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Flexible Workflow for Purchasing Document (PR) in S/4 HANA The flexible workflow allows you to define approval processes for documents in Sourcing and Procurement according to your requirements and has been introduced in SAP S/4HANA as a set of enhancements for the SAP Business Workflow. By using the flexible workflow, you can simplify your configuration. SAP Flexible workflow is a general function that aims to simplify workflow configurations, it allows you to create condition-based workflows for approval processes and it's also used for approving procurement documents, such as purchase requisitions, purchase orders, or supplier invoices. It’s an alternate to Release Strategy in SAP S/4 Hana. Only one Release Strategy can be used at a time either Classic or Flexible Workflow. Flexible Workflow is a Scenario based workflow which can have more than more start condition. Has a possibility of determining approver through a lot of different option. Has an option to specify under which condition should the workflow step be triggered / applicable. It can be configured by using Fiori App & Approval action can be taken from Fiori App. Supports Fiori 2.0 Push notifications.
As above shown we can Manage the Workflow for all Purchasing document like PR, RFQ, PO, Agreement etc.
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Difference between Release Strategy & Flexible Workflow. Release Strategy
Flexible Workflow
Fiori App
Starting Condition
Currency, Document type, Material Group, Company Code, Purchase Group, Purchase Org., Net Value
Account assignment category, Creation Indicator, material Group, Plant, Purchase Group, Purchase Org., Net Value
Validity Period
Step Sequence
HCM Required
Deadline of Approval
T-Code for approval
ME54N,ME55,ME28, ME29N
Using Fiori App (My Inbox only)
Change Characteristics Value
Possible using T-Code:- CL24N
Authorization Control
Using standard authorization object in roles.
No possibility to edit an existing active version of FW. The only way is to copy existing scenario & create new one. No authorization object control. The document will flow directly to inbox of authorized person with correct agent determination.
Flexible Workflow Configuration Steps: 1] Flexible Workflow Scenario Activation. 2] Activate Flexible Workflow for PR, PO Document type. 3] Maintain Task Name & Decision Point. 4] Client Dependent Configuration. 5] Perform Task Specific Customization. 6] Activate Push Notification. 7] Manage Workflow for PR & PO.
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Step by Step Procedure of Flexible Workflow for Purchasing Document Step 1: Flexible Workflow Scenario Activation. Path to Activate Flexible Workflow Scenario Activation: SPRO->IMG->Materials Management->Purchasing->Purchase Requisition->Flexible Workflow for Purchase Requisitions->Scenario Activation
Workflow Scenario ID
Workflow Name
Standard Task ID
Task Name
Overall Release of Purchase Requisition
Overall release of Purchase Requisition
Release of Purchase Requisition Item
Release of Purchase Requisition Item
Workflow for Purchase Order
Release of Purchase Order (Manual)
Workflow for RFQ
Release RFQ
Workflow for Purchase Contract
Release of Purchase Contract (Manual)
As above mention we have all the Scenario ID as per Workflow name & Task. This are all the standard ID & Common for all scenario activation. For Purchase Requisition we have two Scenario ID one for Overall Release PR & One for Item Level Release PR. Here we are Activating Overall Release ID I.e. WS02000458 Just follow the above path double click on Scenario Activation below screen opens.
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Just check here if Scenario activated then there is no need to activate again. If not Click on New entries.
Enter Scenario ID as per requirement & Tick on Active. Save the Data.
Scenario ID Activation done.
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Step 2: Activate Flexible Workflow for PR Document type. Path to Activate FW for PR Document Type: SPRO->IMG->Materials Management->Purchasing->Purchase Requisition->Flexible Workflow for Purchase Requisitions-> Activate Flexible Workflow for Purchase Requisitions By double click on it below screen opens.
Click o position & Enter Document type for PR.
Here customized document type or PR is GNB Here we are activating FW for Document type GNB 6360959192
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Tick both the Overall Release PR & Scenario Based WF as above shown. If as per requirement we can select this Overall release PR. But here we are activated scenario for overall release PR so we need to check this box here. Save the data.
