Omnivore - 90 Day - Activity 2 [PDF]

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Published by Cassey Ho ©️ 2020 oGorgeous Inc.

All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or modified in any form, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Quick Starter Guide By n ow you sho uld have read throu g h Th e 90 D ay Comp l e te St ar te r Gui d e s o t h at you h ave an understanding of h ow to p i ck an ap p rop r i ate me al p l a n to s uit you r goals! In case you need a q u i c k re fre s h e r, l e t ’s g o ove r cal or i e i n take a n d activ ity levels to make s u re t h at t h i s i s t h e r i g h t Act i v i t y Leve l Mea l Pla n for yo u.

Calculating Cal oric Needs:

The m ost accurate way to estim ate cal or i e n e e d s i s w i t h t h e M i ffl i n - St . J e o r e qu ation . To avoid ripping your ha i r o ut w i t h m at h, yo u c a n f i nd a c a lcu lator for this online. If you wan t to t r y t h e e q u at i on , h e re i t i s :

Fo r M e n:

1 0 ( we i g h t i n kg ) + 6.2 5(h eig ht in cm) - 5(a g e in yea rs) + 5

Fo r Wome n:

1 0 ( we i g h t i n kg ) + 6.25(heig h t in cm) - 5(a g e in yea rs) - 161

Th is equ ation will give you your b as al me t ab ol i c rate (BM R ). On ce you k now yo u r B MR, you can multiply it by an act i v i t y factor to g e t a more acc u rate i d ea of h ow many calories yo u b u r n eve r y d ay.

Activity Factors:

M u ltiply th e number yo u g ot in t h e ab ove e q u at i on by t h e act i v i t y facto r b elow th at b est describes how ac t i ve you are. 1.2 - C h oos e this o p tion if yo u wor k a d e s k j ob w i t h l i t t l e to no co ns i sten t exe rcise e ach week. If you d o sq u e eze i n s ome exe rc i s e, you ’ re n ot u s u a l l y g ettin g sweaty. 1.375 - C h oose this o p tion if yo u’re l i ght l y a c t i ve, w i t h 1 -3 l i ght wo rko u ts pe r we e k, li ke g oing o n a 30 mi n u te wal k or yog a. You r wor kou t s u s u al l y ma ke you break a sweat, b ut you ’ re n ot s u p e r swe at y w h e n you ’ re d on e. 1.55 - C h oose this op tion if you do m o de rate wo rko ut s 3- 5 days pe r week t hat ge t your heart rate up and l e ave you p re t t y swe at y. 1.72 5 - C h oose this o p tion if yo u a re ve ry a ct i ve, w i t h ha rd exe rc i s e 6-7 days p e r week. Yo ur worko uts are c h al l e n g i n g an d al ways l e ave you n i ce a nd sweaty.


Here’s an example:

For a 2 5 year-old female who is 5 ’ 5 ” an d we i g h s 1 5 0 p ou n d s , h e re i s w h at t he e qu ation fo r BMR would lo ok l i ke : F i rst , convert pounds to kilogra m s - 1 50 l b / 2.2 = 6 8.2kg The n , in ch e s to cm - 65 inches x 2.54 = 1 6 5cm Nex t, ju st plug every thing into th e e q u at i on ! 10( 6 8 .2 kg ) + 6. 25(165cm ) - 5(2 5 ye a rs) - 1 61 = 1 427 c a l o ri e s . Let’s s ay th i s person walks 3 d ays p e r we e k, b u t ot h e r w i s e d oe s n ’ t d o a ny o t h e r type s of wo rko uts. I’d use t h e “ l i g h t l y act i ve ” ac t i v i t y factor of 1 . 375 a nd m u ltiply that by the BMR I g ot i n t h e fi r st e q u at i on . S o, 1 427 x 1. 375 = 1, 962 calorie s .


Choosing the Right Activity Level Meal Plan

N ow th at yo u have an id ea o f w h at you r b od y n e e d s , you can p i ck t h e be st m ea l pla n fo r yo ur journey. Yo u ’ l l fi n d me al p l an s for t h re e d i ffe re n t e n erg y l evels to choose from. Each level p rov i d e s a d i ffe re n t n u mb e r of cal or i e s to f i t you r n eeds, based o n your me t ab ol i s m an d ac t i v i t y l eve l . Act iv ity Level 1: ~1200 cal o ri e s /day Act iv ity Level 2: ~1500 cal o ri e s /day Act iv ity Level 3 : ~2000 ca l o ri e s /day Yo u can calculate an estimate of w h at you n e e d u s i n g t h e e q u at i on s i n t he s ection above before you start, b u t you w i l l n e e d to ex p e r i me n t to fi g ure o u t wh at pl an is best fo r yo u. D on ’ t j u st p i c k t h e l owe st p l an t h i n ki n g yo u’ l l a cce le rate yo ur weig ht loss. Givi n g you r b od y e n ou g h cal or i e s i s ex t re m e l y i m porta n t to feel your b est and make you r wor kou t s wor t hw h i l e. So, t ake t h e tim e to really fig ure o ut what you r b od y n e e d s . Re s i st t re at i n g t h i s l i ke a c ra sh diet, b ecause that’s no t w h at t h i s j ou r n ey i s ab ou t ! After you choose which p lan to st ar t w i t h , I wan t you to j ou r n al l i ke cra zy to s ee h ow it’s wo rking fo r yo u. Wr i te eve r yt h i n g d ow n i n you r 90 D ay J our na l . Write a bou t yo ur energ y level, you r mood , you r ap p e t i te, you r d i g e st i on, a n d any foods that bother you. Wr i te as mu ch d e t ai l as p oss i b l e, b e c aus e t h is jou rn al will b ecome the ro ad map to fi g u r i n g ou t t h e b e st p l an for yo u. There’s a go od chance yo ur b od y may n e e d more or l e ss cal or i e s t h an yo u t h in k , or what any calculator may te l l you ! Th e c al c u l ator s are a g u i d e. Yo ur b ody will tell the whole story.


Calculating Calories for Weight Loss

Okay, so th at’s your calo rie t a rget to mai ntain yo ur c ur ren t we ight. If you want to l os e we igh t, yo u’ll want to be i n a ca lorie deficit. Basically t hat ju st m e ans you want to e at fewe r calo ries than you’re b ur n in g.  Th e key h e re though is to ma ke su re you’re not cutting to o m any calories. Plan your c a l o rie de ficit to be about 3 0 0 to 500 calories less than t he ca lorie n eeds yo u just c a l cu late d.   

So back to the example:  We le ft off with 1962 calo ries fo r we igh t m aintenance. To l o s e weigh t, subtract 500 c a l o ries from that numb er to c re ate a deficit. 1 4 6 2 - 5 00 = 1962 calories . Th e n u m be r you g et with this d efi c i t i s t h e b e st p l ace to st ar t to l os e 1 to 2 l b s p e r we e k . Slow and stead y is what we wan t h e re ! If t h i s s e e ms l i ke a b i g num b e r o f ca lories to cut, remember that e at i n g l e ss i s n ’ t t h e on l y way to re ach t hat c a l o rie de fici t. If yo u increase you r n or mal exe rci s e l eve l , t h e ex t ra cal or i e s yo u’ re b urn in g cou nt toward s yo ur d efici t too. Als o - this num ber i s a n e st i m ate, a nd i t i s n’t f i na l . If you s et a 5 00-calo rie deficit an d you ’ re h u n g r y an d t i re d an d g r u mpy, t he n i t ’s p robably n ot eno ugh calo ries fo r you . Ad j u st you r d e fi c i t to 3 0 0 c al or i e s a nd s e e h ow you feel. You s hould always fe e l go o d, neve r de pri ve d. Th e s e n u mb e r s a re j u st estim ate s to guide yo u. Use t h e m, b u t p ay at te n t i on to you r b od y to o.  A l s o keep in mind that as you los e we i g h t , you r mai n te n an ce c al or i e l evel a nd t h e n u m ber of calories yo u need to st ay i n a d e fi c i t (i f you wan t to ke e p l o s i ng we i gh t) will change. There’s no t re al l y a t i me frame for h ow ofte n to d o t hi s . J ust adju st as needed . In other word s , i f you n ot i ce you r we i g h t l oss s l ows d ram atica lly o r plateaus altog eth e r, i t ’s p rob ab l y t i me to re cal c u l ate t h e se n u m be rs. 


Hydration Goal D on ’ t eve n t r y to g o t h rou g h t h i s j o ur ney w i t h ou t p r i or i t i z i n g hyd rat i on ! D o w hateve r you can to d r i n k at l e ast 64 oz of wate r a d ay. If you st r u g g l e w i t h d r i n ki n g wate r, t r y :

• Addi ng f l avo r w i t h f rui t • U s e yo ur 9 0 D ay Jo urna l to t ra c k a n d st ay a cco unt a bl e • Buy a pre t t y wate r bo t t l e ( m a ny o pt i o ns o n po pf l exa c t i m ) • Se t go a l s fo r how m a ny o unce s to dri nk pe r ho ur Eve n i f you ’ re d r i n ki n g 64 oz p e r d ay, i t ’s a g ood i d e a to ch e c k you r hyd rat i on l eve l by maki n g s u re you r u r i n e i s al most c l e a r a nd l i me - col ore d . If i t ’s a d e e p e r s h ad e o f ye l l ow, g o g rab more wate r. N ow i f i t fe e l s l i ke you h ave t h e r i ght Ac t i v i t y Leve l M e al Pl an t h at b e st s ui t s yo ur g oal s , you c an t u r n t h e p ag e to s ee yo ur me al s at a g l an ce for D ays 1 -7 ! Obi t at i c ul p a q u i at u r ? Qu i at u r au t q u e cor p or i one ne t od i o te m e st max i mi , s u n t vol u p t a t i o ns e

HOW TO FIND SUPPORT ON YOUR JOURNEY Post your meals, your workouts, how you’re feeling and hashtag #90dayjourney! This way you can connect with other people on their journeys too! Let’s root each other on!





