D100 Dungeon - History and Glossary of Northreach [PDF]

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HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH Version 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

This supplement is offered as a resource for D100 Dungeon’s fantasy campaign setting of Terra, and most notably Northreach. It has no actual game element, but details people, places and events that have been encountered in the storyline of the campaign and forthcoming adventure books, and has an updated map. As Terra evolves, so will this supplement, and so it is presented as an expanding resource, that will be updated with each new relevant D100 Dungeon release. Permission is therefore granted for it to be printed for your own personal use. You will notice some of the text has been highlighted in different ways to express certain elements. The following key has details of those elements and explains the differences of the way text is displayed throughout this document. When a new version is available, anything new that has been added will be highlighted in red, and so you will be able to quickly spot new material that has been added. GOOD PERSON/CREATURE Gods/Goddesses


City/Town/Settlement Something of Importance

EVIL PERSON/CREATURE Events with varying Outcomes


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019


The Hammers of Kings are forged over the red crystal and are secretly infused with a calming spell. They are gifted to each of the 5 Kings of Northreach to encourage peace. The Wood Elf, High Elf, Halfling, Dwarven, and Human Kings all receive a hammer.

Year -2999

The great sorcerer FARQUIN commissions the Arcane Tower to be built on the site of the White Aztopaz Crystal. The Dwarves build the structure.

Year -2589

The Arcane Tower is completed.

Year -2300

The Great Icing – Terra is plunged into an Ice age.

Year -1400

The Melting – Everything thaws and DREADSTORM is hatched. The Calming spell placed on the Hammers of Kings breaks and there is unrest throughout Northreach.

Year – 1000

The Council of Seven is formed at the Arcane Tower. They tame the last remaining Pegasi alive on Northreach as their mounts, and are known as the Keepers of the Pegasus.

Year -900

The Seven Scriptures of Magic are created by the Council of Seven at The Wizard Stone.

Year -850

The Seven Staves of Wizardry are created at the Arcane Tower.

Year -500

War of the Five Kings begins as the five races (Wood Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Halflings) battle for supremacy. The three Seeing Crowns are forged at the Arcane Tower and loaned to the vastly outnumbered Elves. Mistaking them as gifts, they are never returned by the elves.

Year -478

The great Sorcerer FARQUIN commands that the five Hammers of Kings are brought to the Arcane Tower, but before the spell is repaired, the five kings through diplomacy, restore order and the War of the Five Kings ends.

Year -439

Bladesworn becomes the City with no King, when KING RATHOSE “The Kind King” sends out his new fleet on a peaceful mission, into the Great Sea of the North to map and find farming land. They return later in the year after plundering and pillaging the lands to the North. In punishment they are to be sacrificed to the Wolf god Cerberus, but the priests trick the creature and the King is eaten instead. They never appoint a new King.

Year -425

The Council of Seven officially create the University of Sorcerers at the Arcane Tower.

Year -400

The giant GOLL attacks the 1000 year dragon DREADSTORM.

Year -300

The giant GOLL defeats DREADSTORM, and the dragon flees, mutilated after its feet are cut from its legs. It swears one day it will avenge its mutilation with a rein of fire across Northreach. GOLL is declared King of Northreach and the Time of the Giant King begins. The giants enslave the Human Empire and force them to work the Giant Hills. Digging tunnels linking their cities, they are known as the Slave Tunnels.

Year -030

The Great Giant Cull begins, as the elves relentlessly attack multiple Giant strongholds in vast numbers.

Year 000

The Great Giant Cull ends, with the head of King GOLL being hung in the square at Kingsport, and the giants are almost hunted to extinction. The Time of the Giant King ends.

Year 069

The Hammers of Kings are gifted to the 5 Kings of the Mountain Dwarves by the Mages at the Arcane Tower in an effort to bring peace to their Empire. Each hammer is secretly infused with a calming spell to tame the dwarves fiery nature, and the Mountain Dwarves end their bickering.

Year 093

ZORBEAL THE WRETCHED the elf wizard discovers the Secrets of Dark Magic.

Year 098

The effects of Dark Magic is officially recognised by the Elfkin and its use is prohibited on pain of death by the elven provinces, but its practice continues in secret. The Dark Magic effect on the forest of Farmendell has spread to 200 square miles and is still spreading, causing trunks and branches to blacken and become twisted and the leaves to grow a silver mould.

Year 107

Elf Queen “MEREDITH THE FAIR” orders The Great Divide when 300 square miles become infected


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

and a line of trees, 100 miles wide is chopped and burnt splitting the Woods of the Elfkin in two. The smaller of the woods became known as the Forest of Farmendell, whilst the larger retains its title. Year 201

The Birth of the Goblins. The elves that remained in the Forest of Farmendell, are altered and deformed by the Dark Magic, becoming squat in appearance, their skin changes to brown and green, whilst their minds become filled with evil and greed.

Year 206

War of the Nine Kings begins when 9 of the Urg Kings unite under one banner and attack the dwarven city of Ender.

Year 244

War of the Nine Kings ends where it began (at Ender), with many hundred-thousands of dwarfs being killed. The Urg never push pass Ender, but it is destroyed and becomes the Ruins of Ender.

Year 412

The Goblins from the Forest of Farmendell have overpopulated their woodland nests and spill out across the lands, and spreading their evil and Dark Magic to other creatures and races.

Year 466

Huge numbers of Goblins begin mustering into armies and attacking settlements of the good races of Northreach.

Year 467

The Unity of Five is formed. A treaty amongst the good races of Northreach. They swear allegiance to each other against the Goblin Scourge and unite to declare war against the Goblins Forces. The Goblin Wars begin.

Year 469

Wars fought by each of the Unity of Five defeats the goblins and the Goblin Wars come to an end with the goblin forces being quashed and retreating back to the Forest of Farmendell.

Year 525

WINZEL goes to the Arcane Tower to study, his ability is promising.

Year 529

WINZEL attempts to overthrow the Council and breaks the Council of Seven and they leave the Arcane Tower with their followers. WINZEL remains in secret with an army of mages. Weeks later the Seven learn of his deceit and the War of the Wizards begin.

Year 651

Beastmen Invaders from the Western Shores, land in their thousands on the Red Islands and take control of the Red Crystal. The armies of Irontorns respond and all Seven Swords launch an attack against the Beastmen invaders. The War of Red Island begins.

Year 656

The Bearers to the Swords of Irontorn and their armies are defeated during the War of Red Island. None survive, and it becomes known as the Breaking of the Seven Swords. KING LIABOLD orders that the Resurrection of the Seven is held. The tournament lasts 30 days and it ends with seven new Bearers to the Swords of Irontorn being appointed and PRINCE VALIBOLD appointed as their Keeper.

