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Authors: Rose Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, Joshua Alan Doetsch, Liz Grushcow, David A Hill Jr, Steffie de Vaan, Eddy Webb, Filamena Young Editor: Carol Darnell Developer: Rose Bailey Artists: Sam Araya, Mark Kelly Art Director: Michael Chaney Layout and Design: Becky McGarity Creative Director: Richard Thomas

Special Thanks

Requiem players far and wide, and especially everyone who contributed to the open development process. The clanbook creators, including Joseph Carriker, Will Hindmarch, and Craig Grant, for setting a sterling example.

© 2016 White Wolf AB All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire, and The World of Darkness are registered trademarks of White Wolf AB All rights reserved. Storytelling System, Vampire the Requiem, Mage the Awakening, Werewolf the Forsaken, World of Darkness, and Vampire the Requiem Second Edition are trademarks of White Wolf AB All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by White Wolf AB This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised. Check out the Onyx Path online @ http:\\


Secrets of the Covenants

Carthians New York: The Crowd Cairo: Forever And A Night Hanoi: Everything Turns Gray Los Angeles: Sleep Now In The Fire Caracas: The Marxist Brothers Dubai: Eat the Meek Houston: The American Jesus In Closing

Circle of the Crone

4 5 6 8 21 23 33 35 38


Sacrificial 41 Effortless Damage 45 Daisy 54 How I Learned to Let Go and Love the Movement 57 Nasiriyah 60 Tending Gardens 63 Bread Crumbs 65

Invictus The Game Harpy’s Night Out Bad Blood in Saint Petersburg The Trouble With Carmilla The Struggle of Sophia Charlotte Facility 52 When in Rome

Lancea et Sanctum

70 70 71 74 77 89 91 96


The Confession of Prince Augusto Vidal of New Orleans 106 Hubris 106 Sloth 107 Murder 107 Fear 109 Suspicion 111 Suspicion (II) 114

VII 119 Blindness 126 Fury 136 Faithlessness 139

Ordo Dracul Interview With a Researcher The Burlesque Grotesque You and Me The Quick and the Red Dear Scratch 13th Stepping Song of the Brides Lecture to the Symposium

Appendix: Trade Secrets

142 142 144 147 152 157 166 169 175


Carthians: The Tools of Revolution 177 Merits 177 Carthian Law 179 Circle of the Crone: Grave Flowers 181 Merits 181 Crúac Style Merits 182 Crúac Style Merits 182 Crúac Rituals 184 Invictus: The Ties that Bind 187 Merits 187 Oaths 189 Lancea et Sanctum 192 Merits 192 Theban Sorcery Miracles 194 Ordo Dracul: The Rites of the Dragon 197 Merits 197 Wyrm’s Nest Merits 199 Mysteries 200 The Coil of Zirnitra 200 Scales of Zirnitra 200 The Coil of Ziva 201 The Curious Science of Wyrm’s Nests 202

Table of Contents


S N A i H T R A C

ted Ano the r thi n g tha t p i sses me off, talk i n g about who sta rWa s p u n k roc k mu si c. Was i t.. . the Sex Pi stols i n En gla nd? k? i t.. . the R am ones and the Velve t Under grou nd i n New Yor sta r ted Who car es who sta r ted i t?! It’s mu si c,. I don’t know who t we did i t i t,, and I don’t gi ve a shi t. The one thi n g I know i s thamo har der, we did i t fas ter, and we def i n i tel y did i t wi th re love, bab y. You can’t take tha t away from us. -Stevo, SLC Pu n k Welcome to this month’s issue of FUCK THE REVOLUTION. It’s been three months since our last issue. Sorry about that, we were busy saving the fucking universe you ungrateful motherfuckers. So whatta we got for you this issue? Glad you asked. We’re gonna talk a little bit about New York history. By that, I mean Carthian history in New York. I know what you’re saying. “Dinasaur! I don’t

want to read fucking history texts and shit! I want to hear about sex, drugs, rock , roll, blood, and fire!” Well, calm the fuck down, because we’r e on the same page. I’ll make sure to focu s on the sex, drugs, rock, roll, blood, and fire in the history. The thing is, New York’s got a lot of new faces come to breathe some fresh air into our dead-assed lun gs. This issue’s gonna be their primer. They’ve got to learn their history. After all, if you don’t know you r history, you’re bound to repeat it. Rep eating shitty history is how you get hair metal. Nobody wants hair metal. I don’t wish hair metal on my enemies. We’ve also got a lot of other primer shit . Codes. Tactics. All that jazz. So if it ain’ t obv ious: DON’T SHA RE THIS. I know one of you guys will . And to you, I say, fuck you. Every tim e the Movement can’t get its head out of its ass, that’s your fau lt. You. Personally. So do the Movement a favor, and fuck off. Swear to the Inv ictus. Get your pretty wat ch. Because if we find you, and you hav en’t left, we’re going to kick you out. And we won’t stop kick ing until we’re sure you’re out. Now that we got that unpleasantness out of the way: FUCK THE REVOLUTION! Yours,


Secrets of the Covenants

The thing about talking about the Carthian Movement in New York is you can’t just talk about New York. Lady Liberty, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, you know the drill. Except we don’t breathe, so that shit doesn’t apply. We can’t just talk about New York, because the Movement is a culture vampire. Follow with me for a second. We devour culture. Since night fucking one, the New York Movement has dedicat ed itself to finding the best and the brightest ideas from all over the Kindred world. We take their coo lest, and we steal their ideas. It works pretty well for us, because we’ve been in power for a long fucking time, and we’re not going to lose power any time soon. Then again, it sucks for the cities we’re stealing from. Their game plans get leaked. Their leaders leav e for our brighter pastures. Carthian pow er tends to collapse pretty quickly after we come into town. But Dina! I hear you. You’ve got a thing brew ing in your head right now about how we’re hurting the Movement elsewhere, so we’re hurting the Movement everywhere, including New York. That’s treasonous and unethical and terrible and monstrous. Fuck you; you drink human blood to survive. Get off your high horse before judging. It’s really the same thing. We take what we need, because we need it. Sometimes we take too much, and the vesse l dies. It sucks (I know, you’ve heard that one before. Sue me.), but it’s the Requiem. We’re just honest enough to do it on a larger scale. So. Us. History.

We founded the Carthian Movement in 1778 right here in New York City. New York City? (I know that joke’s a bit dated. I’m a child of the ‘80s. You can’t take that away from me.) It was real fucking early in American history. People were feeling out this new experiment in Western democracy. As some things worked and others didn’t, people started organizing into groups that could achieve greater influence than their component individuals could. The kine formed a lot of these groups; the one you’ve probably heard of is Tammany Hall. It drove most of young New York’s city politics in the early nights of America. Our Movement came from that model. It’s not to say Kindred had much of a hand in the mortal Tammany Hall. I think maybe there was a ghoul or two in the ranks. But we liked the design, and we took it. The big difference though between our Movement and Tammany Hall, was we didn’t have much contest. Back in that time, New York didn’t have a lot of old guard. We had a couple Invictus here and there. They came with the aristocrats from England and France, but they were mostly younger licks. Their elders looked at America as a slum. Hell, there’s some record of Invictus talk of using



The French Movement claim to have founded the Movement in 1779. Of course they would. But 1778 < 1779. That’s just math. We founded the Movement. They snooze, they lose.

Pine old Gangrel liv ing down in the an ’s ere Th s. ble ira des un ir ony for the desirables. He’s “the colonies” as a prison col experiments, one of those un st fir ir the of e on s wa He . Devil survived some of the biggest ve Barrens, we call him Jersey ha t no t gh mi We . ent vem a friend of the Mo independent as fuck, but he’s in and stopped them. we attacks if he hadn’t stepped Competition aside, we won because s were appealed to the masses. The masse were from unique in New York, because they sses all the fuck over the place. These ma look like didn’t know each other. They didn’t the same each other. They didn’t even speak in languages. But they had some things s, and they common: They were all New Yorker they were were all more like each other than rs you like the rich, hoity-toity motherfucke the blue expect vampires to be. We were like ars. collars to their stand up Dracula coll bunch of Long story short, a bunch of us, a got together, Kindred from all the fuck over, we York, and we decided we were gonna do New n anybody and we were gonna do it different tha rt break else ever had. Now, let’s take a sho Cairo. from ancient history. Now let’s talk

On the Name

Tammanend We were gonna be called the that sounded Movement. A lot of us thought it the stupid. Most of the kids called “Tammament Movement.” Nobody could get it right. Then you had some assholes trying to say it in Munsee or some other Native American lang uage they didn’t know. So we called it the Carthian Movement, named after Carthage. It lasted a long damned time, and Aristotle thought it was peachy keen. So, it was good enough for us.


Secrets of the Covenants

I like it, Fool!

’ve Of course Cairo knows revolution. Fuck, they been having them for millennia. That place is they like a hot potato. Except instead of a potato, wing throw around rulership. And instead of thro the it because it gets too hot, they typically stake fucker and everyone supporting him.

ered pronoun Sorry to my fellow ladie s for the gend charge for in an wom a had there. But Cairo’s not t fucking abou is h whic ers, emb as long as anyone rem disgusting.

Cairo’s like an object lesson for Carthians. Sometimes, you can have too much revolution. But when is revolution too much? When is the safety of maintaining a status quo worth the stagnation of progress? Imagine my saying that in the voice of the wise old man in that curio shop on Canal and Centre. We’re gonna focus on the most recent revolution. The turmoil going on in the mortal world made it real easy and convenient for the Kindred world to twist turn upside down. The Prince of Cairo was an old Lancea et Sanctum member called Prince Ali Bagher. Ali Bagher was a typical theocrat. Basically: Do this. Don’t do that. Exceptions are punishable by death. I’m sure you know the type. He did his tyrant shtick, as Princes are wont to do. He got his ass dusted one hot July. It was not your run of the mill power seizure, either. It wasn’t some pompous-assed blowhard stepping up with a bunch of his toadies demanding the former Prince step down because yadda yadda popular opinion or whatever lies new Princes tell themselves so they can sleep during the day. A Neglatu took him out.


ed to know I say Neglatu like you’re suppos enants are, what that is. You know what rev eone with right? That’s when you kill som come back. fang, or kill a ghoul, and they tty elders, This is mostly a problem for shi . Neglatu and licks that kill a lot of people ey keep stables are like revenant masters. Th ir masters of revenants who will follow the an incestuous right into hell. It’s like hav ing personal army.

From the few witness stories, our intrepid Neglatu raided Elysium when everyone was present. They marched on the scene, and twenty or so revenants outright fucking slaughtered Ali Bagher, his Sheriff, and a few other officials who tried defending him. Most everyone fled. Some revenants died in the chaos, more than non-revenants. Fourteen citizens died, the most popular count says. Point is they took the city in less than ten minutes of massacre.

k of he’s not Carthian in the way you and I might thin Thing was, our revenant? He’s Carthian. I mean, be a very s with a bunch of mindless, hungry monsters to Carthians, because you and I don’t think of raid Carthian behavior. d of revenants. The crazy part is he administers Now, he’s in charge. He rules with his little broo pire, hian domain I’ve ever heard of. There’s “one vam what’s probably the most directly democratic Cart nteer committees to advise him on less pressing one vote” for most issues, and he allows opt-in volu leader. the slobbering monsters at his side, he’s a great issues. Everyone I’ve talked to say that except for and Cairo news; there’s some shit that’s hit their air Now, that’s a huge “except.” Because I’ve seen the the le city. He’s teetering on the brink of shattering print that would get a fucker killed in any reasonab se p of Israeli Invictus is looking to move in and depo Masquerade. One of my informants tells me a grou the up with your cracks about the greater stability of him for the greater stability of the region (and shut Middle East). The leader talks a good game about defending the Cairo looks stable. Everyone says it looks stable. to every Kindred in Cairo. He’s defended territory rights of the indiv idual, and guaranteeing the vote That prime feeding grounds. He’s democratized policy. rights, and kept the elders from claiming all the e vampires aren’t going to get to vote in any of thes sounds great until you note that about fourteen



pretty little elections. Maybe Ali Bagher was a dick. Fuck, he was almost certainly a dick. But killing fourteen vampires just tells me you’re willing to kill a lot more for very little reason. Cairo’s still in its honeymoon phase with our Neglatu Prince. May be I’m wrong. Maybe he’ll turn out great. Who knows? When we heard word of it, it sounded interest ing. So we (and a few others) sent people to look into Cairo. They confirmed the best and worst of it. The city seems stable, aside from the thre ats to the Masquerade. And considering the turmoil righ t now in that area, a broken Masquerade coul d be absolutely devastating. But it’s not our place to fix it, and I don’t even think we really coul d if we tried. Best we could do is adopt some new laws to mak e sure that doesn’t happen here. Law One: The act of creating a revenant is pun ishable by death. Law Two: Anyone involved in forcibly deposing a government official cannot serve in the next elected governing body. Now, these aren’t pe rfect, but it’s not ha rd to not make reve someone, dispose of nants: If you kill the body. Ashes do n’t rise as revenant this shit anyway. If s. You should be do you don’t want to di ing sp os e of bo dies, don’t fucking Mayor Blasio is mak kill people. ing our Requiems a whole lot easier. Le statistics look so ba t’s not make his d, so he can keep up the good work. We running around. W don’t want Neglatu e can all pretty muc h be on the same pa isn’t black and white ge there, right? Th , though. The Law’s is in pl ac e. It heard of anyone bi should be enforced ting it because of th . I haven’t is law yet. But, I’ve Neglatu in the sewe heard rumors of a r system, so who kn ow s? Then again, I’ve he alligators there too. ard rumors of

And who is involved in deposing government officials? Like, can you be the one planning the ass if you trick people into revolution ault? What ? That’s a tough one. The Carthi an Law wil l sor t it out. So far, it’s not been an issue because it’s a new law. Bu t we’ll find out soon enough, I’m sur e. Bes t bet is, don’t fucking forcibly depose government officials. We have sys tems in place. You might not lik e the sys tems, but they like you. Work wit systems, because the systems giv h the e us society. It’s all social contra ct. There’s Cairo out of the way. I lik e Cairo, because we took some adv ice from them, but we didn’t any of their culture in such a wa actually steal y that they couldn’t use it any mo re. That’s the closest thing we get We didn’t steal shit from them. to heroic: There was our positive. Not par ticularly positive, but you take what you can get when you’re dea ling with Murder Culture. Now we’re going to go for the negativ e. Oh boy! But it’s okay; it’s mostly about a culture overseas that pre tty much nobody in America kn ows about. Unless you talk to a Vietna mese-American, most American s’ knowledge of Vietnam ends with the Vietnam War, and even then, it’s spotty and full of propaganda. Ser iously. Tell me something you kn ow about Vietnam that doesn’t relate to a war that ended forty years ago, or pho. Thought so.


Secrets of the Covenants

Murder Culture

ans a culture Murder Culture basically me blame our that normalizes murder. We h our need for victims. We rationalize it wit ing number of our blood (even though a shock g). We say that victims don’t die from feedin uld mean a lot the fall of the Masquerade wo We tell ourselves more death in the long run. to protect our all sorts of bullshit in order ring people. precious fee-fees about murde

