Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition [PDF]

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Myokinematic Restoration

Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition Postural Restoration Institute ®

5241 R Street Lincoln, NE 68504 888.691.4583 posturalrestoration.com

Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition

All Four

All Four Inferior Glute Max, Adductor Magnus and Quadratus Femoris Stretch


All Four Obturator Stretch


Modified All Four Inferior Glute Max, Adductor Magnus and Quadratus Femoris Stretch


Postural Restoration Institute 5241 R Street • Lincoln, NE 68504 • 888.691.4583 • posturalrestoration.com ®


Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition


Retro Stairs



Standing Resisted Trunk Around with Right AF IR and Right Trunk Rotation


Decline Retro Walking

Postural Restoration Institute 5241 R Street • Lincoln, NE 68504 • 888.691.4583 • posturalrestoration.com ®


Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition


Sidelying Passive Obturator Stretch


Left Sidelying Right Inferior Glute Max Inhibition

Postural Restoration Institute 5241 R Street • Lincoln, NE 68504 • 888.691.4583 • posturalrestoration.com ®



Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition


Seated Inferior Glute Max Stretch


Postural Restoration Institute 5241 R Street • Lincoln, NE 68504 • 888.691.4583 • posturalrestoration.com ®


Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition


Supine Supported Superior Pectineus, Quadratus Femoris and Obturator Externus Stretch


Postural Restoration Institute 5241 R Street • Lincoln, NE 68504 • 888.691.4583 • posturalrestoration.com ®


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All Four Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (1)

All Four Inferior Glute Max, Adductor Magnus and Quadratus Femoris Stretch

1. Position yourself on your hands and knees. 2. Keeping your right knee bent, straighten your left leg and turn your right ankle in towards your left knee. 3. Continue to reach with your left leg as you keep your back rounded. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip (buttock). 4. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 5. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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All Four Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (2)

All Four Obturator Stretch

1. Position yourself on your hands and knees. 2. Cross your right knee behind your left leg so that both ankles and knees are touching. 3. Round your back and slowly rock backwards until you feel a stretch in your right hip (buttock). 4. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 5. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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All Four Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (3)

Modified All Four Inferior Glute Max, Adductor Magnus and Quadratus Femoris Stretch

1. Position yourself on your hands and knees. 2. Bend your right knee and cross your leg in front of your left thigh so that your right ankle is in front of your left knee. 3. Lower yourself onto your forearms and straighten your left leg. 4. Keeping your back rounded, continue to reach back with your left leg until you feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip (buttock). 5. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 6. Relax and repeat 4 more times. *INCORRECT* Do not roll your trunk to the right or let your upper body come all the way down.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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Standing Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (1)

Retro Stairs 1. Stand with your heels placed in front of 6-inch stairs and point your toes forward. 2. Advance your left foot on the first step keeping your feet neutral or parallel with each other. 3. Shift your hip back and to the left as you place your weight through your left mid-foot/heel. Your zipper line should be lined up over your left great toe. Keep your left knee pulled in slightly. 4. Keep your back rounded. 5. Begin lifting your right leg to the step keeping your weight shifted over to the left. You should be using your left leg to advance yourself to the next step by pushing slowly through your left mid-foot/heel. 6. Continue to advance up the stairs until you have completed 1 flight always leading with your left foot. You should feel your left outer hip (buttock) engage. 7. Relax and perform 1-2 more flights (10-12 steps).

1. Stand with your heels placed in front of 6-inch stairs and point your toes forward. 2. Advance your right foot on the first step keeping your feet neutral or parallel with each other. 3. Shift your hip back and to the right as you place weight through your right mid-foot/heel. Your zipper line should be lined up over your right great toe. 4. Keep your back rounded. 5. Begin lifting your left leg to the step keeping your weight shifted over to the right. You should be using your right leg to advance yourself to the next step by pushing slowly through your right mid-foot/heel. 6. Continue to advance up the stairs until you have completed 1 flight always leading with your right foot. You should feel your right outer hip (buttock) engage. 7. Relax and perform 1-2 more flights (10-12 steps).

