Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answer paper. Do notwrite on this question paper. The answer to question O is given as an example on your answerpaper(A).

Aplumber ___ tofix the leaky pipe. EXAMPLE A. was calling B. had to call C. was called

01. I’ve lookedall over the room for myearings. Have you ___ them anywhere?

07. She fell down and ____ brokeher leg. A. quite

B. much C. nearly

08. All the girls except Lisa___ to the concert tomorrow. A. are going

A. been seeing

B. is going

B. seen

C. is going to go

C. been seen

02. If____ how manypeople would beat the cinema tonight, ! would have waited until tomorrow to see the movie. A.| had known B. did | know C. | would have known

09. I'm afraid that this T-shirt is___ for me to wear. A. much smaller B. so small C. too small

10. Mybirthday is April 2294, 03. Could you pleasetell your friends to leave __ bikes behind the garden? A. them B. theirs C. their

04. You'd better___ an umbrella beforeit starts raining. A. have taken B. take C. to take

05. Sam prefers walking ___ workto taking the train. A. for B. to

C. at

06. I like the mountains ___ the sea. A. also B. as well as G instead


B. in C. at


|___ very well since Monday, butI’m starting to feel much better today. A. mustn’t be B. haven’t been C. wasn’t going to be

12. | hadn’t been able to meet up with him before, but last Sunday wefinally __ face-to-face. A. met B. will meet C. have met

13. ____ you passthe salad, please? | can’t reach it from this side of the table! A. Should B. Could C. Must

cherie &Vocabulary 14.

If there is a decision to be made, then! __ the one making that decision. I’m the manager!

A. can be

20. If you could find __ from Jenny where the meeting will be held, | would be really grateful. A.on

B. was

B. out

C. must be

C. over

15. The students had their tablets ___ away by the teacher. A.taken B. taking C. take

21. ____ Justin would be there, | probably would have gone with you. A. If you had

16. You have ___ the same mistakes over and over again; you will fail the exams.

22. Regardless of ___ bad the weather is tomorrow, I’m goingto play football. A. what B. such C. how

A. stopped making

B. to stop making C. to stop to make

17. ____ by the intervention of the police was this robbery avoided.

B. Had you said

C. If | said

23. Why ___ you ask Tony for a second opinion, if you were so sure that you wereright?

A. Just


B. It is Cc. Only

B. have C. won’t

18. Matilda cleaned the house ___her friends visited her. case

B. where C. if

24. Wow! Your hair looks nice;__ to the hairdresser’s recently? A. were you B. do you go C. have you been

9. Tom would rather ___ more time with his parents. A. spending spend C. spend

25, | wish you’d stop ____! It’s such a bad habit, you know. A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoking

Vocabulary (25 questions — 13 minutes)

paper. You needto write all answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question

to a word on the left (1-5). Use each word once only. 01. Write the letter (A-J) of the word that is most similar in meaning answer to question 0 is five of the words (A-J). The Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need (K). example given on your answer paper as an

0. take

1. warn

A. destroy B. escape

K ~~

C. book D. pass



E. caution

3. notice


G. record H. observe

4. grow

2. reserve

5. find

F. reject

|. discover

ds develop K. receive

word onceonly. 02. Finish each sentence (6-10) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each of the words (A-J). five need not will You paper. answer Write your answers (A-J) on your :

: 6. To make bigger or longer is to z

it 7.Tol To live in a place is to


A. approve


C. guess h i: ctrekc


8. To hurt or damageis to 9. To give what is neededis to

E. request


F. wish G. supply


10. To say you are happy with something is to

H. inhabit


I. connect J. harm

n on the left (11-15). Use each word onceonly. 03. Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that matches the definitio the words (A-J). of Write your answers(A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five A. ambitious B. regular

: ; 11. Unlike anything else. 12. Not correct or right.

& pointless D. convenient

13. Wanting to do well.

E. simple

14. A waste oftime.

G. considerable

15. Lasting forever.

F. unique

H. unsuitable

|, current J. permanent

Grammar & Vocabulary

04. Finish each sentence(16-20) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word once only.

Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

16. You need to choose the right___ to ask her. 17,The____ of people support the government. 18.1 caught a(n)___ of him from the car window. 19. Have you heard the ____ about the royal wedding? 20. We needtofind a(n)

to this problem.

A. glimpse B. accusation Cc. moment D. appearance

E. function F. decision

G. majority

H. display |. solution

J. announcement

05. Write the letter of the word on the right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left (21-25). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

21. intriguing

22. graceful 23. harsh 24. diligent 25. hazardous

A. clothes B. treatment

C. substance D. joke E. story

F. clock G. worker H. furniture

|. dancer

J. scenery

Reading (25 questions — 30 minutes) 01. Choose one word(A, B or C) for each space and write the letter on the answer paper. The first one (0) is done for you as an example with the answer A marked on your answer paper.

. yet

B. even


1. A. taking

B. making

C. studying

2. A. feeling

B. design

C. idea

3. A. office

B. job

C. activity


B. tell

C. learn

B. make

C. join



Dear Gill,

Have you decided (0)......... what you are going to do next year? You told me you werethinking of(1) ......... a gap year before university. It sounds like a great (2) ......... ! Will you get a(n) (3) ......... for a while or just travel around Europe? Please write back soon and (4)......... me all about your plans. Better still, let’s (5) ......... up sometime and talk face-to-face. Love,


02. Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story. Write your answers on the answer paper (Questions 6-11). The first sentence of the story (A) is given for you on the answer paper as an example.

The history of cameras Example:

A. The earliest known ‘camera’ was used by the Ancient Greeks and Chinese.

B. In 1947, the introduction of the Polaroid camera allowed users to take photos that were developedinstantly. C.

Much later, in the 1800s,thefirst practical, portable cameras were invented,

which could be used by everyone,notjust by enthusiasts.

D. Today,digital cameras allow users to delete previous photos, so only the best shots are stored on a memorycard. E. These cameras were extremely basic, consisting of a photographic film contained in a simple box with fixed lens. F.

While single-use cameras had been invented around the time of the Polaroid model, they became much more popular in the 1990s.

G. This ancient ‘camera’ could only project images onto a screen rather than recording them on film.

| |

Reading 03. Read the text and complete each gap with a word from the list at the bottom of the page. Read the text and answer questions 12-18.

Thomas Cook’s Tours Thomas Cook famously (0) packageholidaysin the late 19th century. However,his first organised holiday had nothing to do with the packages of later years, with (12) ..

such as Benidorm and Ibiza. Cook’s first tour was in fact a train trip in England, Between Leicester and Loughboroughfor advocatesof the abolition of alcohol. Over a decade later,

Cook organised his first package holiday (13)


to Belgium. Since carrying large

(14) wae of moneywas risky for his clients, Cook introduced the ‘circular note’, a forerunner of today’s traveller’s cheque. After the Second World War, travel enjoyed a boom with one million Britons travelling overseas in 1950. This was (15) by the fact that tour companies were (16) ......... to use charter planes to take holidaymakers to remote

destinations because of an amendment to a civil law. Soon, many other travel companies jumped on the bandwagon offering cheap package holidays. Over the next few decades, the travel (17) became much more competitive and, as a result, many companies became bankrupt in the 1970s. Nowadays, package holidaysare still popular but are

Example (0): G - introduced A facilitated B - destinations - industry

- indoors E - finalised F - sums

G - introduced H - generation

| - numbers J - abroad K - allowed

falling out of favour with the younger (18) eet and independenttravellers. 12.

APTIS for Teens







| This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

The best job for me Andrea (female, 16 years old) It doesn’t really matter to meif | don’t have a big salary. As long as there is enough to paythe bills of course. | don’t really have a preferencefor working inside or outside. | guess a bit of both would be good. A priority for me is that | do something important. What | mean by thatis I’m helping someonein some way. That means that | will feel good about what| do at the end ofthe day.I’ll be able to hold my head up high. Adonis (male, 15 years old) | can’t cope with beingstuck indoors. I’m a very physical person too, and | pride myself on keeping fit. So | need a job where | am out and about, doing something that keeps me active. | guess I'd like to do something like being a fireman. Even though | wouldn’t want to bein an office or a factory,| really wouldn’t like being a farmer, as I’m scared of animals. Apart

from dogs, | love dogs!

Who: 12. might enjoy being a vet? 13. doesn’t wantto be in one workplaceall the time?

14. would enjoy being a journalist? 15. wants job satisfaction?

16. appreciatesskills in others that they don’t have? 17. looks after their body? 18. got some sensible advice from a relative?

Marianna (female, 17 years old) | have often thought that | would make a good doctor as |’d like a job that is involved with medicine and treating illness


03. Four people were interviewed for Careers Today magazine about what is important to them in a job. Read the texts and then decide which of the people expresses the opinions below.

and injury. On the other hand, I’ve considered being a farmer

because| also havea passionfor animals. | recently had a very long conversation with my parents about this dilemma and my father pointed out that I’m notreally patient when it} comesto dealing with people, especially children, so helping sick animals might be the perfect job for me. Ron (male, 17 years old) I’m really interested in people and currentaffairs. | also love reading and anything to do with literature and poetry.I’ve

been writing a blog for the last year about street and public

art becauseI’m fascinated by that topic. | think | would like a}

job that reflects my love of culture but that would also give me the chanceto meetlots of people. Maybe writing articles for a cultural magazine of some kind. | think I’m rubbish atart, | so | couldn’t be a professional artist.

Reading 04. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25. Write your answers (A-H) on the answer paper. There is one more heading than you need. The answer to paragraph 0 is given on the answer paper as an ownne () ‘ The London Eye


Despite being 0. Dominating the skyline of London’s South Bank, the London Eye towersover the River Thames. magnet, tourist huge a Eyeis London the wheel, whatis to all intents and purposes, an oversized Ferris such, that its construction has been attracting over 3.75 million visitors annually. In fact, its popularity is

credited with a worldwide revival in Ferris wheel construction.

of 135 metrestall, with a diameter of 120 metres, 19. Certainly, it’s an impressive landmark. Standing at a height tallest

was billed as ‘the world’s it puts ordinary Ferris wheels in the shade. When it first opened in 2000,it before ‘Star of Nanchang’in China in 2006, Ferris wheel’. However, this accolade later went to the 160m

and the ‘High Roller’ (167.6m) in being passed on to the ‘Singapore Flyer’ standing at 165 metres, in 2008, ered observation wheel. Las Vegas, in 2014. The Eye, however, is still the world’s tallest cantilev

that it is inconceivable to imagine London 20.The London Eye has become such an integral part of the city’s skyline notthe first supersized Ferris wheel in the capital. withoutit. It is just as difficult to believe that the Eye was Earl’s Court, predated it by over a century. In fact, the ‘Great Wheel’, built for the Empire ofIndia Exhibition, at with a diameter of 82.3 metres, the wheel was Modelled on the ‘Chicago Ferris Wheel’, and standing 94m tall

Exhibition. in operation until being demolished in 1907 for the Imperial Austrian

Times together with Great Britain’s Architecture 21. With the approach of the Millennium, back in 2000, the Sunday outcome of this was somewhatof a non-event, The . landmark city new a for Foundation, sponsored a competition in the competition, David Marksand Julia since no winner was declared. Unperturbed bythis, joint entrants

ir design reality. Barfield, decided to go ahead with the project nevertheless, and makethe

ground. Six European countries provided the 22. Funding from British Airways enabled the project to get off the were floated up . On completion, these sections major componentsfor the wheel, which was built in sections on the water surface. Once assembled, resting s platform on the Thames on barges and assembled in situ, in

angle of 65 degrees. A second phase, the wheel was raised at 2 degrees per hour until it was tilting at an , took place one week later. which the wheel was lifted to a completely upright position

was delayed. It was ceremonially openedby then 23. Initial teething problems meantthat the opening of the Eye

first paying passenger in March 2000. Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on 318t December 1999, but only took its ed in 2005. However, the Eye proved dismantl be to Originally given only a temporarylease, the Eye was set Council,

for a permanent lease to Lambeth unexpectedly popular, with the result that the owners applied which was duly granted.

architects), The Tussauds Group and British 24.Initially, the Eye belonged to three owners; MarksBarfield (the British Airways, becoming the sole owner in Airways. The Tussauds Group later bought out Barfield, and then Tussauds, renaming one Group, took over from 2006. Not longafter, Merlin Entertainments, part of the Blackst as the public were concerned, the attraction far ,as However the Eye, ‘The Merlin Entertainments London Eye’.

continued to be known as ‘The London Eye’, which itstill is, to this day.

difficulties, to achieve iconic status? According to Sir 25.50 why has the Eye beaten the odds, overcomingfinancial is due to the fact that the Eye is both public and Prize,it ture Architec Pritzker Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 views from the Eye’s capsules; there are no accessible. Anyone, rich or poor, can enjoy breathtakingly scenic year, day and night, for anyone wishing outthe restrictions on access. In addition, the wheel is open through

to see London from a spectacular aerial viewpoint. Headings : A. The secretof its appeal B. Taking the initiative C. Breaking records


— 20. 21.0

D. Exceeding expectations


F. A serious mistake


E. Construction

G. Changing identity H. A historic predecessor

|. Introduction (Example)


24. 25 ~~


| |

Listening Listening (25 questions) This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example. 0. Listen to Jack’s message. Whatis Jack going to do? He is going to go

1. on holiday

2. on a businesstrip 4. for a meal

3. sightseeing

07. Listen to a customer complaining about an order. Whyis he unhappy? He is unhappyas the delivery order was 1. incorrect 2. late 3. damaged

4. wrongly delivered

01. Listen toJill’s message. What doesshe want Brenda to do? She wants Brenda to 1. lend her a computer 2. print something 3. collect some copies 4. do some work

08. Listen to a woman talking to her friend. Why doesn’t she want to get a dog? She doesn’t want 1. the responsibility 2. Dave to takecareofit

02. Listen to Tony’s message. When does he want to meet?

09. Listen to the following conversation.

3. the expense

4. to have any pets

Why won’t the man goout tonight?

He wants to meetat

He won’tgo out as he is

1. 2pm

1. unwell 3. unhappy

2. 3pm

4. 4pm

3. 3.30pm

03. Listen to Lucy’s message abouta dinner party. What does she want to change? She wants to change the

2. working 4. saving money

10. Listen to two friends talking. Whydidn’t the man call earlier?

1. place

2. menu

He didn’t call earlier as he 1. was driving

3. time

4. day

3. was in a meeting

2. was working 4. forgot

04. Listen to a hotel receptionist speaking to a customer. Whatcan’t the customer do at the moment? The customer can’t 1. check in 2. eat in the restaurant 3. collect his keys 4. go to his room

11. Listen to a man talking about his brother. Whydon’t they talk more often? They don’t 1. have shared interests 2. like each other 3. live near one another 4, like using the internet

05. Listen to an announcement. Why is the announcement being made?

12. Listen to a woman talking about her next holiday.

The announcementis to tell shoppers about

1. closing times 3. security

2. an emergency 4. a scheduled test

06. Listen to the advert on the radio for a local gym. What is the advert for? The advert is about 1. an open day

2. a membership discount

3. job vacancies

4. registration fees


ara Rea AREER


Wherewill she stay? She will stay at a(n) 1. all-inclusive hotel 3. bed and breakfast place

2. friend’s house 4. self-catering hotel

13. Listen to a woman talking about a play.

Why won'tshe go to seethe play? She won’t goto see the play because

1. it’s sold out 3. she’s seen it before

2. her friends aren’t going

4. she’s busy

Listening 14. Listen to a man talking to a workman.

What does he want the workman to do? He wants the workman to 1. paint the house 2. lay a carpet 3. check a water pipe 4. tidy up the garden

15. Listen to the man talking to a friend. What sport will he probably take up? He will probably take up 4 1. golf

2. football

3. basketball

4, swimming

16. Listen to the conversation between twofriends. Whydidn’t the man get the job? He didn’t get the job as he

1. was overqualified 3. lacked some skills

2. was too old 4. had an attitude

20. Listen to two parents talking. What is the problem with their son? Their son is always 1. in his room 2. on his phone 3. playing computer games 4. watching TV

21. Listen to a passenger talking to an airportofficial. Whatis the problem with the passenger’s passport? 1. The passport has expired. 2. The woman should have changed her passport photo. 3. The photo in the passportisn’t clear. 4, The passport has a damaged cover.

22. Listen to an announcement on an aeroplane.

What should the passengers do? The passengers should

1. put awaytheir luggage 2. await instructions 3. check the overhead lockers 4. fasten their seatbelts

17. Listen to a conversation between twocolleagues.

Whyis the boss not around? The boss is not around as he is 1. ill 2. at a conference 3. having lunch 4. in a meeting

23. Listen to two people talking at a bus stop. Why is the man taking the bus to work? He is taking the bus to work 1. to avoid parking fees 2. to save time

18. Listen to a radio advert. What is the purpose of the advert? The purposeof the advertis to 1. ask listeners’ opinions 2. sell a product

3. to reduce pollution 4, becausehis car is being repaired

24. Listen to a man talking about a theatrical performance. Whydidn’t he goto see it?

3. recall a product 4. adviselisteners

He didn’t go to the performance as

1. he was ill 3. the reviews were bad

2. it was sold out 4. he had no time

19. Listen to twofriends talking. Whattypeofholiday is the woman planning? The woman is planning to go 1. ona cruise

3. touring

2. backpacking

4. on a walking holiday

laiTaecus Final Task

25. Listen to a man talking about a book.

Whydoesn’t he like it? He doesn’tlike the

1. plot 3. writing style

2. subject 4. ending

In the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018), we read

thatin the listening test there are 22 questions, with three multiple-choice answers for each question while the Final Task is different and contains two questions for one listening text.

listen to a teenager talking to her classmate about buying a presentfor their friend. What two suggestions does her friend make? Whatis her first suggestion? 1. to give her something expensive 2. to give her something useful

_ 3. to give her something unusual

What is her second suggestion?

1. They should buy a present together. 2. He asks his parents for some money. 3. He makes a present.

Writing (Four parts — 50 minutes) 01. You are a new member ofa theatre group. You have 5 messages from a member ofthe group. Write short answers (1-5 words) to each message.

Whatdo youlike to do in your free time? What’s your favourite subject? Who’s your bestfriend? Whatare you planning to do next weekend? Whatdo you usually do on a weekday?

02. You have just joined the theatre group. Fill in the form. Write sentences.

Use 20-30 words. You have seven minutesto do this.

Clayton Theatre Group Please write about why you’d like acting in a play.

03. You havejust taken part in your first rehearsal for a play with the theatre group. You are talking to other members of the cast in a chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have ten minutesto do this. Belinda: Hi! Are you interested in any other art forms?

Tracy: Do you belong to any other clubs? What club would you like to be a member of?

Keith: Do you enjoy taking part in group activities?

04. You are a member ofthe theatre group. You receive this email from the secretary.

Dear Member,

Some of our members have said that they are interested in a theatre trip to London in July. Therefore, I have checked the theatrelistings and I have found a musical that I think would appeal to everybody. It is called

"Summerin the City’ and is on 17th July. If you are interested in going, please let us know as soonas possible, so that we can book the tickets and a coach.

Write an email to your friend. Write about whether you would like to attend and why it is/isn’t of interest to you. Write about 50 words. You have ten minutes to do this.

