Index of Verb Forms in Thucydides
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Index of Verb Forms in Thucydides

Index of Verb Forms in Thucydides Compiled by

Peter Stork


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ISBN: 978 90 04 16439 0 Copyright 2008 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Brill has made all reasonable efforts to trace all right holders to any copyrighted material used in this work. In cases where these efforts have not been successful the publisher welcomes communications from copyright holders, so that the appropriate acknowledgements can be made in future editions, and to settle other permission matters. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. printed in the netherlands


Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Conspectus Siglorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Index of Verb Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Verbal Adjective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Consensus Codicorum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Variae Lectiones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231


This Index of Verb Forms in Thucydides lists all verb forms and all instances of the verbal adjective ending in -τος/-τα/-τον occurring in the Historiae of Thucydides. The verb forms are listed according to the grammatical categories of person, number, mood, tense, aspect, voice, gender, and case. In the case of each verb the total number of occurrences of the verb is provided, and cross-references are given to the compounds of the verb that are attested in Thucydides. Moreover, all information pertaining to the constitution of the text (variant readings, emendations, conjectures &c.) that is given in the apparatus criticus of the text used (see below) has been incorporated in the index. The index was compiled in order to provide easy access to the verbal system as it is attested in the prose of Thucydides and to enable the user to gather information about the verbal system in Thucydides as easily as possible. It provides a useful scholarly tool, that will facilitate and hopefully inspire research into the morphology and semantics of the Ancient Greek verbal system. It will be particularly useful to scholars who are interested in the semantics of the aspectual system of Ancient Greek, but will also be helpful to those engaged in lexicographical or morphological research or studying, for instance, the semantics of the grammatical category of voice, or to anyone working or commenting on Thucydides.1 For the Historiae the Oxford-text has been used (Thucydidis Historiae recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Henricus Stuart Jones; Apparatum criticum correxit et auxit Johannes Enoch Powell. Tomus Prior [I–IV], Tomus Posterior [V–VIII] Oxonii 1942). The sigla used in this edition are listed in the Conspectus Siglorum. 1 This index is the third in a series of three, the other two being on Herodotus (Index of Verb-Forms in Herodotus on the basis of Powell’s Lexicon, Egbert Forsten, Groningen 1987) and on Xenophon (Index of Verb Forms in Xenophon (= Alpha-Omega, Reihe A, Band CC.6: Xenophontis operum Concordantiae, Volumen Sextum. Supplementum), Georg Olms, Hildesheim 2003).



Each entry opens with the first person singular of the present indicative in bold type with the total number of occurrences of the verb. Under this heading the verb forms are cited in a fixed order: – according to tense/aspect: present, future (including the future perfect), aorist, perfect; – according to voice: active, middle/passive, forms ending in - σομαι (future stem), forms ending in -ην/-ην (aorist stem); – according to mood: (present and perfect) indicative I (present and perfect indicative), subjunctive, optative, imperative, infinitive, participle, indicative II (imperfect and pluperfect); (future) indicative I (future indicative), optative, infinitive, participle; (aorist) indicative II (aorist indicative), subjunctive, optative, imperative, infinitive, participle; – according to person: first, second, third person; – according to number: singular, plural, dual; – in the case of the participle (apart from number) according to case: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative; and (within each case) according to gender: masculine, feminine, neuter. Whenever the fixed order does not suffice to determine the form, a specification is given (e.g., imper. = imperative; see the list of Abbreviations). In the case of the same form occurring more than once in the same paragraph of the text, this is indicated by means of ‘bis’, ‘ter’, ‘quater’ &c. Verb forms (including the compounds) of βων/βισομαι are listed under βιναι; forms of μολον under βλσκω; forms of δεισα/δδοικα under δεδω; forms of δε and δομαι under δω ΙΙ; forms of δραμον/ δραμομαι under δραμεν; forms of λω and λω under λω; forms of επον/ ρ/ ρρ ην/ερηκα under επεν; forms of ρ!μην/ ρ σομαι under ρομαι; forms of ρχομαι/εμι under εμι/ρχομαι; forms of οσω, #νεγκον/#νεγκαν and νχην under φρω. Forms of &ζομαι and (ζομαι are listed separately. Parentheses (…) indicate that a variant reading is attested; the verb form printed in the index is the one read by the edition used and the variant reading is added in parentheses. A full list of variant readings is given in the section Variae Lectiones. Square brackets […] indicate



