Manage Network Synchronization [PDF]

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Manage Network Synchronization User Guide

23/1553-LZA 701 6014/1 Uen G5


© Ericsson AB 2016, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Trademark List All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. These are shown in the document Trademark Information.

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Contents 1







Product View



Network Views



Packet Networks



Functional View






Configure a Basic Network Synchronization





Configure the Presentation in MOM of GNSS Receiver Status and Satellite Data Configure a GNSS Time Synchronization Reference



Configure a 1PPS Frequency Synchronization Reference



Configure Synchronous Ethernet



Configure NTP



Configure a PTP Frequency Synchronization Reference



Configure a PTP Time Synchronization Reference



Configure Assisted Time Holdover



Configure a PTP Grandmaster



Configure a PTP Boundary Clock



Manage Quality Level



Configure Test Signals for Sync Test Interface


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Manage Network Synchronization

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Description This document describes the network synchronization and its management. Some synchronization functions use the transport network. For more information on the transport network, see Manage Transport Network. Quality of Service (QoS) can affect IP traffic containing synchronization messages. QoS is described in Manage Quality of Service.


Introduction The purpose of network synchronization in the RAN is to synchronize the air interface of the RBS according to 3GPP specifications. Network synchronization requires the same type of planning involved in the design of the architecture of an IP network. For network synchronization, this planning must be documented in a Network Synchronization Plan (NSP). Ericsson offers a service for the preparation of such a plan. This document describes the basic concepts of network synchronization and the specific functions supported by the Baseband Radio Node, the Baseband C Node and the Baseband T Node. Synchronization of the Baseband C Node and Baseband T Node are optional. It is mandatory for the Baseband Radio Node.


Product View The network synchronization functionality of the Baseband Radio Node and the Baseband T Node is the same. The difference is that the Baseband Radio Node synchronizes its radio interface and its transmission outputs, while the Baseband T Node only supports the latter. The functions supported are: •

Time synchronization to GNSS.

Frequency synchronization using NTP.

Frequency synchronization using PTP.

Time synchronization using PTP.

PTP Grandmaster.

Frequency synchronization to 1PPS.

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Manage Network Synchronization

Synchronous Ethernet.

Quality level management.

For more information on GNSS, see the following documents: •

For Baseband T Node and GSM Radio Node, see GNSS as RAN Synchronization Reference.

For WCDMA Radio Node, see System Integrated GPS Network Synchronization.

For more information on NTP, see the following documents: •

For LTE Radio Node, see Clock Source over NTP.

For WCDMA Radio Node, see Network Synchronization Client for IP transport.

For Baseband T Node and GSM Radio Node, see NTP Frequency Synchronization.

For more information on PTP, see the following documents: •

For LTE Radio Node, see IEEE1588 Frequency Synchronization, IEEE1588 Time Synchronization, Manage LTE RAN Synchronization, and PTP Grandmaster.

For WCDMA Radio Node, see 1588v2 Frequency Synchronization.

For Baseband T Node, see PTP Slave for Frequency Synchronization and PTP Grandmaster.

For GSM Radio Node, see IEEE1588 Frequency Synchronization, IEEE1588 Time Synchronization, and PTP Grandmaster.

For more information on Synchronous Ethernet, see the following document: •


For LTE Radio Node, WCDMA Radio Node, Baseband T Node, and GSM Radio Node, see Synchronous Ethernet.

Network Views This section describes the general concepts of network synchronization. It also describes functions not supported by the Baseband Radio Node, the Baseband C Node and the Baseband T Node, but which are supported by other Ericsson RAN products. The principle of Network Synchronization is to synchronize all nodes in a network to a Primary Reference Clock (PRC). Traditionally, the networks are Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) networks. In a PDH/SDH network,


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synchronization is distributed on the physical PDH/SDH links. In an Ethernet network, the physical layer can also be used to distribute synchronization. This use is called Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE). In an IP/Ethernet network, packets can be used, which have no relationship to the phase and frequency of the physical links.



RBS Configured quality level QL_PRC QL_PRC

Core node / RNC



Configured Min QL QL_SSU-A




TCU identifier



Figure 1

Synchronization Network in Normal Operation

Figure 1 describes the network view of synchronization in a Synchronous Ethernet network.


General Aspects of Frequency Synchronization Networks The PRC is distributed over transmission links, by packets, or dedicated synchronization links in the network. The PRCs optionally synchronize the next level of clocks, that is, the Synchronization Supply Units (SSU). They in turn synchronize the integrated clocks in the RAN equipment, such as Ethernet Equipment Clocks (EEC).In the context of Ericsson solution for network synchronization using NTP, the NTP server and slave are a part of the Network Synchronization connection. When using PTP, PTP Grandmaster and PTP Slave are a part of the Network Synchronization connection. One or more links or Packet communication associations are used as synchronization references. The Network Synchronization Plan specifies which links are used for synchronization and which links each node uses. In normal operation, clocks are synchronized to a PRC. This state is called Frequency Locked mode.

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Manage Network Synchronization

A clock that has lost its connection to the PRC attempts to keep the frequency of the PRC. This state is called Frequency Holdover mode. Figure 2 shows an example of a synchronization chain from a PRC to an EEC. This representation focuses on the synchronization characteristics in terms of frequency, jitter, wander, and Maximum Time Interval Error (MTIE). If the number of EECs becomes too high, it can be necessary to insert a Synchronization Supply Unit (SSU) to improve the synchronization robustness. If a packet method is used, not all nodes can be Network Synchronization nodes. That is, routers or Ethernet switches can simply forward the synchronization packets.

PRC level

SSU level



SEC/EEC level












Figure 2

Synchronization Chain

If a fault occurs, the chain in Figure 2 breaks. In Figure 3, an example is given. After the failure, only the two leftmost EECs are synchronized to the PRC. The third EEC is in Holdover mode and synchronizes the fourth EEC. The SSU detects a low clock quality in the Synchronization Status Message (SSM) sent by the fourth EEC, or a frequency deviation in the incoming clock. The SSU then takes the following actions:


It discards the synchronization reference coming from the EEC.

