Grammar Exercises [PDF]

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Complete the paragraph with words from the box. One word will not be used. almos t as





My city has some serious transportation problems. First, there aren’t __________ buses, and (1) many of the buses are __________ crowded. There is a subway system, but the subways are (2) busy, too – they’re as crowded __________ the buses. Part of the problem is the lack of (3) parking downtown. There should be either __________ cars, or one or two __________ (4) (5) parking garages. as enoug h

fewer less

more too

There are a lot of things I don’t like about my new apartment. For one thing, it’s __________ dark because (1) there aren’t __________ windows. Also, it isn’t as large __________ my old apartment, and there (2) (3) are __________ bedrooms. My last apartment had three bedrooms, and this one has only two. On the other (4) hand, it costs a lot __________ money. I used to pay $1,200 a month, and now I pay only $900. (5)

Complete this conversation with the past or the present perfect of the verbs in parentheses. A:

_________________ you ever _________________ (try) chai tea? (1) B:Yes. but I _________________ (not have) any for a long time. (2) A: When _________________ you _________________ (drink) it? (3) B:Last winter. I _________________ (use) to make it for my roommate (4) when the weather _________________ (get) really cold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A:

_________________ you ever _________________ (own) a pet? (1) B:Yes. In fact, I _________________ (use) to have a dog when I was a teenager. (2) A: You’re lucky! I _________________ never _________________ (have) a pet. What happened? (3) Did you _________________ (keep) it after you moved out of your parents’ house? (4) B:No. I _________________ (give) it to my brother. (5)

Check () the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. 1. Remember _________ the new software tomorrow.  download    downloading    to download 2. Do you know how often _________ texts to your friends?  do you send    send    you send 3. I wish I _________ get better cell-phone service here.  will    could    can 4. This file is used _________ business reports.  prepare    to prepare    preparing 5. _________ you receive a gift, make sure you write a thank-you note.  Before    When    After 6. Be sure _________ the car at the end of the street.  park    to park    parking 7. Can you tell me what _________ ?  the temperature it is    the temperature    the temperature is 8. I wish I _________ in a nicer neighborhood.  lived    will live    live 9. A GPS device is used for _________ directions in your car.  get    getting    to get 10. _________ friends visit our apartment, we usually offer them tea or coffee.  When    First    Next Circle the incorrect word in each sentence. Then write the correct word or words on the blank. 1. Where did you born? _______________ 2. As a teenager, I didn’t like to take away the trash. _______________ 3. Did you used to collect comic books when you were a child? _______________ 4. July was the month where I visited my grandparents. _______________ 5. Would you mind open the window? _______________ 6. Did you born in China? _______________ 7. Please let the dog down through the back door. _______________ 8. I use to drive to work, but now I take the bus. _______________ 9. August and September are the months where kids usually go back to school. _______________ 10.

Would you mind clean up the table? _______________

Check () the correct words to complete the conversation. Mr. Peterson:Dan, _________ you mind washing the dishes? (1)  should    could    would Dan: Can I do it later? I don’t _________ to go to practice tonight. (2)  have    must    ought Mr. Peterson:No. You _________ do it now. Our guests are arriving in an hour. (3)  needs    should    would Dan: All right, but _________ you give me a few minutes to finish this video game? (4)  should    ought    could Mr. Peterson:Well, OK, but _________ better start right after that. (5)  you’ll    you’d    you’ve Match the clauses to make logical sentences. 1. If I moved to the suburbs, _______ 2. If I get a high-paying job, _______ 3. If I pass the exam, _______ 4. If I found a million dollars, _______ 5. If my boyfriend wanted to break up with me, _______ 6. If I get a headache, _______ 1. If you joined a gym, _______ 2. If you don’t get enough sleep, _______ 3. If you get home late tonight, _______ 4. If you paid more attention in class, _______ 5. If you took the bus, _______ 6. If you work hard, _______

a. I’d feel sad. b. I’ll take some aspirin. c. I’d go straight to the police. d. I’ll save more money. e. I’d have to learn how to drive. f. I won’t have to go to summer school. a. we’ll go to the mall tomorrow. b. you’ll be successful. c. you wouldn’t have to find a parking space. d. you’d feel healthier. e. you might get sick. f. you’d get better grades.

