Leadership Self-Reflection Essay [PDF]

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Angel Torres Dr. Charlie Brown BUSI 2200 14 September 2020

Leadership Self-Reflection Essay Leadership Self-Reflection A leader is a person that is in charge of a variety of facets in a group or organization, of which members of the organization look to for advice or guidance. I see myself as a leader and with the potential to continue to lead. The most important qualities a good leader can have are integrity accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. Personally, I have a lot of these qualities myself such as integrity, accountability, empathy, resilience, vision, and positivity. I know I can also improve on these qualities and gain more of these skills in the future with hard work. I have strong integrity and accountability skills because I vow to follow ECU’s honor code and I hold myself up to a high standard when it comes to being honest. I am a very empathetic person because I know to be able to understand other’s issues because we are not always in the same boat as our peers. I want to be someone that my peers can trust to come to for anything. I am very resilient and positive because I will always bounce back with a positive mood, I want the best and I want to succeed with my team. Lastly, I always have vision, for example in this class as soon as we got our assignments, I was already brainstorming on what we should do and how we should accomplish our goals. Overall, I view myself to be a leader now and in the future for many years, I hope to be the kind of leader that inspires people to step up and make the best of their situation and provide the best work.

Team Skills Self-Reflection I have contributed to my team not only as a leader, but as a facilitator, recorder, timekeeper, and as a contributor. A few team skills I provided to my team were communication, collaboration, providing direction, and delegation. I provided communication withing the team by setting up our GroupMe group chat, Cisco WebEx chats, and emails throughout the semester that we used frequently. Along with communication, I provided collaboration using sharing through Word and PowerPoint as well as making sure we all worked as a team collaborating on all of our assignments. I also provided direction to my team multiple times, reminding of due dates, timelines we needed to stick to, and helping delegate work to each team member. As I would delegate work, I had to evenly split up the tasks between myself and my team members. Some areas I need to improve in to help my team would be constructive feedback and conflict resolution. I need to work on constructive feedback because I tend to have a problem when it comes to telling my team members what they are doing wrong without feeling like I am in the wrong. I need to work on conflict resolution because when a conflict arises, I do not do well with trying to fix the issue, I more so would rather just brush it under the rug. Overall, I view my team skills to have helped my team to great success whereas some things I need to work on could be constructive feedback and conflict resolution as well as having my team members step up more. I learned many lessons this semester on how to be an effective team member to benefit my team. The first lesson I learned was to not always be the first to step up and try to get things done. I often tried to encourage my group this semester to step up and be a facilitator as well as a leader when it came to due dates and making sure we stayed on top of things. The second lesson I learned this semester was that I do not always have to be in charge of everything. As someone who has had terrible experiences with group work in the past I tend to try and lead the groups I

am in to make sure everything goes well. I have learned that not all groups are based off of my bad experiences and that my group this semester truly abolished that track record. The third and final lesson I learned this semester was that positivity and encouragement is important withing a team to promote a good outcome of work. Overall, I learned a lot of lessons on how to be an effective team member throughout this course and am excited to take what I now know into the future. SMART Goal Analysis I hope to use these experiences, skills, and lessons I have learned to impact my future success by setting up my own SMART goals. A broad goal I have for my group for the rest of this semester is to get a good grade on our final presentation. The specific goal is for our team to spend around an hour a day working on the presentation. The measurable goal is that we will measure our progress compared to a timeline of things that need to be done. The attainable goal is that we will compare our progress to the rubric every time we complete a task in our plan. The realistic goal is that comparing our progress to the rubric and following the timeline will help us get a good grade on the presentation. The time-based goal is that we will have everything done and turned in by September 27th. So overall, the SMART goal I have made is that we will spend around an hour a day working on our final presentation within two weeks by comparing our progress to the rubric, as well as following the timeline. This will allow us to get a good grade on our final presentation.