It enters Frequency Holdover mode.

It synchronizes the remaining part of the chain to the right, until the Radio Equipment Clock of the Baseband or Baseband T is reached.

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PRC synchronization network connection SSU synchronization network connection




L=Locked H=Holdover

SEC synchronization network connection

Figure 3

Failure of a Synchronization Connection

To secure PRC availability at any time, the synchronization network must be implemented in redundant structures. This prevents individual clocks from entering holdover mode if a single network failure occurs. A representation of the redundancy of the synchronization network is shown in Figure 4. The two SSUs are connected to the top PRC. The SSU on the left has only one synchronization reference to the top PRC and therefore has a backup PRC. Except for the lowest level, it is recommended that all nodes are synchronized on at least two independent synchronization references. This reflects the situation in a typical core network or the more central parts of a RAN. If a fault occurs, the node selects another synchronization reference instead of entering Holdover mode. On the lowest level, the nodes are synchronized on only one synchronization reference. This reflects the situation in a typical RAN. If a fault occurs on a link to the nodes on the lowest level, the nodes enter Holdover mode.

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Manage Network Synchronization






Figure 4
















Redundancy in Synchronization Networks

Quality Level Management in Frequency Synchronization Networks Quality level management can be applied to frequency synchronization networks. It can have three purposes: •

Conveying best available network synchronization quality downstream in a transport network. This is facilitated by letting the node choose the synchronization reference with the highest-quality level.

Allowing an end node to decide whether the network synchronization quality level received on an interface is sufficient for its operation. This is achieved by defining a required minimum quality level of a synchronization reference.

Providing automatic protection of a Network Synchronization Connection in a ring network. This involves methods to turn around network synchronization if there is a failure in a ring network. This method is used mainly in SDH networks. This method is not used by the RBS.

The concept of quality level management can be applied to all synchronization references. The support in the Baseband and Baseband T is limited to quality level management for synchronous Ethernet, 1PPS, NTP frequency synchronization, and PTP frequency synchronization. It uses the minimum quality level method for all references.


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Three different sets of Quality Levels are defined: one for each of the standards of ETSI, ANSI, and TTC, corresponding to option I, option II, and option III, respectively. A network must use only one of these options. The TCU 02 and the SIU 02 are designed to provide the holdover for the RBSs located downstream from them. These nodes also use the minimum quality level method. The radio node can detect across the Ethernet link that it is connected to a TCU 02 or a SIU 02. In this case, it reports this as a special quality level TCU_DETECTED. Table 1

Option I Quality Levels Recognized By the Node

Quality Level

Relative Quality


Highest to Lowest

QL_PRTC QL_PRC QL_SSU-A QL_SSU-B QL_EEEC QL_SEC/EEC QL_DNU (Do not use for synchronization) QL_INV (Invalid QL within the option) TCU_DETECTED

This quality level does not have a relative quality. The RBS always accepts the reference, except if QL_DNU is received.

Explanation: In the rightmost column of Table 1 to Table 3, highest relative quality is ranked at the top of the group of table rows. QL_INV in Table 1 has the lowest relative quality. Table 2

Option II Quality Levels Recognized By the Node

Quality Level

Relative Quality


Highest to Lowest


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Manage Network Synchronization

Quality Level

Relative Quality

QL_EEEC QL_ST3/EEC QL_SMC QL_PROV QL_DUS (Do not use for synchronization) QL_INV TCU_DETECTED

This quality level does not have a relative quality. The RBS always accepts the reference, except if QL_DUS is received.

Table 3

Option III Quality Levels Recognized By the Node

Quality Level

Relative Quality


Highest to Lowest


This quality level does not have a relative quality. The RBS always accepts the reference, except if QL_DNU is received.

Examples of the application of quality level management in a typical radio access network are shown in Figure 2 and in Figure 5.


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Loss of Synchronization - in Hold-over


QL too Low - in Hold-over

TCU identifier

X Core node / RNC

Ethernet Switch


Ethernet Switch



Figure 5


Error in a Synchronization Network

General Aspects of Time Synchronization Networks The purpose of network time synchronization is to synchronize all clocks in the network to a common time. That is, the purpose is to have the same long-term time accuracy everywhere. The source for the long-term time accuracy must be a PRTC). To secure PRTC availability at any time, the synchronization network must be implemented in redundant structures. This prevents individual clocks from entering holdover mode if a single network failure occurs. The PRTC time is distributed by one of the following methods: •

A Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), such as GPS or GLONASS

Time distribution over packets, such as PTP

These methods can also be combined to form a time synchronization trail. In the GNSS case, a satellite receiver is connected directly to the node that needs to be time synchronized with high precision. For time distribution over a packet network, the Time PRC is connected to a time server, which generates packets containing time stamps of high accuracy.

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Manage Network Synchronization


Node View of Network Synchronization and the Network Synchronization Plan Figure 6 gives an overview of the network synchronization of a node. The synchronization references connected to the node are to the left. There is a selector that chooses the synchronization reference that the node is supposed to use. The selection is based on a strict-priority order. The selected synchronization reference is supervised and filtered by the radio equipment clock and is then distributed to all outputs of the node that carry synchronization.

S e l e c t o r

Figure 6


Node View of Network Synchronization

The network synchronization plan describes how the synchronization network must be configured. Each network operator must have a network synchronization plan. The plan describes which nodes there are in the network and with which clock types they are equipped. It details the links and associations that are used for conveying information on network synchronization. Finally, on the node level, it defines the inputs used as network synchronization references, and their priorities. Thus the network synchronization plan is the main input for configuration of the network synchronization in a node. Based on that, the synchronization references and the priority between them are defined in the node.


