MGU 1000 (Mammography) - Service Manual [PDF]

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No. 2D621-092EN*B



No. 2D621-092EN*B

IMPORTANT! 1. No part of this manual may be copied or reprinted, in whole or in part, without written permission. 2. The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice and without our legal obligation.

No. 2D621-092EN*B










Addition of caution



Addition of contents for compression P. 93, 121, 122 plate replacement Mr. Yamagishi

Mr. Yamagishi All pages


SER. No.



No. 2D621-092EN*B

Safety Precautions 1.

Meaning of Signal Words

In this manual, the signal wordsDANGER,


and CAUTION are used to indicate

safety and other important instructions. The signal words and their meanings are defined as follows. Please understand their meanings clearly before reading this manual.

Signal word



Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.

In addition to the above, the signal wordNOTE is used to indicate other important information.


Indicates reference information that enables more efficient use of the equipment.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Safety Precautions

When servicing this system, observe the precautions described below to ensure safety of the operator and service personnel.


1. This unit is not explosion-proof. Never use any flammable gases or liquids near the unit. Doing so may result in a fire or an explosion. If such gases or liquids must be used during work, open the windows of the room to ensure sufficient ventilation. 2. Before starting operation, besure to confirm that the accessories are securely mounted to the unit. If accessories come off during operation, death or serious injury may result.


1. Post a sign reading "INSPECTION IN PROGRESS" on the entrance of the radiographic room during work to make people outside the room aware that work is in progress and thereby avoid endangering them. In particular, during X-ray generation, take appropriate measures (such as locking the door of the radiographic room) to ensure that no personnel other than those involved in the work enter the room. 2. Before connecting the power cable, besure to turn OFF the breaker of the power distribution board ofthe facility. Otherwise, death or serious injury caused by an electric shock may result. 3. When turning the power supply ON/OFF during work, besure to inform all co-workers and receive confirmation from them. 4. During work, pay attention to the activities of all co-workers and immediately give a warning if any worker is acting in an unsafe manner. 5. If the unit must be stopped immediately during installation or adjustment, press the EMERGENCY STOP switch to turn OFF the power of the unit. 6. The X-ray exposure switch or the handswitch shouldbe pressed only when X-ray exposure isto be performed. Pressing either of these switches while the power is ON causes X-rays to be generated, which may result in unintended exposure. 7. Before operation, confirmthat there are no objects or equipment within the operating range ofthe C-arm stand. They may cause interference, which could result in a serious accident. 8. Lead and beryllium are usedin the X-ray tube unit in order to reduce radiation exposure andto improve image quality. These materials are highly toxic. Therefore, when disposing of the X-raytube, be sure to observe the precautions described in the document provided with the X-ray tube unit. 9. Wait at least 10 minutes after turning OFF the power supply before touching internal components. Otherwise, the residual charge in the capacitor unit may cause an electric shock.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


10. Take special care to avoid electric shock when performing high-voltage cable checks, high-voltage generator checks, X-ray control section checks, test adjustments, etc. 11. Do not spill or spray disinfectant, detergent, or water onthe system or on the floor. When performing disinfection or cleaning, usea soft cloth that has been soaked in disinfectant or detergent and thoroughly wrung out. Disinfection or cleaning should beperformed only for sections which require disinfection orcleaning. If a liquid enters the system or cable pit, a malfunction or an accident may occur. 12. Before cleaning or disinfecting the unit, besure to turn OFF the power of the unit. If the power of the unit is ON, inadvertent operation of theunit may cause an accident. 13. Before X-ray generation, confirm thatthere are no persons except the required personnel in the examination room. If work is performed while X-rays are being generated, take adequate measures (such as wearing a protective apron or using a protective screen) to avoid exposure to X-rays. 14. Take precautions to avoid electrical shock. Be especially careful not to touch charged components when the power is ON and the covers have been removed. 15. When work inside the operating consoleis performed, be sure to turn OFF the breaker at the power distribution board of the facility. Failure to do so may lead to death or serious injury due to electric shock. 16. Do not use fuses other than those specified. Using fuses that do not meet the specifications may cause a fire.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CAUTION: 1. Before starting work, carefully read the service manuals. 2. Before starting work, clarifythe contents and procedures of the checks with co-workers in order to enhance safety and efficiency. 3. During work, post a sign indicating that work isbeing performed and arrange an appropriate location for storing removed covers etc. 4. Wear a work cap and safety shoes during work. When working in high places,wear a safety helmet. Use a stable stepladder. 5. Exercise extreme careto ensure safety during the handling of heavy units. Do not allow a person to carry an object weighing more than 20 kg. 6. Do not subject the C-arm to excessive force in the rotation direction. Do not pull cables forcibly or bend themexcessively. The cables may be disconnected, damaged, etc. 7. To reduce the risk of burn injury, wait for partsto cool before touching sections near hot lamps. 8. Handle the lamp and lamp holder carefully,because they become extremely hot if the lamp has been lit for a prolonged period. When handling the lamp, wear gloves and grasp the base of the lamp; do not touch the lamp with your fingers directly. If the lamp is contaminated with fingerprints or oil, wipe it clean with a cloth moistened with alcohol before lighting the lamp. 9. Confirm that the securing points of the important securing sections are firmly tightened. 10. Before detaching/attaching the Buckydevice, be sure to turn OFF the power of the control panel. 11. When unpacking the units, donot place the C-arm stand or control uniton its side. 12. When placing the C-arm stand upright,without support, on thefloor, pay attention to the following points. (a) Do not hold the C-arm when moving the C-arm stand. If the C-arm is rotated, the rotation limit switch may be actuated, making it impossible to perform motor-driven rotation. (b) Do not allow the painted surface to get scratched. (c) Place the C-arm stand on a level and flat floor. (d) Do not allow the cables to get caught between thefloor and the C-arm stand base. If the cables get caught, they may break. 13. Before the power ofthe unit is turned ON, measure the voltageat the power distribution board and use the appropriate tap of the power transformer of the X-ray high-voltage generator and the C-arm stand according to the measured voltage.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CAUTION: 14. When removing and reinserting CNN1, be sureto turn OFF the power of the unit. Otherwise, electric shock may occur. 15. If scaling for the compression plate isperformed with the face guard mounted, interference between the face guard and the compression plate may occur, resulting in damage to the unit or a serious accident.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CAUTION: 1. When handling the covers and components, be extremely careful to avoid damaging them. 2. When carrying in the unit, usea plate ramp at steps in the carrying-in route toprevent the unit from being subjected to shocks. In addition, if the floor is made of a fragile material or if the floor is too soft for the use of a cart, use plywood squares on the floor along the route. 3. The accessories include resinmolded products. To avoid damage to the accessories during unpacking, do not stack them. Also, be careful notto drop them. 4. When the PC board mounting plate is remounted at its srcinal position after cable connection of the X-ray high-voltage generator is completed, do not allow the cables to get caught. If the cables get caught, they may break. 5. After the cables are installed in the cable pit, cover the pit with a metal plate to prevent the cables from being damaged. To resist deformation, the metal plate should beat least 1.5 mm thick. 6. To improve noise resistance, be sure to route the signal cables and power cables separately. 7. If the base cover is equipped with a display panel, cables are connected to this panel. When removing the cover, remove the connectors and ensure that the cables are not pulled. When remounting the cover, be sure to reconnect the cables. 8. When removing the front cover, it is recommended that the C-armbe raised slightly from the lowest position to facilitate the removal work. 9. An emergency stop switch is provided onthe outer cover fixing frame, and a cable is connected to this switch. When removing the cover, open the cover slightly to prevent the cable from being pulled, and disconnect the connector. Then, remove the cover. When remounting the cover, be sure to reconnect the connector. 10. For subsection 5.2.4 "C-arm and C-arm stand covers": (a) C-arm operation switches are provided on the side covers. When removing the covers, open the covers slightly to prevent the cables from being pulled, and disconnect the cableconnectors. Then, remove the covers. (b) A retaining screw isinstalled at the top of each of side covers and in figure 5-5. Do not remove these two screws at the same time. If both screws are removed together, the retaining bracket will fall. 11. Before executing list output, be sure to connect a USB storage device. If a USB storage device is not connected, the operation will be cancelled. 12. Be sure to fully confirm safety before X-rays aregenerated in X-ray tube aging mode. In addition, ensure that there is an interval of at least 30 seconds between successive X-ray exposures. 13. When generating X-rays in quality control mode,exercise extreme care to ensure safety. In addition, be sure to wait at least 30 seconds after the last X-ray generation before generating X-rays again.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CAUTION: 14. Be sure to confirm that thereare no objects such as peripheralunits within the movement range of theC-arm stand. Failure to do so may cause interference between the object and the C-arm stand, resulting in a serious accident. 15. The changes to the AEC data acquisition items do not affect the set radiographic conditions. To change the filter, enter X-ray tube aging mode. Note that when the focus size is changed to large, theBucky device should be mounted. When the focus size is changed to small, the magnification radiography unit should be mounted. 16. the Theactual beam aperture limiting device aperture setting isIt stored when to exit from is beam clicked, but isnot blade changed immediately. is necessary limiting device adjustment mode to make the setting effective. Click to exit from beam limiting device adjustment mode andreturn to the utility main window. When this is done, the actual aperture changes to the set aperture. 17. Be sure to change the tube current andthe main heating in increments of one step while observing the waveform. Large changes to these values may damage the X-ray tube. 18. Before executing log file output from the statistical information window, be sure to connect a USB storage device. If a USB storage device is not connected, the operation will be cancelled. 19. For adjustment, be sureto use the compression plate for 18cm × 24 cm contact radiography. 20. If the compression force display doesnot correspond to the actual compression force, adjustment cannot be performed properly. If "Adjustment of theCompressed Breast Thickness Display" described in subsection 8.2 cannot be performed satisfactorily, perform "Adjustment of the Compression Force" described in subsection 8.1. 21. The compression plate is made of soft material. Do not compress objects with corners, such as a phantom, because doing so may scratch the compression plate. 22. When the compression plate is replaced, do not tighten the screws excessively. The compression plate is made of a soft material and may be damaged by excessive tightening. 23. VR adjustment alone does not change the value displayed on the LED. X-ray generation must be performed each time adjustment is performed. 24. In AEC data acquisition mode, it is only possible to change the tube voltage and the mAs value. All other operations are disabled. If it is necessary to change the filter, move the compression plate, or perform any other operation during this work, switch to X-ray tube aging mode from AEC data acquisition mode. 25. For data acquisition with small focus, be sure to mount the adaptor for magnification radiography to the C-arm stand. Otherwise, small focus cannot be selected.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CAUTION: 26. Precautions in AEC data acquisition mode

These buttons are used for selecting the AEC data table to be written to the STAND CONT PWB, not for changing the X-ray conditions.

27. In subsection 8.6.3 "Calculation of the AEC data table", the parameters differ for each sheet. Be sure to select the correct sheet. 28. When the exposure field is adjusted, besure to use the maximum exposure fieldthat can be set. 29. Before the adjustment parameters aretransferred, close all theother individual adjustment windows. If an individual adjustment window isopen, the data from the PWB may be loaded, leading to overwriting of the existing data in the individual adjustment window. If data is lost, restore the backed-up ini folder data and transfer the adjustment parameters again. 30. To prevent damage to the system, do not use disinfectants of the types specified below. The performance and safety of systems damaged by use of an improper disinfectant cannot be ensured. (a) Disinfectants that may damage metal or rubber, such as chlorine-based disinfectants. (b) Disinfectants that are not intended for use on metal, plastic, rubber, or coatings. (c) Disinfectants that may enter the system, such as formalin gas or spray-type agents. 31. Do not clean the system using organic solvents (suchas paint thinner) or abrasive cleansers, because they may cause discoloration or damage the surface finish. 32. When using a measuring instrument, fully understand thecontents of the measurement and be extremely careful when handlingthe system and the instrument. Failure to do so may result in incorrect measurement results or malfunction of the system or the measuring instrument.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CONTENTS Page Safety Precautions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.



ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------16


DETECTION OF MALFUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------18



Error Codes Displayed on the Control Panel -------------------------------------------------------------18


Inverter Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35

LIST OF INTERLOCKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 4.1

X-ray Interlocks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 4.1.1




Conditions causing X-ray exposure interlocks -----------------------------------------------37

REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION OF THE C-ARM STAND COVER------------------------------------38 5.1

X-ray High-Voltage Generator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------38


C-Arm Stand -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 5.2.1

Base covers and inner covers--------------------------------------------------------------------39


Outer rear covers-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------40


Outer front covers of the C-arm stand----------------------------------------------------------40


C-arm and C-arm stand covers------------------------------------------------------------------42

X-RAY TUBE AND COLLIMATOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------43 6.1

Removing and Reinstalling the Collimator Cover --------------------------------------------------------43


Replacement of the Light Field Lamp and Adjustment of the Light Field --------------------------44


Replacing the X-ray Tube Unit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------47


Adjustment of the X-ray Field--------------------------------------------------------------------------------50

PC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57 7.1

Utility Main Window --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57


Date Setting Button---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------59


Examinee Information Item Setting Button ----------------------------------------------------------------60


Radiographic Stand Information Setting Button ----------------------------------------------------------61


Operator Name Registration Button------------------------------------------------------------------------62


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CONTENTS - continued Page 7.5.1 7.6

Radiography Result Output Button -------------------------------------------------------------------------64 7.6.1


Details of the output radiography results ------------------------------------------------------66

Edit Examinee Information Button --------------------------------------------------------------------------67 7.7.1

Correction of examinee information ------------------------------------------------------------69


X-ray Aging Button ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------70


Quality Control Button -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------71


Scaling Button ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------72


System Information---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------76


Adjustment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------77




Registering an operator---------------------------------------------------------------------------63


AEC data acquisition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------78


Beam limiting device-------------------------------------------------------------------------------80


Tube current/main heating -----------------------------------------------------------------------81


Adjustment parameter transfer-------------------------------------------------------------------82


Full-auto transfer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------83


Statistical information------------------------------------------------------------------------------84

Backing Up the Settings---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------85 7.13.1

Termination of the system software ------------------------------------------------------------85


Backing up the data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------86

Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------87 7.14.1

Common information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------87


Access rights of the logged in user -------------------------------------------------------------89

ADJUSTMENT OF THE C-ARM STAND --------------------------------------------------------------------------91 8.1

Adjustment of the Compression Force ---------------------------------------------------------------------91


Adjustment of the Compressed Breast Thickness Display --------------------------------------------92


Scaling-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94 8.3.1

Adjustment of the C-arm rotation angle data -------------------------------------------------94


No. 2D621-092EN*B

CONTENTS - continued Page 8.3.2

Adjustment of the C-arm stand vertical movement position data------------------------95


Adjustment of the compression plate vertical movement position data ----------------96


Replacing the Battery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------97


Adjusting the Inverter Packs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------98



Setting the inverter packs ------------------------------------------------------------------------98


Adjustment of the inverter pack parameters (C-arm stand vertical movement)---- 100


Adjustment of the inverter pack parameters (C-arm rotation speed) -----------------101

Adjustment of Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) ----------------------------------------------------102 8.6.1

Adjustment of AEC gain -------------------------------------------------------------------------102


AEC data acquisition -----------------------------------------------------------------------------104


Calculation of the AEC data table -------------------------------------------------------------108


Transferring the AEC data table ---------------------------------------------------------------112


Checking the Sensor and Switch Signals----------------------------------------------------------------114


Rotary Switch Setting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------116


Replacing the STAND CONT PWB -----------------------------------------------------------------------118


Replacement of the Compression Section Cover and Load Cell ----------------------------------119


Replacement of the Compression Plate------------------------------------------------------------------121


Replacement of the Potentiometer ------------------------------------------------------------------------122 8.12.1



Replacement of the compression plate potentiometer -----------------------------------122

X-RAY HIGH-VOLTAGE GENERATOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------123 9.1

Adjustment of the X-ray Output-----------------------------------------------------------------------------123


Checking X-ray Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------125


Replacement of the Bias Resistors------------------------------------------------------------------------126


Checking the Oil Level of the High-Voltage Generator -----------------------------------------------127

LIST OF FUSES USED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------128


No. 2D621-092EN*B


SCOPE This manual applies to the X-ray mammography unit MGU-1000A. Refer to the following manuals as required.

Operation manual •


Installation • manual


•Service connection diagram list

Parts list•




No. 2D621-092EN*B


ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAMS The electrical wiring diagrams for the standard configuration (X-ray high-voltage generator, C-arm stand, X-ray tube assembly, and operating console) are shown in figures 2-1 and 2-2.

Figure 2-1


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Figure 2-2


No. 2D621-092EN*B




Error Codes Displayed on the Control Panel When an error occurs, the corresponding error code is displayed in theoperation window. An error message and a 5-digit error code aredisplayed together. The error code configuration is shown in figure 3-1. (1) Major category code (2) Intermediate category code (3) Minor category code


Figure 3-1 Error code

(1) Major category 1 2

Major and intermediate category codes Intermediate category

Error classification Initialization errors C-arm stand errors




X-ray high-voltage generator errors

Memory (EEP/BBM) errors

Error type


Key shorting


EEP range error


Sensor error (clockwise rotation)


Sensor error (counterclockwise rotation)

04 Detection of errors in more than one sensor Position shift (overrun) error 06

Reverse movement (overrun) error


No detection error


Movable range error


Timeout error


Inverter error


Driver error


Cable breakage error


Limit sensor position shift error


Encoder/potentiometer position shift error


Error related to fans


Heating error


Stator error


Tube voltage error

05 06

Tube current error X-ray control error


High-speed link error


X-ray exposure sequence error


Command error related to X-ray generation


EEP writing error


EEP reading error


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Minor category code (a)

Initialization errors (major category code: 1)

Category Error details







C-arm clockwise rotation switch error (Cause)

The C-arm clockwise rotation switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the C-arm clockwise rotation switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 02

C-arm counterclockwise rotation switch error (Cause)

The C-arm counterclockwise rotation switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the C-arm counterclockwise rotation switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 03

Lifter UP handswitch error (Cause)

The C-arm UP switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the C-arm UP switch and contact ofthe connector. If the error cannot be cleared after checks are performed, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 04

Lifter DOWN handswitch error (Cause)

The C-arm DOWN switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the C-arm DOWN switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details Lifter UP footswitch error (Cause)

The C-arm UP footswitch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the C-arm UP footswitch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 06

Lifter DOWN footswitch error (Cause)

The C-arm DOWN footswitch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the C-arm DOWN footswitch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 07

Compression plate UP footswitch error (Cause)

The compression plate UP footswitch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the compression plate UP footswitch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 08

Compression plate DOWN footswitch error (Cause)

The compression plate DOWN footswitch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the compression plate DOWN footswitch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. * If the failed switch can be identified, disconnect the corresponding PWB fromthe connector. This makes it possible to use the unit temporarily. 10

AEC position/right (1) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (right switch in the row closest to the chest wall) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (right switch in the row closest to the chest wall) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details AEC position/center (1) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (center switch in the row closest to the chest wall) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (center switch in the row closest to the chest wall) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 12

AEC position/left (1) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (left switch in the row closest to the chest wall) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (left switch in the row closest to the chest wall) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 13

AEC position/right (2) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (right switch in the second row (second closest row to the chest wall) of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (right in the second row and of the AEC positionfor switches on switch the X-ray control panel) the connector abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 14

AEC position/center (2) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (center switch in the second row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (center switch in the second row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 15

AEC position/left (2) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (left switch in the second row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (left switch in the second row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details AEC position/right (3) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (right switch in the third row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (right switch in the third row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 17

AEC position/center (3) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (center switch in the third row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (center switch in the third row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 18

AEC position/left (3) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (left switch in the third row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) (left Turnswitch OFF the power theof unit check the AEC position in the thirdofrow theand AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 19

AEC position/center (4) switch error (Cause)

The AEC position switch (center switch in the fourth row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC position switch (center switch in the fourth row of the AEC position switches on the X-ray control panel) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 20

AEC detection field (large) switch error (Cause)

The AEC size switch (large) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC size switch (large) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 21

AEC detection field (small) switch error (Cause)

The AEC size switch (small) is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the AEC size switch (small) and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details Compression plate retraction switch error (Cause)

The compression plate retraction switch of the operating console is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the compression plate retraction switch of the operating console and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 24

X-ray exposure switch (1) error (Cause)

The X-ray exposure switch (right) of the operating console is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the X-ray exposure switch (right) of the operating console and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 25

X-ray exposure switch (2) error (Cause)

The X-ray exposure switch (left) of the operating console is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the X-ray exposure switch (left) of the operating console and the connector for replace abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, the switch. 26

X-ray exposure handswitch error (Cause)

The X-ray exposure handswitch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the X-ray exposure handswitch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 27

X-ray exposure handswitch ready error (Cause)

The X-ray exposure handswitch is in the pressed status (pressed to READY) when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the X-ray exposure handswitch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 28

Light field lamp switch error (Cause) The light field lamp switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON. (Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the light field lamp switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details Breast right (R) switch error (Cause)

The breast right switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the breast right switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 30

Breast left (L) switch error (Cause)

The breast left switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the breast left switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 31

Compression plate automatic retraction setting switch error (Cause)

The compression plate automatic retraction setting switch is in the pressed status when the power of the unit is turned ON.

(Corrective action) Turn OFF the power of the unit and check the compression plate automatic retraction setting switch and the connector for abnormalities. If the error cannot be cleared by the check, replace the switch. 02


C-arm data range error (Cause)

The C-arm rotation angle data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Perform scaling for the C-arm rotation angle. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB. 02

Lifter data range error (Cause)

The C-arm vertical movement position data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Perform scaling for the C-arm stand vertical movement position. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB. 03

Compression plate potentiometer data range error (Cause)

The compression plate potentiometer data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Perform scaling for the compression plate vertical movement. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB. 04

Compression plate encoder data range error (Cause)

The compression plate encoder data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Perform scaling for compression plate vertical movement. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details Collimator blade (nipple-end) position data range error (Cause)

The collimator blade (nipple-end) position data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Beam limiting device adjustment" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data. 06

Collimator blade (left/right sides) position data range error (Cause)

The collimator blade (left/right sides) position data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Beam limiting device adjustment" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data. 07

Magnification radiography compressed thickness data range error (Cause)

The magnification radiography compressed breast thickness display data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Readjust the compressed breast thickness display and perform scaling for the compression plate. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB. 08

AEC large focus MO data range error (Cause) The AEC large focus MO table data in the EEPROM is corrupted. (Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Large Mo AEC1" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data.


AEC large focus RH data range error (Cause)

The AEC large focus RH table data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Large Rh AEC3" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data. 10

AEC large focus Al data range error (Cause)

The AEC large focus Al table data in the EEPROM is

corrupted. (Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Large Al AEC5" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details AEC small focus MO data range error (Cause)

The AEC small focus MO table data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Small Mo AEC2" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data. 12

AEC small focus Rh data range error (Cause)

The AEC small focus Rh table data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Small Rh AEC4" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data. 13

AEC small focus Al data range error (Cause)

The AEC small focus Al table data in the EEPROM is corrupted.

(Corrective action) Select [Utilities] → [Adjustment] → [Adjustment parameter transfer] from the operating panel and write the "Small Al AEC6" data. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the STAND CONT PWB and write the data. 14

Full auto data error


kV/mAs range error


No. 2D621-092EN*B


C-arm stand errors (major category code: 2)

Category Major






Error details Collimator blade sensor (chest-wall-end) error (Cause)


Collimator blade sensor (nipple-end) error (Cause)


10 06



During normal operation, "OPEN MS ON" occurred while the left and right blades were moving in the close direction.

No detection of grid photosensor 1 during initialization Collimator blade sensor (chest-wall-end) error (Cause)


During normal operation, "OPEN MS ON" occurred while the nipple-end blade was moving in the open direction.

Collimator blade sensor (left/right sides) error (Cause)


After initialization is completed, "OPEN MS OFF" occurred while the blade was stopped at the "OPEN" position, which was the target position.

After initialization is completed, "CLOSE MS OFF" occurred while the blade was stopped at the "CLOSED" position, which was the target position.

No detection of grid photosensor 2 during initialization


More than one C-arm limit sensor is actuated at the same time.


More than one lifter limit sensor is actuated at the same time.


More than one compression plate limit sensor is actuated at the same time.

04 05

More than one AEC X direction sensor is actuated at the same time. More than one AEC Y direction sensor is actuated at the same time.


More than one collimator blade limit sensor (chest-wall-end) is actuated at the same time.


More than one collimator blade limit sensor (nipple-end) is actuated at the same time.


More than one collimator blade limit sensor (left/right sides) is actuated at the same time.


Grid photosensors 1 and 2 are ON at the same time during initialization.


More than one collimator switching mirror limit sensor is actuated at the same time.


Position shift when C-arm rotation is stopped (Cause)

When C-arm rotation is stopped, there is a mismatch of 0.5° or more between the potentiometer data and encoder data.

(Corrective action) Check the drive system and the inverter. 02

Position shift when the lifter is stopped (Cause) When C-arm vertical movement is stopped, there is a mismatch of 3 mm or more between the potentiometer data and encoder data. (Corrective action) Check the drive system and the inverter.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major





Error details



The C-arm is moved in the direction opposite to that instructed.


The lifter is moved in the direction opposite to that instructed.


The compression plate is moved in the direction opposite to that instructed.


AEC operation along the X direction is performed in the direction opposite to that instructed.


AEC operation along the Y direction is performed in the direction opposite to that instructed.


The collimator blade (nipple-end) is moved in the direction opposite to that instructed.


The collimator blades (left/right sides) are moved in the direction opposite to that instructed.


C-arm encoder error (Cause)

The encoder data does not change in spite of execution of an operation instruction.

(Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder. 02

Lifter encoder error (Cause)

The encoder data does not change in spite of execution of an operation instruction.

(Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder. 04

AEC X direction encoder error (Cause)

The encoder data does not change in spite of execution of an operation instruction.

(Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder. 05

AEC Y direction encoder error (Cause)

The encoder data does not change in spite of execution of an operation instruction.

(Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder. 07

Collimator blade (nipple-end) encoder error (Cause)

The encoder data does not change in spite of execution of an operation instruction.

(Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder. 08

Collimator blade (left/right sides) encoder error (Cause)

The encoder data does not change in spite of execution of an operation instruction.

(Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder. 08

10 01

Abnormal stoppage of the grid Detection of a position outside the C-arm rotation range of -152° to 182°. (Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder.


Detection of a position outside the lifter movement range of -5 mm to 695 mm. (Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder.


