DS-HL2 V1.1.0 User Manual PDF [PDF]

Daikin Air-conditioning Support System for Technical Calculations Daikin Software Heat Load Calculation Program DS-HL2

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DS-HL2 V1.1.0 User Manual PDF [PDF]

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Daikin Air-conditioning Support System for Technical Calculations

Daikin Software Heat Load Calculation Program DS-HL2

Ver 1.1.0

NOTE: BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE This program has been developed by assuming the different conditions globally. The program automatically initialise values such as the overall heat transfer coefficient of the outer wall assembly, number of persons and personnel calorification according to the usage of the building. These values are determined based on ASHRAE Fundamentals and open sources. Therefore, check the automatic initialised data and make informed changes, if necessary. This software is meant to assist in the heat load evaluation for initial system selection.


Using Daikin Heat Load calculation software (“the software”), will be understood as has read and agreed to the following conditions: 1. Daikin Industries, Ltd. (“Daikin”) is the independent owner of the copyright of this software. 2. Daikin Airconditioning (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“DSP”) is authorised to maintain the software. Partial copying, change, deletion or modification of the software without prior written permission are prohibited. 3. Daikin shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of the software. 4. Daikin endeavours to ensure the calculation reliability and accuracy of the software. The user is responsible to verify the database, initial values, default values in the software; and may create own parameters and calculation conditions for the individual project. 5. Daikin does not guarantee the proper operation of this software, depending on the system configuration of the personal computer used. 6. The software must stop using and unload immediately if it is illegal, or if Daikin suffered any damage, or Daikin notified. 7. Daikin has the right to revise and update the contents, calculations of the software without notice in advance. For technical enquiries, email to [email protected]

Table of Contents 1

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1





FEATURES............................................................................................................. 1

INSTALLATION OF SOFTWARE .................................................................................. 2 2.1

REQUIRED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ 2


PROGRAM SETUP ................................................................................................ 2


REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................... 3


BEFORE USING SOFTWARE ................................................................................ 4

DS-HL2 INTERFACE ..................................................................................................... 5 3.1

TITLE BAR ............................................................................................................. 6


MENU BAR ............................................................................................................. 6


TOOL BAR ............................................................................................................. 6


PROJECT MANAGEMENT ZONE .......................................................................... 7


STATUS BAR ......................................................................................................... 8

PROJECT INFO............................................................................................................. 9 4.1

PROJECT DETAILS ............................................................................................... 9


ROOM DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................. 10


DATABASE AND OVERALL SETTING................................................................. 10


ENCLOSURE STRUCTURE SETTING ......................................................... 11


ADD NEW MATERIAL ................................................................................... 11


COOLING AND HEATING SEASON ............................................................. 12


WEATHER DATA .......................................................................................... 12

GENERAL INTERFACE............................................................................................... 13 5.1

ROOM DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................. 13


INTERNAL LOAD ................................................................................................. 14


AIRFLOW CALCULATION SETTING ................................................................... 14


FRESH AIR SYSTEM LOAD INTERFACE................................................................... 15


ROOM COMPONENTS INPUT .................................................................................... 16




APPLICATION TYPE ............................................................................................ 16


DIMENSIONS ....................................................................................................... 18

OTHERS FACTORS INPUT ........................................................................................ 20 8.1

PERSONNEL HEAT GAIN.................................................................................... 20


RADIANT TIME FACTOR CONSIDERATION....................................................... 21


ROOM CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 21


INTERNAL HEAT GAIN FOR HEATING ............................................................... 21


SAFETY FACTOR ................................................................................................ 21

HEAT LOAD CALCULATION ....................................................................................... 22


DESIGN LOAD CALCULATION............................................................................ 23


12 MONTH LOAD CALCULATION ....................................................................... 29


FULL YEAR LOAD CALCULATION ...................................................................... 30


REPORT EXPORT ................................................................................................... 31


BATCH EDIT ............................................................................................................ 33


IMPORT/EXPORT .................................................................................................... 34


APPENDIX A - ASHRAE RADIANT TIME SERIES .................................................. 36


APPENDIX B – DATABASE ..................................................................................... 44


CITY LIST ............................................................................................................. 44


HEAT LOAD FROM OCCUPANTS ....................................................................... 50


TYPICAL WALL MATERIAL ................................................................................. 50


TYPICAL GLASS MATERIAL ............................................................................... 50


TYPICAL ROOF / SLAB MATERIAL ..................................................................... 51

1 INTRODUCTION Daikin Heat Load Calculation Program, DS-HL2, uses ASHRAE’s Radiant Time Series calculation method to compute the design heating and cooling load for a structure, over a 24hour period. It can also evaluate the load of 12 monthly (only 24 hours per month for 12 months) or a full year (24 hours per day for 365 days). The full year evaluation may be reduced to a selected date range for easier analysis. The weather data include 263 cities in 135 areas, is obtained from White Box Technologies in the United States



DS-HL2 offers the following features and functions. Reliable and detailed heat load calculation An improved ASHRAE’s Radiant Time Series evaluation method with more detail considerations for different loads and heat storage effects due to building materials. Calculation Report • System, Zone, Floor reports are available based on categories entered. • Peak load summary for each room and system • Detailed 24 hours load report for each room and system • 12 month and full year report for each room and system • Additional supply airflow and water flow calculation for each room and system, when selected

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Hardware Requirements: RAM: 1GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 500MB of free space Internet enabled device Software Requirements: Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Additional Recommendations: • • • •


Minimum screen resolution: 1440 x 900 Microsoft Print to PDF function to create PDF reports faster A PDF reader software to read generated PDF reports Printer for printing out physical copy reports


Insert any media that have the installation setup software to the computer system (CD-ROM or USB drive) Double-click on DS-HL2 installer file The software will automatically be installed in the folder C:\Users\Public\Daikin Heatload

Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to install the software.

Figure 1: Installation Step 1

Figure 2: Installation Step 2

Select “Agree to the terms” to proceed or “Do not agree” will stop the installation.

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Figure 3: Installation Step 3

Figure 4: Installation Step 4

Figure 5: Installation Step 5

Figure 6: Installation Completed


This window will pop-up when DS-HL2 is running for the first time. Users will also access this function when the user needs to renew the license.

Figure 7: Software Registration

1. Key in User Company and User Name, as how you will see them display in the reports generated by the software. 2. Input all the other fields accurately.

