Guide To Application For BSC6900 License-20110531-A-V4.1 [PDF]

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License






Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

Contents 1 Purpose and Application Scope.......................................................5 2 Terms............................................................................................6 3 Overview.......................................................................................8 3.1 License Control Mechanism....................................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 License Mode....................................................................................................................................................8 3.1.2 License Control Mode.......................................................................................................................................8 3.1.3 License Time Control........................................................................................................................................8 3.1.4 Floating License Mechanism.............................................................................................................................8 3.1.5 Emergency License............................................................................................................................................9 3.1.6 License Revoking (from R12 Onwards)............................................................................................................9 3.1.7 Commissioning License (Add restriction from R12 Onwards).........................................................................9 3.1.8 Trial License (from R12 Onwards)..................................................................................................................10 3.2 License Distribution System..................................................................................................................................11

4 Preparations................................................................................13 4.1 Applying for an FNO Account...............................................................................................................................13 4.2 Preparing an ESN..................................................................................................................................................13 4.2.1 GO Mode.........................................................................................................................................................13 4.2.2 UO/GU Mode..................................................................................................................................................14 4.3 GBSS License Mapping Relation..........................................................................................................................14 4.3.1 GBSS9.0..........................................................................................................................................................14 4.3.2 GBSS12.0........................................................................................................................................................15 4.3.3 GBSS13.0........................................................................................................................................................17 4.4 RNC License Mapping Relation............................................................................................................................18 4.4.1 RAN11.1/RAN12.0/RAN13.0.........................................................................................................................18 4.5 License Incompatibility or Exception In Different Versions.................................................................................18 4.5.1 GBSS...............................................................................................................................................................18 4.5.2 RNC.................................................................................................................................................................24

5 Operation Instructions on the NE...................................................26 5.1 Obtaining a Commercial License File From the NE.............................................................................................26 5.2 Obtaining the ESN of the NE................................................................................................................................27 5.3 Installing the License File to the NE.....................................................................................................................27 Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License 5.4 Obtaining the License Revoking Code..................................................................................................................28

6 Instructions on License Operations on the Website.........................30 6.1 Self-Application for a Commissioning License....................................................................................................30 6.2 License Application in New Offices......................................................................................................................34 6.2.1 Scenario...........................................................................................................................................................34 6.2.2 Applying for One License Online Each Time..................................................................................................35 6.2.3 Applying for the License for One NE Online After Spliting Package.............................................................37 6.3 License Application during Version Upgrade or Capacity Expansion..................................................................40 6.3.1 Scenario...........................................................................................................................................................40 6.3.2 Applying for One License Online Each Time.................................................................................................41 6.4 Adjustment in License Capacity............................................................................................................................41 6.4.1 Adjustment Prior to PAC.................................................................................................................................42 6.4.2 Adjustment After the PAC...............................................................................................................................51 6.5 Changes in the ESN...............................................................................................................................................52 6.6 Rollback of a Revoked License.............................................................................................................................54 6.7 Application of a Trial License................................................................................................................................56 6.8 Application of a License in Exceptional Cases......................................................................................................58 6.8.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................................................58 6.8.2 Precautions on Filling in the License Application Template...........................................................................61

7 System Support Personnel............................................................63 8 References...................................................................................64

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License


Purpose and Application Scope This document describes how to apply for the license for the BSC6900. This document is applicable to the license application on the license common platform of Huawei. This document is intended for Huawei technical support engineers and maintenance personnel of operators. Please read 4.5 License Incompatibility or Exception In Different Versions carefully for upgrade. You can get the relationship between license items and optional features from the license application template in reference to 6.8 Application of a License in Exceptional Cases. The dependency of license items is equal to which of optional features in reference to the feature list, such as GBSS13.0 Feature List and Feature Description or RAN13.0 Feature List and Feature Description .

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License



Acronyms and Abbreviation s





The license is a software sales mode. After obtaining certain promised rights and the license certificate, the customers are entitled to use features, versions, and the capacity within a specific period. That is, customers only have the use right, whereas the manufactures reserve all rights.

License files

License Key

Served as an entity for use right authentication, the license key file is an electronic document generated based on orders.


License Serial No.

The LSN uniquely identifies a license file.


Equipment Serial Number

The ESN is a string that uniquely identifies the equipment and ensures that the license is authorized to the specific equipment. It is also called equipment fingerprint.

Revoke Code

Revoke Code

The revoking code is a string that is obtained when a license revoking command is executed on the NE. The revoking code is a certificate for you to log in to the FNO to change the ESN. After the license revoking command is executed, the license file on the NE is revoked.


Flexnet Operations

The FNO is a license distribution system purchased by Huawei. This system generates and distributes license keys according to orders. This system also manages license data. Visit to log in to the FNO.

License Application Workflow

License Application Workflow

License Application Workflow is used to submit and review the commercial and non-commercial license applications in exceptional circumstances. Visit the workflow at the following website: ReadForm

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Acronyms and Abbreviation s



License Tool

License Tool

License Tool makes license activation and adjustment efficient. This tool must be used with the FNO. Visit the following website to download the license tool. actionFlag=clickNode&node=000001481289&colID=ROOTENWEB| CO0000000174


Preliminary Acceptance Certificate

The PAC indicates that Huawei equipment passes the preliminary acceptance test.


Net element

In this article, NE means BSC6900.


GSM Only

The work mode of BSC6900 in GSM.



The work mode of BSC6900 in UMTS.



The multi-work mode of BSC6900 in GSM and UMTS.


Operating Support System

Operating Support System (OSS) is originally used in the telecommunication world to describe the processes and teams that monitor the underlying networks. Predominantly looks after the functional and non-functional requirements of solutions/systems. Monitoring, end-to-end design, and error handling tend to be the main areas of work.


Purchase Order

A duly issued/signed legally binding purchase commitment. When Huawei accepts the customer purchase order, it becomes legally binding for the selling entity. Usually a customer PO is based on a frame contract. In some cases, for some simple projects, there may be no frame contracts signed between Huawei and customer, POs are considered to be valid independently as general sales contracts.



A Huawei-developed in-house tool for solutions configuration.


Bill of Quantity

Bill of Quantity

Package License

Package License

The package license means that in the Configurator, the numbers of licenses in many NEs are quoted in a package and the package is transmitted to the FNO. The FNO disassembles the required number of licenses for each NE from the license package. At present, only the licenses for BTSs outside China use the package license mode. That is, the overseas Configurator integrates the licenses for BTSs in multiple controllers into a package before delivery. The number of licenses corresponding to a controller is disassembled from the package license of the BTS on the FNO according to the network planning.

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License



3.1 License Control Mechanism 3.1.1 License Mode The BSC6900 can work in GO, UO, or GU mode. The BSC6900 license files can also be in GO, UO, or GU mode. If the GO feature sections (LGMIBA and LGMIBA2) are not contained in the license file, it is a UO license. If the UO feature section (RNCBASIC) is not contained, it is a GO license. If both the GO and UO feature sections are contained, it is a GU license. The GU feature section (GUSPEC) is irrelevant to the mode of the license file. The license file mode must be consistent with the system operation mode. Otherwise, the license file cannot be activated.

3.1.2 License Control Mode The license of the GO feature can be controlled based on the BSC-level switch. The resources can be controlled based on the BTS, carrier, cell, link, and RRU module. The license of the UO feature can be controlled based on the RNC-level switch. The resources can be controlled based on the PS total user traffic, voice traffic, number of PS activated users, HSDPA traffic, HSUPA traffic, MBMS traffic, cell, and number of PTT activated users.

