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ENGINEERING PPT: Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink®
AI Planning Aircraft Flight Dynamics AJAX Algebra I algorithm analysis Algorithm Analysis and design Algorithm Analysis Video Lecture Algorithm and Complexity Analysis Algorithm Design Algorithm Design and Analysis algorithm Lectures Video Algorithmic Introduction to Coding Theory Algorithms Algorithms and Data Structures Algorithms for Bioinformatics Algorithms in Bioinformatics Analog Circuits and Systems Design Analog Electronics Analog Electronics2 Analog Electronics3 and Control and Measurement Applied Nuclear Physics Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence:A Modern Approach Artificial Intelligent Programming ASP.NET ASTRONOMY Automata and Formal Languages Automata Theory Here you will find additional materials for using the digital communication simulation with MATLAB and
Automated Planning
Simulink in undergraduate, graduate and continuing professional education. These materials
Automatic Controls
complement the text Digital Communication Systems using MATLAB® and Simulink® , 199 pages, ISBN
Basic Theory II
978-1-58909-621-9, 2009, Bookstand Publishing.
The text is a direct outgrowth of experience in teaching analog and digital communication systems at the
undergraduate, graduate and professional level. The sea change in this material for the student and
Broadband and Optical Networks 2
professional is the introduction of channel noise and non-linearities in the analysis of communication systems within the last decade. Prior to this time, analog and digital communication systems were presented by analytical equations without noise, and with a hardware laboratory without significant nonlinearities.
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Business Application Programming using Java Business Communications Business Systems Programming 2/16
ENGINEERING PPT: Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink® These tenants for using simulation to teach students digital communication in lecture and laboratory
C Programming
were presented at the 2003 and 2006 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering
C Programming lecture notes
Education. The tenants were presented utilizing the simulation environment of SystemVue by Agilent Technologies. ASEE 2003 SystemVue Simulation in Laboratory ASEE 2006 SystemVue Simulation in Lecture
C Programming notes C Programming PPT C Programming PPT slides
The material included here is for educational use only and can be freely distributed for that purpose with
C Programming slides
suitable citation of origin. The material is copyrighted and no other rights or other license is implied by
C# Programming
their inclusion here.
The syllabus and lecture slides in Adobe PDF format for the one semester undergraduate course EE4512
C++ Program Design
Analog and Digital Communications are given here. The course utilizes a standard textbook, Stern and
C++ Program Design lectures
Mahmoud, Communication Systems, Pearson Prentice-Hall 2004, for the lecture but the Simulink
CAD Based Logic Design
simulations are fully integrated into the lecture and co-requisite Laboratory for all but Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.
chemestry -1 chemistry chemistry -2 Chemistry of Biomolecules
Important Notes : -
Chemistry3 Circuits and Electronics
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Computer Language Engineering Communication Simulation Techniques Capabilities and Limitations of Simulation Introduction to MATLAB® and Simulink ®
Chapter 2
Model Window Temporal Display Spectral Display Correlation Display Blocksets and Blocks Data Types Modulation Analog Amplitude Modulation Simulation of Coherent AM Simulation of Noncoherent AM Summary References Baseband Modulation and Demodulation Rectangular Pulse Amplitude Modulation Simulation of Rectangular PAM Rectangular PAM Power Spectral Density Performance of Rectangular PAM in a Simple Receiver in AWGN Performance of Filtered Rectangular PAM in a Simple Receiver in AWGN Sinc Pulse Amplitude Modulation Simulation of Sinc PAM Sinc PAM Power Spectral Density Performance of Sinc PAM in a Simple Receiver in AWGN Raised Cosine Pulse Amplitude Modulation Simulation of Raised Cosine PAM Raised Cosine PAM Power Spectral Density Performance of Raised Cosine PAM in a Simple Receiver in AWGN
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ENGINEERING PPT: Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink®
Chapter 3
Optimum Baseband Receiver: The Correlation Receiver Correlation Receiver for Baseband Symmetrical Signals Probability of Bit Error for Baseband Symmetrical Signals Performance of Symmetrical PAM for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Correlation Receiver for Baseband Asymmetrical Signals Probability of Bit Error for Baseband Asymmetrical Signals Performance of Asymmetrical PAM for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Multilevel (M-ary) Pulse Amplitude Modulation Simulation of M-ary Rectangular PAM M-ary Rectangular PAM Power Spectral Density Correlation Receiver for M-ary Baseband Signals Probability of Bit Error for M-ary Baseband Signals Performance of M-ary PAM for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Partial Response Signaling Duobinary PAM Signaling Simulation of Duobinary PAM Simple Receiver for Precoded Duobinary Signals Simple Receiver for Precoded Modified Duobinary Signals Duobinary PAM Power Spectral Density Performance of Duobinary PAM in a Simple Receiver in AWGN Delta Modulation Simulation of Delta Modulation Eye Diagrams Summary References Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation Optimum Bandpass Receiver: The Correlation Receiver Correlation Receiver for Bandpass Symmetrical Signals Probability of Bit Error for Bandpass Symmetrical Signals Correlation Receiver for Bandpass Asymmetrical Signals Probability of Bit Error for Bandpass Asymmetrical Signals Binary Amplitude Shift Keying Simulation of Binary ASK Binary ASK Power Spectral Density Performance of Binary ASK for the Optimal Receiver in AWGN Binary Frequency Shift Keying Simulation of Binary FSK Binary FSK Power Spectral Density Performance of Binary FSK for the Optimal Receiver in AWGN Binary Phase Shift Keying Simulation of Binary PSK Binary PSK Power Spectral Density Performance of Binary PSK for the Optimal Receiver in AWGN Multilevel (M-ary) Amplitude Shift Keying Simulation of M-ary ASK M-ary ASK Power Spectral Density Correlation Receiver for M-ary ASK Signals Probability of Bit Error for M-ary ASK Signals Performance of M-ary ASK for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Multilevel (M-ary) Frequency Shift Keying Simulation of M-ary FSK
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Computer Systems Architecture Computer Vision Computer-Aided VLSI Design I Computing for Engineers Computing I Distributed Lectures Computing II Concepts Of Operating System Concepts Of Operating System lecture notes Concepts Of Operating System notes Concepts Of Operating System PPT Concepts Of Operating System PPT slides Concepts Of Operating System slides Control Systems Control Systems lecture notes Control Systems notes Control Systems PPT Control Systems PPT slides Control Systems slides Convex Optimization I Convex Optimization II CONVOLUTION AND DECONVOLUTION CORDIC PROCESSOR Core Web Programming: Course Notes Cormen Algorithms Cryptography Cryptography and Network Security Crystal Structure Analysis Data Communications Data and Computer Communications Data and Computer Communications 2 Data and Computer Communications 3 Data Communication Data Compression Data Mining Data Mining best note Data Mining lecture notes Data Mining notes Data Mining pdf 5/16
ENGINEERING PPT: Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink®
Chapter 4
M-ary FSK Power Spectral Density Correlation Receiver for M-ary FSK Signals Probability of Bit Error for M-ary FSK Signals Performance of M-ary FSK for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Multilevel (M-ary) Phase Shift Keying Simulation of M-ary PSK M-ary PSK Power Spectral Density Probability of Bit Error for M-ary PSK Signals Performance of M-ary PSK for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Simulation of QAM QAM Power Spectral Density Probability of Bit Error for QAM Signals Performance of QAM for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Differential Phase Shift Keying Simulation of DPSK DPSK Power Spectral Density Probability of Bit Error for DPSK Signals Performance of DPSK for the Optimum Receiver in AWGN Noncoherent Demodulation of Binary Frequency Shift Keying Simulation of Noncoherent Binary FSK Signals Probability of Bit Error for Noncoherent Binary FSK Signals Performance of Noncoherent Binary FSK Signals in AWGN Noncoherent Demodulation of Binary Amplitude Shift Keying Simulation of Noncoherent Binary ASK Signals Probability of Bit Error for Noncoherent Binary ASK Signals Performance of Noncoherent Binary ASK Signals in AWGN Threshold for Demodulation of Noncoherent Binary ASK Signals Constellation Plots Summary References Sampling and Quantization Sampling Baseband Analog Signal Companding Line Codes Power Spectral Density of Line Codes Polar NRZ Line Code Unipolar NRZ Line Code Alternate Mark Inversion NRZ Line Code Split-Phase NRZ Line Code Return-to-Zero Line Codes Simulation of Line Codes Pulse Code Modulation Differential Pulse Code Modulation Simulation of DPCM Sampling Bandpass Analog Signals Summary References
Appendix A
Data Mining pdf slides Data Mining PPT Data Mining ppt and pdf Data Mining ppt and pdf slides Data Mining ppt slides Data Mining slides Data Mining3 Data Structure using Java Data Structures Data Structures and Algorithms Data structures and Algorithms and Applications in Java Data Structures and Algorithms PDF Data Structures and Algorithms ppt Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ Data Structures video Lecture DATA WAREHOUSING Data Warehousing Technologies Database Design with Lab Database Fundamentals Database Management Systems Database Management Systems 2 Database Systems Database Systems ppt DatabaseManagementSystems Design And Analysis Design and Analysis of Algorithms Design and Analysis of Algorithms . Design and Architecture of Computer Systems Design and Manufacturing II Design and Programming of Game Consoles Design Pattern Designing Embedded Computing Environments Developing Distributed and E-commerce Applications Differential Equations Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink®
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ENGINEERING PPT: Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB® and Simulink®
Digital Communication Systems Using SystemVue Digital Image Processing Syllabus
Digital Image Processing ppt pdf Digital Informatics
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Digital Integrated Circuits
Chapter 2 - Frequency Domain Analysis
Chapter 3 - Digital Baseband Modulation Techniques
Digital Logic
Chapter 4 - Receiver Design
Digital Signal Processing
Chapter 5 - Digital Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation Techniques
Chapter 6 - Analog Modulation and Demodulation Chapter 7 - Multiplexing Techniques
Digital Signal Processing and Digital filter
Chapter 8 - Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Digital Systems
Digital Signal Processing I Digital Systems Design DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORMS Discrete Data Analysis DISCRETE MATHEMATICS
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