Incident Management Procedure [PDF]

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Incident Management Procedure

Title: Revision Nr: Effective Date : Duration: Revision Date:

INCIDENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE 00 May 2020 12 Months May 2021

Authorised By: Name: T.S. SAINI M.D Designation:

Signature: Date:

This Document is not to be amended without the approval of the MD and SHEQ Manager.

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Incident Management Procedure

Table of Contents: Purpose




1.1 Introduction


1.2 Incident Classification and Reporting


1.2.1 Reporting Structure 1.2.2 Incident Classification Scale 1.2.3 Investigation and Recording 1.2.4 Control Measures and Preventative Actions 1.3 Procedure Review

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Incident Management Procedure

Purpose: This procedure defines the responsibility and authority for: 

The handling and investigation of accidents/incidents, non-conformities and high-potential nearmiss incidents;

Taking action to mitigate any consequences arising from incidents and/or non-conformities;

Detection, analysis and elimination of actual and potential cause(s) of incidents and/or nonconformities;

The initiation and completion of corrective and preventive actions; and

Confirmation of the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions taken.

This procedure is aimed at providing a uniform and practical method for reporting, recording and investigating non-conformities, near-misses, accidents and/or incidents. The prime purpose of the procedure(s) is to prevent further occurrence of the situation by identifying and dealing with the root cause(s).

SCOPE: This procedure provides guidance in respect of the reporting, recording and investigating of unplanned, unwanted events that result or can result in unnecessary loss to TNR Ltd, its employees, contractors, visitors, business partners or the environment. The procedure is applicable to all TNR Ltd controlled entities.

1.1 Introduction

This procedure addresses the detailed procedural requirements for conducting Incident Management. The Conduct Incident Management procedure, this procedure describes the intention for the effective incident management of work-related as well as environmental incidents. The aim of this procedure and its supporting annexes is to ensure and facilitate the effective and efficient management of incidents from the moment that one occurs, until it can be audited that corrective and preventive measures (i.e. safety measures) were developed and taken.

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Incident Management Procedure

1.2 Incident Classification & Reporting In the event of any accidents and/or incidents, the following procedures must be followed to ensure that all incidents are managed properly.

1.2.1 Reporting Structure As per the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2003, Section 99(1)(e), every employee has the legal obligation to report all incidents to his Supervisor or SHE Department before the end of his working shift. Should this not be possible due to reasonable circumstances, the employee has to report the incident as soon as practicable.

Employees: Upon witnessing or learning of an accidents and/or incidents the employee must:  Secure the Scene  Notify the supervisor immediately When reporting, the following information must be provided: 

Name of the person reporting the event;

Location and time of incident;

Short description of incident;

No. of persons injured & nature of injuries (where applicable) or extent of equipment damage; and

Whether medical assistance and/or other emergency response is required.

Supervisor: Upon witnessing or being informed of any accidents and/or incidents, the supervisor must:   

Secure and Stabilize the scene Where needed, notify required Emergency Services Notify the SHE Department

SHEQ Department: Upon being notified of any accidents and/or incidents, the SHE Department must:   

Investigate the scene Assess the Injuries or Damages Record all details

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Incident Management Procedure

  

Classify the incident according to the Classification Scale (Below) Compile Incident Flash Report (Attached) Notify Management (Client where required)

Management: Upon being notified of any accidents and/or incidents, Management must:  

Assess the incident using the flash report Classify the incident according to the Classification Scale (Below)

1.2.2 Incident Classification Scale



 Minor injuries (no lost time)

Serious injuries (lost time) / RWI

 Minor ill health (no lost time)

Serious ill-health (irreversible health impairment/ lost time)

 Minor fires (no lost time, contained within area of origin, no injuries, no damage to vegetation)

Serious fires/ explosion

 Near-misses


 Property damage/loss < US$ 10 000

Property damage/loss > US$ 10 000

Serious environnemental incident/non-conformité

Local community complaints

Please Note: Classification of incidents does not place less or more importance on either one, but are purely for ensuring that the correct procedure as well as legal requirements are abided by.

1.2.3 Investigation / Recording After the incident has been classified using the Classification Scale, the following procedures must be followed accordingly:

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Incident Management Procedure

Minor Incidents / Accidents

Serious Incidents / Accidents

1. Corrective Measures and Completion Dates to identified. 2. Incident Report with Control Measures and Completion Dates to be completed by SHE Department. 3. Copies of Incident Report to be communicated to Management and Client. 4. Incident Report to be filed in the SHE Management System for future auditing. 5. Follow up to be done on set dates for Control Measures.

1. Investigation to be initiated for Incident / Accident. 2. Statements to be compiled from all directly involved persons. 3. Root Cause to be identified. 4. Control Measures to be identified and Completion Dates to be arranged. 5. Investigation Form to be completed by SHE Department following the investigation. 6. Copies of Investigation Form to be communicated to Management and Client. 7. Follow up to be done on set dates for Control Measures.

1.2.4 Control Measures and Preventative Actions Control Measure and Preventative Actions shall be identified based on the outcomes of the initial review meeting and the formal investigation findings (specifically the root causes). Such actions are taken to control the associated risks, prevent recurrence of similar events in the future and to ensure continual improvement. When selecting Control Measure and Preventative Actions, and prioritising speed of implementation, due consideration must be given to the hazard classification, “hierarchy of controls” as well as the practicality and feasibility of the remedial actions. Effective risk mitigation may require Control Measure and Preventative Actions to be taken in the short-term, long-term or both. Where reasonably practicable, actions shall be taken to eliminate the risk. In cases where elimination is not possible consideration shall be given to engineering, administrative and other control measures.


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Incident Management Procedure

In order to ensure that this procedure and related templates continue to be effective and applicable, the TNR Ltd SHE Department shall review this procedure on an annual basis. In addition to the annual review, conditions which might warrant a review of these procedures on a more frequent basis include: 

Recurrence of incidents/non-conformities;

Changes in organisational structure and/or reporting lines;

Requests for change from management; and/or

Legislative changes.

Following the completion of any review, the procedure shall be revised and updated in order to correct any deficiencies.

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