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RAVE CARTOGRAPHY IHDS General Education Level II Volume II
Deborah Bergman With contributions from Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf and Theresa Blanding Based on the work of Ra Uru Hu
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Editorial and Visual Direction/Deborah Bergman Additional Graphix/Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf Proofreading/Janice Peterson Layout/Becky Markley
Human Design International Training Manuals. L2-RC Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
TA&LE OF CONTENTS Chapter Five: Authority........................................................................................................... 3 Hierarchy of Authorities......................................................................................................4 Hierarchy of Authority in the Human Design System................................................5 Emotional Authority........................................................................................................5 Below, three variations of Emotional Authority based on Type.................................7 Splenic Authority............................................................................................................ 9 Ego Authority................................................................................................................. 11 G-Center Authority........................................................................................................12 No Inner Authority......................................................................................................... 12 Outer Authority.............................................................................................................. 14 Conditioned Authority.................................................................................................. 14 Splits and Authority...................................................................................................... 14 The Life Force Qualities of the Authorities: Emotional, Sacral Expressed (including with Spleen guiding), Splenic, Ego, No Inner Authority, Sub-Types of Projectors........................................................................................................................ 15 Roots of the Splenic and Emotional Systems.............................................................16 Emotional Authority and the Mechanics of the Wave..............................................16 The Pleasure of Not Jumping......................................................................................19 The Emotional Being is Not Here to Control His or Her Own Emotions..............20 Unconscious Emotional Authority...............................................................................20 Sacral Authority Expressed...........................................................................................21 Splenic Authority (without Sacral definition)............................................................23 Splenic Versus Emotional Authority...........................................................................25 Ego Authority................................................................................................................. 26 Self-Projected Authority..............................................................................................27 No Inner Authority......................................................................................................... 29 Mental Projector............................................................................................................ 30 Sub Types of Projectors................................................................................................31 Mental Projectors............................................................................................................31 Reflector......................................................................................................................... 32 The Program is the Reflector's Life Force................................................................33 Projector Sub-Types....................................................................................................... 35 Splenic versus Emotional Projectors...........................................................................35 Authority and the Mind................................................................................................ 36 Summary and Review....................................................................................................36 Chapter Six: Definition Type and Aura of Type.................................................................39 Definition Type............................................................................................................... 39 Definition Type Percentages as of 1/2006...................................................................39 Example Charts...................................................................................................................42 Single Definition............................................................................................................ 42 Split Definition.............................................................................................................. 43
Triple Split Definition....................................................................................................44 Quadruple Split Definition.............................................................................................45 Bridges................................................................................................................................. 46 The Influence of Definition Type in the Chart...........................................................48 Definition Type and Bridging Gates.............................................................................50 Aura of Type........................................................................................................................ 52 Generator Aura: Open/Enveloping....................................................................................54 Projector Aura: Focusing/Absorbing..................................................................................54 Manifestor Aura: Closed/Repelling..................................................................................54 Reflector Aura: Resistant/Sampling...................................................................................54 Auras Designed to Work Together....................................................................................55 Generator/Projector........................................................................................................ 55 Manifestor/Reflector.....................................................................................................56 Generator Aura................................................................................................................ 56 Projector Aura................................................................................................................. 57 Not-Self Themes and Mixed Type Relating.................................................................57 Non Sacral Auras and the Conditioning Generator Aura..........................................59 The Influence of Auras in Mixed Type Relationships...............................................60 Conclusion: Type for Type.............................................................................................62 Chapter Seven: Profile Mechanics.........................................................................................65 Harmony and Resonance.................................................................................................... 66 The House Metaphor.....................................................................................................66 Synthesizing the Hexagram: Harmony, Resonance, Dissonance.............................66 Harmony........................................................................................................................ 66 1/4..........................................................................................................................66 2/5..........................................................................................................................67 3/6..........................................................................................................................67 Resonance....................................................................................................................... 67 Dissonance...................................................................................................................... 68 Harmony, Resonance, and Dissonance in Application..................................................69 88o of the Sun, Angularity, and the Geometry of the 12 Profiles..................................69 Angularity...................................................................................................................... 71 The Visual Language of the Three Angles and their Profiles.......................................72 The Right Angle.............................................................................................................. 72 The Juxtaposition............................................................................................................ 74 The Left Angle................................................................................................................ 75 The Arc of the Line and Changing (Harmonic) Profiles................................................76 Sixth Line Process.............................................................................................................. 77 Keynotes and Process Fundamentals...............................................................................77 Angularity...................................................................................................................... 78 The Geometry of Angularity and 88o as the Beauty of Life......................................79 Right Angle, Juxtaposition, and Left Angle.....................................................................83 Right Angle..................................................................................................................... 83
Juxtaposition..................................................................................................................84 Left Angle....................................................................................................................... 84 The Special Case of the 4/6..........................................................................................85 Chapter Eight: The Twelve Profiles.......................................................................................87 The Twelve Profiles............................................................................................................ 87 The View That Takes Place Outside the Bodygraph.................................................88 Developing the Skill of Profiling: Technique and Resource Toolbox, Including and Introducing Profiling Gates..............................................................................................89 Profiling Toolbox: Deepening Profile Skills with Profiling and Role Gate Keynotes......................................................................................................................... 91 2006 Profiling Diagram................................................................................................92 The Eight Profiling Gates.............................................................................................95 The 36 Roles: 2006 Enrichment of Classic Profile/Role Gate Keynotes.....................100 Individual Role Gates..................................................................................................100 Collective Role Gates..................................................................................................101 Tribal Role Gates......................................................................................................... 102 Source Material on Profile...............................................................................................103 Single Unsynthesized Profiles as Described by Ra Uru Hu..................................103 The Six Lines as Separate Profile Values (Personality and Design)..........................105 1st Line.......................................................................................................................... 105 2nd line........................................................................................................................... 105 Instability and fragility of 3rd and 4th lines...............................................................106 3rd line........................................................................................................................... 106 4th line............................................................................................................................. 108 5th Line.......................................................................................................................... 110 6th Line Process............................................................................................................ 113 6th line............................................................................................................................. 113 The 36 Roles of Gates 7, 13, 1, 27, 59, and 6 with 50 and 6.....................................116 Source Material on the 36 Roles.................................................................................117 The 12 Collective Roles: Keynotes of Role Gates 7 and 13..................................118 The 7th Gate: The Role of Self in Interaction with the Other..................................118 The Collective Externalization Themes of the Seventh Gate Line by Line.........120 The Collective Externalization Roles of the Upper Trigram of the 7th Gate (4th and 5th Lines)....................................................................................................................... 121 The Six Collective Internalizing Roles of the 13th Gate........................................123 The Twelve Individual Roles of the 1st and 10th Gates................................................128 The Externalizing and Internalizing Roles of Individuality (1st and 10th Gates). 128 The Individual Externalization and Internalization Roles of the 1 st and 10th Gates .............................................................................................................................130 The Tribal Roles of the 59th and the 27th Gates..............................................................138 The Sacral Genetic Roles: Taking and Giving.........................................................138 The Guardian and the Builder: the 50th and 6th Gates.............................................150 Synthesis: a Fundamental Chart-Reading Skill.......................................................157
Practicing with Charts.................................................................................................158 Keynote-only Profiling Tables based on 2006 Update................................................161 Individual Circuit Role Gate Profiling Combinations..............................................164 Tribal Circuit Role Gate Profiling Combinations (59th and 27th Gates).................166 What's Next: Explore, Practice, Experiment, Investigate, Do No Harm..................168 Acknowledgments........................................................................................................... 169
This is Volume II of II of Rave Cartography, the manual and reference for the second level of Human Design Education at the General Level. Volume I includes View 1 and 2 of the Four Views: The Nine Centers and the Not Self and Definition. Volume II, Views 3 and 4, covers Authority including Definition Type and Aura of Type and Profile. Both volumes are required reading to study and complete Rave Cartography/Level II Education in the International Human Design Schools. The sources synthesized to create these books are extensive and include Ra Uru Hu's teachings and resources from the 1990s to 2006 delivered live and virtually on more than one continent and in several countries.
Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
RCVII Δ VIEW 3 A CHAPTER 5: HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITIES Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2
Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Chapter Five: Authority INTRODUCTION
WeekendTopic The 2ine Centers 3 the 2ot-0elf Definition including Channels Authority, Splits, Auras Angularit5 and the 12 Profiles; Chart 05nthesis
Human Design is about correct decision making. Correctly made decisions are those you make for yourself using the life force of your unique inner authority. By using your inner authority, and not your mind, to make decisions you will make those decisions that are not homogenized or conditioned but are uniquely correct for you. Each time you do so, your skill with and experience of your authority can deepen and the ongoing discovery of your own uniqueness can expand. The more consistently you make decisions this way, (and, also, notice what happens when you don't and how it is that you don't) the more skill you gain in making correct decisions. Eventually, over cycles of seven years, correct and unique decision-making can just become second nature.
Authority comes out of your life force. What authority is is more important than where it comes from.
Below, specific tools and insight for identifying authorities and describing and working with each one as a life force. This Level II discussion of Authority can open and support
Human Design International Training Manuals RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
your relationship with your own inner authority at a more empowering level. It also identifies and explores the outer authority of the mind (which is never an inner authority but has its own correct role). Outer authority is what we share and communicate to each other in order to bond. All of Homo sapiens lives on the mental plane in this particular stage of our evolution. Even though we can talk about the Splenic system, must of us don't understand how the lymphatic system works and none of us have a connection to the deeply complex neural system that runs our Emotional system. Long before we could articulate we lived from the Splenic plane exclusively and, like our dogs and cats, simply vibrated in the now. At this point in our evolution we live on the mental plane and the mind can only be at piece when it recognizes its own nature. This is why Human Design is mental, not spiritual or therapeutic. When we finish our mental business, we can get to the spirit and as long as we try to give inner authority to the mind, we can never get to the spirit. This is practical mental knowledge that can be applied and used in your everyday life. The maia machine is only there to add up all the numbers and know what the formula is. Once you know the formula, you're liberated and you can deal with the spirit. This chapter begins by presenting The Hierarchy of Authorities, a useful formula for identifying the Authority in any chart. It continues with descriptions and examples of each Authority in order, including Type variations for each and sub-Types of Projectors. Definition Type (Splits) is also included in this View.
Hierarchy of Authorities
You use your authority to make decisions. For instance, if you are a Generator, you can initiate anything you want, but you can't make a decision about doing so unless that decision is made in response. There are two kinds of authority in Human Design: Inner and Outer authority. Inner authority is the ability to decide for oneself. Outer authority is the ability to lead, guide or inform others.
Authority is always dependent on Type. There are many possible decision-making authorities in the Human Design System, but most people fall into one of three. It is the minority that embody the many variations. Therefore, the easiest way to identify the authority in any chart is to use the following Center hierarchy:
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Hierarchy of Authority in the Human Design System
A defined Solar Plexus is always the authority in a chart, no exceptions. If there is no Solar Plexus definition, the Sacral is the authority. Splenic variation to Sacral authority: If the Sacral is defined directly to the Spleen or indirectly connected to the Spleen, the Spleen guides the response of the Sacral. If the Sacral is not defined, then the Spleen is the authority. If the Spleen is not defined, the Ego is the authority. If the Ego is not defined, then the Self is the authority. If the Self is not defined, the chart has no inner authority. (I.e. the Head, Ajna, Throat, are never chart authorities.) If there is no definition (Reflector chart) the chart has no inner authority. Once the Authority is identified, consider Type. For instance, Solar Plexus authority can be Generated, Manifested, or Projected. The Solar Plexus is the most common inner Authority because over 50% of the population has Solar Plexus definition. The other Authorities follow in order of frequency by percentage of Center definition in the population in order as listed above.
Emotional Authority When the Solar Plexus is defined it is always the inner Authority without exception. The Solar Plexus has no truth in the now. It is unable to make correct decisions spontaneously and can only make correct decisions over time. Those beings whose authority is emotional must wait out their wave to be clear. Decisions made at the very top or very bottom of the emotional wave will be incorrect for that being. If your Authority is Emotional, you are advised to take three decision-making “samples” of each wave, using your Strategy as a minimum before making a decision. An Emotionally defined being will never be 100 percent clear. Somewhat more than 60 percent sure (for instance, 64 percent) is adequately clear to make a correct decision. So,
for instance an Emotionally Defined Generator should respond to any given question three times over at least a twelve-hour period (although the period can be much longer, days or weeks or as long as it takes to get clear) to make a decision that is correct for them. The virtues of correct Emotional Authority are clarity, depth, and perspective.
Below, three variations of Emotional Authority based on Type:
Figure 5.1 Emotional Manifested
Figure 5.2 Emotional Generated
+uman Design International Training *anuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru +u. All Rights Reser0ed 2112. Cop)right (o0ian Archi0e 2112.
Figure 5.3 Emotional Projected
Sacral Authority: A being whose Authority is Sacral makes decisions as a “gut” reaction expressed by the Sacral voice that has no time sense and, therefore, does not have to wait to be clear. When there is Spleen definition, the Sacral voice takes precedence over Splenic intuition or spontaneity in that the sacral voice is the motor voice, but the decision will still be communicated instantly and once by the weak Splenic voice, in the case that the Spleen is directly or indirectly connected (i.e., not split off) from the Sacral definition. Below, three variations:
Variation 1 (figure 5.4) Sacral generated: makes correct decisions in response out of or using the sacral voice (also known as sounds or grunts).
Decisions as an instant “gut reaction.”