Write an email to the secretary. Write about whether you would like to attend and why it is/isn’t of interest to you. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutesto do this.

APTIS for Teens

This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

04.We are running a writing competition on our website. The theme this month is entertainment. Write your essay in responseto this statement.

Entertainment plays an important role in the happiness ofall people.

ay IePee =

Remember to include an introduction and conclusion. Write your competition entry below in 200-250 words.


Preparation Unit




A kind ofillness of the body or mind.

ommuter (n)

The words that an actor has to read and learn.

A person who travels b ck and forth to work.

mm Make someone do sth.




Being very big or having a

big effect on something. do

workforce (n)

All the people that work

in a place, industry, company, country etc.

ma assume (v)


. of language learning | find difficult is understanding grammar. B commuter

C aspect

D enormity

Mesias tee you didn’t mean to leave your mobile phone in mycar. A drift B associate C found D assume If you continue to work such .........0 hours, you will be ill. Avast

B excessive

C swampy

D radical

Andreafelt .............. to work long hours to impress her new boss. Acompelled B colonised

C occupied


Believe something is true even if you can’t be sure.

Choose the correct answerA, B, C or D to complete the sentences. A script


D toppled over

figure (v) Think, believe. ig


—————— Succeed in APTIS


stumble upon (phr v) Find by chanceor find unexpectedly. | stumbled upon some old photographs when | was cleaning my grandmother's house.

associate (v)

To connect twothings in some way. We always associate Greece with

long, hot summers.

colonise (v)

To claim control over a country or piece of land by sending people tolive there. The Spanish colonised

Peru in the 16century.

occupy(v) Moveinto a place and live there. The German army occupied many countries in the Second World War.

radical (adj)

Involving dramatic or

extreme changeor action.

We don’t need to make radical changes to the system butit does need to changeslightly.

swampy(adj) For ground that is very soft and wet. Crocodiles like to live in


ee drift (v)

Movein an uncontrolled way. The broken boat drifted out to sea.

vast (adj) Extremely big. The Sahara is a vast desert that covers hundreds of kilometres.

excessive (adj)

Too much. Excessive eating leads to weight gain.

current (adj) Of the present time. ! know that he didn’t have any work for a while but I’m not sure whathis currentsituationis.

irrational (adj) Without reason or sensible thought. /t was irrational of her to move to America without a job to go to.

cross the line (idiom)

Behavein a wrong or not socially acceptable way. He was always a naughty child but he crossed the line whenhe stole the jeans from the shop.

| 8. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words in the box below. There are two wordsthat you do not needto use.

ee Re

disorder flock workforce figure stumble upon current irrational cross the line

| that book that you’d been looking for. It was under the bed. We'll never getthis project finished on time with half the off sick. A(n) of birds landed on the roof of my house. The

weather might benice butit’s going to rain in a couple of hours.

He’s never liked school but he really I

when he hit his teacher.

it will take us about two hours to getto the airport from here tomorrow.



S ucceed in APTIS



iddsyokdeeha Cola Olay ty

Wordsin Context & Reading Comprehension A. You are going to read an article about a young man who got involvedin life of crime. For questions 1-7, choose from the sections A-D. The sections may be chosen more than once.


Which paragraph says when Tom knewthat he had to make a big change in his life? mentions someone forming an opinion without the facts? describes how Tom physically changed an environment? explains why Tom became involved in life of crime?

suggests that Tom’s parents didn’t help him enough? explains what services are provided?

describes a surprising first impression?

Finding a wayoutof life of crime (Jenny Bradley meets Tom Dickens, a reformed criminal) A

| wasn’t sure what to expect at my meeting with 23-year- old Tom Dickens but | assumed he would be a tough young man who might beslightly aggressive and notparticularly friendly.

An irrational thing to think, | know, as | had never even met

him before, but| figured an ex-criminal was not going to be the nicest of people. Notthat I’d met anyother criminals. It turns out that | couldn’t have been more wrong. | always associated young offenders with scruffy youths with a bad

attitude but | was pleasantly surprised to see a smart young man waiting for me at the arranged meeting place. On seeing

me, Tom stood up and shook my hand warmly. He had the biggest smile on his face; | instantly felt comfortable with

him and liked him.


“| knew then that my current situation was terrible and unacceptable.” Tom told me. “Every aspect of mylife needed to be lookedat. | was intelligent enough to realise that there was still an opportunity for me to turn mylife around. But| had to make some radical changes and | had to make them

immediately. | felt compelled to make mylife have some

value. | had a lot of time to think about what | could do and also how | had arrived at the place in my life that was such

a disaster. It was at around that time that | started to feel angry that I’d had no support or guidance in my teenage

years, so that’s when an idea came to me about what | could

do to make difference in the world.” D


After leaving school Tom was unsuccessful in joining the workforce. He had not passed any exams at school and this,

combinedwith a problem ofexcessive drinking, led him into a life of crime. At first, he wasn’t involved in anything too serious, but one day some men persuaded him totake part in a bank robbery. He had crossedthe line from a silly young

man into a violent criminal. It was only when he was sent to prison that the enormity of what he had done hit him.

“| was released from prison early, on good behaviour, and |

reallyfelt like a new man. | went back to my hometown and

walked the streets in a poorer area. Eventually | stumbled upon an emptyshop to occupy. It was a vast empty area so

| had plenty of roomto turnit into an attractive youth centre.

From there | founded The Positive Youth Centre. Weprovide

advice on all sorts of topics for young people and also set up activities for them to get them off the streets. I’m confident that we have prevented many young people from making the bad decisions | made and stopped them entering a life of crime. | hope this makes up for the harm that | may have caused in my younger days.”

B. Say if the statementsaretrue (T) or false (F). 1. Jenny Bradley knows manycriminals.

2. Tom was shocked by the seriousness of his own actions. 3. Tom was angry and aggressive when he was in prison.

4. Tom was forced to live in an empty shop when he left prison.



VW we ae

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day oF-Teehaceley Sluis

Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English C. For questions 1-4, read the text below and decide which answer(A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). (0)


B. early

C. beginning

D. primary

A disastrous day at the theatre | decided that | wanted to be an actor at a(n) (0) early age after taking part in a school play. One (1)....... of acting that | have alwaysloved is being on stage in front of hundreds of people. There is nothing| like more than looking out on A(T) (2): sescancsie number ofseatsfull of expectant faces. On one particular night, everything was going well, and |, as always, was full of confidence. However, maybe| was too confident. | walked across the stage not really looking where | was going and accidently walked into a prop. It was a whole piece of a house on the stagethat (3) ..........6 ‘ There was a big bang as it landed on the floor and everyone went quiet. | was so embarrassed that| forgotall the words that | had learned from the (4)............. . Not surprisingly, | was never offered work at that theatre again! 1. A. commuter

B. disorder

C. enormity

D. aspect

2. A. irrational

B. vast

C. current


3. A. toppled over

B. drifted

C. colonised

D. stumbled upon

4. A. flock

B. workforce

C. script

D. disorder

D. For questions 1-4, read the text below and think of the word thatbest fits each gap. Use only one wordin each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). The exciting world of archaeology

The world of archaeology is seen by manyas a notparticularly exciting field of study. Those who have a degree (0) in archaeology are often viewed as rather eccentric people who spend their time hoping theywill stumble GD)cossscensrverewescesssevesnvces some buried treasure. However, archaeology is much more than that. It is associated (2) ceeeceecsesecseeseceeeseees the writing and rewriting of history. It is also the basis for many Hollywood movies

wheredirectors cross the (3)... between reality and complete fantasy. This gives archaeology a bad name in the serious world of academia but, on the other (4) ........cccccceeseeseseeees , it all helps to make archaeology glamorous and romantic.

E. For questions 1-4, complete the second sentence sothat it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0).

Example (0)

Simon has the talent to become a professional footballer.


Simonis so talented that he could become a professionalfootballer.

1. Although Gregfelt sick, he still went to work.


GhOG WEN eisiscccenscesnsssriunsseesnrerennnenees sick. 2. | should have studied morein order to pass the exams. If ..


., [would have passed the exams.

3. It doesn’t matter what you say to him, you won’t be able to changehis mind.


You won't be ablé to Change his MINo.cswnmmomnnnaamenies to him. 4. He applied for a mortgage to buy the house. He applied for a MOrtgage ....cccccsceeeetsetseeeseteceeeteeeeeeeeees the house.


Grammar (25 questions — 12 minutes) Write your answers (A-C) to questions 1-25 on your answerpaper. Do not write on this question paper. The answerto question 0 is given as an example on your answer paper(A).

0. Where ___ you live? EXAMPLE B. are C. have

01. A: Are you going to Steve’s party? : , but | won’t know until Friday. A. Possible B. Possibly C. Possibility

02. ____is very interesting. A. The English language

B. English language C. An English language

03. | didn’t know they wentto school together. He looks ___ than her. A. the youngest

B. much younger

07. You really should ___ to the doctor. You’d befine by now, A, have gone B. go

C. be going

08. You need ___ some fresh milk. That carton is out of date, A. to be bought B. buying C. to buy

09. | watched a really___ film last night. A. excited B. excitement C. exciting

10. Breakfast ____ between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. in the hotel dining room. A. served B. is served C. serves

C. very younger

04. A: | don’tlike drinking coffee. B: Nor.. ah A. don’t B. like C. do

05. Wereally___ to do some work. A. should B. ought C. must

11, | believe that in the future, people __ work fewer hours: than they do now. A. would B. will C. ought

12. Sandra ___ be so thin. A. didn’t use to B. isn’t used to C. wasn’t

13. | wish you would try to get on _____ the neighbours. 06. Wecould have a holiday in Spain again, ___| would really like to go toItaly. A. despite B. although C. therefore

B. with C. for

dl a.

Grammar & Vocabulary

14. The staff meeting __on the tenth of May. A. holds B. is holding

C. will be held

15. You ___ have been rude to him. He was only trying to help! A.shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t

16. This is the ___ coach to Bristol. It doesn’t stop on the way. A.directly B. direction C. direct

17. | have no idea what to do aboutthis problem. Ineed____ help. A. piece of B. the

20. I can’t believe you let me ___ again. You promised you would come! A.out

B. off C. down

21. ____ feeling sick, she still went to work. A. Despite

B. Even though C. However

22. If|____ more, | wouldn’t havefailed the exam. A. study

B. had studied C. would study

23. ___ he says, | won’t believe him. A.No matter what B. Whichever C. However


18. Don’t come round tomorrow because !___ all day. A.will be working B. have worked C. did work

19, A: | love going on long walks in the afternoon. B:___? Me too! A. Really B. Exactly C. Anyway

24. You won’t ___ for the position if you don’t have the correct qualifications. A. consider B. be considered C. be considering

25. He took out a mortgage __ buy the house. A. so that B. therefore C. in order to

_Grammar &Vocabula)—————— Vocabulary

(25 questions — 13 minute s)

You needto write ali answers on your answer paper. Do not write on this question paper.

01. Write the letter (4-J) of the word that is most r in meaning to a wordonthe left (1-5). Use each Write your answers (A-J) on your answer papersimila word onceonly. . You will not need five of the word s (A-J). The answe r to question 0 is

given on your answer paper as an example (K). 0. easy

A. intelligent B. hopeful C. terrible D. handsome

1. happy

2. quiet

« 3. boring 4. clever

E. impolite

F. glad G. complicated H. inexpensive I. silent J. dull

— =—

5. cheap

K. simple

02. Finish each sentence (6-10) using a wordfrom the list (A-J). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not needfive of the words (A-J). 6. Somethia ng you keep money in is a(n) A. workforce : B. commuter

7. The people living in an area are a(n) 8. A strong feeling is a(n) .


9. Something youcarry clothes in is a(n)

C. audience

D. community

E. suitcase

F. promise


10. Someone whotravels to work every dayis a(n)

G. wallet :

H. sack

I. emotion

J. fee

03. Finish each senten ce (11-15) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J). 11. The actor read the

when he rehearsed.

12. The system costs £99 including a twelve-month __ . 13. The ship sailed into the

15.A____ of birds flew acro ss the sky.

C. herd D. guarantee

E. briefcase


14. Can you hang the clothesin the

A. station B. safety

, please?

F. script

G. wardrobe H. comment

|. harbour J. flock

Grammar &Vocabulary

04. Finish each sentence (16-20) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word once only. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

16. Would you__ me your car for the day?

A. borrow

17. Are you going to___ in the marathon?

C. challenge D. disturb

18. He was not allowed to___ law after the scandal. 19. You have to press the button to___ the machine. 20. Please don’t

me when I’m working.

B. activate

E. exercise

F. lend G. switch

H. practise

|. cancel

J. compete

05. Write the letter of the word onthe right (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the left (21-25). Use each word onceonly. Write your answers (A-J) on your answer paper. You will not need five of the words (A-J).

21. behavioural 22. facial

A. fear B. bargain C. medication D. gesture

24, irrational

E. robber F. effect G. disorder

25. high

H. scientist |. expectations

23, armed

J. expression

Reading (25 questions — 30 minutes) 01. Choose one word (A, B or C) for each space and write the letter on the answer paper.

The first one (0) is done for you as an example with the answer A marked on your answer Paper.


B. eat

C. drink

1. A. very

B. some

C. all

2. A.ask

B. remember

C. tell


B. opens

C. works

4. A. garage

B. petrol station

C. car park

5. A. almost

B. over

C. around

A. closes

Hi Dan, Can you (0) 0... some things from the shops today?

Weneed (1) ......... bread and juice. Did you (2) ......... to order the cake for Mum’sbirthday? The bakery (3) .... .. at six o’clock today so make sure you aren’tlate.

I’ve got to get mycar repaired at the (4) ......... on my way home so| will be late. | will see you at homeat(5)......... 7.30. Love,


02. Order the sentences (B-G) below to make a story. Write your answers on the answer paper (Questions 6-11). The first sentence of the story (A)is given for you on the answer paper as an example.

The founder of WSPU Example:

A. Emmeline Pankhurst was born on 14 July 1858 in Moss Side, Mancheste r.

B. In 1903, along with her daughters Sylvia and Christabel, she founded the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU).

When the war ended in 1918, women over the age of 30 who owned property werefinally given the right to vote.

She decided that she wanted to do something to changethat situation.

The WSPU had been taking action for years, thus often being character ised as a radical party, in order to get their message heard beforetheyfinally did it. As she grewolder, Emmeline noticed that women were treated differently to men, for example they weren’t allowed to vote.

Her family were very rich and her parents were both interested in politics.

Reading 03. Read the text and complete each gap with a word from the list at the bottom of the page. Read the text and answer questions 12-18.

Addiction to social media

Social networking addiction is sometimes used to (0) ......... to someone spending so

Example (0): K - refer

much time using social media thatit interferes with other aspectsofdailylife. There’sno|

A- argue

Still, behaviour associated with excessive use of social media has become the (13) ......... of|

C- positive

official medical recognition of social networking addiction as a(n) (12) ......... or disorder. much discussion and research. Addiction usually refers to compulsive behaviour that leads to (14) ......... effects. In most addictions, people fee! compelled to do certain activities so often that they become a harmful habit. But it’s hard to tell when a(n) (15) .........

for an activity becomes a dependency. Does spending three hours a day on the internet

mean you’re addicted to it? You could (16) ......... you werejust reading headline news or needed to stay current in your field for work, right? Plentyofclinicians have (17) wee

symptoms ofanxiety, depression and some psychological disorders in people who spend

too much time online, but little hard (18)......... has been found proving that social media or

B - subject

D - liking : - created

- disease

G - observed H - scientists | - negative

J - evidence K - refer

internet use caused the symptoms. 12.

APTIS for Teens







This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued bythe British Council (2018). ]

03. Four people were interviewed for Getting Away From it All magazine about what they look for in a holiday. Read the texts and then decide which of the people expresses the opinions below. The perfect holiday

Janet (female, 17 years old) | like lively resorts where | can go crazy at night and dancefor hours. | also love socialising and chatting to different people, especially on holiday, because you meetpeople from all over the world. On the other hand, during the day,I’m a sun wor-

shipper and | don’t want to do anything energetic, apart from the odd dip in the sea. Also, | tend to just read a book on the beach or listen to music through my smartphone. I’d love to try goingall-inclusive too, as it works out cheaper and you don’t

have to make decisions about where you eat every night.

Andy (male, 14 years old) My idea of a great holiday is seeing places and thingsof historic interest. | don’t necessarily mean museums, although | do like them,too. What| enjoy mostis old palaces and castles and wandering around narrow streets in ancient cities. I’m notreally a beach person,as| don’tlike tosit still for too long

unless | have a good book to read. Butif I’m on holiday, you can guarantee it will be a guidebook so that | don’t miss anything importantor interesting. Before | go away, | look up my

destination on the internet, too.

Who: 12. does research before their holiday? 13. enjoys meeting people? 14. has had an accident on holiday? 15. likes to be active at night but not during the day?

16. does work when theyare on holiday?

17. wantsto physically challenge themselves on holiday? 18. enjoys sightseeing?

Sharon (female, 16 years old) I'm very adventurous and very active like to travel in my own country and abroad to do extreme sports when I’m on

holiday. | do water sports in the summer and other activities, like rock climbing and abseiling; in the winter | do extreme sports in the snow. Nothing stops me being out and aboutin

the fresh air and pushing myself to the limit. | have had a few mishaps that have put me in hospital a couple of times but that’s all part of the thrill, as far as I’m concerned.

Barry (male, 15 years old) My favourite holidays are the ones where| volunteer to take part in some kind of project to help people who arelessfortunate than me. I’m dreaming of helping build schools in South America and fresh water facilities in Africa. I’ve also always wanted to teach English in some Eastern European countries. Although people think this isn’t really a holiday,|

really think it is because you get to go somewhere new and apart from doing somethinghelpful, you havea lot of fun too.

GEG Late 04. Read the text below. Match the headings A-H to the paragraphs 19-25. Write your answers (A-H) on the answer paper. There is one more heading than you need. The answer to paragraph 0 is given on the answer paper as an example (|).

The Discovery of Australia 0. Hundreds of years ago people in different parts of the world didn’t travel very far from home. Everywhere they went, the world basically seemed flat. So they assumed that the world was indeedflat. Ancient Greek

astronomers, however, came to the conclusion that the world was a sphere; round like a tennis ball and consisting of two halves, the northern and southern hemispheres.

19.In about 150 AD a Greek astronomer and mapmaker named Claudius Ptolemy believed that the earth had to be balanced, or it would topple over. So he figured that there had to be a land, yet unknown to Europeans, somewherebelowthe Indian Ocean to balancethe top half of the world that he lived in. So he drew in an imaginary land on the bottom of his maps of the world. Over time this unknown land came to bereferred to as the Unknown Southern Land. 20. For many centuries people in Europe werecertain that there was a land ‘down under’, but nobody knew how to getto it. For over two hundred years, European explorers set across the seas looking for the Unknown Southern Land. Many explorers keptsailing right past it, or bumped into it, but didn’t realise that they had

stumbled upon it. They expected to find vast quantities of gold and treasure there.

