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build a hoverboard

1 ft (30 cm)

2½ ft (75 cm)

2 ft (60 cm) 6 in (15 cm)

1 Cut two discs

from plywood.


Cut a hole the size of a leaf-blower nozzle.


Cut a circle from a plastic tarp.

2 in (5 cm)

5 Seal tarp to disc with duct tape.

6 Tur n over ; screw small disc onto center.


Center large disc on tarp; fold tarp over and staple down.

1 in (2.5 cm)

7 Cut vents in tarp.


Duct-tape the blower onto the hole and go for a ride.

travel by jet pack

Strap in securely.

Pull throttle to take off.

Push bars to go forward.

Steer with left hand.


Push throttle to land.

fly away in a lawn chair


×100 Inflate balloons with helium.

Stake down lawn chair ; add ballast.

Tie balloons to chair ar ms and back. join the mile-high club

Release chair.

Puncture ballast bags to gain altitude.

Shoot balloons to descend.

Sit with drop line and pellet gun.


Lower drop line for landing help.


perform a pig prank


Grease three pigs.

Mark them “1,” “2,” and “4.”

Set loose in a public area.

Watch the search for “3.”

Trace rhino footprint on plywood.


Attach to bottom of trash can.

Hang can from a very long pole.

Weight can with sandbags.

Make tracks through the snow . . .

. . . into a frozen pond.

Let the kids piece the story together.


pull a rhino hoax


abscond in a suitcase

hop a train

Cut large notches in ends of suitcases.

Cover the holes with stickers.

Arrange a distraction; sneak on the train.

Set up with the holes facing each other.

Climb up and close yourself in.

Stay quiet during the ride.

During control questions, use these tricks to raise your vital signs. Your lies will be less obvious.

fool a polygraph



Mentally do complex math.

Hide tack in shoe; poke toe.

Clench your bottom tightly.

Give one-word answers.


Have your lawyer present.


rig a cat-feeding device Why feed kitty the boring old way? A few short hours and some household odds and ends is all it takes to make a fantastical Rube Goldberg–style cat-feeding machine!

hide a litter box



construct a thumb piano


1 Snip large bobby pins in half.

2 Place four halves on block.

3 Lay one half across top.

4 Tape it in place.


5 Staple down crosswise pin.

Slide screw beneath keys.



Staple screw in place.

Play with thumbs.



face the world as a flapper

be a swell ’40s bombshell

Lengthen and darken brows with a pencil.

Sweep on subtle eyeshadow.

Pluck or pencil a thin, high arch. Start with a dark foundation; apply light powder. Rim eye in dark pencil; smudge. Pat skin with rice powder.


Draw a heart-shaped pout; fill.

get a mind-blowing ’60s look

Exaggerate top lip; use bold lipstick.


sport groovy ’70s style Use a shimmery eyeshadow, then darken the crease.

Make a crease of dark shadow over a lighter color. Leave brows thick and dramatic.

Apply tinted moisturizer for a dewy glow.

Apply false eyelashes to top and bottom.

Get a natural look with loose powder.

Wear a light, creamy color on lips.

Finish with a clear lip gloss.


customize lip gloss

petroleum jelly

Cut up old lipsticks.


Combine in jar ; close lid.

Submerge in hot water.

Stir to blend.

Cool before applying.

Blend until pureed.

Strain; reserve liquid.

Store in refrigerator.

blend my own toner

6 fl oz (175 ml) rubbing alcohol ½ orange

½ lemon

Cut into thin slices.

100 210

Combine fruit and alcohol.

To personalize, add: 2 tsp lemon juice (acne-prone skin) 2 tsp evening primrose oil (dry skin) 1 tsp witch hazel (oily skin)

whip up facial moisturizer

lift wax from a carpet

2 tsp distilled water

8 tbsp cocoa butter

4 tbsp beeswax

Melt in a double boiler.

4 tbsp coconut oil

Stir in distilled water.

Stir until completely blended.

Pour into container ; cool before using.

make custom beauty products


know my cosmetics’ shelf lives

eyeshadow eighteen months



cream foundation

olive oil

powder foundation eighteen months

cream blush

deep-conditioning treatment

makeup sponge one month nail polish (wash every ten days) one year cream foundation one year

eau de toilette three to five years

face powder two years cream blush one year

mascara three months liquid eyeliner six months concealer three months

lipstick and lip gloss eighteen months




cream foundation

lip liner one year eyeliner eighteen months

extra-shine shampoo

sun-protective foundation

sunblock one year

deodorant one year

moisturizer one year

eyedrops one month

lemon juice



mineral foundation

hair lightener

sheer foundation

toothpaste two years



spot harajuku styles Tokyo’s Harajuku neighborhood is a mecca for fashionable youngsters, who flock there on Sundays to hang out, show off, and get inspired. Check out a few of the many styles on display.

kodona center gai


gothic lolita streaked hair

fancy collar

ringlets with bangs

waistcoat and long topcoat white or pastel makeup

parasol bell-shaped petticoat striped socks deep tan floral decor chunky shoes wide belt platfor m shoes


shop for love at the market Not looking for a big commitment? Stay out of the baby aisle!

Flirt by the fruit stand. How ripe is that banana?

Mingle with other singles by the frozen-dinner aisle. If his cart is full of family or feminine items, steer clear—he’s taken.


get some play at a concert

Dive into the ar ms of a hottie in the crowd.

Cruise the merchandise table to pick up a memento of the show—or of when you first met.

“Bump into” that special someone during a particularly rowdy number.

Pair up for the power ballad by loaning your lighter.


have fun with my partner

Check out an opera.

Become vampires. Try skydiving.

Plant a garden.

Create a monster.

Volunteer with animals. Take trapeze classes. Go apple-picking.

Pick up a sport.

Compete at ar m wrestling.

Seek the meaning of life. Lear n to fly.


Tell spooky stories.

Go out dancing.

ace the balloon darts

Win prizes at a car nival.

Play video games at home.

get my just desserts


whip up edible undies

½ c (100 g) sugar




½ c (120 ml) water

1 c (150 g) raspberries



Cover pot and simmer.




140ºF (60ºC)

parchment paper

have a delicious morning after


8–12 hr

Pour onto lined baking pan.




Use panties as a template.

Poke holes with a chopstick.



Tie together with licorice.

Serve at once!



say “i do” italian-style

take vows in vegas

Guests shower the newlyweds with Jordan almonds.

A lump of iron in the groom’s pocket wards off evil spirits.

Just the two of you in town? Grab a witness off the street.

A rip in the veil brings good luck.

The pieces of a broken glass symbolize the many happy years ahead.


Pay the officiant in cash.

Come as you are or rent a dress or tux at the front desk.


get married in the philippines

forge a bond in china

Children bear wedding rings and coins.

Hire lucky lion dancers to entertain guests. An heirloom rosary is part of the bride’s bouquet. A veil and cord are placed on bride and groom to symbolize their unity.

The couple makes a vow by drinking from wine glasses tied together with string.

The couples’ parents are honored with a tea ceremony.


celebrate chinese new year’s day


construct a cardboard chaise ×3


1 Cut chair shape from cardboard.


Glue into three sets of four.


Clamp each set individually; let dry.



Mark notches and holes in each set.


5 Cut each set.

6 Line up sets; glue cardboard tubes.

7 Let dry.

re-cover a kitchen chair

Remove chair’s seat.

Remove fabric from frame.

Trace old fabric; cut.

Staple fabric tautly to frame.

Reattach seat.




freeze a snack for my octopus

paint a mural using a grid

Draw image and trace a grid over it.

Draw a grid on the wall.

Copy each box onto the wall.

Erase the grid.



organize a den

Stack vertically and horizontally to accomodate different-size books.

tidy a pantry Store lighter items, like cereal and pasta, up high.

Add hooks wherever possible.

Use racks to maximize vertical space.

Store heavy items at waist height.

Bundle cords into a cord organizer.

Store DVDs and CDs in a binder. Look for fur niture that doubles as storage space.



straighten a kitchen

store clothes efficiently

Use hooks everywhere.