Complete this passage with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. I wish I could find the perfect job. Two years ago, I _________________ (have) (1) a job at a hospital in another city. The job was great, but I hated _________________ (drive) there. While I was working at the hospital, I _________________ (hear) about this job near my home. I _________________ (work) here for several months already, but now I _________________ (think) about changing jobs again because the salary isn’t great. If I find a better-paying job near my home, I _________________ (not need) to look for another job for a long time! I wish I could find the perfect place to live. Several years ago, I _________________ (rent) a house in the suburbs. The house was great, but I couldn’t stand _________________ (be) so far away from everything, including my job. Then while I _________________ (stay) in that house, I heard about this apartment downtown. I _________________ (live) here for only a few months, but now I

_________________ (think) about moving again because this apartment building is too noisy. If I _________________ (find) a quieter apartment near my job, I won’t move again for a long time! Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1. (lights / needs / city / more / this / street) ________________________________________________________________________ . 2. (pollution / is / and / much / there / traffic / too / air) ________________________________________________________________________ . 3. (fewer / should / noise / there / less / be / cars / and) ________________________________________________________________________ . Complete the sentences. Use not enough . . . or not . . . enough and the words given. 1. Our apartment is too dark. There are _____________ . (windows) 2. People can see into our house. There is _____________ . (privacy) 3. My apartment is very inconvenient. It’s _____________ for me. (convenient) Complete the sentences. Use as . . . as, as many . . . as, or as much . . . as and the words given. 1. My new apartment doesn’t have _____________ my old one. (bedrooms) 2. Our house is just _____________ your apartment. (comfortable) 3. Modern apartments often don’t have _____________ older ones. (space) Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs. A: _____________ you ever _____________ (try) Japanese food? B:Yes, I _____________ . I _____________ (go) to a Japanese restaurant last week. A: _____________ you _____________ (like) it? B:Yeah, it _____________ (be) delicious. Circle the correct word. 1. Please throw (off / out / on) the garbage. It’s starting to smell! 2. Could you please hang (over / off / up) some clean towels in the bathroom? 3. Can you turn (down / out / on) the TV while I’m on the phone? Complete the conversation. Use the correct modals for necessity and suggestion. A: We _____________ make our plane reservations right away! It will be hard to find cheap flights later this month. (should / don’t have to) B:Good idea! And perhaps we _____________ buy round-trip tickets because they’re usually cheaper. (have to / ought to) A: And remember, you’re going to drive the rental car, so you _____________ bring your driver’s license. (need to / ’d better)

B:Of course. And you _____________ forget to pack your new digital camera. It will be fun learning how to use it. (must not / shouldn’t)

Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or past continuous of the verbs. 1. I _____________ (buy) my favorite jacket while I _____________ (travel) in France. 2. We _____________ (sleep), but the storm _____________ (wake) us up. 3. Ken _____________ (eat) dinner when his boss _____________ (call). Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect continuous of the verbs. A: Hi, Jenny! I haven’t seen you since last summer. _____________ you _____________ (work) long hours? B:Yes, I have. I _____________ (go) to my job every day, and sometimes on weekends, too. A: And at night? B:Oh, my new dog _____________ (keep) me awake all night! Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs. A: My brother starts school in the fall, but he doesn’t have a summer job to fill his time. B:Really? If I _____________ (not have) a job, I _____________ (sleep) late every day and never leave my house. A: If I _____________ (have) time, I _____________ (not stay) home every day. B:What would you do? A: I _____________ (borrow) some money and _____________ (travel).