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a. For Daikin Internal staff, input your own Daikin email address in both the email field and the Sales Email field. b. For customers and third-party users, input your Sales contact’s Daikin email address in the Sales Email field, while your own email address in the email field. 3. Tick the check box and click “Submit” to submit the license application. 4. The status field will update “Processing Application”. 5. License approval will be self-approval method for Daikin staff and approval by Sales contact for third-party users. a. For Daikin internal staff, a licence approval email will be sent to your email address. In the email, click “Approve” to open the link on the web browser to confirm the process. If the button is not working, copy the link and paste on the web browser to continue. b. For customers and third-party users, a licence approval email will be sent to your Sales contact’s email (the one entered in the form). The email will contain the name and company of the person applying for the license. If the applicant is an unknown contact, the Sales contact may click “Reject” to block the application. If the applicant is a known contact, He / She will click “Approve” to open the link on the web browser to confirm the process. If the button is not working, copy the link and paste on the web browser to continue.

Figure 8: Email for approving

6. When the license is approved by email, user can start the software and use the software directly.



The software, DS-HL2, is an application program that operates on English-version Windows operating system. Therefore, basic knowledge of Windows operating system is necessary to use the software. This manual does not include detail explanation of the basic operations of Windows. For details on Windows use, refer to Windows help. Prior experience on use of heat load evaluation software is useful to picking up the use of the software faster. Beginners will need basic knowledge of heat load, heating, ventilation and airconditioning terminology.

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3 DS-HL2 INTERFACE This section is about the program interface when the software starts. Users will enter data using the key features from this interface. The Calculate section will be explaining the generating of reports. The main program interface can be broken up into 6 zones 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Title bar Menu bar Tool Bar Project Management Zone Input Zone – Details in General, Components and Others Chapter Status Bar

Figure 9: Main Interface

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TITLE BAR The Title Bar shows the program name and the windows operation buttons. On the right corner are minimize, windowed mode and close software operations.


MENU BAR The Menu Bar is just below the title bar. It carries two pull-down menus to perform program functions. The menus are as follow: The Project menu provides the functions for managing project information. It includes functions such as create, open, save, setting project defaults. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

New Project – To create a new project file Open Project – To open a saved project file Save Project – To save working project file Save Project As – To save working project file as a different file name Project Info – To edit project details and defaults. Refer to Project Info chapter for more details Edit Unit – To change units of measurement Country / City – To set default country and city for new projects Exit – To exit the software

Figure 10: Project Menu Dropdown

The Help menu provides the functions for support for users. It includes functions such as disclaimer, user manual, support and software information.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patch Update – To update the software through patch Register – To register or renew software license Disclaimer – To display disclaimer and user agreement User Manual – To display the user manual Support – To display the contact for software support About – To display the software version and patch version

Figure 11: Help Menu Dropdown



The Toolbar lies below the menu bar. This row of buttons carries the common program functions which are key to using the software to generate reports.

Figure 12: Toolbar

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The Project Management Zone lies on the left-hand panel of the program interface. This panel manages the rooms created in the project. Another row of action buttons is available to manage the rooms. Multiple rooms can be selected by Crtl + Click method.

Figure 13: Project Management Zone

1. Add New Room create a room to the project with the input of room name, system name, zone name, floor and quantity of room. Note that special characters such as $, %, ^, &, etc. are not allowed as inputs.

Figure 14: Add New Room Input Window

2. Delete Room removes the select room(s) in the Project Management Zone from the project. Note that the action of deleting room cannot be undone. 3. Copy Room copies the select room(s) in the Project Management Zone to temporary memory for the Paste Room function. The original selected room(s) remain unchanged. 4. Cut Room copies the select room(s) in the Project Management Zone to temporary memory for the Paste Room function. The original selected room(s) moved to the new layer. 5. Paste Room puts the copied or cut room(s) data to the bottom last position of the list. 6. Sort provides the function to sort the rooms according to order of input (by default), system, zone or floor. 7. Batch Edit provides the function to edit certain parameters for all or selected room(s) simultaneously to a new parameter value. Batch Edit also allows changing of the room(s) orientation. Example: Changing the design temperature of the rooms from their various initial temperature inputs to 23 degrees Celsius dry-bulb simultaneously. Further elaboration can be found in Batch Edit.

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8. System Edit provides the functions to edit Room Name, System, Zone, Floor and Quantity of Rooms for selected room(s) simultaneously. Room Name, System, Zone and Floor of multiple rooms cannot be totally same (only 3 of the 4 fields can be same at any time).

Figure 15: System Edit Input Window



The Status Bar displays the file path of the project file and the colour status for the software. Green means the software is functioning well.

Figure 16: Status Bar

Good Working Practice Identifiable File Name – Do save the file with an identifiable file name to allow ease of recognition of the file. This file name ideally should be representative of the project. The software automatically recommends the project name as the file when the project file is first prompted to be saved. User can still Constant saving of file – Do save the file constantly when changes are made to ensure the change is recorded. Sudden power loss after working for an hour without saving may result in losing all the hour’s work. It is important to keep the work saved. The software will constantly prompt for saving which will help prevent data loss. Keeping copies of project file – Editing a completed project may be done on a separate file saved as a different version. This is important to ensure that the original completed project is not affected if there is a need to retrieve the previous data.

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Figure 17: Project Information - First Tab

DS-HL2 Project Info function is found in the Tool Bar or from the Menu Bar when the project is created. Users will enter data into the Project Info as follow:



Project Details is to define information regarding the project for reference. o o o

o o o

Project Name is a required field to input as that defines the project file Project Address is to record the location of site. Country / City is the area where the project is sited. This is to load the respective weather data for evaluation from the database. Note that the database is non-comprehensive and if the exact area is not available, select the next nearest available area. Customer Name is to provide a reference to the customer whom will get the report. Remarks is notes for user to input on the report cover page when printed. Modified Date is an automatic field to provide users a track of the version of the project file based on computer system date.

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Room Design Criteria is to set the default Summer and Winter room conditions for the project. This will automatically be the default for each new room created in the project. Users may edit individual room design criteria later in the individual room input. Airflow Calculation is an option to select for Supply Airflow calculation. o


Room Supply Air Flow Rate Calculation is to set the off-coil conditions to evaluate supply air flow rate required for both cooling and heating conditions to meet the evaluated room loads. Water Flow Rate Calculation is to set the supply and return water temperatures for water based cooling or heating flow rates to meet the evaluated room loads.


Room Supply Air Flow Rate (Selected)

Room Supply Air Flow Rate (Not Selected)


Water Flow Rate Calculation (Selected)

Supply air flow base on water system, water flow is included


Water Flow Rate Calculation (Not Selected)

Supply air flow base on DX system, water flow is excluded

No evaluation of supply air flow and water flow


The More tab:

Figure 18: Project Information - More Tab

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Enclosure Structure Setting is to set the default wall, roof, floor and window glass type for the project. This will automatically be the default for each new room created in the project. User can select from the available database of structures or input other data on their own with Add New Material. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient is to set default values for other less common materials’ heat transfer coefficients, also known as U factors in W/m2.K.