Packet Networks Network synchronization in a packet-based network is performed using time stamps inserted in IP packets or in Ethernet frames. NTP and PTP are used for frequency or time synchronization, and require IP or Ethernet connectivity toward Time Servers located in the transport network. Information on configuring IP or Ethernet connectivity is available in Manage Transport Network. If Access Control Lists (ACL) must be configured,


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information on UDP ports used by NTP and PTP is available in Node Hardening Guidelines. Quality of Service (QoS) settings for Network Synchronization are described in Manage Quality of Service. Note:

A radio node can be simultaneously configured with both frequency synchronization and time and phase synchronization. In this case, however, only one of the two synchronization types will be active.

The NTP implementation does not support IPv6. PTP Frequency Synchronization and G.8275.2 Time Synchronization support both IPv4 and IPv6. The NTP and PTP implementation does not support IPsec. Setting the real-time clock of the node, for example for time-stamping of alarms, is not a network synchronization function. The NTP protocol is used for setting the real-time clock, but this function uses an association separate from the network synchronization associations. Synchronization distribution trails are transparent to the nodes, which means that cascading in the classical sense is not applicable. The time stamp packets, passing along Synchronization Distribution trails, are subject to delay variation by the network. This variation can seriously affect the characteristics of the network synchronization. The Network Synchronization network connections consist of only one SD trail. Two nodes connected to the same node can also be synchronized to different time servers. This is shown by the upper two nodes at the right. They are not synchronized to the same time server, although they are connected to the same intermediate nodes.

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Manage Network Synchronization


= SD trail

= NTP server or PTP Master

= NS network connection

= NTP Client or PTP Slave L0001204B

Figure 7

Example of a Synchronization in a Packet Network

The NTP client, or the PTP slave extracts the required synchronization information from the packets, using a Differential Time Method algorithm. Differential Time Methods are based on the time differences between a time server and a time client. The packet delays are computed from the time stamps for the server and for the client. This allows the client to calculate its oscillator frequency drift, compared to the time server frequency, and to tune the client clock to the time server. For more information on the generation and termination of Ethernet and IP packets, refer to Manage Transport Network.


Network Synchronization Using NTP Packets NTP is used for the frequency synchronization of a radio or Baseband T node. The IP synchronization reference consists of an NTP client in the node and an associated NTP server in another node. The NTP server can either be a standalone time server node, or a time server integrated in the Ericsson RNC. The server reacts to incoming time stamp IP packets from the client. It adds the current time to the relevant fields, and returns them to the source IP address, that is, the address of the time client. Note:

If IPv6 is used, both the PTP Grandmaster and the PTP slave must use global IPv6 addresses. For IPv4 and IPv6, PTP must be configured on the outer network.


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Network Synchronization Using PTP Packets PTP can be used for: •

Frequency synchronization of a radio or Baseband C node or Baseband T node

Time and phase synchronization of a radio or a Baseband C node.

The PTP synchronization reference consists of an PTP Slave in the node and an associated PTP master in another node. A radio node or Baseband C node or Baseband T node can also provide a PTP time and phase synchronization source by using the RAN Grand Master feature. More information on this feature is available in RAN Grand Master. •

A time server must be connected to the RAN.

The IEEE 1588 Frequency Synchronization license must be installed and enabled.

The IEEE 1588 Frequency Synchronization feature does not require that intermediate nodes in the transport network support Boundary Clock or Transparent Clock functionality. The PTP protocol can be transported over IPv4 or IPv6 with UDP in a unicast transmission. Note:

If IPv6 is used, both the PTP Grandmaster and the PTP slave must use global IPv6 addresses. For IPv4 and IPv6, PTP must be configured on the outer network.


PTP for Time and Phase Synchronization To implement time synchronization, it is necessary that every node along the chain between the master and the slave clock supports PTP boundary clock or transparent clock. See Figure 8

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Manage Network Synchronization

IEEE 1588 Time Server Baseband or Third Party Time Server Ordinary clock - Master

Transport Network

Slave Port

L2 Switch Master Port

L2 Switch te

Boundary clock

Slave Port

E to E Transparent Clock

Master Port

L2 Switch E to E Transparent Clock

IEEE 1588 Time Server Ordinary clock - Slave


Ordinary clock - Master


Ordinary clock - Slave

Baseband L0001467A

Figure 8 IEEE 1588 Network View for Time and Phase Synchronization. The Boundary Clock Selects one Slave Port, Based on the Best Master Clock Algorithm. A radio node or Baseband T can also be configured as a PTP grand master by activating the RAN Grand Master feature. For more information on this feature, see RAN Grand Master. The Baseband C can distribute time and phase synchronization references using the E-RAN Sync Via BB-C feature. The Baseband C uses IDLe links to send and receive PTP messages.


PTP for Frequency Synchronization The PTP synchronization reference consists of a PTP slave in the node, and a PTP Grandmaster in another node. Figure 9 shows PTP devices defined by IEEE 1588.


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A Baseband node can have as many as eight alternative IEEE 1588 synchronization references. Each synchronization reference is a slave clock and has a corresponding master clock as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 9. Individual slave clocks can be connected to different master clocks. Ericsson recommends providing connectivity to two or more IEEE 1588 Grandmasters to increase network reliability. Slave clocks receive information about the quality of master clocks through the PTP protocol. The clock quality includes information about clock class and clock accuracy. A PTP slave chooses the time grandmaster with the highest priority if the time grandmaster provides a clock with sufficiently good quality: This quality must be in accordance with predefined values for clock class and clock accuracy.

IEEE 1588 Time Server 1

IEEE 1588 Time Server 2

IEEE 1588 Time Server N

Master clock

Master clock

Master clock

Transport Network

RBS Slave clock

Slave clock

Slave clock


Figure 9


IEEE 1588 Network View for Frequency Synchronization

Functional View Figure 10 shows a functional model of the network synchronization block of the Baseband and Baseband T.

