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Duración: 3 horas Apellidos Nombres Escuela Experiencia Curricular Docente

Traducción e Interpretación Inglés para la Traducción III Joel Pierre Madrid Vivanco

Semestre Ciclo Sección Turno Fecha

2021 – 2 III C1 M T N X

OBJETIVO El examen Integral tiene por finalidad evaluar las competencias genéricas y específicas precisadas en el currículo de las carreras profesionales con la finalidad de establecer los planes de mejora para su cumplimiento. Instrucciones:  Lee bien cada pregunta antes de responderla.  Se evaluará claridad, cohesión, coherencia, corrección ortográfica, léxica y gramatical.

Vocabulary Choose a, b, c or d. 1.

2. 3.

A: I’m going to Barcelona this summer. B: What a ! I’m going there, too. a. conclusion b. coincidence

c. consequence

d. chance

Commercials and advertisements can be a. misinformed b. disapproved

. c. misleading

d. dishonest

of this hotel. c. order

d. person

Our school made a a. donation

to the Children’s Hospital. b. profit c. fund

d. budget


According to the a. fiction

, a monster lives in this lake, but everybody knows it’s just a myth. b. plot c. legend d. account


How much caffeine do you every day? a. exclude b. absorb c. function

d. consume

Your car is a. filthy

d. picky



I’d like to speak to whoever is in a. charge b. control

! When are you going to wash it? b. tricky c. spooky


The bungee jumping instructor a. persuaded b. judged

me that I wouldn’t get hurt. c. assured d. predicted


I a web designer when I wanted to create a website for my company. a. consulted b. advised c. recommended d. affected

10. Lisa felt a. rejected

when she saw that her friends were hanging out without her. b. distracted c. dissatisfied d. complicated

11. Exhaust a. fuels

are continuously polluting the city. b. materials c. chemicals

d. fumes



12. From time a. for

time, I go for a coffee with my cousin Jack. b. to c. about

13. Someone a. killed

the beans about our plan and now everyone knows. b. dropped c. knocked d. spilt

14. Ross has a(n) a. criticism

for being lazy. b. adjustment

d. of

c. reputation

d. condition

15. There’s someone wandering around in the garden. I think we should the police. a. notify b. influence c. indicate d. impress 16. You can a. result

this bag. Don’t throw it away. b. replace c. repair

d. reuse

17. My uncle was in hospital, but now he has fully from his illness. a. recovered b. cured c. treated d. transformed 18. Brian started playing tennis, but after a while he a. banned b. missed c. lost

interest in it. d. limited

19. Wearing a seat belt is a. demanding

for all drivers. b. unconscious c. compulsory

d. secure

20. She often suffers a. of

terrible headaches. b. from c. about

d. over

21. Wind turbines can a. build

electricity. b. invent

d. grow

c. produce

22. I Diane the other day. Do you remember her? a. came up with b. met up c. ran into 23.

d. got along with

will be served after the lecture is over. a. Substances b. Refreshments c. Liquids

d. Supplies

24. Wait for me. I need to stop because I’m out of . a. reach b. question c. date

d. breath

25. I have read up to the fifth in this book. a. chapter b. document c. label

d. selection

26. I told a joke and everyone out laughing. a. expressed b. burst c. released

d. rolled

27. I wanted to study Biology but I ended up becoming a History teacher. a. cautiously b. eventually c. initially d. accidentally 28. We organised the event to raise a. awareness b. suspense 29. I wasn’t a. promoting

about global warming. c. evolution

d. support

so many people at the venue. b. anticipating c. generating

d. obtaining

30. I got a sandwich from a food stand because it was more a. balanced b. affordable c. countless 31. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. I’m absolutely a. hilarious b. furious c. starving

than eating at a restaurant. d. valuable . d. irritating



32. I a. kept

up late last night trying to finish my homework. b. stayed c. gave

d. made

33. If you want to lose weight, you should eat food that doesn’t have many . a. calories b. minerals c. nutrients d. vitamins 34. The scientists a. pretended

an experiment in Antarctica. b. examined c. improvised

35. Could you please a. dial

d. conducted

this paper at the bottom? b. sign c. analyse

d. proceed score


Grammar Choose a, b, c or d. 1.

Jason and Audrey a. have b. are having


Could you tell me a. how you spell b. how do you spell

a barbecue at the end of the month. c. going to have d. having your surname? c. how spells d. how you do spell


I a flight of steps when I a. was climbing, was spraining b. climbed, sprained


Where have you been? Mr Lineham is furious because he a. has waited c. has been waiting b. waits d. is waiting


In my opinion, instant messaging is a. more convenient b. convenient


I’m making sandwiches for everyone, so you bring anything for lunch. a. don’t need c. oughtn’t b. don’t have to d. didn’t need to


That large dark shape we saw out in the sea a whale. a. must be c. should have been b. must have been d. should be


This is the person a. which b. that


The writer believes he a. will finish b. going to finish

10. If James a. buys b. would buy

my ankle. c. was climbing, sprained d. climbed, was spraining for you for half an hour!

as sending someone an email. c. less convenient d. as convenient

ideas will change our company completely. c. who d. whose his latest novel by the end of the year. c. will have finished d. is finishing

a treadmill, he would never use it. c. will buy d. bought



11. Sadie for a mile before she realised she was going the wrong way. a. had been driving c. has been driving b. was driving d. drove 12. I arrived at the airport at three o’clock, but luckily my brother’s flight a. hasn’t landed c. hadn’t landed b. didn’t land d. wasn’t landing 13. If I hadn’t gone through a red light, I a. hadn’t crashed b. wouldn’t have crashed


into the other car. c. didn’t crash d. wouldn’t crash

14. We haven’t talked to each other since she to South Africa. a. moved c. has been moving b. has moved d. had moved 15.

Washington DC is a. The, the, the b. -, the, the

capital of USA. c. -, the , d. -, a, the

16. None of these products a. have tested b. tested 17. Thank you for a. to make b. making

on animals. c. have been tested d. have been testing

a special vegan cake just for me. c. made d. make

18. It that the average computer keyboard has more germs than a toilet seat. a. is believing c. believed b. has been believed d. is believed 19. Everyone at the company a. will give b. will be given 20. Lee has decided a. visiting b. to visit

the day off on Friday. c. will have given d. would have given the botanical garden this afternoon. c. visit d. to visiting

21. Is Prague a city worth a. visit b. to visit 22. Richard is too ill a. taking b. to take 23. I’d rather a. not spend b. don’t spend

? c. to visiting d. visiting part in today’s fundraiser. c. takes d. take

all that money on an armchair. I think it’s a rip-off. c. to not spend d. not to spend

24. Linda your get-together next Saturday unless she’s sick. a. will miss c. won’t miss b. doesn’t miss d. misses 25. Choosing a career is one of a. important b. more important

decisions in a person’s life. c. as important as d. the most important



26. That’s one of the worst jokes I a. never heard b. have ever heard 27. Emma asked Oliver a. why he needed b. did he need

. c. had ever heard d. ever hear

any help. c. if he needed d. if did he need

28. The ski instructor told Harry a. don’t lose b. to not lose

his ski pass again. c. not to lose d. not losing

29. You can’t go into the office at the moment because it . a. is cleaned c. is cleaning b. cleans d. is being cleaned 30.

of being exhausted, I helped Danny finish his project. a. Although c. In spite b. Despite d. Even though

31. I studied medicine a. so that b. so as 32.

I could become a surgeon. c. in order d. because

his legs were broken in the car accident last night. a. Neither c. All b. Either d. Both

33. Frank would have visited the Louvre yesterday if he a. ’d have c. had b. would have had d. had had

the time.

34. I wish I that marshmallow. My stomach hurts now. a. haven’t eaten c. didn’t eat b. wasn’t eating d. hadn’t eaten 35. I have neither read the book a. nor b. or

seen the film, so I can’t give you an opinion on it. c. both d. and score




Listening Listen to people talking in five different situations and answer the questions. 1. What does the woman regret doing? a. going jogging b. visiting her sister c. calling a friend 2. Which happened first? a. The man tried to call his friend. b. The man’s friend left the café. c. The man arrived at the café. 3. Where does the man think John is? a. at work b. at a bookshop c. at home 4. Why is Darren unsuitable for the job? a. He’s inexperienced. b. He was impolite. c. He’s immature. 5. Why doesn’t the man buy the mobile phone? a. He hasn’t got enough money. b. He can’t get his money back if his friend doesn’t like it. c. The shop hasn't got the one he wants.