Year 657

PRINCE VALIBOLD and the Bearers to the Swords of Irontorn attack the Beastmen Invaders and retake the Islands. The War of Red Island ends and the Red Crystal is safe from the Dark magic of the Beastmen.

Year 773

Battle of the Five Horsemen begins when Centaurs invade the Dwarvern Lands.

Year 798

Mountain Dwarf KING ILMURAK leads the dwarven armies to victory against the centaurs and they retreat back to Southreach. The Battle of the Five Horsemen ends.

Year 829

The War of the Wizards ends with WINZEL surrendering after his army has being defeated. Many of the wizards, and six of the seven Pegasi mounts have been killed. WINZEL is stripped of his arcane power and an anti-magic spell is cast upon him. He serves as doorman to the tower as punishment for his crimes.

Year 869

The Elven Wars begin when the Dark Elf Dragon Army invades Northreach from Westpoint. The High Elves are attacked first and are drawn into the conflict first.

Year 872

The Dragon Armour is created by the newly appointed Wizard to the Council of Seven and Sorcerer to the Scripture of Elements named Venith. It is the last Artefact to become an Antiquities of Power.

Year 873

The Elven Wars against the Dragon Riders comes to an end.

Year 945

The Dwarvern King orders a Banquet set as a 50 th Anniversary present for the Queen. Many months later it is sent to the palace, but en route is attacked by goblins. This eventually leads to the creation of the Goblet of Invisibility. 5

HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

Year 967

The Goblet of Invisibility is accidentally created. It is a piece of the Dwarven Kings wedding gift to his Queen. The goblins fight for possession and one survivor hides it deep in a cave and for a time it is lost.

Year 1070

The Elves and Dwarves fall out over trade routes and a minor war ensues. When the elves use the Seeing Crowns and dispatch the Dwarven Soldiers with ease, the conflict ends. The Dwarven Empire appeals to the Arcane Tower to have the Elves return the loaned Seeing Crowns back to the Tower, but their request is refused.

Year 1073

The start of the Goblin and Orc Invasion and the GOBLIN AND THE GOBLET campaign. During the war the Mountain Dwarf KING UNGOR loses his hammer, one of the Five Hammers of Kings, and for awhile it is lost. Months later it is returned after a handsome reward is offered.

GLOSSARY Alliance Stones

Also known as the Claws of Dreadstorm. They are a set of 5 stones set in a rough circle 100 feet in diameter. Each stone is over 300 hundred feet high and 20 feet in diameter and taper slightly to a flat peak. Down each is a long wooden ladder that zigzags left and right where they intersect with small sheltered platforms, barely large enough for one person to rest a while on the long climb up. On most days the wind is fierce at the top because of their height. At the centre of the stones is a well, and dotted around are various tents for a group of guards know as “Claws”. They are 100 strong and made up mostly of wood elves, with a handful of Humans. The well also hides a tunnel that leads north away from the Alliance Stones. 500 miles to the South-east is an identical set of stones. The two sets of stones are known as the Claws of Dreadstorm and are all that remain of his severed feet; see Time of the Giant King. On top of each of the Alliance Stones is a beacon that can be lit (a stone pail of oil that burns black smoke). Once a beacon is lit, the other nations are duty bound to send 1000 of their best soldiers within four days, to the aid of the nations that have lit their beacons. The five stones are named, The Halfling Stone, The Stone of Man, High Stone, The Elven Stone, and the Dwarf Stone. The armies pledged to the Alliance Stones that will answer the call of 1000 strong are: The Dwarven Mountains from the Dwarves. The Restlings from the Halflings. The Woods of the Elfkin, and The Elven Trees, from the Wood Elves. The Elven High Born from the High Elves. The Barbarians of Bladesworn (the City with no King), and The Ironswords of the Irontorn Mountains from the Human Empires.

Antiquities of Power

Are a group of Artifacts that were created by the great Sorcerers of Northreach. They include the five Hammers of Kings, the three Seeing Crowns, and the Seven Staves of Wizardry.

Arcane Crystals

There are various coloured crystals of all different sizes all over Northreach. They are full of arcane energy, that is outsourced via the light they emit. As energy is drawn from a crystal more energy is created. Some believe that as they grow old, they get larger in size, but this has not been proven. The different coloured lights of the crystals offer slightly different variations of Arcane power, and by a skilled individual the power can be harnessed and embellished towards the type of power to produce exceptional effects. For instance, the white crystal will naturally expunge all dark magic that comes within its range, and the larger the crystal the greater the range it will have.

Arcane Tower

Is a tower that was commissioned by the great sorcerer FARQUIN and built by the dwarves at the site of the White Aztopaz Crystal in the Year – 2980. It is often referred to as the Wizards Lighthouse. It stands over 1000 feet high and is just 20 feet in diameter. It rises up like a staff plunged into the base of the Irontorn mountains. It has 100 floors and an elaborate lift mechanism inside with a single staircase of 2000 steps that winds its way around its outside; they can both be used to reach the various levels of the tower. On the lowest level is the White Aztopaz Crystal, which throbs with power, pulsating like a beating heart and emitting a soft glow from the tower’s many windows with each beat. There is just


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

enough space to walk around the crystal, and a cleverly built hollow column hangs down above its centre. The column is filled with thousands of precisely placed mirrors that collect the Arcane light, sending it upwards and out onto the different levels of the tower. Each floor has a number of hatches fixed to the column that can be opened by the wizards to collect the lights power and use it for their spells and studies. At the very top the light emerges through a hole in a spired roof, and as it bursts out it spreads like a white torch flame. The tower is where the Council of Seven and the University of Sorcerers reside. Between them they try to control everything arcane throughout Northreach. The tower is a place of learning and many candidates from all of the good races of Northreach with outstanding skills in wizardry are welcomed to the tower to learn at the University of Sorcerers. The tower is built very near to the shore and a stone path leads down from its entrance to the sea. During high tide the sea often washes over the sand at its base. Two very large white doors mark the only entrance into the tower. They have no handles or knockers and are only furnished with four large grey hinges, that spread out from each side like gnarled fingers. In recent years and up to the Goblin and Orc Invasion of 1073, the doorman WINZEL would have opened the door to anyone wishing to enter, however since his passing, his duties fall to the understudies learning at the university. During WINZEL’S time as doorman and due to his condition, the doors would have been frozen to the touch and would have cold burnt anyone who touched them, see WINZEL. The lift is in a windowless chamber at the back of the tower with three levers set in a panel by the door and a rail to hold onto around its edge. The levers are marked “Up”, “Down” and “Stop” and when activated various cogs and pulleys spring into life groaning and squeaking as the lift moves up or down at a high speed. At the bottom of the tower, under the crystal, is a dungeon area that has been filled with monsters over the years. It can be accessed only by using the lift. It is used by the wizards when they need fresh reagents for their spells, and they can pop in and just grab them from the dungeon. They keep a precise log of the stock and know exactly which monsters should be down there. An Arcane Barrier stops monsters from leaving the dungeon, which must be deactivated each time someone wises to enter or leave the dungeon area. On each floor, around the central column is a circular stone tablet. The column has several bolted shutters around its circumference which holds back the arcane energy being produced by the large crystal below. When a shutter is opened, the energy fiercely floods into the chamber, and the higher up the tower, the stronger the energy is, that is released. At the very top the energy is so strong and powerful it is like being caught in a gale force wind. The noise is intense and the air is filled with such pressure, sometimes it difficult to breathe. BENDRELL