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Manage Network Synchronization

Managed Element Synchronization References Synchronization Protocol Termination

Synchronization Reference Monitoring Usable Synchronization References Synchronization Reference Selection Selected Reference Holdover Capability

Radio Equipment Clock

Internal Synchronization Users

Synchronization Protocol Generation Synchronization Outputs


Figure 10


Functional Model of Synchronization.

Overview The heart of the network synchronization block is the Radio Equipment Clock. In the Baseband T, it provides frequency reference on its synchronization outputs. In the Baseband, it also generates to its internal users the following, to generate the Air interface carrier frequency and Radio frames:


basic phase

frame counter


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If there is one external reference available, the Radio Equipment Clock locks to the selected reference. If no reference is available, it uses the holdover capability to keep phase and frequency until a reference becomes available again. When locked to a reference, the holdover capability is trained by the Radio Equipment Clock. The Synchronization Protocol Termination terminates Synchronization protocols. For the configured synchronization references, it forwards information to the synchronization Reference Monitoring. The synchronization Reference Monitoring decides whether a reference is selectable as synchronization reference. Synchronization Reference selection uses the priority value configured for each reference and selects the selectable reference with the highest priority.


Synchronization Protocol Termination Not all types of synchronization reference terminate in a protocol. The Synchronization Protocol Termination terminates the following protocols: •

For Synchronous Ethernet, in the input direction, it does the following: –

Terminates the Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC).

Extracts the Synchronization Status Message (SSM) value.

Maps the extracted value to a Quality Level according to the configured Telecom Option, and stores it in the receivedQualityLevel attribute of MO RadioEquipmentClockReference .

The GNSS protocol termination detects whether the protocol is supported, and extracts time information, GNSS receiver status, and satellite information. The time information is forwarded to the next functional blocks. The GNSS receiver status and satellite information are represented in the GnssInfo MO Class. If the GNSS receiver is locked, the QL value depends on the standard as set in telecomStandard attribute of Synchronization MO instance, and is visible in receivedQualityLevel attribute of MO RadioEquipmentClockReference : –

PRC for OPTION_I, that is, ETSI

PRS for OPTION_II, that is, ANSI

UNK for OPTION_III, that is, TTC

The NTP reference, that is, NTP Client, uses the NTP protocol towards an NTP server in the network. The Quality Level of Radio Equipment Clock, when synchronized to an NTP reference, is set to one of the following values. The value is visible in the receivedQualityLevel attribute of

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Manage Network Synchronization

MO RadioEquipmentClockReference . This depends on the standard as set in telecomStandard attribute of Synchronization MO instance:


PRC for OPTION_I, that is, ETSI

PRS for OPTION_II, that is, ANSI

UNK for OPTION_III, that is, TTC

The PTP reference, that is, a PTP Slave, uses the PTP protocol towards a PTP Grandmaster in the network. The Quality Level of Radio Equipment Clock, when synchronized to a PTP reference depends on the standard as set in telecomStandard attribute of Synchronization MO instance.The extracted value is stored in the receivedQualityLevel attribute of MO RadioEquipmentClockReference. The QL is assigned based on the clockClass and clockAccuracy of the PTP Grandmaster.

For a 1PPS reference, there is no protocol, but the reference can be given an administrative Quality Level. The receivedQualityLevel is UNKNOWN.

Synchronization Reference Monitoring With Synchronization Reference Monitoring, the synchronization references are divided into selectable or not selectable references. If a reference is not selectable, an alarm is issued. Synchronization references that are selectable, are transferred to Synchronization Reference Selection together with their respective Quality Levels. A synchronization reference is not selectable, when the following issues occur :


Loss of physical signal at the Port.

Protocol communication error.

The operational Quality Level is lower than the configured minimum Quality Level set in the minQualityLevel MO attribute of the RadioEquipmentClock MO class.

High PDV on synchronization packets.

Synchronization Reference Selection From the set of selectable synchronization references, the reference with the highest priority value that is fault free and has minimum Quality Level (QL), is selected. The priority value is configured through the MOM. If there is no selectable reference, the holdover capability is used. The selected reference


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and the QL of the selected reference are visible in operQualityLevel and are transferred to the Radio Equipment Clock.


Radio Equipment Clock The Radio Equipment Clock is tailored for radio performance. It is built up around a high stability oscillator and a synchronization algorithm with an adaptive bandwidth. This enables it to lock quickly to the selected time or frequency reference, and once locked to withstand frequency and phase variations. To enable short restart times, the parameters of the adaptive algorithm are stored in a non-volatile memory. For a Baseband, the Radio Equipment Clock generates the basic 10 ms radio frame tick and the basic radio frame counter. The Quality Level of the selected reference is allocated to the Radio Equipment Clock in attribute clockOperQuality . After reference reselection, the Quality Level can be lowered during a settling time. The Synchronization Protocol Generation block outputs the settled Quality Level, visible in attribute clockSettledQuality , when the node delivers synchronization to external devices. For the Baseband, the output from the Radio Equipment Clock is also sent to node internal synchronization users. In the Baseband, the internal users are the clocking of the interface between the Baseband and the Radio, and also functional users of the Managed Functions. The Radio equipment Clock can be in the clock states FREQUENCY_LOCKED, RNT_TIME_LOCKED, or TIME_OFFSET_LOCKED, when synchronized to a reference. The last state represents a state where the clock: •

Has locked to the time reference, but

Is waiting for a node internal request to jump the basic frame counter.

This is required for some radio node features. Once the counter has jumped to the required value, the state changes to RNT_TIME_LOCKED.


