Finsl Say LP Dem0 [PDF]

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Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. Unlock difficult words found in the story. 2. ECAS8VC-I-F-11; Use visuals effectively. 3. EN8LT-IIa-9.2; Enjoy Japanese Zen stories. 4. ECAS8LT-I-c-5; Identify the theme literary work. 5. SOLIDARITY; Participate actively and effectively in groups. Subject Matter: A. Topic: Say it with Flowers by Toshio Mori B. Reference: Textbook:Lapid,M.G. & Serrano, J.B.(2015) English Communication Arts and Skills 8, Phoenix Publishing House ,Inc., Quezon Ave.,Quezon City , pp. 106-117. C. Materials: Power Point Presentation, projector, laptop, chalk, white board marker, board.

III. Procedure: Teacher’s Activity A. Preliminary Activities  Prayers  Greetings  Classroom Management  Checking of Attendance  Checking of uniform B. Motivation Yes, get it. And for addition we can still give flowers to others even in non-special occasions to make them happy and special.


All of your answers have something to do with our lesson for today.

Student’s Activity

C. Presentation of the lesson Today we will read a story by Toshio Mori entitled “Say It with Flowers”. Put Short background of the story.

D. Lesson Proper 1. Pre-reading a. Unlocking of Difficulties Before we go to the reading part, let’s familiarize first the unfamiliar words found in the text for you to easily comprehend the message of the summary of “Say it with flowers “. These are the unfamiliar words and repeat after me.

That’s it! So all you have to do is match the column A to column B, phase the meaning of your answer before the number. Who will answer the number one, two, three, four, and five…? Let’s check whether your answers are correct.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Queer Glutton splutter Lousy Indignantly

(Students will phase the correct letters and words of their answers on the board) 1. Queerof a questionable nature or chara cter; suspicious; shady. 2. Glutton - a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something 3. Splutter- a confused noise (as of hasty speaking); a splashing or sputtering sound

4. Lousy- miserably poor or inferior, worthless 5. Indignantly-: feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy expressing strong displeasure at something. Congratulations, every one! You have unlocked all the words perfectly. But before that, let’s have a bit of the author’s background. b. Authors Biography  Toshio Mori (March 3, 1910 – 1980) was an American author, best known for being one of the earliest (and perhaps the first) Japanese–American writers to publish a book of fiction.  Mori was born in Oakland, California and grew up in San Leandro. Mori worked most of his adult life in a small family nursery. c. Guide Questions These are your guide questions: (the students will read the guide questions flashed through PPT presentation) Guide Questions: 1. Who is the narrator in the story? 2. What was the narrator’s first impression of Teruo? 3. Whom did Mr. Sasaki left Teruo? 4. Why Teruo hired as a clerk? 5. 6. Did you agree with the narrators instructions that Teruo should

Do you have any question before we read the story? Good, I think you are now ready to read the summary. 2. Reading the selection

always tell to the customers that flowers are always fresh? 7. Why was Teruo struggled in telling people that flowers were always fresh? 8. Was Teruo able to learn as Tommy and the narrator’s wanted him to do? 9. How did Teruo act the day after scolded? 10. Do you think Teruo was happy after being fired and left the flower shop? 11. If you were Teruo would you do the same?

None, ma’am. Yes,ma’am.

(Popcorn reading) (the teacher will present the summary through PPT presentation) I will call somebody to read every paragraph, and we will answer one guide question. Is that clear? Read the first paragraph, __________. Let’s answer the 1st guide question. 1. Who is the narrator in the story?

Yes, ma’am.

(the student will read the 1st paragraph)

Very good, the delivery boy is the narrator in the story. Ma’am, the narrator was the delivery boy in the flower shop.

2. What was the narrator’s first impression to the young man?

Excellent! The narrator’s observed that young man seems not pertinent for the work as a clerk in a flower shop.

The narrator noticed that there was something about to this young man’s appearance which he could not altogether harmonize with a job as a clerk in a flower shop.

Next paragraph,__________. Continue,______________. 3. What is the name of young man?

(student read the 3rd paragraph) (the student will read the 2ndt paragraph)

4. Why Teruo hired as a clerk?

He is Teruo, ma’am, the new clerk.

5. Whom did Mr. Sasaki left Teruo?

Ma’am, it simply because busy season was coming around and they need extra hand.

Very good. Continue,__________. 6. Do you agree with the narrators instructions that Teruo should always tell to the customers that flowers are always fresh? Yes, __________.

Mr. Sasaki left him to Tommy as his trainer in the flower shop. (student will read the 3rd paragraph)

No ma’am, because it’s better to say truth than to live with a lies. Very well said, because truth will still remain. Who has another answer?

Exactly! It will keep our honesty and dignity as a people.

I agree with ______ ma’am, because saying the truth at all times will keep our integrity.

Read the next,_________. 7. Why was Teruo struggled in telling people that flowers were always fresh?

Good, that is one of the reason. Other idea? Nice one, _______. Continue,_________.

(student will read the 4th paragraph)

Ma’am, based from the story, Teruo was not comfortable when he is telling a lie to their customers. Ma’am, for me it is simply because he is a man of truth and as he said its hard thing to say when you know it is not true.

(5th paragraph)

8. Was Teruo able to learn as Tommy and the narrator’s wanted him to do? Yes,_____________.

Exactly, he tried it what Tommy and narrator said but his goodness linger in the story. 9. How did Teruo act the day after scolded? Yes, he’s not affected after what Mr. Sasaki did to him. 10. Do you think Teruo was happy after being fired and left the flower shop?

11. If you were Teruo would you do the same?

In the first place he did it once, but he felt lousy, and at the end day he did what his conscience wants him to do.

Ma’am, he acted like no one happened and he is happy and continue to sell fresh flowers.

Based on what we read, I think it’s a big yes, because as he left the shop he is whistling with head high and proud.

Indeed, I am very impressed with your astounding comprehension of the summary of Say It with Flowers.

Of course ma’am, because I will do what my dignity wants me to do and I will fight if I know that I am right.

E. Generalization What moral lesson did you learn from the summary of Say It with Flowers?

Very good, ______. Who has also another idea? Yes, _______.

Yes, you are all excellent answering those questions. Congratulations!

Ma’am, I think the theme is to do what you think is right because Teuro had to sell the old flowers and say they were fresh but Teuro didn’t want to do that.

Ma’am, Teuro is kindhearted because he doesn’t want to sell the old flowers to people and say they are fresh, because he feel guilty, and he wants to sell the fresh flowers which makes him happy.

IV. Evaluation (Group Activity)

Create visually attractive poster that shows culture of China and Japan, choose your group reporter and prepare two to three minutes speech using pronouns to explain the visual. This is the criteria.

Criteria Coverage of visuals Quality of Visuals Congruence between speech and visuals Use of pronouns Total

20% 30% 30% 20% 100%

V. Agreement/Assignment Answer the Exercise 1 on pg. 117 of your textbook.