For user defined materials, users can use Add New Material. Additional new material will be saved in the project file and will not affect the local database.

Figure 19: User Define Material Interface

Users can input up to 3 customised roof / ceiling / floor types, 6 glass types and 3 wall types. The new materials will be saved into the project file and available for the selected project. Light type of wall and roof have the least heat transfer delay effects. Peak load is approximately 1 hours later. Examples: light partition walls, thin walls with no insulation (building internal walls) Medium type of wall and roof have the moderate amount heat transfer delay effects. Peak load is approximately 2 to 3 hours later with more even distribution over the other periods for the next few hours. Examples: middle thickness concrete wall with no insulation, light panels with air gaps or light insulation (building external structure walls in tropics or some building internal walls in the temperate regions) Heavy type of wall and roof have the most heat transfer delay effects. There is no significant peak load as load is distributed over the 24 hours. Examples: thick walls with insulation, high density thick walls (building external structure walls in the temperate regions)

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Glass S.C. Values This is the Shading Coefficient (S.C.) found in glass datasheets. The evaluation using ASHRAE RTS method requires the use of Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC). S.C. can be transformed to SHGC using certain ratios for the different angles required. This is performed in the software background due to the lack of availability of SHGC from open sources.


Cooling and Heating Season

Cooling and Heating Season is to set the management of cooling and heating conditions for the project base on different months of the year. This is applicable for the 12 Month Load Calculation and the Whole Year Load Calculation. Months that are not selected will not be included in heating or cooling evaluation.


Weather Data

Weather Data is to view and manage the 12-monthly weather information. Users may edit the values directly on the table or copy to and from Excel the data for changes. Users can save the changes made to the project file.

Figure 20: Weather Data Window

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5 GENERAL INTERFACE This interface is for input of general design parameters.

Figure 21: General Tab interface



Room Design Criteria is to define the room conditions for Summer and Winter conditions. The conditions are dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity. Defaults are set from Project Info. Specification is to set the usage of the room to set some general defaults of load for the room. It also includes the general room dimensions - room area, ceiling height and height of space above ceiling (return plenum if any). Infiltration is the amount of outdoor air that enters the room through other means that ventilation system.

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Lighting is the amount of heat generated by the lighting installed. Internal Equipment Operating Heat is to set the sensible and latent heat generated by the equipment and appliances in the room. Occupancy is to set the number of person staying in the room. Operating Time and Ratio is to set the operating time of the HVAC system and the schedule is the expected percentage load for person, equipment and lighting as set in earlier parameter inputs. Default sets the operating time and ratio back to the default profile values. Reset initialises all the unlocked inputs in the schedule back to their default profile values.



Outdoor Air Intake set the types of outdoor air intake conditions that can affect the heat load in the room and the attribution of load to the room. o




No Outdoor Air Intake is the option where the room is recirculating internal air. Fresh air is entered through infiltration. Such room is also known as no mechanical ventilation – commonly used for small rooms. Fresh Air Load is excluded in Room Load is the option will calculate the fresh air requirement of the room but the load is excluded from the room load consideration. Such room is like ducted grilles in room. Fresh air from AHU supply to the duct but the fresh air load is handled by AHU. Direct Fresh Air Intake is the option where fresh air is directly drawn into the room and the fresh air load is to be included in the room load. Such room is like mechanical ventilated where fans directly draw in fresh air to the room. This function also can also be used to represent an air treatment system with standalone fresh air load (simulating an outdoor air processing unit) (Refer to Fresh Air System Load) Fresh Air Load is based on treated air is the option where fresh air is pretreated before entering the room. The fresh air load is lesser compared to direct intake from outdoor. Such room is like having a ventilator to pre-treat fresh air before entering the room. (such as heat recovery ventilator – HRV, thermal wheel) In this case, treated air conditions will have to be indicated

Fresh Air Requirement is to set the required fresh air flow to the room due to occupancy requirements or room design use requirements. Note: supply air conditions will be determined by the larger air flow of the two – fresh air requirement or room load cooling capacity. Supply air flow results will be available when the selection for Room Supply Air Flow Rate Calculation in Project Information is selected

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Figure 22: Fresh Air System Load Interface

DS-HL2 provide the option to calculate Fresh Air Load for outdoor air treatment system, when Treated Air Conditions, Fresh Air Requirements and Operating Time Range are specified.

Figure 23: Outdoor Air Intake Inputs

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7 ROOM COMPONENTS INPUT This interface is to input building structural information.

Figure 24: Components Tab



Application Type is the type of structure function to set the evaluation method right. o o o

For Roof, it is Roof or Upper Room For Floor, it is Earth Floor, Under Room or Pilotis For Wall, it is Outer Wall or Inner Wall

Figure 25: Roof Application Type

Figure 26: Floor Application Type

Figure 27: Wall Application Type

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Figure 28: Glass Type

Direction is to set the structure facing direction which affects the solar loading. The directions are North, North East, East, South East, South, South West, West, North West. For roof, there is another Horizontal direction. For sloped roof, ∠ is to input the angle of the sloped roof. The angle taken is the interior surface angle between the ceiling and the roof.

Figure 29: Roof Direction

Figure 30: Wall Direction

Figure 31: Angle of sloped roof

Structure Type is to set the material build-up type from the database base on U-factor. User may define their own structures or window glass type in Project Info. Skylight Type refers to the glass installed on the roof.

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Area is the surface area of the structure for Roof, Floor and Skylight. Do note that the area of the roof is inclusive of the skylight (area of roof is always greater than skylight). Length is the length of the Wall. Shade is the amount of shade generated onto the surface due to surrounding environment. UGH (Under Ground Height) is the height of wall that is below ground surface. This can be used in conditions when the wall is partially underground or fully underground. When the room is above ground, the value have to be “0”. Note that if the wall is fully underground, UGH should be same as the ceiling height or ceiling height with above ceiling height, whichever is larger.

Figure 32: Illustration about UGH – UGHN for North Face, UGHS for South Face

Ww, Hw, Dc, Dl, Dr, Al, Ar, B, Hc are the dimensions related to canopy cover and window. Refer to image for visual explanation of the different dimensions. Select the Canopy tickbox when there is canopy to be calculated, else just input the window dimensions – width and height (Ww, Hw). Window area will be automatically deducted from the wall. Note: Ww cannot be longer than length of wall and Hw cannot be higher than ceiling height with above ceiling height.