Detection of a position outside the compression plate movement range of -10 mm to 265 mm. (Corrective action) Check the cables and encoder.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major




10 11

Error details



C-arm operation timeout error


Filter operation timeout error


Compression plate operation timeout error


AEC X direction operation timeout error


AEC Y direction operation timeout error


Collimator blade (chest-wall-end) operation time out error


Collimator blade (nipple-end) operation time out error


Collimator blade (left/right sides) operation time out error


Filter operation timeout error


Grid operation timeout error


Collimator switching mirror operation timeout error


C-arm inverter error


Lifter inverter error


Compression plate driver error (Corrective action) Check the driver and drive system.



Disconnection of the compression plate compressive force sensor (Corrective action) Check the compression plate compressive force sensor.



C-arm limit sensor error (Cause) The position data is not correct when the sensor actuates. (Corrective action) Check the sensor position.


Lifter limit sensor error (Cause)

The position data is not correct when the sensor actuates.

(Corrective action) Check the sensor position. 03

Compression plate sensor error (Cause)

The position data is not correct when the sensor actuates.

(Corrective action) Check the sensor position. 04

AEC X direction sensor error (Cause)

The sensor does not actuate even though the position data corresponds to the stop position.

(Corrective action) Check the sensor position. 05

AEC Y direction sensor error (Cause)


The sensor does not actuate even though the position data corresponds to the stop position.

(Corrective action) Check the sensor position. Grid sensor error


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details Position data mismatch between the encoder and potentiometer of the C-arm (Cause)

The encoder data does not correspond to the potentiometer data.

(Corrective action) Perform scaling. 02

Position data mismatch between the encoder and potentiometer of the lifter (Cause)The encoder data does not correspond to the potentiometer data. (Corrective action) Perform scaling.


Position data mismatch between the encoder and potentiometer of the compression plate (Cause)

The encoder data does not correspond to the potentiometer data.

(Corrective action) Perform scaling.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


X-ray high-voltage generator errors (major category code: 3)

Category Error details







X-ray CONT fan error (Corrective action) Check the voltage between the fan and CNN8. If there are no abnormalities, replace the fan.


X-ray tube fan error (Corrective action) Check the voltages between the fan and the C ARM I/F PWB and between the C ARM I/F PWB and the STAND CONT PWB. If there are no abnormalities, replace thefan.

03 02



Overcurrent in the primary circuit of the heating inverter (Corrective action) TR1, TR2, TR3, and TR4 of the H.V. INV PWB are damaged. Replace the PWB.


Excessive heating current (Corrective action) Adjust the heating current. If the error cannot be cleared, replace the X-RAY CONT PWB.


Insufficient heating current (Cause) Blown heating fuse or error in the heating control circuit. (Corrective action) Check the heating fuse. Adjust the heating current. Check for contact failure of CNN6 of the H.V. INV PWB.


Detection of overcurrent in the starter IGBT driver (Cause) The IGBT of the STRTR INV. PWB is damaged.




X-ray tube thermal switch ON (thermal error) (Corrective action) Check the thermal circuit.

(Corrective action) Replace the IGBT. The stator does not start rotating even 5 ms after the system reaches the READY status.


Current still flows to the coil 10 seconds after the system has left the READY status. (Cause) The stator rotates even though the system is not in the READY status or the sensor detects a current despite no rotation of the stator. (Corrective action) Check the stator circuit and the current sensor.


The tube voltage is 10 kV or less (Cause) Failure in the X-ray control inverter circuit or in the highvoltage circuit


The tube voltage is 47 kV or more (Cause) Failure in the X-ray control inverter circuit or in the tube voltage feedback circuit


Overcurrent detected in the high-voltage IGBT driver


(Cause) Damage to the IGBT for X-ray control The tube current is 20% above the set value. (Cause) Failure in the tube current feedback circuit


The tube current is insufficient. The tube current is 5 mA or less even 25 ms after the start of exposure. (Cause) Failure in the tube current feedback circuit. Contact failure of CNN6 of the H.V. INV PWB.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major



Error details




The SETUP signal goes OFF one or more times during X-ray generation.



High-speed link disconnected error (X-ray system)


High-speed link communication error (X-ray system, grid system)


High-speed link read error


High-speed link disconnected error (grid system)


The Ready SW ON (32) command has been sent, but the pre-exposure condition setting (D1) command or exposure condition setting (D3) command is not received.


The pre-exposure condition setting (D1) command has been received, but the pre-exposure ready (D2) command is not received.


The PREP signal is ON, but the ON trigger of the EXP_WIN signals is not detected.


In radiography with a moving grid, the grid is not ready for X-ray exposure


Pre-exposure has been completed, but the exposure condition setting (D3) command is not received after the falling edge of the EXP_WIN signal.


The system is in auto-radiography modewith a moving grid, but the grid is not ready for X-ray exposure after the falling edge of the pre-exposure EXP_WIN signal.


Eight seconds has elapsed after the falling edge of the pre-exposure EXP_WIN signal, but the ON trigger of the EXP_WIN signal is not detected.


The radiographic condition (D4) command includes a tube voltage outside the specified rangenotification (22 kV to 39 kV).


The exposure condition setting (D1, D3) commands include a tube voltage outside the specified range.



• Tube voltage setting range Large focus, contact Buckyradiography, and radiography without the Bucky device: 22 kV to 39 kV Small focus (magnification radiography): 22 kV to 35 kV


The pre-exposure condition setting (D1, D3) commands include an mAs value outside the specified range. • Contact Bucky radiography



2 mAs to 450 mAs

• Magnification Bucky radiography :

2 mAs to 200 mAs

The exposure condition setting (D3) command includes a tube voltage outside the specified range. • Tube voltage setting range Large focus, contact Buckyradiography, and radiography without the Bucky device: 22 kV to 39 kV Small focus (magnification radiography): 22 kV to 25 kV


The pre-exposure condition setting (D3) command includes an mAs value outside the specified range. • Contact Bucky radiography


2 mAs to 450 mAs

• Magnification Bucky radiography :

2 mAs to 200 mAs


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Category Major






Error details • When the grid is not used (radiography without the Bucky device, magnification Bucky radiography): • A pre-exposure condition setting (D1)command or exposure condition setting (D3) command including an instruction to move the grid (radiography without the Bucky device: FPD calibration in progress) is received.


When the condition grid is notsetting moving(D1) and or theexposure unit is in condition X-ray exposure e, command a preexposure settingmod (D3) including an instruction to move the grid is received.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Memory errors (major category code: 4)

Category Major





Error details



C-arm data writing error


Lifter data writing error


Compression plate potentiometer data writing error


Compression plate encoder preset data writing error


Collimator blade (nipple-end) data writing error


Collimator blade (left/right sides) data writing error


Compressed breast thickness data writing error during magnification radiography


AEC large focus Mo data writing error


AEC large focus Rh data writing error


AEC large focus Al data writing error


AEC small focus Mo data writing error


AEC small focus Rh data writing error


AEC small focus Al data writing error


kV and mAs rate data writing error


Auto kV setting data writing error


C-arm data read error


Lifter data read error


Compression plate potentiometer data read error


Compression plate encoder preset data read error


Collimator blade (nipple-end) data read error


Collimator blade (left/right sides) data read error


Compressed breast thickness data read error during magnification radiography


AEC large focus Mo data read error


AEC large focus Rh data read error


AEC large focus Al data read error


AEC small focus Mo data read error


AEC small focus Rh data read error


AEC small focus Al data read error


kV and mAs rate data read error


Auto kV setting data read error


(Corrective action) Check the EEPROM. Replace the STAND CONT PWB.

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Inverter Errors When an error occurs in the inverter in the C-arm stand, a protective function is operated, an alarm sounds, system operation stops, and the inverter unit display automatically switches to error display mode. The errors are described below. (1)

Fatal errors Inverter output is interrupted by a protective function.

Display Name E. CO1 During acceleration Overcurrent E. CO2 During operation at a circuit breaker constant speed

Details When the inverter output current becomes 200% of the rated current, the protective circuit is actuated and inverter output is stopped.

E. CO3 During deceleration E. OV1 During acceleration

Regenerative E. OV2 During operation at a overvoltage circuit breaker constant speed E. OV3 During deceleration In the stationary state

If the regenerative energy causes the direct current of the main circuit inside the inverter to exceed the specified value during braking, the protective circuit operates to stop inverter output. The protective circuit may also operate due to a surge voltage in the power system.

E. THM Motor overload interruption (electronic thermal relay)

Heating of the motor due to overloading or cooling capacity degradation during constant speed operation is detected by the electronic thermal relay provided in the inverter and inverter output is stopped.

E. THT Inverter overload interruption (electronic thermal relay)

When the current exceeds 150% of the rated current but does not reach the level that actuates the overcurrent circuit breaker (200%), the electronic thermal relay operates based on inverse time limit characteristics to stop inverter output.


Overheating of the fins

When the cooling fins are overheated, the heating sensor operates to stop inverter output.


Detection of the brake transistor error

When the brake transistor becomes abnormal due to the high regenerative energy from the motor or other reasons, an error in the brake transistor is detected and inverter output is stopped. In this case, it is necessary to turn OFF the power of the inverter immediately.


Ground-fault overcurrent protection of the output side

If a ground-fault overcurrent flows when a ground fault occurs at the output side (load side) of the inverter, inverter output stops.

E. OHT External thermal cutout operation

When the external thermal relay for protecting motor overheating or the built-in thermal relay of the motor is actuated (open contact), inverter outputis stopped. If the relay contact is automatically resumed, the inverter is not restarted unless reset operation is performed.

E. OLT Stalling prevention E. PE

Parameter memory element error

E. RET Too many retries

This indicator is displayed when the operating frequency drops to 0 due to stalling protection. This indicator is displayed when the stored parameters are abnormal. When it is not possible to resume unit operation normally within the specified number of retries, inverter output is stopped.


No. 2D621-092EN*B




E. CPU CPU error


Output phase missing protection

(2) Display OL

When the built-in CPU does not complete computation in time, the unit diagnoses itself to be abnormal and stops inverter output. When one of three phases at the output side (load side) of the inverter is missed, inverter output is stopped.

Warnings Name Stalling prevention (overcurrent)

Details During acceleration

When the current in the motor exceeds 150% of the rated current, the rise of the frequency is interrupted until the overload current is decreased, preventing actuation of the overcurrent circuit breaker of the inverter.

During When the current in the motor exceeds 150% of the operation at a rated current, the frequency is lowered to decrease the constant speed overload current, preventing actuation of the overcurrent circuit breaker ofthe inverter. When the current is lowered to below 150% of the rated current, the frequency returns to the set value. During deceleration

When the current in the motor exceeds 150% of the rated current, lowering of the frequency is interrupted until the overload current is decreased, preventing actuation of the the overcurrent breaker of the inverter. When current iscircuit lowered tobelow 150% of the rated current, the frequency is lowered again.


Stalling prevention (overvoltage)

During deceleration

When the regenerative energy of the motor is too large and exceeds the braking capacity, lowering of the frequency is interrupted, preventing the overcurrent circuit breaker of the inverter from being actuated. When the regenerative energy decreases, braking is started again.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

4. 4.1

LIST OF INTERLOCKS X-ray Interlocks The X-ray interlock conditions are listed below.


Conditions causing X-ray exposure interlocks (1)

Abnormality of the X-ray tube anode rotation control circuit


Abnormality of the X-ray tube filament control circuit


Failure of the main inverter power


Abnormality of the high-voltage circuit


Automatic exposure control (AEC) is selected for the following techniques. (AEC is not available in the following techniques) • Contact/cassette holder (without the Bucky device) • Magnification/large focus


In contact radiography, onlythe large focus can be used when generating X-rays, while in magnification radiography, only the small focus can be used.


The additional filter (Mo/Rh) is not at the specified position.


A cassette is not inserted when the Bucky device is used.


The light field display mirror does not retract out of the light field when the system is in the READY status.


The X-ray tube housing temperature sensor is actuated.


The AEC detector moves.


Occurrence of any of the following errors in the C-arm stand • The adapter detection sensor for magnification radiography fails. • The fan stops. • The AEC detector drive motor fails.


The beam limiting device blades are not in position.


The cassette is not pulled out and inserted after X-ray generation.


In AEC mode, the compressive force is less than 40 N (not compressed status).


No. 2D621-092EN*B

5. 5.1

REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION OF THE C-ARM STAND COVER X-ray High-Voltage Generator When removing or remounting the cover of the X-ray high-voltage generator, refer to figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Removing and remounting the X-rayhigh-voltage generator


No. 2D621-092EN*B


C-Arm Stand Be sure to remove the covers from the C-arm stand in the following order: (1) base covers, (2) outer rear covers, (3) outerfront covers, and (4) inner covers. When remounting the covers, reverse the removal order.


Base covers and inner covers When removing the base covers or the inner covers, refer to figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 C-arm stand cover (base covers and inner covers)


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Outer rear covers Remove and remount the outer rear covers referring to figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3 Outer rear covers


Outer front covers of the C-arm stand Remove and remount thecovers referring to figure 5-4. When removing the covers, be sureto remove (1) the outer front covers and (2) the outer cover fixing frame in that order.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Figure 5-4 Outer front covers


An emergency stop switch is provided on the outer cover fixing frame, and a cable is connected to this switch. When removing the cover, open the cover slightly to prevent the cable from being pulled, and disconnect theconnector. Then, remove the cover. When remounting the cover, be sure to reconnect the connector.

