CR 10 X CR 12 X CR 15 X Service Manual PDF [PDF]

HEALTHCARE Service Manual Imaging Services Document No: DD+DIS155.11E CR 10-X Type 5151 / 100 CR Reader Type 5151

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Service Manual

Imaging Services

Document No: DD+DIS155.11E

CR 10-X

Type 5151 / 100

CR Reader

Type 5151 / 110

CR 12-X

Type 5151 / 200

CR Advanced Reader

Type 5151 / 210

CR 15-X

Type 5151 / 300

CR Multiformat Reader

Type 5151 / 310

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014 Printed in Germany

Agfa Company Confidential

Document ID: 42866196 Service_Manual_standard_e_template_v01

Copyright © 2014 Agfa HealthCare N.V.


Service Manual

Manufacturer Agfa HealthCare N.V. Published by Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH Tegernseer Landstraße 161 D - 81539 München Germany Copyright  2014 Agfa HealthCare N.V. All rights reserved. Technical modifications reserved. Agfa and the Agfa rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium, or its affiliates. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are held by Agfa HealthCare N.V. or the respective owners and are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement. Nothing contained in this legal notice nor in any text in this document shall be construed as granting by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the trademarks, service marks, trade names or logos appearing in this document without the express prior written consent of their respective owner.

WARNING: Improper operation or service activities may cause damage or injuries. INSTRUCTION: (1)

Read the "Generic Safety Directions" prior to attempting any operation, repair or maintenance task on the equipment. Agfa Portal via Internet. Agfa Intranet / Refer to Document ID 11849633,


Strictly observe all safety directions within the "Generic Safety Directions" and on the product.

IMPORTANT: The installation and service of the product(s) described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel who are employed by Agfa HealthCare N.V or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise authorized by Agfa HealthCare N.V. or one of its affiliates to provide such services.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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Service Manual





ABOUT THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................9 0.1

Purpose of this document .........................................................................................................9


Changes compared to previous revision ..................................................................................9


Referenced documents.............................................................................................................9


Explanation of notes ...............................................................................................................10


Conventions ............................................................................................................................10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................11 1.1

Intended use ...........................................................................................................................11


Components of the system .....................................................................................................11


Digitizer Subtypes Overview ...................................................................................................13




Main Functions of the NX Workstation ...................................................................................15


Main Components of the Digitizer...........................................................................................16


Main components of the Cassette with Image Plate...............................................................17


Workflow of the Digitizer System ............................................................................................18


User interface and electrical connections ...............................................................................19


Digitizer Remote Display messages .......................................................................................20


Status indicator light signals ...................................................................................................21


Reference diagram .................................................................................................................24


Hardware architecture.............................................................................................................25


Image plate run .......................................................................................................................28


Image Plate run details ...........................................................................................................29


Digitizer boot-up......................................................................................................................36

SAFETY DIRECTIONS...........................................................................................................38 2.1

General Safety Notes for all Service Activities .......................................................................38


Safety Notes for Installation Planning.....................................................................................39


Safety Notes for Installation ....................................................................................................40


Safety Notes for mobile Application ........................................................................................40

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Service Manual


Safety Notes for corrective or preventive Maintenance Work ................................................41


Safety Notes when working at the Erasure Unit .....................................................................41


Safety Notes when working at PMT with Light Collector ........................................................41


Safety Notes when working at the Slow Scan Drum ..............................................................42


Safety Notes when working at the Drawer Unit ......................................................................43



PRE-INSTALLATION..............................................................................................................44 3.1

Scope of delivery ....................................................................................................................44


Items to be organized locally before installation .....................................................................45


Technical data.........................................................................................................................45


Installation site requirements ..................................................................................................45


Electrical Connections ............................................................................................................47


Network Connection in the Installation Room.........................................................................49


System integration ..................................................................................................................50


Installation Planning Checklist ................................................................................................51


Installation Readiness Checklist .............................................................................................52

INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................53 4.1

Introduction .............................................................................................................................53


Installation Preparation ...........................................................................................................54


Checking Installation Site Prerequisites .................................................................................54


Unpacking the Digitizer ...........................................................................................................54


Unpacking the NX Workstation and Monitor...........................................................................55


Checking the Shipment Completeness...................................................................................55


Performing the Installation Steps as described in the Quick Installation Guide .....................55


Finalizing the Installation.........................................................................................................59


Adding Windows and NX Users..............................................................................................60


If required: Configuring Digitizer and NX for the local Network ..............................................64


Setup of Connectivity to additional System Components.......................................................66


Customizing System Components according to Customer Preferences................................66


Finalizing the Workstation Installation ....................................................................................67

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

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Service Manual


Checking Software Version.....................................................................................................67


Configuring the Maintenance Indicator ...................................................................................67


Performing further Activities depending on local Regulations ................................................68


Customer Training ..................................................................................................................68


Training for Operating the Digitizer.........................................................................................69


Training for Usage of Plates and Cassettes ...........................................................................70


Appendix: Installation of the Digitizer without using the CR 10-X / CR 12-X / CR 15-X Configuration Wizard ..............................................................................................................71


Installation Preparation ...........................................................................................................72


Connecting the Cables............................................................................................................72


Performing Setup of the NX Workstation................................................................................73


Verifying the Installation..........................................................................................................92


Performing the Installation Wizard of the Digitizer..................................................................95


Performing a Backup ..............................................................................................................95


Finalizing the Installation.........................................................................................................96


Installation Checklist ...............................................................................................................96

CALIBRATION........................................................................................................................97 5.1

Shading calibration .................................................................................................................97


Checking and Erasing the Image Plate ..................................................................................98


Exposing the Cassette ............................................................................................................98


Scanning the Image Plate.......................................................................................................99


Verifying a successful Shading Calibration...........................................................................101


ACCEPTANCE TEST ...........................................................................................................102


TROUBLESHOOTING..........................................................................................................103 7.1

Faults with Error Codes ........................................................................................................104


No Error Code - Status LED is off or slow red blinking.........................................................105


No Error Code - Status LED fast red blinking .......................................................................107


No Error Code - Status LED triple red blinking .....................................................................109


Image Faults parallel to Image Plate Run.............................................................................113


Calibration Lines ...................................................................................................................113


Dust Stripes...........................................................................................................................114

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Service Manual


Image Faults vertical to Image Plate Run.............................................................................115


Banding .................................................................................................................................115


Troubleshooting shading calibration issues..........................................................................115


Appendix: Using the Limit Pattern to judge image artifacts ..................................................116




Comparing the Flatfield with the Limit Pattern ......................................................................116


Appendix: Error Codes..........................................................................................................117

REPAIR ................................................................................................................................149 8.1

Required tools .......................................................................................................................149


Service user interface ...........................................................................................................150


Accessing the Service user interface....................................................................................150


Overview of the Digitizer service user interface menus:.......................................................152


Digitizer service user interface menu details ........................................................................153


Remote access to the service functions ...............................................................................176


Replacements .......................................................................................................................178

MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................................179 9.1



Questioning of the customer .................................................................................................180


Analyzing the Info Counter....................................................................................................181


Analyzing the Maintenance Indicator....................................................................................181


Documenting the technical image quality of the system.......................................................181


Visual checks and cleaning...................................................................................................182


Checking the condition of the image plates ..........................................................................182


Checking of Power and Network Cable ................................................................................182


Checking the condition of the Cassette Unit.........................................................................183


Checking the condition of the Digitizer covers......................................................................183


Subtypes 300 and 310: Removing the IP Drawer Module and checking condition..............183


Subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210: Removing the IP Drawer Module and checking condition186


Cleaning the inner side of the Digitizer .................................................................................187


Checking the Erasure Unit ....................................................................................................188

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

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CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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Service Manual


Cleaning the scan drive ........................................................................................................189


Using the cleaning brush to clean the Light Collector and mirror .........................................191


Lubricating the Cassette Unit Multiformat.............................................................................192


Exchanging wear parts .........................................................................................................194


Reassembling the Digitizer ...................................................................................................194


Checking image quality.........................................................................................................195


Completing the maintenance ................................................................................................196


Confirming the preventive maintenance ...............................................................................196


Informing the customer .........................................................................................................196


Maintenance Checklist..........................................................................................................196

RELEASE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................197 10.1

Software Release ARC_1103 ...............................................................................................197


Features of Software ARC_1103 ..........................................................................................197


Known Software Issues of Software ARC_1103 ..................................................................197


Software Release ARC_1201 ...............................................................................................198


New Features and solved Issues of Software ARC_1201....................................................198


Known Software Issues of Software ARC_1201 ..................................................................199


Software Release ARC_1202 ...............................................................................................200


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1202...................................................................200


Software Release ARC_1302 ...............................................................................................201


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1302...................................................................201


New Features of Software ARC_1302..................................................................................202


Software Release ARC_1304 ...............................................................................................203


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1304...................................................................203


Software Release ARC_1404 ...............................................................................................204


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1404...................................................................205


New Features of Software ARC_1404..................................................................................205


Software Release ARC_2012 ...............................................................................................207


Solved Software Issues and Improvements in Software ARC_2012....................................208


Solved software issues with software ARC_2012 ................................................................208

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Software Release ARC_2102 ...............................................................................................210


New features of software ARC_2102 ...................................................................................211


Solved software issues with software ARC_2102 ................................................................211


UPGRADE PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................212


SPARE PARTS.....................................................................................................................212


WIRING DIAGRAM...............................................................................................................213 13.1

Switches, LEDs and connectors on the PMI Board ..............................................................216


Switches on the PMI Board...................................................................................................216


LEDs on the PMI Board ........................................................................................................217


Power Board / Power II Board ..............................................................................................218

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Service Manual


About this manual


Purpose of this document This document contains all information that service engineers need for installation as well as for corrective and preventive maintenance of the CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader. It does not contain:


Specific service information for other target readers, e.g. Clinical Application Specialists or Service Managers

Service Bulletins

Changes compared to previous revision The following modifications have been implemented: 


Added CR 15-X (subtype 300) and CR Multiformat Reader (subtype 310)

Referenced documents #




List of Service Documents

Document ID 42863712

Agfa Intranet Agfa Portal via Internet


Generic Safety Directions

Document ID 11849633

Agfa Intranet Agfa Portal via Internet


User Manuals

Refer to the Agfa HealthCare Library


Additional documents are referenced in the corresponding sections.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

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Service Manual

Explanation of notes Safety-relevant Notes Icon

Signal Word



Possible dangerous situation: Light injuries or damage to the equipment described in the manual and/or damage to any other equipment or goods and/or environmental pollution can be the consequence.


