Spectre Rules v1.0 [PDF]

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Spectre: Operations Infantry Rules

SPECTRE: Miniatures unveils a world where Special forces, intelligence agents and military contractors are on the front line of modern warfare, carrying out covert operations against a multitude of enemies including ruthless warlords, insurgents, contractors and paramilitary groups.

This document is ©Spectre Miniatures 2014. All rights reserved.

Spectre: Operations


CONTENTS These contents are hyperlinked so you can quickly navigate around the rules. Just click on the chapter you want and it will jump you straight there. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Command Action: Rally Troops. . . . . . . . . 10

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Command Action: Tactical Movement . . . 11

In Game Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The Movement and Tactical Action Phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Units of Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Combat Sprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Drift dice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Close Combat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Roll-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Difficult Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Climbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Leg-up!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Field of view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Impassable terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Line of sight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Dangerous terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 What You See Is What You Get . . . . . . . . 6 Moving with a Captive or Casualty . . . . . 14 Base size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Moving Through Flames. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tactical Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Profile Tiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stun and smoke grenades. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Turn Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Breaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Initiative Phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Occupying buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Command Phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Barricading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Command Action: Overwatch. . . . . . . . . . 10

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Ranged Combat Phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Kill or Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Shooting and Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Armoury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Line of Sight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Ranged Infantry Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Targeting Rolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Pistols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Rifles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Submachine Guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Shooting with a Captive or Casualty. . . . 21

Assault Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Shooting at a Captive or Casualty . . . . . . 21

Sniper Rifles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Shooting as a Casualty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Machine Guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Shooting at an inanimate object or point on the tabletop.. . . . . . . . 22

Additional Ranged Weapons Special Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Shooting into and out of occupied buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Shotguns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Grenade Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Wounds and Lethality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Shoulder fired launchers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Fatalities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Anti-Tank Weapons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Casualties and Bleedout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Flamethrower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The Close Assault Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Thrown and non-lethal Weapons. . . . . . . 42 Fighting in Close Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Assaulting Models in Cover . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Static Ranged and Vehicle Mounted Weapons. . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Shooting into Close Combat. . . . . . . . . . . 27

AFV ranged weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Multiple Close Combats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Silent Takedown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

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Vehicle special rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Armour penetration table . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Vehicle Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Motorbike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Technical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 BMP-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Vehicle Upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Force Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Asset Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Main Weapon Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sidearm Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Specialist Weapon Options. . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Gear Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Thrown Weapon Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Militia Force Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Professional Force Selection . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Elite Force Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Command and Warlord Assets. . . . . . . . . 72 Command Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Militia Warlord Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Spectre: Operations


Foreword Spectre: Operations has been designed to reflect the reality of modern combat while still retaining fun, momentum and playability. It encourages the player to apply modern tactics to effectively command his troops, or rely on numbers and brute force to achieve the aim. It stresses the importance of the individual soldier and illustrates the many complexities of the modern battlespace. The rules can be used for operations as small team-level skirmishes to task-force sized, fully fledged combat operations. It encompasses, and is appropriate for the broad spectrum of combat operations seen on the world’s battlefields today. It has been designed with input from operators with many years combat experienced in real-world situations. The operators consulted have, and will continue to advise on the rules, equipment, weapons and the style of the models and game. Every effort will be made to remain at the cutting-edge of modern warfare to allow the player to replicate or replay events, or design their own conflicts in this very uncertain world.

Introduction Today’s battlefields are very different to those seen only as recently as 50 years ago, and we are currently witnessing the development of a new kind of warfare. Pitched battles where large numbers of troops on either side are fighting for domination of the land or attrition of the enemy force are no longer common. The large, cumbersome armies of the past have been replaced by small groups of fighters, fighting for carefully selected strategic objectives of a campaign. These range from communications nodes, essential infrastructure, headquarters and facilities to the people. Strategic effect is caused by the tactical action of small groups. Often these objectives are in urban areas or in areas of critical infrastructure or resources. This often means operating within densely populated areas, where the locals attempt to go about their daily lives despite the sporadic but very fierce fighting going on around them. The conflict is no longer as much over land as it is for support of a population; winning the favour of an area’s residents is a key factor in deciding which factions will hold influence. The result is extremely complex battlespace, where careful selection and prosecution of the mission is essential; and precision, collateral damage and tactical resources need to be carefully considered. The acts of individual soldiers play a far larger part in the conflict than large standing armies, vehicles, artillery and aircraft once did. Skill at arms, leadership and tactics are the deciding factor in which opponent will attain victory, and often the lines defining victory are blurry as the cost of war is finally tallied. It is an age belonging to determined bands of insurgents, patrolling squads of soldiers, paid mercenaries, private security companies, and deadly teams of highly enabled special forces operators. The wars of the modern era are thus characterised as intense skirmishes, the like of which has scarcely been witnessed before in the history of warfare.

Spectre: Operations


Spectre: Operations is a miniatures game designed to simulate modern infantry combat on the tabletop. Using models and miniatures to represent armed forces, structures and terrain the close range and tense nature of modern skirmish warfare can be recreated on your tabletop or gaming board. To become a skilled player, you must develop tactical flair, grasp the subtleties of force selection and the timely management of your battlefield assets. It is less important to commit characteristics and rules to memory, as it is to know how to use what you have and to be able to identify weakness in your opponent’s tactics, force and capabilities to achieve your objectives to bring home victory! This easy to learn, yet challenging and realistic rules will give you the systems and principles you need to play games of Spectre: Operations using miniatures and models from our range of products.

In Game Conventions Spectre: Operations uses several gaming principles that are standard across the rules. These are the foundation of how the rules operate, and they are detailed in the sections below.

Units of Measurement All measurements in the game are in inches. There are no fractions or decimals of an inch used and all measurements are to the whole inch. Measurements are usually made using a tape measure, straight ruler or templates of specific sizes.

Dice These rules use six-sided (D6) dice. It can be beneficial to have different colour or sized D6 dice for normal rolls-offs and various other uses, as well as mark models on the board such as for suppression and bleedout rules purposes. This can make it easier to keep track of which dice is representing what on the board.

Drift dice Certain circumstances, such as a failed targeting roll when throwing an object or a failed direct hit from air support will require you roll a ‘Drift Dice’. This is a special 6 sided dice with arrows on each facing. When it is rolled the direction of the arrow is the direction that the shot will drift in. A further D6 roll usually indicates the distance in inches of the drift.

Roll-offs A roll-off is used to determine how some actions are resolved. In these circumstances, the player initiating the action and the player defending against it both roll a dice and add the value of a the appropriate characteristic in the models’ profile to the dice score. Any modifiers that are applicable are added to or subtracted from the dice roll. Whichever player has the highest final score wins the roll-off.

Modifiers Modifiers are bonuses or penalties to dice scores depending on conditions as detailed later in the rules. They are either added to the dice score (e.g. +2) or subtracted (e.g. -1.) The number left after modifiers have been applied is the final score for the roll. Modifiers are cumulative and several may be apply to a single roll, both + & -. They must all be applied to resolve the outcome of the roll.

Spectre: Operations


Tests Sometimes a model must pass a test in order to perform a certain type of action. In these tests, a dice is rolled, any applicable modifiers are then applied and the final score is compared to a characteristic in a model’s profile. If the final score is equal or below the characteristic, the test is passed and the model may perform the action as detailed in the rules.

Field of view Unless otherwise noted, a model has 180 degree field of view. Measured from the direction the model is facing. The direction a model is facing is usually the way the direction the models face is pointing. Sometimes this may not be clear, when a model is pointing one direction and looking in another. In this case it would be more appropriate to have the direction the model is pointing to be the facing. It may be a good idea to put a small mark on the base to avoid confusion.

Line of sight Some actions require line of sight between models. This means that the targeted model must be visible from the perspective of each model as they are on the board. This may involve one or both players aligning their eyes behind a model on the board and seeing whether the other model is still visible. This may be tricky in some situations and good sportsmanship and honesty is often required!

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Any gear and weapons that the model has been given must be represented on the model. For example, a model that is operating within the rules as being armed with a machine gun must have a machine gun on the model etc. In some cases it may be hard to represent an item clearly, in which case the player must inform his opponent that a model has a particular item in it’s inventory. Again, honesty and sportsmanship are important.

Base size. There is no strict requirement on the size of base a model must be mounted on. We recommend that 20mm round bases are the most suitable, although 25mm should be the maximum to allow figures to exploit their environment efficiently!

Profiles In the theatres of modern conflict, there is a great deal of variation in training and ability between different groups of combatants, ranging from gunmen with no formal military training whatsoever to exceptionally trained Special Forces operators and everything in between. Each model’s abilities and skills are defined and represented by a profile, containing five characteristics: Shooting (S) defines how skilled a model is at making ranged attacks. Defence (D) defines how skilled a model is at evading fire and presenting a minimal target.

Spectre: Operations


Agility (A) defines how fit and nimble a model is and how easily they move through difficult terrain and scale obstacles. Combat (C) defines how skilled a model is at fighting in close combat. Command (CD) defines how competent a leader and tactician a model is. The second number in brackets is the unit commanders characteristic which applies to that model.

PROFILE TIERS In Spectre: Operations there are three profile tiers that represent the different skill levels of combatants. The difference between these profiles has a huge impact on the performance of the combatants in game. The profiles are as follows:

Elite This tier represents the very best armed forces units in the world including special forces operators, intelligence agents and the most experienced private contractors. S D A C CD Elite 6 3 5 6 4 (5)

Professional This tier represents the bulk of the world’s standing armies. Trained to a high standard, they include national armies, experienced rebel forces, peacekeeping forces and private military contractors. S D A C CD Professional 5 2 4 4 3 (4)

Militia This tier represents groups and forces who have little to no formal military training beyond basic firearms proficiency and operation. These untrained and irregular forces include loosely organised armed civilian militia and “freedom fighters,” organised criminals, small resistance groups and insurgent forces. S D A C CD Militia 4 1 3 2 2 (3)

Spectre: Operations


The Turn Sequence

The Turn Sequence The game turns are split into five phases:

1. Initiative Phase 2. Command Phase 3. Movement and Tactical Action Phase 4. Ranged Combat Phase 5. Close Combat Phase This is to best simulate decision making and actions in combat. It logically flows through ascertaining which side has the initiative, issuing orders, tactical movement and the employment of enablers, weapons fire and close combat. While in reality, these would be going on concurrently among the various combatants, we believe this to be the best system to ‘play’ combat. Each phase is dealt with in sequence, and all players will complete any given phase before the next one commences. So for example all players will move their models before progressing to the shooting phase. Who will act first in each phase depends on the outcome of the initiative phase as described in this section. The specific details of each turn phase are described below: Example: The player with the higher initiative will complete their command phase first, then their opponent. The player with the higher initiative moves their models, then the opponent moves his, and so on.

The Initiative Phase In combat, victory will be won by the force that moves with speed, surprise and violence of action. All sides of the battle are engaged in a constant struggle to gain or maintain situational awareness and initiative, to allow them to out manoeuvre, outgun and outwit their enemy. To represent this, each opponent has the opportunity to determine who will act first in each of the turn phases. To resolve initiative, one player per side rolls a dice and the player with the highest score gains the initiative and will act first in each phase of the next turn. Modifiers or scenario conditions can be applied to influence this. In the case of more than two sides (3 or four player games, each with an independent force), players will complete their actions in order of the initiative scores in each phase. If the result of the roll is a draw, roll again until a victor is decided and an order of initiative is determined. In addition, a bonus modifier based on combat performance may apply to the roll. Each player will gain a +1 bonus for each point of suppression that they inflict on the opponents models.

The Command Phase Commanders play a pivotal role on the battlefield. They are able to lead and direct the men under their command, and are indispensable in resolving tense situations where the momentum of an attack slows

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down, or the fortitude of defence begins to crumble. They are there to guide their force to the mission objectives that must be achieved, and to get the force away from the battlefield safely once the mission is completed. Without them, tactical plans are difficult to execute and force cohesion can quickly be lost seriously compromising combat effectiveness. The command phase allows the players to attempt to make a variety of special actions known as command actions. Different command actions have varying effects, and are detailed later in this section. As with all other turn phases, the player who has the initiative goes first. In order to perform a command action a model must pass a command test. This is to illustrate the difficulty of decision-making and communications in combat. To do this the player rolls a D6, factors in any modifiers, and then compares the final score to the command characteristic of the model’s profile. If the score is equal or below then the test is passed and the model may perform the action. However, if a test is failed no further command tests may be attempted in that command phase. Commanders function by boosting the probability that a model will be able to initiate a command action, any model within 6” of a commander model may use the commander’s command characteristic to determine the outcome of the command test.

Command Action: Overwatch A miniature must take a command test to go onto overwatch. If the model passes the command test it may shoot in the opponent’s movement phase, but may not move in the player’s own movement phase or shoot again in the shooting phase. While on overwatch remember each models field of view is 180 degrees in the direction the model is facing. Take care to ensure it is facing the direction you want to be covered! Overwatch is removed from the model if it moves or becomes supressed. As soon as an enemy model moves into line of sight of a model on overwatch, the player may choose to make a ranged attack on the target, made at -1 on top of any other modifiers to illustrate the difficulty of snap shooting at moving targets. Once the opponent has moved a model through or into line of sight of the model on overwatch, the player may declare that they wish to shoot at the model that moved, and resolves the shooting as if the model was still in the open. This is still allowed even if the model has moved between areas of cover - if there is line of sight during the move then a ranged attack may be made. If the target moved between two of the shooter’s range intervals, the shortest one available is used to resolve shooting. If multiple models were moved into line of sight of the model, the player must declare which of the models are being targeted before making a ranged attack. Any weapon rules that apply to the weapon function normally during overwatch.

Command Action: Rally Troops A player may also make a command test to reduce the number of suppression points that applies to a model. To do so, take a command test, and if it is successful you can reduce the number of suppression

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points that apply to the model by the dice score that was the result of the command test. A player may attempt to reduce the suppression from any number of models as long as a command test is still available to them. Example: An elite model has suffered 6 suppression points. The player decides to try and rally him. The elite command characteristic is 4, meaning he must score a 4 for a successful rally. The player rolls a 2, meaning that the test is passed and the model may remove 2 suppression points. The opponent wants to rally a militia model. A militia model has a command value of 2, but luckily the model’s commander is within 6” so the commander’s value of 3 can be used to make the test. A 4 is rolled meaning that the rally attempt was unsuccessful.

Command Action: Tactical Movement Using the environment, keeping low and situational awareness vital. Although slowing your movement, it will give you the edge in combat. You may make a command test for a model to use tactical movement. When using this action, the model will only move as far as it’s agility statistic during the movement phase, but it will gain an extra +1 to defence. If moving through difficult terrain, the model will move half it’s agility statistic rounding up. Tactical movement also allows the use of Tactical Actions which are detailed at the end of the movement phase. You may use Tactical Movement to make a stealthy close assault move. Tactical movement remains in play until the model makes a normal move or makes another command action.

Spectre: Operations


The Movement and Tactical Action Phase

The Movement and Tactical Action Phase Positioning of troops and weapons is critical to combat effectiveness, and the careful planning of movement is a huge part of tactical awareness. A large part of the success of tactical movement involves using terrain and cover to shield your forces from enemy observation and fire, and use it to move into a position where you can strike at the enemy with overwhelming force and achieve your mission objectives. The movement phase is when the players move their models around the board. The movement phase is completed in the order of initiative scores as detailed earlier.

Movement All infantry models are permitted to move up to 6” in the movement phase. A model must complete its entire movement before another model is moved. A model may not be moved part of its movement, then another model moved, and then the first model moved the rest of its movement.

Combat Sprint Often, all that lies between a soldier and certain death is a desperate dash between cover. A model may perform a Combat Sprint instead of a normal move by moving 6” plus it’s Agility characteristic. If a model performs a Combat Sprint it may not shoot its weapon in the Shooting Phase. A Combat Sprint may not be used to charge an enemy model, although the model may defend itself as normal if it is charged itself.

Close Combat Models may be moved into base contact with enemy models to initiate Close Combat. To do this, move the model so that its base is touching the base of the target model. In this situation, the moving model’s turn ends as soon as its base comes into contact with the target models base. Both are now considered to be locked in hand-to-hand combat. A model that is fighting in Close Combat cannot move even if it had not yet moved that turn. All models in Close Combat forgo their Shooting phase and fight in the Close Combat phase which is detailed later.

Difficult Terrain Modern battlefields can occupy any environment and usually present an array of challenging areas to move through. This can range from dense equatorial rainforest, to craggy mountain passes, to rubble strewn streets, flowing water or frozen snow. Such environments can present serious challenges to the movement of troops in these areas. Difficult Terrain will hinder your troops movement and slow your advance. Difficult Terrain includes any features such as ruined buildings, bombed streets, dense jungle slow moving or shallow water, barbed or razor wire and any other type of terrain that would serve to hinder movement or cause extra caution. Players should agree which areas of the board count as Difficult Terrain before the start of the game.

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When entering, moving through or leaving any part of Difficult Terrain, models can only move a distance equal to their Agility characteristic.

Climbing A model is permitted to climb or down any object greater than 1/2” and up to 1” in height. To do this an agility test must be made. If the test is successful the object has been climbed, place the model on the other side of any obstacle or on top of it, dictated by the size of the object being climbed over or on to.as appropriate. If the test is failed, the model remains in contact with the obstacle unclimbed.

Leg-up! To allow the rapid crossing of walls, it may be necessary for a solder to help his team mates over the obstacle by acting as a living step. To perform this action any model in contact with an obstacle of up to 1½” tall may be used to allow any other models to cross that point unhindered after a successful agility roll. Models in contact with objects up to 2” inches tall may help other models cross as if it is difficult terrain after a successful agility roll.

Impassable terrain. Deep or fast flowing water, cliff faces or any other agreed on physical barrier are classed as impassable unless the model is equipped with an item from the armoury which negates this (see the armoury section).

Dangerous terrain Minefields, multiple coils of razor wire, high voltage electric fences, traps or other defences can pose serious threat to a model attempting to cross them. Make an agility test every for every inch you wish to move through the area of dangerous terrain, roll these all at once. If a failure is rolled the model suffers a hit with a lethality of 6+, with a +1 modifier to lethality for every subsequent failed roll. The model is moved as many inches as agility tests that were passed to a minimum of 1”. Some items in the armoury may negate these effects.

Moving with a Captive or Casualty A scenario condition or winning a close combat may result in capturing an enemy model. The captor and captive model may move, but their movement is reduced as the captive needs to be restrained and encouraged to move. In addition, a model may be giving a casualty first aid and may wish to move the casualty to a safer location. In both cases the same rules apply. If a model has a captive or casualty it may only move equal to its Agility characteristic and the captive or casualty must remain in base to base contact.

Moving Through Flames Some areas of the board or objects may be burning as the result of scenario conditions, destroyed vehicles or incendiary weapons. Any object or area that is burning is referred to as being ablaze. A model may not move into flames if it’s maximum movement does not allow it to pass through and out of the

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area that is ablaze. In order to negotiate the flames safely, a model must pass an agility test. If the test is passed then the model moves carefully through the flames and to the limit of its remaining movement. If the test is failed, the model receives a single hit with a lethality of 6+. If the lethality roll fails to inflict a fatal wound then the model becomes a casualty and must be placed at the immediate perimeter of the burning area.

Tactical Actions Tactical Actions represent the use of non-lethal equipment that is intended to give a tactical advantage on the battlefield. These can range from throwing a stun grenade, setting up a rappelling rope, breaching an obstacle, storming a building or marking a target with a target designator. Tactical Actions do not require a test to use and unless noted otherwise, One tactical action may be performed by each model per turn. They can also take place at any time during tactical movement. Note it is best to resolve all tactical moves and activities before all other movement. This allows you to stun enemy models effectively ‘pinning’ them in place for the rest of your models to exploit, or a smoke screen to be deployed covering the movement of your other models.

Stun and smoke grenades Although thrown weapons, the non-lethal and tactical nature of stun and smoke grenades requires them to be used in the movement and tactical action phase. A tactical action may be performed to allow a model to make an attack using either a stun or smoke grenade. This is resolved in the same manner as a standard thrown weapon ranged attack as listed below. An enemy model does not have to be the target of the attack as explained in the thrown weapons section of the armoury. These ranged attacks will still drift as explained in the Ranged Combat Phase. One non-lethal grenade may be thrown per equipped model, per phase Movement and Tactical Action Phase.

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Breaching A model using tactical movement and armed with breaching tools, or a weapon or gear that has the breaching special rule (a shotgun may only breach a doorway, gate or similar object) may make a breaching action. To do this the model must move into base contact with the intended breaching point. Roll a D6 and refer to the chart below to check the required score to make a breaching action. Some weapons or gear confer a bonus to the roll, which are detailed in the armoury. Target D6 Score To Breach Standard door


Barricaded door


Wire, corrugated iron, wood fence


Mud, brick or block wall


Concrete or thick adobe wall


If a breach is successful, place a 1” wide marker to represent the breached area. Models can now move through this area unhindered. This area also counts as open for purposes of line of sight when making a ranged attack. If the test is failed the chance to pass will be made at +1 in the next attempt. After a successful breaching action and any other tactical actions have taken place, any models within 2” of the edge of the breaching marker may make one free move to enter the building from the breach point, even if they made a tactical move or made the full allowed movement in the movement phase already. This is a ‘storming action’ and how to resolve it is detailed in the shooting section. No further models may move into or out of the building unless they are making another breaching action.

Occupying buildings Buildings can be entered through any door, providing it isn’t locked (this can be agreed before the game or will be detailed in scenarios special rules). Any doorway can be entered with no penalty. Windows can be entered by making an agility test, provided the window isn’t barred and is modelled to at a size that is can be assumed to be big enough to fit a model through. Buildings are assumed to be large enough to fit many people in, so there are no restrictions on how many models can occupy a building.

Spectre: Operations


Each floor of a building must be occupied separately. It takes one full turn of movement to move between floors. It is a good idea to put a marker on or beside occupied buildings to remind you where your models are. You can put the actual models at the side of the table in a group.

Barricading A model occupying a building may forgo their entire turn (movement, shooting and close assault) to barricade one facing of a building. Any entrance on a barricaded facing of a building can no longer be moved through and ranged attacks may not be made through it. The only way to clear the barricade is through a breaching action. Models occupying the building may remove the barricade in the same way as it was set up.

Spectre: Operations



Ranged Combat Phase Weapons fire is without any doubt the most critical aspect of modern combat. The ability to put rounds on target quickly and accurately will have by far the largest impact on the outcome of the battle. However, a weapon is only as good as the person firing it, and training will make a huge difference to the effectiveness of any weapons fire on a target. In the Ranged Combat Phase models with weapons capable of delivering a ranged attack, including thrown weapons, may use it to target enemy models. The player with the initiative shoots first or throws with any models they wish to, and then the opponent shoots or throws with their models. Each model may only make one ranged attack per turn and you must complete a model’s ranged attack before moving onto another model. To make a ranged attack, you must first nominate one of your models and then nominate a target model. Then resolve the ranged attack using the conditions below.

Shooting and Movement A model may make its normal 6” move, Tactical Move or a Difficult Terrain move and fire its weapon without any modifiers, unless otherwise stated in the weapon special rules.

Line of Sight All direct fire weapons (excluding grenades and grenade launchers)can only be fired when there is a clear trajectory between the weapons and the target. Therefore there must be a clear line of sight between the shooter and the target. A model may only shoot at what it can see. Trace a line of sight from the model by drawing an imaginary line from the shooter to the target. If the line is blocked by terrain or intervening models there is the chance the target cannot be seen at all or is partially obscured making it harder to hit. Unless a model is equipped with a weapon that has a special rule allowing it to ignore line of sight, there must be a line of sight from the shooter to the target in order for the shooter to take a shot. If you can see any part of a model in line of sight, that model may be targeted for a ranged attack.

Targeting Rolls If the target is within Line of Sight you can then make a targeting roll, and if the roll is successful then the target is hit and lethality is resolved. To make a targeting roll, the player who is shooting rolls a dice and adds the model’s shooting characteristic. The opponent who has been targeted rolls a dice and adds their model’s defence characteristic. Then both players factor in any applicable modifiers and then final score is calculated for each roll.

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If the shooting player equals or exceeds the opponent’s final score then the shot is successful. If the score is lower, the shot misses and has no effect. In the case of a shooter firing multiple shots with one weapon at a target (where allowed,) the target may only roll one dice for defence against the entire shooting attack. If a model is shot at by multiple enemy models, each shot is dealt with individually as normal. Example: A militia model targets an enemy professional model with his assault rifle. A D6 is rolled scoring a 5, the militia shooting value of 4 is then added totalling 9. The target is in the open and wears no body armour and so has a defence of 2. A score of 4 is rolled on a D6 resulting in a total defence of 6. The militia player’s total score of 9 beats the opponents total of 6, resulting in a successful shot.

Cover Models make use of cover to conceal and protect themselves from enemy fire. Cover adds a bonus to the opponent’s defence rolls when they are being shot at. Type of Cover Defence Modifier Bushes/Light foliage/Tall grass




Thick Foliage/Trees


Buildings/ High Walls


Smoke Template




Example: An elite model targets the opponent’s militia model with his assault rifle. A roll of 1 is added to the elite shooting value of 6, giving a final value of 7. The opponent rolls a 6 for his defence giving a total value of 7, however the militia model is standing in thick foliage giving it an additional +1 to their defence, making the total 8. The targeting roll is unsuccessful.

Range For purposes of the game, there is no maximum range for most ranged weapons, as almost all weapons have a greater effective range than the scale extents of a gaming board. Instead, each weapon has a Range Interval. For each Range Interval beyond the first interval between the shooting model and the target, the shooter is subject to a -1 modifier on any roll to hit.

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For example an assault rifle has a range interval of 24” so the following modifiers would apply to the roll to hit: Within the first interval of 0” - 24” = Nil Within the second interval of 25” - 48” = -1 Within the third interval of 49” - 72” = -2 Example: The players professional model selects an enemy professional model to target for a ranged attack with is assault rifle. The target is 32” away and standing behind a low wall. The shooter rolls a 3 on a D6 and adds his Shooting value of 5 to the roll. As the target is within the second range interval (25” - 48”) there is a -1 penalty to the roll making the final result 7. The target rolls to add to his defence of 2. He scores a 5 and gains a +1 to the result for cover giving a final total of 7. As the shooter scored a 7 and the target scored a 7 the ranged attack is successful. Targets at close range require a lower total score to hit than targets at long range. This is relative to the type of weapon being fired, for example a shotgun’s range intervals are much shorter than those of a sniper rifle. The range interval is defined in the weapons’ profiles. Here are two examples: Class

Range Interval Lethality

Special Rules

Combat Shotgun



Buckshot, Rapid Fire, Compact

Medium Sniper Rifle



Scoped, Crew Served

So the shotgun is ideally suited to close range shooting, and the sniper rifle excels at long range.

Shooting with a Captive or Casualty If a model is handling a captive or casualty, it cannot shoot at all except with a sidearm if the model is equipped with one.

Shooting at a Captive or Casualty A ranged attack may be made at captive, captor, attending model or casualty, however if the targeting rolls fails to hit the target then the other model is hit instead (you cannot target a friendly captive in the hope that you will miss and hit the captor!). If the ranged attack causes a wound to the target then the captive can go free, or the bleedout resumes on the casualty the target was attending. If the models are caught inside the fire of an area effect weapon such as a fragmentation or incendiary weapon then they are automatically hit.

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Shooting as a Casualty Casualties can only shoot with a sidearm if they are equipped with one, but their shooting and defence characteristics are halved rounding down to a minimum of 1.

Shooting at an inanimate object or point on the tabletop. Sometimes you may need to shoot something that isn’t an enemy model but a piece of terrain or point on the table. This could occur when you are throwing an item, making a ranged attack with an explosive or marking a target with a target designator. To do this you must score an 8 or more on the targeting roll, following the normal rules for range intervals. If the ranged attack is failed and the weapon used to make the attack would normally use a template, it will drift D6 in a random direction.

Shooting into and out of occupied buildings While inside a building models can shoot from any facing that has windows, but all ranged attacks from each model must be made from a single facing. A ranged attack may not be made against a target that is in contact with the external wall of the building you are making the ranged attack from. They are assumed to be in cover. Ranged attacks may be made at models occupying a building, if the target/targets made a range attack in this turn. Any model with a suppression marker on them may not make a ranged attack from a building.

Wounds and Lethality A well placed shot may instantly kill the target, cause a serious wound or just inflict a minor flesh wound. For each successful hit on the target, a lethality roll must be made to determine the severity of the target’s wounds.

Fatalities Each weapon has a lethality characteristic that determines how deadly it is. The lethality rating is the score you need to beat on a lethality roll in order to inflict a fatal wound and kill the model outright. The shooting player must make one lethality roll for each successful hit, if the score is equal to or greater than the lethality characteristic of the weapon then the result is a fatal wound and the model is removed from the board as a fatality. If a lethality roll fails to beat the lethality of the weapon, then the model becomes a casualty. Here are four examples:

Spectre: Operations


Class Lethality Sub-machinegun


Assault Rifle 4+ Medium Machinegun


Heavy Sniper Rifle


Casualties and Bleedout If the score of the lethality roll is below the weapon’s Lethality but above 1, then the result is a incapacitating wound and the model becomes a Casualty. The casualty is not removed from the board, but if left untreated the Casualty will eventually succumb to its wound and become a Fatality. When a model suffers a wound the owning player must make a Bleedout Roll. The resulting score of this roll is the number of turns that the casualty will survive until it becomes a fatality. When the bleedout time has been determined, place a dice or marker next to the casualty displaying the number of turns remaining in the bleedout. At the beginning of each turn and before any turn phases, this number is reduced by 1. Once the number is reduced to zero then the model is removed as a fatality. Example: A successful ranged attack has been resolved using a single shot from an assault rifle. The assault rifle has a lethality of 4+. The shooter rolls for lethality and scores a 3, meaning the hit was not fatal and so the target becomes a casualty. The opponents who controls the casualty now rolls a D6 to determine how long it will take for the casualty to bleedout. A 3 is rolled meaning the casualty has 3 turns remaining until he becomes a fatality.

Lucky Escapes If the result of a lethality roll is 1, then the shot has failed to cause any wound. The model is considered to have had a lucky escape and suffers a minor flesh wound, or the round ricochets off a piece of body armour etc. This has no further in game effect as it is assumed that the model is returned to the fight unharmed.

Assured Lethality Some exceptionally powerful weapons have a lethality of 1+, in this case any wound sustained from such a weapon will be sufficiently devastating to the target that a fatal wound is inevitable. Any model that sustains a hit from such a weapon automatically becomes a fatality. A lethality roll is not required, and no “lucky escapes” are possible.

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Shooting at Casualties Casualties may be shot at as normal, and if the casualty sustains any additional hits then it is immediately removed as a fatality regardless of weapon lethality. This may happen in a single ranged attack where multiple shots were fired from one weapon, in which case the casualty becomes a fatality if a second hit is sustained. These fatalities count toward initiative modifiers as normal.

First Aid A friendly model may attempt to prevent a casualty from becoming a fatality. If a friendly model moves into contact with the casualty, then the bleedout is paused until the friendly model breaks contact. Shooting and movement with a casualty is described in the previous sections.

Suppression In the intense situation of a firefight, it can sometimes be difficult to maintain a cool head and execute plans quickly. Often, the more fire that is directed at a combatant, the more their combat effectiveness is eroded. When concentrated fire and explosives are being hurled at you to pin you down, carefully laid plans and manoeuvres give way to pure survival instinct! Each time a ranged attack is made against one of your models, the model is subject to 1 suppression point regardless if the model is hit or not. Some weapons benefit from special weapon rules that allow them to inflict even more suppression per shot, these are detailed in the armoury. The effect is cumulative, and when under heavy fire models can be suppressed into near-inaction. When a model gains a suppression point, place a dice or marker next to the model displaying the number of suppression points currently applying to the model. Each point of suppression carries a -1 penalty to movement, as well as -1 to the model’s shooting characteristics. Models lose one suppression point at the beginning of the command phase. The number removed can be increased by Rally Troops! as detailed in the Command Action section. Example: A player’s model targets an opponent’s model with an assault rifle and decides to use the rapid rife rule. Two ranged attacks are resolved resulting in one success and one fail. Because the target was subject to two ranged attacks it suffers two points of suppression, even though one of them was failed. Example: An elite model wearing body armour and behind a high wall is targeted by a militia model using an assault rifle using the rapid fire rule. Both targeting rolls are failed, resulting in 2 points of suppression but no damage caused to the elite model. It is then targeted by a militia model with a light machine gun. Again, all targeting rolls are failed, but an additional 3 suppression points are added totalling 5 points. Yet another militia model makes a successful ranged attack on the elite model, this time with an RPG. The targeting roll this time is successful, but a 1 is rolled for lethality giving the target a lucky escape! however, the RPG has the frag rule which adds another 2 suppression giving a total of

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7 suppression points! If the player wants to move the elite model in the next turn a successful rally test must be made to remove command points, or suffer a -7 to his movement forcing the model to combat sprint if the player wants to move it and denying the use of the model in the shooting phase.

Storming a building (Optional rule if you are using scenery that you cannot physically place figures inside) If you storm a building as the result of a breaching action you must resolve the action during the shooting phase. Storming a building is decisive and bloody, ending with either the defending team or storming team the clear winner. To resolve the action the defender must roll 1D6 for every model occupying the building or floor that is being breached. The defence value of each model (remember this will be 1 if the occupiers are stunned) is then added to the score along with any other modifier that would usually be added for a targeting roll (body armour for instance). All models occupying a building count as being in +2 cover, with a further +1 if the breach was initiated from a barricaded facing (detailed in the movement section). The final result after all modifiers is the occupiers collective defence value. The storming team now roll D6 for every member taking part in the storming action and add their shooting values to the score. You then will +1 for each member wearing body armour and +1 for every shotgun, compact weapon or dog being used in the action. The total will be the Storming parties final score. The team with the highest final score is the winner. The winner may make a lethality roll against the losing team for every point they beat their opponents total with. Due to the extreme close range of shots fired during room clearing this will always be resolved with 2+ fatality (a roll of 1 is a lucky escape). If the storming party is the winner, instead of rolling for lethality they may choose to take 1 captive for every member of the storming party. Any survivors are placed in contact with an entrance on the outside of the building with 1 point of suppression. He may not make a ranged attack this turn but otherwise can act normally in their next turn. They may be targeted by any model which has not yet made a range attack or was not involved in a storming action.

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The Close Assault Phase

The Close Assault Phase At times, combat gets so close that it is not practical to attempt to defeat the enemy through gunfire alone. Initiating a close assault is detailed in the movement phase.

Fighting in Close Combat If a model has been moved into contact with an enemy in the movement phase, then the assault is resolved in the close assault phase. To do this, each player makes a combat roll, and adds a dice score to the combat characteristic of the models involved in the assault. Any modifiers are then applied and the final scores are calculated. If the result is a draw, the rolls must be taken again - close combat is decisive and may not last longer than a single turn. The player with the highest score of the combat roll has won the fight, and may kill or capture the enemy model as described later in this section.

Assaulting Models in Cover Models behind cover may be assaulted in Close Combat, however the assaulting model must successfully cross the cover without injury in order to move into contact with the target, and suffers a -1 penalty to combat rolls.

Shooting into Close Combat A ranged attack may be made at a model engaged in Close Comabt, however if the targeting rolls fails then the friendly model is hit instead. If the models engaged in an assault are caught inside the fire of an area effect weapon such as a fragmentation or incendiary weapon then they are automatically hit.

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Multiple Close Combats If a model is charged by more than one enemy, then it must fight all of them in succession. There is an additional -1 modifier to the defender for every opponent. Example: A model is charged by three enemy models, the attacking player then makes three combat rolls and the defending player makes one at a -3 modifier. Which ever of the combat rolls scores highest wins the fight.

Silent Takedown In some situations it may be necessary to eliminate a target quietly and discreetly at close quarters. If you initiated a close assault using tactical movement you can attempt a Silent Takedown instead of a normal close assault. To do this, you must make an agility test. If the test is successful you will automatically win the combat and may choose to kill or capture as normal. If your model fails the Agility Test, a normal round of combat must be resolved.

Kill or Capture Once a victor in a close assault has been decided, the winning player must decide whether to kill or take prisoner any models that have been defeated in the assault. If kill is chosen, then the models are removed as fatalities. If capture is chosen, then the losing model becomes a captive and must move in contact with the captor.

Spectre: Operations



Armoury In Spectre: Operations, for simplicity and swiftness, the game does not differentiate between weapon designs that are built to perform similar functions. Instead, they are divided into classes which group them by the intended tactical purpose on the real battlefield. For example, all assault rifles are broadly similar in function and effect, regardless of calibre and so they are grouped into their own class. The end result of a model being shot is killed, wounded or a lucky escape and care has been taken to consider realism. Listed below are universal rules shared by many weapons which are a good starting point when you are getting familiar with the rules. Some weapons have additional rules which will be detailed in their section. These may be repeated in each section for convenience.

Rapid Fire Rapid Fire weapons may be fired normally once per turn with no penalty. They may be fired twice per turn at one target, but the shooting model suffers a penalty of -1 to their targeting rolls with both shots.

Compact Compact weapons are ideal for close quarter combat as they are small framed, but deliver a lot of firepower. Compact weapons ignore the -1 modifier described in the rapid fire and automatic rules when in their first range interval. The -1 modifier applies as normal beyond the first range interval.

Automatic Automatic weapons may fire up to three shots but suffer -1 to hit for all shots.

Encumbering A model with an Encumbering weapon may not move in the movement phase and shoot in the Shooting phase – it must remain stationary in order to deploy and shoot the weapon. In addition, a model carrying an Encumbering weapon suffers a -1 modifier to its agility characteristic.

Fragmentation (Frag) Explosive fragmentation weapons are different from normal shooting in that they use a blast radius of a size determined in their weapon profile. This is a radius such as 2” or 3” measured from a central point over the main target of the ranged attack. The shooter nominates a target model, and rolls to hit as normal. If he hits, measure the blast radius using the target as the centre. Any models within the blast radius are automatically hit and are subject to lethality rolls along with the main target. If the ranged attack misses, the attack will land D6” in a direction determined by the roll of a drift dice, measured from the point you intended to hit. Any model or soft skin vehicle that is hit by a fragmentation weapon is subject to 2 points of suppression instead of the normal 1.

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Models hit by a fragmentation weapon will get a ‘lucky escape’ on a roll of 1 or 2. Any model hit by a fragmentation weapon while occupying a building will be subject to +1 to the lethality roll.

Ranged Infantry Weapons Pistols Class

Range Interval Lethality

Special Rules



5+ Compact

Machine Pistol



Compact, Rapid fire

Rifles Class Bolt Action Rifle

Spectre: Operations

Range Interval Lethality 24”

Special Rules



Homemade Weapons Class Homemade Firearm

Range Interval Lethality 12”


Special Rules Unstable

Submachine Guns Class Sub-machine Gun

Spectre: Operations

Range Interval Lethality 10”


Special Rules Automatic, Compact, Car Stopper


Assault Rifles Class

Range Interval Lethality

Special Rules

Assault Rifle



Rapid Fire

Compact Carbine



Rapid Fire, Compact



4+ Scoped

Sniper Rifles Class Medium Sniper Rifle

Range Interval Lethality 36”


Special Rules Scoped, Crew Served

Heavy Sniper Rifle 36” 2+

Scoped, Encumbering, Crew Served, Armour Piercing

Anti-Material Rifle 36” 1+

Scoped, Encumbering, Crew Served, Armour Piercing, Frag 1”, Incendiary.

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Machine Guns Class

Range Interval Lethality

Special Rules

Light Machine Gun




Medium Machine Gun



Automatic, Encumbering, Crew Served

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Additional Ranged Weapons Special Rules Scoped If a model carrying a weapon with a scope does not move in the Movement phase, the scope confers a +1 modifier to a model’s targeting rolls. If a scoped weapon successfully penetrates a vehicles armour you may resolve your hit against a crew member of your choice instead of rolling on the armour penetration chart.

Armour Piercing Vehicles don’t roll a dice for defence and must use their base durability when resolving ranged attacks, in addition +1 to the armour penetration roll. They will also ignore modifiers for body armour when used against infantry.

Crew Served A crew served weapon’s operator requires an assistant to load the weapon or spot for the shooter in order to maximise shooting efficiency. When an assistant is in base contact with the operator, the operator may re-roll any failed targeting rolls. The assisting crewman may not shoot in the same turn if the operating model is to fire the weapon. Both may defend themselves in close combat as normal. The assistant may leave the crew in the movement phase; however the re-roll bonus is lost until he moves back into base contact.

Unstable Some weapons are unstable due to their age, modifications or homemade nature. Any roll to hit of 1 will render the weapon unusable for the rest of the game. If the weapon also has the frag or incendiary rule it will explode placing the frag template on the weapon and resolving the hit as normal.

Car Stopper All hits within the first range interval will cause double suppression to light skinned vehicles.

Shotguns Class

Range Interval Lethality

Special Rules

Sawn-off Shotgun



Buckshot, Compact



3+ Buckshot

Combat Shotgun 6” 3+

Buckshot, Rapid Fire, Compact, Breaching, Car Stopper.

Auto Shotgun 6” 3+

Buckshot, Automatic, Breaching, Car Stopper.

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Buckshot is the standard ammunition for shotguns. Combat and Automatic shotguns may choose to fire alternative ammunition listed below, declare if you intend to do so before rolling to hit. All shots fired must be of a single type.

Buckshot A model using a weapon with buckshot ammunition may re-roll any failed targeting roll in the weapon’s first range interval. Lethality is also dependent on range interval, starting at 3+ in the first range interval and increasing by 1 in each subsequent interval to a maximum of 6+. Slug: Car Stopper (All hits within the first range interval will cause double suppression to soft skinned vehicles), cannot reroll misses. Flechette: Ignore +1 cover modifiers and body armour in the first and second range intervals.

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Grenade Launchers Class

Rg’ Interval


Special Rules

Grenade Launcher



Frag 3” minimum range 6”

Compact grenade launcher



Frag 3” minimum range 6”, Compact,

Thermobaric Ammunition 8” 5+

Thermobaric 2”, Compact, minimum range 6”

Multiple Grenade Launcher



Multi-blast 3”, Rapid Fire

Air Burst Grenade Launcher



Airburst, Rapid Fire, Frag 2”

‘Pirate Gun’



Frag 3”, Compact

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Grenade Launchers may fire either standard frag or smoke rounds as detailed below. Declare which you intend to fire before making the targeting roll. If the Grenade Launcher can fire multiple shots you may fire a mix of Frag and Smoke in the same shooting phase. Smoke: place a x 2” smoke marker on the target.

Multi Blast Multi blast grenade launchers may fire up to 3 rounds per shot. Nominate the target and roll to hit as normal. If the shot misses, roll Drift Dice and a D6. The shot then misses the nominated location by D6” in the direction indicated by the Drift Dice. Where the grenade lands, hit or miss, lay a frag template on the spot. For each subsequent grenade fired, roll a Drift Dice and place the next grenade frag template centred 3” in the direction indicated, from the centre of the last grenade explosion. This will create a daisy chain of grenade explosions on the game board.

Airburst Weapons with the airburst rule ignore all cover.

Thermobaric Thermobaric or fuel-air weapons as they are otherwise known are devastating, especially in confined areas, as such they ignore all cover and body armour modifiers. When shot into an occupied building the weapon will become lethality 2+. The building will also collapse and be destroyed on the roll of a 3+. In addition, a weapon with both the thermobaric and compact special rules will confer +3 instead of the usual +1 for compact weapon when resolving storming a building.

Spectre: Operations


Shoulder fired launchers Class

Rg’ Interval


Special Rules

Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG)



Frag 2”, Armour Piercing

Fragmentation warhead



Frag 4”

Thermobaric warhead



Thermobaric 3”

Multipurpose Launcher Armour Piercing



Minimum Range , Frag 4”, One Use,

Recoilless rifle



Frag 2”, Armour Piercing, Crew Served

Some models can be equipped with specialist warheads for the RPG launcher. These must be purchased separately and the player must declare they are using it before the targeting roll is made.

Armour Piercing +1 to targeting rolls against Soft skin and armoured vehicles. Soft skin vehicles don’t roll a dice for defence and must use their base durability when resolving ranged attacks, in addition +1 to the armour penetration roll. They will also ignore modifiers for body armour when used against infantry.

Spectre: Operations


Anti-Tank Weapons Class Disposable Anti-Tank Launcher

Rg’ Interval




Crew Served Guided Missile Launcher 24” 2+

Special Rules Frag 2”, Tank Killer, One Use Frag 2”, Minimum Range, Tank Killer, Guided, Encumbering Crew Served

Tandem warhead Launcher



Javelin 36” 2+

Frag 2”, Tank Killer, Frag 3”, Minimum Range , Tank Killer, Encumbering, Crew Served, Guided

Guided Re-roll failed targeting rolls.

Tank Killer +2 to targeting rolls against Soft skin and armoured vehicles. Soft skin and armoured vehicles don’t roll a dice for defence and must use their base durability when resolving ranged attacks, in addition +4 to the armour penetration roll when resolving penetrating hits on vehicles instead of the +1 bonus for the armour piercing special rule. They will also ignore modifiers for body armour when used against infantry.

One Use Weapons that are One Use may only be fired once per weapon during the game with no exceptions.

Minimum Range Some launchers require a minimum range within which the projectile can arm itself. Targets within this range may not be engaged with these weapons.

Spectre: Operations


Flamethrower Class Flame thrower

Rg’ Interval




Special Rules Flamethrower, Encumbering

Flamethrowers do not make ranged attacks as in the same way as other ranged weapons. Instead, place a template or mark out an area as long as the maximum range of the weapon and 1/2 inch wide. Every model that is even partially covered or touched by the template will be hit, which is resolved by rolling for lethality. Any model that does not become a fatality does not become a casualty but is considered to be able to make a lucky escape. Flamethrowers ignore cover and body armour and cause 2 points of suppression. Flamethrowers making a range attack into a building will gain +1 lethality, hitting all occupants and will set the building on fire on 4+, turning it into impassable terrain. A model equipped with a flamethrower that is hit by a ranged attack will explode on a roll of 6+ When testing for lethality. Place a 2” incendiary marker over the model and resolve any hits on models covered by the marker using the flamethrowers lethality.

Incendiary Incendiary weapons act the same way as fragmentation munitions in terms of effect radius, and are either thrown or fired in line with the rules. Ranged attacks from incendiary weapons will cause double suppression against infantry and vehicles. Successful ranged attacks made against open topped vehicles will hit all crew members and any passengers in addition to any other result of the ranged attack. Additionally, the area of the blast burns fiercely until the player’s next shooting phase. Place a counter in the centre of the burning area, any troops moving through the radius around it defined in the weapon’s profile must move according to the flames section of the movement chapter.

Spectre: Operations


Thrown and non-lethal Weapons Class Hand Grenade

Rg’ Interval




Special Rules Thrown, Frag 3”

Molotov Cocktail 6” 6+

Thrown, Incendiary 1”, Smoke 3x1”, Unstable

White Phosphorus grenade



Thrown, Incendiary, Smoke 1x3”

Smoke Grenade



Thrown, Smoke 6x2”

Stun Grenade



Thrown, Stun

Thrown Weapons Thrown weapons can be used instead of a model’s main weapon in the shooting phase. The model rolls to hit as normal, however unlike other ranged weapons they can only be thrown a maximum of 12”. Also, even if the shot misses there is still a chance it will catch other models in it’s blast. If the targeting roll is failed, roll the drift dice. The thrown weapon will land D6” in that direction, measured from the intended target. Thrown weapons may also be used to target models that you don’t have a direct line of sight to. Resolve the targeting roll as normal, the target will always count as being in +2 cover, plus any benefits for body armour. If the targeting roll is successful the thrown weapon will scatter as detailed above. If it fails there is no effect and the attack is unsuccessful.

Stun Stunning weapons create bright flashes and loud explosions that blind, deafen and disorientate targets for a short time within a certain radius. Stun grenades reduce all the statistics of an enemy to 1 for the remainder of the turn. This effects every model in the radius. If thrown into a building it effects every model in that room.

Spectre: Operations


Smoke Smoke obscures line of sight and can create temporary cover. A smoke producing weapon produces an area of smoke defined in the weapon’s profile. This defined area (e.g. 6x2”) confers a -2 modifier to targeting rolls when shots are taken at targets on the other side of the smoke screen. The area of the smoke effect is assumed to have no height limit and therefore it can not be shot over or from above. The smoke remains on the table for D3 turns (1,2 =1 3,4=2 5,6=3). When smoke is deployed, the smoke must be placed in a line following the direction of the wind. The method for determining wind direction is explained in the scenario special rules section.

Incendiary As described above.

Static Ranged and Vehicle Mounted Weapons Class Static Medium Machine Gun

Rg’ Interval




Special Rules Automatic, Static

Static Heavy Machine Gun 36” 2+

Automatic, Crew Served, Armour Piercing, Static

Static Auto Grenade Launcher 24” 5+

Multi-blast 3”, Automatic, Static, Drive or Fire

Static Autocannon 40” 2+

Automatic, Crew Served, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire

Dual Autocannon 40” 2+

Automatic, Dual, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire

Quad Autocannon 40” 2+

Automatic, Quad, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire

Heavy Autocannon 40” 1+

Automatic, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire, Frag 1”, Incendiary.

Dual Heavy Autocannon 40” 1+ Automatic, Dual, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire, Frag 1”, Incendiary. Mini Gun

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Rotary cannon, Static


Rocket Pod 40” 3+

Multi-blast 4”, Automatic, Minimum range 18”, Unstable, Static, Drive or Fire

Static Recoilless rifle 18” 3+

Frag 2”, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire

Static Heavy Recoilless rifle

Frag 2”, Tank Killer, Static, Drive or Fire



Rg’ Interval


AFV ranged weapons Class

Special Rules

Quad Heavy Autocannon 40” 1+

Automatic, Quad, Armour Piercing, Static, Drive or Fire, Frag 1”, Incendiary

Light Smoothbore gun

Frag 2”, Armour Piercing



Static Static weapons are mounted on tripods or specially designed platforms. For the purposes of the game may never move and require a model in contact with them to make ranged attacks. The model in contact with the weapon may not perform any other action in a turn that the weapon makes a ranged attack.

Drive or Fire Ranged weapons with this rule may not fire if mounted on a vehicle with the Soft Skin rule which moved that turn.

Rotary Cannon Rotary cannons roll 6 dice to resolve their ranged attacks, but otherwise follow the rules ofr automatic weapons. Hits from a rotary cannon cause double suppression.

Dual Dual weapons can re-roll one failed targeting roll once per ranged attack

Quad Quad weapons can re-roll any failed targeting rolls once per ranged attack

Co-Axle Co-axle weapons may make ranged attacks at the same target or one within 2” of the original target of the weapon it is attached to.

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Gear On the battlefield, gear and equipment can bestow huge tactical advantages - from vastly improving command efficiency, to improving personal protection and concealment abilities.

Radio Comms Any models equipped with radio comms may use the commander’s CD characteristic to make tests with. In addition, any models not equipped with radio comms but within 6” of a model that is still benefit from the higher CD characteristic as normal.

Close Combat Weapon Dedicated close combat weapons can take many forms, from axes to bayonets and other more specialist items. Any model equipped with a close combat weapon gains +1 to Close Combat resolution.

Body Armour Personal armour confers a +1 modifier to the defence characteristic, but also carries -1 modifier to the agility characteristic.

Vision Enhancing Optics Head, helmet worn or weapon mounted thermal imaging and night vision optical systems negate modifiers conferred by night time conditions or smoke when making targeting rolls through it. Any other targeting modifiers not conferred by the smoke still apply.

Ghillie Suit The model always benefits from a +1 defence modifier when the model is in cover. In addition, the model may not be targeted directly by ranged attacks in a turn that the model did not move or shoot in it’s turn phases.

Target Designator An infrared beam or laser emitted from a rifle mounted or hand held target designator can be picked up by aircraft tracking systems and IR/NVG optics, which aids the process of target identification and acquisition or provides targeting to precision guided munitions. This allows delivery of massive firepower on targets faster and more accurately. Any command assets that use a ranged attack may be guided by a model with a target designator. The designating model forgoes normal shooting to attempt to mark a target. In order to successfully designate a target, the shooter makes a normal targeting roll against the target model or area of the battlefield using the range interval of the weapon that the designator is mounted on. If the roll is successful place a marker on the target model or area of the battlefield. If you fail there is no effect. All rolls to target made against the marked model in that shooting phase made by air assets or other models with vision enhancing optics may reroll misses once.

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Suppressor Ranged attacks made by a model equipped with a suppressor will suffer a -2” penalty to their range intervals, but they will not be heard by enemy models during a game using the night fighting rules or other scenario specific rules, unless the ranged attack is made within half the range of its first interval away from any enemy fighter. A silenced weapon can never score more than a 5 on the armour penetration roll against a vehicle.

Battlefield Trauma Kit A model equipped with a battlefield trauma kit may attempt to stop a model from bleeding out. When the equipped model moves into contact with the casualty, it may attempt to treat the casualty instead of shooting in the shooting phase. The player rolls a dice, and on a score of 4+ the model is successfully treated and the bleed out is permanently halted. Other models in contact with the casualty equipped with a battlefield trauma kit and not making a ranged attack may aid the attempt by giving a +1 modifier to the dice roll (a roll of 1 is always a fail). If the roll fails then the attending model may attempt to treat the casualty again in the next turn.

Stimulants Pack A model equipped with stimulants cannot heal a casualty, however it can provide the casualty with a massive dose of narcotic stimulants and painkillers. When the equipped model moves into contact with the casualty, it may attempt to treat the casualty instead of shooting in the shooting phase. The player rolls a dice, and on a score of 4+ the model is successfully treated and the model may now return to the battle with no penalty modifiers - however the bleedout continues on and when it reaches zero the model instantly becomes a fatality.

Dogs Dogs must remain in base contact with the designated handler at all times, unless it is moving away to investigate or attack. If the handler becomes a fatality, the dog is removed along with the model.

Attack Dog Attack: The dog may be used to attack and restrain an enemy model. This may be used to stop a target model who is fleeing, or to prevent an enemy model engaging any friendly models. The handler may command the dog to attack any target within 9” in the movement phase. The dog is then moved into base contact with the target, and engages it in a close combat. The dog has a combat characteristic of 5 and a defence of 2. If the dog wins the fight, it may kill or capture as normal, however it may not move with the captive - the handler must take possession of the captive in order to move it. A dog with a captive may be recalled in any subsequent turn if desired however the enemy model returns to combat as normal unless another friendly model has captured it. Attack dogs in a militia force cannot capture an enemy model and must always choose to kill the target.

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Hyena Some African gangs have semi-trained Hyenas as status symbols, for intimidation and to act as guard animals. Hyenas act in the same way as attack dogs, but a command roll must be made every time you wish it to make a close assault move. If the test is failed it will attack the handler. The Hyena has a combat characteristic of 6 and defence of 3.

Search Dog Detection: A dog may perform a search action in the handler’s movement phase. Any objectives or other objects that are concealed via Spoofs (detailed in certain scenarios) may be revealed by the dog. If a visible objective counter or human target (such as a cache or concealed weapon carrier) is within 6” of the dog, it may move to investigate the site. To determine the outcome of the investigation, roll a dice. On a roll of 3+ the dog successfully detects a target or indicates a clear area. The opposing player must then reveal whether the counter is a spoof or is genuine. If the counter was revealed to be a spoof it is removed from play and the dog returns to the handler. If it is genuine then in the case of a counter the opponent must declare it. In the case of a human target, the dog may attempt to attack or restrain the target as detailed below.

Dual Role Dog Dual role dogs are specially trained to seek out a variety of hidden threats and objectives, as well as providing a pursuit and attack capability. They may act as either attack or sniffer dogs in each phase.

Breaching charge A model may use a breaching charge as a tactical action. The charge will add a +2 modifier to the roll needed to breach a target. A successful breach will also have the effects of a stun grenade on the occupier/ occupiers.

Ballistic shield A model equipped with a ballistic shield may only move the distance of the agility statistic and may only make ranged attacks using a side arm if he has one. However, the model and any other model or models directly behind the lead model with the shield and in base contact with each other gains a +1 cover save from the shield. During a storming action each party will gain an additional +1 to their storming action result for every model with a ballistic shield.

Rappelling kit Descent: A model with a rappelling kit may use them to either make a tactical move directly down a vertical surface or to quick rope up to double their agility directly down a surface. To do this you must start your move in contact with the edge you wish to move down and use a tactical activity to set the rope up. A breach may be made if rappelling down the rope would bring you into contact with a window that can be entered as described in the movement section.

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Ascent: The Rappelling kit may also be used to move up a surface. Throwing the hook is resolved as a tactical ability and the model must be in contact with the surface it intends to ascend. The hook has a range equal to the models agility statistic and an agility test must be made to successfully set the rope in place. The rope can then be used to move up the surface at a rate equal to his agility statistic. In both cases the ropes stay in place until the remainder of the game unless you choose to remove them after use. Set up ropes can be used by any model to move up or down.

Climbing kit May move directly up or down impassable surfaces (such as cliff faces) at the models agility.

Tactical diving kit May move through deep water at the models agility.

Tactical ladder Ladders can be deployed against an object up to 1 ½ inches in height to allow models to cross the obstacle unhindered. A ladder may be deployed in any circumstance in which you would usually require pass an agility test to cross an object. The ladder may be left in place for other models to climb. After the model that deployed the ladder climbs it he may choose to remove the ladder and may use it in subsequent turns as usual.

Torch/Flashlight Used during night fighting, a model equipped with a torch may use it to double his detection ranges, although when in use the model will be +1 easier to hit for that turn.

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Vehicles Movement Vehicles may move their full movement over open ground and may only move through areas that the physical model can fit in. Over difficult ground light vehicles may only move half their normal rate. Light vehicles may only move in a straight line from the front of the vehicle unless noted otherwise in special rules. Turning: A light vehicle may turn up to 45 degrees for every 2” it moves (backwards or forwards).

Running over models If contact is made with an enemy or friendly model, the model will have to pass an agility test to quickly move out of the way. If the test is passed, move the model to either side of the vehicle up to 1” away. If the test is failed the model will suffer a single hit depending on the distance the vehicle travelled before contact was made. Up to 6” 5+ lethality. Over 6” 3+ lethality.

Command actions and vehicles The only command action available to vehicles is Overwatch. Place the overwatch marker on the facing that you wish to fire from. Durability: Vehicles can take as many suppression markers as their durability stat. Any additional markers will result in an automatic penetrating hit. Suppression markers are never removed from a vehicle for the entirety of the game Transport: Vehicles may transport as many models as their transport stat. To board a vehicle a model must move into contact with a stationary vehicle. The vehicle may not move in a turn that models have boarded it. Models may dismount at the end of the vehicles movement and act as normal afterwards. The vehicle may not move after vehicles have dismounted but may fire as normal. Ranged attacks from a vehicle may be made by any passengers if it has the open topped special rule detailed later.

Shooting from Vehicles Most vehicles have one or more ranged weapons mounted on them. These can be operated by any crew member. Weapons mounted on truck beds, such as those on the ubiquitous technical can be fired 360 degrees. Other weapons that may be mounted to be fired from a passenger position can fire 180 degrees from the point they are mounted. A little common sense in regards to how the model is designed and how the weapon is mounted may be needed when working out the arc of fire for these weapons. Most weapons, such as light or heavy machine guns can be fired from a vehicle even if it moves. Ranged attacks made from a vehicle moving a total distance of up to 6” suffer -1 to targeting rolls and those

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made from a vehicle moving a total distance of over 6” at -2. Weapons such as auto cannons and rocket pods can only be fired from a stationary vehicle. These weapons will have the Drive or Fire rule. Passengers or transported models can make ranged attacks with weapons that do not have the ‘encumbering’ rule following the same rules for firing when moving described above.

Shooting at vehicles Ranged attacks against vehicles are performed in the same way as those against infantry, but instead the durability stat is used instead of defence. Any successful roll to penetrate armour will hit a vital part of the vehicle. Unsuccessful and successful targeting rolls will add a suppression marker. For every 6” a vehicle moves it gains a -1 to be hit.

Suppression and Vehicles Suppression on vehicles represents the crew panicking when under fire or rounds hitting vehicle systems, but not disabling them. Suppression will confer a -2 modifier to a vehicles movement and -1 to ranged attacks made by the vehicle. Suppression is not removed from a vehicle, this represents damage to vital components which requires repair outside of the game. Whenever a vehicle with full suppression moves it must roll a dice when the movement is finished. On a roll of 4+ it breaks down and is immobilised for the rest of the game.

Vehicle special rules Soft Skin Soft skin vehicles are usually civilian vehicles and are vulnerable to all small arms. As such will suffer suppression from all ranged attacks made against them.

Armoured Small arms are ineffective against specially armoured vehicles, but machine guns and sniper rifles can be used to target weak points such as optics. Only weapons with the Armour Piercing rule, Tank Killer and ranged weapons in the Machine Gun and Sniper Rifle category may make ranged attacks vehicles with the Armoured special rule. Frag and incendiary weapons have no additional suppression bonuses against armoured vehicles.

Open Topped Open Topped vehicles suffer double suppression from weapons with the Frag and Incendiary rules. Is a weapon has both they will suffer quadruple suppression.

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Armour penetration table D6

Result Effect

1-2 No effect The hit passed harmlessly through the vehicle, narrowly missing vital components or crew, or the warhead failed to arm. +1 point of suppression if the maximum is not reached already. 3-5 Crew hit 1 hit is resolved on a crew member of your choice as per the normal lethality rules for the weapon that made the hit. No bonuses for cover are counted for being inside a vehicle. 6 Disabled A vital part of the vehicle is hit and immobilises it. The vehicle cannot move for the rest of the game although if mounted with a gun it can still be fired. 7+ Destroyed The vehicle is completely destroyed and sets on fire for the remainder of the game. All crew are killed If the driver of a vehicle is killed the vehicle may no longer move and if the gunner is killed it may no longer make ranged attacks. Usually a model may take the driver or gunners place (including enemy models!) as per the boarding rules in the transport section. If the driver is killed and the vehicle moved in the same game turn it will move a further 4” at the end of the shooting phase. This move will be made in a direction determined by the roll of a dice. 1-2 45 degrees to the left, 3-4 straight ahead, 5-6 45 degrees to the right.

Vehicle Profiles Motorbike Movement


Durability 3

Transport 1


Special rules

1 Driver Open topped, Soft Skin

Technical Movement


Spectre: Operations

Durability 6

Transport 4

Crew 1 Driver, 1 Gunner

Special rules Soft Skin, Open Topped


BMP-1 Movement






Crew 1 Driver, 1 Gunner

Special rules Armoured

Armament: Smoothbore gun and co-axle medium machine gun.

Vehicle Upgrades All terrain modification Raised suspension, special tyres, tracks or other modification allows difficult terrain to be covered more easily. Difficult terrain only reduces the vehicles movement by 1/3rd.

Half armoured Doors and seat backs are armoured along with additional armour plates in key areas. +1 Durability.

Fully armoured Bullet resistant survival capsule surrounds the crew including doors, windows, windscreens, roof and floor. Passengers cannot make ranged attacks from the vehicle. +2 Durability

Truck cab The truck bed is fully enclosed with a cab. The vehicle is no longer open topped, but the vehicle cannot be mounted with a weapon without a turret.

Turret Vehicles with a truck cab may be mounted with a weapon.

Additional gun mounts For every mount purchased an additional medium machine gun may be mounted onto the vehicle.

Gun Shield If the gunner of a weapon is targeted as a result of a penetrating hit, the gunner will be unaffected on the roll of a 5+

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Flashbang/smoke grenade dispensers Once per game the vehicle can make a single stun or smoke grenade attack with a range of 6”.

Firing ports Fully armoured vehicles can be fitted with special gun ports to allow the occupants to fire out of. Passengers may make ranged attacks out of the vehicle as usual.

Escape hatches If the vehicle is destroyed each crew member will survive on the roll of a 4+.

Run flat tires Specially modified or non-pneumatic tyres allow the vehicle to keep moving even when the tyres are targeted. +1 durability.

Modified engine and enhanced breaks. Improved performance allows a vehicle to make sharp turns and cover ground more quickly. +1 to movement. Vehicles may make a 45 degree turn for every 1” the vehicle moves.

Fire suppression systems Incendiary weapons do not confer and additional suppression to the vehicle.

Night vision lights A vehicles headlights will not be spotted by the enemy when Nightfighting is in effect, unless equipped with optics. The driver and passengers must also be equipped with optics.

Spectre: Operations


Force Selection

Force Selection The group of models that constitute your fighting force on the tabletop is dependent on three lists for force selection; Militia, Professional & Elite. These list will help you build your force and tailor their capabilities to give them the best advantage in any given scenario. It is important to note that you may build your force by combining models from all three force selection lists. For example you may wish to field a militia force supported by a special forces contingent chosen from the elite list. Use this to add new and exciting dynamics to the way your force performs, and it also helps create a sense of narrative. Note: There are some restrictions & requirements placed on the numbers of certain models you can field, and the number of upgrades you can bestow upon your force. We have included these to ensure that games are as balanced as possible. However, as long as you and your opponent agree you can disregard these guidelines and field models in a specific way or just play a free for all.

Asset Points Games are balanced by the mechanic of asset points - this is a measure of how powerful a model is relative to other models in the game. For example, a Militia Fighter has a lower points cost than an Elite Commander because he is a less valuable asset on the battlefield. You can either agree with your opponent to field forces of a set points value e.g. 500 pts, or you can use any scenario guidelines to define the size of any forces on the board.

Main Weapon Options The main weapons listed under this section in the model profile represent the primary and secondary weapons which can be equipped to the model for an additional points cost. Some models have more choice in main weapons than others. It is your choice what you want to equip, some scenarios may favour a certain type of primary weapon - choose carefully to suit the mission conditions.

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Sidearm Options The sidearm option represents the model carrying a pistol sidearm. Sidearms can be useful when the model becomes a casualty, or when it is attending another casualty.

Specialist Weapon Options Some models have specialist weaponry available to them. You may choose one upgrade from this list per model when available and only half of the models in a force selected from any list may be equipped this way (rounding down). For example, if your force consisted of 4 Elite Operators and 20 Militia Fighters, 2 of the Elite Operators and 10 of the Militia Fighters would be able to select specialist weapons.

Gear Options The gear listed in this section can be added to your model for additional points cost. Gear can improve the models performance, but making the model more survivable or granting special abilities that benefit the model in combat. Not all models have access to specialised gear upgrades.

Thrown Weapon Options Models may carry thrown weapons for an extra points cost in addition to any other equipment they are carrying, such as various types of grenades and improvised thrown explosives.

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Militia Force Selection Militia forces are not as coherent or structured as regular and special forces. They are generally organised into loose bands of skirmishers, often under the tenuous command of an individual of rank or experience. Some among them may have procured heavier weapons, though as with other militia fighters their training is poor to non existent. S D A C CD Militia 4 1 3 2 2 (3)

You may assemble your force of militia fighters by selection from the choices below:

Warlord [0-1]: 10 pts A warlord is the object of both fear and utmost respect among the men of his militia. Possessing the ability to bend fighters to his will, and having access to the choicest weapons and gear at his disposal, he is a powerful asset to militia forces. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options.

Thrown Weapons: May select one thrown weapon option.

Sidearm: May select one sidearm.

Warlord Perks: May select up to 50 pts of Warlord Perks

Gear: May select one gear option.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Bolt Action Rilfe..................................5 pts Homemade Firearm............................2pts Sawn-off Shotgun..............................2pts Shotgun.............................................3 pts Combat Shotgun................................5 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Machine Pistol....................................3 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts

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Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................2 pts Gear Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Attack Dog.........................................8 pts Hyena.................................................15 pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Molotov Cocktails...............................3 pts


Big Man [1+]: 5 pts Though not as influential as a warlord, Big Men are usually the most fearless, brutal and bold fighters in a militia. More lowly militia are subservient to these men, and in the irregular makeup of a militia they fill a comparable role to the NCO’s of regular armies. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options.