Figure 33: Window and Canopy dimensions

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Room Floor Level is the absolute depth of the floor that is underground. This is to determine if the room is underground (partially or fully). When the room is above ground, the value is zero.

Figure 34: Illustration of meaning of Room Floor Level

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8 OTHERS FACTORS INPUT This interface is to input additional information for room set up.

Figure 35: Others Interface



Personnel Heat Gain is to set the sensible heat and latent heat base on human activity. User can select from the drop-down list from the database. (Refer to ASHRAE Fundamentals for details)

Figure 36: Personnel Heat Gain per Person interface

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Radiant Time Factor Consideration is to set the room design parameters that affect the radiant heat transfer delay coefficients. o

o o

Structure type is the structure grade type that is used for most parts of the room (Light, Medium, Heavy). For example: if the room have 4 inner walls of light type with 1 outer wall of medium, the room is medium type. (Aggregate to the outer wall grade) ▪ An example of a room full of partitioned walls (Light type) shall be considered as Light. Flooring type is to consider if the room floor is carpeted or not. Window type is the amount of window glass surrounding the room. Full window is about 90% or more of wall area is glass. Normal Window is about 50% of wall area is glass. Few Window is about 10% or less of wall area is glass.

Figure 37: Radiant Time Series Consideration



Glass Surface Ratio is to set the ratio of the area between the glass and total window area inclusive of the pane. Next Room Condition is to set the factor of reduced temperature difference due to neighbouring non-conditioned room.



Internal Heat Gain for Heating is to consider heat generating sources (human, lighting, equipment) in the room during heating operations. This will reduce the heating requirement as the room internally has heat generating sources.



Safety Factor is the additional factor to add to the results as per engineering considerations.

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9 HEAT LOAD CALCULATION Calculate is about the report generating, preview and printing interface for DS-HL2. The explanation shall assume that the user had created the room(s) for the project in the main program interface before proceeding to this stage. First, the user will need to select the type of calculation. Different license tiers will have different calculation types made available. The lowest tier will only have Design Load Calculation. o o o

Design Load Calculation – a single 24-hour evaluation to find the peak load conditions and detailed breakdown. 12 Month Load Calculation – 12 months of single 24-hour evaluations to find the peak load variation over different months. Full Year Load Calculation – DS-HL2 to provide load calculation for 8760 hours (365 days x 24 hours) for energy analysis. User can set specific date ranges for different evaluations. (Full year weather data is required)

Figure 38: Calculate Selection Interface for Calculate Design or 12 month Load

Figure 39: Date Range Selection for Calculate Whole Year Load

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For design load calculation, the interface will show: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Room / System Load Graph Report Airflow Calculation Result Input Data

System views are available to be changed to zone or floor based on selection on classification. Room Load Summary is a summary of all the rooms and their respective key peak loads for quick review.

Figure 40: Room Load Summary

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System Load Summary is a summary of all the systems, zones or floors and their respective key peak loads for quick review.

Figure 41: System Load Summary

Room Hourly Load is the breakdown of hourly load components for each room.

Figure 42: Room Hourly Load

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System Hourly Load is the breakdown of hourly load components for each system, zone or floor.

Figure 43: System Hourly Load

Room Load Graph shows the load profile of each room for both heating and cooling situations, where applicable.

Figure 44: Room Load Graph

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System Load Graph shows the load profile of each system, zone or floor for both heating and cooling conditions, where applicable.

Figure 45: System Load Graph

Room Load with Airflow is a summary of all the rooms and their respective key peak loads, supply air flow and supply water flow for quick review.

Figure 46: Room Load with Airflow

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System Load with Airflow is a summary of all the systems, zones or floors and their respective key peak loads, supply air flow and supply water flow for quick review.

Figure 47: System Load with Airflow

Room Input Data is a summary page of the input parameters for room design. Information is from General and Components input tab.

Figure 48: Room Input Data

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System List is a summary list of systems or zones in the project.

Figure 49: System List

The Preview toolbar allows user to manage the report preview, the list of functions is:

Figure 50: Preview Toolbar o o o o o

Print Current is to print the selected report view. Zoom (%) is to zoom in or out the report for ease of reading large reports Name is to select the room, system, zone or floor to view Cooling / Heating selection buttons to view the report for either of the conditions Classify is to select the display of either system, zone or floor

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Figure 51: 12-month Room Hourly Report

The Preview Management for 12 Month Load Calculation will be just Monthly Room Hourly and Monthly System Hourly Reports. Monthly System Hourly Reports will have the selection of categories between system, zone or floor. The hourly reports are like the Design Load Calculation Hourly report format. The only difference is each room now have 12 months of hourly report. The report can only be exported to Excel due to the large amount of data.

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Figure 52: Full Year Load Calculation Room Hourly Report

The Preview Management for Full Year Load Calculation will be just Daily Room Hourly and Daily System Hourly Reports. System Hourly Reports will have the selection of categories between system, zone or floor. The hourly reports are like the Design Load Calculation Hourly report format. It displays the selected period range to report for each room. If the full year period is selected, the report will display 8760 hours for 365 days or base on the range of dates specified in the earlier selection window. The report can only be exported to Excel due to the large amount of data.

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Figure 53: Report Export Interface

The Report Export interface allows users to export a full report to either hardcopy printout, PDF or Excel. Cover The inputs to the cover page o o o o o

Project is the name of the project Co. Name is the company name registered when software is registered Att. Is the name to bring the report to attention to Date is the date of the report Remarks is to note if any certain points need to bring up in the front page

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Header is to insert date and/or project name on the report pages Footer is to insert file name and/or comments on the report pages Output Room is to set the range of rooms to export. This option allows user to limit the list of rooms to export base on only a single range. For example, range from room 1 to 8 or range from 4 to 11. Print Range is to set the different type of report for each format type – Room, System, Zone and/or Floor. The type of report is discussed in Calculate interface. User can select some or all the choices available. Cover Preview is to view the cover page layout and text before export

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Figure 54: Batch Edit Interface

DS-HL2 Batch Edit function is in the Project Management Zone. This is a simple module to edit key parameters for the selected room(s) simultaneously to a new parameter value. This function allow user to copy the similar rooms and do adjustments. Example: Changing the design condition, mirror the room and so on.

Fields that can be modified Design Room Criteria – Summer and Winter design temperature and Relative Humidity Glass – to change the type of glass. If a room had 2 or more different glass types, all the glass type for that room will be overwritten with the one selected in Batch Edit. Safety Factor – the safety consideration factor for cooling and heating conditions Transformation – to change the orientation of the room by rotating or mirroring base on the angle selected. There is a display for transformed image for users to simulate the generic effect of the selected transformation.