Dangerous situation: Potential serious injury to a user, engineer, patient or any other person and possible mistreatment of patients can be the consequence.


Direct, immediate danger: Death or serious injuries can be the consequence.

None-Safety-relevant Notes Icon


Type of Information


Indicates an instruction where it is important to follow the described actions literally.


Highlights very important actions which have to be carried out to prevent malfunction.


   


Indicates advice to facilitate the following step or action without having a direct influence on the step or action. Highlights unusual points. Indicates background information. Can be used to explain or highlight displays of the graphical user interface.

Conventions Highlighting of tasks Task number

Task Description



Connect the cable.


Switch the machine on.

Examples for working steps to be performed in the listed sequence.

Highlighting of buttons, functions and names within a task (1)

Press F9 or double-click the Refresh button.

The bold typeface is used for menu topics, keyboard keys, icons, device buttons, commands etc.


If the Install client or server? prompt appears, type server.

The Courier bold typeface is used for system messages and prompts.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

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Service Manual


Product description


Intended use The intended use statement of the components “Digitizer”, “Workstation” and “Image Plate” is listed in the respective User Manual.


Components of the system The Digitizer is part of the CR system, consisting of:



Cassette(s) with Image Plate, CR MD 1.0 General, with formats* o 35 x 43 cm o 24 x 30 cm o 18 x 24 cm o 15 x 30 cm

NX Workstation


NX Workstation as of software version 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700 (subtypes 100 and 110) or 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 (subtypes 200, 210, 300, 310).


Figure 1

* Subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210 format 35x43 cm and 24 x 30 cm only. For details see section 1.3.

One Processing Station and one Digitizer always belong together. OK




Figure 2

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Service Manual

NOTE: The Digitizer can also be connected to other workstations. Prerequisite: The workstation needs to support the Agfa proprietary DICOM protocol for image acquisition. Example for such a workstation: Agfa SE 2.0 Standalone.

The system can be installed standalone or integrated in the network: Standalone Installation: The Digitizer can be connected directly to the NX workstation. In this case no other network access to the NX workstation is possible. The Digitizer network settings are preconfigured for this setup. Integrated Installation: After network setup of Digitizer and NX workstation the system can be integrated into the local network.

Standalone Installation (Direct network connection) NX Workstation Digitizer

Network Cable

Integrated Installation (Part of local network) NX Workstation Digitizer

Hospital Network 515100ad.cdr

Figure 3

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Service Manual

Digitizer Subtypes Overview


CR 10-X

CR Reader

CR 12-X

CR Advanced Reader

CR 15-X

CR Multiformat Reader







Print on right cover

Cassette Size

Cycle time @ scan resolution

35 x 43 cm, With special Cassette Adapter also 24 x 30 cm. Cassette Adapter needs IP Detection Double Light Sensor. For serial numbers see next page **** 106 seconds @ 100 µm

35 x 43 cm, 24 x 30 cm, 18 x 24 cm, 15 x 30 cm

90 seconds @ 100 µm 72 seconds @ 150 µm 60 seconds @ 200 µm


User can change san resolution at NX before scan Minimum software version Serial numbers Compatibility with NX Digitizer Model file name on NX




1.001 to 9.999

20.001 to 24.999

30.001 to 34.999

≥ NX 8700

ARC_2102 40.001 to 44.999

50.001 to 59.999

45.001 to 49.999

≥ NX 8800

CR10-X -Vxyz

CR12-X -Vxyz

CR15-X -Vxyz

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Service Manual

CR 10-X

CR Reader

CR 12-X

CR Advanced Reader

CR 15-X

CR Multiformat Reader







Subtype* Digitizer configuration wizard (part of delivery on USB flash drive)



Different spare parts compared to CR 10-X (for details see spare parts list)



Right cover

Power II Board***

Power II Board***

Top Cover

Right Cover CR 12

Right Cover CR 15 Cassette Unit Multiformat IP-Drawer Module Multiformat IP Drawer Light Sensor Multiformat IP Detection Double Light Sensor**** Y-Cable Power Board to Drawer Multiformat / Cass. LS Cassette (set) CR MD 1.0 General / Image Plate MD 1.0 (24x30, 18x24, 15x30)

User documents available under item name on the Agfa HealthCare Library

CR 10-X

Service documents and software available under item name on the Agfa HealthCare Library

CR 10-X

* The subtype is displayed on the type label. ** ≥ ARC_2102 recommended ***Power II board provides required higher power for the erasure unit **** IP Detection Double Light Sensor is also introduced in subtypes 100 (SN ≥ 5.000), 110 (SN ≥ 20.500), 200 (SN ≥ 30.500) and 210 (SN ≥ 40.500)

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Service Manual

Applications The Digitizer system is intended for radiology environments. Examples: Small community hospitals, private practices, veterinary practices, orthopedic practices. It supports all general radiography applications, including Full Leg Full Spine. Not supported Applications: All application requiring 50 μm resolution, e.g. Mammography.


Main Functions of the NX Workstation The NX Workstation is a CR workstation. It is used for:  

Acquiring images from the Digitizer. Acquiring patient and examination data either by manual input or from a worklist provided by a RIS (Radiologic Information System). Combining patient and examination data with the acquired image. Performing automatic Musica (Multiscale Image Contrast Amplification) Image Processing based on predefined, examination based parameters Modifying the image appearance of acquired images Performing quality control of the images of the X-Ray department Transferring images for diagnosis to a hardcopy printer or softcopy station and to a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) system for archiving Burning images on CD ROM

     

DICOM “Manual” Data Transfer PACS Cassette



NX Workstation Hardcopy

X-Ray Modality CD ROM


Figure 4

For more information refer to the NX workstation service manual.

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Service Manual

Main Components of the Digitizer The Digitizer consists of following main components: #

Component Name



Cassette Unit (Multiformat)

Opens, closes and clamps the cassette.


IP-Drawer Module (Multiformat)

Transports the image plate from cassette to Slow Scan Drum and back.


Erasure Unit

Erases the image plate while it is driven back.


Slow Scan Unit

Drives the image plate continuously during scanning and erasure.


Optic Module

Creates the laser beam for scanning This beam stimulates the image plate to emit blue light.


PMT with Light Collector

Collects the emitted blue light and converts it into an electrical signal.


Power Board

Controls the actuators and sensors for the image plate (IP) run and the Erasure Unit.


PMI Board

Main board of the Digitizer.


USB Flash Memory

Keeps the Digitizer configuration data and logfiles.

PMT with Light Collector

Optic Module

Slow Scan Unit

PMI Board USB Flash Memory

Erasure Unit

Image Plate


Cassette Unit (Multiformat) IP-Drawer Module (Multiformat)

Power Board 515102ca.cdr

Figure 5

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Service Manual

Main components of the Cassette with Image Plate The complete cassette consists of:  Cassette in size* 35 x 43 cm, 24 x 30 cm, 18 x 24 cm, 15 x 30 cm  Image Plate "MD1.0" (MD = media definition; 1.0 = version) Cassette Label




Lock Shutter closed

Image Plate Carrier (0,3 mm Sheet Metal)


Shutter opened

E Cassette Tube Side (black) Cassette Key


Bar Code Label (fluorescent) Shape prevents wrong insertion of IP

Image Plate

Upper Cover (black) Fleece Image Plate (Phosphor Layer) Image Plate Carrier Lower Cover (gray) 517502ea.cdr

Figure 6 * for subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210: 35 x 43 cm only.

Cassette and image plate details: # A



Description The image plate is glued to a 0,3 mm sheet metal carrier. The cassette has a cassette label attached allowing the user to label the cassette. The shutter is unlocked by pushing the cassette lock. The cassette lock is either opened manually via cassette key (part of cassette delivery) or by the Cassette Unit when inserting the cassette. Backscatter protection is given by the IP carrier (sheet metal). This replaces the lead layer used in other Agfa CR cassettes. Each image plate carrier has a fluorescent label attached. Functions of the label: Indicate begin of scan (BOS) and begin of line (BOL) for scanning. This is done via the fluorescent surface. The barcode keeps image plate specific parameters which influence scanning. On the barcode label the expiration date of the image plate is written in human readable letters.

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Service Manual

Workflow of the Digitizer System The following figure shows the workflow of a Digitizer system: 1 Insert cassette in X-ray table and take exposure.

2 Insert exposed cassette in digitizer.



3 Enter patient and examination data and click on the ID button: Scanning starts

4 Wait until the image is scanned.

green or yellow* flashing during scan

Approx. 2 min.

* as of SW ARC_2011: Yellow flashing

6 Insert the cassette in the X-ray table for the next examination.

5 Release cassette. constant green when idle


Figure 7

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Service Manual

User interface and electrical connections

Power Switch


Digitizer rear side Status Indicator USB Interface

Erasure Button

Network Interface

24 V Power Input External Power Supply

Digitizer Remote Display Workstation


Figure 8

The Digitizer Remote Display and the Status Indicator are explained in the following sub- sections.

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Service Manual

Digitizer Remote Display messages The Digitizer Remote Display, also called “Error Viewer”, is installed by the Service Engineer during setup of the system. The following table explains the messages that may be displayed:





Status message

Inform the user about Digitizer status.

Digitizer startup. 4198


Error message – resolvable by the user

Instruct user to solve an issue.

Image processing software is not available. Restart the image processing software. ARC4100


Error message – resolvable by service only

Instruct user to call Error occurred. Please contact service. service to fix the problem. Make sure that cassette is erased before next use !. ARC2602 (25604)

Conformation message

Message to prevent remote execution of a function. Function only starts, if confirm button is pressed on the local NX workstation.

Start shading calibration. 23044.

Section 7.9 with list of error messages None

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Service Manual


Status indicator light signals

Blinking Codes for Software ARC_2012 and higher

Status Indicator

Digitizer Status


Constant blue

Ready for erasure cycle

When entering the next image plate it will be erased.

Blue blinking

Erasure cycle

Image plate gets erased.

Constant green

Stand-by mode (READY) Ready for scanning or removal of the cassette.

Yellow blinking


Scan cycle active.

Constant red

 Fatal Digitizer error

Scanning not possible:

 Service mode active (e.g. shading calibration)

 Service intervention required or

Slow red blinking ( 1 / sec.)

 Boot-up

Scanning not possible:

 Digitizer warning or error

 User has to wait until boot-up is finished or

Fast red blinking ( 3 / sec.)

No connection to Error Viewer on PC

Scanning not possible:

No network connection Triple blinking to PC ( 3 / sec. + 1 sec. off)

 Service function is called up by the field service engineer which blocks scanning. These service functions are listed in section 8.2.4.