(1) that the passage has been secluded by the editor of the text used (e.g., 3.84); or (2) that it is part of a quotation (3.104.4-5 Hymn to Apollo; 1.132.2 and 6.59.3 epigrams); or (3) that the verb form is the result of a conjecture (e.g., 1.24.5, where the MSS. read )πελ!ντες but the printed text reads Haase’s conjecture πελ!ντες); the form printed in the index is the one read in the edition used and the reading of the MSS. is added in parentheses. A full list of these readings of all MSS. is given in the section Consensus Codicum. Leiden University, July 2007

Peter Stork

ABBREVIATIONS 1° 2° 3° acc. act. conj. f. fut. gen. imper. imperf. ind. inf. m. middle nom. nt. nt.a. nt.n. pl. sg. subj.

first person second person third person accusative active voice conjecture feminine future genitive imperative imperfect indicative infinitive masculine middle voice nominative neuter neuter accusative neuter nominative plural singular subjunctive

→ ()γκυλ!ω) →

see (used for referring to compounds) see (idem in the case of the simple verb not being attested) verb form with a varia lectio verb form or passage deleted; or with (conj.) added: verb form result of a conjecture; or with (quotation, Homer &c.) added: verb form occurs in a quotation

(…) […]


I. Codices medii aevi: A B C E F G G M

= = = = = = = =

Parisinus suppl. gr. 255 Vaticanus 126 Laurentianus LXIX 2 Palatinus (Heidelbergensis) 252 Monacensis 430 Monacensis 228 verba in codice G exesa sed auxilio recentiorum restituta Britannicus (Londinensis) add. 11727

saec. xi-xii saec. xi saec. x saec. xi saec. xi saec. xiii saec. xi

II. Papyri et membranae Aegyptiacae: Π1 Π2 Π3 Π4 Π5 Π6 Π7 Π8 Π9 Π10 Π11 Π12 Π13 Π14 Π15 Π16 Π17 Π18 Π19 Π20 Π21 Π22 Π23 Π24

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

PWess. (Hudii W) POxy. 16+696 (Hudii O) POxy. 17 POxy. 225 POxy. 451 POxy. 452 POxy. 453 POxy. 853 POxy. 878 POxy. 879 POxy. 880 PGenav. 2 + PRyl. 548 POxy. 1180 PGiss. 12 POxy. 1245 POxy. 1246 POxy. 1247 POxy. 1376 POxy. 1620 POxy. 1621 POxy. 1622 POxy. 1623 PRainer. 29247 POxy. 2100

Π25 Π26 Π27 Π28

= = = =

PBerol. 13236 PCair. 47993 PSI. 1195 PLund. 2

8.91 sq. 4.8–41 2.7 sq. 2.90 sq. 2.73 sq. 4.87 6.32 scholia in 2.1–45 2.22–5 3.58 sq. 5.32–4, 39–40, 96–8, 103–5, 111 2.2–5, 13, 15 5.60–3 2.59 sq. 1.139–41 7.38 8.8–11 7.54–68, 72 sq., 78–82 1.11–14 2.11, 35 2.65, 67 3.7–9 scholia in 1.1–9 4.15 sq.; 5.4, 18, 42 sq., 72 sq.; 8.6, 23–5, 52–4, 96, 103 2.65, 67 sq., 79–82 1.3 1.71–3 1.49–50

saec. p.C. v saec. p.C. i saec. p.C. ii–iii saec. p.C. i saec. p.C. iii saec. p.C. ii–iii saec. p.C. i–ii saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. i saec. p.C. iii saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. iii saec. p.C. iii saec. p.C. iv–v saec. p.C. iv saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. ii–iii saec. p.C. ii–iii saec. p.C. iv saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. v–vi saec. p.C. iii saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. iv saec. p.C. i saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. ii

xiv Π29 = PHarr. 41 Π30 = PMich. 141 Π31 = PAnt. ined.

conspectus siglorum 1.52–4 7.57 8.80–2

saec. p.C. ii–iii saec. p.C. ii saec. p.C. iii

III. Aliae notae: A1B1 etc. = scriptura a prima manu correcta a b etc. = scriptura a manu recentiore substituta vel adscripta [A] [B] etc. = scriptura in codice olim exarata hodie deperdita γρ. = scriptura signa γρ(,φεται) addito adscripta codd. = consensus codicum ABCEFGM recc. = unus vel plures e codicibus recentioribus m. i = manu prima

