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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Common irregular verb forms (page 1) Present tenses (pages 2-3) Past tenses (pages 4-5) Future tenses (page 6) Modals (page 7) Affirmative/Negative sentences (pages 8-10) Passive voice (pages 11-12) Interrogative sentences (pages 13-16) Pronunciation (pages 17-20)

Common Irregular Verb Forms in Alphabetical Order (Source: englishforeveryone.org) BaseForm awake be beat begin bend bet bid bind bite bleed blow breed break bring build burst buy cast catch choose cling come cost creep cut do deal dig dream draw drink drive dwell eat fall feed feel fight find flee fling fly forget forgive freeze get give

SimplePast awoke was/were beat began bent bet bid bound bit bled blew bred broke brought built burst bought cast caught chose clung came cost crept cut did dealt dug dreamt or dreamed drew drank drove dwelt ate fell fed felt fought found fled flung flew forgot forgave froze got gave

Participle awaken been beaten begun bent bet bid bound bitten bled blown bred broken brought built burst bought cast caught chosen clung come cost crept cut done dealt dug dreamt or dreamed drawn drunk driven dwelt eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flung flown forgotten forgiven frozen gotten given

BaseForm go grind grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know lay lead leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet pay put quit read rend rid ride ring rise run say see seek sell send set sew shake shed shine shoot show

SimplePast went ground grew hung or hanged had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew laid led left lent let lay lit or lighted lost made meant met paid put quit read rent rid rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shed shone or shined shot showed


Participle gone ground grown hung or hanged had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known laid led left lent let lain lit or lighted lost made meant met paid put quit read rent rid ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent set sewn shaken shed shone or shined shot shown

BaseForm shrink sing sink sit sleep slide sling slink slit sow speak spend spin split spread spring stand steal stick sting stink stride strike

SimplePast shrank sang sank sat slept slid slung slunk slit sowed spoke spent spun split spread sprang or sprung stood stole stuck stung stank strode struck

string strive swear sweep swell swim swing take teach tear tell think thrust tread wear weave wed weep wet win wind wring write

strung strove swore swept swelled swam swung took taught tore told thought thrust trod wore wove wed wept wet won wound wrung wrote

Participle shrunk sung sunk sat slept slid slung slunk slit sown spoken spent spun split spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk stridden struck or stricken strung striven sworn swept swollen swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrust trodden worn woven wed wept wet won wound wrung written

Present Tenses Present Simple Tense Form Subj. +V (1) s/es in third person

Use We use the present simple to talk about: 1. regular habits and routines. Our lessons start at 8 o’clock. 2. permanent situations. We live in this city. 3. scientific facts. The earth goes round the sun.

I / You / We / They start. He / She / It starts.

Adverbs and expressions of frequency Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of frequency usually go after the verb to be or just before main verbs.  John is always late.  We usually go to school by bus.

Expressions of frequency Expressions of frequency usually go at the end of the clause/ sentence.  I play tennis once a week.

Present Continuous Tense Form Subj. +am/are/is+ verb +ing We are working.

Use We use the present continuous with time expressions such as now, currently, etc. to talk about: 1. actions that are happening now or near the moment of speaking. I can’t come out. I’m doing my homework now. 2. temporary actions and situations. I’m walking to school this week. changing situations. He’s getting good at playing tennis. 3. actions that happen very often and annoy the speaker. My sister is always taking my clothes.

State and action verbs Some verbs are not usually used in the present continuous because they describe states not actions. These are usually: 1. verbs of feeling: like, love, hate, want, prefer, need 2. verbs of thinking: know, understand, believe, remember, mean, think(=have an opinion), see(=understand) 3. verbs of the senses: look, seem, sound, hear, see, smell, feel, appear 4. verbs of possession: have, own, belong Be careful because some verbs have different meanings. One can describe a state and the other an action. I have two sisters. (state) I’m having a great time. (action) You look angry. (state) What are you looking at? (action) Exercise 1:

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. always/early/Sue/arrives/.


2. dinner/we/have/always/at 6.30/._________________________________________________________ 3. television/Tim/watches/never/.__________________________________________________________ 4. a lot of/stay/at/it/money/luxury/to/costs/hotels/. ____________________________________________ 5. patients/look after/nurses/hospital/in


6. 1:00/usually/she/lunch/with/has/customers/at/. _____________________________________________ 7. are/in/the/playing/children/park/the/moment/at/the/. _________________________________________ 8. watching/she/television/is/. _____________________________________________________________ 2

Exercise 2:

Put the verbs given in the present simple or present continuous.

Sarah: Hey, Sam. Why (a) ________ you ________ (wear) a jacket and a tie? You (b) ______ (not usually wear) such smart clothes. Sam:

I (c) _______________ (get ready) for a job interview. I (d) __________ (start) to get bored this summer, sitting at home doing nothing.

Sarah: My sister and I are bored too, but that’s because we (e) __________ (work) every summer. We (f) ___________ (save) up money to buy a new computer. Exercise 3:

Choose the correct alternative.

1. Can we stop at the bank? I need / am needing some money. 2. How are you? Do you have / Are you having a good time? 3. What’s the problem now? You don’t seem / aren’t seeming happy. 4. I don’t know who this dog belongs / is belonging to. Present Perfect Simple Form Subj. + have/has + past participle (V3)

Use We use the present perfect simple to talk about: 1. an experience in someone’s lifetime, without saying the exact time when the event occurred. I’ve travelled around Europe. 2. recent events which have a result in the present. She’s bought a new house. (=She has a new house now.) 3. actions or situations that began in the past but continue in the present. Mark’s lived here for ten years. (=He still lives here now.)

Present Perfect Simple with ever, never, for, since, just, already, yet  Have you ever been to London?  I’ve never lived in a big city.  I’ve lived in this area for three years / since March.  I have just seen Jenny.  I have already been to Japan.  Have you bought a flat yet? I haven’t bought a flat yet. Exercise 4:

Write sentences in present perfect simple.

1. they / ask / a question - ________________________________________________________________ 2. he / speak / English - _________________________________________________________________ 3. I / be / in my room - __________________________________________________________________ 4. we / wash / the car - ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Annie / forget / her homework - ___________________________________________________________ 6. I / lose / my passport - ___________________________________________________________________ 7. they / just / arrive - _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Stephanie / has / many different jobs - ______________________________________________________ 9. I / live / in Paris / since / 2001 - ___________________________________________________________ 10. you / hear / the song / 100 times - __________________________________________________________


Past Tenses Form Subj. + V2

Past Simple Tense Use We use the past simple to: 1. Describe finished actions or situations in the past. I flew to London last year. 2. Say that one thing happened after another. When the train arrived, we got on it and sat down. Past Continuous Tense

Form Subj. + was/ were + V.1 –ing

Use We use the past continuous to: 1. Talk about activities in progress at a moment in the past. At four o’clock this morning we were sleeping. 2. Describe scenes in a story or description. The old woman was wearing a long coat and she was carrying a big, heavy bag. 3. Talk about an activity in progress when another, short activity happened or interrupted it. I was talking to Cathy when suddenly I heard a loud noise. 4. We often use while and as with the past continuous. While/ As I was walking to school, I heard somebody call my name. Past Perfect Simple

Form Subj. + had + past participle (V3)

Exercise 5:

Use 1. We use the past perfect to talk about actions that happened before another action or actions in the past. When I had brushed my teeth, I got into bed. 2. We often use time expressions such as when, after, by the time as, as soon as … with the past perfect. I had finished my lunch by the time he arrived.

Choose the correct alternative. (Past simple and Past continuous)

1. We were travelling fast when the train suddenly stopped / was stopping . 2. I saw an old friend of mine when I waited / was waiting to buy my ticket. 3. My friends and I put / were putting our coats on and left the house. 4. You looked sad yesterday because you cried / were crying. 5. He dropped / was dropping the plate and it broke. 6. It didn’t rain / wasn’t raining when I got / was getting up. 7. Nobody paid attention to me when I arrived because they watched / were watching something on TV. 8. We had / were having a wonderful dinner last night to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. 9. Last Sunday while Sandy cleaned / was cleaning out the closet, she found/ was finding her grandmother’s wedding dress.


Exercise 6:

Complete the sentence with the past simple or the past continuous.

1. Yesterday David (cross) _______________ a street when a truck (turn) _______________the corner very fast and almost (hit) _______________ him. 2. Yesterday we had a houseful of children for my son’s sixth birthday party. In the middle of the party, the phone (ring) _______________, so I had to leave the children alone for a moment. When I (come) _______________ back into the room, most of the children (play, still) _______________ together nicely. But over in the corner, Bobby (pull) _______________ Annie’s hair. I quickly (run) ________________ over and (tell) ________________ Bobby to stop. 3. Two days ago I (visit) ________________ my friends Ann and Andy at their apartment. They (wash) _______________ the dishes when I (come) _____________. They (finish) ______________ quickly, and we all (sit) _______________ down and (talk) _______________ about old times. 4. It (rain) _______________ when we (go) ________________ out. 5. Jack (read) ________________ a book when the phone (ring) ____________________. Exercise 7:

Decide which action happened first and then join the two sentences with a time expression. Put one of the verbs in the past perfect.

1. She started driving. She got into the car. She __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. He finished using the computer. He switched it off. When ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. We ate our meal. We paid the bill. When ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. She did her homework. She went to bed immediately after. As soon as ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. The police identified the criminal. They arrested him. After ________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 8:

Circle the correct option. Past simple or past perfect.

1. He walked into the bus station only to find that the bus left / had left. 2. When Scott woke up, his mother had already prepared / prepared breakfast. 3. I knew / had known him for a long time before I met / had met his family. 4. It had been / was cloudy for days before it finally had begun / began to rain. 5. The teacher had corrected / corrected the tests we had written / wrote. 6. I gave / had given them some of the candies I bought / had bought. 7. My friend ate / had eaten up all the biscuit we baked / had baked.


Future Tenses Be going to


Form: Subj. + am/are/is going to + V.1

Form: Subj. + will + V.1

We use be going to to: 1. talk about plans and intentions which we have already decided to do in the future. We’ve decided that we’re going to order a pizza. 2. make predictions about the future, particularly when we have evidence for the prediction The waiter isn’t very strong. I think he’s going to drop all those plates.

We use will to: 1. make general predictions about the future. We often use think, hope, expect, etc with will and won’t to express our opinion I think the future will be amazing. 2. do something at the moment of speaking A: I can’t do this exercise. B: I’ll help you. 3. talk about the future when it is an objective truth It’s her birthday next month. She’ll be sixteen. 4. say how certain we think something is Well definitely like the food. The food definitely won’t be bad.

Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with will or be going to 1. A: Excuse me, waiter! This isn’t what I ordered. I ordered a chicken salad. B: Sorry, sir. I ______________ take this back and get your salad. A: Thank you. 2. A: Would you like to join Linda and me tomorrow? We ________________ visit the natural history museum. B: Sure. I’ve never been there. 3. A: I need some help. B: What can I do, Andy? A: I _________________ go to a job interview this afternoon, and I don’t have a decent tie to wear. B: I _________________ lend you one of mine. A: Thanks.

Exercise: 10: Choose the best alternative. 1.

A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: I ‘ll have / ‘m having a party at my house. I’ve invited fifty people!


A: What are you going to do this weekend? B: I haven’t made any plans. I know! I ‘ll call/ ‘m calling my friends. We can go out together.


A: I can’t go out with you on Saturday. I ‘ll go/ ‘m going to my grandmother’s house.


Look at the sky! It ‘ll rain/ ‘s going to rain.


Oh dear! It’s 9 o’clock and I’m not ready. I ‘ll be/ ‘m going to be late.


Modals The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings: Form Subj. + modals + V.1

Use Modal can can may may might must must should would

Meaning to express ability to request permission to express possibility to request permission to express possibility to express obligation to express strong belief to give advice to request or offer

Example I can speak a little Russian. Can I open the window? I may be home late. May I sit down, please? It might rain this afternoon. I must go now. She must be over 90 years old. You should stop smoking. Would you like a cup of tea?

Exercise 11: Complete the sentence with correct modal verbs. 1. It’s a hospital. You ___________ smoke. 2. __________ you stand on your head for more than a minute? No, I ____________. 3. Drivers ___________ stop when the traffic lights are red. 4. __________ I ask a question? Yes, of course. Perfect Modals Form Subj.+modal+have+past participle (V3)

Use Meaning



Your house looks great. You must have spent a lot of time painting it. You should have seen a doctor. You mustn’t have smoked here. He must have been rich. He had a big house and an expensive car. I guess it might have been Scott on the phone.

advice prohibition certainty possibility

Exercise 12: Complete the following sentences with correct perfect modals. 1. Michael went running in the rain. He ______________ gotten sick. 2. It was so dark that I fell down the stairs. I ________________ fixed the light. 3. I called his apartment and nobody answered. He ________________ gone out. 4. Jim looks happy. I think _______________ gotten a new job. 5. My bicycle is broken. I never _______________ ridden it down the stairs. 6. He ________________ stolen the car. He was with me all the time.


5 Basic Sentence Structure - Subject + Verb -S+V+O - S + V + adj. - S + V + adv. - S + V + N (complement) Affirmative Sentences Subject + main verb (intransitive) Ex.

The children sleep. She was sick yesterday. That old man walks very slowly.

Subject + auxiliary/ helping verb/ modal + main verb (intransitive) Ex.

My mom was working when I arrived. Most of the guests have gone. Her daughter can swim.

Subject + main verb (transitive) + Object Ex.

We held a birthday party for John last week. Jane always buys new clothes every month.

Subject + helping verb/ modal + main verb (transitive) + Object Ex.

All participants were attending the meeting. The students have already done their exercises. You can rearrange your appointment any time.

Underline subject and circle verb of each sentence. 1. Maria called me last night. 2. We have finished our assignments on time. 3. Our new classmate lives here. 4. The desserts tasted wonderful. 5. Her experiences match our requirements. 6. In his two months in the job he has developed his skills a lot. 7. It costs a lot more than I think. 8

8. What we should do is to follow the directions. 9. The customer’s complaint was heard. 10. The feeling of disappointment can lead to frustration. Choose the correct verb in each sentence. 1. All students ______ listening carefully to the teacher. (is/ are/ have/ do) 2. The earthquake ______ caused a lot of damage.

(does/ has/ can/ are)

3. Most of my employees ______ along well with one another. (is getting/ has got/ get/ gets) 4. 70% of the people in town _______ to the election last week. (go/ are going/ went/ can go) 5. Mathematics _______ too hard for my little children. (is/ are/ do/ does)

Negative Sentences 1. With the word “not” Affirmative


Subject + main verb She brings an umbrella.


We have breakfast together.


He went to the cinema last night.


They did a satisfactory job.


Subject + Verb to be I am your assistant.


She was sick yesterday.


Subject + auxiliary/ helping verb + main verb We are working together.


Mary has won the competition.


Subject + modal + infinitive They can do the exercises.


You should follow the instructions.


The patient might want a new treatment.



2. With negative words : no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere, none, neither Ex.

No one was there. Sandy bought nothing after spending hours in the mall. None of my relatives live near me. My little sister likes neither fruits nor vegetables.

3. With some adverbs of frequency : never, rarely, hardly, scarcely, seldom Ex.

These students rarely miss the class. He has never disappointed us.

Change these negative sentences into affirmative. 1. She didn’t send us the documents. …………………………………………………....... 2. Her opinion has not been accepted. …………………………………………………....... 3. The girl couldn’t find her wallet. …………………………………………………....... 4. That old man doesn’t walk properly. …………………………………………………....... 5. We have never been there before. …………………………………………………....... Correct these sentences. 1. He doesn’t lives in this apartment. …………………………………………………....... 2. We don’t hardly arrive on time. …………………………………………………....... 3. She can’t do nothing about the problem. …………………………………………………....... 4. The mails have arrived yet. …………………………………………………....... 5. He doesn’t believe neither his parents nor his friends. ………………………………………………….......


Passive Voice Decide if the sentences are active (A) or passive (P). 1._____ Kate is cooking dinner. 2._____ Anna’s car was stopped by the police. 3._____ Andy has prepared the tea. 4._____ Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. 5._____ New species of insects are discovered every year.


Subject + Verb + Object


1 4 3 2 Subject + be* + V3 (by+Object)

1. “Object” in Active => “Subject” in Passive 2. “Subject” in Active => “Object” after the word “by” in Passive 3. Main verb => V3 4. Change “be*” according to the tense in Active Example: Past simple Active - Paul wrote that play. Passive - That play was written by Paul. Passive (Q)- Was that play written by Paul?

Example: Present perfect Active - Paul has written that play. Passive - That play has been written by Paul. Passive (Q)- Has that play been written by Paul?

Example: Future simple Active - Paul will write that play. Passive - That play will be written by Paul. Passive (Q)- Will that play be written by Paul?

Example: Present continuous Active - Paul is writing that play. Passive - That play is being written by Paul. Passive (Q)- Is that play being written by Paul?

EXERCISE 1: Change the active to the passive. 1. Tom buys a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 2. Tom is buying a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 3. Tom has bought a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 4. Tom bought a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 5. Tom was buying a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 6. Tom had bought a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 7. Tom will buy a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 8. Tom is going to buy a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 9. Tom should buy a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 10. Tom has to buy a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 11. Tom can’t buy a piano. A piano ……………………………… by Tom. 11

EXERCISE 2: Change the above 11 sentences into the question form (yes/no question) of active and passive. ACTIVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ……………………….……………..? ………………………………………? ………………………………………?

……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..? ……………………………………………..?

Active-Passive voice exercises Put the verbs into the correct forms. Decide whether you have to use active or passive. 1. The Statue of Liberty (give) ………………………….. to the United States by France. 2. It (be) …………………….. a present on the 100th anniversary of the United States. 3. The Statue of Liberty (design) ………………………. by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. 4. It (complete) ………………………….. in France in July 1884. 5. In 350 pieces, the statue then (ship) …………………………….. to New York, where it (arrive) …………………………. on 17 June 1885. 6. The pieces (put) ………………………………… together and the opening ceremony (take) ……………………………… place on 28 October 1886. 7. The Statue of Liberty (be) ……………………… 46 m high (93 m including the base). 8. The statue (represent) …………………………… the goddess of liberty. 9. She (hold) ………………………… a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left hand. 10. On the tablet you (see / can) ……………………………… the date of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776). 11. Every year, the Statue of Liberty (visit) …………………… by many people from all over the world. A: There was a storm on the coast last night. B: ……………………………………………………….. ? (anything/damage) A: Yes. Some trees fell on cars. Fortunately, nobody was killed. B: How many cars ……………………………….. during the storm? (crush) A: Three or four. B: …………………………………………………………… ? (the trees/remove/yet) A: Yes, they have. But the cars are still there. B: When ……………………………………………… ? (the cars/remove) A: Tomorrow, I hope. B: ………………………………………………………………… ? (the cars/badly/damage) A: Yes, they are. One of them is completely destroyed.


Interrogative Sentences Question Forms in English There are 2 main basic question forms: 

Yes/No questions : when the answer expecting is "yes or no"

Question begin with Question-word: when we need "information" answer

Yes/No questions Sometimes the only answer that we need is simply yes or no.

auxiliary verb


main verb

answer: yes or no










her homework?

Yes, she has.





No, they didn't.

your new teacher ?

Yes, I like her/him. Yes, I do. No, I don't like her/him. No, I don't. Yes, I can./ No, I can't.

Note !! Main verb (v. to be >> is, am , are // was, were) in Present Simple & Past simple:

answer: yes or no

main verb (verb to be)




Hungry ?

Yes, I am. / No, I am not.




Yes, she is.



at home?

Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.


Question-word questions Sometimes we want more than just "yes or no" for an answer. When asking for information, we usually place a question-word at the beginning of the sentence. The question-word indicates the information that we want, for example: what (อะไร) where (ทีไ่ หน), when (เมือ ่ ไร่), why (ทำไม), who (ใคร), which (อันไหน) how (อย่ำงไร)

question word

auxiliary verb


main verb




want ?










At 1pm.





to LA.?

Because she loves the weather there.








answer: information

In Paris.

She met Adam.


Taylor has run out.

*When the question-word is who, it acts as the subject. **In Present Simple and Past Simple tenses, there is no auxiliary verb with who. Note !! Main verb (v. to be >> is, am , are // was, were) in Present Simple & Past simple:

question word

main verb (verb to be)









Choice questions Sometimes we give our listener a choice. We ask them to choose between two possible answers, so their answer is (usually) already in the question. Look at these examples:

answer: in question

auxiliary verb


main verb








Coffee, please.








Note !! Main verb (v. to be >> is, am , are // was, were) in Present Simple & Past simple:

main verb be




your new i-phone



rose gold?






Exercise : Arrange the words below to make questions. Present Simple 1. you / to be / from Paris


2. you / to go / to the cinema


3. she / to have / friends


Past Simple 4. you / a song / sing


5. Rob / the door / lock


6. Paula / happy / be


7. they / Japan / visit


Present Perfect 8. you / have / breakfast


9. how often / we / sing / this song


10. ever / you / be / to London

_______________________________ 15

Exercise : Please form questions by using wh-words. 1. Tom is my teacher. …………………………………………………………………….. 2. She will take the red one. …………………………………………………………………….. 3. There are about 60 students in my class. (how many) …………………………………………………………………….. 4. Your word made mom cry yesterday. (when) …………………………………………………………………….. 5. They apply to study at Silpakorn University. (where) …………………………………………………………………….. 6. I came here to meet you. (why) …………………………………………………………………….. 7. They are doing their exercises in the room, (what) …………………………………………………………………….. 8. The midterm examination will take place in August, (when) …………………………………………………………………….. 9. We were very late because it rained, (why) …………………………………………………………………….. 10. This drum set costs about Baht. 50,000. ……………………………………………………………………..

Exercise : Ask for the bold part of the sentence. 1. Britney is now studying for her admission exam. ……………………………………………………….. 2. Manny is leaving home at 6 o'clock. …………………………………………………………………….. 3. The band play in the garden. …………………………………………………………………….. 4. Bob drives his sport car carefully. …………………………………………………………………….. 5 . Ronaldo comes from Portugal. …………………………………………………………………….. 6. Nan runs with her dog every day. …………………………………………………………………….. 7. Nan runs with her dog every day. …………………………………………………………………….. 8. The police caught the thief. …………………………………………………………………….. 9. I opened the door. …………………………………………………………………….. 10. The teacher checked our assignment. ……………………………………………………………………..



สุภาวดี อุดมชัยรัศมี

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1. WORD : Sound + Ending Sound + Stress

/f/ - /v/ victory, province, cover, slave, valley, value, volume, vintage, village Vera visited several villages last November.

That volcano is covered all over with lava.

/r/ - /l/ ring, run, roll, drill, large, practice, car, smile, really, cloud - crown - clown - crowd

/s/ - /z/ /z/ - zip, zoo, zone, jazz, easy, disease, desire, design, example, exactly /s/ - pizza, except, expand, expect

/ / - / / th theme, through, thought, something, faith, truth, thriller, thousand, therapy the, this, that, these, those, there, though, another, mother, father cloth - clothes

/ /-/ /-/ /

breath - breathe

He thought this was the last month.

The Theory of Everything

ch - sh - s

choice, chance, chicken, child

she, chef, push, cash, dish, trash, pressure

pleasure, treasure, illusion, vision, explosion, Asia, Malaysia

S + /p/ , /t/ , /k/ s+p=ป

Spain, speak, spy, spill, spoil, spa

palm tree, popular, poster, pound


state, still, stone, steal, star, style

tutor, pretty, little, ton


discuss, discover, sky, skill, scare

hockey, cookie, kilometer, kilogram

American Accent


ที่อยูก่ ลางคา บางครัง้ จะออกเสียงเป็ น /d/ เช่น


bottle, water, daughter, better, butter

Ending Sound might, mine, mind, mile, mice

fight, file, fine, find

sign, sigh, size, site, side


……….s / es *** s, ss, sh, ch, z, g, ce, ge + s, es = / / ***

establishes, dances, relaxes, changes, Alice's work

p, t, k, f, gh, th

+s = /s/

stops, looks, cats, laughs

b, d, g, v, m, n, ng, l, r, th, เสียงสระ

+s = /z/

describes, begs, words, loves, calls, dreams

…….ed ***

t, d

+ ed = / / ***

wanted, needed, United States, devoted

p, k, f, th, s, ss, ch, x, gh, sh

+ ed = /t/

walked, watched, missed, kissed, worked, asked

b, g, v, z, m, n, l, th, เสียงสระ

+ ed = /d/

loved, closed, breathed, smiled, planned, called



naked, wicked, learned, beloved

STRESS 1. 2.

