Ilya'S: Sum Mer Shred Guide [PDF]

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DISCLAIMER Xeela fitness disclaimer Xeela Fitness is not held responsible for any health risks, injury or death which may arise in affiliation with this transformation program. As purchaser of this property, I understand that I am the person held responsible for my own health and safety. The following exercises, dietary recommendations and information provided in this training manual are simply recommendations and we do not claim and assume that all users will have the same experience. YOUR INDIVIDUAL AND UNIQUE RESULTS WILL VARY. This guide offers fitness information and nutritional suggestions that are designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not certified nutritionists, doctors or registered dietitians. We do not claim to cure any health condition or disease. If you start to feel any pain, weakness, or fatigue please consult your health care professional. Xeela reserves the right This guide has been reviewed by a certified personal trainer, but as with any exercise program, you should consult your physician or healthcare provider to make sure it is right for your needs. Be careful, stretch, and recover. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately and seek PROFESSIONAL medical care Terms and Conditions By purchasing this guide you are agreeing to NOT reproduce this product, in whole or in part, at any time except for personal/private use. This product may NOT be distributed, posted, stored, displayed, or shared electronically, digitally, or otherwise. Resale or Sharing of this guide is illegal. There are NO refunds. One-time purchase.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction..............................................................................................................................................4 Discord.....................................................................................................................................................5 Transformations.......................................................................................................................................6 Nutrition/Macronutrient Intake.................................................................................................................7 Fluid Intake, Calorie Deficit and Protein Intake........................................................................................8 Calorie Counter........................................................................................................................................9 Macro Counter.........................................................................................................................................10 Protein Diet..............................................................................................................................................11 Tracking Progress....................................................................................................................................12 Lifting Introduction...................................................................................................................................13 Warming Up.............................................................................................................................................14 Building Lean Muscle...............................................................................................................................15 Burning Fat with Cardio...........................................................................................................................16 Consistency.............................................................................................................................................17 Frequently Asked Questions...................................................................................................................18 Ilya's Supplements...................................................................................................................................19 Workout Phase Introduction....................................................................................................................20 Exercise Terminology..............................................................................................................................21 Month One Workouts...............................................................................................................................22 Month Two Workouts...............................................................................................................................37 Month Three Workouts............................................................................................................................52 Breakfast Recipes....................................................................................................................................66 Lunch and Dinner Recipes......................................................................................................................72 Side Recipes............................................................................................................................................78 Thank You................................................................................................................................................84 Follow Us.................................................................................................................................................85


IT’S ILYA ! I want to congratulate you all on taking your health and fitness journeys to the next level. If followed properly, this 3 month guide is here to help you develop lean muscle mass and strength, as well as maintain your future shredded summer bodies. Over the past year, I’ve helped my friends Natalie, Heath, and John transform their lives and I’m ready to transform YOU next. Watch their journeys here. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced athlete, we made this guide for you. The goals of this guide are as follows: • Develop lean muscle mass • Reduce total body fat % • Familiarize and expand fitness and exercise knowledge • Develop a healthy sense of discipline in regard to eating habits • Build a sense of confidence inside and outside of the gym



QUESTIONS ? To keep up with our 3 month shred community, download the Discord app to get direct access to our fitness trainer Xavier for any questions and concerns! Click this link to join:


TRANSFORMATIONS Over the past year, I have transformed my friends John, Heath, and Natalie to being their best selves physically and mentally, and now I am ready to challenge you to do the same. The hard work and dedication will pay off if you stick to this plan even after you’ve completed the guide.







IN 6 MONTHS Watch his journey >

IN 4 MONTHS Watch his journey >

IN 6 MONTHS Watch her journey >


NUTRITION/ MACRONUTRIENT INTAKE: On my fitness journey, I’ve learned that nutrition is everything. Let’s start with some of the basics: macronutrients. Macronutrients can be defined as important nutritional components that your body needs in large quantities, to function properly to maintain, or grow. We’ll be paying attention to these three: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Carbs provide the vital energy you need to build muscle and live your daily life. They’re also important for muscle building and energy absorption.

Protein is an essential muscle building nutrient. It helps repair cells and body tissue.

Fat is an essential part of your diet. Fats help with vitamin absorption, cell function, brain development, and can keep you full for longer.


FLUID INTAKE On your journey you will be losing fluid due to sweating, urinating, and even breathing. To make sure you are properly hydrated, fitness and nutrition professionals recommend 1oz of fluid per lb of body weight. This formula excludes energy drinks, coffee recovery drinks, etc. Because you will be expending more energy than normal, you may even have to consume more water than I’ve recommended. Again, listen to your body, there is no “one size fits all” formula for nutrition and fitness. Learn your body and find the groove.

CALORIE DEFICIT During your transformation, you will need to implement a slight change in your usual lifestyle as well as your food consumption patterns. In almost every aspect of fitness you should be consuming a diet high in protein, specifically when attempting to build muscle. When aiming for fat loss, a calorie deficit should be achieved as well.

PROTEIN INTAKE Protein consumption should be roughly 0.8g-1g of protein per 1lb of body weight. Implement a slight calorie deficit into a diet for weight loss This means lowering your calories and/or burning extra calories through cardio and lifting. For example, if you need 2,000 calories to maintain your weight, to lose weight you may need to eat anywhere between 1,900-1,500 calories a day. This will create a 100500 calorie deficit, plus burning an extra couple hundred calories via cardio or intense resistance training in order to lose fat and accomplish your desired goal!


CALORIE COUNTER Your journey will entail more than just your workout habits, but as well as understanding how many calories you should be eating. Knowing how many calories you should be eating can be difficult to understand when you’re starting your fitness journey, but we’re here to help you accomplish your goals. Below, we demonstrate the use of 2 different websites. The first one is which will show you how many calories you should be eating demonstrating how many pounds you could be losing debating on how quickly you choose to do so. We’ve attached an example below to help you visually understand!

Still have questions? Email [email protected]! 9

MACRO COUNTER The second one is which will help you understand macro intake. We’ve attached an example below to help you visually understand!

Still have questions? Email [email protected]! 10

HIGH PROTEIN DIET AND CALORIC INTAKE FOR WEIGHT LOSS/SHREDDING During your transformation, if your goal is to lose weight and tone up, you will need to implement a slight change in your usual lifestyle as well as your food consumption patterns. In almost every aspect of fitness you should be consuming a diet high in protein, specifically when attempting to build muscle. When aiming for fat loss, a calorie deficit should be achieved as well. High protein diet consumption should be roughly 0.8g-1g of protein per 1lb of body weight. Implement a slight calorie deficit into a diet for weight loss This means lowering your calories and/or burning extra calories through cardio and lifting.

For example, if you need 2,000 calories to maintain your weight, to lose weight you may need to eat anywhere between 1,900-1,500 calories a day. This will create a 100-500 calorie deficit, plus burning an extra couple hundred calories via cardio or intense resistance training in order to lose fat and accomplish your desired goal!