INDEX OF VERB FORMS γλλομαι (6) )γ,λλεται 4.95.3. 6.41.3. )γ,λλεσε 2.63.1. )γ,λλονται 3.62.1. 3.82.7. γ,λλεσε 2.44.2. γανακτ ω (2) )γανακτν 8.43.4. )γανακτ σαντα (m.) 8.66.4. γαπω (1) )γαπ0ν 6.36.4. γγ λλω (43) )γγλλει 3.3.5. 7.31.3. 8.74.3. )γγλλουσι 6.36.3. 6.65.3.


)γγλλων 7.8.1 ()γγλλοντας B: 1γγελον CG (corr. G1): )γγλων (sic) E). 7.31.4.


)γγλλοντες 1.91.3. )γγλλουσαι 6.46.1. )γγλλοντας 6.36.1. 7.25.9. )γγλλουσι (m.) 8.1.1. #γγελλον (pl.) 7.17.3. )γγλλεται 3.110.1. 5.10.2.

8.26.1. 8.79.5.

)γγλλονται 8.94.1. )γγελλομεα 6.34.7. )γγελλ!μενα (nt.n.) 4.27.4. γγλλετο 5.63.2. 6.32.3. 6.45. γγλλοντο 3.16.2. )γγελοντα (m.) 7.16.2. )γγελοντας 2.85.4. )γγελαι 4.8.3. γγλη 1.114.1. 2.6.2. 2.6.3.

4.15.1. 4.93.2. 4.125.1. 8.1.1. 8.11.3 bis. 8.94.3. 8.100.4. )γγελεσης 4.25.7. )γγελ!ντος (nt.) 6.58.1. γγελμνοις (nt.) 8.97.1.

→ )ν-, )π-, δι-, ξ-, π-, σ-, παρ-, περι-, προ-, προσπεριγερω (5) )γεροντες 1.31.1. 2.17.4. )γερωσιν (aor.) 6.71.2. )γεραι 1.9.1. )γεραντα (m.) 4.105.1. → ξυνγνο ω (6) )γνοεν 2.48.3. )γνοοντες 1.50.1. )γνοεσαι 7.44.5. γνοετο 5.68.2. γν!ησαν 2.49.8. 4.96.3. (1γνυμι) → κατγορζω (1) γ!ραζον (pl.) 6.51.1. γορεω (1) )γορε4εσαι 2.35.1. → κατ-, ξυν-, προ-, προσ(1γχω) → )πγω (108) 1γει 1.137.2. 1γουσιν 2.34.3. 1γοιεν 8.81.2. 1γετε (imper.) 2.72.1. 1γε5 (imper.) [3.104.5] (Hymn

to Apollo].

1γειν 1.135.3. (4.48.1) (1λλοσε 1γειν F1GM: 1λλοσ5 π,γειν C: 1λλοσ5 σ,γειν cett.).

5.48.2. 5.59.5. 5.76.3. 5.83.4. 6.22 bis. 6.63.2. 6.64.1. 7.75.4. 1γων 1.9.1. 1.127.3. 3.114.1. 5.9.7. 6.4.1. 7.3.4. 7.21.1. 7.31.3. 1γουσα 7.25.1. 7.25.3. 1γοντα (m.) 7.16.2. 1γοντος (m.) 5.66.3.


index of verb forms )γο4σ6η 6.43. 1γοντι (nt.) 4.118.5. 1γοντες 2.103.1. 3.55.4. 3.65.2.