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Figure 55: Import/Export Interface

DS-HL2 Import/Export function is in the Tool Bar. This is a module to manage import and export of data to and from Excel.

Figure 56: Exported Excel View

Export Export can be performed for selected or all rooms in the project. The software will export the data into a custom Excel template with all the room design information (Information from General, Components and Others input tabs). A window will prompt the user to select the path to save the file. The saved file can be opened for modifications and import back to the software.

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Import Import function will let users import data from an updated Excel file. (Users may Export a simple project to use as a base template to fill up). The module will run a check for format validity before loading the data from the Excel file into the software. The base template can be modified to reduce columns that are empty or disregarded. However, the first 3 columns of the template will need to be retained along with the header rows. The 3 columns are the leftmost blank column, the serial number column and the Room_ID column. The Room_ID column is the column to identify existing rooms in the project file. For new rooms created in Excel, user shall leave the Room_ID blank. Should there be error due to format of the data entered, a warning message will be provided. User will need to review the file to correct the possible error.

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13 APPENDIX A - ASHRAE RADIANT TIME SERIES ASHRAE Radiant Time Series (RTS) considers the time-delay of heat transfer from the outer surface to the inner room through conduction and radiation. RTS is a simplified version of the Heat Balance Method (HBM) with some of the base environmental conditions coming from HBM. The assumption is that the internal loads are constant every day throughout the evaluation. The time delay coefficients are set over a 24-hour period with each following day cycle through the same coefficients. Below are some equations guiding the RTS evaluation method. Environmental Conditions A) Equation of time, ET, expressed in minutes, ET = 2.2918[0.0075 + 0.1868 cos(г) - 3.2077 sin(г) - 1.4615 cos(2г) - 4.089 sin (2г)] Where г = 360°

n-1 365

and n is the day of year (E.g. 1st January, n = 1, 21st April, n = 111, 21st September, n = 264, etc.)

B) Apparent Solar Time, AST, expressed in decimal hours, AST = LST +

ET LON - LSM + 60 15

Where LST is local standard time, in decimal hours ET is equation of time, in minutes LSM is longitude of local standard time meridian, °E of Greenwich (negative in western hemisphere) Where LSM = 15(UTC Time Zone) LON is longitude of site, °E of Greenwich

C) Solar Declination, 𝛿, in degrees δ = 23.45 sin (360°

n + 284 ) 365

Where n is the day of the year.

Page 36

D) Hour Angle, H, expressed in degrees H = 15(AST - 12) Where AST is the apparent solar time, in decimal hours. H is defined to be negative in apparent solar morning, zero at apparent solar noon and positive in apparent solar afternoon.

E) Solar Altitude angle, β, expressed in degrees β = sin-1 (cos L cos δ cos H + sin L sin δ) Where L is local latitude (°N, negative in southern hemisphere) δ is solar declination, in degrees H is hour angle, in degrees

F) Azimuth angle, Φ, expressed in degrees Φ= cos-1 [

cos H cos δ sin L - sin δ cos L ] cos β

Where H is hour angle, in degrees 𝛿 is solar declination, in degrees L is local latitude (°N, negative in southern hemisphere)

G) Surface-solar azimuth, 𝛾, expressed in degrees 𝛾= Φ- Ψ Where Φ is solar azimuth, in degrees Ψ is surface azimuth, in degrees Table 1: Table on Surface Azimuth

Table of Surface Orientation and Azimuths, measured from South Orientation N NE E SE S SW W 180° -135° -90° -45° 0° 45° 90° Surface Azimuth, Ψ

NW 135°

Values of 𝛾 less than -90° or greater than 90° indicate that the surface is in the shade.

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H) Incident angle, θ, expressed in degrees θ= cos-1 (cos β cos γ sin ∑ + sin β cos ∑) where β is solar altitude angle, in degrees γ is surface-solar azimuth, in degrees ∑ is surface slope angle, in degrees (vertical is 90° and horizontal is 0°)

Irradiance I) Direct Irradiance on Outer Structure, Et,b, expressed in W/m2 Et,b = Eb cos θ Where Eb is clear sky direct irradiance from weather database, in W/m2 θ is incident angle, in degrees

J) Diffuse Irradiance on Outer Structure, Et,d, expressed in W/m2 For Vertical surface, Et,d =Ed Y With Y=max(0.45, 0.55+ 0.437 cos θ +0.313 cos2 θ) Where Ed is clear sky diffuse irradiance from weather database, in W/m2 θ is the incident angle, in degrees

For Non-Vertical surface, Et,d =Ed (Y sin ∑ + cos ∑)

if ∑ ≤ 90°

Et,d =Ed Y sin ∑

if ∑ > 90°

Where ∑ is surface slope angle, in degrees (vertical is 90° and horizontal is 0°)

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K) Ground-Reflected Component, Et,r, expressed in W/m2 Et,r = (Eb sin β +Ed )ρg

1- cos ∑ 2

Where Eb is clear sky direct irradiance from weather database, in W/m2 β is solar altitude angle, in degrees Ed is clear sky diffuse irradiance from weather database, in W/m2 ρg is the ground reflectance (taken to be value of 0.2 for typical ground surface as from ASHRAE) ∑ is surface slope angle, in degrees (vertical is 90° and horizontal is 0°)

L) Total surface Irradiance, Et, expressed in W/m2 Et = Et,b + Et,d + Et,r Where Et,b is direct irradiance on surface, in W/m2 Et,d is diffused irradiance on surface, in W/m2 Et,r is ground reflected irradiance on surface, in W/m2

M) Sol-Air Temperature, te, expressed in °C te =to +

αEt ε∆R ho ho

Where to is outdoor air temperature, in °C α is absorptance of surface for solar radiation ho is coefficient of heat transfer by long-wave radiation and convection at outer surface, in W/(m2.K) (taken to be value of 17 based on ASHRAE) ε∆R ho

is the losses due to reflection (taken to be value of 4 for Horizontal surface and 0 for

Vertical surface)

Page 39

Heat Load due to Personnel qs =qs,per N ql =ql,per N qs is occupant sensible heat gain, in W ql is occupant latent heat gain, in W qs,per is sensible heat gain per person, in W/person ql,per is latent heat gain per person, in W/person N is number of occupants qs,per,θ = qs,per Fr Where qs,per,θ is radiant portion of sensible heat gain per person for current hour 𝜃, W Fr is fraction of heat gain that is radiant The radiant portion of sensible heat will be subject to Radiant Time Series evaluation for the absolute hourly radiant portion.