This isn’t to say that war didn’t cause lasting ripples you can see to this night. You can. Fuck, across eight years of war, America dropped a million tons of bombs per year. Vietnam, for those at home, is a little smaller than California, and most of the conflict didn’t spread to its edges. Not all of those bombs went off when they were supposed to, but decided to go off later. The US used Agent Orange to shred the foliage so their helicopters could see National Liberation Front forces using the plant life to hide. That stuff caused millions of life-ending complications. Seriously, Google some photos if you’re feeling like getting hit in the gut with

s and forests, some of which tragedy. It destroyed tons of rice field l likely never be farmable were invaded by other species, and wil to move into the cities, which again. This hurt the farmers, who had to beg in with. weren’t exactly bastions of great jobs les. The war might have Long story short, it’s always about ripp simple way of looking at things. ended in 1975 on paper, but that’s a ir civil war defined them as a I’m also not going to pretend that the ir modern culture. So let’s talk people, and defines every aspect of the resting place, because despite about a little history. Vietnam is an inte es ever are. Lieu been united for Kindred in a way few plac its distinct split in the mortal world, it’s long nt happened to it. four centuries. Then the Carthian Moveme Hanh’s Imperium stood strong for nearly

uyen Co-Authored By: Phuong Ng portant ways. Kindred trends in a few im to ion ept exc e rar a is Kindred nh Lieu Ha rs. I can’t think of a single yea red nd hu r fou of rt pa for the better of my New World First, she ran an Imperium hiatus. This might be some d de ten ex ut ho wit g lon t them, they’re who has remained active tha rare, and when you do find are rs yea red nd hu ple cou a over privilege talking, but elders variety. m a million year dirt nap” fro up ing ak “w the of lly more tolerant to ua us r blood thickens. We become Ou . ger on str get we er, old we get and closer to Context for the kiddies: As . Vampires just grow closer die d an r he wit o wh , ns ma not like hu eep. As influence from the Blood. It’s be too much, and they fall asl to s get e tud ssi da ba of t igh entually, the we en critical mass every night. Ev so badass. But it’s like a collag t no d an w, ne , sh fre e y’r the en they wake up, y stop being able they sleep, the blood thins. Wh , after a couple centuries, the rse Wo e. ris ll wi er pow t tha e, and imal blood injection; it’ll go away in tim you know how every night, an Do y. ead alr bit a s thi felt ly ’ve probab to feed from human blood. You



ing d are, except instead of eschew dre Kin t ien anc how at’s Th g? sounds that much less appetizin dred blood. they eschew human blood for Kin animal blood for human blood, n’t iculous powerful. Since she did rid g kin fuc game be to d ha In scientific terms, Lieu Hanh nt is, she’s a I’m getting ahead of myself. Poi eh, n… tio olu rev the g rin du meet Final Death tnam at large. huge x-factor for Hanoi, and Vie t say she was ure. She comes up in stories tha fig l ica tor his a s les or re mo Second, she’s stion the tury. Maybe. Many people que cen nth tee six the e lik in k bac from a real-world princess story involves banishing people the se au bec t par in is is Th nk story’s historical accuracy. ld probably make the world thi cou she so et, kh Me ’s she t Bu l. Earth and her being immorta d of thing we pire. So immortal’s not the kin vam , ow kn you d An it. m fro she was banished tend to question. huge affair; she m back in the day. It wasn’t a gdo kin the r ove k too she s, As the story goe conquered the first century of her rule, she hin Wit . ing eth som or e sir . inherited it from her influence as the mortal side did her ead spr d an e, pir em se me er all Kindred under the Vietna much of Vietnam’s political pow zed sei o wh s ler ru n uye Ng Her family wisely sided with the sts, and indeed, out her people to French intere g lin sel of her d use acc s tic cri in that era. Her push from to conquer the land, thanks to e abl re we nch Fre the , end ained she may have. In the Kindred world; Lieu Hanh rem the in ed ect refl y rdl ha s thi , militant Catholics. However ed to Vietnam to pay on. French Kindred even travel ati up occ nch Fre out gh ou thr empowered ce. to court for her favor and allian respects to the elder Shadow, e g period. I’m not here to educat lon y ver a ut abo g kin tal e tim I don’t want to spend too much n, one of our Kindred history. Phuong Nguye se me tna Vie of s out and ins cialist. you about all the d history if you want. She’s a spe dre Kin se me tna Vie ut abo all Ventrue, she can tell you wed all but the as an authoritarian. She disallo nly tai cer but , ant tyr a as not Lieu Hanh ruled parison tion disproportionately low in com ula pop d dre Kin m’s tna Vie g a rarest Embraces, keepin e wine of longevity comes from “Th t tha s wa , ted sta it as , law to its mortal populace. Her n as an effort to g dry.” Critics painted this decisio nin run m fro p kee st mu we one small cellar; r, unilaterally assuage those concerns, howeve to g hin not did e Sh . um nim mi keep dissent to a r cases, lation of her law. In three popula vio ry eve rly nea of e sir and own. slaughtering both childe m on as surrogate childer of her the t kep she e; viv sur s air aff she let the childer in these s, she cut through lic destruction. As the story goe pub me rso fea h wit t me h, ug The sires, tho e courtiers before her Court could blink. Th es tim red nd hu one ord sw n them with a woode ling to ash. e apart like cut fruit, before fal slid ies bod ir the ed tch wa ply sim ring World nfall of Lieu Hanh’s reign. Du dow the e am bec nch Fre the h Friendliness wit r of which t in both food and troops, neithe por sup se me tna Vie ded an War I, the French dem rtal issue, Lieu Hanh remained mo a ng bei s thi te spi De e. vid Vietnam was prepared to pro tnamese Kindred her French Kindred allies. Vie e uk reb to d use ref d an nt, decidedly sile speaking up re with her rule, while not yet asu ple dis ir the sed res exp ly iet organized and qu al. for fear of the ancient’s repris


Secrets of the Covenants

In late 1940, the Japanese moved in to attack Vietnam, or “Vichy French Indochina.” This was mostly to cut supply lines the Chinese could use against Japan. After all, the Japanese were in the dead middle of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Japan received some help from Germany during this whole thing, and you kn ow about Germany in the 19 40s. Vietnam’s Viet Minh res from the United States, the istance had support Soviet Union, and China. Ge rm an y ma de an ag reement with France to allow Japan to station in Tonkin (in the north, bordering Ch ina ). It’s wo rth noting that when Japan inv Vietnam, this was before Ja aded pan’s attack on Pearl Harbo r, so Ja pa n wasn’t engaging actively of World War II yet. with the rest As the Japanese strangled Vietnam of its resources, mi llions starved. At least one effect of this occupation. million died as a side Hanoi was of particular int erest in this struggle, since Lieu Hanh held her court in also housed the Viet Minh go Hanoi, and Hanoi vernment for its short rule of the country. Lieu Hanh ke advisors, locals viewed outsi pt French Kindred ders as mostly dangerous. As fam ine too k ove r, the Kindred hungered in kind. Lieu Hanh claimed thi s as a victory, as proof her rig id po lic ies on the Embrace were clearl preparation for such a traged y in y. The city wasn’t buying it. This got worse after Japan left Hanoi. The French stepp ed right back in and took ove wasn’t having it. The Kindred r. The Viet Minh looked to Lieu Hanh and he r French advisors, blaming this shift in power. It seeme conspiracy for d Lieu Hanh could do nothi ng to calm her people. Worse organizers against her were still, the three chief three of her “childer” adopt ed fro m pa st Em brace crimes. Where the thr (of vary ing ages) were supp ee osed to help keep her in tun e wit h mo der n Kindred and mortal societ withdrew from her, barely spe y, they aking to her in favor of the ir gangs of dissenter. By this point, Hanoi had fou r factions. Lieu Hanh mostl y maintained the loyalty of Her three surrogate childer, her French advisors. Dung Giang, Khanh Ly, an d Huong Do each command None of these factions numb ed another faction. ered more than a dozen me mbers (Hanoi had fewer tha 1950, in the most liberal est n thirty Kindred in imates) and none official thu s far.



In 1955, Hanoi was still in turmoil thanks to the Japanese, the Viet Minh, the French, and just about every other fucking world government, it seemed. Shit was tense, and the Viet Minh revolutionaries just kicked France out of the country. With it, Lieu Hanh’s council fled as well, leaving her with almost no support against her three protégées and their gangs. To resist the crises faced by the region, the North Vietnamese govern ment instated numerous reforms that pushed the country toward more Communist rule. These political campaigns targeted landowners, with extreme rent and land reform that ultimately led to the executions of many thousands of property owners. Some voices in the Southern part of Vietnam disagreed with this path, and numerous world powers chimed in to support one side or another. The United States aggres sively supported the southern part of Vietnam, as part of a push to reject Communist ideolog y for fear of the Soviet Union’s growing political influence on the world arena. They thought, at the time, that if one country fell to Communism, the world would quickly follow suit. That was pretty much bullshit, but hindsight is 20/20, right? It’s probably worth mentioning that everything suggests the vast majority of the population would have voted in favor of Communist power. Famously, a rigged vote skewed heavil y in favor of those resisting Communism. One hundred and thirty-three percent of Saigon voted agains t the Communists. That’s worse than Chicago numbers. Let’s not get it twisted, though. The Commun ist elections typically ended with 99% or mor e when they happened. Shit was fucked up all around. That’s a lot of words that lead to a pretty reas onable response: The people were pissed. The peop le lashed out. Since Ngo Dinh Diem won the presidential election, and he was super conservative and aligned with the US and other powers against Communism, the back lash came mostly from Communist forces. He was not some freedom fighter GI Joe motherfucker, either. If you collaborated against his government, he had you impriso ned, tortured, and likely killed. This happened to thousands of his oppon ents. So even in South Vietnam, the supposed side against Communism, you had massive groups organizing against this shit. North Vietnam helped that along, since that kind of organization could lead to its desired goals as well. It wasn’t a hard picture to paint, either. The United States was a scary fucking place. Vietnam was close enough to see what it could do if you fucked with them. So they looked like imperialist bullies. Through the early 1960s, North Vietnam began to set up shop and militarize in opposition to Diem’s government and its United States backing.


Secrets of the Covenants

JFK didn’t help. He wanted to look like a quiet supporter. He wanted South Vietnam to beat back the northern Communists on their own. So all his support looked like rich shitbag white people help. Case in point: The US and the Diem regimes worked together to relocate the non-Communist South Vietnamese into little isolated communes, where they couldn’t be influenced by the scary Bolsheviks. Repeat after me, kids, any time a wealthy world power decides to relocate a massive number of citizens from a poorer nation, it does not fucking end well. When Lyndon Johnson took the US presidency, things got worse. Within a year of his taking the seat, he decided to push hard into Vietnam, in order to fight back the Communists. Three million soldiers, over a full percent of the United States population, deployed to South Vietnam. Much of Johnson’s justification for sending soldiers (like some skirmishes on the Gulf of Tonkin) was fabricated to win over public support. The Kindred, the childer, they didn’t take sides. They couldn’t. In a warzone, every vampire has to focus on survival, first and foremost. This is why Kindred revolutions almost never happen during human revolutions, but frequently happen after them. We’ll touch more on that later. Through the fighting, everyone banded together. The already meager Kindred population in Hanoi fell dramatically, leaving less than twenty vampires by the war’s official end in 1975. Ironically, Hanoi’s human population rose, as more and more refugees flocked to the city in light of the combat. Saigon fell. Maybe three million mortals died. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam rose from the remnants.

Sometimes, shit’s just not working, a leader re cognizes it, and they kn of change. Lieu Hanh ow better than to fight was smart. Her city didn the winds ’t fa il; he r people didn’t starve be have prevented. cause of anything she could Let’s think perspective , though. Starving vam pires are WAY different mortals starve, they ty from starv ing mortals. pically turn inward. Th W hen ey might steal food. Bu Starving vampires beco t m os tly , th ey , you know, starve. me spiked fucking wrec king balls that’ll demoli not the destitute people sh ev er yt hing to get their fix. Th of whatever third world ey’re country you see late ni and-so washed up ‘80s gh t co mmercials about, featu actor. They’re a little bit ring sojunkie, a little bit Hann Hulk. W hen half your ibal Lecter, and a little city’s mortal population bit Incredible is on death’s door that from anyone, and ther on ly ex ac er ba te e’s a good chance they s the problem. Feed ’ll die. That means less vampires. This means blo od al l ar ou nd. This means hungrie lost control. This means r more dead humans. Th how that works? Basic is m ea ns less blood all around ally, it was hell. . See So when Lieu Hanh’s ch ilder stood up and said, “Shit’s gotta change,” Li And she fucking walked eu Hanh said, “Sure. Ch . That was 1981. Nobo ange it.” dy’s seen her since. It was a revolution met wi th a shrug.



e lead the Movement. Th to cil un co g lin ru a an election for act in office nh left, the three held Ha eu Li r te af red public. Their first ly te nd ia Ki ng ni Immed ai m re e th e from s in the city est and with no surpris ipled, as most vampire tr ion lat pu po d three won with no cont re nd I’ll st year, the Ki throw future elections. er laws. Within the fir to m d for an l , al ies d st en na up dy to l s tia wa found influen the a desperate attempt to thanks to the famine in e ry ac ng br hu g Em in to d nn ru ble m re scra vampires we in addition Hanoi’s history, most in w no ht rig at oblem any better. Now th pr u at yo th e ak m remind t no d di e mix terly a ton of vampires to th ions thanks to some ut ut ec ex of r be m nu a region suffered. Adding it had to comm pires, our new regime to a bunch of new vam d about issues. It looks like Hanoi ha d. fin d ul co egregious Masquerade we as se t they’re clo d t be fully accurate, bu hundred thirty Kindre e on st lea at of s rd These numbers may no co died 85, there are re the Kindred in Hanoi the “revolution.” By 19 lf g ha rin er du ov d y, re sa nd to Ki is ty is twen r to sixty. Th e population doubling al population was close Th tu t. ac e en th rc t pe bu d i, re no nd Ha hu r liv ing in rose over fou The actual population s. ar ye r fou e os th g cancerous. or fled durin th is nothing short of ow gr of nd ki is th t cities in Asia bu ough, ghai, Manila, a lot of an Sh l, would be troubling en ou Se o, ky To d. e Kindre population over one hundred activ w per capita Kindred ra e th th wi y cit Tonight, Hanoi holds r ajo m rds not a single pulations. But there’s ce the revolution. Reco sin i no Ha in ed di ve ha have larger Kindred po red Kindred me t as many as five hund e Tree of Liberty or so es th t gg ou su s ab or ts m en Ru m i. m no co of Ha t a lot of petty an two hundred. I’ve go th r se clo to r be m nu put the es. en in the best estimat ev h, as of lot a ’s at th shit. Still,

Undesired Side Effect: End of the Empire

irety of what While Lieu Hanh ruled the ent revolution we now call Vietnam, once the tely, her childer came, that fell apart. Immedia e Hanoi. lost control of everything outsid the void, and Outside forces stepped in to fill e the power to the three childer just didn’t hav y focused on arg ue the point. So instead, the y could. locking down Hanoi the best the

‘90s, A few times over the course of the ‘80s and massive Hanoi’s Movement made efforts to curb the couple of executions caused by the famine. While a maybe, licks put forward the idea that maybe, just three the Embrace should be limited; the ruling

they said. Instead, in 1997 they looked shot that down without even the slightest consideration. It’s not fair, causes arbitrary and unnecessary toward a reactionary Communist-inspired idea: Territory is unfair, and nobody needs to starve. scarcity. Without territories, you can feed wherever you need to, and thus think about all the ways this idea Now, I want you to put this magazine down, take five minutes, and just were a Leonardo da Vinci of stupid, was stupid. Not just stupid, but inspired levels of stupid. Like, if there Kindred politics (which also came out this idea would be his Mona Lisa. It was like the BATM AN & ROBIN of in 1997. Coincidence? Maybe…)


Secrets of the Covenants

t the Hanoi government. For almost twenty years, the law says declaring territory is treason agains even. Saying, “This is my haven, get the fuck out” is a capital offense. I can’t In fact, it caused quite a few Needless to say, this didn’t help the famine. It didn’t curb the deaths. ce larger factions to help ensure more. Population fluctuated even more still, as sires scrambled to Embra l offense to claim territory, but if representation and some semblance of safe feeding. Sure, it’s a capita on that turf and fuck with you. you’re squatting with eight other vampires, nobody’s going to move in ed were executed for “de facto At least, that was the going theory. In a couple of high-profile cases, Kindr ed those Kindred to be holding territory claims.” Whatever in the fuck that means. Basically, they assum explanation, but all evidence territory on everything but paper. I’m sure this doesn’t require much ring dissidents. suggests the trio used this “de facto” bullshit as a way to justify murde

Then again, at least they bother lampshading their murder. Invictus just say, “We have the right to kill who we please, by virtue of being the First Estate.” So I can’t throw stones and say they’re any worse than your average Western Kindred regime. Unlike your average Western gests even Kindred regime, everything I hear sug itories” the leadership kept tight to the “no terr unds rule. People had havens, but feeding gro erships were just not really a thing. Yay for lead isy. That’s that manage to keep away from hypocr in a ton rare and admirable, even if it resulted ing of deaths and some corrupt bullshit tak , for those advantage of their integrity. Apparently it worked for, it worked for well. ns This gets worse. No territory also mea when people don’t have to be accountable for a problem and where they feed. If you can’t pin in that on a given vampire, there’s no sense s means vampire being discreet or sensible. Thi s get that sometimes, entire neighborhood ass. This plag ued with a dumb vampire’s sorry e cases lack of accountability has led to massiv nam of anemia, which isn’t great since Viet are. already wasn’t dealing well with healthc

Long Lo Suoi

The Long Lo Suoi was an answer to this problem with famine and pestilence brought on by Hanoi’s Kindred. It’s a network of mortals who have looked into the abyss, and come back with knowledge of vampires. So you’ve got all these . people who know who were are, and how we work Long story short, vampire hunters. And not just your average, cross-in-the-face-power-of-Christcompels-you hunters. These fuckers learned from

the guerrillas. The Long Lo Suoi essentially has three wings; they’ve got leaders, they’ve got a military arm, and they’ve got a political arm. Their leaders exist to organize and motivate the hunters. The military arm lays traps, and battles the local vampires through attrition and terrorism tactics. This usually means fire and outnumbering. It almost always means sunlight. Their political arm informs local citizens. They don’t run around saying “vampires exist” or any shit like that, but they commit to local action campaigns, instating curfews and neighborhood watches. They encourage the young to always conceal a weapon. They don’t seem interested in “ending the vampire menace” or anything like that, so Hanoi hasn’t mobilized against them at large. Once you get on Long Lo Suoi’s radar though, you’re working on borrowed time.



When a lick overfeeds in a slum, they can sometimes leave thinking everything’s cool since everyone survived. But then one person gets sick, and that lead s to one family, which leads to one block, which leaves everyone in dire straits. Then you have numerous dead , and an entire chunk of the city that’s com pletely worthless feeding grounds for months to come.

Hanoi’s is a Movement divided. Dung Giang, Khanh Ly, and Huong Do each manage a faction owing allegiance to the Movement. Lieu Hanh was Unaligned, but sometimes her childer call her a Carthian or an Invictus to suit their particular needs at the time. The childer tell that the covenants were not so deeply entrenched in Hanoi until the revolution. Maybe half the Kindred owed allegiance to a covenan t, and most Carthian. Later, everyone was Carthian. We’ll talk about that in a bit. Our information suggest s limited membership in others exist, for example, rumors of a Dao Mau Circle of the Crone cult are common, as is a faction of Lancea et Sanctum hiding within the ranks of the Carthian Movement, inspired and perhaps still mentored by a member of Lieu Hanh’s French advisory circle.