Hang a metal grid to store large kitchen tools. Group hanging clothes by type.

Repurpose a metal rake as a wine glass holder.

Keep cleaning supplies in a bucket that you can grab in a hurry. Install sliding trays to maximize storage space.

Keep a hamper for give-away clothes. Store shoes vertically.

Insert plastic drawer dividers.

craft a dog bed

To clean, unfasten the open end, pull out the foam, and throw the cover in the wash.

sew a rockin’ quilt


Measure your dog’s length and width.

Cut foam to dog’s measurements.

Set on an old quilt.

Fold over ; cut to height.

Hem the cut edge.

Sew Velcro® dots.

Fasten the dots; sew up open sides.

Sweet doggy dreams!

To make a nutritionally balanced feast for your favorite pup, prepare items from the columns below. Mix together with ½ tsp iodized salt and 2 tbsp vegetable oil. Bone appétit!

four parts protein Cook meat in water ; remove bones and cut into small chunks.

three parts fruits and vegetables Boil until tender ; purée.

feed fido a home-cooked meal

three parts starch Cook until tender.




help a teen navigate adolescence navigate adolescence

Being a teenager can be like playing a fast-paced game — one with common trials and traps, as well as tricks that can make the game easier.  Whether you’re a jock or a musician, a crafter or a geek, every teen can benefit from this coming-of-age tip sheet, and better enjoy the fun maze of adolescence.

soothe a cracking voice

nurse a shaving nick

Drink war m water with honey.

treat sweaty palms

Apply ice to the nick.

Touch up with a styptic pencil.

Moisten tissue to remove.

Apply a piece of toilet tissue.

Try not to shout.

Wipe hands with talcum powder.

Give it time.

Keep a drying cloth in your pocket.

Call a doctor if the problem persists.

heal a zit

Grind aspirin. Add lemon juice. Dip in a cotton swab. Apply mixture to zit.

switch lanes Look for traffic in the rearview mirror.

Check for cars in your blind spot.

Signal the impending lane change.

Execute the lane change.

Congratulations! Advance to the next level: adulthood!

Choose your playing piece. Start here! pierce ears at home

treat cramps

Lie down and raise your legs.

Numb the earlobe.

Apply a hot-water bottle.

Drink ginger tea.

Sterilize the skin. Sterilize a safety pin. Insert pin; pad with a cork on the back. Fasten; replace with a stud after a few hours.

Take it out at mealtime.

care for a retainer Brush it twice daily. Soak it every night in mouthwash.

stop a rip in stockings Don’t throw it away.

Carefully put on ripped stocking.

Slide a piece of paper under the rip.

make an escape

Apply clear nail polish; remove paper.

Step over thorny barriers.

Beware a barking dog. Pr y window screens lose.

Look out for bell alarm systems.

Sneak by motion sensors.

withstand a heat wave

Drink lots and lots of water.

Tur n out unnecessary lights.

Block windows with sheets.

Circulate air through house.

Visit air-conditioned places.

handle a winter power outage thaw a frozen pipe



Bring children and pets indoors.

Insulate drafty doorways.

Sleep together near a fire.

Close shades at night.

Let daylight in for war mth.

Store perishables outside.

Stay hydrated.

Take tur ns shoveling.


ride out a nightclub stampede



Look for alter nate exits.

Slip between people diagonally.

Continue on without lost shoes.

Shelter behind fixed objects.

avoid a bar fight

Avoid conflict if possible.

If not, try to appear insane. say “cheers” in any language

Scream at top volume.


Throw a beverage.

Do something unexpected.

Make yourself look larger.

Menace with chair.

Run away.




bowl an outswinger in cricket

Shine ball on pants.


Run toward batter.

Pitch down the middle.

Ball will curve at last second.

Step right foot backward.

Wind up.

Pitch; snap wrist toward plate.

pitch a curveball

Grip with seam upright.


Hold with seam vertical.

Conceal behind back.

serve a volleyball

Stand at the end line; aim serve.

Lower ball and draw ar m back.

Toss ball; keep your eyes on it.

Strike at high point; follow through.