Heat Load due to Equipment qs =qs,eq N ql =ql,eq N qs = equipment sensible heat gain, W ql = equipment latent heat gain, W qs,per = sensible heat gain per person, W/person ql,per = latent heat gain per person, W/person N = number of occupants qs,per,θ = qs,per Fr Where qs,per,θ = radiant portion of sensible heat gain per person for current hour 𝜃, W Fr = fraction of heat gain that is radiant The radiant portion of sensible heat will be subject to Radiant Time Series evaluation for the absolute hourly radiant portion.

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Heat Load due to Window qb =AEt,b SHGC(θ)IAC(θ,Ω) qd =A(Et,d +Et,r )DIACD where qb is beam solar heat gain, in W qd is diffuse solar heat gain, in W A is window area, m2 Et,b , Et,d and Et,r are direct, diffused and ground-reflected irradiance respectively, in W/m2 SGHC(𝜃) is beam solar heat gain coefficient as a function of incident angle 𝜃 D is diffuse solar heat gain coefficient (also referred as hemispherical SHGC) IAC(θ,Ω) is indoor solar attenuation coefficient for beam solar heat gain coefficient; IAC(θ,Ω) = 1.0 if no indoor shading device. IAC(θ,Ω) is a function of shade type and depending on type, may also be a function of beam solar angle of incidence 𝜃 and shade geometry. IAC(θ,Ω) is automatically evaluated for user-defined glass based on provided information. IACD = indoor solar attenuation coefficient for diffuse solar heat gain coefficient; IACD = 1.0 if no indoor shading device. IACD is a function of shade type and depending on type, may also be a function of shade geometry. IACD is automatically evaluated for user-defined glass based on provided information.

Canopy Vertical Shade, Mb Mb = V × tg |γ| Where V is the protrusion of the canopy side Canopy Horizontal Shade, Na Na = W ×

tg (β) cos|γ|

Where W is the protrusion of the canopy top cover Effective Glass Surface Area Area = (V - Mb ) × (W - Na )

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Heat Load due to Wall, Roof (Conduction Time Series) qi,θ-n =UA(te,θ-n -trc )

where qi,θ-n is conductive heat input for surface n hours ago, in W U is overall heat transfer coefficient for surface, in W/(m2.K) A is surface area, in m2 te,θ-n is sol-air temperature n hours ago, in °C trc is presumed constant room air temperature, in °C qθ =c0 qi,θ +c1 qi,θ-1 +c2 qi,θ-2 +…+c23 qi,θ-23 where qθ is hourly conductive heat gain for surface, in W qi,θ is heat input for current hour, in W qi,θ-n = heat input n hours ago, in W c0 , c1, etc. are conduction time factors, sum of all factors will be 100%

Heat Load due to Infiltration Sensible Heat of Infiltration, qs qs =mc∆t Where m is the mass flow of air c is the specific heat capacity of air ∆t is outdoor to indoor air temperature difference, °C

Sensible Heat of Infiltration, qs ql =mlv ∆g Where m is the mass flow of air lv is the latent heat of vaporization of water, kJ/kg ∆g is outdoor to indoor humidity ratio difference, g/kg

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Instantaneous Room Cooling Load Qs = ∑ Qi,r + ∑ Qi,c

Ql = ∑ qi,l

where Qs is room sensible cooling load, in W Qi,r is radiant portion of sensible cooling load for current hour, resulting from heat gain element i, in W Qi,c is convective portion of sensible cooling load, resulting from heat gain element, i, in W Ql is room latent cooling load, in W qi,l is latent heat gain for heat gain element, i, in W

Radiant Portion of Sensible Cooling Load for Human and Equipment 𝑄𝑖,𝑟 = 𝑄𝑟,𝜃 𝑄𝑟,𝜃 = 𝑟0 𝑞𝑟,𝜃 + 𝑟1 𝑞𝑟,𝜃−1 + 𝑟2 𝑞𝑟,𝜃−2 + ⋯ + 𝑟23 𝑞𝑟,𝜃−23 where 𝑄𝑟,𝜃 is radiant cooling load 𝑄𝑟 for current hour 𝜃, in W 𝑞𝑟,𝜃 is radiant heat gain for current hour, in W 𝑞𝑟,𝜃−𝑛 is radiant heat gain n hours ago, in W 𝑟0 , 𝑟1 , etc. are radiant time factors, sum of all factors will be 100% 𝑞𝑟,𝜃 = 𝑞𝑖,𝑠 𝐹𝑟 where 𝑞𝑖,𝑠 = sensible heat gain from heat gain element, i, W 𝐹𝑟 = fraction of heat gain that is radiant

Convective Portion of Sensible Cooling Load

𝑄𝑖,𝑐 = 𝑞𝑖,𝑐 = 𝑞𝑖,𝑠 (1 − 𝐹𝑟 ) where 𝑞𝑖,𝑐 = convective portion of heat gain from heat gain element, i, W 𝑞𝑖,𝑠 = sensible heat gain from heat gain element, i, W 𝐹𝑟 = fraction of heat gain is radiant

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14 APPENDIX B – DATABASE 14.1 CITY LIST S/N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

Country / Area Algeria American Samoa Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Armenia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil


Latitude Longitude (Degrees) (Degrees)

Algiers Pago Pago Comodoro Cordoba Ezeiza Junin Mendoza Paso De Los Libres Posadas Reconquista Resistencia Rio Gallegos Rosario Salta San Juan Yerevan Brisbane Cairns Canberra Darwin Melbourne Perth Sydney Wien Bahrain Dhaka Seawell Minsk Bruxelles Belize Cotonou

36.767 N -14.333 S -45.783 S -31.324 S -34.822 S -34.546 S -32.833 S -29.689 S -27.386 S -29.183 S -27.450 S -51.617 S -32.904 S -24.856 S -31.400 S 40.150 N -27.392 S -16.883 S -35.300 S -12.417 S -37.666 S -31.933 S -33.933 S 48.110 N 26.271 N 23.767 N 13.067 N 53.882 N 50.901 N 17.533 N 6.357 N

3.100 E -170.717 W -67.500 W -64.208 W -58.536 W -60.931 W -68.783 W -57.152 W -55.971 W -59.700 W -59.056 W -69.283 W -60.785 W -65.486 W -68.417 W 44.383 E 153.129 E 145.750 E 149.200 E 130.883 E 144.832 E 115.967 E 151.183 E 16.570 E 50.634 E 90.383 E -59.483 W 28.031 E 4.484 E -88.300 W 2.384 E


10.600 N

-66.983 W

Sarajevo Gaborone Altamira Belem Brasilia Campo Grande Caravelas Catalao Curitiba Fortaleza Franca Londrina Macapa