Dao Mau Circle of the Crone

The rumors of a Dao Mau Circle of the Crone cult are widel y regarded among the Kindred of Hanoi as less rumor, more inconvenient truth. The state demands all members pay membership to the Carthian Movement and no other covenants, but not all members are so strict. In fact, the three faction leaders have each independently said that relig ion is not a bane to the Movement, but that organized relig ion threatens the sanctity of their city. If this cult exists (and it probably does), it venerates Thien Y A Na, or her earlier form, Leiou Ye. Leiou Ye is the credited first of the Cham people. Their faith, from the bits and pieces cobbled together for this piece, appears to be inspired by medium channeling, and by old East Asian Muslim traditions. She tells us that one such cult blends its goddess veneration with a strange anti-elder dervish-like relig ion from Thailand. It teaches that elder s must be destroyed, essentially recycled regularly for the betterment of the Kind red species. While this sounds like it wouldn’t go over well anywhere, the relative youth of Hanoi’s Kindred keep the idea from reaching true taboo status. Another less-confirmed cult worships Au Cor, the mythical creator of the Vietnamese people.

Dung Giang was Lieu Hanh’s first surrogate childe (or at least the oldest that survived to the revolution). He’s also the most hard-assed. If you hear about an execution in Hanoi, it was Dung Giang. Early on, he set his gang up to be the best of the best, and the smallest faction. He set extremely high and often contradictory standards for those who wanted to hang with him, and demanded intense performance if


Secrets of the Covenants

ew every member pt his gang small, but he kn ke is Th . up it ep ke to d nte they wa ers would of competition, so the memb se sen g on str a ilt bu o als closely. This remov ing for corruption, with hopes of er oth ch ea te iga est inv ly each meticulous for their allies. members and making room While Khanh Ly and Huong Do didn’t necessarily approve of his methods, they gave Dung Giang due respect. He did most of the dirty work. If there was a problem, his gang rooted that problem out and destroyed it efficiently. They also see him as a necessary evil for the status quo. He gets to be the “bad cop,” which makes the other two factions look nicer by comparison.

Khanh Ly’s Faction

the Khanh Ly has the opposite distinctions from Dung Giang in almost every respect. She was tired, the middle childe. Her faction is the most populous, and the least discerning. She took in the might weary, the weak, and the disenfranchised. By most criteria, her faction looked the way you of Giang’s expect a city’s Carthian Movement to look, if set upon by a stronger oppressor in the form gang.

motivated Her advantage goes both ways. She gets to set her faction up as the underdogs. So they’re the heroes to push forward and advance legislation and actions “for the people.” They get to look like less terrible when Dung Giang’s people act like utter monsters, even if they’re just acting like slightly as the bad monsters. As Dung Giang’s forces “police” her people (read: murder), she gets to paint them ic relationship guys, which helps her own morale. Essentially, those two factions have this sick, symbiot where they cyclically devour each other.

Huong Do’s Faction

. We liberated her from Hanoi. I’ll get on Huong Do’s awesome. Huong Do’s our girl with that in a bit. But, we like Huong Do. was the middle of the road, moderate, Clearly, we’re biased, but Huong Do’s faction d that way, even. They called themselves a wor reasonable group. They billed themselves g time standing between Khanh Ly and Dun that means “mediators,” and spent a lot of from Final Death. Giang, defending one member or another to pass more laws than the This positioning put her in a unique place the raw voting power of Khanh other two factions combined. Even without use. She pulled votes from both Ly’s faction, Huong Do was a legal powerho Do didn’t start the bills to break sides, often both at the same time. Huong fact, her faction was notably up territories or open up the Embrace. In she didn’t support? Let’s talk dissenting against them. The other big bill about that.



The territories law became controversial over the course of about five years. So in 2003, Khanh Ly and Dung Giang supported the law that probably put the nail in their regime’s coffin. Hanoi declared membership in the Carthian Movement mandatory without exception. This came with it a few interesting stipulations: • Membership in other covenants was similarly outlawed. Even if you’re Carthian, you cannot maintain membership in an additional covenant. This flies in the face of the Carthians’ general acumen for moonlighting all over the place. • Speaking against the Carthian Movement is considered an act of treason, a high crime that, if

proven guilty, is punishable by death. “Proven guilty” changes from case to case. Sometimes, it means hear say from influential members. Sometimes plotting again st the regime on camera isn’t quite enough. It’s one of THOSE laws. • It means Hanoi’s borders are closed to about 80% of outsiders. You cannot come into Hanoi unless you’r e recognized as a member of the Movement, with an influ ential member willing to vouch for you. A few Kindred from China, Laos, Thailand, and other parts of Vietn am have found this out the hard way. At first, they made exceptions for those willing to disavow their former covenants for the Movement upon arrival. THAT chan ged quick ly when one alleged spy entered Hanoi with that loophole. • In practice, it means every single new Embrace has to be introduced to Kindred, the Masquerade, and all that business before the Embrace. After all, being a Carthian is an at-will thing, so you have to make the conscious, informed decision to join. Since you have to do it immediately after becoming Kindred, you have to get the skinny before you’re bitten. This means every Embrace must first be a Masquerade breach. This also means that those not so keen on joining the Movement have to be killed.

• It means fascist outfits aren’t really that sexy, because everyone’s wearing them. This brought on the first few real attempts at overthrowing the new regime. These attempts came from within, of course, with some uprisings against Dung Giang, and one against Khanh Ly. The attacks on Dung Giang were put down savagely, and were


Secrets of the Covenants

You chose..... poorly

to conquer was a maneuver Ly h n ha K st n tack agai t – and Carthians fough as a whole. The at : ty nd ci co e se th a r r ue fo nq at co ink on th mostly planned to ncel this law. Th ca to s te vo g in thus sw anoi. ants. her faction, and join other coven in and conquer H to ch ts ar m gh ri to s’ g re in n pi y are plan c died – for vam Ho Chi Minh Cit e most optimisti th om ly fr on s u d ct an vi e, In m dre of e en at any ti We know of a ca ggest most of th de. It could happ su ca es de a at m ly ti ar es ne ll r A e case fo ed front. This has been th st a truly organiz n ai ag ce an forcers. ch a Hanoi has Dung Giang’s en of id ra af e ar Carthian thinks t bu defect, ently waiting to Movement is curr

e city’s a ne fucked up. rship requirement, th be em m an hi rt Hanoi’s Movement do Ca e th and another law, the open Embrace, e. They’re overdue for at st e lic po l Between the territory ica nn ra ty ism and ioning blend of anarch strange and nonfunct come hard. it comes, it’s going to revolution, and when . g this stuff, we had to in ar bunch of He . nd ki in d de ory, and we drafted a st We respon r he to d ne te lis we ent), ong Do (more in a mom W hen we liberated Hu have about ndred population. We Ki new laws. ’s rk Yo w Ne of y rit ajo til ent can never be the m n join the Movement un ca dy bo no l, • The Carthian Movem ta to e th up 49% of ing in the city. If we make ever, we ask a low-rank at wh or es di t en two hundred Kindred em ov tside the M vote in ve 49% and someone ou , the volunteer cannot ion at ob that changes. If we ha pr is th g rin Du us.” venants in New for “probationary stat e other recognized co th for g member to volunteer tin ca vo ad th wi e line s. As well, she’s tasked far. But we straddle th so ice tw ed en Carthian or city election pp ha ly is has on their numbers a bit. Th York, to try to bolster passed. istently since the law ns e Big co ve ha d an %, 49 e democracy here in th tiv ta right around en es pr re a ve ha . We ey be a Big Fucking Deal™ ven nine randomly; th gi a in is o wh e • The Embrace has to in rm st tative. We dete brace, you need at lea mpire gets a represen Em to nt wa u yo If . Apple. Every ninth va ion through elect member esentatives every year pr re up ge weird, but when you re an ch tle lit We a . ds vote un so is Th . council e heard of our representative the tides to change. I’v for ar ye a it wa a two-thirds majority to t go u’ve only r of the you’ll get approved, yo for their votes in favo er ev at wh or rs that if you don’t think vo fa demanding about representatives ovable way. a couple horror stories s substantial in any pr wa ies ery or st e os th of y block tracked, and ev cit e gl Embrace. But none sin y er ev th wi have maps ounds here recognized thing. We cks of open hunting gr blo • Territory’s a hard, few a of ion pt ce ex u whose turf onsible for it, with the e an app that’ll tell yo ad m en block has someone resp ev ys gu r ou e of en you’re are open for travel. On can turn on alerts wh u yo so up or there. Major streets it t se He nction. the time, using the GPS fu you. It’s like liv ing in ts er al d an es at you’re on at any given br vi it grounds, if they’re okay to feed of your allowed feeding em th ll te at th ps ap ve hunting; if you go out rcars, they ha ts from people everyone having hove of d ea st in pt ce ar pointless argumen Ex he . to re ed futu ne n’t es do iff Sher ubly nice; because the nds. somewhere. This is do ne else’s feeding grou eo m so to in d se os cr that “didn’t know” they



e I should probably note that three shitty laws don’t defin , and Hanoi. My little story here covers a long span of time that I’m there’s a lot of outrage, beauty, and problems between not hitting on.

Appropriating Huong Do

In 2005, Huong Do reached out, and we answered the call. Her city was falling apart. She was the smart moderate, trying to save her home. But ultimately, her efforts were no more effective than polishing the deck chairs on the Titanic. She

l New York from all over Asia. But, in typica rs offe of nty ple got She . ice adv out in asked for backup. She asked for in and offered Huong Do a way ed rch ma we and w, cre a in ht broug fashion, we opted to roll hard. We utiful democracy. ne tickets, and a place in our bea pla , ort esc ed arm an of m gs for the it (admittedly with jack-booted thu vis our ce sin , ited lim bit a n bee have In retrospect, her choice might her look treasonous. look like a children’s show) made ent vem Mo an thi Car ’s rea Ko that would make North Hey, hindsight’s 20/20, right? ent. She’s already zenship within New York’s Movem citi ted pec res a ds hol She us. s tely, and it’s Now, Huong Do adv ise ht years. She’s bought in comple eig t pas the of six for ups gro she’s a acted as representative for her n invaluable to the Movement, and bee has e enc eri exp r He e. her n life. beautiful. You’d think she was bor It’s like she’s got a new lease on . ing iev ach d ppe sto not ’s She king. workhorse. She’s not stopped wor ely holding the stretched, snapping fabric bar s wa Do ong Hu . ked fuc erly utt her. What about Hanoi? Well, Hanoi is ost all have turned their backs on alm but es, alli r me for her h wit contact Hanoi together. Huong has some lines. So we can’t nly across the Internet or phone ope ak spe to aid afr are h wit t risoned. Even those she can connec st of her faction is now dead or imp mo t tha w kno we t Bu nt. poi s t even get solid information at thi now striking preemptively agains are and n dow d ble dou e hav s der lea m We know that the remaining two l defenses. We know outsiders fro ral ove ’s city the g rtin hu lly tica drama any potential revolution, which is rces are true) to g (and potentially colluding, if sou kin loo are m tna Vie of ts par er Thailand, China, and oth strike and remove the regime. d or locked list those she thinks are now dea and s, rie sto the tell Do ong Hu to I sat down and listened revolution that was her might be the catalyst for a ing los but , ate tun for un it’s t rching in away forever. I tell myself tha bably mean Inv ictus outsiders ma pro l wil tion olu rev the t tha t fac r a long time coming. I ignore the to come in and act like a prime ng goi is y gra er tsid Ou . city the utiful in and dismantling everything bea r the canvas, but what ntually paint something else ove eve to e abl be ght mi y the ; ng coat over a flawed painti ever. they’ve painted before is lost for


Secrets of the Covenants

Then again, maybe it’s all a tes t.

most. But there’s the rub of mo st

Maybe Lieu Hanh lies in waitin g,

sav ior stories, right? They’ve

ready to step in when the city

needs her

needed her for a long damned time. Even if it’s oking all the chaos and sufferi ng? Then I shut up and remember that now, we’ve got Huong Do. Least we can do is preserve the most beautiful thing they had, so it can’t all be painted over. true, can we forgive her for ove rlo

Sorry. Ranted a bit there about Hanoi. I know I spent a bit of time there trying to justify what we did with Huong Do. But that’s the thing, isn’t it? You’ve got to tell yourself stories in a way that lets you control the narrative, and make yourself feel okay. Spin the story right, and we’re just shitty, horrible people. Nobody wants to tell the story about how they’re a shitty, horrible person. Now let’s contrast New York with its historical foil, Los Ange les.

(Spoiler alert: This story makes me feel good about myse lf, too. LA is a shithole; it’s the worst the Movement has to offer, and at least we’re not them.)

Los Angeles was always a Lancea et Sanctum stronghold . You’d never think of it, with the way everyone sees LA as some liberal, hippie, progressive, politically corre ct bastion. But that’s mostly because people don’t know the reality of Los Angeles. Just because Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fly around the world rescuing underpriv ileged babies, doesn’t mean that Holly wood isn’t like the most corrupt, conservative cesspool in the world. Entertainment is a place where peopl e are willing to overlook terrifying politics and celebrate the awful. After all, entertainment makes you feel good, right? To your average sheep, nothing’s better than feeling good; and there’s no crime greater than denying a little cheap entertainment. So. Lancea. I mean, Los Fucking Angeles. City of Angels. That name didn’t come from nowhere. A bunch of imperialist murdering relig ious fucks settled Los Angeles. Some of them were Kindred. Some of those Kindred lived for a long time after that founding, after all the human founders were long dead. They ruled the Los Angeles nighttime. Archbishop Felipe Montrose ruled from (allegedly) 1820 until, well, now. I say allegedly because all records suggest he was the only vampire in the tiny little ranch town back in those nights. I say, “well, now” because anyone you ask tells you that tonight, LA is a Carthian city. Just not on paper. Not yet. When California joined the Unite d States in 1850, immigrants rushed in, so a few Kindred followed suit. But Los Angeles wasn’t a major city until later. It grew quick ly with the Santa Fe railroad from Chicago in 1885. Holly wood and World War II construction needs blew the place up. The early part of the twentieth century really marked Archbisho p Montrose’s reign.



ns came The joke we tell is, before the Carthia time. With LA, into tow n, at least the tra ins ran on they know the problem they’re run nin g into is, agree on what shit has to change, but nobody can nge to, or needs to change, what it needs to cha He’s been a how to change it. Montrose is a shit. a moustacheshit for a lon g fuckin g time. His “I’m citizen of Los twirlin g monster law” is that every This means Angeles must attend monthly Mass. thin g where “communion,” which is a disgusting e, and you feel you eat a wafer, and it turns into Vita tever-the-fuckall magica lly tick led by Jesus or wha ever ma kes Sanctified sorcery work. but this is Not going to waste much space on it, of the Crone, a giant fucking affront to the Circle believe that and pretty much anyone that doesn’t vampire Longinus was the blah blah king shit cle didn’t take prophet whatever. But fuck if the Cir Some of the all that terrible shit and run with it. own little cult members went so far as to start their

I’m a Moustache-Twirling Monster Law

As vampires, we live by three Traditions. We have the Masquerade, the Progeny, and the Amaranth. Everyone knows those. But we have some informal Traditions that most Kindred live by without being self-aware.

