Practice Makes Perfect Arabic Vocabulary: With 145 Exercises [PDF]

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Arabic Vocabulary Mahmoud Gaafar and Jane Wightwick

New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto

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Introduction v


î Ì Home and town uk:€í HÌèvm 7Ì%ä è{ í}Ìǃ E í


The building u:sk 7ï Ì 1

ï 4 Inside the home vm7̏ ÌÔ

Around town uk:€í HÌä“  í 6

{ í 9 On the road :‚ bÌ”i

í}Ì 11 íí Local businesses umð iï YÌäsj


ï í}Ìèui ˜ï sdÌ%•s9Ìǃ E î Ì Family and friends Çs€


Relatives ÍïÖsí}Ì 14

ï í 17 People’s features ØskÌ~ ´

Social occasions umsj ð 8ï ³ï ÌÏs7 sk í îHÌ 26


î Ì Describing this and that çè́Œè%w í ï s9Ìǃ E Some descriptions ásè}̇d í



Other descriptions é‚ Éî ásèÉ 33

How much? Ɛ í  37 Materials Ôð ̓í HÌ 41


î Ì Time v“Ì%Š ï ̂Ìǃ E í


A special week Ús ޓ7

Éî  47 ð

47 From time to time ‚ í È”Ëvè‘ í

When? Ɣ8  í 50 ï 54 A lifetime ‚j dî Ìä̓ 


ï î Ì Eating and drinking ͂ _Ìè}Ì%„ | sGÌǃ E


ï Éí  60 Popular foods u“7ü u í jí d Éí  61 Basics Ïs m s


Around the kitchen  7b í í HÌä“  í 67 ï Some fruit? Æul sḟd í  71 Drinks Ïsè‚_HÌ 71


Leave it to cool down completely. Serve immediately. Put them to one side. About a teaspoon.

#së sjà í Ԃ7 î Ìî í mí ï ç“‚ #Ìë ֓íç“€[ í #së 7 ï ss“‚ î Ìî

ï #ês ug di ï í Ö̀g


5·9 Mo has been taking notes for various recipes and cooking techniques. Unfortunately, they are muddled. Can you help by choosing the right Arabic?

fresh, frozen, smoked, or dried ½

Œ{f»Ñ ×í s î î €j{ î | {


9·1 You are a famous lawyer evaluating some cases then making your pronouncements. Choose the logical ending.

ï {iüí  Çê‚$us` $Œ î í ï ΂m7uO‚$ˆm>Öè‚ Ð 7k í î Ôs$‚me‚ í  í ï ‘Ì֓o $΂m7us` dÌ$m Ôí €“:³ [ í

ð l{í 8 7Ì•½ î »u:Ì€ï ’ð}ubm>ûí Ší€8í vɾ í ï  ç¿ ’ð}ufmd™umaí

€{ pí îHÌ$Ò´>Ì”iŽsj` $Œmc゠7k í [ í  í

Ìè€í èlð Éæ““gm À í í í }tï îHÌvÉŽð

ï $uj î Ì$Öè‚îHÌÐÔ̓ ‘Ì‘Ñè‚G c{ kí îHÌuO‚EÌ í

ï m ã“i ”iã€s> >Ìè‚m >Ì‘> Á î î | {

ï ‚m uük$ä“l< $t

sk î î í

ï gÌ灕l{í 8€“:³ l{í 8îHÌ#umaí î

Law, crime, and justice



10·12 Select the English that best represents the Arabic.

#‚m7• sm ̓„m˜Ö½ His head is bigger than before. Politics has gone to his head. Head of a big political party.

#ugmgFÌá‚d:³̓F̾ The truth is not an enemy. The party does not know the truth. This knowledge is not for parties.

Æ̓FÌ́•“avɏ¿ Are you with this party of four? Are you a member of this party? Are you a member of this club?

#lf˜s èÌè€gS7 sYÌŒ`À Half the jobs went to accountants. Half the accountants lost their jobs. Half the jobs were for accountants.

#um“sèufmcsksgfÁ ð Our deals are clean and legal. His curtains are clean and tidy. It is legal to sign this deal now.

#midí ³ No comment. Do comment. I have nothing more to say.


practice makes perfect

Arabic Vocabulary

Happy planet í hÌ%‚ í î €md >Ìt “ _í êÔsFÌǃ EÌ í {


Looking up toward the sky at night, one of the most delightful features of the desert skies is how magnificent the stars look—except in a sandstorm.

î îÌ Look above! ”iÉí ”ËÌè‚ c star moon full moon crescent lunar moonlight sun solar sky planet

å“ î

solar eclipse

ᓠ>î î


äsj í


͓k í




͂ í


horizon horizontal vertical gravity

î îÌ Look around you! h í “ Ìè‚ c í mountain

ï 7í í äs7 $


ä´ ï $ð í

֓= $΂=  î í ì æs:Ôè$ÔÌè


á“l î $Œl í


ÛÌÖ ì Éí $ÛÖÉí


Ñè‚ $т î í


Þ̂ ì $” í í ‚ñ í




ï Ísa $u7 a í í

mountain slopes

äs7 ïEÌÏÌրí ük í î

depression desert river

Ïsaíf í=k $‡í f í=k î î éÖsü  í í í $Ç̂ü ÖslÉí $‚l í


Þè‚ î $ނ í


ÏÌÖs mð í $Ös mð í

flow lake island coast water spring swamp inlet coral reefs

Arabic Vocabulary

ï um ð ÕsEÌ



practice makes perfect

î •gî ð É • É ð Öí





é‚< ë í Ï̂m üí $΂m üí î î փî $΂:ƒ í î ï $ ï  ̓ s

í ÇsS í Ïsdíg k 8í > $Ší î g k 8í > î åè‚ $å‚ î í ums‚ Ísd î ð í

Local flavors ÏsÌè$uÌè

oasis sand dunes prayer for rain

umi î ð Öæs79 í

Çsg> 8ï ³ï Ìδ  í

Handy extras The main road is to the east from here. We will head north toward the capital. The southern coast is closer to us. The river Nile flows from south to north.

ï _Ì”Ë { #sk ‘ { •>m˜ ‚̍:‚ bÌ î ₠íð ð #ujsï dÌ“ü { Ì #skí͂ í Éí •“k ð E

í Ì‘mkÌ‚l í ê‚< :í .äsj _Ì”Ë͓k { E


11·1 You are a great explorer leading our party on a trip. Whenever we arrive at a particular natural feature you have to give us one of the following four instructions (in writing, in the space provided):

ïƒkkí $€ •_jkí $~ 7> í kí í í kí $ä í í í d` »Î‚müí ”Ëski  î í è½ í »‚lí ”Ëski í è¾ í »7í ”Ëski  í í è¿ í »Î‚f”Ëski  î í èÀ í »ÏÌրí ük  î í ”Ëski í èÁ í »ð í ”Ëski í è í ï »s ”Ëski  í èà í ì »ÔÌè”Ëski  í èÄ í »Ñ‚”Ëski  í èÅ í í »u7a  í ”Ëski í í è½¼ í »‡íf í=k”Ëski  î í è½½ í »Ç̂ü”Ëski  í í è½¾ í ð üï 8í >kí Í ‚_ ”Ëski  í í èí í í í kí ÇsS

Happy planet


deep water

ugmj çsm ï í

shallow water

uiü ™çsm ï í Ñ̓É$u“ í

wave whirlpool

ÏsÌèð Ôí $uÌèð Ôí

water wheel

â̓ $ums


Local flavors Í̂ í



11·7 Select the appropriate word to complete the passage.

ï m[ í=î$s€$çsm ï skijí $ ‚í 8í Ìï $uð8 $ HÌ$Ö €ï ük î í í Sñ í “ñ :$sk í í î _í èsk7 ΀ð Hskm ˜ï sg í í €dè#Š7k í í HÌ‘ ”iÉí ‘

ï :É #‚l{kÌŠ7k 8ï ³ås ð í ás_h í î skðÉsk ï‚Ïsdí gk8í >HÌsk: Éí ÖS#Ç̂ü `Ì• í { í

•èudÌ í ŽÕ€dè#ugmjdÌçsm Hï Ì•~7> í í í sðkî è

î ï‚skjî ΀ð Huimjui sðkî èS“ í :í  ϓ“́æsè së 7:‚í së “skd jï mi í í ï î í •7í E í Ì ΀{ Hãskskj m{ í #ϳ´ð _Ìug { bk ï ud˜ï ÌÖui ïÖvs#ujsdÌ”Ë


11·8 Decide which is the odd one out.

ï udÌçsmHÌ$‚ü7Ì$uFsHÌçsmH̽ „j_Ì$Ì {


‚` í í 7Ì


feather wing beak fin

…:Ö$u_:Ö uü kï Éí $Òsk í

‚msk $ í Ösgk ï

Œ ï s×í $uf kï ï×

Happy planet



Ï´ a a í $ui í í í


íi = í t ï s= $t í


æè‚ î $æ‚ í


ï $ ï ‚ ̓ í ‚ s


ÍsmÉí $Ís






11·10 Select the English that best represents the Arabic.

î :Òs>j[ skmË‚ck 8Ì Ì½ í Look at this crocodile! This crocodile is looking at us! I just saw a crocodile!

#דíHÌ’7_ í í ’smÉí ¾ His fangs look like bananas. They don’t like eating bananas. I’d like to have a banana now.

ï #Öè€í èŒð iî í قgÌãsj

Éí ¿ He will turn into a shark. I get dizzy when I eat fish. Sharks spin and turn.

#ã‚{ üí 8í í ³~m sj{8ÌçÀ The sight of crocodiles is very moving. Crocodiles never look like they are moving. These crocodiles are not moving.

í Ì́•΂m9ÇsHÌSsdí Á #xmiG I can see these eels are spinning. There are a lot of eels in this gulf. Eels can drink quite a lot of water.


practice makes perfect

Arabic Vocabulary

ï Ɛð _î í قgÌãsj

Éí  Do I smell of shark? Can sharks smell? Does my shark smell?

#Ìë €ð u:“í í à ð  Žíð fÌÏ´a í Do not test their jaw strength. I will muscle my way out of it. Jaw muscles are very strong.

ï >ÌÄ #ud:‚ v>m ´ ð 7ÌŒ í { í í u:‚ü Sea turtles are not fast. Sea turtles eat quickly. Sea turtles don’t move.

ï #tí ‚íHÌ•‘:Ôsm`Ìãs7 Å ð I can see the fishermen from my window. The fishermen’s nets are on the boat. The fisherman is looking through his window.

ï ï #u“{ íiè΀ ÌÖskçsm H̽¼ î Stagnant water is not always polluted. The polluted water may be stagnant. The water here is stagnant and polluted.

Animal health the digestive system the nervous system the reproductive system the immune system the respiratory system loss of appetite skin rash

ïEÌ •ja lÌ×sl í ð ïEÌ •7 ` í í dÌ×sl •i î 8 Ì×sl ïEÌ ð sk{ •sk ð í HÌ×sl ïEÌ

•> ð f| kí 8{ Ì×sl ïEÌ uml {  ð _Ìæ̀gî

ï ï u:€i 8ï Ìï $ê€i 8ï Ìï ð Ïssl ð Ísl Happy planet