Figure 5.4
Variation 2 (figure 5.5) Sacral Manifested: sacral energy moves directly to the Throat. This authority can make decisions and therefore act more quickly and experience their consequences more rapidly due to the easy access the throat has to the authoritative sacral motor. However, this quality of access does not change the authority. The sacral voice makes correct decisions just as it does for all other Generators without emotional definition. Figure 5.5
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Variation 3 (figure 5.6) Sacral generated lead or guided by the Spleen: The correct authority for a Generator with Splenic definition directly or indirectly connected to the Spleen (but without emotional definition) is still Sacral expressed. In this variation, the Sacral expresses the Splenic signals, i.e., the sacral voice leads as opposed to the Splenic intuition, instinct and taste. The Spleen's spontaneous voice is internal but can be expressed by the Sacral and is always located in the gut and its expressed response is authoritative for Splenic Generators if the Spleen is directly or indirectly connected (not split off ) to the Sacral.
Figure 5.6 Figure 5.6
Splenic Authority The Spleen's awareness is intuitive, instinctive, and tasty and maintains the individual's survival. Its voice speaks once, is weak, and can be missed if not listened for. With practice, it is consistently heard.
Figure 5.7 Splenic Manifested
Figure 5.8 Splenic Projected (without motor involvement)
Figure 5.9 Splenic Projected (with motor involvement)
+uman Design International Training *anuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru +u. All Rights Reser0ed 2112. Cop)right (o0ian Archi0e 2112.
Ego Authority
Here, correct decisions are made out of willpower. The Manifestor will hear the Ego talking and feel the motor and motor sensation if it engages. The Projector will feel the motor of willpower starting to accept an invitation.
Figure 5.1( Ego Manifested
Figure 5.11 Ego Projected
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
G Center Authorit0 Decisions made out of identity. When the Self is the Authority, correct decision-making expresses as a result of listening to oneself speak out of one's identity. When the Chart Authority is Self Projected, simply discussing the decision verbally with others who are neutral clarifies which decision is correct.
Figure 5.12 Self Projected
No Inner Authorit0 A being who has no Inner Authority can only make correct decisions by interacting with others. Mental Projector: Discusses potential decisions with others who can act as neutral sounding boards. This range of interactions provides the Mental Projector with the different impressions and auric environments that ultimately allows him or her to make correct decisions. The mind can never make a decision. Reflector: The Reflector must wait out the 28 day cycle of the Moon before making a decision in order to avoid disappointment. The lunar cycle provides the Reflector with a reliable cyclical definition field that allows him or her to collect impressions from The Program through this predictable definition sequence that will allow him or her to decide correctly.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Both the Mental Projector and the Reflector make their decisions by guiding and experiencing life force externally, as opposed to having access to consistently reliable inner life force in the form of motors or awareness.
Figure 5.13 Mental Projector
Figure 5.14 )eflector
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Outer Authorit0 The mind is never an inner authority. Defined or open, it is always an outer authority, that is, it can function as a valuable and reliable authority and source of authoritative information for others if invited by them for this purpose but can never be used correctly for making one's own decisions. Any open Center in a chart can become an outer authority (source of wisdom) for others due to its ability to learn about the nature of its own energetic quality from defined Centers and transiting definition fields.
Conditioned Authorit0 With the exception of Emotional authority (Solar Plexus), any authority can be influenced and conditioned by others or by transits; i.e. if an auric field or transit creates a definition that temporarily gives a chart an authority that is farther up the hierarchy of authorities and/or changes the chart's Type, the being in question will be temporarily conditioned to use the transiting authority to make decisions. Conditioned authority is always incorrect; never a true authority in a chart (i.e. an authority expressing the Not Self, not the True Self). In general, the Not-Self tends to regard open Centers as inner Authority.
S#lits and Authorit0 The hierarchy of Authority remains applicable when there are Splits (i.e. all Definition Types other than Single) in a chart.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
The Li2e Force 3ualities o2 the Authorities* Emotional, Sacral E4#ressed (includin$ with S#leen $uidin$), S#lenic, E$o, No Inner Authorit0, Sub5 T0#es o2 Projectors
Figure 5.15 Michael *ouglas +n this Splenic Projector chart, the 5( th Gate is activated. The 5(th Gate is the root gate of the Splenic System.
Figure 5.16 Ale0ander Graham Bells Emotional *efinition includes the 6th Gate, the root of the Emotional System
+uman Design International Training *anuals RCSV2 Ra Uru +u. All Rights Reser0ed 2112. Cop)right (o0ian Archi0e 2112.
Roots of the Splenic and Emotional Systems
The biological association of the 6th Gate is ph. Everything about the Solar Plexus system is derived from the mutative potential that may derive from that biological basis: this end of the wave to that end of the wave; the cervix open on the high end of the wave and closed on the low; or vice versa. All of this emanates from the 6th Gate. The 19th upwards to the 40th Gate expresses the emotion of need. The 39th to the 12th Gate expresses passion and the stream beginning in the 41st Gate and ending in the 35th Gate is desire. But the 6th Gate is not specifically passionate, needy, or desiring. As the root of the whole, it is very, very different. If you have experience with Emotional definition, the differentiation that takes longest to grasp is the 59/6 because unlike the others it is not obviously clear or differentiated in its emotionality. It is just rawly emotional. Meanwhile in the Splenic mirror gate, the 50, we find true non-emotional intelligence. The need to survive makes us intelligent and death only proves the point. If you drop dead, you simply add to the intelligence of the Witness, who watches the 35/36 who picks up the mushroom, eats it, and promptly expires. The 50 watches the 35/36 and tells its kids “Don’t eat those mushrooms.”
Emotional Authority and the Mechanics of the Wave
Emotional authority is the authority of feelings. It is not an authority of intelligence. There is no getting away from that. Feelings can never stand still, but if you focus your feelings you can arrive at the truth. This is the key to survive in the experiential way. This gives you the secret of the 41/30: focus on your feeling over time, and then slowly but surely you will build an intelligent appraisal, which your mind will understand. There is more neural activity in the Solar Plexus than in the brain and the Solar Plexus is more powerful than the brain. But if you are emotionally defined, you are stuck between an awareness that is alive (the Solar Plexus)
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
and one that thinks it controls humanity and which is the thing you actually see your life with (the mind). It is hard to describe how a feeling impacts you, but easy to describe how the mind impacts you. You can't hold a feeling in place. A decision you make right now is one your emotional system may continue to evaluate and reevaluate for the next forty years. Emotional authority is an authority that is relative. An emotionally defined being can never be 100 percent clear. It's not possible. So go for 62 percent, and settle for 62 percent. If you are emotionally defined, 62 percent certain is certain enough. So I tell emotional beings to sample their feeling, and loop it at least a few times, like a musician in a studio. Feelings take samples. You cannot judge a river by any one sample. You have to go through all the samples you take to make an accurate assessment. How many samples are enough? For me, triangulation is the minimum. Take three samples of your wave, whatever that means to you. The moment that you have triangulation you have the beginning of honing in on something. You can only do that if you give yourself enough time, so don't keep thinking, “I don't want to miss it.” You are moving in a wave, not just through your Emotional system. So in that sense your authority is not about time; it's about distance. Let yourself travel along another twelve hours. That thing you are focusing on is stationary; a construct; fixed in the illusion of its own presence. Meanwhile, you are actually moving away from it. What are you going to miss? Your geometry is a straight line and you just get what you get and go where you go. It's just a line. You don't miss anything. “I love you; I want you to be with me. “ At that moment and in that place, that premise gets locked in and you start moving away from it and as you do, you see it differently. This movement is totally magical. Your perspective on this premise keeps changing as you keep looking at it from different perspectives. Your value and perception of the premise change. You are moving away from it and up and down and above and below it at the same time. Or you may be moving up only, then plateau, and go the other way later. Your Emotional system isn't simply moving in a wave, you're moving. Its not about time in that sense, it's about distance, we just equate distance with time. All the indication for Emotional people to sleep on something really means that they need to travel another twelve hours. For example, say you are an Emotional being and you are focusing on your feeling about a problem or a dilemma. Our feelings are focused on that problem or dilemma, but the problem or dilemma itself is actually stationary. It's a construct after all. Whatever that thing is that has brought you to a point where you want to make
a decision it is fixed in the illusion of its presence. It's still there, but you aren't. You are actually moving away from it. As you move away from something, that thing loses its power. It becomes water under the bridge. How distant that is. But for the Emotional being, the further you move from something, the closer you can get to its truth. You have to move far enough away from it to be able to see it. Somebody comes up to you and says, “I love you, I want you to be with me.” In that moment as an Emotional being, the very premise of what that person says gets locked in its place, and you start moving away from it. As you start moving away from it you see it differently. After all, that's the whole point because what makes Emotional beings magical is that their perspective keeps changing. So you keep looking back at that potential of love, but from different places is that the value of it changes and your perception of it changes. This shows the truth of movement for an Emotional person—you're moving away and possibly moving up and down. You may not even be moving up and down, but you are always moving away. You may even be slowly going up as you're moving away. Based on enough movement and watching that trend you may make your decision too early, only to discover that as you move farther down that your wave plateaus and starts going up--the other way. There is always this combination of the flow of the wave, depending on what kind of wave it is, and the movement away from the object of the decision. As you move away from something it will always lose its power. There's water under the bridge, and the particular experience can start to seem far away and different. If you are an Emotional being, the further you move away from something, the closer you can get to the truth of it. You have to be move far enough away from something to ultimately be able to see it, and that isn't because the furthest position is the one that provides the clearest view. It's just the one that provided you with a whole line of samples. By playing hard to get, waiting, and at a minimum sleeping on things, you give yourself some distance from whatever is stimulating you Emotionally. The intensity shifts and you begin to recognize your feelings and begin to see what you are feeling more clearly. If you meet someone Emotionally and find him or her interesting and have forgotten that person three hours later, you know she really wasn't that interesting. Only Emotional people have that experience. A Splenic person meets somebody who is interesting in the moment and will forever think that she's interesting, unless is proven otherwise in the moment.
Emotional people are forever being described as “intense.” The intensity occurs where the Emotional system doesn't wait and release its energy. The further you move away from any fixed marker, the less intense your connection to it.
The Pleasure of Not Jumping
The only way you can triumph in this life if you are Emotional is by recognizing that when you push things away, you do not reject them, you actually attract them even more. So if Prince Charming shows up in your life, tell him to take a walk. Prince Charming will come back. He might not back if you tell him to take a walk a second time, particularly if you're Emotionally clear at that point, which of course you won't mind if that's the case. As an Emotional being, you need to have your space to move, so you can be clear and not be triggered. It's especially important for you wake up in their own room in the morning free of triggers if you are Emotional. This way, you wake up in an even place at wherever you are in your Emotional system process with whatever decision it is you slept on. You feeling is like a line connected to a request that was made of you, and in that moment of awakening, that request is either holding steady or it's beginning to fall apart. As you look back, you begin to see its real relationship to you and there is this sampling taking place and you have the privilege of having time to gain perspective. It's about habit—getting into the habit of, the ritual of, or just the pleasure of not jumping. Deriving real pleasure out of saying, “I don't make decisions in the now.” If the fellow with the job offer says, “well, you're going to lose this job if you can't tell me right now” the Emotional person will just shrug and say, “Okay, its over, because I'm not going to make a decision in the now.” When you are an Emotional person and you can enjoy that process, you are enjoying and exalting what it is to be you. You don't have to do this in a harsh, nasty, cold way—you do it the way you do it, based on your Design. The bottom line is to not be available to anything in the moment on other people's terms.
The Emotional &ein$ is Not Here to Control His or Her Own Emotions The Emotional being is not here to control his or her own emotions. They are here to be Emotional and live through the Emotional process. With Emotional Authority as your life force, the depth of your feelings is the most important thing for you, however these feelings are of no value to you in the moment, but only in reflection. But the Emotional Not-Self wants to be spontaneous. It wants to howl and curse at the bottom of is wave and dunk that howl and curse into anybody who happens to be anywhere near them at the time. They want to jump for joy and have all of that pleasure at the top of their wave and everybody with it. They want to do it and have it all in the moment. They want to do it right then and there. But the only correct thing for them is to wait, since they cannot shorten, fix, eliminate, tame, instruct, or pervert their wave. If you are Unemotional, sometimes your Emotional friend will get into an Emotional place that you can't deal with. You just have to let it alone until he gets to another place in his wave, and that could take years. You have to allow Emotional people their wave. It doesn't work to break in on their wave and say, “tell me now.” Instead it has to be, “tell me when you can.” If they communicate without having taken as much time as they need, they aren't going to be telling you anything that's true.
+nconscious Emotional Authorit0
Many, many people have unconscious definition to the Emotional system, or have a defined Emotional system that is split off from the rest of their design. Either of these options makes it hard for someone to have contact with their own wave. Other people may know it better than they do themselves. For these individuals, going through their wave is not a matter of knowing whether they are up or down and when it is just a matter of taking time. If this is you, you just have to wait for the right timing for yourself. If you simply allow yourself to sleep on things and make people wait the quality of your decisions will improve instantly. You may find out this way that three or four days is better for you. Not everyone can feel his or her wave, but everyone knows about time. It's just about patience, about waiting and not jumping, after all. Even knowing all of this, an Emotional person isn't necessarily going to be able to handle his or her wave. The degree to which this understanding sinks
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
in and matures inside us will vary according to our path in life in ways of which we are not cognizant. It's not up to us. The Emotional being who discovers he or she can say to someone, “Call me tomorrow,” even when he or she has a real yearning for what he or she is being asked to do in that moment, is an Emotional being who is beginning to experience the power and value of this knowledge. But this isn't something you can make happen. It's either going to happen--or it isn't. Waiting or having patience isn't a handicap; rather it is the expression of an Emotional beings depth and learning arc, and the way that he or she grasps the essence of life. It is through that patience that this being learns for him or herself when he or she can act. If you are an Emotional being and you keep on going through the process of waiting to be clear emotionally, eventually you won't have to concentrate on it any more. It's like learning to ride a bicycle—once you've got it figured out the bicycle pedals you. Being clear changes everything.