 User intervention required to continue. Error Viewer (Digitizer Remote Display) not up-to-date or not started up. Scanning not possible: Ping sent from Digitizer to NX workstation with IP address configured in Digitizer failed.

NOTE: The blinking code as of software ARC_2012 is changed as follows, compared to the blinking codes in software ARC_1201 to ARC_1404: 

The previous green “600 ms on / 600 ms off” blinking if scan cycle is active is changed to a “350 ms on / 350 ms off” yellow blinking.

The previous blue “600 ms on / 600 ms off” blinking if erasure cycle is active is changed to a “350 ms on / 350 ms off” blinking. The color did not change.

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Blinking Codes for Software ARC_1201 to ARC_1404

Status Indicator

Digitizer Status


Constant blue

Ready for erasure cycle

When entering the next image plate it will be erased.

Blue blinking

Erasure cycle

Image plate gets erased.

Constant green

Stand-by mode (READY) Ready for scanning or removal of the cassette.

Green blinking


Scan cycle active.

Constant red

 Fatal Digitizer error

Scanning not possible:

 Service mode active (e.g. shading calibration)

 Service intervention required or

Slow red blinking ( 1 / sec.)

 Boot-up

Scanning not possible:

 Digitizer warning or error

 User has to wait until boot-up is finished or

Fast red blinking ( 3 / sec.)

No connection to Error Scanning not possible: Viewer (Digitizer Remote Error Viewer (Digitizer Remote Display) not up-to-date or not started Display) on PC up.

No network connection Triple blinking to PC ( 3 / sec. + 1 sec. off)

 Service function is called up by the field service engineer which blocks scanning. These service functions are listed in section 8.2.4.

 User intervention required to continue.

Scanning not possible: Ping sent from Digitizer to NX workstation with IP address configured in Digitizer failed.

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Blinking Codes for Software ARC_1103

Status Indicator

Digitizer Status



Ready for erasure cycle

When entering the next image plate it will be erased.


Erasure cycle

Image plate gets erased.


Stand-by mode (READY)

Ready for scanning.



Scan cycle active.






Service mode active (e.g. shading calibration)

Digitizer error

Scanning not possible.


Scanning not possible.

No connection to the workstation

Digitizer warning or error

Check the Error Viewer (Digitizer Remote Display) on NX workstation for further information.

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Service Manual

Reference diagram This section lists the Digitizer components and how they are named in this document. For subtypes 300 and 310 only:

3 12

8' 9' 14' 6 11


13 18 14 20


21 16


22 19 7 8 2

15 10


9 1 External Power Supply

8 IP Drawer Module*

15 PMI Board

2 Cassette Unit /

8' IP-Drawer Module Multiformat

16 USB Flash Drive

9 IP Drawer Light Sensor*

17 Power Board / Power II Board

3 Top Cover

9' IP Drawer Light Sensor Multiformat

18 User Interface Board

4 Right Cover

10 Cassette Detection Light Sensor

19 Slow Scan Drum with Pulley

5 Left Cover

11 Optic Module

20 Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner

6 IP Guide Cover

12 PMT with Light Collector

21 Slow Scan Motor

7 Erasure Unit

13 IP Guide Plate

22 Slow Scan Belt

14 IP Detection Light Sensor*

* For subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210 only.

Cassette Unit Multiformat

14' IP Detection Double Light Sensor

Figure 9

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Hardware architecture The following figure shows the hardware components of the Digitizer. Digitizer EOL Sensor

BOL Sensor

Photomultiplier Tube Board Flash Memory

Optics Boards (Optic Module)

PMI Board

E-Label Device E-Label E-Label

Flash Memory

User Interface Board Erasure LED Board IP Detection Double Light Sensor* IP Drawer Light Sensor** Cassette Detection Light Sensor

Power Board / Power II Board Flash Memory M

Slow Scan Motor


Drawer Motor 515102bc.cdr

Ethernet USB Flash Drive

NX Workstation

External Power Supply (24 V)

Power Data (and Power)

* Comprises one light sensor only named "IP Detection Light Sensor" in subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210 below a certain SN. For details see section 1.3. **In subtypes 300 and 310 this sensor is named "IP Drawer Light Sensor Multiformat"

Figure 10

The following table lists the functions of the different components in alphabetical sequence. Component Name


Cassette Detection Light Sensor

Detects that a cassette has been entered.

Device E-Label*

Master E-label for device specific parameters like serial number and type number.

Drawer Motor

Transports the image plate from the cassette to the scan drum. Drives the image plate back into the cassette after scan.

Erasure LED Board

Keeps the LEDS of the Erasure Unit.

External Power Supply (24 V)

Supplies power for all consumers.

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Component Name


IP Detection Double Light Sensor

Located approx. 14 cm and 23 cm after begin of scan. Detects all available image plate formats during scan. Not used in subtypes 100, 110, 200, 210 below a certain SN range. For details see section 1.3.

IP Detection Sensor

Located approx. 24 cm after begin of scan. Detects the 35x43 cm image plate during scan. Used in subtypes 100, 110, 200, 210 below a certain SN range only. For details see section 1.3.

IP Drawer Light Sensor

Detects the end position of the drawer unit.

IP Drawer Sensor Multiformat

Detects the end position of the drawer unit. The lever, which is used to indicate the drawer position in the fork light barrier, also acts as a locking device for the cassette release button.

Optics Boards (Part of the Optic Module)

Controls galvo motor and laser diode of the Optic Module.

Photomultiplier (PMT)

Collects the blue emitted light. Converts the emitted light into an electrical signal.

PMI Board (Photomultiplier Interface)

Main board of the Digitizer. Controls scanning.

Has a BOL (Begin of Line) and EOL (End of Line) sensor connected to trigger the timing for digitizing of the scanned image.

Converts the analog voltage from the Tube Board into 20 bit linear and further 16 bit root compressed values. A flash memory on the PMI board keeps the Digitizer software.

Power Board / Power II Board

Converts the 24 V input voltage from the power supply to the appropriate voltage for following consumers: 

PMI Board

Photomultiplier incl. Tube Board

Optic Module

Controls following functional elements: 

All motors

Erasure Unit

User Interface Board

All light sensors

Compared to the Power Board, the Power II Board has a higher power output for the erasure unit for subtypes 200, 210, 300 and 310. The Power II Board is required for subtypes 200, 210, 300 and 310. Slow Scan Motor

Drives the image plate during scan. Drives the image plate back after scan.

Tube Board

Interface board between Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) and PMI Board. A flash memory on the tube board keeps the shading calibration values. Is the interface for a blue LED glued to the Light Collector. This blue LED generates a reference signal for sensitivity correction.

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Component Name


USB Flash Drive

Keeps a copy of the E-Label* data. Keeps infocounter and logfiles. IMPORTANT: The Digitizer is working with inserted USB flash drive only. USB Flash Drive Copy E-Label 1 Data E-Label Data E-Label 2 Data Write Application Software Infocounter Logfile Operating System 515102be.cdr

Figure 11 User Interface Board

Contains the LED of the user interface as well as power and erasure button.

*E-Label: Small memory module keeping device or module specific data.

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Image plate run This section describes the Image Plate (IP) run of the Digitizer for a default scan cycle. Overview of the main steps: 

The user inserts the cassette.

The Cassette Detection Light Sensor detects the cassette: The IP Drawer Module (Multiformat) pulls out the Image Plate towards the drum with three or four magnets (depending on the IP size) and the magnetic IP drawer roller. The Status LED is yellow (SW ≥ ARC_2012) or green (SW < ARC_2012) blinking.

The laser beam is switched on to read the bar code and the position of the label on the image plate carrier.

The magnetic Slow Scan Drum drives the image plate during scan. The IP Detection (Double) Light Sensor detects the image plate.

When the Slow Scan Motor has reached the required number of motor steps, it changes direction: The image plate is transported back.

The Erasure Unit erases the Image Plate during its movement back into the cassette.

The last few centimeters of the way back, the IP Drawer Module (Multiformat) drives the image plate into the cassette.

The green status LED indicates the user to remove the cassette. When taking out the cassette, it is closed again.

Cassette Detection Light Sensor Cassette Opener Image Plate in End Position


IP Detection Double Light Sensor*

Cassette Unit Erasure Unit

IP-Drawer Module** Slow Scan Drum (Magnetic) 517502fa.cdr

Figure 12 * IP Detection Double Light Sensor is a single sensor in subtypes 100, 110, 200, 210 below a certain SN range. For details see section 1.3. ** IP Drawer Module for subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210 only. For subtypes 300 and 310 it is named “IP Drawer Module Multiformat”

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Image Plate run details This section describes following details of the image plate run:



See Section


Clamping, unlocking and opening the Cassette


Taking the Image Plate out of the Cassette at subytpes 100, 110, 200 and 210


Taking the Image Plate out of the Cassette at subytpes 300 and 310


Scanning the Image Plate


Releasing the cassette

Clamping, Unlocking and Opening the Cassette Cassette

Cassette Unit


Cassette Unlocker

Shutter Cassette Opener

Cassette Clamper

Cassette Pusher 517502eb.cdr

Figure 13

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The user activates following mechanical actions by user inserting the cassette with a minimum required force of 40 N: 

The Cassette Clamper clamps the cassette.

The Cassette Unlocker opens the lock of the cassette.

The Cassette Opener opens the shutter of the cassette.

By pulling out the cassette the opposite actions are activated. In addition the cassette pusher supports closing the cassette.

Taking the Image Plate out of the cassette at Digitizer subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210

Image Plate

IP Drawer Module

Slow Scan Drum (magnetic) Flag

IP Drawer Light Sensor

Docking Position

Home Position Magnets

IP Drawer Module Roller (magnetic)


Figure 14

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The Digitizer performs following activities to transport the image plate towards the (magnetic) Slow Scan Drum: 

The drawer motor drives the magnets from home position to docking position: The sheet metal of the image plate gets attracted by the four magnets.

The drawer motor drives the image plate onto the magnetic drawer unit rollers.

The magnetic drawer unit rollers take over the image plate and transport it towards the slow scan drum.

When the image plate has reached the magnetic slow scan drum, the image plate is continuously driven by the drum and the drawer unit rollers together. During this step the barcode is read out.

During this movement additionally the drawer drives back to end position: In this position it has no contact anymore with the image plate. The IP drawer light sensor detects the end position.

The slow scan drive changes the direction and transports the image plate back towards cassette until it nearly leaves the roller.