Lives in a tower that sits on top of a mountain that can only be reached by passing through a small hole at the base of the mountain and through a labyrinth of tunnels. To climb the mountain wall is impossible, as it is sheer and like a sheet of glass. The tower is named by locals as “ The Wizards Tower” and is on the island of Reaching Claw. BENDRELL speaks the Goblin language and rides a White Pegasus called “Peggy”, she is 20 hands high. He often frequents the Inn of the Wizards Hat in Saltwater, (the Inn might even be named after his hat, which he left there one time by accident for a whole week and none of the patrons would touch or move it in fear it may harm them, but this is unconfirmed). He is the son of FARQUIN the All-Knowing. He often uses the titles “Son of FARQUIN the All-Knowing, High Wizard of the Council of Seven, Keeper of the Last Pegasus, and Sorcerer of the Esoteric Order”. He also gained the title “Destroyer of Goblins and Orcs” during the Goblin and Orc Invasion of 1073. In 1073 he may have been killed during the Goblin and Orc Invasion (due to players choice). See Goblin and Orc Invasion.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019


Is one of the three underground cities, in the Giant Hills, Tag and Nap being the other two. All three cities are joined together by miles of wide tunnels known as the Slave Tunnels. They were dug and worked by the enslavement of Humans during the reign of KING GOLL. The cities are now inhabited by various tribes of Half Giants. See also, Time of the Giant King.


Is also known as the City of No King. It was once an empire in its own right with a kind king to oversee its province. In the year -439, Bladesworn was becoming overpopulated and with little farming lands its people were starving, KING RATHOSE, “The Kind King”, commissioned a mighty fleet and set them on an expedition to spread out across the Great Sea of the North. The mission was to map and find suitable farming lands. They were given orders not to attack any lands they came across and if they were attacked to retreat. When they returned they brought stories of pillage and plunder. They had ravaged the lands they came across and brought home ships filled with gold and treasure. Outraged the King ordered each captain and every tenth sailor to be sacrificed to the great Wolf God Cerberus. On the day of the sacrifice, a number of priests who opposed the kings decision, switched the offering and when the three headed Cerberus emerged from its lair, in front of the crowd, it ate the King. The Kings guard forced the creature back into its lair and the priests were arrested and executed. To this day the city never appointed a new king and has outlawed the worship of Cerberus on pain of death, and his lair was sealed for all time. In later years the city would open its gates to the strangers of the south and have now allied with the good races of Northreach. They trade mainly with the southern cities, using the River Swen and the road to Blitsworth or the Resting Lands. In 1073 it may have been savaged during the Goblin and Orc Invasion and had half its buildings destroyed (due to players choice). See Goblin and Orc Invasion.


Is a walled city within the Human Empire. Its arched entrance is protected by twin towering iron gates and is the only way in or out of the city. During times of trouble the gates are sealed shut, and blacksmiths will line the street with portable furnaces to heat up iron bars to wrap around the gates, sealing them together. They will often evacuate the women and children to the mountains to seek refuge in the Old Mines, until the trouble has passed.

Bogs of the Dead Is a vile network of underground caves that contains one of the four Mystic Pools found in Northreach. Its tunnels are filled with all manner of the walking dead. Its entrance is situated in the wood elves forest North-east of Longfire. A strange blue mist hangs over the pools surface. See also, Mystic Pools. Breaking Spell

An intricate spell that will reveal another spells process of creation Its ingredient is the heart of a Succubus Queen.

Bridge of the North

Is a bridge at the foot of the Great Pass that links the road from the Dwarven mountains to the Resting Lands.


Name of the Dwarven Sun God, see God or Goddess Firesear.

Burial Ground of the Resting

Is a network of underground caverns. Its entrance is on a secluded beach through an unsuspecting cave entrance in the Halflings Domain. It contains one of four Mystic Pools found in Northreach. A strange green mist hangs over the pools surface. See, also Mystic Pools.

Burning Lands

An area of the Dwarven Lands where Mount Brin (an Active Volcano) pours out hot lava, heating the land around it for miles.

City of No King

See Bladesworn.

Claws of Dreadstorm

See Alliance Stones.

COMMANDER Is a seasoned combatant that rose to the rank of Commander of the Irontorn Empire, who has the GREY authority to send military aid to any of the Unity of the Five races. See also, Drud.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

Council of Seven Is a unity of seven powerful sorcerers, formed at the Arcane Tower 100 before the Seven Scriptures of Magic were created on Wizard Stone Island. When the council was officially formed formed, each member tamed one of the last Pegasus as a mount. The seven individual Sorcerers were, and some of them still are, all uniquely the most powerful wizards of their time. They control the Arcane Tower and its operations and everything Arcane that is found on Northreach and its surrounding islands. In the year -425 the council created the University of Sorcerers, with the seven becoming figure heads at the University. All seven are of equal standing to each other, however, when a unanimous decision can not be made, a vote is taken. All but the high wizard will cast their vote and in the case of a tie, the High Wizard casts the deciding vote. The wizards who currently sit at the head of the council are BENDRELL (Esoteric) – High Wizard of the Council of Seven and Sorcerer of the Esoteric Order. SOTAN (Summoning) – Sorcerer to the Council of Seven and Wizard of the Summoning Order. DANTAR (Psyche) – Magus of the Council of Seven and Sorcerer of the Psyche Scripture. YORBASH (Elements)– Wizard to the Council of Seven and Sorcerer to the Scripture of Elements. ANTHRAIL (Invocation) - Sorcerer of the Council of Seven and Great Invocation Sorcerer. ILLAMAINE (Illusion) – Mage of the Council of Seven and Great Illusionist of the Magic Order. ARLBARREN (Alchemy) – Mage to the Council of Seven and Grand Alchemist of the Magic Scripture. Cyclops Lair

Is the lair of a fierce Cyclops that terrorises the lives of hundreds all over the Giant Hills. Recently they felt they had suffered enough and offered a reward for his eye as proof that he had been slain.

