Preparation To Negotiate With Cam's Design [PDF]

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Preparation to negotiate with Cam's Design 10 points list: Who ? (people dimension) 1. Relationship : You met Camille Drouel last year during a specialized forum. You got along well with him and exchanged contact addresses. You just sent him an email, hoping he would give you names of talented designers for the “Head of Design Office” position. He replied that he may be interested in the offer. Both of you set an appointment to discuss the issue. 2. Mandate : The CEO assigned you to find a way to replace the Head designer within a month and for a maximum salary of €15,000 per month (which you think is excessive). The leaving Head designer was getting €10,000. Everything else can be envisaged, provided that the CEO gives his agreement. Stakeholders : The team of approximately ten draftsmen and technicians who will make the pieces according to the designer.

What ? (Problem dimension) 3. Motivations: 4. You need a experienced designer who knows your sector, who is fluent in English and if possible in Italian, who could take on the vacancy immediately. You have already contacted a head-hunter who concludes: “given the market situation, you won’t find anybody who is worth it before three months and not for less than € 12,000. 5. Solution: Camille Drouel is interesed and might be betting on Fabiessi’s sound financial situation to negotiate a high salary.

6. Justification Camille's experience in the design industry makes him a perfect candidate.

7. Alternatives (SAFT)

In case you don't manage to hire Camille, you can choose someone young and without so much experience that can be adjusted to the salary you offer.

How? (Process dimension) 8. Process: You will arrive 15 minutes before the appointment to show your interest in hiring him. You will emphasize the prestige of Fabiessi in his industrial sector and how this can be transferred to Camille in case he is in charge of the designs. You will end the meeting with a contract or a promise to meet again.Communication: 9. Communication You will not inform about your deadline or the salary limit. You will only share the benefits that the previous Head of design received and how welcoming Milan is to live. 10. Logistics: The meeting will take place in a well-known cafe so that it is easy to locate it. You will bring the old designs so that he have an idea of how to renew the brand.