The slow scan drive changes direction again and speed up the the image plate for scanning. Thereby the barcode label is read again to detect the position of the image plate (begin of scan and begin of line).

After recognizing begin of scan signal from barcode and a predefined distance the image acquisition starts.

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Taking the Image Plate out of the cassette at Digitizer subtypes 300 and 310 Difference when taking the Image Plate out of the Cassette, compared to subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210: The IP Drawer Module Multiformat of subtype 300 and 310 is equipped with 3 magnetic rollers and 5 magnets (subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210: 2 magnetic rollers, 4 magnets). This way each image plate format can be transported in and out the cassette.

Figure 15: Top view on IP Drawer Module Multiformat with different IP sizes

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Scanning the Image Plate

Figure 16

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The Digitizer performs following activities during scan:

The Optic Module generates a red, oscillating laser beam.

The Light Collector collets the blue light, which is emitted by the image plate.

The Photomultiplier converts the blue light into electrical current.

The IP Detection (Double) Light Sensor monitors the image plate during scan.

A spring at the rear end of the IP Guide Plate shifts back the image plate after scan, in case out of any reason the contact from image plate to the Slow Scan Drum gets lost.

When the Slow Scan Drum transports the image plate back, the Erasure Unit erases the image plate.

The IP Drawer Module performs the transport back into the cassette, after the Slow Scan Drum has lost contact to the image plate.

By a very fast movement back, the IP Drawer Module (Multiformat) magnets loose contact to the image plate.

The cassette can be removed by the user: The status LED changes from yellow (SW ≥ ARC_2012) or green (SW < ARC_2012) blinking to constant green.

Releasing the Cassette After scan, when the image plate is transported back into the cassette, the user has to press the “Cassette Release Button” to remove the cassette. 

At subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210, the release of the cassette is not mechanically blocked. Pressing the “Cassette Release Button” too early is registered by the “Cassette Detection Sensor” however, and an error message is issued.

At subtypes 300 and 310 the “Cassette Unit Multiformat” in combination with the “IP Drawer Unit Multiformat” blocks the release of the cassette mechanically, when the image plate is not yet returned to the cassette. The mechanical principle is shown in Figure 16. Note, that the Drawer Unit Motor actively pushes the Drawer Locking Lever against the Cassette Locking Bolt. This means, the motor is permanently controlled after scan, until the Cassette is removed. When switching off the Digitizer before removal of the Cassette, there are two ways to get the Cassette out: 1. Remove Cassette Unit and pull out Cassette. 2. Switch on the Digitizer and wait until it is booted up completely. After the boot-up it is possible to remove the Cassette.

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Cassette Unit Multiformat

IP-Drawer Module Multiformat

Drawer Locking Lever

Cassette Locking Bolt

IP Drawer Light Sensor Multiformat

Position after Cassette Unit removal


Position after scan

Figure 17

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Digitizer boot-up

Approximate time in seconds 0 17

Digitizer Default Boot-Up Sequence 1 sec.

Digitizer Switch-On Boot-up of PMI and Power Board finished Load data and check E-labels


Send Self Test Signal to all SW modules


Error message in Error Viewer. Boot-up stops


Warning message in Error Viewer

Selftest okay? YES


IP Clean-up Cycle

Cassette or IP found?

Rescue Cycle: Digitizer tries to solve problem.



Adjust galvo


Set drawer motor to HOME

Visible / audible Effects

Status LED starts triple red blinking if no network connection to NX. Status LED starts fast red blinking if no connection to Error Viewer.

Initialization okay? NO

Error message in Error Viewer. Boot-up stops

Status LED slow red blinking (approx. 0,6 sec. off / 0,6 sec. on)


Service Manual

Message “Digitizer start-up” (4198) in Error Viewer

Drawer Motor briefly audible

NX Viewer running?


Wait till the Digitizer receives "ready for identification” message



Digitizer idle

Status LED green on



* time depends on galvo adjustment time. Can be up to 5 minutes.

Figure 18

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Approx. 1 second after switch on the status LED starts red blinking.


After boot-up of the PMI Board (approx. 17 seconds after switch on), until sending the self-test signal (approx. 40 seconds after switch on), the Digitizer performs following actions: 

The internal logging and error messages are loaded.

The data in the E-labels are compared with the E-label data on the USB flash drive.

The status LED stays red blinking. No audible actions. No message in the Error Viewer. 3

Send self test signal to all SW modules means: Check whether all consumers are connected. Click sounds of motors are audible. The galvo starts up.


When the self test starts, message “Digitizer start-up” is displayed in the Digitizer Remote Display. This message is generated by the Digitizer and will not be displayed however, if the Error Viewer is not started-up yet. This is the case for example if Digitizer and workstation are switched on simultaneously.


During the IP Clean-up cycle, the drawer motors is briefly audible.


If the NX viewer is not running following message appears in the Digitizer Remote Display: “Image processing software is not available. Restart the image processing software”. The check whether the NX application is running is repeated each three seconds, even after successful connection. Exception: After a scan cycle, when the cassette is waiting to be removed by the customer, the Digitizer does not check, whether the NX application is running.

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Safety Directions IMPORTANT: For each service intervention follow the instructions in the “Generic Safety Directions”. Agfa Portal via Internet. Agfa Intranet / Refer to Document ID 11849633, The Generic Safety Directions document comprises the general safety relevant information including relevant environmental and occupational safety instructions for the Service Engineer.


General Safety Notes for all Service Activities CAUTION: Sharp edges inside the Digitizer: Cut or abrasion possible. Be careful at any maintenance work. CAUTION: Image plate or Cassette Unit can be damaged. Do not insert and pull out cassette as long as the Digitizer is switched off. WARNING: 120 mW Laser (Class 3B) in the Optic Module may cause eye injuries. 

Avoid direct and indirect eye contact.

Do not keep tools in the laser beam when the device is switched on.

Do not open the cover of the Optic Module.

WARNING: By clearing the image queue all images in the queue of the Digitizer are erased. Retake possible. Before clearing the image queue, check all other troubleshooting options to get the image transmitted to the destination.

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Safety Notes for Installation Planning Warning: Images can be lost due to power failure. Connect the equipment to an un-interruptible power supply (UPS) or an institutional standby generator. WARNING: When different combinations of equipment are used in various medical environments a potential difference (V) can exist between the protective earths in different localities. If the protective earthing fails this potential difference can cause a HAZARD for the OPERATOR or for the PATIENT. 

To comply with ISO 60601-1 (annex I) all computers and peripherals must be connected to the same power source.

Always connect the associated monitor to the same Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS) as the PC.

WARNING: Electrical device. Shock possible. INSTRUCTION:  

Position the Agfa products so that it is possible to disconnect the mains power connection if required. Local and International wiring regulations must be observed. Check all supplies and voltages, currents, trips and fuses with the Hospital facilities department or their engineers.

WARNING: The device is a table-top Digitizer. The structure and stability of the table used need to be suitable in relation with the size and weight of the system. Do not use excessive force when inserting cassettes in the Digitizer as the device may slip or drop off the table. Use a non-slip-mat below the Digitizer or other anti-skid measures. The table should not be subject to excessive shock and vibrations from other sources, as this may disturb the operation of the Digitizer.

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WARNING: Image plate is sensitive for X-rays. Poor image quality possible. The Digitizer and the cassette storage shall be protected against X-ray radiation this way, that the annual dose equivalent at the installation place will not exceed 1 mSv.


Safety Notes for Installation WARNING: The Digitizer is heavy (30 kg; 66 lbs). Risk of injuries when lifting the Digitizer.

Use proper foot and hand protection when lifting the Digitizer.


Safety Notes for mobile Application WARNING: Excessive vibrations during scanning may decrease image quality. The structure and stability of the used mounting platform need to be suitable in relation with the size and weight of the system. The mounting platform may not be subject to excessive shock and vibrations from other sources. WARNING: Unknown composition of mobile kit mounting platform: Risk of injury or damage. The vehicle owner is responsible for the position, location and fixing of all equipment. WARNING: The Digitizer is heavy (30 kg; 66 lbs). Risk of injuries when lifting the Digitizer.

Use proper foot and hand protection when lifting the Digitizer.

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WARNING: Injury or device damage possible.

Do not lift the Digitizer at the Cassette Unit or the IP Guide Cover.


Figure 19


Safety Notes for corrective or preventive Maintenance Work


Safety Notes when working at the Erasure Unit WARNING: During operation the Erasure Unit is hot: Risk of burns. 

Avoid contact with the Erasure Unit.

Observe the relevant sticker on the Erasure Unit.

CAUTION: Sensitive surface. Reduced image quality possible due to clouded reflector.


Do not touch the reflector of the erasure unit by hand.

Do not use cleaning agents to clean the reflector.

Only use a lint-free cloth for cleaning.

Safety Notes when working at PMT with Light Collector CAUTION: The PMT light sensitivity decreases for a certain time (hours to days) if exposed to bright light. Expose the light sensitive side of the PMT as little as possible to daylight.

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CAUTION: The Light Collector can break when mechanically stressed. Handle the Light Collector with great care. CAUTION: Finger prints on the mirror before the Light Collector may cause reduced image quality. Be careful not to touch the mirror.

Mirror before Light Collector 515131ak.cdr

Figure 20


Safety Notes when working at the Slow Scan Drum CAUTION: The magnetic surface of the Slow Scan Drum may damage sensitive parts or attract small metallic parts. 

Keep away all parts which are sensitive for strong magnetic fields, e.g. bank cards.

Ensure that no small metallic parts stick at the slow scan drum, e.g. screws, metallic splinters.

CAUTION: The Slow Scan Drum has a sensitive surface. Reduced image quality or image plate jams possible. Handle the Slow Scan Drum carefully.

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Safety Notes when working at the Drawer Unit CAUTION: The magnetic surface of the IP Drawer Module wheels may damage sensitive parts or attract small metallic parts.


Keep away all parts which are sensitive for strong magnetic fields, e.g. bank cards.

Ensure that no small metallic parts stick at the IP drawer module wheels, e.g. screws, metallic splinters.

Labels NOTE: For labels refer to the corresponding User Manual of the Digitizer and refer to the Agfa Intranet / “Generic Safety Directions”, Document ID 11849633, Agfa Portal via Internet.

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Pre-Installation NOTE: For the pre-installation instructions of the NX workstation, refer to the corresponding Service Documentation.