มี 2 พยางค์ พยางค์ท้ายลงเสียง เออะ stress จะลงที่พยางค์แรก ลงเสียงหนัก ที่พยางค์หน้า suffix เหล่านี้

nature, paper, sector


education, evacuation, decision


musician, politician, mathematician


university, ability, facility


intellectual, annual


terrify, notify, classify


delicious, courageous


competitive, initiative

…able, ..ible

capable, terrible


economic, pacific, ironic


พยางค์ ลงท้ายด้วย ..ate

, ….ize

ลงเสียงหนักที่พยางค์ที่ 3 นับจากข้างหลัง

appreciate, exaggerate, illustrate 4.


part of Speech เปลี่ยน Stress เปลี่ยน

family familiar


decrease (n.) decrease (v.) 5.

organize, recognize, symbolize

คาประสม ลงเสียงหนักพยางค์แรก

6. stress พยางค์สุดท้าย

economy increase

economic record


the White House, book shelf unique, occur, prefer, refer, event 18

2. SENTENCE : Intonation + Speed



1. Statements

ลงเสียงต่าที่ทา้ ยประโยค

คาที่ไม่สาคัญ ไม่คอ่ ยมีความหมาย เช่น

2. Wh.. Questions

ลงเสียงต่าที่ทา้ ยประโยค

verb ช่วย, preposition, pronoun

3. Yes-No Questions ขึน้ เสียงสูงที่ทา้ ยประโยค

ลดเสียงลงครึง่ หนึง่ หรือ ลงเสียงต่า

Hello, my name is Paula. What's your name? How do you feel about it? Are you happy? Can you tell me the way to the beach? Is it safe to go swimming there? Karen was promoted to a sales position of World Trek travel agency. Jennifer was applying for the management position.

ประโยคบอกเล่า แต่เป็ นคาถาม ขึน้ เสียงสูง : Really? It wasn't boring? Seriously? Promise?

Series :

My favorite fruits are apples, oranges, grapes, and watermelons.

คาถามให้เลือก :

Would you like coffee or tea?

ประโยคยาว หยุดโดยขึน้ เสียงสูงค้างไว้ หรือ ทาเสียงกลางๆ แต่ไม่ลงเสียงต่า Actually, there's no right or wrong way to make a decision, but by understanding our own decisionmaking styles, we can make more effective, well-informed, and conscious decisions.

พูดเน้นความหมาย เน้นเสียงให้ชดั ขึน้ พูดให้ชา้ ลง According to UNICEF, each day, 25,000 children under the age of five die of starvation or preventable infectious disease.

พูดใส่อารมณ์ :

He's so gorgeous! It's marvelous! The food was amazing!


Frequently Used Words education, graduate, procedure reality, seniority quay, pier try, tried, tired, tire sword, island, bias agriculture, develop, atmosphere, experience, challenge, elephant, eleven proposal, purpose, process, project, recent, relevant, requirement chocolate, vanilla, berry, ferry above, event, report, support, special effect, southern efficient, sufficient, efficiency, sufficiency balance, creature, culture, environment ceremony, tradition, parents, democracy, victory, monument, history amateur, mature, interesting, consider, marriage Amazon, Toyota, Ferrari, Porsche, Microsoft, Ethan, Adam

บรรณานุกรม ปรารมภ์รตั น์ โชติกเสถียร. การออกเสียงสระและเสียงพยัญชนะในภาษาอังกฤษ. กรุงเทพฯ: สานักพิมพ์แห่งจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, 2550 พิณทิพย์ ทวยเจริญ. การพูดภาษาอังกฤษตามหลักภาษาศาสตร์. กรุงเทพฯ: สานักพิมพ์มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์, 2534 เศรษฐวิทย์. พาไปดูฝรั่งเขาออกเสียง. กรุงเทพฯ: โรงพิมพ์เม็ดทราย, 2544 Joan Saslow and Allen Asher. Top Notch. Pearson Education, 2015 Kenton Harsch and Kate Wolfe-Quintero. Impact Listening. Pearson Education, 2007 http://www.pronuncian.com/Lessons/default.aspx?Lesson=129