Sacral Authority Expressed
This is the sacral voice (uh huh, unh unh) expressed in the moment to make correct decisions.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Figure 5.17 F. Scott Fitzgerald The Authority in this chart is Sacral E0pressed
The only time that Authority and Type really match in the Human Design System is in the Generator. Both the Generator Type and the Sacral Expressed Authority are all about response—everything of value for this being can be found in the voice of the Sacral Center itself and when we are talking about Sacral Expressed authority we are always talking about Generators. In contrast, a discussion of Emotional Solar Plexus authority cannot be a discussion of Type, since if the Solar Plexus is defined; it is your Authority regardless of your Type. You cannot have an authority other than Emotional if the Solar Plexus is defined. (Note: See Hierarchy of Authorities, above.) For the person with a defined Sacral Center and an undefined Solar Plexus, authority only comes in response. She has to be asked, “Do you love me?” to know. Her response of “uh huh” is her inner authority. The moment that she tries to initiate by saying, “I love you” she no longer is authoritative or expresses the truth. Generators generally live out a life that has very little connection to who they actually are. Nine times out of ten, the majority of things in their life, such as their career, don't actually belong to them. It can
be quite shocking for them to recognize that they can only have inner authority in response. It can be difficult to have to wait. It's not easy. The Sacral can be defined through any of its nine different gates. It's a motor and part of that motor function is to act as a diaphragm. So when the G Center is connected to the Sacral, every “Uh huh or Huh uh,” is the Identity speaking. There are many people with Selves defined to the Sacral who are still walking around saying, “I don't know who I am” because who they are doesn't come out of their mouth—it comes out in response. When they respond, it is their identity that makes decisions and speaks through the Sacral. When the Sacral Center is connected to the Self and is the chart Authority (that is, if there is no Sacral connection to the Spleen or definition of the Emotional Center) “Uh huh” indicates that this is the right direction, is something that will keep one in the flow, is the kind of experience needed for discovery. Whatever is there in the channel or Center gets expressed through the Sacral. It becomes the source of the perfected response. When you follow your authority you can say ‘yes' or ‘no' reliably. Then you get the life you deserve.
Splenic Authority (Without Sacral Definition)
Emotional beings only take in the moment depending where they are on the wave and can only truly take things in when they have taken their distance from them. In contrast, as a Splenic being, I no longer have access to whatever it was I took in the day before. If you do not have a defined Emotional system, truth is always available in the now or not. And if you have neither Emotional nor Sacral definition, the Spleen is automatically the Authority. The only awareness that can be an authority is the Spleen; therefore it is our only reliable awareness. The mind doesn't have inner authority and the Emotional system is still operating as a Motor, and has not fully mutated into an Awareness Center yet. So Splenic authority coming out of our oldest awareness is at the very core of what it is to be alive in a complex form. Insects, birds, fish, reptiles and mammals do not have Emotional systems but they all have a Splenic system creating a spontaneous awareness as their awareness basis. Splenic awareness is a spontaneous awareness. It is difficult to describe. The spleen is very yin and female. It is hard to take a Not-Self male with Splenic
authority and tell him to trust it; males are very deeply caught up in the mental plane because it is an illusory penetrative field; and therefore, the NotSelf male is deeply threatened by the Spleen. What I know about my Splenic authority is that it is dictating my life in the sense that everything I am doing is coming out of my Spleen. When I say no to something, it's just my Spleen talking. I didn't even have a chance to think about it. My life's controlled by something I cannot understand. I am purely intuitive. Splenic awareness is like not having any awareness at all, so if you have it as your authority without Sacral definition a question you are left with is “Can you trust not knowing, not understanding, not sensing? In the very deepest sense, can you trust not knowing?” Splenic people do not make decisions; they just happen spontaneously. The only way I can make a decision is that in the moment the possibility is there and the influence is there--it will arise out of nowhere. Splenic people don't even know how to make decisions; they just happen. Intuition isn't colorful the way feelings are. Intuition doesn't have a body to it. Spherically, the way something is sensed is that it shifts. You don't get that emotional liquidity. Something is just not quite right. Half the time when I say no I am not aware that I am feeling something. My intuition just says no. The whole thing about Splenic awareness is that it doesn't come with Emotional liquidity. There is just something that's just not quite right and you don't know what that's about. This is the Spleen's limitation. You are walking along a path in the pitch dark with no moon and your spleen says, “There is something wrong here, stop.” The Spleen does not repeat the message: the mind does. And if you don't listen, with your next footstep you walk off a cliff and you're dead. It speaks only once. It's weak. It's not a motor. And then in the next millisecond, it is already working on the next now. It has to be, to pay attention to survival. Compare that to the power of feelings and of the Solar Plexus. The Solar Plexus will take you through an endless cycle of feeling and hold on to you like a rat in a storm. The reason the Spleen is the least honored authority is because of the extreme difficulty involved in accepting it. It has no consistency, it doesn't hold on, it doesn't come back and hammer away at you. It has no situational memory. The fact that its decisions aren't personal doesn't mean that in five minutes it won't change its mind. The Spleen is not saying “no” to that person, just to the decision. Ten minutes later they are asking you something outrageous and the Spleen says “yes.” The mind of the person with Splenic authority can't
possibly cant it and doesn't understand that kind of decision making mentally. It can't. Splenic decisions are based on one thing only—is this healthy now or not? Is this going to bother your survival in the moment? You can't be intelligent about it. You can therefore see how hard it is for Splenic people to surrender to not being able to understand why they say yes or no. Only Emotional people can get to point where they actually think that they've figured it out, because they've sampled all those feelings. In the now, the yes and now that come out splenically have no rhythm or reason at a Logical mental level. Splenic authority can find itself rejecting someone the person cares deeply about in the moment. It just will and you won't know why. Furthermore, you can't afford to care about it. You only live what you are, because you begin to know that ten minutes later it can all be different. It's just what it is to be Splenic. Sacral and Splenic beings have this in common: they have to let go. There isn't anything else to do. Emotional beings have to hold on: move away and still be focused. You have to hold on to the focus in order to define your clarity through Emotional distance if you are Emotional. But for the Splenic being, there is only what will happen in the now and you don't; know the criteria.
S#lenic Versus Emotional Authorit0
Two photographers, one Splenic and one Emotional, are both hired to go out and do a nature shot. The magazine editor wants a photo of a flower for her cover shot. The Splenic person takes one or two pictures and leaves. The end. Meanwhile, it takes the Emotional person 2-3 days to decide they want to do it, and 2-3 more to decide where they want to do it. But when they go into that field, no matter how beautiful the first picture is, they will not stop and go home. The Emotional person only stops when he runs out of film or has to go and buy some more. And then he can't decide which photo to bring the editor because that particular photo that is chosen only has richness in relationship to all other flowers. And that emotional being has gone through incredible catharsis in finding that flower. Feelings are only of value in reflection. This is what makes Emotional beings unique. But still, Emotional beings always want to be spontaneous when in
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
fact; the movement away from something is healing. Experiment with your strategy. Emotional authority changes your strategy, which means it has more power in a sense. As you move away you begin to recognize your feeling and see it more clearly. If you have forgotten someone three hours after meeting them, you know they weren't that interesting. A Splenic person will forever think the person they meet in the moment is interesting. But as you move further away from the experience, it loses its intensity. Emotional people are forever being described as intense. They get this reputation because an emotional experience in the moment is intense and the emotional system doesn't wait and releases its intensity before it gets clarity and perspective. Emotional clarity is all about movement: as you get away from the intensity, you are able to see it with a different perspective. It's all movement. Waiting isn't about time; it is about movement; distance.
Ego Authority
Ego Authority is very, very specific. For Ego Authority to exist, the Sacral, Spleen, and Solar Plexus must be undefined. In the Manifestor, Ego Authority is present when there is definition in the Money Line (45/21) without Splenic or Solar Plexus Definition. The G Center, for can also be part of this Ego Authority structure when it is connected to the Heart through the channel of Initiation (25/51). If a person with this Authority says, ‘I will run for Governor,” that is his authority. In this configuration, the Authority is in the willpower, in the Ego's “I.” Whatever comes out that Ego is what this person must trust to make decisions because it is his will that will tell him what is right and wrong in his life process. The Will is the Authority. We're not talking about awareness now; we're just talking about the brute force of what the Ego can be in the chart of an Ego Manifestor. Ego authority can be quite heavy.
In a Projector chart, if the Channel of Initiation (25/51) defines the Ego Center without Splenic, and Solar Plexus (and of course without Sacral) definition, the authority is also Ego Projected.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Self-Projected Authority
Self-Projected Authority can only exist in a Projector. It is Type-Specific, in the way that Ego Authority can only belong to a Manifestor. Here, the identity or Self is authoritative. When you think about how much importance people place in the Self, that is, you need to know who you are and be guided by who you are, it is amusing that Self-Projected Authority is in fact somewhat rare. Self-Projected Authority is a Defined G to the Throat with an undefined Sacral, Solar Plexus and Spleen. All the real power sources in the Bodygraph are undefined and have therefore been dispensed with, so there is no other possible authority. Self-Projected authority comes out of the Self, but only when that Self is recognized. It's like the adage to only speak when spoken to. If you have the Self connected to the Throat, you have nothing to say until someone recognizes you, as in, “The Chair recognizes Mr. Jones, you may speak now, Mr. Jones.” “Gee, okay,” says Mr. Jones and out it comes and with it comes the authority. This is a very difficult Authority in the practical sense of the word. Think about someone who has Throat to G with an undefined Ajna. Such a person has given authority to her mind all of life-only to be depressed to discover that her mind doesn't do what she wants it to do. It's always trying to invent what she is going to say, and how things are going to work out, and one thing or another. When Self-Projected Authority is recognized and asked to speak, that which comes out of her mouth and is not mind-directed is her truth and authority. These beings have to learn to hear themselves speak, and it can be very difficult for them to differentiate between what is mind-directed and what is the identity speaking. One of the most important things for the Self-Projected authority to recognize is that what comes out of their mouth only has value if it is not mind-directed, in other words, when it is a spontaneous verbal release. When they hear that spontaneous verbal release, that is their identity speaking and it has authority. Self-Projected authority comes form people who give direction. After all, three of the four Gates of the Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx in the G Center, the 7, the 1, and the 13, are connected to the Throat. Out of that Self, they can give direction and also hear their own. The whole process breaks down unless the mind is treated properly. Since it has absolutely no inner authority, the mind can never be involved at the final step of any process because that final step is the commitment to yes or no. The mind is not something to deny because it is a beautiful thing and our conceptualized life is incredible. But recognize that, being dualistic, the mind
can only operate in the measurement of things—it cannot value them. It can just say, there is this and that. The moment that it is properly trained to go that far and no farther, then the spontaneous voice in what in this case is the authoritative Self, can speak. If someone with Self-Projected Authority has a problem with another person and wants to talk to that person he needs to look at the problem with his mind, because that is his gift, whether that mind is defined or not: what's the problem? What's the core of it? What's bothering him? But he doesn't decide to do anything with all that research. All he's doing is the measurement and background work. Now he has preferences and that's ok. We are relative beings. You're going to weigh it a little to this side a little bit more than you're going to give weight to the other side and all of that is natural, but he makes no decision because there is no inner authority here. He just waits. He doesn't call his friend up and say, “I've figured it all out I know what is wrong with you and I am going to tell you right now,” because she isn't going to listen or care. With an undefined Throat and Mind, you are not going to be able to say it the way you thought it anyway. He has this incredible speech he wrote stored inside, but when he meets her what comes out of his mouth deeply embarrasses him, because its not what he wanted to say, when he wanted to say it, or how he wanted to say it and what's more it is never going to come out the way he wants it to, because his authority comes out of his G Center, not his mind. Instead, he has to wait for that person to come up to him, recognize there is a problem, and say, “Can you tell me what's wrong?” Then out of his mouth will come his authority. Whatever came out in that moment of meeting the Other will be his truth because he's done his research, the mind's information got to the rest of the system, and what comes out of that research is that the identity gets the necessary background. What is important, if this is your Authority, is to hear what comes out of your Throat. Then you begin to hear yourself for yourself, as you tell yourself your own correct decisions and what your authority is.
No Inner Authority
Whenever there is Solar Plexus definition we have an absolute chart Authority. At the other end of the scale, we have another absolute, which is that the mind never has inner authority. Yet human beings are endlessly trying to control their lives from the mental plane, discovering over and over and over again that as activities go, this one is truly futile. There are certain human beings who can never have inner authority. For example, if someone has the Head, Ajna, and Throat Centers defined and openness elsewhere in the chart that looks wonderful, kind of like a lighthouse shining brightly above it all, but that person has no inner Authority. There is no place she can go into himself and find a secure “yes” or “no.” All he can do is find the right authority from someone else, to guide him. Remember, we are designed to be dependent on each other. Those who only have mental definition to the Throat can be the most dependent, helpless people on earth. Here they are with their fixed, wonderful minds and yet this is enormous pain for them in their life process because that wonderful mind of theirs does nothing for them. The only thing within them that is reliable in them cannot function as their Authority. They are therefore going to be deeply dependent on some other force to guide them. Designs with no inner authority are outer authority people, here to serve the totality and bring authority out to it. A person who is mentally defined with no inner authority is a Projector. Their mind and the value of their intelligence have to be recognized by others. Only then are they going to be able to release that outer authority to the world. At the same time, as an outer authority, it is very difficult for them to ask for guidance. It's a double-edged sword, since they become everyone else's outer authority but have no inner authority of their own. So everyone comes to them for their outer authority and it is very, very difficult for them to say, “Look, I know I can help you, but I'm lost” unless they truly have a grasp of how Outer Authority works. It is the same for Reflectors who must accept the fact that they only have Outer Authority and are going to need others to guide them and give them a sense of inner authority. “Guide” doesn't mean that they need a Svengali. Reflectors usually have entourages—this is their way of life, to have many people in their life, because that is what keeps them healthy. But they need those people to stay in their life, and often that comes through children
because children stay for a long time and want to stay. So many Reflectors use the inner authority of children as their own inner authority and if they don't really understand how that works, they can really get lost in al of that. It is exceedingly difficult for them to say, I'm your outer authority, but please help me because I'm lost.” Reflectors are not vulnerable people. They are very powerful outer authority people, designed to take you in and tell you all about yourself and take in the world and describe it. That is what they are here for. It is very important for them to clearly recognize their value to the Other. They need to put themselves out into the world so that they can have authority for others.