Complete this story. Use the words from the box. One word will not be used. a little few


nearly all


no one

I live in a nice neighborhood in a big city. There are __________ nice stores and restaurants near (1) my house. It’s busy during the day, but there isn’t __________ traffic in the evening or at night. (2) There is __________ pollution, but __________ thinks it’s going to be a big problem. There (3) (4) are many programs to help keep the city clean. I think that __________ the people who live in my (5) neighborhood like it. a few a little

many much

nearly all no one

I spent the summer at my cousin’s house in Royal Oak. It’s a great city. There isn’t __________ crime, (1) so I felt very safe. There are __________ restaurants in Royal Oak, but __________ of them are (2) (3) expensive, so we also ate home a lot. There are __________ cheap ones, but they aren’t very good. (4) There was only __________ rain this summer. Most days were sunny and beautiful. (5) Dan is introducing himself and his family. Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or the present continuous of the verbs given. 1. My name is Dan, and I _________________ (study) English at a university now. (1) 2. I _________________ (have) one sister, Laura. (2) 3. She’s a server, and she _________________ (work) at a restaurant four days a week. (3) 4. My parents _________________ (not work) now. They’re in their seventies. (4) 5. They _________________ (live) in Miami. (5) 6. But, they _________________ (take) a vacation in Australia right now. John is giving a guest a tour of his office. Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or the present continuous of the verbs given. I’d like to introduce you to some of the people here. First, this is Ms. Cartwright, our receptionist. Hmm. She _________________ (not have) time to talk with us right now, so let’s come back later. . . . (1) This is Joel. He _________________ (work) here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Right now he (2) _________________ (design) an office building for an important customer. . . . And over here (3) are Bill and Bryan. Usually they _________________ (not come) to the office on Tuesdays, but (4) today they _________________ (get) ready for a meeting this afternoon. I guess everyone else (5) _________________ (eat) lunch now. Come on, I’ll show you where the cafeteria is. (6) Complete this conversation. Use the past tense of the verbs given. A:

What _________________ you _________________ (do) last weekend? (1)

B:Nothing special. What about you? _________________ (be) you on vacation? (2) A: Yes, I _________________ (be). I _________________ (go) to Puerto Rico with my cousins. (3) (4) B:_________________ you _________________ (have) fun? (5) A: Yes, I _________________ (do). I love to travel! (6)


__________________ (be) you at home last night? (1) B:I __________________ (be) at home until 8:00. Why? (2) A: Well, I __________________ (call) around 8:30, but you __________________ (not answer). (3) (4) B:Why __________________ you __________________ (call)? (5) A: Oh, I just __________________ (want) to chat. (6) Match the answers with the questions. 1. How often do you watch TV? _______ 2. What kinds of TV shows do you like? _______ 3. What are you watching now? _______ 4. Are there any good programs on TV tonight? _______ 5. Would you like to watch a football game with me? _______ 6. Do you like soap operas? _______

a. Yes, I’d love to. b. No, there aren’t. c. Usually every day. d. I love game shows. e. I’m watching a talk show. f. No, I don’t like them.

1. How often do you go to the movies? _______ 2. What’s playing at the movie theater this week? _______ 3. Are there any movie theaters in your neighborhood? _______ 4. I want to see a movie. Are you free tonight? _______ 5. Would you like to go to a movie on Saturday? _______ 6. Do you want to see the new Brad Pitt movie? _______

a. Yes, I do. I like him a lot. b. Yes, I would. c. Sometimes twice a month. d. No, I’m not. e. A horror movie. f. No, there aren’t.

Arrange these words to make sentences. 1. new / expensive / your / was / computer / very _________________________________________________________________ ? 2. ever / shop / hardly / I / department stores / in _________________________________________________________________ . 3. than / jacket / warmer / my / is / one / that _________________________________________________________________ . 4. volleyball / are / how / good / you / at _________________________________________________________________ ? 5. in / last / Marcos / was / Peru / week _________________________________________________________________ ? 6. goes / on / vacation / never / Lynn / away / almost _________________________________________________________________ . 7. than / cheaper / is / this sweater / one / that _________________________________________________________________ .

