How Do I Forecast Future Cycles [PDF]

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The Value of WD Gann's Work Today WD Gann’s pursuit of Knowledge and accumulation of Wisdom was a costly process, the cost required by Nature herself before she’ll reveal her most precious secrets. Mr. Gann taught a few students some of his simpler techniques over the years. This much is known. What is less understood is the real cost of that information in today's dollars (2015). WD Gann reportedly sold one of his courses for $5,000 during the 1930's Depression! Yes, there were those who were more than willing to pay during even those most of economically challenging times. If we take the time to work out this value in today's dollar terms, we'd find that this single course of Mr. Gann's course, (if he were alive to explain and support it), would be valued at $86,186. This clearly means that if Gann had chosen to teach his real trading techniques, their value would be well into the 6-figures in today's dollars. You can check this out for yourself at by using 1932 as the base for the Depression and typing in the $5,000 amount for the single course mentioned. It should be noted that this was the quoted cost of a single course at that time (we're not sure which course). Gann did not produce a single, comprehensive course for his work, but, several courses that were, (thankfully), later combined by the Billy Jones Family (who have been caretakers of the Gann Archive for decades). Of course, what really matters here is that, even at these prices, Gann didn't convey his greatest secrets in these marketed courses. He never did. He preferred to leave obscure clues to lead students towards the direction that he himself had followed and point them in the direction where they would have to discover those secrets for themselves and by themselves. One may assume that they turned to Gann for personal support and understanding when they desired deeper understanding. There's evidence to this effect from letters that have surfaced from his clients over the years. Mr. Gann approached the more esoteric subjects, like Astrology and the markets, privately with his clients in just such a manner and there are examples of letters that confirm this. Deep Knowledge and understanding is best conveyed and acquired through the Socratic manner with questions being asked after materials are studied. It would appear that WD Gann followed this approach to mentoring. The real point being that personal support and contact made the difference and probably led to deeper levels of understanding than the printed courses left behind would indicate. And, as to the value of his research and techniques, his reported $50-million take from the markets (equivalent to $861,864,963 in today’s dollar value!) speaks for itself. Certainly everyone 2

who learned this level of trading information received the bargain of their lives! Imagine their advantages in the Markets after receiving this privileged instruction. Now, imagine yourself at this same crossroad with the same advantages! Now you can receive details that can solve the mystery, with The Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course, with details that Gann never revealed, including the math behind the methods. And, you may now access this information for far less than today's equivalent cost for that single course that Gann sold back in the 1930's! As my research continues, the Master Course will grow and you'll have access to the researcher George R Harrison for many years after purchase, for any questions or clarification you may have about the course. This is a very high value and exclusive course of instruction and techniques. It will always be intended for those few who seek MORE and those who are only content with a HIGHER LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING. The course content grows in value as new discoveries and re-discoveries are made. The significant cost reflects the significant effort taken over 45 Year's time in order to discover and assemble this Master Course. How much is Knowledge of this rare depth worth? Information that can be found nowhere else? Knowledge always comes at a high cost. WD Gann paid this cost. I paid this cost. Are you just as determined and willing to pay the cost too? This is the price that Nature Herself exacts in order to acquire Her Wisdom. I welcome those of you with the same level of determination and drive to KNOW. •

George R. Harrison

[email protected]



WD Gann’s Holistic Universe Viewing WD Gann’s work through the lens of his Natural World View opens a fresh doorway of understanding and perception. WD Gann’s way of perceiving the Universe compared with today’s scientific viewpoint is as different as that between a microscope and a telescope. Both use lenses but the scope of their perceptions are of two entirely different worlds. WD Gann’s world was one of Price, Time, Volume, Astrology, Mathematics and Geometry. In Gann’s world these all were connected with threads mostly defined by Mathematics and Geometry. Astrology was included only in the sense that the placements of planetary objects were just another part of the world we live in and, therefore, had connections that weren’t so much magnetic or even electrical in nature, but, primarily mathematically and time related. One of WD Gann’s number wheels is shown on this page largely symbolizing the wholeness of the Circle which represents a complete cycle. Geometry that is underlying the reality of this world view is also indicated by different shapes shown within the circle. Mr. Gann developed many of his techniques using this ancient perspective and, from my own experience over decades of study, I’ve also proven that this same alternate view of Nature aids greatly in the study of the Markets. It will also serve you very, very well in your WD Gann studies as well. Many of the things which we consider separate in the World are, in truth interwoven with each other and, the understanding of the one leads to understanding of the other. In just such a way do the study of Geometry and Mathematics show themselves intertwined with everything in our Universe. Knowing the secrets of these will unlock the secrets to ALL. 4