Holdover Capability When the Radio equipment Clock is locked to a synchronization reference, the Holdover Capability is trained. When none of the references are selectable, the Holdover Capability keeps the latest known properties of the Radio equipment Clock algorithm in Holdover Modes. If the Radio Equipment Clock was Time Locked, the Holdover capability can keep a Time Holdover Mode for a limited time. If a time synchronization reference has not become "selectable" within this time, the Holdover Capability goes to the Frequency Holdover Mode. If the Holdover Capability has been trained, the Frequency Holdover mode can be kept for the rest of the lifetime of the node. If the synchronization network fault has not been corrected, an additional alarm is sent as a

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Manage Network Synchronization

reminder. This takes place two weeks after all frequency synchronization references became "not selectable". After this two-week period, there can be a degradation of the handover-related KPIs. Handover can fail for mobile stations moving at high speed. The described holdover capability relies on the stability of the oscillator and the training of the synchronization algorithm. An assisting reference can provide an alternative way to keep the time during an outage of a primary time reference using a network connection. Using an assisting reference provides a virtual holdover with a much longer duration. The Frequency Holdover, RNT Time Holdover, or Time Offset Holdover states are reported in the radioClockState attribute of RadioEquipmentClock MO.


Synchronization Protocol Generation In the outward direction, the Synchronization Protocol Generation takes the Quality Level from attribute clockSettledQuality of MO RadioEquipmentClock . For SyncE, the Synchronization Protocol Generation takes the Quality Level from the Radio Equipment Clock and encodes it to a Synchronization Status Message (SSM) value. The Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC) protocol is generated on all Ethernet ports, including the SSM value. An exception is that the Quality Level Do not use for synchronization is transferred on the Ethernet port that the Radio Equipment Clock selected for synchronization. For Time Division Multiplex (TDM) ports, the Synchronization Protocol Generation takes the Radio Equipment Clock state and encodes it to an SSM value. The SSM value is sent out on all TDM ports.


Sync Test Interface The user can measure generated frequency and time alignment on Baseband and Baseband T units by connecting test equipment to the synchronization test interface. For information on how to configure the synchronization test interface and the test signal, see Configure Test Signals for Sync Test Interface on page 38. The synchronization test interface is represented by the following two pins on the LMT port RJ45 connector:


Pin 8: Signal

Pin 5: GND

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Electrically it is an unbalanced 50 Ω signal. The cable and test instrument provides 50 Ω termination. It corresponds to the “1PPS 50 Ω phase synchronization measurement interface” defined by ITU-T: Recommendation G.8271/Y.1366 defines the functionality. Recommendation G.703 defines the characteristics. Note:

ITU-T specifies only a 1PPS signal for time accuracy measurement while Baseband and Baseband T units can also output frequency signals.

Four test signals can be enabled. For information about these test signals, see OutputSyncTestInterfaceSignal. The synchronization test interface can be used to measure the following: •

The accuracy of the frequency generated by the Baseband and Baseband T unit by connecting a frequency counter to the interface. To measure this, enable FREQUENCY_2048KHZ, FREQUENCY_10MHZ or FREQUENCY_1PPS. The support of 2048 kHz and 10 MHz differs between products, see SyncTestInterfaceSignalOutput.

The time accuracy achieved when synchronizing to a time reference by connecting an oscilloscope to the interface and a 1PPS reference signal. To measure this, enable TIME_LOCKED_1PPS.

See Figure 11 for an example of a synchronization test setup.

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Manage Network Synchronization

Test / signal generator

GNSS RF Receiver 1PPS+ToD

PTP Time/Eth

Baseband/ Baseband T Frequency counter



Sync test interface Oscilloscope

NTP / PTP freq / SyncE



1PPS reference


Figure 11

Example of a Sync Test Interface Test Setup, Super Set

After a power-on and after a restart with rank Cold or rank Cold with test, no signal is output. The test signal survives a restart with rank Warm. If attempting to enable a signal not supported by the field replaceable unit, no signal is output. It is recommended to disable the signal when not using it for testing.


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Procedures This section describes configuration procedures of network synchronization. MO class Synchronization is the starting point for configuring network synchronization. A Baseband Radio Node always requires a RadioEquipmentClock MO. A Baseband C Node and a Baseband T Node only requires a RadioEquipmentClock MO to be created if it uses synchronization. The Network Synchronization Plan specifies how synchronization must be configured in a specific node. The configuration procedures described in the present document are generic, and cannot cover all possible combinations of values of MO attributes. Whenever the choice of a value is identified in these procedures as "the desired value", or "the required value", the specific value to use in an actual configuration procedure must be obtained from the Network Synchronization Plan.


Configure a Basic Network Synchronization The configuration of a basic network synchronization described in this section is done before configuring any network synchronization reference. The root MO for configuring network synchronization is Synchronization . This MO is automatically created by the system. To create a RadioEquipmentClock MO instance and configure the Synchronization MO, do the following: Steps 1. If the node is located in a site that moves, for example a cruise ship, in the Synchronization MO instance, set the fixedPosition attribute to false. Note:

If the node is placed in a fixed geographic location, leave this attribute at its default value of true.

2. If necessary, in the telecomStandard attribute of the Synchronization MO instance, change the desired telecom standard option. Possible choices are: •

OPTION_I for ETSI. This is the default value.

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3. Under the Synchronization MO instance, create a RadioEquipmentClock MO instance. 4. To activate QL processing, set the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock to QL_ENABLED 5. If QL processing is activated, set the desired value in the minQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClock .


Configure the Presentation in MOM of GNSS Receiver Status and Satellite Data This procedure makes the following data readable in the MOM: •

GNSS receiver status

Satellite data


This procedure does not include the configuration of a GNSS Time Synchronization Reference, which is described in Configure a GNSS Time Synchronization Reference on page 25

To configure the presentation of this data, do the following: Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Under the FieldReplaceableUnit MO, create a SyncPort MO instance. For Baseband, set the syncPortId attribute of SyncPort to SYNC. For Baseband T, set the syncPortId attribute of SyncPort to either SYNC_A or SYNC_B. 3. Under Synchronization , create a TimeSyncIO MO instance. 4. Set the value of the compensationDelay attribute of the TimeSyncIO MO instance to the one-way delay of the connection between the node and the GNSS antenna. 5. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute of the TimeSyncIO MO instance to refer to the SyncPort MO instance created earlier in this procedure. 6. Under the TimeSyncIO MO instance, create a GnssInfo MO instance.


