Procore Manual - R2 [PDF]

Contents RFI.....................................................................................................3 A. De

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Procore Manual - R2 [PDF]

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Contents RFI.....................................................................................................3 A. Definition:....................................................................................3 B. Requirements:..............................................................................4 a) Subject:.....................................................................................4 b) Assign to:..................................................................................4 c) Due date:..................................................................................4 d) Distribution:..............................................................................5 e) Location:...................................................................................5 f)

Drawing No:..............................................................................5

g) Schedule and cost impact:........................................................5 C. Procedures...................................................................................5 Meeting............................................................................................5 A. Definition:....................................................................................6 B. Requirements:..............................................................................6 a) Types of meeting:......................................................................6 b) Meeting Agenda........................................................................6 c) Minutes.....................................................................................7 d) Attachment in meeting.............................................................7 C. Procedures...................................................................................7 Dailylog............................................................................................8 A. Definition:....................................................................................8 B. Requirements:..............................................................................8 a) Notes log...................................................................................8 b) Manpower log..........................................................................11 c) Inspection log..........................................................................11 d) Safety violation log.................................................................11 e) Equipment log.........................................................................12 f)

Delivery log.............................................................................12

g) Accident log – for safety issue.................................................12 C. Procedures.................................................................................12 Drawing..........................................................................................13 A. Definition:..................................................................................13 B. Requirements:............................................................................13 a) Design studio..........................................................................13 b) Building team..........................................................................13 Page 1 of 25

C. Procedures.................................................................................15 Document......................................................................................16 A. Definition:..................................................................................16 B. Requirements:............................................................................16 C. Procedures.................................................................................17 Specification..................................................................................18 A. Definition:..................................................................................18 B. Requirements:............................................................................18 a) Design Specification................................................................18 b) PMH standard construction specification................................18 c) HSE specification.....................................................................18 C. Procedures.................................................................................18 Inspection......................................................................................19 A. Definition:..................................................................................19 B. Requirements:............................................................................19 a) Title:........................................................................................20 b) Trade:......................................................................................20 d) Location:.................................................................................20 e) Spec Section:..........................................................................20 g) Description:.............................................................................20 i)

Inspection Date.......................................................................20




Responsible Contractor...........................................................20

n) Point of Contact.......................................................................20 C. Procedures.................................................................................22 Observation...................................................................................23 A. Definition:..................................................................................23 B. Requirements:............................................................................23 C. Procedures.................................................................................26 Photos............................................................................................27 A. Definition...................................................................................27 B. Requirements.............................................................................27 C. Procedures.................................................................................28

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RFI A. Definition:

RFI is primarily used to gather information to help make a decision or request for assignees’ confirmation on what steps to take next. In short, RFI is for assigners to get “Quick” and “Effective” response from assignees and make sure the reactions can be taken by “Due Dates”. Examples: a) Clarification on construction drawings and specifications b) Request for necessary documents c) Important information assignees need to be well notified and take actions afterwards, i.e. Request for Inspection

B. Requirements:

a) Subject: Clear and reader-friendly subject. b) Assign to: Person who has to response to your RFIs. Page 3 of 25


Due date: The RFIs must be replied or resolved less than 5 days. ※ For tasks due over next 5 days should be put in the next week’s plan, instead of sending RFIs.

d) Distribution: People who need to be notified as well as the assigner. e) Location: Project name >Block > a specific area (i.e. H24>Block A> Basement slab zone 5.0) f) Drawing No: It is a way to shorten the communication time. Ensure both parties are discussing on the same drawing if any. g) Schedule and cost impact: If the decision is associated with time or cost issues, please input the days or amount for reference.

C. Procedures

Meeting A. Definition:

Procore's Meeting tool is designed to help manage project meetings. It streamlines the process of creating a meeting “Agenda” and quickly converts your meeting agendas to “Minutes”. Meeting organizers can also create “Categories” to organize their business items.