My favorite informal Tradition is the “I’m a Moustache-Twirling Monster Law.” This Tradition says that if a single vampire holds supreme executive and legislative power in a city, he or she will bring about a law that more or less exists only to cement their status as a total fucking douche. An excessive feeding restriction is a common example. Disallowing one group from the Embrace is another. Requiring all potential witnesses to Masquerade violations die, that’s another. Any time you force an entire city to practice a single religion, that’s grade-A fuckstickery.

to Santa Muerte, and they even appropriated some Lancea et Sanctum magic rite shit. It’s freaky, it’s beautiful, and it’s a powerful show of how oppressive religions don’t always get the last laugh. Their cult is amazing. It prohibits violent death of any mortals, it focuses on bolstering the poor neighborhoods, and it’s basically the best thing to come out of Los Angeles. Folk Catholicism for the motherfucking win. This cult is more Carthian than LA’s entire piss poor Movement. No idea if it’s a real thing or just an image, but the leader of the cult has a skull for a head. I don’t care who you are: That is badass. A lot of vampires think it’s some zany bloodline or whatever. The cult says it’s because she’s moved beyond the


Secrets of the Covenants

a head. That is Whatever. She has a skull for . sk ma ed cat pli com a it’s nk need for the flesh. Some thi m cartoons. than you might imag ine fro d significantly scarier in person geles has been knee-deep an An s Lo rs, yea ty en tw st pa d to change. For the Francisco, Orange Long story short, times neede coming from San Diego, San ces for got ’ve you e; ers div crazy ge. You’d inch thick of a revolution. It’s tions. The LA Movement is hu fac ian As of ple cou a s, up Mexican gro one’s got County, and then you’ve got ere’s no formal leader. Every Th ks. coo ny ma too of ry sto , but it’s really a and think this was a good thing ized mess that plays pranks an org dis s thi get you So revolution should go. Shit, he knows their own ideas for how the to just start killing fuckers. ose ntr Mo for big too t’s en Movem ruffles feathers. Of course, the cane for show. , and sometimes rattles his ne alo m the ves lea t jus he not removed a they’re ineffectual, so upset the status quo. They’ve t no e y’v the d an n, tio olu l rev rty we do, Twenty years of active, voca ’s no Carthian Law. Next pa ere Th . ion tut sti con a t ou ab not brought er, tyrant from office. They’ve king hilarious. If you’re sob fuc e y’r the k, un dr ’re you constitutions. If I’ll bring some of their draft

ge. The they’re just sad. e of actually effecting chan abl cap st lea the o als are . The young ll, some of the The best of LA are the young comfortable to take risks. He too d an e ers div too are t en ly army thing. oldest members of the Movem o some militant Catholic ho int ch ur Ch the d an s ian Carth s and Movement fights to align the m Embraced in the late 1970 the of st mo gs, Do i Ok the d Fairfax calle y getting There’s a cool group out of nk thing, and they’re finall pu t his arc an ic em ad ac ird to push for a we thold. But it’s still an early 1980s. They’re try ing ilosophical thinking get foo ph ve ati ern alt d lpe he et’s s a fuckton of some traction since the Intern placency. Problem is, there’ com t no e, rag cou ed ne y JFK, the uphill battle. To paraphrase ple. As a policy, complacency in LA. y. Los Angeles is a bad exam laz is es gel An s Lo es. gel Los An We didn’t appropriate from we don’t touch the poop.

one of our geles, let’s talk about An s Lo an th r tte be g ck for bein ed it along. d ourselves on the ba more or less just help we d, an st I e er Now that we’ve patte wh bling, so from noi was already crum Ha . ps -u ck fu e at m iti leg e it, we hurt Caracas. s was doomed from th ca ra Ca at th t en But Caracas? Holy sh m gu mpelling ar uments. There’s a co rg r-a te un co e m so d t… I’ve hear Invictus monarchy, bu an te va ele to cy rdinand and ra nspi their story. This is Fe ll te start, that it was a co em th let t’s Le . em up ramble. We fucked th others. Actually, I shouldn’t them the Marxist Br ll ca I . es siv is m ng changi Cesar Rodrig uez, ex



Mr. Ferdinand 678 Broadway, Brookly n, New 11206 United States September 9th,

Araujo Unit C York of America 2013

Dearest Brother, I write with the utmost hope tha t this letter finds you. I preface letter by saying I wish for neit this her your pity, nor your help. I have reconciled my lot, I am workin g within my current means, and I have settled regardless of why I am here. When I left Caracas, when I left our dear revolution, I left not my own accord. I left when Ame of rican revolutionaries waving our banner – that of our Carthian Movement – abducted me and brought me to their New York City. They brought me under the pretenses that I coul d help their faltering revolution, tha t I could rejuvenate their wan ing power. They did so by robbing me of my identity. They restrained me befo their greatest Ventrue, and over re the course of one horrendous mon they shattered everything that th, made me Ferdinand Araujo. Nearly ten years have passed, and I am now my own person again. Finally. Enough with the lament and melo drama. Dearest brother, do you walk? Do you lead Caracas still in my abs ence? Please, tell me your greatn ess has not waned since I’ve gone. Sincerely,

Ferdinand Araujo Senor Cesar Rodrig uez Araujo Avenida Sanz Residencias Terepaima, Entrada D Caracas 1010, D.F. Venezuela September 30th, 2013 Dear Brother, Hearing from you is a light in the darkness. I thought you wer e forever gone from me; I presumed for years that your disappearance was par t of our sire’s grand plan to conquer Caracas. Perhaps it still was. I wish that I could tell you of my greatness, and not of my fail ings. I walk, but I do not walk tall. I wal k on my knees; I walk the wal k of the meager. Sometimes, I wish I walked no further. Sometimes, I stand on my roof, awaiting the sun’s kiss. Then I realize my soul, my ver y sense of self is too strong, and that the sun can never tru ly destroy me the way it could our sire. When you left, Caracas became too much to handle. Our revolution was beautiful, but without you there, the city fell apart. I had my supporter s, but your supporters loved you so, that they could not see the revolut ion without your heart and your fire. They did n’t revolt. They never revolted. The y simply stopped


Secrets of the Covenants

rest city stopped caring, the the of t par n Whe ng. standi sion, we caring. They stopped revolution. Without pas of cer can the is thy apa saw that. As you know, d. war for um ent mutual respect. A had no mom territories; we had no for t pec res no had whole. We str uggled Crime soared. We the Masquerade for the in nta mai to ed her bot difficult to rein in. precious few of us became more and more e rac Emb the as on the Caracas Metro with overpopulati d could not travel in dre Kin rs, yea of ple sent to solve the Within a short cou nts. Every excursion we ena rev of gue pla a of together unraveled tunnels, because eads that held our city thr The ce. tra a t hou problem vanished wit became the expectation. and slowly and lawlessness stood before the city, e to the occasion. She ros e, e vic sir ser our , and ago or rs hon Five yea through line and dedication, cip at dis gre h a oug , thr ent t onm tha usi disill told them once again. Through the e t saf y mos cit ed, ir low the fol t see they could the nights tha in and ht, nig t Tha . ner y, she As a show of solidarit many flocked to her ban to her Invictus order. lty ture fea cap re m swo the nt had eme of the Mov iliations. She aff mer for its on n tur er to organized this new ord offenders. st wor ir the e r’s imprisonment, and execut of a year’s exile, a yea ice cho the me d ere spend a year in Our dear sire off collapse. I chose to y’s cit the in t par y of Carabobo. or execution for my Movement at the Universit the of e som h wit d die unteer to shed my Valencia, where I stu politely requested I vol nt eme Mov al loc the order. I agreed When I returned, of upsetting the city’s r fea for ng, ndi sta past reputation and a neonate once more. ing grudgingly. I became as among the living, as liv I am ver y glad you are e. y, not cit ve iti the pos of a ill on ses speak Let me end is New York City? My bia How . se. ves pon sel res r our l you cal as we can ce. I eagerly await fairy tales of the pla but I have also heard With Love,

Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Mr. Ferdinand Araujo 678 Broadway, Unit C Brooklyn, New York 11206 a United States of Americ st October 21 , 2013

Dearest Brother, that envelope confirmed rs in my eyes. Seeing tea h wit ter let r you your last. I worried I opened that this decade was not that my negligence led ed, liv ll sti you t tha for me nfall, and abduction was your dow Thank you so. I fretted that my I’d ever experienced. e non e lik was ief rel The to. e. enc not if you chose to that occurr ugh I would understand s. What of our for responding, even tho and those ills of Caraca s, ill r you of r hea the beautiful words? But I ache to paradise? What of all ’s ple peo Caracas. our of t Wha revolution? politics, in our lovely ond bey er pow had We s? The chants? The slogan idad de Flores? I never of the city? Our sire? Car l tro con k too e sir . She brought two young You say our was lax in her ambitions She e. join the typ the her ed expect ffed as they decided to sco e onc er nev and d, war ned us when brothers into the fol quietly, advised us, and us ted por sup She nt. ferences between our Carthian Moveme . She helped bridge dif ons isi dec ise unw ing we were mak



revolution and the Invictus. It just comes as such a shock to me. It’s not that I don’t believe it; it’s that I don’t want to believe it, and I cannot imagine what her city would look like. How is her grandchilde? How is your childe? Consuela? Is she fine? Is she with the Movement now? Or did she follow her grandsire’s footsteps? You ask of New York City. New York City is very much a city. It’s not Caracas. It’s crowded. It’s very loud. The crime is just as pervasive, but not so obvious. The most dangerous criminals wear white collars. The police are lying thugs who accost anyone who does not look like them. But many of the people have strong hearts. They have passion. They have a survivor’s instincts. These are people who traveled the world for opportunity, to escape oppression. They wanted to give their families better lives, and fought tooth and nail, only to risk everything and land somewhere frightening and foreign, where they were outsiders in every sense. Opportunity exists, but in a place with millions of people but only thousands of opportunities, it can look desperate. America sells stories of hard work bringing reward. Every one of these immigrants works hard. People work themselves nearly to death to come here, but most barely scrape by. If America rewards hard work, these people should all be wealthy, each and every one. They’re not. Sometimes, one will find work in theater. Sometimes, one will succeed in the drug trade. By and large, these are people who have to miss meals to pay rent. Oh, the rent. Brother, you would not imagine. Some flats in New York City cost more in a month than most people in Venezuela earn in a year. Many homes contain multiple families, many of whose members work two or more jobs so that together, they can pay for the single apartment. Venezuela’s people are poor, but that does not mean New York’s are not as well. I know you are likely angry with the New York City Movement. But I want you to know that if you decide to seek vengeance, some of the Movement is honorable. Some are worth saving. The one called Dinasaur, she saved me. She discovered what happened to me, and she found a Ventrue to free me from those shackles. Now, she’s a good friend. I would not want those wholesome members of the Movement to come to harm. I know your temper. Best wishes,

Ferdinand Araujo Senor Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Avenida Sanz Residencias Terepaima, Entrada D Caracas 1010, D.F. Venezuela November 30 th, 2013 Dear Brother, I’ve read your letter over each night for a week. It helped me find sound rest, knowing you fare well. I must first say, you overestimate my temper. It is you, dearest brother, who has the fire within you. Perhaps that is why I did not struggle when our beloved sire conquered Caracas; I did not have it in me to argue her points, or to prove that our revolution was a good thing. I will not be rampaging through the streets of New York City in your name, unless of course that is your heart’s desire. I would not disappoint you, after all. But I do not do vendettas. Remember the nights of the


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Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement, when we took the opportunity to bring revolution. I did not engage in fights, save for in immediate self-defense. I hope you take this with no offense. I do love you, but I am not one to engage in campaigns of vengeance. What of our revolution? Our revolution is dead. We laid its groundwork in the 1980s. We engaged in multitudes of planning and legwork in the early part of the 1990s. Do you remember imprisonment? Your trials at the hand of the New York City Movement were not your first time in captivity. You and I spent a year imprisoned by the Lancea et Sanctum, by the former regime. They held us for fear of coup, which was admittedly a legitimate fear. We could not speak to the people directly, but we spoke through agents, we organized the revol ution from deep underground, both literally and figuratively. Then when we press ured the Church to release us, the revolution heralded us as heroes, as martyrs for the cause. They knew our souls were true and honest, and desired nothing more than to change Caracas in the name of the People. Do you remember our graffiti in those cells? Sometimes I visit them. None in the city knows those cells still exist. I occasionally dream that if we build a new revolution, that those walls, those writi ngs could stand as an artifact for the Movement. In 1998, you and I took our city for the revolution . We rose en masse, standing strong against the eldest of the Church and their supporters. We lost many soldiers that night, nowhere near as many as the enemy lost. The enemy simply had more to lose. They lost age. They lost power. They lost their façade of control and stability. They could not keep the People down any longer. That night, we held an election. They unanimously elected us to a collaborat ive Presidency. The city stood as a paradise for the Movement, and an icon of the People’s victory. We held strong for six years, until 2004 when New York City took you away from me. From that night, the revolution didn’t die, but it may as well have. Its heart hung from its chest by weak, decaying veins. Every night, another vein collapsed and disintegrated. I was but the gaping chest that held those veins, and I could not hope to keep the heart from slowly drooping and falling off. Make no mistake: By the time Caridad de Flores took Caracas, the revol ution was already long dead. The revolution coughed and feigned life for two years after you left, but she put it out of its miser y. New York City sounds like a desperate, frightening place. But I’m sure one could say the same of Caracas. Have you learned anything from the way the American Carthian Movement conducts its revolutions? Yours,

Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Mr. Ferdinand 678 Broadway, Brooklyn, New 11206 United States December 15th,

Araujo Unit C York of America 2013

My Blood, Hearing from you has been delightful, despite any negativity in the comments. Perhaps soon, we should attem pt the telep hone. It is no more or less secure than our postal correspondence. I worry Venezuelan or American



mortal authorities might intercept one of our messages as part of their efforts to combat terrorism. It appears anti-Venezuela sentiment has died down largely since Hugo Chavez’s death, but I cannot trust American authorities. Has the anti-American sentiment slowed in Venezuela? I cannot imagine a world where that is the case. It has been so very long. I asked you about Consuela. I’m sure you missed that paragraph. I do apologize, Brother. How is she? New York is a desperate, frightening place in the way that all cities are desperate, frightening places. Mortals struggle. Mortals must establish hierarchies and systems, and in every system, some are on the outs. In American capitalism, it happens that most of those are those with whom I care to associate most. For millions, it’s fine. It’s a good day’s work for a good day’s wage. I see hundreds of smiling people at night. The feeding is good. New York needed fresh ideas, and fresh personalities. I fault their practice of abducting and indoctrination. Clearly, that policy is not universally popular, and when someone breaks it, they go unchallenged. They wanted new spirit, and they couldn’t rely on finding some neonate to fix all their problems. They sought out well-tested hearts and ideas, tempered on the fires of true revolution. They wanted tried talent. As disgusted as I am with their actions, I am flattered at their choice. Now, I work to subvert their past behaviors, and motivate them on to greatness. My language barrier is waning, but has caused some conflict. Fortunately, a coterie of Spanish-speaking Carthians has been able to disseminate my messages to the populace. They’ve been clever enough to act as intermediaries, as buffers for my worst critics. I’m helping to build New York into something beautiful, and something without the corruption that recruits through mind slavery. If you have no place in Caracas, perhaps you should come to New York? My New York. We could plant the seeds of a new revolution. New York isn’t paradise, but Caracas doesn’t seem to want you. I want you, Brother. Please consider. Always,

Ferdinand Araujo Senor Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Avenida Sanz Residencias Terepaima, Entrada D Caracas 1010, D.F. Venezuela January 12 th, 2014 Brother my Brother, New York City, you say? You think I’d have a place in New York City? Brother, I am far more conservative than you are. I don’t know that I could look an American in the eye, let alone feed from one. Your new Movement knew this. They knew what they needed. If they thought I’d be valuable, they’d have grabbed me while they had the chance nearly a decade ago. No, Brother. I am not a valuable member of anyone’s Movement. I let the fires of revolution die. That is the only true Carthian crime. No, Brother. I’m not long for this world. The world turns, and moves on without me. I’m a bygone. Even when you were here, this was your show. The revolution


Secrets of the Covenants

tor. A paper pusher. . I was a bureaucrat. A legisla you ded nee it e aus bec rt apa fell I was not. You’re evil, the role was necessary: the but , evil ary ess nec a I was ievements, but I will that. I don’t beg rud ge your ach saw York New am. I n tha er bett I’m on your level. not diminish them by claiming d. I want to see it travel. I want to see the worl Who knows, though? I want to no revolutionary. p in New York to visit. But I’m all before I move on. I may sto Not any more. t live successfully life I can appreciate. If I can’ new r you ut abo ng ethi som me Tell rs. to live vicariously through you through my own means, help me With love,

Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Mr. Ferdinand Araujo 678 Broadway, Unit C Brookly n, New York 11206 United States of America th January 30 , 2014 Brother, Brother, Brother, derful. t denigrate yourself. You’re won no place Please, don’t flatter me, and don’ has s aca Car if New York, particularly in you t wan I . able valu re You’ you to work. re a suitable leader, I can put for you. If you don’t think you’ You gave me y; I can facilitate that. Please. se. You like to have your hands bus Plea my life. Let me give you a job. mentorship and protection all mean this answer me about Consuela. Does s she’ Brother, again you’ve failed to se, Plea the aftermath of my leaving? she’s not well? Did she fall in family. I wish to know. better. You’re rt. But I want to know you’re I’m sorry if this message is sho . Visit York New to to New York, but come best for sounding fatalist. Don’t com mit it’s If er. eth tog We’ll soul search me. We’ll talk. We’ll catch up. care for you, for you, I’ll leave with you. I you, you can stay. If it’s best ether. Brother. Let’s find solutions tog Concer ned,

Ferdinand Araujo

Senor Cesar Rodrig uez Araujo Avenida Sanz D Residencias Terepaima, Entrada Caracas 1010, D.F. Venezuela th February 24 , 2014 Dear Ferdinand, leave. I don’t ? I don’t know that I can safely Do you truly want me in New York tional lines, but d to smuggle you across interna know how your abductors manage



Venezuela watches its borders. If you have any ideas, I am listening. Caridad knows we’re writing. She knows of our corresponden ce. She knows you live. I don’t know how she knows these things, but she knows. This is no warning, no threat, simply a statement so you understand. She brough t it up obliquely at Elysiu m, speaking of “those of past crimes, those we though t dead.” She knows you collude with those within Caracas, and she fancies you a conspirator against her regime. She said she seeks to root out “the corrupted.” I think she aims to motivate others to pry into my affairs with this speech. I won’t move yet; I will remain where I am, to demonstrate innocence and not alert the dogs. I did not mean to denigrate myself, only to exalt the truth of the situation and praise you. What sort of work do you think I can do in New York City? I feel every bit the old man. I don’t wish to learn English, nor do I think I could if I wished. I’m too proud for physical labor; I’m no thug or workhorse. I cannot imagine a job where I could succeed and flourish in a foreig n land, but you have a greater imagination than I do, Brother. What of my prejudices? I am a man of even temper, but then again I do not see the excesses of the bourgeoisie each night in my current home. I don’t know that I could maintain myself indefinitely around their crimes and exploitation. I don’t know, Brother. This sounds like a pretty thing, a possibility for dreams and hypotheticals. But it’s one I’m willing to entertain with your support. Tell me: Do the People have control of their Movement in New York City? Or is it a revolution of personalities? Pensively,

Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Mr. Ferdinand Araujo 678 Broadway, Unit C Brooklyn, New York 11206 United States of America March 12th, 2014

Dear Brother, Brother, I’ll ask only this one last time. Please, tell me of Consuela. I won’t bother you further on her if you do not respond. I only wish to know what happened with her. But I lead with this so it cannot be mistaken. You ask of New York City’s Movement? It’s democratic. Every member of the city has a voting representative. We vote individually for certain important issues. City law prohibits any one member of the Moveme nt from achieving immense pull within the Movement. It’s not perfect, but it mostly achieves the goals it set out to. We have nearly one hundred members in our Movement, and nearly two hundred citizens in the city at large. While the Movement rules the majority and influences constitutional decision-making, they do not truly rule in the way Carthians in some cities might. More importantly, essential laws have a review period. When voted in, they take action, but require a follow-up vote by the next council of representatives. This way, the bill becomes law largely through merit; laws that fail do not fester long. I think this is a very practi cal way to run such a collective.