8. often / do / go / grocery store / you / the / how / to _________________________________________________________________ ?

Check () the correct word or phrase to complete each conversation. 1. A: I like those earrings. B:Do you mean _________ ?  that gold    those gold    the gold ones 2. A: Can you go to dinner with me tomorrow? B:No, I’m sorry. I work _________ Saturdays.  in    on    at 3. A: Which shirt do you prefer? B:I prefer the blue one. It’s _________ the orange one.  the nice    nicer    nicer than 4. A: How _________ do you go out to dinner? B:About once a month.  long    well    often 5. A: Would you like to take a walk? B:Yes, _________ .  I do    I’d like    I’d love to 6. A: I’m looking for a drugstore. B:I think _________ one on Main Street.  it’s    that’s    there’s 1. A: Which camera do you like? B:I like _________ .  this small  the one  the small one 2. A: When do you usually go to bed? B:_________ midnight.  In  At  On 3. A: Is the ring expensive? B:Yes, but it’s _________ the necklace.  the cheap  cheaper  cheaper than 4. A: How _________ are you at tennis? B:I don’t play tennis.  good  often  well 5. A: _________ you like to go out to dinner tonight? B:I’m sorry. I can’t.  Do  Would  Are 6. A: I need to mail this letter. B:_________ a post office on Oak Street.  It’s  There’s  That’s Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

1. The party invitations ………………………. out. have sent have been sent are sending 2. The invention of the space rocket …………………….. many years. took has taken were taken 3. Alexander Graham Bell ……………………… the telephone. was invented has invented invented 4. Saint Patrick ……………………….. Christianity to the Irish. introduced was introduced has introduced 5. Fairy tales ………………………….. most children. are intriguing intrigue are intrigued 6. He ……………………….. to 90 days in jail. sentenced was sentenced has sentenced 7. She …………………………. with joy upon the birth of her grandchild. filled was filled was filling 8. How did you know I ……………………….. be there? will would shall 9. He wanted to visit the land his father ……………………… from. came come has come 10. Lately I ………………………… making my own clothes. started have started had started 11. ……………………….. the packages on the table. Lay Lie To lay 12. Which route ................................. I take to Denver? do have would

This grammar exercise tests your understanding of rules regarding the use of prepositions. 1. This is the book …………………… that you were looking for for that you were looking 2. He is …………………… the top of his class. 3. The snake crawled ………………… its hole. 4. This is the house …………………… where I live in in that I live I live in

On In

at into

in at

5. The cat sprang …………………. the table. To at upon 6. We walked …………………… the end of the street. up to till 7. I slept …………………. 9 o’clock. Till up to 8. I haven’t eaten anything …………………. yesterday. For since 9. He has been ill …………………… many days. Since for 10. I have not seen him …………………. last week. Since for 11. He will join work ……………………. tomorrow. Since for 12. …………………….. his children, his nephews and nieces were present there. Besides Beside

on to from from from from

State whether the keyword is an adjective or adverb. 1. The ship is still afloat. Here afloat is an …………………… 2. She is the best mother in the world. Here best is an ………………………… 3. She danced happily into the room. Here happily is an ………………………… 4. We bought the cheapest clothes in the shop. Here cheapest is an …………………………..

5. I don’t remember him very well. Here very is an ……………………… 6. She smiled in a friendly way. Here friendly is an …………………………… 7. Her singing was lovely. Here lovely is an ………………………….. 8. Sorry I didn’t post the letter – I clean forgot. Here clean is an …………………………. 9. He was dead drunk when he got home. Here dead is an ………………………. 10. The plane goes direct from Chicago to Atlanta without stopping. Here direct is an ………………………… 11. They sometimes must be bored. Here sometimes is an ……………………….. 12. When did you last see your father? Here last is an ………………………….