Getting Started - Pantry Staples



Ground Cinnamon

Baking Powder

Salt & Pepper

Baking Soda

G arlic Powder

Cocoa Powder

Onion Powder

Vanilla Extract

Taco Seasoning

Almond Flour

Chili Powder

Monk Fruit Sugar

Dried Oregano Dried Basil Pap rika Ground Cumin Cayenne Pepper Italian Seasoning Nutritional Yeast

SAUCES AND OILS Olive or Avocado Oil Monk Fruit Syrup Red Wine Vinegar Balsamic Vinegar Soy Sauce or Coconut Aminos Sriracha (optional)

BAKING Qui noa Ground Flaxseed Walnuts Pecans Almonds Pistachios Lentils Sesame Seeds Chia Seeds Hemp Seeds Sunflower Seeds


Sesame Oil Coconut Oil Tahini Peanut or Almond Butter Unsweetened Tomato Sauce Apple Cider Vinegar

MISCELLANEOUS G arlic (minced or fresh)

Days 1 to 7 - Grocery List



1 Bag Berries

5 Bananas

1 Bag Cauliflower Rice

1 Package Mushrooms 1 Box Spinach


1 Onion

1 Jar Salsa

1 Pint Blueberries

1 Can White Beans

2 Heads Lettuce

1 Can Black Beans

1 Pint Grape Tomatoes

1 Can Corn

4 Avocados

Large Can Crushed Tomatoes

5 Bell Peppers

1 Jar Pasta Sauce

1 Bunch Cilantro 6 Zucchinis 1 Lemon 2 Heads Broccoli 3 Apples 1 Bag Grapes Small Bag Celery

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 1 Dozen Eggs Almond Milk 2 1/2 lb Ground Turkey 2 Cans Tuna 8 oz Salmon 3 oz Chicken Breast


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 1 to 7 - Meals at a Glance






C a lori es: 1 455


Fat : 8 6 C a r bs: 1 1 5

PB + J Smoothie Bowl

Taco Salad

Zoodles with Meat Sauce

Apple + Nut Butter

P ro tei n: 69

C a lori es: 1 478


Fat : 63 C a r bs: 1 35

Banana Pancakes

Tuna Spinach Salad

Stuffed Pepper Skillet

Pistachios + Grapes

P ro tei n: 1 03


C a lori es: 1 46 4 Fat : 97 C a r bs: 6 6

Veggi e Omelette

Turkey Chili

G arlicky Baked Salmon

Celery + PB

P ro tei n: 8 3


C a lori es: 1 455 Fat : 8 6 C a r bs: 1 1 5

PB + J Smoothie Bowl

Taco Salad

Zoodles with Meat Sauce

Apple + Nut Butter

P ro tei n: 69


C a lori es: 1 478 Fat : 63 C a r bs: 1 35

Banana Pancakes

Tuna Spinach Salad

Stuffed Pepper Skillet

Pistachios + Grapes

P ro tei n: 1 03


C a lori es: 1 46 4 Fat : 97 C a r bs: 6 6

Veggi e Omelette

Turkey Chili

G arlicky Baked Salmon

Celery + PB

P ro tei n: 8 3


C a lo ri es: 1 455 Fat : 8 6 C a r b s: 1 1 5

PB + J Smoothie Bowl


Taco Salad

Zoodles with Meat Sauce

Apple + Nut Butter

P ro tei n: 69

Days 8 to 14 - Grocery List



2 Pints Raspberries/Blueberries

1 Bag Edamame

1 Avocado

2 Large Bags Cauliflower Rice

4 Tomatoes 1 Sweet Potato


1 Bag Brussels Sprouts

2 Cans Black Beans

1 Box Spinach

Everything But the Bagel

1 lb Strawberries


1 Bag Shredded Carrots

Bag Slivered Almonds

1 Container Mushrooms

Bag Pine Nuts

4 Bell Peppers

1 Jar Salsa

2 Pints Grape Tomatoes

1 Bag Coconut Flakes

1 Zucchini

1 Bottle Vegan Mayo

1 Bunch Basil

1 Bottle Dijon Mustard

1 Lemon

1 Bag Cacao Nibs

Shredded Cabbage

1 Bag Plantain Chips

2 Heads Cauliflower


1 Bag Green Beans


1 Bag Baby Carrots 1 Onion

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 18 Eggs Almond Milk 2 1/2 lb Chicken Breast 3/4 lb Ground Turkey 1/2 Shrimp Large Container Coconut Yogurt


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 8 to 14 - Meals at a Glance







C a lori es: 1 502 Fat : 6 8 C a r bs: 1 50

Breakfast Quinoa

Grilled Chicken Salad

Burrito Bowl

Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs

P ro tei n: 9 4


C a lori es: 1 489 Fat : 7 1 C a r bs: 1 55

Avocado Protein Bowl

Veggie Fried Quinoa

Coconut Shrimp

Plantain Chips + Guac

P ro tei n: 57

DAY 10

C a lori es: 1 495 Fat : 8 1 C a r bs: 9 0

Veggie Breakfast Hash

Zoodles + Vegan Pesto

Crispy Chicken + Cauli Mash

Carrots + Hummus

P ro tei n: 1 1 8

DAY 11

C a lo ri es: 1 502 Fat : 6 8 C a r b s: 1 50

Breakfast Quinoa

Grilled Chicken Salad

Burrito Bowl

Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs

P ro tei n: 9 4

DAY 12

C a lo ri es: 1 489 Fat : 7 1 C a r b s: 1 55

Avocado Protein Bowl

Veggie Fried Quinoa

Coconut Shrimp

Plantain Chips + Guac

P ro tei n: 57

DAY 13

C a lo ri es: 1 495 Fat : 8 1 C a r b s: 9 0

Veggi e Breakfast Hash

Zoodles + Vegan Pesto

Crispy Chicken + Cauli Mash

Carrots + Hummus

P ro tei n: 1 1 8

DAY 14

C a lori es: 1 502


Fat : 6 8 C a r bs: 1 50

Breakfast Quinoa

Grilled Chicken Salad

Burrito Bowl

Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs

P ro tei n: 9 4

Days 15 to 21 - Grocery List



5 Bananas

1 Bag Berries

1 Package Mushrooms

1 Bag Cauliflower Rice

1 Box Spinach 1 Onion 1 Pint Blueberries

1 Jar Salsa

2 Heads Lettuce

1 Can White Beans

1 Pint Grape Tomatoes

1 Can Black Beans

3 Avocados

1 Can Corn

5 Bell Peppers

Large Can Crushed Tomatoes

1 Bunch Cilantro

1 Jar Pasta Sauce

2 Zucchinis 1 Lemon 1 Head Broccoli 3 Apples 1 Bag Grapes Small Bag Celery

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 1 Dozen Eggs Almond Milk 2 1/2 lb Ground Turkey 2 Cans Tuna 8 oz Salmon 3 oz chicken breast



Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 15 to 21 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 15

C a lori es: 1 455 Fat : 8 6 C a r bs: 1 1 6

PB + J Smoothie Bowl

Taco Salad

Zoodles with Meat Sauce

Apple + Nut Butter

P ro tei n: 69

DAY 16

C a lori es: 1 478 Fat : 63 C a r bs: 1 35

Banana Pancakes

Tuna Spinach Salad

Stuffed Pepper Skillet

Pistachios + Grapes

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 17

C a lori es: 1 478 Fat : 63 C a r bs: 1 35

Veggi e Omelette

Turkey Chili

G arlicky Baked Salmon

Celery + PB

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 18

C a lori es: 1 455 Fat : 8 6 C a r bs: 1 1 6

PB + J Smoothie Bowl

Taco Salad

Zoodles with Meat Sauce

Apple + Nut Butter

P ro tei n: 69

DAY 19

C a lori es: 1 478 Fat : 63 C a r bs: 1 35

Banana Pancakes

Tuna Spinach Salad

Stuffed Pepper Skillet

Pistachios + Grapes

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 20

C a lori es: 1 478 Fat : 63 C a r bs: 1 35

Veggi e Omelette

Turkey Chili

G arlicky Baked Salmon

Celery + PB

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 21

C a lo ri es: 1 455


Fat : 8 6 C a r b s: 1 1 6

PB + J Smoothie Bowl

Taco Salad

Zoodles with Meat Sauce

Apple + Nut Butter

P ro tei n: 69

Days 22 to 30 - Grocery List



2 Pints Raspberries and/or Blueberries

1 Bag Edamame

2 Avocados

Large Bag Cauliflower Rice

5 Tomatoes 2 Sweet Potatoes 1 Bag Brussels Sprouts

2 Cans Black Beans

1 Box Spinach

Bag Slivered Almonds

1 lb Strawberries

Bag Pine Nuts

1 Bag Shredded Carrots

1 Jar Salsa

1 Container Mushrooms

1 Bag Coconut Flakes

5 Bell Peppers

1 Bottle Vegan Mayo

2 Pints Grape Tomatoes

1 Bottle Dijon Mustard

2 Zucchinis

1 Bag Cacao Nibs

1 Bunch Basil

1 Bag Plantain Chips

1 Lemon


Shredded Cabbage


3 Heads Cauliflower

Everything But the Bagel Seasoning

1 Bag Green Beans 1 Bag Baby Carrots 1 Onion

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 2 Dozen Eggs Almond Milk 3 lb Chicken Breast 3/4 lb Ground Turkey 1 lb Shrimp Large Container Coconut Yogurt



Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 22 to 30 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 22

C a lori es: 1 502 Fat : 6 8 C a r bs: 1 50

Breakfast Quinoa

Grilled Chicken Salad

Burrito Bowl

Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs

P ro tei n: 9 4

DAY 23

C a lori es: 1 489 Fat : 7 1 C a r bs: 1 55

Avocado Protein Bowl

Veggie Fried Quinoa

Coconut Shrimp

Plantain Chips + Guac

P ro tei n: 75

DAY 24

C a lori es: 1 495 Fat : 8 1 C a r bs: 9 0

Veggie Breakfast Hash

Zoodles + Vegan Pesto

Crispy Chicken + Cauli Mash

Carrots + Hummus

P ro tei n: 1 1 8

DAY 25

C a lo ri es: 1 502 Fat : 6 8 C a r b s: 1 50

Breakfast Quinoa

Grilled Chicken Salad

Burrito Bowl

Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs

P ro tei n: 9 4

DAY 26

C a lo ri es: 1 489 Fat : 7 1 C a r b s: 1 55

Avocado Protein Bowl

Veggie Fried Quinoa

Coconut Shrimp

Plantain Chips + Guac

P ro tei n: 75

DAY 27

C a lo ri es: 1 495 Fat : 8 1 C a r b s: 9 0

Veggi e Breakfast Hash

Zoodles + Vegan Pesto

Crispy Chicken + Cauli Mash

Carrots + Hummus

P ro tei n: 1 1 8

DAY 28

C a lori es: 1 502


Fat : 6 8 C a r bs: 1 50

Breakfast Quinoa

Grilled Chicken Salad

Burrito Bowl

Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs

P ro tei n: 9 4

Days 22 to 30 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 29

C al ori es: 1 489 Fat: 7 1 C arb s: 1 55

Avocado Protein Bowl

Veggie Fried Quinoa

Coconut Shrimp

Plantain Chips + Guac

P rotei n: 75

DAY 30

C al ori es: 1 495


Fat: 8 1 C arb s: 9 0

Veg gie Breakfast Hash

Zoodles + Vegan Pesto

Crispy Chicken + Cauli Mash

Carrots + Hummus

P rotei n: 1 1 8


Banana Pancakes Veggie Omelette PB+J Smoothie Bowl Breakfast Quinoa Avocado Protein Bowl Veggie Breakfast Hash