Dark Magic

A highly addictive and vile form of Arcane power that corrupts the caster and everything around them. It is easier to wield because it is less taxing to the caster and its effects are a lot more powerful. However, everything around Dark Magic is consumed by it, eventually. It is forbidden to use Dark Magic by all laws of the five races (Dwarves, Wood Elves, High Elves, Halflings and the Humans) upon pain of death.

Dark Scroll

Is a magical scroll that holds a Dark Magic Spell.


A range of mountains that contain a network of several mines that have long been abandoned when its ore run dry (see also, Pits of Deepmine).


A Dwarvern Cityport that has solid stone freshly painted white buildings.

Dragon Iron

Is a metal that is twice as strong as ordinary iron. Being very resilient to fire, it requires the hottest furnaces to smelt and work it. It was commonly found in the Irontorn Mountain but for decades it has become scarcer and is now very rare.


Is an ancient dragon. He is a giant of his species. One set of his claws are now the Alliance Stone. See Time of the Giant King and Alliance Stones.


Is a military town at the most northerly point of the inlet of the reaching claw in the Human Empire. It has a single Fort where the keeper of the town “COMMANDER GREY” resides and works, organising the training of the Empires latest recruits.

Drud Jungles

Is a stretch of jungle that lays west of the military town of Drud. The Jungle rests in the halflings domain but is named after the human settlement.

Drunken Goblin

Is a tavern in Farmendell that hosts goblin fights, pitting two goblins chained to the floor against each other to the death, the loser is hung up outside to entice patrons into the tavern.

Dwarven Lands

An area South-east of Northreach that is in currently controlled by the Dwarven Races.


They are short and stocky, muscular and strong, and males favour long beards and beer, whilst females prefer gold and strong liqueur. They stand typically 4-5 ft tall.

Elven Military

Three of the Elven princes are currently the Keepers of the Crowns (See The Seeing Crowns). Each commands a division of the Elven Empire. The Griffin Riders is the smallest, and offers overhead tactical intelligence, as well as raining the enemy with missiles. Each wing of the Griffin Riders is commanded by a Griffin Knight. The High Born Admiralty, supports land attacks from sea with high 9

HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

powered arbalests mounted to their ships, and will transport land and air troops to strategic positions. Lastly is the largest division, called The Trees of High Born. They are divided into seven commands called Trees. There is Alder, Ash, Birch, Oak, Pine, Willow and Yew. Each Tree is divided into seven branches, which is divided further into seven Shoots, with each Shoot being divided into seven leaves. With each leaf being in command of 20 elven soldiers, this makes the entire strength of The Trees of High Born some 48,020 men at arms. The Trees all having a different sigils and names, makes it easy for the generals using The Seeing Crowns to keep track of the battlefield. Equind and Equindrell

Equindrell is the capital city of the Elven Empire. It rests deep inside the trunk of a great elven oak tree named Equind (Meaning “Old Tree” in Elvish). Equind grows in the forests of The Elven High Born, its branches spread out for miles and it stands high above the other trees, making it impossible to miss. Equindrell is a sanctuary to the Wood Elves and High Elves who both favour the great elven city and each year many will travel from all over Northreach to visit the city and worship the great tree Equind. During its growing years it was important to feed Equind’s roots system with magic and this is how it has grown into the giant it is today. Several tunnels lead down to its root system and were once frequented by Elven Rootkeepers to monitor and enhance its growth. Today the tunnels are rarely used, and are now obsolete as the tree will not grow anymore. Recently the tree became infected and started dying, when hordes of monsters infiltrated the tunnels and began leeching from its roots. They were quickly dealt with and the Rootkeepers returned to repair the damage.

Fallen City

The Dwarven Capital is one of the largest cities in Northreach and is where the Grand Library is located (in the Scholars Quarter).


Is the most southerly city of the Human Empire and sits on the coast near to the Forest of Farmendell. It has always suffered a goblin problem being so close to the forest. See also, Drunken Goblin.


Is a sorcerer that commissioned the building of the Arcane Tower, see also Arcane Tower. He is often referred to as FARQUIN the All-Knowing. He was very intelligent and his knowledge knew no bounds, for every question he was asked, it was never known that he did not know its answer. He is father to BENDRELL.

Fire Hole

A deep hole that opens into a network of natural underground caves and caverns. It nests at the base of Mount Brin in the Burning Lands

Forest of Farmendell

Is a Forest North-east of Farmendell and is inhabited by goblins living in underground nests. It is also the place where the goblin warlock accidental created the Goblet of Invisibly. It is often referred to as “The Woods of Farmendell” or “Goblin Woods”.


Is a Prince of the Irontorn Empire and currently the Keeper of the Seven Swords, and Heir to the Throne of Irontorn. He recently killed the Silver Dragon WRATHDRICT for an unprovoked attack on the Alliance Stones, and he has been using the title “Slayer of the Silver Dragon Wrathdrict”, ever since. He is spends much of his military time at the Alliance Stones assisting the elves. He has a long waxed moustache that twitches when he talks.

Giants Head

Friendly Tavern located in Dirtwood.

Goblet of Invisibility

The goblet started off as an ordinary golden goblet and was part of a dwarven Kings anniversary present to his queen, but upon being delivered, was stolen by goblins raiders. Years later it was accidentally made into the Goblet of Invisibility, by a warlock who used it to mix potions in. Several Dark Magic Scrolls were created trying to replicate the formula for the Goblet of Invisibility. They were all unsuccessful in making the Goblet, instead several goblins warlocks channelled the effects of the original goblet to the battlefield during the Goblin and Orc Invasion.

Goblin and Orc Invasion

The invasion started from three directions in the south of Northreach and pushed north attempting to reach the City of no King. The Goblins attacked the Halflings in the Resting Lands and sacked their settlements The first that fell was Halflings Rest, then pushed north attacking Plunder, then Drinn and then attacked Merryton. At the same time Drud was attacked by Stone Ogres and an army of Orcs and after it had fallen they moved north attacking the Alliance Stones and then moved north to the Great


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

Pass. Meanwhile, thousands from the Goblin City, Urackhire, headed east and destroyed the small city of Hopen. Then they pushed past Blitsworth and pressed eastwards, destroying anything they come across. The three armies converged at the Bridge of the North where they are met by the Wizard BENDRELL, and five armies answering the call of the alliance stone beacons, The Dwarven Mountains, The Woods of the Elfkin, The Elven Trees, The Elven High Born, and The Barbarians from the North. There is a bloody battle, and the invading Goblins and Orcs are defeated. They scatter into the Irontorn and Dwarven Mountains, or to the Woods of the Elfkin, however, most are pursued and slaughtered. The exact result of the battle depends on how the player chose the ending of the Goblet of Invisibility campaign. If the goblet is destroyed, then BENDRELL and his Pegasus survive and the invading army is defeated at the Bridge of the North. If it is not destroyed then Bladesworn is attacked and burnt to the ground, loosing over half its building. Sadly BENDRELL and his Pegasus mount are killed at its gates, and a statue of him riding the winged Pegasus is erected on the Red Island. Goblin City

Is a Human City Stronghold named Winterhall, which was taken over by goblins, when the race of man abandoned it, see Winterhall. It is also known by the name The Stolen City and Urackhire.

Goblin Woods

Is a Forest North-east of Farmendell and is inhabited by goblins (living in underground nests). It is also the place where the goblin warlock accidental created the Goblet of Invisibly. It is also known as the Forest of Farmendell, the Woods of Farmendell and Goblin Woods.


A black blooded creature evolved from elves that were tainted by Dark Magic. They are short and thin. Their skin varies in shades of green and brown and their teeth are sharp and pointed.

God or Goddess Firesear

Is son or daughter (depending on race belief) of Terra the Father god and Aqua the Queen of the Gods. He or She is represented by the Red Sun, which is collapsing into a white dwarf. The Dwarves name for him is Brin.

God or Goddess Heinous

Is son or daughter (depending on race belief) of Terra the Father god and Aqua the Queen of the Gods. He or She is represented by a Green Moon.

God Terra

Is a god that is worshipped by the good races of Northreach. They believe they are living on his chest and that he is the father god of Firesear and Heinous and is married to Aqua Queen of the gods.

Goddess Aqua

Is the Queen of the Gods and is married to Terra the Father god. She has two children, Firesear and Heinous. She is represented by a Blue Moon.


Is a city made up of three tiers that rests to the south of the human empire at the foot of the mountains of Deepmine. Originally built into the side of the mountains it grew outwards towards the coast. The upper tier was carved out of a dead mine, and its tunnels still extend a mile into the side of the mountain. The middle tier was built 100 years later and extends 50 feet above the road that links Farmendell to The Fallen City. It sits resting on a long winding supporting wall with hundred of arches. At night the torches are lit and during the day, light cascades in through the arches illuminating the tunnel. The lower tier was added due to a natural expansion when the cities population grew and merged with the small fishing town named Ren. Gogorren was renamed during the merger to satisfy the town of Ren from Gogor to Gogorren. Hundreds of holes in the roof of the middle tier open out into the floor of the upper tier and provide the only access for unloading and loading of goods to and from the levels. An ingenious pulley system is used to raise and lower the cargo, whilst, pedestrians are forced to use one of the many narrow staircases for access. The upper tier is cobbled and shows a distinct improvement to the lower and middle tiers which are shabby and dusty. The old mine tunnels have been locked and are guarded around the clock, however, somehow, they periodically get infiltrated with monsters and the city will often let adventurers into the mines to cull the creatures, at their own risk.

Goldcroc River

A River in the Dwarven Lands that is awash with the dregs of gold being washed down from the Deepmine Mountains. It is inhabited by large crocodiles.

Good Races of Northreach

The good races of Northreach are the Wood Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and Humans.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

Grand Library

Located in the Fallen City, the library has been collecting scrolls and tomes for thousands of years. Hundred of scribes work day and night deciphering the scrolls and tomes written in ancient lost languages and translating them into various modern day tongues.

Great Divide, The

Ordered by MEREDITH THE FAIR. The Great Divide is a line of trees, 100 miles wide that was chopped and burnt splitting the Woods of the Elfkin in two. The smaller of the woods became known as the Forest of Farmendell, whilst the larger retained its title.

Great Icing

Is a time in history when the whole of Northreach and Terra was thrown into an Ice age.

Great Pass

Is a long stretch of land that stretches between the Alliance stones in the south to Bladesworn in the North and between The Dwarven Mountains on the east and the Irontorn Mountains on the west. It is 1000 miles long and 100 miles wide.

Half Giants

A race that came into being during the Rein of the “Giant King”, KING GOLL, due to the enslavement of Humans. The two races mixed. They stand around 8 feet tall.


Often referred to as smallfolk, they appear as children to the elves and humans, but are cousins to the dwarves and are hardy, intelligent and cunning. What they lack in strength is made up for by their tenacity, wit and wisdom. They can raise formidable armies, embellished with a wealth of tactical knowledge. They stand typically 3-4 ft.

Hammers of Kings

The Hammers of Kings are part of a group of artefacts known as the Antiquities of Power, see Antiquities of Power. They were forged over the Red Crystal and were secretly infused with a calming spell. They were gifted to each of the 5 Kings of Northreach to encourage peace. The Wood Elf, High Elf, Halfling, Dwarven, and Human Kings all received a hammer. However during The Melting, the Calming spell placed on the Hammer of Kings broke and there was unrest throughout Northreach, and it eventually lead to the War Of The Five Kings. The hammers were recalled to the Arcane Tower, however, before the spell was repaired, the races settled their differences. In later years the hammers were gifted to the 5 Kings of the Mountains Dwarves by the Mages at the Arcane Tower, in an effort to bring peace to their Empire. With the calming spell repaired they tamed the fiery nature of the dwarves and the Mountain Dwarves bickering came to an end. During the recent Goblin and Orc Invasion, the Mountain Dwarf KING UNGOR, lost his hammer and for a time many of the dwarven grudges resurfaced. After the dust of the invasion had settled, it was found and returned to the king, and things are now back to normal.

High Elves

Very similar to the Wood Elves. They stand typically 6-7 ft tall. See Wood Elves.


Is a High Elf City that has been built on top of an ancient burial ground and during periods of deep excavating, it often uncovers ancient crypts and monsters that will seep into the City.


Was once a small city, which was completely destroyed during the Goblin and Orc Invasion.


Very similar in appearance to the humans of the planet Earth,. They stand typically 5-6 ft.

Inn of the Wizards Hat

Is an Inn in Saltwater city, also known as Wizards Hat Inn. Often frequented by BENDRELL.

Isle of the Undead Is an island that lays in the Great Sea of the North between the northern coast of Northreach and Wizard Stone Islands. It is inhabited by the undead and nothing living can be found on the islands. It is rumoured that if the living do visit the islands, it is not long before they will eventually be taken by the islands and become one of its undead inhabitants, whether at the hands of the undead already on the islands or by a natural phenomenon that saps life from the living. Jolly Pirate, The

Is a tavern located in the city port of Longfire.

JORMUNGANDER Is a sea serpent 1 mile long that can swallow ships whole and inhabits Longfire Gulf. She is often referred to as the Lady JORMUNGANDER. Her underground lair is on the Island that bridges the gap between Longfire and Saltwater, which she accesses from the ocean, and provides her with a resting place. There is a small hole at the back of the lair that can be used to reach the islands surface, however it is filled with deadly monsters.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

Keeper of the Swords of Irontorn

Is an appointed General who controls the Seven Swords of Irontorn for the Irontorn Empire. The Keeper of the Swords of Irontorn holds the highest military position possible and only answers to the current head of state, either the King or Queen. So far the last three Keepers have all been princes, but this does not always have to be the case.