Secrets of the Covenants

Brother, one in five people in New York speaks Spanish natively. This puts you in a unique position, even if you choose to never lear n English. You can be my liaison, my eyes and ears in those comm unities. You’ll mostly be dealing with the working class, so your prejudices shou ld not be an issue. Frankly, Brother, if you kill the occasional slumlord or expl oitative executive, New York will be better off. I can get you out of Caracas. I have frie nds. We could stage another abduction, so you don’t appear complicit in your vacancy. If you say the word, I will have you out within the month. Concerned,

Ferdinand Araujo Senor Cesar Rodriguez Araujo Avenida Sanz Residencias Terepaima, Entrada D Caracas 1010, D.F. Venezuela April 1st, 2014 My Ferdinand, I am sorr y. I’ve read your questions abou t Consuela. It’s a difficult topic, and one I avoided because I struggled with putting it into words. It’s the reason for such delay in many of my letters. I’ve drafted dozens of letters in one case, and multiples in ever y. I’ve given long-win ded explanations of the situation with Consuela. Each and ever y one, I trashed. It hurts me just to write these words. But I owe it to you, Brother. While Consuela was my childe, I know the two of you were lovers. She resented me for the Embrace. While I felt we belonged together, you were the closest surrogate for me that I could find. So I fostered that relationship. Caridad, our dear sire, told a gang of revo lutionaries to hunt down one of their more “treasonous” members. That gang incl uded Consuela. According to Consuela, when she confided briefly in me, Caridad’s lang uage seemed to encourage her to commit Amaranth upon her former coteriemate as a show of good will toward the new regime. However, in the hunt, her cote rie fell. She was the only survivor. She did commit the dread Amaranth agai nst her former mate. When she returned to report, our dear sire took her into custody, and tried her for breach of Tradition. During sentencing, Caridad offer ed Consuela the choice of execution or of a full Vinculum, and eter nal serv ice to the First Estate. You remember our sire, Brother. You cannot say no to her face. You cannot defy her. Consuela did not defy her. Now, Consuela is the single strongest supporter of our sire’s rule. She’s a “knight,” a warrior for our sire’s whims. She’s slaughtered no small number of revolutionaries unwilling to support the new order. When I was exiled, she commuted my sent ence. She escorted me to Caracas limits. When I parted, I tipped my hat to my daughter. She spat on my boots. She’s completely under Caridad’s sway. She’s lost to us. I want out. Please, Brother. I cannot bear this place any longer. You’re the only home I know anymore. Always,

Cesar Rodriguez Araujo



Mr. Ferdinand Araujo 678 Broadway, Unit C Brooklyn, New York 11206 United States of America April 10 th, 2014 My Brother, I understand. I hurt for Con suela’s loss. But we cannot forever. I will come to you continue to mourn . April 30 th, my friends and I will arrive to remove you from Caracas. We will protect you. We will esc give you a new home, away ort you. We will from this pain. My Brother, I love you. I shall see you soon. Sincerely,

Ferdinand Araujo There’s some bias in here. I guess Ferdinand gets to have bias, right? We abducted him. We brainwashed him. We legit fucked up. We’ve got to cop to that. He can never go back home, so we’ll always make a place for him in New York. He’s a good guy. He’s invaluable. But, he’s ultimately our victim, and we can’t forget this, and we have to fight to make sure his voice both exists and is respected in the future. Let me finish this story for you. We visited. By visited, I mean we brought eight motherfuckers to roll on Caracas, and get Cesar Rodriguez Araujo out of that shithole. When we got there, he was dead. According to the locals, Cesar Rodriguez was wanted for suspicion of treason. One night, he vanished, never to be seen again. A week after his disappearance, Caridad proclaimed him guilty of evading trial, and his life forfeit due to his past crimes. Although, the going rumor was that a group of Caridad’s thugs found him and fucked him up. What’s the old saying? “It’s best to not call a blood hunt until after the target is already dead or in captivity.” We think we found his ashes. It’s hard to confirm a stranger’s remains, even if you have a skilled Shadow on your posse. But there was enough circumstantial evidence to back it up. We found them with half the letters you’re reading here tonight. Ferdinand gave permission to print the whole lot of them, to tell their story. We refused to leave empty handed. I worked with Ferdinand to find Consuela. We cornered her. We abducted her. We took her home. Now, we’re in the process of deprogramming her, and getting rid of all that poison her grandsire fed her. Are we committing the same atrocity we did with Ferdinand? Ferdinand doesn’t seem to think so. He says we’re liberating her. Of course, we told ourselves we were liberating Ferdinand. Maybe we did a little too well at assimilating Ferdinand. Maybe I shouldn’t assume we great big American imperialists are so good at erasing people. That’s infantilizing and kind of shitty. Maybe Ferdinand came to his own fucking conclusions. And maybe, just maybe, we’re in the right this time.


Secrets of the Covenants

FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! That was depres sing. All full of thinking and shit. We ruined a city! We’re fucking awful! God, I need to get ove r myself.

Do you know how I like to get over mys elf when talking about political bullshi t? I like to look at places that are a million times worse than our incestuous pit of socio-political juveni lia. To do TH AT, I’ve got a story about Dubai, written by one of our members who had the distinct plea sure of spending some time there. Erica’s one of our cross-c ovenant friends; she’s part Movement, part Circle of the Crone. All awesome. Read her shit. It’s from her blog, so never mind references to com ments. She also teaches Devotions to anyone that wants to lear n. Hit her up. Give her cash. She love s cash. Her ad’s somewhere in this zine. Go digging. , The tickets were non-refundable. Any time you do something where you know you re going to , face the sun, the Beast pushes back. If your mortal mother s in danger, if it means going out in the sun for twenty minutes, you might just go back to bed instead of helping. But non-refundable international tickets? Those even scare the Beast into compliance. You beat that inner monster back into the corners of your psyche, you put on the heaviest jacket you can, you pop the collar and wear a hat, and you get your ass to the airport. The worst part of daytime flights is that last twenty minutes when you’re waiting to board and you have to stand around a bunch of testy pricks in front of a giant picture window. Every time a kid cries in line, you get down on metaphorical knees and pray the airline boards them immediately, before your Beast decides to turn the place into a buffet line. Fourteen hours, twelve minutes. I wish I could have spent the whole time covered by a blanket. , If I got too comfortable, I d pass out. Then, I,d look like a corpse in seat 26C. My cure was shitty, decade-old sitcoms on the in-flight television. Part of me wanted to sleep. Part of me wanted to die. But I couldn,t do either... I froze watching artistic train wreck after artistic train wreck. One featured three unemployed twenty-somethings in a million dollar Upper East Side condo. And me, the immortal monster celebrated by all popular media, I,m flying coach? Next time, I,m Voicing someone into first class. I planned it so I,d land as early in the evening as possible. My point of contact, an Acolyte called Mahmud, offered to meet me at my hotel. I traveled all the way around the world, and ended up booking the Holiday Inn. There,s some kind of social commentary here, but I can,t pinpoint it. Mahmud told me the lay of the land. He explained it,d be smart if I just kept to my hotel whenever possible, since as an outsider without extensive training in local customs, I’d have it rough. I laughed it off. I figured he meant that I’m a white girl in a Muslim country. I had to meet him the next night for the event, for my cult,s winter celebration. I fed well before leaving, so I could do the entire trip without hunting on unfamiliar soil. After Mahmud left me, I wandered the hotel. I walked the halls. I listened to some of the people at the hotel bar, as they went about their business, their flirting, their whatever. I don,t know Arabic, I don,t know Urdu, but I know people. I love listening to people when the specifics of the



language and the words aren,t ther e to confuse me. I like feeling out the subtleties of their interactions, and how they differ from what I’m used to. The way the women tilt thei r heads and bat their eyelashes is a little more pronounced than in the States. It makes me aggressive and hungry; I can,t imagine how it makes the Neanderthals at that bar feel. It was a real subtle sexy, and if I had to face it head-on, I couldn,t say no to it. It,s for the bes t I didn,t: Girl-on-girl is a huge offense , . I d hate for my meal ticket to get beheaded for thirty steamy sec onds. A few hours later, I don,t know just when, my bad luck kicked into gear. On the way to my room, stepping out of the elevator, I sensed two other Beasts. Footsteps slammed down the hall rapidly from that direction. I made the quick jud gment call to just let it be somebo dy else’s problem. I didn’t want to duck back into the elevator and raise suspicion. The chase burs t out into the foyer I stood in. Two vampires, both dressed in busines s suits, slammed through. They sma shed some potted plants and busted a water fountain. I clenched my jaw, and slowly walked to my room . At least, I thought I did. I mistook the path, and diverted. By the time I corrected my course, the stom ping stopped. Three doors down from my room, one door stood open. Traces of dust and water led inside. Against my better judgment, I peeked into the room. One of the suited men bore down on the other, forcing him to the bed. He drained the last of his victim as I watched. As the monster fed, the victim desiccated into nothingness; it was as if he aged a decade a second. I put hand to my mouth and watched, frozen in place. I carried the weight of an overwhelming, primeval fear. The vict im crumbled to dust, and the murderer caught my eyes momenta rily before I could run. He snarled, and my Beast cried out for help. I ran like I’d never run before. The monster chased me, but I was more willing to escape than he was willing to catch me. I realized it was about 5:30am, and people were on thei r ways to their Fajr prayer. I pushed the Blood to my legs, and leaped through the fourth-story wind ow. As it shattered, I drew the eyes of all those praying. They gaw ked, and my pursuer was unwilling to engage, so I escaped. I traveled a few blocks, and charme d my way into a hotel room despite the window of prayer where I shouldn’t have been able to make a business dealing. I slipped into my room , and dropped an email to Mahmud with the cliff notes version of my encounter. I woke, and shortly thereafter, Mah mud reached me. He apologized. He then told me I couldn’t attend the celebration. He told me I would be best to leave Dubai immediately , and avoid any Kindred contact. I pressed him for more, and he agreed to briefly meet me so he could esc ort me to Dubai International. He came by the hotel, and picked me up by the loading docks. I couldn’t imagine what that meant. We drove on back streets and alley ways. He explained that my pursuer, the diablerist, was a man called Ishaq, a mover and shaker in the loca l Carthian Movement. I asked why the Movement doesn’t mobilize against him. Mahmud explained that the Movement,s rules permit Amarant h. As he explained, Dubai’s Movement ruled by “Meritocracy,” which essentially looks like anarchi sm. If you’re strong enough to devour someone’s soul, you’re enti tled to it. If you’re weak, the populat ion will intercede. Ishaq is the closest thing Dubai has to a Prin ce, and everyone knows he,s a seri al diablerist. Nobody stops him because, surprise surprise, he,ll diab lerize you if you try. This has apparen tly happened numerous times. Close to the airport, our car crashed suddenly. Out of nowhere, we wrecked into Ishaq. Ishaq howled out, and I felt his words burning in the back of my mind. I felt his voic e like leeches, trying to rob the life of me. This happened in public, on a busy city street. His façade gon e, he was every bit the obvious monster. Ishaq looked like a djinn, a devil. Mortals panicked. Some fled scre aming. Some fell to fetal positions crying. Mahmud jumped from the car, as did I. Ishaq wasn’t the only one with dirty tricks, though. Except Erica,s dirty tricks are New York style. He snarled at me, tryi ng to stun me so he could move in for the kill. I taught him som e new English curse words, picked up that old Lincoln Town car, and brought it down on the fucker,s hea d. He tossed the car off about three seconds later. Mahmud jumped him, and told me to run. I liked Mahmud, but I didn,t think twice. I ran. I didn,t look back, but I heard Mahmud scream in the distance. I heard Ishaq rip him apart. Then, I hea rd Mahmud cry out a prayer in Arab ic, which cut off a few seconds later. Fortunately, that gave me the time I needed. So with Mahmud,s help, with Mahmud, s sacrifice, I fled. I Voiced everyone I could find until I had enough money to buy an emergency one-wa y tick et back to New York. I had to stop in London and stay a day. I didn,t care. I will never go back to Dubai. If I hea r of any Kindred willingly traveling ther e now that my story’is public, I will suspect they,re going to get away with murder.


Secrets of the Covenants

Makes you glad you live in New York now, doesn’t it? We heard Erica’s story. We heard it well. Our reaction was simple, but thorough: It takes a two-thirds majority of all our representatives to allow for a Kindred death. With the way our cycling representation system works, that means no one Kindred should ever be powerful enough to single-handedly choose to end a Requiem. Holy fuck. Permissible diablerie? I get that it’s shitty to look to other cultures and point and gawk or whatever. But there’s a line. I think it’s right around the point where you say it’s okay to eat souls. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that’s utterly fucked. Can we all just be on the same page here and say that’s not okay? That’s what I thought, glad you all agree. (Also, don’t even dare call me an Islamophobe or whatever. I’m from Lebanon. Born and raised Muslim. I’m pretty sure soul eating doesn’t come from Muslim culture. I’m pretty sure it comes from crazy motherfuckers, which happen independent of religion.)

at we call them) ir real name, that’s just wh the t no s at’ (th xx Te n ize issue, cit d below), but In our last feature of this of our public policy (discusse e som ed nc ue infl is Th . home, Houston a huge fan writes about their original they voted for it. Since I’m en wh m fro me ca y lic po t s just where tha ton. I’m sure not everyone know are a little ditty about Hous sh to xx Te d ke as I es, rat electo of educated and informed

on. But Sorry everyone. I’m not a writer. I’m not an educated pers I think I love New York, and I love my new home in the Moveme nt. learn from we all have a lot to learn from each other. Maybe you can a drink to my exp erie nce. I hope you can. If you can’t, I’ll buy you this is a make up for the time I’ve wasted. Actually, I won’t because pse udonym. But I’ll make it up to you. in bed. In most cities, the Invic tus and Lancea et Sanctum are e else They form this weird little political/re lig ious bloc. Everyon it’s way g ets to be outside that bubble, that niche. In Houston, a Christian more complicated than that. In Houston, the Carthians are n doc trin e. Moveme nt, who mod els their who le thing afte r Christia



ays that way, isn’t it? alw ’s ion ig rel t Bu t. ec erf imp and ult fic This is dif h. Most of the essential It’s not as hard as you mig ht think, thoug about the g osp els. The n doc trin e relates to accep ting som e fac ts and salvation throug h g race. there’s som e stuff about killing , fidelity, m doc trin e, thoug h. That’s It’s way different than Lancea et Sanctu is essentially heretical to the big g est hurdle. Ironically, Christianity Lancea et Sanctum teaching. tely the opposite direc tion How did a Carthian Movem ent g o comple easy to understand if you of its usual, hardcore secular thing ? It’s ent is all about exp erime nting look at the con text. The Carthian Movem In Houston, the hum an with hum an solutions to Kindred proble ms. ck was there to support the pop ulation is heavily Christian, so the sto heart, is a solution for som e Kindred pop ulation. And relig ion, at its Lastly, it’s all about science. deep, fundam ental proble ms we all have. but in social sciences, all Kindred “science” is a dif ficult concep t, unts to mag ical creatures, a thing s need to be tested. For what amo to test. little mag ical thinking is a log ical thing What I find is the most important test is, whe n does ideolog ical purity become essential? Christian doc trin e isn’t inhere ntly incomp atible with Carthian doc trin e. But the y’re not the sam e thing. Carthians are about testing and trying thing s out. Christianity is about accep ting truths and working from the m as a foundation. You can say you’re testing and trying the practice of accep ting truths and working from the m as a foundation. 36

Secrets of the Covenants

at what the th t n’ Is o? d m tu c an e Lancea e t S But isn’t that what th it ’s som e thing In vic tus do? k in th ’t on d I . g in th ’s a g ood ’s a g ood thing it k in I p ersonally think it th I ut B . at e should look the rest of the g in the Move m e nt at larg th e m so ’s it , ils ve n if it fa Com m andm e nts, n Te e th for Houston to try. E w llo fo n ve from. You can e a reality. It really as Move m e nt can learn on ti mp e d re t p ce ling to ac cause there’s ne ver so long as you’re wil be , nt e m ri e p ex an on, as cep ting Christianity ac s works as an excep ti e ir mp va of up ro spread g w, differe nt, ne ’s it , ac tually bee n a wide ay w a in o S their ideolog y. as a foundation for and edg y. ld be able to g e t on ou sh u yo of t os M . e Sp ear It sure pisses off th ? ard the Move ment. w board with that, rig ht to g in an le as w I e s. I left becaus , on e of their warrior I had to leave, thoug h. rs ie ld so r ei th of e I was on just that I was as w it ; I was in the In vic tus. e nc e ol vi ted hating the defe nding som e thing of d It wasn’t that I star re ti as w I y. og eir ideol d to offer, and I ha ns ia th tired of protec ting th ar C e th t ha r m e. I saw w tog e thers, te g r ei th to that wasn’t working fo ng oi g with the m. I started , so their words ly mi fa an started hang ing out ti is hr C a . I g re w up in m e out, and d e ck ki y e Th in and out of church . it ng In vic tus wasn’t havi I left, and cam e e. m d ile ex sounded g reat. The ty ci e th m leadership in the Lancea e t Sanc tu I could be of use. ht g ou th I . rk Yo w e here to N er to be both Carthian and oth red nd Ki ing ow all h wit g experimentin ’re always Thanks to Texx, we’re now rthians who moonlight. There Ca ve ha ies cit st Mo s. on cti s. But in New things, openly without restri protected information acces d an s ion sit po g kin an h-r to hig ntify. You restrictions, usually relating esn’t matter if you cross-ide do It . ian rth Ca ’re you , ian ’re Carth York, we’ve said fuck it, if you fit. express yourself as you see d an te ega gr con to e fre on our be should ows us a convenient loophole all d an es, vot ian rth Ca re have mo ear, Critics say this allows us to ts. So, if you’re Carthian, Sp an en cov en giv r you all as sus, you count es. So you skew the 49% rule. You see, in the cen happen), you count three tim t tha see to e lov I’d se cau don’t want and Order (hy pothetically, be efits outweigh the costs. If you ben the nk thi I ly, nk fra t ism. Bu backs. That percentages. I get the critic e Carthian. No skin off our y’r the if t an en cov r you n let them joi people moonlighting, don’t en and accepting. just makes us look more op



With that, we close out another issu e. Write me. Mail. Emails. Texts. Tw itters. Smoke signals. Whatever. Tell me what you want to talk about. This zine isn’t your Movement, but it helps to bring your Movement together. It’s just one more avenue for organizing this clay into an awe some statue of a really hot guy wit a big, throbbing… you know. h

I love you all. See you at Rant. Thi s month, it’s the 28th at the Double Down on Avenue A. It’s the one that still has a Myspace page in 201 5. That’s our level of tacky. Good nig ht everyone. FUCK THE REVOLUTION!

Letter from Abroad!

Hello Fuck The Revolution, I’ve been reading your magazine for a very long time, but this is my first lette r. I’m Dinasaur’s biggest fan. I am asking for advi ce. In our city, we cannot have a Carthian Move ment . The Western covenants are not allowed. We have three families that rule the city, and do not allow covenants because of an outdated agreement. I want to star t a Move ment, but, will I have supp ort from other Carthians? Does the Move ment prov ide any resources for budding revolutions? In Tokyo, a human corp oration hold s Kind red hostage. We must work with them, because they know enough about us to put us all in danger. I wish to correct this, for the humans’ sake as well as the Kind red. This will not end pleas antly, but the three families prohibit any plann ing against the corporation. I need to be able to speak freely. Sincerely,

Dear writer, Sorry. I don’t read Japanese, so I can’t address you by name. My person who can is busy, and I’m trying to get this issue out the door. I love to hear from fans outside of New York, and especially overseas. I’m going to be in touch privately with some contacts in East Asia. I know a few Carthians in Seoul and Hong Kong; maybe they can help you. Kyoto has a strong Movement, but I don’t know them. Osaka and Okinawa have some presence. I also know someone from Utsunomiya, and Google tells me that’s pretty close. This sounds like an utterly fucked situation. I don’t have clear-cut answers for you. But I’m going to publish your letter, and see if we can’t get the word out. If anyone wants to connect with you, I’ll drop them your address. Let’s commit to having a Movement in Tokyo by 2020. Lots of love,

New Rack

Check out DUMBO. Until this month, a coven of witch es ran it. You can see their Melpomene graffiti still aroun d the neighborhood. Anyway, they left. Gone. No trace. Now, it’s all galleries, tech firms, and no property owner. Read: Easy feeding. It’ d be political suicide to assign the turf to a Carthian. So let’s just leave it free for now. Clean up after yourselves.


Secrets of the Covenants

A C arthian Law Primer

A lot of you come from cities without stron g Carthian Law. Sorr y. Best we can do is educate you on how it work s. And the best we can do there is to give you wha t we know, which isn’t much. Sometime in the late eighteenth century, the laws in New York began to enforce themselves in weird ways. At the time, there wasn’t much rhyme or reason to it that we could point to. It was shortly after the birth of the Movement (Side note: The French Movement didn’t get Carthian Law until like 1830 at the earliest). Whe n we’d declare something illegal, people would suffer punishments out of nowhere . Which was kind of great, because it reve aled much of the early corruption in our rank s. But what is it? Is it the will of the people made palpable? Is it a chaotic blood mag ic like Lancea wizards toss around? We don’t really know. We know a few things need to be in place for Carthian Law to happ en: First, there needs to be Carthians. You need at least five of them in a domain, or else it just doesn’t happen. Second, there needs to be recognized ritua ls in the Movement. This can be as simple as jumping in ceremonies or monthly raves, but they have to be semi-formally recognized. Third, you need established laws. These can be city laws, or Carthian internal laws . But if it’s Carthian internal laws, they only apply to Carthians. For Law to take effect, a few things have to happen: First, the law has to be challenged volu ntarily. Sometimes a Daeva can tempt you into brea king a law or whatever, but a Ventrue’s voice is just out of the question entirely. If you’re blood bound to someone , they can’t make you brea k the law. But you might do it for them without coer cion. Mundane coercion seems to work fine; if you threaten a dude into brea king the law, it counts.

Second, the Law has to be acknowledged publicly. There aren’t hard numbers, but in our experience, it look s like about 80% of the city (or the Movement for Mov ement-specific laws) has to know about the Law for it to work. They don’t have to respect the law or agree with the law; they just have to know it’s the law. Third, a Carthian of rank has to sign off on it. This assumes at least an informa l hierarchy. But it seems like the guy who gets pat on the back a lot counts just fine. You don’t get to sign off on a Cart hian Law if you’re some dipshit nobody off the streets. That’s pretty much how it work s. Most laws are prohibitive; you have to brea k them for something to happen. But that’s not always true. It’s worth noting that the law doesn’t (and can’t) discriminate. If you’re an asshole Carthian Prince who says, “It’s illegal for Kindred who aren’t me to kill people,” that’s a discriminato ry law, and Carthian Law will smack you down if you kill someone. I’ll be at the next rave giving a work shop on the law. Remember, ignorance is no excuse. -Damien



I heard a newbi e say Carthian s are at the he we’re great, an ad of technolo d that’s what it gy and progre means to be C Nope. Just no ss, that’s why ar thian. pe. Carthians aren ’t the “cutting edge” covenan There’s a lot of t. Carthians ar Invictus into e the “self-awar tech. The Cir media and ad e” covenant. cle of the Cro vocacy. Ordo n e D has people th ra cul are deep in Carthians aren at dig social to bi ot ech and 3D pr ’t always on th inting techno e top of things real. We don’t logy. , because we’re lie to ourselve s about what w too busy bein or woo-woo m e g ar fu ystical, or dest e. We don’t tr cking y to make it so ined, or any sh reconcile that und noble, it like that. W with our othe e drink fuckin r needs, and ac That’s all. That g blood. We cept a slightly is why we’re gr al tered hierarchy ea t. W e’re not fuckin -R ashan Maliq of needs. g cartoons. ue



D earest D ead Lady, enclosed is my experience with Fallcraft-Minster and the materials I showed to him. I hope it will help prepare you for his arrival in July. -Regards, Mona.

Michael Fallcraft-Minster was in all ways my elder. He was, in all ways that he thought mattered, my superior. He was tall, with broad shoulders, long silken hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was as good looking as anyo ne had right to be and over the century, gathered enough wealth to dress not just well, but perfectly. He was a perfe ct vampire too; his man ners were impeccable but strange. People of all genders tossed themselves at him, letting him drai n them dry emotionally, physicall y, or financiall y. He commanded an extensive knowledge of Crúac and the sacr ed trad itions that he claimed came from Rome. He had no proof; but he said it, so people belie ved him. Worse, he is my great grandsire, and thought that somehow gave him rights to my blood. My work. My city. At least, that’s what his letter said . Michael had shown me the “courtesy” of mail ing six months before he flew into Honolulu to both cong ratulate me on my budd ing praxis and to tell me that he would be comi ng to “take over” for me. So nice of him. What I read between the lines was that he’d overstepped in Berli n for the last time and so he had to throw his weig ht around some where else for a while. Fucking perfect. Michael arriv ed at a priv ate airst rip in Haw aii three hours after nightfall, later than projected. Just like him to make me wait arou nd on him in my own damn city. Compared to my grandsire I am shor t, thick, and decidedly Hawaiian in skin tone and upbringin g. The black sands are in my blood, and I had all rights to it, but here was Michael Fallcraft-Mins ter with a retinue of ghou ls and sycophants getti ng off a priv ate plane to tell me otherwis e. I’d come alone. There was no reason to expose my cult to his bulls hit before I’d gotten him sorted out.


Secrects of the Covenants

at me with all teeth. He tried to As he approached, he whipped dark glasses off and smiled essly in the night air, the harml away ed dazzle me with a trick of the Serpents, but it bounc Mother’s gifts protecting me from his charms. then.” I rolled my eyes at him “That’s how a Lord rolls on his granddaughter? All right waiting for us. Your people can and stuck my hands in my pockets. “This way. I have a car manage on their own.” el how to handle it. He waved The retinue huffed, objected, and quietl y tried to tell Micha them off, smiling, always smiling, and followed me. ed by my Command, was an The car, originally here to pick up a TV exec and divert oking a bluff. The modest place uncomfortably quiet place as we drove to my hotel overlo agant. Much of the staff was my pulled in tourist cash, but wasn’ t what you’d call extrav my cult. All of them were, more mortal family; the rest of them filled in by the mortals in could mean. As a result, they or less, in the know as to who Michael was and what his visit hotel and back to my office. didn’t hide their dirty looks when I lead the man into the He kept on smiling. as we walked into my office. “You have a problem with authority.” He finally suggested, tly writing. Files and files full of My desk was a mess with the letters I kept and was curren my hub of communication. Masquerade-breaki ng correspondences from all over the world, a vampi re dangerous? Wasn’ t A dangerous thing, but wasn’ t Crúac dangerous? Wasn’ t being d one wall of my office and also the full floor to ceiling windows facing east that marke churn ing water? overlooked a steep drop to perilous rocks and unforg iving ize it exists in the first place. “To have a problem with authority, I would have to recogn ed him pace, touchi ng files and I don’t.” I folded my arms, leaned on my desk, and watch the past. He’d given up on that flipping through papers. We’d fought about my letters in battle, apparently. “I am better than you. In every way.” I sighed, then looked straig ht at him and yawned. He stiffened. prove you’re wrong. I have a “Prove it.” I motioned to him with a hand. “Because I can prove I know more about being a hundred thousand letters here, maybe more or less, that ed years. That’s what you’ve got, vampi re, a witch, and a leader than you ever could. A hundr and their real experiences. Or more or less; I have the years of a hundred thousand letters at least their imagined experiences. I have that.” proof. “Show me, I don’t know. He scoffed, pacing the floor. “Show me.” He didn’t demand ” court? your How you will handle attacks on your praxis and rash wannabes. Beyond that?” “Well, I’ll start out by not calling it a court, like we’re Eurot of a photocopy, and handed it to I leaned back on my desk, yanked a letter out, a photocopy him. “Probably somet hing like this.”

Deadest of the Dead, Material included. -Mona

Sacrificial the other night, posted So I got your “clever” letter arrassment or cowardice. anonymously to me out of emb -eight tim es, as a goat You referred to me, twenty various other forms of or a sacrificial sex toy and that because I am a man in objectification. You suggested “abuse.” You also seem to the Circle, I should be used to

Circle of the Crone


s is inference, I am not e this city because, and thi imply that I am unfit to rul may not have removed my Apparently, because I may or manly enough to be a leader. and not fit to be Prince. hin the Circle, I am no man, penis as a part of ritual wit that makes use a dead lump of skin for you t wha out ure fig to thinking to I am trying mean for this whole line of you e pos sup I but , der lea part of your you a better So. Let me address the only . ral lite n tha her rat cal g. Yes. Once be metaphori t seems even worth addressin tha eed scr d lle spe rly poo party and it’s laughable and What’s more, it’s a really rad me. ls kil es lyt Aco of en a year, a cov d yourself an invite. pretty sad that you can’t lan t have to live with icial King, and I guess I jus You have called me the Sacrif e to submit sometimes. thing for someone who died mal bad a ly ual act not It’s t. tha going to field and murdered. I know it’s a o int out d gge dra get I , Every winter e both the how and why damn fine job of making sur happen, but the coven does a s and needles waiting pin to spend a month on d ten I so and se, pri sur a l you all about are a bit of y tragically cool, let me tel arl cle are you ce Sin . pen leaving my for it to hap About a week before, as I was id. end spl was It r. yea t g pin through the party las over a dead sparrow with a lon d ppe tri I g nin eve ly ear haven in the its body. This is an old sign. and this is the only “run because we’ve marked you “Run,” the sparrow suggests, wledge filled me with pain was coming, and that kno w kne I .” get ’ll you g nin war doe when an arrow has buck feels this as well as the The t. men ite exc ry ato icip ant h in the literal sense, ly not. So I ran. Not so muc bab Pro d? tan ers und you wn, flo most years. That makes tactics. I make it a challenge n sio eva an beg I t tha in but when they have to chase ies. It makes them stronger dut ir the at ter bet s che wit my to my car and headed to ter for the struggle. I took bet all are We me. ch cat and my rule; my mistake was e. In public, they’d respect edg an had I re whe m siu Ely psychotropic kicked te vassal, and soon after, the ori fav a m fro fed I al. itu hab a glass shard rainbow od called to me and led me via blo and en gre in an wom A in. p was over, I was in we made love; and when the tri and t, wep g, san She ld. fie a to , so that was new! has never drugged me before en cov My nd. rou erg und box a hts. On the seventh, dark with my fears for six nig I stayed under, alone in the ldn’t account for. cou I an erection that had and d, ene ght fri ry, ang I was hungry, drugs. Maybe it was something in the r imagination. st. That bit I’ll leave to you fir on cti ere the ed uri unb y The of my box and wrestled , maybe little doors in the lid Then, bit-by-bit, they opened frenzied. I became a I yank it out to be cut off. Oh. to catch a hand or a foot and someone’s fingers off my tormentors. I believe I bit cut off what. raging Beast unable to get at and ch cat was a game to see who could ran out and though. They kept score, it od blo the of bounds, obviously. When is always She My erection and head were out me. for por, the Goddess was waiting e, the gon e wer I fell to the nightmare of Tor s tal mor ards, when I woke after the it. of g waiting for me there. Afterw kin was incredible and as always, I party started for real. It was son the whole thing gory and I think the only rea ays alw and tal bru ays alw is It in the coven spend t I know some of the women tha is yet zy cra me ven dri hasn’t should skip that.’ uing that ‘this year maybe we arg e tim of ad ahe ths mon ee the thr if I put my foot down d, they’d pick someone else nte gra me, be to e hav sn’t It doe dred can keep their e else and not a lot of Kin eon som d fin y’d the but it, about ed, ritually or not. Beast calm while being murder


Secrects of the Covenants

Since we do it with a full ceremony including human members of the coven, and they don’t know about Kindre d, every year we get a few who believe they’re party to murder. That’s kind of funny to me. When I turn bac k up in a few weeks, it’s interesting to see which of the humans are relieved, and whi disappointed. ch ones are kind of I don’t have a vote whethe r the ritual takes place at all. That’s not an angry feminist thing; it’s not bec ause I’m a man. It’s becaus e it’s a conflict of intere My position as secular lea st. der of the city, such as it is, is an important line in the sand. I’ve found my pla ce in the chaos and learne d to enjoy it. Here’s what I hear, from you ng Carthians who don’t get it and old Invictus who won’t think it through. I hear, “You’re just letting a bun ch of crazy bitches walk all over you. It’s reverse discrimination! How can you put up with that?” First, it’s a tragic mistake to assume that anything abo ut the Circle is especially feminist. Centered on wom en and progressive or fem inist aren’t the same thing. Plenty of covens all over the world fall into the same pat ernalistic Joseph Campbell Hero Mother Elder Crone shit. Gender essentialism at its finest. My city isn immune to it. I wouldn’t get ’t murdered every year if it didn’t follow the beats of modern interpretation of a ancient myths. Male narrat ive and the stories men wri about the myths men have te created greatly influence the Circle directly, by for or in reaction. So, there are ce, a lot of angry, powerful, and dangerous women in one place who think it’s pretty legit to drag me into a fie ld every winter and ritual disembowel me, or set me on ly fire, or whatever they’re ins pired to do. Why do I stay? Why not use my political swa y to stop it or leave the covenant and have them all destroyed for what they’ve done to me? Because I don’t want to, mos tly. Because I don’t need to. Because the anger is often righteous and beautiful and the power is sexy; and while I don’t especially deserve to be dismissed or even occ asionally insulted by gen der essentialist views, I am powerful hand-in-hand wit h the Crone. The Mother god des s touched me early in my Embrace, and the burning pri nt of her hand on my skin sti ll bleeds and charges me. I saw the Dark Mother the night of my Embrace. She spoke to me. She whispered words I can scarcely unders tand, but feel to be true. She seeded Crúac in my blo and uplifted me. She has sin od ce shown me how to play, dan ce, through politics becaus there is nothing real or e permanent, even the kingdo ms made by those who think themselves immortal. We’ll all be reaped one night, and the hull will be separated from the kernel. I think tha t’s a great equalizer. Now, for your charge that som eone should rise up and take my position from me because am too weak to hold it; let me I explain in very simple terms. My witches are jealous and dangerous and they know where you sleep. They are coming. As you are readin g this, they are outside you r haven. By the time you get to the door, you will find your body twisting in agony and unable to move. You wil bleed from all parts of you l r body, yes, including you r penis. It will take them nights, maybe weeks, to fin ish the rituals of torment and suffering they will app to your corpse before they ly finally let you die. Even then, there’s some discussio of keeping your suffering n ghost around for a while to hold up as an example for those who threaten the Cir cle in my city. I’d try to stop them, and all, but I’m probably too weak to do any thing. Sorry about that.

Circle of the Crone


d. hed, expression nonplusse ked up at me, dark brow arc loo e and ter enc let eri the exp n ed eve nn ’t You don Michael sca m as if you were a bogeyman? the en ght Fri on? uti sol r “This is you Crú ac.” of Crú ac.” to. I study the experience a I shr ugged. “I don’t need e to have the suppor t of opy back at me. “You’d hav toc pho d the ove bel sed tos and d and ste He scoffed . You’d have to be tru t kind of power behind you ’t have an y actual power powerf ul coven to have tha th, especi all y since you don eng str ble era sid con of s by elder witche ld.” t the window in yourself. You’re just a chi rai n. Rain spl attered agains it h wit d rie car and up of our attention Outside, the wind picked den spl atter brought bot h sud e Th ss. gla the n dow Hibiscus, large big fat drops and streaked d, outside of that window. wil ch tou a g, win gro rs we paradi se appeared to the window. I had flo yel low and orange birds of nt llia Bri . fell it as n rai life outside of and red, bounced in the leaves, and the wild plant the s, nd fro the us, isc hib to dance in rhy thm to the elements. the glass, vulnerable to the ng.” I muttered, he did n’t ebrati ng, not in here debati cel n, rai s thi in out be tured him, stripped to “We should g throug h a file folder. I pic pin flip me to k bac his put e ski n lit by sputtering catch it, he’d d, whipped by the rai n. Pal wil ir Ha . ket jac silk e fin is when he glanced back the waist of his ; I smiled to mysel f, which hot n bee e hav uld wo It . torches and oil and peered at me. “W hat?” He said. d. though and he shook his hea se. Crúac needs “Nothing,” I kept smiling That doesn’ t make an y sen e? enc eri exp the d die stu “W hat did you mean you k.” You can’t learn it from a boo to be felt to be understood. I don’t actual ly want m a book or from feelings. fro it ng rni lea on end int “I don’t actual ly yet to learn it at all.” the Dark Mother’s gif t and aid of it. You are afraid of afr to e nd u’r bou “Yo is t re. tha mo ng ffed thi He sco even hold the not can you en wh y cit a d somehow thi nk you can hol ore.” tions of the undead and bef n I’m afraid of the your lineage, a dozen genera not afraid if it, an y more tha “I’m . hed sig I and ay aw that doesn’ t mean I’m My gri n dropped ment now out there. But mo y an up rt sta to ble for the hel l of it.” lig htn ing that’s lia stick it up at the sky just and rod tal me a h wit e goi ng to run outsid uld ma ke you stronger.” “If it did n’t kil l you, it wo talent for blood magic, those of us wit h a natural are re the k, Loo er. wis , our cities, our family “Stronger, but not what it does to our bod ies of ing nd sta der un an h unity here to spread and those of us wit and I thi nk I have an opport e, sam the ely rar are ups m Tribul ation. That’s lines. Those two gro r teaches that we learn fro the Mo e Th ng. rni lea e have learned so we some wisdom. Som ore the thi ngs that others ign to e hav we t tha say t what thi s is. Sav ing great. But she doesn’ sly, over and over. That’s les end , kes sta mi e sam e mi sta kes and find all keep ma king the thi nk, a chance to skip som and en list to ss gne lin those wit h the wil our un lives.” es whole new ways to fuck up en murdering your enemi your little trick wit h the cov for l er wil ord y “In cit s d. thi hea in his ers r eld He shook h a coven. Do you thi nk you suc of g kin bac the d nee to work, you r benefit?” ir hard-won magic for you of him. “Do you simply obey you and use the d the room to get in front sse cro and k des the on t e who looks, tal ks, I got up from my sea Hawaii would back someon m fro nes cro old of ch , and tal ks like the mean, do I thi nk a bun t of a man who looks, walks tha to e rul my or fav uld wo . Yea I kinda do.” and worships as I do d to destroy their culture? Yea trie and nds isla ir the n rra white fuckers who ove not occurred to him. Michael paused. This had eig ht binder. er held together in a lig htw pap of ck sta a to ed tur ;I “W hat is thi s?” He ges a sad one. It’s a shame too up for him to take. “That’s it ing lift ed, tur ges his I fol lowed


Secrects of the Covenants

thin k I owed her money. Thi s is a stor y of white fuckers and witchcr aft and being a wal king lightning rod tryi ng to dodge ligh tning.” “A stor y?” “Or a diar y. We’re all making up stor ies, all the time. Thi s one seems to ring true, though.” Despite himself, Michael was cur ious and flipped open the binder.



day light. en ed in broad pp ha it , ay d to ng itself ling apart, eati in the streets al y f o b e ur er ct th ru o st . I know the power T hey shot an too long, Mona e storm s, and th re , o at ef he b e n ur th ire and to b B etween volu tion and f Tam pa’s going re ll. he ut o to ab g in lk lf to ta alive, it ’s all go k it ’s fun to up against itse in s th se ri d y re it d an in K m yo ung or even urn when hu a lot of yo u ugh Kindred b isn’ t glam oro us o it en ut en b se e, e m I’v ti . t ignore the rom tim e to people rising up se, b ut I won’ e necessary f ur b co ay f m o , it d o at ange is go understand th isservice.  rebirth and ch to s ad le s o o uld do it a d ha w C t , she’s been . ha le T ab . ir ge es d sed; of co urse we chan ri le rp hi su w s is en ne . Of pp o o ha ght to do that ith tonight. N ri ed suffering that e er th r M r he o f ve d they cam e . Her gods gi eek it was point. Last w ticing in public It ’s Tuesday, an ac at pr th d at an ” ed the aw at ting the “l eno ugh. With a little com plic as ts w ge at it th directly f laun so d s, an d ws, and how was m ortal” ade up her go ith changing la ther m an who w co urse, she m o an up h ep it w ke n t ai ’d “l ty m uch can’ Erik, I guess he e now, we pret ar ey th ay w eing in the Spear the ju st declare b . ey us th to re y o pl ef ap b , b ut I’m they atter of tim e ers are afraid m th a o y nl he o T ’s l. it ia R aven says d in for tr have us all calle d an e im cr a Circle e, and I’m of a sp ectacl nd ki as w   he t. S no iful, and She was beaut o ut Meredith? r. ab he u ll yo ki ll d te an D id I ever rag her in level, radio an em otional d so long to d n te o ai , w as w ey th he S d n. en ergy and surprise social distortio . She suck ed ng ng lo ki r al o w f a r d he f both, und intelligent, an as a m aster o rd to be aro w ha he f S o . d rt o lo so as e suck ed b to die, if static and it w om the way sh ably des erved ro b o e pr th f he o S . ut o m e.  s she sowed tho ught right ected the chao e. Far less than m sp re an I , th ay ss w le n rituals, yo u an Erik. B ut and in m y ow ghtm ares and ni rtainly m ore th n ce ee d w an et , b o d s se egun to any of us unced she’ d b , (tim e com pres o no ag an h d nt an o m ng ti a m aybe isted, it was pray er m ee Last week, or dispro ve it ex arched into a d m ul e co sh k ne ee o w no the Lance e o last said that sinc istant god of d he understand.) S e S th k. uc at th tf hi e lif ans nam ed S ing from hum wer o ver her d po ee e f m p wors hip a god o sa st e th ty of the ci and the ved to wield at all Kindred from the pigs th g in real, and des er d ed d ee f an f em o d n ere Shitfuck eered, b ut w s o ur attentio ch cu o ty f l ci al e did. She said d th ul o in sh “hymn” to ed C arthians asses and we and oft-ab us eded to sing a in the undercl ce nt o ile pr -s er en ev th e was he e of th dinal’s m en. S in one place. It ar d C ne e ai fat cats. Som th nt f co o d ever hear by the looks unny.  profanity as I’d quickly silenced h uc m it was very f as k h in it w th d t n’ an id ly d d the Spear Shitfuck lo ud , and clever, an ay w a in , ul m asterf

Circle of the Crone


her she needed t, tho ugh. Instead, they told spo the on wn do her put They didn’t proposal.  wo uld gather to dis cuss her ges jud the t tha and ve lea to that meeting in good faith.  They, I ass um e, did not hold p a certain distance now. The Cardinal likes to kee by ls tria her in be st mu e ses to be Sh ve the gruesome deaths he cau lea to rs fe pre and ng, killi of from his acts s. This is cowardice, bu t ” rather than his own action her Fat rk Da the by ent ely, she’ll gm “jud yet burned to the gro und. Lik not has a mp Ta and be t tha he’s the power not burning, or som ething told to pro ve her worth by and e fir a r ove ded pen sus be equally impossible.  to burn. ount of tim e it will tak e her am er she the by sed pri sur Won’t they be bodies ready. It’s not fire. We’ve been making our ir the r fo ing ctic pra en be We’ve making an t’s impossible, bu t it’s about tha ls, tria se the ing viv sur so much about ses she’ll shriek at him. I hop e he never forgets the cur I it. of out cle cta spe ing ed our deathagoniz s. We all planned and practic eye my se clo I if d min my in can hear them throes as well. 

I’m getting this off to the post in late afternoon, Mona, but that’s getting harder and harder to do. Since that boy got killed, kine have been marching in the streets. They say he was a good boy and going to college someday and he’d done nothing wrong. I believe them. The Spear, with their fingers in the police, has started hiding their purging through extra police presence and riot suppression. There have been no riots. But when Kindred need to be pulled out into the streets and beaten into torpor, riots are manufactured. I had dreams again, those dreams. I saw inside myself, Mona, and looked down to the roots of the magic that’s grown inside of me and I found that they root in no soil. In you, I have seen, the roots are in blood and passion. That’s not how it is for me. There is nothing inside of me for the magic to root in. Not just nothing, but a lack of thing. There is an abyss inside of me, Mona, and that abyss feeds the Crúac. I am a cursed thing and my destruction will unleash something terrible on this city. Pray they do not catch me soon.  gathered three hundred years’ worth We decided to burn the tem ple. We’ d s in that tem ple. The sea and the gulf of study, experiments, and sacred sacrifice rstand and that ’s all gone now. It wasn’t have given us so much to consider and unde en was as little too eager to accept a decision taken lightly, tho ugh maybe Rav sn’t root inside of her, but if it did, I’d the sug gestion when I made it. Crúac doe worry more.  chorus in moving undergro und, or maybe Over the last three months, I’d led the we’d begun a process to get everyone we’d started it last night, I’m not sure. But e and into the safety of anonymity. Som and their retainers out of the public eye but , another city, or take to Citrus Park of us talk ed abo ut trying to all move to to go.  as long as we had the tem ple, it was hard Change is always good.


Secrects of the Covenants

They broke in just after dark, several mortals, and som e of the Cardinal’s heav ies without official positions but plenty of personal power. I thin k they called them Paladins. That’s the sort of word peop le like this would use. They pushed in the doors with police style pneumatic battering ram s and flas h-bangs. Fran k, who was always listening for the whispers of ghosts, wen t down fast when the flas h bangs wen t off, his sens es overloaded. They didn’t mak e dem ands or tell us to get down. They didn ’t tell us who they were after. They were after all of us.  Of course, there’s Crúac rooted in mos t of us, and in me, it feeds off a terr ible void. I clos ed my eyes while the lights flas hed and Fran k howled in pain and Raven ate one of the mortal interlopers. I clos ed my eyes and felt inside of myself, looking for the emptiness that I tried to suppress. This is what it feels like for me, Mora. Not som e ecstatic glory or act of creation, which is how I know that I am poison, whe n I reach inside I touch the cold of an unf orgiving universe and know that in a blink of an eye, everything we are and ever have bee n will be eras ed and dust when the univ erse collapses in on itself.  In that darkness, in that cold place, I find Crúac has rooted, and Heaven help me, but I let it out and let it loos e on thos e Tem plars. The void inside of me cons umed the whit e of their body arm or and ate the muzzle flas hes of their assault rifles as they tried to mow us down. I heard Raven scream at what I had unleashed, and I realized that wha t was inside of me had birthed a thing that I could not take back. It ate at the Tem plars, slowly, as if it would cons ume their mea t and blood for hours if it were able.  “We have to run,” I told the others. Tho se who could get to their feet did, we drag ged Fran k and I thin k I grabbed on to one of the mortal gunm an, he was still breathi ng, and we fled down thro ugh entrance we’d build into a storm drain to escape the building.  “What did you mak e?” Raven asked. “Ho w did you …”  “I don’ t know.” I told her. We stood outs ide of the place, the Paladins still screamin g from outside. Elsewhere in the city, there wer e fires spreading, protesters who had bee n pepp er sprayed and been beaten became rioters, and buildings were burning.  “We have to burn it down. That’s the only way to mak e sure it doesn’t get out. ”  “Those... thos e men were still alive. We could...” Fran k sunk to his knees again and gag ged but didn’t throw up.  “We can’ t help them.” I told him.  “I’m on it.” Raven said, without hesitatio n, and I wondered what was inside of her, not even for the first time .  Hours later, the press has abandoned the rioters, the police have suppress ed the events as best they can, but the embers are still burning.  T he tem ple too , is in emb ers, and w h ateve r it was that I released, well, it’s gone now. I cannot process where it would have gone or if it could even be destroyed. I just know, or need to believe, that the fire was enough.  Change is always good. Many will leave tonight for Citrus and places further from the Cardinal’s grip. I won’t though. What’s inside of me grew in this place, under these conditions, and it wouldn’t be fair to carry it elsewhere. 

Circle of the Crone


have. Raven keeps , tho ugh I wis h they wo uldn’t me h wit yed sta e hav ven Ra if I can teach a Frank and I can teach her what I did. As if ing ask and e fir ple tem asking me abo ut the d instead of a... person how to be a sucking voi orts so long as I am nothing. I’ll keep sending you rep s help y hol lanc me My na. Mo som e night, I’m sorry, r and shorter. I fantasize that rte sho g win dra are ts nigh se able to do so, but tho ss, som e elder Crone al grows weak with age or madne rdin Ca the and r ove is this my chest up when all of guess I also dream of opening I t Bu us. of all nge ave and will sweep into Tam pa cursed place into a crawl out and turn this whole ally fin can me of e insid is at crim es only so that wh one is punishing anyone else for no and ing fer suf is one no scorched pitch where dreams sug gest, though, apocaly pse, no matter what my or s ior sav r fo y pra ’t don I imagined. just to be safe.  t. I still don’t pray to anything, Mona. Don’t worry about tha y were kick ed him out of the bed the ven Ra p. slee his in es tch twi Frank cries out and he didn’t much care I took him in, tho ugh I sup pos e in. up ed hol re we’ el hot the never used to sharing at even the dead sho uld be.” He n tha r lde “co s wa I me d tol for the offer. He ago. Even before were together was a long tim e we en wh n, the but t, tha ut ck before com plain abo a lost Carthian hanger-on. Ba just s wa he en wh ck Ba s. oru Raven join ed the Ch s inside of me.  e of me and I fo und what wa cor the in t roo en tak lly rea Crúac had checking dead drops tom orrow we’re spending tim e and t nigh To ry. sor m I’ nt, ulge ch hop e at This is ind e and in Tam pa. I don’t hold mu aliv l stil rs ste ori Ch er oth are for signs that there rd when I can.  this point. I’ll send you along wo Last night I dreamt about the god we had made in the tem ple. He had been a little jolly thing with shades of Bacchus and with the intention of feeding resourcefully and grow ing herds. Like a god of husbandry, but only for us. The orgy rite we’d used to celebrat e him at his creation was one that leaves me with bittersweet mem ories even now, in these darkest hours. We created him before Melissa and Raven. Before Frank. Though most of those who were there the first time have by now been purged, he still existed whe n the tem ple burned. I think. It’s hard to say with the gods we create to fuel our wor ship and to understand the Dark Mother. (Asp ects, the girls called them. I called them fac es.)  In my dream he’d wasted away to be gold en skin hanging from a fat skeleton with no eyes or hair left. He cried out, pointing an accu sing finger at me, but hardly existed enou gh to tell me anything. I suppose in his petty way, he believed I was the cause of his destruct ion. I rarely let the insults of gods get to me, but this wounded som ehow. Our Mother is distant from me now, Mona. She has turn ed her back and in my abandonm ent, the void inside me deepens. I can look for people to blam e for that distance. I can blam e myself, but at the end of the night, blam e mea ns nothing. The accusations of a dying god mean nothing. All that matters is that chan ge is coming.  And change is always good.  Our Mother is a concept. Our Mother is a literal entity that exists and can be fles h or spirit or nothing. Our Mother is a convention we create for ours elves so we can exist night to nigh t without just killing ours elves. Our Mother is Crúac, nothing more or less than that. All of thes e things are true. The one thing I know that our Mother is NOT is the void growing inside of me.


