HRD Climate [PDF]

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HRD Climate –

Introduction :If we need to find a way to develop employees in order to become effective contributors to the goals of an organization, we need to have a clear view of what an effective contribution would look like. The use of personal capacities can be very helpful in describing the way in which an effective employee should operate and behave, but there can be no general prescription of an effective employee. Effectiveness will differ with organizational context, and on whose perspective we are adopting. The matter of what, finally, makes an effective employee is a combination of personality, natural capabilities, developed skills, experience and learning. The process of enhancing an employee’s present and future effectiveness is called development. Meaning of HR+D+Climate HR means employees in organization, who work to increase the profit for organization. Development, it is acquisition of capabilities that are needed to do the present job, or the future expected job. After analyzing Human Resource and Development we can simply stated that, HRD is the process of helping people to acquire competencies. Climate, this is an overall feeling that is conveyed by the physical layout, the way employees interact and the way members of the organization conduct themselves with outsiders. (It is provided by an organization.) “Organizational climate is a set of characteristics of an organization which are referred in the descriptions employees make of the policies, practices and conditions which exist in the working environment”. Abraham An organization became dynamic and growth oriented if their people are dynamic and proactive. Through proper selection of people and by nurturing their dynamism and other competencies an organization can make their people dynamic and pro-active. To survive it is very essential for an organization to adopt the change in the environment and also continuously prepare their employees to meet the challenges; this will have a positive impact on the organization.

What is needed to Develop Organizational Climate in Organization Top to Bottom effort : - Organization is considered to be complete organization after including top authority to bottom line of workers. And whenever we talk about development at organizational level effort is needed from top level to bottom level. Top authority should not have thinking in their mind that their task is to only take decisions but they should also emphasized on proper implementation of decision by adopting various controlling technique. Bottom level workers should have loyal mind-set towards their organization. Bottom level workers have to work with dedication. They should have realisation that organization is their organization. Motivator role of Manager and Supervisor : - To prepare Human Resource Development Climate, Manager and Supervisor’s responsibilities are more or we can say that they are the key players. Manager and Supervisors have to help the employees to develop the competencies in the employees. To help the employees at lower level they need to updated properly and they need to share their expertise and experience with employees. Faith upon employees : - In the process of developing HRD Climate employer should have faith on its employees capabilities. Means whatever amount is invested that should be based on development of employees. Top management should trust the employees that after making huge effort to develop employees, employees will work for the well being of organization and for human being also. Free expression of Feelings : - Whatever Top management feels about employees they have to express to employees and whatever employees think about top management it must be express in other words we can say that there should not be anything hidden while communication process. Clear communication process will help to establish the HRD Climate. Feedback : - Feedback should be taken regularly to know the drawbacks in system. This will help to gain confidence in employees mind. Employee will trust on management and he can express his opinion freely which is very good for HRD Climate. Feedback will help to remove the weakness. Helpful nature of employees : - Whenever we talk about 100% effort then we have to talk about employees effort too. Nature of employees should be helping for management and for its colleagues. They should be always read to help to customers too. Supportive personnel management: - Personnel policies of organization should motivate employees to contribute more from their part. Top management’s philosophy should be clear towards Human Resource and its well being to encourage the employees. Encouraging and risk taking experimentation : - Employees should be motivated by giving

them authority to take decision. This concept is risky but gradually it will bring expertise in employees to handle similar situation in future. It will help to develop confidence in employees mind. Organisation can utilize and develop employees more by assigning risky task. Discouraging stereotypes and favouritism : - Management need to avoid those practices which lead to favouritism. Management and Managers need to give equal importance. Those people who are performing good they need to appreciated and those who are not performing good they need to be guided. Any kind of partial behaviour should be avoided. Team Spirit : - There must be feeling of belongingness among the employees, and also willingness to work as a team.

Components of HRD Climate The organizational climate consists of:Organisational StructureAn organization’s structure is actually a ‘snapshot’ of a work process, frozen in time so that it can be viewed. The structure enables the people’s energy to be focused towards process achievement and goal achievement. Employee must have a clear definition of not only the work structure but also the role used to organize the work. If the structure and the role is not clear, people will not know what the work process is, who is responsible for what, whom to go for help and decision, and who can Assist in solving problems that may arise. Organisational CultureOrganisational culture is the pattern of beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, and customs that exists within an organisation. Organizational culture may result in part from senior management beliefs or from the beliefs of employees. Organizational culture can be supportive or unsupportive, positive or negative. It can affect the ability or willingness of employees to adapt or perform well within the organisation. The most effective work culture is one that supports the organizations HR strategies by aligning behaviors, processes and methods with the desired results. It is not just achieving results but the methods through which they are achieved that are critical to long-term success. Before any HR strategy is designed there must be a clear understanding of the organisation, its current values, its structure, its people as well as its goals and vision for the future. HR ProcessesThe HR system of an organisation should be comprehensive enough to take care of employees from the time they join till the time they leave HR. Their demands must not be

ignored, but a feeling of belongingness be created. Process should be very clear and impartial, so that employee’s faith in organisation. From recruitment to retirement whole process should be according to employees expectation and ability of employer.

Importance of looking at the organisation climate are: Looking at the organizational climate, which means taking a closer look at what is happening in and around in the HR scenario of the various organization. It is essential to work on because directly or indirectly this environment affects the organization and the employee. Importances are: • Environmental factors of HR are prime influencing elements of change in HR strategy. • It gives HR professionals time to anticipate opportunities in HR area and time to plan optional responses to these opportunities.

• It helps HR professionals to develop an early warning system to prevent threats emerging out from HR scenario, or to develop strategies, which can turn a threat. • It forms a basis of aligning the organisation strengths to the changes in the environment.

• It enables the entry of the latest national/international HR developments.

Measuring HRD Climate Economic condition – An organisation’s economic condition influences its culture in several ways. The more prosperous an organisation is the more it can afford to spend on research and the more it can afford to risk and be adventurous. Leadership Style : An organisation leadership style plays a profound role in determining several aspects of its culture. An authoritarian style may make the organisation’s culture characterized by high position structure, low individual autonomy, low reward orientation, low warmth and support and so on, or it may be opposite, like goal directed leadership.

Managerial assumption about human nature : Every act on the part of the management that involves human beings is predicated upon assumptions, generalizations and hypotheses relating to human behaviour. There are two theories of behaviour (Theory X and Theory Y). Managerial values and ethos : The feeling of managers about norms and values what is good and what is poor as management practice. There are few dimensions on which it can be checked. They are – self-awareness, risk-taking, participation, bureaucracy, equity, employee’s security and growth. Organisation size : An small organizations there are few levels of management, these are generally more amenable to democratic and participative functioning than big organisations. More open communication system in small organisations. Hence these organisations have a different type of climate than what are in big organizations.

HRD — SOME CONCEPTS HRD is mainly concerned with developing the skill, knowledge and competencies of people and it is people-oriented concept. When we call it as a people-oriented concept the question of people being developed in the larger or national context or in the smaller organizational context? Is it different at the macro and micro level? HRD can be applied both for the national level and organizational level. But many personnel managers and organizations view HRD as synonymous to training and development. Many organizations in the country renamed their training departments as HRD departments. Surprisingly some organizations renamed their personnel department as HRD departments. Some educational, institutions started awarding degrees and diplomas in HRD even though the concept is not yet crystal clear. HRD from organizational point of view is a process in which the employees of an organization are helped/motivated to acquire and develop technical, managerial and behavioral knowledge, skills and abilities, and mould the values, beliefs, attitude necessary to perform present and future roles by realizing highest human potential with a view to contribute positively to the organizational, group, individual and social goals. A comparative analysis of these definitions shows that the third definition seems to be comprehensive and elaborate as it deals with the developmental aspects of all the components of human resources. Further, it deals with all types of skills, the present and future organizational needs and aspect of contribution to not only organizational also other goals. The analysis of the third definition further shows that there are three aspects, viz., 1. Employees of an organization are helped/motivated; 2. Acquire, develop and mould various aspects of human resources; and 3. Contribute to the organizational, group, individual and social goals. The first aspect deals with helping and motivating factors for HRD. These factors may be called ‘Enabling factors’ which include: Organization structure, organizational climate, HRD climate, HRD knowledge and skills to managers, human resource planning, recruitment and selection. The second aspect deals with the techniques or methods which are the means to acquire develop and mould the various human resources. These techniques include: Performance, appraisal, Potential appraisal, Career planning and Development, Training, Management development, Organizational development, Social and Cultural programs, and Workers’ participation in management and quality circles. The third category includes the outcomes contribution of the HRD process to the goals of the organization, group, individuals and the society.

Hrd climate and communication The communications that arise not out of formal relations between people but out of informal or social relationship is called the grapevine or informal communication. The management has no absolute control over this type of communication as they neither created nor destroyed it. Communication need not flow through authorityresponsibility relationship or channels of organization in informal communications. In informal communication there is no formal superior subordinate relationship. The informal communication does both good and bad to the organization. The advantages of informal communication are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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acts as a driving force to untie the workforce in cases of common matters; saves time and energy as the information flows at high speed; has immediate response from the receiver; provides the scope for creation of new ideas; satisfies the communication needs of various employees, provides scope for immediate feedback.

Informal communication suffers from various drawbacks. They are: a) Informal communication sometimes spreads wrong information and rumours; b) It distorts information; c) Grapevine provides only inadequate information; d) Information provided through grapevine has no formal authority; and e) It overlooks superiors. The most effective communication results when managers utilize the informal organization to supplement the communication channels of the formal organization. It should be remembered that it is a part of the manager’s job to have a little control over this informal communication so that he can take the appropriate action to minimize the adverse effect of this channel. Organizational climate is very important in the context of communication. Organizational climate is the summary perception which people have about an organization. It is thus a global expression of what the organization is: Organizational climate refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. The characteristics of organizational climate are: 1. Individual Initiative: The degree of responsibility, freedom and independence that individuals have. 2. Risk Tolerance: The degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive, innovative and risk-seeking. 3. Direction: The degree to which the organization creates clear objectives and performance expectations.

4. Integration: The degree to which units within the organization are encouraged to operate in a coordinated manner. 5. Management Support: The degree to which managers provide clear communication, assistance and support to their subordinates. 6. Control: The number of rules and regulations and the amount of direct supervision that is used to oversee and control employee behavior. 7. Identity: The degree to which members identify with the organization as a whole rather than with their particular workgroup or field of professional expertise. 8. Reward System: The degree to which reward allocations are based on employee performance. 9. Conflict Tolerance: The degree to which employees are encouraged to air conflicts and criticisms. 10. Communication Patterns: The degree to which organizational communications are restricted to the formal hierarchy of authority. Communicating with the Employees Both formal as well as informal communication channels are used to communicate with the employees. In addition to following written communication, oral and nonverbal communication should be relied upon. In addition to downward communication to communicate rules, procedures and programs of the organization to employees, employees should also be encouraged to communicate to their superiors. In order to make use of team work, all channels of communication or star communication pattern should be encouraged. Interpersonal communication should be encouraged with a view to develop interpersonal relations. Employees should also be encouraged to develop effective and active listening skills.

ABSTRACT /Purpose: The aim of the study was to measure employees' perception of human resource development (HRD) practices, to explore whether ISO certification leads to any improvements in HRD system, and to examine the role of HRD practices on employees' development climate and quality orientation in the organization. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 239 employees belonging to eight organizations (four of them ISO certified) responded to a questionnaire which measured the following variables: career system, work planning system, development system, self renewal system, and HRD system. Findings: Results indicated large inter-organizational differences in HRD practices. In general, however, employees' ratings were moderate. ISO certified companies, compared to others, obtained higher means on some HRD variables. Organizations with better learning, training and development systems, reward and recognition, and information systems promoted human resource development climate. Quality orientation was predicted by career planning, performance guidance and development, role efficacy, and reward and recognition systems. Research limitations/implications: Comparison between ISO and non-ISO certified companies did yield some significant differences, yet it was difficult to conclude that the differences were due to ISO certification alone as organizations in the sample were not matched. Practical implications: The findings can be used by HR practitioners and scholars in building management concerns and advocacy for better HRD systems and practices. Originality/value: Very little empirical knowledge is available on this subject from transitional economies like Malaysia. The study makes a modest attempt in that direction.

Influence of HRD climate on the learning orientation of bank employees.

Article Excerpt Competent employees are the greatest assets of any organisation. The proficiency of employees plays a vital role in the context of the diverse challenges faced by the contemporary organisations. Talent management, employee engagement and employee retention have become the key concerns of HRD professionals. This is of greater relevance in the banking organisations, being a highly HR intensive sector. In order to maintain and develop their competencies, the employees should have an open mind for learning and change. This proactive approach can be generated by providing adequate opportunities as well as motivation for the employees by fostering a supportive and favourable climate for learning in organisations. This paper is an attempt to analyse the influence of the HRD climate existing in banks on the learning orientation of the employees. INTRODUCTION Contemporary organisations are in a flux. Changes are occurring in almost all the facets of organisational life. Organisations now are facing greater their challenges to retain their talented and competent personnel with them. Thus, talent management has become the critical goal of HR professionals. Among many others, improving the quality of HRD is reported to be one effective alternative to face these challenges. The level of innovation existing in organisations and opportunities offered by them to apply creative ideas into practice seem to be factors leveraging the competitive edge. That is, the quality of learning and development climate has become more of a determining factor to the survival of contemporary organisations. A productive and supportive environment is essential for effective learning and development in organisations. This environment requires a culture of collaboration and team spirit, top management's commitment towards HRD initiatives and the effective implementation of various HRD subsystems. A recent study by Sachdev (2007) concluded that trust, pride and camaraderie are the primary factors considered in 'Great Places to Work' by Indian employees. Most of the organisations rated as a great place to work recognize the aspirations of the employees and focus on their growth and development. This indicates that most of these organisations have got a reasonably good HRD climate. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Creation of a supportive environment is an effective alternative suggested by Dayal (1993) to foster the growth of individuals in organisations. Some of the factors identified by him in this regard include personal desire among individuals to grow, opportunities for interaction, assimilation of experience and capability to assess one's potentialities. Peter M. Senge (1990) also explained the influence of structure on the behaviour of people. According to him, people, however different, will produce similar results when placed in the same system. He perceived structure as a key factor that influences behaviour. While describing the HRD in Indian organisations, Gupta (2004) concluded that the focus of HRD in Indian organisations is on the development of the competencies of people. It also emphasises the development of an organisational climate that would facilitate and sustain the process of employee development and commitment. Salokhe (2002) has conducted a study of the HRD climate in selected banks in the Kolhapur district of Maharastra. It revealed the existence of a remarkably good HRD climate in the scheduled, co-operative and public sector banks there. There was no substantial variation in the perception of HRD climates across the different cadres of employees. Another study by Mishra and Bhardwaj (2002) reported that the managers in a private organisation perceived the HRD climate as favourable. The top management's commitment to HRD, integrated HRD system, well defined personal policies and culture of openness are listed to be the strengths of HRD in that organisation.

Alphonse (2001) analysed the HRD climate in a hospital by assessing the top management's belief in HRD, superiorsubordinate relationship, personnel policies, team-spirit, employee development, training, employee initiatives and management encouragement. It reported the existence of a reasonably good climate with an average score of 3.46 in the HRD climate assessment scale. This study used the HRD Climate Scale developed by T.V. Rao. A study done by Rao in 1999 (Rao et al. 2001) regarding the HRD climate in 41 organisations revealed that the general climate in the organisations is average. A general indifference on the part of the employees towards their own development was found to be the reason for this. The lack of support to the employees post training is a major hurdle in applying what they had learnt. This in turn affects the career development of the employees. It was noted that the top management in most of the organisations is doing routine things. The other impediments of HRD highlighted in the study are the lack of opportunities for transfer of training skills and career development. Yet, the same study suggests that the employees in these organisations were serious about the training, the performance appraisal system was objective and the management was concerned about human resources. THE STUDY Banking, like other services, has become one of the highly competitive sectors in India. The banking organisations, since the beginning of this decade, have been facing greater challenges in terms of technological revolution, service diversification and global banking. This has got many repercussions on the HRD practices in this sector. Competency of the employees has become one of the core concerns to the survival of the banks. It is in this backdrop that the present author has conducted a study about the HRD climate existing in the banking sector of Kerala and its influence on the learning orientation of employees working therein. The following research questions were addressed in the study. Research Questions RQI: What is the influence of the HRD climate existing in the banks on the learning orientation of its employees? RQ2: How do the bank employees with different learning orientation perceive the general climate existing in their organisations? RQ3: How does the perception of OCTAPAC factors in the banks vary across different types of learners? RQ4: What is the perception of the HRD subsystems in the banks among different types of learners? Hypothesis: A supportive and favourable HRD climate in banks stimulates the learning orientation of the employees working therein. METHODOLOGY The first stage of the study was descriptive research. A total of 300 respondents were selected by the stratified random sampling method. Both officers and clerical staff belonging to two public sector and two private sector banks in Kerala were selected for the study. Equal representation was given to banks belonging to the three regions of the state like southern, central and northern. A self- completion questionnaire was used for collecting data from the respondents. The questionnaire was personally administered to all the respondents by the researcher. At the second stage of the study, a set of in-depth interviews was conducted with selected employees from all the four banks. It was primarily to discuss the findings generated through the survey method. The interviews also helped in a more contextual and practical interpretation of the data. Measurement of Constructs Learning orientation was measured by applying a standardized instrument developed by Martinez (1997) by using a seven point Likert scale. The learning orientation construct explains the cognitive, conative, and affective aspects of

learning. It comprises three components, namely, conative and affective learning focus, strategic planning and learning effort, and learning autonomy of the employees. More specifically, it measures the intentional and emotional aspects of learning, the amount of learning effort invested by the learners and the degree of autonomy they have sought in the learning processes. Based on these three factors (total score for all items of these three factors) the employees in the banks were classified into four types of learners, viz., transforming learners, performing learners, conforming learners and resistant learners. Human Resource Development (HRD) Climate is a concept proposed by T.V. Rao (1999) to explain the environment provided by organisations for the learning and development of its employees. This includes both the policies and the practices for HRD in an organisation. He developed an instrument to measure the HRD Climate by assessing three components such as the top management's commitment to HRD (general climate), existence of an OCTAPAC culture and the functioning of the various HRD subsystems. The OCTAPAC culture indicates the existence of seven factors namely, Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Autonomy, Pro-activity, Authenticity, and Collaboration in an organisation. HRD mechanism, the third component of the HRD climate, measures the extent to which the various subsystems of the HRD mechanism such as training, performance appraisal, potential appraisal, organisation development, feedback and performance coaching, career planning, rewards, employee welfare, quality of work life and human resource information systems are implemented seriously (Rao, 1999). MAJOR FINDINGS HRD Climate and the Learning Orientation About 57 per cent of the respondents perceived the learning and development climate existing in banks as moderate. Nearly 30 per cent considered the HRD climate as good. Only 13 per cent of the respondents perceived that the HRD climate existing in their organisations as poor (see Table 1). Therefore, the perception of learning and development by the bank employees seems to be generally at a moderate level. More than two thirds of the respondents who perceived the HRD climate as poor were found to have lower learning orientations of resistance or conformance. About 53 per cent of those who perceived it as average were conforming learners while another 31 per cent were performing learners. It is clear form the data presented in Table I that a good number of the employees who experienced favourable and positive HRD climate were in the higher learning orientation group. Also, most of those who perceived the HRD climate as poor or average belonged to the lower learning orientations. This association between the HRD climate and the learning orientation is proved to be significant at the 0.01 level by the Chi-square test (Pearson value is 54.177, for 6 df, p value is 0.000). Hence, the hypothesis that supportive HRD climate stimulates learning orientation is found to be true. General Climate and the Learning Orientation Around 53 per cent of the respondents perceived the general climate existing in their organisations as moderate. More than a quarter of the respondents considered that the top management had got a greater commitment to the learning and development in banks. About 21 per cent of the respondents considered the general climate existing in the banks as poor. Thirty Six per cent of the respondents who experienced the general climate as poor had a performing learning orientation. Another 30.6 per cent belonged to the conformance learning orientation (see Table 2) A quarter of the respondents who assessed the general climate as poor had the lowest learning orientation of resistance. Nearly 53 per cent of the employees who perceived the general climate...