Empower A2 [PDF]

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~ 1 11


Language Assessment


Part of.the University of Cambridge

ELEMENTARY sruoENT'S eooK :,_~


!A2 i


~ ·'

1 ·-1.

Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones

Contents Lesson and objective




Everyday English


Possessive ad jectives; a and an; Plurals; Question words

Numbers; The alphabet; Colours; Classroom objects and instructions

Noticing word stress

Saying helio and introducing people; Spelling words

Countries and nationalities Adjectives

Syllables and word stress

Unit 1 People Getting started Talk about meeting people from other countries 1A Talk about where you're from be: positive and negative


Talk about people you know


Ask far and give information


Write an online profile

be: questions and short answers

Review and extension More practice Unit 2 Work and study Getting started Talk about what kind of work you find interesting 2A Talk about jobs Present simple: positive and negative 2B Talk about study habits Present simple: questions and short answers 2C Ask for things and reply 2D

Sound and spelling: fk/; Sound and spelling: long and short o Tones far checking; Consonant groups

Asking far and giving information


Jobs Studying; 11me

Word stress; -s endings doyou Sound and spelling: ou

Asking for things and replying

Complete a form

Review and extension More practice Unit 3 Daily life Getting started Talk about what you do every day 3A Talk about routines Position of adverbs of frequency 3B Talk about technology in your lite have got 3C

Make arrangements


Write an informal invitation

Review and extension More practice Unit 4 Food Getting started Talk about eating with your family 4A Talk about the food you want Countable and uncountable nouns; a/ an, some, any 4B Talk about the food you eat every day Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of 4C Arrive and arder a meal ata restaurant Write a blog about something you know how to do Review and extension More practice Unit 5 Places Getting started Talk about what a good home is 5A Talk about towns there is/ there are


11me expressions; Common verbs Technology

Sentence stress; Sound and spelling: /a1/ and /e1/ Word stress; Main stress and tone Main stress; Thinking time: Mm

Making arrangements

WORDPOWER Prepositions of time


Sound and spelling: ea Sound and spelling: /k/ and /g/

Talking about food

Sentence stress Word groups

Arriving ata restaurant; Ordering a meal in a restaurant




Describe rooms and furniture in your Possessive pronouns and house possessive 's Ask far and give directions


Places in a city Furniture

there's; Sound and spelling: lb/ and /p/ Sound and spelling: vowels befare r Sentence stress

Asking far and giving directions


Write a description of your neighbourhood Review and extension More practice Unit 6 Family Getting started Talk about a family you know 6A Talk about your family and your Past simple: be family history 6B Talk about past activities and hobbies Past simple: positive 6C

Leave a voicemail message and ask far someone on the phone


Write a lite story

Review and extension


More practice

WORDPOWER Prepositions of place

Family; Years and dates Past simple irregular verbs


Sound and spelling: ltJ; Sentence stress -ed endings; Sound and spelling: ea Sound and spelling: a

Leaving a voicemail message


Contents Ustening and Video



Five conversat1ons


Say1ng helio and 1ntroduc1ng people

Names and addresses

A conversation about where you're from

Where you're from

A conversation about people you know At the gym reception

Facebook entries about people you know

First day of an English course

Online profiles

A conversation about a TV programme

An article about Ice Road Truckers An online forum about study habits

A survey about study habits

Ordering in a café; Asking far help Three monologues about studying A competition entry form English; A teacher addressing her class

A conversation about family routines

An article about an lndian family

Three conversations about gadgets

An interview about using the Internet

Making arrangements to go out

People you know Asking far and giving information; Checking understanding Using social networking siles

Sentences about you Notes about people you know

An online profile; Capital letters and punctuation


Sentences about jobs

Studying; Study ha bits Asking far things and replying; Reacting to news Studying English

Questions about study habits

Daily routines; Spending time with your family; Routines you share with others Using the Internet; Technology in your life Making arrangements; Thinking about what you want to say Yourfamily

A form; Spelling

A dialogue; Notes about routines you share with other people Sentences about gadgets you've got; Questions about gadgets you've got