3.67.3. 4.5.1. 4.57.3. 4.78.4. 5.54.3. 6.8.1. 6.99.3. (8.30.2) (1γοντες Krüger: )πολιπ!ντες B: )γαγ!ντες cett. γρ. B). 8.86.9 bis. 1γουσαι 6.44.1. 6.62.3. 8.62.2. 1γοντας 5.94. 6.7.4. )γουσν 3.70.2. 1γουσι (m.) 4.47.2. 7γε 2.56.2. 2.65.8. 2.80.6. 2.95.3. 4.27.1. 4.93.1. 5.83.1. 7.69.3. 7.81.3. 7.84.1. 7γεν 5.7.2. 6.24.4. 7.29.2. 7γον 2.100.5. 4.57.4. 4.78.2. 4.124.1. 5.12.1. 5.13.1. 5.26.2. 5.29.1. 5.75.2. 5.75.5. 5.82.3. 7.35.1. 1γεσαι 3.86.4. )γ!μενοι 2.101.4. #γετο 2.65.8. 1ξειν 4.28.4. 6.25.2. 6.99.2. 7.32.1. 8.5.5. 8.88 bis. 1ξων 7.12.1. 7.46. 8.59. 1ξοντας 5.6.2 (1ξοντας Linwood: 1ξαντα codd.) #γαγε 4.39.3. 8.87.2 (#γαγε B: #γε C: 7γε cett.). #γαγεν 7.30.1. #γαγον 1.11.1. 3.81.2. 5.76.1 ( πειδ8 τ9 Κ,ρνεια #γαγον secl. Krüger). 5.84.3. )γαγεν 2.2.4. 4.37.1. 4.83.5. 8.24.6. 8.87.4. )γαγν 7.22.1. )γαγ!ντες 4.53.1. 6.4.3. 6.46.3. 6.61.4. 8.92.4. )γαγσαι 8.21. γμνοι 6.100.1.

→ )ν-, )νυπ-, )νταν-, )ντεπ-, )ντεπαν-, )ντεπεξ-, )π-, δι-,

ν-, ξ-, ξαν-, π-, παν-, πεξ-,

πικατ-, σ-, κατ-, ξυν-, ξυνεπ-, παρ-, περι-, προ-, προαν-, προεξ-, προσ-, ;π-, ;πεξαν-

γωνζομαι (22) )γωνζηται 6.29.3. )γωνζεσαι 1.36.3. 2.63.1.

4.73.3. 5.49.1. 5.104.

)γωνιζ!μενος 8.52. )γωνιζομνην 6.18.6. )γωνιζ!μενοι 1.69.5. 3.82.8. )γωνιζομνους 5.69.1. 8.68.1. γωνζετο 8.89.4. γωνζοντο 1.6.5. )γωνιεται 6.78.1. )γωνιεσαι 8.46.5. )γωνιο4μενοι 3.104.5. )γωνσαιτ5 3.38.2. )γωνσασε 4.87.6 ()γωνσ]ασαι Π6). )γωνσασαι 6.16.6. 6.29.3.


→ )ντ-, δι-, ν-, ξυν-, προγωνοετ ω (1) )γωνοετοντες 3.38.4. δικ ω (120) )δικε 6.29.2. 6.77.1. 8.87.3. )δικομεν 1.37.1. 3.65.2 bis. )δικετε 1.53.2. )δικοσι 1.86.1. 5.49.5. )δικμεν 3.66.3. )δικσι 1.37.4. )δικσιν 6.79.1. )δικομεν 4.87.5. )δικοεν 1.67.1. )δικεν 1.42.2. 1.42.4. 1.79.2.

1.86.4. 1.87.2. 1.87.4. 1.95.5. 1.118.3. 1.128.3. 2.5.5. 2.60.7. 2.71.4. 3.12.2. [3.84.2 bis] (c. 84 damnaverunt grammatici apud Schol.). 4.78.3. 4.87.3. 4.123.1. 5.30.1. 5.31.4. 5.46.3. 5.49.4. 5.82.4. 5.84.3. 6.7.1. 6.12.2. 8.45.5. )δικοντα (m.) 1.85.2. 8.51.1. )δικοντος (m.) 8.38.4. )δικοντας 1.86.5. 3.44.2. 3.48.1. 4.62.3. 4.98.1. 4.118.3.

index of verb forms )δικοσιν (m.) 1.43.3. 3.47.3.


δικομεν 3.55.3. δκουν (pl.) 1.34.2. 1.68.3.


)δικομαι 6.92.4. )δικεται 4.62.4. )δικο4μεα 1.69.2. 6.10.5. )δικνται 1.71.1. 4.68.5. )δικοντο 1.120.3. 3.45.3. 8.99. )δικεσαι 1.85.2. 1.120.3.

