Examen de Ingles Saber Pro [PDF]

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SIMULACRO SABER PRO - COMPONENTE DE INGLÉS UNIVERSIDAD POPULAR DEL CESAR 2020-2 Tu dirección de correo electrónico ([email protected]) se registrará cuando envíes este formulario. ¿No es tuya esta dirección? Cambiar de cuenta *Obligatorio Nombre completo *

Tu respuesta Programa al que pertenece *

Tu respuesta PARTE1: ¿Dónde puede ver estos avisos? En las preguntas 1 - 5, marque A, B o C. En su hoja de respuestas. 1. * 1 punto

A) On ice cream B) On milk C) On bread 2. * 1 punto

A) In a hospital B) In a bank C) In an office 3. *

1 punto

A) The library closes later on Saturday. B) he library is open 5 days a week C) The library is not open on Sunday 4 * 1 punto

A) a market B) In a museum C) In a hotel 5. * 1 punto

A) Estimate the size of your house. B) Price the work at no cost. C) Build your house for free. PARTE 2: Responda las preguntas de la 6- 10 Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (6-10) y las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H).Cual palabra(A-H) concuerda con la descripción de cada frase de la izquierda (6-10). * 5 puntos

a) Knife b) Sharpener C) Fork D) Ticket E) Bike F) Glass G) Skirt 6. If you travel on it, you will do exercise and save time. 7. Women usually wear this, but men don’t 8. You cut food into small pieces with this. 9. Shaves away pencil’s worm surface 10. People need this to go inside some place. 6. If you travel on it, you will do exercise and save time. 7. Women usually wear this, but men don’t 8. You cut food into small pieces with this. 9. Shaves away pencil’s worm surface 10. People need this to go inside some place. PARTE 3: Complete las cinco conversaciones. En las preguntas 11 – 15, marque A, B ó C en su hoja de respuestas.

11. How old are you? * 1 punto A) 25 B) He is old C) I am fine, thanks 12. Where were you last night? * 1 punto A) I was busy B) At home C) Yes. I was 13. I am really starving * A) Me too B) Me neither C) I do too 14. What would you like to eat? * 1 punto A) A soda, please

B) Pasta C) She is 15. Is there a grocery store nearby? * 1 punto A) There isn't any supermarket B) Yes, I know. C) Yes, there is one next door. PARTE 4: RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS 16 A 23 DE ACUERDO CON EL SIGUIENTE TEXTO. Lea el texto de la parte inferior y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio. En las preguntas 11- 18, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas. THE SCHNAUZER: A schnauzer is a breed of dog that originated in Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the name comes from the German word for “snout”, because 16. (____) the dogs distinctively bearded snout. There are three sizes of Schnauzers, giant, standard, miniature. The first of these dogs which 17. (____) to England were the smaller ones, over 50 years ago, and the Giant Schnauzer has not 18. ( ___) here very long. It is called the Giant because it can grow to over 60 cm high. They all 19. (_______) long hair, and the smaller dogs 20. (_____) usually grey 21. (____) the giants are usually black. In their native Germany, farmers use 22. (_____) to help with the sheep, and they are also used 23. (_____) the police, because of their intelligence. 16. * 1 punto A) With B) Of C) In 17. * 1 punto A) Came B) Come C) Comes 18. * 1 punto A) Being B) Be C) Been 19. *

1 punto A) Has B) Have C) Had 20. * 1 punto A) Were B) Is C) Are 21. * 1 punto A) Or B) If C) But 22. * 1 punto A) Them B) Him C) Us 23. * 1 punto A) From B) By C) To PARTE 5: Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas. En las preguntas 24 -30, marque A, B ó C en su hoja de respuestas. GETTING TO SLEEP: Sleep is very important. It's just as important for your body like eating and exercising. If you don't get enough sleep, then you won't be able to enjoy yourself. Going out with friends, playing sport or even watching movies will not be much fun if you're tired. People of all ages need sleep, but different people need different amounts. Babies sleep about twice as much as they stay awake. Teenagers need about eight to ten hours a night, and older people need less. But one person may need more than another even if they are both the same age. Six out of ten children say they are tired during the day, which means they are not getting enough sleep. So how can you get to sleep? A good idea is to write down what you are

thinking about before you go to bed. Then, make sure your bedroom is as dark as possible, and it isn't too hot or too cold. You can also try reading a book. Don't drink soft drinks or use your phone before going to bed. However, playing games on your computer is the main one to avoid! 24. What is more important doing? * 1 punto A) Sleeping and eating are more important B) Sleeping and exercising are more important. C) Sleeping, eating and exercising are all important. 25. What do babies spend more time doing? * 1 punto A) Sleeping B) Staying awake C) Eating 26. Who needs less sleep? * 1 punto A) Babies B) Teenagers C) Older people 27. What percentage of children complain about tiredness during the day?? * 1 punto A) One hundred percent B) Sixty percent C) Fifty percent 28. According to the text, How many hours need an adult person to sleep?? * 1 punto A) More than 10 hours B) About twice a day C) Less than 10 hours 29. What may stop you from sleeping? * 1 punto A) The bedroom is too dark.

B) Feeling too hot. C) Reading a book. 30. What is the worst thing to do before going to bed? * 1 punto A) Using your phone. B) Playing online. C) Drinking softs drinks. PARTE 6: Lea el texto y responda las preguntas. En las preguntas 31-35 marque A, B, C, D en su hoja de respuestas. THE END OF THE EARTH: Most people arrive by plane. It is the easiest way to get there and sometimes the only one. At some seaons of the year, when powerful storms roar in from Antarctica, you cannot even fly there. At others times you fly across the last high peaks of The Andes mountains, then the plane dives fast towards the sea, turn at the last minutes and lands safety at the airport just outside the town. You have arrived at the end of the earth: Ushuaia, the most southern city in the world.You are on the Argentinian half of the island of Tierra del Fuego, the most southern point of South America. This is the last place that you CAN buy a can of cola before the south pole.Ushuaia is a strange place, with the freezing water of the Southern Ocean on one side and the beautiful slopes and forest of the Andes immediately behind the city.Twenty years ago, only about 8000 people used to live here, but since then the city has grown fast. Business have come here; electronic factories have opened and thousands more people have arrived to work. Ushuaia now has a population of about 50000 people. It used to be a quiet small town of wooden houses but today, there are modern office buildings, hotels, shopping centres and fast-food restaurants. For more than 60 years Ushuaia prison was the home of some of Argentina’s most dangerous criminals. then in 1947 the prison closed and it has become one of the cities’ tourist attractions, a museum.In the last twenty years tourist have `` found`` Ushuaia. They come here in large groups, from as far away as China and Japan, usually to see the penguins and other wildlife in the area. Ushuaia has become one of the South Americas’ favorite tourist destination, for people who want to cape to the end of Earth. 31. What is the author trying to do with the text? * 1 punto A) To argue B) To persuade C) To inform D) To perform 32. What does the word "CAN" mean? * 1 punto A) Persoality B) Beat

C) Ability D) Possibility 33. What is the easiest way to get here? * 1 punto A) By train B) By plane C) By bus D) By car 34. According to the text, how is Ushuaia known? * 1 punto A) As the beginnig of the earth. B) As the middle of the earth C) As the end of the earth D) As the top of the earth 35. How did the Antarctic used to be? * 1 punto A) It Used to be a very big town B) It Used to be a small quite town C) It Used to be full of houses, buildings and hotels. D) It Used to be full of hotels and animals. PARTE 7: RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS 36 A 45 DE ACUERDO CON EL SIGUIENTE TEXTOLea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacioEn las preguntas 36 - 45, marque la letra correcta A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas. CAT DETECTIVE: Jaroslav Flegr found out 36. _____ 1990 that he was infected with toxoplasma gondii, a parasite 37._______ typically lives and reproduces in cats. The Czech evolutionary biologist learned that the parasite often 38._____ from cat to humans via litter boxes or contaminated water, but what truly fascinated 39._____ was how it jumps from cat to cat: it uses rats. When the parasite infects a rat, it hijacks its brain, making the rat more active, less risk averse, even sexually attracted to the scent of cat urine- in sum, more likely to get eaten. This knowledge gave Flegr a radical idea he decided to explore: Maybe this parasite was controlling his brain too. His colleagues told him he was crazy and finally as it turns out, his hunch was right. Jaroslav thought that might explain some of his strange behaviors that are nonadaptive for him but adaptive for a parasite that needs to get a new host. Doctor Flegr 40. _____cross the street in traffic but not jump out of the way when cars honked. 41._____ he found that people infected with toxoplasma gondii are 2.6 times more likely to get into a traffic accident. Flegr also found that in humans this parasite greatly slows the reaction time; 42

._______ can influence the risk of a traffic accident. Infected people also tend to be less conscientious, and male subjects of the research considered the scent of cat urine to be 43.______ pleasurable. For 44. ______people this phenomenon was difficult 45 ._______ believe, but it was real and held the parasite potentially responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year and perhaps for many cases of schizophrenia as well. Tomado y adaptado de National Geographic Magazine 36. * 1 punto A) To B) In C) On D) At 37. * 1 punto A) Who B) Where C) Whose D) That 38. * 1 punto A) Jumps B) Flies C) Rushes D) Swims 39. * 1 punto A) He B) It C) Him D) Hs 40. * 1 punto

A) Shall B) Should C) Would D) Will 41. * 1 punto A) Subsequently B) Later C) Before D) Therefore 42. * 1 punto A) Which B) Who C) What D) When 43. * 1 punto A) Quilt B) Quite C) Quit D) Quiet 44. * 1 punto A) Very B) Any C) Many D) Much 45. * 1 punto A) For

B) Of C) Towards D) To