3.1.3 License Time Control If the license expires, the system generates an alarm to prompt the user to apply for a new license. The license is still valid within 60 days after the deadline. During this period, if a new license is activated, the system works based on the new license. After 60 days, the system has no license and reports an alarm, prompting the user to apply for a new license.

3.1.4 Floating License Mechanism The floating license is tailed for this situation in which the number of used resources exceeds the number of resources specified in the license file. The floating license allows values of resource control items to fluctuate within a certain range to solve the problem that the number of used resources is greater than the number of resources specified in the license file within a short period. Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

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License Forbid Threshold(%) is fixed to 115%. License Relieve Forbid Threshold(%) is fixed to 100%. License Alarm Threshold is set to 90%–99%. License Resume Alarm Threshold(%) is set to 70%–95%.

3.1.5 Emergency License To prevent bursty traffic caused by natural disasters, an emergency license can be enabled to allow the BSC6900 to run with its maximum hardware capability. The emergency license can be activated only three times for each R version and it is valid only in seven days since it is enabled. Since the emergency license can be activated only 3 times for each R version, the GTS engineers need to negotiate with customers on enabling the emergency license. If the emergency license is requested, ask the operator to enable the license. The emergency license can be activated only for commercial system which is normal or protected mode.

3.1.6 License Revoking (from R12 Onwards) The license revoking command is applicable to the following scenarios: 1.

License self-adjustment


Change of the license ESN


License return

Precautions on license revoking are as follows: 1.

Once the license revoking command is executed, the license is revoked and the data cannot be restored. Also, this command imposes serious impacts on the system. Run this command with caution.


The license revoking command is not applicable to the case that the commissioning license is used or no license is used.


The revoked license file on the NE cannot be activated again.


If a license is revoked on the NE, the system sends a trial run alarm. That is, the license is still valid within 60 days since it is revoked. A new license must be applied within 60 days. Otherwise, the system has no license after 60 days and the services on the NE will be disrupted.


The revoking operation of the license file must be performed on the source equipment. After the source equipment performed, whether to revoke the license file on other equipment is determined by GTS according to the carrier loyalty.

3.1.7 Commissioning License (Add restriction from R12 Onwards) The commissioning license is a license file that is valid within a specific period and whose authentication type is Demo. Commissioning licenses can be classified into the following types: Commissioning license loaded for the first time. It is a Demo license where the ESN is ANY and the validity period is six months. This type of license file is used by GTS engineers during NE commissioning. It can only be activated on an NE using a non-commercial license file, not on an NE loaded with a commercial license. Once this type of license is applied, it can be loaded on any NE within the validity period regardless of the ESN. If the license will expire or has expired, you need to apply for the following temporary license for a specific ESN. License for a specific ESN, with a validity period of 90 days. This type of license can be Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

activated many times on the NE. Through the self-application process, the license can be applied for each ESN three times. Through the approval process, the license can be applied many times for each. License for a specific ESN, with a validity period of seven days. This type of license can be activated many times on the NE. It can be applied many times only through the self-application process. The license is used to deal with an emergency and takes effect as of the date of application. From R12 Onwards, restrictions of using the commissioning license on the NE whose ESN is ANY are as follows: 1.

If the commercial license file is activated on the NE, the commissioning license file fails to be activated on the NE.


If the commercial license expires on the NE, the commissioning license file fails to be activated on the NE whether the system enters the trial operation period or has no license.


After the upgrade from R12 to a later version, the NE still uses the commercial license file of R12, instead of the new license file. The commissioning license file fails to be activated on the NE.


Due to restrictions of old versions, the commissioning license can be activated on the NE that is upgraded to R12 from R11 or earlier.

3.1.8 Trial License (from R12 Onwards) After using the trial license on an NE for a period, the operator determines whether to purchase the license. The trail license is valid within three months. The permanent license has no time limit. The trial license file involves the existing commercial feature sections and trial feature sections. The commercial feature section is always valid and trial feature section is valid only within a specified period. The trial feature can be used within 60 days after its expiration. The trial license is applied through the commercial license application workflow for exceptional cases based on the original commercial license. After the trial license is activated, it will replace the original commercial license. The permanent control items included in the trial license must be consistent with those included in the commercial license, which provides an important basis for the LDC to approve the trial license. Restrictions on using the trial license are as follows: 1.

The trial license only allows the operators to try new features that are not purchased. Capacity expansion for features that are purchased is not allowed.


The trial license only allows the operators to activate value-added features, not the basic software package (see the license application template).


Currently, the trial license only supports one trial feature section. All trial features expire on the same day. For example, if a device has tried feature A, if the device wants to try feature B before feature A expires, feature A and feature B must be applied at the same time and the expiry date must be the same. If the device wants to continue trying feature B after feature A expires, only trial for feature B can be applied.


The trial license is a temporary data in the FNO system. Therefore, the GTS should keep the file carefully after obtaining the license file. In addition, the GTS users cannot query the applied license files in the FNO system. If the trial license file is lost, re-apply for the trial license.


The trial license cannot be adjusted, merged, or returned. In the case of capacity adjustment, capacity expansion, and upgrade, the original permanent license for the current

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network should be used. 6.

After the network is adjusted, expanded, and upgraded, to continue to use the feature, the customer needs to re-apply for the trial license.

3.2 License Distribution System The license distribution system is composed of the FNO, License Application Workflow, and License Tool. For details on each subsystem, see the online help of each subsystem. FNO: It is used to generate and distribute license keys based on orders and manage license data. Visit to log in to the FNO.

License Application Workflow: It is used to submit and approve commercial and noncommercial license applications in exceptional circumstances. Visit the workflow on the following website:

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License Tool: It improves license activation and adjustment efficiency. This tool must be used with the FNO. Visit the following website to download the license tool. actionFlag=clickNode&node=000001481289&colID=ROOTENWEB|CO0000000174

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4.1 Applying for an FNO Account You can log in to the FNO with the user name and password in the CHINA domain. If you do not have login rights, visit and click Register your account? on the login page to apply for an FNO account, as shown in the following figure.

The application workflow is for applying for the IT Account & Privilege rights ( For details, see the description in the workflow.

4.2 Preparing an ESN 4.2.1 GO Mode The ESN can be generated by using the Originating Signaling Point Code (OPC) with index 0 and the default Destination Signaling Point Code (DPC) of the primary operator. The following commands can be used to generate the ESN: ADD OPC: NAME="FOPC", SPX=0, NI=NAT, SPCBITS=BIT14, SPDF=WNF, SPC=1;

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License ADD GCNOPERATOR: OperatorType=PRIM, OPNAME="GMainOp", MCC="460", MNC="07", MSCPOOLALLOW=NO, SGSNPOOLALLOW=NO; ADD GCNNODE: CNNODEIDX=0, DPC=2, DPCGIDX=0, OpName="GMainOp", MNC="07", CNID=0, DFDPC=YES;

The OPC must be bound with an activated cell in which the traffic volume is generated each 24 hours. Otherwise, the system regards the OPC invalid, and then enters the trail period and reports an alarm after the check every night.

4.2.2 UO/GU Mode The ESN can be generated by using the RNC ID, Mobile Country Code (MCC), and Mobile Network Code (MNC). The following commands can be used to generate the ESN: ADD URNCBASIC: RncId=1, NSAP="H'45000971500202001F0000000000000000000001"; ADD UCNOPERATOR: OperatorType=PRIM, CnOperatorName="operator", MCC="086", MNC="032", CnOpIndex=0;

4.3 GBSS License Mapping Relation 4.3.1 GBSS9.0 GBSC License Name

GBSC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code


PICO Solution Packet Function


GSM Pico BTS Automatic Planning



Easy GSM Solution Packet Function


GSM Compact BTS Automatic Planning




GSM Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning RAN Sharing Function


RAN Sharing Management-GBSS



Encrypted Network Management Function


Encrypted Transmission-GBSS



MSC Pool Function


MSC Pool Management-CN


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

GBSC License Name

GBSC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code


Gb Flex Function


SGSN Pool Management-CN


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

BSC Node Redundancy Function


BSC Redundancy Management-GBSS


This feature is restricted, and this OSS feature must be configured.