3.54.2. 4.83.6. 4.114.5. 5.42.2. 5.46.5. 7.63.3. )δικουμνη 1.34.1. )δικο4μενοι 1.38.4. 1.77.4. 1.121.1. 3.39.3. 3.63.4. 5.89. 8.108.4. )δικουμνους 1.86.2. 1.86.4. 1.120.3. 2.73.3. )δικουμνων (m.) 2.37.3. )δικουμνοις (m.) 1.33.1. 3.67.2. 6.10.5. 6.80.2. 6.87.2. δικοντο 5.30.2. )δικ σομεν 2.74.2. )δικ σετε 3.47.3. )δικ σουσιν 5.39.3. )δικ σειν 4.83.5. )δικ σεσαι 5.56.2. 6.87.4. δκησεν 5.5.2. δικ σαμεν 3.66.1. δκησαν 3.47.4. 3.56.1. )δικροισντες 1.50.3. 3.97.1.


>ροισεσιν (m.) 5.64.3. → ξυνυμ ω (12) )υμομεν 5.91.1. )υμοεν 6.34.5. )υμεν 6.80.1. 7.21.3. 7.61.2.


)υμον (nt.a.) 7.76. )υμοντας 2.88.3. 7.60.5. 4μουν (pl.) 7.79.3. 8.96.2. )υμ σαντες 8.11.3. δω (4) 67δον (pl.) 2.8.2. 2.21.3. ?1δεσαι 2.54.2. ?1σονται 2.54.3. αματω (1) 6=ματωμνον (nt.n.) 7.84.5. (ανω) → π-, κατ-, ξυνεπ-, παρ-, προεπαρ ω (156) α@ρε 3.34.3. 3.96.2. 3.97.2.

3.102.1. 7.3.4. 7.23.1. 7.29.3. 8.55.3. α@ροσι 2.30.1. 2.68.7. 4.52.2. 4.54.1. 4.57.3. 6.100.2. 6.102.2. 7.43.3. α@ροσιν 2.25.4. 3.99. 3.102.2. 6.62.3. 6.101.3. 8.28.2. 8.103.3. α@ρεν 3.97.1. α@ροντες 3.98.2. 6Aρουν (pl.) 7.43.5. α@ρονται 3.107.2. α@ρεσε (imper.) 6.80.5. α@ρεσαι 2.75.3. 6=ροντο 3.49.3. 4.26.3. α@ρ σειν 4.8.4. 6.64.3. 6.102.1. 7.46. α@ρ σων 5.7.3.


index of verb forms α@ρ σοντες 5.56.5. 8.100.5. εBλε 1.109.4. 3.115.6. 4.81.2. 5.6.1. εBλεν 1.65.2. 2.26.2. 2.100.3.

4.100.1. 7.9.

εBλον (pl.) 1.11.2 (secl. Krüger).

1.11.2. 1.55.1. 1.89.2. 1.98.1. 1.100.1. 1.102.2. 1.108.5. 1.111.1. 1.111.3. 2.56.6. (2.90.6) (εχον CG[Π4]). 2.103.1. 3.101.2. 3.102.2. 3.113.6. 4.46.2. 4.130.1. 5.3.5. 5.35.1. 5.39.1. 5.115.4. 5.116.2. 6.62.5. 6.63.2. 6.101.3. 8.35.3. 8.60.1. &λ6η 7.11.3. &λωμεν 3.46.3. &λωσι 4.8.5. &λοιεν 4.11.3. 4.131.1. Cλεν 1.110.2. 2.19.1. 2.56.4. 2.58.1. 2.68.9. 2.77.1. 2.81.4. 2.100.3. 3.52.2. 3.102.5. 3.103.1. 4.13.1. 4.66.3. 4.104.2. 4.112.3. 4.128.1. 5.7.5. 7.59.2. 8.31.3. 8.62.3. Cλν 1.13.6. 1.128.5. 1.128.7. 3.51.3. 3.104.2. 7.2.3. 8.31.2. 8.62.2. Cλ!ντες 1.38.5. 1.61.4. 1.113.1. 4.109.1. 4.130.6. 5.3.2. 5.83.2. 6.94.2. 8.23.6. Cλ!ντων (m.) 1.107.2. ε@λ!μεα 3.59.3. ε(λεσε 3.63.2. 3.64.2. ε(λοντο 2.65.4. 5.28.1. 6.73.1. 7.16.2. 8.82.1. Cλμεα 4.20.2. Cλσαι 3.59.3. 4.22.1. 5.36.1. 6.72.5. 8.1.3. 8.67.1. 8.67.3 bis. Cλομνη 6.40.2. Cλ!μενοι 3.56.6. 3.92.2. Cλομνους 1.90.3. Cλομνοις (m.) 2.7.2. 6=ρη 2.34.8. 4.27.3. 7.31.5. α@ρεες 6.12.2. α@ρεντες 7.16.1. 6=ρηκ!τες 1.103.3.