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B. Requirements:

a) Types of meeting: 1. Weekly meeting: - Summary of previous weekly tasks based on schedule. - Discussion on tasks of last and current week. “Yes” or “No”. Discussion on tasks of next week. Safety or other issues. 2. Site Technical meeting: - Quality issues (Informal) b) Meeting Agenda - Create and distribute the agenda at least one day prior to meeting day. - Categorize your agenda as above “Weekly meeting”. c) Minutes - Adding the project status in each weekly meeting's overview (President Requests) Template: Comparing with Latest Master Schedule Block A: ?? Days Ahead/Behind Blcok B: ?? Days Ahead/Behind Etc. For the details about what area/ items/ components status, put in the minutes about Schedule (1st Topic of each weekly meeting)

- Convert to PDF and print out for ink signature by MC/ CA/ Owner. - Scan or photograph as a soft copy, then store in “Document tool”. - The minutes must be delivered to related parties no later than next day noon (12:00)

d) Attachment Color



control Page 5 of 25


- Summary of weekly tasks with “Yes” and “No” column. 3 weeks schedule (Last, current, next) - Meeting-related materials (such as photos, drawing, spec, regulations…etc)

C. Procedures

Dailylog A. Definition:

Procore's Daily Log tool is designed to provide members of your project team with a central location for viewing, tracking, and emailing updates about daily project activities.

B. Requirements:

a) Notes log 1. Work in Progress update : Color control drawing - Summarize total construction duration in week (This Friday to next Friday) and update the WIP on daily basis. I.e. Week 34/ 170, Oct 13_WIP update Basement column, retaining wall, Corewall. ※ Attachments need to be “Photo” files

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- Schedule comparison table Title: Weekly progress update Summarize delayed days of each block on the top of the table Page 7 of 25

b) Manpower log - Summarize daily manpower in total in this log, update the status from 8:30-9:00 am 1 time in a day. - Description format (It is compulsory displayed format) Page 8 of 25

Total -

Actual/Plan: Block A: Block B: Block C: Podium: Fabrication yard:

- Others: 20 - In: 20 (Rebar team) -Out: 10 (formwork team)

207/220; 60 45 44 20 18

- Attachment requirements: 1. Amount of manpower calculation with MC/ CA/ PMH representatives’ signatures. 2. Official worker lists grouping by team functionality (From MC) 3. Photos of overview/ block view/ podium view (Must use text editor to remark block) c)



Summarize critical issues that have great impact on “Schedule” or “Quality” from all the daily inspections. Topic must be well annotated, “When, Where, Who, What, How”. I.e. The rebar and formwork slab at block A zone 6 is concreted. Attach photos or vital documents for reference.

d) Safety violation log Issues that related to HSE have to be noted with photos in this log I.e. Don’t have PPE/ Deliberately dismantle safety facilities/ Don’t use safety walkway or access/ Deliberately approach to restricted and dangerous area/ Deliberately change working sequence/ Unsafe actions, behaviors/ Improper or unapproved tools/ Other safety violations e) Equipment log Keep all of the operating machines on site, include the operating hours, idle hours, location, photos. i.e. Tower crane license f) Delivery log Material delivery from MC or PMH suppliers must be kept in this log with Photos + annotation, documents with signature…etc. g) Accident log – for safety issue Any accidents incurred on site must be photographed and send to President Gary via email ([email protected]) immediately. Site supervisor should report the situation regarding emergency SOP. Page 9 of 25

C. Procedures

Drawing A. Definition:

Procore's Drawings tool is designed to manage and archive project drawings and revisions to ensure that team members always have access to the most current drawing set.

B. Requirements:

All drawings must follow the category structure to update. And “Design Studio” has the responsibility to keep the drawings up-todate whenever any revisions are being delivered. In terms of shop drawing, once the shop drawing is being approved, “Site Supervisor” has the duty to upload the drawings and keep the drawing always updated. a) Design 1.0 - 3.0 Mechanical

Architectural 2.0 Page 10 of 25

studio Structural

b) Building -

Upload 1.

team 4.0



rule: Drawing

title: Drawing name 2. Drawing No: Number which issue at the bottom-right corner of the drawing 3. Revision No. Revision noted place Page 11 of 25

4. The


Drawing you upload


date: drawing

5. Drawing set: Drawing set which indicate the functionality of the shop dwg. i.e. Aluminum window shop drawing 6. Discipline: It means the category of the drawing. Currently we have 4 types of disciplines. Such as 1.0-Architectural, 2.0-Structural, 3.0-Mechanical, 4.0-Shop drawing.