End-to-End MS Signaling Tracing Function


GBSS Enhanced Subscriber Tracing


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function


GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis




GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis

4.3.2 GBSS12.0 GBSC License Name

GBSC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code


PICO Solution Packet Function


GSM Pico BTS Automatic Planning




PICO Dual-band Auto-planning PICO Automatic Optimization


Pico BTS Frequency Automatic Optimizing -GBSS



Easy GSM Solution Packet Function


GSM Compact BTS Automatic Planning




GSM Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

GBSC License Name

GBSC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code


Automatic Neighbor Cell Planning and Optimization


GSM Compact BTS Frequency Automatic Optimizing




GSM Compact BTS Automatic Neighbor Relation Optimization-GBSS Weather Adaptive Power Management


Weather Adaptive Energy Management -GBSS



RAN Sharing Function


RAN Sharing ManagementGBSS



Encrypted Network Management Function


Encrypted TransmissionGBSS



MSC Pool Function


MSC Pool Management-CN


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

Gb Flex Function


SGSN Pool Management-CN


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

BSC Node Redundancy Function


BSC Redundancy Management-GBSS


This feature is restricted, and this OSS feature must be configured.

GSM and UMTS Dynamic Power Sharing


MBTS Dynamic Power Sharing-GBSS



End-to-End MS Signaling Tracing Function


GBSS Enhanced Subscriber Tracing


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function


GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis



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GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis

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4.3.3 GBSS13.0 GBSC License Name

GBSC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code


PICO Solution Packet Function


GSM Pico BTS Automatic Planning




PICO Dual-band Auto-planning PICO Automatic Optimization


Pico BTS Frequency Automatic Optimizing -GBSS



Easy GSM Solution Packet Function


GSM Compact BTS Automatic Planning




GSM Compact BTS Automatic Capacity Planning Automatic Neighbor Cell Planning and Optimization


GSM Compact BTS Frequency Automatic Optimizing




GSM Compact BTS Automatic Neighbor Relation Optimization-GBSS Weather Adaptive Power Management


Weather Adaptive Energy Management -GBSS



RAN Sharing Function


RAN Sharing ManagementGBSS



Encrypted Network Management Function


Encrypted TransmissionGBSS



MSC Pool Function


MSC Pool Management-CN


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

Gb Flex Function


SGSN Pool Management-CN


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

BSC Node Redundancy Function


BSC Redundancy Management-GBSS


This feature is restricted, and this OSS feature must be configured.

GSM and UMTS Dynamic Power Sharing


MBTS Dynamic Power Sharing-GBSS



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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

GBSC License Name

GBSC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code


End-to-End MS Signaling Tracing Function


GBSS Enhanced Subscriber Tracing


If the core network equipment is provided by Huawei, this OSS feature must be configured.

2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function


GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis




GSM/UMTS Neighboring Cell Analysis

4.4 RNC License Mapping Relation 4.4.1 RAN11.1/RAN12.0/RAN13.0 RNC License Name

RNC License Code

OSS License Name

OSS License Code

Remark s

RNC Node Redundancy


RNC Pool ManagementWRAN



4.5 License Incompatibility or Exception In Different Versions 4.5.1 GBSS Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


Upgrade to GBSS 8.1 or later versions

82200409: Maximum PDCH activated Resource (per PDCH)

When the software version is upgraded, the field engineers do not provide the quotation, but new license files contain several Maximum PDCH activated Resource (per PDCH) licenses.

In BSC6900 processing is not required, load the license file normally.

This license item is added for the selling of inbuilt PCU in the GBSS8.0. The intention is to reduce the price of the first purchasing order of the inbuilt PCU board through this license. The charges will be received from the selling of Allowed Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

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Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


maximum activated PDCH. This selling policy is only applied in China. For overseas market, the price of the inbuilt PCU board is not decreased. Therefore, this license is not sold in overseas market and the license is provided to customers by default. In the Quoter, the quotation is not provided. By default, the maximum license specifications are delivered. Upgrade to GBSS 8.0 or later versions

81200638: Dynamic Shutdown Trx PA Function (per TRX) 81200639: Time slot Intelligent Power Optimization Function

Upgrade from GBSS 8.1 to GBSS 9.0, or later versions

82201139: 60W High Power Resource 82201140: 80W High Power Resource

For the versions earlier than 8.1, the BTS is not restricted and is allowed to use by default.

Energy-saving feature; the feature does not affect the network greatly owing to the limited number of offices.

The function is enabled in the current network. If certain customers do not purchase the function, and the system is upgraded to the GBSS8.0 or later version, the power consumption of the entire network rises.

Do not promote the feature initiatively. The license should be purchased. If any problem is encountered, any question will be processed by the marketing engineers.

Before the GBSS 9.0, the single carrier in multi-transceivers is not controlled by license; after GBSS 9.0, when the single carrier power is between [60W, 80W), the single carrier is controlled by 60 W power license. When the single carrier is between [80W, ), it is controlled by the 80W license.


If the power higher than 60 W of the single carrier is configured before the GBSS 9.0 on the current network, after upgrading to the GBSS 9.0, owing to the lack of licenses, the configuration will be restricted after the license file is activated. The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading.

Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)


If the GBSS 8.1 is upgraded to the GBSS 9.0 or later version, the customers have configured the high-power capability, the field engineers should sell the 60W or 80W licenses. 

If the customer is willing to purchase the feature, quote by inserting license BBOM (82201139 and 82201140) into GBSS9.0 configurator. The license is delivered normally through the configurator.

If the customer refuses to repurchase the license in the upgrade, apply for the relevant license through exceptional application (Upgrade version--Feature Non-compatibility among version).

Upgrade the GBSS 9.0 to higher version. If the customer is not configured with the single carrier high-power capability, the field sales engineers should try to sell the 60W and 80W high power licenses. In the GBSS 9.0, quote by inserting license BBOM. In GBSS 12.0, quote in the BTS configurator.

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


Upgrade from GBSS 8.X to GBSS 9.0, or later versions

81201119: Clock over IP Function

The associated GBSS 8.X of the BTS3900 series BTS support the Clock over IP (private protocol); the associated GBSS9.0 does not support the Clock over IP (private protocol) but support the Clock over IP (1588V2).

For the offices in which the associated 3900 series BTSs using the GBSS8.X Clock over IP function, after the field engineers upgrades the version to GBSS9.0 or later version, ensure the 81201050:Clock over IP support 1588V2 Function license is delivered.

Upgrade from GBSS 8.1 to GBSS 9.0, or later versions

81201170: Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Function

81201050: Clock over IP support 1588V2 Function

Before upgrading (GBSS 8.X), if customers purchased the Clock over IP (private protocol) for the BTS3900 series equipment, after upgrading to the GBSS9.0, the Clock over IP (private protocol) is not supported, at the same time, the Clock over IP (1588V2) license is not available, the BTS cannot user the Clock over IP function.