CAUTION: 1. If the base cover is equipped with a display panel, cables are connected to this panel. When removing the cover, remove the connectors and ensure thatthe cables are not pulled. When remounting the cover, besure to reconnect the cables. 2. When removing the front cover, it is recommended that the C-arm be raised slightly from the lowest position to facilitate the removal work.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


C-arm and C-arm stand covers

Figure 5-5 C-arm and C-arm stand covers


Removal (a)

Remove front cover from the C-arm referring to figure 5-5 (two screws).


Remove left and right side covers and (7 screws).


Remove top cover from the breast support (4 screws).


Remove bottom cover from the breast support (6 screws).

CAUTION: 1. C-arm operation switches are provided on the side covers. When removing the covers, open the covers slightly to prevent the cables from being pulled, and disconnect the cable connectors. Then, remove the covers. 2. A retaining screw is installed at the top of each of side covers and . Do not remove these two screws at the same time. If both screws are removed together, the retaining bracket will fall. (2)

Remounting Remount the covers by reversing the removal procedures. 42

No. 2D621-092EN*B

6. 6.1

X-RAY TUBE AND COLLIMATOR Removing and Reinstalling the Collimator Cover

Figure 6-1



Removal (a)

Remove the C-arm cover referring to subsection 5.2.4.


Remove the four M3 screws and remove the collimator cover (wholeunit) as shown in figure 6-1.

Reinstallation Reinstall the collimator cover by reversing the steps described in 6.1 (1).


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacement of the Light Field Lamp and Adjustment of the Light Field (1)

Tools required • Phillips screwdriver :

No. 2

• MetricAllen wrench :


Scale •


Glove • (2)

15 cm :

For lamp replacement

Repair procedure (a)

Remove the collimator cover referring to subsection 6.1.


Remove the protective plate for irradiated heat and replace the lamp referring to figure 6-2. • Lamp: BSX58-4045

CAUTION: Handle the lamp and lamp holder carefully, because they become extremely hot if the lamp has been lit for a prolonged period. When handling the lamp, wear gloves and grasp the base of the lamp; do not touch the lamp with your fingers directly. If the lamp is contaminated with fingerprints or oil, wipe it clean with a cloth moistened with alcohol before lighting the lamp.

Figure 6-2


Install the light field protective plate.


Press the light field lamp ON switch and confirm that the lamp is lit.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Measure the light field displacement. Mount the Bucky device onthe C-arm stand and insert a 18 cm× 24 cm cassette (film not required).


Bucky Cassette D




Figure 6-3 Place two 18-cm x 24-cm cassettes (with film) on the Bucky device faceplate as shown in figure 6-3. Turn ON the lamp and place a coin or other marker at eachedge of the light field. At this time, place a graph paper on the cassettes to make it easier to see the edges of the light field. Generate X-rays with thefollowing conditions: large focus, 22 kV, and 5 mAs. Develop the films andmeasure the dimensions ofA, B, C, and D.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Adjust the position of the lamp mounting plate until each measurement satisfies the following conditions. When the values obtained by increasing each measurement by a factor of 1.05 are used, the following conditions must be satisfied: A + B < 14 mm, |A – B| ≤ 3 mm, and C + D < 14 mm.

Figure 6-4


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacing the X-ray Tube Unit



Lead and beryllium are used in the X-ray tube unit to prevent radiation hazards and lossof image quality. Since these materials are harmful, follow the instructions in the product documents for the X-ray tube unit when disposing off the unit.

Tools required • Phillips screwdrivers :

No. 1 and No. 2

• Metric Allen wrench :


• Silicone grease


Replacing the X-ray tube unit (a)

Remove the C-arm cover by referring to subsection 5.2.4.


Remove all the cables from the collimator.


Remove the collimator referring to figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 47

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Disconnect all the cables from the X-ray tube.

Figure 6-6


Remove the four M6 flat-head screws fromthe X-ray tube (refer to figure 6-6).


Replace the X-ray tube. Be sure to tighten the tube fixing screws (4-M6 flat-head screws).


Reconnect all the cables removed in step (d). At this time, apply silicone grease to the high-voltage cable and reconnect it.


Install the collimator.


Replace the X-ray tube label.


Replace the bias resistor in the X-ray high-voltage generator(refer to subsection 9.3). The PWB to be replaced is "L FOCUS BIAS" for a large focus and "S FOCUS BIAS" for a small focus.


Adjust the heating current referring to subsection 9.1.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjust the X-ray alignment (refer to subsection 6.4).


Be sure to follow the procedure outlined below to remove the X-ray tube. If the C-arm rotation locking force is insufficient, the C-arm may rotate accidentally. • Set the C-arm to the lowest position. • Set the C-arm to the 0-degree position. • Lock the C-arm rotation.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the X-ray Field (1)

Tools required • Phillips screwdriver


• Metric Allen wrenches :

No. 2 M4, M5, and M6

• Fluorescent paper


Dust test The dust test is performedonly after the X-ray tube unit hasbeen replaced. This test is not performed when the X-ray field is shifted in normal operation status. (a)

Select the large focus and set the Bucky device and cassette (with film).


Select the molybdenum filter (Mo), select a kV and mAs that give a film density of 1.2 to 1.6, and then perform X-ray exposure.


Develop the film and confirm that the film is free of dust. If dust is found, remove the collimator and clean off the dust.


Follow the same procedures to confirm that the rhodium (Rh) filter and the magnification radiography adaptor are also free of dust.


Checks must be performed using the maximum combinable X-ray field size.

X-ray tube Small focus Large focus

Filter Mo, Rh

X-ray radiation port


Figure 6-7


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the X-ray field (a)

Place an intensifying screen on the breast support and turn ON the light field lamp.

Tape Intensifying screen

Light field

Figure 6-8


Provide markings to clarify each edge of the light field. Toshiba recommends the use of black vinyl tape.


Perform X-ray exposure and confirm the displacement of the light field (large focus, 30 kV, and 60 mAs).


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Loosen the collimator fixing bolt (4-M5 bolts) and adjust the collimator position so that the X-ray field is aligned with the light field. Repeat steps (b) and (c) until adjustment is completed.

Small focus Large focus

4-M5 bolt

Figure 6-9


When the displacement between the X-ray field and the light field is almost eliminated, securely tighten the collimator fixing bolts (4-M5 bolts).


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Use the X-ray tube adjustment setscrews (fourM4 and two M6) and adjust them so that the light field is equally divided at the center on the breast support.



Figure 6-10


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Measurement of each field displacement Mount the Bucky device onthe C-arm stand and insert an 18 cm× 24 cm cassette (with film). (Refer to figure 6-11.) Place two 18 cm × 24 cm cassettes (with film) on the Bucky device faceplate, turn ON the lamp, place a coin at each edge of the light field, set the compression plate for 18 cm × 24 cm contact radiography close to the cassette (almost in contact), place a coin at the chest wall edge of the compression plate, and then perform X-ray exposure (large focus, 25 kV, and 20 mAs).

m m 0 3 ly e t a m i x o r p p A

Compression plate Coin Bucky

Coin Cassete





(+) Z


Coin on the compression plate



F ) + (



Figure 6-11

Develop the films and measure the size of A, B, C, D, F, Y, and Z. Criteria A+B < 14 mm, |A-B| ≤ 3 mm, C+D < 14 mm, 0 < F < 5 mm, 0≥ Y, and 0 ≥ Z when the values obtained by increasing each measurement by a factor of 1.05 are used for these calculations • The measurements are acceptable when theall above conditions are met.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

When adjustment of the large focus is completed, tighten the screws that were loosened for adjustment and proceed to adjustment of the small focus.

2-M3 Figure 6-12

Mount the adapter for magnification radiography. Place an intensifying screen on the breast support and generate X-rays. Place a coin on the screen at the edge of the chest-wall-end. Set an 18-cm × 24-cm cassette (with film) in place and generate X-rays with the following conditions: small focus, 22 kV, and 2 mAs. Develop the film and measure distance "a".


Figure 6-13


No. 2D621-092EN*B

Criterion 0 < a < 5 mm • If the above requirement isnot satisfied, adjust the mounting position of the light field control plate using the M3 setscrews (2 locations) and repeat measurement.


When all requirements for both the large focus and the small focus are satisfied, retighten the loosened screws and remount the cover.


Measure the exposure field on the developed film and perform adjustment of the beam limiting device blades (left and right blades and nipple-end blade) so that the exposure field becomes 138 mm x 138 mm in the adjustment window. 138 mm

m m 8 3 1

Figure 6-14


No. 2D621-092EN*B

7. 7.1

PC Utility Main Window When the button is selected from the examination window during normal operation, the utility main window is displayed. In this window, settings can be performed by selecting the buttons. The displayed buttons differ according tothe access rights of the logged in user.










Figure 7-1 Utility window


To perform setting, be sure to log in to the system using an operator ID with service engineer rights. The items that can be set differ according to the access rights.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

No. (1)

Date setting button

The date setting window is displayed.


Examinee information item setting button

The examinee information item setting window is displayed.


Radiographic stand information setting button

The radiographic stand information setting window is displayed.


Operator name registration button

The operator name registration window is displayed.


Radiography result output button

The radiography result output window is displayed.


Edit examinee information button

The edit examinee information window is displayed.


X-ray tube aging button

The X-ray tube aging window is displayed.


Quality control button

The quality control window is displayed.


Scaling button

The scaling window is displayed.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Date Setting Button The date can be set in the window displayed by pressing this setting button.

Figure 7-2 Date setting window

Date setting


Details The date and time can be set using the

NOTE: Data input is only possible using the spin buttons ( input directly in the field.



). The value cannot be

Click to apply the changes and return to the utility main window. Click cancel the changes.




No. 2D621-092EN*B


Examinee Information Item Setting Button The compulsory entry items of the examinee information can be specified.

Figure 7-3 Examinee information itemsetting window

The compulsory entry items and the optional entry items in the examinee registration window can be specified. Select for each item that is a compulsory entry item and select for each item that is an optional entry item. Item


Examinee ID

The examinee ID cannot be set to [Optional].




can be set.

Date of birth



can be set.




can be set.

Click to apply the changes and return to the utility window. Click the changes and return to the utility window.


to cancel

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Radiographic Stand Information Setting Button The radiographic stand information can be set.

Figure 7-4 Radiographic stand information setting window

Item Set MLO angle

Details The initial value of the MLO angle can be set (5° to 85°).

Set first compressive force

The first compressive force level can be set in increments of 10 N (80 N to 150 N).

Set second compressive force The second compressive force level can be set in increments of 10 N (80 N to 200 N). AEC detector switch mode

Either [Fixed to small] or [Switch between large/small] can be selected.

Compression plate retraction distance

The automatic retraction distance of the compression plate can be set in increments of 10 mm (150 mm to 200 mm).

Click to apply the changes and return to the utility window. Click the changes and return to the utility window. NOTE:

to cancel

1. If the MLO angle is changed during an examination, the changed MLOangle becomes the default angle until the powerof the unit is turned OFF. When the power of the unit is turned ON again, the value set here will be the initial MLO angle. 2. When the compressive force reaches thefirst compressive force levelset here, the compression plate stops. Compression can be resumed until the compression force reaches the second compression force level set here. Therefore, the value setfor the second compression force level must be larger than that set for the first compression force level.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Operator Name Registration Button The list of operators is displayed. In this window, operators can be registered and deleted. Up to 20 operators can be displayed in the window. The displayed list differs according to the access rights of the logged in user.

(2) (3) (1) (4)

Figure 7-5 Operator name registration window


Operator list Item

Operator ID

Details The operator ID is displayed (max. 20 bytes).

Operator name

The operator name is displayed (max. 20 bytes).


The operator's access rights are displayed.


Operators registered The number of operators registered in the list is displayed.


Operator list page number The page number in the operator list is displayed. The current page numberand the total number of pages are displayed, separated by a stroke.


Operator list page change buttons (



Used to move to the previous or next pageof the operator list. The operator selections that are made are maintained even when the displayed page is changed. To display the operator name registration window, click . Depending on the access rights of the logged inuser, this button may be disabled. Select the desired operator in the list by clicking the corresponding line. More than one operator can be selected. To select all the operators in the list, click . Click to return to the utility main window. 62

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Registering an operator Click in the operator list window to display the operator name registration window. If an operator is selected in the operator list window and is clicked, the selected operator's information is displayed.

Figure 7-6 Operator name registration window



Technologist ID

Enter the technologist ID here (max. 20 bytes).

Technologist name Account

Enter the technologist name here (max. 20 bytes). Select the access rights from among normal user, administrator, and service engineer.

Old password

Enter the current password (max. 20 bytes). This must be entered only if existing operator information is being changed.

New password

Enter the new password (max. 20 bytes).

Confirm password

Enter the new password again for confirmation (max. 20 bytes).

Clicking clears the entries. To set the entries and return to the operator list window, click . At this time, if there is a mismatch between the new password and the new password entered again for confirmation, the entries do not become effective and an error message is displayed. To cancel the entries and return to the operator list window, click .


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Radiography Result Output Button The radiography result data is output as a list.

(3) (1)

(4) (5) (2)

Figure 7-7 Radiography result output window


Search condition buttons The target data can be searched for in the displayed list by entering the search conditions as follows. Item



The information for all examinees who have undergone radiography is displayed.

Start date for search

The start date of the search range is displayed. The current date is displayed as the default. Click to set the date. The calendar is displayed and the date selected in the calendar is set as the start date of the search range.