Mental Projector
The Mental Projector is the only example of definition that has no Inner Authority. There are many types of Projector (see table), and their responsibility within the totality is to be able to guide the building potential of the generative force. In other word, they're the new architect in town and there is a new architecture being brought in. And within that, the role in the totality of a Splenic Projector is fundamentally different than the role of an Emotional Projector, as is the role of a Right Angle Projector and a Left Angle Projector. Different architectures are required. In many ways, The Mental Projector shouldn't even be called a Projector. Projectors guide out of their life force when invited. A Splenic life force guides in a certain way. An Emotional life force guides in a specific way. The two forces are very different and don't mix well. It is Projectors themselves who will ultimately see and recognize the differentiation between their own sub-Types and, ultimately, what their roles will be. Of these, the Mental Projector is the only variation here to specialize in and embody Outer Authority. In other words, as the only Projector without Inner Authority, they are here to tell everyone else what to do like the leader at the front of the pack.
Sub Types of Projectors
Head to Ajna/Head to Ajna and Throat/Ajna to Throat Pressure Projectors Ego Projectors Classic Projectors Root/Spleen or Root/Solar Plexus 51/25, 26/44, 40/37 Split Projectors 16/48, 57/20, 10/20, 57/10, 7/31, 1/8, 13/33 Projector Charts with Split Definition Type Mental Projectors
The difficulty for the Mental Projector unlike the Reflector is that the Mental Projector has a fixed life force it can trust. Therefore there is nothing more difficult than getting a mental Projector whose mind is designed to be an Outer Authority not to accept that Outer Authority for his or herself. It's something to understand about the Mental Projector—they cannot play the Reflector's game. The Mental Projector has a fixed and reliable life force and their definition is who they are and what they're here to be recognized for. This is why it is so difficult for then to give up the power of mind's inner authority. Projectors learn through the mirror, so though the mental Projector is here to lead, they will only wake up in relationship to an awakened Projector: a Projector with inner authority is the only positive force for a mental Projector. A Projector/Projector relationship, that is, a Type for Type relationship, will have an easy camaraderie from being similar and in this particular case you can see how important that is.
Mental Projectors
The Mental Projector is unlike anything else. In many ways, this being shouldn't even be called a Projector. Splenic life force guides in a certain way, and so does the Emotional life force and the two don't mix well. And there is an enormous difference between Right and Left Angle Projectors.
The Mental Projector is supposed to be at head of the pack like a rocket because this is the only variation of any configuration that is here to specialize in outer authority. They are here to tell everyone what to do and they try whether they know anything about that or not. However, it is actually very hard to get the Mental Projector to accept outer authority for itself. Until other Projectors wake up, they won't. The Mental Projector cannot play the Reflector's game. It is very difficult for them to give up the mind as mental authority and a Projector with inner authority is the only positive force for a Projector with outer authority. They will only wake up in relationship to an already awakened Projector. The only thing that matters to the Mental Projector is his strategy. He can know that he's not here to listen to his mind, but there isn't anything else to listen to. It's important for him to be educated by other Projectors and to educate other Projectors because only when Projectors learn in their own mirror will that learning process have real impact. This lack of inner authority is a double-edged sword. After all this is a very special kind of mind. But at the same time, they can only be helped by their strategy. As they go along investigating and studying as projectors will do, slowly but surely they will begin to get a gasp in the way in which they can feel stable without being dependent on their mind to make decisions. It's a long process.
The Reflector has no unique differentiated life force, but that lack is insignificant, because the Reflector was never meant to have a fixed and reliable nature to begin with. Someone with a very simple definition field, say only two Centers defined, is enormously different from a Reflector. The moment there is definition there is fixed and consistent life force and therefore, a fixed, consistent foundation upon which to experience life. Someone with seven open Centers is not Reflector-like. Definition is not what the Reflector is about. If you aren't a Reflector you don't know what its like to be a Reflector, because the whole construct is different. In many ways the Reflector is not being conditioned at all. What's being conditioned if there is no life force that is uniquely theirs? Nothing. In fact, they themselves are conditioning agents.
There is no Type that is better equipped to have so many possibilities to connect to you electromagnetically.
The Program is the Reflector's Life Force
The Reflector isn't here to know the Other, but rather to understand how the Program impacts everything because the Reflector is much closer to the program than anyone else. The Program is their life force. If the Moon doesn't go around, the Reflector has no process. The Reflector, unlike anyone else, is here to say, “God's will is my will. The world as it is is what I am. I am the world. I am humanity. I am everything.' It's a very nice place to stand, but unfortunately for Reflectors they are trained by beings with definition and basically anyone with definition meets a Reflector and de facto communicates to that Reflector, “where is your life force? If I can't find it, take mine.” Reflectors are actually aspects much more closely collected to the totality, which is why, mystically, they're called the Judges. The Projector is great at seeing the life force in the Other. The Reflector is here to see how the program manipulates that life force. The fact that Reflectors don't have inner authority is not a problem because authority is not important to them, strategy is. Their strategy is a very clear movement process. The Emotional wave can be seen as the context of our movement in space; you lock in on an Emotional event and, by waiting, you actually move further and further away from it, which changes your perspective. The Reflector's consciousness program is also worked out in distance. It travels, like the Moon does. This is not a natural kind of human awareness. Instead we think we're sitting still and sitting on something where our feet are actually touching the ground. We even think we actually have weight. But this is just the only wave we are allowed to see ourselves. You can't actually see microwaves or neutrinos and such. Meanwhile, the Reflector is just moving away and as that Reflector moves everything changes. Each time this Reflector moves that distance called the cycle of the Moon, which is 28 days, something clicks in. By the time the Reflector waits through that cycle this thing over here will be seen differently. We are always moving along geometrical fractal lines and that movement in and of itself is our transformation and evolution. There would be no mutation without movement. The movement itself creates mutation. The concept of
time/space, which is the foundation of how physicists look at our universe of light, messes us up. We frame things as time because we carry time machines around with us when in fact those things we are framing are movement. The longer decision making processes of the Emotional wave and the Reflector are about distance and movement. As the Reflector is moving along, if she loses what the point was in the first lace, it doesn't matter because if she doesn't keep it, it wasn't for her anyway. There are certain things that an Emotional person, in three or four or five or six days of journeying way from that original point can't get rid of. It's still in there churning. If the Emotional being continues to sample whatever it is that's still churning, eventually he or she will find clarity. But the movement is constant. This waiting process can seem very passive, but it isn't. You're not waiting for the Moon; you're traveling. You can turn it into a clock but its movement. If you're not far away enough from it, you can't see it clearly. It's like what happens to you when you are in a very powerful aura. That aura can distort what you see in the moment, but with time, as you move away from the immediacy of that person and her power, you begin to see her differently. For the Reflector, the moment that travel begins, it's the Program that resolve it, and not the Reflector herself. She is the Program in the sense that she's more the program than even the worst Not-Self. But she is not Not-Self. Reflectors have no true Self. The true Self and the Not-elf are juxtaposed components of the life but all Reflectors have is a life, which makes them extraordinary. The life force is everywhere for them. But you aren't dealing with their Not-Self because they have no True Self. They must be seen from a different perspective. Life is created when a gate, standing by itself, which is inanimate, meets the harmonic gate on the other side of the channel. This is the magic of life being created out of the juxtaposition of inanimate forces. The Reflector therefore is as about inanimate as you can get, but the world, The Program that keeps them alive, and not by establishing a fire that always burns. Rather, it's the constant sparking that takes place as the Program hits each gate, giving them the breath of life. That's why Reflectors are so good, if they get to the point where they're clear and truly just surrendered to the program. In this case, they're the ones that are most deeply connected to the universal life force. For the Reflector, it is the Program that will resolve the issue, not them. They have a life, not a life force. Life force is everywhere for them. Reflectors are about as inanimate as you get. It's the world and the Program that keeps them alive by constantly sparking them with the breath of life, as it hits each gate. But it does not start an independent fire in them. If they just
surrender to that program, they actually become the ones who are most deeply connected to the universal life force.
Projector Sub5T0#es
Projectors cannot be lumped together. The Projector in itself is a vast world of study. Only Projectors can learn from other Projectors and from the Other. They have a longer process than any other Type and are not just here to verify themselves; they are here to master the system, which takes much longer than seven years. Their vehicles are always moving and their monopoles are just taking them down the track they are supposed to go on. Projectors are supposed to be at the head of the pack, but some only get as far as the middle of the race because they are each so specific in their Design, and each of them is designed to interact with very specific life forces. So Projectors will end up dispersed throughout the final new hierarchy and ultimately it will be only they themselves who will eventually be able to differentiate the specifics of their own kind. If everyone could just sit back and relax, they would get there In the meantime, here are a few observations:
S#lenic versus Emotional Projectors
Splenic and Emotional Projectors are fundamentally different from each other. Their role is to guide the building potential of the generative force. They are the new architects in town. For instance, a 16/48 Projector cannot be compared to a 39/55 Projector. They are more different from each other than a Manifestor is from a Projector in that each of these Projectors only gets to generate and manifest in its connection to the Other, and in that each variation hooks in and guides an Energy Type in a different way. Also, one is a Classic Projector and the other is a Pressure Projector. I remind them that they have a strategy and wait for them to find other Projectors who mirror them.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Authority and the Mind
The final step in the decision-making process is to return to the Not-Self mind. Integrate your decision back into the mind so when you describe and show this kind of authority you can say to it, “See?” The mind can never complete its process. The Not-Self will make you go back and re-evaluate a decision that appears to be a failure: “Should have, would have, might have;” the mind likes nothing better than to remind you of all that and the Spleen will make a life and death decision in a millisecond and leave you forever. Emotional people become very intelligent and deeper when they start waiting to take the pressure off. This strategy is your opportunity to get rid of that pressure, regardless of the fact that the mind has distorted your life.
Summary and Review Authority is a binary: inner and outer. Inner is the place within your design that always gives you a “yes” or “now” decision-making capacity that’s reliably you. The vast majority of us have inner authority of one kind or another. The exceptions are Reflectors and Mental Projectors, or those whose only Definition is projected mental definition— that is, the Head Center to the Ajna, or the Ajna the Throat, or Head to the Throat through the Ajna. Outer authority is the ability to give guidance or information to the Other. All Ajna Centers have outer authority. That is every mind is of value to the Other, and of no value, in terms of decision-making, to the individual. The mind’s value is what we share with others—to understand ourselves, to make sense out of life, and to be able to explain the essence of what it is to be in world. Remember that the nature of Authority is conditioned by Type. The Projector’s Authority has to be recognized. The Generator’s Authority only exists in response and the Manifestor’s Authority can always be there. The conditions of the lives of those who have no inner Authority differ as outlined above. You don’t have to have awareness to have authority. Many people have undefined Splenic, Ajna, or Solar Plexus Centers, but
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
still have inner authority. Awareness is something we share as field but to know what is right or wrong for you in your individual process, you have to follow your authority.
+uman Design International Training *anuals. RCSV2 Ra Uru +u. All Rights Reser0ed 2112. Cop)right (o0ian Archi0e 2112.
Cha#ter Si4* De2inition T0#e and Aura o2 T0#e
Definition T)pe and the characteristic auric qualities of all four T)pes (note that T)pe is used in a different sense in each of these> round out the Third Vie7. E0er) design has a Definition T)pe and Aura. This chapter begins 7ith Definition T)pe and continues 7ith Auras.
De2inition T0#e
De2inition T0#e Percenta$es as o2 1;*
2o Definition >Reflector) 1.45@ 0ingle Definition 0plit Definition Triple 0plit Definition 4$.9: DEFINITION TYPE
general, or, be particularly wise about it, depending on how active the Not-Self is and how correct they can become over time in both waiting for and recognizing invitations and using their authority to decide which invitations to accept.
De2inition T0#e and &rid$in$ Gates Definition Type also indicates the degree to which the individual needs and can be conditioned by the Other. All other things being equal, the Single Definition has least need or awareness of the Other. Not having access the precise open windows of bridging gates or channels in the chart as targeted areas of not only conditioning but also wisdom, it also tends to be something of a generalist as opposed to a specialist. The Split Definition Type needs the Other the most, and, like all Split Definition Types, is highly conditioned by the specific open gates, or channels, that bridge its two separate life forces into one. It can either be at their mercy or become wise about and even specialize in the specific life force represented by the open bridge (or bridges) in the design. Its decision-making process will tend to be slower than that of the Single Definition. The Triple Split operates best when one of its bridges remains open and when it disposes of lots of freedom of movement to move through various environments and experience different linkages of either or both its Splits. It will tend to become dependent on the person who bridges both of its Splits into a Single Definition, and ultimately may lose interest in that person. Triple Splits are often high achievers, a dynamic born out of their basic need to feel cohesively connected to all of their own life force. Its process, including its decision-making process, will tend to be slower than that of the Single and Split Definition. For the Triple Split, coordination can also be an issue—the Triple Split can feel clumsy even when they do not appear to be to others, due to the extra time required for all three of its life force to coordinate. Due to the high proportion of fixity in the chart (A Triple Split must, by definition, have at least six out of nine Centers defined and often at least seven or eight Centers will be defined) bridging gates can condition as deeply as open Centers. Quadruple Split Charts are rare. These can be people who at least do not appear to be fully present from the outside and can be both highly competent and somehow slow. They can have trouble receiving from others, since at maximum they have one open Center (four separate Definitions within one Bodygraph requires eight defined Centers out of nine possible) and are highly conditioned in the one potential open Center and the bridging gates. Like the Triple Split Definition Type, the Quad can seem mighty but is actually very, very vulnerable due to intrinsic limitations in their capacity to receive and
in where they can receive. For example, a Quadruple Split with an open Ego has more to prove and lower self worth, despite his or her appearance of surface power and competence, since Not-Self conditioning is focused in this single Center. The correct Quadruple Split will have a decision making process that is slower than that of any other Definition Type. In Split Definition charts of all three Types (Simple, Triple and Quad), if only one gate is required to bridge the split, this person thinks that the theme of the bridge is their problem, that is, if the bridge is the 6th Gate, they have an intimacy problem. If a full Channel is required to bridge the Split, the bridge is someone else's problem, i.e. if the bridge is one of the Throat Ajna Channels, such as the Seeker, 11/56, the fact that their partner doesn't appreciates the stories they always tell at dinner parties is the partner's problem, not theirs. If more than a Channel is required to bridge, it's the world's problem. For instance, consider the design of a Projector whose definition field is the 18/58, the channel of Correction and whose Split is 17/62, the design of an Organizational Being and a Sacral Center with activation in the 27 th Gate (among other activations). Here, the problem might be if the world had a better logical focus that would take care of people (i.e. if there were fewer traffic jams because city planning was better and better funded) this person have a better chance of being recognized for who they truly are, i.e., a correcting organizational being who got to work on time. Again, over time, this is someone who can become wise and even a specialist on the specific life force indicated by the bridges, and in this case the field of specialization is fairly spacious.
Aura o2 T0#e
The final aspect of life force in action is the aura created b) the T)pe. T)pe is a function of the surface definition field (or lack of it in the case of the Reflector>. Each T)pe has a distincti0e and recognizable Aura8 and as such the T)pes ha0e distincti0e and reliable 7a)s of interrelating energeticall) based on their fixed life force.
Figure 6.1
Figure 6.2: Illustration: Mary Ann Winiger Aura of Type keys off of the illusion of separateness of each being, created by the Magnetic Monopole that holds the Design and Personality together with its uni-polar (single pole, as opposed to the dual pole positive and negative magnetism we are accustomed to) field. The four Gates each of the Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx and the Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love divide the Rave Mandala in equal parts (these are the Four Quarters and they will be introduced in Professional Training 1/Level III). One gate each in the Sphinx and the Vessel source the auric qualities of each of the four Types as per above.
Generator Aura* O#en;Envelo#in$ The Generator Aura envelops other life forces and absorbs them. It is, therefore, intrinsically and definitively porous. It follows that the Generator must be correct in which other Auras it responds to allow into its space. In its openness, the Generator also is the Type most susceptible to conditioning (from any other Type including its own), which underscores the need for correctness.
Projector Aura* Focusin$;Absorbin$ The Projector Aura focuses on and recognizes a specific aspect of life force energy (that which it is designed and recognized to focus on). It then absorbs that life force energy, often focusing on the identity of the Other in the G Center. It is therefore well suited to focus on and recognize this aspect in the Generator Aura, when correct. However, the Generator providing the life force necessarily “sets the table” or holds the Projector in place. This can feel constricting to the Projector. Solution: Mutual asking and inviting.
7ani2estor Aura* Closed;Re#ellin$ The Manifestor has a tight, closed Aura that repels others and cannot receive or experience the full Aura of the Other.
Re2lector Aura* Resistant;Sam#lin$ The Reflector has a “non-stick” aura that is designed to continually sample the frequencies of other beings and of the Program. Energies of other Auras move through it, and it temporarily or cyclically samples these energies to survive and fulfill its purpose, but at the same time ultimately resists them, being neither open nor absorbing in its quality.
Auras Designed to Work Together:
Generator/Projector Ad*antages: The Projector recognizes the Generator, who responds well to the Projector's focus, providing additional vitality to its sacral engine. Meanwhile, as it is recognized, the Projector receives the life force energy it needs to function optimally. At its best, a great team, the correct and felicitous alliance of focus and resources.
When it works, an upward spiral of well-matched skills and resources where each is both respectful of and deeply appreciates the uniqueness of the Other. The Generator offloads its excess energy to be guided, and the Projector receives life force energy as it guides. Disadvantages: For the Generator
The Projector cannot ultimately understand what it takes to energetically fund something, not being an Energy Type itself. Therefore, it may not respect or appreciate the Generator's contribution (“bitterness”). The Projector may not actually have any experience guiding resources due to insufficient study while waiting for the invitation and may as a result, create as many dilemmas as it solves. The Generator, feeling sapped or unappreciated and perhaps even put at risk due to the Projector's lack of readiness, stops responding to interact with the Projector at all and becomes wary of the Type in general. For the Projector
The Generator's life force feels limiting to it in that it will always provide the baseline for the interaction. Once the Projector has begun to guide the Generator, the Generator's motor may actually begin to up level to a baseline that actually overwhelms the Projector (the specific nature of the overwhelm determined by the openness in the Projector's design, too much pressure, too emotional, too much vibration and humming in general in combination with either of the others, etc.), and the Generator may then push the Projector away from the alliance in frustration. The Projector, feeling rejected and (accurately), that the Generator has withdrawn the invitation, feels unrecognized, and becomes wary of the Type in general. +or )oth: The Generator stops inviting and the Projector becomes wary of invitations. The matched pair is unable to take advantage of each other's resources and skills.
Solutions: Enter correctly and continue to be correct. The Generator invites the Projector, and invites the Projector to ask. The Projector asks. For Generators, remember that you overwhelm the Projector who needs its own space to return to baseline. For Projectors, remember to keep studying and practicing while you wait for the invitation so you have the skills you need when you are correctly recognized, and that Generators have knowledge you are not designed to have, of how much energy is really required to work and fund life. Both: Be ready for it to work.
7ani2estor;Re2lector In that they both require life force to survive (i.e., the Generator), and that in their own ways they are designed not to retain or permanently receive the energy of others, Manifestors and Reflectors share a common bond. Due to this similarity, these Auras are also designed to work together. Ad*antages: Similar purpose and, therefore, view, of the other ninety percent or so. Companionship of comparative rarity of Auric quality. Comparatively protected from conditioning through the opportunity provided by the more open or absorbing Aura. Therefore, as an alliance, less liable to auric conditioning as an aspect of the alliance dynamic. Challenges: Small percentage and gene pool, therefore chances of finding correct alliance are comparatively slim. No life force; no focus, no continuity in receiving. Solutions: Awareness and being correct.
Generator Aura
Generators represent two thirds of humanity. Their generated field is life itself, and in many ways it also establishes the conditioning standard of what life is. If you understand that Generators are opening to and enveloping everything else on the planet, then everything is in the trajectory if you will, of the generated field. The non-generative Types whether they are Manifestors, Projectors, or Reflectors are deeply conditioned by the world that is generated by the open and enveloping Generator. That defined red Sacral Center is enormously powerful. But, at the same time, the vulnerability of what is open is just as powerful. Generators for all their deep capacity to be able to generate the life force are also the Type most deeply open to conditioning. This is part of why Generators are unable to wake up
spontaneously. It's not as simple as turning on the response mechanism and awakening the Generator Sacral to its power. There is this deep conditioning that has to be cleaned out of the vehicle first, due to the openness and absorbing nature of the Generated energy field.
Projector Aura
Think about the Projector. This is a focused and absorbing aura. Generator and Projector are the only Types who have any real sense of the Other; Generators through enveloping everything and the Projector by focusing in on the identity, this magnetic monopole, this whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. But the moment they focus in on the identity, they cannot escape any aspect of relating to the Other that doesn't work. It is simply something that is there. Compromise for them is something that can be just agonizing.
Not-Self Themes and Mixed Type Relating
Think about the Not-Self themes of each Type. Think about the Generator. Their theme is frustration and that deep compromise brings out a deep frustration. Think of the Manifestor with the Projector. The Projector's focused aura is like a kind of ice cream cone. It naturally hones in on the G Center with the tip of the ice cream cone; when a Projector is with a Manifestor it can't do that, it just can't get in and this is disturbing for the Projector. This is why Generators and Projectors are meant for each other. Together they are the world. Manifestors and Reflectors are really not here for that kind of integrative relationship. They could do quite well without any connectivity at all except that the generic imperative would be lost and we are still caught in mammalian bodies, which have the drive to reproduce themselves. The genetic imperative only operates correctly through the Generator and Projector, not through the Manifestor and Reflector. Generators and Projectors were born for each other so everything about connectivity is
coming to grips with the fact that if Generators and Projectors don't get their trip together, none of us will. It's this environment that establishes what these things are, and it's the Generator that is the Judge, in that sense of all of it. Generators are the opening enveloping ones who create the world. Projectors focus in and see what is actually happening, what's working, but it is the Generator that creates connectivity, and in a sense they also establish the standards for connectivity. Generators with Manifestors realize something is wrong because they are not getting what they are giving. It just feels that way and it's truly because of the Type. The auras are not designed to interact. Generators were Manifestor slaves. Their auras were never intended to go together naturally. The slave rose up and the Manifestor lost. It's the Generator's rejection of the Manifestor, which is leading to the ascendancy of Projectors. In this shifting of the binary finally you have the combination and the auric evolution that there can finally be this kind of coming together between Generator and Projector and the way that the world can be. However, Generators do not feel rewarded in their relationships with Projectors. They feel like they are being taxed, paying a price for their openness without getting the reward they expected. The Generator is opening and enveloping with the Projector, but feels frustrated because they are not being enveloped in return. Projectors can seem so very narrow because their auras are so focused. They are trying to get to the core of the Other. The great gift of the Projector is to recognize and be of value to the Other, and yet in that relationship the open enveloping Generator is frustrated because the Projector seems not to be giving but only taking and the Generator in its openness and enveloping nature doesn't see what the Projector really is and the Projector gets bitter. Type is a very powerful demarcation.
Non5Sacral Auras and the Conditionin$ Generator Aura
In this, The Manifestor and the Reflector are on the sidelines. It was always clear to me that Generators are giving this tremendous inner response to find enlightenment through acceptance, opening and enveloping with awareness. Correctness is just opening and enveloping without expectation. At the simplest level, what Human Design shows anyone is the need to accept the Other cause there is nothing you can do about it. Simply to be able to see the Other as what they are. If you cannot deal with them, you are better off not being in relationship with them, but it's not like you are here to change or fix or alter them. The Generator who establishes the basic format of all our interactions does so out of its very openness. They are life and are intended to envelop the Other. Those of us who are non-Sacral are being conditioned and, at the same time, that opening and enveloping aura, when correct, is not looking for anything in return. This is what it is really all about its like that wonderful line, “art for arts sake.” Serendipity and the wonder of being isn't something that comes to you when you have a set intention. The most extraordinary things happen to you when you are just being. That's what Generators are here to be. They are the great be-ers; that's what it's all about. As long as what they get from another Generator is all right and what they get from the other Types is not they have to see their most important relationships are always going to be with another Generator. The more Generators are with Generators the healthier their process is. How wonderful it is to have a relationship rooted in the respect of response and based in openness and envelopment. But the moment that you integrate it with other life forces, if you operate out of the old conditioning you are going to end up with the same relationship dilemmas. When I look at Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors I kind of jokingly think of them as parasites. We all live off the Generator world. Regardless of whether Manifestors or Reflectors aurically speaking would like to stop all of that the fact is that we live in a Generator world. For Projectors, it's not their fault that they have to tap into the energy of life in order to survive. It's not like a Generator whose very breath is a life force they have to tap into it all the time and they are often seen as using poor Generators as filling stations. It is a projection for they are really handicapped in many ways. They are not open. They are very, very focused and they don't envelop in that sense. They
absorb and take in from the Other. They have to. Think about the Projector and Reflector. Their secondary keynotes are absorbing and sampling. You are dealing with two non-energy Types and they have to take something the projector absorbs; the reflectors samples. Look at the Manifestor they don't need Generators in that sense, they can manifest, they don't need the energy source, they tap into the life force but not the energy resource. Projectors and Reflectors have to tap into the generating field while the Projector is focused and absorbing taking it all in the Generator is looking to take it in but doesn't get it. The Projector doesn't understand that. They don't even notice they are being enveloped. So no one is conditioned better than Projectors are. Generators are the most conditioned in the sense of the depth of conditioning but they also generate an incredibly powerful conditioning field. The Projector can be focused and absorbed in the identity of the Other and in most cases the Projector is not away of how deep in the conditioning is going because they do not notice it. Being enveloped doesn't mean you are seen or recognized. Generators envelop as a matter of course. It doesn't have to be their intention. Or any kind of plan. They are a walking opening, enveloping machine. When you think about auras and the way auras you have to recognize the aura describe the Type. This is what type is. Type is a name that we give to the quality of the aura. The quality of the auras is the direct by product of the world of the monopole holding the vehicle together in the illusion of separateness, this quantum totality we call our lives. To understand Type this way is to see the importance of all Type for Type work. Our Type for Type relationships are so healthy for us. It's just about beginning to learn to recognize the beauty of sameness. We are on the cusp of a mutative transformation. W e are moving away from attraction of difference to the potential attraction of sameness and its something you need to see and experience and see that they really successful relationships for the future being at the basic level of beings understand their aura and the way that it works.