PB+J Smoothie Bowl What you’ll need: • 1 c frozen berries • 1 small ripe banana, sliced and frozen • 2-3 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk • 2 Tbsp almond butter (or nut butter of choice!) • Ice as needed Directions: 1. Add ingredients to blender, blend until smooth. Add ice as needed until smoothie is as thick as you like!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 411 | Fat: 22g | Carbs: 52g | Protein: 11g | Fiber: 11g 20


Banana Pancakes What you’ll need: • • • •

1 banana, peeled and sliced 2 eggs 1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional) 1/4 c blueberries (fresh or frozen) • OPTIONAL - drizzle finished pancakes with with monk fruit syrup • 1 Tbsp almond butter (or other nut butter) Directions: 1. Mash the banana and egg together in a medium bowl. Your batter will be runny and will have a few chunks of banana left! Stir in cinnamon. 2. Heat a griddle or pan over medium heat. Melt 1/4 tsp dairy-free butter on the pan. Drop pancakes on the hot griddle, using about 2 Tbsp of batter for each pancake. (these hold together better if they are small!) 3. Serve warm, drizzled with almond butter

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 364 | Fat: 18g | Carbs: 37g | Protein: 18g | Fiber: 5g 21


Veggie Omelette What you’ll need: • • • • • • •

3 eggs 1/4 c mushrooms, diced 1 c spinach 1/4 c onion, diced 1 Tbsp olive or avocado oil salt and pepper 1/3 ripe avocado, sliced

Directions: 1. Heat medium pan over medium-high heat. Add all ingredients to pan and cook until egg is cooked through. Gently fold omelette in half, and enjoy with a side of avocado! TIP - sub your favorite veggies!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 435 | Fat: 36g | Carbs: 10g | Protein: 20g | Fiber: 5g 22


Breakfast Quinoa What you’ll need: • • • • • • • • •

1/2 c uncooked quinoa, rinsed 1 c water 1 pinch salt 1 Tbsp flaxseed meal (optional) 1 Tbsp monk fruit sweetener 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 c berries for topping 2 Tbsp walnuts, finely chopped 2 Tbsp almond milk

Directions: 1. Add quinoa, water and salt to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes, until no water remains. Fluff quinoa with a fork. 2. Add flaxseed, sweetener and cinnamon. You might also add a tablespoon or so of almond or coconut milk to make your oats extra creamy. 3. Stir, top with fresh fruit and enjoy!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 435 | Fat: 15g | Carbs: 68g | Protein: 16g | Fiber: 12g 23


Avocado Protein Bowl What you’ll need: • • • • • • • •

Ingredients 1/2 Tbsp olive oil 1/4 c onion, diced 2 c cauliflower rice 2 eggs 1/4 avocado sliced 1/2 tomato, sliced 1/2 c canned black beans, drained and rinsed • TIP - season with Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel, or your favorite seasoning! Directions: 1. Heat oil over medium heat. Sauté onion until transluscent, a few minutes. Add cauliflower rice and continue to cook around 5 minutes, until cauli rice softens. Meanwhile, Cook eggs over medium heat. 2. Heat beans and slice avocado and tomato. Serve cauli rice with eggs with sliced avocado and beans. Season to taste.


TIP - season with Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel, or your favorite seasoning!

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 464 | Fat: 23g | Carbs: 31g | Protein: 26g | Fiber: 13g 24


Veggie Breakfast Hash What you’ll need: • 3 eggs • 1/2 medium sweet potato, cut into bite-sized pieces • 1 c Brussels sprouts - quartered or halved, depending on size • 1/2 Tbsp olive or avocado oil • pinch sea salt Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place sweet potato and Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for approx. 15 min, until the veggies are nice and crispy. Toss veggies halfway through. 2. Meanwhile, cook your egg however you prefer (I like to make it sunny side up!) 3. Serve egg over veggies and if you like, garnish with fresh herbs or hot sauce

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 363 | Fat: 22g | Carbs: 18g | Protein: 22g | Fiber: 5g 25


Grilled Chicken Salad Taco Salad Tuna Spinach Salad Turkey Chili Veggie Fried Quinoa Zoodles with Tomato Pesto



Taco Salad What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb ground turkey • 3 c lettuce, washed and dried • 1/4 c grape tomatoes, quartered • 1/2 avocado, cubed • 2 Tbsp salsa • 1 Tbsp taco seasoning • 1 Tbsp oil Directions: 1. Brown turkey and stir in taco seasoning. 2. Assemble your salad! Start with your lettuce, and top with remaining ingredients.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 455 | Fat: 32g | Carbs: 16g | Protein: 27g | Fiber: 7g 27


Tuna Spinach Salad What you’ll need: • • • • • • • •

2 c baby spinach 1 can tuna (canned in water) 1/2 c white beans (canned) 1/4 thinly sliced red onion 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 Tbsp red wine vinegar salt and pepper 2 Tbsp hemp seeds

Directions: 1. Toss spinach, tuna, white beans and onion together. Toss with olive oil, red wine vinegar and a pinch of salt and pepper. Top with hemp seeds

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 528 | Fat: 25g | Carbs: 28g | Protein: 49g | Fiber: 14g 28


Turkey Chili What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb ground turkey • 1/2 Tbsp olive oil • 1/4 c canned black beans, rinsed and drained • 1/2 Bell pepper, diced • 1/4 c canned corn • 8 oz canned crushed tomatoes • 1/2 water (more as needed) • 1/4 Avocado • Cilantro (optional) Directions: 1. Heat oil in a pot over medium-high heat. Add turkey and cook and crumble until browned all the way trhough. Add bell pepper and cook for a few more minutes, until softened. Feel free to add garlic or whatever seasoning you like here. 2. Add black beans, corn, crushed tomatoes, and water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for 15-20 min. 3. Top with cilantro and avocado.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 455 | Fat: 22g | Carbs: 37g | Protein: 32g | Fiber: 13g 29


Grilled Chicken Salad What you’ll need: • • • • • •

4 oz chicken breast, cooked 3 c spinach 1/2 c strawberries, sliced 2 Tbsp slivered almonds 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

Directions: 1. In a large bowl, top spinach with chicken, strawberries, and almonds. 2. Combine olive oil and balsamic vinegar and drizzle over salad.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 446 | Fat: 26g | Carbs: 15g | Protein: 41g | Fiber: 6g 30


Veggie Fried Quinoa What you’ll need: • 1/2 c quinoa • 1 c water • 1/4 c edamame, frozen shelled • 1/4 c shredded carrots • 1/4 c mushrooms • 1/2 bell pepper, diced • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1 Tbsp soy sauce or coconut aminos

Directions: 1. Cook quinoa per instructions. 2. Heat olive oil in a small pan. Add edamame, carrots, mushrooms and bell pepper and cook until soft. Season to taste. 3. Serve with quinoa. Top with soy sauce or coconut aminos to taste.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 520 | Fat: 20g | Carbs: 66g | Protein: 19g | Fiber: 10g 31


Zoodles with Tomato Veggie Pesto Ingredients: • 1 medium zucchini • 1 c cherry tomatoes, halved • 4 oz chicken, cooked • 1 Tbsp olive oil

Vegan Pesto Ingredients: • 1/2 c fresh basil, large stems removed • 1 Tbsp pine nuts • 1 clove garlic, peeled • 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice • 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1 - 2 Tbsp water Directions:


1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Toss cherry tomatoes in olive oil and place on a cookie sheet lined with foil. Roast for 15 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, use a mandolin or spiralizer to peel and slice zucchini into thin noodles. sauté zucchini noodles over medium heat, until tender. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Make your pesto - combine all pesto ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 502 | Fat: 27g | Carbs: 18g | Protein: 56g | Fiber: 7g 32


Zoodles with Meat Sauce Stuffed Pepper Skillet Garlicky Baked Salmon Burrito Bowl Coconut Shrimp Crispy Chicken and Cauli Mash



Zoodles with Meat Sauce What you’ll need: • 2 medium zucchini, spiralized • 1/4 lb lean ground turkey • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1 c broccoli florets • 1/4 c sugar free pasta sauce (Rao’s Pasta Sauce or other brand) • Salt and pepper to taste Directions: 1. Cook zoodles in oil over medium-high heat, until slightly crispy. Season with salt and pepper. 2. Meanwhile, brown ground turkey over medium heat in a separate pan and boil broccoli for ~7 minutes. Drain. 3. Combine sauce with cooked turkey and serve over zoodles.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 409 | Fat:25g | Carbs: 20g | Protein: 27g | Fiber: 7g 34


Stuffed Pepper Skillet What you’ll need: • 2 bell peppers, thinly sliced • 1/4 lb ground chicken or turkey • 3 c spinach • 1/2 c corn • 1/4 c quinoa, dry • 1 Tbsp taco seasoning

Directions: 1. Over a medium pan, cook ground chicken over medium-high heat until cooked through. Add taco seasoning. 2. While chicken is cooking, cook quinoa per instructions. 3. When chicken is cooked through, add peppers, spinach and corn and cook until veggies are soft. 4. Add cooked quinoa to chicken/veggie mixture and serve.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 475 | Fat: 13g | Carbs: 58g | Protein: 33g | Fiber: 8g 35


Garlicky Baked Salmon What you’ll need: • • • • • • •

4 oz salmon 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 tsp minced garlic Juice of 1/2 lemon Salt and pepper to taste 1 c riced cauliflower 1 c broccoli, chopped

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Stir olive oil, garlic and lemon juice together. Place salmon on a greased cookie sheet. Spoon olive oil mixture over salmon. Bake 15-18 min., until opaque and flaky. 2. While salmon bakes, cook riced cauliflower in skillet over medium heat and boil broccoli for ~7 min. Season to taste. 3. Season salmon with salt and pepper to taste and serve with cauliflower rice and broccoli.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 374 | Fat: 23g | Carbs: 12g | Protein: 27g | Fiber: 5g 36


Burrito Bowl What you’ll need: • • • • • • •

1 c cauliflower rice 1/4 lb lean ground turkey 1/2 c canned black beans 1 bell pepper, diced 1 tomato, diced 1 Tbsp taco seasoning 2 Tbsp salsa

Directions: 1. Brown turkey. Add taco seasoning 2. Meanwhile, cook cauliflower rice according to package. 3. Heat beans as necessary. 4. Serve ground turkey, beans and veggies over rice, topped with salsa.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 399 | Fat: 10g | Carbs: 44g | Protein: 33g | Fiber: 12g 37


Coconut Shrimp What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb raw shrimp, peeled and deveined • 1 c unsweetened coconut flakes • 1/2 c almond flour • 1 egg • salt and pepper • 2 c premade slaw mix (or shredded carrots and red cabbage) Dressing: • • • •

1/2 c vegan mayo 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar 1 Tbsp dijon mustard monk fruit sweetener to taste

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line baking sheet with parchment. 2. Dredge shrimp in almond flour, then egg, then coconut flakes and place on baking sheet. 3. Bake shrimp for 15 min. 4. To make slaw, combine dressing ingredients and toss with coleslaw veggies Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 326 | Fat: 17g | Carbs: 38g | Protein: 11g | Fiber: 15g 38


Crispy Chicken and Cauli Mash What you’ll need: • 4 oz chicken breast, thinly cut • 1/4 c almond flour • 1 tsp onion powder • 1 head cauliflower, chopped • 1/2 lb green beans, trimmed • 1 Tbsp olive oil • Chili flakes • 2 Tbsp almond milk • salt and pepper to taste Directions:


1. Dry chicken with paper towel. Mix flour with onion powder, salt and pepper. Coat both sides of chicken with mixture. 2. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Cook chicken for 4-5 mins on each side, until cooked through. 3. Boil green beans for ~7 mins and boil cauliflower for ~5-7 mins, unti tender. Season green beans with salt, pepper and chili flakes. 4. Add cooked cauliflower & almond milk to food processor and puree. Add salt and pepper to taste. 1 tsp minced garlic would also be good in this!