End date for search

The end date of the search range is displayed. The current date is displayed as the default. Click to set the date. The calendar is displayed and the date selected in the calendar is set as the end date of the search range.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Registered examinee list The list of examinees who haveundergone radiography is displayed. More than one examinee can be selected. The displayed items are as follows. Item



The examinee ID is displayed (max. 15 bytes).

Examinee name

The examinee name is displayed (max. 32 bytes).

Date of examination

The date of examination is displayed as YY/MM/DD HH:mm.

Date of birth Age

The date of birth is displayed as YY/MM/DD. The age of the examinee at the time of examination is displayed.


The examinee's sex is displayed. : Female



: Male

: Other

The specified comment is displayed (max. 64 bytes). If the comment exceeds 64 bytes, the first 64 bytes of the comment are displayed.

Examinees registered The number of examinees in the list is displayed.


Page number in examinee list The current page number in the examinee list is displayed together with the total number of pages, separated by a stroke.


Examinee list page change buttons (



Used to display the previous or next page of the examinee list. The examinee selections that are made are maintained even when the displayed page is changed. When an examinee is selected in the list and is clicked, the data is output to the specified folder with the file name "Actual_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv". To select all the examinees in the list, click . Click again to clear the selection. Click to return to the utility main window. CAUTION:

Before executing list output, be sure to connect a USB storage device. If a USB storage device is not connected, the operation will be cancelled.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Details of the output radiography results The "Actual_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv" file that is output includes the following information. Item Examinee ID

Contents Up to 15 bytes

Examinee name

Up to 32 bytes


Up to 64 bytes

Date of birth



Age at the time of examination



Radiography number Examination date


Facility name Examination name Name of photosensitive material SF/CR classification

0: SF

1: CR

Contact spot

1: Contact

2: Magnification

Radiography mode

0: Full-automatic

1: Semi-automatic

2: Manual Tube voltage [kV] mAs (× 10) Density Filter

0: Mo

1: Rh


0: Small

1: Large

0: Right

1: Left

1: 18×24

2: 24×30

AEC position Right/left Surface dose [mGy] Breast tissue dose [mGy] C-arm angle Breast thickness [mm] Compression force [N] Magnification ratio (× 100) Film size Operator name


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Edit Examinee Information Button The examinee information can be edited in the window displayed by pressing this button. Select the desired examinee and click to delete the examinee. Click to display the edit window. The examinee information can be edited in the displayed window. To select all examinees, click . Click to return to the utility window.

(3) (1)

(4) (5) (2)

Figure 7-8 Edit examinee information window


Search condition buttons A search can be performed by selecting the search conditions in the displayed list. The following items can be set for the search conditions. Item



The information for all examinees who have undergone radiography is displayed.

Start date for search

The start date of the search range is displayed. The current date is displayed as the default. Click to set the date. The calendar is displayed and the date selected in the calendar is set as the start date of the search range.

End date for search

The end date of the search range is displayed. The current date is displayed as the default. Click to set the date. The calendar is displayed and the date selected in the calendar is set as the end date of the search range.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Examinee list The list of examinees who haveundergone radiography is displayed. More than one examinee can be selected. The displayed items are as follows. Item


Examinee ID

The examinee ID is displayed (max. 15 bytes).

Examine name

The examinee name is displayed (max. 32 bytes).

Date of examination

The date of examination is displayed as DD-MM-YY.

Date of birth Age

The date of birth is displayed as YY/MM/DD. The age of the examinee at the time of examination is displayed.


The examinee's sex is displayed. : Female



: Male

: Other

The specified comment is displayed (max. 64 bytes). If the comment exceeds 64 bytes, the first 64 bytes of the comment are displayed.

Examinees registered The number of examinees in the list is displayed.


Page number in examinee list The current page number in the examinee list is displayed together with the total number of pages, separated by a stroke.


Examinee list page change buttons (



Used to display the previous ornext page of the examinee list. The examinee selections that are made are maintained even when the displayed page is changed.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Correction of examinee information The information for the examinee selected in the examinee list can be corrected.

Figure 7-9 Examinee information correction window



Scheduled examination date

The scheduled can in bethe entered here.field. A value of up toexamination 9999 can bedate entered year entry Clicking displays the calendar, and the scheduled examination date can be set using the calendar.

Examine ID

The examinee ID can be entered here (max. 15 bytes).

Examinee name

The examinee name can be entered here (max. 32 bytes).


A comment can be entered here.

Date of birth

The date of birth can be entered here. A value of up to 9999 can be entered in the year entry field. The age is calculated automatically and displayed.


The sex of the examinee can be entered by selecting one of these buttons: Female, Male, or Other.

Clicking clears the entries. To set the entries and display the examinee information correction window, click . To cancel the entries and display the examinee information correction window, click



No. 2D621-092EN*B


X-ray Aging Button The X-ray tube aging can be performed from the window displayed by pressing this button. During X-ray tube aging, various interlocks are disabled and X-ray exposure can be performed continuously. Click to return to the utility window.

Figure 7-10 X-ray tube aging window


Be sure to fully confirm safety before X-rays are generated in X-ray tube aging mode. In addition, ensure that there is an interval of at least 30 seconds between successive X-ray exposures.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Quality Control Button Operations related to quality control of the unit can be performed from the window displayed by pressing this button. In the same manner as during X-ray tube aging, various interlocks are disabled in this mode, allowing X-ray exposure tobe performed continuously. The X-ray exposure history is displayed. Click to return to the utility window.

Figure 7-11 Quality control window


When generating X-rays in quality control mode, exercise extreme care to ensure safety. In addition, be sure towait at least 30 seconds after thelast X-ray generation before generating X-rays again.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Scaling Button Scaling can be performed in the window displayed by pressing this button. Click return to the utility main window. (1)


Click the movement for which scaling is to be performed in the window shown in figure 7-12.

Figure 7-12


Be sure to confirm that there are no objects such as peripheral units within the movement range of theC-arm stand. Failure to do so may cause interference between the object and the C-arm stand, resulting in a serious accident.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


C-arm rotation Clicking

displays the following window.

Use the C-arm operating footswitch or C-arm operating switch toperform operation. The operation being performed is shown in blue.

Figure 7-13

After operation is completed,  is displayed in  for "C-arm rotation". Clicking

during operation interrupts operation and  is displayed in .

Figure 7-14


No. 2D621-092EN*B


C-arm stand up/down movement Clicking

displays the following window.

Perform operation using the C-arm operating footswitch or the C-arm operating switch. Operation being performed is shown in blue.

Figure 7-15

After operation is completed,  is displayed in  for "Table up/down". Clicking

during operation interrupts the operation and  is displayed in .


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Compression plate Before scaling the compression plate, be sure to remove the face guard. Clicking

displays the following window.

Perform operation using theC-arm operating footswitch. The operation being performed is shown in blue.

Figure 7-16

After operation is completed,  is displayed in  for "Compression plate". Clicking

during operation interrupts the operation and  is displayed in .

CAUTION: If scaling for the compression plate is performed with the face guard mounted, interference between the face guard and the compression plate may occur, resulting in damage to the unit or a serious accident.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


System Information The system information can be set in the window displayed by pressing this button.

Figure 7-17 System information setting window

Item Systems used in combination

Details Select the systems used in combination. •CR


• Combination none :

Only for systems installed in Japan Only for systems installed outside Japan

Setting is performed at the time of shipment. It is therefore not necessary to perform setting during installation. If a setting is changed, it becomes necessary to restart the unit. CR interlock mode

When the CR is used in combination, the communication mode with the CR is set. Set the CR interlock mode (enabled/disabled) to correspond with the CR communication mode.

Auto-kV function

Select whether the Auto-kV function is used. If [Auto-kV ON] is set, the tube voltage is automatically raised (by 1 kV to 2 kV) when the breast tissue density is high, obviating the need for increasing the mAs value. In addition, when this function is selected, the "Full auto transfer" function is disabled.

Sound setting for X-ray generation

Select whether the buzzer sounds when X-ray generation is completed or during X-ray generation.

Offset for adjusting the height Set the offset value for adjusting the height of the magnification of the magnification radiography unit (-10 mm to 10 mm). radiography unit

To set the entries and return to the utility window, click return to the utility window, click .


. To cancel the entries and

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment The information for each adjustment is set.

Figure 7-18 Adjustment main window

The following adjustments can be performed. Item


AEC data acquisition

The AEC data acquisition window is displayed.

Beam limiting device adjustment

The beam limiting device adjustment window is displayed.

Tube current/main heating

The tube current/main heating adjustment window is displayed.

Adjustment parameter transfer The adjustment parameter transfer window is displayed. Full-auto transfer

Clicking NOTE:

The full-auto transfer window is displayed.

returns the display to the utility window. If the communication link with the C-arm stand breaks during display of the adjustment window, the display returns to the utility window.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


AEC data acquisition Acquisition and setting of the AEC data are performed. Radiography can be performed from this window.



Figure 7-19 AEC data acquisition window


Radiographic conditions The radiographic conditions that are currently set can be displayed and changed. Item


Details The selected filter type is displayed. The filter can be changed in X-ray tube aging mode.

Tube voltage

The tube voltage can be set.


The tube current – time product can be set in increments of 1 mAs (2 mAs to 600 mAs).


No. 2D621-092EN*B


AEC data acquisition items The target AEC acquisition items can be selected. Item



Mo (molybdenum), Rh (rhodium), or Al (aluminum) can be selected.

Focus size switch

Large or small can be selected.


The changes to the AEC data acquisition items do not affect the set radiographic conditions. To change the filter, enter X-ray tubeaging mode. Note that when the focus size is changed to large, the Bucky device should be mounted. When the focus size is changedto small, the magnification radiography unit should be mounted.


starts the AEC data acquisition application. To set the entries, click . Click

to return to the utility main window.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Beam limiting device The adjustment values for the beam limiting device can be set.

Figure 7-20 Beam limiting device adjustment window



Contact left/right

Sets the size of the opening between the left/right blades of the beam limiting device during contact radiography (-10 to 10).

Contact nipple

Sets the size of the opening between the nipple-end blade and the chest-wall end of the beam limiting device during contact radiography (-10 to 10).

Magnification left/right

Sets the size of the opening between the left/right blades of the beam limiting device during magnification radiography (-10 to 10).

Magnification nipple

Sets the size of the opening between the nipple-end blade and the chest-wall end of the beam limiting device during magnification radiography (-10 to 10).

To set the entries, click

. Click

to return to the utility main window.

CAUTION: The blade aperture of the beam limiting device is not set by clicking . It is necessary to exit from beam limiting device adjustment mode to make the settings effective. Click to exit from beam limiting device adjustment mode and return to the utility main window.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Tube current/main heating The tube current and main heating values can be adjusted.

Figure 7-21 Tube current/main heating adjustment window



Details The filter type that is currently selected is displayed. To change the filter, perform setting in X-ray tube aging mode.

Tube voltage

The currently set tube voltage is displayed. Any value between 22 kV and 35 kV can be set for contact radiography and any value between 22 kV and 39 kV can be set for magnification radiography.


The currently set tube current - time product is displayed. Any value between 2 mAs and 600 mAs can be set for contact radiography and any value between 2 mAs and 200 mAs can be set for magnification radiography.

Tube current

The tube current setting can be adjusted between -100% and 100%.

Main heating

The main heating setting can be adjusted between -100% and 100%.

Focus size

The focus size can be switched between large and small.

To set the entries, click CAUTION:

. Click

to return to the utility main window.

Be sure to change the tube current and the main heating in increments of one step while observing the waveform. Large changes to these values may damage the X-ray tube.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment parameter transfer Adjustment parameter transfer is performed using the parameters stored in the PC. Select the items to be transferred and click . Click to return to the utility main window without executing the transfer operation.

Figure 7-22 Adjustment parameter transfer window


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Full-auto transfer The full-auto AEC parameters can be set. The tube voltage and filter type for different compressed breast thickn ess ranges can be set. To set the entries, click . Click to cancel the entries and return to the utility main window.

Figure 7-23 Full-auto transfer window


1. When setting the entries, confirm that largerkV values and appropriate filters are set for higher compressed breast thickness values. When incorrect values are set, an error message is displayed. 2. The full-auto transferfunction is enabled only when the auto-kV function is not used. When the auto-kV function is used, the settings will be as follows. Compressed breast Tube voltage thickness (kV) (mm)

Tube voltage correction (kV) Filter

Contact radiography

Magnification radiography

0 to 10





11 to 20





21 to 30 31 to 40

26 28

Mo Mo

+1 +1

+1 +1

41 to 50





51 to 60





61 to 70





71 to 80





81 to 90





91 to






No. 2D621-092EN*B


Statistical information The statistical information can be displayed. Click

to return to the utility main window.

Figure 7-24 Statistical information window



Error log

The error log is displayed here. Clicking clears the error log. Clicking outputs the error log as a log file.

Operating time

The operating time is displayed here. Clicking resets the time.

Number of exposures

The number of exposures is displayed here. Clicking resets the data.


Before executing log file output from the statistical information window, be sure to connect a USB storage device. If a USB storage device is not connected, the operation will be cancelled.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Backing Up the Settings After setting is completed, back up the set data. The backed up data facilitates quick setting when the system software is upgraded. NOTE: Prepare a USB storage device.


Termination of the system software (1)

Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete] on the keyboard. When the "Windows Security" window opens, select "Task Manager".