The Influence of Auras in Mixed Type Relationships
If you are in a mixed Type relationship this knowledge is very important. It can allow you to understand the limitations of your potential connectivity to the Other. It doesn't have to hurt it or deny its potential. Awareness can be
very useful in such things. You simply need to accept the limitation that brings and it does. In any relationship aurically I have very, very little to give and there is nothing I can do about that but does not mean I don't have a depth of love or connection or concern because I do and at the same time there is very little my aura can handle. Anyone who accepts me into their lives has to accept me in their lives as is. There is nothing one can do about it. It's just the way the aura is. It has nothing to do with the spirit of the being, the heart, the soul; it's just the aura. And one of the most comfortable things is the moment you begin to see that your connection to the sameness particularly beginning with Type which also opens up the full potential of your aura. Generators are here to be open and enveloping with each Other. Hey, they can get extraordinary with that. The other thirty percent is closed off in some way or other and if it weren't for the genes they would not be there is potential of openness in humanity. We would not be necessarily the gregarious social creatures that we are it is the generators who are brings us openness and openness to each other and are willing to be open to each other. We have to see that this quality that is so beautiful and important in our lives operating out of the realm of the Not-Self. You have all these beings who have deep very lasting judgments about the Other without realizing or grasping at any level that this is just about auras. There are differences in us and there is nothing we can do but accept them as they are nothing more, nothing less. It's very important we get beyond all the anger, frustration, bitterness, and disappointment and redefine the way we look at the others in our lives by seeing the way in which they work as beings. The aura is the way in which the life energy truly presents itself. The aura is the true surface of the being. This is where the basic grasp of the Type exists. There is a grace that comes with understanding this basic limitation, because you cannot truly condition around that. When your aura is correct you are physically well. And the moment that you are not operating correctly, there are problems in the aura. It's not enough to be aware of what's going on with you, you have to be aware of your impact on the Other and you cannot do this in a vacuum. We are not alone. In order to get to a place of grace in how you accept another being in your life you must see them in the context of your own aura. This give you an opportunity to express to them in the way that you deal with them a quality of acceptance they do not yet know and that should be normal for all of us. To simply be able to accept that it is the way that it is. The moment you can accept whatever somebody's design is the moment you yourself make a leap forward. At this point, understanding the Other becomes understanding the other's aura.
Conclusion* T0#e 2or T0#e
For Generators 7ho find companionship 7ith others and particularl) 7ho find companionship 7ith other T)pes. . +o7 important this can be in being able to share 7ith them. Empo7er them8 to support them b) simpl) accepting them for 7hat the) are and their aura for 7hat it is and for )ou to begin to see that as )ou continue to experiment 7ith correctness and disco0er that correctness mo0es )ou to7ard sameness because that@s 7hat@s comfortable. We are all here to find companionship and the moment 7e go through the transformation a door 7ill open and 7e 7ill see the beaut) that is there and being able to share 7ith the Other this deep basic similarit) of T)pe. It 7ill help Generators and e0er)one else to 7ork out the dilemmas in their li0es and the 7a)s in 7hich the) connect 7ith others.
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Cha#ter Seven* Pro2ile 7echanics INCL+DING HAR7ONY AND RESONANCE, ANG+LARITY, AND 88
To#ic View The 2ine Centers 1 3 the 2ot-0elf Definition including Channels Authorit5: 0plits: Auras Pro2iles, An$ularit0, Chart S0nthesis 2 ; @
Rave Cartography's Fourth View is Profile. This section provides the foundation and basic mechanics of harmony and resonance, angularity, how profile is created by 88 degrees in the wheel, how personality and design interact at the profile level, profiling keynotes through the profiling gates, role gate values, and introduces the skill of chart synthesis: how to identify and describe the personality and design profiles separately and only then synthesize them together into a single description or value using their own language. It also provides some guidelines and rules of thumb to reorient you toward your own process and developing chart reading skills. Since Profile is binary, each of the twelve roles or profiles, including your own, can express the uniqueness of life force of any being in a range that, among other things, extends from the very positive and attractive to what could be interpreted as a very negative and unattractive range of expression of that life force. Any such expression along this continuum could be correct or incorrect, but in either case, as you conclude the second level of Human Design Education examining the negative as well as positive qualities of your own process becomes a vital, not to mention essential, dynamic of your own deconditioning process.
Human Design International Training Manuals. LIII-PTL1 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Harmon0 and Resonance Two more simple principles of Hexagram Theory, introduced in Level I Rave ABC's, lay the foundation for learning profile dynamics---how profile is calculated, and developing the skill of reading and interpreting profile data. They are called Harmony and Resonance.
The House 7eta#hor Let's review the house metaphor: six line values; two trigrams (the lower, personal trigram; the upper, transpersonal trigram).
S0nthesiBin$ the He4a$ram* Harmon0, Resonance, and Dissonance Harmon0 Now let's take that one step further. Lines that occupy parallel positions in each trigram can also said to be in harmonic relationship to each other. Not only their visual positions, but also their line values are harmonic. Within the harmony, the lower trigram value is personal. The upper trigram value is transpersonal.
Figure 7.1 The hexagram has three harmonics: 1/4, 2/5 and 3/6.
1;@ House metaphor harmonic: The first line is the foundation of the first floor of the house and the fourth line is the floor of the second story. Simple line *alue harmonic: The first line always establishes a foundation. The fourth line externalizes that foundation through a network of opportunity.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
2/5 House metaphor harmonic: The second line is the first floor (i.e. lower story living space) of the house. The fifth line occupies the upper, or second floor of the house. Simple line *alue harmonic: The second and fifth lines are both lines of projection. The second line projects out while the fifth receives projection.
3/6 House metaphor harmonic: The 3rd line is the ceiling of the first story and the 6 thline is the roof of the house. Simple line *alue harmonic: The 3rd and the 6th Line are deeply connected by the theme of mutation and also through the tripartite life process of the 6 th Line, particularly the first phase, which is the third line phase. Forty percent of all profiles, therefore, have a third line theme.
Resonance 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6 Whenever each line meets the same value, the two lines are said to be in resonance.
Figure 7.2 )a Uru Au. +n this chart, the Personality lines of the Profile, the 5 , are in resonance with an unconscious 49th gate activation that is also in the fifth line.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Dissonance Any other line relationship in juxtaposition (i.e. 2/3, 1/6, etc.) is referred to as dissonant.
Figure 7.3
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RCVII Δ VIEW @ A CHAPTER 7: HARMONY AND RESONANCE Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS
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Harmon0, Resonance, and Dissonance in A##lication Throughout the Human Design System, binary values are juxtaposed and then interpreted based on the synthesis of their quantum. This is because life force itself cannot exist without juxtaposition. (See Chapter Two, Definition, Definition Fundamental #1.) Throughout Rave Cartography Level II, foundational binaries inherent in the Four Views such as Fixedness and Openness, and Self and Not-Self have been introduced. The Fourth View, Profile is also arrived at based on synthesis of a binary, in this case the line value of the Personality Sun and Earth in synthesis with the line value of the Design Sun and Earth. Harmony and Resonance synthesizes lines that have a permanent theoretical and practical relationship to each other within the hexagram itself and interprets the resulting value simply. The foundation interpretations of these values (as described above) in turn are concise descriptive formulas that can be opened out into numerous applications and unique interpretive variations within the Rave chart, yet retain their simple formulaic and incisive truth. Harmony and resonance themselves are practical tools for learning and evaluating profile, not only because they articulate predictable relationships between lines but because their line juxtapositions create what are called Harmonic Profiles (see below). However, the 12 profiles themselves are calculated according to a different geometry. This geometry is equally as reliable and predictable in its line value juxtapositions and the practical depth available in its simple synthesis. As a geometry, it is also simple, powerful, and fertile in its basis. That basis is the geometrical measurement, 88 degrees of the Sun.
88o o2 the Sun, An$ularit0, and the Geometr0 o2 the 1< Pro2iles Your personality birth date and design birth date are eighty-eight degrees of the Sun apart. The profile in any chart consists of the lines of its Personality Sun Earth and its Design Sun Earth in juxtaposition. The Personality line always comes first.
Human Design International Training Manuals. LIII-PTL1 Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Figure 7.4 )a Uru Au has a design with a 5/1 profile, indicated by the lines of the Personality Sun Earth in relationship to the *esign Sun Earth with the Personality line coming first.
Now think of this same geometry displayed circularly in a radial (circular) I Ching with two wheels, one for the personality calculation and one for the design calculation and one inside of the other (or like two gears rotating through their interlocking teeth). If the angle were a perfect right angle, that is, a ninety degree angle instead of eighty eight degrees in angle, the relationship between hexagrams and lines would move very exactly and predictably around the wheel in perfect, repeating 90 degree increments. In its perfection, there would be no life and little variation. The geometry would be static. However, the two degree variation from the right angle of 90 degrees to 88 degrees, creates a rather different geometry: one that creates a geometric relationship between Personality and Design that sequences and changes as the entire wheel completes each 360 o and 365 day revolution, resulting in both a fixed and irregular repeating sequence of twelve profiles as the sun moves through the 64 hexagrams line by line and approximately one line per day. The two degree irregularity off 90 degrees creates the uniqueness and diversity of life because the geometry that results keeps on changing, not only in the specific set of profiles that result but in the way in which the hexagrams interact with each other, the design moving on to the next hexagram before the personality wheel completes its movement through its given hexagram.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
This geometry keeps the life process moving forward in dynamism and uniqueness. Never perfect, it is always evolving while the “perfect” 90-degree relationship cannot support life. Profiles are a fixed set: 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3/6, 4/1, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3. You will recognize five of them as being identical to the harmonic lines of the hexagram as described above. This set is called harmonic profiles. The specific geometry created by 88 degrees of the sun that creates life doesn't only create a repeating set of twelve juxtaposed profiles; it also creates specific numeric proportions of each profile. As you will see below, Harmonic profiles for each line (also called changing profiles) occur much more infrequently in the population than a line's main profile. This is because, geometrically, as the Sun and Earth move through lines of the Rave I Ching in their slightly asymmetrical relationship, once the Design Sun and Earth change lines to meet the Personality Sun and Earth in a harmonic profile, the Personality Sun and Earth spend comparatively very little time left in the line they have been occupying, just a fraction of a day, before they move on to occupy the next line to create the next profile while the Design Sun and Earth remain where they are to complete their stay. Percentages as reported in Jovian Archive's Global Incarnation Index survey as of 1/2006 are indicated next to each profile in the illustrations below. Generally, it is also notable that, due to the sixth line process (in which sixth line beings live a third line stage of their profile until the Saturn return at 27.5 to 30 years of age) 60 percent of all profiles have a third line theme at some point in their cycle. There are two other profiles that are singled out for being unusual for different reasons (although they are all equally unique) within the frame of hexagram geometry and angularity, which is our next topic.
Figure 7.4 @eft to )ightB The )ight Angle (the 1/3 Profile), The Ju0taposition (the 4/1 Profile), and the @eft Angle (the 6/2 Profile) illustrated in the he0agram chop and red and black.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
The Visual Language of the Three Angles and their Profiles
Figure 7.5 The Geometry of the Right Angle, illustrated by the Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx
The Right Angle
Figure 7.6
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&rofiles: 1/3 1/4 2/4 2/5 3/5 3/6 4/6
14.61@ of the population 2.;$@ 14.$1@ 2.44@ 14.1;@ 2.22@ 14.65@
Keynotes: Personal karma Personal destin5 Self-absorption and self-interest Geometr5 that intersects at right angles with and bumps into the Other: creating the personal destin5 an Does Research
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The Juxtaposition
Figure 7.7 The Geometry of the Ju0taposition 8ross, illustrated by the Ju0taposition 8ross of Grace
2.43% of the population
Fixed fate (ust passing through8” i.e. neither bumping into things to create a destin) or meeting old forces in its line of incarnati0e geometr).
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The Left Angle
5/1 5/2 6/2 6/3
Figure 7.8 The Left Angle, illustrated by the Left Angle Cross of the Clarion
14.27% of the population 2.14% 14.36% 2.45%
Keynotes: Transpersonal karma Transpersonal destiny Here for the Other; other-oriented Has and needs allies and is dependent on others to fulfill purpose (“meets old forces”) What the Right Angle researches; the Left propagandizes Object of great expectations
The Arc of the Line and Changing (Harmonic) Profiles The arc of each line is 56'15,'' or 15/16ths of a degree. The harmonic, or changing, profile will only occur in the last 7' 30'' of the arc. In all other cases, a Foundation profile results.
Figure 7.9 A bar graph representation of the geometry “zones” for Profiles and Angles can visually demonstrate the precise geometry and mathematics of Angularity in the Gate and Line. The larger bar graph shows the arc of each of the three angles within the Gate. The smaller one shows the relationship of foundation to changing arc within the Line itself (i.e., the zone of the line where foundation profiles result, distinguished from the zone where changing profiles result, when the Design profile line falls within it). Please note that this graph is created in scale, so six of the yellow and pink lines in the Line graph equal the length of the Gate graph above.
Figure 7.10 Some classic Human Design System teaching diagrams of the geometry of profile, line-by-line and arc-by-arc.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
The Theme o2 7utation 1/3, 3/5, 3/6, 4/6, 6/2, 6/3 All Profiles including a 3 rd or 6th line and regardless of angle are mutative and share a third line theme (due to the third line phase of the sixth line process). However, the third line theme does not play out identically in them. The third line mutates through trial and error experience and is genetically designed to take advantage of the trial and error process and bonds made and broken to mutate. The sixth line in its third line phase has no such genetic protection from the hazards of trial and error and is therefore in its third line phase always more fragile and vulnerable.
Si4th Line Process The life process of the sixth line profile is tripartite (has three parts). The three life cycles are marked by the Saturn return at about 27.5 — 30 years of age and the Kiron return at about 49 — 51 years old. The advent of each phase of the cycle is itself a seven-year cycle, beginning 3.5 years before the actual return date and completing 3.5 years after the date. (Other sevenyear cycles begin on the return date itself). The position of the sixth line in the Profile (i.e., Personality or Design) focuses the action of the mutation.
Ke0notes and Process Fundamentals First phase (third line phase):
Some )asic Keynotes: Trial and error. Things not working. Observed.
Bonds made and broken.
Some )asic process fundamentals: Endangering oneself; the specific themes and potentials of endangerment becoming more specific when keynoted in association with the binary profile theme (see below). Potentially promiscuous. No built-in genetic protection from third line activity or built-in third line mutative potential.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
Second phase (The Roof):
Some )asic Keynotes: The Roof. Aloofness. Becoming an Authority. Observer. Some )asic process fundamentals: Withdrawn and protected from the outside world. The potentials of becoming an authority, being responsible and becoming materially secure. Broad and wide perspective; perspectival nature. Healing from what came before. “Roof” relationship or liberation from constricting partnerships entered into during third line phase. Potential celibacy. Incubation of mutation. Learning to be correct. Third phase (Off the Roof):
Some )asic Keynotes: Off the roof. Role Model. Being yourself. The quantum of Observer and Observed. Some )asic process fundamentals: Coming down off the roof and back into the world as one's unique self and as a role model to others in living as oneself. Flowering. Finding the soul mate. “Just being.” Correctness and avoiding hypocrisy as the only protection from potential early death due to incorrect or “failed” mutation.