C. Procedures

Document A. Definition:

Procore's Documents tool is designed to manage and archive all of your mission-critical project content, such as drawings, specifications, bid packages, emails, safety checklists, warranty information, and more. It provides you with a virtually unlimited amount of storage space and also lets you determine who has Page 12 of 25

access to see what..

B. Requirements:







1.2 1.3 1.4




※Request all parties provide color org. chart with photos, title, email, phone numbers, and CV (PDF file).





2.1 Master schedule - 2.2 Milestone schedule: Following the standard template, fill in the data and ask for deputy manager’s approval. After that, upload it to 2.2 milestone control. Whenever revise the milestone schedule, upload the revision immediately. - 2.3 Weekly schedule Naming rule: Date (YY/MM/DD) + Name + Revision No. i.e.20161016_Master schedule_R1

- 3.0 Inspection Reports

- Following the filing system, separating the reports by floor and upload to the folder of each block and floor (Documents Tool->3.0 Inspection Reports) - Upload the inspection reports of the hidden works that are carrying out at your project first - Naming Rule: YY/MM/DD_Location_Inspection Report - Requirements: 1. Consultant Check List with Signature 2. Pictures to prove the checked items are pass, 3. Defect List with 3 parties' Page 13 of 25

signatures including QA/QC 4. Pictures to show the defects and the repairs 5. DWG points out where the defects have been found





- Following the filing system of building team, upload necessary documents to Procore regularly.

C. Procedures

Specification A. Definition:

Procore's Specifications tool is designed to manage and archive all specs and revisions to ensure that the project team members always work off of the specs with real-time access. Whether you are in the office, or on a mobile device in the field, Procore ensures that everyone who requires access is looking at the current set

B. Requirements:

a) Design Specification

b) PMH standard construction specification c) HSE specification *DS is in BD is in charge of b) c)


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C. Procedures

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Inspection A. Definition:

Inspections are reviews and examinations of works that MC or other contractors has completed and self-checked. Inspections are carried out by QC (Site Supervisors or Managers) for ensuring the quality as designed and specified according to the drawings, specs, regulations, and contracts.

B. Requirements:

After receiving MC or contractors’ request for inspections and prior to inspections, QC should create the inspections events with applicable checklists and insert the info down below: Page 16 of 25

a) Title: Fill in the title of the works are going to be inspected b) Trade: (optional) c) Edit/add a type of activity related to your inspection d) Location: Block > a specific area (i.e. Block A> Basement slab zone 5.0) e) Spec Section: f) Reference the specific contract documents or section of the specification book that's related to the inspection by choosing from the drop-down menu. g) Description: h) Add/edit a description of the inspection for your project i) Inspection Date j) Inspector k) The person in charge of this inspection l) Responsible Contractor m) Select the company who performed the works to be inspected n) Point of Contact Select the person from the point of contact's group who performed the work to be inspected 1. When inspections done, insert the results on the checklists and upload reference photos for inspections including the construction and shop drawings related to the inspections and photos taken during the inspections to prove the inspections’ results. (For the requirements of the upload photos, refer to the end of this section) 2. When defects found, create observations with clear descriptions and reference photos showing the conditions “Before” repairing and locations. (For more info about creating observations, refer to the observation section) 3. After MC correctly repaired defects, QC needs to review and upload reference photos showing the conditions “After” repairing to prove MC has repaired and QC has checked as well. 4. After all defects have been repaired, QC has to close the relative observations and the inspections as well. 5. After closing inspections, export the results as PDF and save in the Documents tool (4.0 Project Management/ D. Inspection Records/ Week XX) 6. File Name: Inspected Component Title_Location_DD/MM/YY_Inspector’s Name 7. Inspection Completed

Remark: requirements of reference photos for inspections and the found defects should follow the example down below:

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C. Procedures

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A. Definition:

Allow project members to assign tasks that must be completed, corrected, or repaired to another project members with a due date. These observations can be either related to quality, safety, work to complete, etc.