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 455 | Fat: 22g | Carbs: 34g | Protein: 35g | Fiber: 13g 39


Apple + Nut butter Pistachios + Grapes Celery + PB Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs Plantain chips + Guac Carrots + Hummus



Apple + Nut Butter What you’ll need: • 1 medium apple, sliced • 1 Tbsp peanut butter

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 180 | Fat: 7g | Carbs: 27g | Protein: 4g | Fiber: 5g 41


Pistachios + Grapes What you’ll need: • 2 Tbsp pistachios • 1/2 c grapes

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 111 | Fat: 7g | Carbs: 12g | Protein: 3g | Fiber: 2g 42


Celery and PB What you’ll need: • 1 celery stalk • 2 Tbsp peanut butter

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 200 | Fat: 16g | Carbs: 7g | Protein: 4g | Fiber: 3g 43


Coconut Yogurt + Cacao Nibs What you’ll need: • • • •

1/2 c plain coconut yogurt 1 Tbsp cacao nibs 1 Tbsp slivered almonds monk fruit sweetener (optional, to taste)

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 222 | Fat: 17g | Carbs: 23g | Protein: 4g | Fiber: 6g 44


Plantain Chips and Guacamole What you’ll need: • 1 oz plantain chips • 1/4 c Guacamole

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 180 | Fat: 11g | Carbs: 20g | Protein: 1g | Fiber: 2g 45


Carrots and Hummus What you’ll need: • 1 c baby carrots • 4 Tbsp hummus

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 175 | Fat: 10g | Carbs: 20g | Protein: 5g | Fiber: 6g 46




Days 31 to 37 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 1 Bag Brussels Sprouts

FREEZER 1 Bag Butternut Squash

2 Pints Cherry Tomatoes 6 Sweet Potatoes 1 Head Broccoli


3 Bell Peppers

1 Can Pinto Beans

1 Red Onion

1 Jar Salsa

Head Butter Lettuce

1 Can Corn

2 Avocados

Large Can Fire Roasted Tomatoes

5 Zucchini

1 Can Chicken or Veggie Broth

1 Jalapeno

2 Cans Black Beans

Bag Green Beans

Bottle Stone Ground Mustard

2 Pints Raspberries

Crushed Red Pepper

2 Bananas

Bag Cacao Nibs

Bag Spinach


1 Tomato MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 18 Eggs Almond Milk 2 1/2 lb Chicken Breast 2 1/4 lb Ground Turkey 12 oz Coconut Yogurt


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 31 to 37 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 31

C al ori es: 1 51 1 Fat: 6 8 C arb s: 1 31

Egg + Veggie Scramble

Loaded Sweet Po tato

Turkey Chili

Chocolate Raspberries

P rotei n: 9 9

DAY 32

C al ori es: 1 549 Fat: 1 0 0 C arb s: 1 01

Mexican Breakfast Plate

Taco Lettuce Cups

Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad

Bell Peppers w/ Hummus

P rotei n: 6 8

DAY 34

DAY 33

C al ori es: 1 47 1 Fat: 9 1 C arb s: 93

PB Minute Mug Muffin

Sweet Potato “Toast ”

Ground Turkey Green Bean Skillet

Banana w/ PB

P rotei n: 8 5

C al ori es: 1 51 1 Fat: 6 8 C arb s: 1 31

Egg + Veggie Scramble

Loaded Sweet Po tato

Turkey Chili

Chocolate Raspberries

P rotei n: 9 9

DAY 35

C al ori es: 1 549 Fat: 1 0 0 C arb s: 1 01

Mexi can Breakfast Plate

Taco Lettuce Cups

Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad

Bell Peppers w/ Hummus

P rotei n: 6 8

DAY 36

C al ori es: 1 47 1 Fat: 9 1 C arb s: 93

PB Minute Mug Muffin

Sweet Potato “Toast ”

Ground Turkey Green Bean Skillet

Banana w/ PB

P rotei n: 8 5

DAY 37

C a l ori es: 1 51 1


Fat: 6 8 C a rb s: 1 31

Egg + Veggie Scramble

Loaded Sweet Po tato

Turkey Chili

Chocolate Raspberries

P rotei n: 9 9

Days 38 to 44 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 1 Pint Raspberries

FREEZER 3 Bags Cauliflower Rice

1 Pint Blueberries 1 Box Spinach 1 Box Spring Mix 1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes 1 Cucumber 3 Lemons 4 Limes 6 Zucchini 2 Avocado 2 Roma Tomatoes

PANTRY 1 Jar Salsa 1 Jar Sundried Tomatoes 1 Can Pinto Beans 1 Can Corn 1 Can Pureed Pumpkin 1 Bag Pumpkin Seeds 1 Bag plantain chips 1 Can black beans

1 Bell Pepper 1 White Onion 1 Grapefruit 1 Bag Cherries 1 Bunch Cilantro

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS Almond Milk Large Container Coconut Yogurt Package Chicken Sausage 1 lb C hicken Breast 6 Eggs 1 lb Tilapia Container Vegan Butter 1/2 lb Raw Shrimp 1/2 lb Ground Turkey


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 38 to 44 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 38

C a lori es: 1 546 Fat : 9 8 C a r bs: 9 9

Chia Pudding

Mediterranean Salad

Tilapia + Zucchini Fries

Roasted Grapefruit

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 39

C a lori es: 1 46 6 Fat : 9 4 C a r bs: 79

Coconut Yogurt Chicken Sausage Parfait + Zoodles

Shrimp Fajita Bowl

Pumpkin Yogurt

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 40

C a lori es: 1 533 Fat : 8 2 C a r bs: 1 02

Chicken Sausage Bowl

Avocado Egg Salad

Protein Bowl

Almonds + Cherries

P ro tei n: 1 01

DAY 41

C a lo ri es: 1 546 Fat : 9 8 C a r b s: 9 9

Chia Pudding

Mediterranean Salad

Tilapia + Zucchini Fries

Roasted Grapefruit

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 42

C a lo ri es: 1 46 6 Fat : 9 4 C a r b s: 79

Coconut Yogurt Chicken Sausage + Zoodles Parfait

Shrimp Fajita Bowl

Pumpkin Yogurt

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 43

C a lo ri es: 1 533 Fat :8 2 C a r b s: 1 02

Chicken Sausage Bowl

Avocado Egg Salad

Protein Bowl

Almonds + Cherries

P ro tei n: 1 01

DAY 44

C a lori es: 1 546


Fat : 9 8 C a r bs: 9 9

Chia Pudding

Mediterranean Salad

Tilapia + Zucchini Fries

Roasted Grapefruit

P ro tei n: 9 0

Days 45 to 51 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 1 Bag Brussels Sprouts

FREEZER 1 Bag Butternut Squash

2 Pints Cherry Tomatoes 6 Sweet Potatoes 1 Head Broccoli


3 Bell Peppers

1 Can Pinto Beans

1 Red Onion

1 Jar Salsa

Head Butter Lettuce

1 Can Corn

2 Avocados

Large Can Fire Roasted Tomatoes

5 Zucchini

1 Can Chicken or Veggie Broth

1 Jalapeno

2 Cans Black Beans

Bag Green Beans

Bottle Stone Ground Mustard

2 Pints Raspberries

Crushed Red Pepper

2 Bananas

Bag Cacao Nibs

Bag Spinach


1 Tomato MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 18 Eggs Almond Milk 2 1/2 lb Chicken Breast 2 1/4 lb Ground Turkey 12 oz Coconut Yogurt


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 45 to 51 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 45

C al ori es: 1 51 1 Fat: 6 8 C arb s: 1 31

Egg + Veggie Scramble

Loaded Sweet Po tato

Turkey Chili

Chocolate Raspberries

P rotei n: 9 9

DAY 46

C al ori es: 1 549 Fat: 1 0 0 C arb s: 1 01

Mexican Breakfast Plate

Taco Lettuce Cups

Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad

Bell Peppers w/ Hummus

P rotei n: 6 8

DAY 48

DAY 47

C al ori es: 1 47 1 Fat: 9 1 C arb s: 93

PB Minute Mug Muffin

Sweet Potato “Toast ”

Ground Turkey Green Bean Skillet

Banana w/ PB

P rotei n: 8 5

C al ori es: 1 51 1 Fat: 6 8 C arb s: 1 31

Egg + Veggie Scramble

Loaded Sweet Po tato

Turkey Chili

Chocolate Raspberries

P rotei n: 9 9

DAY 49

C al ori es: 1 549 Fat: 1 0 0 C arb s: 1 01

Mexican Breakfast Plate

Taco Lettuce Cups

Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad

Bell Peppers w/ Hummus

P rotei n: 6 8

DAY 50

C al ori es: 1 47 1 Fat: 9 1 C arb s: 93

PB Minute Mug Muffin

Sweet Potato “Toast ”

Ground Turkey Green Bean Skillet

Banana w/ PB

P rotei n: 8 5

DAY 51

C a l ori es: 1 51 1


Fat: 6 8 C a rb s: 1 31

Egg + Veggie Scramble

Loaded Sweet Po tato

Turkey Chili

Chocolate Raspberries

P rotei n: 9 9

Days 52 to 60 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 1 Pint Raspberries

FREEZER 3 Bags Cauliflower Rice

2 Pints Blueberries 2 Boxes Spinach 1 Box Spring Mix


1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes

1 Jar Salsa

1 Cucumber

1 Jar Sundried Tomatoes

3 Lemons

2 Cans Pinto Beans

6 Limes

2 Can Corn

8 Zucchini

1 Cans Pureed Pumpkin

3 Avocados

1 Bag Pumpkin Seeds

3 Roma Tomatoes

1 Bag Plantain Chips

2 Bell Peppers

2 Cans Black Beans

1 White Onion

1 Grapefruit 1 Bag Cherries 1 Bunch Cilantro MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS Almond Milk Large Container Coconut Yogurt Package Chicken Sausage 1 lb C hicken Breast 1 Dozen Eggs 1 lb Tilapia Container Vegan Butter 1/2 lb Raw Shrimp 1/2 lb Ground Turkey