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The GnssInfo MO instance provides read-only attributes with operational information on the GNSS receiver status and satellite information.

Configure a GNSS Time Synchronization Reference This configuration presumes that the steps described in Configure the Presentation in MOM of GNSS Receiver Status and Satellite Data on page 24 have been done. To configure a GNSS Time Synchronization Reference, do the following: Steps 1. Under RadioEquipmentClock , create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 2. If the selectionProcessMode attribute in RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_ENABLED, if desired, set the useQLFrom attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to ADMIN_QL. Note:

If the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_DISABLED, the values of useQLFrom and adminQualityLevel are ignored. If the useQLFrom attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to its default value of RECEIVED_QL, the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is ignored. If the adminQualityLevel attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to a value lower than minQualityLevel , the reference is never selected.

3. Set the encapsulation attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to the TimeSyncIO MO instance created in a preceding step. 4. If necessary, change the value of the holdOffTime attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 5. Set the value of the priority attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to a unique priority for the present reference instance. Note:

A Time Synchronization Reference must always be given a higher priority than any Frequency Synchronization Reference. To do this, assign a lower value to the priority attribute for the Time Synchronization Reference.

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6. If necessary, change the value of the waitToRestoreTime attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 7. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to UNLOCKED.


Configure a 1PPS Frequency Synchronization Reference To create a 1PPS frequency reference, do the following: Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Under FieldReplaceableUnit , create a SyncPort MO instance. 3. Under Synchronization , create a FrequencySyncIO MO instance. 4. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute of the FrequencySyncIO MO instance to the SyncPort MO instance created earlier in this procedure. 5. Under RadioEquipmentClock , create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 6. If the selectionProcessMode attribute in RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_ENABLED, do the following: a. Set the useQLFrom attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to ADMIN_QL. b. Set the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. If this attribute is set to a value lower than minQualityLevel , the reference is never selected. Note:

If the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_DISABLED, the values of useQLFrom and adminQualityLevel are ignored. If the useQLFrom attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to its default value of RECEIVED_QL, the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is ignored.

7. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to the FrequencySyncIO MO instance created earlier in this procedure.


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8. If necessary, change the value of the holdOffTime attribute. 9. Set the value of the priority attribute to a unique priority for the present reference instance. Note:

A Frequency Synchronization Reference must always be given a lower priority than any Time Synchronization References. To do this, assign a higher value to the priority attribute for the Frequency Synchronization Reference.

10. If necessary, change the waitToRestoreTime attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to a different value than the default. 11. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to UNLOCKED.


Configure Synchronous Ethernet This procedure requires that a SyncEthInput MO instance that represents the desired Synchronous Ethernet reference is available. The SyncEthInput MO refers to the desired EthenetPort MO instance, and its encapsulation attribute refers to the desired TnPort MO instance. More information on configuring these MOs is available in Manage Transport Network. To configure a Synchronous Ethernet frequency reference, do the following: Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Make sure that a suitable EthernetPort MO instance exists, and that the physical port referred to by this instance is connected to the network. 3. To enable Synchronous Ethernet reference over 1000BASE-T, set the admOperatingMode attribute to 1G_FULL_SLAVE so that the EthernetPortMO instance is in slave state. Using default configuration of the attributes admOperatingMode and autoNegEnable (1G_FULL and true respectively) may raise the alarm SyncE Reference failed with additional text 1000BASE-T is not slave. In this case, the other side of the link must not be set to 1G_FULL_SLAVE at the same time. 4. Under Synchronization, create a SyncEthInput MO instance and its encapsulation attribute refers to an EthernetPort MO instance. 5. Under RadioEquipmentClock , create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance.

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6. If the selectionProcessMode attribute in RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_ENABLED, if desired, set the useQLFrom attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to ADMIN_QL. Note:

If the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_DISABLED, the values of useQLFrom and adminQualityLevel are ignored. If the useQLFrom attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to its default value of RECEIVED_QL, the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is ignored. If the adminQualityLevel attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to a value lower than minQualityLevel , the reference is never selected.

7. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to the SyncEthInput MO instance that represents the desired Synchronous Ethernet reference. 8. If necessary, change the value of the holdOffTime attribute. 9. Set the value of the priority attribute to a unique priority for the present reference instance. Note:

A Frequency Synchronization Reference must always be given a lower priority than any Time Synchronization References. To do this, assign a higher value to the priority attribute for the Frequency Synchronization Reference.

10. If necessary, change the waitToRestoreTime attribute to a different value than the default. 11. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to UNLOCKED.


Configure NTP This procedure requires that an AddressIPv4 MO instance and a corresponding transport network configuration are available. More information on configuring the transport network is available in Manage Transport Network. To configure an NTP frequency synchronization reference, do the following:


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Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Create one Ntp MO instance. 3. Create one NtpFrequencySync MO instance. 4. Set the value of the syncServerNtpIpAddress attribute to be either the NTP Server IP address or its domain name. 5. Set the value of the addressIpv4Reference attribute to the configured AddressIPv4 MO instance. This address must be on the outer network. 6. If desired, set the value of the dscp attribute if a different value than the default to be used. 7. Under RadioEquipmentClock, create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 8. If the selectionProcessMode attribute in RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_ENABLED, if desired, set the useQLFrom attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to ADMIN_QL. Note:

If the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_DISABLED, the values of useQLFrom and adminQualityLevel are ignored. If the useQLFrom attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to its default value of RECEIVED_QL, the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is ignored. If the adminQualityLevel attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to a value lower than minQualityLevel , the reference is never selected.

9. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to the NtpFrequencySync MO instance created earlier in this procedure. 10. If necessary, change the value of the holdOffTime attribute. 11. Set the value of the priority attribute to a unique priority for the present reference instance.

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A Frequency Synchronization Reference must always be given a lower priority than any Time Synchronization References. To do this, assign a higher value to the priority attribute for the Frequency Synchronization Reference.

