Measure Theory and its Applications: Proceedings of a Conference held at Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, June 7–18, 1982 [1 ed.] 9780387127033, 0-387-12703-8 [DJVU]

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English-French Pages 322 [350] Year 1983

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Table of contents :
Differentiation of superadditive processes....Pages 1-11
The properties of a residual set of vector measures....Pages 12-35
The Nikodym Boundedness theorem and the uniform boundedness principle....Pages 36-42
On the weak compactness criteria of Kolmogorov-Tamarkin and M. Riesz type in the space of Bochner intergrable functions over a locally compact group....Pages 43-58
Regularity and decomposability of finitely additive functions on a quantum logic....Pages 59-67
Construction d'une Fonction D'ensembles Additive et Invariante sur les Groupes Localement Compacts Abeliens....Pages 68-73
On "bad universal" sequences in ergodic theory (II)....Pages 74-78
Convergence theorems in the theory of diffusions....Pages 79-93
Approximation and baire category theorems in ergodic theory....Pages 94-113
Representation Integrale....Pages 114-125
II. Convexes et Cones Convexes non Localement Compacts....Pages 125-135
III. Formes Lineaires Positives et Mesures....Pages 135-143
Progress in vector measures — 1977–83....Pages 144-192
Two integral representations....Pages 193-198
Theoremes de Nikodym et de Vitali-Hahn-Saks pour les Mesures A Valeurs dans un Semigroupe Uniforme....Pages 199-208
Isometries and L p -structure of separably valued Bochner L p -Spaces....Pages 209-218
White noise analysis and its application to Feynman integral....Pages 219-226
Effective construction of measures....Pages 227-229
Sur la Régularité d'une Mesure A Valeurs dans un Semigroupe....Pages 230-239
Filtering equations for infinite dimensional non-linear filtering problems....Pages 240-246
Integration of vector valued functions....Pages 247-257
Transitive points in a family of minimal sets....Pages 258-262
On the atomic structure and the range of partially ordered convex cone-valued measures....Pages 263-268
The generalized Riemann integral in higher dimensions....Pages 269-275
Sous-Groupes Libres et Sous-Ensembles Independants de Transformations Preservant la Mesure....Pages 276-282
On generation of Radon like measures....Pages 283-294
Applying set theory to measure theory....Pages 295-302
Radon measures, some basic constructions....Pages 303-311
Problem section....Pages 312-317

Measure Theory and its Applications: Proceedings of a Conference held at Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, June 7–18, 1982 [1 ed.]
 9780387127033, 0-387-12703-8 [DJVU]

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