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 52 to 60 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 52

C a lori es: 1 546 Fat : 9 8 C a r bs: 79

Chia Pudding

Mediterranean Salad

Tilapia w/ Zucchini Fries

Roasted Grapefruit

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 53

C a lori es: 1 46 6 Fat : 9 4 C a r bs: 9 9

Coconut Yogurt Parfait

C hicke n S a us a ge + Zood le s

Shrimp Fajita Bowl

Pumpkin Yogurt

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 54

C a lori es: 1 533 Fat : 8 2 C a r bs: 1 02

C h i c ke n Sa us a g e + Sp i n a ch

Avocado Egg Salad

Protein Bowl

Almonds + Cherries

P ro tei n: 1 01

DAY 55

C a lo ri es: 1 546 Fat : 9 8 C a r b s: 79

Chia Pudding

Mediterranean Salad

Tilapia w/ Zucchini Fries

Roasted Grapefruit

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 56

C a lo ri es: 1 46 6 Fat : 9 4 C a r b s: 9 9

Coconut Yogurt Parfait

C hicke n S a us a ge + Zood le s

Shrimp Fajita Bowl

Pumpkin Yogurt

P ro tei n: 9 0

DAY 57

C a lo ri es: 1 533 Fat :8 2 C a r b s: 1 02

C h i c ke n Sa us a g e + Spi n a ch

Avocado Egg Salad

Protein Bowl

Almonds + Cherries

P ro tei n: 1 01

DAY 58

C a lori es: 1 546


Fat : 9 8 C a r bs: 79

Chia Pudding

Mediterranean Salad

Tilapia w/ Zucchini Fries

Roasted Grapefruit

P ro tei n: 9 0

Days 22 to 30 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 59

C al ori es: 1 46 6 Fat: 9 4 C arb s: 9 9

Coconut Yogurt Parfait

C hicke n S a us ag e + Zood le s

Shrimp Fajita Bowl

Pumpkin Yogurt

P rotei n: 9 0

DAY 60

C al ori es: 1 533


Fat: 8 2 C arb s: 1 02

C h i c ke n S a us a g e + Sp i n a ch

Avocado Egg Salad

Protein Bowl

Almonds + Cherries

P rotei n: 1 01


Egg + Veggie Scramble Mexican Breakfast Plate PB Minute Mug Muffin Chia Pudding Coconut Yogurt Parfait Chicken Sausage w/ Spinach



Egg + Veggie Scramble What you’ll need: • 3 Eggs • 1 c Brussels sprouts, shaved or finely chopped • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1/2 c cherry tomatoes, halved • salt and pepper

Directions: 1. In one pan, cook eggs however you prefer! 2. In another pan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add Brussels sprouts and sauté until slightly crisp. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 3. Serve eggs and Brussels topped with tomato slices

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 422 | Fat: 34g | Carbs: 11g | Protein: 22g | Fiber: 7g 58


Mexican Breakfast Plate What you’ll need: • 1/2 sweet potato, microwaved until soft • 1/2 Tbsp olive oil • 2 c spinach • 3 eggs • 1/2 c canned pinto beans, rinsed and drained • 2 Tbsp salsa Directions: 1. Heat olive oil over medium heat. Sauté spinach until slightly wilted. Add eggs and scramble. 2. Meanwhile, boil or microwave sweet potato until soft. Heat beans if desired. 3. Serve eggs and beans with sweet potato, topped with salsa. 4. Also top with cilantro and hot sauce if you like!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 450 | Fat: 21g | Carbs: 40g | Protein: 27g | Fiber: 9g 59


PB Minute Mug Muffin What you’ll need: • • • • • • •

2 Tbsp peanut butter 3 Tbsp almond milk 1 egg 3 Tbsp almond flour 1 Tbsp monk fruit sugar 1 tsp baking powder 6 oz unsweetened coconut yogurt

Directions: 1. Spray a mug with cooking spray and add all ingredients to mug. Mix well! Microwave for 1:30 and enjoy! Serve with coconut yogurt.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 467 | Fat: 35g | Carbs: 18g | Protein: 18g | Fiber: 5g 60


Chia Pudding What you’ll need: • 2 Tbsp Chia seeds • 1/2 c Almond milk, unsweetened • 1/4 c Raspberries • 1/4 c Blueberries • 3 Tbsp Walnuts • Monk fruit sweetener to taste

Directions: 1. Pour chia seeds, almond milk and sweetener in a jar and stir. 2. Place in fridge overnight. 3. Top with fruit/nuts and enjoy!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 316 | Fat: 24g | Carbs: 23g | Protein: 8g | Fiber: 14g 61


Coconut Yogurt Parfait What you’ll need: • 1 1/2 c coconut yogurt (unsweetened) • 1/2 c Blueberries • 2 Tbsp chopped walnuts • 2 Tbsp hemp seeds

Directions: 1. Just top the coconut yogurt with blueberries and walnuts!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 389 | Fat: 27g | Carbs: 28g | Protein: 9g | Fiber: 8g 62


Chicken Sausage w/ Spinach What you’ll need: • 2 chicken sausage link, casings removed • 3 c spinach • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 2 c cauliflower rice • salt and pepper

Directions: 1. Slice chicken sausage. 2. Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add cauliflower rice and cook until softened, then add spinach and chicken sausage and sauté until spinach is wilted and sausage is heated through. Season with salt and pepper.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 413 | Fat: 20g | Carbs: 12g | Protein: 30g | Fiber: 5g 63


Loaded Sweet Potato Taco Lettuce Cups Sweet Potato “Toast” Mediterranean Salad Zoodles w/ Chicken Sausage Avocado Egg Salad



Loaded Sweet Potato What you’ll need: • 1 medium sweet potato, washed and punctured with fork • 1 c cooked, shredded chicken (you can boil it!) • 1/2 c broccoli florets • 1/4 c salsa • 2 tsp chili powder • 1/4 c black beans Directions: 1. Cook sweet potato in microwave 2. Meanwhile, boil broccoli for 5-7 min. Drain. Heat beans. 3. Slice sweet potato in half and season with chili powder. Loosen the insides a bit. 4. Fill sweet potato with chicken, broccoli, beans and salsa

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 419 | Fat: 5g | Carbs: 51g | Protein: 41g | Fiber: 8g 65


Taco Lettuce Cups What you’ll need: • • • • • • •

1/3 lb ground turkey 1 Tbsp taco seasoning 1/2 c canned corn, drained 1/2 red bell pepper, diced 1 Tbsp olive oil Red onion, diced (optional) Butter lettuce or romaine leaves

Directions: 1. Brown turkey over medium-high heat. Mix in taco seasoning. 2. Meanwhile, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add corn and bell pepper and sauté until pepper is soft and corn is slightly blistered. 3. Fill lettuce “cups” with ground turkey and veggies, and top with red onion.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 530 | Fat: 34g | Carbs: 28g | Protein: 28g | Fiber: 9g 66


Sweet Potato “Toast” What you’ll need: • 1/2 medium sweet potato, thinly sliced • 1 Tbsp olive oil • salt and pepper to taste • chili powder • 1/2 avocado, thinly sliced • 1 c cooked, shredded chicken breast • tomato slices

Directions: 1. Spray sweet potato slices with cooking spray and toast in toaster for 2-3 minutes. Alternatively, toast in oven for 10 min at 400 degrees F. 2. Meanwhile, cook chicken however you like and shred 3. Season toasted sweet potato slices with salt, pepper and chili powder. Layer on mashed avocado and chicken.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 449 | Fat: 27g | Carbs: 19g | Protein: 40g | Fiber: 7g 67


Mediterranean Salad What you’ll need: • 3 c spring mix • 5 oz chicken, cooked and shredded • 1/2 c cherry tomatoes, halved • 1/4 c sliced cucumber • 2 Tbsp lemon juice • 1 tsp minced garlic • 2 Tbsp olive oil • Salt and pepper to taste • 2 T olive oil • Salt and pepper to taste Directions: 1. Layer chicken, cherry tomatoes and cucumber on top of lettuce. 2. Combine lemon juice, garlic and olive oil and use as dressing.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 444 | Fat: 31g | Carbs: 8g | Protein: 41g | Fiber: 3g 68


Zoodles w/ Chicken Sausage What you’ll need: • 2 c zoodles (~2 med zucchinis, spiralized) • 2 Tbsp + 2 tsp olive oil, divided • 1 link chicken sausage, casings removed, sliced • 3 c spinach • 1 tsp minced garlic • 2 Tbsp sundried tomatoes, finely chopped • salt and pepper to taste Directions: 1. Sauté zoodles with 2 Tbsp olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat until slightly crispy. Add salt, pepper and any other seasoning to taste (can use garlic, red chili flakes, etc.) 2. Meanwhile, heat olive oil over medium heat and add garlic. Add chicken sausage and spinach and sauté until sausage is heated through and spinach is wilted. Season to taste. 3. Toss pasta with spinach/ sausage mixture and stir in sundried tomatoes. Enjoy! Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 453 | Fat: 36g | Carbs: 21g | Protein: 19g | Fiber: 7g 69


Avocado Egg Salad Ingredients: • 1/2 avocado, mashed • 3 hardboiled eggs, chopped • 1 roma tomato, diced • 2 Tbsp lemon juice • 1/4 tsp minced garlic • salt and pepper • 1.5 oz plantain chips

Directions: 1. Combine avocado, eggs, tomato, lemon juice and garlic. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 2. Serve egg salad with plantain chips.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 500 | Fat: 34g | Carbs: 35g | Protein: 22g | Fiber: 8g 70


Turkey Chili Roasted Veg Pasta Salad Turkey Green Bean Skillet Tilapia w/ Roasted Zucchini Fries Shrimp Fajita Bowl Protein Bowl



Turkey Chili What you’ll need: • • • • • • • • • •

1/4 lb lean ground turkey 1/2 Tbsp chili seasoning 1/2 tsp minced garlic 1/4 medium zucchini, chopped 1/4 bell pepper, diced 1/4 jalapeño, diced, seeds removed (optional) 7 oz canned fire roasted tomatoes 1/4 15oz can chicken or veggie broth (or water) 1/4 15 oz can black beans 1 c butternut squash, frozen

Directions: 1. In a large stock pot, brown ground turkey with chili seasoning, garlic, bell pepper, jalapeño, and zucchini. 2. Add black beans, tomatoes and broth to pot. 3. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 15-20 min

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 426 | Fat:10g | Carbs: 45g | Protein: 35g | Fiber: 9g 72