81200639: Time slot Intelligent Power Optimization Function

For the versions earlier than V9R8C12SPH15, two functions are controlled by one license. The SP15 version splits the Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Function to be controlled by respective license. When the earlier V9R8C12SPH15 version is upgraded to the GBSS 9.0, no matter whether the Time slot Intelligent Power Optimization Function is enabled, the MultiCarrier Intelligent Voltage Function is disabled. The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading.

Upgrade from GBSS 8.X to GBSS 9.0, or later versions

81201053: 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function

Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

The 2G/2G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization is a test function in the GBSS 8.X. In the GBSS9.0 package feature, the license control function is added. The function is unavailable after upgrading. The 2G/2G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function is changed to out of

The license application template and the FNO support the automatic conversion. The GTS processes the task according to the license upgrading flow.


For the upgrade of the customers who buy the Time slot Intelligent Power Optimization Function only, the delivery of license is not required and the Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Function should be disabled. If users enable the function, enter the restricted configuration mode. The normal status can be restored only after the MultiCarrier Intelligent Voltage Function is disabled.


For the upgrade of the customers who have purchased the Multi-Carrier Intelligent Voltage Function, exceptional application for the license (Upgrade version--Feature Noncompatibility among version) should be performed. The base of the approval is that the 81201170 license is contained in the contract BoQ.

For the Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function, if the data source of the BSS is not controlled, it is risky that the carrier or a third party may use the function. Therefore, the BSS reserves the license control of the GSM Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function. Redeliver the GBSS license for the office to which the associated OSS feature GSM Neighboring Cell Analysis is sold.

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Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


control of the license in V9R11SPH726. From the version on, special processing is not required, namely, perform normal operation. The 2G/3G Neighboring Cell Automatic Optimization Function is a new feature in version 9.0. No problem is encountered in this feature. Upgrade to GBSS 9.0 or later versions

81201129: Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (TS23) Function 81201130: Simplified Cell Broadcast Function 81201182: NC2 Function 81201181: NACC Function

Upgrade from GBSS8.X to GBSS12. 0

81200458: Soft Synchronization Function

Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

The resource item of the BSC6000 is changed into the switch item. If the Number of TRXs supporting short message service cell broadcast (SMSCB) in the original license file is greater than 0, the 81201129 and 81201130 in the license file of new version should be enabled, namely 1.

The license application template and the FNO support the automatic conversion. The GTS processes the task according to the license upgrading flow.

If the Number of cells supporting NACC in the original license file is greater than 0, the 81201181 in the license file of new version must be 1; if the Number of cells supporting NC2 in the original license file is greater than 0, the 81201182 in the license file of new version must be 1. The service patches before the BSC6900 R12SPC506/R11C01SPC506 (customized by China Mobile) are faulty. The air interface soft synchronization redundant data is checked in a centralized mode. As a result, in the case of activating the license after the upgrade, the configuration is restricted. The R11C00 and R13 version is normal.

Refer to Pre-warning for the Fault That The Configuration Data Exceeds the License authorization in the Case of Activating License File After Upgrading BSC6000 to BSC 6900 V900R012.

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Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


Upgrade from GBSS 9.0 to GBSS12. 0 or later versions

82201437: Radio Resource Reserved Handover Between GSM/TDSCDMA Based on Iur-g

The R11 test function, in the R12 package feature, the license control function is added. As a result, the configuration is restricted after the R11 office configured with Allow Incoming BSC Handover at Iur-g is upgraded to R12.


The test function is commercial in GBSS12.0, and the license should be purchased.


Before upgrading, discuss the license change with the office in advance.


The test function in old version should be closed if the configuration is restricted after upgrading.


The test function is commercial in GBSS13.0, and the license should be purchased.


Before upgrading, discuss the license change with the office in advance.


The test function in old version should be closed if the configuration is restricted after upgrading.

The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading. Upgrade from GBSS 12.0 to GBSS 13.0, or later versions

82201949: Multi Technology Neighbor Cell Based Handover 82202060: Fast LTE Reselection at GSM CS Call Release 82202061: CSFB

The R12 test function, in the R13 package feature, the license control function is added. As a result, the configuration is restricted after the R12 office configured with the parameters is upgraded to R13. The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading.

Upgrade from GBSS 12.0 to GBSS 13.1, or later versions

82201937: Enhanced EGPRS2-A Coverage

In R12, parameters are embedded and licenses are not embedded. In R13 package feature, the license control function is added. The parameter upgrade takes the compatibility into consideration. Therefore, the configuration is not restricted. For the users do not purchase the license, in the upgrading to R13, the configured parameters will not be delivered to the BTS and the function cannot be used.


The feature should be used with matched BTS version in GBSS13.1.

Upgrade from GBSS 9.0 to GBSS 13.0, or later versions

82202064: Extended BCCH

The configuration of SI2Quater and SI13 sent by extended BCCH is not controlled by license in GBSS9.0 and GBSS12.0, controlled by license in GBSS13.0.


The test function is commercial in GBSS13.0, and the license should be purchased.


Before upgrading, discuss the license change with the office in advance.


The test function in old version should be closed if the configuration is restricted after upgrading.

The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading. Upgrade


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The authorization value in the

The authorization values in the license usage

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Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


from GBSS 12.0 to GBSS 13.0, or later versions

Whether or not to activate the PICO Solution Packet function

R12 license usage report is mapped by 82200086: Maximum TRX number allowed Resource; for R13, the value is mapped by 82201439: Maximum PICO TRX number allowed Resource.

report are different, but the functions are not affected.

81201406: PICO Dualband Autoplanning 81201407: PICO USB Encryption 81201408: PICO Access Control List(ACL)

As PICO can borrow the macro BTS’s license, the authorization value could be 0 and the usage value is larger than 0 after upgrading.

81201409: PICO Sleeping Mode 81201410: PICO Automatic Optimization Upgrade from GBSS 12.0 to GBSS 13.0, or later versions

81201411: Compact BTS Timing Power Off

Upgrade from GBSS 9.0 to GBSS 13.0, or later versions

82200192: Flex Abis Resource

81201412: Local User Management

Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

The authorization value in the R12 license usage report is mapped by 82200086: Maximum TRX number allowed Resource; for R13, the value is mapped by 82201429: Automatic Neighbor Cell Planning and Optimization.

The authorization values in the license usage report are different, but the functions are not affected.

The R11/R12 only counts the channel occupation of the CS and that of the PS is not counted. The R13 counts the PS channel. After the version is upgraded to R13, the value may be increased.

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If the alarm of exceeding the license limit occurs after upgrade, the usage will not be affected and version rollback is not required.

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4.5.2 RNC Versio n Path


Description about license incompatibility or exception


Upgrade from RAN10 to RAN11.0 or later version

81200970: Differentiated Service Based on SPI Weight

Automatically reward this license.

The license application template and the FNO support the automatic conversion. The GTS processes the task according to the license upgrading flow.

Upgrade from V2R9 to V2R10 or later versions

82200439: HSDPA Throughput-kbps

The V2R9 is sold but the license is not embedded. In V2R10, the license is embedded. After upgrade, there is no license and relevant functions are disabled.

Re-deliver these licenses through the exceptional application (Upgrade version-Feature Non-compatibility among version).The network design engineers approve the application according to the contract BoQ information.

82200440: HSUPA Throughput-kbps 82200441: MBMS Throughput-kbps

The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading. Upgrade to RAN11.1 or later versions

81200979: Simplified Cell Broadcast

Re-pack the license in RAN11.1. After the upgrade, no license is available. The simplified cell shutdown function is disabled. The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading.

Upgrade to RAN11.1 or later versions

81201020: Satellite Transmission on Iu Interface

Re-pack the license in RAN11.1. After the upgrade, no license is available. Constructing satellite link in the Iu interface is not allowed. The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading.

Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

For the offices purchased 81200086:Cell broadcast service, if the embedded CBC server is used, re-deliver the license through exceptional application (Upgrade version-Feature Non-compatibility among version).The network design engineers approve the application according to the contract BoQ information. For the offices have used the Iu interface satellite transmission, re-deliver the license through exceptional application (Upgrade version--Feature Non-compatibility among version).The network design engineers approve the application according to the contract BoQ information.

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Upgrade to RAN13.0 or later versions

81200205: Wideband License


This license controls wideband AMR service establishment according to the design specifications of RAN13.0. In versions earlier than RAN13.0, this license, however, does not take effect.

If the wideband AMR function is enabled at a site, the operator must apply for the license. Otherwise, wideband AMR services may be interrupted.

If the wideband AMR function is enabled at a site but the operator does not purchase the license, an upgrade to RAN13.0 will cause a failure in establishing wideband AMR services.

The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading. Upgrade to RAN13.0 or later versions

81200079: AMR Rate Control License

This license controls rate adjustments of AMR services (including wideband and narrowband AMR services) according to the design specifications of RAN13.0. In versions earlier than RAN13.0, this license, however, does not control rate adjustments of wideband AMR services.

If the wideband AMR rate control function is enabled at a site, the operator must apply for the license. Otherwise, rates of wideband AMR services cannot be adjusted.

If the wideband AMR rate control function is enabled at a site but the operator does not purchase the license, an upgrade to RAN13.0 will cause a failure in adjusting the rates of wideband AMR services.

The field engineers must check the license item before upgrading.

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Operation Instructions on the NE

This chapter describes how to obtain the license file, query the ESN, install, and revoke the license.

5.1 Obtaining a Commercial License File From the NE Procedure Step 1 On the LMT, run the LST LICENSE command to query the license file used by the NE. See the following figure.

Step 2 On the LMT, run the ULD LICENSE command to upload the license file to the PC.

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5.2 Obtaining the ESN of the NE Procedure Step 1 For BSC6900, On the LMT, run the LST ESN command to query the ESN of the NE. See the following figure. Step 2 For the BSC6000, at the LMT interface, run the DSP ESN command to query the ESN of the current equipment. The operation interface and the sample packets are as follows:

5.3 Installing the License File to the NE Procedure Step 1 Before installing the license, ensure that the name of the license file does not exceed 31 bytes. It is recommended that the license file is named Office No.+YYYYMMDD.dat, for example AlexBsc1_20070201.dat. The file name must be unique in the NE.

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Step 2 On the LMT, run the DLD LICENSE command to download the license file to the NE. See the following figure.

Step 3 On the LMT, run the LST LICENSE command to query the items specified in license file. Check whether the ESN specified in the license file the same as that of the NE. Check the command execution result to determine whether the license expires and whether the function items specified in the license file are the same as those of the applied ones. If they are not the same, apply for a new license file. Step 4 On the LMT, run the ACT LICENSE command to activate the specified license file. For details on precautions, see the online help of the command. Pay special attention to the following items: 1.

When the GO/GU license is activated, the consistency check needs to be performed between the configured data and license data. During feature configuration, the consistency check also needs to be performed. If the consistency check fails, the features will fail to be configured.


When the UO license is activated, the consistency check between the configured data and the license data is ignored. Features can be enabled only when both the feature configuration and the license switch take effect.


The license file mode must be consistent with the system operation mode. Otherwise, the license file cannot be activated. You can run the LST MBSCMODE command to query the system operation mode.


The BSC6000 and BSC6810 are single-mode products. Therefore, there is no license mode problem. The LST MBSCMODE command does not work on the BSC6000 or BSC6810.

5.4 Obtaining the License Revoking Code Procedure Step 1 On the LMT, run the RVK LICENSE command to revoke the license of the NE. You do not need to enter the file name because the current license is revoked by default.

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The license revoking code is in format of LSN: an encrypted string, as shown by the "Revoking Code" field in the preceding figure.

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Instructions on License

Operations on the Website At different periods, the license operations are classified into two categories: license operations in the engineering period and license operations in the maintenance period. License operations in the engineering period include applying for the commissioning license, applying for the commercial license (for site deployment, upgrade, and capacity expansion), and adjusting license capacity, changing the ESN, renaming the customer, rolling back the revoked license, and applying for the trial license. Note that only Huawei technical support personnel can perform the operations described in this chapter.

6.1 Self-Application for a Commissioning License Application Scenario The commissioning license is a temporary license used for software commissioning during the engineering period. It is applicable to the following scenarios: 1.

Software commissioning is performed during the engineering period. Licenses cannot be accurately assigned to each NE during contract signing because the actual license capacity of each NE can be determined only when the network operates stably during the engineering period. To enable services during the engineering period and measure the actual license capacity of each NE, you need to load the commissioning license and then load the commercial permanent license after the network operates stably. To avoid frequent license adjustments, you need to adjust the license properly at a time.


If the distributed commercial license file is unavailable due to a quotation error or product design error during the version upgrade, you can apply for a commercial license available for seven days by yourself for emergency use.

The BSC6900 provides self-application of two types of commissioning licenses: 

Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

The ESN is not ANY and the validity period is three months. One NE can download this type of license only three times from FNO. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

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The ESN is not ANY and the validity period is seven days. This type of license can be downloaded many times as required. As a non-commercial license, the commissioning license must be replaced by a permanent commercial license. The BSC6900 can only support the self-application for a commercial license available for three months or seven days for an ESN that is not ANY. For the self-applied license, all license items are set to the same value. If special requirements are raised, fill the non-commercial license template and obtain the license through the License Application Workflow. Prior to version upgrade, a commercial license file which has a validity period of seven days and carries an ESN is required for emergency use. If the self-application does not work, fill the non-commercial license template and obtain a license through the License Application Workflow.

Procedure Step 2 Enter the user name and password in the CHINA domain to log in to the FNO ( Step 3 Click Download Commissioning License on the left navigation tree. The Download Commissioning License dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click Search. In the displayed Select Product dialog box, enter the product name in the Product Name text box and click Search. Commissioning licenses for all product versions are displayed. Select the specific version and click Confirm.

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The following versions are for the BSC6900: V900R013 (GO China Mobile): indicates V900R013 used by China Mobile. V900R013 (UO): indicates V900R013 UO used globally. V900R013 UO (GO Overseas): indicates V900R013 GO used by overseas market and China Unicom. V900R013 (GU): indicates V900R013 GU used globally. The following versions are for the BSC6810: V200R010 (ALL): indicates V200R010 used globally. V200R011 (ALL): indicates V200R011 used globally. The following versions are for the BSC6000: V900R001 (ALL): indicates V900R001 used globally. V900R003 (ALL): indicates V900R001 used globally. V900R008C01 (ALL): indicates V900R001 used globally. V900R008C12 (ALL): indicates V900R001 used globally. V900R008C15 (ALL): indicates V900R001 used globally. The following versions are for the BSC6800: V100R010 (ALL): indicates V100R010 used globally. V100R011 (ALL): indicates V100R011 used globally. V100R012 (ALL): indicates V100R012 used globally.

Step 5 The Download Commissioning License dialog box is displayed, as shown in the following figure. Select a type in the Type drop-down list box. Information about control items of this commissioning license is displayed.

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Step 6 Select Expiration Term of the commissioning license. 

You can download the ESN-specific commissioning license of three months or seven days. The license of three months can be downloaded for one NE only three times. Enter the ESN in the ESN text box, set Expiration Term, and click Submit. The License Key File page is displayed.

Step 7 Click Save to save the commissioning license in the PC.

