CR Agfa Errores [PDF]

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022F8 E_EVA_WEXGLF_PATTERN Reason : wrong pattern for GLF computation Meaning : Cannot retrieve the 'teeth' Cure : Use the right testsheet. 20300 E_SCD_ACQ_VER_DAQ Meaning : Wrong version of DAQ board (ADC70 hardware). 20301 E_SCD_ACQ_VER_SCB Meaning : Scan acquisition control software detected a version mismatch between the scan control board (SCB) and its FPGA. Reason : - Wrong FPGA "software" on SCB. - Wrong version setting of SCB. - Negative version code from scd_scb_version() (unlikely). Cure : Replace SCB. 20302 E_SCD_ACQ_PRESENT_SAB Meaning : No scan acquisition hardware found. Reason : - Scan acquisition board (SAB) not or badly inserted. - Error on scan control board (SCB), concerning SAB connection Cure : Check scan acquisition board and scan control board. Try if replacement of one of the boards solves the problem. 20303 E_SCD_ACQ_VERS_SAB Meaning : Pixel acquisition software detected a wrong (too high) version of scan acquisition board (SAB). It assumes compatibility. Reason : - Hardware newer than software. - Wrong version setting on SAB. Cure : Ignore this error, if machine works correctly. Else replace SAB. 20304 E_SCD_ACQ_PRESENT_SCB Meaning : No SCB hardware found by pixel acquisition software. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20305 E_SCD_ACQ_VER_TEMP_SENS Meaning : Wrong hardware version to read temperature sensor. Reason : Too old version of scan acquisition board (SAB). Cure : Ignore error or replace SAB. 20306 E_SCD_ACQ_VER_TST_IVC Meaning : Wrong hardware version to test I/V converter. Reason : Too old version of scan acquisition board (SAB). Cure : Ignore error or replace SAB. 20307 E_SCD_ACQ_NOT_INIT Meaning : The driver software for scan acquisition has not been initialized. Reason : Software error. Cure : Software must call scd_acq_init() first.

20308 E_SCD_ACQ_PRESENT_SSB Meaning : No SSB hardware found by pixel acquisition software. Reason : - Scan slave board (SSB) not or badly inserted. - SSB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SSB. 2031F E_SCD_ACQ_VER_FPGA10 Meaning : Solo scan control board contains old FPGA with version 9 or 10. These are development versions and not supported any more. Reason : Error in programming of FPGA EPROM version 3.26. Cure : Replace FPGA EPROM or complete SCB. 20320 E_SCD_FIFO_VER_SWH Meaning : Wrong version of SWH board (ADC70 hardware). 20321 E_SCD_FIFO_VER_SCB Meaning : Pixel acquisition software detected a wrong version of scan control board (SCB). Reason : Negative version code from scd_scb_version(). Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20322 E_SCD_FIFO_PRESENT Meaning : No pixel FIFO hardware found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20323 E_SCD_FIFO_INI_HW Meaning : Initializing the scan control board (SCB) by the pixel acquisition software failed. Reason : See previous errors in log file. Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20324 E_SCD_FIFO_GET_IVEC Meaning : Getting the FIFO interrupt vector failed. Reason : Problems with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. Check CPU. 20325 E_SCD_FIFO_CDV_MINDIV Meaning : Calculated pixel clock divider too low. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20326 E_SCD_FIFO_CDL_SPSPD Meaning : Wrong spot speed at ad_delay calculation. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20327

E_SCD_FIFO_SMW_PIX Meaning : Attempt to initialize ad_window with too few pixels. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20328 E_SCD_FIFO_SMW_ADDELAY Meaning : Attempt to initialize ad_window with too short ad_delay. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20329 E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_LPIX Meaning : Attempt to initialize scan with too few pixels per line. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 2032A E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_HPIX Meaning : Attempt to initialize scan with more pixels per line than length of ad_window. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 2032B E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_ODDPIX Meaning : Attempt to initialize scan with an odd number of pixels. Next lower even number taken. Reason : Wrong setting in FIP table. Cure : Check FIP table. 2032C E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_LIOFF Meaning : Negative number of pixels to discard at begin of line. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 2032D E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_ODDIOFF Meaning : Attempt to initialize scan with an odd number of pixels to discard at begin of line. Next lower even number taken. Reason : Wrong setting in FIP table. Cure : Check FIP table. 2032E E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_HIOFF Meaning : Too many pixels to discard at begin of line. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 2032F E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_LRETR Meaning : Negative number of pixels to discard at end of line. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20330 E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_ODDRETR Meaning : Attempt to initialize scan with an odd number of pixels to

discard at end of line. Next lower even number taken. Reason : Wrong setting in FIP table. Cure : Check FIP table. 20331 E_SCD_FIFO_ISC_HRETR Meaning : Too many pixels to discard at end of line. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20332 E_SCD_FIFO_CDL_TOOLOW Meaning : Calculated ad_delay too low. Reason : Wrong parameters for function call. Cure : Check cassette data and system settings. 20333 E_SCD_FIFO_NOT_INIT Meaning : The driver software for pixel FIFO control has not been initialized. Reason : Software error. Cure : Software must call scd_fifo_init() first. 20334 E_SCD_FIFO_WR_RD Meaning : A FIFO test without half full interrupt failed. One or more read values were different than the written ones. Reason : Pixel FIFO on scan control board (SCB) defective. For more details analyze logfile with REM tool. Cure : Replace SCB. 20335 E_SCD_FIFO_NO_INT Meaning : A FIFO test using half full interrupt failed. No interrupt or too many interrupts came. Reason : Scan control board (SCB) defective. Cure : Replace SCB. 20336 E_SCD_FIFO_DATA Meaning : A FIFO test using half full interrupt failed. The read back values were different than the written ones. Reason : Scan control board (SCB) defective. Cure : Replace SCB. 20337 E_SCD_FIFO_SNP_TIMEOUT Meaning : Timeout while scanning some pixels for measurement purposes. Reason : Probably no FIFO half full interrupt (no pixels generated). Probably rotating shutter not turning (no optoswitch signal). Cure : Check Rotating shutter and driver, check scan control board, check cabelling. 20338 E_SCD_FIFO_PRESENT_SSB Meaning : No pixel FIFO (slave) hardware found. Reason : - Scan slave board (SSB) not or badly inserted. - SSB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SSB.

20339 E_SCD_FIFO_FACET Meaning : Polygon facet number of first scan line could not be obtained. Reason : - No polygon interrupt - Others ... Cure : 2033A E_SCD_FIFO_SNP_COUNT Meaning : The requested number of pixels was not scanned. Reason : Cure : 2033B E_SCD_FIFO_SET_DMA_HOOK Meaning : Setting the DMA interrupt hook function failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2033C E_SCD_FIFO_SNP_NO_BLOCK_SMB Meaning : No image block available from scan master board. Reason : Cure : 2033D E_SCD_FIFO_SNP_COUNT2 Meaning : The requested number of pixels was not scanned. Reason : Cure : 20350 E_SCD_SWP_VER_SWH Meaning : Wrong version of SWH board (ADC70 hardware). 20351 E_SCD_SWP_VER_SCB Meaning : Sweep control software detected a wrong version of scan control board (SCB). Reason : Negative version code from scd_scb_version(). Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20352 E_SCD_SWP_PRESENT Meaning : No sweep control hardware found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20353 E_SCD_SWP_INI_HW Meaning : Initializing the scan control board (SCB) by the sweep control software failed. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20354 E_SCD_SWP_GET_IVEC Meaning : Getting the PIN diode interrupt vector failed.

Reason : Problems with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. Check CPU. 20355 E_SCD_SWP_CLT_DUCY Meaning : Wrong value of sweep duty cycle for line_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 20356 E_SCD_SWP_CLT_ACCL Meaning : Too low value of galvo_accel for line_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 20357 E_SCD_SWP_CLT_TPIX Meaning : Too short pixel_time for line_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 20358 E_SCD_SWP_CLT_PIX Meaning : Wrong number of pixels per line for line_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 20359 E_SCD_SWP_CPT_DUCY Meaning : Wrong value of sweep duty cycle for pixel_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 2035A E_SCD_SWP_CPT_ACCL Meaning : Too low value of galvo_accel for pixel_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 2035B E_SCD_SWP_CPT_TLIN Meaning : Too short line_time for pixel_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 2035C E_SCD_SWP_CPT_PIX Meaning : Wrong number of pixels per line for pixel_time calculation. Reason : Software error. Cure : 2035D E_SCD_SWP_CAC_SPSPD Meaning : Laser spot_speed value too low for amplitude_count calculation. Using spot_speed = 1. Reason : Software error. Cure : 2035E

E_SCD_SWP_FCREATE Meaning : Creating event flag group for sweep interrupt failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check software configuration. 2035F E_SCD_SWP_COC_SPSPD Meaning : Laser spot_speed value too low for offset_count calculation. Using spot_speed = 1. Reason : Software error. Cure : 20360 E_SCD_SWP_ADJ_FCLEAR Meaning : Clearing the sweep adjustment_ok event flag with sc_fclear() failed. Reason : Cure : 20361 E_SCD_SWP_ADJ_FPEND Meaning : Timeout while waiting for end of galvanometer fine adjustment. Reason : - Rotating shutter was not turning -> No rotating shutter interrupts -> No sweep (PIN diode) interrupts - others (?) Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 20365 E_SCD_SWP_AMP_RANGEL Meaning : Sweep amplitude D/A converter value at sweep fine adjustment is too low. Limiting to minimum. Reason : Cure : 20366 E_SCD_SWP_AMP_RANGEH Meaning : Sweep amplitude D/A converter value at sweep fine adjustment is too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : 1. Scanner parameters not adjusted correctly 2. Galvanometer or galvo driver out of spec. Cure : 1. Adjust the scanner parameters (offset counts, mid_ip_dist) 2. Replace the galvanometer and the galvo driver board 20367 E_SCD_SWP_AMP_INSTAB Meaning : Instable sweep amplitude at sweep fine adjustment. The amplitude count values differ too much from the average value. Reason : Problem with galvanometer. Cure : Check / replace galvanometer and galvo vontrol board. 20368 E_SCD_SWP_AMP_0_PIN Meaning : No PIN diodes detected at sweep amplitude adjustment. Reason : - PIN diode board not connected to scan control board (SCB). - Laser does not hit the PIN diodes. - Level of PIN diode signal too low. - Image plate hides PIN diodes. - Galvanometer gets no power or sweep signal.


: Check PIN diode signal. Check cabelling. If necessary, mechanically adjust the PIN diode board.

20369 E_SCD_SWP_AMP_1_PIN Meaning : Only one PIN diode detected at sweep amplitude adjustment. Reason : - Laser does not hit all PIN diodes. - Level of PIN diode signal too low. - Any object hides PIN diodes. Cure : Check PIN diode signal. Check cabelling. If necessary, mechanically adjust the PIN diode board. 2036A E_SCD_SWP_AMP_2_PIN Meaning : Only two PIN diodes detected at sweep amplitude adjustment. Reason : - Laser does not hit all PIN diodes. - Level of PIN diode signal too low. - Any object hides a PIN diode. Cure : Check PIN diode signal. Check cabelling. If necessary, mechanically adjust the PIN diode board. 2036B E_SCD_SWP_AMP_3_PIN Meaning : Correct number of three PIN diodes detected, but amplitude counts deviate too much from previous measurement. Reason : - Galvanometer instability. - Too big changes during adjustment. Cure : 2036C E_SCD_SWP_AMP_4_PIN Meaning : More than tree PIN diodes detected at sweep amplitude adjustment. Reason : - Retrace only partially hidden by rotating shutter. - Others. Cure : Check PIN diode signal and position of rotating shutter optoswitch. 2036D E_SCD_SWP_OFF_RANGEL Meaning : Sweep offset D/A converter value at sweep fine adjustment is too low. Limiting to minimum. Reason : 1. Scanner parameters not adjusted correctly 2. Galvanometer or galvo driver out of spec. Cure : 1. Adjust the scanner parameters (offset counts, mid_ip_dist) 2. Replace the galvanometer and the galvo driver board 2036E E_SCD_SWP_OFF_RANGEH Meaning : Sweep offset D/A converter value at sweep fine adjustment is too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : 1. Scanner parameters not adjusted correctly 2. Galvanometer or galvo driver out of spec. Cure : 1. Adjust the scanner parameters (offset counts, mid_ip_dist) 2. Replace the galvanometer and the galvo driver board 2036F E_SCD_SWP_OFF_INSTAB

Meaning : Instable sweep offset at sweep fine adjustment. The offset count values differ too much from the average value. Reason : Problem with galvanometer. Cure : Check / replace galvanometer and galvo vontrol board. 20370 E_SCD_SWP_OFF_0_PIN Meaning : No PIN diodes detected at sweep offset adjustment. Reason : - PIN diode board not connected to scan control board (SCB). - Laser does not hit the PIN diodes. - Level of PIN diode signal too low. - Image plate hides PIN diodes. Cure : Check PIN diode signal. Check cabelling. If necessary, mechanically adjust the PIN diode board. 20371 E_SCD_SWP_OFF_1_PIN Meaning : Only one PIN diode detected at sweep offset adjustment. Reason : - Laser does not hit all PIN diodes. - Level of PIN diode signal too low. - Any object hides PIN diodes. Cure : Check PIN diode signal. Check cabelling. If necessary, mechanically adjust the PIN diode board. 20372 E_SCD_SWP_OFF_2_PIN Meaning : Only two PIN diodes detected at sweep offset adjustment. Reason : - Laser does not hit all PIN diodes. - Level of PIN diode signal too low. - Any object hides a PIN diode. Cure : Check PIN diode signal. Check cabelling. If necessary, mechanically adjust the PIN diode board. 20373 E_SCD_SWP_OFF_3_PIN Meaning : Correct number of three PIN diodes detected, but offset counts deviate too much from previous measurement. Reason : - Galvanometer instability. - Too big changes during adjustment. Cure : 20374 E_SCD_SWP_OFF_4_PIN Meaning : More than tree PIN diodes detected at sweep offset adjustment. Reason : - Retrace only partially hidden by rotating shutter. - Others. Cure : Check PIN diode signal and position of rotating shutter optoswitch. 20375 E_SCD_SWP_NOT_INIT Meaning : The driver software for sweep control has not been initialized. Reason : Software error. Cure : Software must call scd_swp_init() first. 20376 E_SCD_SWP_SDV_TMO

Meaning : The polygon did not reach its necessary speed within a certain time. Reason : Problem with polygon or scan control board (SCB). Cure : Check polygon and SCB. 20377 E_SCD_SWP_TST_0_RANGE Meaning : While testing the scan control board (SCB), the read-back voltage of the sweep signal deviated more than 10% from the expected value. Reason : SCB defective. Cure : Replace SCB. 20378 E_SCD_SWP_TST_A_RANGE Meaning : While testing the scan control board (SCB), the read-back voltage of the sweep signal deviated more than 10% from the expected value. Reason : SCB defective. Cure : Replace SCB. 20379 E_SCD_SWP_TST_R_RANGE Meaning : While testing the scan control board (SCB), the read-back voltage of the sweep signal deviated more than 10% from the expected value. Reason : SCB defective. Cure : Replace SCB. 2037A E_SCD_SWP_TST_O_RANGE Meaning : While testing the scan control board (SCB), the read-back voltage of the sweep signal deviated more than 10% from the expected value. Reason : SCB defective. Cure : Replace SCB. 20380 E_SCD_SWP_CSD_TLIN_LOW Meaning : Too short line_time, detected at calculation of sweep divider. Reason : Software error or invalid parameters in FIP tables. Cure : Check if parameters in FIP tables have been changed. Correct parameters or delete D:\FIPXXX00.U00. 20381 E_SCD_SWP_CSD_TLIN_HIGH Meaning : Too long line_time, detected at calculation of sweep divider. Reason : Software error or invalid parameters in FIP tables. Cure : Check if parameters in FIP tables have been changed. Correct parameters or delete D:\FIPXXX00.U00. 20382 E_SCD_SWP_CSD_DIV_LOW Meaning : Calculated too low sweep divider. Minimum used. Reason : Software error or invalid parameters in FIP tables. Cure : Check if parameters in FIP tables have been changed. Correct parameters or delete D:\FIPXXX00.U00. 20383 E_SCD_SWP_CSD_DIV_HIGH

Meaning : Calculated too high sweep divider. Minimum used. Reason : Software error or invalid parameters in FIP tables. Cure : Check if parameters in FIP tables have been changed. Correct parameters or delete D:\FIPXXX00.U00. 20384 E_SCD_SWP_OBSERVE_TIMEOUT Meaning : The polygon speed did not stay not good for the requested time. Reason : Problem with polygon or scan control board (SCB). Cure : Check polygon and SCB. 20390 E_SCD_RS_VER_DAQ Meaning : Wrong version of DAQ board (ADC70 hardware). 20391 E_SCD_RS_VER_SCB Meaning : Wrong version of scan control board (SCB) detected. Reason : Negative version code from scd_scb_version(). Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20392 E_SCD_RS_PRESENT Meaning : Scan control board (SCB) not found. Reason : - SCB not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20393 E_SCD_RS_INI_HW Meaning : Initializing the scan control board (SCB) failed. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20394 E_SCD_RS_GET_IVEC Meaning : Getting interrupt vector from operating system failed. (Used for RS position or RS optoswitch / begin of line.) Reason : Problems with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. Check CPU. 20395 E_SCD_RS_PRESENT_RMS Meaning : No rotating shutter driver board (RMS) found. Reason : - Bad connection or cabelling between scan control board (SCB) and RMS. - RMS board defective Cure : - Check cables and connectors. - Check / replace RMS board. 20396 E_SCD_RS_VERS_RMS Meaning : Hardware version of RMS board not correct Reason : - Wrong hardware - Connection problem Cure : Check RMS board, cables to RMS and power supply of RMS 20397 E_SCD_RS_FCREATE

Meaning : Creating event flag group with sc_fcreate() failed. (Used e.g. for ramping rotating shutter.) Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20398 E_SCD_RS_RMSCOM Meaning : Communication with rotating shutter driver board failed Reason : Most probably hardware problem. Cure : Check RMS board, cables to RMS and power supply of RMS 20399 E_SCD_RS_NOT_INIT Meaning : The driver software for rotating shutter control has not been initialized. Reason : Software error. Cure : Software must call scd_rs_init() first. 203A0 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_ENA1 Meaning : Enabling the rotating shutter motor supply failed. Reason : - Wrong version of rotating shutter driver board (RMS). - Communication problem with RMS. Cure : Check SCB and RMS. Replace if necessary. 203A1 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_ENA2 Meaning : Enabling the rotating shutter motor supply failed. Reason : - Wrong version of rotating shutter driver board (RMS). - Communication problem with RMS. Cure : Check SCB and RMS. Replace if necessary. 203A2 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FCL0 Meaning : Clearing the rotating shutter position_ok event flag with sc_fclear() failed. Reason : Cure : 203A3 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FPD1 Meaning : sc_fpend() returned with error after pending for rotating shutter position_ok event. Reason : Timeout or others. Cure : 203A4 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FCL1 Meaning : Clearing the rotating shutter position_ok event flag with sc_fclear() failed. Reason : Cure : 203A5 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FPD2 Meaning : sc_fpend() returned with error after pending for rotating shutter position_ok event. Reason : Timeout or others. Cure :

203A6 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FCL2 Meaning : Clearing the rotating shutter position_ok event flag with sc_fclear() failed. Reason : Cure : 203A7 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FPD3 Meaning : sc_fpend() returned with error after pending for rotating shutter position_ok event. Reason : Timeout or others. Cure : 203A8 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FCL3 Meaning : Clearing the rotating shutter position_ok event flag with sc_fclear() failed. Reason : Cure : 203A9 E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FAILED Meaning : Ramping up the rotating shutter failed at least once. Retry was successfull. Reason : Cure : Only warning. Ramping was finally successfull. If error occurs regularily, try if replacement of rotating shutter or replacement of RMS board solves the problem. 203AA E_SCD_RS_RAMP_FAILED_ALL Meaning : Ramping up the rotating shutter failed completely. Retries were not successfull. Reason : - no power for rotating shutter - cabeling problem to rotating shutter - rotating shutter driver board defective - rotating shutter motor defective Cure : Check rotating shutter power supply, cabeling, driver board, motor. Replace or repair defective part. 203AB E_SCD_RS_RAMP Meaning : Motor is not ramping at end of run command. Reason : Cure : - Check RMS board and cabeling. - Check rotating shutter optoswitch. - Check if replacement of scan control board (SCB) solves the error. 203AC E_SCD_RS_WRAMP_TMO Meaning : Waiting for end of rotating shutter ramp timed out. Reason : - Problem with motor controller "MIG" on scan control board (SCB). - Too short timeout time (programming error). Cure : Check if error occurs regularily. If so, check if replacement of scan control board solves the error.

203AD E_SCD_RS_WRAMP_FAILED Meaning : After end of rotating shutter ramp, there were no optoswitch signals detected. Retry was successfull. Reason : - Motor lost steps and is not turning. - Rotating shutter optoswitch does not work correctly. Cure : Only warning. Ramping was finally successfull. If error occurs regularily, try if replacement of rotating shutter or replacement of RMS board solves the problem. 203AE E_SCD_RS_WRAMP_FAILED_ALL Meaning : After end of rotating shutter ramp, there were no optoswitch signals detected. Retries were not successfull. Reason : - Motor lost steps and is not turning. - Rotating shutter optoswitch does not work correctly. Cure : - Check if rotating shutter optoswitch is working (LED at scan control board (SCB)) - Try if replacement of rotating shutter or replacement of RMS board solves the problem. 203AF E_SCD_RS_WRAMP_STOP Meaning : Stopping the rotating shutter in a ramp retry cycle failed. Reason : See previous errors in log file. Cure : 203B0 E_SCD_RS_WRAMP_WSTOP Meaning : Waiting for end of rotating shutter stop ramp timed out. Error can only occur in ramp retry cycles. Reason : - Problem with motor controller "MIG" on scan control board (SCB). - Too short timeout time (programming error). Cure : First check for other rotating shutter errors and solve them. Check if replacement of scan control board solves the error. 203B1 E_SCD_RS_WRAMP_RUN Meaning : Restarting the rotating shutter motor in retry cycle failed. Reason : See previous error in log file. Cure : See previous error in log file. 203B2 E_SCD_RS_TRUN_SPEED Meaning : Rotating shutter is not turning with the correct speed. Reason : Ramping problems or test while motor stopped. Cure : Rely on automatic retries. 203C0 E_SCD_HT_VER_SWH Meaning : Wrong version of SWH board (ADC70 hardware). 203C1 E_SCD_HT_VER_SCB Meaning : Photomultiplier high tension control software detected a wrong version of scan control board (SCB). Reason : Negative version code from scd_scb_version(). Software error.


: Check if software is installed correctly.

203C2 E_SCD_HT_PRESENT Meaning : No high tension control hardware found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 203C3 E_SCD_HT_INI_HW Meaning : Initializing the scan control board (SCB) by the photomultiplier high tension control software failed. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SCB. 203C4 E_SCD_HT_CMF_TOO_FEW Meaning : Less than two pairs of HT and SAL for calculation of MFA / MFB. Reason : Software error or wrong behaviour of system. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203C5 E_SCD_HT_CMF_TOO_MANY Meaning : Too many pairs of HT and SAL for calculation of MFA / MFB. Reason : Software error or wrong behaviour of system. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203C6 E_SCD_HT_CMF_MFA_LOW Meaning : Calculated value for MFA too low. Limiting to minimum. Reason : MFA / MFB calibration failed. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203C7 E_SCD_HT_CMF_MFA_HIGH Meaning : Calculated value for MFA too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : MFA / MFB calibration failed. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203C8 E_SCD_HT_CMF_MFB_LOW Meaning : Calculated value for MFB too low. Limiting to minimum. Reason : MFA / MFB calibration failed. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203C9 E_SCD_HT_CMF_MFB_HIGH Meaning : Calculated value for MFB too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : MFA / MFB calibration failed. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203CA E_SCD_HT_OVER Meaning : Asked photomultiplier high tension too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : - Wrong parameters to scd_ht_calc_volt(). - Wrong manually selected high tension. Cure : - Check cassette parameters, MFA, MFB and laser power,

if the values are correct. - If voltage manually set: Ignore error. Scanner uses max. 203CB E_SCD_HT_ADC Meaning : Reading back the photomultiplier high tension failed. Reason : Problem with the A/D converter on the scan control board (SCB). Cure : Check / replace SCB. 203CC E_SCD_HT_READ_OVER Meaning : The measured high tension for the photomultiplier is more than 10% above the expected value. Reason : - Cable from high tension supply to photomultiplier disconnected. - Photomultiplier high tension supply defective. - SCB board defective. Cure : - Check cable from high tension supply to photomultiplier. - Check / replace photomultiplier high tension supply. - Check / replace SCB board. 203CE E_SCD_HT_READ_UNDER Meaning : The measured high tension for the photomultiplier is more than 10% below the expected value. Reason : - Cable from SCB board to high tension supply defective or not connected properly. - 24V supply or 24V cable to high tension supply defective or not connected properly. - High tension supply defective - SCB board defective. Cure : - Check cabelling and repair. - Check / replace High tension supply (for photomultiplier). - Check / replace SCB board. - Check / replace 24V supply. 203D0 E_SCD_HT_CHT_SC Meaning : Speed class is below or equal zero, which is not allowed. Corrected to 200. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check software configuration. 203D1 E_SCD_HT_CHT_IP_FACTOR Meaning : IP factor is below or equal zero, which is not allowed. Corrected to 1000. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check software configuration. 203D2 E_SCD_HT_CHT_LAS_POW Meaning : Laser power is below or equal zero, which is not allowed. Corrected to 17000 [uW]. Reason : Problem in laser power measurement. Cure : Check software configuration. 203D3 E_SCD_HT_CHT_PIXEL_SIZE Meaning : Pixel size is below or equal zero, which is not allowed.

Corrected to 1137 [um]. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check software configuration. 203D4 E_SCD_HT_CHT_PIXEL_TIME Meaning : Pixel time is below or equal zero, which is not allowed. Corrected to 4000 [ns]. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check software configuration. 203D5 E_SCD_HT_CHT_OVER Meaning : Calculated photomultiplier high tension too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check cassette parameters, MFA, MFB and laser power, if the values are correct. 203D6 E_SCD_HT_NOT_INIT Meaning : The driver software for photomultiplier high tension control has not been initialized. Reason : Software error. Cure : Software must call scd_ht_init() first. 203D7 E_SCD_HT_OUT_RANGE Meaning : While testing the scan control board (SCB), the read-back voltage of the high tension D/A converter deviated more than 10% from the expected value. Reason : SCB / SMB / SSB defective. Cure : Replace SCB / SMB / SSB. 203D8 E_SCD_HT_CMF_HV0_LOW Meaning : Calculated value for HV0 too low. Limiting to minimum. Reason : MFA / MFB calibration failed. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203D9 E_SCD_HT_CMF_HV0_HIGH Meaning : Calculated value for HV0 too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : MFA / MFB calibration failed. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203DA E_SCD_HT_CMF_BAD_DATA Meaning : Data does not allow to fit MFA, MFB and HV0. Reason : Software error or wrong behaviour of system. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203DB E_SCD_HT_CMF_POSSIBLE_BAD_FIT Meaning : Warning: possibly bad fit in MFA / MFB calibration. Reason : Software error or wrong behaviour of system. Cure : Check correct settings. Calibrate MFA / MFB again. 203DC

E_SCD_HT_CHT_OVER_2 Meaning : Calculated photomultiplier high tension too high. Limiting to maximum. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check cassette parameters, MFA, MFB and laser power, if the values are correct. 203DD E_SCD_HT_CHT_UNDER_2 Meaning : Calculated photomultiplier high tension too low. Limiting to minimum. Reason : Wrong parameters. Cure : Check cassette parameters, MFA, MFB and laser power, if the values are correct. 203E0 E_SCD_LAS_VER_SWH Meaning : Wrong version of SWH board (ADC70 hardware). 203E1 E_SCD_LAS_VER_SCB Meaning : Laser power control software detected a wrong version of scan control board (SCB). Reason : Negative version code from scd_scb_version(). Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 203E2 E_SCD_LAS_PRESENT Meaning : No laser power measuring hardware found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 203E3 E_SCD_LAS_ADC Meaning : Reading the laser power from the A/D converter failed. Reason : - A/D converter timeout. - A/D converter value mismatch. - Wrong A/D converter number (software error). Cure : Check / replace SCB board. If this does not help, inform MED-CSO. 203E4 E_SCD_LAS_ADC_LOW Meaning : The given A/D converter value is below zero. This should never occur. Reason : Software error. Cure : Inform MED-CSO. 203E5 E_SCD_LAS_ADC_HIGH Meaning : The given A/D converter value is too high. Already a value with all converter bits = 1 is assumed as error. Reason : Most probably defective hardware (SCB board). Cure : Check / replace SCB board. 203E6 E_SCD_LAS_NOT_INIT Meaning : The driver software for laser power control has not been initialized.

Reason : Software error. Cure : Software must call scd_las_init() first. 203E7 E_SCD_LAS_LOW_TESTPOW Meaning : The measured test voltage from the PIN diode board is too low. Reason : - PIN diode board disconnected or cable defective - PIN diode board defective. Cure : Check cable between scan control board (SCB) and PIN diode board. If ok, replace PIN diode board. 203E8 E_SCD_LAS_HIGH_NORMPOW Meaning : The measured voltage from the PIN diode board is too high. Reason : - PIN diode board disconnected or cable defective - PIN diode board defective. Cure : Check cable between scan control board (SCB) and PIN diode board. If ok, replace PIN diode board. 203E9 E_SCD_LAS_NOT_PRESENT Meaning : Laser diode control hardware not detected. Reason : - Laser diode control board not connected. - Bad cable or connector. Cure : Check laser diode control board and cable. 203EA E_SCD_LAS_NOT_OK Meaning : Laser diode control hardware detected an error. Reason : Defect in laser diode control. Cure : Replace laser diode control board. 203EB E_SCD_LAS_SET_BOL_HOOK Meaning : Setting the BOL interrupt hook function failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20400 E_SCD_PRESENT_TSTREG (NO COMMENT) 20401 E_SCD_PRESENT_TIM1 (NO COMMENT) 20402 E_SCD_PRESENT_TIM2 Meaning : Timer 2 of DAQ board not present. The software automatically checks for old ADC70 hardware and then for COPRA hardware. If ADC70 is not found, COPRA is checked. Reason : No ADC70-DAQ board inserted. Cure : Ignore this error, if no other errors present. 20403 E_SCD_PRESENT_PIT (NO COMMENT)

20404 E_SCD_PRESENT_FIFO (NO COMMENT) 20405 E_SCD_PRESENT_HT_CTRL (NO COMMENT) 20406 E_SCD_PRESENT_SWP_OFF (NO COMMENT) 20407 E_SCD_PRESENT_SWP_RET (NO COMMENT) 20408 E_SCD_DAQ_RMSCOM (NO COMMENT) 20420 E_SCD_PRESENT_SWP_AMP Meaning : Address SCB_DAC_ADD on scan control board not found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20421 E_SCD_PRESENT_INTCTRL Meaning : Address INTERR_CTRL on scan control board not found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20422 E_SCD_PRESENT_MIG Meaning : Address MIG_STAT_CTRL on scan control board not found. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not or badly inserted. - SCB defective. Cure : Check / insert / replace SCB. 20423 E_SCD_ALLOC_IVEC Meaning : Allocation of 32 contiguous interrupt vectors failed. Reason : Serious problems with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20424 E_SCD_FIND_IVEC Meaning : Could not find interrupt vector with 4 least significant bits = 0. Reason : Serious problems with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20425 E_SCD_IVEC_BASE Meaning : No valid interrupt vector available for scanning. Reason : Initialisation of interrupt vectors failed. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

20426 E_SCD_FIFO_OVERFLOW Meaning : Pixels were probably lost due to pixel FIFO overflow. Reason : Any high-priority software part in the device consumed too much CPU time. So the FIFO could not be read out in time. Cure : Check software error messages during scan at the CPU front port serial channel. 20427 E_SCD_ADC_NUMBER Meaning : A/D converter number out of range at driver call. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check software configuration. 20428 E_SCD_ADC_TIMEOUT Meaning : A/D converter on scan control board (SCB) did not respond within a given time. Reason : SCB defective. Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20429 E_SCD_SCB_RMSCOM Meaning : Communication with rotating shutter driver board failed Reason : Most probably hardware problem. Cure : Check RMS board, cables to RMS and power supply of RMS 2042A E_SCD_ADC_VALUE_MISMATCH Meaning : AD7777 A/D converter on scan control board (SCB) delivered two values, which diferred too much. Reason : A/D converter or soldering on SCB defective. Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20430 E_SCD_SCB_ALLOC_SHARED Meaning : Allocating shared memory for SMB or SSB drivers failed. Reason : - Software version mismatch: Two components try to allocate shared memory with different sizes. - Operating system out of resources (rather unlikely). Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. All parts, using the SCD library must have linked the same version. 20431 E_SCD_SCB_SHARED_VERSION Meaning : The shared memory version code does not match. Reason : Software version mismatch: Two components try to allocate shared memory with different overlayed structures. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. All parts, using the SCD library must have linked the same version. 20432 E_SCD_SCB_INIT_DATA Meaning : The shared SCB driver data has just been initialized. Reason : This error should never occur! Cure : No cure.

20433 E_SCD_SCB_PRESENT_SMB Meaning : The scan master board (SMB) could not be found on PCI bus. Reason : - Board not plugged in correctly. - Board defective. Cure : Plug in or replace SMB. 20434 E_SCD_SCB_PRESENT_SSB Meaning : The scan slave board (SSB) could not be found on PCI bus. Reason : - Board not plugged in correctly. - Board defective. Cure : Plug in or replace SSB. 20435 E_SCD_SCB_ADDR_UNINOUT1 Meaning : The SCB register UNIVERS_IN_OUT1 could not be accessed. Reason : FPGA software not loaded or wrong FPGA software. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20436 E_SCD_SCB_DMA_MEM Meaning : Physical memory for DMA could not be allocated. Reason : Operating system out of resources. Cure : Check system configuration (hardware and software). 20437 E_SCD_SCB_BAD_INUM Meaning : The scan control board (SMB or SSB) returned a wrong interrupt number. Reason : EPROM for AMCC 5933 PCI controller contains incomplete data. Cure : The software takes a default interrupt number. In case of scanning problems, replace scan control board. 20438 E_SCD_SCB_CREATE_INTERRUPT Meaning : Interrupt could not be created. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20439 E_SCD_SCB_SET_IHOOK Meaning : Setting the PCI interrupt hook function failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2043A E_SCD_SCB_CREATE_TASK Meaning : Creating the SCB interrupt handler task failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2043B E_SCD_SCB_WAIT_TASKSTART Meaning : Error or timeout, while waiting for SCB interrupt task having started up. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

2043C E_SCD_SCB_MAILBOX Meaning : The AMCC DMA controller on the scan control board shows the wrong data during initialisation. Reason : - Wrong FPGA version. - Hardware problem on scan control board. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Replace scan control board (SMB or SSB). 2043D E_SCD_SCB_WAIT_BLOCK Meaning : Timeout or error while waiting for the next block of image data. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2043E E_SCD_SCB_POST_TASKSTART Meaning : Posting the interrupt task start event failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2043F E_SCD_SCB_HW_VERS_MISMATCH Meaning : The AMCC DMA controller and the scan control board (SMB or SSB) show different versions. Reason : Error at board production. Cure : Replace scan control board (SMB or SSB). Production: Load correct revision code to NVRAM ! 20440 E_SCD_SCB_FIFO_HALF Meaning : At least one pixel FIFO half full interrupt detected. Risk of FIFO overflow. Only warning. Reason : Cure : 20441 E_SCD_SCB_VOLT_FAIL Meaning : At least one of the needed voltages was not ok during scan. Reason : Cure : Check voltage indicator LEDs. 20442 E_SCD_SCB_DMA_BUF_OVERFLOW Meaning : There was at least one DMA ring buffer overflow during scan. Reason : The image data was not stored away quick enough by the following buffer acquisition (BAC) software. Bad disk, system overload, ... Cure : 20443 E_SCD_SCB_FIFO_FULL Meaning : Pixel FIFO full condition detected. Pixels were lost. Reason : System overload, software error or hardware malfunction. Cure : Check for other errors with REM tool. Reset system. Reinstall software. Check hardware. 20444 E_SCD_SCB_ADC_UF

Meaning : Pixel A/D converter underflow detected (negative voltage). Reason : Noise in combination with OpAmp offset. Cure : No cure. This error code is for information only. 20445 E_SCD_SCB_ADC_OF Meaning : Pixel A/D converter overflow detected. Reason : - Overexposed image plate. - Wrong photomultiplier parameters MFA and MFB. Cure : Check for correct exposure and speed class. Check if photomultiplier parameters are correct (either as from production or from spare part floppy). 20446 E_SCD_SCB_LD_N_OK Meaning : Laser diode not ok condition detected during scan. Reason : - Laser is old and needs to be replaced soon. - Any cable defective or not connected properly. - Defective laser control board or scan master board (SMB). Cure : Check if resulting image is ok. Check laser diode module and cable. Replace if necessary. If this does not help, replace SMB. 20447 E_SCD_SCB_FPGA_VERS_MISMATCH Meaning : The scan control board (SMB or SSB) version and the FPGA version do not match. Reason : The version xx of the file scnctlxx.bin is different than its content. File was probably renamed. Cure : Reinstall software. 20448 E_SCD_SCB_WAIT_BOL2BOL Meaning : Timeout or error while waiting for the result of the BOL to BOL time measurements. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20449 E_SCD_SCB_FACET_DETECTION Meaning : There were problems in detecting the first polygon facet. This results in a banding on the image, repeating every 6 lines. Reason : Cure : 20450 E_SCD_SCB_P8V_NOK Meaning : The IOBUS voltage +8V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check voltage indicator LEDs, SMB, cables, ... 20451 E_SCD_SCB_P24V_NOK Meaning : The voltage +24V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check voltage indicator LEDs, SMB, cables, ... 20452 E_SCD_SCB_N15V_SMB_NOK

Meaning : The SMB internally generated voltage -15V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SMB. 20453 E_SCD_SCB_P15V_SMB_NOK Meaning : The SMB internally generated voltage +15V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SMB. 20454 E_SCD_SCB_N15V_NOK Meaning : The voltage -15V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check voltage indicator LEDs, SMB, cables, ... 20455 E_SCD_SCB_P15V_NOK Meaning : The voltage +15V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check voltage indicator LEDs, SMB, cables, ... 20456 E_SCD_SCB_N15V_SSB_NOK Meaning : The SSB internally generated voltage -15V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SSB. 20457 E_SCD_SCB_P15V_SSB_NOK Meaning : The SSB internally generated voltage +15V is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check / replace SSB. 20458 E_SCD_SCB_P5V_RDR_NOK Meaning : The voltage +5V for the tag reader is not ok. Reason : Cure : Check voltage indicator LEDs, SMB, cables, ... 20459 E_SCD_SCB_OPEN_DMA Meaning : Opening the DMA channel failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2045A E_SCD_SCB_SET_DMAHOOK Meaning : Setting the DMA hook function failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20500 E_SCN_SERVICE_MODE Meaning : Service mode to scanner active. No regular scan with cassette handling possible. Reason : A service program (e.g. SCNTST or diagnostic software) reserved the scanner for its exclusive use. Cure : No error condition. Code disappears, when service program needs

no exclusive access to scanner any more. 20501 E_SCN_LASER_WAIT Meaning : Laser power is below or equal the alarm level during initial starting phase. Machine status is "locked", but emergency cassettes are accepted. Reason : Machine was just switched on and the laser has not yet its operating temperature. Cure : This is not an error condition. If the laser power does not become ok or warning during 20 minutes, an error is displayed. 20502 E_SCN_WARNING Meaning : Scanner warning. Possible bad image. Reason : Various. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20503 E_SCN_NO_SHD_CORR Meaning : No valid shading correction file available for given scan format. Constant correction line used. Reason : - File not present. - File version or size not correct. - Important scanning parameters have changed. Cure : Calibrate given scan format. 20504 E_SCN_CASS_ID_ERR Meaning : Accepting next IP parameters failed. Reason : Various. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20505 E_SCN_LASER_ALARM Meaning : Laser power after the warming-up phase is still below or equal las_pow_alarm. Machine status is "locked". Reason : - old laser with too low power - bad (dusty) optics - pd_factor not correct Cure : Confirm message on user terminal and continue operation. In the long term, replace the laser, if it is bad. 20506 E_SCN_LASER_SHUTDOWN Meaning : Laser power after the warming-up phase is still below or equal las_pow_shtdn. No operation possible. Reason : - Old laser with too low power. - Laser beam not visible by PIN diodes. - Cable to PIN diode board disconnected or defective. - Polygon gets no power or sweep signal. - PIN diode board defective. - pd_factor not correct. - Bad (dusty) optics. Cure : - Check cable and connectors to PIN diode board. - Check if nothing hides the laser beam. - Check the polygon power. - If laser is bad, replace laser.

20507 E_SCN_LASER_WAIT_SHTDN Meaning : Laser power is below or equal the shutdown level during initial starting phase. Machine status is "locked". Reason : - Machine was just switched on and the laser has not yet its operating temperature. - Bad laser. - Laser beam not visible by PIN diodes. - Polygon gets no power or sweep signal. Cure : This is not yet an error condition. If the laser power does not become ok or warning during 20 minutes, an error is displayed. 20510 E_SCN_IFC_NOT_ATTACHED Meaning : The calling component is not attached to SCN and thus cannot communicate. Reason : Programming error. Cure : No cure without new software. Contact Service International. 20511 E_SCN_IFC_SMSHARE Meaning : Getting shared memory at attach to SCN component failed. Reason : Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20512 E_SCN_IFC_VERSION Meaning : The versions of the SCN interface, linked to the calling component, and the SCN component are different. Due to incompatibilities, no communication is possible. Reason : Not all *.PRG files are of the same release. Cure : Install the complete software release. 20513 E_SCN_IFC_RESPONSE1 Meaning : Unknown response from SCN component. Reason : Programming error. Cure : Ignore, if no further errors. Otherwise contact service international. 20514 E_SCN_IFC_EXD_ERR Meaning : Error code detected in response to scan_ip command. Reason : Error during scanning. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20515 E_SCN_IFC_EXD_EV Meaning : scn_get_exposure_dose() was called on a non scn_scan_ip response. Default used. Reason : Programming error. Cure : 20516 E_SCN_IFC_FNR_ERR Meaning : The response to a SCN function call returned an error. Reason : Called function failed.


: Depending on called function.

20517 E_SCN_IFC_FNR_CTL_LEN Meaning : Response from SCN function call contained no control block with valid data. Reason : Programming error. Cure : 20518 E_SCN_IFC_FNR_IMG_LEN Meaning : MMS control block contains no image data. Reason : No image block available for service interface (e.g. SCNTST). Cure : Scan an image first. 20519 E_SCN_IFC_GPC_ERR Meaning : Error code detected in response to scn_pin_monitor command. Reported number of visible PIN diodes might not be correct. Reason : Cure : 2051A E_SCN_IFC_GPC_EV Meaning : scn_get_pin_count() was called on a non scn_pin_monitor response. Default used. Reason : Programming error. Cure : 2051B E_SCN_IFC_GLP_ERR Meaning : Error code detected in response to scn_las_monitor command. Reported laser power might not be correct. Reason : Cure : Check if polygon and laser work correctly. 2051C E_SCN_IFC_GLP_EV Meaning : scn_get_las_pow() was called on a non scn_las_monitor response. Default used. Reason : Programming error. Cure : 2051D E_SCN_IFC_NOT_STARTED Meaning : The version number of the SCN shared memory is 0. Attach to SCN failed (this time). Reason : SCN is not started (yet). Cure : In certain operation modes: ignore ! Else: check settings, if SCN is started. 2051E E_SCN_IFC_GBB_ERR Meaning : Error code detected in response to scn_req_bol_bos_data command. Reason : Cure : Check status and check other log entries with REM tool. 2051F E_SCN_IFC_GBB_EV

Meaning : scn_get_bol_bos_status() was called on a non scn_req_bol_bos_data response. Reason : Programming error. Cure : 20520 E_SCN_IFC_INI_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20521 E_SCN_IFC_INI_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20524 E_SCN_IFC_IPA_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20525 E_SCN_IFC_IPA_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20526 E_SCN_IFC_IPA_ALLOC_C Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20528 E_SCN_IFC_PRP_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20529 E_SCN_IFC_PRP_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2052C E_SCN_IFC_ADJ_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2052D E_SCN_IFC_ADJ_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software.

20530 E_SCN_IFC_SCN_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20531 E_SCN_IFC_SCN_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20534 E_SCN_IFC_SRV_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20535 E_SCN_IFC_SRV_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20538 E_SCN_IFC_ESR_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20539 E_SCN_IFC_ESR_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2053C E_SCN_IFC_OVR_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2053D E_SCN_IFC_OVR_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2053E E_SCN_IFC_OVR_ALLOC_C Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20540 E_SCN_IFC_CFN_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software.

20541 E_SCN_IFC_CFN_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20544 E_SCN_IFC_CAN_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20545 E_SCN_IFC_CAN_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20550 E_SCN_START_LOGLEVEL Meaning : Setting the overall loglevel by SCN failed. Reason : Illegal loglevel. Cure : Check overall loglevel with nve SYS0 20551 E_SCN_START_ALLOCCB Meaning : Allocating space for the SCN variables failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check disk partitions. Reinstall the software. 20552 E_SCN_START_LOADCONFIG Meaning : Loading SCN's NVF variables failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20553 E_SCN_START_ALLOCSHARED Meaning : Allocating shared memory for interfacing SCN failed. Reason : Out of system resources. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20554 E_SCN_START_MMSOPEN Meaning : Attaching SCN to the message management system (MMS) failed. No scanner operation possible. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20555 E_SCN_START_GETQID Meaning : SCN cannot get an ID for its input message queue. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20556 E_SCN_START_QCREATE Meaning : SCN cannot create its input message queue.

Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20560 E_SCN_LOADFIP Meaning : Loading FIP.PRG failed. Reason : FIP.PRG corrupted or not present on C: Cure : Reinstall software. 20561 E_SCN_STARTFIP Meaning : Starting FIP component failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20562 E_SCN_ATTACHFIP Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the FIP component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or FIP not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20563 E_SCN_LOADSSC Meaning : Loading SSC.PRG failed. Reason : SSC.PRG corrupted or not present on C: Cure : Reinstall software. 20564 E_SCN_STARTSSC Meaning : Starting SSC component failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20565 E_SCN_ATTACHSSC Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the slowscan component (SSC) failed. Reason : - SSC component not started or not started correctly. - Version mismatch. Cure : Check presence and versions of SSC.PRG. Install software again. 20566 E_SCN_LOADSCC Meaning : Loading SCC.PRG failed. Reason : SCC.PRG corrupted or not present on C: Cure : Reinstall software. 20567 E_SCN_STARTSCC Meaning : Starting SCC component failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20568 E_SCN_ATTACHSCC Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the SCC component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or SCC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

20569 E_SCN_ATTACHCOC Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the COC component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or COC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2056A E_SCN_ATTACHICN Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the ICN component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or ICN not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2056B E_SCN_ATTACHBAC Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the BAC component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or BAC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2056C E_SCN_ATTACHCAS Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the CAS component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or CAS not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2056D E_SCN_ATTACHUIF Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the user interface component (UIF) failed. Reason : Version mismatch or UIF not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2056E E_SCN_ATTACHIOC Meaning : Attaching the SCN software to the IOBUS component (IOC) failed. Reason : - IOC component not started or not started correctly. - Version mismatch. Cure : Check presence and versions of IOC.PRG. Install software again. 2056F E_SCN_NO_SSC Meaning : No slowscan control program specified. Working without slowscan. Reason : sscprg_name in SCN0 is empty. Cure : Call nve SCN0 and type sscprg_name "SSC.PRG". 20570 E_SCN_START_FCREATE Meaning : SCN cannot create an event flag group. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20571 E_SCN_START_INITSTT Meaning : Initializing SCN's state transition table failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20572

E_SCN_START_MMSALLOC Meaning : SCN cannot allocate all image blocks for its image block queue. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20573 E_SCN_START_NOTASKID Meaning : The scanner software could not get an ID for the SCN task. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20574 E_SCN_START_TASKSTART Meaning : Creating the SCN task failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20575 E_SCN_START_TASKSYNC Meaning : SCN task was not started correctly. Synchronisation with start function failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20576 E_SCN_START_NOTASKID2 Meaning : The scanner software could not get an ID for the SCN2 task. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20577 E_SCN_START_TASKSTART2 Meaning : Creating the SCN2 task failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20580 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_DUCY Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value swp_ducy failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20581 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_BOL2MID_IP Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value bol2mid_ip failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20582 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_LTMIN Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value line_time_min failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20583 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_KEDIST Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value ke_dist failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

20584 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_MIDIPDIST Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value mid_ip_dist failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20585 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_WIDTHTOL Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value width_tol failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20586 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_MFA Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value mfa failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20587 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_MFB Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value mfb failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20588 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_PDFACTOR Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value pd_factor failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20589 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_PDLEVEL Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value pd_level failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2058A E_SCN_CFG_ACC_LASPOWER Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value las_power failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2058B E_SCN_CFG_ACC_DACCEL Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value d_accel failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2058C E_SCN_CFG_ACC_HTSET Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value ht_set_tim failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2058F E_SCN_CFG_ACC Meaning : Setting the access mode for a SCN NVF value failed. Reason : Problem with operating system.


: Check if software is installed correctly.

20590 E_SCN_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Meaning : Overwriting the default SCN NVF values by values from file failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20591 E_SCN_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Meaning : Declaring the SCN NVF config file for service failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20592 E_SCN_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Meaning : Getting the default SCN NVF values failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20594 E_SCN_CFG_MAX_RETRACE Meaning : Setting the maximum value for the SCN NVF value flag_retrace failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20595 E_SCN_CFG_MIN_RETRACE Meaning : Setting the minimum value for the SCN NVF value flag_retrace failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2059E E_SCN_CFG_MAX Meaning : Setting the maximum value for a SCN NVF value failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2059F E_SCN_CFG_MIN Meaning : Setting the minimum value for a SCN NVF value failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 205A0 E_SCN_START_LOCAL_LOGLEVEL Meaning : Setting the local loglevel failed. Reason : Invalid loglevel. Cure : Call "nve SCN0" on AOS shell. loglevel must be 0..4. 205A1 E_SCN_TSK_SYNCING Meaning : Posting the start synchronisation message by SCN task failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 205A2 E_SCN_IHW_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed.

Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 205A3 E_SCN_COC_SELFTEST_1 Meaning : Sending "selftest start" to COPRA control failed. Reason : COC not started or wrong version. Cure : Reinstall Software. 205A4 E_SCN_COC_SELFTEST_0 Meaning : Sending "selftest finished" to COPRA control failed. Reason : COC not started or wrong version. Cure : Reinstall Software. 205A8 E_SCN_TSK_MMSQPEND Meaning : Pending on SCN message input queue returned with error. Reason : Probably operating system error or inconsistent software. Cure : Check software configuration. 205A9 E_SCN_TSK_EV_AT_TMO Meaning : SCN input event and message timeout at the same time. Reason : Unknown. This should not happen. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 205AA E_SCN_TSK_EVENT1 Meaning : Unknown event received by SCN task. Reason : Software incompatibility. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 205AB E_SCN_TSK_EVENT2 Meaning : Any event translation function delivered wrong event to SCN task. Reason : Software error. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. - Contact service international. 205AC E_SCN_TSK_EV_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block (for timeout event) failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 205B0 E_SCN_ISR_TSK_FPEND Meaning : Pending on SCN2 event flag group returned with error. Reason : Probably operating system error or inconsistent software. Cure : Check software configuration. 205B1 E_SCN_ISR_TSK_FCLEAR Meaning : Clearing the actual SCN2 event from event flag group failed. Reason : Cure : Check software configuration.

205B2 E_SCN_ISR_TSK_ACTION Meaning : One of the SCN2 task's actions failed. Reason : Cure : Check software configuration. 205B4 E_SCN_ISR_TSK_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block by SCN2 task failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 205B5 E_SCN_ISR_TSK_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 205C0 E_SCN_CPU_EXCEPTION Meaning : A CPU exception occurred Reason : - Hardware problems - Software bug Cure : Analyze the log file around the occurrence of the exception. Analyze messages, printed to the local serial port of the CPU. 205C1 E_SCN_CFG_ACC_HTOFFSET Meaning : Setting the access mode for the SCN NVF value ht_offset_2 failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 205F0 E_SCN_ISS_INI Meaning : Calling the slowscan control (SSC) interface with initialize command failed. Reason : SSC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20600 E_SCN_MSG_WSTATE_IGN Meaning : A SCN event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software ignored the message. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20601 E_SCN_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : A SCN event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20602 E_SCN_MSG_SERVICE_REF Meaning : Interface command cannot be executed, because system is in service mode by another user. Reason : During service mode, only the service interface is allowed to


send commands to SCN. Other commands are refused. : Make sure, that there is no conflict between telnet and the local terminal (CPU front port). Leave not needed service software.

20603 E_SCN_TIMEOUT Meaning : Timeout (general) while waiting for a certain event. Reason : May be probably software bug. Cure : Check cause of timeout with REM tool. 20604 E_SCN_TIM_NO_PIXELS Meaning : No pixels arriving within a certain time during scan (timeout). Reason : Most probably hardware problem on scan control board (SCB). May be wrong version of FPGA software (8-pin EPROM on SCB). Cure : - Check SCB and the version of the 8-pin EPROM. - Replace SCB. 20605 E_SCN_TIM_NO_OUTPUT Meaning : Timeout while waiting for new image blocks, but image block ring buffer already (at least partially) filled. Reason : Most probably image block ring buffer full and no answer from the buffer acquisition component (BAC). Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. Check for other errors with REM tool. 20606 E_SCN_TIM_REACT Meaning : Reactivating scan after pixel timeout failed. Reason : Unknown. Cure : Check software configuration. 20607 E_SCN_TIM_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20608 E_SCN_MLP_SWP Meaning : Setting sweep and rotating shutter for laser power measurement failed. Reason : - Rotating shutter, optoswitch or cables defective. - Others. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if rotating shutter is turning. 20609 E_SCN_MLP_LASPOW Meaning : Measuring the default laser power failed. Reason : - Missing or defective scan control board (SCB). - No begin of line (BOL) interrupt. - Laser power below 1 mW. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 2060A E_SCN_MLP_SWP2 Meaning : Setting sweep and rotating shutter for standby1 failed. Reason :


: Check previous errors with REM tool.

2060B E_SCN_BOS_TIMEOUT Meaning : Scanner timeout while waiting for image plate. The scanner continues waiting for the IP. Reason : - Image plate was lost on its way from the cassette to the scanner. - The IP was not removed from the cassette due to defective pressure sensor. Cure : Open machine and check the position of the IP. Check suction cups and pneumatics. 2060C E_SCN_TMO_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 2060D E_SCN_MLP_LASPOW2 Meaning : Measuring the second (mammo/radiotherapy) laser power failed. Reason : - Missing or defective scan control board (SCB). - No begin of line (BOL) interrupt. - Laser power below 1 mW. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 2060E E_SCN_MLP_LAS_VERSION Meaning : The measured laser power does not correspond with the version code of the laser control (optics module). The result is a wrong behavior of the system at mammography. Reason : Error at production time or defective laser module. Cure : Replace optics module. 20610 E_SCN_IHW_FILTER Meaning : Setting the analog filter frequency at system start failed. Reason : The analog hardware or its driver software could not be initialized correctly. Probably bad scan control board. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20611 E_SCN_IHW_RS_INIT Meaning : Problem occurred during initialisation of scanning hardware and rotating shutter hardware. Reason : - Scanning board(s) not present - Rotating shutter board not present - Wrong version of one of the boards Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check / insert / replace scanning boards or RS board. 20612 E_SCN_IHW_RS_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching the optoswitch interrupt service routine to the SCN software failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20613

E_SCN_IHW_FIFO_INIT Meaning : Problem occurred during initialisation of scanning hardware. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not present - Wrong SCB version Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check / insert / replace SCB. 20614 E_SCN_IHW_FIFO_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching the FIFO-half interrupt service routine to the SCN software failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20615 E_SCN_IHW_SWP_INIT Meaning : Problem occurred during initialisation of scanning hardware. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not present - Wrong SCB version Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check / insert / replace SCB. 20616 E_SCN_IHW_SWP_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching the sweep interrupt service routine to the SCN software failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20617 E_SCN_IHW_ACQ_INIT Meaning : Problem occurred during initialisation of scan acquisition hardware. Reason : - Scan acquisition board not inserted - Error on scan control board, concerning SAB connection - Wrong version of one of the boards Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check scan acquisition board and scan control board. Try if replacement of one of the boards solves the problem. 20618 E_SCN_IHW_HT_INIT Meaning : Problem occurred during initialisation of scanning hardware. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not present - Wrong SCB version Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check / insert / replace SCB. 20619 E_SCN_IHW_LAS_INIT Meaning : Problem occurred during initialisation of scanning hardware. Reason : - Scan control board (SCB) not present - Wrong SCB version Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check / insert / replace SCB. 2061A E_SCN_IHW_CSSCNPAR Meaning : Calculating derived scan parameters from default IP parameters

failed. Should never happen. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2061B E_SCN_IHW_SWP Meaning : Starting the rotating shutter and/or the galvanometer sweep failed. Reason : Probably bad hardware. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 2061C E_SCN_IHW_HT Meaning : Setting the photomultiplier high tension to 0V failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check scan control board (SCB) 2061D E_SCN_IHW_TIM_STB1 Meaning : Setting the scanner standby timer failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2061E E_SCN_IHW_TIM_LAS0 Meaning : Disabling the timer for laser power measurements failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2061F E_SCN_IHW_TIM_PREPI Meaning : Setting the timer for I/V converter offset adjustment failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20620 E_SCN_NIP_TIM_STB1 Meaning : Setting the scanner standby timer to a new value failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20621 E_SCN_NIP_FREE Meaning : Freeing MMS control block with previous "next IP parameters" failed. Reason : Cure : - Check previous errors with REM tool. - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 20622 E_SCN_NIP_SHD Meaning : Requesting the required shading correction line from SCC failed. Reason : Cure : - Check previous errors with REM tool. - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 20623

E_SCN_NIP_COC_ENT Meaning : coc_enter_error for "CASSETTE IDENTIFICATION ERROR Remove and ..." failed. Reason : - COC not attached correctly. - Wrong version of COC. - others... Cure : - Check previous errors with REM tool. - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 20625 E_SCN_NIP_UIF_CLEAR Meaning : Sending request to remove the patient name from the user display failed. Reason : UIF not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20626 E_SCN_NIP_UIF_SET Meaning : Sending request to put the patient name to the user display failed. Reason : UIF not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20630 E_SCN_PRP_FREE Meaning : Freeing old control block with IP parameters failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20631 E_SCN_PRP_IPPARMS Meaning : No new image plate parameters available. Using previous ones. Reason : Command scn_new_ipparms() was not sent prior to scn_prepare(). Cure : No action for service needed. 20632 E_SCN_PRP_SCANPARMS Meaning : Error occurred while calculating scan parameters. Safe value(s) used. Reason : Any cassette parameter or scanner setting out of range. Cure : - Check previous errors with REM tool. - Use correct parameter. 20633 E_SCN_PRP_FILTER Meaning : Setting the anti aliasing filter for the image signal failed. Reason : Problem with scan acquisition board (SAB). Cure : Check / replace SAB. If this doesn't help, replace SCB. 20634 E_SCN_PRP_SWP Meaning : Setting sweep and rotating shutter to scan condition failed. Reason : - Rotating shutter, optoswitch or cables defective. - Others. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if rotating shutter is turning. 20635 E_SCN_PRP_HT

Meaning : Setting the photomultiplier high tension failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check scan control board (SCB) 20636 E_SCN_PRP_SCC Meaning : SCC component not attached correctly to SCN. Reason : SCN-SCC version mismatch or SCC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20637 E_SCN_PRP_CALCTRL Meaning : Initializing SCC for receiving pixels failed. Reason : SCN-SCC version mismatch or SCC not attached correctly. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20638 E_SCN_PRP_SCTRL Meaning : Sending scan control data to BAC component failed. Reason : SCN-BAC version mismatch or BAC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20639 E_SCN_PRP_TIM_FS Meaning : Setting the timer for fastscan preparation failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2063A E_SCN_PRP_TIM_STB0 Meaning : Disabling the timer for scanner standby failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2063B E_SCN_PRP_TIM_LAS0 Meaning : Disabling the timer for laser power measurements failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2063C E_SCN_PRP_NO_MFA_MFB Meaning : MFA and MFB were not calculated. Got no valid results at various photomultiplier high tensions. Reason : - Photomultiplier doesn't get high tension. - Photomultiplier signal doesn't reach the SAB board. Cure : - Check if photomultiplier gets high tension. - Check if photomultiplier is connected correctly and if its signal reaches the SAB board. - Check SAB board and replace if necessary. 2063E E_SCN_PRP_UIF_CLEAR Meaning : Sending request to remove the patient name from the user display failed. Reason : UIF not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 2063F

E_SCN_PRP_UIF_SET Meaning : Sending request to put the patient name to the user display failed. Reason : UIF not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20640 E_SCN_SCO_BACERR Meaning : BAC reported an error to SCN after receiving scan control data. Reason : Probably wrong data. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20641 E_SCN_IRO_SCCERR Meaning : SCC reported an error to SCN after request to start receiving pixels. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20642 E_SCN_SPO_MMSQPOST Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 20643 E_SCN_SPO_HT Meaning : Read-back photomultiplier high tension differs too much from selected one. Reason : - Selected high tension too low (DAC is inexact below 300V). - Photomultiplier high tension supply not connected or defective. - Scan control board (SCB) defective. Cure : - Check the selected high tension with REM tool. - Check cabelling of high tension supply. - Replace high tension supply. - Replace SCB. 20644 E_SCN_MTE_TEMP_WARNING Meaning : Warning: VME temparature (on SAB) is over 45 degrees Celsius. This temparature is still allowed, but critical. Reason : Bad cooling or too high ambient temparature. Cure : - Check if VME cooling fan works properly. - Check for good air flow through VME rack. 20645 E_SCN_MTE_TEMP_ERROR Meaning : VME temparature (on SAB) is over 55 degrees Celsius. The temperature is too high for correct machine operation. Reason : Bad cooling or too high ambient temparature. Cure : - Check if VME cooling fan works properly. - Check for good air flow through VME rack. 20646 E_SCN_MTE_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20647

E_SCN_SIP_MMSQPOST Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 20648 E_SCN_ADJ_WIDTH Meaning : The image plate width could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 20649 E_SCN_ADJ_N_FEED Meaning : Sending "adjust and feed IP" command to SCC failed. Reason : SSC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 2064A E_SCN_ADJ_ATTACH Meaning : Slowscan control component not attached correctly. Scan works without slowscan. Reason : - SSC.PRG not present, not started or with wrong version. - Wrong sscprg_name in SCN0 NVF. Cure : Check above reasons. 2064B E_SCN_IRO_SCCERR2 Meaning : SCC reported an error to SCN after request to start receiving pixels. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2064C E_SCN_IRO_CALC_SAL Meaning : Starting SAL calculation at SCC failed. Reason : SCC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 2064D E_SCN_MTE_MEAS_TEMP Meaning : Measuring the temperature failed. Reason : SCB or SAB not ready. Cure : Check if hardware is ok. Replace if needed. 2064E E_SCN_TEN_TIM_SET Meaning : Setting the temperature timer to a new value failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2064F E_SCN_IRO_CALC_SAL_OK Meaning : SCC reported an error at SAL calculation. Reason : Too few valid values within one or more rows. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Perform calibration again.

20650 E_SCN_ADS_ADDIV Meaning : Setting the divider for the pixel clock failed. Reason : Problem with scan control board (SCB). Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20651 E_SCN_ADS_MEASW Meaning : Setting the measurement window (A/D window) failed. Reason : Problem with scan control board (SCB). Cure : Check / replace SCB. 20652 E_SCN_ADS_ADJUST Meaning : Problem with fine adjusting the galvanometer. Reason : - Not all 3 PIN diodes visible - Amplitude or offset DAC value out of range - Instable galvanometer sweep - Rotating shutter not turning - Operating system fault (unlikely) Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check PIN diode signal. Check galvanometer sweep. Check rotating shutter. 20653 E_SCN_ADS_WAIT_RS Meaning : Timeout while waiting for the rotating shutter having ramped up. Reason : - RMS board not connected, badly connected or defective. - No Rotating shutter motor power. Cure : Check RMS board power supply. If ok, replace RMS board. If this doesn't help, replace SCB. 20654 E_SCN_ADS_ADJUST2 Meaning : Problem with retry of fine adjusting the galvanometer. Reason : - Not all 3 PIN diodes visible - Amplitude or offset DAC value out of range - Instable galvanometer sweep - Rotating shutter not turning - Operating system fault (unlikely) Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check PIN diode signal. Check galvanometer sweep. Check rotating shutter. 20655 E_SCN_ADS_OFF_CNT_PP Meaning : Galvanometer offset not stable. Jitter limit exceeded at galvanometer adjustment. Reason : Old, defective galvanometer. Cure : Check info counters. If this error occurs frequently, replace galvanometer. Check galvanometer jitter with diagnostic software. 20656 E_SCN_ADS_AMP_CNT_PP Meaning : Galvanometer amplitude not stable. Jitter limit exceeded at galvanometer adjustment. Reason : Old, defective galvanometer. Cure : Check info counters.