Your incarnative geometry has pointed you down a specific street; the path you are going to take in life. Right Angle geometry goes down a path with no designed intersections, so there is never a guarantee anything will bang into it. It is not designed to have crossing geometries. It is in fact absorbing geometries, because there is no one else they are expecting to meet on their line, no one. The third line is so close to the transpersonal edge that it keeps on banging into other forces. The Left Angle, meanwhile, is driving down a one-way street the wrong way for some reason and bangs into a Right Angle. Your geometry brings you to your path. You allow your geometry to guide you along your path without interference. That's how you get to your purpose. I have dressed this up to find metaphors that work but your students need to be very clear that the geometry of your angle is how you are angled to meet or not to meet; a subtlety in the way that you move down the path.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
From a Pythagorean point of view, the perfect 90 degree Right Angle is very rigid; a rigid straight line. Meanwhile the Left Angle is off. Therefore it ends up weaving almost like a spiral around the Right Angle direction. It's a double helix seen in another way. Because we are in movement, everything is about movement. Profile is moving fractal geometry. So begin profile with direction, and the various kinds of direction we talk about in Design. You are not just a Sphinx.” You are a Right Angle Sphinx.” for instance, and then elaborate. You are moving in your own, self-absorbed straight line.” And then your Nodes give you the neighborhood you are moving through on this line of geometry moving through space that is yours.
The Geometry of Angularity and 88o as the Beauty of Life
The moment that you are following the nature of your design, that you are living out your Type, your vehicle is going to operate properly. Being introduced to Type gives you the opportunity to mechanically experiment with your nature. At the same time there is another question that you might want to ask: “Yeah, but what's my purpose, what's this all about? Where is this vehicle going?” You can understand where your vehicle is going, or anybody else's, by understanding the nature of what is called Profile. Profile is very different from Type; which we see in the Bodygraph. Profile is just pure database, made up by the position of the Personality Sun and Earth and the Design Sun and Earth and specifically, their lines. With profile we are not looking at a large individual Bodygraph configuration but at two pieces of data. Since Sun and Earth are always opposite to each other, your Personality Sun occupies exactly on the same line as your Personality Earth in the opposite hexagram of the wheel. The same thing is true for the Design Sun and Earth. These two lines in juxtaposition make up your profile. Understand the importance of that: Through neutrinos, we are literally programmed. The Sun represents 70% of the neutrinos that we receive, and in its relationship with the Earth, this information, this program, gets its grounding and its form. In your chart, those 2 Suns and 2 Earths represent 70% of your programming, so their lines give you a specific profile that is deeply revealing. When I first started sharing Human Design, one of the most consistent questions I was asked was: “Why 88°?” And my answer was “That's the number I was told.” which is true. But the moment that you really grasp what this 88° means you really see its beauty and that it is the beauty of life itself.
Figure 7.11 A Projector with a 3/5 Profile
This is a 3/5 profile--this is the martyr heretic. And if you are a 3/5 you're going to enjoy my description of it. Now look, if there were 90° between Personality and Design Sun, the Design Sun would also lie in the 3 rd line, but the geometry would be locked, there would be absolutely no movement (in the relationship between the two wheels). But the calculation is 88°. If you look at the MMI chart data, you can see that both the Sun and Earth lie in 86% of the 3 rd line here because they are opposite to each other on the wheel. Meanwhile, the profile 5th line is at 100%; in other words, this Sun and Earth are right at the far edge of that 5th line. Now something really magical happens: If you move this chart from 86% to 87% the personality profile line stays the same. But if you go to the Design, because the angle of calculation is not 90° but 88°, the Design profile has actually shifted its line and instead of being a 3/5 this Design becomes a 3/6. The Personality profile line stays the same while the Design profile line shifts. This is a movement that continues through the entire structure of the wheel, because of
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
the 88° increment you don't have any static positions on the wheel and the twelve profiles keep changing. There are only 12 of them. They give us the basis of what our purpose is in life. If you have a 1st line personality, you will have a 3rd line or a 4th line Design, etc. When we go from the 1st line to the 4th line (only part of the 4th line), this is a Right Angle Cross, which is about personal destiny. Let me show you the difference between a Right Angle and a Left Angle Cross. If I use an example with the Personality Sun in the 45th Gate, the Design Sun is in the 26th Gate. In this case we have just 1st lines, on the unconscious level we have 22 and 47, both in the 3rd lines. This is an Incarnation Cross. In the profile we describe the line aspect. This is a Right Angle Cross (note: see Right Angle Cross illustration at beginning of section) because if you count the spaces between the hexagrams going around, they are, in terms of hexagrams, a right angle. In other words, there is always going to be 16 hexagrams between each arm of the cross. But when the Sun gets to the end of the 4 th line, you get to a point where that change that is happening at the 88° point in the unconscious, instead of just shifting a line, as it has done so far, ends up shifting a whole hexagram. That's when it stops being a Right Angle. The 26/45 is exactly the same, it's consistent, but there has been a shift in the 22/47, it's closer here and further away here, it doesn't look like a right angle anymore. 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3 are Left Angle Crosses, the 4/1 stands by itself; it is the Juxtaposition Cross.
Figure 7.12 Projector with 1/3 Profile on the )ight Angle 8ross of )ulership
Figure 7.13. Single *efinition Emotional Manifestor with 4/1 Profile on the Ju0taposition 8ross of Possession
+uman Design International Training *anuals. RCS Ra Uru +u. All Rights Reser0ed 2112. Cop)right (o0ian Archi0e 2112.
Figure 7.14 Split *efinition Emotional Manifestor with 5/2 Profile on the @eft Angle 8ross of 8onfrontation
Right Angle, Juxtaposition, and Left Angle
Right Angle
Because we are talking about purpose in life, we are actually talking about our movement in space, which is conditioned by these three different geometries: Right Angle, Juxtaposition, and Left Angle. In this century we have confused a lot of this terminology: karma, destiny, fate, all of this language that has been popularized. What I want to show you is that these geometries are very specific. If you have a Right Angle Cross — which tends to be the majority in society — you have what’s called “personal destiny“, you’re not carrying any karma. So, if somebody comes and says to you: “You’re going to pay for this!“ respond, “Nope, I’m not, I am not carrying any karma, thank you very much!” — because it’s true! You see, the Right Angle Cross is self-involved, it doesn’t matter who
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
else is in their life, they have their own geometry, and there isn't anybody who is there around them that is going to alter that movement in their life. They have their personal destiny and they are going to get to their personal destiny. That's their geometry. When you are dealing with the lower trigram, you find they have very poor transpersonal skills, they're not equipped to deal successfully with the Other, they are absorbed in themselves. The 1st line is introspection and says: “I don't want to see anybody, I am studying. Don't bother me; I'm doing my research. Leave me alone, I am busy with my own thing.” The 2nd line says: I don't know why you're coming to me; I like to be left alone. The moment you come, I have to do something, I have to learn something, I have to figure something out. Leave me alone!”” The 3rd line says: “Jesus, I didn't mean to bump into you!” — because that's what happens to 3rd lines: they just bang into things. None of them are really equipped to deal socially with the Other. They have personal destiny. They are just into their thing. Now it doesn't mean they can't love, and they can't blah blah blah this and that. You know, but it's not who they meet that's going to get them to the point where they will fulfill their personal destiny — so a tremendous part of the population is just involved in their own trip. Period.
Then we come to Juxtaposition. This is the point in which shifting through the 88° actually changes the hexagram instead of the line, and then we have a very funny thing, we've got the beginning of this Left Angle. 4/1s are rare; after all, the cross only shows up in the last 13% of the Personality Sun in the 4 th line. The 4/1's are the only people that have fixed fate. When the 4/1 drives into a tree, you know it's fixed fate because that's their way and nothing gets in the way of these beings. After all, they are a 4 and a 1, they are the 2 foundations that are there in the structure of the hexagram, and so they are very fixed. So fixed that they barely can bend at all and that they are very easily broken. They have their track in life.
Le2t An$le
And then you come to the left angle. And here you come to the purely transpersonal. The 5th and 6th lines are the most transpersonal in quality. They are
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
always getting ready both to go out into the world and to observe the world as a whole. But they are the ones that carry karma. And the only way to unload this stuff is to meet the old forces that they ended up having to carry karma with in order to get all that has to get done on this planet done, because it's only through the transpersonal that we can universalize. It's important to see that we have specific geometries, which means specific limitations. For example, if you are raising a child with a Right Angle and you expect him/her to be deeply socially involved.... You know they've got their trip! They have their very, very personal destiny in life. So we have these 3 geometries: most people are going to live out either their personal destiny or their transpersonal karma. And there are those with the fixed fate.
The Special Case of the 4/6
The other thing to notice, though the lower trigram stops here at the 3/6 and the upper trigram begins here with the 4/6, the 4/6 is still a Right Angle, and it is one of the most unusual crosses. It is the only cross that is purely transpersonal — both the 4th and 6th lines are in the upper trigram — so it gives you the illusion that this is a deeply transpersonal cross: it is not! They are in their personal destiny. I call the 4/6s the great voyeurs, because they are.
Human Design International Training Manuals. RCS Ra Uru Hu. All Rights Reserved 2006. Copyright Jovian Archive 2006.
+uman Design International Training *anuals. RCS Ra Uru +u. All Rights Reser0ed 2112. Cop)right (o0ian Archi0e 2112.
The Twelve Profiles Profile is the specific costume each unique Design wears, a required role that it plays well or badly and with a costume that fits better or worse, but cannot be exchanged for another one. When you follow your strategy, your profile fits better: your role feels less and less constricting and more and more comfortable. Eventually, it becomes the perfect costume for your design to wear, which is a good thing because whether it fits well or not, it is as much yours as the color of your eyes. We have already considered how profile is created in the chart and the basic dynamics of the line values it is made of. The next step is to interpret the twelve views by reading and describing a chart’s profile. This is the fourth view of the Bodygraph. The skill of reading a chart’s profile is based in synthesis of two separate values, a skill that was introduced with the discussion of Harmony and Resonance within the hexagram in Chapter 7. Harmony and Resonance locate line values in relationship with each other within the hexagram and derive stable values from those relationships. Profile takes one step further by relating one of these line values each to the Personality and Design of each chart and then synthesizing a single Profile (chart role) description from the profiles of each of these two separate binary life forces which are otherwise (i.e., in the other three Views) synthesized by and within the Bodygraph itself as life force.
Rave Cartograph5 – Volume II – View Three – Chapter Eight: The Twelve Profiles
The View That Takes Place Outside the Bodygraph
Profile is the only one of the Four Views that takes place outside the Bodygraph—you find one of its values at the head of the Personality Database and one at the head of the Design Database; it cannot be seen within the Bodygraph itself. As such, it takes us out of the monopole world. Because profile is essentially binocular, you must synthesize it yourself. To learn profile, explore the personality and the design line values separately, then create your own synthesis of the two. Understanding profile begins with the red and the black. Their essential separation is what makes it so difficult to get to your purpose, and when you explore profile this way it becomes very obvious why you have no choice but to use your strategy. For instance, if you talk about the one personality divorced from the three design, you might ask yourself, “what is important for this person?” The answer might be, “The fear, needing the solid. Cracks in things. When the solid isn't,” etc. Don't just use the nice little piece of jargon and a mantra that you might have heard someone else use to describe a profile. Particularly if you are a Projector, take basic the basic information and do what you do best: recognize. You are here to recognize the quantum. You are here to nurture the gifts that lie within any Type, to bring out their quality. Do not rely on canned profile keynotes.
Develo#in$ the S1ill o2 Pro2ilin$* Technique and Resource Toolbo4, Includin$ and Introducin$ Pro2ilin$ Gates
Its time to practice profiling. This is a skill develops over time, and with practice. Below you will find many tools and references for exploring and discovering each profile value 1-6 in the conscious and the unconscious, for yourself, in your own chart, and in the unique Design of others of all Types. To profile: 1. View and describe the profile value of Personality and Design separately and using the resources in your Profiling Toolbox, below, 2. Synthesize (combine) the two values into a single description, 3. Repeat several times at least, using different resources or combinations of keynoting resources to synthesize and describe variations on your first profile combination, 4. Try it in your own words, too, 5. Describe the entire chart using the 236 and, now, the Four Views including Profile in your description, 6. Repeat with many charts of all profiles and Types. Select charts according to Type, i.e. Generators focus on your own first; Projectors focus on the Other. Again, facility with synthesizing and describing Profile deepens with practice, play, study, and recognition. Profile value can be synthesized (synthesis here meaning the skill of blending the separate conscious and unconscious values into a single interpretation) from the six basic line values, angularity, the red and the black, and the basics of hexagram theory. But it always begins with understanding and exploring the profile value of each of the two life forces in each chart, Personality and Design, as the separate beings they are then putting them together the way binoculars synthesize two different flat images into a single coherent image with depth perspective. In the other three Views, the Bodygraph synthesizes the Personality and Design life forces. In Profile you yourself are the agent of this binocular process. Profiling skill deepens with a familiarity with the eight profiling Gates (The Gates of the Sphinx, the 1, 2, 7, and 13,) and the Gates of the Defense Circuit (59, 6, 27, and 50). The database provided by the keynotes of their line values provides more insight into each of the six line values in Profile in addition to contributing more depth, breadth, resources and vocabulary to your profiling skills. If you are thinking of becoming a Human Design System professional, knowledge of profiling gates and keynotes is required. Profiling
gate values are described below in context of developing Profiling as a skill. (The nature of the Gate itself is a Level III topic and will not be covered here.) As mentioned above, following is a Profiling Toolbox of visually keynoted and graphed Profile Gate charting and source material on line interpreted as conscious and unconscious profile values from October of 2004, including three separate collections of Profiling Gate keynotes. The first is, very simply, the classic combinations synthesized from the line keynotes of the 10th Gate of the Rave I Ching. The second, used by first and second-generation Human Design students, in table form, incorporates values and attitudes for each line of all eight Profiling Gates. The third data spread in the Profiling Toolbox provides additional, updated Profile Gate Keynotes presented by Ra Uru Hu in the Winter of 2006. Profiling Gates are also called Role Gates, a technical distinction that describes a slightly different view of the Rave and is covered in the next level of Human Design Education; we are focusing on the Profiling aspect here. The 2006 keynotes address the specific roles each profile takes on, either internally or externally, as Individuals, in the Collective and in the Tribe, through these same eight gates. Reminder: your available Profiling Toolbox also consists of:
Red and Black The Dynamics of the Binary The Six Line Values Harmony and Resonance Angle
As presented in Chapter 7.