Step 3: Maintain Task Name & Decision Point. Path to Maintain Task Name & Decision Point. SPRO->IMG-> ABAP Platform-> SAP Gateway Service Enablement-> Content-> Workflow Settings-> Maintain Task Names and Decision Options By Double click on this below screen opens.
This Work Flow ID & Step ID will be maintained by Basis Consultant only. This is for My Inbox in screen. They know this Step ID & All data related to it. Just Select it & Click on Decision Key below screen opens.
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This decision keys also maintain by basis team. Here for Rejection we are keeping comment mandatory as per requirement we can change it.
Step 4: Client Dependent Configuration. Path to Client Dependent Configuration. SPRO->IMG-> Materials Management-> Purchasing-> Purchase Requisition-> Flexible Workflow for Purchase Requisitions-> Client-Dependent Configuration By double click on this below screen opens.
This is also setting for My Inbox it is also maintain by Basis Team Only.
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Step 5: Perform Task Specific Customization. Path to Perform Task Specific Customization: SPRO->IMG-> ABAP Platform-> Application Server-> Business Management-> SAP Business Workflow-> Perform task-specific Customizing Double click on this below screen opens.
Click on MM
As above shown Click on Activate Event Linkage under MM-PUR-REQ Double click on Activate Event Linkage below screen opens.
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Activate our WF Scenario ID here as above shown.
Step 6: Activate Push Notification. Activate Push Notification by using T-Code: - SWF_PUSH_NOTIF_CUST Enter T-Code in Command field below screen opens.
Find here Task ID as above shown. Check the Push Notification Activation as above for your Task ID.
This is a Notification available in SAP Screen as above shown.
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Step 7: Manage Workflow for PR. Go to system S/4 Hana Fiori App.
Click on Purchasing Configuration. Below Fiori Apps Opens.
Click on Manage Workflow for Purchase Requisition Fiori App. Below screen opens.
This Screen opens only when we Activate Scenario. If this screen is blank, then something wrong in backend setting. Click on Create. Below screen opens.
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Enter Workflow Name as per requirement. Here Enter Validity Date i.e. within this date this Workflow is Activated for this period only.
Here this are the Standard Start Condition as per requirement you can add it. Here we are adding start condition i.e. Document Type of PR. I.e. GNB here.
As above shown you give Start Condition as per requirement to PR. So the Workflow trigger on this basis only. Now Set the Steps for Workflow for Release PR
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Enter Header & Select Step Type as Overall Release of PR.
Here if we select the Recipients by Roles Then Role Determine by the BADI. For this condition we need help of ABAP Consultant to Maintain Custom Table for this.
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If we select Recipients by User, then we can directly enter User which is Assigned by HCM Consultant in Organization structure. For this User based Recipients, we need help of HCM consultant. Now set the Step Condition for PR.
As above shown this are standard step condition for PR.
Here we are maintaining Level 1 up to 50K. This is 1st Step Condition. Next is to Create Deadline
i.e After creation of PR within 2 day it will be release by user if not then it will show the overdeu at user level. Then Click on Create. Our First Step Condition Created as below shown.
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Again for Create New Step Condition Click on Create. Create Second Step as per requirement.
Here we have mainatin two Step for this Overall PR Release. Then click on Save. Then our workflow created succcesfully. Then click on Activate.
Now it will be activated for our condition. Now Create PR with Document type GNB.
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Purchase requisition number 0010001170 created
As above shown Approval Process (Flexible Workflow) will be applied as per configuration. After Creation of PR it will automatically goes to Authorized Person ID. He will get Notification for Approval process as per Configuration Settings. Once he Approve PR then again user get Notification of released PR. So he will Process the PR & Convert the PO. As we are done Flexible Workflow for PR in that way we can do this for all Purchasing Document by following same steps only the change if Workflow ID.
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