When "Task Manager" opens, select "MainProcess" and click [End Task].

Figure 7-25


Double-click the "Kill.exe" shortcut on the desktop.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Backing up the data (1)

Click "Start" in the taskbar. In the displayed menu, select "My Computer".


Open "C:\MGU1000A\" and copy the "ini" folder in this directory to the USB storage device.


When the system software is updated, the system settings can be restored by copying the backed up "ini" folder from the USB storage to the "C:\MGU1000A\" directory, overwriting the existing folder in the directory.


To restart the system software, double click the shortcut to "WatchProcess.exe" on the desktop.


No. 2D621-092EN*B

7.14 7.14.1

Other Common information The information common to the windows is displayed at the top and bottom of each window. (1)

Top of the window displayed after login

Figure 7-26


Item Date

Details The current date and time are displayed.

Operator name

The operator ID that was used for login is displayed.

Change Operator button

Used to change the operator.

Logout button

Used to logout from the unit and display the login screen.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Bottom of the window displayed after login

Figure 7-27





X-ray exposure ready indicator

Indicates that the unit is ready to generate X-rays.

X-ray exposure disabled indicator

Indicates that X-ray generation is not possible.

Standby indicator


: Standby status

Blinking : Status other than the standby status. Setup indicator

Indicates that preparation for X-ray exposure is completed from the standby status.

X-ray exposure indicator

This indicator is displayed during X-ray exposure. It disappears when X-ray generation stops.

X-ray source unit small focus indicator This indicator is displayed when the small focus is selected for the X-ray source unit. X-ray source unit large focus indicator This indicator is displayed when the large focus is selected for the X-ray source unit.

Cassette contact radiography

This indicator is displayed when cassette contact radiography is selected as the technique.

Cassette magnification radiography

This indicator is displayed when cassette magnification radiography is selected as the technique.

No cassette

No technique indicator is displayed when the cassette is not used for radiography.

Radiography disabled indicator

This indicator is displayed when the X-ray high-voltage generator is abnormal. X-ray exposure is disabled while it is

Backup indicator

This indicator is displayed when the X-ray high-voltage generator is operating in backup mode. When this indicator is not displayed, the X-ray high-voltage generator is operating in normal mode.

Guide message display area

Messages indicating the system status and messages prompting user action are displayed in this area.



No. 2D621-092EN*B


Access rights of the logged in user One of the following categories of access rights is granted to the operator. (1)

Operator without login Default operator. Entry of operator IDand password not required.


General operator General operator. Not permitted to register or delete operators.


Administrator System administrator. Permitted to register or delete operators or administrators.


Service engineer Toshiba service engineer. Permitted to register ordelete operators, administrators, or service engineers and granted maintenance rights.


Superuser Same rights as service engineers, but cannot delete superusers.


Category General operator Operator without login


Service engineer


Examinee list operations Examinee registration


Basic information setting

Date setting

Examinee information item setting

Operator name list display Operator registration

Operator name

General operators General operators General operators All Administrators Administrators Service engineers ×

Own name only

correction Operator deletion

General operators General operators All Administrators Administrators Service engineers General operators General operators All operators in Administrators


Administrators the list Service engineers

General operators General operators General operators Administrators Administrators Administrators Service engineers Service engineers


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Category General operator Operator without login


Service engineer


Radiographic stand information setting

Radiography result output

Edit examinee information

X-ray tube aging

Quality control






Statistical information




Permitted × : Not permitted


No. 2D621-092EN*B




Adjustment of the Compression Force CAUTION:

For adjustment, be sure to use the compression plate for 18 cm x 24 cm contact radiography.


Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to 6 and 4, respectively. The voltage of the load cell is displayed on the LED.


Connect the pressure gauge to the C-arm stand as shown in figure 8-1.

Compression plate

Chest-wall-end Measurement point of the pressure gauge

Figure 8-1 Setting the measurement point ofthe pressure gauge


Lower the compression plate until the pressure gauge reads 5 kg.


While maintaining the status in step (3), perform adjustment with VR1 so that the LED of the STAND CONT PWB reads 1980.


Lower the compression plate again until the pressure gauge reads 20 kg.


While maintaining the status in step (5), perform adjustment with VR2 so that the LED of the STAND CONT PWB reads 6930.


Repeat steps (3) to (6) several times.


Return the settings of S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to 0.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the Compressed Breast Thickness Display CAUTION:

For adjustment, be sure to use the compression plate for 18 cm x 24 cm contact radiography.

Adjust the sensor position as described below. (1)

Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to 1 and 0, respectively.


Turn ON the power of the unit. The system starts up and enters compression plate adjustment mode. At this time, only the compression force isdisplayed on the C-arm stand control panel.

Only the compression force is displayed. Figure 8-2


Place a 10-cm x 10-cm acrylic plate (5 cm thick) on the C-arm stand.

Acrylic plate Figure 8-3


Be sure to use a 10-cm x 10-cm acrylic plate and set it at the center of the chestwall-end. 92

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Compress the acrylic plate with the compression plate until the compression force reaches 100 N.


While maintaining the status in step (4), press S6 of the STAND CONT PWB.


Remove the acrylic plate and move the compression plate so that the LED of the STAND CONT PWB reads 3.0.


While maintaining the status in step (6), adjust the sensor position for detecting the 3-mm position. Move the sensor upward and fix it at the position where LED 7 lights.


Move the compression plate so that the LED of the STAND CONT PWB reads 200.0.


While maintaining the status in step (8), adjust the sensor position for detecting the 200-mm position. Move the sensor upward andfix it at the position where LED8 lights.


Move the compression plate so that the LED of the STAND CONT PWB reads 250.0.


While maintaining the status in step (10), adjust the sensor position for detecting the 250-mm position. Move the sensor upward and fix it at the position where LED 9 lights.


Turn OFF the power of the unit and return the settings of S9 and S10 to 0.

250-mm position sensor 200-mm position sensor

3-mm position sensor

Figure 8-4


If the compression force display does not correspond to the actual compression force, adjustment cannot beperformed properly. In this case, perform compression force adjustment as described in subsection 8.1.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Scaling NOTE:


Scaling can be performed from the control console. Refer to subsection 7.10 "Scaling Button".

Adjustment of the C-arm rotation angle data The C-arm rotation position data can be set as follows. (1)

Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to 2 and 0, respectively.


Turn ON the power of the unit. The system starts up and enters adjustment mode. The AEC size selection (large and small) and AEC position (nipple-end) LEDs light (refer to figure 8-5).


Figure 8-5 (3)

Press S6 of the STAND CONT PWB to clear the data.


Hold down the C-arm clockwise rotation switch until the C-arm stops at -150°. Note that the C-arm counterclockwise rotation switch is disabled until the C-arm reaches -150°.


Hold down the C-arm counterclockwise rotation switch until the C-arm stops at 180°. Note that the C-arm clockwise rotation switch is disabled until the C-arm reaches 180°.


Hold down the C-arm clockwise rotation switch until the C-arm stops at 0°. Note that the C-arm counterclockwise rotation switch is disabled until the C-arm reaches 0°.


The C-arm position data is now saved. Turn OFF the power of the unit and set both S9 and S10 to 0.


1. When adjusting the C-armrotation, the C-arm hasto be rotated from -150° to 180°. Before starting the work, raise the C-arm stand so that the C-arm does not interfere with the floor. In addition, confirm that there are no obstacles within the C-arm rotation range. 2. When adjustment work isto be continued, it is not necessary to turn OFF the power of the unit.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the C-arm stand vertical movement position data The C-arm stand vertical movement position data can be set as follows. (1)

Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to 2 and 1, respectively.


Turn ON the power of the unit. The system starts up and enters adjustment mode. The AEC size selection (large and small) and AEC position (nipple-end) LEDs light (refer to figure 8-5).


Press S6 of the STAND CONT PWB to clear the data.


Hold down the C-arm stand DOWN switch until the C-arm stand stops at the lowest position. Note that the C-arm stand UP switch is disabled until the C-arm stand reaches the lowest position.


Hold down the C-arm stand UP switch until the C-arm stand stops at the highest position. Note that the C-arm stand DOWN switch is disabled until the C-arm stand reaches the highest position.


Hold down the C-arm stand DOWN switch until the C-arm stand stops at the lowest position. Note that the C-arm stand UP switch is disabled until the C-arm stand reaches the lowest position.


The C-arm stand vertical movement position data is now saved. Turn OFF the power of the unit and set both S9 and S10 to 0.


1. Before starting the C-arm stand vertical movement adjustment procedure, setthe C-arm to 0°. In addition, confirm that there are no obstacles within the C-arm movement range. 2. When adjustment work isto be continued, it is not necessary to turn OFF the power of the unit.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the compression plate vertical movement position data The compression plate vertical movement position data can be set as follows. (1)

Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to 2.


Turn ON the power of the unit. The system starts up and enters adjustment mode. The AEC size selection (large and small) and AEC position (nipple-end) LEDs light (refer to figure 8-5).


Press S6 of the STAND CONT PWB to clear the data.


Hold down the compression plate DOWN switch until the compression plate stops at the lowest position. Note that the compression plate UP switch is disabled until the compression plate reaches the lowest position.


Hold down the compression plate UP switch until the compression plate stops at the highest position. Note that the compression plate DOWN switch is disabled until the compression plate reaches the highest position.


Hold down the compression plate DOWN switch until the compression plate stops at the lowest position. Note that the compression plate UP switch is disabled until the compression plate reaches the lowest position.


The compression plate vertical movement position data is now saved. Turn OFF the power of the unit and set both S9 and S10 to 0.


1. Before starting the compression plate vertical movementadjustment procedure, set the C-arm to 0°. In addition, be sure to confirm that there are no obstacles within the compression plate movement range. 2. When adjustment work isto be continued, it is not necessary to turn OFF the power of the unit.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacing the Battery To replace the lithium battery for the backup RAM on the PWB, follow the procedures below. (1)


Battery Model name

Remarks (voltage/capacity)


3 V/560 mAh

Replacement procedures (a)

Removing the battery Insert your fingernail or an appropriate tool into the gap between the battery and the battery compartment and pull the battery up.

Pull the battery out while sliding it over the battery stop on the side of the battery compartment.


Inserting the battery


Insert the battery into the battery compartment at an angle of approx. 45°.

The battery compartment is designed to accept the battery only when it is inserted in the correct orientation (correct polarity). Incorrect

To insert the battery smoothly, it should be kept as close to horizontal as possible. Correct


No. 2D621-092EN*B

8.5 8.5.1

Adjusting the Inverter Packs Setting the inverter packs When the inverter packs are replaced, set the following parameters. (1)

Inverter pack Name




Remarks C-arm up/down movement and compression plate up/down




movement BSX58-5409 C-arm rotation control

Setting items Setting parameter




INV2 16
















Parameter settings Setting parameter Name 0 Torque boost


Functions Sets the voltage at 0 Hz as a specified percentage of the voltage at the specified frequency.


Speed-up time


Slowdown time

Time required to reach the set frequency Time required for the frequency to reach 0


PWM frequency selection

Motor tone setting


Input voltage selection

1: 5 V, 2: 10 V


Operating mode selection

Operation based on external signals or operation from the panel can be selected.

When setting the inverter pack parameters, be sure to set parameter 79 at the end.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Setting procedures Procedures

Display on the inverter

1. Mount the inverter pack in the C-arm stand, connect the cables, and turn ON the power. 2. Open the control panel cover.


3. Press the MODE key once.


4. Select the parameter to be set using the UP/DOWN key.


5. When the SET key is pressed, the set data is displayed.


6. Change the setting using the UP/DOWN key.


7. Press the SET key for 1.5 seconds. These keys blink alternately. 8. Pressing the MODE key three times returns to the first step. 9. Repeat the same procedure for other parameters.


Control panel

Display 4-digit LED

With the cover open

Unit display Operation status display Operation command key [REV] (reverse) key [FWD] (forward) key

[SET] key [MODE] key MAX. MIN.



[RUN] key [STOP/RESET] key


Figure 8-6


[UP/DOWN] key

Frequency setting volume

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the inverter pack parameters (C-arm stand vertical movement) When the inverter packs (INV1) are replaced, strong vibration may occur during C-arm stand vertical movement. In this case, perform adjustment as follows. (1)

Remove the covers from the C-arm stand and turn ON the power of the unit.


Adjust parameter 38 as follows. (a)

Open the control panel cover.


Press the MODE key once. The system enters parameter setting mode.


Press the SET key. The most significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "0".


Press the SET key again. The middle digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "7".


Press the SET key again. The least significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "9".


Press the SET key again. The current setting is displayed. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "1".


Hold down the SET key for about 1.5 seconds. The set value blinks and is written, and the system enters PU operation mode.


Press the MODE key four times to return to parameter setting mode.


Press the SET key. The most significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "0".


Press the SET key again. The middle digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "3".


Press the SET key again. The least significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "8".


Press the SET key again. The current setting is displayed. Press the UP/DOWN key to lower the value by 1. Lowering the setting value reducesvibrations.

(m) Hold down the SET key for about 1.5 seconds. The set value blinks and is written. (n)

Press the MODE key four times to return to parameter setting mode.


Repeat steps (c) to (g) to return the setting value of parameter 79 to "2".


Press the MODE key three times to return to monitor mode.


Close the operating panel cover.


Move the C-arm stand up and down to confirm that there is no significant vibration. If necessary, repeat the steps described in (2) to eliminate vibrations.