HIGH PROTEIN DIET/ CALORIE SURPLUS FOR WEIGHT GAIN If your overall transformation goals are to gain more muscle mass and weight in general, you will need to implement a caloric surplus into your diet, which means that you are consuming more energy (food) than you are burning, as well as being on a high protein diet. The high protein diet again, consists of consuming at minimum 1g of protein, for every 1lb of your body weight. In regards to a caloric surplus, you will need to take into account how many calories you burn daily from being active, make up the burnt calories and then consume in excess anywhere between 300–500 extra calories every day to be on a roughly 3500 calorie surplus weekly which will help you gain weight and muscle mass. 11

TRACKING PROGRESS Tracking progress allows you to see how far you have come. To track your progress you DO NOT have to weigh yourself or take progress photos if you are not comfortable. However, in the future, you will most likely wish you took “before” photos – trust me! Pose comfortably and confidently, this may look like flexing, smiling, or just standing still. You will want your “before” poses to look the same as your “after” poses so make sure each week you take pictures, pose the same as always.

Take photos from these angles, once a week: back, front, left, right.

Use proper lighting - ensure that the photos are not too dark.

Wear minimal clothing (shorts, sports bra, form fitting leggings etc.), this will help you see progress!

Take mirror selfies, use a self timer, or get someone to take photos for you.

These do not need to be perfect. No one needs to see these photos but you. If you do not feel comfortable having progress pictures in the photos app on your phone, download a secret photo album app or use the hide button in your camera roll! Keep in mind that physical progress is not the only form of progress on this journey. Notice your mental gains; along with cardiovascular improvements, and your strength.


LIFTING INTRODUCTION/ PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD During this three month transformation you will rely heavily on what’s known as progressive overload to accumulate strength and muscle hypertrophy. WHAT IS PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD?

Progressive overload is when you gradually increase in weight, frequency, and number of repetitions in your weight lifting routines. This challenges your body and allows your musculoskeletal system to look and feel stronger because of the intensity and length of your workout regimen. When you increase strength and endurance, it doesn’t just improve your sports performance. Progressive overload is known to: • Delay the start of age related muscle diseases • Arthritis • Heart Disease • Cognition problems • Depression

The guidelines of this program are mere suggestions and when instructed to go up in weight or volume, it’s extremely important to listen to your body. There is no “one size fits all” formula to fitness or weight lifting and I highly suggest taking the time to learn what works for you. 13

WARMING UP Before each workout/exercise, you should thoroughly warm up. A warm up gradually revs up your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increasing blood flow to your muscles. I personally recommend warming up by doing a set of a specific exercise, with significantly lighter weight, compared to your following sets.

Example: If it’s leg day, and I’m going to be doing barbell back squats before I load the bar with a heavy weight, I might deep squat with just the bar on my back or put 25lb plates on each side of the bar and squat 12-15 times, resulting in a warm up set of 95lbs. My heavy weighted sets would follow the warm up. I repeat this for every exercise I do.

Warming up also helps to reduce muscle soreness and lessen your risk of injury. I’ve listed some great dynamic warm up exercise examples below but feel free to incorporate your own warm up regime as well.

Chest: Push ups (any variation), dynamic chest stretch Tricep: Close grip military push ups; straight arm backward circles Legs: Lunges (light weight or no weight); jump ropes Biceps: Low weight single arm dumbbell curls, resistance band bicep curl Shoulders: Shoulder rolls, resistance band shoulder pull apart, hiit style shoulder taps Back: Lower back hip bridge, wide grip pull-ups Cardio for blood flow: Treadmill, stairmaster, cardio, hiit exercises 14

BUILDING LEAN MUSCLE TISSUE Outside of all the health benefits, my main purpose for lifting weights is to grow and maintain lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass can be defined as the amount of muscle that makes up your skeletal muscle tissue. Lean muscle tissue is important for our bodies because it decreases the likelihood of fat accumulation in the body around vital organs, this lowers our bodies risk of disease and keeps us functioning properly. In order to build muscle, we must consume protein which is the most essential building block for muscle growth, known as protein synthesis.

To maximize muscle growth, it’s recommended to consume 0.8-1.1g of protein per 1lb of your body weight daily. I find the sweet spot to be 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight. For example, if you weigh 150lb, Xeela recommends 150g of protein intake.

While gaining muscle allows us to look our best, building muscle can truly only benefit your life. • • • •

Helps manage blood sugar Builds strength and stamina Supports joints Builds bone 15

BURNING FAT WITH CARDIO Body fat is the part of your body that does not consist of skeletal or muscular tissue. Body fat is essential for our bodies, so measuring body weight can be a key indication of being healthy, overweight or obese. Xeela recommends a healthy body fat % for men to be anywhere from 10-20%. For women, we recommend 20-30%. Body fat is essential for energy, organ protection, and nutrient absorption. Too much body fat however, can lead to serious health risks, diabetes, blood disorders, strokes, etc. To minimize your risk for these health risks and to get your summer body, you’ll need to burn some fat and I got three words for you: CARDIO! CARDIO! CARDIO! Cardio is short for “cardiovascular” which refers to the heart and blood vessel systems in our bodies. Doing cardio exercises increases your heart rate and speeds up circulatory blood flow throughout our entire body, quicker than any other form of exercise. We end up burning energy or calories from the foods we consume and in turn triglycerides are released from fat stores in the body and we begin to essentially melt away body fat. During this 3 month summer shred, you’ll incorporate 15-30 minutes of intense cardio daily.


LET’S TALK CONSISTENCY On your fitness and higher wellness journeys, you will need to be dedicated, committed and most importantly, consistent. Consistency is often referred to as “the bridge that closes the gap between a dream and reality”. I find consistency to be one of the biggest determining factors in completing a goal. In fitness you will NEED to be consistent. There will be days that you may not feel like working out, you may not even want to workout for a long period of time but doing something is better than nothing. Lowering body fat and gaining muscle takes a serious level of discipline and after all, this is an actual lifestyle change.

Find ways to hold yourself accountable. I’ve listed ways that help keep me disciplined which in turn fuels my consistency:

Go into the gym with a plan Know what you will be working, visualize your lift and gym session before you get there.

Set alarms/schedule Punctuality and organization can really help you get through the craziness of the day.

Track food and workouts Using apps like Myfitnesspal can help you stay on top of your calorie and macronutrient intake.

Know your “why” Really ask yourself why you are attempting to be in shape and what it means to you. Health? Aesthetic? Whatever the case may be, have a clear explanation of why you want change and remind yourself daily!

Something’s better than nothing You will have those days on your fitness journey where you just do not feel like doing anything at all. It may be on a weekend, in the middle of the week or at the start of your week. Force yourself to lock in and get some type of workout in. Even if it means just getting your heart rate up for a mere 20 minutes.