12. If necessary, change the waitToRestoreTime attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to a different value than the default. 13. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to UNLOCKED.


Configure a PTP Frequency Synchronization Reference This procedure requires that an AddressIPv4 or AddressIPv6 MO instance and a corresponding transport network configuration are available. More information on configuring the transport network is available in Manage Transport Network. To configure a PTP frequency synchronization reference, do the following: Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Create one Ptp MO instance. 3. Create one BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance. Note:

The value of the boundaryOrdinaryClockId attribute is automatically set at MO instance creation, and cannot be manually changed.

4. Set the value of the clockType attribute to SLAVE_ONLY_ORDINARY_CLOCK. 5. Set the value of the domainNumber attribute to.a PTP domain 6. Set the value of the ptpProfile attribute to G_8265_1. 7. Create one PtpBcOcPort MO instance. 8. Set the value of the associatedGrandmaster attribute to be either the PTP Grandmaster IP address or its domain name. 9. Set the value of the transportInterface attribute to the AddressIPv4 or AddressIPv6 MO representing the IP transport on which PTP messages are carried.


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The address must be on the outer network. 10. If desired, set the value of the dscp attribute if a different value than the default to be used. 11. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the PtpBcOcPort MO instance to UNLOCKED. 12. Under RadioEquipmentClock, create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 13. If the selectionProcessMode attribute in RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_ENABLED, if desired, set the useQLFrom attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to ADMIN_QL. Note:

If the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_DISABLED, the values of useQLFrom and adminQualityLevel are ignored. If the useQLFrom attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to its default value of RECEIVED_QL, the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is ignored. If the adminQualityLevel attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to a value lower than minQualityLevel , the reference is never selected.

14. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute to the BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance created earlier in this procedure. 15. If necessary, change the value of the holdOffTime attribute. 16. Set the value of the priority attribute to a unique priority for the present reference instance. Note:

A Frequency Synchronization Reference must always be given a lower priority than any Time Synchronization References. To do this, assign a higher value to the priority attribute for the Frequency Synchronization Reference.

17. If necessary, change the waitToRestoreTime attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to a different value than the default. 18. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to UNLOCKED.

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If referenceStatus in RadioEquipmentClockReference is PTP_FAULT, the corresponding BoundaryOrdinaryClock (and PtpBcOcPort) is faulty. In this case, check the status attribute on these MOs to identify the specific fault

Configure a PTP Time Synchronization Reference This procedure requires that an EthernetPort MO instance and a corresponding transport network configuration are available. Note:

IDLe ports can be used for the configuration of PTP time synchronization references.

More information on configuring the transport network is available in Manage Transport Network. To configure a PTP time synchronization reference, do the following: Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Create one Ptp MO instance. 3. Create one BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance. Note:

The value of the boundaryOrdinaryClockId attribute is automatically set at MO instance creation, and cannot be manually changed.

4. Set the value of the clockType attribute to SLAVE_ONLY_ORDINARY_CLOCK. 5. Set the value of the domainNumber attribute to a PTP domain 6. Set the value of the ptpProfile attribute to G_8275_1 or IEEE_1588_J3, as appropriate. 7. Under BoundaryOrdinaryClock, create one PtpBcOcPort MO instance and set the value of the administrativeState attribute to UNLOCKED. 8. Configure the PtpBcOcPort MO instance as follows: a. Set the value of the transportInterface attribute to the chosen EthernetPort MO instance. b. In case the link asymmetry is known, set the value of the asymmetryCompensation attribute to the desired value.


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c. Set the value of the ptpMulticastAddress attribute to FORWARDABLE or NON-FORWARDABLE, as appropriate. 9. Under Synchronization, create a RadioEquipmentClock MO instance. 10. Under RadioEquipmentClock, create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. 11. If the selectionProcessMode attribute in RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_ENABLED, if desired, set the useQLFrom attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to ADMIN_QL. Note:

If the selectionProcessMode attribute of RadioEquipmentClock is set to QL_DISABLED, the values of useQLFrom and adminQualityLevel are ignored. If the useQLFrom attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to its default value of RECEIVED_QL, the value of the adminQualityLevel attribute of RadioEquipmentClockReference is ignored. If the adminQualityLevel attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference is set to a value lower than minQualityLevel , the reference is never selected.

12. Set the value of the encapsulation attribute to the BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance created earlier in this procedure. 13. If necessary, change the value of the holdOffTime attribute. 14. Set the value of the priority attribute to a unique priority for the present reference instance. Note:

A Time Synchronization Reference must always be given a higher priority than any Frequency Synchronization References. To do this, assign a lower value to the priority attribute for the Time Synchronization Reference.

15. If necessary, change the waitToRestoreTime attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to a different value than the default. 16. Set the value of the administrativeState attribute of the RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance to UNLOCKED. Note:

If referenceStatus in RadioEquipmentClockReference is PTP_FAULT, the corresponding BoundaryOrdinaryClock (and PtpBcOcPort) is faulty. In this case, check the status attribute on these MOs to identify the specific fault.

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Configure Assisted Time Holdover Assisted Time Holdover enables the node to use the PTP over IP Time Slave as an assisting reference for GNSS time reference. If the GNSS time reference is faulty, the RadioEquipmentClock MO selects a suitable AssistingReference MO instance and continues the time synchronization service. Prerequisites •

A valid license key has been installed for Assisted Time Holdover, and the feature is activated.

A PTP Grandmaster supporting PTP over IP unicast is available in the network.

The IEEE 1588 Time and Phase Synchronization feature is activated.