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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Standing Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (2)

Standing Resisted Trunk Around with Right AF IR and Right Trunk Rotation

1. Stand with tubing in your left hand, facing away from the door. 2. Shift your right hip back and slightly bend both knees. You should feel your right outer hip (buttock) engage. 3. Keeping your right hip back and maintaining contact with your right shoe arch, begin to orient your trunk to the right by reaching across the midline of your body with your left hand. You should feel your left abdominal wall engage. 4. Keeping your trunk turned to the right, raise your left foot off of the ground. You should feel the muscles on the front of your right thigh, your right outer hip (buttock) and left abdominals engage. 5. Balance in this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 6. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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Standing Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (3)

Decline Retro Walking *Pictures reflect the end position of each phase of movement Starting Position  Stand with your right foot in front of you and your left foot behind you with your feet shoulder width apart. The weight of your body should be on your right foot.  Bring your right arm behind you, and reach across the midline of your body with your left arm. In this position take a deep breath in. 1. As you exhale, begin to shift your body weight to your left as you bring your right foot behind you, and reach across the midline of your body with your right arm. Keep your back rounded as you try to balance on your left leg.  Picture #1 should reflect the end position of this movement. Once in this position take a breath in.


Starting Position




Exhale and shift your weight to your right leg as you bring your left leg behind you and your left arm reaching towards your right toes. Lower your body closer to the ground when shifting to the right leg by bending your right knee further than before. Keep your back rounded as you try to balance on your right leg.  Picture #2 should reflect the end position of this movement. Once in this position take another breath in. Exhale and shift your weight to the left leg as you bring your right leg behind you and your right arm reaching towards your left toes. Lower yourself even further to the ground than in step #2 by bending your left knee closer to the ground. Keep your back rounded as you balance on your left leg.  Picture #3 should reflect the end position of this movement. Once in this position take another breath in.



2 4.






Continue the sequence above until your left hand is touching your right toes with your weight on your right foot and your back rounded.  In the final phase of movement, exhale as you shift to your left, and bring your right leg behind you. Reach across the midline of your body with your right hand until you have touched your left toes. Keep your back rounded as you try to balance on your left leg. Your position should reflect picture #5. In this position take a deep breath as you exhale slowly, stand up keeping your back rounded and your body weight on your left foot.

Reference Center(s): Left abdominals, Left heel, Right arch Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®


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Sidelying Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (1)

Sidelying Passive Obturator Stretch 1. Lie on your right side with your left hip and knee bent at a 90-degree angle. 2. Place your left foot flat into the wall. 3. Keep your right hip aligned with your body, and bend your knee at a 90-degree angle. 4. Push your left knee and right ankle down into the mat. 5. Keeping your right ankle pushed down, lift your right knee off of the mat. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip (buttock). 6. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 7. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

1. Lie on your left side with your right hip and knee bent at a 90-degree angle. 2. Place your right foot flat into the wall. 3. Keep your left hip aligned with your body, and bend your knee at a 90-degree angle. 4. Push your right knee and left ankle down into the mat. 5. Keeping your left ankle pushed down, lift your left knee off of the mat. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your left hip (buttock). 6. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 7. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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Sidelying Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (2)

Left Sidelying Right Inferior Glute Max Inhibition

1. Lie on your left side with your right hip and knee bent at a 90-degree angle. 2. Keep your left hip aligned with your body and your left knee bent at a 90-degree angle. 3. Place a small rolled up towel under your left side directly above your hip and a bolster under your right knee. 4. Place your right foot on the wall (arch of your shoe on the wall) so that it is higher than the rest of your body. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip (buttock). If you do not feel a stretch, place your right foot/arch higher on the wall. 5. Hold this position and push your right knee into the bolster while you take 4-5 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. 6. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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Seated Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (1)

Seated Inferior Glute Max Stretch

1. Sit in a chair with your knees at or above hip level. 2. Move your right foot out to the side away from your left foot. 3. Place your left hand on your right knee and round your back as you rotate your trunk to the right. 4. With your left hand, push your right knee down and in towards the midline of your body. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip (buttock). 5. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 6. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

1. Sit in a chair with your knees at or above hip level. 2. Move your left foot out to the side away from your right foot. 3. Place your right hand on your left knee and round your back as you rotate your trunk to the left. 4. With your right hand, push your left knee down and in towards the midline of your body. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your left hip (buttock). 5. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 6. Relax and repeat 4 more times. Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®

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Supine Right Inferior Gluteus Maximus Inhibition (1)

Supine Supported Superior Pectineus, Quadratus Femoris and Obturator Externus Stretch

1. Lie on your back with your feet placed on the wall and your hips and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. 2. Place your left foot out to the side, away from the midline of your body. 3. Take your right foot off the wall, and place your inner right calf on your left knee. 4. Push your right knee in or towards midline of your body with your right hand. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right hip (buttock). 5. Hold this position while you take 4-5 deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 6. Relax and repeat 4 more times.

Copyright © 2012 Postural Restoration Institute®