Keepers of the Pegasus

After the creation of the Council of Seven, it was decided that there was a great need to travel the lands of Northreach quickly, and to use magic was not always possible and was very taxing to the wizard. The Pegasus were the perfect answer, as these winged horses could take to the skies and avoid the imposing terrain of Northreach, travelling great distances with very little effort. The Council of Seven set about and tamed one each, and they became known as the Keepers of the Pegasus. Sadly during the Wizard Wars when six of the seven were killed, it only left the Great Wizard BENDRELL’S Pegasus remaining and it become known as the Last Pegasus. It is the last known Pegasus to live throughout all of Northreach.


He was a giant that defeated the dragon DREADSTORM, See Time of the Giant King.


Was a Mountain Dwarf King who led the dwarven armies to victory in the Battle of the Five Horsemen against the centaur armies. He died of old age and his son KING UNGOR now rules the Kingdom.


Was a king of the Irontorn Empire who ordered the Resurrection of the Seven, his son is PRINCE VALIBOLD. See Resurrection Challenges and PRINCE VALIBOLD.


Known as the “Kind King”, he was the last King of Bladesworn, see also Bladesworn.


Is a Mountain Dwarf King who lost one of the Hammer of Kings during the recent Goblin and Orc Invasion. He is Son of the great dwarven KING ILMURAK.

Kings Bridge

A bridge that crosses the Goldcroc River in the Dwarven Lands. Two huge stone statues of dwarven kings make up the structure of the bridge, and stand proudly at each end looking outwards as if guarding the crossing. Their arched legs tower high above anyone taking the wide road across.


Is a city port and Capital of the Irontorn Empire. It is where the current King and his Family live in the Irontorn Castle nesting in one of its sprawling bays. It is also where the Resurrection Challenges is held each year. See Resurrection Challenges.

Lizards Tail

Is a network of naturally eroded subterranean tunnels which can be entered from a cave mouth a short swim below the surface of the sea just south off the coast of Drud. The inside of the cave is partially submerged but there is a small sandy beach which leads to the tunnels that will lead to the outside and half a mile North of the military town of Drud.


Is a city port, in the Wood Elf territory and is the woods elves only trading point with the rest of Northreach. It is very large and home to hundreds of thousands of wood elves. Its architecture resembles the forest, as tree shaped structures support bridges and leaf shaped boats ferry passengers along its waterways, and the buildings have been made to look like large trees reaching into the sky. Interlocking bridges stretch out from building to building, made to resemble branches. The city is immaculate throughout, and any litter or dirt is cleaned up immediately. See also, The Jolly Pirate.

Longfire Gulf

Is the stretch of sea that lays between the Elven Trees and the coast of the Resting Lands. See also, JORMUNGANDER.

Lost Mines

Is a network of old mines that were dug deep into the Irontorn Mountains. They stretch for miles and are all linked via a long series of hidden tunnels that run from nearby Blitsworth to the Arcane Tower. The mines were abandoned century ago when the ore run dry and are now thwart with danger, as they are home to all manner of vile monsters. The entrance near to Blitsworth is at least a days climb into the mountains, whilst the Arcane Tower entrance is just half a days trek through rocky terrain. The tunnels are often called the Hidden Paths.

Melting, The

Happened after the Great Icing. It ended the Ice Age and saw Northreach and Terra return to relative normality.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019


Was an Elf Queen to the Wood Elves from the Woods of the Elfkin. She was given the title “MEREDITH THE FAIR” because of her golden hair, that would glisten golden during the day. she was a kind queen, and was responsible for saving thousands of elves from becoming Goblins by ordering The Great Divide.


Is a city in the halfling domain. It was recently under siege in the Goblin and Orc Invasion when it was attacked by an army of goblins. See also, Sanctuary of the Elder.

Mount Brindan

Also know as Mount Brin. It is an Active volcano in the Burning lands of the Dwarven Lands and is almost ready to erupt. The dwarves believe if they can get OLD BRIN, an evil Hydra that is living in the mountain and his offspring out of their lair, it will appease the mountain and prevent it from erupting. They have offered a hefty reward for proof he has been destroyed, with a bonus for each of his offspring.

Mystic Pools

There are four of the pools in Northreach. Little is known about them except that they will summon anything arcane that is in conflict with a dark energy to their pools and wash away its dark magic. During the process evil, is drawn towards the expelling dark energy like a moth to a flame. One pool is in the Burial Ground of the Resting and another is in the Bogs of the Dead. They each have a strange mist that floats above the pools, and each is a different colour. They are red, green, blue and yellow. See also, Burial Ground of the Resting and Bogs of the Dead


See Bep.


Is a Hydra that lives in Mount Brin just North of the Fire Hole in the Dwarven Lands. He is pure evil and has been terrorising the surrounding lands for centuries. Every few generations he leaves for a year at a time. Where he goes no one knows, but when he returns he brings with him young Hydras, that are believed to be his offspring. See also Mount Brindan.


An energy that eats away at arcane magic and warmth.


Is the Elder of the Halflings and a scryer, that can enter into a trance to see events in the future.

Phoenix Lair

It is the last known lair of a Phoenix in Northreach and is found in the Northwest of the Giant Hills.

Phoenix Spell

A spell that resurrects the dead. It requires the heart of a Phoenix, which is a very dangerous procedure, because if the Phoenix resurrects during the process, the person will be burnt alive. Only one phoenix is known to exist on Northreach at the Phoenix Lair.

Pits of Deepmine A large open-pit to the south of the Deepmine mountains, it was closed because during excavation it revealed a large succubus lair. PRINCE VALIBOLD

Was a prince of the Irontorn Empire who was appointed by his father KING LIABOLD to become the new Keeper of the Swords of Irontorn. See also, Resurrection Challenges and War of Red Island.

Reaching Claw

Is an island that lays between the Halfling Domain and the Human Empire. It is also the place of residence of BENDRELL. Locals near to the island believe it to be cursed and will try to avoid setting foot on its shores. Its northern beach is a nesting place for Giant Scorpions.

