FEMAP Postprocessing [PDF]

Exercise 12 – Result Evaluation and Post-processing 2-1 Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots  I

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Exercise 12 – Result Evaluation and Post-processing


Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots  In this exercise, you will become familiar with  Specifying Deformed and Contour Styles.  Access advanced Post Processing options, including the use of the

View Options dialog box, and the Post toolbar.  Practice using the View, Advanced Post commands.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots 1. Open the file fanpost.mod. a) Save the model in your exercises folder using the File, Save As

command. 2. Select the PostProcessing Data to Deform and Contour, and Specify

the Method Used to Contour the Results. a) With the View, Select command (or F5), select Deform, and Contour for

the Deformed and Contour Styles. b) Set the Output Set to 1..Distributed Pressure Load c) Press the Deformed and Contour Data button to bring up the Select Post Processing Data dialog box. d) The results from the analysis of a model are organized into output vectors that can be used as the data for the various displays. Select Total Translation for the deformation display, and the Solid Von Mises Stress for the contour display.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots 3. In the Select Post Processing Data

dialog box, press the Contour Options button to modify the type of averaging performed on the data to be contoured. With the Contour Type set to Nodal, set Data Conversion to Max Value so that Femap will use the maximum corner value at each of the nodes. 4. Press OK in all forms to display the

contoured and deformed model. Note:

You can use the difference in Maximum and Average results to make a quick estimate of the fidelity of the model. If there is a large difference between these two contours, especially at locations that do not have sharp corners or breaks in the model. Your model may require a finer mesh. More information about the data conversion Femap uses can be found in the Femap Commands documentation.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots 5. Publish two (2) deformed contoured

plots of the Solid Von Mises Stress, one using Average data and the other using Max data conversions a) Display the Solid Von Mises Stress for

the Contour, with the Average type of data conversion, and the Total Translation for the deformation. b) To place a picture of the plot in the

Windows Clipboard, select the File, Picture, Copy command. c) Open Microsoft Word and choose Edit,

Paste d) Repeat steps 5b and 5c for the plot

using Max corner data conversion.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots 6. Set your PostProcessing options so that the

Undeformed model and the Filled Edges of elements are not displayed a) Select the View, Options command (Ctrl+O) b) In the View Options dialog box, set the

Category to Post-Processing. c) Select the Undeformed Model option, and

uncheck Draw Entity. Only the deformed model will be shown. d) Now select Category, Tools and View Style. e) Select Filled Edges, and uncheck Draw Entity.

Note: The standard Post toolbar has the option to toggle the display off the Undeformed model under the Post Options pulldown icon. Filled Edges display can be toggled on and off under the View Style pulldown icon in the standard View toolbar.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12a – PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots 7. Turn off the deformation. a) Use either the Post toolbar

Select Undeformed View icon or the View, Select (F5) command.

8. Display dynamic isosurfaces. a) Turn the Filled Edges back

on, and select the View, Advanced Post, Dynamic Isosurface command to dynamically view the regions of constant stress.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12a - PostProcessing with Deformed Contour Plots 9. Display and manipulate a dynamic cutting plane. a) Select the View, Advanced Post, Dynamic Cutting Plane command and

dynamically move the clipping plane. b) By selecting the Plane button in the Dynamic Section Cut Control dialog box,

change the cutting plane and visualize the results by moving the cutting plane.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b – PostProcessing with XY Plots  In this exercise, you will become familiar with  Creating XY Plots.  Create additional output sets using the Model, Output, Process


Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b – PostProcessing with XY Plots 1. Open the model platepost.mod and save it in your training folder

Make an XY Plot of the Plate Top VonMises Stresses. a) View, Select (F5), select

XY vs. Position, and then press XY data. b) Choose NX/Nastran Case 1 as the Output Set, and Plate Top VonMises Stress as the Output Vector.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b – PostProcessing with XY Plots This plots all the element centroidal values vs. X position and is not useful

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing with XY Plots 2. Create a new vector of nodal stresses,

based on the VonMises Stresses. a) Select Model, Output, Process b) Select the Convert option then

select 1..NX/Nastran Case 1 as the Output Set. Next, select 7033..Plate Top Von Mises Stress as the Output Vector. c) Press the Add Operation button to add the Convert Average command to the processing list, then press OK to process.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing with XY Plots 3. Make a group of nodes on top curve to reduce the amount of data

being plotted. •

Using the View, Select command (or F5 hotkey), change the Model Style back to Quick Hidden Line.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing with XY Plots 3. Make a group of nodes on top curve to reduce the amount of data

being plotted. •

Create a group of nodes at the top of the plate by Group Set with name “Mesh on Top Curve”. Then using the Group, Node on Curve command pick the top curve. Add the elements to the group using the Group, Elements, Using Node… selecting Group

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing with XY Plots 3. Make a group of nodes on top curve to reduce the amount of data

being plotted. •

Using Model Info Tree display the new group with Contour Vector, 9000000..Avg-Converted Vec 7033.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing with XY Plots 4. Generate a new XY Plot, with

only the group of top nodes used for plotting. a) Use View, Select, select XY vs. Position, then press the XY Data button. b) For the Group, select Mesh on Top Curve. c) Set the Output Vector to 9000000..Avg Converted Vector 7033 this is the vector that was created by the Convert command.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing using XY Plots 5. Change back to a model view of the entire model. a) With the View Select dialog box, select the Model Style as Quick Hidden Line

b) Unselect group using right click in the Graphics Window and set the Model Data,

Group to None.

6. Turn off the display of the element edges. a) Using the Post toolbar’s View Style icon, turn off the Filled Edges

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.


Exercise 12b - PostProcessing using XY Plots Animate the model and adjust the Animation Options a) View Select, Animate (produces a very fast animation), the

select the View, Advanced Post Animation command and set the animation speed slower b) Select the Post Options icon from the Post toolbar and make

the following selections: Undeformed (off), Scale Deformation = 2, Animation Frames = 10 continuously, Animation Positive Only, and Animate Contours.

Save this as a Movie File (AVI), and insert it into a presentation. a) File, Picture, Save, set the file type to .AVI, and save it. b) Start PowerPoint (if available), open an empty presentation;

then in PowerPoint select the command, Insert, Picture Movies and Sounds, Movie from FIle, and select the file you just saved. Double click the image to play it.

Femap with NX Nastran

© UGS Corp. 2006. All rights reserved.