B. Requirements:

1. When there are tasks must be done by contractors, consultant and site management should create observations to request assignees to react promptly and properly by inserting the following info to clearly state what issues are: Page 19 of 25

e) Types: Choose the type that best categorizes the observation. The type will help you filter and report based on the type of observation. Just only need to focus on 3 types listed below, which are quality, safety, and work to complete.  Quality: Quality observations designate items that ensure that the project is being built in accordance with the plans.  Corrective Action: Designates items that need to be completed to correct or rectify an issue.  Deficiency: Designates work that wasn't completed to processional standards or wasn't up to an acceptable level of quality.  Non-conformants: Designates work that doesn't conform to the plans.  Pre-punch: Designates punch list items that need to be fixed before the official punch list is created with the owner/architect.  Safety: Safety observations designate instances of unsafe behavior or condition on the site that poses a risk to workers.  Safety Hazard: Designates a hazardous condition that exists on site.  Safety Notice: Designates a verbal or written warning given to a person or company because he or she was behaving in an unsafe way  Safety Violation: Designates a behavior or negligence on the part of a person that violates safety policies or safety laws and regulations.  Work to Complete: Observations designate all instances of unfinished work that need to be completed before a certain date.

f) Status 

Initiated: When you create the observation, it will be set to "initiated." This means that the observation has been established in Procore and is awaiting the assignee to respond. Ready for Review: Once the assignee has acted upon the observation (whether by fixing the deficiency, by addressing the safety issue, etc.), he or she should respond to the observation by changing the status to "Ready for Review." This notifies the creator via email that the observation is ready for the creator to review. Not Accepted: Once the creator has reviewed the work, he or she might mark it as "Not Accepted." This means that the creator has deemed the work as not resolved. The observation is put back into the assignee's court. Page 20 of 25

Closed: Once the creator has reviewed the work, he or she might mark it as "Closed." This means that the creator has deemed the work as resolved and approved, and has closed out the item.

g) Title h) Priority

Urgent/ High/ Medium/ Low

i) Location

Project name >Block > a specific area (i.e. H24>Block A> Basement slab zone 5.0)

j) Trade

Select the relevant trade for this observation. It signifies which trade is involved in resolving the observation.

k) Assignee

Select the user who will complete the work required from the observation.

l) Distribution (CC list)

Add people to the distribution list who you would like to receive update emails when the observation's status changes or when someone leaves a comment.

m) Due Date

Give a reasonable due date for assignee to react properly. The due date should not over 5 days when creating observations.

n) Private

Mark the checkbox if you would like this observation to be viewable by Observation Admin users, the assignee, and the people on the distribution list.

o) Description

Add a description for the observation detailing relevant information needed to report on or complete the work.

p) Attachments

Attach relevant photos or documents related to the issues must be done promptly.

2. After completely filling the info, click create (The observation is still not sent yet). Therefore, there is 1 more step needed. After finishing create all observations, do not forget to click “Send”, then all the observations you just created would be sent at 1 time. 3. After assignees fixed the issues properly and proved with photos or documents either by consultant or PMH site management, the assigner should change the observations status to “Close” to close the observations right away (should not over 1 day). Page 21 of 25

C. Procedures

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Photos A. Definition

Photos tool is designed to capture, store and share an unlimited amount of project photos.

B. Requirements

1. Organize and upload the photos into the following albums everyday a) Work in Progress If there are multi-blocks, PMH site management should separate the photos into different albums. The structure below is consistently applied to all projects. Page 23 of 25

i. Overview ii. Block A iii. Block B iv. Block C v. Podium Uploading photos taken at the ongoing work fields at fixed spots with same perspective at least 1 time a day, so that the management can compare everyday progress of the ongoing work fields.

b) Quality Related (taken during routinely site checks but in not formal inspections) Any critical found at the site related to quality should be uploaded to this album as records c) HSE Related (taken during routinely site checks) Any critical found at the site related to HSE should be uploaded to this album as records 2. Add necessary info in “Red” on photos before uploading by using the “Marking” tool on Procore, i.e.: a) Issue or Work’s Title b) Location: Block, Floor, Zone, etc. c) Date & Time: DD/MM HH:MM d) Upload by: Name of the person upload e) Example:

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C. Proceures

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