Resurrection Challenges

Is an annual event at the city of Kingsport to mark the event when the original contest was held, to find new Bearers to the Seven Swords of Irontorn after the original seven and their armies where defeated and killed at the War of Red Island. The original contest was named the Resurrection of the Seven and lasted 30 days. It was ordered by KING LIABOLD, who desperately needed new generals to command the Seven Armies of Irontorn. Anyone from the lands of Irontorn could compete in the contest to the death and by the end of the tournament, seven new Bearers to the Swords of Irontorn emerged and KING LIABOLD appointed his son PRINCE VALIBOLD their Keeper. These days the challengers from the original contest are represented by the worst of Irontorns criminals. If they survive, they are returned to captivity and made ready for the next years events. They 14

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will not only face each other in a brutal combat to the end, but all manner of vile creatures are brought in to the city each year and stored in the lower cells of dungeons to be pitted against the contenders. Leading up to and during the 30 days of the contest, Kingsport is a hive of activity as merchants from all over Northreach flood to the city to take advantage of the influx of people visiting for the games. Resurrection of the Seven

See Resurrection Challenges.

Reveal Spell

Breaks an Invisibility Spell.

River Swen

Is a river that flows from the Elven Towers in the North to Blitsworth in the South through the Great Pass. It is a main trade route from the City with no King to the South. See also Blitsworth.

Ruins of Ender

A great dwarven city that was destroyed during the War of the Nine Kings, by the Urg.

Ruins of Titan

Was a city once ruled by Giants, named after a barbaric Stone Titan, who lives on the largest of the Breaking Rocks just south of its coast. It thrived as a border city, and traded on its three borders, with the Mountain Dwarves the Land Dwarves and the Giants from the Giant Hills. During The Great Giant Cull, the city of Titan was the first to be ravaged by the Elven armies and was left in ruins. Now it is a sanctuary to whatever vile creature comes along seeking refuge. Its ancient halls are rumoured to be littered with great treasures left behind by the giants hasty retreat. See also Great Giant Cull.


Was once a great city in the Halfling Domain, which is now a dilapidated shanty town when the Dragon Riders 200 years ago destroyed most of it during the Elven Wars. The jungles that once encroached on the city were cut back for miles to rebuild. See also, Inn of the Wizards Hat and Spiders Hole.

Sanctuary of the Elder

Is a tall tower with a wooden balustrade in the north section of the city of Merryton. A roof top entrance is provided leading to hundreds of steps down a spiral staircase to its various floors. It is where the halflings government reside and where new laws are passed and the province is controlled. It is also where the Halfling War Council meet around a large stone table during times of war.

Secret Tunnels of Are network of tunnels that lead to the abandoned City Stronghold of Winterhall. There are two Winterhall tunnels that meet at the city gates, one leading from Kingsport and the other from Hopen. The actual gates are shrouded by magic and are hard to find. Seeing Crowns, The

Are three crowns forged at the Arcane Tower and loaned to the vastly outnumbered Elves, to help command their armies, during the War of the Five Kings. The elves mistook them as gifts, and they have never been returned. They give the wearer of the crown the ability to see through the eyes of the other crowns wearers. The are part of a group of artefacts known as the Antiquities of Power. See also VANGREL.

Seeing Spell

Is a spell that will reveal and show the magic in the form of an illusion. Its ingredient is an eye from a basilisk.

Seven Orders of Magic

See Seven Scriptures of Magic.

Seven Scriptures of Magic

There are seven types of Arcane energy that can be used to the effects of magic, which can be followed and worshipped in a form of atonement towards a specific magical path. Each path is defined as a Scripture of Magic. The seven Scriptures are often referred to as the Seven Orders of Magic, they are Alchemy, Illusion, Invocation, Elements, Psyche, Summoning and the Esoteric (which is the ultimate order as it combines them all). They were created on Wizard Stone Island, See also The Wizard Stone.

Seven Staves of Wizardry

Are part of a group of artefacts known as the Antiquities of Power, see Antiquities of Power. They were created at the Arcane Tower not long after the Seven Scriptures of Magic were created. Each is endowed with one of the various Crystals that are found throughout Northreach, and their power is yet to be equalled. Each Stave has been finely attuned to align with an order of Magic and designed to hold a great deal of Arcane energy, offering its wielder access to more powerful spells. It takes many years of training to wield a stave, and many have met with dire consequences.

Seven Swords of Irontorn

Each sword is in fact an appointed General to one of the seven armies of the Irontorn Empire. They each receive a Dragon Iron Sword bearing the crest of the army they command on one side 15

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of the blade and the crest of the Irontorn Empire on the other. The crests are etched into the metal during its creation. Their position is very high and they will only answer to the King and the Keeper of the Swords of Irontorn. Slave Tunnels

Under the rein of KING GOLL, the giants enslaved the Human Empire and forced them to work the Giant Hills, digging tunnels linking their major cities. They are known as the Slave Tunnels. See also, KING GOLL.


Is another name for Halflings, See Halflings.

Spiders Hole

Is a cave on the coast near Saltwater. It is a network of burrowed tunnels and contains several Skeleton Spider nests.

Stolen City, The

Is a Human City Stronghold named Winterhall. Which was taken over by goblins who renamed it Urackhire, when the race of man abandoned it. See Winterhall. It is also know as the Goblin City.

Stone Titan

The stone titan comes to life every 100 years and walks the Giant Hills near his lair, which is on the largest of The Breaking Rocks. The tribes of the Half Giants spend the time between his walks gathering up supplies of Food and Wine to make an offering when he next walks their lands. They hope that it will be enough to satisfy his needs and that he will spare their lands from his destructive nature. Several attempts have been made over his long life to end his waking, and each failed attempt has only angered the titan even more.


See Bep.


Was the brother of YARKWIN, he lived in Gogorren. He died in 1073 helping his brother.


Is the planet where the continents of Northreach, Southreach, Eastpoint and Westpoint exist. They protrude high above a vast ocean. See also God Terra.

Time of the Giant King

Is a period of 300 years that occurred when a giant named GOLL attacked and defeated a 1000 year old dragon called DREADSTORM. Here is the story. A giant named Goll attacked a dragon named Dreadstorm. After 100 years of battle, Goll managed to defeat Dreadstorm, and the dragon fled, mutilated after its feet are cut from its legs. It swears one day it will avenge its mutilation with a rein of fire across Northreach. Goll is celebrated for defeating Dreadstorm and is recognised as the King of Northreach. The Time of the Giant King begins. It lasts 300 years, but during his reign Goll is merciless and fuelled by greed. He enslaves the Human Empire, forcing them to dig tunnels to link the great Giant Cities located in the Giant Hills. The elves who have suffered equally are tired of his reign and attack his strongholds in vast numbers. The war, known as the Great Giant Cull, begins and ends 30 years later with the head of King Goll hanging in the square at Kingsport. The giants are hunted to almost extinction and the time of the Giant King ends.

Tower Pass

Is a road that links Blitsworth to Hopen in the Human Empire. It passes the Arcane Tower.

Unity of Five

A treaty between, the Wood Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and the Human Empire, they swore an allegiance to each other against the Goblin Scourge and united in 467 to declare war against the Goblins Forces. The treaty is still in place to this day and can be utilised by any of the five at anytime if they are having Goblin problems.