43.867 N -24.555 S -3.254 S -1.379 S -15.863 S -20.469 S -17.733 S -18.183 S -25.528 S -3.776 S -20.550 S -23.334 S 0.051 N

18.433 E 25.918 E -52.254 W -48.476 W -47.913 W -54.673 W -39.250 W -47.950 W -49.176 W -38.533 W -47.433 W -51.130 W -51.072 W

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S/N. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

Country / Area Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Cambodia Cameroon Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile Chile China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China China

City Maceio Manaus Porto Alegre Recife Rio De Janeiro Rio Verde Salvador Santos Vitoria Da Conquista Sofia Ouagadougou Phnom Penh Siem Reap Douala Yaounde Ottawa Praia Sal Bangui Ndjamena Pudahuel Quinta Normal Beijing Changchun Changde Chengdu Dalian Fuzhou Guangzhou Guiyang Haikou Hangzhou Harbin Hefei Hohhot Hong Kong Jinan Kunming Lanzhou Lhasa Nanchang Nanjing Nanning Pagri Qingdao Shanghai-Hongqiao Shenyang Shijiazhuang Taiyuan Tianjin Urumqi

Latitude Longitude (Degrees) (Degrees) -9.511 S -3.146 S -29.994 S -8.126 S -22.910 S -17.917 S -12.911 S -23.925 S -14.863 S 42.695 N 12.353 N 11.550 N 13.367 N 4.006 N 3.723 N 45.317 N 14.933 N 16.741 N 4.398 N 12.134 N -33.383 S -33.433 S 39.933 N 43.900 N 29.050 N 30.667 N 38.900 N 26.083 N 23.167 N 26.583 N 20.033 N 30.233 N 45.750 N 31.867 N 40.817 N 22.317 N 36.600 N 25.017 N 36.050 N 29.667 N 28.600 N 32.000 N 22.633 N 27.733 N 36.067 N 31.167 N 41.730 N 38.033 N 37.783 N 39.100 N 43.800 N

-35.792 W -59.986 W -51.171 W -34.924 W -43.163 W -50.917 W -38.331 W -46.288 W -40.863 W 23.406 E -1.512 W 104.850 E 103.850 E 9.719 E 11.553 E -75.667 W -23.483 W -22.949 W 18.519 E 15.034 E -70.783 W -70.683 W 116.283 E 125.217 E 111.683 E 104.017 E 121.633 E 119.283 E 113.333 E 106.733 E 110.350 E 120.167 E 126.767 E 117.233 E 111.683 E 113.917 E 117.050 E 102.683 E 103.883 E 91.133 E 115.917 E 118.800 E 108.217 E 89.083 E 120.333 E 121.433 E 123.520 E 114.417 E 112.550 E 117.167 E 87.650 E

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Country / Area

97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107.

China China China China China Congo Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Czech Republic Democratic People's Republic of Korea Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Finland France France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Germany Greece Guatemala Guyana Honduras Hungary Iceland India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146.


Latitude Longitude (Degrees) (Degrees)

Wuhan Xining Yibin Yinchuan Zhengzhou Brazzaville Juan Santamaria Zagreb Havana Praha

30.617 N 36.617 N 28.800 N 38.467 N 34.717 N -4.252 S 9.983 N 45.743 N 22.983 N 50.101 N

114.133 E 101.767 E 104.600 E 106.200 E 113.650 E 15.253 E -84.183 W 16.069 E -82.400 W 14.260 E


39.033 N

125.783 E

Koebenhavn Djibouti Santo Domingo Cairo Asmara Addis Ababa Helsinki Marignane Paris Libreville Banjul Tbilisi Berlin Frankfurt Main AP Athinai Guatemala Georgetown Tegucigalpa Budapest Reykjavik Ahmadabad Allahabad Aurangabad Bangaluru IAP Bhubaneswar Bikaner Calcutta Gwalior Hyderabad IAP Indore Jabalpur Jagdalpur Jaipur-Sanganer Jodhpur Lucknow-Amausi Madras-Minambakkam Mangalore-Bajpe Nagpure-Sonegaon New Delhi Palam

55.618 N 11.550 N 18.433 N 30.122 N 15.283 N 8.978 N 60.255 N 43.436 N 49.013 N 0.459 N 13.338 N 41.750 N 52.567 N 50.050 N 37.882 N 14.583 N 6.500 N 14.050 N 47.433 N 64.130 N 23.067 N 25.450 N 19.850 N 13.200 N 20.250 N 28.000 N 22.650 N 26.233 N 17.233 N 22.717 N 23.200 N 19.083 N 26.817 N 26.300 N 26.750 N 13.000 N 12.917 N 21.100 N 28.567 N

12.656 E 43.150 E -69.883 W 31.406 E 38.917 E 38.799 E 25.043 E 5.214 E 2.550 E 9.412 E -16.652 W 44.767 E 13.317 E 8.600 E 23.735 E -90.517 W -58.250 W -87.217 W 19.183 E -21.941 W 72.633 E 81.733 E 75.400 E 77.700 E 85.833 E 73.300 E 88.450 E 78.250 E 78.417 E 75.800 E 79.950 E 82.033 E 75.800 E 73.017 E 80.883 E 80.183 E 74.883 E 79.050 E 77.117 E

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S/N. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197.

Country / Area India India India India India India India India India Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Iraq Israel Italy Italy Jamaica Japan Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Mali Malta Mauritania Mexico Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Oman

City Patna Poona Raipur Sholapur Surat Thiruvananthapuram Tiruchchirapalli Veraval Vishakhapatnam Denpasar Ngurah Rai Jakarta Surabaya Baghdad Haifa Milano Roma Kingston Osaka Tokyo Amman Almaty IAP Nairobi Kuwait Riga Beyrouth Roberts Field IAP Tripoli IAP Vilnius Luxembourg Skopje Kuala Lumpur Subang Kuching Malacca Bamako Luqa Nouakchott Mexico City Ulaanbaatar Podgorica Rabat Maputo Mandalay IAP Yangon Windhoek Nauru Kathmandu Amsterdam Niamey Abuja Oslo Seeb

Latitude Longitude (Degrees) (Degrees) 25.600 N 18.533 N 21.233 N 17.667 N 21.200 N 8.467 N 10.767 N 20.900 N 17.700 N -8.750 S -6.117 S -7.367 S 33.250 N 32.809 N 45.445 N 41.799 N 17.933 N 34.783 N 35.550 N 31.973 N 43.233 N -1.319 S 29.227 N 56.967 N 33.821 N 6.234 N 32.700 N 54.634 N 49.627 N 41.962 N 3.117 N 1.483 N 2.267 N 12.534 N 35.857 N 18.098 N 19.433 N 47.917 N 42.433 N 34.051 N -25.921 S 21.700 N 16.767 N -22.567 S -0.517 S 27.700 N 52.309 N 13.482 N 9.250 N 59.950 N 23.593 N