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6.2 License Application in New Offices 6.2.1 Scenario In a new office, license orders are generated in the FNO based on the commercial contract. The GTS engineers need to obtain the ESN from the NE, query the corresponding license order number based on the contract number, and activate and download the commercial license file. After the FNO phase-2 optimization is online, the following five licenses of the GBTS sold overseas are distributed through the package order. The convergence BSC versions of the BTS are different. Therefore, multiple package orders may occur in a contract. Split and activate the package order. Then merge the orders with BSC license. The package order cannot be directly bound with the ESN activation. That is, the ESN activation can be bound after the package is split. The version number in the package order should be not greater than the version number in the BSC license file to be merged.


Resource-BSC6000-LGMITRU60WNO-Number of High Output Power TRU


Resource-BSC6000-LGMIDULNO-V9R1&V9R3:Number of DTRU which works as Dual Transceiver;V9R8: Number of Multi transceivers


Resource-BSC6000-LGMIPBTNO-V9R1&V9R3:Number of DTRU which Transmitter is PBT;V9R8:Number of multi-transceivers supporting PBT transmit


Resource-BSC6000-LGMIDIVNO-V9R1&V9R3:Number of DTRU which Transmitter is Diversity Transmitter;V9R8:Number of multi-transceivers supporting diversity transmit

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Resource-BSC6000-LGMI4DIVNO-V9R1&V9R3:Number of DTRU which Receiver is Four Diversity Receiver;V9R8:Number of multi-transceivers supporting 4-way receive diversity

6.2.2 Applying for One License Online Each Time You can enter one ESN each time to activate a license file.

Procedure Step 1 Obtain the ESN of the NE. Step 2 Query the license order line based on the contract number. Enter the ESN to bind one license file. 1.

Enter user name and password in the CHINA domain to log in to the FNO (


Enter the Online Single Activation page by choosing GTS Portal > Activate License > Online Single Activation from the navigation tree.

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Select Contract NO.(PO) in the Search By drop-down list box and enter the contract number in the Search For text box. Click to query all order lines corresponding to the contract.


Select the order line to be activated. Click Activate to open the following license activation window. Then, click Next and enter the ESN bound with the license to be activated.

Click Add New ESN and enter the ESN in the ESN text box in the following dialog box.


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Click Generate to open the license download dialog window. Click Download Licenses to download the license file to the PC.

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Step 3 Install the license file to the NE.

6.2.3 Applying for the License for One NE Online After Spliting Package Procedure Step 1 Obtaining the ESN of the NE Step 2 Click the Split Package Order at the navigation tree to enter the Split Package Order page. The package orders are displayed in this page. Enter the contract number to query the relevant package order. Select the package to be split. Then, click Next to enter the page for splitting the package.

Step 3 Type the ESN and the number of copies to be split. Then, click Submit. After submission, the FNO creates a task to run automatically in the server.

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Step 4 After the task is complete, the FNO sends mails to the email address of the submitter. Obtain the task ID from the email. Then, log in to the FNO system. The My Task page is displayed by default. Type Task ID to query the relevant task.

Step 5 Merge the license file split from the GBTS package and the license file of the GBSC. 1.

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Click Manage Licenses at the navigation tree. The Manage Licenses page is displayed.

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In the Search By option box, select ESN and type the NE ESN in the edit box of Search For. Click to query all licenses of the NE.


Select all NE licenses of the same product. Click Consolidate. The page for downloading consolidated files is displayed. After selecting the consolidated files to be downloaded, click Save to File to save the files to the local computer.

Step 6 Install the consolidated licenses to the NE.

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6.3 License Application during Version Upgrade or Capacity Expansion 6.3.1 Scenario The increase in the traffic volume and new services promote the upgrade and capacity expansion of the existing software (R version). Also, the upgrade or capacity expansion of the corresponding license file is required. You can consolidate the existing license of the NE saved in the FNO and the license obtained after capacity expansion or upgrade to generate a new license file, and then load the new license file to the NE. License files with the same product name can be consolidated in FNO in default, and the version in the result license file changes to the highest. After the FNO phase-2 optimization is online, the licenses of the following versions can be consolidated on the FNO crossing different products. Then, the license files after upgrade are generated.

Version Before Upgrade

Version in Upgrading PO

Version After Upgrade

BSC6000 V900R001

BSC6900 V900R011

BSC6900 V900R011

BSC6900 V900R012

BSC6900 V900R012

BSC6900 V900R013

BSC6900 V900R013

BSC6000 V900R003 BSC6000 V900R008 BSC6810 V200R010 BSC6810 V200R011 BSC6000 V900R001 BSC6000 V900R003 BSC6000 V900R008 BSC6810 V200R010 BSC6810 V200R011 BSC6000 V900R001 BSC6000 V900R003 BSC6000 V900R008 BSC6810 V200R010 BSC6810 V200R011

For the upgrade of the following versions, exceptional application for license is required. Version Before Upgrade

Version After Upgrade

Application Mode of the License

BSC6810 V200R009

BSC6900 V900R011

For the exceptional application, follow the process of Upgrade version to fix the bug in The authorized work notification.

BSC6900 V900R012 BSC6900 V900R013

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BSC6810 V200R009

BSC6810 V200R010 BSC6810 V200R011

For the exceptional application, follow the process of Upgrade version--Feature Noncompatibility among version.

6.3.2 Applying for One License Online Each Time In the case of fewer NEs, you can upgrade license files or expand system capacity for NEs one by one.

Procedure Step 1 Obtain the ESN of the NE. Step 2 Enter the ESN. Active the license order line for the NE capacity expansion to generate a new license file. For details, see step 2 of section 6.2.2 "Applying for One License Online Each Time." For the GBTS expansion, determine whether splitting the license into the expansion licenses belonging to different BSCs based on the actual condition. For the splitting procedure, refer to step 2 to step 4 in section 6.2.3. Step 3 Consolidate the license file for capacity expansion and the existing license file. 1.

Click Manage Licenses on the navigation tree. The Manage Licenses window is displayed.


Select ESN in the Search By drop-down list box and enter the ESN in the ESN text box. Click to query all license files of the NE.


Select the license files of the NE, and then click Consolidate. The license file download window is displayed. Select the consolidated license files to be downloaded, and then click Save to save the license files to the PC.

Step 4 Install the consolidated license files to the NE.

6.4 Adjustment in License Capacity Scenario After commercial licenses are installed, the license capacity of each NE needs to be adjusted in case of network planning changes. If the project does not pass PAC and the revoking code is available, the license capacity can be adjusted by the engineers without approval. If the project has passed PAC or the revoking code is unavailable, the license capacity is adjusted by following the application and approval procedure. If the revoking code is unavailable or the project does not pass PAC, the license capacity must be adjusted by following the application and approval procedure. After the license is successfully adjusted, the original license file is revoked in the FNO.

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License The BSC6900V900R012 and later provides the revoking code.

After the FNO phase-2 is online, the licenses of different product names and VR versions can be adjusted offline by using the license tool.

6.4.1 Adjustment Prior to PAC After the GTS activates the license files before the PAC, the NE license value is inconsistent with the commissioning license value. In this case, the GTS engineers need to adjust the NE licenses before the PAC.

Online Adjustment (with Revoking Code) When the number of NEs involved in the adjustment is smaller than or equal to four, the adjustment is performed on the FNO. The online license adjustment is only applicable to NE to which the revoking code is available. The online adjustment is only applicable to the licenses complying with the universal rules of the company. Refer to the Online Help of the license tool.