Scope of delivery Quantity





Packing list for accessory


CE declaration of conformity


Quick Installation Guide


External power supply 24 V


Power cable, Europe 3.00 m


Power cable, US 3.00 m


Network cable 5 m


1.5 mm CU filter


Torx key TX20


CD with User Manuals in all specified languages*

* Language: Bulgarian, Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese


The Digitizer is ordered and delivered with a dedicated NX workstation.

At least one Cassette Set "CR MD 1.0 General" has to be ordered.

NOTE: If accessories are ordered, these may also be part of delivery. For an overview of accessories refer to the sales information, which is available in the National Sales Organization.

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Items to be organized locally before installation The Digitizer is delivered with two power cables for US and Europe. If a different cable is needed, organize it locally but keep attention to country specific requirements. Example: Power cable to be organized locally for US/CAN, if a connection to a 240 V-outlet instead of the standard 120 V-outlet is needed: NEMA 6-15P - SJT, 3 x AWG 18 with IEC C13 connector (female); Hospital grade (HG).


Technical data NOTE: For the technical specifications and compliance of the Digitizer refer to the User Manual.


Installation site requirements 

The footprint of the Digitizer is 42 cm (width) x 32 cm (depth). See also Figure 22. To have a safety margin of 10 cm at each side a table size of minimum 62 cm (width) x 52 cm (depth) is required.

When placing the table at the wall with the rear side, the minimum table depth is 52 cm.

For operation a free space of minimum 62 cm x 80 cm in front of the Digitizer is recommended.

For corrective maintenance the Digitizer can be carried to a place with sufficient space if required.


Figure 21

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47 cm [18,5 in]

Service Manual

58 cm [22,8 in]


42 cm [16,5 in.]

70 cm [27,6 in.]

Bottom view

Foot 32 cm [12,6 in.]


Figure 22: Dimensions of the Digitizer

Observe following guidelines for the installation place of the Digitizer: 

Recommended table height: 75 cm.

Due to the workflow of the system (refer to section 1.8) it is recommended to install Digitizer and Workstation close together.

NOTE: The Digitizer is delivered on a pallet with size (Length x width x height) 83 cm x 75 cm x 15 cm (32,6 in. x 29,5 in. x 5,9 in.). Size of the complete Digitizer package incl. pallet (Length x width x height): 83 cm x 75 cm x 72 cm (32,6 in. x 29,5 in. x 28,3 in.). The weight of the package is 50 kg (111 lb).

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WARNING: The device is a table-top Digitizer. The structure and stability of the table used need to be suitable in relation with the size and weight of the system. Do not use excessive force when inserting cassettes in the Digitizer as the device may slip or drop off the table. Use a non-slip-mat below the Digitizer or other anti-skid measures. The table should not be subject to excessive shock and vibrations from other sources, as this may disturb the operation of the Digitizer. Observe following warning for the installation place of the Digitizer and the storage location of the cassettes with image plates: WARNING: Image plate is sensitive for X-rays. Poor image quality possible. The Digitizer and the cassette storage shall be protected against X-ray radiation this way, that the annual dose equivalent at the installation place will not exceed 1 mSv.


Electrical Connections Warning: Images can be lost due to power failure. Connect the equipment to an un-interruptible power supply (UPS) or an institutional standby generator. WARNING: When different combinations of equipment are used in various medical environments a potential difference (V) can exist between the protective earths in different localities. If the protective earthing fails this potential difference can cause a HAZARD for the OPERATOR or for the PATIENT. 

To comply with ISO 60601-1 (annex I) all computers and peripherals must be connected to the same power source.

Always connect the associated monitor to the same Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS) as the PC.

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WARNING: Electrical device. Shock possible. INSTRUCTION:  

Position the Agfa products so that it is possible to disconnect the mains power connection if required. Local and International wiring regulations must be observed. Check all supplies and voltages, currents, trips and fuses with the Hospital facilities department or their engineers.

IMPORTANT: The external power supply is part of delivery. Do not use another power supply than the one delivered with the Digitizer or available from spare parts stock.

Electrical installations have to be done in accordance with national regulations or statutory requirements, e.g.: VDE: (Germany)

Electrical installations in the installation room must be in compliance with the regulations IEC 364, VDE 0100 and VDE 0107.

UL: (US)

Electrical installations in the installation room must be in compliance with the regulations: “National Electrical Code" (NEC) (NFPA70).

Mains connection has to be available in accordance with national regulations or statutory requirements, e.g.: VDE: (Germany)

Double earthed pin outlet in compliance with DIN 49441 and with CEE 7 standard cover V II.

UL: (US)

Earthed contact outlet for the NEMA 5-15 P plug

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Following cables are part of delivery: Euro* Version: * Exceptions:

CEE7/7 - H05VV - F3G1 - 3 x 1 mm² with IEC C13 plug (female); cable length 3 m CEE7/7

Denmark, Ireland, Italy Malta, Cyprus, UK and Switzerland

IEC C13 5175_C11_001.cdr

Figure 23


NEMA 5-15P - SJT, 3 x AWG 16 with IEC C13 plug (female); Cable length 3 m, Hospital grade (HG)

IEC C13 NEMA 5-15P


Figure 24

Upon Digitizer installation, it must be ensured that either the mains connector or an allpole circuit breaker for the installation on site is located close to the machine and easily accessible.


Network Connection in the Installation Room The network connection in the installation room has to comply with IEC 60950.

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System integration The following table lists the information which is required to integrate the Digitizer into the local network. Parameter:

Default value:

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Gateway IP Address*:

AE Title:


Digitizer Hostname:

Processing Station IP address:

AE-Title (Image):


PC Port (Image):


AE-Title (Preview):


PC Port (Preview):


AE Title (Fast ID):


NX Port (Fast ID):


Digitizer Port (Fast ID):


Value: .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..............................................

* Only required if a network gateway is used on site.

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Installation Planning Checklist NOTE: For AGFA employees only: Book the pre-installation tasks under task code "PRI". #





To schedule an installation date Ask the Agfa sales with the customer. representative for a contact person in the site. To get the list of ordered equipment that needs to be installed. To have a contact person for checking the requirements for the installation site.



Make yourself familiar with the system overview and the system workflow.

To see in which environment the Digitizer will be installed.

Make yourself familiar with the scope of delivery and accessories.

Basic information, to see whether additional, site specific material for installation might be required.


Make yourself familiar with the installation site size requirements.

To see whether the planned installation site fits to the size of the Digitizer.


Check the documents and parameters that are required for system integration.

To have all documents and data available which are required for system integration.

Pass the required ambient conditions to the customer and the forwarder.

To ensure that the transport, storage and operating conditions meet the requirements.


Check the required electrical connection.

To ensure that the required outlets and required cables are available.


Check the Digitizer dimensions.

To ensure transport path and installation site correspond to the required size.

Pass the specifications and safety standards to the customer.

To inform the customer about technical details of the product.









Digitizer User Manual

3.4 Digitizer User Manual

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Installation Readiness Checklist In order to guarantee an effective and smooth installation process within the targeted time frame, the following tasks of the checklist below must be carried out prior to the installation of the device. Name of Field Service Engineer:

Checking date:

Client name: Client address: Contact person, name and title: Client phone number:


Type of systems:

Order / OGT* number:

* OGT = Order Generation Tool, only applicable for Agfa employees



Installation date scheduled with the customer. Tasks of Installation Planning Checklist performed successfully. Details see section 3.8:Installation Planning Checklist Installation Site ready for Installation


Signature of Field Service Engineer: ___________________________________

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Installation and configuration


Introduction IMPORTANT: This document describes the installation and configuration of the Digitizer including the NX workstation with the help of the Quick Installation Guide (part of delivery) and the CR 10-X / CR 12-X / CR 15-X configuration wizard. For installation without using the CR 10-X / CR 12-X / CR 15-X configuration wizard refer to the appendix, section 4.7. REQUIRED TOOLS The required tools are part of delivery. REQUIRED TIME: The complete installation of the Digitizer including installation and configuration of the workstation takes approximately 1 hour. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Chapter 4 of the corresponding NX Workstation version in the Agfa HealthCare Library: Computed Radiography > CR Workstation Software NOTE: The Installation Checklist in section 4.8 gives an overview of all steps of the Digitizer installation and guides through the complete installation process.

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Installation Preparation Preparing the installation is split up into the following steps:





Check the installation site prerequisites.



Unpack the Digitizer.



Unpack the workstation and monitor.



Check the shipment completeness.


Checking Installation Site Prerequisites (1)



Confirm that all prerequisites described in the "Installation readiness checklist" are fulfilled. Refer to section 3.9.

Unpacking the Digitizer (1)

Compare the labels on the boxes with the customers order list and the shipping papers.


Check the packing material for visible transport damage such as dented edges, damage on the box, torn fixing elements.


Check the attached safety indicators on the packing boxes.

IMPORTANT: If the device was tilted, the circle in the arrow head of the TILTWATCH changes from white to red. If the device was subjected to shocks, the square field in the middle of the SHOCKWATCH changes from white to red.   

White field is OK. Red field is not OK.


Figure 25

If damages are visible from the outside, inform the carrier. The damage must be noted down in the handover documents. If the device should be replaced, contact your local AGFA representative. If no damage is visible from the outside start installation.

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WARNING: The Digitizer is heavy (30 kg; 66 lbs). Risk of injuries when lifting the Digitizer.

Use proper foot and hand protection when lifting the Digitizer. WARNING: The device is a table-top Digitizer. The structure and stability of the table used need to be suitable in relation with the size and weight of the system. Do not use excessive force when inserting cassettes in the Digitizer as the device may slip or drop off the table. Use a non-slip-mat below the Digitizer or other anti-skid measures. The table should not be subject to excessive shock and vibrations from other sources, as this may disturb the operation of the Digitizer. (4)

Unpack the Digitizer. The unpacking instructions are printed on the Digitizer box. Figure 2 shows an example of the unpacking instructions. A


B 4




6 7

Foot protection Hand protection DD+DIS201.12E Document ID: 34000110 Revision 0 08-2012 Printed in Germany


30 kg 66 lbs


Device Type ABC-Code SN





* Optional: Depends on national regulations.

Delivery Note

Figure 26


Unpacking the NX Workstation and Monitor (1)



Unpack all boxes of the NX Workstation delivery.

Checking the Shipment Completeness (1)

Compare the scope of delivery with the packing lists, where available.


In case the delivery is not complete, escalate to the next support level.

Performing the Installation Steps as described in the Quick Installation Guide (1)

Perform all steps as described in the Quick Installation Guide, which is part of delivery. The document is also available via Agfa HealthCare Library, Document Agfa Portal via Internet. Agfa Intranet / ID 34000041,

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NOTE: After the installation with the Quick Installation Guide, the mandatory installation steps for a standalone system are finished. The system status is as follows: CR 10-X Status in the NX configuration menu: Devices > Digitizer Configuration > Digitizer #







Enable Fast ID



Enable Auto Cropping



Device settings: IP Address


Device Settings: AE Title:



Device settings: Default Router


Device settings: Subnet Mask

Figure 27

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CR 12-X / CR 15-X Status in the NX configuration menu: Devices > Digitizer Configuration > Digitizer #







Enable Fast ID



Enable Auto Cropping



Genrad Scan Resolution

100 µm


FLFS Scan Resolution

200 µm


Device settings: IP Address


Device Settings: AE Title:



Device settings: Default Router


Device settings: Subnet Mask

Figure 28

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NX Status in the NX configuration menu: General > General Settings #




ID station name (= Computer name)



Performed Station AE Title



Processing station name

local host





Default Modality



Fast Preview Settings - AE Title



Fast Preview Settings - Port number



Fast ID - AE Title



Fast ID - Port number



IP address (fixed)

Figure 29

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Users setup on NX workstation: User

User Name

Service user

Refer to web based training

Standard NX user


Password Agfa4CR10 (for CR 10-X*) or Agfa4CR12 (for CR 12-X**) or Agfa4CR15 (for CR 15-X***)

* CR 10-X, subtype 100 or CR Reader, subtype 110 ** CR 12-X, subtype 200 or CR Advanced Reader, subtype 210 *** CR15-X, subtype 300 or CR Multiformat Reader, subtype 310


Finalizing the Installation The following tables list the mandatory and optional steps to finalize the installation:


Optional Steps, depending on the local situation



Add windows and NX users.



If required: Configure Digitizer and NX for the local network.



Setup connectivity to additional system components (RIS, PACS, Hardcopy, etc.).



Customize system components according to customer preferences.



Finalize the workstation installation.



Check software version.



Configure the maintenance indicator



Mandatory Steps


Perform further activities depending on local regulations.



Inform the customer about the Digitizer system.



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Adding Windows and NX Users NOTE: After NX activation the NX workstation has one service user “crservice” configured. The CR 10-X / CR 12-X / CR 15-X configuration wizard additionally installs a standard user “Agfa”. The service user has Windows administrator rights as well as Service Engineer Rights on NX. If required, create additional users with NX operator rights.

Figure 30

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Add Windows users in following menu: Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Local Users and Groups > Users > New User

Figure 31


Start the NX Configurator (via Desktop Shortcut).


Select: Load active configuration


Select: Security > Manage Users > Add User


Add NX users and roles. For an example see Figure 32 and Figure 33.

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Figure 32

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Figure 33

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If required: Configuring Digitizer and NX for the local Network Proceed as follows to integrate the system into to the local network:


Switch off the Digitizer.


On the NX Workstation go to the Windows control panel and configure IP address, subnet mask and computer name with the information provided by the network administrator.


Start the NX Configuration Tool.


Adapt the Workstation settings and the Digitizer settings with the information provided by the network administrator.


Go to NX configurator screen: Devices > General Settings > Workstation Settings > IP Address > Advanced


De-select: Store the selected IP Address in the NX Registry Entry

Figure 34

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Insert the Digitizer USB flash drive into the USB Port of the NX Workstation.


Go to NX configurator screen: Devices > Digitizer Configuration > Digitizer.


Click on Create CPF and save the file on the USB flash drive root folder.

(10) Activate the configuration via menu: File > Activate Configuration

Figure 35

(11) Navigate to directory \ARC_2012 (or higher version) on the USB flash drive. (12) Double-click file InstallCPF.cmd (13) Press any key to continue. (14) Release the USB flash drive from the NX Workstation and insert it at the Digitizer.

Figure 36

(15) Switch on the Digitizer: The Digitizer boots-up and resets automatically after approx. 3 minutes. (16) Wait until the 2nd boot-up is finished.

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(17) Connect NX workstation and Digitizer to the local network. (18) Switch on the Digitizer. (19) Enter the new Digitizer IP address in the browser address window.


Figure 37

(20) In service menu Backup select: Complete backup and SAVE TO USB Digitizer. (21) Select: Logout

Figure 38


Setup of Connectivity to additional System Components (1)


Use the corresponding connectivity release documents for setup of additional system components, see Agfa HealthCare Library > General Info > Connectivity & Application

Customizing System Components according to Customer Preferences (1)

Use the corresponding connectivity release documents and service manuals of the system components for instructions how to customize the system components.

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Finalizing the Workstation Installation (1)


Service Manual

Finalize the workstation installation as described in NX Service Manual Chapter 4, sections "NX Configuration via Configuration Tool" and "Completing the Installation".

Checking Software Version (1)


Select service menu Device Info and check the Digitizer software version. Perform a software update if a newer software is available. Refer to the instructions enclosed to the software ZIP file.

Device Info Item Type Number: Subtype Number: Serial Number: Manufacture Date: Installation Date: Software Version:





100 1001 02.01.2012 15.01.2012 ARC_1013

Figure 39

NOTE: The latest software is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library: Computed Radiography > CR Digitizer > CR 10-X > Software 4.4.7

Configuring the Maintenance Indicator NOTE: Switch on the Maintenance Indicator only, if requested by your Service Manager.

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Select service menu Maintenance Indicator.


Perform the required settings. For details refer to section

Figure 40


Performing further Activities depending on local Regulations Enclosed a list of possible activities depending on local regulations: This list is just an example.





Electrical check

IEC 62353:2007 Test Documentation on the Agfa HealthCare Library (Extranet Link / Intranet Link)


Acceptance Test

Example for Germany: DIN6868



Contact your local service manager concerning the activities which are required due to local regulations.

Customer Training (1)

Hand-over the user manuals.


Train the customer in following activities: 

Operating the Digitizer, see section 4.6.1.

Usage of plates and cassettes, see section 4.6.2.

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Training for Operating the Digitizer Following items have to be part of the training for Digitizer operation:  The user interface (Error viewer at NX workstation and Digitizer status LED)  Switching on/off/reset the Digitizer  The function of the release button at the Cassette Unit. See also IMPORTANT note below.  Power and network connector  Boot-up procedure  Auto cropping functionality  Digitizer type 5151/200, 210, 300 and 310 only: Scan resolution switching  Basic workflow  Erasing image plates  Function of the USB flash drive in the rear (do not remove!)  Troubleshooting and errors during operation IMPORTANT: For Digitizer subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210 only: The Release Button is not blocked in situations where it should not be pressed. Inform the customer to press the Release Button only if the status LED is constant green.

constant green when idle

Exception: It is possible that an error situation can be solved only by removing the cassette. In this case the status LED is red blinking and the Error Viewer on the NX workstation instructs the user to remove the cassette.


Figure 41

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For more information see also the Digitizer User Manual.

For NX workstation specific training refer to the NX workstation user documentation.

For the “auto cropping” functionality refer to the Application Note “Functional Changes in NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700”, Document ID 36259799

For the Digitizer type 5151/200, 210, 300 and 310 “scan resolution switching” functionality refer to the Application Note “Functional Changes in NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800”, Document ID 39248556.

Training for Usage of Plates and Cassettes Following items have to be part of the training for usage of plates and cassettes: 

Labels and functional elements of the cassettes

First use and normal operation

Storage and transport

Operating conditions


NOTE: For more information refer to the CR Plates and Cassettes (CR MD 1.0 General) User Manual.

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Appendix: Installation of the Digitizer without using the CR 10-X / CR 12-X / CR 15-X Configuration Wizard REQUIRED TIME: The complete installation of the Digitizer including installation and configuration of the workstation takes approximately 1 hour. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Chapter 4 of the corresponding NX Workstation version in the Agfa HealthCare Library: Computed Radiography > CR Workstation Software IMPORTANT: 

The CR 10-X Digitizer* is supported as of NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700 only.

The CR 12-X** / CR 15-X*** Digitizer is supported as of NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800 only.

* CR 10-X, subtype 100 or CR Reader, subtype 110 ** CR 12-X, subtype 200 or CR Advanced Reader, subtype 210 *** CR 15-X, subtype 300 or CR Advanced Reader, subtype 310

NOTE: The Installation Checklist in section 4.8 of this chapter gives an overview of all steps of the Digitizer installation and guides through the complete installation process. IMPORTANT: When using a direct network connection between Digitizer and a NX workstation, first switch on the Digitizer, then the workstation. As alternative: With Digitizer switched on select at NX workstation: START > All Programs > Agfa > NX > Restart NX completely Workarounds to avoid a switch-on sequence: Possibility 1: Use a network switch to connect Digitizer and NX workstation. Possibility 2: Connect Digitizer and NX to the local network. See also section 4.4.2. Possibility 3: Set a fixed IP address for the NX workstation. See NX service manual chapter 4, Installation.

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Installation Preparation (1)


Service Manual

Prepare the installation as described in section 4.2 of this document.

Connecting the Cables NOTE: The devices are delivered with power cables for US and Europe. If a different cable is needed, organize it locally. For cable specifications refer to: 

Digitizer Service Manual, chapter 11, Installation Planning

NX Workstation Service Manual, chapter 3, Installation Planning


Connect monitor, mouse, keypad and license dongle at the NX workstation. License Dongle


HDMI to DVI converter (optional)

Mains install_poster_02a.c

Figure 42


Connect the external power supply.


Connect the network cable directly between Digitizer and NX workstation. See also important note on page 71.

Direct network connection

Mains install_poster_003.cdr

Figure 43

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Performing Setup of the NX Workstation NOTE: The NX workstation setup comprises following steps:


Performing the operating system settings (date & time, network, language)

Installing the license file

Activating the NX software

Configuring the Digitizer on the NX workstation Switch on the Digitizer. The red status LED starts flashing.


Switch on the NX Workstation.


Login with service user name and password obtained in the NX classroom training.

User name Password


Figure 44

IMPORTANT: With direct network connection observe the correct switch on sequence: First switch on Digitizer, then the NX workstation.

Direct network connection: Observe switch-on sequence or use one of the available workarounds.

To avoid a fixed switch on sequence with direct network connection, use one of the workarounds mentioned in the IMPORTANT note on page 71.


Figure 45

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NOTE: The Digitizer status is indicated via static or blinking blue, green and red LEDs.

Status Indicator

For an explanation of LED modes refer to section For an explanation of the boot-up procedure refer to section 1.13.


Figure 46


On the NX go to: Control panel Set: View by: Small Icons

Figure 47


Select: Control panel > Date and Time.


Adapt the time zone.


Adapt date and time.

Figure 48

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Select Control panel > Network and Sharing Center > Local Area Connection

Figure 49


Select: Properties

Figure 50

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(10) Select: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) (11) Click: Properties

Figure 51

(12) Set: - IP address: - Subnet mask: - Default gateway: (13) Select: OK followed by close (2 times)

Figure 52

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(14) Select: Control panel > System > Change Settings

Figure 53

(15) Select: Change

Figure 54

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(16) Set computer name: DefaultNX (17) Select OK. (18) Reboot the computer when requested. (19) Login again using the service account.

Figure 55

(20) Select: Start > All Programs > Agfa > NX > Service > Installtools > HostName Synchronization Tool (21) Select: Synchronise (22) Wait until message is displayed: "Synchronization of hostname succeeded" (23) Close the tool.

Figure 56

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(24) Select: Control panel > Region and Language Check the country in the tab Formats: It must be set to English.

Figure 57

(25) Select tab: Keyboard and Language (26) Click: Change keyboards

Figure 58

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(27) If required: Add a keyboard. (28) Select in the Default Input Language dropdown list the correct input language. (29) Click: Apply (30) Click: OK

Figure 59

(31) Select tab: Administrative (32) Select: Copy settings..

Figure 60

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(33) Check both options: - Welcome screen and system accounts - New user accounts (34) Select: OK

Figure 61

(35) Start the browser at the NX workstation (A).

(36) Enter the Digitizer IP address in the address window (B). (37) Enter username and password obtained in the Digitizer web based training.


Authentication Required User Name:


Password: OK






Figure 62

IMPORTANT: When installing the Digitizer at SE, do not install the Error Viewer. SE has an Error Viewer already pre-installed.

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(38) If the installation wizard pops up: Select cancel (39) Select service menu: Error Viewer Installation. (40) Click Yes to come to the next screen. (41) Click: ErrorViewerInstaller.msi

Figure 63

(42) Click run to start the installation. (43) Follow the further instructions to install the Error Viewer. (44) Copy the application license file (ALF) to the NX workstation (e.g. directory C:\AGFA\Healthcare\NX\ Configuration\Licensing). (45) Double-click the Licensing Manager icon on the desktop. (46) Select Add License and browse to the folder where the ALF file is stored. Figure 64

(47) Wait a few seconds until the message appears: The licenses have been updated. (48) Close the License Manager.

Figure 65

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(49) Double-click the NX Activation Utility icon on the desktop. (50) During the "Activation process" change the “Available Dose Types” from LGM to EI. (51) Select none as "Available Twain Digitizers". (52) Click: Next

Figure 66

(53) Select the language: This language setting will be used for the NX buttons, displays and user messages. (54) Click: Next and follow the further instructions of the Activation Utility.

Figure 67

NOTE: The activation takes several minutes. The NX components are installed depending on the available licenses. Possible problems during activation are logged in the Activation Helper window.

Figure 68

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(55) After the reboot select OK at error message: "No Digitizer configured ! ..."

Figure 69

(56) Double-click the Start NX Configurator icon on the desktop. (57) Select: Load active configuration

Figure 70

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(58) Enter following settings in the NX Configuration Tool Menu: General > General Settings

Figure 71

Figure 72





ID station name



Performed Station AE Title



Processing station name

local host





Default Modality



Fast Preview Settings - AE Title



Fast Preview Settings - Port number



Enable Fast-ID

Checkbox must be activated


Fast ID - AE Title



Fast ID - Port number


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(59) Select in the NX Configuration Tool Menu: Devices > ID Tablet Configuration > ID Tablet (60) Select: Delete

Figure 73

Figure 74

(61) Select in the NX Configuration Tool Menu: Devices > Digitizer Configuration > Digitizer. (62) Set the recovery exposure types. See NOTE next page.

Figure 75

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Figure 76

NOTE: In a system with just one Digitizer and one NX the Recovery Exposure Type is not relevant. For more information refer to the Application Note "Functional Changes in NX 2.0.8500 / 3.0.8500 and NX 2.0.8600 / 3.0.8600", Document ID 32972652. (63) In the same window select New to add a new Digitizer. (64) Enter following data in the "Add Digitizer" window. - Name: DIG_DEFAULT - Type: CR 10-X* or CR 12-X** or CR 15-X***

Figure 77

* Use CR 10-X, for subtype 100 or CR Reader, subtype 110 ** Use CR 12-X for subtype 200 or CR Advanced Reader, subtype 210 *** Use CR 15-X for subtype 300 or CR Multiformat Reader, subtype 310

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(65) Enter following data in the Digitizer Settings window:








Enable Fast ID

Checkbox must be activated


Device settings: IP Address


Device Settings: AE Title:



Device settings: Default Router


Device settings: Subnet Mask

Figure 78

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(66) Enter the data in the Device Configuration > Digitizer > Emergency Procedure window according to the customer needs. The following table just shows examples:





Age Group:



Exam Group:

Carpus (Knee)


Exposure Type:


Following two steps are for CR 12-X and CR 15-X only: (67) Select in the NX Configuration Tool Menu: User Interface > Identification Configuration > Edit Image Details (68) In dropdown box Content, add label Scan Resolution.

Figure 79

NOTE: With scan resolution parameter enabled in the NX “Edit Image Detail” window, the user can switch scan resolution before scanning. The default scan resolution settings are defined in the Digitizer configuration window. Recommendation: Leave settings on default. For more information see also Application Note NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800, Document ID 39248556.

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(69) Select in the NX Configuration Tool Menu: User Interface > Viewing, Editing & Printing Configuration (70) Change value for Content: LGM:(0018,1405) to EI:(0018,1411) > Softcopy & Print View

Figure 80

(71) Select in the NX Configuration Tool Menu: Exam > Exam tree Configuration

Figure 81

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(72) Select: Add Exams

Figure 82

(73) Select file: Factory.Import.ExamTree. SystemDiagnosis.xml (74) Click: Open

Figure 83

(75) Select the checkbox for SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS GENRAD. (76) Select: Import

Figure 84

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(77) Select Activate Configuration and follow the further instructions on the screen.

Figure 85

NOTE: After activation of the configuration the NX application software resets and starts up automatically. The Digitizer status LED changes from red to green. 4.7.4

Verifying the Installation NOTE: Verifying the installation means: Expose a flatfield and evaluate the image quality. Following items are verified with the check: 

The configuration was successful: Images arrive at the workstation.

Image quality is OK.


Erase a cassette.


Press the "Erase" button.


Insert cassette with black side facing up.


Wait approx. 3 minutes.


Remove cassette. install_poster_12.cdr

Figure 86

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Use the erased cassette to expose a flatfield.  The black cassette side must be facing up.  The collimated area should be larger than the cassette.

1,3 m

1. Insert CU Filter 2. Expose Cassette: Large Focus 12 mAs 75 kVp 3. Rotate cassette by 180° 4. Expose again 5. Remove CU Filter Collimated Area Black side facing up install_poster_013.cdr

Figure 87


Create a new exam "System Diagnosis - Flatfield".


Scan the image.

System Diagnosis Genrad Flat Field 200


Figure 88

IMPORTANT: By selection of examination type System Diagnosis > Flatfield, the correct settings for image processing of the flatfield are used. Any other examination type gives a result which cannot be used for image evaluation.

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Check the image for the following artifacts: 

Stripes in fast scan or slow scan direction

Large area inhomogeneities

Unacceptable number of white dots install_poster_15.cdr

Figure 89

NOTE: The slow scan direction is parallel to the long side of the image plate.

Slow Scan Direction


Image Plate


Figure 90

Evaluation: 

If the scanned flatfield does not show one of the artifacts, no further action is required.

If the scanned flatfield shows one of the artifacts compare the flatfield with the limit pattern. For detailed instructions refer to chapter 3.3, Troubleshooting

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Performing the Installation Wizard of the Digitizer (1)

Start the browser at the NX workstation (A).


Enter the Digitizer IP address in the address window (B).



Authentication Required User Name:


Password: OK

Enter username and password obtained in the Digitizer web based training.






Figure 91


Follow the installation wizard. Do not change the Digitizer network settings and the destination settings. This is done later, if required. See section 4.4.2.

Digitizer Installation Wizards starts up automatically: Digitizer Settings Destination Settings Site Specific Data

Adapt local settings Do not change




Installation Date Confirmation


Confirm installation install_poster_17a.cdr

Figure 92


Performing a Backup (1)

In service menu Backup select: Complete backup and Save to USB Digitizer.


Select : Logout

Figure 93

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Finalizing the Installation Finalize the installation. For details refer to section 4.4


Installation Checklist #




Task code*

Installation Prerequisites 1.

Check installation site prerequisites.




Unpack Digitizer.




Unpack NX workstation and monitor




Check shipment completeness.



Performing the steps as described in the Quick Installation Guide 5.

Perform the steps as described in the Quick Installation Guide.



Finalizing the Installation 6.

Adding Windows and NX users.




If required: Configuring Digitizer and NX for the local Network




Setup of Connectivity to additional System Components




Customizing System Components according to Customer Preferences



10. Finalizing the Workstation Installation



11. Check Digitizer software version



12. Configuring the Maintenance Indicator








Performing further Activities depending on local Regulations

14. Customer Training

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Shading calibration


Use Case

Determine the sensitivity of the scanning system for each pixel of the scan line: A flatfield is scanned. For each pixel a sensitivity factor is stored in a flash memory on the Photomultiplier (PMT). Perform a shading calibration in following cases: 

After replacement of the Photomultiplier (PMT) with Light Collector

After replacement of the Optic Module

Whenever stripes in image plate run direction are visible, which cannot be removed by cleaning of the scan line with the cleaning brush


1,5 mm Copper Filter** Spare part number*: CM+9 5155 1015 2

Polynit wipes*** CR Phosphor Plate Cleaner*** Spare Part Number*: Spare part number*: 10+9 9999 1273 0 10+9 9999 1197 0

Lint free cloth***

* The last digit in the spare part number indicates the spare part revision at release of this document. When ordering, the actual revision of the spare part is delivered. ** The Cu filter is part of Digitizer delivery. *** For cleaning of an image plate either use CR Phosphor plate cleaner (poured on a lint free cloth) or Polynit wipes.

REQUIRED TIME: Approximately 30 minutes

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Checking and Erasing the Image Plate (1)

Select a cassette of size 35 x 43 cm. If this is not used on the site, use a cassette of size 30 x 24 cm or 30 x 15 cm. If only 24 x 18 cm cassettes are used, use this cassette.