Turn OFF the power of the unit and remount the cover.


Turn ON the power of the unit and perform the final checks.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Adjustment of the inverter pack parameters (C-arm rotation speed) After the inverter packs (INV2) are replaced, rotate the C-arm to check the rotation speed. (1)

Remove the cover from the C-arm and turn ON the power of the unit.


Rotate the C-arm and confirm that the value displayed on the inverter pack display is between 43 Hz and 45 Hz. If this condition is satisfied, skip steps (3) and (4) and proceed directly to step (5).


Change parameter 38 as follows. (a)

Open the operating panel cover.


Press the MODE key once to enter parameter setting mode.


Press the SET key. The most significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "0".


Press the SET key again. The middle digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "7".


Press the SET key again. The least significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "9".


Press the SET key again. The current setting is displayed. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "1".


Hold down the SET key for about 1.5 seconds. The set value blinks and is written, and the system enters PU operation mode.


Press the MODE key four times to return to parameter setting mode.


Press the SET key. The most significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "0".


Press the SET key again. The middle digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "3".


Press the SET key again. The least significant digit blinks. Press the UP/DOWN key to set it to "8".


Press the SET key again. The current setting is displayed. Press the UP/DOWN key to change the value. When the set value is changed by 2 Hz, the rotation speed is changed by 1.5 rps.

(m) Hold down the SET key for about 1.5 seconds. The set value blinks and is written.



Press the MODE key four times to return to parameter setting mode.


Repeat steps (c) to (g) to return the set value of parameter 79 to "2".


Press the MODE key three times to return to monitor mode.


Close the operating panel cover.

Rotate the C-arm and confirm that the displayed value is between 43 Hz and 45 Hz. If necessary, repeat the steps described in (3) until the displayed value is within the specified range. 101

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8.6 8.6.1


Turn OFF the power of the unit and remount the cover.


Turn ON the power of the unit and perform the final checks.

Adjustment of Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) Adjustment of AEC gain The film development conditions and cassettes differ according to the site. It is therefore necessary to perform gain adjustment at the time of installation. (1)

Turn OFF the power of the system.


Remove the covers from the C-arm stand to adjust the variable resistors (VRs)on the STAND CONT PWB. For the cover removal procedure, refer to subsection 5.2.4. The STAND CONT PWB is mounted atthe lower right of theC-arm stand. Set rotary switches S9 and S10 on the STAND CONT PWB to "6" (this setting permits the AEC data to be displayed on the 7-segment LED of the PWB).

Figure 8-7 Adjustment locations forgain adjustment


Mount the Bucky device to the C-arm stand and set a cassette containing a film.


Turn ON the power of the unit. When the login window is displayed on the monitor, log in using an operator ID with service engineer rights. After login, select the X-ray tube aging mode in the utility window of the operating screen.


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Place a phantom (BR12(50/50) 4 cm) on the C-arm stand as shown in figure 8-8. Set the AEC position to the center of the area closest to the chest wall and set the AEC size to large. Lower the compression plateso that it just touches the phantom.

AEC size: Large

The AEC position should be set to the center of the area closest to the chest wall.

Phantom Figure 8-8 Position the phantom in place


The compression plate is made of soft material. Do not compress objects with corners, such as a phantom, because doing so may scratch the compression plate.


In the X-ray tube aging mode window, set the radiographic conditions to"Manual", "Mo", "28 kV", and "20 mAs".


Generate X-rays and check the display of the 7-segment LED of the STAND CONT PWB. If the 7-segment LED displays "27", gain adjustment is not necessary. If "27" is not displayed, adjust VR10 of the STAND CONT PWB, generate X-rays again, and check the display of the 7-segment LED again. Adjust VR10 until "27" is displayed. CAUTION:

VR adjustment alone does not change the value displayed on the LED. X-ray generation must be performed each time adjustment is performed.


When adjustment for the large AEC size is completed, set the AEC size to small.


Generate X-rays with the same conditions asfor the large AEC size and check the display of the 7-segment LED ofthe STAND CONT PWB. If the 7-segment LED displays "27", gain adjustment is not necessary. If "27" is not displayed, adjust VR11 of the STAND CONT PWB until "27" is displayed.


When the above steps are completed, return thesettings of rotary switches S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to "0" (normal operation mode). In the operating window, press [Return] to return to the utility window. Continue with the work from subsection 8.6.2 "AEC data acquisition". AEC size

Adjustment VR

Rotary switches

Set value










No. 2D621-092EN*B


AEC data acquisition (1)

In the utility window, select [Adjustment] → [AEC data acquisition]. The AEC data acquisition window opens. Utilities window

Adjustment mode selection window



AEC data acquisition mode window

Figure 8-8


Place the phantom correspondingto the compressed breast thickness to be measured on the C-arm stand in the same manner as for AEC gain adjustment. Set the AEC position to the center of the area closest to the chest wall and set the AEC size to large. CAUTION:

In AEC data acquisition mode, it is only possible to change the tube voltage and the mAs value. All other operations are disabled. If it is necessary to change the filter, move the compression plate, or perform any other operation during this work, switch to X-ray tube aging mode from AEC data acquisition mode.


Set the radiographic conditions(tube voltage and mAs) and generate X-rays.


Develop the film and measure the image density.


Measure the density several timesby varying the mAs value and determine the mAs value that provides the desired s value(or image density). Fill in the determined value inthe table on the following page.


Repeat the work described above and perform measurement at least six times for each table, setting a different mAs value each time. 104

No. 2D621-092EN*B


There are four AEC data tables, large focus/Mo, large focus/Rh, small focus/Mo,and small focus/Rh (only two tables when magnification radiography is not performed: large focus/Mo and large focus/Rh). NOTE:

1. In AEC data acquisition mode, the mAs value can be changed in increments of 1 mAs. 2. Measurement should beperformed with at least three different tubevoltages and measurement should be performed at least twice using objects of different thickness for each tube voltage. 3.

in the tables on the following page indicates the recommended measurement points. Note, however, that themeasurement points shouldbe changed according to the conditions for each site so that the mAs value is within 50 mAs to 200 mAs.

CAUTION: 1. For data acquisition with small focus, be sure to mount the adaptor for magnification radiography to the C-arm stand. Otherwise, small focus cannot be selected. 2. Precautions in AEC data acquisition mode

These buttons are used for selecting the AEC data table to be written to the STAND CONT PWB, not for changing the X-ray conditions.

Figure 8-10


No. 2D621-092EN*B

• Large focus/Mo

Large focus Mo

Object thickness [cm] 1













22 23 

24 ] V k [ e g a tl o v e b u T

25 26 27 


29 30 31 


33 Recommended measurement points: 24 kV/2 cm, 24 kV/4 cm 28 kV/3 cm, 28 kV/5 cm 32 kV/4 cm, 32 kV/6 cm • Large focus/Rh

Object thickness [cm] Large Rhfocus








22 23 24 25 26

27 ] V k [ e g a tl o v e b u T

28 29 30 31 


33 34 35 36 37 

38 39

Recommended measurement points: 26 kV/3 cm, 26 kV/5 cm 32 kV/5 cm, 32 kV/7 cm 38 kV/7 cm, 38 kV/9 cm 106

No. 2D621-092EN*B

• Small focus/Mo

Small focus Mo

Object thickness [cm] 1













22 23 

24 ] V k [ e g a tl o v e b u T

25 26 27 


29 30 31 


33 Recommended measurement points: 24 kV/2 cm, 24 kV/4 cm 28 kV/3 cm, 28 kV/5 cm 32 kV/4 cm, 32 kV/6 cm • Small focus/Rh

Object thickness [cm] Small Rhfocus








22 23 24

25 ] V [k e g a tl o v e b u T

26 27 28 


30 31 32 33 

34 35

Recommended measurement points: 24 kV/2 cm, 24 kV/4 cm 29 kV/4 cm, 29 kV/6 cm 34 kV/6 cm, 32 kV/8 cm


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Calculation of the AEC data table (1)

Select [Input] in the AEC data acquisition window. Excel starts and the approximatecalculation sheet opens.


Figure 8-11


Select the desired sheet. CAUTION:

The parameters differ for each sheet; therefore, be sure to select the sheet correctly.


Enter the measured mAs value on the sheet.


When data input is completed, press the [mAs data calculation] button. Approximate calculation is performed. Select [OK] in the confirmation window that opens at each step.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


The calculation results are displayed. (4) Calculate mAs value

(3) data. Input the measurement

(5) The calculation results are displayed.

(2) Select the sheet corresponding to the AEC conditions. Figure 8-12


Confirm that the actual measurement points are on or close to the approximate curve. If they deviate significantly from the curve, increase the number of measurement points.

Indicates a measurement point. Each line indicates an approximate curve. Figure 8-13


No. 2D621-092EN*B


After confirmation, press the [Calculate AEC value] button. 10-bit integrated value data is calculated. Select [OK] in the confirmation window that opens at each step.


The calculation results are displayed. (7) Calculate AEC value

(8) The calculation results are displayed. Figure 8-14

(9) (10)

In the same manner as above, calculate the integratedvalue data for each AEC table. When calculation for all the data tables is completed, select the [table_data] sheet.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Click the [Input data] button. The calculated integrated data is read out from each sheet and displayed. Select [OK] in the confirmation window that opens at each step.


Click the [Save data] button. The AEC data tables are saved to the hard disk of the PC in the csv format. Select [OK] in the confirmation window that opens at each step. (11) Input data (12) Save data

(10) Selecting this sheet Figure 8-15


When all the work described above is completed, close Excel. When a message asking whether the changes are to be saved is displayed, click [Yes]. The AEC data acquisition window is then displayed. NOTE:

The [Save Data] operation saves each AEC data table in c:\MGU1000A\ini\ folder. The file names are as follows. They can be overwritten. Large focus/Mo →AecMoLarge.csv Small focus/Mo →AecMoSmall.csv


Large focus/Rh → AecRhLarge.csv Small focus/Rh → AecRhSmall.csv

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Transferring the AEC data table When the csv files are saved, transfer the data to the STAND CONT PWB. (1)

In the AEC data acquisition window, select the data type of the file to be transferred.


Click the button. The data is transferred and written into the memory of the STAND CONT PWB.

(1) Select the data to be transferred. (2) Writing the data

Figure 8-16


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1. When is executed, only the selected AEC data table is written. In figure 8-16, only the data for large focus/Mo is written. 2. It is also possible for the AECdata to be written in adjustment parameter transfer mode. Select the data table to be written and click the button.

(1) Select the data table to be written.

(2) Execute [Write]. The Al filter is not mounted.

Figure 8-17


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Checking the Sensor and Switch Signals The signals from each sensor and switch of the C-arm stand can be checked on the LEDs of the STAND CONT PWB by changing thesetting of S8. The items displayed on the LEDsdepend on the switch settings as shown in the tables below. (1)

Mechanical sections S8:1-4 1000

Sensor and switch assignment LED14 – LED13 – LED12 C-arm stand vertical movement limit position sensor (up) LED11 C-arm stand vertical movement limit position sensor (down)


LED14 – LED13 C-arm rotation initialization sensor LED12 C-arm rotation CW sensor LED11 C-arm rotation CCW sensor


LED14 – LED13 250-mm position sensor LED12 200-mm position sensor LED11 3-mm position sensor


AEC S8:1-4 0010

Sensor and switch assignment LED14 – LED13 AEC X-axis




LED12 AEC X-axis


LED11 AEC X-axis


LED14 AEC Y-axis


LED13 AEC Y-axis

Center at the chest-wall-end

LED12 AEC Y-axis

Center at the nipple-end

LED11 AEC Y-axis


Bucky device and cassette detection S8:1-4 1001

Sensor and switch assignment LED14 CAS POS1 LED13 CAS POS2 LED12 Cassette detection sensor LED11 Grid stop position switch


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Collimator S8:1-4 0110

Sensor and switch assignment LED14 During radiography using a mirror camera LED13 During the standby status for radiography using a mirror camera LED12 Rh filter selection LED11 Mo filter selection


LED14 Collimator limit switch (nipple-end) LED13 Collimator initialization switch (nipple-end) LED12 Collimator limit switches (left/right sides) LED11 Collimator initialization switches (left/right sides)


LED14 – LED13 – LED12 Collimator limit switch (chest-wall-end) LED11 Collimator initialization switch (chest-wall-end)


Switch S8:1-4 0101

Sensor and switch assignment LED14 C-arm CCW switch LED13 C-arm CW switch LED12 C-arm stand UP switch LED11 C-arm stand DOWN switch


LED14 ×1.8 MAG SET LED13 ×1.5 MAG SET LED12 – LED11 Exposure field lamp switch


LED14 Compression plate DOWN switch LED13 Compression plate UP switch LED12 C-arm DOWN switch LED11 C-arm UP switch


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Rotary Switch Setting The main system and display data adjustment modes can be changed by changing the rotary switch settings (S9 and S10) of the STAND CONT PWB. The items displayed on the LEDs depend on the switch settings as shown in the table below.