Step 1 Obtain the revoking code of the NE license file that needs to be adjusted. Step 2 Enter the revoking code in the FNO for the license adjustment and then generate the license file. 1.

Enter the user name and password in the CHINA domain to log in to the FNO on the website:


Click Online Adjustment on the navigation tree. The Online Adjustment dialog box is displayed.

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Enter the revoking code of the license file for the NE to be adjusted and click Search. The capacity of the license file corresponding to the revoking code is displayed.


Increase or decrease the license capacity of each NE and click Submit. The license file adjustment task is created on the FNO.

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After the task is created successfully, the following dialog box is displayed.


Click My Task. In the displayed My Task dialog box, check Task Status of all tasks. The system performs tasks in sequence.


After the task is finished, the FNO sends an Email to the person who submits this task. Obtain Task ID from the Email and log in to the FNO again. By default, the My Task dialog box is displayed. Enter the task ID to query specific tasks. Download the .zip file in the Task Result Download column and save it in the PC.

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Guide to Application for BSC6900 License

Or, after the task is submitted successfully, click Search in the My Task dialog box to check whether the task is finished. The Task Status column cannot be automatically updated. Therefore, you are advised to click Search every ten seconds to check whether the task is finished. Step 3 Install the adjusted license files to the NEs.

Offline Adjustment (with Revoking Code) If the number of NEs involved in the adjustment is greater than four and the license revoking function is available to such NEs, you can adjust the licenses on the License Tool, and then import the adjusted licenses to the FNO to generate new license files. The adjustment for different products and different VR versions can be performed only offline. Use the license tool of the V100R001C01 released on November 26, 2010 or later version. For special adjustment rules, refer to the Online Help of the license tool.

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Step 4 Export the license files to be adjusted and revoking codes from the M2000 or LMT. Step 5 Enter the license file information and revoking codes and adjust the license files on the License Tool. Then, export the adjusted license files. The following describes the operation on the same VR version. 1.

Import the NE license information or license file information a. In the start interface of the License Tool, click Adjust License. In the popup dialog box of License Information, click Import. Select one or multiple license files (.dat). Then, click OK. b. In the License Information dialog box, the selected license files are displayed. If certain license files are invalid or repeated, the system prompts that the import failed. Select the records with the same product name and customer name to import. If the preceding information does not match, the system prompts the error. Users can edit the revoke code in the interface.

c. Click Ok to import license files. Details about all selected license files are displayed in the License Tool – Adjust License dialog box. 2.

Adjust the capacity of license files. In the License Tool - Adjust License interface, select the license files to be adjusted. Type relevant values in the Change to adjust the current license.

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Export the adjustment result. a. In the License Tool - Adjust License interface, click Export. The License Adjustment Summary dialog box is displayed.

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b. Click Export. The Save dialog box is displayed. Click Save. Step 6 Import the adjustment results generated by the License Tool to the FNO to generate new license files. 1.

Enter the user name and password in the CHINA domain to log in to the FNO (


Click Offline Adjustment on the navigation tree. The Offline Adjustment dialog box is displayed.


Import the result summary in .html format that is adjusted by the License Tool. Then, the system resolves and displays this file. After confirming the information, click Submit. Activation tasks are created on the FNO in batches.

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After tasks are created successfully, the following dialog box is displayed.


Click My Task. In the displayed My Task dialog box, check Task Status of all tasks. The system performs tasks in sequence.


After the task is finished, the FNO sends an Email to the person who submits this task. Obtain Task ID from the Email and log in to the FNO system again. By default, the My Task dialog box is displayed. Enter Task ID. Specific tasks are queried. Download the .zip file in the Task Result Download column and save it in the PC.

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Or, after the task is submitted successfully, click Search in the My Task dialog box to check whether the task is finished. The value of Task Status cannot be automatically updated. Therefore, you are advised to click Search every ten seconds to check whether the task is finished. Step 7 Install the adjusted license files to the NEs.

Offline Adjustment (Without Revoking Code) If the number of NEs involved in the adjustment is greater than four and revoking codes are unavailable, you need to adjust the license files on the License Tool, and then apply for license files by delivering the adjustment result through the commercial application workflow used in exceptional cases. Step 8 Obtain the license files to be adjusted. Step 9 Import license files to the License Tool for adjustment. Then, export the adjusted license files. 1.

Import the NE license file information. a. Click Adjust Tool in the License Tool dialog box. In the Import License Information dialog box, click Browse. Select one or multiple license files in .dat format. Then, click Import. b. Selected license files are displayed in the License Information dialog box. Some license files that are invalid or repeated are displayed in gray. Select records with the same product name, version, and customer name and then import them. If the preceding information is inconsistent, an error prompt is displayed. c. Click Ok to import license files. Details about all selected license files are displayed in the License Tool – Adjust License dialog box.


Adjust the capacity of license files. a. In the License Tool - Adjust License interface, select the license files to be adjusted. Type relevant values in the Change to adjust the current license.


Export the adjustment result. a. Click Export in the License Tool – Adjust License dialog box. The License Adjustment Summary dialog box is displayed. b. Click Export. The Save dialog box is displayed. Click Save

Step 10 Attach the adjustment result exported from the License Tool to the license application workflow. Then, submit the workflow for approval. 1.

Log in to


Select Platform License Application. Choose New Application > Commercial License.

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The Platform Commercial License Application window is displayed. Set Main Scenario to License adjustment between NE and Sub Scenario to License adjustment before PAC.


Fill in the form according to workflow requirements. Attach the adjustment result in .html format to the workflow, and then click Submit.

Step 11 Download the adjusted license files from the license application workflow. Step 12 Install the adjusted license files to the NEs.

6.4.2 Adjustment After the PAC If the GTS engineers perform the network adjustment after PAC, the network adjustment must be implemented after this requirement is approved. The adjustment efficiency can be improved by using the license tool. Step 1 Export the license files to be adjusted and revoking codes from the M2000 or LMT. Step 2 Enter the license file information and revoking codes and adjust the license files on the License Tool. Then, export the adjusted license files. See step 2 in Offline Adjustment (with Revoking Code) of section 6.4.1. Step 3 Attach the adjustment result exported from the License Tool to the license application workflow. Then, submit the workflow for approval. 1.

Log in to


Select Platform License Application. Choose New Application > Commercial License. The Platform Commercial License Application window is displayed. Set Main Scenario to License adjustment between NE and Sub Scenario to License adjustment after PAC.


Fill in the form according to workflow requirements. Attach the adjustment result in .html format to the workflow, and then click Submit.

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Step 4 Download the adjusted license files from the license application workflow. Step 5 Install the adjusted license files to the NEs.

6.5 Changes in the ESN Scenario Changing hardware or migrating equipment may cause ESN changes. In this case, the ESN included in the license file must be changed. Therefore, you need to load a new license file to replace the original one. If the NE provides the revoking code, GTS engineers can obtain the revoking code from the NE and log in to the FNO to change the ESN. If the NE does not provide the revoking code, GTS engineers need to change the ESN by submitting the license application workflow. After the ESN is successfully changed, the original license file is revoked in the FNO.

Changing a Single ESN (with Revoking Code) Step 1 Obtain the revoking code corresponding to the license file to be changed on the NE. Step 2 Enter the revoking code and the new ESN in the FNO to obtain the license file corresponding to the new ESN. 1.

Enter the user name and password in the CHINA domain to log in to the FNO (


Click Single ESN Change on the navigation tree. The Single ESN Change dialog box is displayed.


Enter the revoking code corresponding to the license file to be changed and the new ESN. Click Submit to submit the ESN change task. After the task is created successfully, the following dialog box is displayed.