21. While the Europeans were searching for this unknownland, there were people alreadyliving there. These

people were the Aborigines, the first humans to arrive in Australia. They probably arrived on the Australian

continent around 50,000 years ago. Since humans had not invented canoes and boatsat this time,it is

uncertain as to how they crossed the ocean to Australia. It is most likely that they arrived here by accident, carried on drifting debris, or even by a tsunami. 22.There is some evidence that fishermen and traders from Indonesia, India and China may havevisited northern Australia for thousandsof years. This contact did not affect the Aboriginal way oflife. The Dingo, the wild dog of Australia, may havefirst arrived in Australia about 5,000 years ago during such visits. These

early visitors never recorded their visits, or had any knowledgeof the vastness of Australia. They thoughtit

was just another one of the manyislands in the area.

23.In 1600 a small Dutch sailing ship named The Duyfken, captained by Willem Janszoon,set sail from Banten,in Indonesia, in search of new trading opportunities. On 26 February 1606, they anchored off the Pennefather River in the Gulf of Carpentaria and wentashore. They found the land swampyand the people there unfriendly. Janszoon, however, didn’t realise he had discovered Australia. He thought the land was part ofthe island of New Guinea whichis further to the north. 24.In 1770 an expedition from England, lead by Lieutenant James Cook, sailed to the south Pacific on board

the sailing ship Endeavour. Captain Cook had secret orders from the British Admiralty to find the southern continent. This expedition landed on the east coast of Australia on the 29th of April 1770. Cook first called

this place Stingray Bay, then he changed it to Botanist Bay and finally called it Botany Bay because ofall the strange and unusual plants there.

25.He namedthis new land New Wales and then changed it to New South Wales. He claimedthe land for Britain even thoughthe land was already occupied by the Aborigines. Cook had no idea of the enormity of his discovery

or that it was actually an island - a whole continentin fact, 32 times larger than Britain itself. Captain Cook was also the first European tovisit the Great Barrier Reef. Actually, he ran into it and damagedhis ship pretty badly. He had to spend seven weeksrepairing his ship. The British returned, in 1778, to colonise this new land they claimed they had discovered. The Unknown Southern Land is knowntodayas Australia.

Headings A. Early visits to an unnamed ‘island’ B. The first Europeans to land on Australia

C. The search is on

D. Declaring ownership of the new continent E. A place full of wonderful vegetation

F. The first drawing of Australia

G. Dangerous animals and exotic flowers |


H. The first Australians

|. Introduction (Example)

| _ 20.


i — _—

23. 24.



Listening Listening (25 questions) This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording

twice. Write your answers on the question paper. You will havefive minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. Gini was going to the cinema with Billy tonight. Why can’t Gini go to the cinema? Gini can’t go becauseshe is 1. tired 2. bored 4. sick

01. Jenny’s appointment at the hospital has changed. What time is the new appointment? Her new appointment is at

07. Listen to a woman talking to a shop assistant in a shop. Whatcoatdoes she want to buy? She wantsa coat thatis 1. fashionable 2. warm 3. waterproof 4. expensive

08. Listen to a man talking about his garden. Whatis he going to change? He is going to


2.11.30 am

3. 1pm

1. plant some trees

4. 2.30 pm

3. remove the grass

02. Steve calls his friend Petra to ask her how to get to her house. How should he go to her house? Petra says he should go there

1. on foot 3. by train

2. by bus 4. bytaxi

03. Sandra leaves you a message abouther dog. Whatdoes her dog sometimes eat?

Her dog sometimes eats 1. shoes 3. hats

2. books 4. toys

Mariocalls you to tell you that the time of the meeting

has changed. Whattime will the meeting start? The meeting will start at 1. eight 2. nine 3. ten 4, eleven

0s. Tim leaveshis friend Agnes a message. Whatdid he forget? He forgot his

1. phone 3. gloves

2. bag 4. scarf

06. Listen to two friends planning their weekend. What are they going to do? They are going to

1. go for a bike ride 3. go swimming

2. play football 4. go to the beach

2. buy some flowers 4. fix the shed

09. Listen to the announcement. Whatis on special offer? Today’s half price offer is for

1. fruit 3. fish

2. meat

4. vegetables

10. Mark calls his colleague. What time is the taxi coming? The taxi will be at the office at 1, 12.00 2.12.30 3. 1.30 4. 2.00

- Twofriends are talking about an exam. What made the exam sodifficult? It wasdifficult because 1. the room was cold 2. the room was noisy 3. the questions were hard 4. they were too nervous

a2: Listen to the announcement. Whathas caused a problem with the train?

The train is late because 1. the summer period is busy

3. the train has broken down

2. there is no driver 4. it is too hot today

13: Listen to the recorded message about a new restaurant. Who is the new restaurantfor? The new restaurant is for people who

1. don’t eat meat 2. like spicy food

3. need a family-friendly restaurant 4. enjoy a quick lunch

14. Listen to the announcement about a summer fete. Whattime will the dog showstart? The dog showwill start at

1, 10.00

2. 10.30



20. Listen to the message. Why does Peter call Sally? He wants to 1. complain

2. apologise

3. warn her

4. offer her something

. Listen to a message about a job.

15. Listen to the recorded information. Which film is on in the morning? The morningfilm is 1. Dogs on Holiday 2. Lost in the Wild 3. Space Wars 4. Death at Sea

When do they want Joe to start work? They wantJoe to start on the

1,2nd 3. 14th

2. 10th 4, 22nd

. Listen to the message. What is Mrs Dobson’s phone

16. Listen to the twofriendstalking. Wherewill they have lunch? They will have lunch at

1. the park 3. the museum

2.0712 257218

2. the gallery 4. the shopping centre

17. Listen to two neighbourstalking. What does Todd advise Shawn to do about his car? Shawn should 1. fix it himself 2. get a mechanic tofix it 3. sell it

number? Mrs Dobson’s phone number is 1.0712 256218 3.0712 256812 4. 0712 256681

. Listen to a husband and wife. What do they decide to buy their son as a present? Theywill buy him 1.a camera 2. clothes 3.a tablet 4. a laptop

4. give it away

18. Listen to a man telling a friend about an accident. Wheredid the accident happen? The accident happened

. Listen to Tanya talking about Pedro. Why is Pedro unsuitable for the job? Pedro does not have 1. enough courage 2. relevant experience

1. ona plane

2. ona train

3. enough enthusiasm

3. in acar

4. ona bus

4, the qualifications needed

19. Listen to the news announcement abouta fire. Wheredid the fire happen?

The fire happened in a 1. shop 3. house

APTIS for Teens

Final Task

. Listen to the conversation. Why hasn’tJulia finished her report? She hasn’t finished it because 1. she had other things to do

2. train station 4. hotel

2. she was ill 3. her laptop was broken 4. she had forgot about the report

In the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018), we read thatin the listening test there are 22 questions, with three multiple-choice answers for each question while the Final Taskis different and contains two questionsfor onelistening text.

Whatis his first piece of advice? 1, to use sunscreen

2. to wear designer clothes 3. to buy her own skis

What is his second piece of advice? 1. to have some lessons before she goes 2. to have lessons when she gets there 3. not to worry about having lessons

si smell i crt

Listen to a girl talking to her neighbour about her holiday. Whattwopieces of advice does the neighbour give her?

Writing (Four parts — 50 minutes) 01. You have joined an online food club. You have 5 messages from a member ofthe club. Write short answers (1-5 words) to each message. Wheredo youlive? Whatdo you do to stay healthy? What are your hobbies?

Do you surf the net? Whatfood do you like?

02. You are a new member ofthe foodclub. Fill in the form. Write sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have seven minutes to do this.

Global Food Club

Please write some reasons why teenagers aren’t making healthy food choices.

03. You are a member ofa food club. You are talking to some membersin the club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have ten minutesto dothis. David: Hi! Welcome to the club. Can you tell us about one of the best meals you have ever had?

Pavlos: Hi! Whatwas the first meal you remember cooking?

Tina: Have youever eaten anything you didn’tlike at all?




04, You are a member of a food club. You received this e-mail from the club.


Dear member, Wearewriting to invite you to a TV studio recording of a celebrity chef whowill be giving a demonstration of cake making. We are arranging a trip to the studio by coach. After the show, we will be going to a famous restaurantin the city for a three-course meal. Places for the trip are limited. If you would like to reserve a place, please contact the club secretary. Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do. Write about 50 words. You have ten minutes to do this.

Write an e-mail to the secretary of the club. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do.

Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes to do this.

APTIS for Teens

This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).

04. Weare running a writing competition on our website. The theme this monthis food. Write your essay in responseto this statement: Learning to cook is an importantlife skill. Rememberto include an introduction and conclusion.

Write your competition entry below in 200-250 words.

UCCEEDin ais


: Section

Practice Tests 1-6

Speaking (Four parts — 12 minutes) In the actualtest, there will be a recording that gives you yourinstructions. Your instructions will also appearin writing to help you. 01. Part One. In this part, I’m going to ask you three short questions about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Q1: Please tell me about your best friend. Q2: Whatdo you like to do during Christmas holidays? Q3: Tell me about what you did last weekend.

02. Part Two.In this part, I’m going to ask you to describe what is happening in a picture. Then | will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer asfully as possible. Describe this picture.

° Tell me about a time you went

out to eat with friends or family.

© Do you think that people should

prefer home-cooked meals to

eating out?

03, Part Three. In this part I’m going to ask you to look at the pictures, then ask you two questions. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fully as possible.

* Where do people go toseethesedifferent animals? ® Which of these animals would be moredifficult to see? Why?

04. Part Four. Look at the picture and answer the questions below. You will have 60 seconds to think about your answers before you start speaking.

¢ Tell me about a time when you wenton holiday. ¢ Did you enjoy yourself?

° What are some of the ways of passing the time when you are on holiday? You now have two minutesto talk.

APTIS for Teens


This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).

04. Look at the poster. You have prepared this poster with your group. You are now going to presentit to your class. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answers before you start speaking. You will have two minutes to give your presentation. Don’t just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own wordsto describe the information on the poster. Makeyour presentation as interesting and informative for your classmatesas possible.

Best place to stay: * self-catering villa * hotel with all facilities * campsite - in nature

Activities for all the family: * swimming * nice walks * sightseeing


* car - if someonelikes driving * plane - if you want to go fast


' Best time to go: : * summer - good weather * winter break / skiing * long weekend

* train - in order to relax


»aking (Four parts — 12 minutes) In the actualtest, there will be a recording that gives you yourinstructions. Your instructionswill also appearin writing to help you. |

01. Part One.In this part, I’m going to ask you three short questions about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Q1: Please tell me about your family.

Whatdo you like to do on your birthday? 3: Please tell me about your hometownor city.

02. Part Two.In this part, I’m going to ask you to describe whatis happening in a picture. Then | will ask you two questions aboutit. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fully as possible. Describe this picture.

Tell me about a time you went on a tour around a city. ¢ Do you think going on organised tours are better than travelling on your own?

03. Part Three.In this part I’m going to ask you to look at the pictures, then ask you two questions. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fully as possible.



—w &

e Where do people go to have these types of food? ¢ Which of these meals would be more healthy to choose? Why?

—Speaking 04. Part Four. Look at the picture and answer the questions below. You will have 60 seconds to think about your answers before you start speaking.

¢ Tell me about a time when you wereout with your friends. Did you have fun? ° What are some of the waysof passing the time when you arewith friends?

You now have two minutes to talk.



| This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

04. Look at the poster. You have preparedthis poster with your group. You are nowgoingto presentit to your class. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answersbefore you start speaking. You will have two minutes to give your presentation. Don’t just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own words to describe the information on the poster. Make your presentation as interesting and informative for your classmatesas possible.

Food and Diet

‘Eat the right food:

' * morefruit and vegetables

: * less fast food/junk food : * eat regularly/not too much



* go to a restaurant

* have a barbeque * go ona picnic Buying food:


* go to the market



Special occasions:

* go to the supermarket Learn to cook: * parents teach children

* make cooking fun * cook for friends/family

* grow your own

; ;

Speaking (Four parts - 12 minutes)


In the actualtest, there will be a recording thatgives you yourinstructions. Yourinstructionswill also appearin writing to help you. and your ur iinte| 01. Part One. In this part, , I’m going to ask :you three short questions about yourself

to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep].


i i rests. You will have 30 seconds

Qi: Whatdo you like to do to relax? Q2: Tell me about someone who is important to you. Q3: How do you like to celebrate special occasions? i picture. Then | will 02. Part Two. | part, , I’m going to ask you to describe whatis happening in pi h In this

i about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound eek sueyou,

answer as fullyas possible. Describe this picture.


° Tell me whatis your favourite type of exercise.

* Do you think it is importantfor everyoneto exercise? Why/Why not? i Y 03. Part Three. In this part \ I’m going! to ask you to look at the pictures, a then ask you two questions.


for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fulleospenal: secon

© Wheredo people gofor these typesof holiday?

© Whichof these types of holiday would be morerelaxing? Why?


04. Part Four. Look at the picture and answer the questions below. You will have 60 seconds to think about your answers before you start speaking.

¢ Tell me about a time when you wentto a concert or music festival. e Was it a memorable experience? ° Why do people prefer going to concertsorfestivals rather than listening to music at home?

You now have two minutesto talk.

! APTIS for Teens

[ This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).


04. Look at the poster. You have prepared this poster with your group. You are now going to presentit to your class. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answers before you start speaking. You will have two minutes to give your presentation. Don’t just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own wordsto describe the information on the poster, Make your presentation as interesting and informative for your classmates as possible.

oe te



Things to think about: + cheap or expensive > easy to get there

+ time of day

: Who to have fun with: : + by yourself + family + friends

i 11 I

Importance of leisure time: » relax

+ forget problems

+ be sociable - hobbies

+ go out / go to the cinema/theatre + coffee and a chat


& (Four parts — 12 minutes)

In the actualtest, there will be a recording that gives you yourinstructions. Yourinstructionswill also appearin writing to help you. 1. Part One.In this part, I’m going to ask you three short questions about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Q1: How often do you meetup with friends? 22: Would you ever live abroad? Q3: Tell me about a place you like to go often.

2. Part Two. In this part, I’m going to ask you to describe whatis happeningin a picture. Then | will ask you two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fully as possible. Describe this picture.


ue |

° Tell me about what kind of books you like to read. * Do you think it is important to read books? Why/Whynot?

03. Part Three.In this part I’m going to ask you to look at the pictures, then ask you two questions. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fully as possible. —




¢ Whatkind of people choose these forms of entertainment? ° Which of these types of entertainment would cost more? Why?


| |

Part Four. Look at the picture and answer the questions below.You will have 60 secondsto think about your answers

before you start speaking.

* Tell me about a time you saw streetprotest.

° Howdid you feel aboutit?

° Why do people go on protests? You now have two minutestotalk.

APTIS for Teens

| This task is presented in the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).

04. Look at the poster. You have prepared this poster with your group. You are nowgoing to presentit to your class. You will have 90 seconds to think about your answers before youstart speaking. You will have two minutesto give your presentation. Don’t just repeat the words on the poster. You should use your own words to describe the information on the poster. Make your presentation as interesting and informati ve for your classmates as possible.

: Reasons to be active:

- better physical health - relieves stress + fun to do

Things to avoid:

~ too much time on computer - TV - couch potato

sleeping too much

| Activities for all the family: - swimming

* nice walks

- playing a sport

Getting organised:

+ plan your activities

- book a class/personal trainer join a club/gym

Speaking (Four parts — 12 minutes) In the actualtest, there will be a recording that gives you yourinstructions. Yourinstructions will also appearin writing to help you.

01. Part One.In this part,I’m going to ask you three short questions about yourself and your interests. You will have 30 seconds to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Qi: Do you enjoy reading? ow importantis social media to you? Q3: Tell me something about your school/work.

02. Part Two.In this part, I’m going to ask you to describe what is happening in a picture. Then | will ask you two questions aboutit. You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you

answer as fully as possible. Describe this picture.

Tell me about some activities you like to do.

* Do you think it is importantfor families to spend time together? Why/Whynot? 03. Part Three. In this part I’m going to ask you to look at the pictures, then ask you two questions. You will have 45 seconds

for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound [beep]. Make sure you answer as fully as possible.

e Whatkind of people prefer working in these ways? © Which wayis more enjoyable? Why?

04. Part Four. Look at the picture and answer the questions below.You will have 60 seconds to think about your answers before you start speaking.

* Tell me about a time when you wenttoa circus or zoo. ° How would you describe the experience?

* Whydo people like to go to zoosor circuses? You now have two minutes totalk.

VAIS colar ary

| This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptis for Teens, issued by the British Council (2018).

04. Look at the poster. You have prepared this poster with your group. You are nowgoingto presentit to your class. You will have 90 secondsto think about your answers beforeyou start speaking. You will have two minutesto give your presentation, Don’t just repeat the words onthe poster. You should use your own wordsto describe the information on the poster. Make your presentation as interesting and informative for your classmates as possible.



| Traditional methods:


+ school/college/university * books * teachers/tutor

Learning outside the classroom:

* museums/galleries

* historic places * outdoors - in nature Important things to help learning:

* interesting/fun

* relevant to student (



| Other methods: »

* home schooling

| > internet

* self-study

* good teacher / good environment

Sy SEL Tal i


This task is presentedin the Official Candidate Guide for Aptisfor Teens, issued by the British Council (2018). |

to your class. 04, Look at the poster. You have prepared this poster with your group. You are now goingto presentit minutesto give two have will You speaking. start you before answers your about think to seconds 90 have You will the describe wordsto own your use should You your presentation. Don’t just repeat the words on the poster.


for your classmatesas possible. information on the poster. Make your presentation as interesting and informative

Saving the environment

i i



Reasons why we should help: + health

|» bad weather i




* save wildlife


Whatwe can do: * recycle: glass, paper, plastic, metal

* plant trees

* not use cars/planes/ships so much

Whois responsible:


* governments


Whatis in danger: * seas/rivers * animals / plantlife * land - rubbish

* businesses * individual people


a | a4}


Succeed in Ideal for exam preparation for all parts of the APTIS exams

Core (Grammar & Vocabulary),

A .


Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking



Brio ror



QR Codes to listen to the audiofiles of Listening Tasks

ui ISBN 978-1- | 688.





Succeed in APTIS

SAMPLE ANSWERSforWriting & Speaking tasks

Sample Answers

for the Writing & Speaking Tasks

Test 1 WRITING Page 18

01 I’m a student. I’m studying English and Geography.

Last weekend | went shopping and then | went to the cinema. My favourite place is London because there are so many

things to see and do. Todayit’s sunny and quite warm. | like American rock and pop music.

02 Over the last two years | have travelled quite a lot around Europebytrain. | went through France, Germany,Italy and Spain. | liked Spain most, because the weather was good.

03 Hi Andrew. The first time | travelled somewhere was on school trip to France when | was 13. We wenttoParis for five days and we stayedin a really big hotel. | enjoyed sightseeing in Paris but | was a bit homesick, so | was quite happy when | went back home. Hello John. | prefer travelling in the summer when | go on holiday to different Greek islands. The islands are my favourite place to go because every one ofthem is different. Theyall have beautiful clean sea and beaches and really like eating

in the restaurantsat night.