WD GANN: Man, Measurement & Markets Mankind’s present model is one that separates Man from Nature by breaking Nature down into smaller and smaller components while searching to strip truth from each piece separately. In this process the interconnectedness of one part with all others is lost beneath a microscope only focused on the single object and thereby the Soul; the complete Wholeness of the ‘examined’ is lost to view. This process started back in the 1500’s and has only accelerated in the last 100-years. This, in spite of the findings of quantum physics that confirms the ancient model as the correct one. It seems that all things ARE connected after all. The holistic Realm of the ‘Enchanted’ is a World of Connectedness. This is a place where Time and Measurement act as connecting threads to events seemingly separated by great spans of historical dates yet, are, in truth causally related. This realm no longer requires ‘belief’ on one’s part. It’s now a scientifically proven part of quantum physics. This Natural World View from the beginning and on up to Ancient Times incorporated within it the connectedness of all Beings AND Things (including Mathematics and Geometry) and treated them all as a living Whole.


WD GANN & ’THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON’ The ‘WISDOM OF SOLOMON’ is the beginning of understanding when it comes to what the foundation of Mr. Gann’s work was. What is The ‘Wisdom of Solomon’? The answer is esoterically contained or hidden within the Name of Solomon itself and is simply this:

SOLOMON = SOL = The SUN + MON = The MOON. THE SUN & MOON = ASTROLOGY. This is the foundation that the Ancients knew, which is written into the Bible extensively (although encoded) and which has largely been lost to the Ages. Eventually, the Masters who knew these Truths passed on without leaving that ‘KEY’. At that point, the ‘key’ to the puzzle of the Stars known as Astrology was ‘lost and only the ‘template’ (built from original knowledge) remained. In my early decades of study of WD GANN, there were only 2 areas of study where I would not go: Astrology and the esoteric book which Gann wrote called ‘Tunnel Thru The Air’. It turns out that the most important and critical areas of my Gann studies after 40 plus years have been in (you guessed it!) Gann’s interpretation of Astrology and the ‘Tunnel Thru The Air’ book. In actuality, those two seemingly different areas turn out to be about the same thing: ASTROLOGY! WD GANN himself gave us the CLUE . . .


WD GANN’S ‘SOLOMON CLUE’ Indeed, Mr. Gann gave an important clue to this in both the introduction & the dedication page of his 1942 book ‘How to Make Profits in Commodities’. In this book, Gann presents quotations from ‘SOLOMON‘ as the important starting point for the book. This shows how valuable this coded reference to ‘The SUN & MOON’ or ASTROLOGY was to Gann’s work and he left these clues to those who would follow his Path to Knowledge and Wisdom. Earlier still, back in 1927 WD GANN wrote the book ‘Tunnel Thru The Air’ which is filled with veiled imagery and esoteric terms and dates which are oddly specific for a ‘work of fiction’. How did this book begin? In the introduction to ‘Tunnel Thru The Air’, ‘SOLOMON’ is quoted in the introduction to the book. In this way, Gann left a extremely valuable clue right in plain sight for ‘those with eyes to see’ that this book was a book whose keys were about: SOLOMON = SUN & MOON = ASTROLOGY And, the symbolism is even stronger than these two references. As Mr. Gann was a Master Mason of highest degree, he was also making reference to the two essences of Nature; The Duality of Nature. This basic Law of Nature is ‘represented’ as the Sun and the Moon in the Masonic as well as in other Mystery Schools. This is further emphasized by the Two Pillars, the black & white (tessellated) floor squares upon which all takes place within the Lodge as well as in the World. 7


DO YOU WANT TO GO DEEPER? You’ll be receiving some additional insights and quotes from WD Gann in the days & weeks ahead by e-mail as well as some current market insights from our main website at: If you: •

Recognize the ‘real thing’ when you see it,

Don’t need additional prompting,

Want to get started earlier rather than later,

Aren’t afraid of studying to get ahead,

Are ready to pay the price in focus and work to get your rewards.

Then, you’ll need to contact me now by e-mail at: [email protected] My name is George R. Harrison and ‘I’m the guy’ to talk to. I’ll get back to you with answers and not excuses. Those things I know, I really KNOW, and, what I know I’ll teach you. My Guarantee: You won’t be disappointed!


This is Your Opportunity to Obtain . . .

. . . EXCLUSIVE TRADING KNOWLEDGE Not Available Anywhere Else in the World! My over 45-year search for and research into WD Gann’s works has yielded extremely valuable Exclusive Trading Knowledge as well as unlocked many of Gann’s closest-held secrets including WD Gann’s Law of Vibration. This long-term research into WD Gann’s works has yielded extremely valuable Exclusive Original Trading Knowledge Discoveries as well as unlocked many of Gann’s closest-held secrets including . These original discoveries have included completely new and effective trading techniques and ways of analyzing the markets that reveal critical points in Time and Price for price trends and reversals for any market. These new tools mean that my students/clients can expertly analyze world markets with confidence using reliable, mathematically sound and natural-based techniques known only to a very select few. Be one of the few to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime offer. This information is especially valuable for those with sizable assets under management as they will be most able to use it effectively. This work is now available to those who are dedicated to safeguarding either their own or others portfolio assets among the investment and trading community. • • • •

Stocks, Commodities, Bonds and Currencies;

All these Markets and more can now be expertly analyzed for timing and trend using the rare tools offered in the Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Master Course. Break free of the mainstream financial news networks and brokerage houses. Achieve the skills to make your own bedrock-solid determinations and act on them with Confidence. 9

Quality, Value and Service Those who know and treasure Quality, Value and Service are encouraged to embrace this investment in Market Knowledge as they gladly would the opportunity to purchase a fine automobile. Both are excellent vehicles to take you to your chosen destination and goal. And, speaking of the Service factor; for those who are intensely committed to increasing their own personal investment success, I offer an extremely rare opportunity to take a quantum leap forward and upwards in mastering the Markets. What can be done with this level of insight into market behavior? For that answer, we must look to the career of WD Gann himself. W.D. Gann is reputed to have taken these insights and made over $50 million over a time span that included the Depression and several booms, panics and crashes. The equivalent amount today would be over 1/2 a Billion Dollars. Individual results will vary, of course. There will be only a few individuals on the entire planet who will ever have access this level of powerful information. I’d like you to seriously consider becoming one of them. Contact me (George) for more information, availability and pricing by e-mailing me at: [email protected] And, as they say, there’s still more . . . The Master Course now includes two new publications: •

‘WD Gann’s Greatest Angle Secret’ and,

‘It’s About Time—Looking Back From 2020’ in two-Volumes.


The Bottom Line: These original concepts, which have been discovered and proven over an almost half-a-century period (as well as many of the previously ‘lost’ WD Gann technique discoveries) are now available through the substantial (over 1200 page) Harrison-Gann Trade Secrets Course. IS THIS WHAT YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR DURING THESE PERILOUS FINANCIAL TIMES? If you’re the guardian of a personal or client portfolio; one that you wish to both protect and multiply significantly, then, you’re graciously invited to join this very select group. The Harrison-Gann ‘Lost’ Secrets Master Course Group. You, as a student of these techniques, will become one of the rare preservers of this wisdom of the markets. Someone who can carry it on into another generation. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and time. – George R. Harrison • • •

Master Charst Market Strategist & Consultant and Creator of the Harrison-Gann ‘Lost’ Secrets Master Course

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