An informal email invitation; lnviting and replying

A monologue about someone's family

Two informal emails

A conversation about buying food

An article about World markets

Buying food; The food you like and don't like

A conversation about cooking

A factfile about Heston Blumenthal; Two personal emails

Cooking programmes; Cooking; The food you eat Arriving ata restaurant; Ordering a meal in a restaurant; Changing what you say Cooking; A good cook you know; Cooking far others

A blog about something you know how to do; Making the arder clear

A newspaper advertisement

Places you like; Describing a picture of a town; What there is in a town . Your home and furniture

Questions and sentences about what there is in a town Sentences about your home

A website about neighbourhoods around the world

Giving and following directions; Checking what other people say What makes a good neighbourhood; Your neighbourhood ·

A description of your neighbourhood ; Linking ideas with and, but and so


Notes about your family

Ata restaurant

Four monologues about cooking

A cooking blog

An article about an unusual town A conversation about a new home On the street Three monologues about neigh bou rhoods

A conversation about a fa mily tree A conversation about childhood hobbies On the phone

An article about Steve Jobs

A monologue about someone's life story

Alife story

Questions about food

Steve Jobs; What you did at different Notes about a childhood hobby times; A childhood hobby Leaving a voicemail message; Asking far someone on the phone; Asking someone to wait lmportarit years in your life A life story about someone in your family; Linking ideas in the past




1 11

Unit 7 Journeys Getting started Talk about where you'd like to travel to 7A Talk about pastjourneys Past simple: negative and questions 7B 7C

Talk about what you like and dislike about transport Say excuse me and sorry


Write an email about yourself

/ove I like I don 't mind I hate + verb + -ing

Talk about health and how you feel


Write an article

Review and extension More practice Unit 9 Clothes and shopping Getting started Talk about shopping in your town ar city 9A Say where you are and what Present continuous you're doing 9B Talk about the clothes you wear Present simple ar present at different times continuous 9C

Shop for clothes


Write a thank-you email -

didyou; Sound and spelling: /:i:/

Transport adjectives Word stress Tones for saying excuse me; Emphasising what we say

Review and extension More practice Unit 8 Fit and healthy Getting started Talk about sport and exercise for other people 8A Talk about past and present abilities; can I can't; could I Talk about sport and exercise couldn'tfor ability 8B Talk about the body and getting fit have to I don't have to




Sport and exercise Parts of the body; Appearance

Can, can't, could and cou!dn't; Sound and spelling: /u:/ and /u/ have to; Word stress Joining words

More practice

Talking about health and how you feel

WORDPOWER tell/ say

Shopping; Money and prices Clothes

Word stress in compound nouns; Sentence stress Sound and spelling: o; Syllables Joining words

Review and extension

Saying excuse me and sorry

Choosing clothes; Paying for clothes



1Unit 1O Communication Getting started Talk about how you use your mobi_le phone 10A Compare and talk about the things Comparative adjectives you have 10B Talk about languages Superlative adjectives

IT collocations

Sentence stress

High numbers

Word stress; Main stress Main stress and tone

1OC Ask for help

Asking for help

10D Write a post expressing an opinion Review and extension More practice Unit 11 Entertainment Getting started Talk about what you enjoyed when you were a child 11 A Ask and answer about Present perfect entertainment experiences 11 B Talk about events you've been to

Present perfect ar past simple


Irregular past participles

Sound and spelling: /3:/


Syllables Main stress and tone

11 C Ask for and express opinions about things you've seen

Asking for and expressing opinions

11 D Write a review Review and extension

WORDPOWER Multi-word verbs

More practice

1Unit 12 Travel Getting started Talk about photographs 12A Talk about holiday plans



12B Give advice about travelling

should I shou!dn't

Travel collocations

Syllables and word stress Sentence stress Should I Shou/dn 't

Tones for showing surprise; Consonan! groups

12C Use language for travel and tourism

Checking in al a hotel; Asking for tourist information

12D Write an email with travel advice Review and extension

More practice

Communication Plus





Grammar Focus


Vocabulary Focus




A conversation about travelling on the Silk Road A conversation about transport in Moscow On the train

An article about the Silk Road; Two blogs about travelling on the Silk Road A webpage about metros around the world; Four reviews of metros

A conversation about choosing a homestay family

Two online profiles; An email about Ahmed

A podcast about how the Olympics can change a city Two monologues about exercise

An article about Paralympian Jonnie Peacock An article about High lntensity Training

At the gym A conversation about a free-time activity

An email about a company blog; A blog article about a free-time activity

Transport people use; Past journeys Metros you know; Disagreeing about transport; Transport you use Saying excuse me and sorry; Showing interest Homestay families; English-speaking countries you'd like to visit

Famous sport events and people; The Olympics; Present and past abilities Getting fit; The things people have to do; Yoga; Parts of the body Health and how you feel; Expressin'g sympathy Free-time activities in your country; Your free-time activities

Four phone conversations about meeting Two phone conversations about what people are wearing

Meeting friends in town; Saying where you are and what you're doing Two blogs about living abroad; Shopping; Festivals in your country; Text messages about what people The clothes you wear are doing Shopping far clothes Choosing clothes; Paying far clothes; Saying something nice Four monologues about giving presents Two thank-you emails The presents you'd like; Giving presents and thanking people far them

A podcast about smartphones and tablets A radio programme about languages

A webpage about smartphones and tablets A blog about languages

Asking far help Three monologues about text messages Four text messages; Six posts on an online discussion board

A conversation about a magazine quiz

A conversation about music in Buenos Aires A night out

Three fact files about actresses; A magazine quiz about actresses; An article about actresses An article about Buenos Aires

A conversation about a film

Two online film reviews

Two conversations about holidays

A webpage about holidays

Two monologues about things people like when travelling

An article about living in a different country

A prize holiday

Smartphones and tablets; Using the Web; Comparing two similar things Languages; Blogs and language websites Asking far help; Checking instructions Sending messages

Sentences and notes about what people have to do

An article; Linking ideas with however; Adverbs of man ner

Sentences about what you are doing Notes about what someone you know is wearing

A thank-you email; Writing formal and informal emails

Notes about two similar things

A post expressing an opinion; Linking ideas with a/so, too and as we/1

Famous Australians

Buenos Aires; Kinds of music; Notes about entertainment events in your Entertainment events in your town or city town or city Going out in the evening; Asking far and expressing opinions; Responding toan opinion Films A film review; Cohesion in paragraphs

Natural places; lmportant things when on holiday; Holiday plans Living in a different country; Travelling and holidays; Giving advice about travelling Checking in ata hotel; Asking far tourist information; Showing surprise

A conversation about a planned holiday An email with travel advice; An email asking far travel advice

Planning holidays; Sweden


Phonemic symbols and Irregular verbs


An email about yourself; Linking ideas with after, when, and while

Notes about surprising things

An email with travel advice; Paragraph writing



0 0


Possess.ive adjectives; question words;a/an; regular plural foryns Numbers; the alphabet; colours; classroom objects and .instructions


0 JDD Listen to five short conversations. Match them with pictures a-e .


0 JDD Listen again. Who says these sentences? Match them with pictures a-e. 1 [B Nice to meet you. 2 O How are you? 3 O What's your name and add ress?

4 5 6


How do you spell that? Ca n we pay, please 7 Is that your flat?



Conversation 3. Complete the bill .

Read Conversation l. Put the sentences in the correct order.

O Helio. Nice to meet you. l'm Pierre. O Helio, Pierre. Nice to meet you. O Helio. l'm Tony, and this is my wife, Joanna. 0 .ID Listen and check your answer. 0 ~ In groups of four,


0 JD Read Conversation 2 and complete the sentences.

say helio. Say your name and introduce your partner.

Listen and check your answers. fine thanks


------ -- -- - -- - --- - -- f


How much do they pay? € _ _

Than k you

b ®ID Listen and circle the numbers you hear. Then say ali the numbers.

b 0 ~ In pairs, say helio and say your name. C

2 coffees

0 .m Listen to












Choose the correct answer. 25 = twenty and five / twenty-five 61 = sixtycone / one and sixty 110 = a hundred ten / a hund red and ten

d Read the numbers aloud. Then say the next three numbers.

A Hi , Nick. 1_ _ _ _ _ are you? B l'm 2 , thanks. And you7 A l'm OK, 3_ _ _ __

e O~

Meet other students. Have a co□versation with two or ---three people in the class.

1, 2, 3, 4, .. .

10, 20, 30, .. . 15, 25, 35, .. .

31, 33, 35, ... 50, 100, 150, .. .


•_. ._••,._ •-o .




Say these colours and spell the words .


e 0 4' Write two words you

know in Engl ish. Say the word and ask your pa rtner to spel I it.

0 ID Listen to Conversation 4 and complete the


name and address. Mike K _ __ _ _ _ King's Road Ac___ _

g 0 ~ Work

in pairs. Student A, tell Student B:

· - your first and last name

- your address .

Student B, ask Student A to spell their name and address. Write the information down. Then swap roles.


and listen to Conversation 5. Underline the correct answer. A This is a nice photo. This is_my/ yourwife and


his / her brother.

B Oh yes. Is that our / J!QUL flat? A Yes, that's our! theirflat in London. B Mm, it's very nice.

0 JD Listen to the letters of the alphabet and say them.

®~ ~ [O)

t@ (GJ-



rmm rmtl íNJ (01 lW ~ ffl ~-lF{O)

f/J I lff


b Pronunciation

Do you live

r¡¡ f!Ar



·This i s ~ flat. here 7

Is this ...:iQ!J.L flat?

He lives here.

This is _ . _ flat.

She lives here.

Thi s is _

_ flat.

We live here.

This is _

_ flat.

They live here.

This is _ _ flat.

Which letters have:

1 the same long sound as see /i:/ 2 the same long sound as day /e1/ 3 the same short sound as egg /e/



1 live here.



Complete the table.

,0 4' Test a partner.

Student A, point to a letter. Student B, say the letter.


Complete the sentences with a word from the table in 5b.

1 This is my brother. _ _ name is George. 2 Jenny and Phil are old friends and that's _ _ old car. 3 That's a good photo of you. And is that _ _ daughter7 4 In this photo , we're on holiday with _ _ friends Sue and Bill. 5 1 know that girl in the photo . What's _ _ name 7



·{Fw~ J>llí 110.rne?






Match objects 1-10 with a-j in the picture.

1 a notebook

6 a gm_board 7 a desk 8 a whiteboard 9 an answer 10 a cou rsebook

2 a dictionary 3 a pro.ifil;tor

4 a question 5 a pen


Look at how words change in the plural. Complete the rules. Singular

a pen


a baby



Notice the stressed syllable in the words in 6a . .Listen, then practise saying the words. When do we use an? Choose the correct ~nswer. i, o, u b befare other letters

@ befare a, e, d

Write a oran next to each word.

a glass

© u _ _ glass

(j) _ _ icecream


_ _ apple



® W


Choose one of the words from 6a or 6d. Other students ask questions to guess the word.

Change a final -yto _ _ and add


lf a word ends in -s, -x, -sh or -ch, weadd _ _ .


Listen and do what the teacher says. Then listen again. Which verb$ do you hear each ti r:pe? close

look at read

turn to write

ask work .

0 BII Underline the correct words. Listen and check.

Match questions 1-4 with answers a-d .

1 What's 'amigo' in English? 2 How do you spell 'r:iight'7 3 What's a 'ferry'? 4 How do you say this word 7

a b e d

lt's a boat for cars and people3 'Pee-pi'. Friend. N-1-G-H-T.

d Write a question like questions 1-4 in 7c. Then ask other students your q uestion.


_ in the plural.

1 Whats / Who's this? An apple oran orange? 2 Whens / Where s Tokyo 7 3 How / What do you say this word? 4 Who's / When 's th e president? 5 'lYhens I What's your English lesson 7

_ _ baby


Is it white?




_ _ egg


_ _ camera

Most words add _


_ _ book



b 0 ID Pronunciation


0 ~ ~rnes ____ .


0 ~ Look at the picture and answer the questions: 1 What different countries are the people from? o€~(_ 2 Why are they together? • • • for a sports ga me • for a party • for a music concert 3 How do they feel 7 Here are sorne ideas: • •

bored sad

• excited • tired

• good

b 0 ~ When

happy _

do you meet people from other countries? Here are sorne more ideas:



• on a language course • never

• at work • at parties


0 .mi Listen

O.t Look at pictures a-f and answer the

Hi there 1 My name's Thomas. What's your 1 J/lC{/1 1 . ( l'm Lena . 7 Russia? Hi , Lena! Where are you 2 Yeah, you're right! l'm Russian . l'm from St Petersburg. THOMAS Oh yes' lt's a really beautiful ity. Yes, 1 think so too . So, 3 6 / Q¡Q . are you LENA from, Thomas 7 _ 1 THOMAS Me? l'm from 4 Úo/'JC8 . l'm French. LENA Oh, the French team's reqlly good! THOMAS Of course, we're 5 [} teai · 1 THOMAS LEN_A THOMAS LENA

questions. 1 What sport do all the people like7 2 Match countries 1-6 with pictures a-f. 1 uZJ Brazil \ / 4 [l] Japan 2 [Z] Spain 5 G] Russia 3 gJ Germany 6 ~ France 1

b 0 .lnl

Listen and check. Practise saying the countries . .

e 0 .mi Thomas and Listen and about.

tick( ✓)

Lena are at the World Cup. the three things they talk


1 ~footba ll 2 BJ countries 3 0 food

4 5

again. Complete the conversation.




Are sentences 1-4 true or false? 1 2 3 4

IZJ a c_ity 0 TV


Th omas and Lena are friends. +=" Lena is from Russia. Th_omas likes St Petersburg. i¡ Lena says the football team from France is very bad cF


l:..lnderline the two nationalities in the conversation in ld.




fJ VOCABULARY Countries and nationalities a

be: positive and negative a

Thomas says:

between Thomas and Lena . What do they tálk about?

l'm from France. l'm French.

0 .mi Find other pairs of countries and


a their football teams b the town where Thomas is from

in the box below . .Listen and check. Ru l~sg . Bralzil l il an Sp~l nish Ja lpan Ru!ssiar.i Ger l many Jap lan lese Ger !man- Bra lzi l Spai n


1 2 3 4

Notice how many syl lables each word has. Underline the stressed syllable in each word in the box in 2a .


again and repeat.


B,o'? \\ - .


B,n 'e:'º


e Ü~ Look at the conversation

in ld agaih. Complete the question. Then ask your partner.

f •

Now go to Vocabula ry Focus lA on p.160 for more Countries and nationalities

Thomas is / isn'tfrom Paris. Lena 's friends _a!e / aren't Russian. Her friends are/ aren 't at the match. lt's / lt isn't 8:00.

Look at the sentences and complete the rules. lt's a town near Paris. lt isn 't very big. They're all in the hotel. They aren't here. l'm from France. l'm not from Paris.

Make sentences a·bout the people below with the words in 2a. 1 Lena: She's Russian . She'sJro~ 2 The peo ple in pict¿re_s a-f: They' re Th ey're from

0 .D Underline the correct answers. Listen again and check.

b 0 .mi Pronunciation

e 0 .mi Listen

0 .D Listen to the next part of the conversation


1 To make is and are negative, we add - ' - -· í 2 To make /'m negative, we add _ , --·


Complete the table with the correct forms of the verb be.

e. • f

Positive (+)

Negative (- )

i'.m_ from St Petersburg. He ½ a really good player. They say they '.__e tired.

l'm Da± French. She L5"n\Lfrom Moscow. TheyGlr