Secrects of the Covenants

Melissa spok e to Fran k tonight. She was reckless in her abandon, a person dam aged long before she was tortured to death by Kind red who hate her. I hesitate to even say that she was a ghost, there are better words for the embodied malevolence she’d become . She plans to haunt the Cardinal’s bloodline until ther e is not a drop left. I’ll call it extreme, but it isn’t. “He’s a dem on,” Fran k said, wiping blood from his face. Raven watched him clos ely, I watched her clos ely. “He isn’t,” cackled Melissa from beyond the veil. “That’s the really funny thing! T his is not the work of even the apex predator he claim s to be! I’ve seen into his soul and his hate is purely hum an. His desire to wipe us all out is a small hum an terror. He’s a child in the skin of a monster. He’ll kill and he’ll kill to satisfy this childish fear of hims elf until there is nothing left.” “Or he is dead.” I said. Melissa laughed again, delighted either way . “Oh the havoc he’ll create! Has created! ” Ghosts, I guess, have the sam e problem with time that I do. Past and future mingle and we get lost. We abjured her, because it was the only way to free her from Fran k’s ghost-trap. She wailed at us and hurled insults. I hop e she’l l mak e good on her oaths to destroy his line. Innocent blood needs to spill to answer the innocent blood already spilt. I’m sorry Mona. Tha t’s a terrible thing to say.

clues to the ft us a series of le s ha f, el rs he abou t. ons known only to do esn’ t yet know l na di ar C e th Melissa, for reas rs that sleeping Choriste location of a few ducks. as arguing with a fas hion, sitting r te af e, ar y le venom. She w he ab T er id ns co h it w “Survival rot.” R aven said ed surly abou t it. ay st d an , up it “Leave them to bro ught “Of co urse rúac when Fran k ossed her arm s. cr he S e.” m e abou t m y C m k as yo u at this point, if of the fittest and his m ore fit if…” ok charge ever, to ho w y we’d all be m uch gu of e sort that thes e old .” Fran k wasn’ t th a’s clues sug gest iss el “M . “Shu t up R aven ce en sil know ry en into tem pora don’ t. T hey m ay av e R w d ls ke ua oc rit sh k ow e bar ng. T hey m ay kn ree of us. If we’r th e th st ju n, Acolytes are stro ca e nger gods than w eir help.” how to b uild stro going to need th e e’r w l, na di ar C e ts. He’d going to stop th the last few nigh of es ir f e th anged in I nodded; he’s ch is good. ng new. Change l. She co uld do becom e som ethi roy the C ardina st de to w ho r!” R aven “We already know be hard for he ld ou w it e lik seem jaw set. it. It do esn’ t even ed her down, m y ar st I d an e m at pointed a finger .” to happ en, R aven for nights “T hat isn’t going , b urned Melissa us of n ze do a elissa lled er! We lo ved M st “T hat fucker ki on m al tr ec sp e way he into that fucking . I rem em ber th until she turn ed ik Er nd A . en tt g and have n’ t fucking forgo at pray er m eetin th to once, if yo u have in ch ar m d e co ul he tasted and w cowardly to…” sm elled, the way yo u’re both too pt ce ex w no k the fuc our revenge right

Circle of the Crone


gant, hotheaded, beau tiful face. I did it so I slapp ed her. I slapp ed her right across her arro rs stung and we all stood looking at each other that Fran k didn’ t feel like he had to. My finge ly, weakly. “This is what he wants, really, at the for a while. “We’re falling apart.” Fran k said, final do all his work for him.” end. He wants us to tear each other apart and atic. I picked up my bag and headed for the Fran k wasn’t wrong, even if he was a little dram door of the shitty hotel we’d been squatting at. asked, rubbing her cheek. “Where are you going?” Raven sulked while she even wors e things inside of them than I do.” “To find the old dead Cron es. Maybe they’ll have possibilities ran across her eyes like she were I guess I said something she could get behind, the thos e eyes absolutely sparkled. Fran k fell in calculating potential wealth after a windfall, and . behind us, and we went to follow Melissa’s clues

If there i s a n ything le forgiving, le confo undin ss ss com passio g tha n a n a ncient god nate, and m Mona, wha , it o re ’s an elder t we fo un vam pire. d m ad e th that. Mayb ings worse. e she plans Maybe Me to curse u s grievance w lissa su sp ec for failing ith her if ted sh h e e r. I don’t f did. We’re doo eel any sp e m e d f o cial o Is that dra ls walking t m atic? Do oward obliv n now, and c ’t tak e it a ion. hange is go s such. Ob od. liv io n w o uld be a ch Oaklawn c ange from em etery on w h e re w e Harrison is “ghost hunt a re on e of tho ers” from t se h e sp In o wo und u p t t e s r t n h e t. a t T wo und u p p he place is b uried the op ular with old, traditio re. T here capturing “e nal, and a lo are several kids and vidence of t d o o zen videos f p eople w ghostly act of the pla it o h n a m es n iv the web sh ity” there, b ces that th owing them u t I fo und e C ardinal as a result; them uncon allegedly m a r k e d as t h e bo dy o vincing. Still forbidden f t h e bo y wo uldn’t b . , M it o w u as on e r n e r s w e re w ho h a d b e b uried a holding a v een shot w ny way, acc We m o ved ig il o u tside o uld not b ording to a under co ve e b uried a press state r o f the m sn eak into t O m e a n klawn. It t ; o the police urn ers, tho the place t had “lost ” ugh it was hat was oc friends I h t d he body. istasteful, casionally p ad m urder it was the atrolled by ed in sp ect surest way the C ardin I will agree acular and to al’s Paladins. with the su horrific fa Paladins wh p erstitio u s shion. if y o u did o se kin e, that t n’t know t he place ha hat vam pir Fran k wasn d e elders sle a palpable ’t the sort feeling of pt in the so to tell u s w weren’t a m enace, an il, y o h u co uld su sp a t he saw un priority. O d ect ghostly less it was nly the eld p est of u s. “We co uld activity. ertin ent, an tak e their d at that p power for oint, ghosts that Melis o urselves.” sa had indic R aven whis ated in her at that po p e r e d as w riddles. R a int she n ee e ap proach ven lick ed ded to die I was pictu e d t h e c ry h e r before all lip after sh ring her alr pt this was o v e spok e, an eady dead, and I have e d r, I if r e m o a a n liz ybe she wa ly for Fran tim e confu ed s d ead b y k ’s sak e. O sed again. E o ur con ver r m ay b e the tim e w arlier I had sation hap p e got to t a con versat en ed in the they don’t he cem eter ion with Er wrong plac exactly lea y ik . N o e t in v h is e t im when y o u’r ghost; ju st e. T he pro Fran k took e t h d b a o le t n e with th m with pro bolt cu tte em . p hetic visio rs to a n ew pointed o u ns is chain, wo ve t sigils scra n p ed into th t h r o terribly da u g h t h e do o r e ston e. “H ngero u s.” S s o f t h e cr olding m agic he glanced y pt, and R in and o u t. T he room at m e, lik e aven ” She said. she was tea inside was “T b si h ig n e g y between o e m m n o e u . u st I g ignored her h for the be urselves an three of u and step p e d the thr s to go in a d inside. ee m arble nd still gav coffins sit e u s a few ting u p aga feet inst the w alls under fals e


Secrects of the Covenants

the view. windows. As if the sleeping or the dead needed and ash lay scattered thick on the exposed One of the three coffins was open, destroyed, red the creature inside, fitful in slumber, bottom where the stone had brok en open. I pictu and have it destroy them because it was waking and cracking the stone, only to see the sun I always have had an overactive imagination. that far remo ved from humanity. Of course, do it.” “Your blood is the strongest.” Raven told me. “You was right. Fran k shook his head and looked at his boots. She lid. It didn’ t move, which was ultim ately I went to the middle coffin and pushed at the out the crowbars to pry it off. It moved a good sign for us, so Fran k and Raven brok e cated mess. Its bones had scattered, the with some effort, and the body inside was a desic gone. This was no sleeping elder. conn ective tissue that held them together long “It’s a trick, give it blood anyway.” crawl, but Raven wasn’t backing down The idea of bleeding onto a skeleton made my skin rse. I split my index finger open with a and Fran k had returned to a state of passive remo It would not go easily, and as it slid from pock etknife and willed the blood to leave me. pad of my finger and down thro ugh the the lips of my wound, oozing slowly across the thick er and moved slower than the last air into the mouth of the corpse, I thought it was blacker too? Shining less? Dull like a time I had done something like this. Was it the consistency alone said that I starless night? Who can say? But had changed. Change is good. while. Raven smeared my blood Nothing happ ened. We waited a but nothing happ ened. around on the skull ’s teet h, who had sank even deep er into “I’m sorry.” I told Fran k last one.” hims elf. “We’ll try the investigate the final coffin when We t u r n e d to split with a deafening crack. Earth the ston e behin d us out of the crack in the stone and and worm s spilled up angular, rose up out of the brok en slowly a figure, bent and if dancing to a bumping twisting rhythm stone floor. She moved as she stopp ed, she was thin and covered in soil we could not hear. Whe n she hissed, drag ging the words up a dark, and her eyes glowed red. “I smell thick blood,” of her, and inside of her was the void. In seldom-us ed tunnel. I saw, in that mom ent, inside me was inside of her as well and that she that mom ent, I know that what was inside of dare to wake me, for what?” She swept recognized that horrible kinship between us. “You though her burning red eyes never moved a pale hand in the air, indicating all three of us, from me. Fran k said with quiet deference. “But “We’re sorry to interrupt your slumber, Mother,” ce will come to your door. It may be the city is in danger, and we are worried malevolen best to flee.” boy.” She said to Fran k, or to me, it was “Malevolence is already thro ugh my door, little hard to say. “You brought it with you.” and he’s almost wiped us all out.” Fran k “The leader here, he’s, he’s a power-mad Spear, The Beast stirred under his skin and I felt went on, his hands form ing white-knuckled fists. and his Beast from overtaking him. Soon, it, palpable. He work ed so hard to keep his clan meant nothing. I thought, all that effort would prove to have Raven thought that was funny.

Circle of the Crone


The crowd of ant sound, police rif les firing. dist a r hea ld cou we pt, cry Ou tside the no news crews to witness. ng ‘dispersed.’ There wo uld be bei re we l vigi ir the and ers urn mo you are old, and you’re his sho ulders. “We’re young, and Frank huffed and straighten ed escape the city.” in danger. We want to help you To his credit, m me and set them on Frank. fro ay aw s eye her led pul she Now, slowly, ld turn a man to stone ly. I wo uld have tho ught she cou ant inst ash to ay aw l fal n’t did ing to me, he d thin ks you are doing this, com min r You g. lyin are u “Yo t. tha with a look like nts me to rise up like the says that’s a lie. Your Beast wa ast Be r you but e, sak my r feet. Your fo r enemies into paste under my you le mp tra and li Ka of rce destructive fo nt with, if I could pro ve me, com pletely, to do what I wa to r ove you give uld wo ast Be real your desire for revenge.” to be so powerful and make telling the tru th, w in a moment that she was kne all we and n, ope l fel Frank’s jaw is. aro und Acolytes as old as she tho ugh the tru th often warps rus hed in with her words troy him.” Raven, em boldened, des to how us ch tea ld cou u “Yo there by her t she’d been standing, pinn ed spo the to ck stu yed sta dy tho ugh her bo utiful and…” and start over. It wo uld be bea city this e raz ld cou e “W bt. dou “No.” We all stopped. ered. “W-what? ” After a moment, Raven stamm . I am old and tired. . I won’t do your work for you “No ed. eat rep ch wit old e Th n at you. “No.” ulation the Mother has throw trib the vive sur to d nee you You have everything ice, and the wisdom lovelies. Only suffering, sacrif my , life in s out y eas no are There that com es of both.” the third mm ered harder, gesturing to sta ven Ra ...” ion pan com r you “W-what abo ut coffin. you’d like to talk rs ago for fun. He’s in here, if yea ty fif him ate I ol? fo old shaking “That ment and we all looked down, mo a r fo en gre t llian bri d we to him.” Her eyes glo I eat you too.” our heads. “Get out before was an am bulance good she wasn’t bluffing. There re we s odd e aus bec n, the d, We fle carrying away a body. at the gates of the cem etery, Tam pa is going to burn. We were followed from the cem etery. We’d decided to bed dow n som ewhere different from the hotel, and an abando ned gas station nearby seemed rea son able. We sho uld have gon e further, maybe, or prepared better. Raven was in the middle of sho uting at me more. “Yo u heard wh at she said! She said we had what we needed to tak e down the Cardinal. She meant you , you fucking coward.” “She said we had what we nee ded to survive this trib ulation . She didn’t say anything abo ut—” “Shut up Frank! For fuck’s sak e, what’s wrong with the two of you? Where are your damn spin es? What kind of fucking monsters are you?” In a flash, in my mind’s eye, I showed her what a monster really looked like. I


Secrects of the Covenants

imagin ed op ening up my mo uth and vom iting inky nothin g onto the gro und to consum inside of me quivered at the e her. The void sight. I fo und the fingers on my hand twitching, the mu scle con vulsing. My foot slid and s in my neck I shifted my weight and my hips slid to the side and my dance. A twitchy, melody-f body wanted to ree dance. No. Not my bo dy, bu t the em ptiness inside I pus hed the fantasy back. . That’s when Raven’s head exploded all over me. We did n’t hear the shot; this tim e eno ugh to use a snip er. He wa they were sm art s a fantastic shot, and Raven stumbled aro und with half off a moment before she her head blown finally, and sensibly, fell to the gro und. She wasn’t get du st yet, bu t as I glanced ov ting up. She wasn’t er to Frank, he was alread y running. That was sm art. I didn’t get her to her feet. I abandoned her there, or lef t her to die, or murdered her you’d like to look at it. I let too, however her be the next to the last marty r, if you’d like to be know you, Mona; you’re kin very gen ero us. I d like that. I ran too, in a different dir ection to make it easier fo r Frank to slip ou t. I ran fo using the speed my thick de r three city blocks, ad blood wo uld afford me until they cornered me nea warned them, I swear to you r train tracks. I , Mona, I warned them tha t I co uldn’t undo what I wa I let it ou t, and it destroye s going to do. d them, pulling them a piece at a tim e down through the into the gravel beneath. I thi train tracks and nk I recognized the Cardinal ’s beloved son am ong the Pa pulled off his face. Mayb ladins before it e it was for the best. Me lissa wo uld have been cruele I’m the only one left now, r. of Kindred who care, or rem em ber the Acolytes who die know what’s inside the Cardi d here. Only I nal, and what he will be, if lef t to live. I cannot co unt on person to do what needs any single other to be done, and so, I have to do what no one sho uld tom orrow, I will go to the do. In the evening, prayer meeting, I will pry op en my chest with my bare it ou t. I will let all of the pai han ds, and I will let nful nothing, the hungry ind ifference, ou t of my chest, on the elite of the city. It and let it feast will be a display great and terrible. It will be the only our Mother to turn her fa chance I have to get ce back and look at me one more tim e. I miss her, Mona. Our Mother is sacrifice, Mo na. And tonight, I will go be with her.

Circle of the Crone


birth wry grav itas. “My lovely Mar y did, in fact, “Epi logue,” I told Michael with a certain that say s esse Witn t. of them, if you want to coun a horror out into the city of Tampa. A few .” him for re futu his ing if he’d had a witch forecast the Card inal could not have seen it com ate y Mar of out e cam and went on. “The thing that I thought that was funn y, so I smirked . It ate twitching, dancing body a chun k at a time still his eyes first, then his soul, then his begi n to was it t wha or , knows where it went after nine other Spears that night, and no one ng ethi som say they But , murdered Mar y of course. with. The creation, if you can call it that long d she’ s look l owfu ifice. They say that the sorr changed in her in that moment of sacr h, as eyes, and in the moment of her Final Deat her to carried faded and a light returned ?” huh y, stor nice a of more. So. I guess it’s sort she fell into dust, she wasn’t empty any Mar y?” Michael pursed his lips. “Her name was to keep time if they make the stor y better. Try the “Of course not, I make names up all up, will you?” “So you’re making it all up?” returned hing the binder, which I collected and “Not real ly.” He’d gone to sit while finis ow as wind the nst read, and plants whipped agai to its spot. The storm picked up while he hed, finis was he them, considering, and now that if they were tryi ng to get in. I watched t of mos is g thin . “Everyone makes up stories. The my attention only half returned to him t abou s, elve ours t . Even the myt hs we create abou those stories are more true than false ng. ethi som on t and about priests, they’re all buil the neig hboring culture, about witches the signs of the trut h are there.” Often somethi ng wholly misg uided, but attentive tried to keep it to himself. I heard, more He muttered the word “fascinating” but to him than he was to me. d. It’s ted out that says “Dai sy” on top. Go ahea “To your right, that there? The email prin h.” h is how you can tell it’s the trut shor t. You won’t belie ve a word of it, whic reached over to pick up the email. He arched his brow at me, smirking, and

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