If this error occurs frequently, replace galvanometer. Check galvanometer jitter with diagnostic software. 20657 E_SCN_STS_TIM_BOS Meaning : Setting timeout for begin of scan detection failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20658 E_SCN_STS_SSSPEED Meaning : Calculation of slowscan speed failed. Reason : Wrong software setup. Cure : Check if software and its parameters are installed correctly. Check previous errors with REM tool. 20659 E_SCN_STS_LENGTH Meaning : The image plate length could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 2065A E_SCN_STS_RUN Meaning : Sending "run" command to SSC failed. Reason : SSC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 2065B E_SCN_STF_INIS Meaning : Problem when initializing scan. Possibly default parameter(s) taken. Reason : One or more of the parameters was wrong. Cure : Check previous error codes with REM tool. Check cassette data. Check system configuration. 2065C E_SCN_STF_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2065D E_SCN_STS_NEWSPEED Meaning : Calling SSC to set a new slowscan speed failed. Reason : - Software components not correct attached. - Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20660 E_SCN_SIB_MMSALLOC1 Meaning : Allocation of new image block, to replace transmitted one, failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20661 E_SCN_SIB_MMSALLOC2

Meaning : Allocation of image block for line to interface failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20662 E_SCN_SIB_SEND_SCC Meaning : Sending image block to SCC failed. Reason : SSC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20663 E_SCN_SIB_SEND_BAC Meaning : Sending image block to BAC failed. Reason : BAC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20664 E_SCN_SIB_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20665 E_SCN_KIB_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20667 E_SCN_NCH_LINE_INT Meaning : During shading calibration, the number of counted lines did not correspond with the number of transmitted pixels. Reason : BOL signal (rotating shutter interrupt) not stable. Cure : Check for correct optical and mechanical adjustment of the scanner. 20668 E_SCN_NCH_CALC_HT Meaning : Error when calculating a new photomultiplier high tension during shading calibration. Reason : One or more parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20669 E_SCN_PCT_CALC_HTD Meaning : Error occurred while calculating the photomultiplier high tension D/A converter value. Allowed value used. Reason : Voltage too high. Limiting to maximum. Cure : - Check cassette parameters MFA, MFB and laser power, if the values are correct. - If voltage manually set: Ignore error. Scanner uses max. 2066A E_SCN_PCT_HT Meaning : Setting the photomultiplier high tension failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check scan control board (SCB) 2066B E_SCN_PCT_REACT

Meaning : Reactivating scan after pixelcount event failed. Reason : Unknown. Cure : Check software configuration. 2066C E_SCN_PCT_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2066D E_SCN_PCT_TIMOFF_PIX Meaning : Deactivating timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2066E E_SCN_NCH_CALC_HTD Meaning : Error occurred while calculating new photomultiplier high tension D/A converter value at shading calibration. Allowed value used. Reason : Voltage too high. Limiting to maximum. Cure : 2066F E_SCN_NCH_HT Meaning : Setting the photomultiplier high tension failed at shading cal. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check scan control board (SCB) 20670 E_SCN_LCT_CALCTRL Meaning : Initializing SCC for receiving pixels failed. Reason : SCN-SCC version mismatch or SCC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20671 E_SCN_LCT_REACT Meaning : Reactivating scan after linecount event failed. Reason : Unknown. Cure : Check software configuration. 20672 E_SCN_LCT_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20674 E_SCN_PIN_NEWSPEED0 Meaning : Requesting slowscan stop at holes in IP failed. Reason : SSC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check software configuration. 20679 E_SCN_RIP_RELEASE_SCC Meaning : The SCC interface function scc_release() reported an error. Reason : Cure : Check software configuration.

2067A E_SCN_RIP_RELEASE_BAC Meaning : The BAC interface function bac_release_buffer() reported an error. Reason : Cure : Check software configuration. 2067B E_SCN_RIP_NEWSPEED Meaning : Calling SSC to set a new slowscan speed failed. Reason : - Software components not correct attached. - Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2067C E_SCN_RIP_TIMOFF_PIX Meaning : Deactivating timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 2067D E_SCN_RIP_MMSQPOST Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 2067E E_SCN_RIP_FIFO_OVERFLOW Meaning : Pixels were probably lost due to pixel FIFO overflow. This was detected when checking the FIFO overflow flag after scan. Reason : Any high-priority software part in the device consumed too much CPU time. So the FIFO could not be read out in time. Cure : - Check software error messages during scan at the CPU front port serial channel. - Check other error codes with REM tool. 2067F E_SCN_RIP_TIM_RUNEND Meaning : Setting timeout for run_end message from slowscan failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20680 E_SCN_INI_HT Meaning : Setting the photomultiplier high tension to 0V failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check scan control board (SCB) 20681 E_SCN_INI_TIM_STB Meaning : Setting the standby timer failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20682 E_SCN_INI_TIM_LAS Meaning : Setting the timer for laser power measurements failed.

Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20683 E_SCN_INI_TIM_PREPI Meaning : Setting the timer for I/V converter offset adjustment failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20684 E_SCN_INI_MMSQPOST Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 20685 E_SCN_INI_MMSQPOST2 Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 20686 E_SCN_INI_MMSQPOST3 Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 20687 E_SCN_INI_MMSQPOST4 Meaning : Posting of message to queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 20688 E_SCN_EOS_SCANERROR Meaning : One of the following errors occurred during scan: - Pixel A/D converter overflow. - Laser diode not ok. - At least one of the needed voltages failed. - Pixel FIFO full condition at least one time. - DMA buffer overflow at least one time. Reason : - Image overexposed. - Defective or old laser diode. - Defective power supply or cable (when power fail detected). - Defective hard disk (pixel data cannot be stored away). - Any other software part consumed too much CPU time. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check resulting image. 2068A E_SCN_BAC_SET_SCTRL Meaning : Setting one of the scan control parameters failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

2068B E_SCN_BAC_ALLOC_SCTRL Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block for scan control data failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2068C E_SCN_BAC_SEND_SCTRL Meaning : Sending scan control data to BAC failed. Reason : BAC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 2068D E_SCN_NIH_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 2068E E_SCN_EVL_QLEN Meaning : Error occurred during self adjustments in scanner. General error code, which should never occur. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20690 E_SCN_SRV_STATE Meaning : Entering scanner service mode currently not allowed. Reason : IP parameters for new scan have been sent. Cure : Try again after scan. 20691 E_SCN_SRV_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20692 E_SCN_SRV_DIPPARMS Meaning : Getting default IP parameters failed, when entering service mode. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20693 E_SCN_SRV_DERIVED Meaning : Calculating derived IP parameters failed, when entering service mode. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20694 E_SCN_SRV_SCANPARMS Meaning : Calculating scan parameters failed, when entering service mode. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20695 E_SCN_SRV_SWP Meaning : Setting the sweep to new parameters, when entering service mode, failed.

Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20696 E_SCN_SRV_TIM_STB0 Meaning : Disabling the standby timer failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20697 E_SCN_SRV_TIM_LAS0 Meaning : Disabling the laser timer failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20699 E_SCN_ESR_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 206A0 E_SCN_DIP_ALLOC_C Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 206A1 E_SCN_CIP_IP_SENS Meaning : IP sensitivity not within limits. Reason : - Wrong identification of the cassette. - Cassette initialized and not identified. Cure : - Check cassette contents at ID station. - Check if ID station software is installed and configured correctly. - Reidentify the cassette. 206A2 E_SCN_CIP_SENS Meaning : Sensitivity (speed class) not correct. Reason : - Wrong identification of the cassette. - Cassette initialized and not identified. Cure : - Check cassette contents at ID station. - Check if ID station software is installed and configured correctly. - Reidentify the cassette. 206A3 E_SCN_CIP_MECH_FORMAT Meaning : Error in obtaining the cassette format for slow scan. Reason : - Scan resolution code not found or out of range. - Unknown format name. - FIP component not attached correctly (unlikely). Cure : - Check if cassette has been identified without error. - Check if ID station software is installed and configured correctly. - Check if cassette reader unit works correctly. 206A4

E_SCN_CIP_IMG_FORMAT Meaning : Error in obtaining the scan format (responsible for created digital image). Reason : - Scan resolution code not found or out of range. - Unknown format name. - FIP component not attached correctly (unlikely). Cure : - Check if cassette has been identified without error. - Check if ID station software is installed and configured correctly. - Check if cassette reader unit works correctly. 206A5 E_SCN_CIP_CAL_FORMAT Meaning : Error in obtaining the calibration format (needed for setting the fast scan parameters). Reason : - Scan resolution code not found or out of range. - Unknown format name. - FIP component not attached correctly (unlikely). Cure : - Check if cassette has been identified without error. - Check if ID station software is installed and configured correctly. - Check if cassette reader unit works correctly. 206A6 E_SCN_CIP_LINE_WIDTH Meaning : The line width could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206A7 E_SCN_CIP_CAL_WIDTH Meaning : The calibration line width could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206A8 E_SCN_CIP_LINE_PIX Meaning : The number of pixels per line could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206A9 E_SCN_CIP_CAL_PIX Meaning : The number of pixels per calibration line could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206AA E_SCN_CIP_PIX_TIM Meaning : The pixel time could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used.

Reason Cure

: - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. : Check if software is installed and configured correctly.

206AB E_SCN_CIP_OFF_CNT Meaning : The offset count value could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206AC E_SCN_CIP_PIX_DIV Meaning : Problem when calculating the pixel clock divider. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 206AD E_SCN_CIP_SPOTSPD Meaning : Problem when calculating the laser spot speed on the IP. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 206AE E_SCN_CIP_CALC_HT Meaning : Error when calculating the photomultiplier high tension. Reason : One or more parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 206B0 E_SCN_CSP_IPPARMS Meaning : No IP parameters present, when calling scn_calc_scanparms(). Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 206B1 E_SCN_CSP_LEN Meaning : The image plate length could not be obtained correctly from FIP. Default used. Reason : - FIP component not attached correctly. - Error in FIP table. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B2 E_SCN_CSP_PER Meaning : Error when calculating the line time. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B3 E_SCN_CSP_AMP_CNT Meaning : Error when calculating the needed amplitude count value. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B4

E_SCN_CSP_OFF_CNT Meaning : Error when calculating the needed offset count value. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B5 E_SCN_CSP_ADDELAY Meaning : Error when calculating the delay between BOL and A/D window. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B6 E_SCN_CSP_AD_PIX Meaning : Error when calculating the number of pixels in the A/D window. Reason : Cure : 206B7 E_SCN_CSP_SWPDIV Meaning : Error when calculating the sweep clock divider. Reason : Line time out of range (may be caused by wrong pixel time). Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B8 E_SCN_CSP_AMP_DAC Meaning : Error when calculating the amplitude DAC value. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206B9 E_SCN_CSP_OFF_DAC Meaning : Error when calculating the offset DAC value. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206BA E_SCN_CSP_CALC_HTD Meaning : Error occurred while calculating the photomultiplier high tension D/A converter value. Allowed value used. Reason : Voltage too high. Limiting to maximum. Cure : - Check cassette parameters MFA, MFB and laser power, if the values are correct. - If voltage manually set: Ignore error. Scanner uses max. 206BB E_SCN_CSP_NR_PIXELS Meaning : send_pixels wrong. Reason : Software error. Cure : No problem, only warning. 206C0 E_SCN_CSS_WIDTH Meaning : Line width out of range at calculation of slow-scan speed. Reason : Wrong software setup. Cure : Check if software and its parameters are installed correctly.

206C1 E_SCN_CSS_TIME Meaning : Line time out of range at calculation of slow-scan speed. Reason : Wrong software setup. Cure : Check if software and its parameters are installed correctly. 206C2 E_SCN_CSS_PIX Meaning : Line pixels out of range at calculation of slow-scan speed. Reason : Wrong software setup. Cure : Check if software and its parameters are installed correctly. 206C8 E_SCN_CLN_LENGTH Meaning : Too short scan length, when calculating number of lines per image. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206C9 E_SCN_CLN_WIDTH Meaning : Too short line width, when calculating number of lines per image. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206CA E_SCN_CLN_PIX Meaning : Too few number of pixels per line, when calculating number of lines per image. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206D0 E_SCN_SWP_CDIV Meaning : Error when calculating the sweep clock divider. Reason : Line time out of range. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206D1 E_SCN_SWP_CAMP Meaning : Error when calculating the amplitude DAC value. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206D2 E_SCN_SWP_COFF Meaning : Error when calculating the offset DAC value. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206D3 E_SCN_SWP_RUN Meaning : Ramping up or down the rotating shutter failed. Reason : Various. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly.

206D4 E_SCN_SWP_WAIT_RS Meaning : Waiting for the rotating shutter ramp finished failed. Reason : Various. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206D5 E_SCN_SWP_FRAMP Meaning : Error in finding sweep ramp file Reason : Sweep ramp file not available or wrong size or header Cure : - Check C:\*.SWP - Check D:\*.SWP 206D6 E_SCN_SWP_LRAMP Meaning : Loading the sweep ramp into sweep memory on SCB failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 206D7 E_SCN_SWP_SDIV Meaning : Setting the sweep clock divider failed. Reason : Cure : 206D8 E_SCN_SWP_SOFF Meaning : Setting the sweep offset failed. Reason : Cure : 206D9 E_SCN_SWP_SAMP Meaning : Setting the sweep amplitude failed. Reason : Cure : 206DA E_SCN_SWP_GALVO_ON Meaning : Sending "galvanometer power on" command to IOC failed. Reason : IOC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206DB E_SCN_SWP_GALVO_OFF Meaning : Sending "galvanometer power off" command to IOC failed. Reason : IOC not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206DC E_SCN_SWP_PIXDIV Meaning : Problem when calculating the pixel clock divider. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 206DD E_SCN_SWP_PER Meaning : Error when calculating the line time.

Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206DE E_SCN_SWP_SWPDIV Meaning : Error when calculating the sweep clock divider. Reason : Line time out of range (may be caused by wrong pixel time). Cure : Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206DF E_SCN_SWP_ADDELAY Meaning : Error when calculating the delay between BOL and A/D window. Reason : One of the parameters out of range. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if software is installed and configured correctly. 206E0 E_SCN_SXS_MMSQPOST1 Meaning : Posting of SCN response message to caller queue failed. Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 206E1 E_SCN_FMM_FREE_CTL Meaning : Freeing of MMS control block failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206E2 E_SCN_FMM_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206E3 E_SCN_FMM_FREE_MSG Meaning : Freeing a MMS message header block failed. Reason : Wrong message pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206E4 E_SCN_MLA_NOTREAD Meaning : Measuring the laser power failed. 0mW used. This error may occur several times due to measuring loop. Reason : No begin of line (BOL) interrupt. Cure : Check rotating shutter, its optoswitch and cabelling. 206E5 E_SCN_MLA_TOO_LOW Meaning : Laser power at one measurement was below 1 mW. Reason : - No laser light at all - PIN diodes not visible (e.g. IP in scanner) - Polygon gets no power or clock. - One wrong measurement, next measurement will be ok.


: If this error can be found often in the log file, check the laser, if the laser beam reaches the scan area and if it hits the PIN diodes. Repair if necessary. Check if the polygon gets power.

206E8 E_SCN_CLA_LOWPOW Meaning : Calibrating the PIN diode laser power measurement failed. Reason : Too low laser power. Cure : Check laser, optics and polygon. 206E9 E_SCN_WNV_SACC1 Meaning : Setting the access mode for writing data to a NVF file failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206EA E_SCN_WNV_SACC2 Meaning : Setting the access mode for writing data to a NVF file failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206EB E_SCN_WNV_WRITE Meaning : Writing variable to A00 NVF file failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206EC E_SCN_WNV_UACC1 Meaning : Unsetting the access mode after writing data to a NVF file failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 206ED E_SCN_CLA_POW_RANGE Meaning : Calibrating the PIN diode laser power measurement failed. Reason : The entered laser power was not within range. Cure : Enter the correct value. 206EE E_SCN_CLA_PD_RANGE Meaning : Calibrating the PIN diode laser power measurement failed. Reason : The calculated pd_factor was not within range. Cure : Check entered values, laser, optics and polygon. 206F0 E_SCN_IOPTO_FPOST1 Meaning : Posting the linecount event failed during BOL interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 206F1 E_SCN_IOPTO_FPOST2 Meaning : Posting the begin of scan event failed during BOL interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration.

- Install the software new. 206F2 E_SCN_IOPTO_FPOST3 Meaning : Posting the PIN diode event failed during BOL interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 206F3 E_SCN_IFIFO_ILEN Meaning : Complete image block queue in SCN is full. Cannot transmit. Reusing current queue position (image block(s) lost!). Reason : - BAC or SCC did not accept the image blocks. - FIFO half interrupt overload. Cure : Check hard disk for bad clusters. Replace if necessary. Check software configuration. Reinstall software. If this doesn't help, check/replace scan control board (SCB). 206F4 E_SCN_IFIFO_FPOST Meaning : Posting an event failed during FIFO interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 206F5 E_SCN_IPIN_FPOST Meaning : Posting the PIN diode event failed during PIN diode interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 206F6 E_SCN_IADJ_FPOST Meaning : Posting galvo adjusted event failed during PIN diode interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 206F7 E_SCN_INOPIN_FPOST Meaning : Posting the no PIN diode event failed during PIN diode interrupt. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 20700 E_SCC_SCL_UNDER Meaning : During shading calibration, the pixel values are too low. Reason : - Image plate underexposed. - MFA and/or MFB are not correct. Cure : - Expose IP with 20 microgray. - Check if MFA and MFB have been installed after replacement of opical parts. 20701 E_SCC_SCL_OVER Meaning : During shading calibration, the pixel values are too high.

Reason Cure

: - Image plate overexposed. - MFA and/or MFB are not correct. : - Expose IP with 20 microgray. - Check if MFA and MFB have been installed after replacement of opical parts.

20702 E_SCC_SCL_DYN_RANGE Meaning : During shading calibration, not all pixels were within the needed dynamic range of 1:2. Reason : - Image plate not exposed flat field. - Obstacle in optical path. Cure : - Try calibration again. Check if IP is exposed flat field. - Check if parameters have been installed correctly after parts replacement. - Check optical path. 20703 E_SCC_SCL_SLOPE Meaning : During shading calibration, the difference between at least two contiguous pixels was too high (too high slope). Reason : - Dust on the fibre optics or the photomultiplier. - Cleaning brush in scan area. - Hardware problem on SCB, Gemini or backplane. Cure : - Clean the fibre optics with the dust brush and calibrate again. - Analyze scanned line: E:\SCCTMP\SHD*.TXT - If cleaning doesn't help, try to replace SCB, Gemini or backplane. 20704 E_SCC_SCL_DR_WARNING Meaning : During shading calibration, not all pixels were within the needed dynamic range of 1:2. But this is in a tolerable area, e.g. not more than 3 mm (mam_cal_border) from the border of a mammo image. Reason : - Mammo modality is vignetting. - Other reasons possible, like obstacle in optical path. Cure : - Accept calibration, but inform customer. 20710 E_SCC_IFC_NOT_ATTACHED Meaning : The calling component is not attached to SCC and thus cannot communicate. Reason : Programming error. Cure : No cure without new software. Contact Service International. 20711 E_SCC_IFC_SMSHARE Meaning : Getting shared memory at attach to SCC component failed. Reason : Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20712 E_SCC_IFC_VERSION Meaning : The versions of the SCC interface, linked to the calling component, and the SCC component are different. Due to incompatibilities, no communication is possible. Reason : Not all *.PRG files are of the same release. Cure : Install the complete software release. 20713

E_SCC_IFC_RESPONSE1 Meaning : Unknown response from SCC component. Reason : Programming error. Cure : Ignore, if no further errors. Otherwise contact service international. 20714 E_SCC_IFC_FNR_ERR Meaning : The response to a SCC function call returned an error. Reason : Called function failed. Cure : Depending on called function. 20715 E_SCC_IFC_NOT_STARTED Meaning : The version number of the SCC shared memory is 0. Attach to SCC failed (this time). Reason : SCC is not started (yet). Cure : In certain operation modes: ignore ! Else: check settings, if SCC is started. 20716 E_SCC_IFC_FNR_IMG_LEN Meaning : Response from SCC function call contained no image block with valid data. Reason : Cure : 20717 E_SCC_IFC_FFI_PATH Meaning : Path for requested file not found. Reason : Requested partition or folder not present. Cure : This error should not happen. Check the partitions C:, D: and E: 20718 E_SCC_IFC_FFI_FILE Meaning : Could not find requested file. Reason : File not present. Cure : Depending on the requested file, do the necessary action. Example: If shading correction file missing, do calibration. 20720 E_SCC_IFC_RSH_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20721 E_SCC_IFC_RSH_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20724 E_SCC_IFC_IRX_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20725

E_SCC_IFC_IRX_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20726 E_SCC_IFC_IRX_ALLOC_C Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20728 E_SCC_IFC_SIC_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20729 E_SCC_IFC_SIC_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2072C E_SCC_IFC_CSH_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2072D E_SCC_IFC_CSH_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 2072E E_SCC_IFC_CSH_ALLOC_C Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20730 E_SCC_IFC_CSA_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20731 E_SCC_IFC_CSA_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20732 E_SCC_IFC_CSA_ALLOC_C Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software.

20734 E_SCC_IFC_REL_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20735 E_SCC_IFC_REL_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20738 E_SCC_IFC_CFN_ALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS header block failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20739 E_SCC_IFC_CFN_QPOST Meaning : Posting a message to a MMS queue failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20740 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_FFIND1 Meaning : Needed sweep ramp file not found. Using wildcard for galvo_type. This error is ignored. Reason : Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk. 20741 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_FFIND2 Meaning : Needed sweep ramp file not found. Using wildcard for width. Reason : Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk. 20742 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_FFIND3 Meaning : Needed sweep ramp file not found. Using wildcard for line_time. Reason : Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk. 20743 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_FFIND4 Meaning : Needed sweep ramp file not found. Using wildcard for duty_cycle. Reason : Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk. 20744 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_FFIND5 Meaning : Needed sweep ramp file not found. Searching on C: partition. Reason : Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk D: partition. 20745 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_FFIND6 Meaning : No sweep ramp file found at all. Reason : Software not installed correctly and scanner not adjusted.


: Install software correctly and install galvanometer parameters.

20746 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_DEFAULT Meaning : Error reading needed sweep ramp file. Default C:CY80.SWP used. Reason : Probably sweep ramp version mismatch. Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk. Check previous error codes with REM tool. 20747 E_SCC_IFC_GSW_READFILE Meaning : Error reading sweep ramp file. Using calculated sweep curve. With this error, the galvanometer cannot be operated correctly! Reason : Many. See previous error codes (REM tool). Cure : Load correct sweep curves to hard disk. Check previous error codes with REM tool. 20750 E_SCC_START_LOGLEVEL Meaning : Setting the overall loglevel by SCN failed. Reason : Illegal loglevel. Cure : Check overall loglevel with nve SYS0 20751 E_SCC_START_ALLOCCB Meaning : Allocating space for the SCC variables failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check disk partitions. Reinstall the software. 20752 E_SCC_START_LOADCONFIG Meaning : Loading SCC's NVF variables failed. Reason : Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20753 E_SCC_START_ALLOCSHARED Meaning : Allocating shared memory for interfacing SCN failed. Reason : Out of system resources. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20754 E_SCC_START_MMSOPEN Meaning : Attaching SCC to the message management system (MMS) failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20755 E_SCC_START_GETQID Meaning : SCC cannot get an ID for its input message queue. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20756 E_SCC_START_QCREATE Meaning : SCC cannot create its input message queue. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software.

20757 E_SCC_ATTACHBAC Meaning : Attaching the SCC software to the BAC component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or BAC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20758 E_SCC_ATTACHDRA Meaning : Attaching the SCC software to the DRA component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or DRA not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20759 E_SCC_ATTACHICN Meaning : Attaching the SCC software to the ICN component failed. Reason : Version mismatch or ICN not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20761 E_SCC_START_INITSTT Meaning : Initializing SCC's state transition tables failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20762 E_SCC_START_NOTASKID Meaning : The scanner calibration software could not get an ID for the SCC task. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20763 E_SCC_START_TASKSTART Meaning : Creating the SCC task failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20764 E_SCC_START_TASKSYNC Meaning : SCC task was not started correctly. Synchronisation with start function failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 20765 E_SCC_START_SMEHEAP Meaning : Allocating memory for shading correction data failed. Reason : System out of resources. Cure : 20767 E_SCC_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Meaning : Getting the default SCC NVF values failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20770 E_SCC_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Meaning : Overwriting the default SCC NVF values by values from file failed. Reason : Problem with operating system.


: Check if software is installed correctly.

20771 E_SCC_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Meaning : Declaring the SCC NVF config file for service failed. Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20778 E_SCC_START_LOCAL_LOGLEVEL Meaning : Setting the local loglevel failed. Reason : Invalid loglevel. Cure : Call "nve SCC0" on AOS shell. loglevel must be 0..4. 20779 E_SCC_TSK_SYNCING Meaning : Posting the start synchronisation message by SCC task failed. Reason : Fatal software error. Cure : Reinstall Software. 2077A E_SCC_TSK_MKDIR_CAL Meaning : Making the directory E:/SCCTMP failed. Reason : Cure : 20780 E_SCC_TSK_MMSQPEND Meaning : Pending on SCC message input queue returned with error. Reason : Probably operating system error or inconsistent software. Cure : Check software configuration. 20781 E_SCC_TSK_MMS_TMO Meaning : MMS queue pend timed out. Reason : Should not happen, because no timeout forseen in SCC. Cure : Check software configuration. 20782 E_SCC_TSK_EVENT1 Meaning : Unknown event received by SCC task. Reason : Software incompatibility. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. 20783 E_SCC_TSK_EVENT2 Meaning : Any event translation function delivered wrong event to SCC task. Reason : Software error. Cure : - Check software configuration. - Install the software new. - Contact service international. 20790 E_SCC_MSG_WSTATE_IGN Meaning : A SCC event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software ignored the message. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

20791 E_SCC_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : A SCC event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20792 E_SCC_MSG_WSTATE_AIGN Meaning : A SCC_ACQ event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software ignored the message. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20793 E_SCC_MSG_WSTATE_AREF Meaning : A SCC_ACQ event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20794 E_SCC_FN_UNKNOWN Meaning : Unknown function code from scc_call_function(). Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207A0 E_SCC_RSH_FFIND1 Meaning : Shading correction file not found. Reason : File does not exist. Cure : Calibrate given format. 207A1 E_SCC_RSH_ADD Meaning : Shading correction file could not be read into memory correctly. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Calibrate given format. 207A2 E_SCC_RSH_FFIND2 Meaning : Shading correction file not found / loaded. Reason : Cure : Calibrate given format. 207A3 E_SCC_FLB_OFFSET_LIMIT Meaning : White border could not be removed from mammo image. Reason : Calculated white border offset out of range. Cure : Check if begin of scan detection works properly. 207A4 E_SCC_FLB_SLOPE_LIMIT Meaning : White border could not be removed from mammo image. Reason : Calculated white border slope out of range. Cure : Check slow-scan skew.

207A5 E_SCC_FLB_BAD_COLUMNS_LIMIT Meaning : White border could not be removed from mammo image. Reason : Too many columns, where IP border could not be detected. Cure : Check image. Are there metal parts or similar in the image? 207A6 E_SCC_CCH_FCLOSE Meaning : Error closing image file (read) by SCC. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207A7 E_SCC_CCH_RELBAC Meaning : The call of bac_release_buffer() returned with error. Reason : Message could not be sent. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 207A8 E_SCC_IRX_FOPEN Meaning : Opening binary file for image output failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207A9 E_SCC_IRX_FREE_CTL Meaning : Freeing of MMS control block failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207AA E_SCC_IRX_ALLOC_CTL Meaning : Allocating a MMS control block failed. Reason : Not enough blocks reserved at software initialisation. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207AB E_SCC_ICH_FWRITE Meaning : Not all pixels of image block written to disk. Reason : Disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and other errors with REM tool. 207AC E_SCC_ICH_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207AD E_SCC_ICH_Q_FULL Meaning : Image chunk cannot be stored in queue any more. Reason : Queue full. Should not happen. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 207AE E_SCC_ICH_FREE_IMG2

Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207AF E_SCC_REL_FCLOSE Meaning : Closing the image file failed. Reason : Wrong file pointer or other software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 207B0 E_SCC_ACC_NO_DATA Meaning : SCC image block queue contains no valid data to average. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 207B1 E_SCC_CSH_CALC_AV1 Meaning : Error at first pass of averaging lines for shading calibration. Reason : Too high or too low pixel values. Cure : Calibrate again. 207B2 E_SCC_CSH_ALLOC_IMG Meaning : Allocating a MMS image block by SCC failed. Reason : Not enough blocks reserved at software initialisation. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207B3 E_SCC_CSH_CALC_AV2 Meaning : Error at second pass of averaging lines for shading calibration. Reason : Too high or too low pixel values. Cure : Calibrate again. 207B4 E_SCC_CSH_SCALE Meaning : Error at scaling the shading calibration line to 4095. Reason : Underexposed, overexposed or dynamic range more than factor 2. Cure : Calibrate again, using a different exposure. 207B5 E_SCC_CSH_FWRITE Meaning : Writing shading correction data to disk failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207B6 E_SCC_CSH_DRAW Meaning : The call of dra_drawShadingCorrection() returned with error. Reason : Message could not be sent. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 207B7 E_SCC_CSH_RELBAC Meaning : The call of bac_release_buffer() returned with error. Reason : Message could not be sent. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool.

207B8 E_SCC_CSA_CALC_AV1 Meaning : Error at first pass of averaging lines for SAL calculation. Reason : Too high or too low pixel values. Error occurs always at MFA/MFB calculation (normal). Cure : Ignore this error, information only. Check for other errors. 207B9 E_SCC_CSA_CALC_AV2 Meaning : Error at first pass of averaging lines for SAL calculation. Reason : Too high or too low pixel values. Error occurs always at MFA/MFB calculation (normal). Cure : Ignore this error, information only. Check for other errors. 207BA E_SCC_ACC_ALLOC_IMG Meaning : Allocating a MMS image block by SCC failed. Reason : Not enough blocks reserved at software initialisation. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207BB E_SCC_ACC_FOPEN Meaning : Opening the image file for averaging pixels failed. Reason : File not present, etc. Cure : 207BC E_SCC_ACC_FSEEK Meaning : Setting the read pointer in the image file failed. Reason : File not big enough. Cure : 207BD E_SCC_ACC_FREAD Meaning : SCC read less than expected pixels from image file. Reason : File not big enough. Cure : 207BE E_SCC_ACC_FCLOSE Meaning : Closing the image file after reading by SCC component failed. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207BF E_SCC_ACC_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207C0 E_SCC_CSH_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

207C1 E_SCC_SHL_SMEHEAP Meaning : Allocating additional memory for a shading correction line with sm_eheap() failed. Reason : No memory left for allocation. Cure : 207C2 E_SCC_SHL_READFILE Meaning : Error reading shading correction file. Reason : Many. See previous error codes (REM tool). Cure : Check previous error codes with REM tool. 207C3 E_SCC_SHL_NOFREEPLACE Meaning : Shading list element could not be put back to list of unused elements. Reason : No free place in list of unused elements. Should never happen! Cure : Software error. This error should have no influence on the functioning of the scanner. 207C4 E_SCC_SHD_FOPEN Meaning : Opening shading correction file failed. Reason : File does not exist. Cure : Calibrate the requested format. 207C5 E_SCC_SHD_FSIZE_S Meaning : Reading shading correction file header size and version failed. Reason : File contains less than 4 bytes. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check shading correction files with DIR D:\*.SHD They should contain more than 8 kBytes. - Calibrate the requested format again. 207C6 E_SCC_SHD_HSIZE Meaning : Wrong shading correction file header size Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Calibrate the requested format again. 207C7 E_SCC_SHD_FSIZE_H Meaning : Shading correction file is smaller than expected header. Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check shading correction files with DIR D:\*.SHD They should contain more than 8 kBytes. - Calibrate the requested format again. 207C8 E_SCC_SHD_HVERS Meaning : The version of the shading correction file is not correct. Reason : The calibration file might have been made with a newer software than the one, generating the error.


: Check if software is installed correctly. Calibrate again.

207C9 E_SCC_SHD_FSIZE_P Meaning : Shading correction file contains too few pixels. Reason : Wrong software Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check shading correction files with DIR D:\*.SHD They should contain more than 8 kBytes. - Calibrate the requested format again. 207CA E_SCC_SCH_NO_BLOCK_SSB Meaning : No image block available from scan slave board. Reason : Cure : 207CB E_SCC_SHD_FCLOSE Meaning : Error closing shading correction file. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207CC E_SCC_SHD_HSIZE1 Meaning : Wrong shading correction file header size Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Calibrate the requested format again. 207CD E_SCC_SHD_FSIZE_H1 Meaning : Shading correction file is smaller than expected header. Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check shading correction files with DIR D:\*.SHD or DIR D:\SHD. They should contain more than 8 kBytes. - Calibrate the requested format again. 207CE E_SCC_CSH_FPRINT Meaning : Writing shading calibration data as ASCII to disk failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207CF E_SCC_SCH_NO_BLOCK_SMB Meaning : No image block available from scan master board. Reason : Cure : 207D0 E_SCC_CAV_DZERO Meaning : During averaging the pixels in each column of a certain number of lines, one or more columns contained no values, which were

within the limit. : - At MFA/MFB calculation, various high tension voltages are selected. The code is generated, when the selected high tension is too low or too high. This is not an error. - At shading calibration, the image plate is overexposed or underexposed. : Ignore this error, information only. Check for other errors.



207D1 E_SCC_CSR_LOW_SAL Meaning : Too low SAL at sweep ramp calibration. Reason : IP not exposed enough or problem with photomultiplier. Cure : Expose more or use higher speed class. Check photomultiplier. You need more exposure than for shading calibration. 207D2 E_SCC_CSR_GLF Meaning : Obtaining the geometrical linearity curve failed. (eva_getAutoCalGLF() returned an error.) Reason : - Wrong test sheet. - Sweep not adjusted correctly. Cure : Check if test sheet is correct. Check for previous errors with REM tool. 207D3 E_SCC_CSR_TOO_FEW Meaning : Too few stripes seen on testsheet by eva_getAutoCalGLF(). Reason : - Wrong testsheet. - Testsheet positioned wrong. Cure : - Check if testsheet is correct. - Check if testsheet has been adjusted and fed correctly. 207D4 E_SCC_CSR_TOO_MANY Meaning : Too many stripes seen on testsheet by eva_getAutoCalGLF(). Reason : - Wrong testsheet. - Testsheet positioned wrong. Cure : - Check if testsheet is correct. - Check if testsheet has been adjusted and fed correctly. 207D5 E_SCC_CSR_FREAD Meaning : Reading sweep ramp file from disk failed. Reason : - File does not exist. - Wrong file format. Cure : Check software configuration. Check disk and system configuration. 207D6 E_SCC_CSR_FWRITE Meaning : Writing new sweep ramp file to disk failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207D7 E_SCC_CSR_GLF_RANGE Meaning : The calculated geometrical linearity is out of range. Reason : - Error in evaluation software. - Wrong line from test sheet for evaluation.


- Pixel values differred too much along the scan line. : - Check if scanner is mechanically adjusted correctly. - Check if test sheet is correct.

207D8 E_SCC_CRS_FCLOSE Meaning : Error closing still open input file by SCC. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207D9 E_SCC_CRS_RELBAC Meaning : The call of bac_release_buffer() returned with error. Reason : Message could not be sent. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 207DA E_SCC_CRS_FOPEN Meaning : Opening image file by SCC failed. Reason : File not present (software bug) or operating system error. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207DB E_SCC_CRS_FCLOSE2 Meaning : Error closing image file (read) by SCC. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207DC E_SCC_CRS_RELBAC2 Meaning : The call of bac_release_buffer() returned with error. Reason : Message could not be sent. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 207DD E_SCC_CCH_ALLOC_IMG Meaning : Allocating a MMS image block by SCC failed. Reason : Not enough blocks reserved at software initialisation. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207DE E_SCC_CCH_SEND_CHUNK Meaning : Sending an image chunk to BAC failed. Reason : BAC not attached correctly or other error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207DF E_SCC_CCH_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207E0 E_SCC_SXS_MMSQPOST1 Meaning : Posting of SCC response message to caller queue failed.

Reason : Severe software setup problem. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check memory resources of hardware. 207E1 E_SCC_FMM_FREE_CTL Meaning : Freeing of MMS control block failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207E2 E_SCC_FMM_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207E3 E_SCC_FMM_FREE_MSG Meaning : Freeing a MMS message header block failed. Reason : Wrong message pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207E4 E_SCC_DIQ_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block failed from SCC image block queue. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 207E8 E_SCC_FWB_FOPEN Meaning : Opening binary file for output failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207E9 E_SCC_FWB_FWRITE Meaning : Less binary bytes written to disk than requested. Reason : Disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207EA E_SCC_FWB_FCLOSE Meaning : Closing binary output file failed. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207F0 E_SCC_SWP_FOPEN Meaning : Opening sweep ramp file failed. Reason : File does not exist. Cure : 207F1 E_SCC_SWP_FSIZE_S

Meaning : Reading sweep ramp file header size and version failed. Reason : File contains less than 4 bytes. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. There should be one default *.SWP file on C:\ - Check sweep ramp files with DIR D:\*.SWP They should contain more than 8 kBytes. 207F2 E_SCC_SWP_HSIZE Meaning : Wrong sweep ramp file header size Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. 207F3 E_SCC_SWP_FSIZE_H Meaning : Sweep ramp file is smaller than expected header. Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. There should be one default *.SWP file on C:\ - Check sweep ramp files with DIR D:\*.SWP They should contain more than 8 kBytes. 207F4 E_SCC_SWP_HVERS Meaning : The version of the sweep ramp file is not correct. Reason : The sweep ramp file might have been made with a newer software than the one, generating the error. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. There should be one default *.SWP file on C:\ 207F5 E_SCC_SWP_FSIZE_P Meaning : Sweep ramp file contains too few values. Reason : Wrong software Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. There should be one default *.SWP file on C:\ - Check sweep ramp files with DIR D:\*.SWP They should contain more than 8 kBytes. 207F6 E_SCC_SWP_FCLOSE Meaning : Error closing sweep ramp file. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207F7 E_SCC_SWP_HSIZE1 Meaning : Wrong sweep ramp file header size Reason : - Wrong file - Software bug Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. 207F8 E_SCC_SWP_FSIZE_H1 Meaning : sweep ramp file is smaller than expected header. Reason : - Wrong file


- Software bug : - Check if software is installed correctly. There should be one default *.SWP file on C:\ - Check sweep ramp files with DIR D:\*.SWP They should contain more than 8 kBytes.

207FA E_SCC_PPA_FOPEN Meaning : Opening text file for output failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207FB E_SCC_PPA_FCLOSE Meaning : Closing text output file failed. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207FC E_SCC_PFA_FOPEN Meaning : Opening text file for output failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207FD E_SCC_PFA_FCLOSE Meaning : Closing text output file failed. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 207FE E_SCC_PCA_FOPEN Meaning : Opening text file for output failed. Reason : No write access to partition, disk full, ... Cure : Check disk and system configuration. 207FF E_SCC_PCA_FCLOSE Meaning : Closing text output file failed. Reason : Operating system problem or software bug. Cure : - Check if software is installed correctly. - Check if disk works correctly. 20900 E_FIP_IFC_NOT_ATTACHED Meaning : The calling component is not attached to FIP and thus cannot communicate. Reason : Programming error. Cure : No cure without new software. Contact Service International. 20901 E_FIP_IFC_ATT_SMSHARE Meaning : The calling component could not attach to FIP because of error at sm_share(). Reason : Problem with operating system. Cure : Reinstall software.

20902 E_FIP_IFC_ATT_VERSION Meaning : The versions of the FIP interface, linked to the calling component, and the FIP component are different. Due to incompatibilities, no communication is possible. Reason : Not all *.PRG files are of the same release. Cure : Install the complete software release. 20903 E_FIP_IFC_GFM_RES Meaning : The given scan resolution value is out of range. Allowed values: 0..9. Reason : Software incompatibility or software bug. Cure : Check software versions of ID station and digitizer. 20904 E_FIP_IFC_GFM_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_format() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20905 E_FIP_IFC_GFM_FMT1 Meaning : The given cassette or scan format in combination with the given scan resolution could not be found in the FIP table. FIP tries to find the format with another scan resolution. Reason : Wrong format or wrong scan resolution due to: - wrong cassette initialisation - software incompatibility Cure : Check software and setup on ID station and digitizer. 20906 E_FIP_IFC_GFM_FMT2 Meaning : The given cassette or scan format in combination with the modified scan resolution could not be found in the FIP table. FIP table index 0 used. Reason : Wrong format due to: - wrong cassette initialisation - software incompatibility Cure : Check software and setup on ID station and digitizer. 20907 E_FIP_IFC_GCF_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_cal_format() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20908 E_FIP_IFC_GCF_FMT Meaning : The given calibration format could not be found in the FIP table. Using the scan format as calibration format. Reason : Wrong format due to: - error in FIP table - wrong cassette initialisation - software incompatibility


: Check software and setup on ID station and digitizer.

20909 E_FIP_IFC_GWI_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_width() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2090A E_FIP_IFC_GWI_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_width() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2090B E_FIP_IFC_GLN_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_length() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2090C E_FIP_IFC_GLN_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_length() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2090D E_FIP_IFC_GLP_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_line_pixels() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2090E E_FIP_IFC_GLP_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_line_pixels() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2090F E_FIP_IFC_GLP_ODD Meaning : The found line_pixels were odd. Subtracted 1 to get even number. Reason : Error in FIP table. Cure : Check software configuration and FIP table. 20910 E_FIP_IFC_GLP_MIN Meaning : The found line_pixels were less than minimum. Minimum used Reason : Error in FIP table. Cure : Check software configuration and FIP table.

20911 E_FIP_IFC_GPT_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_pixel_time() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20912 E_FIP_IFC_GPT_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_pixel_time() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20913 E_FIP_IFC_GOF_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_off_cnt() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20914 E_FIP_IFC_GOF_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_off_cnt() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20915 E_FIP_IFC_SOF_ATTACH Meaning : fip_set_off_cnt() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20916 E_FIP_IFC_SOF_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_set_off_cnt() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20917 E_FIP_IFC_SOF_SACC1 Meaning : Setting the NVF access mode failed for "fip_entry". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20918 E_FIP_IFC_SOF_SACC2 Meaning : Setting the NVF access mode failed for "off_cnt". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20919 E_FIP_IFC_SOF_WRITE

Meaning : nvf_write_values() failed in fip_set_off_cnt(). Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2091A E_FIP_IFC_SOF_UACC Meaning : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed for "off_cnt". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2091B E_FIP_IFC_GMC_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_mid_ip_corr() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2091C E_FIP_IFC_GMC_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_mid_ip_corr() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2091D E_FIP_IFC_SMC_ATTACH Meaning : fip_set_mid_ip_corr() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2091E E_FIP_IFC_SMC_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_set_mid_ip_corr() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2091F E_FIP_IFC_SMC_SACC1 Meaning : Setting the NVF access mode failed for "fip_entry". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20920 E_FIP_IFC_SMC_SACC2 Meaning : Setting the NVF access mode failed for "mid_ip_corr". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20921 E_FIP_IFC_SMC_WRITE Meaning : nvf_write_values() failed in fip_set_mid_ip_corr(). Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20922

E_FIP_IFC_SMC_UACC Meaning : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed for "mid_ip_corr". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20923 E_FIP_IFC_GAC_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_all_cal_names() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20924 E_FIP_IFC_GAC_NOTFOUND Meaning : fip_get_all_cal_names() failed, because given cassette format was not found in table. Reason : Wrong cassette format name. Cure : Check contents of cassette. Check if software has been installed correctly. 20925 E_FIP_IFC_GAC_MAXSIZE Meaning : Result buffer too small in fip_get_all_cal_names() Reason : Software error. Cure : Make buffer for result string bigger. 20926 E_FIP_IFC_GCN_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_cal_names() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20927 E_FIP_IFC_GCN_NOTFOUND Meaning : fip_get_cal_names() failed, because cassette format was not found in table. Reason : Wrong ip_width or line_pixels. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20928 E_FIP_IFC_GCN_MAXSIZE Meaning : Result buffer too small in fip_get_cal_names() Reason : Software error. Cure : Make buffer for result string bigger. 20929 E_FIP_IFC_GWC_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_mid_ip_corr() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2092A E_FIP_IFC_GWC_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_mid_ip_corr() is out of range.

0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2092B E_FIP_IFC_SWC_ATTACH Meaning : fip_set_mid_ip_corr() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 2092C E_FIP_IFC_SWC_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_set_mid_ip_corr() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2092D E_FIP_IFC_SWC_SACC1 Meaning : Setting the NVF access mode failed for "fip_entry". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2092E E_FIP_IFC_SWC_SACC2 Meaning : Setting the NVF access mode failed for "mid_ip_corr". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 2092F E_FIP_IFC_SWC_WRITE Meaning : nvf_write_values() failed in fip_set_mid_ip_corr(). Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20930 E_FIP_IFC_SWC_UACC Meaning : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed for "mid_ip_corr". Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20931 E_FIP_IFC_GOP_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_off_pixels() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20932 E_FIP_IFC_GOP_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_off_pixels() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20933

E_FIP_IFC_GSP_ATTACH Meaning : fip_get_send_pixels() failed, because FIP is not attached correctly to the calling component. Attach is normally done at system start. Reason : FIP not started or software incompatibility. Cure : Check if software has been installed correctly. 20934 E_FIP_IFC_GSP_FMT Meaning : The given FIP table index for fip_get_send_pixels() is out of range. 0 used. Reason : Probably software inconsistency. Cure : Check if software was installed correctly. 20935 E_FIP_IFC_NOT_STARTED Meaning : The version number of the FIP shared memory is 0. Attach to FIP failed (this time). Reason : FIP is not started (yet). Cure : In certain operation modes: ignore ! Else: check settings, if FIP is started. 20940 E_FIP_START_LOGLEVEL Meaning : Setting the loglevel for the FIP start routine failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20941 E_FIP_START_ALLOCSHARED Meaning : Allocating shared memory for the FIP component failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20942 E_FIP_START_LOADCONFIG Meaning : Loading the values for the FIP table variables failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check previous error codes with REM tool. 20943 E_FIP_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Meaning : Getting the software defaults for the FIP table variables failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20952 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_INDEX Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP fip_entry failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20956 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_NAME Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP name failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2095A

E_FIP_CFG_ACC_CNAME Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP cal_name failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2095C E_FIP_CFG_MAX_WIDTH Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP ip_width failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2095D E_FIP_CFG_MIN_WIDTH Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP ip_width failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2095E E_FIP_CFG_ACC_WIDTH Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP ip_width failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20960 E_FIP_CFG_MAX_LENGTH Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP ip_length failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20961 E_FIP_CFG_MIN_LENGTH Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP ip_length failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20962 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_LENGTH Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP ip_length failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20964 E_FIP_CFG_MAX_LPIX Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP line_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20965 E_FIP_CFG_MIN_LPIX Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP line_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20966 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_LPIX Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP line_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

20968 E_FIP_CFG_MAX_TPIX Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP pixel_time failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20969 E_FIP_CFG_MIN_TPIX Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP pixel_time failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2096A E_FIP_CFG_ACC_TPIX Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP pixel_time failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2096C E_FIP_CFG_MAX_OFFCNT Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP off_cnt failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2096D E_FIP_CFG_MIN_OFFCNT Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP off_cnt failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2096E E_FIP_CFG_ACC_OFFCNT Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP off_cnt failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20972 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_MIDIP Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP mid_ip_corr failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20973 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_WIDCO Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP width_corr failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20974 E_FIP_CFG_MAX_OPIX Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP off_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20975 E_FIP_CFG_MIN_OPIX Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP off_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly.

20976 E_FIP_CFG_ACC_OPIX Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP off_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20978 E_FIP_CFG_MAX_SPIX Meaning : Setting the maximum value for FIP send_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20979 E_FIP_CFG_MIN_SPIX Meaning : Setting the minimum value for FIP send_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 2097A E_FIP_CFG_ACC_SPIX Meaning : Setting the access mode for FIP send_pixels failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20980 E_FIP_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Meaning : Reading the FIP table values from the file(s) failed. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. Check if the files fipxxx00.* are correct. 20981 E_FIP_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Meaning : nvf_dcl_cfg() for FIP tables returned with error. Reason : Wrong software configuration. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20B00 E_SCN_LAS_INI_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B01 E_SCN_LAS_ENA_TIM_RES Meaning : Resetting the laser timer to 0 failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20B02 E_SCN_LAS_ENA_TIM_SET Meaning : Setting the laser timer to a new value failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20B03 E_SCN_LAS_WSTATE_IGN Meaning : A laser power event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled.

The software ignored the message. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20B04 E_SCN_LAS_ELK_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B05 E_SCN_LAS_LKA_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B06 E_SCN_LAS_MEA_POW Meaning : Measuring the laser power failed. 0mW used. Reason : - Missing or defective scan control board (SCB). - No begin of line (BOL) interrupt. - Laser power below 1 mW. Cure : Check previous error codes with REM tool. Check rotating shutter and its optoswitch. Check if polygon is moving. Check SCB. Check laser, PIN diode board and cabelling. 20B07 E_SCN_LAS_MEA_TIM_SET Meaning : Setting the laser timer to a new value failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20B08 E_SCN_LAS_TIME_CHANGED Meaning : Current time less than stored start time. Reason : Date or time has been modified. Cure : Reset machine. 20B09 E_SCN_LAS_MORE_DAYS Meaning : More than one day has passed since last call of 24h event for measuring the laser power. Reason : Date has been modified. Cure : Reset machine. 20B0A E_SCN_LAS_SKW_TIM_SET Meaning : Setting the laser timer to a new value failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20B0B E_SCN_LAS_LKA_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B0C

E_SCN_LAS_LKN_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B0D E_SCN_LAS_LKN_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B0E E_SCN_LAS_LAL_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B0F E_SCN_LAS_EAL_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B10 E_SCN_LAS_SDN_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B11 E_SCN_LAS_ESA_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B12 E_SCN_LAS_ESD_COC_DEL Meaning : Deleting error with coc_delete_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20B13 E_SCN_LAS_TS1_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20C00 E_SCN_SHD_NOT_AVAIL Meaning : Shading correction file not available for given scan format. Used other or constant correction line. Reason : - One or all correction file(s) for scan format not present. - File version or size not correct. - Important scanning parameters have changed. Cure : Calibrate given scan format. 20C01 E_SCN_SHD_IPPARMS Meaning : No new IP parameters available.

Reason : Error in command sequence (software error). Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C02 E_SCN_SHD_LIN_PIX Meaning : Calibrated line_pixels less than used line_pixels. Possible stripes at image border. Reason : Shading correction has been calibrated with a scan format smaller than the used scan format, e.g. 24CMX30CM instead 10INX12IN. Cure : Calibrate with correct cassette. 20C03 E_SCN_SHD_KE_DIST Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because ke_distance does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C04 E_SCN_SHD_MID_IP_DIST Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because mid_ip_distance does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C05 E_SCN_SHD_WIDTH_TOL Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because width_tolerance does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Width tolerance has been modified (?). Cure : Calibrate again. 20C06 E_SCN_SHD_ACCEL Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because galvo_accel or d_accel do not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C07 E_SCN_SHD_OFF_CNT Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because offset_counts not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C08 E_SCN_SHD_PIX_TIM Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because pixel_time does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. pixel_time has been modified (?). Cure : Calibrate again. 20C09 E_SCN_SHD_DUCY Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because swp_ducy does not correspond.

Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C0A E_SCN_SHD_SWP_ID Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because galvo curve (D:\*.SWP) does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C0B E_SCN_SHD_MFA Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because MFA does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C0C E_SCN_SHD_MFB Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because MFB does not correspond. Reason : Old shading correction line. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C0D E_SCN_SHD_COC_ENT Meaning : coc_enter_error() failed after analyzing shading correction line. Reason : COC component not attached correctly or version mismatch. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 20C0E E_SCN_SHD_CAL_PIX Meaning : Requested shading correction line cannot be used, because number of calibrated pixels per line are different. Reason : Old shading correction line. Number of pixels per line has been modified. Cure : Calibrate again. 20C20 E_SCN_RNE_COC_ENT Meaning : Displaying error with coc_enter_error() failed. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 20C21 E_SCN_RNE_TIMEOUT Meaning : End of SSC "run" command timed out. Reason : Problem with SSC. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C22 E_SCN_RNE_TIM_RUNEND0 Meaning : Setting timeout timer for end of slowscan failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C23 E_SCN_PNS_NEWSPEED Meaning : Calling SSC to set a new slowscan speed failed.

Reason Cure

: - Software components not correct attached. - Operating system problem. : Check if software is installed correctly.

20C24 E_SCN_RNE_UIF_CLEAR Meaning : Sending request to remove the patient name from the user display failed. Reason : UIF not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20C30 E_SCN_STB_SWP Meaning : Setting sweep and rotating shutter for standby1 failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C31 E_SCN_STB_SWP_OFF Meaning : Switching off the sweep and the rotating shutter for standby2 failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C32 E_SCN_STB_TIMER Meaning : Setting the timer for next standby condition failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C34 E_SCN_CAN_FREE Meaning : Freeing MMS control block with IP parameters failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C35 E_SCN_CAN_UIF_CLEAR Meaning : Sending request to remove the patient name from the user display failed. Reason : UIF not started, not attached correctly or with wrong version. Cure : Check software configuration. 20C40 E_SCN_CSO_RANGE Meaning : Calculated I/V-converter offset voltage out of range (+-10mV). Reason : Probably I/V-converter out of range. Cure : Replace I/V-converter. 20C41 E_SCN_EVL_QLEN1 Meaning : Invalid number of image blocks during self adjustments in scanner. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C42 E_SCN_EVL_QLEN2 Meaning : Invlaid number of image blocks during self adjustments in scanner. Reason : Software error.


: Save AOS.LOG and contact service international.

20C43 E_SCN_EVL_REACT Meaning : Reactivating scan after signal offset evaluation failed. Reason : Unknown. Cure : Check software configuration. 20C44 E_SCN_EVL_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C45 E_SCN_EVL_TIMEOUT Meaning : Pixel timeout during self adjustment of scanner. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Replace SCB or SAB. Check backplane. 20C46 E_SCN_CAO_ACQ_OFFSET Meaning : Automatic calibration of acq_offset failed. Reason : Cure : 20C50 E_SCN_STS_CALC_SHD Meaning : Starting shading calibration at SCC failed. Reason : SCC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 20C51 E_SCN_STS_CALC_SAL Meaning : Starting SAL calculation at SCC failed. Reason : SCC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 20C52 E_SCN_CSA_MFA_MFB Meaning : Calculation of MFA and MFB failed. Not written to NVF. Reason : Many reasons possible. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C53 E_SCN_CSA_NVFWRITE_MFA Meaning : Writing MFA to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C54 E_SCN_CSA_NVFWRITE_MFB Meaning : Writing MFB to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C55 E_SCN_CSA_MFA_MFB2 Meaning : Calculation of MFA and MFB failed. Not written to NVF.

Reason : Many reasons possible. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C56 E_SCN_CSH_CALC_SHD Meaning : Starting shading calibration at SCC failed. Reason : SCC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 20C57 E_SCN_STS_CAL_LINES Meaning : Calibration blocks don't fit on the image plate. Reason : Image plate too short. Cure : Take a longer image plate for calibration. 20C58 E_SCN_STS_CALC_SAL_MFAB Meaning : Starting SAL calculation at SCC failed. Reason : SCC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 20C59 E_SCN_STS_CORR_SHD Meaning : Initiating offline shading correction by SCC failed. Reason : SCC software component not started or not attached correctly. Cure : Check if sofware is installed correctly. 20C60 E_SCN_CSW_LOW_SAL Meaning : Too low SAL at sweep calibration. Reason : IP not exposed enough or problem with photomultiplier. Cure : Expose more or use higher speed class. Check photomultiplier. You need more exposure than for shading calibration. 20C61 E_SCN_CSW_MID_POS Meaning : Measured mid_ip_distance is out of range. No calibration possible. Reason : Wrong testsheet. Cure : Check if correct testsheet has been used. 20C62 E_SCN_CSM_WID_CORR Meaning : Measured width_corr is out of range. No calibration possible. Reason : Wrong testsheet. Cure : Check if correct testsheet has been used. 20C63 E_SCN_CSW_WR_MIDIPC Meaning : Writing mid_ip_corr to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C64 E_SCN_CSW_WR_WIDCORR Meaning : Writing width_corr to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C65

E_SCN_CSW_NO_HIDDEN Meaning : No hidden (dark) pixels found at first cycle of offset_count calibration. No calibration possible. Reason : - Wrong mechnical adjustment of scanner. - Galvanometer out of spec or at limits. - Wrong rotating shutter or incorrect/missing laser diode pulsing. Cure : - Check if scanner and galvanometer are ok. - ADC-Solo: Laser diode must be switched off in retrace (oscilloscope: no PIN diode pulses in retrace). Check if laser diode is switched off at standby. - Try if increasing offcal_add with nve SCN0 helps. Second value is for 8INX10IN, first value for all other formats. This should normally not be necessary! 20C66 E_SCN_CSW_WR_OFF_CNT Meaning : Writing off_cnt to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C67 E_SCN_CSW_NEXT_FORMAT Meaning : Finding next calibration format failed. Reason : Most probably software error. Cure : 20C68 E_SCN_CSW_DERIVED Meaning : Calculating derived IP parameters for next calibration format failed. Reason : Cure : 20C69 E_SCN_CSW_SCANPARMS1 Meaning : Calculating scan parameters for next calibration format failed. Reason : Cure : 20C6A E_SCN_CSW_SETSWEEP Meaning : Setting sweep and rotating shutter to new parameters failed. Reason : - Rotating shutter, optoswitch or cables defective. - Others. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check if rotating shutter is turning. 20C6B E_SCN_CSW_TIM_FS Meaning : Setting the timer for "fastscan prepared" failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C6C E_SCN_CSW_SCANPARMS2 Meaning : Calculating scan parameters for modified conditions failed. Reason : Cure : 20C6D

E_SCN_CSW_ADJ_SWP Meaning : Sweep fine adjustment failed during sweep calibration. Sweep parameters not or partially calibrated. Reason : Galvanometer out of tolerance or mechanically not adjusted correctly. Cure : - Check if galvanometer is installed correctly. - Replace galvanometer. 20C6E E_SCN_CSW_MEASW Meaning : Setting measurement window for sweep calibration failed. Reason : Cure : 20C6F E_SCN_CSW_REACT Meaning : Reactivating scan for sweep calibration failed. Reason : Cure : 20C70 E_SCN_CSW_TIM_PIX Meaning : Setting timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : SCN timer resources too few. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C71 E_SCN_CSW_TIMOFF_PIX Meaning : Deactivating timeout for image blocks from scanner failed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20C72 E_SCN_CSM_NOLINE Meaning : Certain amplitude measurement line not found on testsheet for sweep auto-calibration. Reason : - Wrong testsheet - ke_dist or mid_ip_dist have changed too much after last sweep linearity correction, so that a certain line is no longer visible. Cure : Possibly the test sheet specification has to be modified. 20C73 E_SCN_CSL_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of new image block, to replace transmitted one, failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20C74 E_SCN_CSL_SCCERR Meaning : The response to scc_calc_swp_ramp() reported an error. Reason : Measuring the geometrical linearity or calculation of a new sweep ramp was not possible. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. Check for correct testsheet. Check if all scanner components work correctly. 20C75 E_SCN_CSL_CALL_SCC Meaning : Calling scc_calc_swp_ramp() failed.

Reason : Software configuration problem or operating system problem Cure : Check software configuration. 20C76 E_SCN_CSW_NO_BAR Meaning : Black bar in the middle of the IP not detected correctly at the beginning of sweep calibration. No calibration possible. Reason : - Wrong signal from photomultiplier. - Optics completely disadjusted. - Wrong test sheet. - SCB defective. - Galvo movement not correct. Cure : Scan a test sheet in normal mode and check the resulting image. Adjust, repair or replace hardware if necessary. 20C77 E_SCN_CSW_ALL_HIDDEN Meaning : No transition from dark to bright found at first cycle of offset_count calibration. (Signal always dark in region of interest.) No calibration possible. Reason : - Wrong mechnical adjustment of scanner. - Galvanometer out of spec or at limits. - Wrong rotating shutter or incorrect/missing laser diode pulsing. - Wrong IP. Cure : - Check if scanner and galvanometer are ok. - ADC-Solo: Check if laser is visible at fibers, when enabled. 20C78 E_SCN_CBO_FASTSCAN_OFFSET Meaning : Fast scan offset out of range, while measuring bol2mid_ip. Reason : - Wrong image plate adjustment - Image plate not exposed flat field Cure : Use flat field exposed IP of small or middle format. Check middle adjustment of IP before scan. 20C79 E_SCN_CBO_NVFWRITE_BOL2MID Meaning : Writing bol2mid_ip to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C7A E_SCN_CIP_BOLBOS_2WIDE Meaning : IP too wide for IP center calibration. Reason : Cure : Use a cassette, which is less than 35 cm wide. 20C7B E_SCN_CBO_BOLBOS_2WIDE Meaning : IP too wide for IP center calibration. Reason : Might also be due to overexposure. Cure : Check correct exposure and size of the cassette. 20C7C E_SCN_CBO_BOLBOS_2NARROW Meaning : Width of image plate much less than expected. Reason : Collimated exposure or underexposure. Cure : Check correct exposure.

20C80 E_SCN_JIT_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of new image block for jitter measurement results failed. Reason : Operating system error. Cure : Check software setup. Reinstall software. 20C81 E_SCN_JIT_SWP_REF Meaning : Setting the sweep to high speed for jitter measurement failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C82 E_SCN_JIT_MEASURE_REF Meaning : Measuring the reference BOL to BOL counts failed. Reason : - Laser off - Polygon not turning - Problem with scan board (SMB) Cure : Check possible reasons. 20C83 E_SCN_JIT_NO_RESULTS_REF Meaning : No results when measuring the reference BOL to BOL counts to determine the polygon jitter. Reason : - Laser off - Polygon not turning - Problem with scan board (SMB) Cure : Check possible reasons. 20C84 E_SCN_JIT_SWP Meaning : Setting the sweep for jitter measurement failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C85 E_SCN_JIT_MEASURE Meaning : Measuring the BOL to BOL counts failed. Reason : - Laser off - Polygon not turning - Problem with scan board (SMB) Cure : Check possible reasons. 20C86 E_SCN_JIT_NO_RESULTS Meaning : No results when measuring the BOL to BOL counts to determine the polygon jitter. Reason : - Laser off - Polygon not turning - Problem with scan board (SMB) Cure : Check possible reasons. 20C87 E_SCN_JIT_SWP_ORG Meaning : Setting the original sweep conditions after jitter measurement failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C88

E_SCN_JIT_MMSFREE Meaning : Freeing of MMS image block with jitter measurement results failed. Reason : Wrong image block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C89 E_SCN_JIT_LIMIT Meaning : Maximum allowed polygon jitter exceeded. Reason : Too high polygon jitter. Cure : Check for frequent occurrences of jitter problems in info counters. Check resulting images for jitter. If necessary, replace optic module. 20C8A E_SCN_IHW_SWP2 Meaning : Starting the polygon and setting the laser timing failed. Reason : Probably bad hardware. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C8B E_SCN_IHW_JITTER Meaning : Measuring the polygon jitter at start-up failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C8C E_SCN_MJIT_JITTER Meaning : Measuring the polygon jitter failed. The jitter is usually measured at system start and then every 24 h. Reason : Cure : If possible, check previous errors with REM tool. 20C8D E_SCN_MJIT_SWP Meaning : Setting the polygon speed and laser timing for standby1 after jitter measurement failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C8E E_SCN_MLP_SWP_M Meaning : Setting the polygon speed and laser timing for laser power measurement failed. Reason : - Polgon or cables defective. - Others. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C8F E_SCN_MLP_SWP_S Meaning : Setting the polygon speed and laser timing for standby1 after laser power measurement failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C90 E_SCN_PRP_SWP2 Meaning : Setting the polygon speed and laser timing to scan condition failed. Reason : - Polgon or cables defective.


- Others. : Check previous errors with REM tool.

20C91 E_SCN_STB_SWP2 Meaning : Setting the polygon speed and laser timing for standby1 failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C92 E_SCN_STB_SWP_OFF2 Meaning : Switching off the the polygon for standby2 failed. Reason : Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C93 E_SCN_SRV_SWP2 Meaning : Setting the polygon speed and laser timing to new parameters, when entering service mode, failed. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check previous errors with REM tool. 20C94 E_SCN_JIT_0_RESULTS Meaning : No values available to calculate the jitter. Reason : Probably hardware problem (SCB). Cure : Ignore this error, if no other malfunctions happened. 20C95 E_SCN_JIT_SLOPE Meaning : The polygon seemed to have not yet reached its end speed, when attempting to measure the polygon jitter. If retries do not help, this error is entered to the warning statistic counters. Reason : Wrong polygon speed good signal. Cure : Ignore this error, if no other malfunctions happened. If there are problems with image quality, which are related to the polygon, then replace the optics module. 20C96 E_SCN_PMT_ITER_FAILED Meaning : The iteration for determining the high tension for the photomultiplier test failed. Reason : Most probably wrong iteration algorithm. Cure : Contact service international. 20C97 E_SCN_PMT_LOW_SIGNAL Meaning : The photomultiplier signal has lost 100 SAL or more of its signal, compared with calibration time (expected 1800). Reason : - Old, weak photomultiplier. - Wrong calibrated ht_pm_test. Cure : Replace photomultiplier. 20C98 E_SCN_PMT_HIGH_SIGNAL Meaning : The photomultiplier signal is 100 SAL or more above the signal at calibration time. Reason : Wrong calibrated ht_pm_test.


We expect a photomultiplier to become weaker, but not stronger. : No cure for the field. Ignore this error.

20C99 E_SCN_PMT_HIGH_NOISE Meaning : The photomultiplier sensitivity test delivers a signal with much noise (more than 200 SAL peak-to-peak (12 bit)). Reason : Bad photomultiplier or scan control board. Cure : Check the images for noise. If the images are bad, replace scan control board or photomultiplier box. 20C9A E_SCN_CSA_NVFWRITE_HTOFFSET Meaning : Writing HT Offset to NVF failed. Reason : Software problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20C9B E_SCN_JIT_LINE_TIME Meaning : Jitter measurement failed: The measured line time differs too much from the expected. Reason : Probably the polygon did not accelerate to the correct speed. Cure : This is a warning, which is entered to the info counters for information. Ignore this warning, if it does not occur too often. Only if the image quality is bad, exchange the polygon. 20D00 E_SCN_SWP_SPIXDIV Meaning : Setting the pixel clock divider failed. Reason : Cure : 20D01 E_SCN_SWP_SADWIN Meaning : Setting the A/D window failed. Reason : Cure : 20E00 E_SCN_FN_UNKNOWN Meaning : Unknown function code from scn_call_function(). Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E01 E_SCN_FN_STATE Meaning : A certain SCN function was called in a state, where it is not allowed. Reason : Software error. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E02 E_SCN_FN_SWP Meaning : Setting the sweep to new parameters by scn_call_function() failed. Reason : Wrong parameters or problems with polygon. Cure : Check if parameters were correct. 20E03 E_SCN_FN_RS_STANDBY Meaning : Rotating shutter motor not turning due to standby condition.

Reason : SCN was not switched to service mode. Cure : Switch SCN to service mode before free access to scn_fn calls. 20E04 E_SCN_FN_TIV_T_RANGE Meaning : Pixel values at I/V converter test mode are out of range. Reason : I/V converter or cable defective or disconnected. Cure : Check cable from scan control board to photomultiplier box. If problem persists, replace I/V converter or complete PM box. 20E05 E_SCN_FN_TIV_N_RANGE Meaning : Pixel values in normal I/V converter mode are out of range. Reason : I/V converter defective. Cure : Replace I/V converter or complete photomultiplier box. 20E06 E_SCN_FN_LMN_SHUTDOWN Meaning : Laser power is below or equal las_pow_shtdn at laser test. Reason : - Old laser with too low power. - Laser beam not visible by PIN diodes. - Cable to PIN diode board disconnected or defective. - Polygon gets no power or clock. - PIN diode board defective. - pd_factor not correct. - Bad (dusty) optics. - Laser not yet warmed up. -> Wait 20 minutes after power-on. Cure : - Check cable and connectors to PIN diode board. - Check if nothing hides the laser beam. - Check the polygon power. - If laser is bad, replace laser. 20E07 E_SCN_FN_TRS_VERSION Meaning : Wrong hardware version of rotating shutter motor driver detected. Reason : - RMS board not connected, badly connected or defective. - Machine is ADC-SOLO, which has no RMS board. - Wrong type of RMS board (unlikely). Cure : Check cable between scan control board (SCB) and RMS bord. If ok, replace RMS board. If this doesn't help, replace SCB. 20E08 E_SCN_FN_AJS_HI_ADAC Meaning : Galvanometer amplitude D/A converter value at upper limit. Reason : Galvanometer driver out of specs (not adjusted correctly). Cure : Replace galvanometer and driver board. 20E09 E_SCN_FN_AJS_LO_ADAC Meaning : Galvanometer amplitude D/A converter value at lower limit. Reason : Galvanometer driver out of specs (not adjusted correctly). Cure : Replace galvanometer and driver board. 20E0A E_SCN_FN_AJS_HI_ODAC Meaning : Galvanometer offset D/A converter value at upper limit. Reason : Galvanometer might be positioned wrong in optics module. Cure : Replace galvanometer and driver board (?)

20E0B E_SCN_FN_AJS_LO_ODAC Meaning : Galvanometer offset D/A converter value at lower limit. Reason : Galvanometer might be positioned wrong in optics module. Cure : Replace galvanometer and driver board (?) 20E0C E_SCN_FN_TSA_RANGE Meaning : The measured pixel values in SAB test mode differ too much from the expected value. Reason : Scan acquisition board (SAB) defective. Cure : Replace SAB. 20E0D E_SCN_FN_TIV_P_RANGE Meaning : Pixel values at photomultiplier test mode are out of range. Reason : Photomultiplier or cable defective or disconnected. (Possibly also: ht_pm_test wrong calibrated) Cure : Avoid too much background light, keep door closed at start. Check cable from scan control board to photomultiplier box. If problem persists, replace photomultiplier box. 20E0E E_SCN_FN_TIV_D_RANGE Meaning : Pixel values with "dark" photomultiplier are out of range. Reason : Too much background light or photomultiplier box defective. Cure : Avoid too much background light, keep door closed at start. If problem persists, replace photomultiplier box. 20E0F E_SCN_FN_TIV_PIX_OVER Meaning : Pixels at photomultiplier test are above the maximum. Reason : Hardware problem on scan board (SMB). Cure : Replace scan board. 20E10 E_SCN_FN_LPP_FILE Meaning : Wrong photomultiplier parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 20E11 E_SCN_FN_LPP_MFA Meaning : MFA missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong photomultiplier parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if MFA on floppy is in the correct range. Normally, it should be around 3.0 20E12 E_SCN_FN_LPP_MFB Meaning : MFB missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong photomultiplier parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if MFB on floppy is in the correct range. Normally, it should be around 0.3 20E13 E_SCN_FN_LPP_MMSALLOC

Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E14 E_SCN_FN_LLP_FILE Meaning : Wrong laser parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 20E15 E_SCN_FN_LLP_POW Meaning : las_power missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong laser parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if las_power in microwatts on floppy is in the correct range. 20E16 E_SCN_FN_LLP_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E17 E_SCN_FN_LIP_FILE Meaning : Wrong PIN diode board parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 20E18 E_SCN_FN_LIP_PDFACT Meaning : pd_factor missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong PIN diode board parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if pd_factor on floppy is in the correct range. Normally, it should be around 6800. 20E19 E_SCN_FN_LIP_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E1A E_SCN_FN_LGP_FILE Meaning : Wrong galvanometer parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 20E1B E_SCN_FN_LGP_GTYPE Meaning : Galvanometer type code missing or invalid. Reason : Wrong galvanometer parameter file or wrong code. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if galvo_type on floppy consists of 2 alphabetic characters. 20E1C E_SCN_FN_LGP_OFF_CNT Meaning : Offset counts for a certain format missing or invalid.

Reason : Wrong galvanometer parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if all offset counts on floppy are in the correct range. Normally, they should be between 80000 and 130000. 20E1D E_SCN_FN_LGP_MID_IP Meaning : Mid IP correction for a certain format missing or invalid. Reason : Wrong galvanometer parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if all mid IP corrections on floppy are in the correct range. Normally, they should be between -10000 and 10000. 20E1E E_SCN_FN_LGP_WID_COR Meaning : Width correction factor for a certain format missing or invalid. Reason : Wrong galvanometer parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if all width corr. factors on floppy are in the correct range. Normally, they should be around 1000000 = factor * 1E6. 20E1F E_SCN_FN_LGP_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E20 E_SCN_FN_JIT_AMP_PP Meaning : Maximum galvanometer peak to peak amplitude count deviation exceeded. Reason : Too high galvanometer jitter. Cure : Replace galvanometer and galvanometer control board. 20E21 E_SCN_FN_JIT_AMP_DELTA Meaning : Maximum galvanometer line to line amplitude count deviation exceeded. Reason : Too high galvanometer jitter. Cure : Replace galvanometer and galvanometer control board. 20E22 E_SCN_FN_JIT_OFF_PP Meaning : Maximum galvanometer peak to peak offset count deviation exceeded. Reason : Too high galvanometer jitter. Cure : Replace galvanometer and galvanometer control board. 20E23 E_SCN_FN_JIT_OFF_DELTA Meaning : Maximum galvanometer line to line offset count deviation exceeded. Reason : Too high galvanometer jitter. Cure : Replace galvanometer and galvanometer control board. 20E24 E_SCN_FN_LRP_FILE Meaning : Wrong rotating shutter parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 20E25 E_SCN_FN_LRP_OFF_CNT

Meaning : Offset counts for a certain format missing or invalid. Reason : Wrong rotating shutter parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if all offset counts on floppy are in the correct range. Normally, they should be between 80000 and 130000. 20E26 E_SCN_FN_LRP_MMSALLOC Meaning : Allocation of a MMS control block failed. Reason : Operating system problem. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E27 E_SCN_FN_VOLTAGE_NOK Meaning : At least one of the tested voltages is not ok. Reason : Hardware problem. Cure : Check for shortcut. Check/replace power supply, backplane, SMB, SSB. 20E28 E_SCN_FN_LOP_PDFACT Meaning : Parameter pd_factor missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong optic module parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if pd_factor on floppy is in the correct range. Normally, it should be around 18000. 20E29 E_SCN_FN_LOP_MIDIP Meaning : Parameter bol2mid_ip missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong optic module parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if bol2mid_ip on floppy is in the correct range. Normally, it should be around 0.396. 20E2A E_SCN_FN_TLP_RANGE Meaning : Laser power out of range. Reason : The measured laser power differred more than 10% from the nominal value. Cure : Check if laser power measurement has been calibrated correctly. Replace optics module, if necessary. 20E2B E_SCN_FN_SWP2 Meaning : Setting the sweep and laser timing to new parameters by scn_call_function() failed. Reason : Wrong parameters or problems with polygon or laser. Cure : Check if parameters were correct. 20E2C E_SCN_FN_TLP_RANGE2 Meaning : Second laser power (mammo) out of range. Reason : The measured second laser power differred more than 10% from the stored value. Cure : Check if laser power measurement has been calibrated correctly. (las_power2 must contain the correct value.) Replace optics module, if necessary.

20E2D E_SCN_FN_LPP_HTOFFSET Meaning : HT Offset missing or out of range. Reason : Wrong photomultiplier parameter file or wrong parameter value. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if HT Offset on floppy is in the correct range. 20E80 E_SCN_TST_MMSOPEN Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to the message management system (MMS) failed. No scanner operation possible. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20E81 E_SCN_TST_SMQID Meaning : SCNTST cannot get an ID for its input message queue. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20E82 E_SCN_TST_MMSQCREATE Meaning : SCNTST cannot create its input message queue. Reason : Software configuration problem. Cure : Reinstall software. 20E83 E_SCN_TST_SCN_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to SCN failed. Reason : Version mismatch or SCN not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E84 E_SCN_TST_SCC_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to SCC failed. Reason : Version mismatch or SCC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E86 E_SCN_TST_BAC_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to BAC failed. Reason : Version mismatch or BAC not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E87 E_SCN_TST_FREE_CTL Meaning : Freeing MMS control block by SCNTST failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E88 E_SCN_TST_FREE_IMG Meaning : Freeing MMS image block by SCNTST failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E89

E_SCN_TST_FREE_MSG Meaning : Freeing MMS header block by SCNTST failed. Reason : Wrong control block pointer (software error) or operating system fault. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E8A E_SCN_TST_NO_INPUT Meaning : No input from user to SCNTST "get..." routine. Reason : Cure : This is not an error. It should be treated SCNTST-internally. 20E8B E_SCN_TST_CAS_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to CAS failed. Reason : Version mismatch or CAS not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E8C E_SCN_TST_FIP_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to FIP failed. Reason : Version mismatch or FIP not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20E8D E_SCN_TST_COB_ATTACH Meaning : Attaching SCNTST to COB failed. Reason : Version mismatch or COB not started. Cure : Check if software is installed correctly. 20F00 E_SCN_TMS_TOO_MANY Meaning : Setting another timeout not possible. Reason : Too many timeouts active. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20F01 E_SCN_TMS_NO_FREE_POS Meaning : Setting another timeout not possible. Reason : Too many timeouts active. Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 20F02 E_SCN_TMN_NO_ENTRIES Meaning : No timeout entries found, although expected. Reason : Software error. Cure : Save AOS.LOG and contact service international. 21000 E_BAC_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download BAC again - if nothing else helps. 21001 E_BAC_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_read_values() returned with error.

Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the BAC component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 21002 E_BAC_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 21003 E_BAC_SYNCING Reason : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that BAC has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 21004 E_BAC_TASKQPEND Reason : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 21005 E_BAC_ALLOCCB Reason : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 21006 E_BAC_LOADCONFIG Reason : Cannot load BAC's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 21007 E_BAC_ALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between BAC's interface library and BAC itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 21008 E_BAC_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 21009 E_BAC_QCREATE Reason : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 2100A E_BAC_INITSTT Reason : int_bac_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table.


: Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME.

2100B E_BAC_NOTASKID Reason : System cannot assign a taskID to the BAC task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 2100C E_BAC_TASKSTART Reason : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the BAC task. Cure : Starting the BAC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 2100D E_BAC_TASKSYNC Reason : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for BAC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 2100E E_BAC_CANNOTDELETE Reason : Cannot delete contents of an old folder Meaning : An old folder must be deleted as the space is needed for a new one - the delete operation failed. Cure : Check the underlying error code, to check what exactly happened. 2100F E_BAC_CANNOTGRANT1 Reason : Cannot push buffer handle to the backend of the 'granted'-queue. Meaning : Internal handling of the buffer handles failed. Cure : Check the underlying errors for a detailed explanation of what went wrong. 21010 E_BAC_CANNOTGRANT2 Reason : Cannot push buffer handle to the backend of the 'granted'-queue. Meaning : Internal handling of the buffer handles failed. Cure : Check the underlying errors for a detailed explanation of what went wrong. 21011 E_BAC_PUSH2QUEUED Reason : Cannot push buffer handle to the backend of the 'queued'-queue. Meaning : Internal handling of the buffer handles failed. Cure : Check the underlying errors for a detailed explatantion of what went wrong. 21012 E_BAC_CREATECTRL Reason : Cannot create control file. Meaning : Creation of the file containing the control data failed. Cure : ?

21013 E_BAC_SPOOLCTRL Reason : Cannot spool the complete control data to file. Meaning : Error while rewriting the control file. Cure : See underlying error code for explanation. 21014 E_BAC_PREPIMGFILE Reason : Preparation of the imagefile failed. Meaning : Creation of the imagefile and allocation of sufficient space for the image failed. Cure : Check that there is enough space left on the harddisk! 21015 E_BAC_SPOOLSENDCTRL Reason : Cannot spool the complete control data to file. Meaning : Error while rewriting the control file. Cure : See underlying error code for explanation. 21016 E_BAC_SENDCTRL Reason : spo_send_ctrl() returned with error. Meaning : Sending the control data to the Spooler Output failed. Cure : Rely on automatic job handling - should not happen anyway ... 21017 E_BAC_PREPIMGFILE1 Reason : prepare_image_file() failed. Meaning : Cannot prepare image file (creation, allocation of space). Cure : Check that there is enough space left on the harddisk! 21018 E_BAC_TAGFOLDER Reason : tag_folder() failed. Meaning : The function that tags a folder returned with error. Cure : See underlying function for a detailed explanation. 21019 E_BAC_WRITECTRL Reason : Writing of the first part of the control data failed. Meaning : For any reason we are not able to write the control data to the harddisk. Cure : See underlying error for detailes. 2101A E_BAC_OPENIMGFILE Reason : Creation of the image file failed. Meaning : -----------------"---------------Cure : See underlying errors. 2101B E_BAC_ALLOCDISKSPACE Reason : alloc_disk_space() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot allocate enough space to hold the image. Cure : Check diskspace. 2101C E_BAC_WRCOMPCTRL Reason : Filedescriptor cannot be rewound.

Meaning : Cannot rewrite the file. Cure : Rely on automatic recovery. 2101D E_BAC_WRITECHUNK Reason : Writing the chunk to disk failed. Meaning : ---------------"----------------Cure : See underlying error codes and explanations. 2101E E_BAC_OPENTAGFILE Reason : Creation of the tagfile failed. Meaning : Cannot create the file in the folder directory. Cure : See underlying errors. 2101F E_BAC_WRITETAGFILE Reason : Writing the tagstring into the tagfile failed. Meaning : No write-operation possible on the tagfile. Cure : See underlying error code. 21020 E_BAC_IFC_SHAREFAILED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21021 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC0 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21022 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST0 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21023 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC1 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21024 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST1 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21025 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC2 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21026 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST2

Reason Meaning Cure :

: :

21027 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC3 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21028 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST3 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21029 E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC4 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2102A E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST4 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2102B E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC5 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2102C E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST5 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2102D E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTMMSALLOC6 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2102E E_BAC_IFC_CANNOTQPOST6 Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2102F E_BAC_RMDIR Reason : Cannnot remove a folder from disk. Meaning : Calling rmdir() failed for this folder. Cure : Check whether this folder is still existing (might be renamed by user interaction ...) In general, a reset should do!

21030 E_BAC_GETBUF_MKDIR Reason : mkdir failed Meaning : Cannot created directory for a new folder Cure : Reset! 21031 E_BAC_MAINGLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the global loglevel Cure : See underlying error codes 21032 E_BAC_MAINLOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the local loglevel Cure : See underlying error codes 21033 E_BAC_MAININITCAS Reason : cas_initCas failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the cas component Cure : See CAS error code - probably the IPTable file is missing on the D: partition. Please check the existence of the file d:/iptypes.tbl. If it does not exist, rerun the CPF parser. If this does not help, please contact CSO-MED for further investigation. 21034 E_BAC_MAINATTACHSPO Reason : spo_attach failed Meaning : Cannot attach to SPO Cure : See underlying error! 21035 E_BAC_IGN_FREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free attached control block in ignore() Cure : None - this is a bug - report this to SI-DIS 21036 E_BAC_IGN_FREEIMG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free attached image block in ignore() Cure : None - this is a bug - report this to SI-DIS 21037 E_BAC_IGN_FREEHEAD Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message header in ignore() Cure : None - this is a bug - report it to SI-DIS 21038 E_BAC_GB_GENERAL Reason : get_buffer failed Meaning : Something went wrong while reserving a buffer Cure : See underlying error code for details

21039 E_BAC_SSC_WRITECTRL Reason : write_control failed Meaning : Cannot write demographic data to disk Cure : See reason for the write failure (underlying error) 2103A E_BAC_SC_FREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached control block in spool_control Cure : This is a bug - inform SI-DIS 2103B E_BAC_SC_FREECTL1 Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached control block in spool_control Cure : This is a bug - inform SI-DIS 2103C E_BAC_CMD_QCFTAG Reason : Cannot tag folder to be retransmitted Meaning : buf_tag_folder failed Cure : See underlying error code 2103D E_BAC_CMD_QCFPUSH Reason : Cannot push folder into the queued list Meaning : buf_push_handle_to_back failed Cure : See underlying error. 2103E E_BAC_CMD_QCFFREECTL Reason : Cannot free mms_ctl block Meaning : MMS gets confused Cure : Reset the machine - and send the logfile reflecting the situation to SI-DIS for further investigation. 2103F E_BAC_CMD_QCFFREEMSG Reason : Cannot free mms_header block Meaning : MMS gets confused Cure : Reset the machine - and send the logfile reflecting the situation to SI-DIS for further investigation. 21040 E_BAC_REJBUF_CLOSECTRL Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21041 E_BAC_REJBUF_MMSFREE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21042 E_BAC_REJBUF_RMDIR

Reason Meaning Cure :

: :

21043 E_BAC_REJBUF_PUSH2EMPTY Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21044 E_BAC_NO_FREE_BUFFER Reason : All buffers in use Meaning : There are no buffers left for a new acquisition Cure : Wait until the next transmission to a Processing Station has been completed successfully. 21045 E_BAC_SETDEFONLINEMMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message Cure : See underlying MMS error for details. 21046 E_BAC_SETDEFOFFLINEMMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message Cure : See underlying mms error for details. 21047 E_BAC_UPDATESTATE_MMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message Cure : See underlying mms error for details. 21048 E_BAC_UPDATESTATE_DELERR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21049 E_BAC_UPDTSTATROUT_DELERR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2104A E_BAC_NOTFY_REQU_MMS_FREE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2104B E_BAC_REJBUF_GRASP Reason : Inconsistency in job queues Meaning : A job handle cannot be found anymore in its queue Cure : Severe software inconsistency - inform service immediately. In the meantime, bring the Scanner into

offline mode (via the keyoperator screen) and remove any cassettes from the input buffer. If activities have come to an end (please ensure that all cassettes have left the machine) perform a reset. This will reset the queues and operation can continue without any loss of data. Remark: up to 3 images might be sent a 2nd time, this is due to the fact that the processing station was still busy with these images and therefore, no acknowledgement message have been received until the reset was performed. 2104C E_BAC_RELBUFGETBUF Reason : Inconsistency in job queues Meaning : A job handle cannot be found anymore in its queue Cure : Severe software inconsistency - inform service immediately. In the meantime, bring the Scanner into offline mode (via the keyoperator screen) and remove any cassettes from the input buffer. If activities have come to an end (please ensure that all cassettes have left the machine) perform a reset. This will reset the queues and operation can continue without any loss of data. Remark: up to 3 images might be sent a 2nd time, this is due to the fact that the processing station was still busy with these images and therefore, no acknowledgement message have been received until the reset was performed. 2104D E_BAC_RELBUFNQGETBUF Reason : Inconsistency in job queues Meaning : A job handle cannot be found anymore in its queue Cure : Severe software inconsistency - inform service immediately. In the meantime, bring the Scanner into offline mode (via the keyoperator screen) and remove any cassettes from the input buffer. If activities have come to an end (please ensure that all cassettes have left the machine) perform a reset. This will reset the queues and operation can continue without any loss of data. Remark: up to 3 images might be sent a 2nd time, this is due to the fact that the processing station was still busy with these images and therefore, no acknowledgement message have been received until the reset was performed. 2104E E_BAC_CFG_CHMOD_BUFSIZE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for the buffersize Cure : Correct Software 2104F E_BAC_CFG_CHMOD_CHUNKSTEP Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for the chunksteps Cure : Correct Software 21050 E_BAC_CFG_CHMOD_SPOIDLETIO

Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for the idle_timeout in SPO Cure : Correct Software 21051 E_BAC_CFG_CHMOD_SPOBSYTIO Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for the busy_timeout in SPO Cure : Correct Software 21052 E_BAC_CFG_CHMOD_SPOCHUNKDIST Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for the chunkdistance in SPO Cure : Correct Software 21053 E_BAC_CFG_CHMOD_SPORETRYTIO Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for the retry timeout in SPO Cure : Correct Software 21054 E_BAC_DELOLDBUF Reason : delete_folder_from_disk failed Meaning : Cannot delete old folder from disk to write a new one Cure : See underlying error code for details. 21055 E_BAC_STEALBUF_MKDIR Reason : mkdir failed Meaning : Cannot create new folder directory for testimage Cure : Check space on harddisk. Might also be a software inconsistency - check logfile and existing files on the e: partition, whether the folder already exists. If this is the case, please inform CSO-MED immediately and provide a logfile for further investigation. 21056 E_BAC_STEALBUF_GENERAL Reason : Unable to create a new folder for any reason Meaning : See underlying error code for details Cure : See underlying error code for details 21057 E_BAC_WRONG_STATE Reason : A get_buffer command has been received in wrong state Meaning : BAC is designed to handle max. 2 folders in parallel this is a hardware restriction. An attempt has been made to get a 3rd buffer. Cure : Severe bug, wait until activity (handling, scanning) stops, then do a reset. Inform MED-CSO and send them the logfile for further investigation by R&D.

21058 E_BAC_C1FNA_PUSH Reason : buf_push_handle_to_front failed Meaning : Cannot push handle back into the granted queue again when returning into pure offline mode. Cure : Remove Software bug. As customer, please wait until all activities have come to an end (do not feed new cassettes into the machine) and reset it. 21059 E_BAC_C2FNA_PUSH Reason : buf_push_handle_to_front failed Meaning : Cannot push handle back into the granted queue again when returning into pure offline mode. Cure : Remove Software bug. As customer, please wait until all activities have come to an end (do not feed new cassettes into the machine) and reset it. 2105A E_BAC_SNSC_GRASP Reason : buf_grasp_buffer_handle failed Meaning : Cannot get handle from the granted queue Cure : Remove software bug. As customer, please wait until all activities have come to an end (do not feed new cassettes into the machine) and reset it. 2105B E_BAC_SFD_GRASP Reason : buf_grasp_buffer_handle failed Meaning : Cannot get handle from the granted queue Cure : Remove software bug. As customer, please wait until all activities have come to an end (do not feed new cassettes into the machine) and reset it. 2105C E_BAC_FLD_C2PO_PUSH Reason : buf_push_handle_to_front failed Meaning : Cannot push handle back into the granted queue Cure : Remove Software bug. As customer, please wait until all activities have come to an end (do not feed new cassettes into the machine) and reset it. 2105D E_BAC_REMBUF_RMDIR Reason : rmdir() failed Meaning : Cannot remove folderdirectory from the harddisk Cure : See underlying error codes for details - In general, a reset will reinitialize the folders and the harddisk contents. 2105E E_BAC_REMBUF_PUSH2EMPTY Reason : buf_push_handle_to_back() failed Meaning : Cannot push freed handle to the back of the 'empty' queue Cure : Inform CSO-MED about the failure and perform a RESET. 2105F E_BAC_REMBUF_GRASP Reason : buf_grasp_buffer_handle() failed Meaning : Cannot grasp the specified buffer handle from the 'granted' queue.


: Software inconsistency - inform CSO-MED and perform a RESET.

21060 E_BAC_GRB_ACTIVE Reason : inserting incomplete folder failed during startup. Meaning : There is already one folder in use?? Cure : Is someone using one of the testprograms during startup?? Please reset and have everybody keep his hands off any keyboard! 21061 E_BAC_HIM_FREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Freeing of the control block of an unknown message failed. Cure : Please inform MED-CSO and provide the logfile for further investigation by R&D. 21062 E_BAC_HIM_FREEIMG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Freeing of the image block of an unknown message failed. Cure : Please inform MED-CSO and provide the logfile for further investigation by R&D. 21063 E_BAC_HIM_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Freeing of an unknown message failed. Cure : Please inform MED-CSO and provide the logfile for further investigation by R&D. 21064 E_BAC_GB1_MMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Freeing of a get_buffer message failed in this situation: no buffers are available at this time, we have to wait for the output to complete the transmission of an image. Cure : Please inform MED-CSO and provide the logfile for further investigation by R&D. 21065 E_BAC_GB2_MMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Freeing of a get_buffer message failed in this situation: no buffers are available at this time, we have to wait for the output to complete the transmission of an image. Cure : Please inform MED-CSO and provide the logfile for further investigation by R&D. 21066 E_BAC_LOADPCF Reason : loading the precheck filter failed Meaning : unable to load the program file from disk Cure : Configuration error, or program file missing. 21067 E_BAC_STARTPCF Reason : starting the precheck filter failed.

Meaning : An error occured while starting the precheck filter. Cure : See error that lead to this error message. 21068 E_BAC_PCFATTACH Reason : cannot attach to the precheck filter Meaning : configuration error Cure : ensure that the software on this system is consistent. 21069 E_BAC_PCFSENDCTRL Reason : cannot send control block to precheck system Meaning : sending the block failed Cure : no cure 2106A E_BAC_ALLOCPCFCTRL1 Reason : cannot alloc control block Meaning : unable to duplicate demographic data for the precheck system Cure : out of system resources? 2106B E_BAC_PCFSENDCTRL1 Reason : cannot send control block to precheck system Meaning : sending the block failed Cure : no cure 2106C E_BAC_MAIN_INITICN Reason : attach to ICN failed Meaning : Something wrong with ICN Cure : No cure 2106D E_BAC_SC_PCFSENDCHUNK Reason : cannot send pixel chunk to precheck system Meaning : sending the block failed Cure : no cure 2106E E_BAC_ALLOCPCFCHUNK1 Reason : cannot alloc image block Meaning : unable to duplicate pixel chunk for the precheck system Cure : out of system resources? 2106F E_BAC_SCNU_PCFSENDCHUNK Reason : cannot send pixel chunk to precheck system Meaning : sending the block failed Cure : no cure 21070 E_BAC_SNSC_PCFSENDCHUNK Reason : cannot send pixel chunk to precheck system Meaning : sending the block failed Cure : no cure 21071 E_BAC_SC_PCFCLEANUP

Reason : pcf_cleanup failed Meaning : internal software error - out of resources Cure : No cure - reset the system and report this error to R&D via your GSC. 21072 E_BAC_SCNU_PCFCLEANUP Reason : pcf_cleanup failed Meaning : internal software error - out of resources Cure : No cure - reset the system and report this error to R&D via your GSC. 21073 E_BAC_SNSC_PCFCLEANUP Reason : pcf_cleanup failed Meaning : internal software error - out of resources Cure : No cure - reset the system and report this error to R&D via your GSC. 21074 E_BAC_GBSYNCING Reason : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that BACGB has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. Cure : No Cure! 21075 E_BAC_GBTASKQPEND Reason : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 21076 E_BAC_GETGBQID Reason : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 21077 E_BAC_GBQCREATE Reason : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 21078 E_BAC_GBNOTASKID Reason : System cannot assign a taskID to the BAC task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 21079 E_BAC_GBTASKSTART Reason : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the BAC task. Cure : Starting the BAC task failed for any reason - check the

underlying error codes for detauils. 2107A E_BAC_GBTASKSYNC Reason : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for BAC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 2107B E_BAC_WRCOMCTRLSTORE Reason : writing the complete control block failed Meaning : see IFX error below Cure : Check underlying error for details. 2107C E_BAC_WRCOMCTRLCLOSE Reason : closing the completed control file failed Meaning : see IFX error below. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 21100 E_SPO_REFUSE_POST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot reply to request in wrong state Cure : See underlying error. 21101 E_SPO_IGNORE_FREE_CTRL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS Control Block Cure : The MMS header block has a reference to a control block that is different from the NULL pointer, however, the try to free this control block resulted in this error. 21102 E_SPO_IGNORE_FREE_IMG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS Image Block Cure : The MMS header block has a reference to a control block that is different from the NULL pointer, however, the try to free this control block resulted in this error. 21103 E_SPO_IGNORE_FREE_MSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS Header Block Cure : The MMS header block that has arrived via the input queue cannot be freed. This is a heavy bug! Please report this ASAP - in the meantime, a reset will do for a while. 21104 E_SPO_CNCQ_GETBUF Reason : Removing the buffer handle failed. Meaning : There is no buffer being transmitted currently. Cure : RESET! 21105 E_SPO_CNCQ_WRITE2BACK

Reason : buf_write_handle_to_back failed. Meaning : Cannot push the handle into the queue of transmitted folders. Cure : See underlying errors. 21106 E_SPO_CNCQ_QJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed. Meaning : Cannot jam this message to the front of my input queue. Cure : See underlying error codes. 21107 E_SPO_CQ_QJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed. Meaning : Cannot jam this message to the front of my input queue. Cure : See underlying error codes. 21108 E_SPO_CHKID_QJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed. Meaning : Cannot jam this message to the front of my input queue. Cure : See underlying error codes 21109 E_SPO_FQ_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed for an image block Meaning : Cannot allocate a new image block. Cure : Allocation of a new image block failed. Cannot write a new chunk into DCM's chunkqueue. 2110A E_SPO_FQ_READ Reason : buf_read failed Meaning : Cannot read image chunk from disk. Cure : See underlying errors. 2110B E_SPO_FQ_TXIMG Reason : dcm_tx_image_chunk failed. Meaning : Cannot post image block into the chunk queue. Cure : Probably the queue is full. Check underlying error for details. 2110C E_SPO_FQ_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message header block Cure : Software inconsistency - RESET! 2110D E_SPO_SC_ALLOCMSG Reason : mms_alloc failed for an image block Meaning : Cannot allocate an image block to be posted into the chunk queue Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 2110E E_SPO_SC_READCHUNK Reason : buf_read failed. Meaning : Cannot read image chunk from disk. Cure : Check underlying error codes fro details.

2110F E_SPO_SC_SENDCHUNK Reason : dcm_tx_image_chunk failed Meaning : Cannot post chunk to DCM Cure : Probably the chunkqueue is full. Rely on automatic recovery. 21110 E_SPO_SC_ROUTECHUNK Reason : dcm_tx_image_chunk failed Meaning : Cannot post chunk to DCM Cure : Probably the chunkqueue is full. Rely on automatic recovery. 21111 E_SPO_SC_FILECLOSE Reason : buff_close failed Meaning : Cannot close imagefile. Cure : Closing the imagefile failed. Check underlying error for details. 21112 E_SPO_SC_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free the message header block. Cure : Software inconsistency - RESET! 21113 E_SPO_GIP_ENPASS Reason : bac_enable_passthru failed. Meaning : Cannot switch into passthru mode. Cure : BAC refuses to go into passthru mode. See underlying error for details. 21114 E_SPO_GIP_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed. Meaning : Cannot free an MMS header block Cure : Software inconsistency - RESET! 21115 E_SPO_TO_GETBUFFER Reason : get_buffer_handle failed. Meaning : Cannot get me the folder to be transmitted offline neither from the "queued" queue nor from the "warning" queue. This could be an inconsistency in the folder queues or a race between messages. The reason for this is not clear yet, please report any occurance of this error together with a logfile showing the error to MED-CSO. Cure : reset the device allowing it to rebuild the folder queues. 21116 E_SPO_TO_SETBUFFER Reason : set_buffer_being_transmitted failed. Meaning : Cannot mark this buffer as being transmitted now. Cure : See underlying error codes. 21117 E_SPO_TO_TXFOLDER Reason : dcm_transmit_folder failed. Meaning : Request to transmit a whole folder (offline) failed. Cure : See underlying error codes for details

21118 E_SPO_TO_TAGFOLDER Reason : buf_tag_folder failed. Meaning : Cannot tag the folder as being transmitted. Cure : See underlying error. 21119 E_SPO_TO_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed. Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block Cure : Software inconsistency - RESET! 2111A E_SPO_TOIC_DISPASS Reason : bac_disable_passthru failed. Meaning : Cannot disable passthru mode. Cure : BAC refuses to tranit into offline mode ... rely on automatic error recovery. 2111B E_SPO_TOIC_ALLOCCTRL Reason : mms_alloc failed for a control block Meaning : Cannot alloc a control block to transmit the control data to DCM. Cure : See underlying error codes - maybe it is usefull to increase the number of mms control blocks in the configuration data. 2111C E_SPO_TOIC_OPENCTRL Reason : open_file_readonly failed. Meaning : Cannot open folder's control file. Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 2111D E_SPO_TOIC_READCTRL Reason : read failed. Meaning : Cannot read control data from file. Cure : See underlying error codes. 2111E E_SPO_TOIC_CLOSECTRL Reason : close failed. Meaning : Cannot close control file. Cure : Maybe open() failed ?! 2111F E_SPO_TOIC_STARTTX Reason : dcm_start_online failed. Meaning : Cannot start online transmission. Cure : See DCM error code. 21120 E_SPO_TOIC_OPENIMG Reason : open_file_readonly failed. Meaning : Cannot open the image file. Cure : Rely on automatic job handling. 21121 E_SPO_TOIC_ALLOCCHUNK

Reason : mms_alloc failed for an image block Meaning : Cannot allocate an image block Cure : See underlying error. 21122 E_SPO_TOIC_READCHUNK Reason : read failed. Meaning : Cannot read image chunk from disk. Cure : See underlying error codes 21123 E_SPO_TOIC_SENDCHUNK Reason : dcm_tx_image_chunk failed. Meaning : Cannot send image chunk to DCM Cure : Chunkqueue full?? Rely on automatic error recovery. 21124 E_SPO_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed for message block Meaning : Cannot free a message block Cure : Software Inconsistency - RESET! 21125 E_SPO_CFD_DISPASS Reason : bac_disable_passthru failed. Meaning : Cannot turn off the passthru mode Cure : See underlying errors. 21126 E_SPO_CFD_OPENIMG Reason : open_file_readonly failed. Meaning : Cannot open image file. Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 21127 E_SPO_CFD_SETFILEPOS Reason : Cannot position file cursor. Meaning : Cannot position cursor to the place where the chunk begins whose transmission failed. Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 21128 E_SPO_CFD_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed. Meaning : Cannot free header block Cure : software inconsistency - RESET! 21129 E_SPO_RCTRL_STARTTX Reason : Cannot start online transmission Meaning : Posting the request failed. Cure : Rely on automatic recovery. 2112A E_SPO_RCTRL_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free_failed Meaning : Cannot free header block Cure : software inconsistency - RESET!

2112B E_SPO_RCHUNK_TX Reason : Cannot send image chunk Meaning : Posting of this request failed Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 2112C E_SPO_RCHUNK_FREE_MSG Reason : mms_free failed. Meaning : Cannot free header block Cure : software inconsistency - RESET! 2112D E_SPO_SYNCING Reason : sc_post failed. Meaning : Cannot sync with installation routine. Cure : 2112E E_SPO_TASKQPEND Reason : mms_qpend returned with error. Meaning : cannot pend on my input queue Cure : Check configuration. 2112F E_SPO_TASK_TIOMSG Reason : mms_alloc failed. Meaning : Cannot alloc a header block for the timeout message Cure : increase number of MMS header blocks - configuration error. 21130 E_SPO_INIT_ALLOCCB Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space for the control block Cure : Too many tasks running at a time - check configuration. 21131 E_SPO_INIT_LOADCFG Reason : Cannot load configuration data. Meaning : See underlying errors Cure : Configuration Error - check configuration 21132 E_SPO_INIT_ALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot alloc shared memory Cure : See underlying error. 21133 E_SPO_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 21134 E_SPO_INIT_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Cannot get an ID for my input queue Cure : See underlying error.

21135 E_SPO_INIT_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed. Meaning : Cannot create my input queue Cure : See underlying error 21136 E_SPO_INIT_STT Reason : init_spo_stt failed Meaning : initialisation of the state transition table failed. Cure : Not enough memory?? 21137 E_SPO_INIT_DCMATTACH Reason : dcm_attach failed. Meaning : Cannot attach to the DICOM interface library. Cure : Version mismatch between SPO and DCM?? 21138 E_SPO_INIT_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Cannot get a task ID for SPO Cure : Out of ressources! - RESET 21139 E_SPO_INIT_TASKSTART Reason : lib_taskcreate failed Meaning : Cannot spawn the SPO task Cure : See underlying error. 2113A E_SPO_INIT_TASKSYNC Reason : sc_pend failed Meaning : Cannot pend on sync mailbox Cure : Out of ressources - RESET! 2113B E_SPO_IFC_SHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot access SPO's shared memory Cure : See underlying error 2113C E_SPO_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed for message header Meaning : Cannot allocate a message header Cure : Increase number of message header for the task, SPOIFC is attached to. 2113D E_SPO_IFC_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post into SPO's message queue Cure : See underlying error code. 2113E E_SPO_CNCQ_TAGFOLDER Reason : buf_tag_folder failed

Meaning : Cannot tag the folder has having been transmitted Cure : See underlying error 2113F E_SPO_SPOGOON Reason : bac_continue_transmission failed Meaning : Cannot ask BAC to continue the transmission Cure : Check BAC error 21140 E_SPO_INIT_BACATTACH Reason : bac_attach failed Meaning : Cannot attach to the Buffer Acquisition task Cure : Check the error that led to this error 21141 E_SPO_INIT_ALLOCHEAD Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc mms header block Cure : increase the number of MMS headers - error recovery might allow the continue work, but its definitely not ok! 21142 E_SPO_REFUSE_FREEIMG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached image block in refuse () Cure : No Cure - Ignore 21143 E_SPO_REFUSE_FREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached control block in refuse () Cure : No Cure - Ignore 21144 E_SPO_REFUSE_FREEHEAD Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached header block in refuse () Cure : No Cure - Ignore 21145 E_SPO_CNCQ_CLOSE Reason : buff_close failed Meaning : was not able to close the image file that was marked as still being open. Cure : The machine will probably hangup as soon as it tries to overwrite the folder. A reset will help temporarily Inform SI-DIS about this error!! 21146 E_SPO_SC_OUTOFSEQ Reason : Mismatch in chunkIDs Meaning : While syncing the output with the input stream, we missed a chunk. Cure : Software error - inform SI-DIS 21147 E_SPO_QJ_GETZOMBIE

Reason Meaning Cure :

: :

21148 E_SPO_QJ_TAGFOLDER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21149 E_SPO_QJ_WRITE2BACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2114A E_SPO_QJ_MMSFREE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2114B E_SPO_QJNCQ_GETZOMBIE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2114C E_SPO_QJNCQ_TAGFOLDER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2114D E_SPO_QJNCQ_WRITE2BACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2114E E_SPO_RJ_GETZOMBIE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2114F E_SPO_RJ_TAGFOLDER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21150 E_SPO_RJ_WRITE2BACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21151

E_SPO_RJ_MMSFREE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21152 E_SPO_RJNCQ_GETZOMBIE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21153 E_SPO_RJNCQ_TAGFOLDER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21154 E_SPO_RJNCQ_WRITE2BACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21155 E_SPO_HEFNCQ_GETZOMBIE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21156 E_SPO_HEFNCQ_TAGFOLDER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21157 E_SPO_HEFNCQ_WRITE2BACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21158 E_SPO_HEF_GETZOMBIE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21159 E_SPO_HEF_TAGFOLDER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2115A E_SPO_HEF_WRITE2BACK Reason : Meaning : Cure :

2115B E_SPO_HEF_MMSFREE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2115C E_SPO_GOOFF Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2115D E_SPO_TOC_SETBUFFER Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2115E E_SPO_CQO_CLOSE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2115F E_SPO_CQO_QJAM Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21160 E_SPO_PTW_GETZOMBIE Reason : Cannot retrieve zombie folder Meaning : Corrupted data structure Cure : Reset - if the problem persists, please inform CSO - MED. 21161 E_SPO_PTW_TAGFOLDER Reason : Cannot tag folder with status Meaning : Corrupted data structure or out of ressources Cure : Reset - if the problem persists, please inform CSO - MED 21162 E_SPO_PTW_WRITE2BACK Reason : Cannot push the folder to the back of the queue. Meaning : Corrupted data structure. Cure : Reset - if the problem persists, please inform CSO - MED. 21163 E_SPO_PTW_MMSFREE Reason : Cannot free MMS block Meaning : Software inconsistency


: Please reset the machine, and after the powerup sequence, rename the file d:/old/aos.log and give it a unique name. Preferably, copy it within the drive D: or to drive E:. Contact CSO-MED and forward the logfile to them for further investigation.

21164 E_SPO_RJNCQ_GRASP Reason : Cannot grasp handle from zombie queue Meaning : Software inconsistency Cure : Remove all cassettes from the input buffer. Bring the Scanner into offline mode by means of the keypad (Keyoperator mode). Wait until all cassettes have been scanned and ejected into the output buffer. reset the scanner and turn off the offline mode again. ** inform service immediately about this failure ** 21165 E_SPO_FBTTWCQ_TAGFOLDER Reason : Cannot tag the folder Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : See underlying error code 21166 E_SPO_FBTTWCQ_WRITE2BACK Reason : Cannot push into the warning queue Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : See underlying error code 21167 E_SPO_CQ_CLOSE Reason : buff_close failed Meaning : was not able to close the image file that was marked as still being open. Cure : The machine will probably hangup as soon as it tries to overwrite the folder. A reset will help temporarily Inform SI-DIS about this error!! 21168 E_SPO_TO_LOOKUPQUEUES_FAILED Reason : lookup_queues() failed in method transmit_offline() Meaning : the method transmit_offline() had been called, which implies that there had been a folder either in the "queued" queue or in the "warning" queue. In transmit_offline() itself, no folder had been detected that can be transmitted. This is probably due to an inconsistency in the queues or a race between messages. Cure : Reset the device, allowing it to rebuild the queues. 21200 E_MIF_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin failed Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data of MIF Cure : Reset the machine - it could be a lack of ressources. If the problem persists, check your configuration and hardware.

21201 E_MIF_CFG_OVERWRITEDEF Reason : nvf_read_values failed Meaning : Cannot overwrite the default configuration with the NVFs. Cure : Check the .Cxx and .Uxx files on partitions C and D of the harddisk. One of these files seems to be corrupted. 21202 E_MIF_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : nvf_dcl_cfg failed Meaning : See underlying error message for details Cure : See underlying error message for details 21203 E_MIF_TASK_SCPOST Reason : sc_post failed Meaning : Cannot sync with startup procedure of MIF Cure : Retry by resetting the machine. 21204 E_MIF_TASK_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : Error while pending on the input queue Cure : See underlying error message. 21205 E_MIF_RX_STARTPEND Reason : sc_pend failed Meaning : Cannot sync with the receiver task. Cure : Reset - if the problem persists, send a logfile showin the startup sequence to SI-DIS for further investigation. 21206 E_MIF_MAINGLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the systemwide loglevel Cure : Probably, the loglevel is out of range - correct it in the SYS configuration data. Allowed values range from 0 .. 4 21207 E_MIF_ALLOCCB Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap Cure : Out of ressources - change the configuration or provide more RAM. 21208 E_MIF_GETCFG Reason : mif_getcfg failed Meaning : Cannot load my configuration data. Cure : See underlying error code. 21209 E_MIF_DECLARESHARED Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot allocate my shared memory for communication with the interface library Cure : Out of ressources - change configuration

2120A E_MIF_LOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set local loglevel - probably out of range Cure : Change NVF parameter 'loglevel': Allowed values: 0 .. 4 2120B E_MIF_SETUPSERIAL Reason : sm_setup_serial_io failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the serial line to the reader hardware. Cure : See underlying error code for the exact reason. 2120C E_MIF_SETBAUDRATE Reason : lib_setconfig failed Meaning : Cannot set baudrate to the desired value Cure : Change configuration. 2120D E_MIF_IFXOPEN Reason : ifx_open failed Meaning : Cannot open serial line to the reader hardware Cure : Check configuration, cable and reader hardware 2120E E_MIF_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot attach to MMS Cure : See underlying error code for details and remedies. 2120F E_MIF_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Cannot get queue ID for my input queue. Cure : Out of ressources - change configuration. 21210 E_MIF_MMSQCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Cannot create my input queue Cure : See underlying error for details. 21211 E_MIF_INSTALLRX Reason : Installing the receiver task failed Meaning : Something went wrong while installing the receiver task. Cure : See underlying error for details. 21212 E_MIF_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Unable to get a task ID for the MIF task Cure : See underlying error - maybe out of ressources. Check configuration. 21213 E_MIF_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate failed

Meaning : Cannot create mif_task Cure : See underlying error code. 21214 E_MIF_CMD_INFCONQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot jam message that a tag has been detected by the tag reader hardware. Cure : See the underlying error for the reason of this failure. 21215 E_MIF_CMD_UPDATEMMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in cmd-function update_tag_contents () Cure : SW-failure - no cure. Inform SI-DIS about this error. 21216 E_MIF_COM_HDLIFCEVT Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an MMS control block in function handle_ifc_msg () Cure : This should never happen, as this control block belongs to a message whose ID is unknown to MIF. Please send the logfile with this error and its history to SI-DIS. 21217 E_MIF_COM_HRMCHKSYNTAX Reason : An error condition has been reported by the tag reader HW. Meaning : See the interpretation of this error code right above this error in the logfile. Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery. 21218 E_MIF_HME_FREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS control block in function handle_mifs_eror () Cure : Severe SW-failure - inform SI-DIS about this. 21219 E_MIF_HME_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in function handle_mifs_error () Cure : Severe SW-failure - inform SI-DIS about this. 2121A E_MIF_COM_HDLSTATMMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in function mif_handle_status () Cure : Severe SW-failure - inform SI-DIS about this. 2121B E_MIF_COM_HDLHLQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post a message to the requestor of some activity of MIF Cure : See underlying error for further details and proceed according to the suggestions made there. 2121C E_MIFI_SHAREFAILED Reason : sm_share failed

Meaning : Cannot access the shared memory section of MIF and its interface libraries. Cure : Probably, the system is out of ressources, please check the underlying error for suggestions how to cope with this situation. 2121D E_MIFI_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate an MMS header block in function mif_send. Cure : If the MMS error code indicates that there are not enough header blocks, increase the number of MMS headers in the configuration data of the task which tried to send a message to MIF. 2121E E_MIFI_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : See underlying error Cure : See underlying error 2121F E_MIFI_MMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free the MMS header block after failure in mif_send () Cure : Software inconsistency - Reset the machine, if the problem persists, please inform SI-DIS 21220 E_MIF_RSP_OUTOFSEQ Reason : Response out of Sequence Meaning : A response from the card reader arrived out of sequence Cure : Should not hapen - send logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation 21221 E_MIF_RSP_STATUSCODE Reason : Status not OK Meaning : The card reader reported an error Cure : Rely on automatic recovery mechanism 21222 E_MIF_RSP_REQFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_request_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21223 E_MIF_RSP_REQFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_request_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21224 E_MIF_RSP_AICFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_request_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure.

21225 E_MIF_RSP_AICFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_anticoll_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21226 E_MIF_RSP_SELFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_select_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21227 E_MIF_RSP_SELFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_select_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21228 E_MIF_RSP_AUTFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_authentication_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21229 E_MIF_RSP_AUTFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_authentication_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2122A E_MIF_RSP_HLTRDQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Posting the chip contents failed Cure : See underlying error. 2122B E_MIF_RSP_HLTRDFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_halt_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2122C E_MIF_RSP_HLTWRQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Posting Ready-Message failed Cure : See underlying error. 2122D E_MIF_RSP_HLTFREEBUF Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_halt_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2122E E_MIF_RSP_HLTWRFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_halt_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure.

2122F E_MIF_RSP_HLTFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_halt_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21230 E_MIF_RSP_RDFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_read_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21231 E_MIF_RSP_RDFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_read_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21232 E_MIF_RSP_WRFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_write_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21233 E_MIF_RSP_WRFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_write_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21234 E_MIF_RSP_INCFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_increment_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21235 E_MIF_RSP_INCFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_increment_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21236 E_MIF_RSP_DECFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_decrement_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21237 E_MIF_RSP_DECFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_decrement_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21238 E_MIF_RSP_RSTFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_restore_resp


: Software inconsistency - no cure.

21239 E_MIF_RSP_RSTFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_restore_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2123A E_MIF_RSP_TRAFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_transfer_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2123B E_MIF_RSP_TRAFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_transfer_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2123C E_MIF_RSP_LDKFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_load_key_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2123D E_MIF_RSP_LDKFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_load_key_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2123E E_MIF_RSP_CCRFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_check_char_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2123F E_MIF_RSP_CCRFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_check_char_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21240 E_MIF_RSP_RESFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_reset_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21241 E_MIF_RSP_RESFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_reset_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21242 E_MIF_RSP_INFFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed

Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_get_info_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21243 E_MIF_RSP_INFFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_get_info_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21244 E_MIF_RSP_SCBFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_set_ctrlbit_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21245 E_MIF_RSP_SCBQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot send status to myself Cure : See underlying error 21246 E_MIF_RSP_SCBFREEMSGERR Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_set_ctrlbit_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21247 E_MIF_RSP_SCBFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_set_ctrlbit_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21248 E_MIF_RSP_CCBQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot send sattus to myself Cure : Se underlying error. 21249 E_MIF_RSP_CCBFREEMSGERR Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_clear_ctrlbit_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2124A E_MIF_RSP_CCBFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_clear_ctrlbit_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2124B E_MIF_RSP_CCBFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_clear_ctrlbit_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2124C E_MIF_RSP_CFGFREERSP

Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_config_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2124D E_MIF_RSP_CFGFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_config_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2124E E_MIF_RSP_CWRFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_check_write_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 2124F E_MIF_RSP_CWRFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_check_write_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21250 E_MIF_RSP_SPRFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_set_port_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21251 E_MIF_RSP_SPRFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_set_port_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21252 E_MIF_RSP_GPRFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_get_port_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21253 E_MIF_RSP_GPRFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_get_port_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21254 E_MIF_RSP_HLAFREERSP Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_hl_authentication_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21255 E_MIF_RSP_HLAFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in mifs_hl_authentication_resp Cure : Software inconsistency - no cure. 21256

E_MIF_RX_ASTXALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate a small MMS control block in answerSTX () Cure : Increase the number of MMS CTLS blocks via NVF 21257 E_MIF_RX_ASTXWRITE Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot send STX character to the Reader-HW Cure : See underlying IFX error for more information. Anyway, check that the serial line has been opened correctly during startup. 21258 E_MIF_RX_SDLENAWRITE Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot acknowledge a received message. Cure : See underlying IFX error. 21259 E_MIF_RX_SDLENAALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate an MMS header to send a received message to the MIF task. Cure : See MMS error logging for details - maybe you have to increase the number of MMS header blocks in the MIF configuration data. 2125A E_MIF_RX_SDLENAQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot send a message to the MIF task. Cure : See MMS error for details. 2125B E_MIF_RX_SDLENAFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in case of a qpost error. Cure : See underlying MMS error for details. 2125C E_MIF_RX_SNAKNFWRITE Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot reject a received incomplete message. Cure : See underlying IFX error. 2125D E_MIF_RX_SNAKNFFREE Reason : mms_free Meaning : Cannot free a corrupted message block. Cure : See underlying MMS error. 2125E E_MIF_RX_ROALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate an MMS header block in route_on() Cure : Increase the number of MMS header blocks. 2125F

E_MIF_RX_ROQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot send message to the MIF task Cure : See MMS error for details 21260 E_MIF_RX_ROFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in case of a qpost error. Cure : See underlying MMS error for details 21261 E_MIF_RX_TSKSYNC Reason : sc_post failed Meaning : Cannot sync RX task with installation routine Cure : Reset - if the problem persists, send the logfile to SI-DIS. 21262 E_MIF_RX_TSKOPEN Reason : ifx_open failed Meaning : Cannot open serial line to/from the card reader Cure : See IFX error for details. 21263 E_MIF_RX_TSKREAD Reason : ifx_read failed Meaning : Error has been reported while waiting for incoming characters Cure : See ifx error for details 21264 E_MIF_RX_STARTEHEAP Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot allocate memory for my control block on the heap Cure : Out of ressources! Check Configuration! 21265 E_MIF_RX_STARTMMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot attach to MMS Cure : See MMS error for details 21266 E_MIF_RX_STARTTASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Cannot get a task ID for the MIF receiver task Cure : Try to reboot - if the problem persists, inform SI-DIS and send a logfile showing the startup sequence. 21267 E_MIF_RX_STARTTASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate failed Meaning : Cannot create the MIF receiver task. Cure : See underlying error for details. 21268 E_MIF_TX_INITWRITE Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot request a transmission to the hardware reader Cure : Rely on retry cycles - if these fail, another error

message will be produced. 21269 E_MIF_TX_RETRYSYNCWRITE Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Retry cycle requesting a transmission failed Cure : Rely on recovery procedures 2126A E_MIF_TX_RPTNOSYNCALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc space for a no_sync message to MIF Cure : Increase the number of MMS header blocks 2126B E_MIF_TX_RPTNOSYNCQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot jam no_sync message to MIF Cure : See MMS error for details 2126C E_MIF_TX_RPTNOSYNCFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message after failure of mms_qjam Cure : Software inconsistency - try a reset and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation 2126D E_MIF_TX_SENDWRITE Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot write the message to the serial line Cure : See IFX error. 2126E E_MIF_TX_RETRYCMD Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot write a message to the serial line within a retry cycle Cure : See IFX error. 2126F E_MIF_TX_RPTSUCALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc message to send the OK message to MIF Cure : See MMS error. 21270 E_MIF_TX_RPTSUCQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot jam OK message to MIF Cure : See underlying MMS error. 21271 E_MIF_TX_RPTSUCFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header after failed sending of the OK message Cure : See underlying MMS error. 21272 E_MIF_TX_RPTREFALLOC

Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space for the REFUSED message to MIF Cure : Increase the number of MMS header blocks for MIF 21273 E_MIF_TX_RPTREFQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot send REFUSED message to MIF Cure : See underlying MMS error. 21274 E_MIF_TX_RPTREFFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in case of a failure while sending. Cure : See underlying MMS error. 21275 E_MIF_TASKSYNC Reason : sc_pend failed Meaning : Error while waiting for sync character from the mif_task Cure : See underlying error. Retry by resetting the machine. 21276 E_MIF_CMD_IGNFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS control block in ignore () Cure : See underlying MMS error code. 21277 E_MIF_CMD_IGNFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in cmd-function ignore() Cure : SW-failure - no cure, inform SI-DIS about this failure. 21278 E_MIF_CMD_CCCFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS control block in cmd-function cancel_check () Cure : SW-failure - no cure, inform SI-DIS about this failure 21279 E_MIF_CMD_CCCFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in cmd-function cancel_check () Cure : SW-failure - no cure, inform SI-DIS about this failure 2127A E_MIF_CMD_WFTFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS control block in cmd-function wait_for_tag () Cure : SW-failure - no cure, inform SI-DIS about this failure 2127B E_MIF_CMD_WFTFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in cmd-function wait_for_tag () Cure : SW-failure - no cure, inform SI-DIS about this failure

2127C E_MIF_CMD_PWDFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS control block in cmd-function power_down () Cure : SW-failure - no cure. Inform SI-DIS about this error. 2127D E_MIF_CMD_PWDFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in cmd-function power_down () Cure : SW-failure - no cure. Inform SI-DIS about this error. 2127E E_MIF_CMD_PWSFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS control block in cmd-function power_start () Cure : SW-failure - no cure. Inform SI-DIS about this error. 2127F E_MIF_CMD_PWSFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in cmd-function power_start () Cure : SW-failure - no cure. Inform SI-DIS about this error. 21280 E_MIF_TASK_MIFTHDLFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free message from the receiver task Cure : Software inconsistency - inform SI-DIS. 21281 E_MIF_COM_HDLIFCEVTFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block in function handle_ifc_msg () Cure : This should never happen as this is a header block whose ID is unknown to MIF. Please send the logfile with this error and its history to SI-DIS for further investigation. 21282 E_MIF_RX_SNAKMMSALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21283 E_MIF_RX_SNAKMMSQPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21284 E_MIF_COCATTACH Reason : coc_attach failed Meaning : Cannot attach to COC - broadcasting errors that might alter the COPRA state is impossible. Cure : Configuration problem - please check whether COC has been started. 21285 E_MIF_COMMERROR

Reason : Cannot communicate with the TagReader Meaning : See error code from the reader Cure : Try to power the machine off and on again - a reset would not do! If the problem persists, check cable between cardreader and the VME (including the power supply) and the cardreader itself... 21286 E_MIF_READRDRETRIES Reason : Retry Counter exceeded Meaning : Retry Counter for read commands exceeded while trying to read tag contents. Cure : Please retry after a reset of the machine. If the problem persists, please contact your service technican. 21287 E_MIF_WRITERDRETRIES Reason : Retry Counter exceeded Meaning : Retry Counter for read commands exceeded while trying to rewrite tag contents. Cure : Please retry after a reset of the machine. If the problem persists, please contact your service technican. 21288 E_MIF_READCOMMRETRIES Reason : Retry Counter exceeded Meaning : Retry Counter for communication with the tag exceeded while trying to read the tag contents. Cure : Please retry after a reset of the machine. If the problem persists, please contact your service technican. 21289 E_MIF_WRITECOMMRETRIES Reason : Retry Counter exceeded Meaning : Retry Counter for communication with the tag exceeded while trying to rewrite tag contents. Cure : Please retry after a reset of the machine. If the problem persists, please contact your service technican. 2128A E_MIF_INITCAS Reason : Initialization of the CAS library failed Meaning : Probably out of ressources Cure : Please check the underlying error code for details. Keep an eye on the ressources, if any ressources seem to run short, dump this to disk and send it to CSO-MED for further inverstigation. 2128B E_MIF_COM_TXNOSYNC Reason : No communication with tagreader Meaning : The tagreader does not respond Cure : Carefully check all connectors, probably the tagreader is not connected either at the VME rack, or the connector at the tagreader itself might be disconnected or might be turned around. If everything has been found to be ok, power off the machine and turn it on

again - a simple RESET does *not* work! If the problem persists, please check the tagreader hardware. 2128C E_MIF_RX_NAK Reason : Communication Error with the Tagreader Meaning : Checksum error in tagreader response Cure : Something is wrong in the chain BEN, AdaptorPCB, Serial Line, Tagreader. Please check carefully that all connectors are firmly seated in their places - if so, check the Hardware Components (BEN, TagReader). It might be possible to continue work for a short while by a power down/power up sequence of the whole machine - a RESET definitely will not help!! 2128D E_MIF_COM_FATAL Reason : Cannot communicate with the TagReader Meaning : A fatal communication error has occured between the tagreader and the host. Cure : Carefully check that the connectors are seated firmly in their places - if so, check the Hardware Components (BEN, TagReader). Working might be possible of a short while after a power down/power up of the whole machine. A RESET will *not* help in this case!! 2128E E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_CHANNEL Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element channel Cure : Solve Software Bug 2128F E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_BAUDRATE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element baudrate Cure : Solve Software Bug 21290 E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_DATABITS Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element databits Cure : Solve Software Bug 21291 E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_STOPBITS Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element stopbits Cure : Solve Software Bug 21292 E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_PARITY Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element parity


: Solve Software Bug

21293 E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_FLOWCONTROL Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element flowcontrol Cure : Solve Software Bug 21294 E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_RWDMODE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element rwd_mode Cure : Solve Software Bug 21295 E_MIF_CFG_CHMOD_RWDBAUDRATE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access mode for data element rwd_baudrate Cure : Solve Software Bug 21296 E_MIF_TASK_CONNLOSS Reason : No reponse from the tagreader Meaning : A command has been acknowledged by the tagreader, but there was no answer within 30 seconds. The communication has been interrupted for any reason. Cure : No Cure! Power the machine off and on, a simple RESET will not do!! 21297 E_MIF_SETTIMEOUT Reason : lib_setconfig failed Meaning : Cannot specify timeout for the serial driver Cure : Solve Software Bug 21298 E_MIF_CMD_PDDQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post POWER_DOWN answer to the caller Cure : See underlying mms error code for details 2129A E_MIF_CMD_INIFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free mms_ctl block for command mif_init Cure : Solve Software Bug 2129B E_MIF_CMD_INIFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free mms_header block for command mif_init. Cure : Solve Software Bug 2129C E_MIF_RSP_RESQJAM Reason : mms_qjam failed Meaning : Cannot jam response message for init command


: See MMS error.

2129D E_MIF_RSP_RESFREEMSGERR Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : trying to free a message after qjam error failed Cure : See MMS error. 2129E E_MIF_CMD_BAUDRATE Reason : wrong baudrate setting Meaning : The baudrate specified in the configuration is not translatable into a code that is understood by the tagreader. Cure : Check configuration: nve MIF0 - attribute 'baudrate' Valid values are: 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200 Either use 19200 or 115200. The other values are just implemented for the sake of completeness! 2129F E_MIF_RSP_COMBDFREERSP Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : cannot free response block Cure : No cure 212A0 E_MIF_RSP_COMBDFREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : cannot free message Cure : No cure 212A1 E_MIFI_SEND_SHARED_VERSION Reason : illegal version number in shared block while trying to send a message Meaning: MIF has not been started yet, or at least not properly. Cure : Most probably COB is waiting for someone else - could it be there's a hardware error? 212A2 E_MIFI_SEND_NO_SHARED_BLOCK Reason : shared block was NULL Meaning: no mif_attach happened before sending a message Cure : hit the developer 213A0 E_BUF_LST_NOHEAP Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot allocate memory for the buffer handles Cure : Memory problem - please add RAM or change the configuration. 213A1 E_BUF_LST_LISTIDOUTOFRANGE Reason : parameter out of range Meaning : The ist ID is out of range Cure : The Identifier for one of the buffer queues is out of range - there is no queue that can be referenced. This is a software bug - please report the situation and pass this along with the logfile to SI-DIS.

No cure! (Reset might do for a while) 213A2 E_BUF_NULLPTRPUSHED1 Reason : Parameter out of range Meaning : A NULL buffer handle has been passed to this function Cure : An attempt has been made to link a nonexisting handle into a queue. There must be an error logged prior to this error, indicating that the allocation of a buffer handle failed. This is the origin of this malfunction, have a look there. 213A3 E_BUF_NULLPTRPUSHED2 Reason : Parameter out of range Meaning : A NULL buffer handle has been passed to this function Cure : An attempt has been made to link a nonexisting handle into a queue. There must be an error logged prior to this error, indicating that the allocation of a buffer handle failed. This is the origin of this malfunction, have a look there. 213A4 E_BUF_ALREADYTRANSMITTING Reason : A buffer is already being transmitted Meaning : There is already a buffer that is sent to another host Cure : No cure - rely on automatic recovery procedures 213A5 E_BUF_NOTTRANSMITTING Reason : No buffer being transmitted Meaning : An attempt has been made to remove a buffer while there was none. Cure : Inconsistency - please check surounding errors and send the logfile to SI-DIS in case, no other error message gives a hint. 213A6 E_BUF_NOSUCHLIST Reason : List ID out of range Meaning : There is no list with this ID Cure : No Cure - software bug - please send a logfile to SI-DIS, in the meantime a reset should help for a while. 213A7 E_BUF_GETFPOSN Reason : ifx_gposn failed Meaning : Cannot detect position in file. Cure : Please check the IFX error code for details 213A8 E_BUF_STORE_DATA Reason : ifx_write failed Meaning : Cannot write data to disk Cure : Check underlying error for details 213A9 E_BUF_GFILE_LEN Reason : ifx_gflength failed Meaning : Cannot determine filelength Cure : See underlying errors for details 213AA

E_BUF_GFILE_ALLOC Reason : ifx_gfalloc failed Meaning : Cannot get the number of bytes allocated for this file. Cure : See underlying IFX error. 213AB E_BUF_MYREAD Reason : ifx_read failed Meaning : Cannot read data from file Cure : See underlying IFX error for details. 213AC E_BUF_FLUSH_FAIL Reason : ifx_devctl failed Meaning : Cannot flush buffers to harddisk Cure : See IFX error below! 213AD E_BUF_GET_VOL_CLS1 Reason : ifx_devctl failed Meaning : Cannot get volume cluster size Cure : See underlying error code 213AE E_BUF_GET_VOL_CLS_FREE Reason : ifx_devctl failed Meaning : Cannot get volume cluseters free for this partition Cure : See underlying error 213AF E_BUF_CREATESEMA Reason : sc_screate failed Meaning : Cannot create semaphore for buffer handle access Cure : The semaphore that is needed to make buffer action atomic could not be created, please check the underlying error for the reason of this failure. Probably it is a configuration problem. 213B0 E_BUF_GETBUF_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213B1 E_BUF_GETBUF_SEMAPOST Reason : sc_spost failed Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213B2 E_BUF_PUSHBACK_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213B3 E_BUF_PUSHBACK_SEMAPOST Reason : sc_spost failed

Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213B4 E_BUF_PUSHFRONT_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213B5 E_BUF_PUSHFRONT_SEMAPOST Reason : sc_spost failed Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213B6 E_BUF_SETBUF_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213B7 E_BUF_SETBUF_SEMAPOST Reason : sc_spost failed Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213B8 E_BUF_REMBUF_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213B9 E_BUF_REMBUF_SEMAPOST Reason : sc_spost failed Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213BA E_BUF_ISEMPTY_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213BB E_BUF_ISEMPTY_SEMAPOST Reason : sc_spost failed Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213BC E_BUF_BISTX_SEMAPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Waiting access to the buffer queues for more than 1 sec. Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery. 213BD E_BUF_BISTX_SEMAPOST

Reason : sc_spost failed Meaning : Cannot release semaphore again Cure : Please check underlying error for details. 213BE E_BUF_OPENTAGFILE Reason : create_file failed Meaning : Cannot write tagfile Cure : Attempt to open the tagfile failed. 213BF E_BUF_WRITETAGFILE Reason : store_data failed Meaning : Cannot write tagfile contents to the file Cure : See underlying error code for the exact reason! 213C0 E_BUF_LNKFLD_READ Reason : ifx_read failure Meaning : Cannot read tagfile Cure : Rely on automatic recovery 213C1 E_BUF_INSPFLDOPEN Reason : ifx_open failed Meaning : Cannot open folderdirectory Cure : Rely on automatic recovery 213C2 E_BUF_INSPFLDCLOSETAGF Reason : ifx_close failed Meaning : Cannot close tagfile Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery 213C3 E_BUF_INSPFLDCLOSEDIR Reason : ifx_close failed Meaning : Cannot close folder directory Cure : Severe malfunction - reboot. If the problem persists - forward the logfile to SI-DIS. 213C4 E_BUF_INSPFLDOPENFLD Reason : ifx_open failed Meaning : Cannot open tagfile Cure : Unexpected error occured while opening the tagfile. No Cure - rely on error recovery. 213C5 E_BUF_CLEANUPSPOOLDIR Reason : ifx_open failed Meaning : Cannot open the spool directory Cure : The partition E:/ is not existing! Please reconfigure this machine or, at least, repartition the harddisk and restore all the software again. 213C6 E_BUF_NEXTDIRENTRY

Reason : ifx_read failed Meaning : Cannot read directory entry Cure : See IFX error code for details. 213C7 E_BUF_BGCB_NOLIST Reason : List Identifier out of range Meaning : Software Error Cure : No recovery - inform SI-DIS 213C8 E_BUF_BGCB_SEMAPEND Reason : pend() on semaphore failed Meaning : Cannot enter atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213C9 E_BUF_BGCB_SEMAPOST Reason : post() on semaphore failed Meaning : Cannot leave atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213CA E_BUF_GETBUFTX_SEMAPEND Reason : pend() on semaphore failed Meaning : Cennot enter atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213CB E_BUF_GETBUFTX_NOTTXING Reasing : No buffer is currently being transmitted Meaning : We have to indicate that no folder is currently being transmitted. Cure : Probably, this is just a status request, thus, no further errors are logged. If there are further errors, the calling entity mixed up states. Reset the machine and send the logfile to IS-DIS for further investigation. 213CC E_BUF_GETBUFTX_SEMAPOST Reason : post () on semaphore failed Meaning : Cannot leave atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213CD E_BUF_GRASPBUF_SEMAPEND Reason : pend on semahore failed Meaning : Cannot enter atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213CE E_BUF_GRASPBUF_SEMAPOST Reason : post () on semaphore failed

Meaning : Cannot leave atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213CF E_BUF_INSPFLDCLOSETAGF1 Reason : ifx_close failed Meaning : Cannot close tagfile Cure : No cure - rely on error recovery 213D0 E_BUF_INSPFLDCLOSEDIR1 Reason : ifx_close failed Meaning : Cannot close folder directory Cure : Severe malfunction - reboot. If the problem persists - forward the logfile to SI-DIS. 213D1 E_BUF_VOIDTAGDIRNAME Reason : The specified directory name for the tagfile is invalid. Meaning : Severe software inconsistency. Cure : Inform R&D immediately - along with a logfile. In the meantime, resetting the machine as soon as the buffer is full and no jobs are acquired anymore, will send the jobs. 213D2 E_BUF_LIST_GETSEMA Reason : Cannot get sharedmem for queue semaphore. Meaning : See underlying error code. Cure : See underlying error code. 213D3 E_BUF_PUSHBACK_LISTID Reason : buf_get_list failed Meaning : List Identifier out of range Cure : Correct Software 213D4 E_BUF_PUSHFRONT_LISTID Reason : buf_get_list failed Meaning : List Identifier out of range Cure : Correct Software 213D5 E_BUF_GRASPBUF_LISTID Reason : buf_get_list failed Meaning : List Identifier out of range Cure : Correct Software 213D6 E_BUF_GRASPBUF_GETFLD Reason : cannot get folder from list Meaning : folder not in this list Cure : Software Inconsistency 213D7

E_BUF_BGCB_EMPTY_LIST Reason : empty list seen in get_certain_buffer Meaning : Should get buffer from an empty list??! Cure : Correct Software 213D8 E_BUF_BGCB_NOHANDLE Reason : Specified folder not found in list Meaning : The specified buffer is definitely not in the given list Cure : Correct Software 213D9 E_BUF_SPYQUEUE_SEMAPEND Reason : pend on semahore failed Meaning : Cannot enter atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213DA E_BUF_SPYQUEUE_SEMAPOST Reason : post () on semaphore failed Meaning : Cannot leave atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213DB E_BUF_DUMPQ_SEMAPEND Reason : pend on semahore failed Meaning : Cannot enter atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213DC E_BUF_DUMPQ_SEMAPOST Reason : post () on semaphore failed Meaning : Cannot leave atomic section Cure : System is instable: Reset the machine and send the logfile to SI-DIS for further investigation. 213DE E_BUF_REP_CIS_SIZEMISMATCH Reason : Imagefile is larger than the demographic data specify Meaning : The image seems not to belong to the folder Cure : No Cure - please report such a failure immediately to MED-CSO - if you can assure that nobody interfered manually. 213DF E_BUF_REP_CIS_FOPEN Reason : fopen failed Meaning : Cannot open imagefile Cure : check existence of the file. 213E0 E_BUF_REP_CIS_FWRITE Reason : fwrite failed Meaning : Cannot correct the imagesizse (possibly too small by an interrupted scan). Cure : check underlying error and eventually have a retry by rebooting.

213E1 E_BUF_REP_LF_NO_HANDLE Reason : Out of ressources Meaning : There are more than 10 folders found in the spooldir. This can only happen, if someone manually copies other folders into the spooldir. Cure : Restrict the number of folders to 10 and consider keeping your hands off these files in the future! 213E2 E_BUF_REP_IMAGETOOBIG Reason : Cannot correct imagesize Meaning : The image dimensions in the controldata and the filesize of the imagesize are not equal and we cannot correct the imagefile. Probably, the imagefile is larger than specified. This is supposed to be a mismatch of demographic data and image data and must never happen in ordinary operation. Cure : No cure - the folder is deleted as the image seems to belong to another set of demographic data.

213E3 E_BUF_CF_TOOMUCHINCOMPLETE Reason : Out of ressources Meaning : There are more incomplete folders than expected. At the mose, two plates are handled in the scanner, therefore, there must not be more than two incomplete folders. Cure : manually check the folders on the e: partition. The logfile provides some information about the foldername of the incomplete folders that should be inspected manually. 213E4 E_BUF_NODISKSPACE Reason : Not enough space on partition e: Meaning : There is not enough space to store 10 images (max.size) on the e: partition. Cure : Please cleanup the e: partition, deleting files that have been stored there. Do *not* format partition e: - unlike the MG3000, images stored here are definitely lost when formatting the harddisk. Please do not touch these directories: fldxxxxx public - if existing cgi-bin - if existing log tsheet - if existing flatfld - if existing testimg Otherwise, you will have severe problems to restore these directories again!

213E5 E_BUF_NULLFLDID_1 Reason : trying to get the folderID from a NULL pointer Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : No Cure!! - Sorry! 213E6 E_BUF_NULLFLDID_2 Reason : trying to get the folderID from a NULL pointer Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : No Cure!! - Sorry! 213E7 E_BUF_NULLFLDID_3 Reason : trying to get the folderID from a NULL pointer Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : No Cure!! - Sorry! 213E8 E_BUF_GDS_MOUNT Reason : mounting parition e: failed Meaning : Problem with the harddisk Cure : Check harddisk 213E9 E_BUF_GDS_GETDSKINFO Reason : get info failed Meaning : Cannot retrieve info about the e: partition Cure : Check harddisk (especially partition e:) 213F0 E_CAS_CGET_UNKNOWNID Reason : ID out of range Meaning : The ID for the data element to get is out of range. Cure : Check the calling function - software bug. 213F1 E_CAS_CSET_UNKNOWNID Reason : ID out of range Meaning : The ID for the data element to set is out of range. Cure : Check the calling function - software bug. 213F2 E_CAS_SGET_UNKNOWNID Reason : ID out of range Meaning : The ID for the data element to get is out of range. Cure : Check the calling function - software bug. 213F3 E_CAS_SSET_UNKNOWNID Reason : ID out of range Meaning : The ID for the data element to set is out of range. Cure : Check the calling function - software bug. 213F4 E_CAS_GET_UNKNOWNID Reason : ID out of range Meaning : The ID for the data element to get is out of range.


: Check the calling function - software bug.

213F5 E_CAS_SET_UNKNOWNID Reason : ID out of range Meaning : The ID for the data element to set is out of range. Cure : Check the calling function - software bug. 213F6 E_CAS_SETDEF_MALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space for the default chipstream Cure : See underlying error code - out of ressources?? 213F7 E_CAS_SETDEF_POPULATE Reason : cas_populateCtrlStruct failed Meaning : unable to populate the control struct Cure : Remove Software bug!! 213F8 E_CAS_RCI_VERSION Reason : cas_getAsInt failed Meaning : Unable to retrieve the CassetteInfo Version from the chipstring Cure : Check carefully both: ChipString and Software Consistency 213F9 E_CAS_INIT_FOPEN Reason : fopen() failed Meaning : Cannot open iptable file Cure : Run the CPF-parser 21400 E_DCM_CANNOTCONFIGURE1 Reason : nvf_copy_virgin failed Meaning : Cannot load default configuration Cure : Restart and check underlying error codes. 21401 E_DCM_CANNOTOVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_read_values failed Meaning : Cannot overwrite the default configuration with NVFs Cure : Check underlying error codes. 21402 E_DCM_SYNC_FAILED Reason : sc_post failed Meaning : Cannot post sync character to starter function. Cure : See underlying error code. 21403 E_DCM_TASKQPEN Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : DCM returned from the input queue with error. Cure : Check MMS error 21404

E_DCM_ALLOCCB Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space for my control block on the heap. Cure : Out of ressources. 21405 E_DCM_LOADCONFIG Reason : dcm_getcfg failed Meaning : Cannot read my configuration data Cure : See underlying errors 21406 E_DCM_GETSHARED Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot get my shared memory for communication with the interface library. Cure : See underlying error code. 21407 E_DCM_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot attach to MMS Cure : See MMS error 21408 E_DCM_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : No queue ID for the DCM input queue Cure : Out of ressources?? 21409 E_DCM_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Cannot create MMS input queue for DCM. Cure : Out of ressources?? 2140A E_DCM_INITSTT Reason : Initialisation of the DCM state table failed Meaning : Something went wrong while initializing the DCM_STT Cure : See underlying error. 2140B E_DCM_INITNET Reason : DUL_InitializeNetwork failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the network. Cure : See DUL error 2140C E_DCM_GETTASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Unable to get an ID for the DCM task Cure : Out of ressources?? 2140D E_DCM_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate failed Meaning : Cannot create the DCM task. Cure : Out of ressources??

2140E E_DCM_TASKSYNC Reason : sc_pend failed Meaning : Failure while pending on a mailbox waiting for the sync char from the DCM task Cure : See underlying error. 2140F E_DCM_BUILDASSOCRQ Reason : ACSE_CreateAssociationRQ failed Meaning : Cannot create the association request. Cure : See ACSE error logging. 21410 E_DCM_SENDASSOCRQ Reason : ACSE_SendAssociationRQ failed Meaning : Cannot send the association request. Cure : See ACSE error logging. 21411 E_DCM_OFFLINECREATEOBJECT Reason : Cannot create DICOM object. Meaning : Unable to create the container for all the DICOM attributes in function setupDICOMObject Cure : See DTF error 21412 E_DCM_ADDPATNAME Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 21413 E_DCM_ADDPATID Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 21414 E_DCM_ADDPATSEX Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 21415 E_DCM_ADDSTUDYINSTUID Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 21416 E_DCM_ADDSTUDYDATE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 21417 E_DCM_ADDSTUDYTIME

Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 21418 E_DCM_ADDREFPHYSICIAN Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the folder Cure : See DTF error for explanation.

2142B E_DCM_ADDIMG Reason : DCM_AddFileElement failed Meaning : Cannot add as reference to a file Cure : See DTF error for explanation. 2142C E_DCM_INSTANCENOTIDENTICAL Reason : Response contains unexpected things ... Meaning : The instance UID of the response is not identical Cure : No cure - rely on automatic recovery procedures.

2142D E_DCM_CLASSNOTIDENTICAL Reason : Response contains a class specifier that is not identical to what we expect. Meaning : Something has been mixed up in the SCP. Cure : Check the logfile on the SCP. 2142E E_DCM_IFC_GETSHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot access the share memory for communication init with the DICOM task. Cure : Try a reset - and send a logfile to SI-DIS. 2142F E_DCM_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc MMS Header block. Cure : Increase MMS block quota for DCM. 21430 E_DCM_IFC_TXF_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post message to start an offline transmission. Cure : See MMS error. 21431 E_DCM_IFC_SOX_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post message to start an online transmission. Cure : See MMS error. 21432 E_DCM_IFC_TIC_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post image chunk Cure : See MMS error. 21433 E_DCM_IFC_EOT_QPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21434 E_DCM_INVALIDPORT

Reason : Unable to get the portnumber from the 'dcmport.dat' file. Meaning : The file is corrupted or not up to date. Cure : See underlying error, whether the hostentry is not existing at all or whether the line for this host is corrupted. 21435 E_DCM_ADDCALLBACK Reason : DCM_AddFunctionElement failed Meaning : Cannot add a Callback function as reference to the image pixel data. Cure : See DTF Error. 21436 E_DCM_GETCHUNKQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Cannot get an ID for the DCM chunk queue Cure : Out of Ressources?? 21437 E_DCM_CHUNKQCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Unable to create the DCM chunk queue. Cure : See MMS error. 21438 E_DCM_ADDPLATETYPE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21439 E_DCM_ADDINSTNAME Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2143A E_DCM_ADDSTATIONNAME Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2143B E_DCM_ADDINSTDEPT Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2143C E_DCM_ADDTYPENUMBER Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21440 E_DCM_ADDSTUDYDESCRIPT Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21441 E_DCM_ADDLATERALITY Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21442 E_DCM_ADDSERIESDESCRIPT Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21443 E_DCM_ADDPATORIENT Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21444 E_DCM_ADDIMAGETYPE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21445 E_DCM_ADDACQDATE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21446 E_DCM_ADDACQTIME Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21447 E_DCM_ADDIMAGECOMMENTS Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object


: See DTF error.

21448 E_DCM_ADDPLATEID Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21449 E_DCM_ADDCASSORIENTATION Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2144A E_DCM_ADDCASSSIZE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2144B E_DCM_ADDEXPONPLATE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2144C E_DCM_ADDSENSITIVITY Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21450 E_DCM_ADDPXLSPACING Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21451 E_DCM_ADDRESCALEINTERC Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21452 E_DCM_ADDRESCALESLOPE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21453 E_DCM_ADDRESCALETYPE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21454 E_DCM_ADDSOPCLASSUID Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed

Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21455 E_DCM_ADDSOPINSTUID Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21456 E_DCM_ADDSPECCHARSET Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21457 E_DCM_ADDINSTCREDATE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21458 E_DCM_ADDINSTCRETIME Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21459 E_DCM_ADDPRIVCREATOR Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2145A E_DCM_ADDCASSETTEDATA Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2145B E_DCM_ADDIMAGEQUALITY Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 2145C E_DCM_TXONFREECTRL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS Control Block Cure : No cure - send logfile to SI-DIS 2145D E_DCM_TXONADDIMGCALLBACK Reason : addImageCallback failed Meaning : Cannot add callback function for image transmission Cure : See underlying error for details 2145E E_DCM_TXONTXNDIS

Reason : TransmitNDisconnect failed Meaning : Cannot send the folder and release the association Cure : See underlying error for details 2145F E_DCM_TXONMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc msg header for 'tx_done' message Cure : See underlying error for details 21460 E_DCM_TXOFFADDIMGFILE Reason : addImageCallback failed Meaning : Cannot add callback function for image transmission Cure : See underlying error for details 21461 E_DCM_TXOFFTXNDIS Reason : TransmitNDisconnect failed Meaning : Cannot send the folder and release the association Cure : See underlying error for details 21462 E_DCM_TXOFFFREECTRL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS Control Block Cure : No cure - send logfile to SI-DIS 21463 E_DCM_TXOFFMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc msg header for 'tx_done' message Cure : See underlying error for details 21464 E_DCM_READCTRLALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot reserve buffer space for demographic data Cure : Increase number of mms ctrl blocks for DCM 21465 E_DCM_READCTRLOPEN Reason : open_file_readonly failed Meaning : Cannot open file holding the demographic data Cure : Rely on automatic error recovery 21466 E_DCM_READCTRLREAD Reason : buf_read failed Meaning : Cannot read demographic data Cure : See underlying IFX error 21467 E_DCM_READCTRLCLOSE Reason : close failed Meaning : Cannot close file holding demographic data Cure : See underlying and previous error messages 21468

E_DCM_GETADDR Reason : cas_getCtrl failed Meaning : Unable to get the hostname of the destination Cure : Check demographic data for this folder 21469 E_DCM_TXFLDALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate an image buffer as buffer for DICOM Cure : Incerase the number of MMS image blocks for DCM 2146A E_DCM_TXFLDSENDMSG Reason : DIMSE_SendMsg failed Meaning : Cannot transmit folder to the destination Cure : See underlying error codes 2146B E_DCM_TXFLDFREELASTCHUNK Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free last chunk that had been sent Cure : Send logfile to SI-DIS - a reset should solve the problem temporarily 2146C E_DCM_TXFLDRXMSG Reason : DIMSE_ReceiveMsg Meaning : Cannot receive answer from the destination Cure : See underlying error codes 2146D E_DCM_TXFLDMSGSTATUS Reason : Status of the DICOM answer is not ok Meaning : See logged status message Cure : See logged status message 2146E E_DCM_TXFLDFREEBUFFER Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free the buffer used by DICOM Cure : Check loghistory for related errors that led to this! 2146F E_DCM_TXNDISRELEASE Reason : ACSE_ReleaseAssociation failed Meaning : Cannot release association Cure : See underlying error 21471 E_DCM_GETPORTOPEN Reason : fopen failed Meaning : fopen returned NULL pointer Cure : Check underlying error codes 21472 E_DCM_GETPORTERRLINE Reason : could not read port in this line Meaning : wrong formatted line encountered


: Correct the dcmport.dat file

21473 E_DCM_GETPORTCLOSE Reason : fclose failed Meaning : cannot close file dcmport.dat Cure : No cure - ignore , restart if necessary. If the dcmport.dat file is ok, inform SI-DIS 21474 E_DCM_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Cannot declare config file for service Meaning : NVF call failed Cure : Software error - send the logfile with configuration information to SI-DIS for further investigation no cure! 21475 E_DCM_ACQDEVPROCCODE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement failed Meaning : Cannot add to the DICOM object Cure : See DTF error. 21476 E_DCM_RXTSK_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : Cannot pend on the input queue Cure : Software inconsistency, try a RESET - if the problem persists, inform SI-DIS and send them the logfile for further investigation. 21477 E_DCM_WRONGHOST Reason : Cannot resolve hostname from the control file. Meaning : A severe configuration problem has occured: The data from the ID station specifies a hostname for the processing station, which is unknown to me. I really do not know where to send this folder to. The machine will go into the state 'fatal error' and will remain there until this configuration problem has been solved. Cure : Please call immediately a field engineer to correct the system configuration on all machines. 21478 E_DCM_COCATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to COC Meaning : Configuration Problem Cure : Check Configuration - especially that COC has been launched. 21479 E_DCM_CFG_CHMOD_MAXPDU Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : setting access rights for maxPDU failed Cure : Correct Software 2147A E_DCM_CFG_CHMOD_CALLINGAE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : setting access rights for calling AE title failed Cure : Correct Software

2147B E_DCM_CFG_CHMOD_SERNUM Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : setting access rights for serial number failed Cure : Correct Software 2147C E_DCM_CFG_CHMOD_MAXRCV Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : setting access rights for the number of receivers failed Cure : Correct Software 2147D E_DCM_ADDDESTTYPE Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 2147E E_DCM_ADDDESTID Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 2147F E_DCM_ADDDESTPROCCODE Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21480 E_DCM_ADDTOTNUM Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21481 E_DCM_ADDSESSNUM Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21482 E_DCM_ADDIDNAME Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21483 E_DCM_ADDTOTIMGNUM Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21484 E_DCM_ADDLASTOFSTUDY Reason :

Meaning Cure :

: Insertion into DICOM stream failed

21485 E_DCM_ADDWAITFLAG Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21486 E_DCM_ADDSCANRES Reason : Meaning : Insertion into DICOM stream failed Cure : 21487 E_DCM_TXFLDABORTASSOCIATION Reason : An AbortAssociation Request failed Meaning : Cannot Abort Association after DIMSE_SendMsg returned with error. Cure : As this only blocks one association (if any), work can continue - eventually with only two associations in parallel, but it does not block the whole system. If you encounter this error, please save the logfile and inform CSO-MED for further investigation. 21488 E_DCM_CONNBLDABORTASSOCIATION Reason : An AbortAssociation Request failed Meaning : Cannot Abort Association after SetupDICOMObject returned with error. Cure : As this only blocks one association (if any), work can continue - eventually with only two associations in parallel, but it does not block the whole system. If you encounter this error, please save the logfile and inform CSO-MED for further investigation. 21489 E_DCM_UID_SEMACREATE Reason : sc_screate() failed Meaning : Semaphore Creation failed Cure : See underlying error code. 2148A E_DCM_UID_UBS_SPEND Reason : sc_spend() failed Meaning : Pending on the uid semaphore failed - probably a timeout Cure : No cure - wait... (or RESET) 2148B E_DCM_UID_UBS_SPOST Reason : sc_spost() failed Meaning : Releasing the semaphore failed Cure : No Cure - see underlying error for details 2148C E_DCM_UID_GIUID_SPEND

Reason : sc_spend() failed Meaning : Pending on the uid semaphore failed - probably a timeout Cure : No cure - wait... (or RESET) 2148D E_DCM_UID_GIUID_SPOST Reason : sc_spost() failed Meaning : Releasing the semaphore failed Cure : No Cure - see underlying error for details 2148E E_DCM_ADDOPERCODE Reason : DCM_AddDataElement() failed Meaning : Cannot add the operation code to the DICOM object Cure : No Cure 2148F E_DCM_INITUIDBUF Reason : Initialisation of the UID buffer failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the UID buffer Cure : See underlying error for possible reason. 21490 E_DCM_SYNCVALUE Reason : Wrong Sync value received from task Meaning : Severe Software Inconsistency Cure : Please inform MED-CSO immediately 21491 E_DCM_INITCAS Reason : unable to initialize CAS Meaning : Probably the file d:/iptypes.tbl is missing Cure : Rerun the CPF Parser to create the iptypes.tbl file. 21492 E_DCM_IFC_SSM_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post message to (re)set the stub mode. Cure : See MMS error. 21500 E_DRA_IFC_SHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : something must be wrong with the ressources Cure : check the underlying error message that led to this error. 21501 E_DRA_IFC_SEND_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate MMS Header Block - out of ressources? Cure : Check system ressources and increase the number of available blocks for the component that wants to talk to DRA. 21502 E_DRA_IFC_SEND_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post message into the specified queue. Cure : Configuration problem and/or out of ressources?!

21503 E_DRA_SETGLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : Cannot set the global loglevel Meaning : Something gets scrambled with the logger Cure : Try a reset. 21504 E_DRA_SMEHEAP_CB Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Out of memory ?? Cure : Check Usage of Ressources - eventually, increase the size of the physical RAM, decrease the parameter of UTIL, found in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. IF this does not help, please contact SI-DIS for further investigation. 21505 E_DRA_GETCFG Reason : Cannot get my configuration data Meaning : see NVF errors Cure : see NVF errors 21506 E_DRA_SETLOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : Cannot set the local loglevel Meaning : Something gets scrambled with the logger Cure : Try a reset. 21507 E_DRA_MMSOPEN Reason : Cannot open MMS Meaning : No memory available for this component Cure : Restart, if this failes check the MMS usage of other components. 21518 E_DRA_GETQID Reason : Cannot get a queue ID for my input queue Meaning : Out of ressources Cure : Restart the system. 21519 E_DRA_BACATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to BAC Meaning : see the underlying error messages Cure : see the underlying error messages 2151A E_DRA_QCREATE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2151B E_DRA_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Meaning : Cure :

2151C E_DRA_TASKID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2151D E_DRA_TASKCREATE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2151E E_DRA_TASKSYNC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2151F E_DRA_CFG_COPYVIRGIN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21520 E_DRA_CFG_OVWRDEFS Reason : Meaing : Cure : 21521 E_DRA_CFG_DECLARECFG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21522 E_DRA_POSTSYNC Reason : posting the sync msg to the mailbox failed Meaning : system call returned with error ... Cure : Reset! if the problem persists, immediately inform SI-DIS for durther investigation. 21523 E_DRA_TASKQPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : Failure while pending on my own input queue Cure : See underlying error for detailed description. 21524 E_DRA_NOTASK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21525 E_DRA_CURVEFILE_CORRUPT Reason :

Meaning Cure :


21526 E_DRA_NO_CURVEFILE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21527 E_DRA_INITCAS Reason : cas_initCas () failed Meaning : Initialization of CAS failed Cure : Probably, the file d:/iptypes.tbl is missing. Please check the existence of this file and rerun the CPF parser to create it if necessary. 21528 E_DRA_ALLOCIMG Reason : mms_alloc () failed Meaning : Allcoation of an image block for the shading correction curve failed in Module DRA. Unable to read the data and to send an image containing the correction curve. 21580 E_GOD_NVF_CPVIRGIN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21581 E_GOD_NVF_OVWRDEF Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21582 E_GOD_LOADCONFIG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21583 E_GOD_LOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21584 E_GOD_LOADDRA Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21585 E_GOD_STARTDRA Reason : Meaning : Cure :

21586 E_GOD_LOADRED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21587 E_GOD_STARTRED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21588 E_GOD_LOADQUE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21589 E_GOD_STARTQUE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2158A E_GOD_LOADTIG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2158B E_GOD_STARTTIG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2158C E_GOD_CFG_CHMOD_DRANAME Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set correct accessmode for name of DRA component. Cure : Solve Software Bug 2158D E_GOD_CFG_CHMOD_REDNAME Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set correct accessmode for name of RED component. Cure : Solve Software Bug 2158E E_GOD_CFG_CHMOD_QUENAME Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set correct accessmode for name of QUE component. Cure : Solve Software Bug 2158F E_GOD_CFG_CHMOD_TIGNAME Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set correct accessmode for name of TIG component.


: Solve Software Bug

21590 E_GOD_LOADTSV Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21591 E_GOD_STARTTSV Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21600 E_ICN_GENERICGROUPIDOUTOFRANGE Reason : GroupID out of range Meaning : The given ID is out of range for the generic group of counters. Cure : Software error - please report immediately to R & D. 21601 E_ICN_CODEGROUPIDOUTOFRANGE Reason : GroupID out of range Meaning : The given ID is out of range for the code group of counters. Cure : Software error - please report immediately to R & D. 21602 E_ICN_GENERICINITCOUNTER Reason : Initializing a new generic counter failed. Meaning : See triggering error Cure : See triggering error 21603 E_ICN_GENERICMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Out of ressources Cure : Contact SI-DIS for further investigation 21604 E_ICN_CODEINITCOUNTER Reason : Initializing a new generic counter failed. Meaning : See triggering error Cure : See triggering error 21605 E_ICN_CODEMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Out of ressources Cure : Contact SI-DIS for further investigation 21606 E_ICN_CFG_COPYVIRGIN Reason : Cannot copy default cfg data Meaning : Configuration failed Cure : Reinstall the component and carefully check the configuration. 21607 E_ICN_CFG_OVWRDEFS

Reason : Cannot overwrite default configuration Meaning : Is something wrong with the configuration data? Cure : Please check the ICN NVFs. 21608 E_ICN_POSTSYNC Reason : Cannot post Sync Message Meaning : See underlying IFX error Cure : See underlying IFX error 21609 E_ICN_TASKOKFREECTRL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached control block Cure : No cure - further operation is possible. If this happens frequently, please inform SI-DIS for further investigation. 2160A E_ICN_TASKOKFREEIMAG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free an attached image block Cure : No cure - further operation is possible. If this happens frequently, please inform SI-DIS for further investigation. 2160B E_ICN_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : See underlying error Cure : See underlying error 2160C E_ICN_SETGLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : Cannot set global loglevel. Meaning : Possibly loglevel out of range Cure : Check configuration By the time being, allowed values are: -1 use global loglevel 0 heavy logging ... 4 xlite logging (only errors) 2160D E_ICN_SMEHEAP Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : out of resourcs Cure : Carefully check the errors that lead to this error and analyse them. 2160E E_ICN_GETCFG Reason : Configuration of ICN failed Meaning : Cannot configure Cure : Check configuration of ICN. 2160F E_ICN_SETLOCALLOGLEVEL

Reason : Cannot set local loglevel Meaning : Possibly loglevel out of range Cure : Check loglevel setting in the configuration. By the time being, allowed values are: -1 use global loglevel 0 heavy logging ... 4 xlite logging (only errors) 21610 E_ICN_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot connect to MMS Cure : See underlying error 21611 E_ICN_GETQID Reason : System refused to return a Queue ID Meaning : Possibly out of resources Cure : See underlying error 21612 E_ICN_QCREATE Reason : System refused to create a queue Meaning : Possibly out of resources Cure : See underlying error 21613 E_ICN_LOADCOUNTERS Reason : Cannot load binary counter file Meaning : Something is wrong with the structure of the binary counterfile. Cure : Rely on automatic recovery - it might be possible to reproduce the file from the textual representation of the counterfile, but there might be some events missing. 21614 E_ICN_CREATESEMAPHORE Reason : sc_screate failed Meaning : Cannot create semaphore - out of ressources? Cure : See underlying error. 21615 E_ICN_ALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot allocate my shared memory Cure : See underlying error code 21616 E_ICN_TASKID Reason : No taskID for ICN Meaning : See underlying error Cure : See underlying error 21617 E_ICN_TASKCREATE Reason : Creation of the ICN task failed

Meaning : Out of Resources? Cure : See underlying error 21618 E_ICN_TASKSYNC Reason : Pending on the sync mailbox failed Meaning : Cannot receive message from ICN task Cure : See underlying error 21619 E_ICN_TASKOKFREEMSG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free smg bloblock sent to me Cure : SW inconsistency - please inform SI-DIS immediately. Send the session file for further investigation. 2161A E_ICN_UPDATESEMAPEND Reason : Pending on semaphore failed Meaning : Cannot enter atomic section during update of bin file. Cure : See IFX error. 2161B E_ICN_UPDATEFOPENCHATTR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2161C E_ICN_UPDATECHATTR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2161D E_ICN_UPDATEFCLOSECHATTR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2161E E_ICN_UPDATEBAILOUT Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2161F E_ICN_UPDATEFOPENWRITE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21620 E_ICN_UPDATECLOSEWRITE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21621

E_ICN_UPDATEFOPENCHATTRBACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21622 E_ICN_UPDATECHATTRBACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21623 E_ICN_UPDATEFCLOSECHATTRBACK Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21624 E_ICN_UPDATEEXITATOMICSECTION Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21625 E_ICN_LOADSFROMFILECNT Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21626 E_ICN_LOADSFROMFILEMALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21627 E_ICN_LOADSFROMFILEDAT Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21628 E_ICN_LOADCFROMFILECNT Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21629 E_ICN_LOADCFROMFILEMALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2162A E_ICN_LOADCFROMFILEDAT Reason : Meaning : Cure :

2162B E_ICN_CREATECNTFILE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2162C E_ICN_LOADCNTTEST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2162D E_ICN_IFCSHARE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2162E E_ICN_LOADRINGBUFSIZE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2162F E_ICN_LOADRINGBUFMALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21630 E_ICN_LOADRINGBUFDATA Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21631 E_ICN_LOADRINGBUFNEXT Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21632 E_ICN_CFG_CHMOD_UPDATEPERIOD Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for update_period Cure : Solve Software Bug 21633 E_ICN_CFG_CHMOD_DATFILNAM Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for data_filename Cure : Solve Software Bug 21634 E_ICN_CFG_CHMOD_TXTFILNAM Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for text_filename Cure : Solve Software Bug

21635 E_ICN_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate an MMS block Cure : Provide more resources 21636 E_ICN_IFCVERSIONMISMATCH Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21637 E_ICN_NOT_ATTACHED Reason : shared block not available or icn task not started Meaning : icn_attach missing or icn task not started Cure : hit the programmer 21680 E_RED_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Cannot read default configuration data Meaning : Something is wrong with the default configuration data Cure : RED.PRG seems to be corrupted. Please reload this file, if the problem persists, please contact SI-DIS. 21681 E_RED_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21682 E_RED_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21683 E_RED_SYNCING Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21684 E_RED_TASKQPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21685 E_RED_MAINGLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21686 E_RED_ALLOCCB Reason :

Meaning Cure :


21687 E_RED_LOADCONFIG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21688 E_RED_SETLOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21689 E_RED_MMSOPEN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2168A E_RED_GETQID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2168B E_RED_QCREATE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2168C E_RED_CREATESEMAPHORE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2168D E_RED_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2168E E_RED_NOTASKID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2168F E_RED_TASKSTART Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21690 E_RED_TASKSYNC

Reason Meaning Cure :

: :

21691 E_RED_IFC_SMSHARE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21692 E_RED_IFC_VERSIONMISMATCH Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21693 E_RED_CLRREDIR_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21694 E_RED_CLRREDIR_SPOST Reasons : Meaning : Cure : 21695 E_RED_CLRREDIR_NVFWR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21696 E_RED_GETREDIR_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21697 E_RED_GETREDIR_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21698 E_RED_GETHENTRY_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21699 E_RED_GETHENTRY_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2169A

E_RED_GETDSTATUS_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2169B E_RED_GETDSTATUS_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2169C E_RED_GETNAMTBL_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2169D E_RED_GETNAMTBL_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2169E E_RED_GETNUM_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2169F E_RED_GETNUM_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A0 E_RED_SETREDIR_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A1 E_RED_SETREDIR_NVFWR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A2 E_RED_SETREDIR_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A3 E_RED_SETSTATUS_SPEND Reason : Meaning : Cure :

216A4 E_RED_SETSTATUS_NOHOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A5 E_RED_SETSTATUS_NVFWR Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A6 E_RED_SETSTATUS_SPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 216A7 E_RED_HOSTNOTAVAILABLE Reason : The desired host is currently not available Meaning : The host might be powered down, might not be able to respond due to a lack of ressources, ... Cure : Check the specified host - eventually reset its background processes. 216A8 E_RED_HOOKMMSALLOC Reason : Cannot alloc header to send to the task Meaning : mms alloc failed for the hook function Cure : This is an inconsistency in the software, please inform MED-CSO along with a logfile. In the meantime, a reset will free ressources and will allow to continue the work. 216A9 E_RED_HOOKMMSQPOST Reason : Cannot post to RED Meaning : Unable to send a message to the REDirector task Cure : Please check the MMS error message for the exact reason and follow the hints given there. 216AA E_RED_CFG_SETACC_VIRGIN Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata red_virigin_cfg Cure : Solve Software Bug 216AB E_RED_CFG_SETACC_DIPSDISABLE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata DIPS_disabled Cure : Solve Software Bug 216AC E_RED_CFG_SETACC_REDIRSRC Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata redir_source Cure : Solve Software Bug

216AD E_RED_CFG_SETACC_REDIRTARGET Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata redir_target Cure : Solve Software Bug 216AE E_RED_CFG_SETACC_HOSTNAME Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata hosts[].name Cure : Solve Software Bug 216AF E_RED_CFG_SETACC_AETITLE Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata hosts[].AE_title Cure : Solve Software Bug 216B0 E_RED_CFG_SETACC_DICOMPORT Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata hosts[].dicom_port Cure : Solve Software Bug 216B1 E_RED_CFG_SETACC_STATUS Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata hosts[].status Cure : Solve Software Bug 216B2 E_RED_CFG_SETACC_ACCESS Reason : nvf_set_acc_mode failed Meaning : Cannot set access rights for cfgdata hosts[].last_access Cure : Solve Software Bug 216B3 E_RED_IFC_GRN_NODATA Reason : Cannot retrieve real-world hostname Meaning : Severe inconsistency in the configuration Cure : Reconfigure the machine. 216B4 E_RED_CHK_NVFWR Reason : nvf_write_values() failed Meaning : Cannot clear redirection in function check_data_integrity. A destination has been detected in the redirection, that is not longer known to the system - did you reconfigure without it? - and the system is unable to clear the redirection in the NVF. Cure : Simply clear the redirection manually via keypad using the identical destination as source and target. 21700 E_QUE_CMD_IGNOREFREEIMG Reason : Cannot free image block in function que::ignore() Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : If this happens frequently, please inform CSO-MED. In the mean-

time ordinary operation should be possible. 21701 E_QUE_CMD_IGNOREFREECTL Reason : Cannot free control block in function que::ignore() Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : If this happens frequently, please inform CSO-MED. In the meantime ordinary operation should be possible. 21702 E_QUE_CMD_IGNOREFREEMSG Reason : Cannot free message header in function que::ignore() Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : If this happens frequently, please inform CSO-MED. In the meantime ordinary operation should be possible. 21703 E_QUE_CMD_SCNNUPDATEFREE Reason : Cannot free message header in function que::scan_n_update() Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : Please inform CSO-MED and reset the machine. 21704 E_QUE_CMD_SCNNFINUPDATEFREE Reason : Cannot free message header in function que::scan_n_final_update() Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : Please inform CSO-MED and reset the machine. 21705 E_QUE_CMD_DELFLDFREE Reason : Cannot free message header in function que::delete_folder() Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : Please inform CSO-MED and reset the machine. 21706 E_QUE_COM_SUMCOCUPDATE Reason : Error in function coc_update_queue_status() Meaning : Cannot send update information about the queue status Cure : See underlying error code - rely on automatic recovery. 21707 E_QUE_IFC_SHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot get shared mem for communication with que Cure : See underlying error code for details. 21708 E_QUE_IFC_NOQUE Reason : QUE has not started yet Meaning : The QUE component has not been started (yet). Cure : As soon as QUE has been started, a retry of this call will work - in general this is done. If this message appears after startup has been completed, this means that QUE has definitely not been started. Please check configuration or startup errors in the logfile. 21709 E_QUE_IFC_MMSALLOCMSG

Reason : Cannot alloc MMS HEADER block Meaning : See underlying error Cure : See underlying error 2170A E_QUE_IFC_QPOST Reason : Cannot qpost message to QUE Meaning : See underlying error Cure : See underlying error 2170B E_QUE_CFG_DEFAULTS Reason : Cannot load configuration defaults Meaning : See NVF error Cure : See NVF error 2170C E_QUE_CFG_OWRITEDEFS Reason : Cannot overwrite default settings Meaning : See NVF error Cure : See NVF error 2170D E_QUE_CFG_DCLSERVICE Reason : Cannot declare configfile for service Meaning : See NVF error Cure : See NVF error 2170E E_QUE_TASK_QPEND Reason : MMS qpend failed Meaning : See mms error for details Cure : See mms error for details 2170F E_QUE_TASK_SCPOST Reason : sc_post failed Meaning : Cannot send sync message to starter task Cure : See underlying error 21710 E_QUE_STARTSETGLOBLOGLVL Reason : LLvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the overall loglevel Cure : See underlying error code. 21711 E_QUE_STARTALLOCCB Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot alloc mem for the control block on the heap Cure : See underlying error code. 21712 E_QUE_STARTGETCFG Reason : Cannot load config data. Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : See underlying error code

21713 E_QUE_STARTLOCALLOGLVL Reason : Setting the local loglevel failed Meaning : See underlying error codes for details Cure : See underlying error codes for details. 21714 E_QUE_STARTALLOCSHARED Reason : Allocation of shared memory failed Meaning : Out of ressources?? Cure : See underlying error code 21715 E_QUE_STARTMMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : See mms error code Cure : See mms error code 21716 E_QUE_STARTQUEUEID Reason : Cannot get an ID for my input queue Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : See underlying error code 21717 E_QUE_STARTQCREATE Reason : Cannot create my input queue Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : See underlying error code 21718 E_QUE_COCATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to COC Meaning : See COC error for details Cure : See COC error for details 21719 E_QUE_STARTTASKID Reason : Cannot get a task ID for the QUE task Meaning : See underlying error Cure : See underlying error 2171A E_QUE_STARTTASKCREATE Reason : Cannot create QUE task Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : See underlying error code 2171B E_QUE_STARTSCPEND Reason : Pend on startup mailbox failed Meaning : Waiting for the QUE task failed Cure : See underlying error code 2171C E_QUE_COM_SCNQSALLOCIMG Reason : Cannot allocate memory for the queue info Meaning : Out of ressources? Cure : See underlying error code

2171D E_QUE_COM_SCNQSALLOCQINFO Reason : Cannot allocate memory for the queue info Meaning : Out of ressources? Cure : See underlying error code 2171E E_QUE_REDATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to RED Meaning : Impossible to connect to the DIPS database Cure : Configuration problem - check configuration 2171F E_QUE_COM_SORTFOLDERALLOC Reason : Cannot alloc new image block for sorted folders Meaning : Out of Ressources Cure : Check ressources! - This error results in the folders appearing in a certain order: first all old folders (already transmitted), afterwards, all folders tagged with 'fatal error', followed by the 'warning' folders, the folders being transmitted and at last the queued folders. 21720 E_QUE_COM_SORTFOLDERFREE Reason : Cannot free block of the unsorted folders Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : Inform CSO-MED. After a reset ordinary operation should be possible again. 21721 E_QUE_BACATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to BAC Meaning : Software Inconsistency Cure : Check Configuration 21722 E_QUE_CMD_DELFLDRMDIR Reason : Cannot remove folder from disk Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : Remove the folder manually 21723 E_QUE_CMD_DELFLDPUSH2EMPTY Reason : BUF queue operation failed Meaning : Cannot push the handle of the deleted folder back into the empty queue Cure : Reset! 21724 E_QUE_CMD_DELFLDUPDRMDIR Reason : Cannot remove folder from disk Meaning : See underlying error code Cure : Remove the folder manually 21725 E_QUE_CMD_DELFLDUPDPUSH2EMPTY

Reason : BUF queue operation failed Meaning : Cannot push the handle of the deleted folder back into the empty queue Cure : Reset! 21726 E_QUE_INITCAS Reason : cas_initCas() failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the CAS library Cure : Probably, the file is missing. In this case, please rerun the CPF parser to create. 21727 E_QUE_NULLPOINTER Reason : NULL pointer seen Meaning : either the patient name or the destination is a NULL pointer. Cure : software bug - please report to R&D. 21728 E_QUE_TOOMANYJOBS Reason : More than 10 jobs seen in the queues Meaning : There are more jobs than the specs define Cure : configuration error - correct configuration! 21780 E_TIG_CMD_IGNFREEIMG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21781 E_TIG_CMD_IGNFREECTL Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21782 E_TIG_CMD_IGNFREEMSG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21783 E_TIG_CMD_GB_BGB Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21784 E_TIG_CMD_GB_FREEMSG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21785 E_TIG_CMD_GB_FREEPARS Reason : Meaning :



21786 E_TIG_CMD_CTNQ_ALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21787 E_TIG_CMD_CTNQ_QPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 21796 E_TIG_CFG_GETDEFS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin failed Meaning : Cannot load default configuration data Cure : Internal software failure - check underlying error code 21797 E_TIG_CFG_OVERWRDEFS Reason : nvf_read_values failed Meaning : Cannot overwrite configuration data Cure : See underlying error code for detailed information 21798 E_TIG_CFG_DCLCFG Reason : nvf_dcl_cfg failed Meaning : Cannot declare configuration data for service Cure : See underlying NVF error code for detailed information 21799 E_TIG_DISPEVNT_BACRESP Reason : Unknown BAC response code Meaning : Cannot identify response code returned by BAC Cure : Software Inconsistency 2179A E_TIG_DISPEVNT_SOURCE Reason : Unknown message source ID Meaning : Cannot identify sender of this message Cure : This message is simply ignored, please inform MED-CSO and be aware that a reset might be necessary 2179B E_TIG_TASK_SYNCING Reason : sc_post failed Meaning : Cannot send sync message to the starter function Cure : Starting TIG was ok - please check underlying error code for details and inform CSO-MED. 2179C E_TIG_TASK_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : Cannot pend on one of my input queues. Cure : Please check underlying error for details Inform CSO-MED and rely on error recovery.

2179D E_TIG_STRT_GLOBLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set overall loglevel for TIG component. Cure : Software inconsistency - check system. 2179E E_TIG_STRT_ALLOCCB Reason : sm_eheap failed Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap Cure : Out of resources?? 2179F E_TIG_STRT_GETCFG Reason : Cannot load configuration data Meaning : See underlying error Cure : Check configuration. 217A0 E_TIG_STRT_LOCLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set local loglevel for TIG component. Cure : Software inconsistency - check system. 217A1 E_TIG_STRT_INITCAS Reason : cas_initCas failed Meaning : Cannot init CAS library Cure : Software inconsistency - check system. 217A2 E_TIG_STRT_SHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot get my shared block Cure : out of resources?? 217A3 E_TIG_STRT_BACQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Cannot get a queue ID for the BAC input queue Cure : out of resources?? 217A4 E_TIG_STRT_IFCQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Cannot get a queue ID for the IFC input queue Cure : out of resources?? 217A5 E_TIG_STRT_IFCQCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Cannot create IFC queue Cure : out of resources?? 217A6 E_TIG_STRT_BACQCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Cannot create BAC queue


: out of resources??

217A7 E_TIG_STRT_COCATTACH Reason : coc_attach failed Meaning : Cannot attach to COC Cure : See underlying error code for details 217A8 E_TIG_STRT_BACATTACH Reason : bac_attach failed Meaning : Cannot attach to BAC Cure : See underlying error code for details 217A9 E_TIG_STRT_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Cannot get task ID from the system Cure : out of resources ?? 217AA E_TIG_STRT_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate failed Meaning : Cannot start TIG task Cure : Out of ressources?? 217AB E_TIG_STRT_SPEND Reason : sc_spend failed Meaning : Cannot pend on the sync mailbox for message from the TIG task Cure : Cannot wait for the TIG task to report its startup. See underlying error for details and inform CSO-MED. 217AC E_TIG_IFC_SHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot connect to TIG via shared memory Cure : Out of resources? 217AD E_TIG_IFC_SEND_ALLOCMSG Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc header to send the message Cure : out of resources? 217AE E_TIG_IFC_SEND_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post into TIG's input queue Cure : See underlying error code for details 217AF E_TIG_IFC_STIALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc MMS Control Block Cure : Increase number of mms ctl blocks. 217B0

E_TIG_CFG_RETRY_DELAY Reason : Meaning : Cure : 217B1 E_TIG_IFC_SIMGALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate control block to store the destination into Cure : Software Bug in calling SW. 217B2 E_TIG_STRT_SCNATTACH Reason : scn_attach failed Meaning : Cannot attach to scn - sending a blue led testimage is not possible in this situation Cure : Ensure that a consistent software release is installed 217B3 E_TIG_CMD_S2S_SCNSERVICE Reason : scn_service() failed Meaning : the scanner is probably still busy Cure : retry later 217B4 E_TIG_CMD_S2S_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : Cure : 217B5 E_TIG_CMD_S2S_FREEPARS Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : Cure : 217B6 E_TIG_CMD_GBF_GETBUFFER Reason : bac_get_buffer() failed Meanig : Cure : 217B7 E_TIG_CMD_GBFB_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : Cure : 217B8 E_TIG_CMD_SI_NEWIPPARMS Reason : scn_new_ipparms() failed Meaning : Cure : 217B9 E_TIG_CMD_SI_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning :



217BA E_TIG_CMD_PS_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : Cure : 217BB E_TIG_CMD_PS_SENDCASSCTRL Reason : bac_send_cass_ctrl() failed Meaning : Cure : 217BC E_TIG_CMD_PS_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : Cure : 217BD E_TIG_CMD_ANS_ADJIP Reason : scn_adjust_ip() failed Meaning : Cure : 217BE E_TIG_CMD_ANS_SCAN Reason : scn_scan_ip() failed Meaning : Cure : 217BF E_TIG_CMD_ANS_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : Cure : 217C0 E_TIG_CMD_SES_EXIT Reason : scn_exit_service() failed Meaning : Cure : 217C1 E_TIG_CMD_SES_FREEMSG Reason : mms_free() failed Meaning : Cure : 21800 E_CAS_COM_ACIV_DIR Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21801 E_CAS_COM_ACCV_DIR Reason : software bug

Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21802 E_CAS_COM_ACPDV_DIR Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21803 E_CAS_COM_CASSID_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21804 E_CAS_COM_CASSID_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21805 E_CAS_COM_INITDATE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21806 E_CAS_COM_INITDATE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21807 E_CAS_COM_CASSSIZE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21808 E_CAS_COM_CASSSIZE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21809 E_CAS_COM_SCANRES_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than


the current software can handle. : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder.

2180A E_CAS_COM_SCANRES_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2180B E_CAS_COM_SCANSIZE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2180C E_CAS_COM_SCANSIZE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2180D E_CAS_COM_PLATETYPE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2180E E_CAS_COM_PLATETYPE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2180F E_CAS_COM_EXPONPLATE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21810 E_CAS_COM_EXPONPLATE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21811 E_CAS_COM_STATUS_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed


software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder.

21812 E_CAS_COM_STATUS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21813 E_CAS_COM_PATNAME_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21814 CAS_COM_PATNAME_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21815 E_CAS_COM_PATID_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21816 E_CAS_COM_PATID_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21817 E_CAS_COM_PATBIRTHDATE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21818 E_CAS_COM_PATBIRTHDATE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21819 E_CAS_COM_PATSEX_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version

Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2181A E_CAS_COM_PATSEX_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2181B E_CAS_COM_REFPHYSNAME_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2181C E_CAS_COM_REFPHYSNAME_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2181D E_CAS_COM_STUDYID_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2181E E_CAS_COM_STUDYID_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2181F E_CAS_COM_PERFPHYSNAME_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21820 E_CAS_COM_PERFPHYSNAME_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21821 E_CAS_COM_ACCESSNUM_VERSION

Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21822 E_CAS_COM_ACCESSNUM_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21823 E_CAS_COM_STUDYDESCR_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21824 E_CAS_COM_STUDYDESCR_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21825 E_CAS_COM_SERIESNUM_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21826 E_CAS_COM_SERIESNUM_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21827 E_CAS_COM_LATERALITY_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21828 E_CAS_COM_LATERALITY_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21829

E_CAS_COM_SERIESDESCR_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2182A E_CAS_COM_SERIESDESCR_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2182B E_CAS_COM_BODYPART_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2182C E_CAS_COM_BODYPART_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2182D E_CAS_COM_VIEWPOS_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2182E E_CAS_COM_VIEWPOS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2182F E_CAS_COM_DEPARTMENT_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21830 E_CAS_COM_DEPARTMENT_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software

21831 E_CAS_COM_ACQDATE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21832 E_CAS_COM_ACQDATE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21833 E_CAS_COM_ACQTIME_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21834 E_CAS_COM_ACQTIME_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21835 E_CAS_COM_TOTNUMSERIES_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21836 E_CAS_COM_TOTNUMSERIES_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21837 E_CAS_COM_IMGCOMMENTS_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21838 E_CAS_COM_IMGCOMMENTS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software

21839 E_CAS_COM_ACQDEVPROCCODE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2183A E_CAS_COM_ACQDEVPROCCODE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2183B E_CAS_COM_CASORIENT_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2183C E_CAS_COM_CASORIENT_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2183D E_CAS_COM_ACSV_DIR Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2183E E_CAS_RCC_VERSION Reason : Error interpreting the chipstring Meaning : Cannot interpret the Cassette Control Version Cure : No cure - corrupted data!! 2183F E_CAS_COM_SPEEDCLASS_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21840 E_CAS_COM_SPEEDCLASS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21841

E_CAS_COM_CHARSET_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21842 E_CAS_COM_CHARSET_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21843 E_CAS_COM_DESTINATION_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21844 E_CAS_COM_DESTINATION_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21845 E_CAS_COM_STUDYINSTUID_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21846 E_CAS_COM_STUDYINSTUID_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21847 E_CAS_COM_STUDYDATE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21848 E_CAS_COM_STUDYDATE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software

21849 E_CAS_COM_STUDYTIME_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2184A E_CAS_COM_STUDYTIME_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2184B E_CAS_COM_SESSIONNUM_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2184C E_CAS_COM_SESSIONNUM_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2184D E_CAS_COM_IDSTATIONNAME_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2184E E_CAS_COM_IDSTATIONNAME_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2184F E_CAS_COM_IMAGENUMBER_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21850 E_CAS_COM_IMAGENUMBER_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software

21851 E_CAS_COM_TOTIMGNUM_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21852 E_CAS_COM_TOTIMGNUM_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21853 E_CAS_COM_EXPDOSE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21854 E_CAS_COM_EXPDOSE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21855 E_CAS_COM_DESTTYPE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21856 E_CAS_COM_DESTTYPE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21857 E_CAS_COM_DESTID_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21858 E_CAS_COM_DESTID_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag


: correct software

21859 E_CAS_COM_DESTPROCCODE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2185A E_CAS_COM_DESTPROCCODE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2185D E_CAS_COM_WAITFLAG_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 2185E E_CAS_COM_WAITFLAG_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2185F E_CAS_COM_BRKCOND_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21860 E_CAS_COM_BRKCOND_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21861 E_CAS_COM_OPCODE_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21862 E_CAS_COM_OPCODE_DIRECTION Reason : software bug

Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21863 E_CAS_COM_SAMPLESPPXL_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21864 E_CAS_COM_PHOTOINTERP_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21865 E_CAS_COM_ROWS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21866 E_CAS_COM_COLUMNS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21867 E_CAS_COM_BITSALLOC_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21868 E_CAS_COM_BITSSTORED_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21869 E_CAS_COM_HIBIT_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2186A E_CAS_COM_PXLREPRES_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2186B E_CAS_COM_PXLSPACEX_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2186C E_CAS_COM_PXLSPACEY_DIRECTION

Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2186D E_CAS_COM_IMGQUALITY_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2186E E_CAS_COM_CHIPSTRING_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 2186F E_CAS_COM_IPSENS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21870 E_CAS_COM_IPERAS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21871 E_CAS_INIT_MALLOCIPTBL Reason : sm_eheap() failed Meaning : lack of ressources Cure : See underlying error for details. 21872 E_CAS_INIT_MALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_sharep() failed Meaning : lack of ressources Cure : See underlying error for details. 21873 E_CAS_INIT_MALLOCFCTTBL Reason : sm_eheap() failed Meaning : lack of ressources Cure : See underlying error for details. 21874 E_CAS_RCDP_VERSION Reason : Error interpreting the chipstring Meaning : Cannot interpret the Cassette PS Data Version Cure : No cure - corrupted data!! 21875 E_CAS_RCS_VERSION Reason : Error interpreting the chipstring Meaning : Cannot interpret the Cassette Status Version Cure : No cure - corrupted data!! 21876

E_CAS_ATTACH_SHARE Reason : sm_share () failed Meaning : Cannot share the common set of functions. Cure : See underlying error for details, probably out of ressources. 21877 E_CAS_STARTLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel () failed Meaning : Cannot set the overall loglevel for component CAS Possibly CAS logging is not displayed at all Cure : Check loglevel of the SYS component for a valid range. 21878 E_CAS_INIT_GETCFG Reason : cas_getcfg() failed Meaning : Cannot load configuration data Cure : Check error codes for further details. 21879 E_CAS_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin() failed Meaning : Unable to load the default configuration Cure : Check nvf error code below for details. 2187A E_CAS_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_read_values() failed Meaning : Unable to overwrite defaults Cure : Corrupted NVF? 2187B E_CAS_AED_GETSTATUS Reason : Unable to retrieve status from cassette data Meaning : Seem to have encountered invalid cassette data struct Cure : Initialize the cassette. 2187C E_CAS_COM_INITSTATUSVERS Reason : error setting cassette status version Meaning : Cannot initialize a new block for scanner control data Cure : no cure! 2187D E_CAS_COM_INITPSDATAVERS Reason : error setting cassette PS data version Meaning : Cannot initialize a new block for scanner control data Cure : no cure! 2187E E_CAS_COM_INITCTRLVERS Reason : error setting cassette control version Meaning : Cannot initialize a new block for scanner control data Cure : no cure! 2187F E_CAS_COM_INITINFOVERS Reason : error setting cassette info version Meaning : Cannot initialize a new block for scanner control data


: no cure!

21880 E_CAS_COM_MMSALLOCCTL Reason : mms_alloc failed for a new MMS control block Meaning : out of ressources - or MMS not attached? Cure : no cure! 21881 E_CAS_VERSION_MISMATCH Reason : Version of the CAS interface and the CAS component are not the same Meaning : Cannot ensure data integrity Cure : Make sure, that all components are of the same release! 21882 E_CAS_COM_PLATETECH_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21883 E_CAS_COM_PLATETECH_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21884 E_CAS_COM_SCANPOS_VERSION Reason : Unknown section version Meaning : inconsistency between found folders and the installed software version, folder found contains a newer format than the current software can handle. Cure : Install latest released software. The installed software must not be older than the software used to generate this folder. 21885 E_CAS_COM_SCANPOS_DIRECTION Reason : software bug Meaning : invalid direction flag Cure : correct software 21980 E_TSV_GLOBLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the loglevel for temperatur supervision component Cure : No cure - software bug! 21981 E_TSV_MALLOCCB Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate controlblock for temperatur supervision component Cure : Provide more resources - namely RAM! 21982 E_TSV_INITLOG

Reason : init_logfile() failed Meaning : Cannot save old temperature logfile and create a new one Cure : See bug below! 21983 E_TSV_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open() failed Meaning : Cannot open MMS for temperatur supervision component Cure : See bug below! 21984 E_TSV_QUEUEID Reason : sm_queueid() failed Meaning : Cannot get a queue ID for temperatur supervision component Cure : out of resources - no cure! 21985 E_TSV_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Cannot create input queue for temperatur supervision component Cure : See MMS error below! 21986 E_TSV_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid() failed Meaning : Cannot get a task ID for temperatur supervision component Cure : Out of Task IDs?? 21987 E_TSV_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_Taskcreate() failed Meaning : Cannot create temperatur supervision task Cure : See system error that caused this message! 21988 E_TSV_TASKSYNC Reason : sc_pend() failed Meaning : Cannot pendon sync mailbox for temperatur supervision component Cure : See system error that caused this message! 21989 E_TSV_SYNCING Reason : sc_post() failed Meaning : Cannot post sync message for temperatur supervision component Cure : See system error that caused this message! 2198A E_TSV_INSTALLTRIGGER Reason : lib_installPortexTrigger() failed Meaning : Cannot install portex trigger for temperatur supervision component Cure : No cure - software bug! 2198B E_TSV_LAUNCHTRIGGER Reason : lib_launchPortexTrigger() failed Meaning : Cannot launch portex trigger for temperatur supervision component Cure : No cure - software bug! 2198C

E_TSV_COCATTACH Reason : coc_attach() failed Meaning : Cannot attach to coc to lock/unlock device Cure : No cure - software bug! 2198D E_TSV_SPEND Reason : mms_qpend() failed Meaning : qpend returned with error Cure : See MMS error! 2198E E_TSV_CPUTEMPHIGH Reason : CPU temperature reached critical value Meaning : We cannot continue to work with full throttle The CPU might get too hot and damaged. Cure : Wait for the CPU to cool down - the lock is released automatically. Check the dustfilter at the bottom of the cPCI-Rack and eventually clean/replace it. 22000 E_UIF_NVF_CPVIRGIN Reason : nvf_copy_virgin failed Meaning : Cannot load default configuration data. Cure : SW error. 22001 E_UIF_NVF_OVWRDEF Reason : nvf_read_values failed Meaning : Cannot overload defaults with entries in Name Value Files Cure : See underlying error messages. 22002 E_UIF_MAINLOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the local loglevel Cure : See underlying error codes 22003 E_UIF_MAINGLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel failed Meaning : Cannot set the global loglevel Cure : See underlying error codes 22004 E_UIF_SYNC_FAILED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22005 E_UIF_TASKQPEN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22006 E_UIF_LOADCONFIG

Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22007 E_UIF_MMSOPEN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22008 E_UIF_GETTASKID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22009 E_UIF_TASKCREATE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2200A E_UIF_TASKSYNC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2200B E_UIF_SMEHEAP_FAILED Reason : allocation of heap memory failed Meaning : Cure : 2200C E_UIF_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 2200D E_UIF_QCREATE Reason : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 2200E E_UIF_ALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between UIF's interface library and UIF itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2200F E_UIF_ALLOCCB Reason : sm_share() returned with error.

Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between UIF's interface library and UIF itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22010 E_UIF_INIT_WORK_STT Reason : initialsation of the work state transition table failed Meaning : user interface can't perform operator, keyoperator, service,... Cure : no cure, SW error 22011 E_UIF_IFC_QPOST Reason : Meaning : SW-error Cure : 22012 E_UIF_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Meaning : SW-error Cure : 22013 E_LCD_NOT_SYNC Reason : switch baudrate failed Meaning : the echo of LCD terminal, during baudrate switch, doesn't match with the desired baudrate. Cure : check version of LCD Terminal, check connection to LCD-Terminal 22014 E_LCD_NO_CONNECT Reason : sycronisation with LCD-Terminal failed Meaning : no matching baudrate of the LCD-Terminal found Cure : check connection to LCD-Terminal and Terminal itself 22015 E_LCD_WRONG_BAUD Reason : not specified Baudrate is requested to LCD Terminal; Meaning : the echo of LCD terminal, during baudrate switch, doesn't match with the desired baudrate. Cure : check UIF configuration baudrate 22016 E_LCD_WRITE_FAILED Reason : writing to LCD Terminal with IFX-command failed; Meaning : no communication with terminal possible. Cure : check connection to LCD-Terminal 22017 E_LCD_SETUP_DEVICE_FAILED Reason : setup of serial LCD device failed Meaning : serial channel no available Cure : Software error 22018 E_LCD_OPEN_DEVICE_FAILED Reason : opening IFX-Device failed Meaning : no serial channel for communication with terminal Cure : Software error

22019 E_LCD_MASTER_BAUD_FAILED Reason : Master can't switch own Baudrate to desired value Meaning : no communication possible Cure : Software error 2201A E_LCD_INSTALL_DEVICE_FAILED Reason : opening IFX-Device failed Meaning : Cure : 2201B E_UIF_TASK_TIOMSG Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate saheader block for the timeout message Cure : increase number of MMS header blocks - configuration error. 2201C E_UIF_IFC_SHARE Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate saheader block for the timeout message Cure : increase number of MMS header blocks - configuration error. 2201D E_UIF_INTERN_EVENT_QPOST Reason : posting a internal event failed Meaning : event not posted, perhaps male function Cure : SW error. 2201E E_UIF_INTERN_EVENT_MMS_ALLOC Reason : allocation of memory failed Meaning : event can be posted, perhaps male function Cure : SW error. 2201F E_UIF_ICN_ATTACH Reason : attach to ICN component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 22020 E_UIF_COC_ATTACH Reason : attach to COC component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 22021 E_UIF_RED_ATTACH Reason : attach to RED component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error - take a look to D:/REDXXX00.U00 my be destroyed 22022 E_UIF_IPIDENT_FREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free attached control block in display_cass_ip_ident()


: None - this is a bug - report this to SI-DIS

22023 E_UIF_ERROR_TXT_FAILED Reason : display of an error text message failed Meaning : the textnumber for display an error text is out of range Cure : check the UIFXXX00.ESX file 22024 E_UIF_IFC_VERSION Reason : Version for interface library is wrong Meaning : Cure : 22025 E_UIF_IFC_NOT_ATTACHED Reason : attach failed, interface library function not possible Meaning : because uif.prg is missing no interface functions to uif Cure : put the actual version of uif.prg on disk 22026 E_UIF_QPOST Reason : Error qpost() Meaning : SW-error Cure : 22027 E_UIF_OLD_LANGUAGE Reason : Old language file Meaning : Language file is incompatible with SW - version Cure : Use new language files 22028 E_UIF_LOADDGN Reason : load of the DGN-component, sm_loadprog returns error; Meaning : no diagnosis software available; Cure : perhaps, the XXX.prg name not available, Change NVF-File; 22029 E_UIF_STARTDGN Reason : starting the DGN-component failed; Meaning : no diagnosis software available; Cure : perhaps, the XXX.prg name not available, Change NVF-File; 2202A E_UIF_SCN_ATTACH Reason : attach to SCN component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 2202B E_UIF_HDC_ATTACH Reason : attach to HDC component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 2202C E_UIF_CPF_ATTACH Reason : attach to CPF component failed

Meaning : Cure : Software error 2202D E_UIF_SCC_ATTACH Reason : attach to SCC component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 2202E E_UIF_FIP_ATTACH Reason : attach to FIP component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 2202F E_UIF_TIG_ATTACH Reason : attach to TIG component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 22030 E_UIF_QUE_ATTACH Reason : attach to QUE component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 22031 E_UIF_IOB_ATTACH Reason : attach to IOB(IO-BUS) component failed Meaning : Cure : Software error 22032 E_UIF_TIM_ATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to TIM Meaning : Timer task not (yet) available Cure : Wait till end of startup. If not available then - check configuration 22033 E_UIF_DID_ATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to DID Meaning : Timer task not (yet) available Cure : Wait till end of startup. If not available then - check configuration 22100 E_KEB_SMEHEAP_FAILED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22101 E_KEB_MMSOPEN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22102 E_KEB_ALLOCSHARED

Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22103 E_KEB_GETTASKID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22104 E_KEB_GETQID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22105 E_KEB_UIF_ATTACH Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22106 E_KEB_TASKSTART Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22107 E_KEB_TASKSYNC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22108 E_KEB_IFX_READ Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22109 E_KEB_SYNC_FAILED Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2210A E_KEB_SYNC_MMSALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2210B E_KEB_SYNC_QPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2210C

E_KEB_KEY_MMSALLOC Reason : Meaning : Cure : 2210D E_KEB_KEY_QPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 22400 E_CAM_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Cassette module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 22401 E_CAM_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Cassette module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 22402 E_CAM_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Cassette module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the CAM component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22403 E_CAM_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Cassette module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22404 E_CAM_SYNCING Reason : Cassette module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22405 E_CAM_TASKQPEND Reason : Cassette module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22406 E_CAM_ALLOCCB Reason : Cassette module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22407 E_CAM_LOADCONFIG

Reason : Cassette module : Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22408 E_CAM_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Cassette module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between CAM's component interface library and CAM itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22409 E_CAM_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Cassette module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 2240A E_CAM_GETQID Reason : Cassette module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 2240B E_CAM_QCREATE Reason : Cassette module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22410 E_CAM_INITSTT Reason : Cassette module : init_cam_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22411 E_CAM_NOTASKID Reason : Cassette module : System cannot assign a taskID to the CAM task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22412 E_CAM_TASKSTART Reason : Cassette module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the CAM task. Cure : Starting the CAM task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22413 E_CAM_TASKSYNC Reason : Cassette module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for CAM to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details.

22416 E_CAM_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Cassette module : Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22417 E_CAM_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Cassette module : Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22418 E_CAM_MMSALLOC Reason : Cassette module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22419 E_CAM_QPOST Reason : Cassette module : mms_qpost() failed to post internally a message to cassette module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 2241A E_CAM_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Cassette module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 2241B E_CAM_ATTACH_SMH_LIB Reason : Cassette module : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of SMH Therefore no communication possible. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2241C E_CAM_ATTACH_ICN Reason : Cassette module : Attachment to Infocounter library failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ICN Therefore no communication possible. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22420 E_CAM_NODE_ROLL Reason : Cassette module : IOBUS stepper node roll drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22421 E_CAM_NODE_LIFT Reason : Cassette module : IOBUS stepper node lift drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22422 E_CAM_NODE_CLMP Reason : Cassette module : IOBUS stepper node clamping drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22423 E_CAM_NODE_OPEN Reason : Cassette module : IOBUS stepper node opener drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22424 E_CAM_NODE_BELT Reason : Cassette module : IOBUS stepper node belt drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22428 E_CAM_COMM_ROLL Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22429 E_CAM_COMM_LIFT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2242A E_CAM_COMM_CLMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2242B E_CAM_COMM_OPEN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2242C E_CAM_COMM_BELT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22430 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLLRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22431 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLLSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Stop roll. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22432 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLLRUNIN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll.

Action: Start roll running inwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22433 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLLRUNOUT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Start roll running outwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22434 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLL_WAITBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of roll drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22435 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLL_TESTBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22436 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLL_TESTNODE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22439 E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFTRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2243A E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFTHOME_STBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2243B E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFTHOME_UP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2243C E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFTPOS_DOWN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Step positioning to 'down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2243D E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFT_WAITBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of lift drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 2243E E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFT_TESTBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2243F E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFT_TESTNODE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22442 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMPRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22443 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMPHOME_STBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22444 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMPEND_CLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: End positioning to 'clamp' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22445 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Step positioning to 'security' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22446 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMP_READSTEPS Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Reading number of steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22447

E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMP_WAITBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of clamping drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22448 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMP_TESTBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22449 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMP_TESTNODE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2244A E_CAM_DRV_SMOPENRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2244B E_CAM_DRV_SMOPENHOME_STBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2244C E_CAM_DRV_SMOPENHOME_CLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 2244D E_CAM_DRV_SMOPENPOS_OPEN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2244E E_CAM_DRV_SMOPENPOS_ADJUST Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2244F E_CAM_DRV_SMOPEN_WAITBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of opener drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22450 E_CAM_DRV_SMOPEN_TESTBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22451 E_CAM_DRV_SMOPEN_TESTNODE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22452 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22453 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTHOME_STBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22454 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTHOME_BACK Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22455 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_CTOUT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'shift cassette out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22456 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_BACKAFTERCTOUT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back after cassette out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22457 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_INITDELTA Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'initialize delta forward' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22458 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_INITDELTABACK Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'initialize delta back' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22459 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELT_WAITBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of belt drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 2245A E_CAM_DRV_SMBELT_TESTBUSY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2245B E_CAM_DRV_SMBELT_TESTNODE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2245C E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMPPOS_UNCLMPFAST Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: start unclamping cassette with high speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22460 E_CAM_PREPINP_COMPRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22461 E_CAM_PREPINP_CLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22462 E_CAM_PREPINP_TOCLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22463 E_CAM_PREPINP_UNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22464 E_CAM_PREPINP_TOUNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22465 E_CAM_PREPINP_LIFTUP

Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22466 E_CAM_PREPINP_TOLIFTUP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22467 E_CAM_PREPINP_BELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22468 E_CAM_PREPINP_TOBELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22469 E_CAM_REMPREP_ROLLSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 2246A E_CAM_REMPREP_COMPRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2246B E_CAM_REMPREP_CLAMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Step positioning to 'security' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2246C E_CAM_REMPREP_TOCLAMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive . Action: Step positioning to '' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2246D E_CAM_STARTINPUT_ROLLRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2246E E_CAM_STARTINPUT_ROLLIN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Start running inwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2246F E_CAM_STOPINPUT_ROLLSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll.

Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22470 E_CAM_GETCT_ROLLSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22472 E_CAM_LIFTUP_CTUP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22473 E_CAM_LIFTUP_TOCTUP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22474 E_CAM_LIFTDOWN_CTDOWN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Step positioning to 'down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22475 E_CAM_LIFTDOWN_TOCTDOWN Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift.

Action: Step positioning to 'down' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22477 E_CAM_CLAMPCT_CLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: End positioning to clamp cassette. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22478 E_CAM_CLAMPCT_TOCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: End positioning to clamp cassette. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22479 E_CAM_CLAMPCT_READSTEPS Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Read steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2247B E_CAM_UNCLAMPCT_UNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2247C E_CAM_UNCLAMPCT_TOUNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: Home positioning.

Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2247D E_CAM_OPENCT_OPEN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Step positioning to 'cassette open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2247E E_CAM_OPENCT_TOOPEN Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive opener. Action: Step positioning to 'cassette open' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22480 E_CAM_CLOSECT_CLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22481 E_CAM_CLOSECT_TOCLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22483

E_CAM_SHIFTOUT_BELTOUT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'shift cassette out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22484 E_CAM_SHIFTOUT_TOBELTOUT Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'shift cassette out' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2248C E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_BELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2248D E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_TOBELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2248E E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_BELTBACK Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back near home' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2248F E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_TOBELTBACK

Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back near home' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22490 E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_CLAMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Step positioning to 'security' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22491 E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_TOCLAMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: Step positioning to 'security' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22492 E_CAM_FINISHCYCLE_COMPRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22493 E_CAM_INIT_COMPRESET Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22494 E_CAM_INIT_CLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22495 E_CAM_INIT_TOCLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22496 E_CAM_INIT_UNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22497 E_CAM_INIT_TOUNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22498 E_CAM_INIT_LIFTUP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22499 E_CAM_INIT_TOLIFTUP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift. Action: Home positioning.

Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2249A E_CAM_INIT_LIFTDOWN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Step positioning to 'down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2249B E_CAM_INIT_TOLIFTDOWN Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift. Action: Step positioning to 'down' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2249C E_CAM_INIT_BELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2249D E_CAM_INIT_TOBELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2249E

E_CAM_INIT_BELTHOMEBACK Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2249F E_CAM_INIT_TOBELTHOMEBACK Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 224A0 E_CAM_INIT_BELTPOSDELTA Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'delta forward' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A1 E_CAM_INIT_TOBELTPOSDELTA Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'delta forward' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 224A2 E_CAM_INIT_CLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: End positioning to clamp cassette. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A3 E_CAM_INIT_TOCLAMP

Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: End positioning to clamp cassette. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 224A4 E_CAM_INIT_CLAMPCT_READSTEPS Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Read number of steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A5 E_CAM_INIT_ROLLIN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Start roll running in. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A6 E_CAM_INIT_ROLLOUT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Start roll running out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A7 E_CAM_INIT_ROLLSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A8 E_CAM_INIT_OPEN

Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224A9 E_CAM_INIT_TOOPEN Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive opener. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 224AA E_CAM_INIT_CLAMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Step positioning to 'security' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 224AB E_CAM_INIT_TOCLAMPPOS_SECURITY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: Step positioning to 'security' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 224AF E_CAM_INIT_JAM Reason : Input light barrier of cassette module doesn't become free. Meaning : Cassette jam in cassette module during initialisation. Cure : Remove cassette. 224B3 E_CAM_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Cassette module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 224B4 E_CAM_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Cassette module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no

idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 224B5 E_CAM_WNV_WRITE Reason : Cassette module : nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 224B6 E_CAM_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Cassette module : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 224BF E_CAM_MSG_WSTATE_REF Reason : Cassette module : An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Meaning : Cure : 224C0 E_CAM_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Cassette module : Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

224C1 E_CAM_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Cassette module : Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

224F0 E_CAM_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Cassette module : mms_open failed in CAMTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 224F1 E_CAM_TST_SMQID Reason : Cassette module : sm_queueid returned with error in CAMTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 224F2 E_CAM_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Cassette module : Creation of my input queue failed in CAMTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue.


: Check underlying error code for details.

224F3 E_CAM_TST_CAM_ATTACH Reason : Cassette module : Attachment to Cassette module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of CAM Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 224F4 E_CAM_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Cassette module : Attachment to IOBUS control (IOC) module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of CAM Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 224F5 E_CAM_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Cassette module : mms_free failed in CAMTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 22500 E_CAM_SVROLLRESET_RESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of roll drive in cam_a_sv_roll_reset() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22501 E_CAM_SVROLLRUN_IN Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'roll running in' failed, in cam_a_sv_roll_runin() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22502 E_CAM_SVROLLSTOP_STOP Reason : Error while performing stepper motor command stop roll motor, in cam_a_sv_roll_stop() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22505 E_CAM_SVLIFTRESET_RESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of lift drive in cam_a_sv_lift_reset() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error.

2250A E_CAM_SVLIFTUP_LIFTUP Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'lift-up cassette' failed, in cam_a_sv_lift_up() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2250B E_CAM_SVLIFTUP_TOLIFTUP Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'lift-up cassette', in cam_a_sv_lift_up() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22512 E_CAM_SVLIFTDOWN_LIFTDOWN Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'lift-down cassette' failed, in cam_a_sv_lift_down() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22513 E_CAM_SVLIFTDOWN_TOLIFTDOWN Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'lift-down cassette', in cam_a_sv_lift_down() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22516 E_CAM_SVCLAMPRESET_RESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of clamping drive in cam_a_sv_clamp_reset() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22519 E_CAM_SVCLAMP_CLAMP Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'clamping cassette' failed, in cam_a_sv_clamper_clamp() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2251A E_CAM_SVCLAMP_TOCLAMP Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'clamping cassette', in cam_a_sv_clamper_clamp() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 2251F E_CAM_SVUNCLAMP_UNCLAMP Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'unclamping cassette' failed, in cam_a_sv_clamper_unclamp() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS.


: Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error.

22520 E_CAM_SVUNCLAMP_TOUNCLAMP Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'unclamping cassette', in cam_a_sv_clamper_unclamp() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22523 E_CAM_SVOPENRESET_RESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of opener drive in cam_a_sv_open_reset() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22526 E_CAM_SVCLOSE_CLOSE Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'closing cassette' failed, in cam_a_sv_opener_close() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22527 E_CAM_SVCLOSE_TOCLOSE Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'close cassette', in cam_a_sv_opener_close() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22528 E_CAM_SVOPEN_ADJUST Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'move opener to adjust pos.' failed, in cam_a_sv_opener_adjust() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22529 E_CAM_SVOPEN_TOADJUST Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'move opener to adjust pos.', in cam_a_sv_opener_adjust() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 2252A E_CAM_SVOPEN_OPEN Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'opening cassette' failed, in cam_a_sv_opener_open() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2252B E_CAM_SVOPEN_TOOPEN

Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'open cassette', in cam_a_sv_opener_open() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 2252E E_CAM_SVBELTRESET_RESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of belt drive in cam_a_sv_belt_reset() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2252F E_CAM_SVBELTHOME_STBY Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'belt to standby' failed, in cam_a_sv_belt_home() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22530 E_CAM_SVBELTHOME_TOSTBY Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'belt to standby position', in cam_a_sv_belt_home() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22533 E_CAM_SVBELTEND_CTOUT Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'belt to cassette out pos.' failed, cam_a_in sv_belt_home() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22534 E_CAM_SVBELTEND_TOCTOUT Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'belt to cassette out position', in cam_a_sv_belt_home() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22540 E_CAM_COMPRESET_ROLLRESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of roll drive in cam_comp_reset() Cassette Module common function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22541 E_CAM_COMPRESET_LIFTRESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of lift drive in cam_comp_reset() Cassette Module common function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error.

22542 E_CAM_COMPRESET_CLMPRESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of clamping drive in cam_comp_reset() Cassette Module common function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22543 E_CAM_COMPRESET_OPENRESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of opener drive in cam_comp_reset() Cassette Module common function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22544 E_CAM_COMPRESET_BELTRESET Reason : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of belt drive in cam_comp_reset() Cassette Module common function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22550 E_CAM_SVINIT_COMPRESET Reason : Function cam_a_sv_initialize() reported an error with an IOBUS node while performing node resets in cassette module. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22551 E_CAM_SVINIT_BELTHOME Reason : Startinig stepper drive movement 'home of belt' failed, in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22552 E_CAM_SVINIT_TOBELTHOME Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'belt to home position', in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22553 E_CAM_SVINIT_OPENHOME Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'home of opener' failed, in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error.

22554 E_CAM_SVINIT_TOOPENHOME Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'home of opener', in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22555 E_CAM_SVINIT_CLAMPHOME Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'home of clamping' failed, in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22556 E_CAM_SVINIT_TOCLAMPHOME Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'home of clamping', in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22557 E_CAM_SVINIT_LIFTHOME Reason : Starting stepper drive movement 'home of lift' failed, in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22558 E_CAM_SVINIT_TOLIFTHOME Reason : Timeout during stepper drive movement 'home of lift', in cam_a_sv_initialize() Cassette Module service command function. Meaning : Cure : 22560 E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 1: Node test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22561 E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 1: Node test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22562 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 1: Node test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22563

E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 1: Node test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22564 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 1: Node test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22567 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 2: Node test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22568 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 2: Node test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22569 E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 2: Node test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 2256A E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 2: Node test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 2256B E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_CONNECT Reason : Cassette module 2: Node test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22570 E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_POWER Reason : Cassette module 1: Power supply test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22571 E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_POWER Reason : Cassette module 1: Power supply test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective.


: - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply.

22572 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_POWER Reason : Cassette module 1: Power supply test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22573 E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_POWER Reason : Cassette module 1: Power supply test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22574 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_POWER Reason : Cassette module 1: Power supply test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22577 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_POWER Reason : Cassette module 2: Power supply test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22578 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_POWER Reason : Cassette module 2: Power supply test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply.

22579 E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_POWER Reason : Cassette module 2: Power supply test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 2257A E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_POWER Reason : Cassette module 2: Power supply test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 2257B E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_POWER Reason : Cassette module 2: Power supply test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22580 E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 1: Motor test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22581 E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 1: Motor test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22582 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 1: Motor test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22583 E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 1: Motor test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22584 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_MOTOR

Reason : Cassette module 1: Motor test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22587 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 2: Motor test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22588 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 2: Motor test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22589 E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 2: Motor test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 2258A E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 2: Motor test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 2258B E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_MOTOR Reason : Cassette module 2: Motor test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22590 E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 1: Home light barrier test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22591 E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 1: Home light barrier test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22592 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 1: Home light barrier test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22593 E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 1: Home light barrier test of stepper node Opener failed.

Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22594 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 1: Home light barrier test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22597 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 2: Home light barrier test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22598 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 2: Home light barrier test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22599 E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 2: Home light barrier test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 2259A E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 2: Home light barrier test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 2259B E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_LB0 Reason : Cassette module 2: Home light barrier test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A0 E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_LBX Reason : Cassette module 1: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A1 E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_LBX Reason : Cassette module 1: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace.

225A2 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_LBX Reason : Cassette module 1: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A3 E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_LBX Reason : Cassette module 1: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A4 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_LBX Reason : Cassette module 1: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A7 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_LBX Reason : Cassette module 2: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Roll failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A8 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_LBX Reason : Cassette module 2: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Lift failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225A9 E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_LBX Reason : Cassette module 2: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Clamping failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225AA E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_LBX Reason : Cassette module 2: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Opener failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225AB E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_LBX Reason : Cassette module 2: X-POS light barrier test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 225AC E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Roll.

Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node roll to 2A output current. 225AD E_CAM1_TST_SNROLL_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Roll. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node roll to 4A output current. 225AE E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Lift. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node lift to 2A output current. 225AF E_CAM1_TST_SNLIFT_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Lift. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node lift to 4A output current. 225B0 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Clamping. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node clamping to 2A output current. 225B1 E_CAM1_TST_SNCLMP_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Clamping. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node clamping to 4A output current. 225B2 E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Opener. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node opener to 2A output current. 225B3 E_CAM1_TST_SNOPEN_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Opener. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node opener to 4A output current. 225B4 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Belt. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node belt to 2A output current. 225B5 E_CAM1_TST_SNBELT_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 1: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Belt. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node belt to 4A output current. 225B6 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_TYPE_2A

Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Roll. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node roll to 2A output current. 225B7 E_CAM2_TST_SNROLL_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Roll. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node roll to 4A output current. 225B8 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Lift. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node lift to 2A output current. 225B9 E_CAM2_TST_SNLIFT_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Lift. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node lift to 4A output current. 225BA E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Clamping. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node clamping to 2A output current. 225BB E_CAM2_TST_SNCLMP_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Clamping. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node clamping to 4A output current. 225BC E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Opener. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node opener to 2A output current. 225BD E_CAM2_TST_SNOPEN_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Opener. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node opener to 4A output current. 225BE E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_TYPE_2A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Belt. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node belt to 2A output current. 225BF E_CAM2_TST_SNBELT_TYPE_4A Reason : Cassette module 2: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Belt. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node belt to 4A output current. 225D0

E_CAM_IFC_SHARE Reason : Cassette module : sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of cassette module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 225D1 E_CAM_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Cassette module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to cassette module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 225D2 E_CAM_IFC_QPOST Reason : Cassette module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to cassette module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 225D3 E_CAM_IFC_RESPONSE1 Meaning : cam_get_event() received an unknown response from cassette module control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Reason : Cassette module : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 225D4 E_CAM_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_call_function() failed, sending a message to cassette module module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225D6 E_CAM_IFC_PFI_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_prep_for_input() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225D7 E_CAM_IFC_STI_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_start_input() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225D8 E_CAM_IFC_SPI_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_stop_input() failed, sending a message to

cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225D9 E_CAM_IFC_TKC_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_take_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225DA E_CAM_IFC_UPC_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_liftup_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225DB E_CAM_IFC_DWC_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_liftdown_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225DC E_CAM_IFC_CLP_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_clamp_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225DD E_CAM_IFC_UCL_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_unclamp_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225DE E_CAM_IFC_OPN_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_open_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225DF E_CAM_IFC_CLS_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_close_ct() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration.

For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E0 E_CAM_IFC_OUT_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_shift_ct_out() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E1 E_CAM_IFC_LTO_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_handle_ct_lift_to_open() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E2 E_CAM_IFC_OTL_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_handle_ct_open_to_lift() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E3 E_CAM_IFC_FIN_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_finish_cycle() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E4 E_CAM_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_initialize() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E7 E_CAM_IFC_SRR_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_roll_reset() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E8 E_CAM_IFC_SRI_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_roll_runin() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225E9

E_CAM_IFC_SRS_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_roll_stop() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225EA E_CAM_IFC_SLR_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_lift_reset() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225EB E_CAM_IFC_SLU_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_lift_up() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225EC E_CAM_IFC_SLD_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_lift_down() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225ED E_CAM_IFC_SCR_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_clamper_reset() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225EE E_CAM_IFC_SCC_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_clamper_clamp() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225EF E_CAM_IFC_SCU_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_clamper_unclamp() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F0 E_CAM_IFC_SOR_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_opener_reset() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error.

Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F1 E_CAM_IFC_SOC_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_opener_close() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F2 E_CAM_IFC_SOO_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_opener_open() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F3 E_CAM_IFC_SBR_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_belt_reset() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F4 E_CAM_IFC_SBH_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_belt_home() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F5 E_CAM_IFC_SBE_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_belt_move_end() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F6 E_CAM_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_selftest() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F7 E_CAM_IFC_SIN_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_initialize() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

225F8 E_CAM_IFC_SOA_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_opener_adjust() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225F9 E_CAM_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_sv_exit_service() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225FA E_CAM_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Cassette module : cam_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 225FB E_CAM_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Cassette module : cam_set_testcurrents() failed, sending a message to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225FE E_CAM_IFC_SEND Reason : Cassette module : sending any message from CAM interface to cassette module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 225FF E_CAM_IFC_VERSION Reason : IOBUS control module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of CAM-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : New SW- Link procedure necessary. 22600 E_IBF_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IBF again - if nothing else helps. 22601 E_IBF_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no

idea how this can happen! Try to download IBF again - if nothing else helps. 22602 E_IBF_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the IBF component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22603 E_IBF_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22604 E_IBF_SYNCING Reason : Input buffer module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that IBF has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22605 E_IBF_TASK1QPEND Reason : Input buffer module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22606 E_IBF_ALLOCCB Reason : Input buffer module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22607 E_IBF_LOADCONFIG Reason : Input buffer module : Cannot load IBF's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22608 E_IBF_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Input buffer module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between IBF's interface library and IBF itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22609 E_IBF_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Input buffer module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 2260A E_IBF_GETQID Reason : Input buffer module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to

be, but ... 2260B E_IBF_QCREATE Reason : Input buffer module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 2260C E_IBF_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Input buffer module : Input buffer: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22610 E_IBF_INITSTT Reason : Input buffer module : init_ibf_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22611 E_IBF_NOTASKID Reason : Input buffer module : System cannot assign a taskID to the IBF task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22612 E_IBF_TASK1START Reason : Input buffer module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the IBF task. Cure : Starting the IBF task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22613 E_IBF_TASK1SYNC Reason : Input buffer module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for IBF to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22614 E_IBF_TASK2START Reason : Input buffer module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the IBF task. Cure : Starting the IBF task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22615 E_IBF_TASK2SYNC Reason : Input buffer module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for IBF to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22616

E_IBF_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Input buffer module : Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22617 E_IBF_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Input buffer module : Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22618 E_IBF_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Input buffer module : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2261A E_IBF_START_INITDRIVER Reason : Input buffer module : ibfd_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of IBF drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 2261D E_IBF_SVISETRANSPORT Reason : Input buffer module : Supervision of action 'transport cassette into digitizer' stopped. Meaning : Any fatal error occurred with belt drive in input buffer unit, while controlling the action "transport the cassette into the digitizer". Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22620 E_IBF_NODE_BELT Reason : Input buffer module : IOBUS stepper node belt drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22621 E_IBF_COMM_BELT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22622 E_IBF_NODE_DOOR Reason : Input buffer module : IOBUS stepper node door drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected


- Node defective : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22623 E_IBF_COMM_DOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22624 E_IBF_DRV_INIT_SMBELTTESTNODE Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22625 E_IBF_DRV_INIT_SMDOORTESTNODE Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22626 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTRESET Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22627 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTHOME_STBY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 22628 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTPOS_PREPSHIFT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare shift out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22629 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTENDPOS_PREPREAD Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare read tag' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2262A E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTPOS_READTAG Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'read tag' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2262B E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTRUN_SHIFTIN Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Start run to shift cassette in. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2262C E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTSTOP Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Stop motor after run action. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2262D E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTPOS_FINISHCYCLE

Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'finish cycle' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2262E E_IBF_DRV_SMBELT_READSTEPS Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Read step from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2262F E_IBF_DRV_SMBELT_WAITBUSY Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of belt drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22630 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELT_TESTBUSY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22631 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELT_TESTNODE Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22632 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOORRESET Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 22633 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOORHOME_CLOSE Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22634 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOORHOME_PREP Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22635 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOORPOS_OPEN Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22636 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOOR_WAITBUSY Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of door drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22637 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOOR_TESTBUSY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22638 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOOR_TESTNODE Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error.

22660 E_IBF_ABELTBACK_HOMESTBY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22661 E_IBF_ABELTBACK_TOHOMESTBY Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22662 E_IBF_ACLOSE_HOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22663 E_IBF_ACLOSE_TOHOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22664

E_IBF_AINIT_HOMESTBYBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22665 E_IBF_AINIT_TOHOMESTBYBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22666 E_IBF_AINIT_HOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22667 E_IBF_AINIT_TOHOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22668 E_IBF_AINIT_COMPRESET Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22669 E_IBF_AMODRES_COMPRESET Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2266A E_IBF_APREPARE_HOMESTBY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2266B E_IBF_APREPARE_TOHOMESTBY Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. Meaning : Cure : 2266C E_IBF_APREPARE_POSPREP Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2266D E_IBF_APREPARE_TOPOSPREP Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position.

Meaning Cure

: Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

2266E E_IBF_APREPARE_HOMEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2266F E_IBF_APREPARE_TOHOMEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22670 E_IBF_APREPARE_POSOPENDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22671 E_IBF_APREPARE_TOPOSOPENDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: Step positioning to 'open door' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22672 E_IBF_ASTARTTRA_BELTENDPOS Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Start running to 'shift end ' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22673 E_IBF_ASTARTTRA_RUNTOEND Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Start running to 'shift end ' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22674 E_IBF_ASTARTTRA_HOMEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22675 E_IBF_ASTARTTRA_TOHOMEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22676 E_IBF_ASTARTTRA_POSOPENDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22677 E_IBF_ASTARTTRA_TOPOSOPENDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: Step positioning to 'open door' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy.


- Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22679 E_IBF_AREADTAG_POSBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'read tag' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2267A E_IBF_AREADTAG_TOPOSBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: Step positioning to 'read tag' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22680 E_IBF_ASTOPTRA_BELTSTOP Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Stop motor after run action. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22681 E_IBF_ASTOPTRA_BELTWAITSTOP Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Wait while busy after stop command Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22682 E_IBF_AFINPREP_POSFINISHBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'finish cycle' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22683 E_IBF_AFINPREP_TOPOSFINISHBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'finish cycle' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2268B E_IBF_AFINISH_POSFINISHBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'finish cycle' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2268C E_IBF_AFINISH_TOPOSFINISHBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'finish cycle' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2268D E_IBF_AFINISH_HOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2268E E_IBF_AFINISH_TOHOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2268F E_IBF_AFINISH_HOMESTBYBELT

Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22690 E_IBF_AFINISH_TOHOMESTBYBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22693 E_IBF_AFINISHTRA_BELTSTOP Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22694 E_IBF_AFINISHTRA_BELTWAITSTOP Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. in ibf_a_finish_transport() Slowscan Module command function. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226A0 E_IBF_ASBELTHOME_STBY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226A1 E_IBF_ASBELTHOME_TOSTBY

Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 226A2 E_IBF_ASBELTPOS_PREP Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226A3 E_IBF_ASBELTPOS_TOPREP Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 226A4 E_IBF_ASBELTEND_START Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Start running to 'end' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226A5 E_IBF_ASBELTTOREAD_STARTBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'read tag' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226A6 E_IBF_ASBELTTOREAD_TOBELT Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt.

Action: Step positioning to 'read tag' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 226A7 E_IBF_ASDOORCLOSE_STARTDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226A8 E_IBF_ASDOORCLOSE_TODOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 226A9 E_IBF_ASDOOROPEN_STARTDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Step positioning to 'open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226AA E_IBF_ASDOOROPEN_TODOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: Step positioning to 'open door' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 226AB E_IBF_ASEX_HOMESTBY Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus

- Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226AC E_IBF_ASEX_TOHOMESTBY Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 226AD E_IBF_ASEX_HOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226AE E_IBF_ASEX_TOHOMECLOSEDOOR Reason : Input buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive door. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 226B0 E_IBF_COMPRESET_BELTRESET Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226B1

E_IBF_COMPRESET_DOORRESET Reason : Input buffer module : Communication error with stepper node door. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 226B3 E_IBF_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IBF again - if nothing else helps. 226B4 E_IBF_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IBF again - if nothing else helps. 226B5 E_IBF_WNV_WRITE Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IBF again - if nothing else helps. 226B6 E_IBF_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Input buffer module : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IBF again - if nothing else helps. 226BF E_IBF_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Input buffer module : Cure : 226C0 E_IBF_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Input buffer module : Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.


Reason : Input buffer module : Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

226C2 E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_CONNECT Reason : Input buffer module: Node test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 226C3 E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_CONNECT Reason : Input buffer module: Node test of stepper node Door failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 226C4 E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_POWER Reason : Input buffer module: Power supply test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 226C5 E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_POWER Reason : Input buffer module: Power supply test of stepper node Door failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 226C6 E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_MOTOR Reason : Input buffer module: Motor test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 226C7 E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_MOTOR Reason : Input buffer module: Motor test of stepper node Door failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 226C8 E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_LB0 Reason : Input buffer module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 226C9

E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_LB0 Reason : Input buffer module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Door failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 226CA E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_LBX Reason : Input buffer module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Belt failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 226CB E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_LBX Reason : Input buffer module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Door failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 226CC E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_TYPE_2A Reason : Input buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Belt. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node belt to 2A output current. 226CD E_IBF_TST_SNBELT_TYPE_4A Reason : Input buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Belt. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node belt to 4A output current. 226CE E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_TYPE_2A Reason : Input buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Door. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node door to 2A output current. 226CF E_IBF_TST_SNDOOR_TYPE_4A Reason : Input buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Door. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node door to 4A output current. 226D0 E_IBF_IFC_SHARE Reason : Input buffer module : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannot access IBF's shared memory Cure : See underlying error 226D1 E_IBF_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Input buffer module : mms_alloc failed for message header Meaning : Cannot allocate a message header Cure : Increase number of message header for the task, IBFIFC is attached to. 226D2 E_IBF_IFC_QPOST

Reason : Input buffer module : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot post into IBF's message queue Cure : See underlying error code. 226D3 E_IBF_IFC_RESPONSE1 Reason : Input buffer module : ibf_get_event received an unknown IBF response. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Meaning : Programming error. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 226D4 E_IBF_IFC_VERSION Reason : Input buffer module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of IBF-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 226D5 E_IBF_IFC_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : Sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226D6 E_IBF_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226D7 E_IBF_IFC_CLOSE_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226D8 E_IBF_IFC_BBH_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226D9 E_IBF_IFC_PCY_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

226DA E_IBF_IFC_STARTTRA_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226DB E_IBF_IFC_SHIFTREADTAG_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226DC E_IBF_IFC_STOPTR_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226DD E_IBF_IFC_FAP_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226DE E_IBF_IFC_FIN_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226DF E_IBF_IFC_SBH_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E0 E_IBF_IFC_SBP_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E1 E_IBF_IFC_SBE_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer

control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E2 E_IBF_IFC_SBR_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E3 E_IBF_IFC_SDC_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E4 E_IBF_IFC_SDO_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E5 E_IBF_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E6 E_IBF_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E7 E_IBF_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E8 E_IBF_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration.

For more detailed information see underlying error. 226E9 E_IBF_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Input buffer module : sending a message to input buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 226EA E_IBF_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Input buffer module : ibf_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 226EB E_IBF_INT_ALLOC Reason : Input buffer module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to input buffer module IO-control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 226EC E_IBF_INT_QPOST Reason : Input buffer module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to input buffer module IO-control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 226F0 E_IBF_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Input buffer module : mms_open failed in IBFTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 226F1 E_IBF_TST_SMQID Reason : Input buffer module : sm_queueid returned with error in IBFTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 226F2 E_IBF_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Input buffer module : Creation of my input queue failed in IBFTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 226F3 E_IBF_TST_IBF_ATTACH Reason : Input buffer module : Attachment to Input buffer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IBF Therefore no communication possible.


This is a fatal error. : Check if ibf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details.

226F4 E_IBF_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Input buffer module : Attachment to IOC module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 226F5 E_IBF_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Input buffer module : mms_free failed in IBFTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 22700 E_OBF_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Output buffer module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download OBF again - if nothing else helps. 22701 E_OBF_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Output buffer module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download OBF again - if nothing else helps. 22702 E_OBF_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Output buffer module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the OBF component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22703 E_OBF_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Output buffer module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22704 E_OBF_SYNCING Reason : Output buffer module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22705 E_OBF_TASKQPEND Reason : Output buffer module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details.

22706 E_OBF_ALLOCCB Reason : Output buffer module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22707 E_OBF_LOADCONFIG Reason : Output buffer module : Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22708 E_OBF_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Output buffer module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between OBF's component interface library and OBF itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22709 E_OBF_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 2270A E_OBF_GETQID Reason : Output buffer module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 2270B E_OBF_QCREATE Reason : Output buffer module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 2270C E_OBF_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Output buffer module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22710 E_OBF_INITSTT Reason : Output buffer module : init_obf_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22711 E_OBF_NOTASKID Reason : Output buffer module : System cannot assign a taskID to the OBF task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are

likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22712 E_OBF_TASKSTART Reason : Output buffer module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the OBF task. Cure : Starting the OBF task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22713 E_OBF_TASKSYNC Reason : Output buffer module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for OBF to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22716 E_OBF_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Output buffer module : Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22717 E_OBF_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Output buffer module : Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22718 E_OBF_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Output buffer module : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2271A E_OBF_START_INITDRIVER Reason : Output buffer module : obfd_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of OBF drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22720 E_OBF_NODE_ROLLS Reason : Output buffer module : IOBUS stepper node rolls drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22721 E_OBF_NODE_PUSH Reason : Output buffer module : IOBUS stepper node pusher drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective


: - Check address coding - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

22723 E_OBF_COMM_ROLLS Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22724 E_OBF_COMM_PUSH Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22727 E_OBF_DRV_INIT_SMROLLSTESTNODE Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22728 E_OBF_DRV_INIT_SMPUSHTESTNODE Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2272D E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLSRESET Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

2272E E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLSHOME_TOOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2272F E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLSPOS_OPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22730 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLSPOS_OPENRELEASE Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open release' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22731 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLSRUN_OUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Start run shift cassette out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22732 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLSSTOP_OUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Stop motor after run action. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22733 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLS_WAITBUSY Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of rolls drive. Action: wait while busy.

Meaning Cure :


22734 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLS_TESTBUSY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22735 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLS_TESTNODE Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22738 E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSHRESET Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22739 E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSHHOME_STBY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2273A E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSHHOME_PREP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

2273B E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSHPOS_OUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'pusher out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2273C E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSH_WAITBUSY Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of pusher drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 2273D E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSH_TESTBUSY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2273E E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSH_TESTNODE Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22760 E_OBF_AINIT_COMPRESET Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22761 E_OBF_AINIT_ROLLSHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22762 E_OBF_AINIT_TOROLLSHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive rolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22763 E_OBF_AINIT_ROLLSRUN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: start running. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22764 E_OBF_AINIT_PUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22765 E_OBF_AINIT_TOPUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22766 E_OBF_AINIT_TOTRANSPORT Reason : Timeout while waiting for end of cassette transport,

in obf_a_initialize() Output buffer module command function. Meaning : The Home light barrier of the rolls drive didn't become free during timout period because of - any cassette jam, - or any mechanical problem of the rolls drive - or any electrical problem of the light barrier + cable Cure : - remove the jammed cassette - check the rolls mechanics - check the light barrier + cable for short circuits 22767 E_OBF_AINIT_ROLLSSTOP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: stop motor after run action. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22768 E_OBF_APREPARE_ROLLSHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22769 E_OBF_APREPARE_TOROLLSHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive rolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2276A E_OBF_APREPARE_ROLLSPOSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2276B

E_OBF_APREPARE_TOROLLSPOSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2276C E_OBF_APREPARE_PUSHHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2276D E_OBF_APREPARE_TOPUSHHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2276E E_OBF_APREPARE_PUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'pusher out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2276F E_OBF_APREPARE_TOPUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22770 E_OBF_INIT_PUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher.

Action: Step positioning to 'pusher out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22771 E_OBF_INIT_TOPUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22772 E_OBF_ASTART_ROLLSRUN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Start running out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22773 E_OBF_ASTART_PUSHHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22774 E_OBF_ASTART_TOPUSHHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22775 E_OBF_ASTOP_ROLLSSTOP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Stop running.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22776 E_OBF_ACONTINUE_ROLLSRUN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Restart running out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22777 E_OBF_AFINISH_TOTRANSPORT Reason : Timeout while waiting for end of cassette during cassette transport. Meaning : The Home light barrier of the rolls drive didn't become free during timout period because of - any cassette jam, - or any mechanical problem of the rolls drive - or any electrical problem of the light barrier + cable Cure : - remove the jammed cassette - check the rolls mechanics - check the light barrier + cable for short circuits 22778 E_OBF_AFINISH_ROLLSSTOP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22779 E_OBF_AFINISH_PUSHCASSETTES Reason : Output buffer module: Error occurred while push off cassettes. Meaning : Pushing away the cassettes in the output buffer failed. Cure : See underlying error for more detailed information . 2277A E_OBF_AMODRES_COMPRESET Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Nodes reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2277D

E_OBF_APUSHOFF_PUSHCASSETTES Reason : Output buffer module: Error occurred while push off cassettes. Meaning : Pushing away the cassettes in the output buffer failed. Cure : See underlying error for more detailed information . 2277E E_OBF_AOPENROLLS_ROLLSPOSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2277F E_OBF_AOPENROLLS_TOROLLSPOSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22780 E_OBF_AREMPREP_ROLLSRUN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Start running out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22781 E_OBF_AREMPREP_ROLLSSTOP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22782 E_OBF_AREMPREP_PUSHHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22783 E_OBF_AREMPREP_TOPUSHHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22785 E_OBF_APUSHEROUT_PUSHHOMEPREP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22786 E_OBF_APUSHEROUT_TOPUSHHOMEPREP Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22787 E_OBF_APUSHEROUT_PUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22788 E_OBF_APUSHEROUT_TOPUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable


: - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22789 E_OBF_APUSHERBACK_PUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2278A E_OBF_APUSHERBACK_TOPUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2278B E_OBF_APREPARE_ROLLSRUN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Start running out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2278C E_OBF_APREPARE_ROLLSSTOP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2278F E_OBF_AACCESS_DATA Meaning : obf_a_access_data received a request to access unknown data. Reason : Programming error. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22790 E_OBF_ASV_PUSHPOSOUT

Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22791 E_OBF_ASV_TOPUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22792 E_OBF_ASV_PUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22793 E_OBF_ASV_TOPUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22794 E_OBF_ASV_ROLLSRUNOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Start running out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22795 E_OBF_ASV_ROLLSSTOP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls.

Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22796 E_OBF_ASV_ROLLSPOSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22797 E_OBF_ASV_TOROLLSPOSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive rolls. Action: Step positioning to 'rolls open' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22798 E_OBF_ASV_ROLLSHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22799 E_OBF_ASV_TOROLLSHOME Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive rolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2279F E_OBF_ASEX_COMPRESET Reason : obf_compreset () reported an error in obf_a_exit_service() Output buffer module command function.

Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 227B0 E_OBF_COMPRESET_ROLLSRESET Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node rolls. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 227B1 E_OBF_COMPRESET_PUSHRESET Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 227B5 E_OBF_PUSHOFF_PUSHHOMEPREP Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 227B6 E_OBF_PUSHOFF_TOPUSHHOMEPREP Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 227B7 E_OBF_PUSHOFF_PUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

227B8 E_OBF_PUSHOFF_TOPUSHPOSOUT Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: Step positioning to 'push off' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 227B9 E_OBF_PUSHOFF_PUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Communication error with stepper node pusher. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 227BA E_OBF_PUSHOFF_TOPUSHHOMESTBY Reason : Output buffer module : Timeout of stepper drive pusher. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 227BB E_OBF_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Output buffer module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download OBF again - if nothing else helps. 227BC E_OBF_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Output buffer module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download OBF again - if nothing else helps. 227BD E_OBF_WNV_WRITE Reason : Output buffer module: nvf_write_values() failed.

Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download OBF again - if nothing else helps. 227BE E_OBF_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Output buffer module: nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download OBF again - if nothing else helps. 227BF E_OBF_MSG_WSTATE_REF Reason : Output buffer module: An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Meaning : Cure : 227C0 E_OBF_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

227C1 E_OBF_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

227C2 E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_CONNECT Reason : Output buffer module: Node test of stepper node Rolls failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 227C3 E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_CONNECT Reason : Output buffer module: Node test of stepper node Pusher failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 227C4 E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_POWER Reason : Output buffer module: Power supply test of stepper node Rolls failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 227C5

E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_POWER Reason : Output buffer module: Power supply test of stepper node Pusher failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 227C6 E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_MOTOR Reason : Output buffer module: Motor test of stepper node Rolls failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 227C7 E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_MOTOR Reason : Output buffer module: Motor test of stepper node Pusher failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 227C8 E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_LB0 Reason : Output buffer module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Rolls failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 227C9 E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_LB0 Reason : Output buffer module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Pusher failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 227CA E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_LBX Reason : Output buffer module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Rolls failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 227CB E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_LBX Reason : Output buffer module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Pusher failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 227CC E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_TYPE_2A Reason : Output buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Rolls. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node rolls to 2A output current. 227CD E_OBF_TST_SNROLLS_TYPE_4A Reason : Output buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Rolls.

Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node rolls to 4A output current. 227CE E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_TYPE_2A Reason : Output buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Pusher. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node pusher to 2A output current. 227CF E_OBF_TST_SNPUSH_TYPE_4A Reason : Output buffer module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Pusher. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node pusher to 4A output current. 227D0 E_OBF_IFC_SHARE Reason : Output buffer module: sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of output buffer module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 227D1 E_OBF_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Output buffer module: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to output buffer module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 227D2 E_OBF_IFC_QPOST Reason : Output buffer module: mms_qpost() failed to post a message to output buffer module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 227D3 E_OBF_IFC_RESPONSE1 Reason : Output buffer module: obf_get_event() received an unknown response from output buffer module control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Reason : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 227D4 E_OBF_IFC_VERSION Reason : Output buffer module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of OBF-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 227D5 E_OBF_IFC_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: Sending a message to Output buffer control task failed. This is a fatal error.

Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227D6 E_OBF_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_initialize() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227D7 E_OBF_IFC_PREPAREOUT_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_prepare_output() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227D8 E_OBF_IFC_REMPREPARE_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_remove_preparation() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227D9 E_OBF_IFC_STARTOUT_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_start_output() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227DA E_OBF_IFC_STOPOUT_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_stop_output() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227DB E_OBF_IFC_CONTOUT_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_continue_output() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227DC E_OBF_IFC_FINISHOUT_SEND RReason : Output buffer module: obf_finish_output() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

227DD E_OBF_IFC_OPENROLLS_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_open_rolls() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227DE E_OBF_IFC_PUSHOFF_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_push_cass_off() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227DF E_OBF_IFC_PUSHEROUT_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_pusher_out() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E0 E_OBF_IFC_PUSHERBACK_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_pusher_back() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E1 E_OBF_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_call_function() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E2 E_OBF_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Output buffer module: obf_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E4 E_OBF_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_set_testcurrents() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E5 E_OBF_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_service() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error.

Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E6 E_OBF_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_sv_selftest() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227E7 E_OBF_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Output buffer module: obf_sv_exit_service() failed, sending a message to output buffer module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 227F0 E_OBF_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Output buffer module: mms_open failed in OBFTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 227F1 E_OBF_TST_SMQID Reason : Output buffer module: sm_queueid returned with error in OBFTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 227F2 E_OBF_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Output buffer module: Creation of my input queue failed in OBFTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 227F3 E_OBF_TST_OBF_ATTACH Reason : Output buffer module: Attachment to Output buffer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of OBF Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ibf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 227F4 E_OBF_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Output buffer module: mms_free failed in OBFTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 227F5 E_OBF_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Output buffer module: Attachment to IOC module interface failed.

Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22800 E_ROT_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Rotation module: nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download ROT again - if nothing else helps. 22801 E_ROT_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Rotation module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download ROT again - if nothing else helps. 22802 E_ROT_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Rotation module: nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the ROT component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22803 E_ROT_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Rotation module: nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22804 E_ROT_SYNCING Reason : Rotation module: Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22805 E_ROT_TASKQPEND Reason : Rotation module: mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22806 E_ROT_ALLOCCB Reason : Rotation module: sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22807 E_ROT_LOADCONFIG Reason : Rotation module: Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22808

E_ROT_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Rotation module: sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between ROT's component interface library and ROT itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22809 E_ROT_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Rotation module: mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 2280A E_ROT_GETQID Reason : Rotation module: sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 2280B E_ROT_QCREATE Reason : Rotation module: Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 2280C E_ROT_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Rotation module: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22810 E_ROT_INITSTT Reason : Rotation module: init_rot_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22811 E_ROT_NOTASKID Reason : Rotation module: System cannot assign a taskID to the ROT task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22812 E_ROT_TASKSTART Reason : Rotation module: lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the ROT task. Cure : Starting the ROT task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22813 E_ROT_TASKSYNC Reason : Rotation module: sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for ROT to broadcast its


birth. : Check underlying error for details.

22816 E_ROT_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Rotation module: Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22817 E_ROT_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Rotation module: Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22818 E_ROT_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Rotation module: Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2281A E_ROT_START_INITDRIVER Reason : Rotation module: rotd_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of ROT drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22820 E_ROT_NODE_ROT Reason : Rotation module: IO-Bus stepper node of rotation drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22821 E_ROT_COMM_ROT Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22822 E_ROT_DRV_INIT_SMROTTESTNODE Reason : Rotation module: Test node of rotation drive stepper node failed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error.

22825 E_ROT_DRV_SMROTRESET Reason : Rotation module: SW-reset of rotation drive stepper node failed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22826 E_ROT_DRV_SMROTHOME_INIT Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Home positioning during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22827 E_ROT_DRV_SMROTEND_INITCCW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22828 E_ROT_DRV_SMROTEND_INITCW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22829 E_ROT_DRV_SMROTEND_WORKPOS Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Endpositioning to work position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error.

2282A E_ROT_DRV_SMROTPOS_CLEND_ICCW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning close to end-pos. counterclockwise. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2282B E_ROT_DRV_SMROTPOS_CLEND_ICW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning close to end-pos. clockwise. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2282C E_ROT_DRV_SMROTPOS_HALFIRP_ICCW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning into lightbarrier counterclockwise. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2282D E_ROT_DRV_SMROTPOS_HALFIRP_ICW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning into lightbarrier clockwise. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2282E E_ROT_DRV_SMROTPOS_CLEND_1INP Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning close to endpos. cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

For more detailed information see underlying error. 2282F E_ROT_DRV_SMROTPOS_CLEND_2INP Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning close to endpos. cassette module2 = input. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22830 E_ROT_DRV_SMROT_READSTEPS Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: read steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22831 E_ROT_DRV_SMROT_WAITBUSY Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of rotation drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22832 E_ROT_DRV_SMROT_TESTBUSY Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: test node busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22833 E_ROT_DRV_SMROT_TESTNODE Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22840 E_ROT_DRV_HWSELFTEST_SMROTTESTNODE

Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22860 E_ROT_AINIT_COMPRESET Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Node reset during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22861 E_ROT_AINIT_ROTHOMESLOW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: home positioning slow during initialisation. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22862 E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTHOMESLOW Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: home positioning slow during initialisation. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22863 E_ROT_AINIT_ROTENDLBIRP Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning during initialisation. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22864 E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTENDLBIRP Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: End positioning during initialisation. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach end pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply.


- Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with End pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace End-pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

22865 E_ROT_AINIT_ROTENDWORK_1INP Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning to cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22866 E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTENDWORK_1INP Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: End positioning to cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach end pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with End pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace End-pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22867 E_ROT_AINIT_ROTENDWORK_2INP Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning to cassette module 2 = input. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22868 E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTENDWORK_2INP Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: End positioning to cassette module 2 = input. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach end pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with End pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace End-pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22869 E_ROT_AINIT_ROTPOSFASTCCW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning fast counterclockwise during initialisation.

Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2286A E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTPOSFASTCCW Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: Step positioning fast counterclockwise during initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2286B E_ROT_AINIT_ROTPOSFASTCW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning fast clockwise during initialisation. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2286C E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTPOSFASTCW Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: Step positioning fast clockwise during initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2286D E_ROT_AINIT_ROTPOSHALFIRP Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning into end.lightbarrier during initialisation. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2286E E_ROT_AINIT_TOROTPOSHALFIRP Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: Step positioning into end.lightbarrier during initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2286F E_ROT_AINIT_READSTEPS Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: read steps from node. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22870

E_ROT_AINIT_LB_DISADJUST Reason : Rotation module: End position light barrier of rotation drive is not interrupted in home position. Meaning : Both light barriers are ok, but the end position light barrier is not interrupted in home position. Reason is any disadjustment. Cure : Adjust the light barriers to their correct position. 22871 E_ROT_AINIT_LB_DISADJUST_DEF Reason : Rotation module: End position light barrier of rotation drive is not interrupted in home position. Meaning : The end position light barrier is not interrupted in home position, because is any disadjustment, or of a short circuit in end pos. light barrier. Cure : Test end posiiton light barrier. If defective replace. If ok, adjust the light barriers to their correct position. 22872 E_ROT_ARESET_COMPRESET Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: reset node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22875 E_ROT_AMOD1INP_POSCLOSEEND Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning close to end pos., cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22876 E_ROT_AMOD1INP_TOPOSCLOSEEND Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: Step positioning close to end pos., cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22877 E_ROT_AMOD1INP_ENDWORK Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning to cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22878 E_ROT_AMOD1INP_TOENDWORK

Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: End positioning to cassette module 1 = input. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach end pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with End pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace End-pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2287A E_ROT_AMOD2INP_POSCLOSEEND Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Step positioning close to end pos., cassette module 2 = input. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2287B E_ROT_AMOD2INP_TOPOSCLOSEEND Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: Step positioning close to end pos., cassette module 2 = input. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2287C E_ROT_AMOD2INP_ENDWORK Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: End positioning to cassette module 2 = input. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 2287D E_ROT_AMOD2INP_TOENDWORK Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: End positioning to cassette module 2 = input. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach end pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with End pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace End-pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2287F E_ROT_ATURNMODULES Reason : Rotation module: Turning modules is not possible, because the current position is no an end position. Meaning : Any error occurred in a previous action.


: Troubleshooting neccessary and restart of the component.

2288F E_ROT_AACCESS_DATA Meaning : Rotation module: request to access unknown data. Reason : Rotation module: Programming error. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 228A1 E_ROT_ASEX_ROTHOMESLOW Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: test node busy. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 228A2 E_ROT_ASEX_TOROTHOMESLOW Reason : Rotation module: Timeout of stepper drive rotation. Action: home positioning slow in service mode. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 228B0 E_ROT_COMPRESET_ROTRESET Reason : Rotation module: Communication error with stepper node rotation drive. Action: Node reset. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 228B3 E_ROT_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Rotation module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download ROT again - if nothing else helps. 228B4 E_ROT_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Rotation module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download ROT again - if nothing else helps. 228B5 E_ROT_WNV_WRITE Reason : Rotation module: nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF).


: Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download ROT again - if nothing else helps.

228B6 E_ROT_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Rotation module: nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download ROT again - if nothing else helps. 228BF E_ROT_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Rotation module: Cure : 228C0 E_ROT_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Rotation module: Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

228C1 E_ROT_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Rotation module: Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

228C8 E_ROT_TST_SNROT_TYPE_2A Reason : Rotation module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Rotation. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node rotation to 2A output current. 228C9 E_ROT_TST_SNROT_TYPE_4A Reason : Rotation module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Rotation. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node rotation to 4A output current. 228D0 E_ROT_IFC_SHARE Reason : Rotation module: sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of rotation module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 228D1 E_ROT_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Rotation module: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to rotation module control task.

Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 228D2 E_ROT_IFC_QPOST Reason : Rotation module: mms_qpost() failed to post a message to rotation module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 228D3 E_ROT_IFC_RESPONSE1 Reason : Rotation module: rot_get_event() received an unknown response from rotation module control task. Meaning : Programming bug. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 228D4 E_ROT_IFC_VERSION Reason : Rotation module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of ROT-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 228D5 E_ROT_IFC_SEND Reason : Rotation module: Sending a message to rotation control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228D6 E_ROT_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_initialize() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228D7 E_ROT_IFC_TURN1INP_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_turn_mod1_to_inp() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228D8 E_ROT_IFC_TURN2INP_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_turn_mod2_to_inp() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

228D9 E_ROT_IFC_TURNMODS_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_turn_modules() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228DA E_ROT_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_set_testcurrents() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228DB E_ROT_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_call_function() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228E5 E_ROT_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_service() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228E6 E_ROT_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_sv_selftest() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228E7 E_ROT_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Rotation module: rot_sv_exit_service() failed, sending a message to rotation module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 228EE E_ROT_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Rotation module: rot_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 228F0 E_ROT_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Rotation module: mms_open failed in ROTTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration.

228F1 E_ROT_TST_SMQID Reason : Rotation module: sm_queueid returned with error in ROTTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 228F2 E_ROT_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Rotation module: Creation of my input queue failed in ROTTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 228F3 E_ROT_TST_ROT_ATTACH Reason : Rotation module: Attachment to Input buffer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ROT Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if rot.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 228F4 E_ROT_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Rotation module: mms_free failed in ROTTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 228F5 E_ROT_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Rotation module: Attachment to IOBUS CONTROL module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if rot.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22900 E_SSC_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Slowscan module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download SSC again - if nothing else helps. 22901 E_SSC_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Slowscan module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download SSC again - if nothing else helps. 22902 E_SSC_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Slowscan module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the SSC component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information.

22903 E_SSC_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Slowscan module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22904 E_SSC_SYNCING Reason : Slowscan module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22905 E_SSC_TASK1QPEND Reason : Slowscan module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22906 E_SSC_TASK2QPEND Reason : Slowscan module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22907 E_SSC_ALLOCCB Reason : Slowscan module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22908 E_SSC_LOADCONFIG Reason : Slowscan module : Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22909 E_SSC_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Slowscan module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between SSC's component interface library and SSC itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2290A E_SSC_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Slowscan module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 2290B E_SSC_GETQID Reason : Slowscan module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ...

2290C E_SSC_QCREATE Reason : Slowscan module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 2290D E_SSC_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Slowscan module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22910 E_SSC_INITSTT Reason : Slowscan module : init_ssc_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22911 E_SSC_NOTASKID Reason : Slowscan module : System cannot assign a taskID to the SSC task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22912 E_SSC_TASK1START Reason : Slowscan module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the SSC task 1. Cure : Starting the SSC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22913 E_SSC_TASK1SYNC Reason : Slowscan module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for SSC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22914 E_SSC_TASK2START Reason : Slowscan module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the SSC task 2. Cure : Starting the SSC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for details. 22915 E_SSC_TASK2SYNC Reason : Slowscan module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for SSC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22916 E_SSC_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC


Therefore no communication possible. : Check underlying error code for details.

22917 E_SSC_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22918 E_SSC_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22919 E_SSC_ATTACH_ICN_COP Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to Infocounter library failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ICN Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 2291A E_SSC_START_INITDRIVER Reason : Slowscan module : sscd_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of ssc drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22920 E_SSC_NODE_SCANROLL Reason : Slowscan module : IOBUS stepper node scanrolls drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22921 E_SSC_NODE_LSR Reason : Slowscan module : IOBUS stepper node lift scanrolls drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22922 E_SSC_NODE_PREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : IOBUS stepper node prealign drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22923 E_SSC_NODE_POSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : IOBUS stepper node postalign drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22925 E_SSC_COMM_SCANROLL Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22926 E_SSC_COMM_LSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22927 E_SSC_COMM_PREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22928 E_SSC_COMM_POSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2292A E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2292B E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2292C E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLSTART_SCAN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running for scan. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2292D E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLSTART_FEED Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running fast. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2292E E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLPOS_PREPSCAN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step posiitoning to 'prepare scan' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2292F E_SSC_DRV_SMSSRFASTOUT_INITL297 Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Initialize L297. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22930 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLSTART_FASTOUT Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running fast. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22931 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLL_READSTEPS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Read number of steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22932 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLL_WAITBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of scanrolls drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22933 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLL_TESTBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22934 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLL_TESTNODE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22935 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLSTART_RETRYOUT Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running retry shift IP out of scanner. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22938 E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22939 E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNHOME_STBY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2293A E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNPOS_ALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Step positioning to 'align' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2293B E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNPOS_ADJUST Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2293C E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGN_WAITBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of prealign drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 2293D E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGN_TESTBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Test if node is busy.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2293E E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGN_TESTNODE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2293F E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNPOS_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Step positioning to 'autoadjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22940 E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNRUN_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Start running homewards from 'autoadjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22941 E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGNSTOP_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Stop running homewards from 'autoadjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22942 E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALIGN_READSTEPS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Read number of steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22945 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22946 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRHOME_STBY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22947 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_PREUPBAROUT Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll open bar out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22948 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_PRECLOSE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll closed' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22949 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_POSTOPEN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'postroll open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2294A E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_POSTCLOSE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'postroll closed' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2294B E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_PREOPEN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll open' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2294C E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_ENDCYCLE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'end of cycle' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2294D E_SSC_DRV_SMLSR_WAITBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of lift scanrolls drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 2294E E_SSC_DRV_SMLSR_TESTBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2294F E_SSC_DRV_SMLSR_TESTNODE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22950 E_SSC_DRV_INITL297 Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node. Action: Initialize node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22951 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNPOS_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'autoadjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22952 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNRUN_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Start running homewards from 'autoadjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22953 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22954

E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNHOME_STBY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22955 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNPOS_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22956 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNPOS_ALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'align' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22957 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNPOS_ADJUST Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22958 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGN_WAITBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of postalign drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22959 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGN_TESTBUSY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 2295A E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGN_TESTNODE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 2295B E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGNSTOP_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Stop running homewards from 'autoadjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2295C E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALIGN_READSTEPS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Read number of steps from node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22960 E_SSC_AADJUST_FEED Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: start feed IP. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22961 E_SSC_AADJUST_STOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22962

E_SSC_AADJUST_WAITSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive scanrolls. Action: Wait while busy after stop command. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22963 E_SSC_AADJUST_LSRPREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22964 E_SSC_AADJUST_TOLSRPREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll down' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22965 E_SSC_AADJUST_PREPSCAN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare scan' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22966 E_SSC_AADJUST_TOPREPSCAN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare scan' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22967 E_SSC_AADJUST_HOMEPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22968 E_SSC_AADJUST_TOHOMEPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive prealign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22969 E_SSC_AADJUST_POSPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2296A E_SSC_AADJUST_TOPOSPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll up' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2296C E_SSC_A_HOMEPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2296D E_SSC_A_TOHOMEPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier.


- Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

2296E E_SSC_A_POSPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'align' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2296F E_SSC_A_TOPOSPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: Step positioning to any position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22970 E_SSC_ARUN_STARTSLOW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running slow. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22971 E_SSC_ARUN_STARTFAST Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running fast. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22972 E_SSC_ARUN_SPEED Reason : Slowscan module : Scan speed value from calling function out of range. Meaning : The desired scanspeed has a value, which is forbidden for the scanner. Cure : Check the parameters coming from other SW-components 22973 E_SSC_A_COMMPREAUTOADJ

Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Any action in auto-adjust function. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22974 E_SSC_A_TOPOSPREAUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive prealign. Action: Step positioning to auto-adjust position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22975 E_SSC_ANEWSPEED_STARTSLOW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running slow. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22976 E_SSC_ANEWSPEED_STARTFAST Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running fast. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22977 E_SSC_ANEWSPEED_STOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22978 E_SSC_ANEWSPEED_WAITSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive scanrolls. Action: Wait while busy after stop command. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable


: - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22979 E_SSC_ANEWSPEED_SPEED Reason : Slowscan module : Scan speed value from calling function out of range. Meaning : The desired scanspeed has a value, which is forbidden for the scanner. Cure : Check the parameters coming from other SW-components 2297A E_SSC_A_COMMPOSTAUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Any action in auto-adjust function. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2297B E_SSC_A_TOPOSPOSTAUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: Step positioning to auto-adjust position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2297C E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_COMPRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2297D E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_HOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2297E E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_TOHOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems.


- No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

2297F E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_LSRPREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'prerolldown' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22981 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_TOLSRPREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll down' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22982 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_STARTFAST Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running fast. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22983 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_SRSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22984 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_WAITSRSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive scanrolls. Action: Wait while busy after stop command. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy.


- Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22985 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_LSRFEED Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare feeding' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22986 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_TOLSRFEED Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22987 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_HOMEPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22988 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_TOHOMEPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive prealign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22989 E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_HOMEPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2298A E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_TOHOMEPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2298B E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_POSPOSTALIGN_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2298C E_SSC_AINITIALIZE_TOPOSPOSTALIGN_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2298D E_SSC_A_RUNRETRYOUT Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running for retry shift IP out of scanner. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2298E E_SSC_AFINSCAN_STOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2298F E_SSC_AFINSCAN_WAITSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive scanrolls. Action: Wait while busy after stop command. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22990 E_SSC_AFINSCAN_LSRENDCYCLE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'end of cycle' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22991 E_SSC_AFINSCAN_TOLSRENDCYCLE Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'end of cycle' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22994 E_SSC_AFINCYCLE_HOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22995 E_SSC_AFINCYCLE_TOHOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply.

- Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22996 E_SSC_AFINCYCLE_LSRFEED Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22997 E_SSC_AFINCYCLE_TOLSRFEED Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22998 E_SSC_AALIGNPOST_HOMEALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22999 E_SSC_AALIGNPOST_TOHOMEALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2299A E_SSC_AALIGNPOST_POSALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'align IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2299B E_SSC_AALIGNPOST_TOPOSALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'align IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2299C E_SSC_AALIGNPOST_POSALIGN_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2299D E_SSC_AALIGNPOST_TOPOSALIGN_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2299E E_SSC_APREPPOST_HOMEPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2299F E_SSC_APREPPOST_TOHOMEPOSTALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable.

- Check/replace stepper node. 229A0 E_SSC_APREPPOST_POSPOSTALIGN_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229A1 E_SSC_APREPPOST_TOPOSPOSTALIGN_PREP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive postalign. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229A3 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_POSTDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'postroll down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229A4 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_TOPOSTDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'postroll down' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229A5 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_POSTUP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'postroll up' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229A6 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_TOPOSTUP

Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'postroll up' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229A7 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_PREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229A8 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_TOPREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll down' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229A9 E_SSC_UPDATELSR_PREUP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll up' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229AA E_SSC_UPDATELSR_TOPREUP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'preroll up' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229AB E_SSC_A_HOMEPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

229AC E_SSC_A_TOHOMEPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive prealign. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 229AD E_SSC_A_POSPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Step positioning Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229AE E_SSC_A_TOPOSPREALIGN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive prealign. Action: Step positioning to any position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229B0 E_SSC_ASV_ROLLS_STARTSLOW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start slow Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229B1 E_SSC_ASV_ROLLS_STARTFAST Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start fast Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229B2 E_SSC_ASV_ROLLS_STOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Stop motor Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229B3 E_SSC_ASV_FIN_ROLLS_STOP Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: wait while busy for end of stop command. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229B4 E_SSC_ASV_LSR_HOME Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229B5 E_SSC_ASV_TOLSR_HOME Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 229B6 E_SSC_ASV_LSR_POS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Any Step positioning Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

229B7 E_SSC_ASV_TOLSR_POS Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to any position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 229B8 E_SSC_LOAD_COP_SPP_FILE Meaning : Slowscan module : Wrong spare part parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 229B9 E_SSC_LOAD_SPP_PREALNDIST Meaning : Slowscan module : Prealignment distance parameter missing. Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "Prealign_dist" parameter on floppy is OK. 229BA E_SSC_LOAD_SPP_SPEEDCORR Meaning : Slowscan module : Scanspeed correction factor parameter missing. Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "speed_correction" parameter on floppy is OK. 229C4 E_SSC_MSG_WSTATE_REF Reason : Slowscan module : An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Meaning : Cure : 229C5 E_SSC_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

229C6 E_SSC_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Slowscan module : Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

229C7 E_SSC_COMPRESET_SCANROLLRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229C8 E_SSC_COMPRESET_LSRRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229C9 E_SSC_COMPRESET_PREALIGNRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node prealign. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229CA E_SSC_COMPRESET_POSTALIGNRESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node postalign. Action: Node SW reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 229D0 E_SSC_IFC_SHARE Reason : Slowscan module : sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of slowscan module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 229D1 E_SSC_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Slowscan module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to slowscan module control task.

Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 229D2 E_SSC_IFC_QPOST Reason : Slowscan module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to slowscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 229D3 E_SSC_IFC_RESPONSE1 Reason : Slowscan module : ssc_get_event() received an unknown response from slowscan modul control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Meaning : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 229D4 E_SSC_IFC_SEND Reason : Slowscan module : Sending a message to from SSC interface to slowscan module control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 229D5 E_SSC_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Slowscan module : Sending a interface message from any service function to slowscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 229D6 E_SSC_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Slowscan module : ssc_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 229D7 E_SSC_INT_ALLOC Reason : Slowscan module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to slowscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 229D8 E_SSC_INT_QPOST Reason : Slowscan module : mms_qpost() failed when posting a message to slowscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 229D9

E_SSC_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Slowscan module : mms_open failed in SSCTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 229DA E_SSC_TST_SMQID Reason : Slowscan module : sm_queueid returned with error in SSCTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 229DB E_SSC_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Slowscan module : Creation of my input queue failed in SSCTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 229DC E_SSC_TST_SSC_ATTACH Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to Slowscan module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of SSC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ssc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 229DD E_SSC_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to IOBUS control (IOC) module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ssc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 229DE E_SSC_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Slowscan module : mms_free failed in SSCTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 229DF E_SSC_IFC_VERSION Reason : Slowscan module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of SSC-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 229E0 E_SSC_TST_SNSCAN_TYPE_2A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Scanrolls. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node scanrolls to 2A output current. 229E1 E_SSC_TST_SNSCAN_TYPE_4A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Scanrolls.

Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node scanrolls to 4A output current. 229E2 E_SSC_TST_SNLSR_TYPE_2A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Lift Scanrolls. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node lift scanrolls to 2A output current. 229E3 E_SSC_TST_SNLSR_TYPE_4A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Lift Scanrolls. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node lift scanrolls to 4A output current. 229E4 E_SSC_TST_SNPREALN_TYPE_2A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Prealignment . Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node prealignment to 2A output current. 229E5 E_SSC_TST_SNPREALN_TYPE_4A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Prealignment . Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node prealignment to 4A output current. 229E6 E_SSC_TST_SNPOSALN_TYPE_2A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Postalignment . Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node postalignment to 2A output current. 229E7 E_SSC_TST_SNPOSALN_TYPE_4A Reason : Slowscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Postalignment . Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node postalignment to 4A output current. 22A00 E_TPR_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPR again - if nothing else helps. 22A01 E_TPR_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPR again - if nothing else helps. 22A02 E_TPR_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the TPR component.


: Check underlying error message for detailed information.

22A04 E_TPR_SYNCING Reason : Transport prescan module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22A05 E_TPR_TASK1QPEND Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22A06 E_TPR_TASK2QPEND Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22A07 E_TPR_ALLOCCB Reason : Transport prescan module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22A08 E_TPR_LOADCONFIG Reason : Transport prescan module : Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22A09 E_TPR_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Transport prescan module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between TPR's component interface library and TPR itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22A0A E_TPR_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22A0B E_TPR_GETQID Reason : Transport prescan module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 22A0C E_TPR_QCREATE Reason : Transport prescan module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue.


: Check underlying error code for details.

22A0D E_TPR_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Transport prescan module : Transport prescan: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22A10 E_TPR_INITSTT Reason : Transport prescan module : init_tpr_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22A11 E_TPR_NOTASKID Reason : Transport prescan module : System cannot assign a taskID to the TPR task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22A12 E_TPR_TASK1START Reason : Transport prescan module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the TPR task 1. Cure : Starting the TPR task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22A13 E_TPR_TASK1SYNC Reason : Transport prescan module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for TPR to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22A14 E_TPR_TASK2START Reason : Transport prescan module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the TPR task 2. Cure : Starting the TPR task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for details. 22A15 E_TPR_TASK2SYNC Reason : Transport prescan module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for TPR to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22A16 E_TPR_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Transport prescan module : Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. Cure : Check underlying error code for details.

22A17 E_TPR_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Transport prescan module : Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22A18 E_TPR_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Transport prescan module : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22A1A E_TPR_START_INITDRIVER Reason : Transport prescan module : tprd_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of tpr drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22A1B E_TPR_SVISETRANS_MOVEUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Supervision of action 'move up the transport unit' stopped. Meaning : Any fatal error occurred with sled drive or suction drive in transport prescan unit, while controlling the action "move upwards to catch the Image Plate". Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22A1C E_TPR_SVISETRANS_MOVEDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Supervision of action 'move down the transport unit' stopped. Meaning : Any fatal error occurred with sled drive or suction drive in transport prescan unit, while controlling the action "move downwards to feed the Image Plate into the scanner". Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22A20 E_TPR_NODE_SLED Reason : Transport prescan module : IOBUS stepper node sled drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A21 E_TPR_NODE_SUCTION Reason : Transport prescan module : IOBUS stepper node suction arm drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22A22 E_TPR_COMM_SLED Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A23 E_TPR_COMM_SUCTION Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A25 E_TPR_DRV_INIT_SMSLEDTESTNODE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A26 E_TPR_DRV_INIT_SMSUCTIONTESTNODE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A27 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDRESET Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22A28 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_INIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A29 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_STBY Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A2A E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_PREP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A2B E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_CATCHIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A2C E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_MOVEDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'move down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22A2D E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_FEEDIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP into scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A2E E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_UPINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A2F E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A30 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDRUN_UPINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A31 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDRUN_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 22A32 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDSTOP_INIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Stop motor during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A33 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDSTOP_BREAK Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Stop motor with break command. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A34 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_WAITBUSY Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of sled drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22A35 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_TESTBUSY Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A36 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_TESTNODE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A37 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_PRTESTIP

Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A40 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONRESET Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Reset node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A41 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_STBY Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A42 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_INIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A43 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_PREPCATCH Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A44

E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_TAKEIPOUT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A45 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_GOWITHSLED Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any transport position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A46 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_SUCKIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'suck IP in cassette' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A47 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_REMOVESUCKIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'remove from suck position' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A48 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_FREEIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'fedd IP into scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22A49 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_UPINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any upwards position during initialisaiton. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A4A E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any downwards position during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A4B E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONRUN_UPINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A4C E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONRUN_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A4D E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONSTOP_INIT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Stop motor during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A4E E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONSTOP_BREAK Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Stop motor with break command during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A4F E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTION_WAITBUSY Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of suction arm drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22A50 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTION_TESTBUSY Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22A51 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTION_TESTNODE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22A52 E_TPR_DRV_CALC_SUCTIONFREQ Reason : Transport prescan module : Error returned from function tpr_calc_suction_freq(), calculating the run frequency for suction drive stepper motor. Meaning : to move desired number of steps in desired time, is not possible with this acceleration characteristic. Configuration data for transport steering curve is wrong. Cure : Change configuration data for transport steering curve. 22A53

E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_FEEDIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP into scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A54 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_PRTESTIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'test IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A55 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_TESTIP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'test IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A60 E_TPR_AMOVEUP_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A61 E_TPR_AMOVEUP_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?).

- check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22A62 E_TPR_AMOVEUP_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A63 E_TPR_AMOVEUP_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22A64 E_TPR_AMOVEUP_SLEDPOSUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to any upward position during IP transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A65 E_TPR_AMOVEUP_SUCTIONPOSCURVEUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to any upward position during IP transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A68 E_TPR_AMOVEDOWN_SLEDPOSDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to any downward position during IP transport.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A69 E_TPR_AMOVEDOWN_SUCTIONPOSCURVEDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any downward position during IP transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A6C E_TPR_AINCCATCHPOS_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'increment catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A6D E_TPR_AINCCATCHPOS_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'increment catch IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22A6E E_TPR_ADECCATCHPOS_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to ' adjust catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A6F E_TPR_ADECCATCHPOS_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node.


- Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22A71 E_TPR_ATAKEIPOUT_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Backward home positioning to take IP out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A72 E_TPR_ATAKEIPOUT_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22A74 E_TPR_AFREEIP_SUCTIONPOSFREE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'free IP at scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A75 E_TPR_AFREEIP_WAITSUCTIONPOSFREE Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to ' free IP at scanner' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22A77 E_TPR_AFINISH_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus

- Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A78 E_TPR_AFINISH_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22A7B E_TPR_AWAITSLEDBUSY_WAITSLED Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to any position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22A7D E_TPR_AWAITSUCTIONBUSY_WAITSUCTION Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Wait while busy Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22A7E E_TPR_ASTARTSLED_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to any position during transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A7F E_TPR_ASTARTSLED_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any position during transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus

- Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A80 E_TPR_ASTARTSUCTION_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any position during transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A82 E_TPR_ASTOPTRANSPORT_COMPRESET Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A85 E_TPR_AINITIALIZE_COMPRESET Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A86 E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A87 E_TPR_AINIT_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor.


- Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

22A88 E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDRUNUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A89 E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDRUNDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A8A E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDPOSUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A8B E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDPOSDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A8C E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDTO

Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout while waiting for end of movement of sled drive during initialisation. Meaning : - didn't reach any home-light barrier position in time OR - didn't reach any end-light barrier position in time OR - remains busy until timeout. Cure : - check/replace both light barriers + cables + stepper motor board 22A8D E_TPR_AINIT_SLEDSTOP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Stop motor during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A90 E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A91 E_TPR_AINIT_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22A92 E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONRUNUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A93

E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONRUNDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A94 E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONPOSUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A95 E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONPOSDOWN Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A96 E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONTO Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout while waiting for end of movement of suction arm drive during initialisation. Meaning : - didn't reach any home-light barrier position in time OR - didn't reach any end-light barrier position in time OR - remains busy until timeout. Cure : - check/replace both light barriers + cables + stepper motor board 22A97 E_TPR_AINIT_SUCTIONSTOP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Stop motor initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A98 E_TPR_AFEEDIP_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node

sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP into scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A99 E_TPR_AFEEDIP_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP to scanner' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22A9A E_TPR_AFEEDIP_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP into scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22A9B E_TPR_AFEEDIP_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'feed IP to scanner' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22AA0 E_TPR_ASV_COMPRESET Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22AA1 E_TPR_ASV_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22AA2 E_TPR_ASV_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22AA3 E_TPR_ASV_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22AA4 E_TPR_ASV_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22AA5 E_TPR_ASV_SUCTIONHOMEBACK Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22AA6 E_TPR_ASV_WAITSUCTIONHOMEBACK Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22AB0 E_TPR_COMPRESET_SLEDRESET Reason : Transport prescan module : Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of sled drive. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AB1 E_TPR_COMPRESET_SUCTIONRESET Reason : Transport prescan module :Error while performing stepper node UPI-reset of suction arm. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AB3 E_TPR_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPR again - if nothing else helps. 22AB4 E_TPR_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPR again - if nothing else helps. 22AB5 E_TPR_WNV_WRITE Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPR again - if nothing else helps. 22AB6 E_TPR_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data.


: Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPR again - if nothing else helps.

22ABF E_TPR_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : Transport prescan module: An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Transport prescan module : Cure : 22AC0 E_TPR_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Transport prescan module: Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

22AC1 E_TPR_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Transport prescan module: Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

22AC2 E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_CONNECT Reason : Transport prescan module: Node test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22AC3 E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_CONNECT Reason : Transport prescan module: Node test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22AC4 E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_POWER Reason : Transport prescan module: Power supply test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22AC5 E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_POWER Reason : Transport prescan module: Power supply test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective.


: - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply.

22AC6 E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_MOTOR Reason : Transport prescan module: Motor test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22AC7 E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_MOTOR Reason : Transport prescan module: Motor test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22AC8 E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_LB0 Reason : Transport prescan module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22AC9 E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_LB0 Reason : Transport prescan module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22ACA E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_LBX Reason : Transport prescan module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22ACB E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_LBX Reason : Transport prescan module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22ACC E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_TYPE_2A Reason : Transport prescan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Sled. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node sled to 2A output current. 22ACD E_TPR_TST_SNSLED_TYPE_4A Reason : Transport prescan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Sled. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node sled to 4A output current. 22ACE E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_TYPE_2A Reason : Transport prescan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Suction.

Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node suction to 2A output current. 22ACF E_TPR_TST_SNSUCK_TYPE_4A Reason : Transport prescan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Suction. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node suction to 4A output current. 22AD0 E_TPR_IFC_SHARE Reason : Transport prescan module : sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of transport prescan module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 22AD1 E_TPR_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to transport prescan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22AD2 E_TPR_IFC_QPOST Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to transport prescan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22AD3 E_TPR_IFC_RESPONSE1 Meaning : tpr_get_event() received an unknown response from transport prescan module control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Reason : Transport prescan module : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22AD4 E_TPR_IFC_VERSION Reason : Transport prescan module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of TPR-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 22AD5 E_TPR_IFC_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : sending a message to transport prescan module control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AD7

E_TPR_IFC_MOVEUP_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_move_up() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AD8 E_TPR_IFC_APPROACH_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_approach_ip() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AD9 E_TPR_IFC_PEELOFF_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_peeloff_ip() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22ADA E_TPR_IFC_IPDOWN_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_ip_down_to_scan() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22ADB E_TPR_IFC_FREEIP_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_free_ip() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22ADC E_TPR_IFC_FINCYCLE_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_finish_cycle() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22ADD E_TPR_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_initialize() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem.


: Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

22ADE E_TPR_IFC_REMIP_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_remove_from_ip() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22ADF E_TPR_IFC_SSP_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_store_suck_pos() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AE3 E_TPR_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_call_function() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AE4 E_TPR_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_set_testcurrents() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AE5 E_TPR_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : Sending a service message to transport prescan module control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AE6 E_TPR_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_sv_selftest() failed, sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AE7 E_TPR_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_sv_exit_service() failed,

sending a message to transport prescan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AE9 E_TPR_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Transport prescan module : tpr_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 22AEA E_TPR_INT_TERMINATE_MOVEUP_ALLOC Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to transport prescan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22AEB E_TPR_INT_TERMINATE_MOVEUP_QPOST Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to transport prescan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22AED E_TPR_INT_TERMINATE_MOVEDOWN_ALLOC Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to transport prescan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22AEE E_TPR_INT_TERMINATE_MOVEDOWN_QPOST Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to transport prescan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22AF0 E_TPR_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_open failed in TPRTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22AF1 E_TPR_TST_SMQID Reason : Transport prescan module : sm_queueid returned with error in TPRTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem.

22AF2 E_TPR_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Transport prescan module : Creation of my input queue failed in TPRTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22AF3 E_TPR_TST_TPR_ATTACH Reason : Transport prescan module : Attachment to TPR module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of TPR Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if tpr.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22AF4 E_TPR_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Transport prescan module : Attachment to IOC module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22AF5 E_TPR_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Transport prescan module : mms_free failed in TPRTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 22AF6 E_TPR_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Transport prescan module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22B00 E_TPO_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPO again - if nothing else helps. 22B01 E_TPO_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPO again - if nothing else helps. 22B02 E_TPO_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the TPO component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information.

22B03 E_TPO_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22B04 E_TPO_SYNCING Reason : Transport postscan module: Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22B05 E_TPO_TASK1QPEND Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22B06 E_TPO_TASK2QPEND Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22B07 E_TPO_ALLOCCB Reason : Transport postscan module: sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22B08 E_TPO_LOADCONFIG Reason : Transport postscan module: Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22B09 E_TPO_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Transport postscan module: sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between TPO's component interface library and TPO itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22B0A E_TPO_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22B0B E_TPO_GETQID Reason : Transport postscan module: sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ...

22B0C E_TPO_QCREATE Reason : Transport postscan module: Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22B0D E_TPO_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : Transport postscan module: Transport postscan: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22B10 E_TPO_INITSTT Reason : Transport postscan module: init_tpo_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22B11 E_TPO_NOTASKID Reason : Transport postscan module: System cannot assign a taskID to the TPO task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22B12 E_TPO_TASK1START Reason : Transport postscan module: lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the TPO task 1. Cure : Starting the TPO task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22B13 E_TPO_TASK1SYNC Reason : Transport postscan module: sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for TPO to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22B14 E_TPO_TASK2START Reason : Transport postscan module: lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the TPO task 2. Cure : Starting the TPO task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for details. 22B15 E_TPO_TASK2SYNC Reason : Transport postscan module: sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for TPO to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22B16 E_TPO_ATTACH_IOC

Reason : Transport postscan module: Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22B17 E_TPO_ATTACH_IOB Reason : Transport postscan module: Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22B18 E_TPO_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Transport postscan module: Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22B1A E_TPO_START_INITDRIVER Reason : Transport postscan module: tpod_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of tpo drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22B1B E_TPO_SVISE_TRANSPORT Reason : Transport postscan module: Supervision of any transport action stopped, because of execution error. Meaning : Any fatal error occurred with sled drive or suction drive in transport postscan unit, while controlling any transport action. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22B20 E_TPO_NODE_SLED Reason : Transport postscan module : IOBUS stepper node sled drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B21 E_TPO_NODE_SUCTION Reason : Transport postscan module : IOBUS stepper node suction arm drive not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B22 E_TPO_COMM_SLED Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B23 E_TPO_COMM_SUCTION Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B25 E_TPO_DRV_INIT_SMSLEDTESTNODE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B26 E_TPO_DRV_INIT_SMSUCTIONTESTNODE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B27 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B28 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_INIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B29 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_STBY Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B2A E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_PREP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B2B E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_PREPCATCHIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B2C E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_CATCHIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP at scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B2D E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_TRANSIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive.

Action: Step positioning to any position during IP transport. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B2E E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_DOWNSTBY Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B2F E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_STRIPOFF Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'srip off IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B30 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_TAKEIPOUT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B31 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_ADJRTN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'return IP for adjust' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B32 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_UPINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node

sled drive. Action: Step positioning upwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B33 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning downwards during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B34 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDRUN_UPINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running upwards for initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B35 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDRUN_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running downwards for initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B36 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDSTOP_INIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Stop motor running during initialisation procedure. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B37 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDSTOP_BREAK

Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Stop motor with break. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B38 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_WAITBUSY Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of sled drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22B39 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_TESTBUSY Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B3A E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_TESTNODE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B40 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Reset node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B41 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_STBY Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus

- Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B42 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_INIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B43 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_WAITIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'wait for IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B44 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_PREPCATCH Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare catch' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B45 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONHOME_TAKEIPOUT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning backwards to take IP out. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B46 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_GOWITHSLED Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning while IP transport.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B47 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_CATCHIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP at scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B48 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_SUCKIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'suck IP at scanner' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B49 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_STRIPOFF Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'strip off IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B4A E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_REMOVEIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'remove IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B4B E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_APPROACH_RTN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive.

Action: Step positioning to 'approach' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B4C E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_REMOVE_RTN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'remove after return IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B4D E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_TAKEIP_OUT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B4E E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_UPINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning up during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B4F E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning down during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B50 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONRUN_UPINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node

suction arm drive. Action: Start running upwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B51 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONRUN_DOWNINIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running downwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B52 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONSTOP_INIT Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B53 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTIONSTOP_BREAK Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Stop motor with break command. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B54 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTION_WAITBUSY Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of suction arm drive. Action: wait while busy. Meaning : Cure : 22B55 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTION_TESTBUSY Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Test if node is busy. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22B56 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCTION_TESTNODE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Test node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B57 E_TPO_DRV_CALC_SUCTIONFREQ Reason : Error returned from function tpo_calc_suction_freq(), calculating the run frequency for suction drive stepper motor. Meaning : to move desired number of steps in desired time, is not possible with this acceleration characteristic. Configuration data for transport steering curve is wrong. Cure : Change configuration data for transport steering curve. 22B60 E_TPO_APREPCATCHIP_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B61 E_TPO_APREPCATCHIP_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22B62 E_TPO_APREPCATCHIP_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare catch IP' position.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B63 E_TPO_APREPCATCHIP_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare catch IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B64 E_TPO_APREPCATCHIP_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B65 E_TPO_APREPCATCHIP_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare catch IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B66 E_TPO_ACATCHIP_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B67 E_TPO_ACATCHIP_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP at scanner' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node.

- Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B68 E_TPO_ACATCHIP_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B69 E_TPO_ACATCHIP_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP at scanner' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B6A E_TPO_ASTARTIPTRANSDOWN_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'transport IP down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B6B E_TPO_ASTARTIPTRANSDOWN_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'transport IP down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B6D E_TPO_ASTARTTOERASE_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start erase IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22B6E E_TPO_ASTARTTOERASE_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start erase IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B6F E_TPO_ASTARTERASE_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'IP erased' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B70 E_TPO_ASTARTERASE_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'IP erased' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B72 E_TPO_ASTARTDOWNERASE_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start down erase IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B73 E_TPO_ASTARTDOWNERASE_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start down erase IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 22B74 E_TPO_ASTARTINSERTIP_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start insert IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B75 E_TPO_ASTARTINSERTIP_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start insert IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B76 E_TPO_ASTRIPOFFIP_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'strip off IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B77 E_TPO_ASTRIPOFFIP_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'strip off IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B78 E_TPO_ASTRIPOFFIP_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'strip off IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22B79 E_TPO_ASTRIPOFFIP_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'strip off IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B7A E_TPO_ASTRIPOFFIP_SUCTIONREMOVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'remove arm after strip off IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B7B E_TPO_ASTRIPOFFIP_WAITSUCTIONREMOVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'remove arm after strip off IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B7C E_TPO_AMOVEDOWN_SLEDPOSDOWN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'move down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B7D E_TPO_AMOVEDOWN_SUCTIONPOSCURVEDOWN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'move down' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B7E E_TPO_AINCCATCHPOS_SUCTIONPOS

Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'increase catch IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B7F E_TPO_AINCCATCHPOS_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'catch IP at scanner' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B80 E_TPO_AAPPROACHRTN_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'approach return IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B81 E_TPO_AAPPROACHRTN_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'approach return IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B82 E_TPO_AREMOVERTN_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'remove arm after return IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B83 E_TPO_AREMOVERTN_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'remove arm after return IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy.


- Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22B84 E_TPO_AFINISHCYCLE_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B85 E_TPO_AFINISHCYCLE_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22B86 E_TPO_AFINISHCYCLE_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B87 E_TPO_AFINISHCYCLE_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

22B88 E_TPO_AFINISHCYCLE_SUCKPOSWAITIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'wait for IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B89 E_TPO_AFINISHCYCLE_WAITSUCKPOSWAITIP Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'wait for IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B8A E_TPO_AWAITSLEDBUSY_WAITSLED Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Wait while busy after sending command. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B8B E_TPO_AWAITSUCTIONBUSY_WAITSUCTION Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Wait while busy after sending command. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B8C E_TPO_ASTARTSLED_SLEDPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'any transport' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B8D

E_TPO_ASTARTSLED_SUCTIONPOSCURVE Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'any transport' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B8E E_TPO_ASTARTSUCTION_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'any transport' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B8F E_TPO_ASTOPTRANSPORT_COMPRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B90 E_TPO_ATAKEIPOUT_SUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B91 E_TPO_ATAKEIPOUT_WAITSUCTIONPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP out' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B92 E_TPO_ATAKEIPOUT_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node

sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B93 E_TPO_ATAKEIPOUT_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP out' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B94 E_TPO_ADOWNRTN_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust return IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B95 E_TPO_ADOWNRTN_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust return IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22B96 E_TPO_AUPRTN_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust return IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B97 E_TPO_AUPRTN_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'adjust return IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node.


- Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

22B98 E_TPO_AINITIALIZE_COMPRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B99 E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B9A E_TPO_AINIT_WAITSLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22B9B E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDRUNUP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running upwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B9C E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDRUNDOWN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start running downwards.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B9D E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDPOSUP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to any upwards position during initialisaiton. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B9E E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDPOSDOWN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to any downwards position during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22B9F E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDTO Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to any position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22BA0 E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDSTOP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Stop motor. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BA1 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive.

Action: Home positioning during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BA2 E_TPO_AINIT_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22BA3 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONRUNUP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running upwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BA4 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONRUNDOWN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Start running downwards. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BA5 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONPOSUP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any upwards position during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22BA6 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONPOSDOWN Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to any downwards position during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BA7 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONTO Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout while waiting for end of movement of suction arm drive during initialisation. Meaning : - didn't reach any home-light barrier position in time OR - didn't reach any end-light barrier position in time OR - remains busy until timeout. Cure : - check/replace both light barriers + cables + stepper motor board 22BA8 E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONSTOP Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Stop motor during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BA9 E_TPO_APREPFORIP_SUCKPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare for IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BAA E_TPO_APREPFORIP_WAITSUCKPOS Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare for IP' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 22BAB E_TPO_ASV_SUCKHOME

Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BAC E_TPO_ASV_TOSUCKHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22BAD E_TPO_ASV_SLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BAE E_TPO_ASV_TOSLEDHOME Reason : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 22BAF E_TPO_ASV_COMPRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with any stepper node. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

22BB0 E_TPO_COMPRESET_SLEDRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BB1 E_TPO_COMPRESET_SUCTIONRESET Reason : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Node reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 22BB3 E_TPO_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPO again - if nothing else helps. 22BB4 E_TPO_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPO again - if nothing else helps. 22BB5 E_TPO_WNV_WRITE Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPO again - if nothing else helps. 22BB6 E_TPO_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Transport postscan module: nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download TPO again - if nothing else helps.

22BB7 E_TPO_INT_ALLOC_MMS Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_alloc() failed for allocating a message header block for interfacing to transport postscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug or system is exhausted. Cure : No cure. 22BB8 E_TPO_INT_QPOST Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_qpost() failed to post a message to transport postscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug or system is exhausted. Cure : - check SW-configuration: if OK, no Cure. 22BBF E_TPO_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : Transport postscan module: An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : Transport postscan module: Cure : 22BC0 E_TPO_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Transport postscan module: Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

22BC1 E_TPO_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Transport postscan module: Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

22BC2 E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_CONNECT Reason : Transport postscan module: Node test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22BC3 E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_CONNECT Reason : Transport postscan module: Node test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22BC4 E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_POWER Reason : Transport postscan module: Power supply test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown.


- power supply defective. : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply.

22BC5 E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_POWER Reason : Transport postscan module: Power supply test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : No Power supply on stepper node detected. - power supply not connected. - fuse blown. - power supply defective. Cure : - check cables and connectors. - check/replace fuse. - check/replace power supply. 22BC6 E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_MOTOR Reason : Transport postscan module: Motor test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22BC7 E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_MOTOR Reason : Transport postscan module: Motor test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Motor not connected or defective. Cure : Connect motor or replace. 22BC8 E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_LB0 Reason : Transport postscan module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22BC9 E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_LB0 Reason : Transport postscan module: Home light barrier test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22BCA E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_LBX Reason : Transport postscan module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Sled failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22BCB E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_LBX Reason : Transport postscan module: X-pos light barrier test of stepper node Suction failed. Meaning : Light barrier not connected or defective. Cure : Connect light barrier or replace. 22BCC E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_TYPE_2A

Reason : Transport postscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Sled. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node sled to 2A output current. 22BCD E_TPO_TST_SNSLED_TYPE_4A Reason : Transport postscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Sled. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node sled to 4A output current. 22BCE E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_TYPE_2A Reason : Transport postscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Suction. Meaning : 2A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node suction to 2A output current. 22BCF E_TPO_TST_SNSUCK_TYPE_4A Reason : Transport postscan module: Wrong type(2A/4A) of stepper node Suction. Meaning : 4A type expected. Cure : Change jumper on stepper node suction to 4A output current. 22BD0 E_TPO_IFC_SHARE Reason : Transport postscan module: sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of transport postscan module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 22BD1 E_TPO_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to transport postscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22BD2 E_TPO_IFC_QPOST Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_qpost() failed to post a message to transport postscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22BD3 E_TPO_IFC_RESPONSE1 Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_get_event() received an unknown response from transport postscan module control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Meaning : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22BD4

E_TPO_IFC_PREPFORIP_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_prep_for_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BD5 E_TPO_IFC_PREPCATCHIP_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_prep_catch_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BD6 E_TPO_IFC_CATCHIP_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_catch_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BD7 E_TPO_IFC_APPROACH_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_approach_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BD8 E_TPO_IFC_MOVETOERASE_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_move_to_erase() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BD9 E_TPO_IFC_MOVEERASEIP_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_move_erase_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BDA E_TPO_IFC_MOVETOINSERTIP_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_insert_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BDB E_TPO_IFC_STRIPOFFIP_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_strip_off_ip() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task.

This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BDC E_TPO_IFC_MOVEDOWN_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_move_down() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BDD E_TPO_IFC_TAKEIPOUT_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_take_ip_out() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BDE E_TPO_IFC_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: sending a message to transport postscan module control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BDF E_TPO_IFC_IPDOWN_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_transport_ip_down() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE0 E_TPO_IFC_FINCYCLE_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_finish_cycle() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE1 E_TPO_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_initialize() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE2 E_TPO_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_call_function() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration.

22BE3 E_TPO_IFC_APPROACHRTN_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_approach_rtnpos() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE4 E_TPO_IFC_REMOVERTN_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_remove_rtnpos() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE5 E_TPO_IFC_STORERTNPOS_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_store_ip_rtnpos() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE6 E_TPO_IFC_DNSLEDRTN_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_down_sledrtnpos() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE7 E_TPO_IFC_UPSLEDRTN_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_up_sledrtnpos() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE8 E_TPO_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_set_testcurrents() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BE9 E_TPO_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_service() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BEA E_TPO_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_sv_selftest() failed,

sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BEB E_TPO_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_sv_exit_service() failed, sending a message to transport postscan module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. 22BEC E_TPO_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Transport postscan module: tpo_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 22BED E_TPO_INT_TERMINATE_TRANSPORT_ALLOC Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_alloc() failed for allocating a message header block for interfacing to transport postscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22BEE E_TPO_INT_TERMINATE_TRANSPORT_QPOST Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_qpost() failed to post a message to transport postscan module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22BEF E_TPO_IFC_VERSION Reason : Transport postscan module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of TPO-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 22BF0 E_TPO_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_open failed in TPOTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22BF1 E_TPO_TST_SMQID Reason : Transport postscan module: sm_queueid returned with error in TPOTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 22BF2 E_TPO_TST_MMSQCREATE

Reason : Transport postscan module: Creation of my input queue failed in TPOTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22BF3 E_TPO_TST_TPO_ATTACH Reason : Transport postscan module: Attachment to TPO module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of TPO Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if tpo.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22BF4 E_TPO_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Transport postscan module: Attachment to IOC module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22BF5 E_TPO_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Transport postscan module: mms_free failed in TPOTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 22C00 E_IOC_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IOC again - if nothing else helps. 22C01 E_IOC_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IOC again - if nothing else helps. 22C02 E_IOC_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the IOC component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22C03 E_IOC_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22C04 E_IOC_SYNCING

Reason : IOBUS control module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22C05 E_IOC_TASK1QPEND Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22C06 E_IOC_TASK2QPEND Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22C07 E_IOC_ALLOCCB Reason : IOBUS control module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22C08 E_IOC_LOADCONFIG Reason : IOBUS control module : Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22C09 E_IOC_ALLOCSHARED Reason : IOBUS control module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between IOC's component interface library and IOC itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22C0A E_IOC_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22C0B E_IOC_GETQID Reason : IOBUS control module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ... 22C0C E_IOC_QCREATE Reason : IOBUS control module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22C0D E_IOC_MMSALLOC_CTL Reason : IOBUS control module : IOBUS control: mms_alloc() failed by

allocating a message control block for internal use. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22C10 E_IOC_INITSTT Reason : IOBUS control module : init_ioc_stt() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22C11 E_IOC_NOTASKID Reason : IOBUS control module : System cannot assign a taskID to the IOC task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22C12 E_IOC_TASK1START Reason : IOBUS control module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the IOC task 1. Cure : Starting the IOC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22C13 E_IOC_TASK1SYNC Reason : IOBUS control module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for IOC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22C14 E_IOC_TASK2START Reason : IOBUS control module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the IOC task 2. Cure : Starting the IOC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for details. 22C15 E_IOC_TASK2SYNC Reason : IOBUS control module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for IOC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22C16 E_IOC_TASK3START Reason : IOBUS control module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the IOC task 3(sensor control). Cure : Starting the IOC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for details. 22C17 E_IOC_TASK3SYNC Reason : IOBUS control module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for IOC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details.

22C1A E_IOC_START_INITDRIVER Reason : IOBUS control module : iocd_init() failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during initialisations of ioc drivers. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22C1B E_IOC_START_COMPRESET Reason : IOBUS control module : Function ioc_comp_reset() reported an error with an IOBUS node while performing node resets during startup. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node For more detailed information see underlying error. 22C1C E_IOC_ATTACH_SMH_LIB Reason : IOBUS control module : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of SMH Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22C1D E_IOC_ATTACH_ICN Reason : IOBUS control module : Attachment to ICN (Infocounter) module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ICN Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22C20 E_IOC_NODE_DRIVER Reason : IOBUS control module : IO-Bus driver node not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22C21 E_IOC_NODE_FOUR_TRIAC Reason : IOBUS control module : IO-Bus four way triac node not recognized. Meaning : - Wrong address coding - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected - Node defective Cure : - Check address coding - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 22C22

E_IOC_TST_NDRIVER_CONNECT Reason : IOBUS control module: Node test of driver node failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22C23 E_IOC_TST_N4TRIAC_CONNECT Reason : IOBUS control module: Node test of four triac node failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 22C90 E_IOC_ASEX_COMPRESET Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_compreset () reported an error. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CA0 E_IOC_COMPRESET_DRIVERRESET Reason : IOBUS control module : Error while performing reset of drive node. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CA1 E_IOC_COMPRESET_FOURTRIACRESET Reason : IOBUS control module : Error while performing reset of four times triac node. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CA3 E_IOC_WNV_SACC1 Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IOC again - if nothing else helps. 22CA4 E_IOC_WNV_SACC2 Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IOC again - if nothing else helps. 22CA5 E_IOC_WNV_WRITE Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IOC again - if nothing else helps. 22CA6 E_IOC_WNV_UACC1

Reason : IOBUS control module : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download IOC again - if nothing else helps. 22CAA E_IOC_MSG_WSTATE_REF Meaning : IOBUS control module : An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : IOBUS control module : Cure : 22CAB E_IOC_MSG_SERVICE_IN_USE Meaning : IOBUS control module : An event arrived for a service which is occupied by another user. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : IOBUS control module : Cure : 22CAC E_IOC_MSG_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Meaning : IOBUS control module : An event arrived for a service which is not available. The software refused the message and sent it back. Reason : IOBUS control module : Cure : 22CB0 E_IOC_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : IOBUS control module : Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

22CB1 E_IOC_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : IOBUS control module : Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

22CC0 E_IOC_IFC_SHARE Reason : IOBUS control module : sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of IOBUS control module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 22CC1 E_IOC_IFC_VERSION Reason : IOBUS control module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of IOC-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem.


: - contact SI-DIS.

22CC2 E_IOC_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to IOBUS control module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22CC3 E_IOC_IFC_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to IOBUS control module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CC4 E_IOC_IFC_RESPONSE1 Meaning : IOBUS control module : ioc_get_event() received an unknown response from control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Reason : IOBUS control module : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22CC5 E_IOC_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_initialize() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CC6 E_IOC_IFC_VACREQ_VAC_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_vacuumrequest_getvac() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CC7 E_IOC_IFC_VACREQ_AIR_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_vacuumrequest_getair() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CC8 E_IOC_IFC_VACREL_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_vacuum_release() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

22CC9 E_IOC_IFC_SENS_REQ_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_sensor_request_q() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CCA E_IOC_IFC_RMV_SENS_REQ_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_remove_sensor_request_q() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CCB E_IOC_IFC_SWITCH_GP_ON_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_switch_galvopower_unit_on() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CCC E_IOC_IFC_SWITCH_GP_OFF_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_switch_galvopower_unit_off() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CCD E_IOC_IFC_SWITCH_EU_ON_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_switch_erasure_unit_on() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CCE E_IOC_IFC_SWITCH_EU_OFF_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_switch_erasure_unit_off() failed, sending a message control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CCF E_IOC_IFC_SWITCH_EU_FAN_ON_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_switch_erasure_unit_fan_on() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD0 E_IOC_IFC_GET_EULAMP_COND_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_get_eu_lamps_condition() failed,

sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD1 E_IOC_IFC_GET_EUFAN_COND_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_get_eu_fan_condition() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD2 E_IOC_IFC_GET_EUTEMPSWITCH_COND_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_get_eu_tempswitch_condition() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD3 E_IOC_IFC_FCT_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_call_function() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD5 E_IOC_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : Sending any service message to task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD6 E_IOC_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_sv_selftest() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD7 E_IOC_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_sv_exit_service() failed, sending a message to control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CD8 E_IOC_IFC_SEND Reason : IOBUS control module : Sending a message to IOBUS control module control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration.

For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CDA E_IOC_INT_SEND_GETVAC_STATUS_ALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22CDB E_IOC_INT_SEND_GETVAC_STATUS_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CDC E_IOC_INT_SEND_GETAIR_STATUS_ALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22CDD E_IOC_INT_SEND_GETAIR_STATUS_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CDE E_IOC_INT_SEND_SENSOR_RESPONSE_ALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22CDF E_IOC_INT_SEND_SENSOR_RESPONSE_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CE0 E_IOC_INT_EU_LAMPS_TO_ALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug


: Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS.

22CE1 E_IOC_INT_EU_LAMPS_TO_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CE2 E_IOC_INT_EU_FAN_TO_ALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22CE3 E_IOC_INT_EU_FAN_TO_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CE4 E_IOC_INT_SEND_VAC_RSP_ALLOC Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22CE5 E_IOC_INT_SEND_VAC_RSP_QPOST Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22CE9 E_IOC_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : IOBUS control module : ioc_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 22CF0 E_IOC_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_open failed in IOCTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22CF1 E_IOC_TST_SMQID

Reason : IOBUS control module : sm_queueid returned with error in IOCTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 22CF2 E_IOC_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : IOBUS control module : Creation of my input queue failed in IOCTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22CF3 E_IOC_TST_IOC_ATTACH Reason : IOBUS control module : Attachment to Input buffer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22CF4 E_IOC_TST_IOB_ATTACH Reason : IOBUS control module : Attachment to IOBUS library failed. Meaning : Its not possible to initialize IOBUS functions to right driver hardware. No IOBUS access possible. Cure : Check if any IOBUS controller board is connected (i.g. BEN board). 22CF5 E_IOC_TST_MMSFREE Reason : IOBUS control module : mms_free failed in IOCTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 22D00 E_HDC_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Handling control module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22D01 E_HDC_CFG_ACC_MODE Reason : Handling control module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22D02 E_HDC_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Handling control module : nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the HDC component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information.

22D03 E_HDC_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Handling control module : nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 22D04 E_HDC_SYNCING Reason : Handling control module : Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that this component has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. 22D05 E_HDC_TASK1QPEND Reason : Handling control module : mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22D06 E_HDC_TASK2QACCEPT Reason : Handling control module : mms_qaccept() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 22D07 E_HDC_ALLOCCB Reason : Handling control module : sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 22D08 E_HDC_LOADCONFIG Reason : Handling control module : Cannot load this component's configuration data. Meaning : Ther is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 22D09 E_HDC_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Handling control module : sm_share() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot declare shared memory for data exchange between HDC's component interface library and HDC itself. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 22D0A E_HDC_INIT_MMSOPEN Reason : Handling control module : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22D0B E_HDC_GETQID Reason : Handling control module : sm_queueid returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. Could it be that there are too many tasks running (zombie processes, ....). A 'mon res' should solve the problem. It is not the way it's supposed to be, but ...

22D0C E_HDC_QCREATE Reason : Handling control module : Creation of my input queue failed. Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D0D E_HDC_LOADPROG Reason : Handling control module : sm_loadprog returned with error. Meaning : System is not able to load a .PRG file into Ram Cure : Probably too less memory for loading program. Check underlying error code for details. 22D0E E_HDC_STARTPROG Reason : Handling control module : Error while trying to start a program in memory. Meaning : Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D0F E_HDC_STARTCMPS Reason : Handling control module : Startup of handling components failed. Meaning : Any error occurred during program loading into memory sm_loadprog() or start of the programm. This is a system error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D10 E_HDC_INIT_ST_TABLES Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_st_tables() failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize any of my state-transition-tables. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D11 E_HDC_INIT_STT_CTL Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_stt_ctl_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D12 E_HDC_INIT_STT_INP Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_stt_inp_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my input control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D13 E_HDC_INIT_STT_OUP Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_stt_oup_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my output control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D14 E_HDC_INIT_STT_TDN Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_stt_tdn_ () failed.

Meaning : Cannot initialize my transport down control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D15 E_HDC_INIT_STT_TUP Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_stt_tup_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my transport upwards control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D16 E_HDC_INIT_STT_SCA Reason : Handling control module : init_hdc_stt_sca_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my scan control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 22D17 E_HDC_NOTASKID Reason : Handling control module : System cannot assign a taskID to the HDC task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 22D18 E_HDC_TASK1START Reason : Handling control module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the HDC task 1. Cure : Starting the HDC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22D19 E_HDC_TASK1SYNC Reason : Handling control module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for HDC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22D1A E_HDC_TASK2START Reason : Handling control module : lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the HDC task 2. Cure : Starting the HDC task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for detauils. 22D1B E_HDC_TASK2SYNC Reason : Handling control module : sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for HDC to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 22D1C E_HDC_START_HANDLING Reason : Handling control module : Trying to start handling control failed. Meaning : sending an internal command to control state transition was


not successful. : Check underlying error for details.

22D20 E_HDC_ATTACH_IOC Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to IOBUS Controller module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IOC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D21 E_HDC_ATTACH_IBF Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Input buffer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of IBF Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D22 E_HDC_ATTACH_OBF Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Output buffer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of OBF Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D23 E_HDC_ATTACH_CAM1 Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Cassette module 1 interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of Cassette Module 1. Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D24 E_HDC_ATTACH_CAM2 Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Cassette module 2 interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of Cassette Module 2. Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D25 E_HDC_ATTACH_ROT Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Cassette modules rotation interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of Rotation Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D26 E_HDC_ATTACH_TPR

Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Transport prescan module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of TPR Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D27 E_HDC_ATTACH_TPO Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Transport postscan module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of TPO Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D28 E_HDC_ATTACH_SSC Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Slowscan module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of SSC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D29 E_HDC_ATTACH_SCN Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Scanning module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of SCN Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D2A E_HDC_ATTACH_BAC Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Buffer Aquisition module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of BAC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D2B E_HDC_ATTACH_MIF Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Mifare cardreader module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of MIF Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D2C E_HDC_ATTACH_COC Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Copra control module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of COC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error.


: Check underlying error code for details.

22D2D E_HDC_ATTACH_UIF Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to User Interface module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of UIF Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D2E E_HDC_ATTACH_ICN Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Infocounter module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ICN Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D2F E_HDC_ATTACH_TO_CMPS Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to any Copra SW module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of this component. Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D30 E_HDC_INIT_CAS Reason : Handling control module : Initialisation of CAS (Cassette data control) component failed. Meaning : Software initialisation fault. This is a fatal error. Cure : New Software necessary. 22D40 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_EMPTY_CASS Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for output to output buffer. Meaning : User fault Input of cassette without IP in input buffer. Cure : Put IP into cassette. 22D42 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_WRONG_CASS Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for wrong or wrong positioned cassette in input buffer. Meaning : User fault Input of cassette in input buffer. Cure : Remove cassette and put into buffer with correct orientation. 22D43 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_IDENTIFICATION Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for identification error of cassette to input. Meaning : User fault of cassette identification. Cure : Remove cassette and do identification. 22D44

E_HDC_UIF_ASK_NOT_IDENTIFIED Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for not identified cassette in input. Meaning : User fault of cassette identification. Cure : Remove cassette and do identification. 22D45 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_READ_WRITE Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for cassette read/write error in input buffer. Meaning : Reading or writing of RF-tag in cassette failed. Cure : No cure. 22D46 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_CASS_WRITE Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for cassette data tag write error. Meaning : Reading or writing of RF-tag in cassette failed. Cure : No cure. 22D47 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_UNKNOWN_DEST Reason : Handling control module : Unknown Destination. Meaning : The destination is unknown in this Configuration (CPF) Cluster. Cassette is wrong initialized or fault in CPF-File. Cure : Check your configuration (destination on cassette data and CPF-File). 22D48 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_INPSLOT_BLOCKED Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for input slot blocked in input buffer. Meaning : A cassette stays in the input slot and it is not possible to close the door. Cure : Remove cassette from slot. 22D49 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_UNKNOWN_PTYPE Reason : Handling control module : Unknown Plate type. Meaning : The plate type is unknown in this Configuration (CPF) Cluster. Cassette is wrong initialized or fault in CPF-File. Cure : Check your configuration (plate type on cassette data and CPF-File). 22D4A E_HDC_UIF_TEXT_OBF_FULL Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for output buffer full. Meaning : It is not possible to transport a cassette into the output buffer, because the buffer is full. Cure : Remove cassettes from output buffer. 22D4B E_HDC_UIF_ASK_OUTPUT_JAM Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for cassette output jam to output buffer. Meaning : It is not possible to transport a cassette into the output buffer, because the buffer is full. Cure : Remove cassettes from output buffer. 22D4E

E_HDC_UIF_ASK_ALL_LAMPS_BLOWN Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for all erasure lamps blown. Meaning : All erasure lamps blown, Cure : Replace all erasure lamps. 22D4F E_HDC_UIF_ASK_LOW_LAMP_BLOWN Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for one erasure lamp blown. Meaning : Lower erasure lamp blown, Cure : Replace erasure lamp. 22D50 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_UPLEFT_LAMP_BLOWN Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for one erasure lamp blown. Meaning : Upper left erasure lamp blown, Cure : Replace erasure lamp. 22D51 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_UPRIGHT_LAMP_BLOWN Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for one erasure lamp blown. Meaning : Upper right erasure lamp blown, Cure : Replace erasure lamp. 22D53 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_ERASE_IDENTIFIED_CASS Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for User decision: Erase IP of identified cassette. Meaning : Input of identified cassette in erasure mode. Cure : User keypad input. 22D54 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_ERASE_CALIBRATION Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for User decision: Erase IP of cassette initialized for calibration. Meaning : Input of cassette initialized for calibration in erasure mode. Cure : User keypad input. 22D55 E_HDC_UIF_TEXT_COOLING_DELAY Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text: COOLING DELAY -- please wait. Meaning : Cooling down of erasure unit. Cure : Wait. 22D56 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_ALL_LAMPS_BLOWN_SU Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for all erasure lamps blown. Meaning : All erasure lamps blown, Cure : Replace all erasure lamps. 22D57

E_HDC_UIF_ASK_LOW_LAMP_BLOWN_SU Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for one erasure lamp blown. Meaning : Lower erasure lamp blown, Cure : Replace erasure lamp. 22D58 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_UPLEFT_LAMP_BLOWN_SU Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for one erasure lamp blown. Meaning : Upper left erasure lamp blown, Cure : Replace erasure lamp. 22D59 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_UPRIGHT_LAMP_BLOWN_SU Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface text for one erasure lamp blown. Meaning : Upper right erasure lamp blown, Cure : Replace erasure lamp. 22D5A E_HDC_UIF_ASK_CASS_BROB_NO_IP Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for cassette for output probably with no IP. Meaning : It is not sure, that cassette ready for output during initialisation has an IP inside. Cure : Check cassette for IP, if no IP inside open Digitizer and look for lost IP. 22D5B E_HDC_UIF_ASK_IP_PARTLY_SCANNED Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for output cassette with just partly scanned IP. Meaning : Scanning was interrupted i.e. because of powerfail. Cure : No cure. 22D60 E_HDC_OUTPUT_JAM Reason : Handling control module : Cassette jam ocurred during output into output buffer. Meaning : Any mechanical disadjustment. Cure : Remove cassette and control all mechanics responsible for cassette output movement. Check underlying error code for details. 22D61 E_HDC_TUP_VAC_JAM Reason : Handling control module : IP jam at scanner output, got no vacuum. Meaning : - Any mechanical disadjustment. - Alignment of IP was not ok because of wrong initialized cassette (wrong cassette format) Cure : - Remove cassette and IP and control all mechanics responsible for IP handling at scanner unit. - Check initialisation data of used cassette. 22D62 E_HDC_INPUT_JAM Reason : Handling control module : Cassette jam occurred during input into cassette input unit.

Meaning : Any mechanical disadjustment. Cure : Remove cassette and control all mechanics responsible for cassette input movement. Check underlying error code for details. 22D63 E_HDC_CAM_INPUT_CLMP_JAM Reason : Handling control module : Cassette jam occurred in cassette input unit, while clamping cassette. Meaning : Any mechanical disadjustment. Cure : Remove cassette and control all mechanics responsible for cassette lift down and clamping. Check underlying error code for details. 22D64 E_HDC_CAM_INPUT_OPEN_JAM Reason : Handling control module : Cassette jam occurred in cassette input unit, while opening cassette. Meaning : Any mechanical disadjustment. Cure : Remove cassette and control all mechanics responsible for cassette opening. Check underlying error code for details. 22D65 E_HDC_EUFAN_DEF Reason : Handling control module : Erasure unit fan detected defective. Meaning : - Temperatur safety switch at erasure unit is open. - Fan is not connected - Fan is real defective Cure : Check: - Temperatur safety switch at erasure unit. - all cable connectors to fan. - Fan itself. 22D66 E_HDC_IP_WITHOUT_CASSETTE Reason : Handling control module : Image plate was detected during selftest, but no cassette for it. Meaning : Cassette was removed by hand, but not the Image plate. Cure : Remove Image plate. 22D67 E_HDC_TDN_IP_LOST_JAM Reason : Handling control module : IP jam at prescan transport down unit, lost IP during transport. Meaning : Any problem with vacuum unit. Any mechanical collision during transport. Cure : - Remove cassette and IP - control vacuum unit for proper functionality. - control all mechanics responsible for IP transport down to scanner. Check underlying error code for details. 22D68 E_HDC_TUP_IP_LOST_JAM Reason : Handling control module : IP jam at postscan transport up unit, lost IP during transport. Meaning : Any problem with vacuum unit. Any mechanical collision during transport.


: - Remove cassette and IP - control vacuum unit for proper functionality. - control all mechanics responsible for IP transport up to cassette unit. Check underlying error code for details.

22D69 E_HDC_CAM_OUTPUT_OPEN_JAM Reason : Handling control module : Cassette jam occurred in cassette output unit, while opening cassette. Meaning : Any mechanical disadjustment. Cure : Remove cassette and control all mechanics responsible for cassette opening. Check underlying error code for details. 22D6A E_HDC_TO_SCAN_INIT Reason : Handling control module : TIMEOUT Scanning IP during initialisation. - IP jam, if IP is in scanner. - IP was wrongly detected with vacuum at prescan robot. Meaning : - Any mechanical disadjustment if IP jam occurred. - Any vacuum problem if no IP is in scanner or at prescan. Cure : - Remove IP and control all mechanics responsible for IP transport through scanner, if reason is IP jam. - test functionality of vacuum unit. Vacuum is detected although no IP is at suction cups. 22D70 E_HDC_AINIT_IBF Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to input buffer component failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to input buffer component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D71 E_HDC_AINIT_OBF Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to output buffer component failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to output buffer component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D72 E_HDC_AINIT_CAM1 Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to cassette module 1 component, failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to cassette module component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D73 E_HDC_AINIT_CAM2 Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to cassette module 1 component, failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to cassette module component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D74 E_HDC_AINIT_ROT Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to rotation component failed.

Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to rotation component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D75 E_HDC_AINIT_TPR Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to transport prescan component failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to transport prescan component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D76 E_HDC_AINIT_TPO Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to transport postscan component failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to transport postscan component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D77 E_HDC_AINIT_SSC Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to slowscan component failed. Reason : Handling control module : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to slowscan component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D78 E_HDC_AINIT_SCN Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'initialize' to scanning component failed. Reason : Handling control module : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to slowscan component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D79 E_HDC_A_CTL_TURN_CAMS Reason : Handling control module : Sending command 'turn modules' to rotation component failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to ROT component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D7A E_HDC_AINIT_IOC Reason : Handling control module : Starting Initialisation procedure failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to slowscan component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D7B E_HDC_AINIT_MIF Reason : Handling control module : Starting Initialisation procedure failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to slowscan component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D93 E_HDC_A_CTL Reason : Handling control module : Control command function execution failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details.

22D94 E_HDC_A_INP Reason : Handling control module : Control command function execution failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D95 E_HDC_A_OUP Reason : Handling control module : Control command function execution failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D96 E_HDC_A_SCA Reason : Handling control module : Control command function execution failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D97 E_HDC_A_TDN Reason : Handling control module : Control command function execution failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D98 E_HDC_A_TUP Reason : Handling control module : Control command function execution failed. Meaning : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22D9F E_HDC_AACCESS_DATA Reason : Handling control module : hdc_a_access_data received a request to access unknown data. Meaning : Programming error. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22DA0 E_HDC_FN_UNKNOWN Reason : Handling control module : Attempt to call unknown Service function. Meaning : Attempt from interface to call a service funcitonality, which is not implemented Cure : Software bug, or wrong interface call.

22DA1 E_HDC_FN_NO_NVF_ACCESS Reason : Handling control module : Attempt to access NVF-data failed. Meaning : Attempt to access to NVF data which is not allowed from interface. Cure : No cure.

22DB3 E_HDC_WNV_SACC1 Reason : Handling control module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data file. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen!

Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22DB4 E_HDC_WNV_SACC2 Reason : Handling control module : nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set accessmode for configuration data variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22DB5 E_HDC_WNV_WRITE Reason : Handling control module : nvf_write_values() failed. Meaning : Cannot write a value to configuration data(NVF). Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22DB6 E_HDC_WNV_UACC1 Reason : Handling control module : nvf_unset_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot unset accessmode for configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22DB7 E_HDC_WNVF_C Reason : Handling control module : Write to NVF Configuration failed. Meaning : Cannot write configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download HDC again - if nothing else helps. 22DBF E_HDC_MSG_WSTATE_REF Reason : Handling control module : An event arrived in a state, where it cannot be handled. The software refused the message and sent it back. Meaning : Software bug, if code is displayed on LCD Terminal. No problem, if code only appears in LogFile and digitizer continues working. Cure : 22DD0 E_HDC_IFC_SHARE Reason : Handling control module : sm_share() failed to get a shared memory of handling control module task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error. - contact SI-DIS 22DD1 E_HDC_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : Handling control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for interfacing to IOBUS control module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS.

22DD2 E_HDC_IFC_QPOST Reason : Handling control module : mms_qpost() failed to post a message to handling control module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22DD3 E_HDC_IFC_RESPONSE1 Reason : Handling control module : hdc_get_event() received an unknown response from handling control task. It couldn't map the response into an event and ignored it. Meaning : Programming bug. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22DD4 E_HDC_IFC_SEND Reason : Handling control module : sending a message to handling control task failed. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DD5 E_HDC_IFC_INI_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_initialize() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DD6 E_HDC_IFC_ACD_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_access_data() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DD7 E_HDC_IFC_GET_DATA1 Meaning : hdc_get_accessed_data received response error. Reason : Handling control module : The accessed task could not obtain the requested data. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22DD8 E_HDC_IFC_GET_DATA2 Meaning : hdc_get_accessed_data received unknown Data. Reason : Handling control module : Programming error. Cure : No cure. Contact SI-DIS. 22DDA E_HDC_IFC_REDOADJ_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_redo_adjust() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error.

Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DDB E_HDC_IFC_INCADJ_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_inc_adjust() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DDC E_HDC_IFC_DECADJ_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_dec_adjust() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DDD E_HDC_IFC_FINADJ_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_fin_adjust() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DDE E_HDC_IFC_REQ_OPM_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_request_change_opm() or hdc_request_test_cycle() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DDF E_HDC_IFC_REM_OPM_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_remove_change_opm() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DE0 E_HDC_IFC_SET_TESTCYCLE_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_set_test_cycle() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DE1 E_HDC_IFC_SET_TESTCURR_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_set_testcurrents() or hdc_set_testcurrents() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem.


: Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error.

22DE2 E_HDC_IFC_SV_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_service() failed, sending a message to handling control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DE3 E_HDC_IFC_SST_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_sv_selftest() failed, sending a message to handling control module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DE4 E_HDC_IFC_SEX_SEND Reason : Handling control module : hdc_sv_exit_service() failed, sending a message to handling control module control task. This is a fatal error. Meaning : Any memory or configuration problem. Cure : Check software configuration. For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DE5 E_HDC_INT_CMD_ALLOC Reason : Handling control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for sending an internal message to own input queue. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 22DE6 E_HDC_INT_CMD_QPOST Reason : Handling control module : mms_qpost() failed when posting an internal message to own input queue. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22DEA E_HDC_IFC_FNR_ERR Reason : Handling control module : hdc_call_function () reported an error. Meaning :Cure : For more detailed information see underlying error. 22DEB E_HDC2_CMD_ALLOC Reason : Handling control module : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for sending an internal message to HDC1 input queue. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS.

22DEC E_HDC2_CMD_QPOST Reason : Handling control module : mms_qpost() failed when posting an internal message to HDC1 input queue. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : - check SW-configuration. - See underlying error - Contact SI-DIS 22DF0 E_HDC_TST_MMSOPEN Reason : Handling control module : mms_open failed in HDCTST program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 22DF1 E_HDC_TST_SMQID Reason : Handling control module : sm_queueid returned with error in HDCTST program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 22DF2 E_HDC_TST_MMSQCREATE Reason : Handling control module : Creation of my input queue failed in HDCTST program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 22DF3 E_HDC_TST_HDC_ATTACH Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Handling control module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of HDC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ibf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 22DF4 E_HDC_TST_MMSFREE Reason : Handling control module : mms_free failed in HDCTST program Meaning : Cannot free MMS header-, control- or image block. Cure : Check configuration. 22DF5 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_APP_NOT_AVAIL Reason : Handling control module : Application is not available. Meaning : This device is not configured and/or equipped to handle mammo cassettes correctly. Therefore, this mammo cassette is being rejected. Cure : Scan this cassette in a digitizer that is configured for mammography scans. 22F80 E_EVA_NORM_PXL_MALLOC Reason : malloc failed

Meaning : Out of Ressources Cure : more memory needed?? 22F81 E_EVA_GCS_OOR Reason : too many lines found Meaning : array overflow Cure : Give a bigger buffer to this function, or use a correct pattern. 22F82 E_EVA_MAXLINEHD_MALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc space for the maxLine header Cure : more memory needed?? 22F83 E_EVA_MAXLINE_MALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot alloc space for the maxLine Cure : more memory needed?? 23000 E_CPF_IFC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : unable to allocate a header block to send a command to CPF. Cure : Increase number of MMS Header Blocks of the calling components. 23001 E_CPF_IFC_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed Meaning : Cannot send message to the CPF task. Cure : See underlying error for details. 23002 E_CPF_IFC_MMSFREE Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : Cannot free MMS header block after haing failed to send the message to CPF. Cure : Severe software inconsistency - check SW 23003 E_CPF_IFC_CFG_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate a CTLS block to store the configured hostname in it. Cure : Increase number of CTLS block for the calling task. 23004 E_CPF_COM_NOFILE Reason : CPF file does not exist Meaning : Cure : Load CPF file. 23005 E_CPF_COM_READDIG Reason : reading the DIG table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file

23006 E_CPF_COM_PARSEDIG Reason : parsing the DIG table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23007 E_CPF_COM_READNET Reason : reading the NET table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23008 E_CPF_COM_PARSENET Reason : parsing the NET table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23009 E_CPF_COM_READCONF Reason : reading the CONF table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2300A E_CPF_COM_PARSECONF Reason : parsing the CONF table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2300B E_CPF_COM_READAPPL Reason : reading the APPL table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2300C E_CPF_COM_PARSEAPPL Reason : parsing the APPL table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2300D E_CPF_COM_READPS Reason : reading the PS table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2300E E_CPF_COM_PARSEPS Reason : parsing the PS table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2300F E_CPF_COM_READPTYP Reason : reading the PTYP table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file

23010 E_CPF_COM_PARSEPTYP Reason : parsing the PTYP table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23011 E_CPF_CFG_GETDEFS Reason : cannot get default configuration Meaning : CPF.PRG is not correct Cure : Reinstall software 23012 E_CPF_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFS Reason : Cannot overwrite default configuration Meaning : Reading the NVFs failed Cure : Check NVFs for validity 23013 E_CPF_CFG_DCLCFG Reason : obsolete error code - should not occur Meaning : Cure : 23014 E_CPF_SYNCING Reason : Cannot post sync message to starter Meaning : OS error Cure : Check logfile and report to MED-CSO. Do a reset after all. 23015 E_CPF_TASKQPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : Cannot pend on input queue Cure : out of resources?? 23016 E_CPF_UNKNOWNMSGCLASS Reason : message from an unknown sender received Meaning : don't know where this message came from Cure : message is ignored. 23017 E_CPF_TSK_MMSFREECTL Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : software inconsistency Cure : Reset and report to MED-CSO 23018 E_CPF_TSK_MMSFREEIMG Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : software inconsistency Cure : Reset and report to MED-CSO 23019 E_CPF_TSK_MMSFREEHEAD Reason : mms_free failed Meaning : software inconsistency


: Reset and report to MED-CSO

2301A E_CPF_START_GLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : Cannot set global loglevel Meaning : Invalid global loglevel passed to this component Using default Cure : See logfile for details and report to MED-CSO 2301B E_CPF_START_ALLOCCB Reason : malloc failed Meaning : out of resources Cure : check resources 2301C E_CPF_START_CONFIG Reason : cannot configure component Meaning : Check logfile Cure : Check NFVs 2301D E_CPF_START_LOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : Invalid loglevel specified in NVF Meaning : loglevel out of range Cure : Use a value between -1 and 5! 2301E E_CPF_START_SMSHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 2301F E_CPF_START_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23020 E_CPF_START_SMQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23021 E_CPF_START_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23022 E_CPF_START_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23023 E_CPF_START_TASKCREATE

Reason : lib_taskcreate failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23024 E_CPF_START_TASKSYNC Reason : pending on mailbox failed Meaning : Internal error Cure : No cure, reset and inform MED-CSO 23025 E_CPF_START_SYNCVALUE Reason : Wrong sync value received from task CPF Meaning : Software bug Cure : No cure 23026 E_CPF_START_COCATTACH Reason : coc_attach failed Meaning : Software inconsistency Cure : Install complete release 23027 E_CPF_RET_FIELDNOTFOUND Reason : unknown field in this table Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23028 E_CPF_RET_DIGMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space of list of digitizers Cure : Check resources! 23029 E_CPF_RET_PTYPMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space of list of plate types Cure : Check resources! 2302A E_CPF_RET_APPLMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space of data from APPL table Cure : Check resources! 2302B E_CPF_RET_NETMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space of data from NET table Cure : Check resources! 2302C E_CPF_RET_PSMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space of data from PS table Cure : Check resources! 2302D

E_CPF_RET_CONFMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate space of data from CONF table Cure : Check resources! 2302E E_CPF_CMD_WRONG_STATE Reason : not in the state to perform requested action Meaning : Request to configure digitizer received without having parsed the CPF Cure : Software bug - inform MED-CSO. 2302F E_CPF_CMD_PARSEDIGINFO Reason : parsing the digitzer info failed Meaning : Unable to retrieve the information about the digitzers Out of resources or CPF corrupted Cure : Check resources and CPF 23030 E_CPF_CMD_PARSEREST Reason : parsing the rest failed Meaning : Unable to retrieve information from the CPF Out of resources or CPF corrupted Cure : Check resources and CPF 23031 E_CPF_IFC_ATTACH Reason : Cannot attach to CPF Meaning : Software inconsistency Cure : Install complete release! 23032 E_CPF_NOT_YET_STARTED Reason : CPF has not started yet Meaning : wait until the CPF task is up and running Cure : This is a bug, if and only if this message appears after the end of the startup. 23033 E_CPF_IFC_CFG_NULLPOINTER Reason : NULL pointer instead of the configuration data Meaning : Cannot access the configuration data Cure : Software bug 23034 E_CPF_CONFID_STATIONNAME Reason : StationName not found Meaning : The Name that has been given to the parser as the new StationName cannot be found in the DIG table of the CPF file. Cure : Software error - check calling software. 23035 E_CPF_CONFID_AETITLE Reason : AE title not found Meaning : The Application Entity title that has been found in the DIG table of the CPF file cannot be found in the APPL table.


: Check CPF file for consistency and retry!!

23036 E_CPF_CONFID_IPADDR Reason : IP Address not found Meaning : The IP Address that has been found in the APPL table of the CPF file cannot be found in the NET table. Cure : Check CPF file for consistency and retry!! 23037 E_CPF_CONFID_FOPENDCMC Reason : fopen () failed Meaning : Cannot open NVF dcmxxx00.c00 for (re)writing Cure : No cure. 23038 E_CPF_CONFPS_FOPENRTTU Reason : fopen () failed Meaning : Cannot open NVF rttxxx00.u00 for writing. Cure : No cure. 23039 E_CPF_CONFPS_FOPENREDC Reason : fopen () failed Meaning : Cannot open NVF redxxx00.c00 for writing. Cure : No cure. 2303A E_CPF_CONFPS_AETITLE Reason : Inconsistent CPF file Meaning : Cannot find AE title of a PS in the APPL table Cure : Ensure that a consistent CPF file is used. 2303B E_CPF_CONF_PSIPADDR Reason : Inconsistent CPF file Meaning : Cannot find IP Address of a PS in the NET table Cure : Ensure that a consistent CPF file is used. 2303C E_CPF_CONFID_FOPENARTU Reason : nvfa_write_values() failed Meaning : unable to update NVF artxxx00.u00 on the disk. Cure : See underlying error code. 2303D E_CPF_CONFPT_FOPENIPTYP Reason : fopen () failed Meaning : Cannot open datafile iptypes.tbl for writing. Cure : No cure. 2303E E_CPF_CONFSI_FOPENCOCC Reason : fopen () failed Meaning : Cannot open NVF cocxxx00.c00 for writing. Cure : No cure. 2303F E_CPF_CMD_CONF_ALLOCHEAD

Reason : mms_alloc () failed Meaning : Cannot allocate message to myself with the 'cleanup' event. Cure : No cure - out of ressources?? Please do not continue, but RESET the machine. 23040 E_CPF_CMD_CONF_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost () failed Meaning : Cannot send 'cleanup' event to my input queue Cure : No cure - please do not continue, but RESET the machine 23041 E_CPF_RET_NETHOST Reason : Invalid value for a hostname Meaning : The specified data is anything but a hostname!! Cure : Use a consistent CPF file!! 23042 E_CPF_RET_NETIPADDR Reason : Invalid value for an IP address Meaning : The specified data is anything but an IP address!! Cure : Use a consistent CPF file!! 23043 E_CPF_RET_NETNETMASK Reason : Invalid value for a subnetmask Meaning : The specified data is anything but a netmask!! Cure : Use a consistent CPF file!! 23044 E_CPF_RET_NETROUTER Reason : Invalid value for an IP address Meaning : The specified data is anything but a IP address!! Cure : Use a consistent CPF file!! 23045 E_CPF_RET_DIGAETITLE Reason : Unable to retrieve the digitzer's AE title Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23046 E_CPF_RET_DIGSTATNAME Reason : Unable to retrieve the digitzer's station name Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23047 E_CPF_RET_PTYPCODE Reason : Unable to retrieve the plate type code Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23048 E_CPF_RET_PTYPTYPE Reason : Unable to retrieve the plate type type Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF

23049 E_CPF_RET_PTYPERA Reason : Unable to retrieve the plate type's erasability Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 2304A E_CPF_RET_PTYPSENS Reason : Unable to retrieve the plate type's sensitivity Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 2304B E_CPF_RET_APPLAETITLE Reason : Unable to retrieve the application's AE title Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 2304C E_CPF_RET_APPLIPADDR Reason : Unable to retrieve the application's IP address Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 2304D E_CPF_RET_APPLPORT Reason : Unable to retrieve the application's port Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 2304E E_CPF_RET_PSDEST Reason : Unable to retrieve the processing station's name Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 2304F E_CPF_RET_PSAETITLE Reason : Unable to retrieve the processing station's AE title Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23050 E_CPF_COM_READEXAM Reason : reading the EXAM table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23051 E_CPF_COM_PARSEEXAM Reason : parsing the EXAM table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23052 E_CPF_RET_EXAMMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : cannot allocate space to keep the EXAM table Cure : Check resources

23053 E_CPF_CONEMG_FOPEN Reason : Cannot open file. Meaning : File to store emergency default settings cannot be opened Does someone access it with an editor? Cure : No cure. 23054 E_CPF_COM_READRS Reason : reading the RS table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23055 E_CPF_COM_PARSERS Reason : parsing the RS table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23056 E_CPF_COM_READSCP Reason : reading the SCP table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23057 E_CPF_COM_PARSESCP Reason : parsing the SCP table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23058 E_CPF_RET_RSMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : cannot allocate space to keep the RS table Cure : Check resources 23059 E_CPF_RET_SCPMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : cannot allocate space to keep the SCP table Cure : Check resources 2305A E_CPF_CONFID_OPENFILES Reason : fopen failed Meaning : Cannot open at least one of these files on partition d:/ artxxx00.u00 redxxx00.c00 dcmxxx00.c00 Cure : Check disk 2305B E_CPF_CONFID_MYIDENT Reason : Cannot retrieve my identity Meaning : Software inconsistency Cure : Software bug

2305C E_CPF_CONFID_PSIDENT Reason : obsolete code - not used anymore Meaning : Cure : 2305D E_CPF_START_ICNATTACH Reason :Cannot attach to ICN Meaning : Software inconsistency Cure : Install complete release! 2305E E_CPF_COM_PARSESESS Reason : parsing the SESS table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 2305F E_CPF_RET_SESSMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : cannot allocate space to keep the SESS table Cure : Check resources 23060 E_CPF_CMD_SHRINKCPF Reason : Cannot reduce the CPF Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 23061 E_CPF_COM_READSESS Reason : reading the SESS table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 23062 E_CPF_PCDNOAETITLE Reason : Cannot retrieve AE title for precheck Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 23063 E_CPF_PCDNODEST Reason : Cannot retrieve destination for precheck Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 23064 E_CPF_UPDATEPCF Reason : Cannot update PCF configuration Meaning : Cure : Software bug 23065 E_CPF_UPDATEPCD Reason : Cannot update PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Software bug

23066 E_CPF_OPENPCF Reason : Cannot open pcfxxx00.c00 Meaning : Cure : Software bug 23067 E_CPF_GETPCFPARAMS Reason : Cannot retrieve PCF parameters Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 23068 E_CPF_OPENPCD Reason : Cannot open pcdxxx00.c00 Meaning : Cure : Software bug 23069 E_CPF_SHRINK_FOPEN Reason : Cannot open file Meaning : Unable to open shrunk CPF for writing Cure : Software bug. 2306A E_CPF_RET_PRERMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : unable to store contents of the PRER table Cure : Check resources 2306B E_CPF_RET_PRETMALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : unable to store contents of the PRET table Cure : Check resources 2306C E_CPF_COM_READPRER Reason : reading the PRER table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 2306D E_CPF_COM_PARSEPRER Reason : parsing the PRER table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 2306E E_CPF_COM_READPRET Reason : reading the PRET table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF 2306F E_CPF_COM_PARSEPRET Reason : parsing the PRET table failed Meaning :


: Check CPF

23070 E_CPF_COM_PARSEIDEN Reason : Cannot parse IDEN table of the CPF Meaning : corrupted CPF structure Cure : Check CPF 23071 E_CPF_COM_READIDEN Reason : Cannot read parsed IDEN table Meaning : The IDEN table is syntactically correct, there seems to be a semantic problem: Cure : Make sure, the ADC.CPF and the current software release are compatible. 23072 E_CPF_RET_IDENMALLOC Reason : Cannot malloc space for the parsed IDEN table Meaning : Out of ressources Cure : Check resources. 23073 E_CPF_RET_IDENAETITLE Reason : AE title of the ID station not found in the APPL table. Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23074 E_CPF_RET_IDENSTATNAME Reason : empty ID station name in IDEN table Meaning : Corrupted CPF Cure : Check CPF 23075 E_CPF_RET_IDENPRECHECKAETITLE Reason : AE title of the Precheck destination not found in the APPL table. Meaning : CPF inconsistency Cure : Check CPF 23076 E_CPF_PCDNOAPPLENTRY1 Reason : CPF inconsistency Meaning : referenced precheck appl entry not found Cure : Check CPF 23077 E_CPF_PCDNOAPPLENTRY2 Reason : CPF inconsistency Meaning : referenced precheck appl entry not found Cure : Check CPF 23078 E_CPF_CMD_SHRINKNLCPF Reason : Cannot shrink CPF file Meaning : Probably, the CPF has not been found or there is not enough diskspace on d:/ to store the shrunk


file. : Check diskspace and the CPF for existence.

23079 E_CPF_CMD_PARSENLDIGINFO Reason : Cannot parse digitzer information Meaning : Unable to retrieve the tables with contents that are relevant for the digitzer's identity Cure : Check correctness of the CPF. 2307A E_CPF_CMD_PARSENLREST Reason : Cannot parse general information Meaning : Unable to retrieve the tables with contents that are relevant for the digitzer's configuration Cure : Check correctness of the CPF. 2307B E_CPF_CMD_NOCPF Reason : CPF does not exist Meaning : CPF not available at the defined location Cure : Check availability of the CPF. 2307C E_CPF_CMD_SDINOCTL Reason : Request to configure has been received with no args Meaning : There are two situations in which this error can occur: - Request to configure the digitzer's identity with no nickname given - Request to configure the direct ID functionality with no ID station name given Cure : No cure - SW bug. 2307D E_CPF_CMD_SDINAMENOTFOUND Reason : requested ID-station name not found in CPF Meaning : The given ID-station name is not available in the CPF Cure : Ensure data integrity while parsing - no new CPF!!!! 2307E E_CPF_CMD_SDIAETITLENOTFOUND Reason : CPF inconsistency Meaning : The direct ID's AE-title as found in the IDEN table is not existing in the APPL table. Cure : Ensure that the CPF is consistent!! 2307F E_CPF_CMD_FOPEN Reason : fopen failed Meaning : unable to open configuration file "d:/didxxx00.u00" for writing Cure : check attributes of this file and harddisk. 23080 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETX Reason : nvfa_set_value failed Meaning : Cannot set precheck Xdim in pcf configuration Cure : Configuration error 23081 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETY

Reason : nvfa_set_value failed Meaning : Cannot set precheck Ydim in PCF configuration Cure : Configuration error 23082 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_WRITEXY Reason : nvfa_write_values failed Meaning : Cannot write PCF configuration to file. Cure : Configuration error 23083 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_GETXY Reason : Unable to retrieve precheck dimensions from CPF Meaning : Incomplete CPF Cure : Configuration error 23084 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_NOAPPLENTRY1 Reason : AE title not found in APPL table Meaning : Incomplete CPF Cure : Configuration error 23085 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_NOAPPLENTRY2 Reason : AE title not found in APPL table Meaning : Incomplete CPF Cure : Configuration error 23086 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETPRIDINDEX Reason : Unable to set prid index in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 23087 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETPRIDNAME Reason : Unable to set name in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 23088 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETPRIDADDR Reason : Unable to set IP addr in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 23089 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETPRIDAE Reason : Unable to set AE title in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 2308A E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETPRIDPORT Reason : Unable to set port in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 2308B

E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETPRIDWRITE Reason : Cannot write to file Meaning : Unable to write PCD configuration to file. Cure : Configuration error 2308C E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_NOAETITLE Reason : No AE title found in IDEN table Meaning : Incomplete CPF Cure : Configuration error 2308D E_CPF_COM_GPC_READCONF Reason : reading the CONF table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2308E E_CPF_COM_GPC_PARSECONF Reason : parsing the CONF table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 2308F E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_GETCFG Reason : cannot get configuration info Meaning : unable to parse these tables from d:/adctmp.cpf: IDEN, APPL, CONF Cure : Check CPF file 23090 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETNOPRIDS Reason : Unable to set number of prids in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 23091 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETMYAETITLE Reason : Unable to set mz AE title in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 23092 E_CPF_CMD_PGPD_SETMYNAME Reason : Unable to set my stationname in PCD configuration Meaning : Cure : Configuration error 23093 E_CPF_COM_GPC_READIDEN Reason : reading the IDEN table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23094 E_CPF_COM_GPC_PARSEIDEN Reason : parsing the IDEN table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file

23095 E_CPF_COM_GPC_READAPPL Reason : reading the APPL table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23096 E_CPF_COM_GPC_PARSEAPPL Reason : parsing the APPL table failed Meaning : Cure : Check CPF file 23097 E_CPF_CMD_EXAM_EMERG_PS_MISSING Reason : processing station in EMERGENCY EXAM empty Meaning : incomplete CPF file Cure : Check CPF file 23098 E_CPF_CMD_APPL_AETITLE_MISSING Reason : an AE title from the PS table was not found in APPL table Meaning : corrupt CPF file Cure : Check CPF file 23099 E_CPF_CMD_PS_DESTINATION_MISSING Reason : a destination from the EXAM table was not found in the PS table Meaning : corrupt CPF file Cure : Check CPF file 2309A E_CPF_CMD_EXAM_EMERGENCY_COUNT Reason : incorrect number of EMERGENCY entries in EXAM table Meaning : corrupt CPF file Cure : Check CPF file 23100 E_PCF_START_SCPEND Reason : Cannot wait for OK-msg from PrecheckFilter task Meaning : Probably the precheck filter task did not start up Cure : System out of resources? 23101 E_PCF_START_TASKCREATE Reason : Cannot create Precheck Filter Task Meaning : lib_taskcreate() failed Cure : system out of resources? 23102 E_PCF_START_SHARE Reason : Shared Memeory Registration failed Meaning : Cannot access the shared memory - probably due to a size mismatch condition Cure : Inconsistent software installed - please install a complete release! 23103 E_PCF_START_QCREATE Reason : Cannot create input queue of Precheck Task Meaning : Queue creation failed


: System out of resources?

23104 E_PCF_START_GETQID Reason : No ID for the input queue of the Precheck Task available Meaning : Lack of QIDs Cure : System out of resources? 23105 E_PCF_START_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open() failed Meaning : Cannot contact the Message Management System Cure : Out of resources? 23106 E_PCF_START_CONFIG Reason : Configuration of PCF failed Meaning : Error with NVF Cure : Check configuration files pcfxxx00.* on partitions c:/ and d:/ - might be corrupted. Don't worry if there are no such files, but if one of the existing files is corrupted, this could utterly screw up the whole component. 23107 E_PCF_MALLOCCB Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cannot allocate memory for the local data Cure : System out of resources? 23108 E_PCF_START_GLOBLOGLEVEL Reason : Cannot set loglevel Meaning : Loglevel out of range Cure : Check the loglevel of the SYS component for a valid value. 23109 E_PCF_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_read_values() failed Meaning : Cannot overwrite the default configuration Cure : Access denied - or a corrupted NVF 2310A E_PCF_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin() failed Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data Cure : Software error in the PCF component. Please report this to MI-CSO. 2310B E_PCF_TASK_SYNCPOST Reason : sc_post() failed Meaning : Cannot post startup message to the starter routine. Cure : System error - please reboot the system. If the problem persists, report this to MI-CSO. 2310C E_PCF_TASK_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend() failed Meaning : error while pending on the input queue


: Software inconsistency, please report this to MI-CSO.

2310D E_PCF_CMD_CRED_NULLMSG Reason : a NULL pointer has been passed instead of a valid message Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure - wait for the end of activity and do a reset. Report this error to MI-CSO. 2310E E_PCF_CMD_CRED_NULLCTL Reason : no demographic data has been passed Meaning : The event indicated the existence Cure : 2310F E_PCF_CMD_CRED_DTC Reason : computing the reduction factor failed Meaning : Cannot compute the reduction factor of the precheck image Cure : See the error that lead to this error for detailed explanation. 23110 E_PCF_CMD_DRED_NOMSG Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of message Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure - wait for the end of activity and reset. 23111 E_PCF_CMD_DRED_NOIMG Reason : No image block received Meaning : Expected an image block to reduce - there is none Cure : No cure - rely on automatic error recovery. 23112 E_PCF_CMD_CRED_GCOR Reason : Cannot get the cassette orientation Meaning : Unable to decide, how the cassette has been exposed Cure : Corrupted data structure - no cure! 23113 E_PCF_CMD_CRED_GCSZ Reason : Cannot get the cassette size Meaning : unable to retrieve the cassette size Cure : corrupted data structure - no cure! 23114 E_PCF_CMD_CRED_GCOLS Reason : Cannot retrieve the number of pixels Meaning : Corrurpted data structure Cure : No cure! 23115 E_PCF_CMD_CRED_GROWS Reason : Cannot retrieve the number of lines Meaning : Corrupted data structure Cure : No Cure! 23116 E_PCF_CMD_DS_SCOLS

Reason : Cannot set number of pixels for precheck image Meaning : Corrupted data structure Cure : No cure! 23117 E_PCF_CMD_DS_SROWS Reason : Cannot set number of lines for precheck image Meaning : Corrupted data structure Cure : No cure! 23118 E_PCF_CMD_DS_STX Reason : Cannot start transmission of the precheck image Meaning : any error accessing precheck DICOM interface Cure : No cure! 23119 E_PCF_CMD_RCNS_NOMSG Reason : NULL pointer instead of message block Meaning : software inconsistency Cure : No cure! 2311A E_PCF_CMD_RCNS_NOIMG Reason : NULL pointer instead of image block Meaning : Software inconsistency: Expected an image block - received nothing Cure : No cure! 2311B E_PCF_CMD_CREDS_NULLMSG Reason : NULL pointer instead of message block Meaning : software inconsistency Cure : No cure! 2311C E_PCF_CMD_CREDS_NULLCTL Reason : NULL pointer instead of demographic data Meaning : Software inconsistency: Expected an image block - received nothing Cure : No cure! 2311D E_PCF_CMD_CREDS_DTC Reason : computation of the reduction error failed Meaning : inconsistency of software or data Cure : No cure! 2311E E_PCF_CMD_CREDS_DS Reason : start of transmission of the precheck image failed Meaning : See underlying error Cure : No cure! 2311F E_PCF_CMD_STX_NOMSG Reason : NULL pointer instead of message block Meaning : software inconsistency Cure : No cure!

23120 E_PCF_CMD_STX_NOCTL Reason : NULL pointer instead of demographic data Meaning : Software inconsistency: Expected an image block - received nothing Cure : No cure! 23121 E_PCF_CMD_STX_DS Reason : start of transmission of the precheck image failed Meaning : See underlying error Cure : No cure! 23122 E_PCF_INITSTT_MALLOC (NO COMMENT) 23123 E_PCF_START_INITDICOM Reason : Cannot init DICOM driver Meaning : Cure : Check resources 23124 E_PCF_START_INITTASK Reason : Cannot initialize task Meaning : Cure : Check resources 23125 E_PCF_START_MALLOCCB Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Cure : check resources 23126 E_PCF_START_GQID Reason : get QID failed Meaning : Cure : Check resources 23127 E_PCF_START_MMOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cure : Check resources 23128 E_PCF_START_CASATTACH Reason : cass_attach failed Meaning : Software inconsisticy Cure : Install complete release! 23129 E_PCF_START_GTID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Cannot get task ID Cure : check resources

2312A E_PCF_IFC_SHARE Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : software inconsistency Cure : Install complete release!! 2312B E_PCF_IFC_MMSALLOC0 Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Out of resources Cure : Check resources 2312C E_PCF_IFC_QPOST1 Reason : qpost failed Meaning : Software bug Cure : No cure. 2312D E_PCF_INITTASK_MALLOCIMG Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources 2312E E_PCF_INITTASK_SEMACREATE Reason : semaphore creation failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources. 2312F E_PCF_PXLHOOK_NOPIXELS Reason : no pixels anymore Meaning : expecting still some pixels from the filter, but there have been none for at least 2 minutes. Aborting this assoctionation. Cure : No cure - rely on automatic recovery 23200 E_PCD_TASK_SCPOST Reason : Cannot post sync message Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure 23201 E_PCD_TASK_QPEND Reason : qpend failed Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure 23202 E_PCD_TASK_UNKNOWNEVENT Reason : unknown event received Meaning : cannot interpret message Cure : rely on automatic recovery. 23203 E_PCD_TASK_UNKNOWNSENDER

Reason : unknown sender of a message Meaning : unauthorized access - ignoring this message Cure : No cure. 23204 E_PCD_CFG_CPDEFS Reason : Cannot load default configuration Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23205 E_PCD_CFG_OVERWRITE_DEFS Reason : Cannot load configuration from files Meaning : NVFs corrupted? Cure : Check NVFs. 23206 E_PCD_IFC_MMSALLOC0 Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23207 E_PCD_IFC_QPOST1 Reason : qpost failed Meaning : Software bug Cure : No cure 23208 E_PCD_TXIMG_RELASSOC Reason : Cannot release association. Meaning : DTF refused to release association. Cure : See DTF error 23209 E_PCD_TXIMG_TXOBJ Reason : Cannot transmit DCM_OBJECT Meaning : DTF refused to send object Cure : See DTF error 2320A E_PCD_TXIMG_ASSOC Reason : Cannot establish association Meaning : DTF refused to establish association Cure : See DTF error 2320B E_PCD_TXIMG_BUILDOBJ Reason : Cannot build DCM_OBJECT Meaning : DTF refused to build the DCM_OBJECT Cure : See DTF error 2320C E_PCD_TXIMG_NOOBJ Reason : No object to transmit Meaning : Software bug? Cure : No cure. 2320D

E_PCD_DRV_QPEND Reason : qpend of driver failed Meaning : Software bug Cure : No cure. 2320E E_PCD_DRVSTART_MALLOCBUF Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 2320F E_PCD_DRVSTART_MALLOC Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23210 E_PCD_DRVSTART_TCREATE Reason : creating driver task failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 23211 E_PCD_DRVSTART_TSYNC Reason : Syncing with starter failed Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure 23212 E_PCD_DRVSTART_SYNCVAL Reason : Wrong sync value received Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure 23213 E_PCD_DRVCOM_ASSOCCREATE Reason : cannot construct association request Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23214 E_PCD_DRVCOM_ASSOCSEND Reason : Cannot send association request Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23215 E_PCD_TXOBJ_SENDMSG Reason : Cannot send message Meaning : Cure : No cure. 23216 E_PCD_RELASSOC Reason : Cannot release socket Meaning : Cure : No cure

23217 E_PCD_DRV_CREATEOBJ Reason : Cannot create object Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23218 E_PCD_ADDPATNAME Reason : Cannot add patient's name Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23219 E_PCD_ADDPATID Reason : Cannot add patient's ID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2321A E_PCD_ADDPATBIRTHDATE Reason : Cannot add patient's birthdate Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2321B E_PCD_ADDPATSEX Reason : Cannot add patient's sex Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2321C E_PCD_ADDSTUDYINSTUID Reason : Cannot add study instance UID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2321D E_PCD_ADDSTUDYDATE Reason : Cannot add study date Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2321E E_PCD_ADDSTUDYTIME Reason : Cannot add study time Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2321F E_PCD_ADDREFPHYSICIAN Reason : Cannot add refering physician Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23220 E_PCD_ADDSTUDYID Reason : Cannot add study ID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error

23221 E_PCD_ADDPHYSREADSTDY Reason : Cannot add physicians reading the study Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23222 E_PCD_ADDACCESSIONNUMBER Reason : Cannot add accession number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23223 E_PCD_ADDSTUDYDESCRIPT Reason : Cannot add study description Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23224 E_PCD_ADDMODALITY Reason : Cannot add modality Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23225 E_PCD_ADDIMAGENUMBER Reason : Cannot add image number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23226 E_PCD_ADDSERIALNUMBER Reason : Cannot add serial number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23227 E_PCD_ADDSERIESNUMBER Reason : Cannot add series number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23228 E_PCD_ADDLATERALITY Reason : Cannot add laterality Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23229 E_PCD_ADDSERIESDESCRIPT Reason : Cannot add series description Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2322A E_PCD_ADDBODYPART Reason : Cannot add body part Meaning :


: See DTF error

2322B E_PCD_ADDVIEWPOSITION Reason : Cannot add view position Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2322C E_PCD_ADDPLATETYPE Reason : Cannot add plate type Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2322D E_PCD_ADDMANUFACTURER Reason : Cannot add manufacturer Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2322E E_PCD_ADDINSTNAME Reason : Cannot add inst name Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2322F E_PCD_ADDSTATIONNAME Reason : Cannot add station name Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23230 E_PCD_ADDINSTDEPT Reason : Cannot add department Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23231 E_PCD_ADDTYPENUMBER Reason : Cannot add type number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23232 E_PCD_ADDSWVERSION Reason : Cannot add SW version Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23233 E_PCD_ADDPATORIENT Reason : Cannot add patient orientation Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23234 E_PCD_ADDIMAGETYPE Reason : Cannot add image type

Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23235 E_PCD_ADDACQDATE Reason : Cannot add acquisition date Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23236 E_PCD_ADDACQTIME Reason : Cannot add acquisition time Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23237 E_PCD_ADDIMAGECOMMENTS Reason : Cannot add image comments Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23238 E_PCD_ADDPXLSAMPLES Reason : Cannot add pixels per sample Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23239 E_PCD_ADDPHOTOMETRICINTERP Reason : Cannot add photometric interpretation Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2323A E_PCD_ADDROWS Reason : Cannot add rows Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2323B E_PCD_ADDCOLUMNS Reason : Cannot add columns Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2323C E_PCD_ADDALLOCEDBITS Reason : Cannot add allocated bits Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2323D E_PCD_ADDSTOREDBITS Reason : Cannot add stored bits Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2323E E_PCD_ADDHIGHBIT

Reason : Cannot add high bit Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2323F E_PCD_ADDPXLREPR Reason : Cannot add pixele representation Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23240 E_PCD_ADDPLATEID Reason : Cannot add plate ID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23241 E_PCD_ACQDEVPROCCODE Reason : Cannot add acquisition device processing code Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23242 E_PCD_ADDCASSORIENTATION Reason : Cannot add cassette orientation Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23243 E_PCD_ADDCASSSIZE Reason : Cannot add cassette size Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23244 E_PCD_ADDEXPONPLATE Reason : Cannot add exposures on plate Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23245 E_PCD_ADDSENSITIVITY Reason : Cannot add sensitivity Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23246 E_PCD_ADDRESCALEINTERC Reason : Cannot add rescale intercept Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23247 E_PCD_ADDRESCALESLOPE Reason : Cannot add rescale slope Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23248

E_PCD_ADDRESCALETYPE Reason : Cannot add rescale type Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23249 E_PCD_ADDSOPCLASSUID Reason : Cannot add SOP class UID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2324A E_PCD_ADDSOPINSTUID Reason : Cannot add SOP instance UID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2324B E_PCD_ADDSPECCHARSET Reason : Cannot add specific character set Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2324C E_PCD_ADDINSTCREDATE Reason : Cannot add instance creation date Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2324D E_PCD_ADDINSTCRETIME Reason : Cannot add instance creation time Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2324E E_PCD_ADDPXLSPACING Reason : Cannot add pixel spacing Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2324F E_PCD_ADDPRIVCREATOR Reason : Cannot add private creator Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23250 E_PCD_ADDCASSETTEDATA Reason : Cannot add cassette data Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23251 E_PCD_ADDDESTTYPE Reason : Cannot add destination type Meaning : Cure : See DTF error

23252 E_PCD_ADDDESTID Reason : Cannot add destination ID Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23253 E_PCD_ADDDESTPROCCODE Reason : Cannot add destination processing code Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23254 E_PCD_ADDTOTNUM Reason : Cannot add total number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23255 E_PCD_ADDSESSNUM Reason : Cannot add session number Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23256 E_PCD_ADDIDNAME Reason : Cannot add ID station name Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23257 E_PCD_ADDTOTIMGNUM Reason : Cannot add total number of images Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23258 E_PCD_ADDLASTOFSTUDY Reason : Cannot add last of study Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 23259 E_PCD_ADDWAITFLAG Reason : Cannot add wait flag Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2325A E_PCD_ADDSCANRES Reason : Cannot add scan resolution Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2325B E_PCD_ADDOPERCODE Reason : Cannot add operation code Meaning : Cure : See DTF error

2325C E_PCD_ADDIMAGEQUALITY Reason : Cannot add image quality Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2325D E_PCD_ADDCALLBACK Reason : Cannot add callback function Meaning : Cure : See DTF error 2325E E_PCD_DRVSTART_TASKID Reason : Cannot get task ID for driver Meaning : Cure : Check resources 2325F E_PCD_INITDTF Reason : Cannot initialize the DTF library Meaning : Cure : No cure 23260 E_PCD_TXOBJ_FINDPRESCTXID Reason : Cannot find the correct presentation context Meaning : Cure : No cure 23261 E_PCD_SERIESINSTUID Reason : Cannot find the correct series instance UID Meaning : Cure : No cure 23262 E_PCD_TASK_NOSENDER Reason : 0 sender tasks specified Meaning : cannot run precheck without sender! Cure : Check configuration! maxSender in PCD NVF should be 1! 23263 E_PCD_TASK_MALLOCPROGRESS Reason : Cannot malloc progress array Meaning : Array to track progress of all driver tasks cannot be allocated. Cure : Check resources! 23264 E_PCD_TASK_NULLMSG Reason : NULL message received Meaning : Software bug Cure : No cure 23265 E_PCD_START_MALLOC

Reason : malloc failed Meaning : Out of resources? Cure : Check resources! 24500 E_CGI_MAIN_GLOBALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel () failed Meaning : Cannot set the overall loglevel for CGI. Cure : No Cure. 24501 E_CGI_MAIN_GETCFG Reason : Reading the Configuration Data failed Meaning : See underlying error codes. Cure : Check underlying error codes. 24502 E_CGI_MAIN_LOCALLOGLEVEL Reason : LlvSetLogLevel() failed Meaning : Cannot set the local loglevel for CGI Cure : No Cure. 24503 E_CGI_MAIN_STARTHTTPD Reason : lib_system() failed Meaning : Cannot launch the HTTP server. Cure : Check configuration: CGI0:htpsrv_name 24504 E_CGI_MAIN_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open() failed Meaning : Cannot access the memory management system. Cure : No Cure - check logfile for further details. 24505 E_CGI_MAIN_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid() failed. Meaning : System refused to assign a queue ID Cure : Out of ressources?? 24506 E_CGI_MAIN_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate() failed Meaning : System refused to create a queue Cure : Out of ressources?? 24507 E_CGI_ALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_share() failed Meaning : System refused to assign shared memory Cure : Check system ressources 24508 E_CGI_MAIN_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid() failed. Meaning : System refused to assign a task ID Cure : Out of ressources? 24509

E_CGI_MAIN_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate() failed Meaning : Creation of CGI task failed Cure : Check sysem ressources! 2450A E_CGI_CFG_COPYVIRGIN Reason : nvf_copy_virgin() failed Meaning : unable to read configuration data from the component. Cure : See underlying error. 2450B E_CGI_CFG_OVWRDEFS Reason : nvf_read_values() failed Meaning : unable to read configuration files from disk Cure : See logfile for details. 2450C E_CGI_MAIN_SMEHEAP Reason : sm_eheap() failed Meaning : Cannot allocate Control Block for CGI task. Cure : Check ressources. 2450D E_CGI_DO_LOCK Reason : A remote service action required a lock. Meaning : A remote service action (as software upload, reconfiguration, ...) required a lock on the device in order not to interfer with any user action. The lock will be released as soon as the action has been completed. Cure : Will be removed automatically. 24600 E_CAM_ATTACH_SMH Reason : Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 24610 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLL_CLEARSTBY Reason : Stepper node UPI error of Roll drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24611 E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFT_CLEARSTBY Reason : Stepper node UPI error of Lift drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector

- Replace stepper node 24612 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMP_CLEARSTBY Reason : Stepper node UPI error of Clamping drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24613 E_CAM_DRV_SMOPEN_CLEARSTBY Reason : Stepper node UPI error of Opener drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24614 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_PREPCLMP Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error while starting positioning to prepare clamping cassette. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24615 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_RETURNCLMP Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error while starting positioning to return from clamping position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24616 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELT_CLEARSTBY Reason : Stepper node UPI error of Belt drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24617 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELT_READSTEPS

Reason : Casette Module: Communication error while reading number of steps from belt stepper node. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24618 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTSTOP Reason : Casette Module: Communication error while stopping belt drive. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24619 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTRUNCLAMP Reason : Casette Module: Communication error when start belt drive with RUN command. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2461A E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_PREPOUT Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error while starting positioning to prepare shift cassette out position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2461B E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_WTINP Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error while starting positioning to wait for cassette input position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 2461C E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTHOME_FAST Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error while starting home positioning with fast curve. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

24620 E_CAM_IOB5SIN3_DOWNLOAD Reason : Cassette Unit: SW Download to stepper node IOB5SIN/3 outputs failed. Meaning : - No hexfile present on C-partition. - Stepper node defective. - Any data transfer problem. Cure : - Copy hexfile to C-partition of harddisk - Replace stepper node. - Check cabeling and replace if necessarry. 24621 E_CAM_IOB5SIN2_DOWNLOAD Reason : Cassette Unit: SW Download to stepper node IOB5SIN/2 outputs failed. Meaning : - No hexfile present on C-partition. - Stepper node defective. - Any data transfer problem. Cure : - Copy hexfile to C-partition of harddisk - Replace stepper node. - Check cabeling and replace if necessarry. 24622 E_CAM_STARTINP_CLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24623 E_CAM_STARTINP_TOCLOSE Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive opener. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24624 E_CAM_STARTINP_UNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 24625 E_CAM_STARTINP_TOUNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive clamping. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24626 E_CAM_STARTINP_LIFTUP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24627 E_CAM_STARTINP_TOLIFTUP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24628 E_CAM_STARTINP_BELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24629 E_CAM_STARTINP_TOBELTSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems.


- No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

2462A E_CAM_SHIFTOUT_ROLLOUT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Step positioning to 'shift cassette out' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2462B E_CAM_SHIFTOUT_ROLLSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive roll. Action: Step positioning to 'shift cassette out' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2462C E_CAM_CLMPWBELT_BELTPREP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare clamping' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2462D E_CAM_CLMPWBELT_TOBELTPREP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare cassette clamping' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2462E E_CAM_CLMPWBELT_BELTRUNCLAMP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: RUN to 'clamp cassette' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2462F E_CAM_CLMPWBELT_BELTSTOP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Stop motor running. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24630 E_CAM_FINBELTCLMP_BELTBACK Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back after clamp cassette' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24631 E_CAM_FINBELTCLMP_TOBELTBACK Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back after cassette claming' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24632 E_CAM_FINBELTCLMP_BELTHSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24633 E_CAM_FINBELTCLMP_TOBELTHSTBY Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive lift. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?).

- check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24634 E_CAM_PREPINP_BELTPWAIT Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'wait for cassette input' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24635 E_CAM_PREPINP_TOBELTPWAIT Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'wait for cassette input' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24640 E_CAM_INIT_JAM_INPUT Reason : Input light barrier of cassette module doesn't become free. Meaning : Cassette jam in cassette module during initialisation. Cure : Open right side panel and remove cassette. 24700 E_IOC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed by allocating a message header block for IOBUS control module control task. Meaning : SW-configuration problem or SW-bug Cure : Check Software configuration, if ok contact SI-DIS. 24710 E_IOC_IOB5SIN3_DOWNLOAD_CAM Reason : Software download to IOB_5SIN/3 outputs stepper node of cassette module failed. Meaning : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24711 E_IOC_IOB5SIN2_DOWNLOAD_CAM Reason : Software download to IOB_5SIN/2 outputs stepper node of cassette module failed. Meaning : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

24712 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_ALN Reason : Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of alignment failed. Meaning : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24713 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_TRA Reason : Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of transport failed. Meaning : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24714 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_SSC_SCAN Reason : Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of slowscan failed. Meaning : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24715 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_SSC_LIFT Reason : Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of scanrolls lift failed. Meaning : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24716 E_IOC_TST_NPIB_CONNECT Reason : IOBUS control module: Node test of Power Integration board failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 24717 E_IOC_TST_NERACTL_CONNECT Reason : IOBUS control module: Node test of Erasure Control board failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 24718 E_IOC_TST_NEMGST_CONNECT Reason : IOBUS control module: Node test of Emergency state node failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 24719

E_IOC_TST_NVMEADP_CONNECT Reason : IOBUS control module: Node test of VME Adaptor board failed. Meaning : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 24720 E_IOC_SMPOWER_LOW Reason : IOBUS control module: Stepper motor power supply too LOW. Meaning : - Line power selector switch wrong adjusted. - Line voltage too low. Cure : - Check line power selector switch, if correct adjusted to your line voltage. 24721 E_IOC_SMPOWER_HIGH Reason : IOBUS control module: Stepper motor power supply too HIGH. Meaning : - Line power selector switch wrong adjusted (too low). - Fuse of power integration board power supply blown. - Power supply of power integration board broken or disconnected. - Power integration board defective Cure : - Check line power selector switch, if correct adjusted to your line voltage. - Replace fuse. - Check power supply input to power integration board. - Replace Power integration board. 24722 E_IOC_ERACTL_TIMEOUT Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: TIMEOUT. Meaning : - Hardware timer doesn't switch off erasure unit within timeout boarders (above max. timeout tolerance). Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. 24723 E_IOC_ERACTL_SETRELAIS Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Unable to set relais. Meaning : - It is not possible to set relais on Erasure control board. Hardware problem. Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. 24724 E_IOC_ERACTL_OPENRELAIS Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Safety Relais does not open again. Meaning : - Safety relais on Erasure control board for interrupt power supply. to erasure lamps does not open. Hardware problem. Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. 24725 E_IOC_ERACTL_TIMER Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Timer Error. Meaning : - Harware timer NOT active, even if all erasure unit transformers are switched on. Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. 24726 E_IOC_ERACTL_CURRENTSENSE Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Current

sense problem. Meaning : It is no current flow detected, even all lamps are switched on. - No power supply for all transformers and/or all lamps - Current sense board defective. - Current sense board not connected or cables defective. - Erasure control board defective. Cure : - Check power supply to erasure unit transformers, to erasure control board and erasure lamps, and replace defective unit/board/cables. - Replace Current Sense board. - Check/replace connection/cables for current sense detection. - Replace Erasure control board. 24727 E_IOC_ERACTL_TRANSFORMER1 Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Problems with transformer 1. Meaning : It is no current flow detected, when transformer 1 is on. - Both lamps connected to transformer 1 are blown. - No power supply for transformer 1 and/or connected lamps - Current sense board defective. - Current sense board cables defective. - Erasure control board defective. Cure : - Check lamps and replace. - Check power supply to erasure unit transformer 1, to erasure control board and erasure lamps, and replace defective unit/board/cables. - Replace Current Sense board. - Check/replace connection/cables for current sense detection. - Replace Erasure control board. 24728 E_IOC_ERACTL_TRANSFORMER2 Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Problems with transformer 2. Meaning : It is no current flow detected, when transformer 2 is on. - Both lamps connected to transformer 2 are blown. - No power supply for transformer 2 and/or connected lamps - Current sense board defective. - Current sense board cables defective. - Erasure control board defective. Cure : - Check lamps and replace. - Check power supply to erasure unit transformer 2, to erasure control board and erasure lamps, and replace defective unit/board/cables. - Replace Current Sense board. - Check/replace connection/cables for current sense detection. - Replace Erasure control board. 24729 E_IOC_ERACTL_TRANSFORMER3 Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Problems with transformer 3. Meaning : It is no current flow detected, when transformer 3 is on. - Both lamps connected to transformer 3 are blown. - No power supply for transformer 3 and/or connected lamps - Current sense board defective. - Current sense board cables defective. - Erasure control board defective.


: - Check lamps and replace. - Check power supply to erasure unit transformer 3, to erasure control board and erasure lamps, and replace defective unit/board/cables. - Replace Current Sense board. - Check/replace connection/cables for current sense detection. - Replace Erasure control board.

2472A E_IOC_ERACTL_TRANSFORMER4 Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Problems with transformer 4. Meaning : It is no current flow detected, when transformer 4 is on. - Both lamps connected to transformer 4 are blown. - No power supply for transformer 4 and/or connected lamps - Current sense board defective. - Current sense board cables defective. - Erasure control board defective. Cure : - Check lamps and replace. - Check power supply to erasure unit transformer 4, to erasure control board and erasure lamps, and replace defective unit/board/cables. - Replace Current Sense board. - Check/replace connection/cables for current sense detection. - Replace Erasure control board. 2472B E_IOC_ERACTL_TRANSFORMER5 Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Problems with transformer 5. Meaning : It is no current flow detected, when transformer 5 is on. - Both lamps connected to transformer 5 are blown. - No power supply for transformer 5 and/or connected lamps - Current sense board defective. - Current sense board cables defective. - Erasure control board defective. Cure : - Check lamps and replace. - Check power supply to erasure unit transformer 5, to erasure control board and erasure lamps, and replace defective unit/board/cables. - Replace Current Sense board. - Check/replace connection/cables for current sense detection. - Replace Erasure control board. 2472C E_IOC_ERACTL_LAMPCONN Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Lamps wrong connected. Meaning : Lamps are connected in wrong sequence to erasure control board. Cure : - Check sequence of connection and turn. 2472D E_IOC_ERACTL_POWER Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Power supply error. Meaning : No power supply detected on erasure control board. - Power supply not connected. - Erasure control board defective. Cure : - Check Power supply.

- Replace Erasure control board. 2472E E_IOC_ERACTL_FANCONN Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Fan not connected. Meaning : Erasure unit fan not connected or defective. Cure : - Check cabeling/connections of erasure unit fan. - Replace fan if defective. 2472F E_IOC_ERACTL_TSENSE_COOL Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board temp. sensor test: Timeout cooling down. Meaning : It is not possible to cool down temperature sensor below higher trigger level. - Power unit fan defective. - Temperatur sensor defective on erasure control board. Cure : - Replace power unit fan. - Replace Erasure control board. 24730 E_IOC_ERACTL_TSENSE_HEATLOW Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board temp. sensor test: Timeout heating sensor. Meaning : It is not possible to heat up temperatur sensor above lower trigger level. - Heating for temp.sensor defective on erasure control board. - Temperatur sensor defective on erasure control board. Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. - Replace Erasure control board. 24731 E_IOC_ERACTL_TSENSE_HEATHIGH Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board temp. sensor test: Timeout heating sensor. Meaning : It is not possible to heat up temperatur sensor above higher trigger level. - Heating for temp.sensor defective on erasure control board. - Temperatur sensor defective on erasure control board. Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. - Replace Erasure control board. 24732 E_IOC_EU_FANCONN Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure Unit Fan not connected. Meaning : Erasure unit fan not connected or defective. Cure : - Check cabeling/connections of erasure unit fan. - Replace fan if defective. 24733 E_IOC_VAC_VALVECONN Reason : IOBUS control module: Vacuum valve not connected. Meaning : Vacuum valve not connected or defective. Cure : - Check cabeling/connections of vacuum valve. - Replace valve if defective. 24734 E_IOC_24V

Reason : IOBUS control module: 24V supply error. Meaning : No 24V supply at power integration board. - Fuses blown. - Input line slector switch at wrong position. - Any connector not connected to power integration board. - Power integration board defective. Cure : - Check/replace fuses. - Check input line selector switch. - Check all connectors to power integration board - Replace power integration board 24735 E_IOC_ERACTL_TIMER_NEGTOL Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: TIMER ERROR. Meaning : - Hardware timer switches off erasure unit too early, below negativ timer boarder. Cure : - Replace Erasure control board. 24736 E_IOC_ERACTL_FANSPEED Reason : IOBUS control module: Erasure control board safety test: Fan speed error. Meaning : Erasure unit fan speed too low. Cure : - Check erasure unit fan. - Replace fan if defective. 24740 E_IOC_COMPRESET_PUMPOFF Reason : IOBUS control module: Error while switching vacuum pump off. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system. 24741 E_IOC_COMPRESET_VALVERESET Reason : IOBUS control module: Error while performing reset of vacuum valve. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system. 24742 E_IOC_COMPRESET_GALVOOFF Reason : IOBUS control module: Error while switching Galvo power off. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system. 24743 E_IOC_COMPRESET_FANOFF Reason : IOBUS control module: Error while switching erasure unit fan off. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system. 24744 E_IOC_COMPRESET_ERACTLRESET Reason : IOBUS control module: Error while performing reset of four times triac node. Meaning : Any communication problem on IOBUS. Cure : Check IOBUS hardware and restart system. 24745 E_IOC_ERACTL_SET_RELAIS

Reason : IOBUS control module: Not possible to set safety relais on erasure control board. Meaning : Any hardware problem. Cure : Replace erasure control board. 24780 E_HDC_ATTACH_CAM Reason : Attachment to Cassette module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of Cassette Module. Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Installation of new software. 24781 E_HDC_ATTACH_TRA Reason : Attachment to Transport module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of TRA Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Installation of new software. 24782 E_HDC_ATTACH_ALN Reason : Attachment to Alignment module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ALN Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Installation of new software. 24783 E_HDC_ATTACH_VEC Reason : Attachment to Vera control module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of VEC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Installation of new software. 24784 E_HDC_INIT_STT_IOA Reason : init_hdc_stt_ioa_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my input/output control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 24785 E_HDC_INIT_STT_BRW Reason : init_hdc_stt_brw_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my output control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME. 24786 E_HDC_INIT_STT_TRS Reason : init_hdc_stt_trs_ () failed. Meaning : Cannot initialize my transport down control state-transition-table. Cure : Nothing can be done - Try to download again and restart the VME.

24787 E_HDC_ATTACH_DID Reason : Attachment to Direct ID control module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of DID Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Installation of new software. 24790 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_EU_LAMPS_BLOWN Reason : Error number connected to user interface text for erasure unit lamp(s) blown. Meaning : Lamp(s) xxx of erasure unit blown, or any fault in cabeling to this lamp(s). Cure : Replace erasure lamp(s) or check cabeling. 24791 E_HDC_INTERLOCK_OPEN Meaning : Right side interlock is open. Reason : Covering is removed or not quite closed. Cure : Close covering and reset SOLO. 24793 E_HDCV_UIF_ASK_WRONG_CASS Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for wrong or wrong positioned cassette in input buffer. Meaning : User fault Input of cassette in input buffer. Cure : Remove cassette and put into buffer with correct orientation. 24794 E_HDCV_UIF_ASK_IDENTIFICATION Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for identification error of cassette to input. Meaning : User fault of cassette identification. Cure : Remove cassette and do identification. 24795 E_HDCV_UIF_ASK_NOT_IDENTIFIED Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for not identified cassette in input. Meaning : User fault of cassette identification. Cure : Remove cassette and do identification. 24796 E_HDCV_UIF_ASK_READ_WRITE Reason : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for cassette read/write error in input buffer. Meaning : Reading or writing of RF-tag in cassette failed. Cure : No cure. 24797 E_HDCV_UIF_ASK_UNKNOWN_DEST Reason : Handling control module : Unknown Destination. Meaning : The destination is unknown in this Configuration (CPF) Cluster. Cassette is wrong initialized or fault in CPF-File. Cure : Check your configuration (destination on cassette data and CPF-File). 24798 E_HDCV_UIF_ASK_UNKNOWN_PTYPE

Reason : Handling control module : Unknown Plate type. Meaning : The plate type is unknown in this Configuration (CPF) Cluster. Cassette is wrong initialized or fault in CPF-File. Cure : Check your configuration (plate type on cassette data and CPF-File). 247A0 E_HDC_ERACTL_SAFETY_RELAIS_DEF Meaning : Erasure lamps are still on, even if safety timer on ERACTL board is off. Reason : - Safety Relais on erasure control board is defective. - Wrong detection of current through any lamp. Erasure control board defective or Erasure sense board defective or cabeling between both boards defective. Cure : - Replace erasure control board. - Test and replace defective board or cabeling. 247A1 E_HDC_ERACTL_SAFETY_CHECK_TIMEOUT Meaning : Timeout occurred while Safety check of erasure control board. Reason : Any hardware defect in safety circuit on erasure control board. Cure : Replace erasure control board. 247A2 E_HDC_PU_TEMP_TOO_HIGH Meaning : Temperature of Power Unit is too high. Reason : Transformers producing too much heat. Cure : Check if everything is ok with erasure unit. 247A3 E_HDC_EU_FAN_NOT_CONNECTED Meaning : Erasure unit fan not connected. Reason : - Fan is not connected or cabel is broken. - Power integration board defective. Cure : - Check cabeling to erasure unit fan. - Replace power integration board. 247A4 E_HDC_EU_FAN_SPEED Meaning : Erasure unit fan speed too low. Reason : Fan is blocked or runs stiff. Cure : Check erasure unit fan. 247A5 E_HDC_CA_JAM_CAM Meaning : Cassette jam. Reason : Cassette jam occurred in cassette unit. Cure : Open right side cover and remove cassette. 247A6 E_HDC_IP_JAM_TRA_SCAN Meaning : IP jam in scanner. Reason : IP jam occurred while transport of IP from scanner position bar down to light barrier in scanner. Light barrier remains free. Cure : Open right side cover and put IP into cassette. 247A7 E_HDC_IP_JAM_SSC Meaning : IP jam.

Reason : IP jam occurred in scanner. Light barrier in scanner doesn't become interrupted while moving the Image Plate upwards after scanning. Cure : Open right side cover and put IP into cassette. 247A8 E_HDC_INIT_IPNOCASS Meaning : IP detected during initialisation but no cassette. Reason : Cassette has been removed or light barrier on clamping is defective. Cure : Remove IP or change light barrier. 247A9 E_HDC_ASK_UIF_JAM_REPAIRED Meaning : Ask user if IP Jam has been repaired. Reason : IP Jam occurred during last cycle. Cure : Press 'confirm' or 'ESC' 247AA E_HDC_IP_JAM_SSC_ERASE Meaning : IP jam. Reason : IP jam occurred in scanner. Light barrier in scanner doesn't become free while erasing the Image Plate with scanner rolls. Cure : Open right side cover and put IP into cassette. 247AB E_HDC_IP_JAM_TRA_VACUUM Meaning : IP jam in transport unit. Reason : Transport unit lost the image plate while transport of IP from cassette down to scanner. No more vacuum is detected. Cure : Open right side cover and put IP into cassette. 247AC E_HDC_IP_JAM_TRA_PUTONBAR Meaning : IP jam in transport unit. Reason : Any severe problem while putting the image plate down to the position bar in scanner. The IP was not detected by alignment light barrier and did not arrive in scanner. Cure : Open right side cover and put IP into cassette. 247AD E_HDC_CASSSWITCH_BLOCKED Meaning : Cassette Module: Cassette switch on clamping doesn't become free. Reason : Switch is mechanically blocked or light barrier is defective. Cure : Check if switch is working correctly and replace if necessary.. 247B0 E_HDC_ERACTL_TRIAC Meaning : Erasure control board triac defective. Reason : Current through any lamp is detected, even erusure unit should be switched off. Cure : Replace Erasure Control Board 247B7 E_HDC_A_BRW Meaning : Control command function execution failed. Reason : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details.

247B8 E_HDC_A_IOA Meaning : Control command function execution failed. Reason : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 247B9 E_HDC_A_TRS Meaning : Control command function execution failed. Reason : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to other component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 247BA E_HDC_AINIT_TRA Meaning : Sending command 'initialize' to transport component, failed. Reason : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to cassette module component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 247BB E_HDC_AINIT_ALN Meaning : Sending command 'initialize' to Alignment component, failed. Reason : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to cassette module component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 247BC E_HDC_AINIT_CAM Meaning : Sending command 'initialize' to cassette module 1 component, failed. Reason : Any severe problem in queuing mechanism to cassette module component. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 24801 E_SSC_DRV_SFAST_FORWARD Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running forward with high speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24802 E_SSC_DRV_SFAST_BACKWARD Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start running backward with high speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24803 E_SSC_DRV_SFASTXPOS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start X-positioning backwards with high speed.

Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24804 E_SSC_DRV_SERASE_SPOS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'start erase' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24805 E_SSC_DRV_SERASE_XPOS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: X-positioning backwards to prepare erasure. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24806 E_SSC_DRV_SERASEPOS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'start erase' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24807 E_SSC_DRV_POSXTOBAR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start positioning from Xpos backwards to 'IP on bar' pos. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24808 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSR_POSDELTALB Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning through light barrier. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

24809 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSR_POSBOTHDNBW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning to both rolls down position, backward from home. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2480A E_SSC_DRV_SFREEPIN_POSFWD Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning forward from position 'X-light barrier free' to position 'PIN diodes free'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2480B E_SSC_DRV_SERASEPOS_SECTIONS Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning upwards in sections during erasure. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2480C E_SSC_DRV_SCANPOS_DOWNRETRY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning downwards to free IP in case of transport upwards jam (Light barrier is not reached). Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2480D E_SSC_DRV_SCANPOS_UPRETRY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning up towards Light barrier for a short distance. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2480E E_SSC_DRV_LSRRUN_FW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start running forward. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2480F E_SSC_DRV_LSRSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Stop running. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24810 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRPOS_ENDBW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning backwards to end of cycle. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24811 E_SSC_DRV_LSRRUN_BW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start running backward. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24820 E_SSC_SXFAST_FORWARD Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start X-positioning forward with high speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

24821 E_SSC_TO_SXFAST_FORWARD Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout of scanner drive. Action: X-positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach X-pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24822 E_SSC_SXFAST_BACKWARD Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start X-positioning backward with high speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24823 E_SSC_TO_SXFAST_BACKWARD Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout of scanner drive. Action: X-positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach X-pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24824 E_SSC_IPTOSTARTERASE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare erase' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24825 E_SSC_TO_IPTOSTARTERASE Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanner drive.

Action: Step positioning to 'prepare erase' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24826 E_SSC_TO_POS_LSR Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to any position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24827 E_SSC_TO_ERASE_XPOS Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout of scanner drive. Action: X-positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach X-pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24828 E_SSC_TO_ERASE_POS Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to 'start erase' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24829 E_SSC_TO_X_POS Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout of scanner drive. Action: X-positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach X-pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 2482A E_SSC_A_POSXTOBAR

Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start positioning from Xpos backwards to 'IP on bar' pos. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2482B E_SSC_A_TO_POSXTOBAR Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning from 'X-pos' up to 'IP on bar' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2482C E_SSC_AINIT_LSRPOSDELTALB Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning through light barrier for home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2482D E_SSC_AINIT_TO_LSRPOSDELTALB Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning through light barrier for home positioning. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2482E E_SSC_A_HOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2482F E_SSC_A_TOHOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply.


- Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

24830 E_SSC_AINIT_LSRPOSBOTHDNBW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning to both rolls down, backward from home position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24831 E_SSC_AINIT_TO_LSRPOSBOTHDNBW Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to both rolls down, backward from home position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24832 E_SSC_AINIT_LSRPOSTDOWN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning to postscan roll down, during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24833 E_SSC_AINIT_TO_LSRPOSTDOWN Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to postscan roll down, during initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24834 E_SSC_AINIT_SCANPOSFREEPIN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node

scanrolls. Action: Start positioning forward until PIN diodes are free. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24835 E_SSC_AINIT_TO_SCANPOSFREEPIN Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning forward until PIN diodes are free. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24836 E_SSC_DNPOS_PREPARE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start step positioning downwards in prepare erasure retry cycle. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24837 E_SSC_TO_DNPOS_PREPARE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning downwards in prepare erasure retry cycle. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24838 E_SSC_UPPOS_PREPARE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start step positioning upwards in prepare erasure retry cycle. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24839 E_SSC_TO_UPPOS_PREPARE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive.

Action: Step positioning upwards in prepare erasure retry cycle. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2483A E_SSC_DNPOS_ERASE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start step positioning downwards in erasure retry cycle. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2483B E_SSC_TO_DNPOS_ERASE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning downwards in erasure retry cycle. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2483C E_SSC_UPPOS_ERASE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanrolls. Action: Start step positioning upwards in erasure retry cycle. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2483D E_SSC_TO_UPPOS_ERASE_RETRY Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning upwards in erasure retry cycle. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2483E E_SSC_CONFIG_LSRIRP_POSLSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning to both rolls down. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

2483F E_SSC_CONFIG_LSRIRP_TO_POSLSR Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to both rolls down. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24840 E_SSC_CONFIG_LSRIRP_HOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Home positioning. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24841 E_SSC_CONFIG_LSRIRP_TO_HOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of stepper drive lift scanrolls. Action: home positioning. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor. - Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. Cure : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node. 24842 E_SSC_AFEED_LSRRUN Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start running for retry close prescan rolls in feed IP procedure. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24843 E_SSC_AFEED_LSRSTOP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls.

Action: Stop running in feed IP procedure. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24844 E_SSC_AINIT_LSRENDCYCLE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning to end of cycle position, during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24845 E_SSC_AINIT_TO_LSRENDCYCLE Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to end of cycle position, during initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24846 E_SSC_AINIT_LSRENDBW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning to end of cycle position backwards, during initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24847 E_SSC_AINIT_TO_LSRENDBW Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning to end of cycle position backwards, during initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24848 E_SSC_A_LSRRUN_LBHFREE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node

lift scanrolls. Action: Start running until home lightbarrier free . Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24849 E_SSC_A_LSRSTOP_LBHFREE Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Stop running until home lightbarrier free . Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2484C E_SSC_AADJUST_LSRADDLBFLAG Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanrolls. Action: Start positioning from position light barrier forward interrupted to preroll down position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2484D E_SSC_AADJUST_TOLSRADDLBFLAG Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Step positioning from position light barrier forward interrupted to preroll down position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2484E E_SSC_LOAD_SPP_FILE Meaning : Slowscan module : Wrong spare part parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 2484F E_SSC_LOAD_SPP_LSRMOTTYPE Meaning : Slowscan module : Liftscanroll motortype parameter missing. Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "lsr_motor_type" parameter on floppy is OK.

24870 E_SSC_INIT_IP_JAM Reason : Slowscan module: IP Jam during initialisation. Light barrier doesn't become free during initialisation procedure. Meaning: - Real jam of Image plate in scanner. - Any problem with scanrolls stepper drive - If no IP in scanner, IP-detection lightbarrier or cable defective. Cure : - Analyse fault of IP jam, and take IP out. - Check functionality of scanrolls stepper drive ( motor, cables, stepper board). - Replace light barrier and/or cable. 24871 E_SSC_ATTACH_ICN Reason : Slowscan module : Attachment to Infocounter library failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of ICN Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 24910 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCAN_CLEARSTBY Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of slowscan drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24911 E_SSC_DRV_SMLIRO_CLEARSTBY Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of lift scanrolls drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24912 E_SSC_DRV_SMALPR_CLEARSTBY Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of align prescan drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24913

E_SSC_DRV_SMALPO_CLEARSTBY Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of align postscan drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24914 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSRHOME_SLOW Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanner rolls. Action: Home positioning with slow frequency. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24915 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLLPOS_RETAKEIP Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node slowscan drive. Action: Step positioning to retake IP into scanner at postscan. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24916 E_SSC_DRV_SMSCANROLL_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of scanroll drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24917 E_SSC_DRV_SMLSR_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of lift scanrolls drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

24918 E_SSC_DRV_SMPREALN_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of prescan alignment drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24919 E_SSC_DRV_SMPOSTALN_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Slowscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of postscan alignment drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24920 E_SSC_SV_SMROLLS_RESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node scanner rolls in service command function. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24921 E_SSC_SV_SMLSR_RESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanner rolls in service command function. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24922 E_SSC_SV_SMALNPRE_RESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node align prescan in service command function. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

24923 E_SSC_SV_SMALNPOST_RESET Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node align postscan in service command function. Action: Node SW Reset. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24924 E_SSC_TOALNPRERUNH_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of prescan alignment drive Action: Running homewards until home light barrier interrupted . Meaning : Status of home light barrier remains Free. - Stepper motor is not running or mechanically blocked. - Any problem with Home light barrier or the cable to the stepper board Cure : - Check/replace stepper node, check if drive is mechanically OK. - Check/replace light barrier harware and/or the cable. 24925 E_SSC_TOALNPOSTRUNH_AUTOADJ Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of postscan alignment drive Action: Running homewards until home light barrier interrupted . Meaning : Status of home light barrier remains Free. - Stepper motor is not running or mechanically blocked. - Any problem with Home light barrier or the cable to the stepper board Cure : - Check/replace stepper node, check if drive is mechanically OK. - Check/replace light barrier harware and/or the cable. 2492A E_SSC_DOWNLOAD_SNCPU1 Reason : Slowscan module : Software Download to stepper node CPU1 of IOB5Step board. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector to stepper board - Check/Replace IOB5Step stepper board 2492B E_SSC_DOWNLOAD_SNCPU2 Reason : Slowscan module : Software Download to stepper node CPU2 of IOB5Step board. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector to stepper board - Check/Replace IOB5Step stepper board

2492C E_SSC_AFEED_TOPREPSCAN Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout while transport Image Plate close to scanning line. The Image Plate was not detected by begin of scan light barrier. Meaning : - Begin of scan light barrier defective - Cabeling of BOS light barrier defective - Steper Node defective - IP did not reach light barrier at all Cure : - Check functionality of BOS light barrier and replace if defective - Check/Replace cabeling - Check/Replace IOB5Step stepper board - Check mechanics, why IP was not transported 2492D E_SSC_RETRY_HOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanner rolls. Action: Home positioning with slow frequency (retry cycle). Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 2492E E_SSC_RETRY_TOHOMELSR Reason : Slowscan module : Timeout of lift scanner rolls drive Action: Home positioning with slow frequency (retry cycle). Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2492F E_SSC_SET_SCANSPEED_CORRFACT Reason : Slowscan module : Setting of scanspeed correction factor failed Meaning : Parameters out of range. Cure : - Check parameters. 24930 E_SSC_A_RETAKERETRYOUT Reason : Slowscan module : Communication error with stepper node lift scanner rolls. Action: Retake IP into scanner at postscan (retry cycle). Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24931 E_SSC_A_TORETAKERETRYOUT Reason : Slowscan module :

Timeout of lift scanner rolls drive Action: Retake IP into scanner at postscan (retry cycle). Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connectoLight barrier 24932 E_SSC_A_TOLSR_RETRYPREDOWN Reason : Slowscan module: Timeout lift scanrolls drive. Action: Run slowly (retry cycle) to position preroll down until light barrier is interrupted. Meaning : Light barrier doesn't become interrupted. - Stepper motor does not start. - Light barrier defective Cure : - Restart digitizer. If problem reappears, check motor and stepper node. if necessary replace. - Check/replace Light barrier and/or cable. 24933 E_SSC_LOAD_SPP_ISSLSCAN17TO1 Meaning : Slowscan module : is_slscan_17to1 scanner type configuration flag missing. Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "is_slscan_17to1" parameter on floppy is OK. 24940 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELT_CLEARSTBY Reason : Input buffer Module. Stepper node UPI error of belt drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24941 E_IBF_DRV_SMDOOR_CLEARSTBY Reason : Input buffer Module. Stepper node UPI error of door drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24942 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELTPOS_RETRYREAD Reason : Input buffer Module : Communication error with stepper node Belt drive. Action: Step positioning to retry reading tag. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus

- Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24943 E_IBF_DRV_SMBELT_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Iutput buffer Module. Stepper node UPI error of belt drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24950 E_TPR_ARETRYREAD_BELTPOS Reason : Input buffer Module : Communication error with stepper node BELT drive. Action: Step positioning to 'retry read' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24951 E_TPR_ARETRYREAD_WAITBELTPOS Reason : Input buffer Module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'retry read' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 2495E E_SSC_IOBSIN_SCAN_DOWNLOAD Reason : Slowscan Unit: SW Download to stepper node scanner failed. Meaning : - No hexfile present on C-partition. - Stepper node defective. - Any data transfer problem. Cure : - Copy hexfile to C-partition of harddisk - Replace stepper node. - Check cabeling and replace if necessarry. 2495F E_SSC_IOBSIN_LIFT_DOWNLOAD Reason : Slowscan Unit: SW Download to stepper node lift scanrolls failed. Meaning : - No hexfile present on C-partition. - Stepper node defective. - Any data transfer problem. Cure : - Copy hexfile to C-partition of harddisk - Replace stepper node.

- Check cabeling and replace if necessarry. 24960 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLS_CLEARSTBY Reason : Output buffer Module. Stepper node UPI error of rolls drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24961 E_OBF_DRV_SMPUSH_CLEARSTBY Reason : Output buffer Module. Stepper node UPI error of pusher drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24962 E_OBF_DRV_SMROLLS_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Output buffer Module. Stepper node UPI error of rolls drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24980 E_ROT_DRV_SMROT_CLEARSTBY Reason : Rotation Module. Stepper node UPI error of rotation drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 249A0 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_CLEARSTBY Meaning : Transport postscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of sled drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 249A1 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_CLEARSTBY Meaning : Transport postscan Module. Stepper node UPI error of suction drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 249A2 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_OUTPOINTS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'move out into points' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249A3 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDHOME_FROMPOINTS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning from points. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249A4 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCKPOS_TKEIPINCA Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP in cassette' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249A5 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_HOME Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'home' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

249A6 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_LDSEQCMD_POS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load 'positioning' command into command sequence buffer. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249A7 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_LDSEQCMD_WAITUNTIL Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load 'WAIT UNTIL' command into command sequence buffer. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249A8 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_LDSEQCMD_SYNC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load 'SYNC' command into command sequence buffer. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249A9 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_STORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'STORE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249AA E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_FINSTORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'FINISH STORE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

249AB E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_EXEC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'EXECUTE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249AC E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_CANCEXEC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'CANCEL EXECUTE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249AD E_TPO_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_GETSYNCCNT Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'Read syncronize counter'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249AE E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_LDSEQCMD_POS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Load 'positioning' command into command sequence buffer. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249AF E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_LDSEQCMD_WAITUNTIL Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Load 'WAIT UNTIL' command into command sequence buffer. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus

- Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B0 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_LDSEQCMD_SYNC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Load 'SYNC' command into command sequence buffer. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B1 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_STORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'STORE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B2 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_FINSTORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'FINISH STORE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B3 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_EXEC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'EXECUTE'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B4 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_CANCEXEC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'CANCEL EXECUTE'.

Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B5 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_GETSYNCCNT Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'Read syncronize counter'. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B6 E_TPO_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_RETFROMPOINTS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning from 'out in points' position down to 'close home' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249B7 E_TPO_DRV_SMSUCKPOS_HELPIPOUTSCAN Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to one of several positions for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249C0 E_TPO_AOUTPOINTS_SLEDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'out in points' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249C1 E_TPO_AOUTPOINTS_WAITSLEDPOS

Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'out in points' position. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249C2 E_TPO_AINSERTIP_PUTIP Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'put IP into cassette' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249C3 E_TPO_AINSERTIP_WAITPUTIP Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suciton. Action: Step positioning to 'put IP into cassette' position. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249C4 E_TPO_AREPREP_SLEDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'home' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249C5 E_TPO_AREPREP_WAITSLEDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'home' position. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249C6 E_TPO_AREPREP_SLEDHOME Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Home positioning in reprepare for IP function. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

249C7 E_TPO_AREPREP_WAITSLEDHOME Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Home positioning in reprepare for IP function. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249C8 E_TPO_AREPREP_SUCTIONHOME Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Home positioning in reprepare for IP function. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249C9 E_TPO_AREPREP_WAITSUCTIONHOME Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Home positioning in reprepare for IP function. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249CA E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SLEDSTORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Switch stepper controller into sequence store mode. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249CB E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDCURVE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load curve down to controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector

- Check/Replace stepper node 249CC E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load position command into comand buffer of controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249CD E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDBUFSYNC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load Buffer Sync command into comand buffer of controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249CE E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDWAITUNTIL Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load Wait Until command into comand buffer of controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249CF E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SLEDFINSTORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Finish stepper controller sequence store mode. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D0 E_TPO_A_SLEDEXECSEQ Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start stepper controller command sequence execution. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D1 E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SUCKSTORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Switch stepper controller into sequence store mode. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D2 E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDCURVE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load curve down to controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D3 E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load position command into comand buffer of controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D4 E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDBUFSYNC Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load Buffer Sync command into comand buffer of controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D5 E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDWAITUNTIL Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load Wait Until command into comand buffer of controller. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

249D6 E_TPO_AICMDSEQ_SUCKFINSTORE Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Finish stepper controller sequence store mode. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D7 E_TPO_A_SUCKEXECSEQ Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Start stepper controller command sequence execution. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D8 E_TPO_ATKEIPINCA_SUCTIONPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP in cassette' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249D9 E_TPO_ATKEIPINCA_WAITSUCTIONPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Step positioning to 'take IP in cassette' position. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249DA E_TPO_AINIT_SLEDRESET Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Reset during initialisation. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system

- Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249DB E_TPO_AINIT_SUCTIONRESET Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Reset during initialisation. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249DC E_TPO_ARETPOINTS_SLEDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning from 'out in points' position to 'close home' position. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249DD E_TPO_ARETPOINTS_WAITSLEDPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning from 'out in points' position to 'close home' position. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249DE E_TPO_AHELPIPOUTSCANTOUCH_SUCKPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to touch position for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249DF E_TPO_AHELPIPOUTSCANTOUCH_WAITSUCKPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Step positioning to touch position for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node.