University of Sorcerers

Is a university that operate at the Arcane Tower to teach the Arcane arts to gifted individuals. It was created in the year -425 by the Council of Seven and they became the its leading figures. It is divided into seven areas of study, with each practising and teaching one of the Seven Scriptures of Magic. See also, Council of Seven and the Seven Scripture of Magic.

Unkind King

Is another name for KING GOLL. See KING GOLL.

Unveil Spell

Is a spell that can banish dark magic and leave only clean magic behind.


Is the goblin name for the Human City Stronghold named Winterhall, which was taken over by goblins, when the race of man abandoned it, see Winterhall. It is also known by the name The Stolen City and the Goblin City. 16

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Are a race of Half Giants.

Vampire Leech

Is a dangerous type of leech that inhabit pools and streams in any of the jungles found in Northreach. They will drink a victims blood dry in minutes.


Is a Fire Dragon who’s lair is not far from one of the Elven Princes Towers. During the recent conflict between the Elves and the Dwarves over trade disputes, The High Elf Prince and Commander of the Trees of Highborn, was overpowered when the third branch of the Yew Tree was routed from battle. The Prince was taken down by the advancing army, and a griffin Knight observing from above swooped down to rescue the Prince. However, on the way back to his tower, the crown fell from the princes head near to VANGREL’S lair. It is thought that she may have collected up the Seeing Crown and added it to her treasure.

War of Red Island

Was a war that erupted after Beastman from the western shores invaded the Red Islands and took control of the Red Crystal. During the War the Seven Swords of Irontorn were killed, their armies defeated, and none survived. The event becomes known as the Breaking of the Seven Swords. See also, Resurrection Challenges.

War of the Wizards


Water of the Gods Is a natural spring that flows with the Water of the Gods, which can be found in a cave in the Elven Trees. Whether it is water of the gods or not, anyone that has ever drunk from its pools are cured of aliments and live very long lives. WATER Is a Siren that lives on the North part of the Island south of Kingsport, who is often the cause of PRINCESS, THE shipwrecks on the island as she lures sailors to her lair with her enchanting calls. Well of Despair

Is a natural cave that descends into the ground 1 mile and then spreads out at the bottom into a network of tunnels that have never been mapped. Each year the Halflings open the large iron doors to the well and lower anyone foolish enough down in a large basket. They have 24 hours to map the caves before the doors are closed again for another year. The Elder of Merryton will currently pay 1000g to anyone for a detailed map.


Is a city Stronghold carved deep into the Irontorn mountains and was once a place of refuge during the long harsh winters. It was abandoned when the city of Kingsport grew large enough to sustain itself during the cold months. Seizing the opportunity of an abandoned settlement, it quickly became infested by Goblins, and its halls were filled with their nests. It is home to thousands of the creatures, who have tainted it with their Dark Magic. Hidden tunnels named the Secret Tunnels of Winterhall still link Hopen and Kingsport to the Goblin City.


Was an ugly toad-like human male. He was bald, and bent over and not opposed to grovelling. He was once a great wizard with the potential to become one of the Council of Seven, but he lacked patience and used his powers to try and overthrow the council and take control of the tower himself. He planted doubt in the minds of the seven and they believed the lies. He broke the Council of Seven, when they believed the others were conspiring against them. They all agreed to leave the Arcane Tower taking with them only their followers. WINZEL remained in secret with an army of mages. Now with the tower under his control he began exploiting his position and the Council of Seven soon realised that he had been responsible for their conflicts and attempted to retake the tower, and The War of the Wizards began. Eventually his army was defeated. Six of the seven Pegasus mounts were killed and thousands of wizards died during a 300 year long battle. WINZEL’S army fought well, down to the last mage, but WINZEL was found hiding in the privy and surrendered without a fight. The council stripped him of the Arcane power by combining the Seven Scriptures of Magic into one and cast a powerful anti-magic spell upon him, filing his veins with Pazarite (an energy that eats away Arcane energy and warmth). He began to emit an aura of intense coldness and was made a doorman and kept alive for an eternity as a reminder to anyone who may have similar urges of power.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

After his fall from power, he plotted revenge, and whilst the Council of Seven believed he had learnt his lesson, he instead studied for years trying to solve a way to end the anti-magic spell placed upon him and eventually he learnt its secret. Only in death would the spell be broken and so he made a pact with a Vampire Lord to turn him into a Vampire, and in payment he would hand over the last Pegasus, once he had control over the Arcane Tower. The vampire turned the creature WINZEL into the vampire and the anti-magic spell was broken. Next, he travelled to The Wizard Stone to begin a ritual of power, the second phase of his vile plan to overthrow the Council; See The Wizard Stone. However before the ritual was completed a lone adventurer entered the chamber and cut him down. WINZEL'S body was taken to the Arcane Tower where it was destroyed by powerful magic. It is unlikely he will ever rise again. Wizard Stone

The Wizard Stone is a large Blue Arcane Crystal found amongst a group of small crystals on Wizard Stone Island in the Great Sea of the North. Deep below the The Wizard Stone is a network of caves and tunnels that leads directly beneath the crystal, this is where its Arcane energy is at its strongest. This is where the Council of Seven first created the Seven Orders of Magic (see Seven Scriptures of Magic).

Wizard Stone Island

Is an Island in the Great Sea of the North that has a group of prominent Blue Crystals named The Wizard Stone. See Wizard Stone.

Wizards Lighthouse

Is another name for the Arcane Tower, see Arcane Tower.

Wolf god Cerberus

Is a three-headed wolf God worshipped by the people of Bladesworn, see Bladesworn. Up until the wolfs lair was sealed, when he ate KING RATHOSE, it was common practice to offer criminals and enemies of the city as sacrifices to the wolf god.

Wood Elves

Are a kind and beautiful race, much more slender than the race of man but typically of a similar height of 5-6 ft tall. They nurture the natural world around them, taking care of it and giving to its needs.

Woods of Farmendell

Is a Forest North-east of Farmendell and is inhabited by goblins that live in underground nests. It is also the place where the goblin warlock accidental created the Goblet of Invisibly. It is often referred to as the Forest of Farmendell or Goblin Woods.


Was a Silver Dragon killed by GENERAL FULLBEAR for attacking the elves at the Alliance Stones.


Was a Dwarf who was blamed for casting the Invisibly Spell that went wrong in the Goblin and the Goblet Campaign. He has always claimed he is not the Apprentice that cast the spell. He lived in Dirtwood until his death in 1073, when he died aged 168 years old. His only brother was TARIN.


Was an elf wizard that discovered and taught the secrets of Dark Magic.


HISTORY AND GLOSSARY OF NORTHREACH – V 1.0 - By Martin Knight © 2019

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