7-segment LED

LED display






Mechanical adjustment plalte

Normalized value LED9: 250 mm of the encoder LED8: 200 mm LED7: 3 mm

Adjustment of the main unit



C-arm rotation

Normalized value LED9: 180° of the LED8: -150° potentiometer LED7: 0°


C-arm stand vertical movement

LED9: 690 mm LED8: 0 mm


Compression plate vertical movement

LED9: 250 mm LED8: 200 mm LED7: 3 mm


C-arm rotation


C-arm stand vertical movement

LED9: 690 mm LED8: 0 mm


Compression plate vertical movement

LED9: 250 mm LED8: 200 mm


C-arm rotation encoder

Free operation

Normal mode



No display

1 2 3 4

C-arm rotation Raw value potentiometer

LED9: 180° LED8: -150° LED7: 0°

LED7: LED9: Normalized value LED8: LED7: Raw value

3 mm 180° -150° 0°

Normalized value


C-arm stand vertical movement encoder

Raw value LED9: 690 mm Normalized value LED8: 0 mm


C-arm stand Raw vertical value movement potentiometer

Normalized value

6 8


Compression plate vertical Raw value LED9: 250 mm movement encoder Normalized value LED8: 200 mm LED7: 3 mm Compression Raw plate value vertical movement potentiometer Normalized value


AEC X-axis encoder


AEC Y-axis encoder


Beam limiting device encoder (chest-wall-end)

9 A


Raw value

LED9: Right LED8: LED7: LED6: LED5: LED4: LED3:



Center Left 4 (Nipple-end) 3 2 1 (Chest-wall-end)


No. 2D621-092EN*B




Normal mode



7-segment LED

LED display

Beam limiting device encoder (nipple-end)

Raw value LED9: OPEN Normalized value LED8: CLOSE

Beam limiting device encoders (left/right sides)

Raw value LED9: OPEN Normalized value LED8: CLOSE


Load cell voltage

A/D conversion


conversion value Load cell compression force

value LED8: LED7: -3.5-V +1.5-Vdisconnection disconnection Compression LED6: +3.5-V disconnection conversion value

1 2 3




AEC data

AEC data









C-arm encoder

Normalized value BBM C-arm potentiometer Reading when the power is ON BBM C-arm stand encoder


BBM C-arm stand potentiometer


BBM Compression plate encoder





Compression plate



LED9: -1.5-V disconnection

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacing the STAND CONT PWB (1)

Before replacing the PWB, back up the data.


Turn OFF the power of the unit and remove the cover from the C-arm stand.


Replace the STAND CONT PWB, which is mounted on the side of the main unit. Be sure return all the switches and jumpers on the PWB to their srcinal settings.


Turn ON the power of the unit. Perform the procedures listed below. Procedure to be performed

Subsection or manual to be referred to


(a) Scaling

7.10 or 8.3

Perform scaling for the drive section.

(b) Adjustment of the breast compression force


Adjust the breast compression force.

(c) Adjustment of the 8.2 compressed breast thickness

Adjust the compressed breast thickness.

(d) Transferring the adjustment parameters


Transfer all the parameters.

(e) Operational checks

Installation manual

There should be no abnormalities.


Before the adjustment parametersare transferred, close all the other individual adjustment windows. If an individual adjustment window is open, thedata from the PWB may be loaded, leading to overwriting of the existing data in the individual adjustment window. If data is lost, restore the backed-up ini folder data and transfer the adjustment parameters again.


Perform the operational checks and, if no problems are found, remount the covers.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacement of the Compression Section Cover and Load Cell

Figure 8-18


Removal (a)

Remove front/rear cover and panel (five screws).


Remove the cable and load cell connector from the panel.


Remove compression plate insertion block (four screws).


Remove link plate (four screws). Spacers and a bearing are installed inside the mounting screw section of the link plate; therefore, be careful when removing the link plate.


Remove load cell mounting plate (two screws). Pull out the load cell cable from the clearance.


Remove load cell cover (two screws).


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Reinstallation (a)

Reinstall each part by reversing the steps for removal.


Perform adjustment as described in subsection 8.1 "Adjustment of the Compression Force".


Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to "6" and "5", respectively.


While in the no-compression status,perform adjustment using the adjustment screw (figure 8-19) so that the 7-segment LED displays a value between 5 and 25. Adjustment screw

Figure 8-19


Set S9 and S10 of the STAND CONT PWB to "0".


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacement of the Compression Plate

Figure 8-20



Removal (a)

Remove mounting screws (four locations).


Loosen set screws (two locations, two screws at each location).


Remove the plate.

Reinstallation (a)

Mount the plate to the arm and lightly tighten mountingscrews (four locations).


Two set screws each are provided on the outside and the inside of the plate. Adjust the plate so that the tip of the plate protrudes from the Bucky device within a range from 0 mm to 2.5 mm, and partially secure the plate (using two screws at each of the two sections).

Figure 8-21


Secure the plate.


When the compression plate is replaced, do not tighten the screws excessively. The compression plate is made of a soft material and may be damaged by excessive tightening.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacement of the Potentiometer The resistance values corresponding tothe various positions must beas specified below. When the potentiometer is replaced, set the resistances accordingly. Operation

Replacement position



Compression plate vertical movement

Highest position

1.0 kΩ ±0.12 kΩ

Resistance between connectors 3 (blue) and 2 (white)

C-arm rotation

2.5 kΩ ±0.2 kΩ

Resistance between connectors 1 (blue) and 2 (white)

C-arm vertical movement Lowest position 8.12.1

0.5 kΩ ±0.2 kΩ

Replacement of the compression plate potentiometer (1)

Remove the C-arm covers. For the removal procedure, refer to subsection 5.2.4 " C-arm and C-arm stand covers ".


Lower the compression plate to the lowest position (about 250 mm).


Remove the cable from the potentiometer and remove mounting plate (two screws).


Remove gear (two screws) from the potentiometer.


Remove the potentiometer and replace it. Set the resistance value of the potentiometer (between the blue cable and the white cable) to 1.0 Ω k.


Install the new potentiometer in the unit by reversing the removal procedure and reconnect the cables.

Figure 8-22


No. 2D621-092EN*B

9. 9.1

X-RAY HIGH-VOLTAGE GENERATOR Adjustment of the X-ray Output (1)

Adjustment of the starter Perform adjustment with VR1 so that the period of the waveform for TP9 (ST-INV1) of the X-RAY CONT PWB becomes 5.5 ms. Also perform adjustment with VR2 so that the waveform width becomes 2.2 ms.

2.2 ms 5.5 ms

Figure 9-1


Provisional adjustment of filament heating (a)

Turn ON the power of the unit and perform adjustment withVR16 so that the voltage of TP30 of the X-RAY CONT PWB becomes 0 V before the unit enters the standby state (about 30 seconds before heatingstarts). (Alternatively, remove CNN1 from the H.V. INV PWB, turn ON the power of the unit, and perform adjustment with VR16 so that TP30 of the X-RAY CONT PWB becomes 0 V.)


Set SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to "TEST" (when CNN1 of the H.V. CONT PWB has been removed, reinsert itin advance). Connect a dummy filament (resistance of about 1 Ω) between L and C of the generator. Perform adjustment with VR9 of the X-RAY CONT PWB so that a voltage of 1.0 V (1.4 V during preheating) at TP42 of the X-RAY CONT PWB corresponds to 1.0 A (1.4 A during preheating) of the filament current.


When adjustment is completed, return SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to the srcinal setting (NOR).

CAUTION: When removing and reinserting CNN1, be sure to turn OFF the power of the unit. Otherwise, an electric shockmay result.


Adjustment of the tube voltage (a)

Set SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to "TEST". In contact radiography with large focus, manually set the tube voltage to 22 kV. Perform adjustment with VR3 so that the waveforms for TP21 (kV-ACT) of the X-RAY CONT PWB and the bleeder voltage are similar.


Perform adjustment with VR4 so that the measurement value for the bleeder becomes ±4% (21.1 to 22.9 kV) of the specified voltage.


When adjustment is completed, return SW2 of the X-ray CONT PWB to the srcinal setting (NOR). 123

No. 2D621-092EN*B




Adjustment of the tube current (a)

Set SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to "TEST". In contact radiography with large focus, manually set the tube voltage to 22 kV. Perform adjustment with VR8 so that the measurement value for the bleeder becomes 86 mA±5% (81.7 mA to 90.3 mA).


When adjustment is completed, return SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to the srcinal setting (NOR).

Adjustment of filament heating (a)

Set SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to "TEST". In contact radiography with large focus, manually set the tube voltage to22 kV. Perform adjustment with VR9 so that the waveform for TP28 of the X-RAY CONT PWB is smooth with no overshooting or undershooting. At this time, the measurement value of thetube voltage should be 86 mA ±5% (81.7 mA to 90.3 mA).


When adjustment is completed, return SW2 of the X-RAY CONT PWB to the srcinal setting (NOR).

Checking the tube voltage/tube current (a)

Confirm that tube voltages other than 22 kV are also within ±4% of the set voltage. When the tube voltage is set to more than 34 kV, it is necessary to change the filter from Mo to Rh.


Also confirm that the tube current is within ±5% of the set value.


When the value is not within the specified range, perform adjustment again from step (3) " Adjustment of the tube voltage".


1. Adjustment of the starter has been performed at the time of shipment. It is therefore not necessary to adjust it at the site. 2. Adjustment of the tubevoltage and tube current have been performed at the time of shipment. They are also adjusted automatically by feedback control based on actual detected values ofthe tube voltage and tubecurrent. It is therefore generally not necessary to adjust them at the site. 3. Adjustment of filament heating is necessary after the X-RAY CONT PWB or H.V. INV. PWB of the X-ray tube assembly or the X-ray high-voltage generator is replaced. 4. It is recommended that adjustment be performed in [Utility] → [X-ray tube aging mode]. Interlocks are disabled inX-ray tube aging mode, making it easy to perform adjustment.


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Checking X-ray Output (1)

Measuring instrument connections Connect each measuring instrument as shown in the figure 9-2. For connection, the service kit BSX58-0040 (receptacles for mammography: 2, high-voltage cable for mammography: 1) is required. *1

*1 C-arm stand X-ray tube assembly

Tube-current meter bleeder TUBE SIDE




X-ray high-

meter bleeder

voltage generator




Tubecurrent meter

Tubevoltage meter

T2 (+)

mAs meter

*1) Receptacle for mammmography *2) High-voltage cable for mammography Figure 9-2 (a)

Insert the receptacle for mammography into the "TUBE SIDE" receptacle section of the tube-current meter bleeder.


Insert the receptacle for mammography into the "ANODE SIDE" receptacle section of the tube-current meter bleeder.


Pull out the high-voltage cable from the X-ray H-high-voltage generator and insert the cable into the "TUBE SIDE" of the tube-current bleeder.


Connect the normal high-voltage cable between the "TRANS SIDE" of the tube-current meter bleeder and the "ANODE SIDE" of the tube-voltage generator.


Connect the high-voltage cable for mammography between the tube voltage bleeder side where the receptacle for mammography has been inserted and the high-voltage generator.


Connect the shielded line of the high-voltage cable for mammography to the ground terminal of the tube-voltage meter. Then connect this terminal to theground terminal of the X-ray high-voltage generator.


Disconnect the cablebetween terminal boards T1 and T2 on the X-RAY CONT PWB. Then connect the plus side of the mAs meter to T2 and the minus side of the mAs meter to T1. 125

No. 2D621-092EN*B


Replacement of the Bias Resistors (1)

If the bias resistor (one each for the large and small focuses) resistance valuesare different from those of the L and S focus bias resistors on the X-RAY CONT PWB in the X-ray highvoltage generator when the X-ray tube is changed, replace the bias resistors.


When the X-RAY CONT PWB is replaced, remove the L-focus and S-focus bias resistors from the old PWB and mount them to the new PWB.





5 N N C

L Focus bias resistor

7 N N C

S Focus bias resistor

8 N N C

4 N N C

3 N N C


1 B T

4 1 N N C

1 N N C


Figure 9-3 X-RAY CONT PWB


No. 2D621-092EN*B


Checking the Oil Level of the High-Voltage Generator (1)

Place the system on a level surface.


Remove the oil inlet cap of the high-voltage generator.


Wipe the scale (made of insulating material) with a dry cloth and insert the scale into the oil inlet carefully up to 40 mm.


Withdraw the scale carefully and read the oil level. (Reference value from the oil inlet: 30 ±3 mm)

Figure 9-4 High-voltage generator


1. When inspecting the high-voltage generator,be extremely careful to avoid electric shock. 2. Be careful not to drop objects (conductive materials etc.) orto spill liquids other than insulation oil (water etc.) inside the high-voltage generator.


No. 2D621-092EN*B



X-ray high-voltage generator Fuse No.



Part number ASF052*30A



30 A/250 V NORMAL


2 A/250 V NORMAL




1 A/250 V NORMAL


Power ON

F5 F6

7 A/250 V TIME-LAG 10 A/32 V TIME-LAG

ASF041*7A ASF041*10A


8 A/250 V NORMAL




2 A/250 V NORMAL


CU-BOX DC power


1 A/250 V TIME-LAG


ID printer power


2 A/250 V NORMAL



8 A/250 V NORMAL



3 A/250 V NORMAL


PC power


3 A/250 V NORMAL


LCD monitor power

ASF101-14 ASF041*10A

X-ray power supply

Starter (boost) Starter (run) Stand power Field lamp

C-arm stand Fuse


Part number

No. F1

1 A/250 V TIME-LAG


1 A/250 V TIME-LAG







ASF041*1A Field lamp

Be sure to use the designated fuse. Failure to do so may leadto fire.




1385, SHIMOISHIGAMI, OTAWARA-SHI, TOCHIGI-KEN 324-0036, JAPAN "Made for Life" is a trademark of Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation.