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Sedomat System Updater Product version V1.5, Revision /Update Information: Second Editon, work paper
Technical Note 1. Introduction
2. Before using the System Updater
3. Overview
4. Updating System Software
4.1 Automatic System Selection ...................................................................... 4 4.2 Manual System Selection .......................................................................... 5
5. Install/Uninstall Fonts
5.1 Installing Fonts ........................................................................................ 8 5.2 Uninstalling Font .................................................................................... 10
6. Install System Language
7. Exit System Updater
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Sedo-Treepoint GmbH Neuwies 1 D-35794 Mengerskirchen, Germany
Phone: +49 6476 31-0 Fax: +49 6476 31 31 E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 1: Introduction
1. Introduction The Sedomat System Updater provides service staff a way to easily update Sedomat controllers. It can be used to update the Controller System Software, install secondary Fonts and additional System Languages. It’s not intended for upgrading the Configuration, PLC Programs, Dye-Programs etc.
2. Before using the System Updater The Sedomat System Updater is a stand-alone tool which is not part of the Controller’s System Software. It must be copied onto a USB memory stick and is started by the Sedomat after the memory stick is recognised by the controller (2-30 seconds). To use the Sedomat System Updater, the Sedomat System Software has to have at least Version V1.6 The following files are mandatory: Autostart.exe The Updater executable file .dll Utility Dlls. The following files are optional: A700XXXX.bin .ttc .ttf .ttc.reg .ttf.reg langXXXX.htm
Controller System Software Binary Files(*) True Type Font Collection Files True Type Font Files True Type Font Collection Registry File True Type Font Registry File System Language File
All files have to be copied into the root directory of the memory stick!
(*) currently supported:
A700932.bin A700950.bin A7009501.bin A700978.bin
: : : :
System System System System
software software software software
for for for for
SM2500 with VIA C3 CPU SM2500/SM2800 with Pentium III SM5500/SM5800 with Pentium III SM1800 Congatec-E800
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Chapter 2: Before using the System Updater
After start up you will see the Sedomat System Updater main screen. The first line of the Info field shows the currently installed Font. In the second line the System Software ID is shown. On some controllers this information is missing, because of an older Bios version (see chapter “4.2 Manual System Selection”).
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Chapter 3: Updating System Software
3. Updating System Software 3.1 Automatic System Selection If the appropriate system Software is found on the memory stick, the button
is enabled. Pressing this button copies the System Software from Memory stick to the controller. The Info field changes:
Do not remove the memory stick during the copy process!
After successful copying you will see “Copy done! System must be rebooted”.
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Chapter 3: Updating System Software
3.2 Manual System Selection If the Updater is unable to determine the System Software ID, it’s up to the user to find out the correct System Software. The Software is controller and CPU dependent. To find the CPU type you have to check the System Information on the controller: Open the “Management” menu:
Press “Service” button (If this button is disabled, enable it with Sedomat Parameter 22 “ENABLE SERVICE VIEW”)
Press “System Information” button
The CPU Type can be found here:
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Chapter 3: Updating System Software
If at least one System Software binary file is found on the memory stick, the button
is enabled. Pressing this button opens a list which shows the System Binary Files found on the Memory Stick. If the file is known, the controller and CPU type (in shortened form) is shown instead of the file name:
Select the right System Software and click “Ok” starts the update process. The Info field changes:
Be aware that the wrong System Software may crash the controller!
Do not remove the memory stick during the copy process!!
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Chapter 3: Updating System Software
After successful copying, the Checksum of the System Software is calculated:
If there is enough free space on internal disk storage the new System Software is copied while keeping the current software and you will be prompted to activate the new System Software:
The Checksum (CRC) is shipped along with the new system software and has to be compared manually. Do not activate the new System Software if the CRC is not matching! Otherwise the controller may hang or crash on start up! After activation of the new System Software you will see “Update System Software done! Reboot System” If there is not enough free space on internal disk storage, the current system software is overwritten on update. After update the checksum (CRC) is displayed in the Info field:
Do not reboot the controller if the CRC is not matching! Download the System Software again or use last known good Software and repeat the Update.
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Chapter 3: Updating System Software
Install/Uninstall Fonts Since Sedomat System Version V1.7 the controller contains Fonts for Western languages only, the System Updater provides a way to install an additional Font. Only one additional Font can be installed.
3.3 Installing Fonts If no Font is installed and the System Updater finds at least one valid Font file on the memory stick, the button
is enabled. Pressing this button opens a Dialog with a list of Fonts found on the memory stick:
If the Font is known, the language associated to this Font is shown instead of the Font file name. Select the Font you want to install and Press “Install Font”.
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Chapter 3: Updating System Software
The Info Field changes:
After successful copying the Font, the System Updater asks to change the system language:
Pressing “YES” changes the Sedomat System Language (Sedomat Parameter 8 “LANGUAGE SYSTEM”). Now the “Install Font” Button changes:
Pressing this Button makes the Font installation undone.
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Chapter 4: Install System Language
3.4 Uninstalling Font If an additional Font is already installed, the Font associated language is shown in the Info field and the button
is enabled. Pressing this button uninstalls the currently installed Font. Since the Font cannot be deleted after uninstall, the Button is disabled and the System must be rebooted to complete the uninstall process.
4. Install System Language The controller supports installation of additional System Languages. If there are System language files on the memory stick, the button
is enabled. Pressing this button opens a Dialog with a list of System Language files found on the memory stick:
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Chapter 5: Exit System Updater
More than one System language can be selected. After selection is done and “Install Language” is pressed, the language Files are installed.
5. Exit System Updater To close the Sedomat System Updater press:
If at least one Install/Uninstall/Update operation requires a System Restart, the Updater opens a Dialog:
Pressing “No” terminates the System Updater without restart. The Settings become effective after the next System restart. Pressing “Yes” restarts the controller or, if the Memory Stick is still plugged in, opens a Dialog:
Pressing “Cancel” leads back to the Main Screen. Removing the Memory Stick causes the System to restart after a few seconds.
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