- Problems with IOBUS connector/cable : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable.

249E0 E_TPO_AHELPIPOUTSCANPULL_SUCKPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to pull with vacuum position for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249E1 E_TPO_AHELPIPOUTSCANPULL_WAITSUCKPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Step positioning to pull with vacuum position for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249E2 E_TPO_AHELPIPOUTSCANFIN_SUCKPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to final position for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249E3 E_TPO_AHELPIPOUTSCANFIN_WAITSUCKPOS Meaning : Transport postscan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Step positioning to final position for helping IP out of scanner. Reason : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 249F0 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_CLEARSTBY Reason : Transport prescan Module. Stepper node UPI error of sled drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact


- Node defective : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node

249F1 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_CLEARSTBY Reason : Transport prescan Module. Stepper node UPI error of suction drive. Clear standby current was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 249F2 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_FREEGUIDG Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning from 'home' to 'free guiding plate' position. This is a position where an IP is not touched by suction cups. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F3 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCTIONPOS_REMOVEFEED Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Step positioning from 'feed IP' to 'remove from Feed IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F4 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_REMOVEFEED Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning from 'feed IP' to 'remove from Feed IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F5 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLEDPOS_PREPMVUP Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node

sled drive. Action: Step positioning from 'feed IP' to 'remove from Feed IP' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F6 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_LDSEQCMD_POS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load 'positioning' command into command sequence buffer. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F7 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_LDSEQCMD_WAITUNTIL Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load 'WAIT UNTIL' command into command sequence buffer. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F8 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_LDSEQCMD_SYNC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load 'SYNC' command into command sequence buffer. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249F9 E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_STORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'STORE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249FA

E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_FINSTORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'FINISH STORE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249FB E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_EXEC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'EXECUTE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249FC E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_CANCEXEC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'CANCEL EXECUTE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249FD E_TPR_DRV_SMSLED_SEQCTLCMD_GETSYNCCNT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'Read syncronize counter'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 249FE E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_LDSEQCMD_POS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Load 'positioning' command into command sequence buffer. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

249FF E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_LDSEQCMD_WAITUNTIL Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Load 'WAIT UNTIL' command into command sequence buffer. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A00 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_LDSEQCMD_SYNC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Load 'SYNC' command into command sequence buffer. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A01 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_STORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'STORE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A02 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_FINSTORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'FINISH STORE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A03 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_EXEC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'EXECUTE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

24A04 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_CANCEXEC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'CANCEL EXECUTE'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A05 E_TPR_DRV_SMSUCK_SEQCTLCMD_GETSYNCCNT Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Send sequence control command 'Read syncronize counter'. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A10 E_TPR_AFINISH_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to remove sled from 'feed IP position' near Home position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A11 E_TPR_AFINISH_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to remove sled from 'feed IP position' near Home position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A12 E_TPR_AFINISH_SUCKPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to remove suction from 'feed IP position' near Home position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective


: - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

24A13 E_TPR_AFINISH_WAITSUCKPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Step positioning to remove suction from 'feed IP position' near Home position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A14 E_TPR_APREPMVUP_SLEDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare move up' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A15 E_TPR_APREPMVUP_WAITSLEDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive sled. Action: Step positioning to 'prepare move up' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A16 E_TPR_APREPMVUP_SUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction arm drive. Action: Home positioning while prepare moving up action. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A17 E_TPR_APREPMVUP_WAITSUCTIONHOME Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction arm. Action: home positioning while prepare moving up action. Meaning : - Drive doesn't reach home pos. because of any mechanical problems. - No stepper power supply. - Problems with stepper motor.


- Problems with home pos. light barrier. - Problems with stepper node. : - Check mechanics. - Check stepper power supply. - Check motor (connected ?). - check/replace home pos. light barrier and cable. - Check/replace stepper node.

24A18 E_TPR_AINITHOME_SUCKPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Step positioning to 'guiding plate free' position after initialisation. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A19 E_TPR_AINITHOME_WAITSUCKPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Timeout of stepper drive suction. Action: Step positioning to 'guiding plate free' position after initialisation. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A1A E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SLEDSTORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Switch stepper controller into sequence store mode. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A1B E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDCURVE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load curve down to controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A1C E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDPOS

Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load position command into comand buffer of controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A1D E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDBUFSYNC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load Buffer Sync command into comand buffer of controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A1E E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SLEDLDWAITUNTIL Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Load Wait Until command into comand buffer of controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A1F E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SLEDFINSTORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Finish stepper controller sequence store mode. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A20 E_TPR_A_SLEDEXECSEQ Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node sled drive. Action: Start stepper controller command sequence execution. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A21

E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SUCKSTORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Switch stepper controller into sequence store mode. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A22 E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDCURVE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load curve down to controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A23 E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDPOS Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load position command into comand buffer of controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A24 E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDBUFSYNC Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load Buffer Sync command into comand buffer of controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A25 E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SUCKLDWAITUNTIL Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Load Wait Until command into comand buffer of controller. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node

24A26 E_TPR_AICMDSEQ_SUCKFINSTORE Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Finish stepper controller sequence store mode. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A27 E_TPR_A_SUCKEXECSEQ Reason : Transport prescan module : Communication error with stepper node suction drive. Action: Start stepper controller command sequence execution. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A40 E_CAM_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Cassette module : nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download CAM again - if nothing else helps. 24A41 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_SAVEINP Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: starting step positioning to save input position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A42 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_REMSAVEINP Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: starting some steps back from save input position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A43 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELTPOS_BACKSAVEINP Reason : Cassette Module:

Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: starting step positioning to back from save input position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A44 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLLRUNINSLOW Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: start running in with slow speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A45 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMPPOS_UNCLPFAST Reason : Cassette Module: Communication error with stepper node clamping. Action: start unclamping cassette with high speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A46 E_CAM_DRV_SMBELT_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Cassette Module. Stepper node UPI error of belt drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A47 E_CAM_DRV_SMROLL_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Cassette Module. Stepper node UPI error of roll drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A48 E_CAM_DRV_SMLIFT_SETSTARTCURR

Reason : Cassette Module. Stepper node UPI error of lift drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A49 E_CAM_DRV_SMCLMP_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Cassette Module. Stepper node UPI error of clamping drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A4A E_CAM_DRV_SMOPEN_SETSTARTCURR Reason : Cassette Module. Stepper node UPI error of opener drive. Set standby current to start value was not sucessfull. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A50 E_CAM_PREPINP_BELTSAVEINP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'save input' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A51 E_CAM_PREPINP_TOBELTSAVEINP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'save input' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A52 E_CAM_A_BELTREMSAVEINP

Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'remove from save input' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A53 E_CAM_A_TOBELTREMSAVEINP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back from save input' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A54 E_CAM_A_BELTBACKSAVEINP Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node belt. Action: Step positioning to 'remove from save input' position. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A55 E_CAM_A_TOBELTBACKSAVEINP Reason : Cassette module : Timeout of stepper drive belt. Action: Step positioning to 'back from save input' position. Meaning : Stepper node UPI remains busy. - Problems with stepper node. - Problems with IOBUS connector/cable Cure : - Check/replace stepper node. - Check/replace IOBUS connector and cable. 24A56 E_CAM_RETRYINPUT_ROLLIN Reason : Cassette module : Communication error with stepper node roll. Action: Retry cassette input with slow speed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A57 E_CAM1_CASS_SWITCH Reason : Cassette module 1:

Cassette detection switch on clamping doesn't become free. Action: test on cassette during initialisation. Meaning : - Light barrier defective. - Cable between stepper board and light barrier defective. - Stepper node of opener drive defective. Cure : - Check this components and replace if defective. 24A58 E_CAM2_CASS_SWITCH Reason : Cassette module 2: Cassette detection switch on clamping doesn't become free. Action: test on cassette during initialisation. Meaning : - Light barrier defective. - Cable between stepper board and light barrier defective. - Stepper node of opener drive defective. Cure : - Check this components and replace if defective. 24A5A E_CAM_LDSMCURVES_CPU1 Reason : Cassette module : Download of stepper motor curves to CPU1 of SIN5STEP board failed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A5B E_CAM_LDSMCURVES_CPU2 Reason : Cassette module : Download of stepper motor curves to CPU2 of SIN5STEP board failed. Meaning : - Disturbance on IO-Bus - Error on IO-Bus cable or node disconnected/bad contact - Node defective Cure : - Restart system - Check/Replace IO-Bus cable and connector - Check/Replace stepper node 24A60 E_IOC_ATTACH_SMH Meaning : IOBUS Control module: Attachment to Stepper motor Driver library failed. Reason : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 24A61 E_IOC_ATTACH_HDC Meaning : IOBUS Control module : Attachment to Handling Control module(HDC) interface failed. Reason : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of HDC Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : System Ressources exhausted?? 24A62 E_IOC_ATTACH_COB Meaning : IOBUS Control module : Attachment to Central Observer module interface failed.

Reason Cure

: Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of COB Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. : System Ressources exhausted??

24A70 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_IBF_BELT Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Input buffer belt failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A71 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_IBF_DOOR Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Input buffer door failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A72 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_OBF_ROLLS Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Output buffer rolls failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A73 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_OBF_PUSH Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Output buffer pusher failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A74 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_ROT_ROT Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Cassette modules Rotation failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk

- Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A75 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_TPR_SLED Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Transport prescan sled failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A76 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_TPR_SUCK Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Transport prescan suction failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A77 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_TPO_SLED Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Transport postscan sled failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A78 E_IOC_IOBSIN_DOWNLOAD_TPO_SUCK Meaning : IOBUS Controller Module: Software download to IOB_SIN stepper node of Transport postscan suction failed. Reason : - Software file not found on disk - Any IOBUS problem - Node defective Cure : - Copy Software HEXfile to disk - Check IO-Bus cable and connector - Replace stepper node 24A79 E_IOC_TST_NMSB1_CONNECT Meaning : IOBUS controller module: Node test of Multi Supply Board failed. IOBIC 1 on board not detected.

Reason : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 24A7A E_IOC_TST_NMSB2_CONNECT Meaning : IOBUS controller module: Node test of Multi Supply Board failed. IOBIC 2 on board not detected. Reason : Node not connected or defective. Cure : Connect node or replace. 24A80 E_IOC_PU_FANCONN Meaning : IOBUS control module: Power Unit Fan not connected. Reason : Power unit fan not connected or defective. Cure : - Check cabeling/connections of power unit fan. - Replace fan if defective. 24A81 E_IOC_PU_FANSPEED Meaning : IOBUS control module: Power Unit Fan speed error. Reason : Power unit fan speed too low. Cure : - Check power unit fan. - Replace fan if defective. 24A82 E_IOC_VAC_VALVEPRECONN Meaning : IOBUS control module: Vacuum Prescan valve not connected. Reason : Vacuum valve not connected or defective. Cure : - Check cabeling/connections of vacuum valve. - Replace valve if defective. 24A83 E_IOC_VAC_VALVEPOSTCONN Meaning : IOBUS control module: Vacuum Postscan valve not connected. Reason : Vacuum valve not connected or defective. Cure : - Check cabeling/connections of vacuum valve. - Replace valve if defective. 24A84 E_IOC_SM_FUSES Meaning : IOBUS control module: Stepper motor fuses error. Reason : One or more fuse(s) of stepper motors is(are) defective. Cure : - Replace defective fuses. 24A85 E_IOC_IVSEL_NOLOADMEDIAN Meaning : IOBUS control module: Input voltage change-over error. Reason : It is not possible to detect valid nonload input voltage values. Cure : - Examine MultiSupply Board on any defect. Replace if necessary. 24A86 E_IOC_IVSEL_LOADMEDIAN Meaning : IOBUS control module: Input voltage change-over error. Reason : It is not possible to detect valid load input voltage values. Cure : - Examine MultiSupply Board on any defect. Replace if necessary. 24A87 E_IOC_IVSEL_SET230V

Meaning : IOBUS control module: Input voltage change-over error. Reason : Setting the input voltage slection to 230V failed. Any problem with Multi Supply Board OR Erasure control board OR any cable connecting them. Cure : - Check the boards and cables. Replace if necessary. 24A88 E_IOC_IVSEL_SET208V Meaning : IOBUS control module: Input voltage change-over error. Reason : Setting the input voltage slection to 208V failed. Any problem with Multi Supply Board OR Erasure control board OR any cable connecting them. Cure : - Check the boards and cables. Replace if necessary. 24A89 E_IOC_IVSEL_SET200V Meaning : IOBUS control module: Input voltage change-over error. Reason : Setting the input voltage slection to 200V failed. Any problem with Multi Supply Board OR Erasure control board OR any cable connecting them. Cure : - Check the boards and cables. Replace if necessary. 24A8A E_IOC_MSB_24V Meaning : IOBUS control module: 24V supply error. Reason : 24V supply at Multi Supply Board out of range (< 21V or > 27V). - Fuses blown. - Any connector not connected to power integration board. - Power integration board defective. Cure : - Check/replace fuses. - Check all connectors to power integration board - Replace power integration board 24A8B E_IOC_MSB_IV_ADC Meaning : IOBUS control module: Input voltage AD-Converter error. Reason : The Analog-Digital Converter for reading input voltage value does not operate correctly. Cure : - Replace power integration board 24A8C E_IOC_VACPRETST_GOTVAC Meaning : IOBUS control module: Test of vacuum prescan unit failed. Got wrong status 'Vacuum OK' while valve is switched to direction pump. Reason : There are several possible causes for this error. - valve defective - pump defective - power integration board defective Cure : - Check all devices and Replace if necessary 24A8D E_IOC_VACPRETST_GOTNOVAC Meaning : IOBUS control module: Test of vacuum prescan unit failed. Got wrong status 'Vacuum NOT OK' while valve is switched to direction air and pump is running.

Reason : There are several possible causes for this error. - Tube between pump and valve not connected or defective - valve defective - cable to valve defective - pump defective - power integration board defective Cure : - Check all devices and Replace if necessary 24A8E E_IOC_VACPOSTTST_GOTVAC Meaning : IOBUS control module: Test of vacuum postscan unit failed. Got wrong status 'Vacuum OK' while valve is switched to direction pump. Reason : There are several possible causes for this error. - valve defective - pump defective - power integration board defective Cure : - Check all devices and Replace if necessary 24A8F E_IOC_VACPOSTTST_GOTNOVAC Meaning : IOBUS control module: Test of vacuum postscan unit failed. Got wrong status 'Vacuum NOT OK' while valve is switched to direction air and pump is running. Reason : There are several possible causes for this error. - Tube between pump and valve not connected or defective - valve defective - cable to valve defective - pump defective - power integration board defective Cure : - Check all devices and Replace if necessary 24A90 E_IOC_EU_FAN_MSBHARDWARE Meaning : IOBUS control module: Erasure Fan speed status wrong if fan is off. Reason : Multi Supply Board defective. Cure : Replace Multi Supply Board. 24A91 E_IOC_LOAD_SPP_EUOVCURVE_P15 Meaning : IOBUS control module: Erasure unit overvoltage curve parameter(of 15% OV) missing. Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "ov_curve_p15" parameter on floppy is OK. 24A92 E_IOC_LOAD_SPP_EUOVCURVE_P0 Meaning : IOBUS control module: Erasure unit overvoltage curve parameter(of nominal voltage) missing. Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "ov_curve_p0" parameter on floppy is OK. 24A93 E_IOC_LOAD_SPP_EUTYPE Meaning : IOBUS control module: Erasure unit type parameter missing.

Reason : Wrong spare part parameter file or file corrupted. Cure : Insert correct diskette. Check if "eu_type" parameter on floppy is OK. 24A94 E_IOC_LOAD_SPP_FILE Meaning : IOBUS control module: Wrong spare part parameter file. Reason : Wrong diskette. Cure : Insert correct diskette. 24AA0 E_HDC_ATTACH_COB Reason : Handling control module : Attachment to Central Observer module interface failed. Meaning : Its not possible to get access to Shared memory of COB Therefore no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 24AB0 E_HDC_IPVACPO_TAKEIP Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error postscan. Reason : Got no vacuum while taking IP from scanner. Probably IP Jam. Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24AB1 E_HDC_IPVACPO_TOERASE Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error postscan. Reason : Vacuum lost while moving IP to start erasure position. Probably IP lost. Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24AB2 E_HDC_IPVACPO_ERASE Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error postscan. Reason : Vacuum lost while IP erasure motion. Probably IP lost Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24AB3 E_HDC_IPVACPO_RETURN Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error postscan. Reason : Vacuum lost while moving IP back into cassette. Probably IP lost Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24AB4 E_HDC_IPVACPR_OUT Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error prescan. Reason : Vacuum lost while taking IP out of cassette. Probably IP lost Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24AB5 E_HDC_IPVACPR_DNFEED Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error prescan. Reason : Vacuum lost while moving IP down into scanner rolls.


Probably IP lost : Open doors and put IP into cassette.

24AB6 E_HDC_IPVACPR_DOWN Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error prescan. Reason : Vacuum lost while moving IP down to scanner. Probably IP lost Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24AB7 E_HDC_IPVACPR_FEED Meaning : Handling Control Module: Vacuum error prescan. Reason : Vacuum lost while feeding IP into scanner rolls. Probably IP lost Cure : Open doors and put IP into cassette. 24ABA E_HDC_PU_FAN_NOT_CONNECTED Meaning : Power unit fan not connected. Reason : - Fan is not connected or cabel is broken. - Power integration board defective. Cure : - Check cabeling to erasure unit fan. - Replace power integration board. 24ABB E_HDC_PU_FAN_SPEED Meaning : Power unit fan speed too low. Reason : Fan is blocked or runs stiff. Cure : Check Power unit fan and replace if necessary. 24ABC E_HDC_24V_SUPPLY_OUT_OF_RANGE Meaning : The 24 Volts supply(used for pumps, valves, magnets ..) is out of range. Reason : 24V supply at Multi Supply Board out of range (< 21V or > 27V). - Fuse SI13 on power integration board blown. - Any connector not connected to power integration board. - Power integration board defective. Cure : - Check/replace fuse SI13. - Check all connectors to power integration board - Replace power integration board 24ABD E_HDC_UIF_ASK_TAG_DETECTION Meaning : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for cassette data tag not detected by Tag Reader. Reason : - Wrong positioned cassette. - Disturbance of communication between reader and tag. Cure : Remove cassette and try again. 24ABE E_HDC_SSC_IP_JAM Meaning : Handling control module : Image plate jam in scanner. Reason : It is not possible to transport IP out of scanner. - Not enough friction at scanner rolls. - IP is blocked anywhere.

- BOS sensor detects IP in scanner during startup, although nothing is there. Cure : Remove IP and look for the cause of the jam. If no IP is in scanner during startup, Check BOS-sensor with cabeling. 24ABF E_HDC_OPEN_POST_POINTS Meaning : Handling control module : Postscan points did not open. Reason : - Points mechanically blocked - Robot did not reach position - Any electrical problem in steering the magnets opening points. Cure : - Repair mechanical part or replace robot - Test if sled drive is ok or not, and if necessary change parts (Sled stepper node, cabeling to sled stepper node, motor ...) - Check the cause of the problem and replace (MSB-Node, magnets, cabeling to magnets) 24AC0 E_HDC_EU_FAN_MSB_HW Meaning : Erasure Fan status wrong. Reason : - Hardware of Multi Supply Board defective if MSB version > 1. - Erasure fan not connected if MSB version = 1. Cure : - Replace Multi Supply Board. - Connect fan to MSB. 24AC1 E_HDC_UIF_ASK_EULAMPS_TOCHANGE Meaning : Handling control module : Error number connected to user interface confirm text for CHANGE OF ERASURE LAMPS REQUIRED. Reason : - Bulbs of erasure lamps are probably too black for good erasure results. Cure : Change all erasure lamps. 24AF0 E_HDC_IFC_VERSION Reason : Handling Control module : Version of Interface not compatible with Version of HDC-Component. Meaning : SW-configuration problem. Cure : - contact SI-DIS. 24B00 E_DGN_ALLOCCB Reason : Diagnostics-SW: sm_eheap() returned error. Meaning : Cannot allocate memory on the heap for my control block. Cure : Could it be that we are running out of RAM? 24B01 E_DGN_LOADCONFIG Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Cannot load DGN's configuration data. Meaning : There is an error while loading the configurable data. Cure : Check configuration. 24B02 E_DGN_CFG_GETDEFAULTS Reason : Diagnostics-SW: nvf_copy_virgin() failed. Meaning : Cannot load the default configuration data.


: Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download DGN again - if nothing else helps.

24B03 E_DGN_CFG_SET_MIN Reason : Diagnostics-SW: nvf_set_minimum() failed. Meaning : Cannot set the minimum for a NVF variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download DGN again - if nothing else helps. 24B04 E_DGN_CFG_SET_MAX Reason : Diagnostics-SW: nvf_set_maximum() failed. Meaning : Cannot set the maximum for a NVF variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download DGN again - if nothing else helps. 24B05 E_DGN_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : Diagnostics-SW: nvf_read_values() returned with error. Meaning : Unable to read the NVFs for the DGN component. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 24B06 E_DGN_CFG_DECLARECONFIG Reason : Diagnostics-SW: nvf_dcl_cfg() failed. Meaning : Cannot declare a configfile for service. Cure : Check underlying error message for detailed information. 24B07 E_DGN_MMS_OPEN Reason : Diagnostics-SW: mms_open failed in DGN program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 24B08 E_DGN_SM_QID Reason : Diagnostics-SW: sm_queueid returned with error in DGN program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 24B09 E_DGN_MMS_QCREATE Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Creation of my input queue failed in DIAG program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 24B0A E_DGN_NO_TASK_ID Reason : Diagnostics-SW: System cannot assign a taskID to the DGN task. Meaning : Too many tasks running. Cure : Check configuration and remove all zombie processes that are likely to float around in the system blocking its ressources. 24B0B

E_DGN_TASK_START Reason : Diagnostics-SW: lib_taskcreate() returned with error. Meaning : Cannot start the DGN task. Cure : Starting the DGN task failed for any reason - check the underlying error codes for details. 24B0C E_DGN_TASK_SYNC Reason : Diagnostics-SW: sc_pend() returned with error. Meaning : received an error while waiting for DGN-task to broadcast its birth. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 24B0D E_DGN_SYNC_MAILBOX Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Write into sync mailbox failed. Meaning : Cannot inform my parent that DGN has started up successfully and that the installation procedure can continue. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 24B0E E_DGN_UIF_READY Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Function uif_dgn ready() failed.. Meaning : Cannot inform UIF component that DGN-task is ready. Cure : Check underlying error for details. 24B0F E_DGN_TASK_QPEND Reason : Diagnostics-SW: mms_qpend() reported an error. Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 24B10 E_DGN_CFG_READ_ONLY Reason : Diagnostics-SW: nvf_set_acc_mode() failed. Meaning : Cannot set the NVF variable to a ReadOnly variable. Cure : Check underlying error code for detailed information - no idea how this can happen! Try to download DGN again - if nothing else helps. 24B41 E_DIAG_MMSOPEN Reason : Diagnostics-SW: mms_open failed in DIAG program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 24B42 E_DIAG_SMQID Reason : Diagnostics-SW: sm_queueid returned with error in DIAG program Meaning : System is not able to give me a queue ID for my input Queue Cure : System ressources are exhausted. A 'mon res' should solve the problem. 24B43 E_DIAG_MMSQCREATE Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Creation of my input queue failed in DIAG program Meaning : System cannot create a message queue. Cure : Check underlying error code for details.

24B44 E_DIAG_MMSCLOSE Reason : Diagnostics-SW: mms_close failed in DIAG program Meaning : Cannot access MMS Cure : Check configuration. 24B45 E_DIAG_ACTIVE_LOCK_MACHINE Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Machine is locked because diagnostics tool DIAG is active Meaning : Diagnosis tool DIAG is active and therefore machine is locked. No regular scan with cassette handling possible. Machine displays "service mode" if no severe error occured before. Cure : No error condition. Wait for end of diagnostics, then the error code disappears by itself. 24B71 E_DGN_UNKNOWN_GLOBVAR Reason : Diagnostics-SW: setting the value of a CLIPS global variable failed. Meaning : Expert system interpreter CLIPS doesn't know the global variable. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B72 E_DGN_UNKNOWN_TEST Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : Desired test is unknown and can't be executed. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B73 E_DGN_INFENG_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_CLIPS_inference_engine() failed. Meaning : Loading of CLIPS inference engine failed because file not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B74 E_DGN_INPBUF_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of input buffer test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B75 E_DGN_CASMOD1_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of cassette module 1 test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B76 E_DGN_CASMOD2_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of cassette module 2 test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B77 E_DGN_ROTATION_TEST_NOT_LOADED

Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of rotation test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B78 E_DGN_PRESCN_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of prescan transport test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B79 E_DGN_SCAN_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of scanner handling test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B7A E_DGN_POSTSCN_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of postscan transport test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B7B E_DGN_OUTPBUF_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of output buffer not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B7C E_DGN_ERASE_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of erasure unit not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B7D E_DGN_REMOTE_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of remote test of complete machine test not loaded or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B7E E_DGN_DEFINES_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_CLIPS_defines() failed. Meaning : Loading of CLIPS inference engine failed because file not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B7F E_DGN_DEVICE_FUNCTIONS_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_device_specific_CLIPS_functions() failed. Meaning : Loading of device specific CLIPS functions failed because file not


found or file is corrupted. : Install complete diagnostics software again.

24B80 E_DGN_EXT_FUNCTIONS_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_external_CLIPS_functions() failed. Meaning : Loading of external CLIPS functions failed because file not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B81 E_DGN_PRINT_STDOUT_FCTS_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_CLIPS_functions_for_print_on_stdout() failed. Meaning : Loading of CLIPS functions for printing texts on stdout failed because file not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B82 E_DGN_PRINT_LCD_FCTS_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_CLIPS_functions_for_print_on_LCD() failed. Meaning : Loading of CLIPS functions for printing texts on ADC's LCD failed because file not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B83 E_DGN_INVALID_PARAM_TYPE Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Converting CLIPS parameter to DGN integer/float value or string failed Meaning : The given parameter type is invalid: allowed are only type STRING, INTEGER OR FLOAT. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! If this doesn't help, inform R&D (software bug). 24B84 E_DGN_INVALID_PARAM_POSITION Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Converting CLIPS parameter to DGN integer value or string failed Meaning : The given parameter position is out of CLIPS parameter multifield range. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! If this doesn't help, inform R&D (software bug). 24B85 E_DGN_PARAM_NO_MULTIFIELD Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Passing parameters from CLIPS to DGN function failed. Meaning : CLIPS didn't pass parameter-list in form of a multifield variable to DGN. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! If this doesn't help, inform R&D (software bug). 24B86 E_DGN_PARAM_NO_INTEGER Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Passing parameters from CLIPS to DGN function failed. Meaning : CLIPS didn't pass parameter-list in form of a integer variable to DGN. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! If this doesn't help, inform R&D (software bug).

24B87 E_DGN_FACTS_FOR_COMMON_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_load_facts_for_common_resources() failed. Meaning : Loading of CLIPS facts for common resources/variables failed because file not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B88 E_DGN_OPTICS_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of scanner optics test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B89 E_DGN_COPY_TO_TMP_DIRECTORY Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_initialize_test() failed. Meaning : Copying CLIPS files to temporary working directory on RAM-disk failed Cure : Check if RAM-disk (volume ram:) is full; if not, install complete diagnostics software again. 24B8A E_DGN_IOBUS_HW_NOK_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of test 'IOBUS hardware not found' not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B8B E_DGN_PCI_TEMP_NOK_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of test 'VME temperature too high' not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24B8C E_DGN_QUICK_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base for quick test of complete machine not loaded or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24BC1 E_DGN_UNKNOWN_NODE_NAME Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgndrv_get_node_address_for_node_name() failed. Meaning : Unknown IOBUS node name. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! 24BC3 E_DGN_IBF_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_ibf_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of input buffer component IBF failed Cure : Check if ibf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BC4 E_DGN_IBF_SERVICE_OFF

Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_ibf_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of input buffer component IBF failed Cure : Check if ibf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BC6 E_DGN_IOB_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to IOBUS Driver library failed. Meaning : VME IOBUS Hardware not found. Cure : Check underlying error code for details. 24BC7 E_DGN_IBF_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to input buffer module interface (IBF) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of IBF Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ibf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BC8 E_DGN_SCN_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to scanning module interface (SCN) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of SCN Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if scn.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BC9 E_DGN_IOC_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to IOBUS control interface (IOC) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of IOC Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BCA E_DGN_UIF_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to user terminal interface (UIF) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of UIF Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if uif.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BCB E_DGNDRV_MMS_QPEND Reason : Diagnostics-SW: mms_qpend() reported an error (timeout, ...). Meaning : Problem reading from the input queue. Cure : Check underlying error message for details. 24BCC E_DGN_INVALID_TEXT_ID Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Function uif_display text responded error "invalid text-ID" Meaning : UIF component doesn't know the text-ID which DGNDRV passed to it.


: Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! If this doesn't help, inform R&D and save log-file

24BCD E_DGN_SCN_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_scn_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of scanning component SCN failed Cure : Check if scn.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BCE E_DGN_SCN_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_scn_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of scanning component SCN failed Cure : Check if scn.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BCF E_DGN_ROT_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to rotation module interface (ROT) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of ROT Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if rot.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD1 E_DGN_CAM1_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to cassette module 1 interface (CAM1) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of CAM1 Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD2 E_DGN_CAM2_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to cassette module 2 interface (CAM2) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of CAM2 Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD3 E_DGN_CAM1_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_cam1_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of cassette module 1 (CAM1) failed Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD4 E_DGN_CAM2_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_cam2_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of cassette module 2 (CAM2) failed Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details.

24BD5 E_DGN_CAM1_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_cam1_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of cassette module 1 (CAM1) failed Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD6 E_DGN_CAM2_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_cam2_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of cassette module 2 (CAM2) failed Cure : Check if cam.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD7 E_DGN_TPR_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to transport prescan interface (TPR) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of TPR Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if tpr.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BD8 E_DGN_IBF_BELT_NOT_AT_LABEL_POS Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Input buffer belt drive didn't reach position 'label detection' Meaning : During the diagnostic test, the input buffer belt drive didn't reach position 'label detection' (the actual belt position is 'end position'). Cure : Check that cassette label is at bottom and that light barrier 'label detection' works. 24BDB E_DGN_UIF_DISPLAY_TEXT Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Interface function uif_display_text() failed Meaning : The diagnostics tool can't display a text on ADC's LCD-terminal because the UIF component can't handle DGN's message. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! 24BDC E_DGN_TPO_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to transport postscan interface (TPO) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of TPO Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if tpo.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BDD E_DGN_IOC_NO_POSTSCAN_VACUUM Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Postscan vaccum with image plate not reached Meaning : During the diagnostic test, the postscan vacuum was not reached. Cure : Check that image plate is in cassette and ok; check suction apparatus, valves, tubes and vacuum pump.

24BDF E_DGN_OBF_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to output buffer interface (OBF) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of OBF Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if obf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE0 E_DGN_SSC_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to slowscan module interface (SSC) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of SSC Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if ssc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE1 E_DGN_IOC_ERASURE_UNIT_ON_NOT_OK Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Erasure unit can't be switched on. Meaning : During the diagnostics test, the erasure unit can't be switched on because the cooling time for the erasure lamps is not expired. Cure : Wait and try it again (rest of cooling time is displayed) 24BE2 E_DGN_MIF_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to mifare RF-tag reader (MIF) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of MIF Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if mif.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE3 E_DGN_COC_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to ADC control interface (COC) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of COC Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if coc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE4 E_DGN_HDC_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to handling control interface (HDC) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of HDC Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if hdc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE5 E_DGN_OBF_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_obf_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of output buffer component OBF failed Cure : Check if obf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details.

24BE6 E_DGN_OBF_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_obf_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of output buffer component OBF failed Cure : Check if obf.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE7 E_DGN_ROT_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_rot_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of rotation component ROT failed Cure : Check if rot.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE8 E_DGN_ROT_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_rot_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of rotation component ROT failed Cure : Check if rot.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BE9 E_DGN_TPR_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_tpr_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of prescan transport component TPR failed Cure : Check if tpr.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BEA E_DGN_TPR_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_tpr_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of prescan transport component TPR failed Cure : Check if tpr.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BEB E_DGN_TPO_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_tpo_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of postscan transport component TPO failed Cure : Check if tpo.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BEC E_DGN_TPO_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_tpo_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of postscan transport component TPO failed Cure : Check if tpo.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BED E_DGN_SSC_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_ssc_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of slowscan module SSC failed Cure : Check if ssc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details.

24BEE E_DGN_SSC_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_ssc_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of slowscan module SSC failed Cure : Check if ssc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BEF E_DGN_IOC_SERVICE_ON Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_ioc_service_on failed Meaning : Switching ON service mode of IOBUS control component IOC failed Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BF0 E_DGN_IOC_SERVICE_OFF Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Timeout, dgndrv_ioc_service_off failed Meaning : Switching OFF service mode of IOBUS control component IOC failed Cure : Check if ioc.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BF1 E_DGN_RED_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to redirector (RED) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of RED Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if red.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BF2 E_DGN_IMAGE_TRANS_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of image transmission test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24BF3 E_DGN_TIG_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to testpattern sender (TIG) failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of TIG Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. Cure : Check if tig.prg is started. Check underlying error code for details. 24BF4 E_DGN_UNKNOWN_MOTOR_NAME Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgndrv_get_motor_number_of_stepper() failed. Meaning : Unknown stepper motor name. Cure : Wrong software configuration, install complete diagnostics software again! 24BF5 E_DGN_SMH_ATTACH Reason : Diagnostics-SW: Attachment to highlevel stepper motor functions (SMH) for SINSTEP and SIN5STEP stepper boards failed. Meaning : It's not possible to get access to shared memory of SMH


Therefore it is no communication possible. This is a fatal error. : Check underlying error code for details.

24BF6 E_DGN_ROTATION_RESET_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of rotation reset test not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24BF7 E_DGN_STATUS_NODE_TEST_NOT_LOADED Reason : Diagnostics-SW: dgnclp_run_CLIPS_test() failed. Meaning : File which contains knowledge base of status node not found or file is corrupted. Cure : Install complete diagnostics software again. 24C00 E_COB_START_MALLOCCB Reason : malloc() failed Meaning : Unable to allocate memory for the control block Cure : Provide more resources?! 24C01 E_COB_START_CONFIG Reason : configure() failed Meaning : Cannot configure COB by means of NVF Cure : Ensure that the NVFs for COB are not corrupted. 24C02 E_COB_START_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open() failed Meaning : Cannot attach to Message Management System Cure : No cure. 24C03 E_COB_START_SMQUEUEID Reason : sm_queueid() failed Meaning : Cannot get a queue ID for COB from System Manager Cure : Out of resources? 24C04 E_COB_START_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate() failed Meaning : Cannot create input queue for COB Cure : No cure. 24C05 E_COB_START_SMSHARE Reason : sm_share() failed Meaning : Cannot allocate shared memory Cure : Check consistency between COB-users and the COB component. 24C06 E_COB_START_SMTASKID Reason : sm_taskid() failed Meaning : Cannot get a task ID from the System Manager Cure : Out of resources?

24C07 E_COB_START_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate() failed Meaning : OS refused to create COB task Cure : Out of resources? 24C08 E_COB_START_SCPEND Reason : sc_pend() failed Meaning : cannot pend of mailbox for synchronisation with COB task Cure : No cure. 24C09 E_COB_START_SYNCVALUE Reason : Syncvalue that has been given by COB through the mailbox is not what we expect. Meaning : Software inconsistency. Cure : No cure. 24C0A E_COB_TASK_SCPOST Reason : sc_post() failed Meaning : Cannot post syncmessage to mailbox Cure : No cure. 24C0B E_COB_TASK_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend() failed Meaning : COB cannot pend on its input queue Cure : no cure. 24C0C E_COB_TASK_UNKNOWNCLASS Reason : message class received is unknown Meaning : received a message that has not been sent by the COB interface. Possible reasons: - software inconsistency Cure : Resinstall software. 24C0D E_COB_CFG_LOADDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin() failed Meaning : Cannot load default configuration Cure : Out of resources? 24C0E E_COB_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_read_values() failed Meaning : Cannot overwrite default configuration with NVF data Cure : Out of resources? 24C0F E_COB_OBS_NOTIFYLOCK Reason : lock_observers() failed Meaning : Cannot lock observer list for exclusive access Cure : OS failure - no cure. 24C10

E_COB_OBS_SNM_ALLO Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : Cannot allocate notification message to send to an observer Cure : Out of resources or MMS leak 24C11 E_COB_OBS_SNM_QPOST Reason : mms_qpost() failed Meaning : Cannot post notification to an observer's input queue Cure : Invalid Queue ID specified during attach? 24C12 E_COB_OBS_INIT_SEMACREATE Reason : sc_screate() failed Meaning : Cannot create semaphore to shield the list of observers against concurrent access Cure : Out of resources? 24C13 E_COB_OBS_SNM_ALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : Cannot allocate notification message Cure : Out of resources? 24C14 E_COB_START_INIT_OBS Reason : initialize_observer_list() failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the COB observer list Cure : Software error - no cure 24C15 E_COB_OBS_REM_OBSERVERNOTFOUND Reason : remove_observer() failed Meaning : observer to be removed not found in the COB observer list Cure : remove request ignored, rely on automatic recovery, but report this to R&D. 24C16 E_COB_OBS_MOD_OBSERVERNOTFOUND Reason : modify_observer() failed Meaning : observer to be modified not found in the COB observer list Cure : modify request ignored, report this to R&D. 24C17 E_COB_OBS_ADD_OBSERVEREXISTS Reason : add_observer() failed Meaning : observer to be added already exists in the COB observer list Cure : add request ignored, report this to R&D. 24C18 E_COB_OBS_ADD_TOOMANYOBSERVERS Reason : add_observer() failed Meaning : COB observer list is full, no additional observers can be added. Cure : add request ignored, report this to R&D. 24C19 E_COB_IFC_ATTACHSHARE Reason : sm_share() failed Meaning : cannot attach to COB due to an error while trying to share memory with the task.


: software inconsistency - install a complete release, not just parts!

24C1A E_COB_IFC_ATTACHOBS_LOCK Reason : lock_observer() failed Meaning : cannot lock COB observer list against concurrent access Cure : no cure - report this to R&D. 24C1B E_COB_IFC_ATTACHOBS_ADD Reason : add_observer() failed Meaning : observer to be added already exists in the COB observer list or observer list full Cure : add request ignored, report this to R&D. 24C1C E_COB_IFC_ATTACHOBS_UNLOCK Reason : unlock_observer() failed Meaning : cannot unlock COB observer list Cure : no cure - report this to R&D. 24C1D E_COB_IFC_DETACHOBS_LOCK Reason : lock_observer() failed Meaning : cannot lock COB observer list against concurrent access Cure : no cure - report this to R&D. 24C1E E_COB_IFC_DETACHOBS_REMOVE Reason : remove_observer() failed Meaning : observer to be removed does not exist in the COB observer list Cure : remove request ignored, report this to R&D. 24C1F E_COB_IFC_DETACHOBS_UNLOCK Reason : unlock_observer() failed Meaning : cannot unlock COB observer list Cure : no cure - report this to R&D. 24C20 E_COB_IFC_SEND_ALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : Cannot allocate message header to send a message to COB Cure : Increase number of MMS headers for the caller. 24C21 E_COB_IFC_SEND_POST Reason : mms_qpost() failed Meaning : Cannot post message header to COB's input queue. Cure : See MMS error. 24C22 E_COB_IFC_MODIFYOBS_LOCK Reason : lock_observer() failed Meaning : cannot lock COB observer list against concurrent access Cure : no cure - report this to R&D. 24C23 E_COB_IFC_MODIFYOBS_MODIFY

Reason : modify_observer() failed Meaning : observer to be modified does not exist in the COB observer list Cure : modify request ignored, report this to R&D. 24C24 E_COB_IFC_MODIFYOBS_UNLOCK Reason : unlock_observer() failed Meaning : cannot unlock COB observer list Cure : no cure - report this to R&D. 24C25 E_COB_IFC_ATTACHMALLOC Reason : malloc() failed Meaning : cannot allocate context for cob interface Cure : out of resources?? 24C26 E_COB_START_INIT_DATASTORE Reason : initialize_datastore() failed Meaning : Cannot initialize the datastore or create the semaphore Cure : out of resources? 24C27 E_COB_IFC_ERACNT_OOR Reason : Number of cassettes to be erased out of range Meaning : The allowed range for cassettes to be erased at a time is between 1 and 9 (incl.). These limits have been exceeded. Cure : Specify a number between 1 and 9. 24C28 E_COB_DTA_LOCKSEMA Reason : sc_spend() failed Meaning : Cannot pend on datastore's semaphore Cure : Resolve OS error 24C29 E_COB_DTA_RELEASESEMA Reason : sc_spost() failed Meaning : Cannot allow access to the datastore for others again Cure : Resolve OS error 24C2A E_COB_USRCMD_RELEASE_STORE Reason : lock_datastore() failed Meaning : Cannot lock datastore Cure : Resolve OS error 24C2B E_COB_USRCMD_LOCK_STORE Reason : release_datastore() failed Meaning : Cannot release datastore Cure : Resolve OS error 24C2C E_COB_IFC_GETMETHODNOTIMPLEMENTED Reason : The requested command is not implemented. Meaning : A method should be used, that is available in the interface, but not in the COB task Cure : Ensure that the software is consistent, it looks as if COB.PPC is older than

other components. 24C2D E_COB_IFC_GET_LOCKSTORE Reason : Cannot lock datastore Meaning : Unable to get exclusive access to the datastore Cure : OS error - no cure 24C2E E_COB_IFC_GET_RELEASESTORE Reason : Cannot release datastore Meaning : Cannot make datastore accessible for others again. Cure : OS error - no cure 24C2F E_COB_IFC_SET_PROGRESS_LOC_OOR Reason : location of the progress info out of range Meaning : value out of range Cure : solve the bug in caller 24C30 E_COB_IFC_SET_PROGRESS_MMSALLOC0 Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of mms blocks? Cure : check configuration 24C31 E_COB_IFC_SET_PROGRESS_MMSALLOC_1 Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of mms blocks? Cure : check configuration 24C32 E_COB_IFC_SET_PROGRESS_PARX_IS_NULL Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C33 E_COB_IFC_SET_PROGRESS_PAR1_IS_NULL Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C34 E_COB_IFC_SET_PROGRESS_MODE_OOR Reason : unknown progress mode Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C35 E_COB_IFC_SETSTATIONNAME_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C36 E_COB_IFC_SET_STATIONNAME_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed

Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C37 E_COB_IFC_SETAETITLE_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C38 E_COB_IFC_SETAETITLE_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C39 E_COB_IFC_SETSWVERSION_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C3A E_COB_IFC_SETSWVERSION_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C3B E_COB_IFC_SETHOSTNAME_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C3C E_COB_IFC_SETHOSTNAME_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C3D E_COB_IFC_SETIPADDR_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C3E E_COB_IFC_SETIPADDR_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C3F E_COB_IFC_SETNETMASK_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C40 E_COB_IFC_SETNETMASK_MMSALLOC

Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C41 E_COB_IFC_SETDEFROUTER_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C42 E_COB_IFC_SETDEFROUTER_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C43 E_COB_IFC_SETMAILHOST_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C44 E_COB_IFC_SETMAILHOST_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C45 E_COB_IFC_SETREDIR_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C46 E_COB_IFC_SETREDIR_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C47 E_COB_IFC_SETPOSSDESTS_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C48 E_COB_IFC_SETPOSSDESTS_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C49 E_COB_IFC_SETPOSSDESTS_OOR Reason : number of possible destinations out of range Meaning : Check configuration - we cannot tackle more than 20 destinations within one configuration. Cure : correct configuration.

24C4A E_COB_IFC_SETQUEUEINFO_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead a ptr-to-char Meaning : Bug in the caller Cure : Solve in R&D! 24C4B E_COB_IFC_SETQUEUEINFO_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : out of MMS blocks Cure : check configuration 24C4C E_COB_DTA_UPDREDIR_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of a block Meaning : the place where we expected a message block is emtpy Cure : Incorrect call - remove software bug 24C4D E_COB_DTA_UPDPOSSDEST_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of a block Meaning : the place where we expected a message block is emtpy Cure : Incorrect call - remove software bug 24C4E E_COB_DTA_UPDQINFO_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of a block Meaning : the place where we expected a message block is emtpy Cure : Incorrect call - remove software bug 24C4F E_COB_IFC_SETQUEUEINFO_NUMJOBSOOR Reason : Too much jobs in queue Meaning : cannot update COB's datastore with queue information - out of space and out of specs!! Cure : Queue must not hold more than 10 entries!! 24C50 E_COB_DTA_UPDQINFO_DESTNOTFOUND Reason : Unknown destination for job in queue Meaning : the destination specified for a job in the queue could not be found in the list of possible destinations!! Cure : Inconsistent configuration - parse CPF!! 24C51 E_COB_IFC_EE_NULLERROR Reason : error code to set is 0x00 Meaning : 0x00 is defined as ok, not as an error condition Cure : Remove software bug in calling entity 24C52 E_COB_IFC_EE_STRINGPAROOR Reason : Parameter out of range Meaning : The specified string parameter is either an empty string or it is too long. Cure : Remove software bug in calling entity 24C53 E_COB_IFC_EE_MMSALLOC

Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : Cannot allocate an MMS block to send the string parameter to COB. Cure : Provide more MMS resources to the calling entity 24C54 E_COB_ERR_EQINCONSISTENCY Reason : added a code to the queues but it cannot be retrieved anymore Meaning : Software bug Cure : Correct queue handling in COB - if this appears at a customer site, inform R&D immediately!! 24C55 E_COB_ERR_DELERRDOESNOTEXIST Reason : Attempt to remove a code that does not exist anymore in the code queues Meaning : This code has not been set in the code queues for any reason Cure : Rely on automatic recovery. 24C56 E_COB_ERR_ADD_NOSPACE Reason : out of resources Meaning : Attempt to post more than 20 code entries at a time to COB. This exceeds the limit of 20 entries. Cure : Inform R&D. 24C57 E_COB_ERR_REMCODENOTFOUND Reason : code to be removed has not been found Meaning : Cure : rely on automatic recovery 24C58 E_COB_IFC_SETCOMPSTATEIDMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : unable to allocate memory to store the component name Cure : Software bug - no cure 24C59 E_COB_IFC_SETCOMPSTATEIDOOR Reason : component state is out of range Meaning : component state ID cannot be interpreted the installed software seems to be inconsistent Cure : install a complete release!! 24C5A E_COB_IFC_SETCOMPSTATENULLID Reason : NULL pointer given instead of a component name Meaning : expected an indentification string for a component and received a NULL pointer Cure : software bug - no cure 24C5B E_COB_STAT_SET_NOCOMPNAME Reason : NULL pointer given instead of a component name Meaning : expected an indentification string for a component and received a NULL pointer Cure : software bug - no cure 24C5C

E_COB_STAT_CREATETOOMANY Reason : out of resources Meaning : attempt to create the 51st component - we cannot handle more than 50 components. Cure : software bug - no cure 24C5D E_COB_IFC_SETOUTFEAT_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : cannot allocate an MMS block to pass the output features to the COB task. Cure : Provide more resources to the caller 24C5E E_COB_IFC_SETOUTFEAT_OOR Reason : destination length out of range Meaning : at least one of the destinations specified for the redirection is exceeds the maximum size of 16. Cure : Software bug - no cure 24C5F E_COB_USRCMD_SOF_NODATA Reason : control block is missing in message Meaning : severe software or configuration bug Cure : No cure - report to R&D 24C60 E_COB_IFC_SETREDUNAVAIL_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : unable to create MMS block to tell COB that a host is unavailable Cure : provide more small MMS blocks to caller (should be RED). 24C61 E_COB_TASK_ATTACH Reason : attach to a component failed Meaning : Cannot attach to one of the components needed Cure : No cure - solve bug! 24C62 E_COB_INSTALL_ACTIVE Reason : Installation is already active Meaning : An attempt has been made to install an item while another item is reported to be currently installed. Cure : Ensure that there are not two people installing things at the same time . 24C63 E_COB_START_LOAD_COMPONENTS Reason : Loading or starting of a component failed Meaning : See underlying error code to see what went wrong Cure : Check configuration and or integrity of the release. 24C64 E_COB_START_LOADUIF Reason : loading of the UIF component failed Meaning : the file specified seems to be not a valid executable Cure : Check release integrity and configuration settings 24C65 E_COB_START_STARTUIF

Reason : starting the UIF component failed Meaning : please have a look into the logfile, which error code has been reported by UIF itself Cure : check configuration 24C66 E_COB_START_LOADCPF Reason : loading of the CPF component failed Meaning : the file specified seems to be not a valid executable Cure : Check release integrity and configuration settings 24C67 E_COB_START_STARTCPF Reason : starting the CPF component failed Meaning : please have a look into the logfile, which error code has been reported by UIF itself Cure : check configuration 24C68 E_COB_IFC_SETACTPROG_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : failed to allocate space for the string parameter Cure : provide more resources! 24C69 E_COB_IFC_SETLAST_REPAIRMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Out of resources Cure : Provide more resources 24C6A E_COB_IFC_SETLASTREPAIRIDOOR Reason : Parameter size out of range Meaning : This is too long for a valid date string Cure : Correct Software 24C6B E_COB_IFC_SETLASTREPAIRNULL Reason : NULL pointer passed Meaning : NULL pointer seen instead of a valid string Cure : Correct Software 24C6C E_COB_IFC_SETERRORHIST_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed Meaning : NULL pointer seen instead of a valid string Cure : Correct Software 24C6D E_COB_IFC_SETERRORHISTMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Out of resources Cure : Provide more resources 24C6E E_COB_IFC_SETERRORHITLIST_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed Meaning : NULL pointer seen instead of a valid string Cure : Correct Software

24C6F E_COB_IFC_SETERRORHITLISTMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Out of resources Cure : Provide more resources 24CA0 E_COB_LOADDGN Reason : loading the diagnostics software failed Meaning : the DGN component is corrupted or not existing at all - or we run short with resources. Cure : ensure that the release is completely installed and that enough resources are available. 24CA1 E_COB_STARTDGN Reason : cannot start DGN component Meaning : DGN starter returned with error Cure : ensure that enough memory is available and that all rule-files are installed. 24CA2 E_COB_IFC_SET_DIAG_RESPMMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc failed Meaning : Out of resources Cure : Provide more resources 24CA3 E_COB_IFC_DOCALIB_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for calibration - and received a NULL pointer Cure : solve software bug 24CA4 E_COB_IFC_DOCALIB_EMPTYFORMAT Reason : empty string passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for calibration - and received an empty string Cure : sove software bug 24CA5 E_COB_IFC_DOCALIB_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : cannot allocate a small control block to store the cassette format for calibration Cure : Provide more resources 24CA6 E_COB_IFC_CCTC_FORMATNULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for calibration - and received a NULL pointer Cure : solve software bug 24CA7 E_COB_IFC_CCTC_FORMATEMPTYSTRING Reason : empty string passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for calibration - and

received an empty string Cure : sove software bug 24CA8 E_COB_IFC_CCTC_PATNAMENULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of the patient name Meaning : Expected the patient name of the cassette to be used for calibration - and received a NULL pointer Cure : solve software bug 24CA9 E_COB_IFC_CCTC_PATNAMEEMPTYSTRING Reason : empty string passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for calibration - and received an empty string Cure : sove software bug 24CAA E_COB_IFC_CCTC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : cannot allocate a small control block to store the cassette format for calibration Cure : Provide more resources 24CAB E_COB_DTA_SCI_FIPGETNAMES Reason : cannot call fip method Meaning : unable to retrieve the list of calibration formats for the specified cassette format Cure : see fip error for details 24CAC E_COB_DTA_SCI_FIPNOTATTACHED Reason : Component is not attached Meaning : FIP component not attached - must be some R&D configuration Cure : This is no configuration that can be used by the customer. Please ensure that all software components are installed correctly. If you think they are, please check the harddisk, the installation media (floppies, CDROM - if available, ...) 24CAD E_COB_IFC_NOTSTARTED Reason : COB component has not started yet Meaning : Not really an error at this stage. Cure : Wait until all components have started up. 24CAE E_COB_IFC_RPTOPENNULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed as identity Meaning : Invalid parameter - programming error Cure : Solve software bug! 24CAF E_COB_IFC_RPTOPENTOOLONG Reason : Identity string is too long in method cob_report_open() Meaning : The identity string is too long to be handled properly. A maximum of 48 characters is admitted, 16 characters are recommended. The actual length is the value logged with this code. Cure : Resolve software bug!

24CB0 E_COB_IFC_RPTCLOSENULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed as identity Meaning : Invalid parameter - programming error Cure : Solve software bug! 24CB1 E_COB_IFC_RPTCLOSETOOLONG Reason : Identity string is too long in method cob_report_close() Meaning : The identity string is too long to be handled properly. A maximum of 48 characters is admitted, 16 characters are recommended. The actual length is the value logged with this code. Cure : Resolve software bug! 24CB2 E_COB_IFC_RPTWRITENULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed as identity Meaning : Invalid parameter - programming error Cure : Solve software bug! 24CB3 E_COB_IFC_RPTWRITETOOLONG Reason : Identity string is too long in method cob_report_close() Meaning : The identity string is too long to be handled properly. A maximum of 164 characters is admitted. The actual length is the value logged with this code. Cure : Resolve software bug! 24CB4 E_COB_START_LOADMAI Reason : loading the mailer software failed Meaning : the MAI component is corrupted or not existing at all - or we run short with resources. Cure : ensure that the release is completely installed and that enough resources are available. 24CB5 E_COB_START_STARTMAI Reason : cannot start MAI component Meaning : MAI starter returned with error Cure : ensure that enough memory is available. 24CB6 E_COB_START_LOADALT Reason : loading the alert trigger software failed Meaning : the ALT component is corrupted or not existing at all - or we run short with resources. Cure : ensure that the release is completely installed and that enough resources are available. 24CB7 E_COB_START_STARTALT Reason : cannot start ALT component Meaning : ALT starter returned with error Cure : ensure that enough memory is available. 24CB8 E_COB_IFC_CHGMSERVER

Reason : Mailserver's IP address invalid Meaning : parameter out of range Cure : check parameter 24CB9 E_COB_USRCMD_EN_ALERTS Reason : alt_enable_alerts() failed Meaning : Cannot enable/disable alert system. Cure : Check configuration 24CBA E_COB_USRCMD_SPECMAILSERVER Reason : alt_set_mailserver() failed Meaning : Cannot set a new mailserver for the alert system. Cure : Check configuration 24CBB E_COB_USRCMD_RECFGALT Reason : alt_reconfigure() failed Meaning : Cannot reconfigure alert system. Cure : Check configuration 24CBC E_COB_USRCMD_SETLAS Reason : scn_call_function() failed Meaning : Cannot switch laser mode Cure : Check previous error. 24CBD E_COB_IFC_SETLASPOWSECT_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passedas parameter Meaning : Should set the laser power section and received a NULL pointer ... Cure : Software bug. 24CBE E_COB_IFC_SETLASPOWSECT_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc () failed Meaning : Cannot pass laser power section to COB Cure : Check resources 24CBF E_COB_IFC_DOCALIBIPC_NULLPTR Reason : NULL pointer passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for IPC calibration - and received a NULL pointer Cure : solve software bug 24CC0 E_COB_IFC_DOCALIBIPC_EMPTYFORMAT Reason : empty string passed instead of cassette format Meaning : Expected the format of the cassette to be used for IPC calibration - and received an empty string Cure : sove software bug 24CC1 E_COB_IFC_DOCALIBIPC_MMSALLOC Reason : mms_alloc() failed Meaning : cannot allocate a small control block to store the cassette format for IPC calibration


: Provide more resources

24CC2 E_COB_START_LOADDID Reason : loading the direct ID software failed Meaning : the DID component is corrupted or not existing at all - or we run short with resources. Cure : ensure that the release is completely installed and that enough resources are available. 24CC3 E_COB_START_STARTDID Reason : cannot start DID component Meaning : DID starter returned with error Cure : ensure that enough memory is available. 24CC4 E_COB_IFC_DE_NULLERROR Reason : error code to set is 0x00 Meaning : 0x00 is defined as ok, not as an error condition Cure : Remove software bug in calling entity 24CC5 E_COB_CPF_LIMITVIOLATION Reason : too many entries in the CPF file Meaning : CPF-File out of limit/corrupt: too many (more than 40) entries in the CPF file (digitizers or id-stations) Cure : Reinstall a valid CPF-File. (In case of an underlying bug within CPFgenerating software: debug this.) 24D00 E_MAI_IFC_SENDERINVALID Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The sender is either a NULL pointer or longer than 63 chars. Cure : Correct call. 24D01 E_MAI_IFC_RECEIVERINVALID Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The receiver is either a NULL pointer or longer than 63 chars. Cure : Correct call. 24D02 E_MAI_IFC_SUBJECTINVALID Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The subject is either a NULL pointer or longer than 63 chars. Cure : Correct call. 24D03 E_MAI_IFC_MAILBODYINVALID Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The mailbody is either a NULL pointer or longer than 63 chars. Cure : Correct call. 24D04 E_MAI_IFC_NUMATTACHINVALID Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The number of attachments is greater than 5 or less than 0. Cure : Correct call.

24D05 E_MAI_IFC_MAILADDROOR1 Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : One of the bytes of the mailserver's address is out of range. Cure : Check mailserver address in the caller. 24D06 E_MAI_IFC_MAILADDRINVALID0 Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The mailserver's address is either a NULL pointer or longer than 15 chars. Cure : Check mailserver address in the caller. 24D07 E_MAI_IFC_MAILADDROOR2 Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : The number of dots of the mailserver's address is not 3. Cure : Check mailserver address in the caller. 24D08 E_MAI_IFC_MAILADDROOR3 Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : One of the bytes of the mailserver's address is out of range. Cure : Check mailserver address in the caller. 24D09 E_MAI_IFC_SENDMMSALLOCHEAD Reason : mms_alloc failed. Meaning : Cannot allocate MMS Header block Cure : Check resources (number of MMS header blocks for MAI task! 24D0A E_MAI_IFC_SENDMMSALLOCCTL Reason : mms_alloc failed. Meaning : Cannot allocate MMS control block Cure : Check resources (number of MMS control blocks for MAI task! 24D0B E_MAI_IFC_SENDMMSQPOST Reason : mms_qpost failed. Meaning : Unknown Cure : Check resources (number of MMS blocks for MAI task! 24D0C E_MAI_IFC_ATTACHSHARE Reason : share failed Meaning : Cannot share mem with MAI component Cure : Check resources! 24D0D E_MAI_IFC_NOTSTARTED Reason : Version number between interface and mail task is not identical Meaning : Probably, the mail task has not started yet - wait until the end of the startup. Cure : No cure. 24D0E E_MAI_IFC_ATTACHMENTINVALID1 Reason : Parameter out of limits

Meaning : One of the attachment references is NULL or larger than 128 chars. Cure : Check attachment reference in the caller. 24D0F E_MAI_IFC_ATTACHMENTINVALID2 Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : Both pathseparators have been seen within one file reference. Cure : Check attachment reference in the caller. 24D10 E_MAI_START_CONFIG Reason : configure() failed Meaning : Cannot configure mai component Cure : See underlying error for details 24D11 E_MAI_START_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open failed Meaning : Cannot open mms component Cure : See underlying error for details 24D12 E_MAI_START_GETQID Reason : sm_queueid failed Meaning : Cannot get a Queue ID Cure : See underlying error for details 24D13 E_MAI_START_QCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate failed Meaning : Cannot create mms queue Cure : See underlying error for details 24D14 E_MAI_START_ALLOCSHARED Reason : sm_share failed Meaning : Cannotshare memory with interface library Cure : See underlying error for details 24D15 E_MAI_START_TASKID Reason : sm_taskid failed Meaning : Cannot get a task ID Cure : See underlying error for details 24D16 E_MAI_START_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate failed Meaning : Cannot open mms component Cure : See underlying error for details 24D17 E_MAI_CFG_LOADDEFAULTS Reason : cannot load nvf defaults Meaning : Software error Cure : No cure. 24D18 E_MAI_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS

Reason : cannot overload defaults with values from NVFs Meaning : Faulty software Cure : No cure 24D19 E_MAI_SPOOL_NOTADIR Reason : Cannot create the spool directory Meaning : either the directory, or one of the names in the hierachy is not a directory. Cure : correct in the filesystem or change the name of the spool directory in the NVF. 24D1A E_MAI_SPOOL_NOSUCHDRIVE Reason : Cannot create the spool directory Meaning : There is no such drive in the system. Cure : Correct the spool directory path in the NVF. 24D1B E_MAI_SPOOL_OUTOFMEM Reason : Cannot create the spool directory Meaning : Out of memory Cure : Check resources. 24D1C E_MAI_START_CREATESPOOLDIR Reason : Cannot create the spool directory Meaning : See error code below Cure : See error code below 24D1D E_MAI_SPOOL_FOPEN1 Reason : Cannot write into spool directory Meaning : Opening a file to write the mail contents into failed Cure : See error code below 24D1E E_MAI_SPOOL_FOPEN2 Reason : Cannot write into spool directory Meaning : Opening the lockfile for writing failed Cure : See error code below 24D1F E_MAI_SPOOL_UPDATELCK_FOPEN Reason : Cannot write into spool directory Meaning : Opening the lockfile for writing failed Cure : See error code below 24D20 E_MAI_SPOOL_MMSALLOCIMG Reason : mms_alloc () failed Meaning : Cannot alloc buffer for mail contents Cure : See error code below 24D21 E_MAI_IFC_MAILADDRINVALID1 Reason : Parameter out of limits Meaning : An invalid character has been encountered in the mailserver's address. Cure : Check mailserver address in the caller.

24E00 E_ALT_CFG_LOADDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_copy_virgin() failed Meaning : cannot contact NVF Cure : See NVF error in the logfile. 24E01 E_ALT_CFG_OVERWRITEDEFAULTS Reason : nvf_read_values() failed Meaning : Cannot overwrite defaults with NVF contents Cure : See NVF error in the logfile 24E02 E_ALT_LDETBL_MALLOC0 Reason : malloc() failed Meaning : Cannot malloc space for the event table Cure : Check resources 24E03 E_ALT_LDETBL_MALLOC1 Reason : malloc() failed Meaning : Cabot allocate space for the timestamps of one particular event. Cure : Check alert configuration file and resources. 24E04 E_ALT_TASK_QPEND Reason : mms_qpend failed Meaning : Cure : 24E05 E_ALT_START_CONFIG Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E06 E_ALT_START_MMSOPEN Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E07 E_ALT_START_GETQID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E08 E_ALT_START_QCREATE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E09 E_ALT_START_ALLOCSHARED Reason : Meaning : Cure :

24E0A E_ALT_START_TASKID Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E0B E_ALT_START_TASKCREATE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E0C E_ALT_IFC_SMSHARE Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E0D E_ALT_IFC_OLDCOMPONENT Reason : Component version mismatch Meaning : if the code leading to this code is 0, the ALT component has not been started yet and this error can be neclected. Cure : Rely on retry strategies of the user of ALT. If this code appears as the first code within a complete chain of errors, an inconsistent software has been installed at the device. Please redo the installation. 24E0E E_ALT_IFC_PROCESS_ALLOCHEAD Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E0F E_ALT_IFC_PROCESS_ALLOCCTLS Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E10 E_ALT_IFC_PROCESS_QPOST Reason : Meaning : Cure : 24E11 E_ALT_CMD_ENABLE_NVFWRITE Reason : nvf_write_values() failed Meaning : Cannot enable/disable the ALT component permanently. Cure : See NVF error. 24E12 E_ALT_CMD_SETMSERVER_NVFWRITE Reason : nvf_write_values() failed Meaning : Cannot set the mailserver in the ALT component permanently. Cure : See NVF error.

24E13 E_ALT_IFC_MALFORMEDIPADDR Reason : mailserver's ip address is not correctly specified Meaning : This is no ip address in dot-notation Cure : Check parameter and retry! 24F00 E_TIM_START_MMSOPEN Reason : mms_open() failed Meaning : Cannot open MMS system - probably out of resources Cure : Check resources! 24F01 E_TIM_START_SMQID Reason : sm_queueid() failed Meaning : Cannot get a queue ID for the TIM input queue Cure : See error below. 24F02 E_TIM_START_MMSQCREATE Reason : mms_qecreate() failed Meaning : Cannot create the TIM input queue Cure : See error below. 24F03 E_TIM_START_SMTASKID Reason : sm_taskid() failed Meaning : Cannot get me a task ID Cure : See error below. 24F04 E_TIM_START_TASKCREATE Reason : lib_taskcreate() failed Meaning : Cannot create the TIM task Cure : See error below. 24F05 E_TIM_START_MBXPEND Reason : sc_pend() failed Meaning : Cannot pend on mailbox to get the sync signal from the TIM task Cure : See error below.