Thrown Weapons: May select one thrown weapon.

Sidearm: May select one sidearm option.

Warlord Perks: May select upto 25 pts of Warlord Perks

Gear: May select one gear option.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Bolt Action Rilfe..................................5 pts Homemade Firearm............................2pts Sawn-off Shotgun..............................2pts Shotgun.............................................3 pts Combat Shotgun................................5 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Machine Pistol....................................3 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts

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Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................2 pts Gear Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Stimulant Pack....................................5 pts Attack Dog.........................................8 pts Hyena.................................................15 pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Molotov Cocktails...............................3 pts


Militia Fighter: 2 pts The bulk of a militia force is made up of poorly trained and often ill-equipped fighters. Though they may look like expendable pawns at face value, their sheer weight of numbers and the volume of firepower they can muster make them an adversary that only a foolish opponent would underestimate. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options. Sidearm: None Gear: May select one gear option.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Sawn-off Shotgun..............................2 pts Shotgun.............................................3 pts Bolt Action Rifle..................................5 pts Homemade Firearm............................3 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts Gear Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Attack Dog.........................................8 pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Molotov Cocktails...............................3 pts

Thrown Weapons: May select one thrown weapon. Specialist Weapons: Half of the Militia Fighters in the force (rounding down) may select one Specialist Weapon option.

Specialist Weapon Options: Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts RPG....................................................10 pts RPG with frag warhead......................15 pts General Purpose Launcher..................20 pts Light Machine Gun.............................10 pts Medium Machine Gun........................15 pts Combat shotgun................................8 pts Grenade Launcher..............................10 pts Multi Grenade Launcher.....................15 pts Medium Sniper Rifle...........................15 pts Heavy Sniper Rifle...............................20 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Machine Pistol....................................3 pts Flamethrower.....................................15pts

Static weapons Medium Machine Gun........................15 pts Heavy Machine Gun...........................20 pts Recoiless Rifle ....................................20 pts Heavy Recoiless Rifle...........................25 pts Guided Launcher................................25 pts Auto Cannon.....................................30 pts

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Dual Auto Cannon.............................35 pts Quad Auto Cannon............................45 pts Heavy Auto Cannon...........................30 pts Dual heavy Auto Cannon....................40 pts Guided Launcher................................20 pts Static Recoilless Rifle...........................20 pts


Technical: 30pts The ubiquitous technical has been a feature of rebel and professional armies for decades. Its versatility and ease of manufacture means they can be fielded in large numbers and operated with very little experience. You may choose one of the following weapons to be mounted onto the technical. Technical Weapon Options: Medium Machine Gun........................... 15 pts Heavy Machine Gun.............................. 20 pts Recoiless Rifle........................................ 20 pts Heavy Recoiless Rilfe.............................. 25 pts Guided Launcher................................... 25 pts Auto Cannon (-2 to transport)............... 30 pts Dual Auto Cannon (cannot transport).... 35 pts Quad Auto Cannon (cannot transport).. 45 pts Rocket Pod (cannot transport)............... 30 pts

Technical Upgrades: All Terrain Modification.......................... 5 pts Truck Cab.............................................. 10 pts Turret.................................................... 5 pts Additional Gun Mounts......................... 5 pts Gun Shield............................................ 10 pts

Motorbike: 15 pts Motorbikes are often used as a cheap, but very fast mode of transport that can traverse very rough terrain. This comes at the expense of the driver and any other riders being very vulnerable to fire. Motorbike Upgrades: All Terrain Modification.......................5 pts

BMP-1: 50 pts Although outdated by more advanced variants, the BMP-1 is still common place all over the world. The relative protection it offers along with it’s firepower make it valuable infantry support and is employed by many rogue states and rebel forces. Weapon Options: Guided Launcher................................25 pts

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Professional Force Selection The bulk of the world’s regular military and security forces fall under this category. Regular armies, law enforcement agencies and private security forces are highly trained and organised, and are able to adapt to various mission parameters and deal with a multitude of threats effectively. They have access to a diverse armoury, and are an extremely capable and versatile force. S D A C CD Professional 5 2 4 4 3 (4) You may assemble your force of professionals by selection from the choices below:

Commander [0-1]: 20 pts Commanders in professional forces are experienced high-ranking officers, able to direct the forces under their command with speed and surety. They have a variety of support assets at their disposal, and bring potent offensive and defensive capabilities to the battlefield. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options.

Thrown Weapons: May select up to two thrown weapon options.

Sidearm: May select up to two sidearm options.

Command Perks: May select upto 50 pts of Command Perks

Gear: May select any gear options.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Compact Carbine...............................8 pts Sawn-off Shotgun..............................2 pts Shotgun.............................................5 pts Combat Shotgun................................8 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Bolt Action Rifle..................................5 pts Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................3 pts

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Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts Gear Upgrade Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Radio Comms.....................................5 pts Vision Enhancing Optics.....................10 pts Laser Designator.................................5 pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Smoke Grenades................................5 pts


Squad Leader [1+]: 15 pts Squad leaders are lower ranking officers who command a smaller number of men, they are dispersed among the force to command small squads of infantry. They do not have access to heavier support assets but their leadership qualities and special equipment make them a valuable force multiplier. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options.

Thrown Weapons: May select up to two thrown weapon options.

Sidearm: May select one sidearm option.

Command Perks: May select upto 25 pts of Command Perks

Gear: May select any gear options.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Compact Carbine...............................8 pts Sawn-off Shotgun..............................2 pts Shotgun.............................................5 pts Combat Shotgun................................8 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Bolt Action Rifle..................................5 pts

Gear Upgrade Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Radio Comms.....................................5 pts Vision Enhancing Optics.....................10 pts Laser Designator.................................5 pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Smoke Grenades................................5 pts

Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................3 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts

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Soldier: 15 pts Trained infantrymen and soldiers are the most numerous element of any regular force. With more powerful and specialised equipment available to them, they can deal with a wide variety of missions. Main Weapons: May select two main weapon options.

Thrown Weapons: May select up to two thrown weapon options.

Sidearm: May select one sidearm option.

Specialist Weapons: Half of the Soldiers in the force (rounding down) may select one Specialist Weapon option.

Gear: May select any gear options.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Compact Carbine...............................8 pts Sawn-off Shotgun..............................2 pts Shotgun.............................................5 pts Combat Shotgun................................8 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Bolt Action Rifle..................................5 pts Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................3 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts Gear Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Radio Comms.....................................5 pts Vision Enhancing Optics.....................10 pts Laser Designator.................................5 pts Battlefield Trauma Kit.........................5 pts Dual Role Dog....................................15 pts Search Dog.........................................6 pts Attack Dog.........................................8 pts Breaching Tools..................................15 pts

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Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Smoke Grenades................................5 pts Specialist Weapon Options: DMR...................................................8 pts Medium Sniper Rifle...........................15 pts Heavy Sniper Rifle...............................20 pts Anti-material Rifle...............................25 pts Light Machine Gun.............................10 pts Medium Machine Gun........................15 pts Grenade Launcher..............................10 pts Thermobaric Grenades.......................8 pts Airburst Grenade Launcher.................20 pts Multiple Grenade Launcher................15 pts RPG....................................................10 pts RPG with Frag Warhead.....................15 pts RPG with Thermobaric Warhead.........20 pts Multipurpose Launcher.......................15 pts Recoilless Rifle....................................20 pts General Purpose Launcher..................20 pts Tandem Warhead Launcher................30 pts Guided Launcher................................30 pts Disposable Anti-Tank Launcher...........25 pts Javelin................................................40 pts Flamethrower.....................................15 pts


Static weapons Medium Machine Gun........................15 pts Heavy Machine Gun...........................20 pts Recoiless Rifle.....................................20 pts Heavy Recoiless Rilfe...........................25 pts Guided Launcher................................25 pts Auto Cannon.....................................30 pts

Dual Auto Cannon.............................35 pts Quad Auto Cannon............................45 pts Guided Launcher................................20 pts Automatic Grenade Launcher.............25 pts Static Recoilless Rifle...........................20 pts

Technical: 30 pts The ubiquitous technical has been a feature of rebel and professional armies for decades. Its versatility and ease of manufacture means they can be fielded in large numbers and operated with very little experience. You may choose one of the following weapons to be mounted onto the technical. Gun Options: Medium Machine Gun........................... 15 pts Heavy Machine Gun.............................. 20 pts Recoiless Rifle........................................ 20 pts Heavy Recoiless Rilfe.............................. 25 pts Guided Launcher................................... 25 pts Auto Cannon (-2 to transport)............... 30 pts Dual Auto Cannon (cannot transport).... 35 pts Quad Auto Cannon (cannot transport).. 45 pts Rocket Pod (cannot transport)............... 30 pts

Upgrades All Terrain Modification.......................... 5 pts Half Armoured...................................... 10 pts Truck Cab.............................................. 10 pts Turret.................................................... 5 pts Additional Gun Mounts......................... 5 pts Gun Shield............................................ 10 pts Firing Ports............................................ 10 pts

Motorbike: 15 pts Motorbikes are used as a cheap, but very fast mode of transport that can traverse very rough terrain. Motorbike Upgrades: All Terrain Modification.......................5 pts

BMP-1: 50 pts Although outdated by more advanced variants, the BMP-1 is still common place all over the world. The relative protection it offers along with it’s firepower make it valuable infantry support. Weapon Options: Guided Launcher................................25 pts

Spectre: Operations


Elite Force Selection Elite Forces are the very best combat trained infantry in the world. They include various special forces operators, elite law enforcement teams and the most experienced and well equipped private operations. They are worth several times their number among less proficient forces, and each individual is extremely highly trained and equipped for the precise execution of specific mission conditions. S D A C CD Elite 6 3 5 6 4 (5)

You may assemble your force of Elites by selection from the choices below:

Elite Commander [0-1]: 30 pts Elite commanders are much like the commanders of regular forces and are entrusted with the same access to support and gear assets used by their regular military colleagues. These commanders lead from the front, and are best used in the heart of a firefight where they can support their operators to ensure mission success. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options. Sidearm: May select up to two sidearm options.

Thrown Weapons: May select up to three thrown weapon options. Command Perks: May select upto 50 pts of Command Perks

Gear: May select any gear options.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle 5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL 10 pts Compact Carbine 8pts Compact Carbine with UGL 12pts DMR 8pts Combat shotgun 8pts Submachine Gun 5 pts Close Combat Weapon 2pts

Sidearm Options: Pistol 2 pts Machine pistol 3pts Pirate gun 5pts Gear Options: Body Armour 10 pts Radio Comms 5 pts Vision Enhancing Optics 10 pts Continued >>

Spectre: Operations


Laser Designator 10 pts Dual Role Dog 10 pts Ghillie Suit 5 pts Battlefield Trauma Kit 5 pts Suppressor 5pts Breaching Charge 10pts Ballistic Shield 10pts Flashlight 1pts Rappelling Kit 5pts Climbing kit 3pts Tactical Ladder 3tps Tactical Diving kit 3pts

Spectre: Operations

Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades 5 pts Smoke Grenades 5 pts Stun Grenades 5 pts White Phosphorous Grenades 10pts


Elite Squad Leader [1+]: 25 pts Elite squad leaders are the core of a team of operators. They are experienced combat veterans and can direct a team of operators with precision. Main Weapons: May select up to two main weapon options. Sidearm: May select up to two sidearm options.