Reading Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

A Two-wheeled Adventure in Barbados Last summer, a group of friends and I went on holiday to Barbados, a magnificent island which offers thrilling activities as well as peaceful scenery for relaxation. We were interested in experiencing both, so on our second day we decided to go on an adventurous Segway tour. A Segway is a two-wheeled vehicle which you can use while standing up, and moves forwards or backwards when you press the handlebar. Our group met up with the guides near Barclays Park. We felt rather nervous in the beginning because none of us had been on a Segway before. The guides explained to us how the vehicles worked and told us that it would be a piece of cake. When I first got on, it felt a little strange, but after a few minutes, I got the hang of it and off I went with the rest of the group. We started on an off-road trail, along the eastern shorefront. As we rode along the rocky terrain by the cliffs, we could see the beautiful waves crashing on the rocks below us on our right and tall coconut trees on our left. Our guides informed us that the trail led to parts of the island that couldn’t be reached by other means of transport, so using the Segway was necessary to visit many of the hidden exotic beaches. Cove Bay was our first destination, but to get there we had to ride past goats and cows that were wandering around the countryside. It was a difficult feat trying to avoid them but we were rewarded by the unbelievable view when we reached the beach. After that, we set off for Little Bay. We rested there and enjoyed some delicious local banana bread our guides offered us. Then we continued to zigzag up the path to go north. River Bay was a beach that held a nice surprise for us. As we were passing, we spotted a whale in the distance. I almost fell off my Segway when I pulled the handle to stop. I couldn’t leave without a photo for my albums! Our last stop was the Animal Flower Cave, which is located in the northernmost part of the island. We got off our vehicles and checked out the caves. They had colourful rock formations on their walls and the view of the Atlantic Ocean was incredible from inside. It was the perfect way to end our tour before we headed back home. I had a great time and would recommend this tour to anybody.

1. What did the writer and his friends generally want to do in Barbados? a. enjoy a relaxing holiday b. do thrilling activities c. go on a tour of the island d. rest and do enjoyable things



2. What was the writer’s first experience with the vehicle like? a. He was unsure of it for most of the ride. b. He had no trouble getting used to it. c. His previous experience of it helped a lot. d. It took him a while to get used to it. 3. What did the guides say? a. that coconut trees grew along the side of the trail b. that hidden beaches could only be seen from the trail c. that the Segway was the best means of transport in order to explore certain beaches d. that the trail led to all the beaches on the island 4. What happened during their journey to Cove Bay? a. They had some difficulty with animals. b. They went swimming. c. They had a snack. d. They had to walk through fields with animals. 5. Which of the following is NOT true? a. The guides drove the group around the island. b. The writer almost had an accident. c. The group explored a cave. d. The writer took pictures.





Writing Write an essay on the following topic: 190-240 words

The most enjoyable type of holiday involves travelling to several places rather than staying in one. Do you agree? score


Without a doubt, the best vacations are spent in new and extraordinary places. No matter how far or how close you are, travel. Take a backpack, pack a few things, because you won't need much, and go out and discover the world. First of all, traveling allows you to get to know new cultures and ways of living around the world, it is very interesting to discover how other people do different things with the same purpose as us. Secondly, you will become aware of your surroundings, since the problems of other countries will eventually cease to be something far away, you will understand how we are interconnected and the repercussions that the decisions of other people on the other side of the world have on you, no matter how insignificant they may seem. You will also be humbler, maybe in your city you were popular but in the eyes of the world you are nobody and that will give you freedom. Your ego will disappear because everything you identified yourself with is gone, you will leave behind everything you thought you were or gave you some status like your job or your studies and you will begin to relate to other people for what they really are, people. In fact, traveling makes us free and allows us to know many places and people, so it is the best option when we want to go on vacation.



Speaking Record a video on your Zoom or other Platform and share the link with your teacher.

Yes, anger, I don't like to feel it because it makes me treat the people around me badly, even if they are not the cause of that feeling. I'm trying to change that, but I still can't do it. I usually express my emotions with people I trust, if I am angry with a college classmate because he didn't do his work in the group, I will tell him if I have enough trust with him. Well, it is frowned upon for males to express emotions such as sadness, although I hope that over time this will change. I think a positive response to anger would be to tell the person who caused the anger and express what caused the feeling. And a negative response might be to act out with physical or verbal violence, to break things.



First of all, we have to calm down and analyze our emotions, think calmly and identify what caused the negative feeling, to know if we can fix it alone or with the help of other people. I like the way I am, but there are things I would like to change, for example, I would like to be more productive, to stop assuming things, to be more empathetic with others and to be able to understand and express my emotions in a positive way.


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