85.100 E 73.850 E 81.650 E 75.900 E 72.833 E 76.950 E 78.717 E 70.367 E 83.300 E 115.167 E 106.650 E 112.767 E 44.233 E 35.043 E 9.277 E 12.595 E -76.783 W 135.433 E 139.783 E 35.992 E 76.933 E 36.928 E 47.969 E 24.050 E 35.488 E -10.362 W 13.083 E 25.286 E 6.212 E 21.621 E 101.550 E 110.333 E 102.250 E -7.950 W 14.478 E -15.948 W -99.067 W 106.867 E 19.283 E -6.752 W 32.573 E 95.967 E 96.167 E 17.100 E 166.917 E 85.367 E 4.764 E 2.184 E 7.000 E 10.717 E 58.284 E

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S/N. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248.

Country / Area Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Philippines Poland Portugal Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa South Africa South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Thailand Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu

City Karachi Marcos A Gelabert Port Moresby Asuncion AP Lima Callao Mactan Manila Warszawa Lisboa Portela Busan Seoul Chisinau Bucuresti INMH Bane Moscow Sao Tome Riyadh Dakar Beograd Seychelles Lungi Singapore Bratislava Ljubljana Mogadiscio Cape Town Durban Johannesburg Pretoria Barcelona Madrid Colombo Nuwara Eliya Khartoum Stockholm Bern Damascus Hengchun Sungshan Taipei Taizhong Dushanbe Bangkok Chiang Mai Lome Tunis Adana Ankara Istanbul Izmir Lefkosa Ashgabat Funafuti

Latitude Longitude (Degrees) (Degrees) 24.900 N 8.967 N -9.383 S -25.240 S -12.000 S 10.300 N 14.583 N 52.166 N 38.781 N 35.100 N 37.567 N 46.928 N 44.503 N 55.973 N 0.378 N 24.700 N 14.740 N 44.818 N -4.674 S 8.616 N 1.367 N 48.170 N 46.224 N 2.033 N -33.965 S -29.970 S -26.139 S -25.917 S 41.297 N 40.494 N 6.900 N 6.967 N 15.589 N 59.354 N 46.914 N 33.412 N 22.000 N 25.067 N 24.150 N 38.550 N 13.733 N 18.783 N 6.166 N 36.851 N 36.982 N 39.950 N 40.977 N 38.292 N 35.200 N 37.987 N -8.533 S

67.133 E -79.550 W 147.217 E -57.519 W -77.117 W 123.967 E 120.983 E 20.967 E -9.136 W 129.032 E 126.967 E 28.931 E 26.102 E 37.415 E 6.712 E 46.733 E -17.490 W 20.309 E 55.522 E -13.195 W 103.983 E 17.213 E 14.458 E 45.350 E 18.602 E 30.951 E 28.246 E 28.217 E 2.078 E -3.567 W 79.867 E 80.767 E 32.553 E 17.942 E 7.497 E 36.516 E 120.750 E 121.550 E 120.683 E 68.783 E 100.567 E 98.983 E 1.255 E 10.227 E 35.280 E 32.883 E 28.821 E 27.157 E 33.350 E 58.361 E 179.217 E

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S/N. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263.

Country / Area Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United Republic of Tanzania United States United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe

City Kampala Kyiv Sharjah Eskdalemuir London-Heathrow Dar Es Salaam New York Washington Tashkent Efate Da Nang Hue Tan Son Hoa Lusaka Harare

Latitude Longitude (Degrees) (Degrees) 0.317 N 50.402 N 25.329 N 55.317 N 51.483 N -6.878 S 40.655 N 38.935 N 41.270 N -17.700 S 16.067 N 16.433 N 10.817 N -15.317 S -17.932 S

32.616 E 30.451 E 55.517 E -3.200 W -0.450 W 39.203 E -73.796 W -77.448 W 69.270 E 168.300 E 108.350 E 107.583 E 106.667 E 28.450 E 31.093 E

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Sensible Heat Latent Heat Total Per Person (W) Per Person (W) (W) 1 Seated at theatre, night 70 35 105 2 Seated, very light work 70 45 115 3 Moderately active office work 75 55 130 4 Standing, light work; walking 75 55 130 5 Walking, Standing 75 70 145 6 Sedentary work 80 80 160 7 Light bench work 80 140 220 8 Moderate dancing 90 160 250 9 Walking 4.8km/h; light machine work 110 185 295 10 Bowling 170 255 425 11 Heavy work 170 255 425 12 Heavy machine work; lifting 185 285 470 13 Athletics 210 315 525 ASHRAE Fundamentals mention that the tabulated values are based on 24°C room dry-bulb temperature.

14.3 TYPICAL WALL MATERIAL S/N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Wall Description

U factor, W/m2.K 2.84 2.76 2.33 0.428 0.429 0.428 0.406 0.581 1.056 0.418 3.122

115mm Brickwall w Plaster 100mm Brickwall w Plaster Inner Gypsum with Air Wall Inner Spandrel Insulate Wall Inner Metal Insulate Wall Stone Insulate Wall Wood Insulate Wall 100mm Brick Insulate Wall 200mm LW Concrete Wall 100mm LW Concrete Insulate Wall 300mm HW Concrete Wall

14.4 TYPICAL GLASS MATERIAL S/N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Wall Description Single Glazing 3mm Single Glazing 5mm Clear Glass 10mm Tinted Glass 3mm Tinted Glass 6mm Tinted Glass 10mm Low E Glass 6mm Double Layer Clear (6mm+Air+6mm) Double Layer Reflective (6mm+Air+6mm) Double Layer Low E (6mm+Air+6mm)

U factor, W/m2.K 3.18 3.18 0.52 5.8 5.4 5.1 4.5 5 3 2.6

S.C. Shading Coefficient 1.00 0.85 0.90 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.69 0.59 0.45 0.40


14.5 TYPICAL ROOF / SLAB MATERIAL S/N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Slab Description Zinc with Fibreglass Roof Concrete Insulate Roof 150mm Concrete w Plaster Roof / Ceiling 100mm Concrete w Plaster Ceiling / Floor Metal with Insulate Roof Wood Shingles Insulate Roof Built-Up Insulate Wood Roof Built-Up Insulate Concrete Roof

U factor, W/m2.K 0.61 0.54 2.43 2.59 0.249 0.231 0.393 0.313

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