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Click My Task. In the displayed My Task dialog box, check Task Status of all tasks. The system performs tasks in sequence.


After the task is finished, the FNO sends an Email to the person who submits this task. Obtain Task ID from the Email and log in to the FNO system again. By default, the My Task dialog box is displayed. Enter Task ID. Specific tasks are queried. Download the .zip file in the Task Result Download column and save it in the PC.

Or, after the task is submitted successfully, click Search in the My Task dialog box to check whether the task is finished. The Task Status cannot be automatically updated. Therefore, you are advised to click Search every ten seconds to check whether the task is finished. Step 3 Installing the License File on the NE

Changing a Single ESN (Without Revoking Code) Step 4 Obtain the commercial license file from an NE. Step 5 Fill in the commercial license application workflow. 1. Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

Visit the following website to log in to the license application workflow: Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

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Select Platform License Application. Choose New Application > Commercial License. The Platform Commercial License Application window is displayed. Set Main Scenario to ESN changing and Sub Scenario to ESN changing before PAC or ESN changing after PAC.


Then, enter the original ESN, new ESN, and other related information. Click Upload to upload the license file corresponding to the ESN to be changed.


After the application is approved, obtain the new license file from the workflow.

Step 6 Install the new license file to the NE

6.6 Rollback of a Revoked License Scenario Before adjusting a license during the NE maintenance period, you need to first revoke the license to obtain the revoking code. If the license application is not approved, you cannot obtain a new license. In this case, the original license cannot be used. Or, misoperations can cause an NE license to be revoked. To enable the revoked license to be usable, you can perform the license rollback function to recover the revoked license. You can only roll back the license that is revoked on the NE, but not on the FNO. In the case of the license adjustment or ESN change, the original license is already revoked in the FNO. Therefore, the license cannot be rolled back in the FNO. Except the LSN, all license control items after the rollback are set to the same values as those before the rollback. After the rollback is performed in the FNO, the original license file is revoked in the FNO.

Procedure Step 1 Enter the user name and password in the CHINA domain to log in to the FNO ( Step 2 Click Rollback Disabled License under the left navigation tree. The Rollback Disabled License window is displayed.

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Step 3 Enter the revoking code corresponding to the license that is revoked on the NE. Then, click Submit.

Step 4 No task is created during the rollback. After the revoking code is submitted, a new license file is returned. Click Save to save this file.

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6.7 Application of a Trial License Scenario Some customers have purchased the commercial license file and also have interests in certain features that are not purchased. They hope to try these features before purchasing them. Then, these customers can apply for trying these features on the basis of the original commercial license. Only the customers who purchase the commercial license can apply for the new features, which are valid within a certain period. During feature promotion, customers may first try new features for a period of time. If they are satisfied with these features, they may apply for the commercial license in batches and install them.

Procedure Step 1 Obtain the commercial license file from an NE. Step 2 Fill in the trial license application workflow. 1.

Visit the following website to log in to the license application workflow:


Select Platform License Application. Choose New Application > Commercial License. The Platform Commercial License Application page is displayed. Set Main Scenario to Temporarily License application and Sub Scenario to Experience new feature before purchasing. The trial license is supported after the V900R012.


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Click Get License Application Template to obtain the license template. Then, click Trial License Tool, and then import the commercial permanent license file extracted from the NE.

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Enter the applicant, contract number, deadline of the trial license, and involved features.


Attach the compressed trial license file and license application template to the license application workflow for exceptional cases. See the following figure.

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After the application is approved, obtain the trial license file from the workflow.

Step 3 Install the trial license to the NE.

6.8 Application of a License in Exceptional Cases For details on how to apply for a license in scenarios such as upgrading the version, solving issues caused by quotation template bugs, applying for a temporary commercial license, and applying for a license through a work notification, see the Commercial License Distribution Process 3.1. Applying for a commercial license involves filling in the license application template, submitting the application workflow, approving the application flow, and distributing the license used for exceptional cases.

6.8.1 Procedure (1) Visit the following website:

(2.1) For the application of a Huawei commercial license, click


Then, choose New Application > Commercial License. Fill in the following license application form.

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(2.2) For the application of a Motorola commercial license, click


Then, choose New Application > Commercial License. Fill in the following license application form.

(3) After selecting the NE for which the license is applied, click to download the latest commercial license application form for the related NE version. Then, fill this application form by referring to the help information in the form and the information about the live network. Issue V4.1 (2011-05-31)

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(4) Select the application scenario according to the prompt of the website. The website prompts the files to be submitted. Compress and upload the attachments according to the prompt. If the selected scenario is incorrect, the license center will reject the application. If the users are not sure about the scenario, contact the license center or profit representative. (5). After these files are submitted, the License Distribution Center (LDC) will provide the license file in the workflow. In certain scenarios (such as quotation template), the LAC is provided. The field engineers use the LAC code. Bind the ESN activation license file through obtaining the license file, the license application process is complete. To ensure that the total license capacity remains the same before and after the adjustment, the licenses (especially the licenses with reduced capacity) obtained after the network adjustment must be loaded to the corresponding BSC6900.

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6.8.2 Precautions on Filling in the License Application Template 1.

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If the license application template is in .xls format, you must set the macro security level to Low or Middle, by choosing Tool > Options > Security > Macro Security > Security Level in Office 2003.

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For office 2007, enable all macros according to the following figure.

When the modification of the template is complete, before saving the modification, the office 2007 will prompt the compatibility problem. Ignore the prompt messages and click OK. 2.

If the local language of the Windows operating system is not Chinese or the simplified Chinese character set is not installed, an error occurs when you use the template. To rectify this error, install the simplified Chinese character set or fill in the license application template and send it to the Chinese staff to generate the template.


If the license of the old version is upgraded to a new version, select the Version Upgrade Tools sheet and select Old Release BSC Mode and Change from XXX on the sheet. Then, click Input original file and change. In UMTS mode, if you confirm that the builtin CBC and Iu interface adopt the satellite transmission mode, enter the information about the old version and new version by following the prompts. After that, click Copy to Application Table. Then, the upgraded license data is automatically imported to the Application Table sheet. After filling the site information in yellow cells, click Check and Generate to generate the license data in green cells.


If the capacity expansion is based on the old license, select the Application Table sheet. Click Import License File and enter the specific information in yellow cells of the Add column. Then, click Check and Generate to generate the license data in green cells.


If there is no old license, fill each item in the Application Table sheet.


The correlation (see the feature list and feature description of the NE) between features cannot be automatically established through the license application template. Before filling in the template, determine features to be activated and their dependent features. To ensure that all related features are included, collect all features to be activated and their dependent features before applying for the license.

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System Support Personnel





Hu Zhiheng (employee ID: 00153018)

1. Responsible for solving problems concerning the workflow for distributing the commercial license 2. Responsible for solving problems concerning operations on the FNO and License Tool


Wu Wangjun (employee ID: 00105111)

Responsible for handling FNO-related exceptions


Wang Yanchen (employee ID: 00135398)

Responsible for solving problems concerning the application of the FNO account as well as FNO login failures


Zhou Yu(employee ID: 00151771)

BSC6900 GO license coordinator


Han He Sheng (employee ID: 00137728)

BSC6900 UO license coordinator


Huang Bin (employee ID: 00168074)

BSC6900 GU license coordinator


Qiu HuaiShan (employee ID: 53000)

GSM profit representative


Han XiaoXing(employee ID: 42667)

UMTS profit representative


Huang Ping(employee ID: 00120848)

SRAN profit representative

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8 No.

Document Name


Commercial License Distribution Process 3.1


License Distribution System User Guide V1.0


BSC6900 Deployment Guide

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