Thrown Weapons: May select up to three thrown weapon options. Command Perks: May select upto 25 pts of Command Perks

Gear: May select any gear options.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Compact Carbine...............................8 pts Compact Carbine with UGL................12 pts DMR...................................................8 pts Combat Shotgun................................8 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2pts

Rappelling Kit.....................................5 pts Climbing Kit.......................................3 pts Tactical Ladder....................................3 pts Tactical Diving Kit...............................3pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Smoke Grenades................................5 pts Stun Grenades....................................5 pts White Phosphorous Grenades.............10pts

Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................2 pts Machine Pistol....................................3 pts Pirate Gun..........................................5 pts Gear Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Radio Comms.....................................5 pts Vision Enhancing Optics.....................10 pts Laser Designator.................................10 pts Dual Role Dog....................................10 pts Ghillie Suit..........................................5 pts Battlefield Trauma Kit.........................5 pts Suppressor.........................................5 pts Breaching Charge ..............................10 pts Ballistic Shield.....................................10 pts Flashlight............................................1 pts

Spectre: Operations


Operator: 20 pts Elite operators are the world’s premier infantry. They are able to conduct delicate and covert operations with expert ability. Armed with the most sophisticated weapons and gear available and supported by powerful remote units, there is no mission that they can’t be tailored to complete. Main Weapons: May select two main weapon options. Sidearm: May select up to two sidearm options. Gear: May select any gear options.

Main Weapon Options: Assault Rifle........................................5 pts Assault Rifle with UGL........................10 pts Compact Carbine...............................8 pts Compact Carbine with UGL................12 pts DMR...................................................8 pts Combat Shotgun................................8 pts Submachine Gun................................5 pts Close Combat Weapon......................2 pts Sidearm Options: Pistol..................................................2 pts Machine Pistol....................................3 pts Pirate Gun..........................................5 pts Gear Options: Body Armour......................................10 pts Radio Comms.....................................5 pts Vision Enhancing Optics.....................10 pts Laser Designator.................................10 pts Dual Role Dog....................................10 pts Ghillie Suit..........................................5 pts Battlefield Trauma Kit.........................5 pts Suppressor.........................................5 pts Breaching Charge...............................10 pts

Thrown Weapons: May select up to three thrown weapon options. Specialist Weapons: Half of the Operators in the force (rounding down) may select one Specialist Weapon option.

Ballistic Shield.....................................10 pts Flashlight............................................1 pts Rappelling Kit.....................................5 pts Climbing Kit.......................................3 pts Tactical Ladder....................................3 pts Tactical Diving kit................................3 pts Thrown Weapon Options: Fragmentation Grenades....................5 pts Smoke Grenades................................5 pts Stun Grenades....................................5 pts White Phosphorous Grenades.............10 pts Specialist Weapon Options: Automatic Shotgun............................15pts RPG....................................................10 pts RPG with Frag Warhead.....................15pts RPG with Thermobaric Warhead.........20pts Light Machine Gun.............................10 pts Medium Machine Gun........................15 pts Grenade Launcher..............................10 pts Compact Grenade Launcher...............12 pts Thermobaric Grenades.......................8 pts Pirate Gun..........................................5 pts Airburst Grenade Launcher.................20 pts Continued >>

Spectre: Operations


Multiple Grenade Launcher................15 pts Light Sniper Rifle................................10 pts Medium Sniper Rifle...........................15 pts Heavy Sniper Rifle...............................20 pts General Purpose Launcher..................20 pts

Anti-Tank Launcher.............................25 pts Tandem Warhead Launcher................30 pts Guided Launcher................................30 pts Recoilless Rifle....................................20 pts Javelin................................................40 pts

Technical: 30 pts The ubiquitous technical has been a feature of rebel and professional armies for decades. Its versatility and ease of manufacture means they can be fielded in large numbers and operated with very little experience. You may choose one of the following weapons to be mounted onto the technical. Gun Options: Medium Machine Gun............................15 pts Heavy Machine Gun...............................20 pts Guided Launcher (-2 to transport)...........20 pts Automatic Grenade Launcher.................25 pts Minigun (-2 to transport)........................30 pts Upgrades: All Terrain Modification...........................5 pts Half Armoured.......................................10 pts Fully Armoured.......................................20 pts

Truck Cab...............................................10 pts Turret.....................................................5 pts Additional Gun Mounts..........................5 pts Gun Shield.............................................10 pts Flashbang/Smoke Grenade Dispensers....15 pts Firing Ports.............................................10 pts Escape Hatches.......................................10 pts Run Flat Tires..........................................5 pts Modified Engine and Enhanced Breaks...15 pts Fire Suppression Systems........................5pts

Motorbike: 15 pts Motorbikes are used as a cheap, but very fast mode of transport that can traverse very rough terrain. Motorbike Upgrades: All Terrain Modification.......................5 pts

Spectre: Operations


Command and Warlord Assets Military leaders have control over more battlefield assets than regular infantrymen. They can coordinate supporting actions from other military units, exercise their influence through the chain of command and direct and execute tactical plans. This brings much additional capability to an infantry force, and no battle can be effectively won without the oversight of a commander.

Command Assets The majority of battlefield assets at the disposal of the commanders of organised armies focus on intelligence, extreme firepower and combat survival. Many of them allow a commander to call in a devastating amount of fire to suppress or obliterate an enemy position. Others provide better tactical information that improve the combat effectiveness of the infantry force, and in an emergency they allow a commander to get his men out of trouble quickly. These are extremely potent advantages to have available, and can turn the tide of a battle in an instant.

Eyes In The Sky 25 pts UAV surveillance provides real time situational awareness, allowing soldiers to take advantage of otherwise unavailable intelligence. Once per game, you automatically gain the initiative. This must be declared before the roll for initiative is made.

Tactical Withdrawal 10 pts Things aren’t going to plan, exfil will be hot. In a turn that you lost initiative you may make an extra 3” move away from the enemy with any of your models as long as that move will enable you to end your movement in cover.

Make Every Shot Count 15 pts Ammunition is running low and the area is still swarming with hostiles. Once per game, in a turn you do not have the initiative, all ranged weapons with the ‘rapid fire’ special rule may split their fire between targets as if they were automatic.

Maximum Aggression 20 pts Advance on your target without hesitation, use extreme violence to achieve your objective. Once per game, all ranged attacks made within 6” of a target may reroll failed targeting rolls.

Spectre: Operations


Smoke Smoke is laid down by mortar or artillery to provide cover. In the shooting phase, select a target and keep it secret (write the measurements to the target on a piece of paper). In your following shooting phase the artillery will hit the coordinates that you previously selected, following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. Place a 4x8” smoke screen on the selected area in following the direction of wind.

Illumination Enemy positions can be reviled with flares dropped from the air or delivered via artillery. Night fighting rules are negated for the duration of one turn for every player

Heli Snipers 45 pts Precise support is provided by marksmen in helicopters. Once per game you may take a free ranged attack at any enemy figure in play resolved using the rules for a medium sniper rifle at 3 range intervals.

Drone Strike 50 pts Air to Ground missile support provided by prowling drone. One shooting phase per game you may call in hellfire support onto a target, following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section.

Blast Radius



Drift Distance

Special Rules


Drift +D6

Tank Killer, Frag

Artillery Support Indirect rounds rain down on enemy positions, capable of eradicating infantry and light armour alike. In the shooting phase, select a target and keep it secret (write the measurements to the target on a piece of paper). In your following shooting phase the artillery will hit the coordinates that you previously selected. , following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. Blast Radius


Spectre: Operations


Drift distance

Special Rules


Drift +D6

Tank Killer, Frag


Mortar Support Mortar barrages flush infantry out of their positions and pin down others. In the shooting phase, select a target and keep it secret (write the measurements to the target on a piece of paper). In your following shooting phase the mortar will hit the coordinates that you previously selected following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. Blast Radius



Drift Distance


Drift +D6

Special Rules Frag, Multiblast 3

Gunship Close Air Support 50 pts Helicopter mounted machine guns provide effective anti-infantry support. One shooting phase per game you may call in gunship support onto a target, following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. If the targeting roll is successful, resolve the ranged attack with 2D6+3 shots with 4+ lethality, shots can be split between targets within 2” as per the automatic rule. If the roll to target is failed the attack does not take place and may be tried again another turn.

Ghostrider/Spectre gunship 100pts When the situation demands it fire support can be called in from the formidable AC10 gunships to decimate an area with a torrent of fire. One shooting phase per game you may call in a Ghostrider or Spectre gunship support onto a target, following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. You may resolve any hits using some or all of the weapons mounted on the aircraft listed below within a 6” radius of the target. Blast Radius

4” -

Spectre: Operations


Drift Distance

3+ 4+

Drift +D6 -

Special Rules Tank Killer, Frag Armour Piercing, Rotary Cannon


Militia Warlord Assets Warlord assets are less conventional than those available to professional and elite commanders. They can involve knowledge of local terrain, hard won experience and cunning - or just plain luck! The assets available to a warlord can help turn a militia force into an unpredictable and enigmatic adversary for the enemy, which will keep your opponent guessing and throw unpleasant surprises in their path.

Intoxicated 35 pts The fighters gathered around the Warlord have indulged in copious amounts of moonshine and/or narcotics before or during the engagement giving them a temporary fearless and reckless attitude. At the start of your shooting phase, once per game all of your models may ignore any suppression that would otherwise affect them. But you suffer an additional -1 on their targeting rolls.

Veteran Commander 25 pts The warlord has fought numerous engagements and is able to take advantage of situations that less experienced men would not even notice. Once per game the Militia player automatically gains the initiative. this ability must be played before the initiative roll is made.

Escalating Engagement 50 pts Rebel forces located elsewhere are alerted to the situation and are eager to join the fight. Once per game on a turn that you have the initiative D6+3 militia models arrive on a table edge of your choosing. This may not be used on the first turn of the game.

Lucky 15 pts The warlord leads from the front and has survived many near misses. Your warlord get’s an automatic lucky escape the first time it is the target of a successful ranged attack.

Tip Off 15 pts Your forces are aware that an operation is planned and are able to prepare for the attack. After both sides are deployed you may re-deploy up to half of your militia models.

Spectre: Operations


Guerrilla Force 10 pts Your fighters spend much of their time moving through inhospitable locations, such as jungle and war torn urban areas. During one movement phase of your choice all of your models may move at their normal rate of movement through difficult terrain.

No Escape 15 pts Suspecting an assault, your fighters have set up a number of roadblocks and set them ablaze. At the start of the game, before deployment, you may place D3 barriers up to 4 inches long anywhere on the table. You may choose to declare these as being on fire. If they are burning then they block line of sight along their length (including to optics).

Mortar support Bands of fighters can attempt to provide fire support. The enemy will keep their head down and with luck they may even be hit! In the shooting phase, select a target and keep it secret (write the measurements to the target on a piece of paper). In your following shooting phase the mortar will hit the coordinates that you previously selected following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. Blast radius



Drift distance



Special rules Frag, multiblast 3

Artillery support Small field pieces, Rockets or homemade indirect fire weapons can support from a great distance but at the cost of accuracy. In the shooting phase, select a target and keep it secret (write the measurements to the target on a piece of paper). In your following shooting phase the artillery will hit the coordinates that you previously selected following the rules for Air support detailed in the special rules section. Blast radius


Spectre: Operations


Drift distance

Special rules



Armour piercing, Frag