6=ρηκ!τας 1.61.2. 6Aρηται 8.82.3. 6=ρλσκηται 1.103.1. >λσκοιτο 2.76.3. >λσκεσαι 7.40.4. >λισκομνου (nt.) 5.3.1. 6.2.3. >λισκ!μεναι 1.23.2. >λισκομνων (m.) 4.104.1. =λσκετο 1.102.3. 7.23.2. =λσκοντο 4.26.7. C,λω 2.31.3. 3.34.1. 3.114.1. 7.24.2. 7.41.3. 8.23.4 bis. C,λωσαν 1.128.5. 4.48.4. 4.57.4. 7.34.6. 7.71.6. >λE 4.46.3. >λναι 4.100.4. >λ!ντος (nt.) 7.23.2. C,λωκεν 3.29.1 (Cαλωκυα εη G M). 8.23.2 (C,λω B). Cαλωκναι 4.115.3. 5.63.2. Cαλωκυαν 5.3.3. Cαλωκ!ς (nt.a.) 7.31.3. Cαλωκυας (gen.) 3.34.1. Cαλωκυ?α 3.29.2. Cαλωκ!των (nt.) 4.68.4. → )ν-, )πανλλσσω (1) λλ,ξαντο (8.82.1) (Fν λλ,ξαντο CΠ31: )ντηλλ,ξαντο cett.). → )ντ-, )π-, δι-, ν-, ξ-, ξαπ-, κατ-, μετ-, ξυν-

λλοιω (1) λλοωντο 2.59.1. #λλομαι (1) Gλλεσαι 7.45.2. λλοτριω (3) )λλοτριοντες 3.65.3. )λλοτριοται 1.34.1. )λλοτριωεσαν 8.73.4. ()μ,ομαι) → διμαρτνω (41) >μαρτ,νει 1.33.3. >μαρτ,νομεν 4.61.6. >μαρτ,νουσιν 3.67.2. >μαρτ,ν6η 1.42.2. >μαρτ,νωσιν 4.114.5. >μαρτ,νοι 1.21.1. >μαρτ,νοιτε 3.47.1. >μαρτ,νειν 3.40.2. 3.42.4.

3.45.3. 3.54.2. 3.59.1.

>μαρτ,νοντες 1.92. >μαρτ,νοντας 3.98.2. >μαρταν!ντων (m.) 1.69.6. =μαρτ,νομεν 1.38.5. >μαρτανομνων (nt.) 3.67.6. >μαρτ σεσαι 3.20.3. 4.55.4.


>μαρτησομνων (m.) 1.84.4. Aμαρτεν 3.62.4. =μ,ρτομεν 2.87.7. >μ,ρτητε 3.37.2. >μ,ρτωσιν 1.33.3. >μ,ρτοι 6.78.3. >μαρτεν 3.40.1. 3.65.1. 5.7.5 (>μαρτ,νειν CG). 6.80.2.


>μαρτν 7.50.1. >μαρτ!ντες 1.39.2. >μαρτ!ντων (m.) 6.16.5. =μαρτ η 2.65.11. =μαρτ καμεν 3.53.2. =μαρτ κασι 1.38.5. =μαρτηκναι 8.76.6. =μαρτ κεσαν 3.69.2. =μ,ρτηται 3.56.5. =μ,ρτητο 7.18.3. → δι-, ξ-, ξυνεξμβλνω (1)



index of verb forms

)μβλ4νεσαι 2.87.3. μελ ω (5) μλουν (pl.) 5.44.1. )μελο4μενοι 1.68.2. )μελ σετε 6.33.3. )μελ σαντες 3.40.7. μελημνων (m.) 2.49.5. → παρμηχαν ω (1) )μηχαν σειν 7.48.5. μιλλομαι (1) >μιλλην (nt.n.) 6.31.3. μνημον ω (4) )μνημονοσιν 5.18.11. )μνημονεν 3.54.5. 3.59.2. )μνημονοντες 3.40.7. μνηστ ω (1) )μνηστο4μενα (nt.a.) 1.20.3. μνω (117) )μ4νωσι 1.120.2. )μ4νοι 4.120.2 ()μ4ν6η


)μυντω 8.37.5. )μ4νετε (imper.) 1.43.3 ()μ4νητε cG). )μ4νειν 1.40.5. 1.50.5. 1.105.3.