Roasted Veggie Pasta Salad What you’ll need: • 2 medium zucchini, spiralized • 2 1/2 Tbsp olive oil, divided • 1/2 c cherry tomatoes, halved • 1 c broccoli florets • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar • 1 tsp stone ground mustard • 1 tsp minced garlic Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Drizzle tomatoes and broccoli with 1 tsp olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 15-20 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, sauté zoodles with 1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat until slightly crispy. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 3. Mix together remaining olive oil, apple cider vinegar, mustard and garlic to make a dressing. Toss the pasta and veggies together with dressing. Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 417 | Fat: 35g | Carbs: 22g | Protein: 8g | Fiber: 8g 73


Turkey Green Bean Skillet What you’ll need: • • • • • • •

1/4 lb lean ground turkey 3/4 c green beans, trimmed 1/2 bell pepper, diced 1/2 tsp garlic 1 Tbsp olive oil 1/2 c sugar-free pasta sauce pinch crushed red pepper (optional) • pinch crushed red pepper (optional)

Directions: 1. Heat olive oil over medium heat. Add turkey, and brown until cooked through. Add garlic, and cook for a few more minutes. 2. Add the green beans, bell pepper and tomato sauce. Cover and cook until veggies are tender. Season with salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper to taste.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 360 | Fat: 23g | Carbs: 15g | Protein: 23g | Fiber: 6g 74


Tilapia w/ Roasted Zucchini Fries What you’ll need: • • • • • • • • •

5 oz tilapia 1 Tbsp lemon juice 1/2 Tbsp melted vegan butter 1/2 zucchini, cut into “fries” 1 Tbsp olive oil 1/4 c almond flour 1 tsp Italian seasoning 1 tsp garlic powder 1/4 c quinoa

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray small baking sheet with cooking spray. Pat tilapia dry and place on prepared baking sheet. Drizzle tilapia with butter and lemon juice. Top with panko, salt and pepper. Cook for 15 minutes, or until fish is cooked through and flaky. 2. Meanwhile, combine almond flour, Italian seasoning and garlic powder in a small bowl. Dry zucchini fries with a paper towel, brush with olive oil and dredge in almond flour mixture. 3. Place zucchini fries on a baking sheet lined with parchment or foil. Bake for 15-20 minutes. 4. While tilapia and zucchini cook, boil quinoa with 1/2 c water for ~10 min, until no water remains. Fluff with a fork.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 521 | Fat: 29g | Carbs: 34g | Protein: 34g | Fiber: 5g 75


Shrimp Fajita Bowl What you’ll need: • 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced into thin strips • 1/4 white onion, sliced into thin strips • 1/3 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined • 1 lime • 1 Tbsp + 1/2 tsp olive oil, divided • 1 tsp minced garlic • 1/4 tsp each: cumin, cayenne, paprika • salt and pepper • 2 c cauliflower rice • 1/4 c canned black beans, drained and rinsed



1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and grease a sheet pan with cooking spray. 2. Toss peppers and onions in 1 tsp olive oil and lay evenly on sheet pan. 3. Stir remaining olive oil, juice of half of the lime, garlic and spices together. Toss shrimp in oil mixture and lay evenly on pan with peppers. Bake for 8 minutes, or until shrimp is pink and firm. 4. Set shrimp aside and continue baking veggies if needed. While shrimp and peppers bake, heat beans and cook cauliflower rice. Serve fajita bowl with a drizzle of the remaining lime juice.

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 447 | Fat: 17g | Carbs: 21g | Protein: 44g | Fiber: 7g 76


Protein Bowl What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb ground turkey • 1/2 c pinto beans, rinsed and drained • 1/2 c corn, canned or frozen • 1 c cauliflower rice • 1/2 c pico de gallo • 1/2 avocado, peeled and sliced • 1 lime • 1 Tbsp taco seasoning • Cilantro for serving (optional) Directions: 1. Cook ground turkey over medium heat until cooked through. Season with taco seasoning. 2. While turkey cooks, heat pinto beans and blister corn over medium heat, if desired. Cook cauliflower rice. 3. Serve turkey, beans and corn in a bowl topped with pico and sliced avocado. Drizzle with lime juice and sprinkle with cilantro before serving.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 450 | Fat: 16g | Carbs: 41g | Protein: 34g | Fiber: 11g 77


Chocolate Raspberries Bell Pepper + Hummus Banana + Nut Butter Roasted Grapefruit Pumpkin Yogurt Cherries + Almonds



Chocolate Raspberries What you’ll need: • 1 c Raspberries • 3 Tbsp Cacao nibs

Directions: 1. The best way to eat these is to stuff the raspberries with the cacao nibs :)

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 244 | Fat: 19g | Carbs: 24g | Protein: 1g | Fiber: 8g 79


Bell Pepper + Hummus What you’ll need: • 1/2 bell pepper, cut into strips • 1/4 c hummus

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 152 | Fat: 10g | Carbs: 11g | Protein: 5g | Fiber: 5g 80


Banana + Nut Butter What you’ll need: • 1 medium banana, sliced • 1 Tbsp nut butter

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 195 | Fat: 8g | Carbs: 31g | Protein: 4g | Fiber: 5g 81


Roasted Grapefruit What you’ll need: • • • •

1 grapefruit, halved Monk fruit sweetener 1/4 c Chopped almonds 1/4 c coconut yogurt

Directions: 1. Basically, just sprinkle the monk fruit sweetener and chopped almonds on your grapefruit, and roast at 400 degrees F for 15 min. Top with creamy yogurt. So good!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 265 | Fat: 14g | Carbs: 34g | Protein: 7g | Fiber: 8g 82


Pumpkin Yogurt What you’ll need: • • • •

1/2 c coconut yogurt 2 Tbsp pumpkin puree 2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds monk fruit sweetener to taste

Directions: 1. Mix yogurt, pumpkin and sweetener, and top with pumpkin seeds!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 180 | Fat: 14g | Carbs: 9g | Protein: 6g | Fiber: 3g 83


Cherries + Almonds

What you’ll need: • 1/4 c almonds • 1/2 c cherries

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 170 | Fat: 12g | Carbs: 14g | Protein: 5g | Fiber: 4g 84




Days 61 to 67 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 2 Boxes Spinach

FREEZER Bag Cauliflower Rice

5 Avocados 2 Pints Blueberries 3 Sweet Potatoes


1 Red Onion

1 Can Black Beans

2 Lemons

1 Jar Salsa

1 Bunch Cilantro

Stone Ground Mustard

1 Head Butter Lettuce or

1 Bag Plantain Chips


1 Bag Cacao Nibs


1 Bag Shredded Coconut

1 Cucumber


Bag Shredded Carrots 1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes Head Broccoli 2 Jalapenos 3 Limes Bag Green Beans 1 Onion

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS Eggs 18 Almond Milk 2 lb Chicken Breast 1 1/4 l b Ground Turkey 12 oz Salmon Large Container Coconut Yogurt


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 61 to 67 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 61

C a lori es: 1 539 Fat : 75 C a r bs: 1 1 4

Southwest Breakfast Bowl

Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups

Turkey Burger + Quinoa

Plantain Chips + Salsa

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 62

C a lori es: 1 493 Fat : 92 C a r bs: 97

Blueberry Chia Pudding

Korean Ground Turkey + Vegs

Salmon + Green Beans

Stuffed Dates

P ro tei n: 8 1

DAY 64

DAY 63

C a lori es: 1 521 Fat : 1 02 C a r bs: 8 6

Scrambled Eggs + Veggies

Power Salad

Grilled Chicken

Berry Yogurt Crunch

P ro tei n: 74

C a lori es: 1 539 Fat : 75 C a r bs: 1 1 4

Southwest Breakfast Bowl

Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups

Turkey Burger + Quinoa

Plantain Chips + Salsa

P ro tei n: 1 03


C a lori es: 1 493 Fat : 92 C a r bs: 97

Blueberry Chia Pudding

Korean Ground Turkey + Vegs

Salmon + Green Beans

Stuffed Dates

P ro tei n: 8 1

DAY 65

C a lori es: 1 521 Fat : 1 02 C a r bs: 8 6

Scrambled Eggs + Veggies

Power Salad

Grilled Chicken

Berry Yogurt Crunch

P ro tei n: 74

DAY 66

C a lo ri es: 1 539


Fat : 75 C a r b s: 1 1 4

Southwest Breakfast Bowl

Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups

Turkey Burger + Quinoa

Plantain Chips + Salsa

P ro tei n: 1 03

Days 68 to 74 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 1 Avocado

FREEZER 2 Bags Cauliflower Rice

2 Lemons 1 Tomato Bag Brussels Sprouts Box Spinach

PANTRY Jar Unsweetened Applesauce Jar Black Olives

1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes 3 Sweet Potatoes Head Broccoli Bunch Fresh Dill Bunch Fresh Parsley 7 Zucchini Container Mushrooms Bag Green Beans 6 Bananas 2 Pints Raspberries 2 Apples MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 2 Dozen Eggs 2 1/2 lb Chicken Breast 10 oz Shrimp Vegan Butter 3/4 lb Ground Turkey 12 oz Tilapia Almond Milk


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 68 to 74 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 68

C a lori es: 1 553 Fat : 7 1 C a r bs: 1 07

Apple Pancakes

Chicken + Sautéed Spinach

Zucchini Pizza Boats

3-Ingredient Mug Cake

P ro tei n: 1 1 5

DAY 69

C a lori es: 1 454 Fat : 70 C a r bs: 9 1

Super Hashbrowns

Roasted G arlic Shrimp

Grilled Chicken “Parmesan”

PB Banana Smoothie

P ro tei n: 1 1 1

DAY 70

C a lori es: 1 46 5 Fat : 8 4 C a r bs: 75

Egg Sautéed Brussels

Twice Baked Sweet Potato

Tilapia + Sweet Potato Mash

Sautéed Apple

P ro tei n: 1 0 8

DAY 71

C a lo ri es: 1 553 Fat : 7 1 C a r b s: 1 07

Apple Pancakes

Chicken + Sautée Spinach

Zucchini Pizza Boats

3-Ingredient Mug Cake

P ro tei n: 1 1 5

DAY 72

C a lo ri es: 1 454 Fat : 70 C a r b s: 9 1

Super Hashbrowns

Roasted G arlic Shrimp

Grilled Chicken “Parmesan”

PB Banana Smoothie

P ro tei n: 1 1 1

DAY 73

C a lo ri es: 1 46 5 Fat : 8 4 C a r b s: 75

Egg Sautée Brussels

Twice Baked Sweet Potato

Tilapia + Sweet Potato Mash

Sautée Apple

P ro tei n: 1 0 8

DAY 74

C a lori es: 1 553


Fat : 7 1 C a r bs: 1 07

Apple Pancakes

Chicken + Sautéed Spinach

Zucchini Pizza Boats

3-Ingredient Mug Cake

P ro tei n: 1 1 5

Days 75 to 81 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 2 Boxes Spinach