Key dynamics to notice and experiment with as you work with profile in live and example charts (it is recommended that you profile lots of both chart categories): 1. How each line value operates consciously and unconsciously in a profile, and the difference between the two 2. What happens when you synthesize the two values into a single description (Profile Combination): how does the description change? Or does it? 3. Synthesizing line descriptions (through profiling gate keynotes—see below--or line values, etc) into your own language and way of describing profile 4. Conveying profile as the “costume” each unique design wears. 5. Practicing including profile in your overall chart description, now consisting of the other three Views and the 236 keynotes of the Rave ABC's. 6. Whether or not you are working with Profile Combination or separate red and black profile values, be sure to profile “in binary,” that is, describe the positive and negative qualities of each profile, conscious and unconscious. The source material provides examples. Also create and describe many of your own. Some examples of how to do this are included within the material. They are intended as a resource to help you develop your own through practice, play, and experimentation.
Profiling Toolbox: Deepening Profile Skills with Profiling and Role Gate Keynotes The Human Design System offers a spectrum of Profiling resources developed over three generations of Human Design Education (for more about the three generations of Human Design education, consult Level III educational materials). The basic structure of profile as a View was presented in Chapter 7, including the tools of harmony and resonance in the hexagram and Angularity. Aside from these plus the basic line values, Profiling is also developed from the resource of Role Gates (also known in this context as Profiling Gates), consisting of the keynotes of the four gates of the Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx in the G Center, (the 7,13, 1, and 2) and the 59th and 27th Gates in the Sacral, with the addition of the 6 and the 50, the harmonic gates to the 59 and 27, in the case of Profiling. (These last two are not Role Gates distinction between Profiling and Role Gates will be examined later in the IHDS educational program.) Specifically they describe our internal and external roles as Individuals, in Collective and Tribal environments, and as the source of emotions (6) and intelligence (50).
This Vie7 ends 7ith8 first in graphic charted form and then in source material text8 are the classic and updated (2112> Role/Profiling ke)notes for these gates8 7ith a fe7 stepb)-step examples on ho7 to describe Personalit) and Design 0alues separatel) and then s)nthesize into profile combination.
Pro2ilin$ Dia$ram
Figure 8.1 Diagram including Profiling Values as of January 2006. The leftmost column indicates the Destiny Quality of each profile as expressed by its Angle. The Gate, Circuit, and Channel awareness themes of the 6 lines can be found in the second column (this is a topic that is covered in more depth in Level III Training), Angularity is indicated in the third column, Line itself in the fifth, the visual symbolism of angularity in the second half of the fifth column, (i.e., the second, “sub” column in color) the six base line values are listed in the sixth column, and the corresponding Design Profile keynotes of the foundation and changing profile are listed in the final column. (Remember that hexagram values are always read in order from bottom to top; and therefore the convention for charting them is identical--bottom to top.) You can apply line values to these qualities to describe the Personality Profile, the Design Profile individually; then synthesize them.
Classic Ke0notes 2or Pro2ilin$, Line b0 Line, usin$ the line 1e0notes o2 the 1=th Gate o2 the Rave I Ch 6 Role *odel 5 +eretic 4 Opportunist (or Net7orker> 3 *art)r 2 +ermit (or Natural> 1 In0estigator
Core Pro2ilin$ Combinations based on the 1e0notes o2 the 1= th Gate* 6/3 Role *odel/*art)r 6/2 Role *odel/Natural 5/2 +eretic/+ermit 5/1 +eretic/In0estigator 4/1 Opportunistic/In0estigator 4/6 Opportunistic/Role *odel 3/6 *art)r/Role *odel 3/5 *art)r/+eretic 2/5 +ermit/+eretic 2/4 +ermit/Opportunist 1/4 In0estigati0e/Opportunist 1/3 In0estigati0e/+ermit
The Eight Profiling Gates
The only way you are going to live out your purpose is by living your Design; your Type. Otherwise you will never get access to your Profile. Your Profile is also going to show you the limitation of what it is to be you. When you put the Profile and your Type together, you will begin to see that you're not in charge of all of this, o.k! This is just rolling along, and as long as you are honoring your Type, all these things are revealed for you. It's like this knowledge itself: yes, it's wonderful to be able to understand how all these things work. And you go deeper and deeper. But the only important thing is to live out the basics of that, to live out your Type; then all the rest comes naturally for you. There are six subdivisions that categorize both the conscious and the unconscious. And these categorizations--behavioral identity, projected attitude, limited perspective, aspired-to role, bonding strategy, securing strategy--these headings are all rooted in the 8 Profiling Gates. If you really want to understand profiles deeply, you need to understand these 8 Profiling gates (10, 7, 1, 13, 59, 27, 50 and 6). If you look at those gates and their lines in the Rave I Ching you will get a really deep understanding of the basis of profile.
Figure 8.2 Below, classic charting for the eight Profiling gates. The first table links the >uality of how each Gate e0presses in the Personality and *esign profile to the Gate itself for your reference. Subse>uent tables lay out the keynoting for each Profile based on these associations and categories. Hote that the last four values for each profile, in the Profiling Gates of the *efense 8ircuit, are binary.
Desipn Gate de Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Strategy Emotional Resonance Nature Security Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity 10Awareness Resonance Wave Resonance Frequency Resonance 7 13 1 59 27 6 50
Profile 1/3 PeLsonality 1 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 3 Investi$ator Authoritarian Em#ath0 Creativit0 Pursuer;Pursued Sel25Provider;Coveter )ea1ness;Stren$th
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance )ea1nesses;Stren$ths Awareness Resonance
7art0r Anarchist Pessimism Sustainment &onds made;bro1en &onds made;bro1en Alle$iance;Rejection Partnershi#;De#endenc0
Profile 1/4 PeLsonality 1 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 4 Investi$ator Authoritarian Em#ath0 Creativit0 Pursuer;Pursued Sel25Provider;Coveter )ea1ness;Stren$th )ea1nesses;Stren$ths
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
O##ortunist Abdicator Fati$ue Aloneness Con2idante or not &ene2actor;De#endent Kindness;7eanness Corru#tion or not
Profile 2/4 PeLsonality 2 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 4 Hermit Democrat &i$otr0 Harmon0 Sh0ness;&oldness Nourisher;De#leter Advance;)ithdrawal Determination or not
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
O##ortunist Abdicator Fati$ue Aloneness Con2idante or not &ene2actor;De#endent Kindness;7eanness Corru#tion or not
Profile 2/5 PeLsonality 2 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 5 Hermit Democrat Bigotry Harmony Shyness/Boldness Nourisher/Depleter Advance/Withdrawal Determination or not
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Heretic General Savior Attractiveness Seducer/Seduced Distributor/Hoarder Selfless/Selfishness Discipline/Rebellion
Profile 3/5 PeLsonality 3 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 5 Martyr Anarchist Pessimism Sustainment Bonds made/broken Bonds made/broken Allegiance/Rejection Partnership/Dependency
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Heretic General Savior Attractiveness Seducer/Seduced Distributor/Hoarder Selfless/Selfishness Discipline/Rebellion
Profile 3/6 PeLsonality 3 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 6 Martyr Anarchist Pessimism Sustainment Bonds made/broken Bonds made/broken Allegiance/Rejection Partnership/Dependency
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Role Model Administrator Optimist Objectivity Soul Mate or not Trust or not Sympathy/Apathy Leadership or not
Profile 4/6 PeLsonality 4 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 6 O##ortunist Abdicator Fati$ue Aloneness Con2idante or not &ene2actor;De#endent Kindness;7eanness Corru#tion or not
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Role 7odel Administrator O#timist Objectivit0 Soul 7ate or not Trust or not S0m#ath0;A#ath0 Leadershi# or not
Profile 4/1 PeLsonality 4 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 1 O##ortunist Abdicator Fati$ue Aloneness Con2idante or not &ene2actor;De#endent Kindness;7eanness Corru#tion or not
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Investi$ator Authoritarian Em#ath0 Creativit0 Pursuer;Pursued Sel25Provider;Coveter )ea1ness;Stren$th )ea1nesses;Stren$ths
Profile 5/1 PeLsonality 5 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 1 Heretic General Savior Attractiveness Seducer;Seduced Distributor;Hoarder Sel2lessness;Sel2ishnes s Disci#line;Rebellion
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Investi$ator Authoritarian Em#ath0 Creativit0 Pursuer;Pursued Sel25Provider;Coveter )ea1ness;Stren$th )ea1nesses;Stren$ths
Profile 5/2 PeLsonality 5 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 2 Heretic General Savior Attractiveness Seducer/Seduced Distributor/Hoarder Selflessness/Selfishness Discipline/Rebellion
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Hermit Democrat Bigotry Harmony Shyness/Boldness Nourisher/Depleter Advance/Withdrawal Determination or not
Profile 6/2 PeLsonality 6 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 2 Role Model Administrator Optimist Objectivity Soul Mate or not Trust or not Sympathy/Apathy Leadership or not
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Hermit Democrat Bigotry Harmony Shyness/Boldness Nourisher/Depleter Advance/Withdrawal Determination or not
Profile 6/3 PeLsonality 6 Behavioral Identity Projected Attitude Limited Perspective Aspired-to Role Bonding Strategy Security Strategy Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Desipn 3 Role Model Administrator Optimist Objectivity Soul Mate or not Trust or not Sympathy/Apathy Leadership or not
Nature Type Memory Direction Sexuality Humanity Emotional Resonance Awareness Resonance
Martyr Anarchist Pessimism Sustainment Bonds made/broken Bonds made/broken Allegiance/Rejection Partnership/Dependency
The 36 Roles: Keynotes
2006 Enrichment of Classic Profile/Role Gate
Individual Role Gates
Figure 8.3 The E0ternalizing and +nternalizing )oles of the +ndividual 8ircuit in the 1st and 1(th Gates, The 8reative and Treading. Hote that the 1st Gate Keynotes are not the original )ave + 8hing Keynotes for the first gate, but role gate enhancements presented by )a Uru Au in February of 2((6.
Collective Role Gates
Figure 8.4 8ollective )ole Gates The E0ternalizing and +nternalizing )oles of the 8ollective 8ircuit in the 7th and 13th Gates of the G 8enter
In February of 2006, Ra Uru Hu provided a second view of the Role Gates and their keynotes, including a second set of keynotes for some of the Gates. This is charting for the update. Below, following source material and exampling using classic profile keynote combinations, you will find source material and profiling combinations for the 2006 enhancement. The charting for all three variations is provided for you all together up front as a toolbox so it can be used to refer to in order to create your own profile descriptions and combinations.
Tribal Role Gates
Figure 8.5 Updated keynotes for the Sacral )oles of the 59th and 27th Gates.
Figure 8.6 8harting for the awareness of the 5(th and 6th Gates. The awareness of the 5(th Gate operates in binaries related to circuitry while the awareness of the 6 th Gate operates in waves.
Source 7aterial on Pro2ile
Sin$le +ns0nthesiBed Pro2iles as Described b0 Ra +ru Hu It can be useful to read this source material twice: once for content, and again while referring to the keynoting tables above to see how the basic keynotes are being woven into the description (you may want to copy them out to use as side-by-side reference as you read and as a study tool). This material, presented at October 2004 Teacher Training in Ibiza, focuses on the house metaphor and the core profiling keynotes of the 10 th gate, with occasional inclusion of other keynotes available above. Remember, as part of learning to profile, you can describe charts in the same way using your own original descriptions worked up from the keynoting base above and your own investigation, research, and observation of charts. Please note once more that the profiles as described here are largely unsynthesized, that is, the Personality and Design are described as separate values and that this is the first step in learning profile. Also note that this material does not dwell on the positive value of each profile, but rather on its more difficult aspects. It is essential that, in your study, you explore all the edges of profile: of others and especially of your own. Consider
describing )ourself in binar) (i.e. both 0er) positi0el) and 0er) negati0el)> through the Vie7 of )our o7n profile3 to a friend8 to )our class8 or to )ourself (i.e. 7rite it do7n or describe to audio recording soft7are>.
The Si4 Lines as Se#arate Pro2ile Values (Personalit0 and Desi$n)
Just being able to identify with your personality doesn't mean you know half of yourself. It is difficult for the Not-Self to accept no choice, because if it does, it is defeated. The Not-Self wants to tell you and everybody else what to do.
1st Line
Just because the first line gets a solid foundation doesn't mean it feels secure. It's like 11/56's who can't stop seeking. Even if a first line is satisfied that the foundation it has in relationship is solid, that doesn't mean it's going to stop thinking or worrying about whether it's solid or not. And especially with a first line unconscious, you have no idea that is what you are doing. So I personally have no idea that I am always busy working on all my first line stuff. So if someone asks me, do you really love that person? I say, “so far.” The most difficult thing about the unconscious is that it is unearned.