A calorie surplus involves consuming more calories than you burn. Xeela recommends consuming foods that are nutrient dense, rather than consuming unhealthier food options just to “hit your calorie surplus”. You may still be following a diet on a surplus plan, it’s just to help you gain rather than lose weight.


Yes! This program is just a guide to your future goals. If you have experience doing other workouts or exercises that are not listed in this guide, feel free to incorporate them into your regimen!


It can definitely be easy to lose motivation once in a routine during working out. My biggest suggestion is to remind yourself why you are doing it. Envision what your future looks like when you hit this goal and push yourself. Another way I stay motivated is to incorporate variability into my exercise regime. Following a set workout plan for days at a time can feel mundane. I recommend switching up exercises if you become bored of the routine.


If you’re not seeing results, do not panic! This process does not happen overnight. Even if you’re eating correctly and working out intensely, the scale might not be moving. We saw this during Natalie’s transformation. Her dexa scan results were not changing for close to 2 months but she was doing everything correctly. Sometimes this happens when your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle changes. Be patient and continue working. If you feel that your workout plan or diet should be modified, don’t hesitate to switch up the routine. Learn what works for you because there is no “one size fits all” technique in fitness.


IL’S SUPPLEMENTS Supplements are not necessary but can play a huge part in your fitness and nutrition gains. I’ve listed what I take daily and why:

XEELA PLANT-BASED PROTEIN POWDER Every day I take at least 2 scoops of Xeela’s plant based protein. One scoop contains approx. 25g of protein which is equivalent to a serving size of meat protein. Peanut butter cup is my favorite flavor!

XEELA A PPLE CIDER VINEGAR CAPSULES To start my mornings off I take two capsules of ACV with a glass of water. This helps to accelerate weight loss, control cholesterol levels, aids in digestion and gut health.

XEELA CLEAN PRE WORKOUT I take a scoop of our clean pre workout for stimulation 20 minutes before lifting. This helps build muscle, burn fat, increases energy and activates a workout pump without the annoying buzz of beta-alanine. It also has 3,000mg of creatine.

All of Xeela’s supplements are vegan and cruelty free as well as third party tested which means that all of our products are safe and compliant for optimal taste performance and results. 19

WORKOUT PHASE INTRODUCTION The workouts are structured for a 3 month transformation. It’s recommended to start on March 21st so you can be done by June 21st which is the first day of summer.




Think of month 1 as an expedited introductory phase. We’ll be focusing primarily on form and muscle endurance doing 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions of every exercise to set the foundation for months 2 and 3.

Month 2 transitions to a heavier weight load than month 1. An increase in weight and 10-12 repetitions is recommended.

The last month of the transformation will be the heaviest and most advanced month of the workout plan. Focusing on muscle hypertrophy and shredding, you should be pushing yourself every set and rep.

Why 12-15 reps? This rep range is proven to develop muscle endurance which is key so your body won’t fatigue as quickly using heavier weight in the future months.

Why are we going down in repetitions but going up in weight? Lowering reps and adding weight generally helps increase strength as well as muscle mass.

The recommended repetition range is 8-10.


EXERCISE TERMINOLOGY Use this page to find specific phrases or abbreviations that are associated with the workout splits.

Progressive overload A gradual increase in weight, frequency, and number of repetitions in your exercises. Drop set Performing an exercise to a specified rep count, and with little to no rest in between. Drop in weight slightly and perform the same exact amount of reps, for each set. Superset Performing two exercises, 1 before the other where rest is taken only after the second set is completed. Rest pause Involves doing a set of an exercise and stopping one rep shy of failure. Rest for approximately 20 seconds, complete another set and repeat until at least 4 sets are completed. Barbell (BB) The 45lb straight metal bar located on a squat rack, bench press rack, etc. Dumbbell (DB) Short bar with double headed weight usually located on a rack in the gym. RDL Romanian deadlift. 21


Cardio needs to be done 4 days a week. Three days will be for 15-20 minutes, and day 7 will be the 4th day of cardio which is heavy, 30-45 minutes in the form of either treadmill, jump ropes, stairmaster, elliptical, etc.) 22

DAY ONE CHEST (FLAT AND INCLINE); TRICEPS & ABS For flat level AND incline exercises, switch between using only a barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week.

Start with a warm up

Barbell Bench Press

Lay flat with back on bench, lift barbell above chest fully extending arm keeping feet flat on ground. Repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Seated Chest Flys (drop set)

Sit with cables positioned at shoulder level, bring arms forward, keeping body in a stationary stance, retract arms and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS

Example video:

Incline Bench Supported DB Chest Press

With the bench leveled at a 45 degree incline, sit on bench, bring dumbbells up above chest, back down and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Tricep Kickbacks

Using a cable machine set at torso level, bend slightly at the knees and waist, using a single arm hinge at the elbow until the tricep is fully extended behind the body. Retract arm to 90 degrees and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

23 Example video:

DAY ONE CHEST (FLAT AND INCLINE); TRICEPS & ABS For flat level AND incline exercises, switch between using only a barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week.

Skull Crushers

Sitting with back flat on bench, using EZ bar and bend arms at a 90 degree angle above head with palms facing up, bring bar down to head level and back up in arm. Repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Single Arm Tricep Pushdown

With the cable machine set at face level, stand with shoulders retracted and a slight bend in the knees, pull cable attachment down until tricep is fully extended and back to 90 degrees. Repeat and switch arms. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

Example video:

Ab Circuit – 4 Sets


Leg Raises

Flutter Kicks

Oblique Crunches

Side Plank End with 1 minute plank



Start with a warm up

Lateral Pulldown (superset)

Lateral pulldown: Sitting at a 75 degree angle, bring lat bar down to chest and back up squeezing back on the way down. Reverse lateral pulldown: Sitting at a 75 degree angle and palms facing toward you, pull lat bar down to chest. Allow arms to fully

Lateral pulldown example video:

extend overhead and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS

Reverse lateral pulldown example video:

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Bending slightly at the waist with feet shoulder width apart, bring barbell up just below chest squeezing back together, retract and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

DB Curls (drop set)

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring dumbbells up in curling motion from thigh to chest, retract arms fully to starting point and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS

Example video:



15’s EZ Bar/Barbell Curls

Curl bar up from thigh to chest: 5 reps fully up, 5 reps halfway up, 5 reps halfway down. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Preacher Curls

Set bench at an incline just below 90 degrees, stand behind bench placing arm on bench and keeping elbow on the top of the bench the whole time, curl and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:



Start with a warm up

Seated DB Shoulder Press

Sitting at a 90 degree angle with dumbbells above shoulders, bring dumbbells up above head, back down to shoulders and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Single Arm Cable Lat Raise

Set cable to lowest clip. Using stirrup cable attachment, lateral raise arms to shoulder length with slight bend, retract to sides and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Standing DB Lateral Raise (drop set)

Using dumbbells, bend arms at 90 degree angle. Standing shoulder width apart, bring weights up to shoulder length, retract and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS

Example video:

Shoulder Shrugs

With dumbbells placed at sides, keep arms straight, shrug shoulders up holding for a full second or two, retract to starting point and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

27 Example video:


Arnold Press

Sit on bench, bring dumbbells up from a finished curl position, rotate going up until palms are facing forward and arms are fully extended above head, bring back down mimicking the motion and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

Example video:

Ab Circuit – 4 Sets


Bicycle Crunches



Toe Touches


Side Plank



Start with a warm up

Barbell Back or Front Squats (switch per week)

Back squat: load bar on back, keep feet glued to floor shoulder width apart, keeping a neutral spine squat bending only at the knees, go as deep as possible and repeat

Front squat example video:

Front squat: load bar onto front of shoulders just below neckline, keep feet glued to floor shoulder width apart, keeping a neutral spine squat bending only at the knees, go as deep as possible and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

Back squat example video:

Quad Extensions

Sitting on QE machine, extend knees from the 90 degree starting point fully out back down and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Leg Press Machine

Sit on machine, extend legs out stopping just before legs are fully extended, come back down and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:



Hamstring Curls

Sit on a machine with stomach down. Place the bar on calves and curl the bar up toward the butt. Retract and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Seated Incline Curls (drop set)

With bench at an incline, sit back bringing dumbbells up toward armpits in a curling motion, retract and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS

Example video:

Cable Curls

Set cable machine to lowest level, curl cable attachment up to top of chest and fully back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:


DAY FIVE CHEST (FLAT & DECLINE) TRICEP, ABS For flat level exercises, switch between using only the barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week. ONLY for the flat level exercises. ALWAYS use the barbell for decline lifts.

Start with a warm up

DB Flat Bench Press

Lay flat with back on bench, lift dumbbells above chest fully extending arm keeping feet flat on ground and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Decline Barbell Bench Press

With bench set at a decline, unload barbell from rack and press weight up above chest. Repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Chest Fly Machine (drop set)

Sit with back to fly machine with good posture and feet flat on the ground. Pull handles forward squeezing chest, aiming for elbows to touch. Allow arms to go back to sides and repeat. Do not allow arms fully back to machine resting point when doing reps to prevent shoulder injury. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS

Example video:



DAY FIVE CHEST (FLAT & DECLINE) TRICEP, ABS For flat level exercises, switch between using only the barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week. ONLY for the flat level exercises. ALWAYS use the barbell for decline lifts.

Tricep Push Down: Straight Bar

Using cable machine’s straight bar attachment, set cable above head, retract shoulders, bend knees slightly and pull straight bar down until arms are fully extended. Allow arms to rise back to 90 degrees, and repeat for intended rep count. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS

Example video:

Skull Crushers

Sitting with back flat on bench, using EZ bar bend arms at 90 degree angle above head with palms facing up, bring bar down to head level and back up in arm. Repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Bench Supported Dips

Place palm of hands on bench with back and butt facing the top of the bench, extend legs out fully, drop into a dipping motion bending only at the elbows, come up and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Bench Ab Circuit – 4 Sets 1 MINUTE ON, 30 SECONDS OFF

In and Outs

Around the World

Flutter Kicks





Start with a warm up

Lateral Pulldown (superset)

Lateral pulldown: Sitting at a 75 degree angle, bring lat bar down to chest and back up squeezing back on the way down. Reverse lateral pulldown: Sitting at a 75 degree angle and palms facing toward you, pull lat bar down to chest. Allow arms to fully

Lateral pulldown example video:

extend overhead and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, SUPERSET: 12-15 REPS

Reverse lateral pulldown example video:

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Bending slightly at the waist with feet shoulder width apart, bring barbell up just below chest squeezing back together, retract and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

DB Curls (drop set)

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring dumbbells up in curling motion from thigh to chest, retract arms fully to starting point and repeat. SET 1: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 2: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 3: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS SET 4: 12-15 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 12 REPS

Example video:



15’s EZ Bar/Barbell Curls

Curl bar up from thigh to chest: 5 reps fully up, 5 reps halfway up, 5 reps halfway down. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Preacher Curls

Set bench at an incline just below 90 degrees, stand behind bench placing arm on bench and keeping elbow on the top of the bench the whole time, curl and repeat. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

12-15 REPS Example video:


REPEAT Repeat the workouts from days 1 through 7 for the remainder of the month. Once you have completed the month, move on to month 2.



Cardio needs to be done 4 days a week. Three days will be for 15-20 minutes, and day 7 will be the 4th day of cardio which is heavy, 30-45 minutes in the form of either treadmill, jump ropes, stairmaster, elliptical, etc.) 37

DAY ONE CHEST (FLAT AND INCLINE); TRICEPS & ABS For flat level AND incline exercises, switch between using only a barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week.

Start with a warm up

Barbell Bench Press

Lay flat with back on bench, lift barbell above chest fully extending arm keeping feet flat on ground. Repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Seated Chest Flys (drop set)

Sit with cables positioned at shoulder level, bring arms forward, keeping body in a stationary stance, retract arms and repeat. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:

Incline Bench Supported DB Chest Press

With the bench leveled at a 45 degree incline, sit on bench, bring dumbbells up above chest, back down and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Tricep Kickbacks

Using a cable machine set at torso level, bend slightly at the knees and waist, using a single arm hinge at the elbow until the tricep is fully extended behind the body. Retract arm to 90 degrees and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

38 Example video:

DAY ONE CHEST (FLAT AND INCLINE); TRICEPS & ABS For flat level AND incline exercises, switch between using only a barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week.

Skull Crushers

Sitting with back flat on bench, using EZ bar and bend arms at a 90 degree angle above head with palms facing up, bring bar down to head level and back up in arm. Repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Single Arm Tricep Pushdown

With the cable machine set at face level, stand with shoulders retracted and a slight bend in the knees, pull cable attachment down until tricep is fully extended and back to 90 degrees. Repeat and switch arms. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

Example video:

Ab Circuit – 4 Sets


Leg Raises

Flutter Kicks

In and Outs

Twists End with 1 minute plank



Start with a warm up

Lateral Pulldown with Cable Rows (superset) Lat pulldown: Sitting at a 75 degree angle grip bar with knuckles facing face and palms away from you, bring the lat bar down, squeezing back together while pulling toward the chest. Allow arms to fully extend on the way back up and repeat. Cable machine rows: Sitting on cable machine bench, keep

Lateral pulldown example video:

spine neutral and bend only at arms pulling cable extension toward abdominals. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS Cable rows example video:

Reverse Grip Lateral Pulldown (drop set)

Sitting at a 75 degree angle and palms facing toward you, pull lat bar down to chest. Allow arms to fully extend overhead and repeat SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Bending slightly at the waist with feet shoulder width apart, bring barbell up just below chest squeezing back together, retract and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:



DB Curls (drop set)

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring dumbbells up in curling motion from thigh to chest, retract arms fully to starting point and repeat. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:

15’s EZ Bar/Barbell Curls

Curl bar up from thigh to chest: 5 reps fully up, 5 reps halfway up, 5 reps halfway down. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Preacher Curls

Set bench at an incline just below 90 degrees, stand behind bench placing arm on bench and keeping elbow on the top of the bench the whole time, curl and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:



Start with a warm up

Standing DB Press

Standing with dumbbells above shoulder and palms forward, bring dumbbells up above head, back down to shoulders and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Single Arm Cable Lat Raise

Set cable to lowest clip, using stirrup cable attachment, lateral raise arms to shoulder length with slight bend, retract to sides and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Seated DB Lateral Raise with Front Raise (superset)

Lateral Raise: using dumbbells, bend arms at 90 degree angle, standing shoulder width apart bring weights up to shoulder length, retract and repeat. Front Raise: sitting, raise dumbbells out in front of body to shoulder length. Drop and repeat. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS Example video:



Arnold Press

Sit on bench, bring dumbbells up from a finished curl position, rotate going up until palms are facing forward and arms are fully extended above head, bring back down mimicking the motion and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

Example video:

Shoulder Shrugs

With dumbbells placed at sides, keep arms straight, shrug shoulders up holding for a full second or two, retract to starting point and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Ab Circuit – 4 Sets


Bicycle Crunches

Toe Touches



Side Oblique Crunches

Side Plank



Start with a warm up

Barbell Back or Front Squats (switch per week)

Back squat: load bar on back, keep feet glued to floor shoulder width apart, keeping a neutral spine squat bending only at the knees, go as deep as possible and repeat

Front squat example video:

Front squat: load bar onto front of shoulders just below neckline, keep feet glued to floor shoulder width apart, keeping a neutral spine squat bending only at the knees, go as deep as possible and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

Back squat example video:

Quad Extensions

Sitting on QE machine, extend knees from the 90 degree starting point fully out back down and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Leg Press Machine

Sit on machine, extend legs out stopping just before legs are fully extended, come back down and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:



Hamstring Curls

Sit on a machine with stomach down. Place the bar on calves and curl the bar up toward the butt. Retract and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Seated Incline Curls (drop set)

With bench at an incline, sit back bringing dumbbells up toward armpits in a curling motion, retract and repeat. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:

Cable Curls

Set cable machine to lowest level, curl cable attachment up to top of chest and fully back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:


DAY FIVE CHEST (FLAT & DECLINE) TRICEP, ABS For flat level exercises, switch between using only the barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week. ONLY for the flat level exercises. ALWAYS use the barbell for decline lifts.

Start with a warm up

DB Flat Bench Press

Lay flat with back on bench, lift dumbbells above chest fully extending arm keeping feet flat on ground and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Decline Barbell Bench Press

With bench set at a decline, unload barbell from rack and press weight up above chest. Repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Seated Chest Flys (drop set)

Sit with back to fly machine with good posture and feet flat on the ground. Pull handles forward squeezing chest, aiming for elbows to touch. Allow arms to go back to sides and repeat. Do not allow arms fully back to machine resting point when doing reps to prevent shoulder injury. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:



DAY FIVE CHEST (FLAT & DECLINE) TRICEP, ABS For flat level exercises, switch between using only the barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week. ONLY for the flat level exercises. ALWAYS use the barbell for decline lifts.

Tricep Pulldown (rest pause)

Using cable machine’s rope attachment, set cable above head, retract shoulders, bend knees slightly and pull rope down until arms are fully extended. Allow arms to rise back to 90 degrees, and repeat for intended rep count. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

Example video:

Skull Crushers

Sitting with back flat on bench, using EZ bar bend arms at 90 degree angle above head with palms facing up, bring bar down to head level and back up in arm. Repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Bench Supported Dips

Place palm of hands on bench with back and butt facing the top of the bench, extend legs out fully, drop into a dipping motion bending only at the elbows, come up and repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS

Example video:

Bench Ab Circuit – 4 Sets 1 MINUTE ON, 30 SECONDS OFF

In and Outs

Around the World

Flutter Kicks





Start with a warm up

Lateral Pulldown with Cable Rows (superset) Lat pulldown: Sitting at a 75 degree angle grip bar with knuckles facing face and palms away from you, bring the lat bar down, squeezing back together while pulling toward the chest. Allow arms to fully extend on the way back up and repeat. Cable machine rows: Sitting on cable machine bench, keep

Lateral pulldown example video:

spine neutral and bend only at arms pulling cable extension toward abdominals. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, SUPERSET: 10-12 REPS Cable rows example video:

Reverse Grip Lateral Pulldown (drop set)

Sitting at a 75 degree angle and palms facing toward you, pull lat bar down to chest. Allow arms to fully extend overhead and repeat SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Bending slightly at the waist with feet shoulder width apart, bring barbell up just below chest squeezing back together, retract and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:



DB Curls (drop set)

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring dumbbells up in curling motion from thigh to chest, retract arms fully to starting point and repeat. SET 1: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 2: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 3: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS SET 4: 10-12 REPS, DECREASE WEIGHT: 10 REPS

Example video:

15’s EZ Bar/Barbell Curls

Curl bar up from thigh to chest: 5 reps fully up, 5 reps halfway up, 5 reps halfway down. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Preacher Curls

Set bench at an incline just below 90 degrees, stand behind bench placing arm on bench and keeping elbow on the top of the bench the whole time, curl and repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. 4 SETS

10-12 REPS Example video:


REPEAT Repeat the workouts from days 1 through 7 for the remainder of the month. Once you have completed the month, move on to month 3.



Cardio needs to be done 4 days a week, 3 days will be for 25-30 minutes and day 7 will be the 4th day of cardio which is heavy, 40-60 minutes in the form of either: treadmill, jump ropes, stairmaster, elliptical etc.) 52

DAY ONE CHEST (FLAT AND INCLINE); TRICEPS & ABS For flat level AND incline exercises, switch between using only a barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week.

Start with a warm up

Barbell Bench Press

Lay flat with back on bench, lift barbell above chest fully extending arm keeping feet flat on ground. Repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Seated Chest Flys (drop set)

Sit with back to fly machine with good posture and feet flat on the ground. Pull handles forward squeezing chest, aiming for elbows to touch. Allow arms to go back to sides and repeat. Do not allow arms fully back to machine resting point when doing reps to prevent shoulder injury SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

Incline Bench Supported DB Chest Press

With the bench leveled at a 45 degree incline, sit on bench, bring dumbbells up above chest, back down and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Tricep Kickbacks (rest pause)

Using a cable machine set at torso level, bend slightly at the knees and waist, using a single arm hinge at the elbow until the tricep is fully extended behind the body. Retract arm to 90 degrees and repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

53 Example video:

DAY ONE CHEST (FLAT AND INCLINE); TRICEPS & ABS For flat level AND incline exercises, switch between using only a barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week.

Skull Crushers

Sitting with back flat on bench, using EZ bar and bend arms at a 90 degree angle above head with palms facing up, bring bar down to head level and back up in arm. Repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Single Arm Tricep Extension

Sitting or standing with good posture and feet flat on the ground, bring dumbbell behind head starting with elbow bent, hinge, extend arm and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Ab Circuit – 4 Sets


Leg Raises

Flutter Kicks

Oblique Crunches

Side Plank End with 1 minute plank



Start with a warm up

Lateral Pulldown with Seated Rows (superset) Lateral pulldown: sitting at a 75 degree angle grip bar with knuckles facing face and palms away from you, bring the lat bar down, squeezing back together while pulling toward the chest. Allow arms to fully extend on the way back up and repeat. Seated rows: sitting on cable machine bench, keep spine neutral and

Lateral pulldown example video:

bend only at arms pulling cable extension toward abdominals. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,

SUPERSET: 8-10 REPS Cable rows example video:

Reverse Grip Lateral Pulldown (drop set)

Sitting at a 75 degree angle and palms facing toward you, pull lat bar down to chest. Allow arms to fully extend overhead and repeat. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

Single Arm Bent Over Rows Supported by Bench

Holding dumbbell in one arm, bend at waist and place opposite knee and free hand onto the flat bench. Keeping your head up, row up with the dumbbell attempting to keep the dumbbell at your side. Retract and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

Example video:



DB Curls (drop set)

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring dumbbells up in curling motion from thigh to chest, retract arms fully to starting point and repeat. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

15’s EZ Bar/Barbell Curls

Curl bar up from thigh to chest: 5 reps fully up, 5 reps halfway up, 5 reps halfway down. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Preacher Curls

Set bench at an incline just below 90 degrees, stand behind bench placing arm on bench and keeping elbow on the top of the bench the whole time, curl and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Hammer Curls (rest pause)

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:



Start with a warm up

Standing DB Press

Standing with dumbbells above shoulder and palms forward, bring dumbbells up above head, back down to shoulders and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Single Arm Cable Lat Raise

Set cable to lowest clip, using stirrup cable attachment, lateral raise arms to shoulder length with slight bend, retract to sides and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Seated DB Lateral Raise with Front Raise (superset)

Lateral Raise: using dumbbells, bend arms at 90 degree angle, standing shoulder width apart bring weights up to shoulder length, retract and repeat. Front Raise: sitting, raise dumbbells out in front of body to shoulder length. Drop and repeat. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,

SUPERSET: 8-10 REPS Example video:



Arnold Press

Sit on bench, bring dumbbells up from a finished curl position, rotate going up until palms are facing forward and arms are fully extended above head, bring back down mimicking the motion and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

Example video:

Shoulder Shrugs

With dumbbells placed at sides, keep arms straight, shrug shoulders up holding for a full second or two, retract to starting point and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Ab Circuit – 4 Sets


Bicycle Crunches

Toe Touches



Side Oblique Crunches

Side Plank



Start with a warm up

Barbell Back or Front Squats (switch per week)

Back squat: load bar on back, keep feet glued to floor shoulder width apart, keeping a neutral spine squat bending only at the knees, go as deep as possible and repeat

Front squat example video:

Front squat: load bar onto front of shoulders just below neckline, keep feet glued to floor shoulder width apart, keeping a neutral spine squat bending only at the knees, go as deep as possible and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

Back squat example video:

Quad Extensions

Sitting on QE machine, extend knees from the 90 degree starting point fully out back down and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Leg Press Machine

Sit on machine, extend legs out stopping just before legs are fully extended, come back down and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:



Hamstring Curls

Sit on a machine with stomach down. Place the bar on calves and curl the bar up toward the butt. Retract and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Seated Incline Curls (drop set)

With bench at an incline, sit back bringing dumbbells up toward armpits in a curling motion, retract and repeat. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

Cable Curls

Set cable machine to lowest level, curl cable attachment up to top of chest and fully back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds. Repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

Example video:

Hammer Curls

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:


DAY FIVE CHEST (FLAT & DECLINE) TRICEP, ABS For flat level exercises, switch between using only the barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week. ONLY for the flat level exercises. ALWAYS use the barbell for decline lifts.

Start with a warm up

DB Flat Bench Press

Lay flat with back on bench, lift dumbbells above chest fully extending arm keeping feet flat on ground and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Decline Barbell Bench Press

With bench set at a decline, unload barbell from rack and press weight up above chest. Repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Chest Fly Machine (drop set)

Sit with back to fly machine with good posture and feet flat on the ground. Pull handles forward squeezing chest, aiming for elbows to touch. Allow arms to go back to sides and repeat. Do not allow arms fully back to machine resting point when doing reps to prevent shoulder injury. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

Cable Tricep Extenion (rest pause)

With the cable set above head, step out with back toward the machine pulling rope attachment overhead in both arms. Extend arms above head and repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

61 Example video:

DAY FIVE CHEST (FLAT & DECLINE) TRICEP, ABS For flat level exercises, switch between using only the barbell one week, and only dumbbells the next week. ONLY for the flat level exercises. ALWAYS use the barbell for decline lifts.

Skull Crushers

Sitting with back flat on bench, using EZ bar bend arms at 90 degree angle above head with palms facing up, bring bar down to head level and back up in arm. Repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Bench Supported Dips (rest pause)

Place palm of hands on bench with back and butt facing the top of the bench, extend legs out fully, drop into a dipping motion bending only at the elbows, come up and repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest 20 seconds repeat for 4 sets total. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

Example video:

Bench Ab Circuit – 4 Sets 1 MINUTE ON, 30 SECONDS OFF

In and Outs

Around the World

Flutter Kicks





Start with a warm up

Lateral Pulldown with Seated Rows (superset) Lateral pulldown: sitting at a 75 degree angle grip bar with knuckles facing face and palms away from you, bring the lat bar down, squeezing back together while pulling toward the chest. Allow arms to fully extend on the way back up and repeat. Seated rows: sitting on cable machine bench, keep spine neutral and

Lateral pulldown example video:

bend only at arms pulling cable extension toward abdominals. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,

SUPERSET: 8-10 REPS Cable rows example video:

Reverse Grip Lateral Pulldown (drop set)

Sitting at a 75 degree angle and palms facing toward you, pull lat bar down to chest. Allow arms to fully extend overhead and repeat. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

Single Arm Bent Over Rows Supported by Bench

Holding dumbbell in one arm, bend at waist and place opposite knee and free hand onto the flat bench. Keeping your head up, row up with the dumbbell attempting to keep the dumbbell at your side. Retract and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS

Example video:



DB Curls (drop set)

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bring dumbbells up in curling motion from thigh to chest, retract arms fully to starting point and repeat. SET 1: 8-10 REPS,


SET 2: 8-10 REPS,


SET 3: 8-10 REPS,


SET 4: 8-10 REPS,


Example video:

15’s EZ Bar/Barbell Curls

Curl bar up from thigh to chest: 5 reps fully up, 5 reps halfway up, 5 reps halfway down. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Preacher Curls

Set bench at an incline just below 90 degrees, stand behind bench placing arm on bench and keeping elbow on the top of the bench the whole time, curl and repeat. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:

Hammer Curls (rest pause)

Hold dumbbells at side with the heads of the weight facing up and down, curl coming fully up and back down. Repeat. Stop one rep shy of failure, rest for 20 seconds and repeat sets. 4 SETS

8-10 REPS Example video:


BREAKFAST RECIPES By Xeela Chef Camille *Calories and macros based on serving size*


BREAKFAST WRAP 1 Servings • 328 Calories • 26g Carbs • 32g Protein • 11g Fat

1. Heat a pan on medium-high heat. INGREDIENTS 1 mission hills whole wheat wrap

2. Once hot, add pam and add turkey bacon until hot throughout and crispy. Remove turkey bacon and set aside.

6 oz egg whites (egg whites from about 6 large eggs)

3. Add peppers and onions, cook until onions are translucent.

Spoonful of peppers and onions, diced small 2 strips turkey bacon

4. Add scrambled egg white mixture and scramble until fully cooked. Season with salt and pepper.

2 tbsp mexican reduced fat cheese

5. In wrap add cheese, turkey bacon, and eggs and wrap up. Sear in a pan until golden on both side.

Salt and pepper 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray

Add any other vegetables into your scrambled eggs or breakfast wrap.


BREAKFAST TURKEY SAUSAGE 4 Servings • 201 Calories • 1g Carbs • 23g Protein • 13g Fat

1. Shape the turkey into 8- 2 oz patties. INGREDIENTS 1 lb ground turkey 93% 1 tbsp thyme (fresh or dried) 1 tbsp sage (fresh or dried) 1 tbsp parsley (fresh or dried)

2. Heat up a non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Once heated, spray with olive oil and add turkey patties. 3. Cook for about 7 minutes on each side or until golden on both side and fully cooked in the middle. Using fresh spices will up the flavor but dried spices will work just as good.

1 tsp fennel seed, ground 2 garlic cloves Salt and pepper 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


ZUCCHINI BREAKFAST FRITTATA 4 Servings • 186 Calories • 6g Carbs • 22g Protein • 10g Fat

INGREDIENTS 12 oz egg whites (about 12 large eggs, separated yolk) 5 whole eggs 2 cup grated zucchini 1 large yellow onion diced 1/2 cup Low-fat mozzarella Salt and pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Heat up a non-stick pan on medium-high heat. Once heated, spray with olive oil and add diced onions. Sauté until translucent and then set aside. 2. Squeeze the grated zucchini so that as much liquid comes out as possible. 3. In a bowl, mix eggs, zucchini, sautéed onions, shredded cheese and salt and pepper. 4. Pour egg mixture into a baking dish sprayed with pam or using parchment paper to line the pan. 5. Place baking dish in the oven and cook for about 20-30 minutes or until egg starts getting a little golden. 6. Cook and cut into portions. Make in a cupcake pan for individual portions. You can chop or slice the zucchini if you’d like. You can also add all different types of vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, or spinach.


BACON AND MUSHROOM BREAKFAST FRITTATA 4 Servings • 206 Calories • 9g Carbs • 26g Protein • 8g Fat

INGREDIENTS 12 oz egg whites (about 12 large eggs, separated yolk) 5 whole eggs 6 slices of canadian bacon 1 large yellow onion diced 1 lb mushrooms Salt and pepper

1. Preheat oven to 375F. Heat up a non-stick pan on medium-high heat. 2. Once heated, add the canadian bacon. Cook until fully heated. Remove the canadian bacon, chop it up and set aside. 3. Add diced onions and the mushrooms to the pan and sauté until the onions are translucent. Set aside with the bacon. 4. In a bowl, mix eggs, mushrooms, onions, canadian bacon, salt and pepper. 5. Pour egg mixture into a baking dish sprayed with pam or using parchment paper to line the pan. 6. Place baking dish in the oven and cook for about 20-30 minutes or until egg starts getting a little golden. 7. Cook and cut into portions. Make in a cupcake pan for individual portions. You can substitute Canadian bacon with turkey bacon, turkey sausage, and the turkey breakfast sausage above.


PROTEIN WAFFLES 1 Servings • 374 Calories • 27g Carbs • 42g Protein • 12g Fat

INGREDIENTS 1 large egg 1/4 cups rolled-cut oats 1 scoop of protein powder

1. Heat up waffle iron. Place all ingredients into a blender until smooth. 2. Once waffle iron is heated, add your waffle batter. Take out when fully cooked. Serve with fresh berries to add a little freshness.

1/4 cup plain greek yogurt 1/4 cup milk or almond milk 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt Pam cooking spray


LUNCH AND DINNER RECIPES By Xeela Chef Camille *Calories and macros based on serving size*


ROASTED BEEF 5 Servings • 332 Calories • 11g Carbs • 31g Protein • 17g Fat

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs flank steak, whole 1 small bunch fresh parsley, chopped 2-3 tbsp Italian seasoning 2 tbsp garlic powder 1 cup beef stock (add as needed) Salt and pepper 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Season whole flank steak with fresh parsley, italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt and pepper. 2. Heat large pan on medium-high heat. Once hot, add 1 tbsp of oil or pam. Add steak to the pan and sear on each side for about 5-7 minutes or until browned on each side. 3. Remove the steak and place it into a roasting pan. Leave the pan drippings in the pan used to sear the steak, add 1 cup of beef stock to the pan and mix until all the bits are incorporated into stock. Pour stock into roasting pan. Stock should cover up to 1/3 of meat. 4. Add a little more seasoning and parsley around the meat and then cover the roasting pan with aluminum foil. 5. Roast for about 3-4 hours or until tender. This recipe can also be done in a slow cooker. For quicker results, you can use pressure cooker or cook in a pot on the stove using a little more stock.


SEARED SALMON WITH MANGO SALSA 5 Servings • 332 Calories • 11g Carbs • 31g Protein • 17g Fat

INGREDIENTS 1.5 lbs salmon 1-2 tbsp blackened seasoning or Chef Bernardi Fusion Seasoning 1 mango, diced small 1 large bell pepper, diced small (red, yellow, and/or orange) or use 6 mini sweet bell peppers 1 small bunch of cilantro, chopped

1. Add diced mango, red onions, bell peppers, cilantro, and lemon juice into a bowl and mix together. Set in fridge until needed. 2. Season salmon with blackened seasoning or Fusion Seasoning. Heat pan on medium heat. Once hot, add 1 tbsp of oil or pam. Add salmon to pan. Cook salmon on each side for about 7 minutes or until cooked through. 3. Store left over salsa and use it with shrimp, chicken, or fish. 4. Serve salmon with mango salsa.

2-4 lemons, juiced 1/2 red onion, diced small Salt and pepper 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray


ROASTED LEMON ROSEMARY CHICKEN BREAST 5 Servings • 224 Calories • 0g Carbs • 42g Protein • 5g Fat

INGREDIENTS 1.5 lbs chicken breast 2 tbsp fresh or dried rosemary 1.5 tbsp garlic powder 1 tbsp paprika Salt and Pepper 3-4 lemons, juiced 1 cup water 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Season chicken breast with garlic powder, paprika, rosemary, salt, and pepper. 2. Heat pan on medium-high heat. Once hot, add 1 tbsp of oil or pam. Add Chicken to the pan and sear on each side for about 5-7 minutes or until golden on each side. 3. Remove the chicken and place it into a roasting pan. Add lemon juice and water to the pan. Add a little more seasoning in the pan. Cover with aluminum and cook in the oven for about 20-30 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked. This chicken recipe can also be done in a slow cooker or pressure cooker. You can also use fresh garlic and different herbs like thyme, parsley, oregano, to make it different each time.


GRILLED CARNE ASADA 5 Servings • 302 Calories • 8g Carbs • 40g Protein • 12g Fat

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs flank steak 4 limes, juiced 2 oranges, juiced 3-6 cloves garlic, minced 3 tbsp soy sauce 1 bunch green onions

1. In a bowl, add oil, lime juice, soy sauce, orange juice, garlic, green onion, cilantro, cumin, salt, and pepper. Add the steak and marinate 1 hour to overnight. 2. Heat grill on medium heat. Once hot, add steak to grill. 3. Cook steak for about 10-12 minutes on each side or until desired temperature. Add jalapeño or ground ancho chile for added spice. You can substitute soy sauce with tamari to keep it gluten free. Make them into tacos using corn tortillas or lettuce.

1 bunch cilantro 2 tsp cumin Salt and pepper 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray


TURKEY BOLOGNESE PASTA 5 Servings • 514 Calories • 46g Carbs • 47g Protein • 19g Fat

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs ground turkey 93% 12 oz protein pasta, uncooked 2 cups raw spinach 1 large carrots, shredded 1 celery stalk, diced small 1 yellow onion, diced small 4-6 garlic cloves, minced 1 - 28 oz can crushed tomato 2 tbsp oregano 2 bay leaves 2 tbsp dried or fresh parsley Fresh basil Salt and pepper 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray

1. Heat small pot on medium heat. Once hot, add oil, add diced onion, celery, and carrots, and cook until onions are transparent. Add in garlic and cook for 2 minutes mixing constantly. Add in crushed tomato, salt, pepper, parsley, and oregano and bay leaves. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes on medium-low heat and season with salt to taste. Add fresh basil and set aside. 2. In another pan, heat pan on medium-high. Once the pan is hot, add ground turkey, add oregano, salt, pepper, and parsley. Break up ground turkey using spoon or spatula. 3. Once the turkey is almost fully cooked, add tomato sauce and cook until turkey is full cooked through. Once cooked, add spinach to turkey. 4. In another pot, boil water, salt the water and cook pasta. Once pasta is cooked, mix the pasta with the turkey and garnish with fresh basil. 5. You can also blend the sauce to make it less chunky or hide the veggies, just remove the bay leaf before blending and then add blended sauce to turkey. Use fresh tomatoes instead of canned tomatoes for fresher sauce.


SIDE RECIPES By Xeela Chef Camille *Calories and macros based on serving size*


CARROT AND SWEET POTATO MASH 5 Servings • 128 Calories • 30g Carbs • 2.5g Protein • 0g Fat

INGREDIENTS 3 carrots, diced large 1.5 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and diced large 1/2 cup vegetable stock Salt and pepper

1. Add Carrot and sweet potato to a pot filled with water. Cook until both carrots and sweet potato are tender. 2. Strain the carrots and sweet potato 3. Add them back in the pot and mash them. Add vegetable stock, salt, and pepper. You can also add garlic powder to this recipe. Substitute water for vegetable broth to add more flavor.


SEARED MUSHROOMS 5 Servings • 62 Calories • 7g Carbs • 3g Protein • 3.5g Fat

INGREDIENTS 1.5 lb mushrooms of choice Garlic powder Dried parsley Paprika Salt and pepper 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray

1. Clean mushrooms using a damp paper towel. Keep mushrooms as dry as possible. 2. Cut end of step and dice or slice mushrooms. Coat in some seasoning mix. 3. Heat up the pan on medium-high heat. Once hot, add oil and mushroom without crowding the mushrooms. 4. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until soft. Make in a few batches if needed. You can also use cajun seasoning or Chef Bernardi Fusion Seasoning to add a little kick.


ROASTED CARROTS 5 Servings • 61 Calories • 9g Carbs • 1g Protein • 3g Fat

1. Preheat the oven to 375F. INGREDIENTS 1 lb carrots, diced or quarters into sticks 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp dried thyme

2. Season cut carrots with some seasoning mix, using more or less seasoning to taste. 3. Place on a baking sheet and cover the pan with aluminum. 4. Cook for about 20- 30 minutes or until carrots are tender.

1 tsp paprika 1 tsp ground coriander Salt and pepper 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray


GARLICKY GREEN BEANS 5 Servings • 66 Calories • 10g Carbs • 3g Protein • 3g Fat

1. Wash and cut off stems. INGREDIENTS 1.5 lb green beans 3-6 garlic cloves, minced or minced garlic Salt and pepper 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray

2. Heat up pan on medium heat. Add pam and green beans. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Add minced garlic to the green beans until garlic is lightly golden and then add a little bit of water or vegetable stock, and cover. 4. Cook green beans until they begin getting a little softer. Add tomatoes with the garlic to add a little more flavor.


SPANISH BROWN RICE 5 Servings • 222 Calories • 46g Carbs • 6g Protein • 2g Fat

1. Heat a pan on medium-high heat. INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 cup brown rice

2. Once hot, add olive oil, onions and peppers. Sauté until onions are transparent.

1/4 cup red bell pepper, diced

3. Add garlic and cook for another 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

1/2 small yellow onions, diced

4. Add rice, tomato sauce, seasonings and add broth.

2-3 garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp achiote powder

5. Bring to boil, cover and lower to simmer until rice is cooked. Fluff up with fork, garnish with cilantro. Add corn, green beans, carrots, and or peas to add more flavor.

3 oz tomato sauce 5-6 cups vegetable or chicken broth Salt and pepper 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil or pam cooking spray


THANK YOU for participating in Ilya’s summer shred!


XEELA FITNESS @xeelafitness Have questions? Email our trainer! [email protected]

ILYA FEDOROVICH @ilyafeddy Check out our Youtube page!

CHEF CAMILLE BERNARDI @chefbernardi Email: [email protected] Website:

Graphic design by Amanda Aldeir