2.60.4. 2.71.2. 2.81.1. 3.64.3. 6.75.3. 6.79.3. 6.88.2. 6.88.8. 8.37.5. )μ4νοντες 3.13.2. 6.77.1. )μ4νεται 6.18.2. )μυνμεα 1.121.1. )μ4νωνται 4.98.1 ()μ4νονται ABEF (corr. F1)). )μ4νεσε (imper.) 2.89.9 ()μ4νεσ C: )μ4νασε cett.). )μ4νεσαι 1.40.3. (1.42.1) ()μεβεσαι γρ. Schol.). 1.69.5. 1.73.4. 1.78.4. 1.96.1 ()μ4νασαι ABEFM). 1.124.1. 1.142.4. 1.144.4. 2.11.6 ()μ4νασαι Π20). 2.42.4. 2.43.1. 2.67.4. 2.100.1. 2.100.5. 3.16.1. 3.38.1 ()μ4νασαι ABEFM γρ. G Plutarchus). 3.52.2.

3.56.2. 4.1.3. 4.10.3. 4.12.3. 4.73.2. 4.92.3. 4.125.3. 6.10.5. 6.18.6. 6.41.2. 6.105.2. )μυν!μενον (m.) 4.92.5 ()μυνο4μενον G). )μυν!μενοι 1.69.4. 1.71.1. 1.123.2. 4.96.3. 4.98.5. 4.117.2. )μυνομνους 2.39.2. 4.10.5. 4.34.3. 4.92.7 ()μυνουμνους recc.). 4.126.4. 6.68.2. 7.43.5. )μυνομνων (m.) 3.102.4. 7.43.1. μυν!μην 1.137.4. μ4νετο 4.43.5. μ4νοντο 4.11.3. 4.33.2. 4.35.4 ( μ4ναντο ABEFM [Π2]). 4.68.2 ( μ4ναντο ABEFM). 4.115.1. 4.127.2. 5.3.1. 5.10.9. )μυνομεν 6.13.2. )μυνεν 5.38.1 ()μυνεν recc.: )μ4νειν codd.). )μυνεται 6.40.2. )μυνο4μεα 1.69.2. 1.122.2. 1.144.2. 4.63.2. 4.64.4. 6.21.1. 6.82.3 ()μυνο4μεα recc.: )μυν!μεα codd. G). )μυνεσε 6.33.3. )μυνονται 3.13.4. 6.34.7 ()μ4νονται ABFM). )μυνεσαι 8.76.4 ()μυνεσαι B: )μ4νεσαι cett.). )μυνο4μενος 4.64.1. )μυνο4μενοι 2.91.1 ([)μυ]νο4μεναι Π4). 4.35.2 ()μυν!μενοι ABEFM). )μυνουμνους 4.93.3 ()μυνουμνους recc.: )μυνομνους codd.). )μυνουμνοις (m.) 6.34.8 ()μυνομνοις CG). μ4νατε 6.80.2. )μ4νατε 3.67.6.

index of verb forms )μναι 6.34.2. 8.105.2. μ4νατο 2.11.4. 4.56.1. μυν,μεα 2.36.4. μ4ναντο 4.62.3. 8.105.3 ( μ4νοντο ACEFM). )μ4νασε 7.63.4. )μ4νασαι 2.24.1. 3.10.5 ()μ4νεσαι ABEFM

suprascr. G). 3.40.5. 4.9.2. 4.34.1 ()μ4νεσαι supra ε scripto α Π2: )μ4νεσαι recc.). 5.69.1. 6.69.1. 6.86.5. 7.64.1. 7.68.1. 8.66.4 ()μ4νεσαι GM).

→ )ντ-, π-, ξυνεπ-, προμφισβητ ω (2) )μφισβητο4μενα (nt.a.) 6.10.2. )μφισβητουμνων (m.) 7.18.3. ()μφοτερζω) → πναβανω (26) )ναβανειν 5.7.3. )νβαινον (pl.) 3.22.3 bis. )ναβ σεσαι 5.6.3. )νβη 3.22.3. 7.43.3. )νβησαν 4.115.2. )ναβ