FREEZER 1 Bags Cauliflower Rice

5 Avocados 2 Pints Blueberries 3 Sweet Potatoes 1 Red Onion 2 Lemons 1 Bunch Cilantro 1 Head Butter Lettuce or Romaine Ginger

PANTRY 1 Can Black Beans 1 Jar Salsa Stone Ground Mustard 1 Bag Plantain Chips 1 Bag Cacao Nibs 1 Bag Shredded Coconut Dates

1 Cucumber Bag Shredded Carrots 1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes Head Broccoli 2 Jalapenos 3 Limes Bag Green Beans 1 Onion

MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 18 Eggs Almond Milk 2 lb Chicken Breast 1 1/4 lb Ground Turkey 12 oz Salmon Large Container Coconut Yogurt


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 75 to 81 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 75

C a lori es: 1 539 Fat : 75 C a r bs: 1 1 4

Southwest Breakfast Bowl

Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups

Turkey Burger + Quinoa

Plantain Chips + Salsa

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 76

C a lori es: 1 493 Fat : 92 C a r bs: 97

Blueberry Chia Pudding

Korean Ground Turkey + Vegs

Salmon + Green Beans

Stuffed Dates

P ro tei n: 8 1

DAY 78

DAY 77

C a lori es: 1 521 Fat : 1 02 C a r bs: 8 6

Scrambled Eggs + Veggies

Power Salad

Grilled Chicken

Berry Yogurt Crunch

P ro tei n: 74

C a lori es: 1 539 Fat : 75 C a r bs: 1 1 4

Southwest Breakfast Bowl

Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups

Turkey Burger + Quinoa

Plantain Chips + Salsa

P ro tei n: 1 03

DAY 79

C a lori es: 1 493 Fat : 92 C a r bs: 97

Blueberry Chia Pudding

Korean Ground Turkey + Vegs

Salmon + Green Beans

Stuffed Dates

P ro tei n: 8 1

DAY 80

C a lori es: 1 521 Fat : 1 02 C a r bs: 8 6

Scrambled Eggs + Veggies

Power Salad

Grilled Chicken

Berry Yogurt Crunch

P ro tei n: 74

DAY 81

C a lo ri es: 1 539


Fat : 75 C a r b s: 1 1 4

Southwest Breakfast Bowl

Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups

Turkey Burger + Quinoa

Plantain Chips + Salsa

P ro tei n: 1 03

Days 82 to 90 - Grocery List

PRODUCE 2 Avocados

FREEZER 2 Bags Cauliflower Rice

2 Lemons 1 Tomato Bag Brussels Sprouts


Box Spinach

Jar Unsweetened Applesauce

1 Pint Cherry Tomatoes

Jar Black Olives

5 Sweet Potatoes 2 Heads Broccoli Bunch Fresh Dill Bunch Fresh Parsley 9 Zucchini Container Mushrooms Bag Green Beans 7 Bananas 2 Pints Raspberries 3 Apples MEAT, DAIRY & EGGS 3 Dozen Eggs 3 lb Chicken Breast 1 lb Shrimp Vegan Butter 1/2 lb Ground Turkey 18 oz Tilapia Almond Milk


Don’t forget to check your pantry to make sure you have all of your essentials!

Days 82 to 90 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 82

C a lori es: 1 553 Fat : 7 1 C a r bs: 1 07

Apple Pancakes

Chicken w/ Sautéed Spinach

Zucchini Pizza Boats

3-Ingredient Mug Cake

P ro tei n: 1 1 5

DAY 83

C a lori es: 1 454 Fat : 70 C a r bs: 9 1

Super Hashbrowns

Roasted G arlic Shrimp

Grilled Chicken “Parmesan”

PB Banana Smoothie

P ro tei n: 1 1 1

DAY 84

C a lori es: 1 46 5 Fat : 8 4 C a r bs: 75

Egg w/ Sautéed Brussels

Twice Baked Sweet Potato

Tilapia w/ Sweet Potato Mash

Sautée Apple

P ro tei n: 1 0 8

DAY 85

C a lo ri es: 1 553 Fat : 7 1 C a r b s: 1 07

Apple Pancakes

Chicken w/ Sautée Spinach

Zucchini Pizza Boats

3-Ingredient Mug Cake

P ro tei n: 1 1 5

DAY 86

C a lo ri es: 1 454 Fat : 70 C a r b s: 9 1

Super Hashbrowns

Roasted G arlic Shrimp

Grilled Chicken “Parmesan”

PB Banana Smoothie

P ro tei n: 1 1 1

DAY 87

C a lo ri es: 1 46 5 Fat : 8 4 C a r b s: 75

Egg w/ Sautée Brussels

Twice Baked Sweet Potato

Tilapia w/ Sweet Potato Mash

Sautée Apple

P ro tei n: 1 0 8

DAY 88

C a lori es: 1 553


Fat : 7 1 C a r bs: 1 07

Apple Pancakes

Chicken w/ Sautéed Spinach

Zucchini Pizza Boats

3-Ingredient Mug Cake

P ro tei n: 1 1 5

Days 82 to 90 - Meals at a Glance






DAY 89

C al ori es: 1 454 Fat: 70 C arb s: 9 1

Super Hashbrowns

Roasted G arlic Shrimp

Grilled Chicken “Parmesan”

PB Banana Smoothie

P rotei n: 1 1 1

DAY 90

C al ori es: 1 46 5


Fat: 8 4 C arb s: 75

Egg w/ Sautée Brussels

Twice Baked Sweet Potato

Tilapia w/ Sweet Potato Mash

Sautée Apple

P rotei n: 1 0 8


Southwest Breakfast Bowl Blueberry Chia Pudding Scrambled Eggs + Veggies Apple Pancakes Super Hashbrowns Eggs + Sautée Brussels



Southwest Breakfast Bowl What you’ll need: • 2 eggs • 3 c spinach • 1/2 c canned black beans, drained and rinsed • 1/4 c salsa • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1/4 avocado, sliced

Directions: 1. Sauté spinach with olive oil over medium heat, until wilted. Add eggs and scramble. 2. Heat your bowl! Fill with eggs, beans and salsa. Top with avocado.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 468 | Fat: 30g | Carbs: 29g | Protein: 22g | Fiber: 13g 96


Blueberry Chia Pudding What you’ll need: • • • • • •

3 Tbsp Chia Seeds 1 c almond milk ¼ tsp vanilla extract 16 Blueberries pinch of cinnamon Monk fruit sweetener to taste • 1/4 c chopped almonds Directions: 1. Combine chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla and sweetener. 2. Let sit for a minute or two, then stir again an add toppings (blueberries and cinnamon) 3. Refrigerate overnight. 4. Top with chopped almonds for serving

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 412 | Fat: 27g | Carbs: 40g | Protein: 13g | Fiber: 20g 97


Scrambled Eggs + Veggies What you’ll need: • • • • • •

3 eggs 1/2 c sweet potato, diced 1/4 c white onion, diced 2 c spinach 1 Tbsp olive oil 1/2 ripe avocado, sliced

Directions: 1. Heat oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Cook sweet potatoes until fork tender. Add spinach and sauté until wilted. Add eggs and scramble until cooked through. 2. Serve eggs with avocado. Drizzle with sriracha if you like!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 534 | Fat: 39g | Carbs: 25g | Protein: 23g | Fiber: 9g 98


Apple Pancakes What you’ll need: • 1 large egg • 2 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce • 1 tsp monk fruit syrup • 1/3 c almond flour • 1/8 Tbsp baking powder • 1/8 Tbsp baking soda • 1/4 Tbsp ground cinnamon • 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon • 2 Tbsp almond butter

Directions: 1. Whisk all ingredients together. Let batter rest while you heat up your griddle over low-medium heat. Add water or almond milk if batter is too thick. 2. Heat 1 tsp of coconut oil or vegan butter on griddle. Cook pancakes (1/4 c of batter each) for 2-4 minutes on each side.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 545 | Fat: 25g | Carbs: 59g | Protein: 20g | Fiber: 12g 99


Super Hashbrowns What you’ll need: • • • • •

1 c Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower 4 eggs, divided 1/3 ripe avocado 1 tsp lemon juice 1 Tbsp of freshly diced tomatoes (optional) • Chili flakes (optional) • Salt & Pepper to taste • Olive Oil or Coconut Oil



1. Heat up your pan or wok and put about 1 tsp of olive oil in the pan as it heats up on high. Then pour in the riced cauli and stir around for a few minutes until slightly golden. You don’t want to do this for too long because the cauli will eventually go back on the pan again and have another chance to cook through. 2. Then crack 1 egg in a big bowl. Pour the sautée cauli in the bowl and mix thoroughly. Add in about 1/4 tsp of salt and 1/4 tsp of pepper. You can adjust accordingly. 3. In a medium heat pan, add some oil and let heat. Then take about 3 heaping Tbsp of the hash brown batter and spread in an even circle on the pan. Let the bottom of the hash brown solidify before flipping. This should take a few minutes. Once you flip, it will look like a hashbrown (or a latke)! 4. Now make your Avocado Mash. It’s avocados mashed with a fork with 1 tsp lemon juice and some salt and pepper to taste. 5. Now it’s layering time! Put the avo mash on the hash brown, cook an egg sunny side up and top with some chili flakes and tomatoes if you desire!

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 398| Fat: 27g | Carbs: 12g | Protein: 29g | Fiber: 7g 100


Eggs, Sautée Brussels What you’ll need: • 4 Eggs • 1 c Brussels sprouts, shredded or finely chopped • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 1 tsp minced garlic • salt and pepper to taste Directions: 1. Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add Brussels sprouts and cook until soft. Add garlic and cook for another minute. Remove from pan and set aside. 2. In the same pan, cook eggs over easy (or however you like!) 3. Season to taste and serve!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 437 | Fat: 34g | Carbs: 5g | Protein: 27g | Fiber: 3g 101


Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups Korean Ground Turkey +Vegs Power Salad with Sweet Potato Chicken w/ Sautéed Spinach Roasted Garlic Shrimp Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes



Chicken Salad Lettuce Cups What you’ll need: • 1 1/2 c cooked, shredded chicken • 1/2 avocado, mashed • 1/4 c red onion, small diced • 1 Tbsp lemon juice • 1/2 tsp garlic powder • 1 Tbspcilantro • butter lettuce or romaine

Directions: 1. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except the lettuce. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 2. Spoon into lettuce cups and enjoy!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 340 | Fat:14g | Carbs: 10g | Protein: 47g | Fiber: 5g 103


Korean Ground Turkey +Vegs What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb lean ground turkey • 1/2 tsp minced garlic • 1” piece fresh ginger, or 1 tsp ground ginger • 2 Tbsp soy sauce or coconut aminos • 1/2 tsp sesame oil • 1 c cauliflower rice • 1/4 small cucumber, thinly sliced • 1/4 c shredded carrot • 1/2 tsp olive or avocado oil Directions: 1. Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add turkey and cook until heated through. Add garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil and continue cooking for a few more minutes, until sauce thickens a bit. 2. Serve over cauliflower rice with cucumber and carrots.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 277 | Fat: 14g | Carbs: 8g | Protein: 25g | Fiber: 3g 104


Power Salad with Sweet Potato What you’ll need: • 2 eggs, boiled, cooled and peeled • 3 c romaine, spinach or kale • 1/2 c cherry tomatoes, halved • 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds • 1 c broccoli florets • 2 Tbsp olive oil, divided • 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar • 1 tsp stone ground mustard • 1 tsp minced garlic, or garlic powder • salt and pepper Directions:


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Toss broccoli in 1 tsp olive oil and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and roast for about 15 minutes, tossing halfway through. 2. Meanwhile, mix up your dressing - combine the remaining olive oil, vinegar, mustard and garlic. Pour over salad, mix in broccoli and top with chopped egg.

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 420 | Fat: 34g | Carbs: 18g | Protein: 15g | Fiber: 4g 105


Chicken w/ Sautéed Spinach What you’ll need: • 6 oz chicken breast • 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp olive or avocado oil • salt and pepper • 1 tsp paprika • 3 c spinach • 1 c cooked cauliflower rice • 1 tsp garlic powder Directions: 1. Heat 1 Tbsp oil in a pan over medium heat. While pan is heating, pat chicken dry and season both sides with salt, pepper and paprika. Cook chicken until heated through, about 5 minutes on each side. 2. Heat 1 tsp oil in another pan over medium heat. Add spinach and sauté until wilted. Season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. 3. Enjoy!

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 484 | Fat: 25g | Carbs: 5g | Protein: 58g | Fiber: 3g 106


Roasted Garlic Shrimp What you’ll need: • 1/3 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined • 1/2 Tbsp olive oil • 1/2 tsp minced garlic • 1/4 tsp dried oregano • 1/4 tsp dried basil • 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice • 1/4 c quinoa, uncooked • 1/4 c cherry tomatoes, halved Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and spray baking sheet with cooking spray. 2. Toss shrimp in olive oil, garlic, oregano and basil. Arrange on baking sheet in one single layer and bake 6-8 minutes, until pink and firm. Drizzle with lemon juice. 3. Cook quinoa per package directions while shrimp cooks. 4. Serve shrimp with quinoa and cherry tomatoes. Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 403 | Fat: 12g | Carbs: 31g | Protein: 41g | Fiber: 3g 107


Broccoli Chicken Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes Ingredients: • 1 medium sweet potato, washed and pierced with fork • 2 Tbsp vegan butter • 1 tsp minced garlic • 1/2 Tbsp fresh dill (or 1 tsp dried) • 1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped (or 1 tsp dried) • 1/2 c broccoli florets • 1 c cooked, shredded chicken • 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional) Directions:


1. Microwave sweet potato for 5 minutes. Flip over and continue cooking for 1 minute at a time until soft. Meanwhile, steam broccoli. 2. Allow potato to cool slightly. Cut in half and scoop insides into a bowl. Mix in vegan butter, garlic, dill, parsley, broccoli and chicken. Scoop back into potato and top with nutritional yeast. 3. Microwave another minute to heat all ingredients through, and serve.

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 497 | Fat: 21g | Carbs: 31g | Protein: 46g | Fiber: 6g 108


Turkey Burger w/ Quinoa Salmon w/ Green beans Grilled Chicken “Pizza” Zucchini Boats Grilled Chicken “Parm” Tilapia



Turkey Burger w/ Quinoa What you’ll need: • • • • • • • • •

1/4 lb lean ground turkey 2 Tbsp jalapeño, minced zest of 1 lime, 2 tsp lime juice 1/2 Tbsp chopped cilantro (or 1/2 tsp dried) 1/4 tsp paprika 1/4 tsp cumin 1/4 Tbsp olive oil 1/4 avocado, peeled and sliced 1/2 c quinoa, rinsed

Directions: 1. In a large bowl, combine turkey, jalapeño, lime zest and juice, cilantro, paprika and cumin. Add salt and pepper to taste and mix well. Form into patty 2. Heat olive oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add turkey burger and cook unil heated through, about 5 min on each side. 3. Meanwhile, prepare quinoa bring quinoa and 1/2 c water to boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 10-15 minutes until no water remains. Fluff quinoa with a fork. 4. Serve turkey burger topped with avocado slices and quinoa on the side.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 571 | Fat: 23g | Carbs: 53g | Protein: 33g | Fiber: 8g 110


Salmon w/ Green Beans What you’ll need: • • • • • • • • • • •

6 oz Salmon 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 tsp minced garlic Juice of 1/2 lemon Salt and pepper to taste 1 1/2 c green beans, trimmed 1 Tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp crushed chili flakes Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 tsp crushed chili flakes Salt and pepper to taste



1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Stir olive oil, garlic and lemon juice together. Place salmon on a greased cookie sheet. Spoon olive oil mixture over salmon. Bake 15-18 min., until opaque and flaky. 2. While salmon bakes, boil green beans for around 5 minutes. Drain. 3. Heat olive oil over medium heat and add green beans. Cook for 5-10 minutes, until fork tender. Add garlic, chili flakes and salt and pepper and cook for another minute.

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 403 | Fat: 41g | Carbs: 14g | Protein: 38g | Fiber: 5g 111


Grilled Chicken What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb chicken breast, sliced thin • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp paprika • salt and pepper • 1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil, divided • 1/2 sweet potato, diced • 1 c broccoli florets Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 2. Pat chicken dry and season both sides with garlic, paprika, salt and pepper. Heat 1/2 Tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook for 7-8 minutes on each side, until cooked through. 3. While chicken cooks, grease a baking sheet with cooking spray. Toss potatoes and broccoli in 1/2 Tbsp olive oil and arrange in single layer on baking sheet. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 15-20 min. Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 320 | Fat: 16g | Carbs: 14g | Protein: 33g | Fiber: 2g 112


“Pizza” Zucchini Boats What you’ll need: • • • • •

1 medium zucchini 1/4 lb lean ground turkey 1/4 c tomato sauce 1/4 Tbsp Italian seasoning 1/8 Tbsp crushed red pepper • 1/4 c sliced mushrooms • 2 Tbsp black olives, sliced (optional) • 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional) Directions:


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cut zucchini lengthwise, scoop out the insides with a spoon, and place cut side up on a baking sheet lined with parchment. 2. Brown turkey in a pan over medium heat. Stir in tomato sauce, italian seasoning and crushed red pepper. 3. Spoon sauce mixture into zucchini boats. 4. Top with mushrooms, olives, (any veggie you want really) and top with nutritional yeast. 5. Bake for 15- 20 min

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 284 | Fat: 14g | Carbs: 16g | Protein: 27g | Fiber: 3g 113


Grilled Chicken “Parm” What you’ll need: • 1/4 lb chicken breast • 1/4 c sugar-free tomato sauce • 1 tsp Italian seasoning, divided • 1/2 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional) • salt and pepper • 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp olive oil, divided • 2 medium zucchini, spiralized • 1/2 small broccoli crown, chopped into florets



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Dry chicken breast and season both sides with 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Cook chicken until heated through, 7-8 min each side. 2. While chicken cooks, sauté zoodles with 1 Tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat, until slightly crispy. Steam broccoli until bright green and soft. Drain pasta. 3. Mix remaining Italian seasoning into tomato sauce. Spoon a small layer of sauce onto each chicken breast and sprinkle with nutritional yeast. Place chicken (still in pan) into the oven for 3-5 more minutes. 4. Serve chicken with zoodles, remaining sauce and broccoli

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 371 | Fat: 21g | Carbs: 10g | Protein: 35g | Fiber: 3g 114


Tilapia What you’ll need: • • • • •

6 oz tilapia 1 Tbsp almond flour salt and pepper 1/2 tsp olive oil 1/2 Tbsp vegan butter, divided - 1/2 melted • 1/2 medium sweet potato, peeled and cubed • 1/4 lb green beans, rinsed and trimmed Directions:


1. Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Rinse tilapia and pat dry. Season both sides with salt and pepper and dredge in almond flour. Cook tilapia in pan until flaky, about 4 minutes per side. Brush with melted vegan butter a few seconds before removing from pan. 2. While fish cooks, boil sweet potato until fork tender. Mash with a fork or in a stand mixer, adding vegan butter and salt and pepper to taste. 3. Steam green beans while fish and potatoes are cooking as well. 4. Enjoy!

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 351 | Fat: 15g | Carbs: 23g | Protein: 35g | Fiber: 6g 115


Plantain Chips with Salsa Stuffed Dates Berry Crunch Yogurt 3-Ingredient Mug Cake PB Banana Smoothie Sautéed Apple



Plantain Chips What you’ll need: • 1 oz Plantain chips • 1/4 c salsa

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 160 | Fat: 8g | Carbs: 22g | Protein: 1g | Fiber: 4g 117


Stuffed Dates What you’ll need: • • • •

2 dates, destoned 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 Tbsp cacao nibs, chopped sprinkle of salt

Directions: 1. Stuff dates with peanut butter and sprinkle with chopped cacao nibs, sprinkle of salt.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 235 | Fat: 10g | Carbs: 35g | Protein: 5g | Fiber: 4g 118


Berry Crunch Yogurt

What you’ll need: • 1 c unsweetened coconut yogurt • 1 c berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) • 1 Tbsp almonds • 1 Tbsp unsweetened coconut

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 247 | Fat: 13g | Carbs: 29g | Protein: 3g | Fiber: 10g 119


3-Ingredient Mug Cake What you’ll need: • • • •

1 small extra ripe banana 1 egg 2 Tbsp dark cocoa powder 1-2 Tbsp monk fruit sweetener • 1/4 c unsweetened almond milk • 1/2 c raspberries Directions: 1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until a batter forms. Pour into a greased mug or small bowl. 2. Microwave for 60 seconds. 3. Top with berries (If you prefer to use an oven, bake in an oven-safe dish at 350 degrees F for 10-12 min).

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 204 | Fat: 7g | Carbs: 27g | Protein: 10g | Fiber: 7g 120


PB Banana Smoothie What you’ll need: • 1 ripe banana, peeled, sliced and frozen • 2 Tbsp peanut butter • 1/2 c unsweetened almond milk • ice as needed Directions: 1. Combine all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Add ice to thicken.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 282 | Fat: 10g | Carbs: 38g | Protein: 6g | Fiber: 5g 121


Sautéed Apple What you’ll need: • 1 medium apple, sliced thin • 1 Tbsp coconut oil • 1 tsp cinnamon Directions: 1. Melt coconut oil in a pan over medium heat. Add apple slices and sauté until soft. 2. Sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon.

Nutrition: Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 180 | Fat: 14g | Carbs: 16g | Protein: 0g | Fiber: 4g 122