Steps 1. Verify that the RadioEquipmentClock.selectionProcessMode attribute is set to QL_ENABLED. 2. Configure a GNSS time synchronization reference with the TimeSyncIO MO. 3. Configure a BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance. a. Set the clockType attribute to SLAVE_ONLY_ORDINARY_CLOCK. b. Set the domainNumber attribute to the value of the domainNumber attribute of the PTP Grandmaster. c. Set the ptpProfile attribute to G_8275_2. 4. Configure a PtpBcOcPort MO instance. a. Set the administrativeState attribute to UNLOCKED. b. Set the associatedGrandmaster attribute to either the IP address or the domain name of the PTP Grandmaster. c. Set the transportInterface attribute to refer to the AddressIpv4 or AddressIpv6 MO representing the IP transport on which PTP messages are carried. 5. Configure an AssistingReference MO instance.


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a. Set the administrativeState attribute to UNLOCKED. b. Set the encapsulation attribute to refer to the previously configured BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO. After This Task The GNSS time reference must be active for at least an hour for Assisted Time Holdover to be functional after the reference is lost.


Configure a PTP Grandmaster Prerequisites The configuration of a basic network synchronization is described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. Additionally, make sure that MO instances of the following classes are available, and that they are suitable for use with the new PTP Grandmaster: •

A SyncPort instance, under Equipment, FieldReplaceableUnit.

A TnPort instance, also under Equipment, FieldReplaceableUnit.

An EthernetPort instance, under Transport. The encapsulation attribute of this EthernetPort must be set to the chosen TnPort. If a VlanPort is already associated with the EthernetPort MO, for using PTP it is necessary to create the following, additional MO instances: –





If the PTP Grandmaster will use multiple ports, each of them needs to have a VlanPort, InterfaceIPv4 and AddressIPv4 MO instance, and all InterfaceIPv4 interfaces must be created under the same Router MO instance. •

A RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance, with the encapsulation attribute set to the chosen TimeSyncIO MO instance and the priority attribute set to 1. See Configure a GNSS Time Synchronization Reference on page 25 for more information.

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Steps 1. In the TimeSyncIO MO instance, set the encapsulation attribute to the chosen SyncPort MO instance. 2. If necessary, under the Transport MO, create a Ptp MO instance. 3. Under the Ptp MO instance, create a BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance and configure this instance as follows: a. Assign a suitable value to the domainNumber attribute. b. Set the clockType attribute to GRAND_MASTER_ORDINARY_CLOCK. c. Set the ptpProfile attribute of the PtpIEEE_1588_J3 MO instance to for a J3 profile, or to G_8275_1 for a Telecom profile. 4. Under the BoundaryOrdinaryClock, create a PtpBcOcPort MO instance for each EthernetPort MO instance, and set its transportInterface attribute to the chosen EthernetPort MO instance. 5. Under the Synchronization MO, create a RadioEquipmentClock MO instance and set its selectionProcessMode attribute to MO instance to QL_DISABLED.


Configure a PTP Boundary Clock Prerequisites In order for the feature to be configured, at least one EthernetPort MO instance has to be available. The process of how to configure the EthernetPort MO instance is described in Manage Transport Network. Steps 1. If necessary, under Transport MO instance create a Ptp MO instance. 2. Under the Ptp MO instance, create a BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance. a. Assign a value to the domainNumber attribute. b. Set the clockType attribute to BOUNDARY_CLOCK. Note:


The type must be BOUNDARY_CLOCK.

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c. Set the ptpProfile attribute to either IEEE_1588_J3 or G_8275_1, as required. 3. Commit the changes. 4. Under BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance, create a PtpBcOcPort MO instance. a. Set the administrativeState attribute to UNLOCKED. b. Set the transportInterface attribute to one of the EthernetPort MO instances. c. For G_8275_1 profile, set the announceInterval attribute to -3. 5. Commit the changes. 6. In order to configure another PtpBcOcPort MO instance, repeat step 4 5. Note:

The transportInterface attribute must be unique, i.e. encapsulate existing EthernetPort MO instance which has not been encapsulated by another PtpBcOcPort MO instance.

7. If necessary, under Synchronization MO instance create a RadioEquipmentClock MO instance. 8. Commit the changes. 9. Under RadioEquipmentClock MO instance create a RadioEquipmentClockReference MO instance. a. Set the priority attribute to 8. Note:

The boundary clock can coexist with other sync references typically with timeSyncIO. If other reference than the BoundaryOrdinaryClock is selected as active sync reference then the boundary clock will act as a master on all its PtpBcOcPorts.To ensure a stable selection of references it is important to set lower priority on the BoundaryOrdinaryClock compared to the other references, which is ensured by setting priority attribute to 8.

b. Set administrativeState to UNLOCKED. c. Set encapsulation to the BoundaryOrdinaryClock MO instance created previously. 10. Commit the changes.

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Manage Quality Level Quality Level configuration is a part of Synchronization Reference configuration. Therefore, Quality Level configuration consists of individual steps in the procedures described in the preceding sections. Attributes to manage the Quality Level are contained in the following MO classes: •



For more information, see Managed Object Model (MOM).


Configure Test Signals for Sync Test Interface To configure test signals for sync test interface, do the following: Steps 1. If not already done, configure a basic network synchronization as described in Configure a Basic Network Synchronization on page 23. 2. Under FieldReplaceableUnit MO, representing the Baseband or Baseband T unit on which a Sync test interface is wanted, create a SyncTestInterface MO instance. 3. Enable a test signal by using action outputSyncTestInterfaceSignal. For information about the test signals to enable, see OutputSyncTestInterfaceSignal. 4. Show signal output on the sync test interface by using attribute syncTestInterfaceSignalOutput. The attribute value SPECIAL means that an output signal was enabled by Ericsson personnel. The attribute value NOT_SUPPORTED indicates that the MO SyncTestInterface has been created on a field replaceable unit not supporting the interface. 5. Disable the test signal by using action outputSyncTestInterfaceSignal with value NO_SIGNAL.


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Deleting the SyncTestInterface MO will cause any test signal enabled by an action to be disabled. But a test signal enabled by Ericsson personal, represented by the value SPECIAL in attribute syncTestInterfaceSignalOutput, will not be disabled by deleting the SyncTestInterface MO.

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