Hi Sharon. In the future | would like to visit New York. | think it must be one ofthe most excitingcities in the world. | have seen all the famousplaces, like the Empire State Building and

the Statue ofLibertyin lots offilms. Also it has amazing shops

Dear secretary,

Thank you for the email. | will definitely be coming to the meeting on Saturdayas | think it’s a great idea for members of the club to go on trips together. | think it would be really interesting thing to do if we went to some cities abroad, too. I’m quite happy to drive in other countriesif we hire a minibus. Of course it would be fun to visit some places that aren’t too far away, as well. We could even do some half-daytrips. Thereis lots of information on the internet, so we could all research different places and make suggestions. We should also work out how expensive each trip would be,too. | look for-

ward to seeing you all on Saturday so that we can discuss everybody’s ideas.

Jenny Bateman aati


Aptis for Teens option

Having a holiday abroadis a better experience than travelling within your own country. | believe it is true to say that both holidaying abroad and in your own country have advantages and disadvantages. A lot of your experience depends on who you are, what you enjoy and where you go.

First ofall, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of having a holiday in your own country. When you stay in your own country you usually have a goodidea of whatto expect. You speak the same language as everyone else, so you don’t have any problem communicating with people. On the other hand, this can be a bit boring because you don’t have any adventures. If you decide to go on foreign holiday, most of your normal everyday things are different. First of all, the environment around you maybe strange. The buildings may look different and the same goes for the countryside too. Also the weather may notbe like it is in your country. That can be exciting be-

cause you don’t know whatyou are going to learn and who

you are going to meet. If you have problems on holiday and you are abroad then it is moredifficult to solve them, so you

should be careful what you do. To sum up,it doesn’t really matter where you go on holidayif you are with people you like and love. You can always have a good time whether you are in your own country or abroad. Every place offers something good.

and restaurants. ERE

Page 19

04 Hi Ben I guess you got the email from the travel club, too. I’m going

to the meeting because| think it’s a great idea. There are so Manyplaces that | wanttovisit and it will be more fun if

there iS a group ofus. | don’t knowif they are thinking about |

trips abroad, too. | hopeso. Are you going to the meeting? We could go together. Jenny ——


01 My best friend is called Cathy. We have known each other

since we were eleven. We metat school and have been friends ever since. She is always there for me and welike doing the same things.

During the Christmas holidays| like to spend time with my

family. We eat a lot and talk to each other. Wealso play online games and watch a lotoffilms. | really like having the time to

be with my family as weare all so busy usually. Last weekend | cleaned the house and did the shopping on Saturday. On Sunday| visited my cousin and we had lunch together. In the evening | relaxed at home.


Succeed in APTIS

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks holiday, which would haveto be in the winter. Or maybe you


In this picture | can see six people. | think they must be a fam-

ily with a young married couple and their two children and

two grandparents. They must be in a nice restaurant as they

just want to go away somewherefor a few days, which you could do any time ofthe year.

are sitting at a table that has a lot of food on it and glasses of

There arelotsofdifferent kinds of holiday, so you have to talk to your family and find out what they enjoy doing. Do they

special occasion.

just want to relax and maybe sit on a beachall day?

The last time | went out with a group offriends it was my friend John’s birthday. We wentfor a pizzain a really nice Italian restaurant. | ate so much food. We wentfor a walk after and then for a coffee. It was a great evening.

Finally, you have to consider how you will get to your holiday destination. If it’s far away you might havetofly; in caseit is a

red wine. They seem to be very happy and having a lovely time as theyareall smiling. Perhaps they are celebrating a

I think it’s good to eat home-cooked meals and it’s important that everyone knowshowto cook. However, if you eat out you get a big choice of meals and there is no washing up to do afterwards. Also it’s nice for people to eat outif it’s a special occasion.

like being active, playing sports, going sightseeing, or do they

bit closer you mighttake the train, or even drive. Some peo-

ple don’t like flying or driving,so it’s important to think about how you will travel. To sum up, we can understand that planning a holiday is quite

complicated and you should think about the whole family and

whattheywill like.

Test 2


If you want to see sheep somewhereall you need todo is to go out into the countryside. They are not unusual animals, so

it shouldn’t be very difficult for anyone to see a sheep. On the other hand, if you wantedto see a tiger, you would have to go

to a zoo, or maybe on safari, somewhere. It’s not difficult to go to a zoo but it would be really difficult to see a tiger in its natural environment. Also tigers are endangered animals, so there are fewer of them nowadays.


01 I’m a student. | go to high school in Bilbao.

The last place | went on holiday was Venice,in Italy. Myfavourite foodis fish, with salad and fresh bread.

Page 101

I’m feeling very well today. My favourite films are usually funny ones because | like to



| really enjoyed my summer holiday last year. | went to Barcelona with myfamily. | didn’t think | would enjoy it be-

cause we usually havea villa by the sea somewhere. We stayed in a huge hotel which was really nice. The room had a great view of the city and a big swimming pool. | was surprised by how much | enjoyed sightseeing and | tried lots of

lovely Spanish food. In the evening, we had lots of fun, too. | really enjoyed everything about the holiday.

When you are on holiday you have time to relax and be with

people that you can have fun with. It might be your family or it could be friends. You can go swimming and play beach games, or do water sports. This can be a good opportunity to

learn a new sportor activity. Also, you can try different food and drinks. Especially if you go to another country because there will be lots of food that you may not have seen before, or even heard of. You might wantto go sightseeingor visit famous places or museums or art galleries. Sometimes there

02 | have been learningto play the guitar for the last three years so 1am quite good now.|’d like to learn howto play the piano in the future.

03 Hi Andrew,

Thefirst time | heard live music was when | went to see a band called The Script in concert. It was really exciting as there were so many people there and everyone was singing and dancing. | know the words to all of their songs, so | was

singing, too.

are very old and beautiful buildings to explore. You can have a long walk in a beautiful area in the countryside, through a forest or by the sea.


Aptis for Teens option

Today I’m going to talk about what makes the perfect family holiday. First of all, you need to think about where you’re going to stay. There’s a wide choice of accommodation on

offer. If you are with your family or a lot of people, then villa is a good choice. Many people like to stay in a hotel where everything you need is available. As a contrast to this, some people like to go campingand live in a tent because this

makes them feel closer to nature.

You also need to decide whattime of year you’re going away. Now,if you want a beach holiday then obviously you need to

Hi John,

| like lots of different kinds of music but | guess my favourite is pop songs; especially love songs. | like Lady Gaga and Madonna. | also like to listen to songs that | can learn new English words from.

Hi Sharon, Yes | do have a quite large music collection. Unlike my friends |

still buy CDs because| like to look at the words to the songs and the photos that come with them. | quite often listen to

songs online before | buy a CD though. Audio streaming is fun

but sometimesthe internet connection is not very good.

go in the summer but you mightalso be interested in a skiing


Succeed in APTIS

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks

Page 35



Page 102

Hi Susan,

Guess what, | got an email from my music club and we have been invited to London tosee that group that

we weregoing to see together.It’s one oftheir practice sessions, not an actual concert but| betit will be great. |

I’m definitely going to go if they manageto arrange trip.

Speak to you soon, George


There are five people in my family, my parents my twosisters and me. Weall live together in a house quite close to here. On mybirthday, | usually have a party with all my friends. If it is a weekend we might go somewhere on day trip butif it is a school day wejust get together at my house. My hometown is very beautiful. It has a few old buildings but

most of them are quite modern. We have a park and a lot of interesting shops, cafes and restaurants.

02 Dear secretary,

Thank you for the email. | would love to go and see the band do a practice session in London. | knowit’s not the same as seeing them in concert but | think it would be even better as there would only be a few of us and we would probably get the chance to meet them. That would be amazing! | doubt if many people get such a good opportunity. Please put my name on the list of people that would like to go. Do you know how muchthe minibus will cost and how can wepayfor it? Which day will we go on and whattime will

wehaveto leave? I’m really excited about this trip. See you at the next meeting. Best wishes, George Anderson

In this picture | can see five people on the top of a bus. They are all in their early twenties and | think they must be a group

offriends on holiday. They are probably on a tour bus seeing all the famous sights. The girl in the front is holding a map. It is a hot summer day as they are wearing summer clothes and sunglasses. As theyare all smiling | think they must be having a good time.

| once went on tour of London, on top of a big red London bus. The tour was really interesting as you could listen to a

recording that gave you lots of information about the places

that we could see from the bus. | especially liked it when we

could see the river Thames and we wentover some ofthe famous bridges. | think my favourite building was the Tower of

London. It looked very old. | also liked the Palace of Westminster; it’s a very impressive building.

| think if you do not know place very well it is better to go on an organisedtour.First of all, you get to see all the famous

places so that you don’t miss anything important. As well as that, you won’tgetlost and it isn’t as tiring as trying to go ev-


Aptis for Teens option

All children should be taught about music and how to learn a musical instrument.

| believe that having the opportunity to learn about music and

how to play a musical instrument is wonderful. Music is like a language that everyone from all over the world can under-

stand and that is whyit is so important, as well as popular. When a child learns about music they learn how music can help someone to communicate.

Through music people send a message to the world and they can talk about their feelings. Sometimes people find this hard to do byjust talking to someone but music makesit easier. Another thing that music can offer to children is a chance to

be creative in a fun way. They can achieve somethingby learning an instrument. This is important, especially for children

who find it difficult to pass exams at school, or children who maybe shy and so don’t have manyfriends. Music brings

people together, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Another thing that children can gain from learning music is they can be taughtdifferent types of music that they may not have ever had the chanceto hear of. They can learn about classical music, opera, jazz, blues, folk, rock, pop and also more modern music, such as rap, house or R&B. From this

they also learn about history and aboutdifferent cultures. To sum up, | would argue that music is very valuable to young People. It should be taughttoall children to show them a world that is different to that of their other school subject.

erywhere on your own. Also you can ask questions about the things that you see which is very interesting.

03 | think in the first picture we can see different types of food that you might eat for breakfast, so | think this might be in a hotel. There is a lot of food to choose from. The second picture seems to show whatlookslike fried chicken, so this must be in a restaurant or a fast food place. | believe that the healthier food is in the first picture because the foodis not fried. There is fresh fruit and juice and breakfast cereal. The

bread isn’t very healthy so you shouldn’t eat too much ofit. Although chicken is generally a healthy food, this chicken has been fried soit is not really a healthy option. Page 103

04 A few weeksago | had the perfect day out with myfriends. We

wentto the beach in the morning becauseit was a very hot day.

Weswam in the sea and played beach volleyball, which was great fun. Then we had a picnic on the beach. In the afternoon, wewentto the cinema to see a funnyfilm and we ended the day by having pizza and a drink. The whole day was fun. The best thing about spending time with your friends is that you can relax and forget all your problems. Sometimes it’s nice to go somewhere and explore a new place. Some other times you might choose to stay in your hometown and go for a walk or have a drink in a cafe. If the weather is goodit can be fun to play a sportbut if it’s raining it’s nice to go indoors, like a cinema. Other times you might decide to stay at home and listen to music or play interactive online games with your

friends and have a chat.

Succeed in APTIS

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks


Hello Jasmine,

Aptis for Teens option

Today I’m going to talk about food and drink. This is a subject that we don’t think about much butit is very important to every-

one as the foodthat weeathas a big effect on us and our body.

First ofall, it’s important to eat the right kind of food in order to stay fit and healthy. We should all eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables instead of junk food and fast food. This food should be eaten regularly during the day,so it is good to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. This way you don’t feel hungry or


The second thing that | believe is important is that everyone should learn how to cook. You don’t have to be as good as a professional chef but you should be able to make yourself a basic meal. | believe that all parents should teach their chil-

dren this.

Having a dinner party in your housefor friends and family is a good way to show everyone what a great cook you are and it’s lots of fun. This works really well if it is a special occasion, like a party. Of course, you might wantto go to a restaurant

I’ve never been on an exchangetrip but now that I’m better at |

speaking the language | would like to, because it would be a

good opportunity to improve lot. Also, | think | would make some new friends. Page 51

04 Hi Daniel,

| think | might go to the social event from my language course. It would be nice to see everyone in my class away from college and they usually go to see a film. After the film they are planning to go for a drink so | will get the chanceto talk to

thatgirl that| like.

Speak to you soon, Bobby

or have a barbecue tocelebrate.

Finally, we should all think carefully about where we buy our

Hello Mr Jones,

street market. You can buy from small businesses to support

Thank you for your email. | would really like to go to the social event that you are organising. | like going to the cinema very

food. It’s a good thing to buy locally, if you can, or from a

them instead of getting everything from a large supermarket. To sum up, we should understand that food is what keeps us alive and if we eat the wrong food regularly we will be very unhealthy and may even getseriously ill.


muchand it will be interesting to see how much | can understand if the film is in English without subtitles. I’ve never tried

to do that before. As well as thatit will be really nice to go out for a drink with the rest of my classmatesafter the film and talk about what we have seen. We don’t get the chance to have a chat during the lessons because weareall working so hard. Please put my name on thelist of interested students. See youin class on Friday, Bobby

Page 50 01


| | | |

Everyone should learn a second language.

work as a receptionist in a hotel. prefer to spend time with friends so that we can havea chat. speak two languages; French and English. only like studyingif it is a subject | enjoy.

02 | believe it is very important to learn another language as it will help you get a better job and makeit easier for you if you travel abroad.

03 Hi Tina, | do feel a little bit shy but then | remember that we are

all learning another language, so we are all in the same

situation. Sometimes| say sorry when | know | have made a mistake but everyone is very friendly, anyway. Hi Leo, yes it was a great lesson. | liked it when we workedin pairs

and had to pretend we were complaining about something. That was very funny.

Aptis for Teens option

| believe that everyone should learn a second languageif they

have the opportunity. There are many reasons why| believe

this is true and | will try to explain why| think so.

First of all, we live in a world that is becoming smaller, ina way, as modern transport has made travel easy and the internet means that we can communicate easily with people in

countries all over the world. As English is the main language used on the internet, more and more people arelearning it. Secondly,if you can speak more than one language you are able to study or work abroad. If you do this your language skills will improve greatly and you will become part of the

local community more quickly and makelots of new friends.

Even if you don’tlive in a foreign country you will get a better job if you speak more than one languageas you will be able to talk to people on the phone or on an app like Skype or WhatsApp about workprojects. Finally, when you learn another country’s language you naturally start to learn about and understand that countryand its people, customs and culture. This is very important because then you stop just understanding the environment that you grew up in. You will have morelife experiences and you'll be better at coping in different situations. In conclusion, | would say that learning a second language has

onlypositive effects on a person’slife and therefore everyone

should try to do it.

Succeed in APTIS


SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks cost, as some leisure activities, such as going to the theatre or

to a concert, can be very expensive. Also we mustn’t forget

how weare going to get to the place and return home again.

01 When | getthe time to relax | like to read a book or listen to music. Sometimes | chat to my friends on social media or | play games on my smart phone.

Can we use public transport, or even better is it in walking distance? Finally, | would like to say that having leisure time is very important because if you work all the time and you don’t

My godmother is very important because she has been there for me all mylife. She has always talked to me about all my decisions and she always gives very good advice to everyone.

you won’t get the chance to be sociable and have fun with

get a chance to relax, you will be very tired and unhappy and other people.

| love her very much.

Test 4

If it is a special occasion, | usually go out to a restaurant with myfamily or friends. Then we eat good food and chat to each other and we generally have a great time.




There are two men and two women. Theyareall running on running machines and they’re wearing special sports clothes and trainers. It looks like they are running quite fast. They are also looking at the view out of the window in front of them. Myfavourite type of exercise is swimming, especially in the summer when | can swim in the sea. | enjoy swimming with

| live about a twenty-minute walk from here. Last weekend | wentto Seville for three days with my family. | like to play football and | enjoy watching rugby. | exercise nearly every day.

In this picture | can see four people working out in a gym.

Page 66

Weusually go to our favourite cafe.

friends most, because then it is more fun.


I think everyone should exercise if they are physically able to, because it keeps you strong and healthy.It also helps you to

I’m hoping to getfitter and stronger nowthat I’ve joined the sports club. | also hope that| will feel less stressed and make

relax and deal with stress. It doesn’t matter what age you are;

exercise is good for you but you shouldn’t do anything that might injure your body.

03 In the first picture | can see a sandy beach with hotels near it. It is quite busy with people sunbathing and swimmingin the sea. It looks like there are lots of couples and families, so it will be in a popular holiday resort somewhere. Maybeitis in the Mediterranean. In the second picture there are two people, a couple in a swimming pool. This must be either a private pool, or in a very expensive hotel. It seems like a very peaceful place compared to the first picture. | think the second place would be much morerelaxing as there aren’t many people there and it seems very quiet.

some newfriends.

03 Hi Julie,

it’s nice to meetyou. | like most typesof exercise, especially in , the gym. I’m not keen on running though, especially outside. | also love swimming.

Hello Toby,

| enjoy team sports most. | prefer football, because all the players in a team work together to achieve something and it’s much morefun. | do enjoy working out at the gym on my

own, however.

Page 105


Hi Keith,

Beth Hart. She also had a band of four musicians with her.It

| think all sport can potentially be dangerous if you aren’t careful. Accidents can happen at anytime. Luckily, I’ve never

| went to a concert last week. It was an American singer called

was in a big concert hall but we werein the front row so we

had the best view. It was very memorable because the music

been injured.

was fantastic. Also, the lights on the stage werebrilliant and

there was an amazing atmosphere. | think people prefer to go to a live performancerather than listen to music at home becauselive music is much more exciting. You never know what is going to happen and sometimes you even get to meet the musicians.


Aptis for Teens option

Today I’m going to talk about making the mostof your leisure time. Thereare different ways to have fun. You might have a hobby, which you do by yourself, or you might prefer to spend your time with your friends or family. If you are doing something with other people it is important that everyone enjoys the activity. There are many different things you can do in

your leisure time. As | mentioned, you might enjoy a hobby like painting, gardening or cooking. If you are with friends or family you are morelikely to do something moresocial, like going to the cinema, or out shopping or out for a meal or a drink. Sometimes we have to think about how much things

Page 67

04 Hi Jim,

Mysports club is having a bring-and-buy-sale. | think it’s a brilliant idea because people can sell equipment that they no longer need or want and maybethey can buy some different things. | know you are trying to exercise more so would you like to come to the sale with me? Andy

Succeed in APTIS Dear secretary,

Thank you for the email. | will definitely be coming to the

bring-and-buy-sale as | am looking for some more sports equipmentthat | can use at home. Everything is so expensive

in the shops or online,if it is new.

Do you think there will be some weights that | can buy as | am trying to make my arms stronger at the moment? | have an

exercise mat that | don’t need so | am happyto bring that to

the sale, if someone would like to buy it.

Also | think my brother has a pair of boxing gloves that he

doesn’t use anymore. Do you think they would sell? If you

need anyhelp to organise the sale | am also happy to help on the day. Best wishes

Andy Marks

04 Aptis for Teens option Sport and exercise can be beneficial for everyone. It is often said that sport and exercise can benefit everyone, no matter how old you are or how healthy you are and | agree with this opinion. Firstly, no one would argue with the fact that being activeis

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks 03

The first picture seems to show people at the theatre because you can just about see the actors on the stage. Usually it is quite expensive to goto the theatre so these people might be

older or earn plenty of money. The second picture lookslike it is in a cinema and most people can afford to go to the cinema so it is popular with all ages. On the other hand, people also

watch films at home, which in general is much cheaper.

Page 107


| once saw a big street protest in London. The people were

protesting about climate change and global warming. There were thousands of people in the streets. They had banners and were shouting things. There werealso lot of police trying to control them. It was quite peaceful, generally, but a few people werefighting with the police. | felt a little bit worried when | saw the fighting but | did think the protest was worth

doing because wearepractically killing our planet at the moment. | think people feel that they need to protest, so that governments act and improvethings. Often ordinary people believe that governmentsare notlistening to them. Sometimesit is necessary to say whatyou think in public if there is a serious problem thatis not being dealt with.


Aptis for Teens option

good for you. Weall need exercise of some kind to keep our body healthy. However, it isn’t only our physical health that is improved with exercise; our mental health benefits from any

Today I’m going to talk about the importance of beingactive.

suffer from depression or stress are much happier after taking

Of course weall knowthat if you do exercise or sports of some kind you will probably be healthier, fitter and stronger. It can stop you from putting on weight which is very important,

physical activities, too. It has been shown that people who

exercise or doing a sport. This is because when you are active chemicals go around your body that put you in a better mood. Of course, as you get older you might have to change the sports that you play or the exercise you do. It is in fact more important to be active as you getolder to prevent illness in

First of all let’s look at some of the reasons why people need to be active.

too. Exercise is also good for your head. It makes you feel less stress and less worried about your life.

old age. These days there are clubs and trainers that help people of every age to keep fit or to recover from illness or injury.

If you play a sport or do an activity with other people it can be lots of fun, too. You might go for a walk with your family, or

beneficial if you choosethe right kind of activity for you and you are sensible.

take lessons and learn a newsport, such as tennis.

To sum up, we can say that, without doubt, exercise is always


01 | meet my friends most weekends when I’m free. | think I’d like to live abroad and experiencea differentlife. | like going to Barcelona becausethere’slots to do there.


In this picture, | can see four people reading booksin library. I think they must be students doing research. Maybe they’re

part of a study group, so they share the work between them to makeit easier. They all seem to be reading their books carefully and they aren’t talking to each other. From their age | think they must be college or university students.

| like to read books aboutreal life stories. | mean stories about people that really existed, such as famous inventors, or other people that have done somethingspecial. | think it is impor-

tant to read good books because you always learn something

new,or you mightjust find a book has a goodstory that enter-

tains you. | don’t think it matters if you read a printed book that you hold in your hands,or if you read an e-book ona tablet or computer.

have a game of basketball with your friends. Maybe you could

It’s important to organise yourself and find the time to be active. The easiest wayis to join a gym wheretheywill help you do your newactivities. You could even pay a personal trainer

to teach you howtogetfit and plan everything for you. You

might join a class to do yoga or even learn howto dance. You

just need to choose something that you will enjoy so that you don’t give up later on, when you start feeling bored or tired. Finally we should just mention what you should avoid doing. First ofall, we all spend too much time in front of a computer

or TV screen. Don’t become a couch potato! Try to limit how

muchtime you spend doing this without at least standing up and walking around for five minutes. Lastofall, don’t sleep too much, becausethis will actually make you have less energy in the end.

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks

Succeed in APTIS

Test 5

Dear secretary,


Thank you for the email. | would definitely like to go to the theatre trip to London to see ‘Summer in The City’. | read a re-

Page 82

view on the internet about it and it is supposed to be really exciting show with lotsof brilliant dancing and singing. | went to see ‘Mama Mia’ last year and | think it might be quite similar to that, but in a different location. That was a wonderful musical. It has some quite famous actors in it too, doesn’t it? |

01 In my free time | like to play basketball and read magazines about sport. My favourite subject is drama because | want to be an actor in the future. My bestfriend is Paul who lives next door to me.

Do you know how much the tickets are yet? And also how much the coach will be? | look forward to seeing you at the next theatre group meeting. Wecan discuss it then.

Next weekend | am going to myfriend’s birthday party.

On a weekday| go to college until about four and then | relax at home in the evening.

Best wishes, Janet

02 04

| would like to act in a play because| think the world ofthe-

in real life.


Hi Belinda,

there is no doubtthat it is important.

yes, | love painting and sculpture, too, and all different kinds

of music. | particularly like modern art, especially Picasso and Monet. | went to a classical concert last month and | thought |

it was amazing. | couldn’t stop watching the musicians and the conductor.

First ofall, let us think about when we wantto be entertained. Most of us workhard, either as children at school,

young people at college or university, or adults at work. During our working hours we haveto think carefully about what weare doing. This can be tiring and stressful. At the end of the working day we need something to help us to relax. It is actually important for our health that we do this no matter what our ageis.

Hi Tracy,

| have been a member of a gym for the last three years although I’m not sure that’s really a club. I’d like to join a cookery club

but | can’t find anything in this area. Do you knowofone that |

you could recommend?

In our modern world entertainment has changed quite lot.

The moretraditional ways of entertainment were theatre,

music and then cinema and TV. These days the internet has made a big difference to how wehavefun and how wespend our free time. Young people, in particular, love to spend hours online and playing games on the computer and their smart

Hi Keith,

phone,but a surprising number of older people do, too.

yes | do like getting involved in group activities which is why |

joined this drama club. On the other hand, | also enjoy doing | things on my owntoo,like painting and listening to music. |


Page 83

of all people.

Entertainment has been around forever in one way or another so this suggests thatit is something that we all need from time to time. Of course there are manydifferent types of entertainment and different people enjoy different things but


What about you?

Aptis for Teens option

Entertainmentplays an important role in the happiness

atre is magical since it allows you to forgetall your problems

To conclude, wecan say thatit doesn’t really matter what you do in your leisure time; whichever type of entertainment makes you feel good is valuable and important and we should

alwaysfind time to stop work for a while and have some fun.




Hi Sandra

Social media is very important to me as | talk to my friends and family on it almost every day. | work in a busy restaurant as a chef. It’s hard work but | enjoy it because it is a challenge.

Did you knowthat| joined a theatre group this year?

It’s great fun. Anyway, they are arranging trip to a theatre

in London to see a musical called, ‘Summer in the City’.

I’ve always loved reading, especially adventurestories.

| think | will probably go as I’m not on holiday that week and it should be fun.


Hope you are well,

years old. They are probably at home in their living room. They seem to be having fun as they are laughing. It lookslike


In this picture, | can see a family playing a board game. | think it must be a father, a mother and their son who is about seven

theylive in a nice, modern house and | can see some plants

behind them as well as a bookcase. When | am home with my family we enjoy playing board

games and sometimes weplay cards. If | am on my own play


Succeed in APTIS games on my computer or on mytablet and | listen to music. | think it is very important for families to spend time together,

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks

especially when children are younger, as they learn a lot from their parents even when they play games together. Also it


that they might be worried aboutor to makeplans for things to do in the future.


gives families a chanceto talk to each other about anything

03 In the first picture we can see a woman working on her own at a computer. People who don’t workas part of a team are usually independent and maybethey are self-employed be-

Test 6

Page 97

| live in a small village about ten miles from here. | go to the gym three times a week. | like to collect postcards from all over the world.


| usually spend about an hour a day surfing the net. | My favourite food is curry and | like pizza, too. 4

cause they don’t like having a boss. In the second picture we

can see three people working together. They are discussing something at a desk or table. They all look quite serious, so maybetheyare trying to work out how to do something, or make an important decision. People who like to work with

other people usually enjoy having workmates and mightfeel

lonely if they ever have to work on their own. | believeit is more enjoyable to work with other people as you can share your ideas and also talk to them if you have a problem. Also your workmates may become your friends. Page 109


| have never been to circus as | don’t like the way that they use animals but | have been to London Zoo. It is a very big zoo and there are manydifferent species of animals there. Some

of them are small but they also have animals,like elephants and giraffes, which are huge. At the zoo theytry to breed animals that are in danger and they do a lot of research to protect animals from all over the world. | enjoyed looking at

some of the more unusual animals and the monkeys werereally funny.It’s actually an educational experience because they give you lots of information. | think people like to go to zoos to see animals that they wouldn’t usually be able to see. A circus offers very unusual types of entertainment that people have to be very talented to do,so the circus is the only place that you can goto see this kind of thing.

02 | think teenagers don’t make healthy food choices because fast food is very cheap and the restaurants are modern and attractive to teenagers. ‘| 03 Hi David, | think the best meal | ever had was on a Greek island, at Easter. We had lamb,roast potatoes and vegetables. It was

delicious and there was a lovely view of the sea from the restaurant.

Hello Pavlos, when | was about seven years old my mother showed me how to make pizza. | remember that | put about seven different toppings on it because | couldn’t decide what | wanted!

Hi Tina, | once had fish soup in a restaurantbut| didn’tlike it be-


Aptis for Teens option

cause the seafood in it was difficult to eat. It tasted strange too, and | didn’t feel very well after.

Today I’m going to talk about the best waysto learn. There are of course many different ways that people can learn things and over the years teaching and learning methods have changed.

Page 98

Moretraditional ways of learning are usually in a classroom


with a teacher or lecturer at a school, college or university. Books have always been used with the teacher explaining ev-

erything. These days the internet is used a lot more. Students can study at home on their own and do research indepen-

Hi Anna,

| am a member of a food club in our town and they are

arranging a trip to a TV studio to see a programme being

dently without a teacher. Some courses are offered completely online. You can even do a whole degree at home,using just your computer. Some parents chooseto teach their children at home and the internetis valuable in this situation.

made with a celebrity chef called Robby Brown. He is one of myfavourite chefs so I’m very excited. After the studio, weare going to have a meal in a famous restaurant. | think

Another wayoflearning is outside the classroom. People can

Hopeto see you soon,

go to museums,galleries or historic buildings and learn about manydifferent things. This makes learning moreinteresting, as studentscan look at actual objects rather than just read about them or just look at pictures in a school book. Finally, it has to be said that in order to learn something the

lesson should beinteresting and fun so that the studentreally

wantsto learn. It is a fact that we remember thingsbetter if

weare really interested in the subject.

it will probably be rather expensive, but never mind.


Succeed in APTIS Dear secretary,

Thank you for the email. | would like to go on the trip to the

TV studio very much. Robby Brown is my favourite celebrity chef and | haveall his books. | love the way he makes everything so easy to understand but the food always looks won-

derful. | also think he is an ordinary person in that he doesn’t think he’s better than other people even thoughhe is so famous. Also,it will be exciting to go to a famous restaurant. Which one will we go to? Or is it a surprise? | guessit will be very expensive but then weall need to have a treat every now and then, don’t we? Do you know how much the whole trip will cost yet? Will we payfor the food at the restaurant when we are there, or before we go? See you at the next meeting! Best wishes, John

SAMPLE ANSWERSfor Writing & Speaking tasks These days zoos are very different to how they used to be. Nowtheir main job is to protect endangered species and to

do research to help animals thatlive in the wild to survive better. When people pay to go to a zootheyare helping to provide moneyfor all the important work that zoos do. Without a doubt, zoos have stopped some animals from becoming extinct. Page 111


In the first picture | can see a woman taking photographs in a forest. She has a good camera so she mightbe a professional photographer. Maybe she works for a magazine or for a company that makes adverts. She could even be doing research of some kind. On the other hand, photography might be one of her hobbies. | think the sort of person who likes taking pho-

tographs has to enjoy being on their own and they have to be patient to get the best shots. In the second picture a woman is rock climbing. She is using


Aptis for Teens option

Learning to cook is an important life skill.

One ofthe basic things that we need tolive is food and drink.

Therefore, learning to cook is necessary for everyone. How-

ever, you would be surprised to see how manypeople don’t think this is true and never cook themselves a meal. Let’s look at the advantages of being able to cook.First ofall, you can’t always expect that someone will be there to cook a

meal for you. Of course when weare young our parents do

the cooking at home butit is important that they teach their children to be able to feed themselveseven if it is a very basic meal. People may argue that everyone can just use a mi-

crowave but this is not going to be fresh and healthy food, so you shouldn’t eat microwave food often. Another argument might be that wecan all live off takeaways or restaurant food. This is not only very expensive, but again it may not be good quality food. Finally, there is another important reason why everyone should learn to cook. It is what wecall a valuable social skill.

That means that you can cook for other people, have a dinner

party or treat someone to a home-cooked meal on special occasion, like their birthday. It is a good way to show that you like and care about people.

To sum up, we can see that learning to cook is not only impor-

tant but even necessaryif you are to improve the quality of your life.



| enjoy going for long walks, reading a book and playing games on my smart phone. | will probably go on a camping holiday with my family. | don’t eat breakfast but | usually have a sandwich for lunch and a big meal in the evening. 02

In this picture | can see a large white tiger in a zoo. There are people looking at it through a big glass window. One woman is taking photographs ofit. There is also a group of schoolchil-

dren who are probably on a school trip to the zoo. The tiger looks depressed as it has its head down. It’s a very unnatural environmentfor a tiger to be in.

| once saw a group ofdolphinsin the sea near an island. Although dolphins aren’t unusual animals it was still a big surprise to see

them and | felt like | was watching something magical. They seemedto be playing and they were very beautiful.

special equipment, including a helmet to protect her head. It looksquite difficult. You need to be physically strong and also quite brave to do an activity like this. Rock climbing would definitely be the mostdifficult of the activities to do and many people would notbe able to do it at all because they wouldn’t be fit enough.


When | wasin mylast year at school | had to take three exams

called A Levels. | needed to pass these exams so that | could go to university.| felt very nervous before | took them because they were so important. Luckily, | managed to pass them all and | went to the university that | had chosen for my first choice. | was so happy when | got the results. Exams are a good waytotest one’s knowledgebutit also depends on the subject. For example, a music exam would probably mean that you would need to play an instrument well

and an art exam would mean that you need to produce a piece of art. Sometimes you don’t need to write anything in an exam because the examiner just asks you questions.


Aptis for Teens option

Today | am going to talk about saving the environment. As we

all know the environmentis in danger as people are slowly damaging it and even destroyingit so there is no doubt that

things need to change.

Firstly, we should think about whythis is so important. When wepollute the air, land and sea weare putting our health in danger. Also we are endangering animals and plants. Bad weather caused by global warming destroys the food that we eat and the places that welive in, as floods and fires happen all over the world. Also the rubbish that we leave everywhere causes problems to the natural world; especially things such as plastic which are not biodegradable.

So what can wedo to improvethisterrible situation? Of course every one ofus can try not to waste food and energy. We can recycle glass, paper, metal and food. We can also plant more trees to keep the air that we breathe cleaner and try not to use

cars often. If we buy a new car it should be an electric one that does not cause exhaust fumesto go into the air.

Finally, the most important question is: who is responsible for

protecting our planet? The simple answer is that everyone is responsible. Governments need to pass new lawsto protect

the environment and spend more moneyhelping businesses to do this. Then every person in the world has to do what they can to make things better. We only have one planetso let’s look after it.


Succeed in APTIS

TEST 1 This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the

question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. M: Hi! It’s Johnhere. I left my coat at your houselast night. It’s a long raincoat with a red hood at the top. The coat also has a green belt andit’s dark blue, almost lookslike black in the dark. When you next come to my house, please can you bringit? 1. F: Let’s go to the shopping centre today. Everything at the shoe shopisfifty percentoff. There’s a pair of shoes I want to get which normally costs eighty pounds. I will be very happy to buy them for

half. John also told meto havea look for a belt and a tie for Sue's

weddingbut he doesn't wantto spend more than 30 pounds.

2. M: Mydoctor told me to do more exercise because I need to lose weight. I went to the gym yesterday for about an hour and run 6 miles but I prefer to be outside. This morning I wentto the park and ran five miles. I felt great afterwards even if] ran a mile less. I was thinking of runningat least 4 kilometres a day andif I can, some more, depending onthe day. 3. F: Hi Jane. Are you free on Saturday night? I have two free tickets to see any film at the local cinema, the one opposite the shopping centre. I want to see the latest horror film which is on at seven o’clock. Do you want to come with me? Ifso, call me back soon. Maybe we'll get somethingto eat too. 4. M: Whenyougetto the traffic lights, turn right and then go straight on until you getto the supermarket. Turn left here and continue downthe road wherethe busstation is, for about half a mile. When youget to the butcher’s shop, you will see the post office across the road. 5. F: The police stopped me the other day while I was driving through town.I thought I had gonethrougha redlight, but I was wrong. Then I wonderedif the problem wasthat I stopped by the chemist's in a no-parking zone. Anyway, I smiled and gave the policeman mydriving licence buthestill gave me a ticket for speeding. 6. M: Good evening. Please can I reserve a table for four people this evening? If possible, can we have a table by the window andnot next to the kitchen? Oh andlast time we were seated by the door which wasalso inconvenient. If that's too muchto ask,

then dining on the 1*floor will have to do. We will arrive at the restaurant at seven o’clock. 7. F: Are you ready for a holiday? We havecruise ships leaving Southampton once a week and once every two weeks to Greece and America respectively. To get the bestprice, call us today and get a ten percent discount. Offer is limited for today's bookings andis valid for the month of June. 8. M: Thereis a large car park with five floors in the middle of the city next to the shoppingcentrebutit costs 10 poundsper hour. Thetrain station car park is more affordable therefore also an option but if you go behind the old theatre, you can park for free. 9. F: Please can I have yourattention ladies and gentlemen? As the store is full of customers today, the shop will be closing an hourlater and notat five thirty as shownonthe signs. Still, we would like to ask you to proceed to the checkout counters at about 6 so that there won't be further delays. The shop’s coffee shop will close as normalat five o’clock.

10. M: Hello. I saw your advertisementin the local newspaper. I am looking to renta flat in the city centre, starting next month. Please can youcall me to let me know whatflats are available? Mynameis Jim and my numberis 0544 45584. If you can't reach mefor any reason, try my father at 0544

48554. His name is Sam. Thank you.

11. F: Oh, the waiter is coming overto our table. Have you decided what you wouldlike to have? Maybea fruit juice afterall this walking? M: I wasthinking of having a hot chocolate with some cream. F: That soundsdelicious. I’m going to havea latte coffee with a slice of cake. M: I think I changed my mind. I’m also going to have some chocolate cake but instead of hot chocolate, I’I] have a pot of tea. Too manycalories, otherwise.

12. M: Wehaveto go overto the entrance overthere. Are you going to come around with me? F: The museumisreally big so I think there will be areas you won’t want to see with me. M: I would like to see the old cars and factory engines. F: I find those things quite boring. You go and look at them and I'lgo and lookat the old clothes. M: Great idea! Let’s meet back here in an hourto go see the paintings together. F: Greatidea! 13. F: Hello. Can I help you? M: Yes. I want to buy gift for my brother. It’s his birthday next week. I was thinking of maybe film or a computer game. I knowthey're on sale at ten poundsfifty. F: Do you know what game console he has? M: Oh. No, I don’t. Maybe a film on DVD would bebetter,

then. How muchis this film? F: That’s twelve poundsfifty. And I can wrapit up fora gift for only an extra pound. M: No,thanks. There's no need. Here you are. 14. M: Hi! Welcometo the Westchester Riding School. Are you here to join one of our classes?

F: Yes, I am. Last week I camehere with a friend who wanted to

learn how to ride a horse and I was told I could come and sign up wheneverI wanted. M: Certainly. We havethree classes today fordifferent levels. Have you ridden a horse before? F: It's been at least three yearssince I gotto try for thefirst time while I wason holiday. M: Ok. No problem. This week we've had many new people that have only ridden a horse once or twice a year or more ago. Don't worry aboutit. The beginners’ class will be ideal for you.

15. M: Thank you for coming to this historic park. The park has been open to the public for one hundred years. Fora longtime, horse showstook place followed by a running race once every six months. But without a doubt whatthe park is most famous for is its annual music festival. Of course, every year more and more people find themselves spending a considerable amount of time here walking and enjoying the lovely surroundings. 16. F: Hello. Last week I showed you how to makethe best grilled chicken with potatoes. Later on, in the programmeI will show you how to make a delicious strawberry cakebutfirst let’s look at the proper ways to makebiscuits and jams. 17. M: Are you ready to go downto theriver? I’m looking forward to taking somenice photosofthe birds. F: Yes. Did you rememberto bring your new camera with you? M: Yes. It has a very powerful lens that can take photos of objects very far away.


Succeed in APTIS F: Mineis not as goodbutif the birds are close, it will still take very good photos. M: If I get some good photos, I will have them printed and send them to you.

18. F: Hello. I would like to buy a new smartphoneplease. It's not that I'm notsatisfied with whatI currently own but I would certainly like an update. M: Sure. We havelots of different models at very different prices. What functions do you want? F: I would like it to have a good cameraanda lot of storage space for my photos and my musicfiles. This is something I'm used to and I wouldn't like to sacrifice the convenienceofit. M: That’s not a problem. We haveonehere whichhas everything you wantin a very compact design.It costs six hundred pounds.

F: Wow! I didn’t expectthat. I thoughtit was going to be much cheaper. I think I will wait until next year. 19. M: Quick! Hurry up. Thetouris leaving in five minutes. If we miss this one, wewill have to wait thirty minutes until the next one or rent a bike to get around. F: Don’t panic! Weare here now. Don’t forget to show the tickets to the driver. Let’s go upstairs so we can get a better view. I'm so glad we're done with walking. I couldn't stand the idea of going onlike that. M: Please can you pick up twopairs of headphones sothat we can listen to the commentary? F: Ok. I think you can choose betweensix different languages. M: Yes, you can. You just need to plug in the headphones and turn the switch to the language you want. 20. M: Hi Andrew.It’s going to be a lovely weekend with high temperatures, so I want to do some workin the garden. Thegrass seeds I've planted wentreally well and the grassis now at least 10 centimetrestall. Please can ] borrow your lawn mowerso I can cutit? If I can’t, I will plant some flowers instead. The bushes need some worktoo but Annasaid she'll deal with it because she wants them to have a nice oval shape. 21. F: I can hear the ice-cream van coming downthestreet. Wouldyoulike to have an ice-cream? M: Oh,yesplease. I would love one. Do they have the orange-flavouredice lollies? F: I don’t think so. Thelast time they only had the lemon ones. Would youlike anything else in case they don't have any? M: Ok,then, can you get me a chocolate and strawberry one with chocolate sauce?

F: And chocolate sauce on chocolate ice cream? Ok, I hope they

do have some chocolate sauce as I'm not sure I have ever seen any in the front. I’ll be back in a minute.

22. M: Hi Frank.Alltrains into the city were cancelled because of a power cut. Everyone ran to the busstop to try and get a bus but they were simply not enoughforall the passengers. I was lucky to get one but now I’m stuckonit in a traffic jam so I’m going to belate. Sorry. 23. F: Good morning sir. How can I help you today? M: Hello. Please can I withdraw some money from my account? F: Sure. How much would youlike? M: Pleasecan I have one hundred pounds, but can I haveit as four twenty-pound notes and two ten-pound notes? Last time I got four ten-poundnotes and three twenty-poundnotesandit wasn't very convenient. F: Of course. Please can you sign here? Thank you very much. 24. M: Hey Michelle. Are you and your boyfriend coming out with us on Friday night? F: We'd love to. You know how much weenjoy being with you guys. What are the plans?

M: Wearethinking of going to the cinema and then have dinnerat that new Greek restaurant.

F: We havealready bookedtickets for tonight to watch this new adventure movie, so we won’t wantto go again on Friday. But wecanstill meet you at the restaurant, though. M: Sure. That will be fine. We havethe table reserved for nine o’clock. 25. F: Wasthat a window smashing? I came downas soon as I could. I was on the phone with Sarah. M: Yes, it was. I was watching a football matchonthetelly

when suddenly a football comes flying through the window. F: Are youserious? When did all this happen? I was just away for a minute. M: You know howtheneighbours' children are. Always looking for trouble. When I turned around, I saw them run away. F: Well, you will have to go next doorandtell their parents. Theyneedto pay for a new window! Oratleast call to let them know what happened. APTISfor Teens- Final Task M: I’m soexcited aboutthis trip but I’m slightly nervous too. F: You deservethat break after all your hard work. (1) Just make the mostofit. You’ll havegreat fun meeting new friends and there will be so manyactivities to try. Just jumprightin there andgo forit! M: I will do. I’m really looking forward to trying water sports androck climbing andthe night-time hikestoo. F: Well, I assumethat’s with a guidesoit’s safe? M: Don’t worry Mum.They’Il look after us and Ill phone home when I can. F: I’m notreally worried and you shouldn't worry about phoning, we’ll soonbetoldif there is a problem. (2) Make sure you get somerest though andeatproperly or you’ll make yourself ill.

TEST 2 This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings.

You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the

question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the

test to copy your answersonto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example. 0. F: Hello. It’s mum. Please can you go to the shop on your way homeand get me somechocolate? I don’t like the chocolate with raisins, but I do like the one with nuts. Please make sure it’s not dark or white chocolate, I can only eat milk chocolate. 1. F: Are you ready for tomorrow’s trip? My dad can’t take me

to the train station at eight thirty, so I have to catch the bus. In-

stead of catching the 9:05 train, we will haveto get the next one. Soif 9.30 is too late for you, let me know. Maybe I could arrange to take the 8.05 bus. We'll see. Talk later. 2. M: Last week I went cycling every day. On Wednesday I managed to cycle the ten miles to town. On Friday I only cycled aroundthe park, though and then it wasraining on Saturday, so I didn’t go out but on Sunday I did two miles more than Wednesday. By the end of the month I hope to have reached 20 miles if Iam to enter the cycling marathon in the summer. 40 miles is a lot but I hopeI will get there with properpractice. 3. F: [hope you can help me. I have lost my son. Heis about thirteen years old butis tall for his age. He is wearing a black jacket and whitetrainers. His hair is black and long. Here's a photoof him. His hair's a bit shorter than that now andhe's also a bit thinner, but otherwise that's whathelooks like now.

Succeed in APTIS 4. M: You needto go to the endofthe road and turn right. Go downthat road for about half a kilometre and goover the railway bridge. Nextto thetrain station turn left and the coffee shop is by the supermarket on the right, opposite the policestation. 5. F: Hello John. I expected to see you at the swimming pool today, but you didn’t come. I’m going out to watch a movie this evening with some friends, followed by dinner. Would you like to join us? If so, we could walk there togetherif you are in the mood. Anyway, please give mea call. I'll be at hometill 5. Bye. 6. M: Please can I have a meat pizza with extra chicken and onions please? Can I also have a mediumItalian special pizza with extra cheese but no olives please? Can we also add some bacon to the first one? Thanks. Finally, can I have somegarlic bread with no tomato please? That'll beall. 7. F: Hi. It's Stacy here. Just calling to let you know I've changed numbers. As you know, my numberused to be 07911 124365. I asked the phone company for something easy to rememberlike 07911 123456, but they said that was already taken. Anyway, my new numberis 07911 126534. Ohsorry, that's Bob's number. I'm hopeless. So it's 07911 134625. Talk soon. 8. F: Can I have your attention please? We are sorry to announce thatall flights this evening will be delayed. This is because there is low visibility at the airport due to the heavy fog after the storm. Snowis also expected for tonight, so there are likely to be further delays forlater flights, especially if there are strong winds. Please contact the airline for more information. Thank you. 9. F: lam so excited. I am going on holiday next week. Mysuitcase is nearly ready, and I have my passport andtickets. I hope the weatherwill be greatin Italy. Do you rememberhowterrible it was last summerin Spain? Anyway,I'm still trying to convince Steve to stop by Greece on our way back to England but he's not made his mind upyet. I will send you a postcard and bring back a gift for you either way. 10. M: This month on Busy Teen Youth Centre enjoy great discounts on a rangeofactivities. Sign up for our famouspainting classes frorn Monday to Wednesdayandgetthefirst class free. From Tuesday to Thursday practise your writing skills with discounts of 50%. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn more aboutpoetry from the experts from Thursday to Saturday. Andthroughout the weekend you and yourfriend can become top sculptors with rates being 30% off. 11. M: What do you wantto do tonight? F: I was thinking we could go to the cinema. M: Again? We wentlast night. Why don’t we do something dif+ ferent? F: Ok. Let’s go to that new Greek restaurant in town. M: | wasthinking something more active, like the sports centre. F: Well, I guess we could do that if that's what you really want. It's better than staying at homeatleast. M: Ok,ok,it's obvious youaren't in the moodfor that so let's stick to your plan.

12. M: It’s really hot today. Would youlike to drink something? F: I could really do with something cold,like an ice tea. M: Sorry, I haven't got any. But I_can make somefresh lemonadewith ice if you want. F: You knowI'd love to have some, more than anythingelse. I just thought you meanta soft drink, like a cola, or something. That's whyI thoughtofthe icetea atfirst. M: Okthen.I’ll be back in a few minutes. I'll make some coffee for me too while I'm atit. 13. F: The schooltrip leaves on Saturday morning. Will your son be coming with us?

AUDIOSCRIPTS M: Yes. Hehas always wanted to go to London. Should I pay everything now?It's 40 pounds, isn't it? F: Yes, but you needn’t pay in full today. You cangive half now. Therest you can pay on the day. Also, you should give Jason about 10 poundsjust in case he wants to buy something from the gift shop. 14. M: Hi Jane. Are you late for the meeting as well? F: Yes. L wasn’t feeling very well last night. I had a terrible headache and went to bedearly. M: Areyoufeeling better now? F: I feel fine, but I wasn’t able to finish the report yesterday. I thought that I would havetimeto get it done today butthetraffic washorrible, I got in late and then I had so muchto do. I'll ask for an extension. Luckily, I don't think I need more than an hour. 15. M: I bought a new carlast week andsincethen I’ve had nothing but trouble with it. It broke downonly five miles from the shop and then theair conditioning broke down. J don’t like it at all. I shouldn’t have boughtit. When myold car broke down,

I didn't want to repair it, so I got rid ofit. I thought that with the moneyI had,this wasthebest thing I could afford. I should have saved up to get something morereliable. Now someone suggested selling it but that'll meanI'll lose even more money. 16. F: My supervisor has asked meto see her tomorrow morningat nine. I hope she doesn’t fire me. I’m sure J haven’t done anything wrong. Yesterday she wasreally pleased with the report I handed in. But you never know with her. Today she got really angry at Dan for no reason. I don’t know whatI will do if I losethis job. I will tell you what happenslater. Hopefully in the next call I'll sounda lot more relieved.I've got to go now. 17. M: Wow! Whata pleasantsurprise! The actors starring in this film had a great sense of humour. F: It was amazing! I thought it was going to be a horrorfilm, judging bythetitle. I hadn't realised it was intentionally misleading. M: I know.Andthe plot was hilarious with the couple trying to solve what they think is a murderonly to find out it was a prank all along. I’m going to recommendthis film to all myfriends. They mustseeit. 18. F: It’s great to get out ofthe rain. I loved thetour of the castle but it was definitely an unpleasant surprise getting out only to see that it was pouring. M: I know,that's why I suggested heading to the library as it wastheclosest building to the exit. Too bad it was closed. Now myclothes are soaking wet and I’m very cold. > F: At least this place was open so we won't be going aroundin circlestill the rain stops. I think we should get something hot to feel better and then head acrossthe street to get a change of clothes if we don't wantto catch a cold. M: It's a deal. 19. F: I can’t wait until Saturday! This weekfeels like the longest week of my life. The days won't end. M: Whydo you sound so down? And what’s happening on Saturday? F: I’m going to a concert to see my favourite popstar. M: Are you going with a friend? F: Sadly, my best friends can't come butI’m going with mysister. I wish the concert was today! I can’t wait any longer! 20. M: Hi Bill. John here. I don't know if Ken told you but I'm having a party for my birthday on Saturday. I wasoriginally considering doing it on the day of my birthdaybut since weall haveto attend the Friday meeting I thought it wouldn't be wise to stay uplate the night before. Anyway, it would bereally nice if you could makeit. I will happily let you stay overnight in the spare room if you have nothing important to do on Sunday.

Succeed in APTIS 21. M: If only I had gonetothesales earlier this year, I would have been able to pick up a cheap new laptop. F: Maybe youcanfind another shop with a sale. Yesterday Ann told us about a high-tech wide screen TV she got at 50% off. M: Mybrotheris doing the research to find an outlet since he wants to replace his DVD playertoo. In the meantime. the tablet 1 got myself will have to do, I guess. 22. M: Good morning. Please can I book a taxi for tomorrow morningat eight o’clock? I am departing from theoffice. Ineed to get to the airport by nine o’clock so that I can check-in for my flight to Canada.I think that will give me roughly two hoursbefore take-off so that I won't needto hurry this time. And please can you make sure the taxi has a big boot for my suitcase? 23. F: Thank you for calling The City Bus Company. We are sorry to inform ourpassengers that due to the sudden drop in temperature wet roads have turnedto ice. This has made it very dangerous for somebusroutes. Only travel if you really havetoasit's safer not to get stuck in traffic in such conditions. A snowstorm is expected after midnight so certain roadsarelikely to close. 24. M: I’m startingto feel really hungry now. F: Shall we go and havelunchafter wevisit the castle? M: Yes. Whereshall we go? What about somepizzaor spaghetti? F: Not again. We ate at an Italian yesterday. I quite fancy having a hamburger and chips. M: That sounds great. Let’s do that. I'm not in the mood for vegetarian dishes again. Lunch washorrible. F: Andthenlet's grab a cup of coffee on our waybacktothe hotel. 25. M: Hi Anne. I got yourparceltoday. F: Oh yes. I forgotI hadsentit to you. M: It’s a really lovely shirt andit fits perfectly. Thank you very much. F: You needn’t have called to thank me. It was mypleasure. M: I hope youare able to come over and visit me when you are next in town.I'm so sorry we don't getto talk so often these days. You knowI've thought manytimesofcalling just to say hello but either the time isn't right or I'm very busy. F: Don't worry aboutit. I understandthis is something new for you and I wish youthebestofluck. APTIS for Teens - Final Task

M: Jenny, I’m worried about you. Why are you handing in your homeworklate every week? You used to be such a goodstudent. F: I’m sorry Mr Banks. It’s just really difficult because I used to go to my friend’s houseto study after school but now I haveto go straight hometo look after mylittle brother until my parents get homefrom work. I mean he’snotthatlittle but he always wantsto play with meafter school. Then,it gets late and I’m tired. M: Well, you can’t go onlike this. (1) You needtotell your parents what the problem is and get them to tell your brother to let you work in another room until you’ve done your work. (2) You can play with him after. Get it out of the way quickly and you won’t be in trouble the next morning at school.

AUDIOSCRIPTS 1. M: The steak looks good and so doesthefish and chips. Even the vegetarian dish looks delicious! Maybe I’ll have fish and chips for a changeasI usually eat so much red meat! I guess I could get some salad too. Never mind,that'll be it. Thanks. 2. F: I lost my bag yesterday evening andI think left it on the train. It’s quite small. Notas big as those large bags for shopping. It’s made of plastic but it looks like leather. I really hope you can findit. 3. M: The 11.15 train to Surrey will now leave with a 30-minute delay. We apologise for the inconveniencethis may cause and hope that it won’t affect your journey in any way. For those in a hurry,

the express train to Surrey departs at 11.30, 25 minutes from now.

4. F: Hello. L ordered a book aboutflowers but instead I got a book with recipes using garden vegetables. Please could you send me whatI ordered, at your earliest convenience? Also, could you add to myorder the new dieting book by Dr Chan? Thanks. 5. F: | imagine you mustbetiredafterall that sightseeing and walking aroundthe city so now you’ ll have somefree time to have a look around the market. There are unique local products that you can take back home. We’ll all meet again in 2 hoursin the coach park outside the swimmingpool. 6. M: I’m sosorry I’m late. I’ve spentthe last half hour going round in circles in the one-waytraffic system in the pouring rain! There’s no direct route anymore through town. I knowit’s to reducetraffic but it wastes so muchtime! Atleast there aren't any traffic lights to delay you any further. 7. F: I know you haveall worked so hard. That’s why I’m puzzled that your examresults fail to showthis. It’s strange, as your coursework and essays were well abovethe usual standard. We'll have to look into what happened and why. 8. M: I hope I never have to work with Harry again. I can’t trust him to get on with his work without me watching over him. He never misses a chanceto have a break. I wish he would realise how muchhis behaviour annoys everybody else! They’re losing patience with him! 9. F: Hi Emma.| don’t think I’ll wear my new dress to the wedding, afterall. It fits well and blue looks great on mebutit’s a bit too informal for the occasion. I’ll just have to find something else, I suppose. I have spotted a beautiful longred dressin the city centre that would beideal. Can we gotogether to have a look in the afternoon? 10. M: Mr. Pembroke,I understand yourconcern, but gaining 4

kilos in 3 monthsis nothing to worry about and certainly does not mean you should get tested. You haven’t been exercising and you’ve been on holiday recently, so it’s not surprising,really. You don't need to worry, now that you're back, you're gradually goingto lose this weight.

You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the question paper. Youwill have five minutes at the end of the

11. M: Wewill be closing earlier today. Unfortunately we have fewer people aroundto help than usual since many have taken holiday leave. We should be back to normal tomorrow unless there is a railwaystrike again. I remind you a storm is expected tonight so make sure you drive homesafely. Oh, and can someonecall Jason to see if he's feeling any better? Wereally need him tomorrow.

0. M: HiLucy,it’s Jim. I’m leaving Brighton at 9am on Saturday. I'll probably get there quicker if I drive through Three Bridges and Crawley on the way. Anyway, see you soon in London!

12. F: I think if mysister and I didn’t have so much in common, we wouldn’t spend so much time together now that we’re older and have more responsibilities. We share many characteristics and we even lookalike! It's great that our families get along too, so we spenda lotoftimeall together.

TEST 3 This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings.

test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.


RYO roKo(--10 AUS) 13. M: Do yousee where the schoolis? Just overthere, opposite

the church. Well, take the street that takes you past both and keep going until you see the bank. The cinema is just next door. If you see the chemist, then you’ve gonetoofar.

14. M: Hi Fiona. Thetrains were running behind schedule this morning so they were absolutely packed! I took one look at the carriage whenthe train camein and decidedto geta taxi. It probably didn’t save metime,but at least I arrived at work relaxed! And now I don't have to worry aboutthestrike they have just announced.

15. F: If you make your wayto the perfume counter, next to accessories, you will receive a 10% discounttoday onall selected brands. This only applies to women’s fragrances. In the coming week wewill also have special offers on selected sportswear as well as footwear. 16. M: Everything was going smoothly. An uneventfulflight with no hold-upsat the airport and even the transfer bus from the airport to our hotel was moredirect than usual. The hotel didn’t live up to expectations, though. Atleast our tourrep tried to help us makethe bestofit. Sadly, his honest effort wasn't enough to make upforit. 17. M: I’m fed up with this computer. I want to work onit without having to attach a powercable in orderto doso. If I don’t, the battery dies and the computer switchesoffjust as I’m typing something on the keyboard. It’s really slowing me down.I thought that the Internet problemsI used to have were the worst but not anymore...

18. M: After losing my way and turning uplate for the interview,I didn’t think I stood a chance. Especially as I thought the boss didn’t really take to meatfirst. Still, | won him overat the interview. He was impressed I knew morethan his staff! 19. M: I’ll never organise a dinnerparty in the middle of winter, again.I just thoughtthat it would be a good idea considering the relatively sunny days we enjoyedthis week.Still, hardly anyone

turned up as mostwere feeling under the weather.It’s a shame,

as most of the food wentto waste andnoonegot to see the beautiful decoration we hadputupin the living room.

20. F: I’m just calling about a booktitled “History in the Making’. It came out in hardback a few monthsago butit’s so popularthatit’s just been flying off the shelves. I don’t suppose you have a copy? I forgot to mention I have a book membership card. I don't knowifthatentitles me to a discount? I hope you do haveit; otherwiseI’Il just haveto try online.

21. M: HiJane. I got your voicemail so I thought I’d ring back as soonaspossible. F: Thanks. I wanted to ask advice actually. M: I’d be happyto giveit. I’m available this afternoon,I’ve just got to go to an appointmentfirst.

F: Great! I’ll see youlater, then.

22. F: As muchasI appreciate your cooking, I don’t like having to clean up after you!

M: But I do the dishes you know! It’s notlike I leave them for you to do. F: Yes, butit’s all the other mess you make. Maybe you oughtto stick to gardening and I’ll do the cooking, instead. 23. M: Notpolitics again! I can't stand the news any more. Shall weswitch off? F: Hold on! There’s a good programmeon next. M: The oneyoulike about those young people living together in the same house?

F: Yes. I enjoy seeing how ordinary people carry on when every move they make is recorded on camera. M: OK.Let’s watchthat. Atleastit’s a lot funnier than anything else on. But don't forget that the wild life documentary is on later tonight too.

24. M: Hello listeners. I’m sorry to interrupt your news programmebut we’re going to haveto gooffair. The alarm’s goneoff unexpectedly. We'll get back to normal and have our scheduled programmes as soonas weget the newsthat all’s OK. Stay tuned for an update and don't forget that when we come back, we havea surprise guest for you. 25. F: That new clothes store in town won’t last long. M: I wouldn’t know. Neverbeenin there. The clothesare for a much youngergeneration. F: Well, I wentin there outof curiosity. I was impressed by the range and it wasreally trendy. But mostoftheir target customers buy online, notin store. M: Yes. Theyreally need to move with the times, don’t they? APTISfor Teens- Final Task F: So did you gofor that job interview that your parents arranged for you? M: No,andthey aren’t very pleased with me because they really wanted meto go and work ontheir friend’s farm. F: | know they did but you really didn’t want to work outside, did you?

M: No, although the money wasreally good. F: But you would have been miserable. (1) If you are going to work, you should at least enjoyit. M: I know,I agree with you. Thetrouble is I don’t know what to do. Thereis that expensive restaurant in town. They want waiting staff. F: It’s too posh, you wouldn’t like the customers. You dolike food, though so maybe somethinglikethat. M: Whatdo you mean? Doyouthink I should work in the supermarket? F: No, but (2) what about that newlittle place in the park? They only serve drinks and snacks so it would be much morerelaxed. M: That’s a good idea.

TEST 4 This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the

question paper. You will havefive minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. F: Hi Jerry. My car’s broken down, so I’m thinking of taking the bus. It’Il be quicker than going onfoot,asit’s quite a long walk to the town from my housesinceI live by thetrain station.

1. F: Hi Liz. My husbandis taking my children to schoolthis morning so I won’t havethecar. I can’t now pick up my dog from the vet's, so | was wondering if you could, after you come back from shopping? Manythanks! I owe youone! 2. M: I could never imagine myself workingasa pilot and having to deal with stressful situations. But what J feel is even more stressful is working with people. Imagine having to deal with employees everyday as managersdo,or even difficult customers, if you are a taxi driver! Luckily I don't have to do any of these in myjob, it's just me and the animals! 3. M: I’vejust bought a new car! It’s in really good condition as the previous ownertookgreat care ofit. This is what matters to

Succeed in APTIS me, though,not that the price wasn't good for a car that size. The colour, on the other hand, isn't my favourite, I'm afraid!

4. F: A friend from work is having a party tomorrow evening.

Casualclothesare not allowed,as it’s a special occasion, so that

meansI can’t go in mybeachdress! I only have one evening dress, though. Lookslike I’ll have to wear that. I wish I could wearthat lovely blue dress I usually wear for work meetings. I thinkit fits me perfectly.

AUDIOSCRIPTS 14, F: I decided against buying the necklace I saw forsale last Saturday. As muchasI like antique jewellery, I didn’t think it justified the price. I can buy beautiful second-hand jewellery from mylocal charity shop fora lotless. 15. M: This is an announcementfor passengers waiting on platform 3 for the delayed train to Holywell. Unfortunately, trains terminating at Holywell have been cancelled until further notice. Compensation forms will be issued from theticket office adjacentto the waiting room. Please collect a form before you leave.

5. M: Hello. I’ve just received my orderand there is an item missing. All the fruit and vegetables are here but there was no ice cream included with my frozen food produce. Onlythe fish wasdelivered. Could you send the missing item with my next order, please? And could youalso add somelettuce and ba-

However, when I unpacked myorder, I realised that most of the produce waspastits ‘best before date’. Admittedly, it looks OK,

6. F: [haven’t learnt much from that language course! It appealed to measit wastheright level and a goodprice, too! But I’d have beenbetter off paying for a more expensivecourse. It was just so rushed, you see. I hoped that I would havegot to an advancedlevel by nowbutI feel like I needto start over from the easiest parts.

17. F: I’m not goingto wait forthelift, so I’ll see youupstairs. I’ll probably get there first, by the looksofthings! I guessit’s taking longer than usual, as there mustbea lot of people usingit today. Not to mention that I dread being amongall these people in casethe lift stops working.

nanas? I must have forgotten all about them.

7. M: I’ve lost my umbrella. I’ve checked underthe seat on the platform where I wassitting but maybeI left it in the waiting room? Anyway,its not there now. There werelots of schoolchildren around yesterday and maybeoneof them has handedit in to you? 8. M: Dueto high winds, wewill be unableto fly directly to LindosIsland. Instead, we’ll have to divert to Santa MonicaIsland which lies between Martin Island and Fire Island. I will keep you updated on any further changes andapologise for any inconvenience caused. 9. M: I managedto get a ticket for the concert! A company employee told metheystill had someseats reserved for wheelchair users, so I waslucky. They’re not as expensive as the normal tickets and they’re even cheaperthan the ones whichare discountedif you’re not working. 10. M:Hi. It’s Terry. I’m ringing you aboutthe theatre tickets. F: Sorry Terry, I can’t hear you. There’s too muchnoise. Everyone’s just comeoutofthe stadium andthey’re trying to get a seat on the carriage like me. M: OK.[’ll just meet you at the publaterto talk aboutit. Good luck! 11. F: How are you Jim? M: OKthanks. Although myfall didn’t help, just as I’m about to move house! The neighbours and eventhe kids have been great, though. I've gotlots of help! F: Good. Well, at least when you do move, there’I] be no more commuting! M: That’s true! That’s the only reason why I’m doing it! My family really enjoyed the old house. 12. M: Hello. I’m ringing abouta coatI ordered.I tried it on and it looked goodatfirst. The quality of the fabric impressed

me, I must admit. But then, when I looked at the back in a mir-

ror, I saw it was a different length from thefront. It's actually muchshorter if you have a good lookatit. So I wouldlike to return it, please. 13. M: Hi Tom.I didn’t see you at the match, today. I was going to ask you to comeover. Please do, if you can! I have to write some emails tonight, but apart from that I don’t have anything to do! I guessI'll be done with work at around 6. We'll definitely

have some fun.

16. F: I’m ringing about a recent groceries order. As ever, the delivery was prompt and my groceriesarrived undamaged.

but I wouldlike a refund nevertheless,please.

18. M: Whata sad ending! F: Well, it would have beenif the actors had playedtheir parts

better. At least the show wasn’t long enough to getboring. M: True. I suppose weshouldbegrateful too that they’ve mendedthe sound system. Last time the music completely drownedout the actors’ voices. F: [laughing] Maybeit would have been better if they hadn’t


19. M: So did James get the grades for university? F: Yes, he did. He had been expecting to fail. That’s why he’d made plans to have a gap year and go abroad. He’d eventalked about going ona training schemeat one point, too. M: Limagine he won’t be using any ofthose back-upplans, now. F: You’re quite right! 20. M: That new swimmingpoolhasfinally opened. I won’t be using it, though. The entrance charge is cheap enough,but I’ve heard the poolis pocket-sized. At least I supposeit’ll be easier to keep clean. It’s a shameasit’s right on my doorstep and would’ve been so convenient! 21. F: Jake isn’t doing too well at school, is he? M: No, judging by his last report. F: I’m sure his grades would getbetter if his attendance improved. M: Naturally. Whenheis able to revise, his grades and exam results reflect his hard work. Not to mention how much more confident he feels. F: Well, I’m sure he’ll catch up with the help ofhis friends. 22. F: I’m really pleased with my new dress. I do needto takeit in quite a bit, though. I think I’ve lost quite a bit of weight since I ordered it online! Oh well, it’s easy enoughtoalter. Luckily the alterations won’t affect its length. 23. M: Hopefully this time I will really lose weight. I think having a personaltrainer will compensate for mylack ofself-discipline in exercising anddieting for one thing. Being watched over while I’m exercising will make me workall the harder to burn offall those extra calories I consume from junk food! 24. F: Listeners will not be able to tune into Giles Summer’s regular afternoonslot as he is away for two weeks. Don't worry, though,it's not that he's sick or anything. Heis off touring the length and breadth ofthe country with his radio show.It promises to be a good oneasit will be the last one before heretires next year.


Succeed in APTIS 25. M: Mary’s off on holiday next week, isn’t she? F: Yes. Lwas surprised whenI heardthat. I mean, she has to be so careful with money! They barely make ends meet! M: I suppose she neededa break. All those hospital visits for herelderly mother musthave takenit out ofher! F: Ohwell, let’s hope it does her good! APTISfor Teens - Final Task F: I’m so jealousof you, Tim. You areso fit and look at me, I’m putting on weight and am generally unhealthy. M: Well, it doesn’t help that you eat so much junk food. Don’t go on oneofthose silly diets, though. (1) You just needto be careful about what you eat and makesure you eat more health food than fast food. F: I guess so, butI feellike I need to be more active too but you know how muchI hate sport of any kind. I just love playing computer games. M: Exactly, you needto cut back on your computer time. You don’t have to stop completely. And (2) what you could do is walk Mrs Smith’s dog a few times a week as Mrs Smith findsit difficult to walk very far these days and you love that dog so everyone would benefit. F: Nowthat’s a goodidea!


This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings. You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the question paper. You will havefive minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. M: Hi James, I’m off abroad for a few days. There won’t be muchrelaxingby the poolor sightseeing, though. ’m_ attending a conference! Let’s go out for a meal whenI get back. We'll haveto plan our winter break too. Speak to you soon,Jack.

7. M: Hello. It was only byluck that I received my order on time. It was mistakenly sent to a neighbour who broughtit over. Hethought atfirst he’d been sent a replacementfor a damaged producthe hadpreviously received from another company. Anyway, please could you makesure this doesn’t happen again? 8. F: Dave keeps going on aboutgetting a dog. Hethinks I have no reason for saying no butI do. I wouldn’t mind the expense, that's notit, but Dave’s not going to be the one looking afterit.

being away all day. It’s a shame, as our dog could do with the company.

9. F: Hi! Are you comingouttonight? M: Unfortunately not, although I needa break. F: You’ve had a tough week. M: That’strue. Doing a presentation when I’d onlyjust got over the flu wasn’t much fun. F: So why don't you join us? M: L needto put moneyaside for the rent. F: OKthen. But promise you'll comeout next time! M: Ofcourse!

10. M: Hi Susie. You probablythink I forgotall about you. But thetruth is | didn’t get a chanceto ring you before left work. We're all getting ready for Friday's meeting. F: Well, I was waiting for yourcall. M:Sorry. I had to get a lot doneso I could havea laterstart tomorrow soas to avoid the morningtraffic. F: I suppose I can’t blame youforthat. 11. M: When my brother movedabroad,things changed. We didn’t fall out nor wasthe distance between us a problem. After all, we have the internet nowadays. It’s just that I couldn’t relate to his new lifestyle. I think the feeling was mutual. As a result, we began to communicate less.

myprinter broke, then my computer stopped working. I definitely need to replace both when I’ve got money. Mean-

12. F: I didn’t wantto stay at a hotel with full board, but I didn’t wantto have to provide any of my own meals, either. That's why I never choosetostay at friends’ houses. Anyway, so 1 decided that I would eat out for lunch and dinner and have breakfast and accommodation provided for me.

work. I can comebyandcollect them later. Thanks!

13. F: The show’s really popular, asit’s nearly sold out. But as

1. F: Hi Brenda, I seem to be a bit unlucky, at the moment. First,

while, could you print some copies for me? I need them for

2. M: Hi George, can you meet me today? Myafternoon meeting starts at 2pm butit should be finished within the hour. So

anytimeafter 3pm? Let’s say 3.30 as that would give meat least

half an hourextra to complete some workI needto doatthe office. Annais off at 4 so she could join uslater if she fancies.

3. F: Hi Jenny, there’s been a changeofplan for the dinner

party. It’ll be the same day and same time, don’t worry but Eve’s

going to come, soit’s going to be a vegetarian meal now. She wasn’t on the guestlist but Jake wanted her to come. I hope you don’t mind! See you on Friday at 8. 4. F: Welcometo Sunny Bay Hotel. Here are the keys to your room. Your room is ready for you if you’d like to check in now. Ourrestaurant will open shortly if you would like to eat something at our hotel. We wish you a wonderfulstay.

5. M: Good morning. MayI haveyourattention, please? Before the store closes at 9, we will carry outa test on ourfire alarm. This is for your own safety. You will not needto leave the store and may carry on shopping. 6. F: Last month, many new membersenrolled at our gym followingthe successofour annual open day. To cope with this increase in demand wewill be hiring new staff over the coming month. Please apply to Jackie Rogers at Life Gym if youare interested.

muchasI lovethe play,I’m notgoing.It’s not the same when you don’t have company.I’ve asked around, but everyoneI know is either too busy to come, or has seen the play before, unfortunately.

14. M: It’s difficult to know whereto start with this house. So much needsdoing.I've arrangedfor the walls to be painted next week. And the garden’s a complete mess! But the gardenerwill have to worry about that. Well, first thingsfirst. There’s a water pipe that you could lookat, as it’s leaking. All therest, like the redecorating and carpets, can be left for now. 15. M: Thesports of my youth,like football and basketball, are too vigorous for me now. | suppose swimmingor golf are more suitable at my age. SinceI love being outdoors and like games of skill, it’s easy to choose betweenthe two. That's notto say thatI wouldn't enjoy a ball game oncein a while butthat's life, I guess. 16. F: How didthe job interview go, Neil? M: I didn’t get the job. F: I don’t believeit! M: Obviously skills and experience countfor nothing, if you’re over a certain age.

F: That’s ridiculous! Employerslike that won’t get very far if they havethatattitude!

17. F: Where’s the boss? I haven’t seen him around. He's not

at his office.


Succeed in APTIS M: He’sjust poppedout to grab a snack between meetings. The

nextonestarts at 1.30pm andis likely to last a long time. They’re discussing the annual conference. F: Honestly, I don’t know how hekeeps going. M: Well, he hasn’t been looking too goodrecently, I must say. 18. M: We wouldlike to hear from listeners who recently purchased any Hanson’s baby products. Wepride ourselves on producing quality products. However, we have been made aware that a recent batch did not meetour usual standards. We are. therefore, requesting anyone whohas purchased one of our products in the last 2 weeksto return it in exchangefor a full refund. 19. M: Did you decide what you’re doing for your holiday? F: I considered backpacking, but then I had second thoughts. M: Why? F: I love touring, but I want to see things without being weighed down bya backpack. M: You could go on cruise. That way, you see different places and never have to unpack! F: [think you must have read my mind! I’ve already booked the holiday! This is going to be so much better than that walking holiday I wenton last year. 20. M: Where’s Tom? F: If he’s not in his room,then he’s probably on the sofa, watch-

ing TV.

M:Makesa changefrom being glued to a screen all day. trying to improve his gaming skills. F: I know. Butjust be grateful he’s not always on his mobile. I find kids who’re on their mobiles day and night so annoying! M: I couldn’t agree more! Atleast hestill talks to us once ina while. 21. M: MayI see your passport, madam? F: Sure. M: Hmm.Thecover’s seen better days, hasn’t it? Let’s just check the expiry date. Ah. I see it’s due for renewalshortly.

F: Yes. And the photo's not so recent, either, as you can see.

Mindyou, the resemblance wasn’t great even whenit wasfirst done.

M: Luckily, madam,few people look like their passport photos, in reallife.

F: Yes! /laughing] 22. F: Good morning everybody. This is your pilot speaking. I’m just waiting for clearance to land. However, we will be encountering someturbulence, so youare advised to stay seated and fasten yourselves securely into your seats. This is for your own safety. Meanwhile, our cabin crew will ensure all overhead lockers are secured and handluggage is safely stowed away. 23. M: We’ve been waiting for ages! I wish I’d taken mycar to

work now. F: Goingbycaris a lot quicker than going by bus.

M: Well, I thought with the bus lanes, that wasn’t actually the

case. That’s whyI decidedto go by bustoday. I would happily havepaid the parking fee if I’d knownthis would happen. F: Oh well. At least you’re helping to cut downonpollution. M: Hmm. I supposeso. But I guess I won't be taking the bus any time soon unless mycaris at a garage or something! 24, M: I would have madetimeto see the performanceif it had been worthwhile. It would have cheered meupafter being in

bed with the flu for the last week. However, I wasput off by whatI read in the newspapers. Thecritics weren’t at all complimentary! Hardly a sold-out performance,to say theleast.

25. M: What drew meto the bookinitially was the cover.

AUDIOSCRIPTS Robotsand technology always guarantee my interest. However,

despite being well-written, it was hardly a page-turner.I like booksthat keep you on the edge of yourseat. At least the ending didn’t disappoint. APTIS for Teens - Final Task

M: I’vebeentrying to think what to get Paula for her birthday but I haven’t got much money. F: Well, she wouldn’t want you to spend muchonher. (1) Be bit different. M: I thoughtabout getting something useful like a new school bag. I could borrow some money from my mum. F: We could have bought her something together but I’ve already got her a new CD. I’ve got a better idea. You are a fantastic artist. (2) Paint her a picture for her room. She would love that. M: Doyoureally think so?

F: Yes, I know she would, she always admiresthe things you do

in art at school.

TEST 6 This is the Aptis Listening Test. You will hear 25 short recordings.

You will hear each recording twice. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have five minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answersheet. Before the test begins, listen to an example.

0. F: Hi Billy. I’m sorry but I can’t go to the cinema tonight. M: Oh no. Areyoustill sick? F: No, I’m fine but L haveto stay at the office late to do all

the work I didn’t do when I was away. M: Howboring! Well, don’t make yourself tootired.

1. M: Shouldn’t you be leaving for yourhos pital appointment at 11, Jenny? F: Actually it was neverat 11. It should have been at 11.30 but they phoned meyesterday to changeit to an hour anda halflater. M: Oh ok. Does that mean youwill get home by two o’clock? F: Yes, I hopeso. 2. M: HiPetra, I’ve just got off the train. What’s the best way to get to your house?Is it close enough for me to walk? F: HiSteve. It is but it’s difficult to find my road and you will get lost. Unfortunately there aren’t any buses today becauseit’s Sunday. M: Oh,I cansee taxi overthere.

F: Perfect. Get it before someone else does because you can’t usually get one at this time of day. 3. F: Hi Paul, it’s Sandra. Thanks for saying you will look after Blackie. He’s a good dog generally although he can be naughty. I've left behind a hat and somebootsif you want to walk him in the woods. Just be careful that you don’t leave any magazines or books on the floor because he can’t resist them. If he wants to play, his toys are in the living room. 4. M: Hi Jane. Our meeting has been changed again. F: Are youserious? Is it back to 9 o’clock? That meansI’ll have to get the 8 o’clocktrain. M:No,they have madeit even later. You needto be here for ten

o’clock now.

F: Oh,ok.I’ll be in a bit earlier anyway as I need to check my report before the meeting. Hopefully we will be finished by 11.

5. M: Hi Agnes. J am silly. I always leave things at your house, don’t I? At least it’s not my bagthis time. I’m calling from Bob’s mobile because I think when I wasputting on my gloves andscarfI left mine on your coffee table. Please can you let me know when youget this message andI’ll comeandcollectit.


Succeed in APTIS 6. M1: It’s a shameit’s too cold to go swimmingat the beach. M2: I know but never mind, we can do somethingelse. M1: Let’s gofor a bike ride in the park. M2: I’d love to go to the park but mybike is broken at the momentso I’ll bring my new ball with me,instead. M1: Oh ok, goodidea.

7. M: Good morning Madam. I see you are looking at our winter coats. That’s a lovely warm onethereandnotatall expensive. F: I don’t really need anything as warm asthatasit’s for when I go running so I won’t be cold anyway. AndI don’t really mind whatI haveto payeither although, of course, I don’t want to pay more thanI haveto. M: This is a very fashionable coat, Madam. It’s one of our most popular ones. F: Well, it really doesn’t matter whatit lookslike as longasit keeps me dry. 8. F: Wow, what a beautiful garden.I loveall the trees. M: Yes, they will keep it cooler in the summer, won’t they? ’m really pleased that I rebuilt the big shed to keep all my gardening tools in. I wouldn't be ableto take such a good care of the garden withoutit. F: I know andI really like the way that you havegotall your plants and flowers in pots. M: I did that so that once all the grass has gone, I can put the pots all over the garden and makeit look pretty.

9. M: Good morningshoppers. We have somefresh salmon today on the fish counter. For you meatlovers there are a few steaks left, so you needto be quickif that’s what you fancy for dinnertonight. For a healthy shop don’t forget that today and every Wednesdayallsaladisfifty percentoff. Be careful if you are by thefruit aisle as the flooris a bit wet at the moment. 10. M1: Hi Bob. I just wanted to let you know the 12 o’clock meeting is scheduled for later now. M2: I thoughtit wasat 12.30 anyway. M1: Whatever! It’s at 2 now, so the taxi will arrive at the office half an hour before that. Just make sure you are ready. M2: Don’t worry, I’ll be ready. 11. F: I can’t believe howdifficult it was to do the second part of the exam.

M:I know. Weshould both havedonereally well but with that listening section I’m notsure we will now. F: I know they had to keep the room warm butreally thoseair conditioning machines wereso loud. M: L really couldn’t hearhalfof the listening test.

F: Meneither. I think we should makeanofficial complaint.

12. F: To all passengers waiting for the 11.20 to Birmingham, we would like to apologise for the delay. We are hoping the train will depart in half an hour as the driver is on his way. Unfortunately his car broke downonhis wayto the station this morning. I hope this delay doesn’t spoil yourplansonthis beautiful summer day. 13. F: Thank you for phoningTastes ofIndia. The restaurant will be opening this Friday evening at 6 o’clock. We specialise in hot meat dishes from India. Whether you like beef, lamb,

pork or chicken, we have a variety of dishes with exotic spicy flavours. We regret to say that our restaurant does not cater for babies or children under the age of 16. Please leave a message for a reservation. 14. M: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, boysandgirls. It’s 10 o’clock and the summerfete is now officially open. In half an hour you canjoin in the three-legged race, so make sure you have

a partnerforthat asit’s great fun. At 11 o’clock there will be the dance show for everyoneto enjoy fromthe local danceclub. Let’s notforget our four-legged friends andsee if you can win a prize for the best rescue, the most obedient or maybe the most hairy dog. Thatall starts in the mainarenaat a quarter to 12. 15. M: This week’s films are as follows. Death at Sea and Lost in the Wild are showingevery night at 7 and 9 pm. Thelovely

cartoon for children, Dogs on Holiday is screened every afternoon at 2 pm and an early showing weekdaysonly at 11 am. Finally, Space Wars will be shown every eveningat 6 pm and 8

pm and also Saturday afternoon at 2 pm.

16. M: I’m really looking forward to the exhibition today. F: Metoo. It will be a nice walk through the park on the way.I thought we’d go to the museum after lunch too, as we have plenty of time.

M: Yes, good idea. You know I've heardthe gallery cafe serves

amazingdishes. Then, maybe wecan doa bit of shopping and have a coffee before we come home again? F: Yes, why not?

17. M1: Are you havingcar problems again Shawn? M2: Yes, I don’t know whatto do withit. It’s always breaking down. MaybeI’ll give it to my son. M1: Hecan’t afford to getit fixed, can he? It must betime for youto buy anotheronesurely,as it’s not worth spending money on such an old car and you don’t know howtofix it, do you? M2: I don’t knowif I can afford a new one. M1: You would probably get a few hundred poundsfor this one and then you get to buy a second-hand one. M2: That’s nota bad idea.

18. M: I guess you heard abouttheterrible accident yesterday. F: Yes, I was worried you were caughtup in it because you were driving to the airport, weren’t you? M: Luckily I got the train to the airport but I saw the bus that had crashed into the bridge when mytrain wentpast. It looked really bad. F: It was lucky no one died. 19. M: A seriousfire has caused extensive damage in the town centre today. The building which is opposite The Grand Hotel nextto the main train station was completely destroyed. The cause is thought to have beenanelectrical fault in the shop. Luckily the housesclose to it weren’t damaged and no one washurt. 20. M: HiSally,it’s Peter. Angela told me about the postman crashing into your car with his van yesterday. I hope you have madeanofficial complaint. You shouldget a lot more than an apology from them. They need to pay you proper compensation. Anyway,I just wanted to let you know that I don’t need my car until Monday so I’m happyto lendit to you. Just let me know if you needit. 21. M: HiJoe, it’s Danny from the farm. I know weagreed that you would start working for us on the 22"! but we havegot so

busy that we could do with you before then. Could youstart on the 10"? No actually that’s a Sunday. I meanthe 11". Please get back to me as soon aspossible. I need to know bythe 2"¢ to make arrangements. 22. M: Oh,hello there, this is Mr Jarvis from the art club. I got

your message. I’m not sure what your query is about, though. If it’s about the exhibition, can you phone me on 0712 256218 or Mr Brownon 0712 256812? Mrs Dobsonis in charge of new membershipsand you can contact her on 0712 257218. Finally, for any other business, call Mrs Andrews on 0712 256681. Thank you.

Succeed in APTIS 23. M: I don’t knowwhatto buy Jack for his birthday. Do you

think he’d like a new digital camera? F: He uses his smartphoneto take pictures so he doesn’t reall need one. I was thinking a tablet might be more useful for col-


M: Theyarea bit expensive, though. Let’s get him someclothes or give him some money. F: Helikes to choose his own clothes and moneyis too

impersonal. M: I suppose you areright. Let’s go with your idea thenas it will be easier for him to carry than his laptop. 24. F: Hello Daniel, I just wanted to leave you my thoughts on the last candidate for the job as Headofthe English Department. It wasreally impressed with his performance in the interview and it was certainly a brave application. Although he’s a qualified English teacher, we can’t really justify making him Head of Department when he has so few years teaching behind him.It

wouldn’t be fair on the other applicants. Anyway, call me back if you want to discuss it further. 25. M: Julia, I’m very disappointed that you haven’t finished the Sandersonreport. You are usually so reliable and committed to

your work.

F: I’m really sorry Mr Jones. My elderly mother was underthe weather and I hadto take care of her. I hadn’t forgotten that you needed it this morning butit was just impossible for me to leave my mother and the internet was downather houseso I couldn't work on my laptop. M: Don’t worry Julia! I knew there would be a good reason. Just finish it as soon as youcanplease. APTIS for Teens - Final Task M:HiSally, are you looking forward to yourfirst skiing holiday? F: I’m excited but a bit nervoustoo as I have no idea what to expect or what the weatherwill be like. M: Obviously,it will be cold but don’t worry about buying special expensive clothes. Just make sure you havelots oflayers on. Of course they will rent skis to you when youget there. (1)

It will be very bright on the mountain so you can easily get burnt, so make sure yourskin is protected. It can be worse than a beach holiday. F: Ok,that’s good advice. I wouldn’t have thoughtofthat. I just hopeI can at least stand up whenI get the skis on. M: Youneedto practise before you go as lessons on the mountain will be really expensive and it’s too dangerous to just try on your own when yougetthere. (2) There’s a practice slope just outside town you can go there and get some help from a professional coach.


Succeed in Aptis

Answer Key Practice Tests 1-6


cceed in APTIS

Preparation Unit 2

Preparation Unit 1

Vocabulary Practice A.




Vocabulary Practice A.


B. 4;F





A.1.B Bol.F;




01.8 02.B 03.A 04.B 05.A 06.A 07.A 08.C



01.1.8 02.





02.B 06.B

03.A 07.C







23.A 24.B 25.A


Vocabulary 01.1.F 03. 11.G 04. 16.A


05. 21.G

19.G 20.F 24.H






7. 8G







04.19.F 20.A 21.H 23.B 24.D 25.E Listening 01.1 10.2 19.3


02.2 11.4 20.2

03.3 12.2

03.12.C 16.)



19.) 20.C

23.C 24.£ 25.A





22.4 23.3

APTIS for Teens Final Task 26.3


05.4 14.1

24.2 25.4






04.3 13.3


01.1.8 2A 3.B 4.0 5.C 02. 6.D 7.G 8.—£ 9.B 10.F 11.C


03.12Jake 13.Maisie 7.Mark 18.Jake



APTIS for Teens APTIS for Teens




2.0 3.B 4A 5.C 13.G

04.C 08.B

09.C 10.A 11.8 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.8 18.A 19.C 20.A

4.H 5.D 9.E 10J

6.D 7.F 8.B 9.E 10.G 11.C 03.12.


01.B 05.A


01.1.F 2J 3A 02.60 7.G 8A 03. 11.6 12.8 13.1 04. 16.B 17.D 18.1 05. 21.) 22.E 23.B


Practice Test 2

23.A 24.A 25.C



2. committing

4. despite committing the crime



4. commit

2. unless we deal with them 3. was delayed because of


Practice Test 1


3. practically 4. of E. 1. are not allowed to/must not smoke

4. would rather you didn’t



D. 1.share

1. succeeded in swimming 2. said to lack / have no 3. suggested using a compass



2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 2.0 3.F Ar Sa


1. time 2. up 3. in 4. resulted Es



Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English

B20 4.7 5.7

Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English C 1A D.


Words in Context & Reading Comprehension

Words in Context & Reading Comprehension A. 1.6


B. 1.ontopofthat 2. retail 5.form 6. disruption

B. 1. accumulated 2. in question 3. biodegrade 4. washed up 5. from time to time 6. resulted in

03. 12.Jane 13.Andrew 17.Fred 18.Mary 04.19.D 20.B 21.A 23.F 24.C 25.E

14.Fred 15.Jane 16.Andrew



06.2 15.3

07.4 164

08.1 17.2

09.3 184

01.3 10.1 19.4


02.2 03.4 04.3 05.3 06.4 07.3 08.1 09.3 114 124 13.3 142 15.4 16.1 17.3 18.2 20.2


23.4 24,3 25.4

APTIS for Teens Final Task 26:33


Succeed in APTIS


Preparation Unit 4

Preparation Unit 3 Vocabulary Practice

Vocabulary Practice

A.T.C 2.D 3.B .4.€ B.1.merely 2. massive 3. intrinsic 4. revolutionised 5. necessity 6. construction

A.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C B. 1. Virtually 2. undergo 3. make the grade

4. dates back to

5. is a far cry from

Words in Context & Reading Comprehension A. 1. revolutionised

6. bordering on

Words in Context & Reading Comprehension

A.1.B Belge

2. construction 3. obligation

4. accusations 5. unthinkable

2.B 3.C 4A 5.C 2:7 SF 4.7 SeT

6. compulsory 7. necessity 8. provision


Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English



C1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D D.1.0n 2. with 3. make

Grammar, Vocabulary,

3. you mind not wearing 4. before have | seen such

E. 1. started by the time

Useof English

4. back E. 1. such a fast 2. regret (his) not going to

C1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D D.1. whose 2. Since 3. Without 4. until 2. can’t/couldn’t have been involved

3. house wasbroken into

4. time providing we leave

Practice Test 3 Grammar 01.8 05.A

02.C 06.A

03.A 07.A

04.C 08.C


14.8 15.C 16.0 17.A 18A 21.A 22.8 23.A 24.C 25.c



Practice Test 4






01.1.0 02.6.0 03.11.C 04.16.F 05.21.C

2H 3.F 4. 5.B 7.J 8.1 9.B 10.D 12.H 13.1 14.G 15) 17.0 18.A 19) 20.6 22.H 23.1 24) 25.A

Grammar 01.B 10.B 19.B 21.B

02.A 11.0 20.C 22.C

03.11.D 05.21.F



2.C 7:6


3C 8:

4B 9B


5A 10,F 21.D






19.2 21:3

03.3 12.4

04.3 134



24:4 (25.2


APTIS for Teens Final Task 26.2.


05.1 142





18.B 23.)




04.19.H 20.A 21.F 23.G 24.E 25.B 06.2 415.2

07.B 16.0

08.B 17.A

09.A 18A

23.A 24.C 25.B




APTIS for Teens 03.12.Alex 13.Robin 4.Alice 17.Alex 18.Georgina


02.3 413

06.A 15.A


03.12.Jill 13.Gary 14-Tracy 15.Liam 16.Gary 17.Tracy 18.Liam

01.1 10.3

05.C 140

01.1.0 2B 3A 4A 5.C 02:66 7:¢ SE 9B 10:F 11.0 03:12.D 13:8 14.) 45.H 46.E 17.6

APTIS for Teens

04.19.F 20.C 21.B 23.A 24.E 25.G

04.C 13.A

Vocabulary 01.16 21 3.0 4) 5.A 02.6.D 7.1 8G 9.C 101 04.16.D

01.1.B 02.6.

03.C 12A

07.2 163

08.1 172:

09.2 18.4


01.2 10.4 19.3 21.1

02.4 11.3 20:3 22:32





03.2 12.1

04.3 13.2

05.3 142


24.3 25.2

APTIS for Teens-Final Task 26:3


06.3 15.4

07.2 16.2

08.1 17.3

09.4 183

cceed in APTIS


Preparation Unit 5

Preparation Unit 6

Vocabulary Practice A.1.D



Vocabulary Practice


A. 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A B. 1. stumbled upon

B.1. assemble 2. enthusiast 3. inconceivable 4. initially 5. instantly 6. revival

2. workforce


Words in Context & Reading Comprehension

AlD 5.8


6. figure

Wordsin Context &

Reading Comprehension

3G 4A


3. flock


A.1.C 2.A 3.D 5:C¢ 6D 7A

BieF 27 BT AT


Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English


Grammar, Vocabulary,

Use of English


2:D 3.€


D.1. despite 2. beat E. 1. was phoned to 2. would have taken 3. isn’t big enough for





D.1.upon 2.with 3.line E. 1. to work despite feeling 2. | had studied more 3. no matter what you say 4. so that he could buy


Practice Test 6

4. regardless of how bad

Practice Test 5


Grammar 01.B 10.A 19.C 21.B

02.A 11.B 20.B 22.C


04.16.C 05.21.E


4.J 9.G

01.1.F 2.1 3) 4A 5.H 02.6G 7.D 8.1 9.E 10.B 03..11.F 22.0 131 14:6 15.) 04.16.F 17. 18H 19.B 20.D 05. 21.G 22.) 23.E 24.A 25.1



17.G 18.A 19. 22.1 23.8 24.G

08.A 17.C

09.C 18.A


20.1 25.C

01.1.A 2.0 3B 4B S.A 02.6.6 7.C 8£ 9.B 10.F 11.D 03.12.B 13.) 14.F 15.A 16.K 17.C


2. 7.F


03.12.Marianna 13.Adonis 14.Ron 15.Andrea 16.Ron


02.3 144. 20:3 22.4

05.4 143


24.3 25.1

APTIS for Teens -Final Task 26.3


01.3 11.2 21.3


04.2 13.2

4A 9.B


5.C 10.E












24.E 25.D



03.2 22:3:

3A 8.D

17.Sharon 18.Andy 04.19.F 20.C 21.H

APTIS for Teens

01.2 10:2 19.1 21.4

08.C 09.C 10.B 18.A 19.A 20.C

APTIS for Teens



04.19.C 20.H 21.B 23.D 24.G 25.A

07.A 17.C

Reading 01.1.B 02.6.G



06.B 16.C

24.C 25.C


07.C 16.B

03.B 04.C 05.B 13.B 14.0 15.A 23.A 24.B 25.C


51) 10.A

06.B 15.A

02.A 12.A 22.B

04.B 13.B

2.6 3H 7.H 8)

05.B 14.0

01.B 11.B 21.A

03.C 12.A

Vocabulary OL.1E 02.6.

4. hand

06.3 15.1.

07.4 162

08.1 173

09.4 1893

02.4 12.2 22.2

03.2 04.3 05.1 33.2 44.4 15.1. 23.3 24.2 25.1

APTIS for Teens Final Task 26:1


06.2 16.2

07.3 173

08.3 18.4.

09.4 10.3 19.1. 20.4