Open the cassette and check that the image plate (IP) is free of contamination and without any signs of wear or defects like scratches or split off parts. If any particles are detected, clean the IP according to the cleaning procedure. If any defects are detected, inform the customer about the defect and use another artifact free IP.


Erase the IP.

NOTE: For CR MD1.0 General image plates only use AGFA CR Phosphor Plate cleaner and a soft lint-free cellulose cloth or Polynit wipes to clean the image plate. For more information refer to the user manual "AGFA CR Plates and Cassettes (CR MD 1.0 General)". This manual is part of Digitizer delivery and is available on the Agfa HealthCare Library. IMPORTANT: When using CR Phosphor Plate Cleaner: Do not put the CR Phosphor Plate Cleaner directly on the image plate. Always put the CR Phosphor Plate Cleaner on the lint-free cloth. 5.1.2

Exposing the Cassette (1)

Mount the 1,5 mm Cu-filter at the modality.


Place the cassette with the black side facing up.


Ensure that the entire image plate is fully exposed. The collimated field must be larger than the image plate.

Cu filter 1,3 m

Black side facing up Collimated area


Figure 94

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Select the following exposure parameters to obtain a dose of 10 µGy:    


12 mAs 75 kVp 1.3 m (51,2”) distance Large focus


Expose the cassette.


Turn the cassette 180° (black side still facing up).


Expose the cassette again. After the second exposure the cassette has been exposed in total with a dose of approximately 20 µGy.


Remove the Cu-filter from the X-ray device.

Scanning the Image Plate (1)

On the NX workstation log-off the current user and log-in as "crservice".


Open the Internet Explorer.


Enter the Digitizer IP address in the address window. See also NOTE below.

NOTE: If the Digitizer IP address is not known, look it up in the NX configuration tool: 

Double-click the icon Start NX Configurator on the desktop.

Select: Load active configuration

Go to: Devices > Digitizer Configuration This page shows the Digitizer IP address.

Quit the NX Configurator (Close without saving any changes).


Enter username and password (obtained during the web based training).


Select the service menu: Shading Calibration


Select Calibrate.

Figure 95

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Press Confirm in the Error Viewer, when the Service user interface shows following message: Please confirm at system to continue. Waiting for confirm ...

Figure 96


A screen with instructions is displayed. Enter the exposed cassette in the Digitizer: Scanning starts.

Figure 97

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Wait until scanning is finished. A static red status LED indicates scanning. A static green status LED indicates that scanning is finished: The shading calibration curve is displayed.

Figure 98

IMPORTANT: If a message pops up which indicates a failed shading calibration (e.g. “Underexposed - too low pixel values …) refer to section 7.7 for possible remedies.

(10) Remove the cassette from the Digitizer. (11) Select menu Logout and follow the logout wizard. (12) Close the browser.


Verifying a successful Shading Calibration



Expose a flatfield. Use the same exposure parameters like for the shading calibration.


Identify and scan the image. Use exam type: System diagnosis > Flatfield

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IMPORTANT: By selection of examination type System diagnosis > Flatfield the correct settings for image processing of the flatfield are used. Any other examination type may give a result which cannot be used to evaluate the flatfield image. (3)

Visually check the image for homogeneity in IP run direction and vertical to the IP run direction.

Evaluation:  



If the scanned flatfield image does not show any lines or stripes or large area inhomogeneities no further action is required. If there are unacceptable effects, refer to section 7, Troubleshooting.

The shading calibration is finished.

Acceptance test Acceptance tests after installation and repair are performed via verification of the service activity. This is described with each single service activity.

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Troubleshooting The troubleshooting procedure depends on the symptom of the fault:


Reference Section

An error is displayed in the Error Viewer


No error displayed: Status LED is slow red* blinking or off


No error displayed: Status LED is fast** red blinking


No error displayed: Status LED is triple*** red blinking


Image artifacts parallel to image plate run.


Image artifacts vertical to image plate run.


Error messages during shading calibration


* slow red blinking means: approx. 1 on/off cycle per second. ** fast red blinking means: approx. 3 on/off cycles per second ** triple red blinking means: approx. 3 on/off cycles per second followed by 1 second off

Following tools are available to support troubleshooting: #





Malfunction file

ZIP file with all configuration and logfiles for troubleshooting.

See NOTE on page 105.


File ErrorInformation.html

Display of error messages, if Error Viewer is not available.

See section 7.3.


Boot problem analyzer

Analyze problems during boot-up.

See section 7.2.


Restore of Digitizer default network settings

To come back to default IP address, if IP address is not known* anymore.

See section 7.4

*unknown IP address can also be looked up in file ErrorInformation.html on USB flash drive.

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Faults with Error Codes


The Digitizer Error Viewer on the NX workstation displays an error code, e.g. ARC1001 (25613). NOTE: Meaning of the error codes ARCXXXX (YYYYY): 

The error code ARCXXXX is the service message number.

The error code (YYYYY) is the R&D internal error code.

Note, that in some cases the R&D internal error code is displayed only. Cause

The Digitizer software detected a malfunction of the Digitizer.


Solve the problem as described in the service description of the error code. To look-up a Digitizer error code (e.g. ARC1001) proceed as follows: A) Look-up the error "online" (Access to NX Workstation or PC in the network available): (1)

On the NX Workstation or network PC start the internet browser.


Enter the IP address of the Digitizer in the address window.


Login with username and password provided in the web based training.


Look-up the error (e.g. ARC1001) in menu "Explain Error Code".

B) Look-up the error "offline" (No access to NX Workstation): (1)

Download the latest Digitizer software file from the Agfa HealthCare Library.


Unzip the software file.


Unzip the* file.


Using Excel, look-up the error in file "errors.csv".

C) Look-up the error in section 7.9 of this document. * XXXX represents the software version.

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NOTE:  The R&D internal error codes YYYYY can also be looked up in menu "Explain Error Code" or the file "errors.csv". The error descriptions are however not prepared for the service user.  With each error a file “malfunction file” with the syntax (e.g. is created on the Digitizer USB flash drive. This file contains all configuration and logfiles, which are required for fault analysis when escalating a problem. All available malfunction files are part of the backup ZIP file. Malfunction files are available as of software ARC_1404.


No Error Code - Status LED is off or slow red blinking


No error displayed in the Error Viewer on the workstation

Status LED is off or slow red blinking (0,6 seconds off, 0,6 seconds on)

"Digitizer start-up" message is not shown approximately 40 seconds after switch on.

Background: The Digitizer is not able to perform the hardware selftest (boards, motors, sensors) which is executed approx. 40 seconds after switch-on. For a default boot-up sequence refer to section 1.13. Cause 1

Power supply defective.

Solution 1

Check green LED on the external power supply or 24 V output. If green LED is off or 24 V output not available: Exchange the power supply. NOTE: Depending on the power supply version, the 24 V output are available at 6 or 8 pins. One half of the pins has positive polarity, the other half has negative polarity.

Cause 2

Power board defective.

Solution 2

Check the status of the LEDs on the PMI board indicating that power is available: If one or more of following LEDs does not light up green, exchange the Power Board: LD1, LD3, LD5, LD7, LD9, LD10, LD11, LD12, LD13, LD16 See section 3.4, Electrical and mechanical Codes, Fuses, LEDs for the location and meaning of the LEDs.

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Cause 3

PMI board defective.

Solution 3

Exchange the PMI board

Cause 4

In general: The Digitizer is not able to perform the hardware selftest.

Solution 4

Use the "Boot Problem Analyzer" to get more info about the problem. Instructions: (1)

Switch off the Digitizer.


Remove the Digitizer USB flash drive and insert it at the Service PC.


Copy the content of folder “ARC_1103*/BootProblemAnalyzer” (*or higher version) to the root of the USB flash drive. See Figure 99. USB Flash Drive Contents after preparation for the Boot Problem Analyzer

USB Flash Drive Contents before

..... ..... and other files

..... ..... and other files ..... .....


Figure 99

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Release the USB flash drive from the Service PC and insert it at the Digitizer.


Switch on the Digitizer.


After approximately 1 minute remove the USB flash drive: The log files to analyze the boot-up have been written to directory \log.


Check the file for wrong network settings. If the network settings are OK, zip the logfiles and forward them to the next support level.



Re-mount the Digitizer USB flash drive at the Digitizer.

No Error Code - Status LED fast red blinking


No error displayed in the Error Viewer on the workstation

Status LED is fast red blinking (3 on/off cycles per second)

Background: The symptom description above means: The ping command sent from Digitizer to the workstation was successful. The Digitizer was not able to communicate with the Error Viewer however. IMPORTANT: File ErrorInformation.html with information about the last error and the Digitizer configuration is written to USB flash memory if the connection to the Error Viewer on the NX workstation is not available (function available as of software ARC_1302). This file is removed again when the Error Viewer is reconnected. Recommendation for efficient troubleshooting: (1) Remove the USB flash drive from the Digitizer. (2) Insert it in the NX workstation. (3) Double-click file: ErrorInformation.html (4) Follow the instructions. For an example of file ErrorInformation.html see page 108.

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A problem occurred when trying to display an ErrorMessage on the image processing station. The digitizer cannot communicate anymore with the ErrorViewer. 1. Check if the ErrorViewer is running properly. 2. Check the network connection (cabling). 3. Check the digitizer and destination settings (IP addresses, ports).

Tuesday, 04-Sep-2012 15:39:09

Item Type Number: Subtype Number: Serial Number: Manufacture Date: Installation Date: Software Version:


01-Jan-1970 01-Jan-1970 unknown


Errorcode: Name: Short Description: Description:

ID of User Message: User Message:

IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway: Hostname: AE Title:

4313 OPTICS_BOARD_CONNECTOR Optics board not detected Meaning: Optic board not detected. Reason: Cable broken/not connected or optic board defective. Cure: 1) Check optic module cabling. 2) Replace optic module cabling, if error persists. 3) Replace optic module, if error persists. 3 Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte zur Problembehebung an Kundendienst wenden. DefaultDig CR10MUC

IP Address of Destination: Port: 13001

Figure 100: Example for file ErrorInformation.html

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Cause 1

Error viewer not started up.

Solution 1

Go to Start > All Programs > Startup > Error Viewer to start the Error Viewer.

Cause 2

Expected Error Viewer version not installed. Each software version has its dedicated Error Viewer.

Solution 2

Follow the software installation instructions which are part of the software zip file on the library to: 

Uninstall the Error Viewer.

Install the Error Viewer which is part of the Digitizer software.

If the Digitizer is connected to SE: Prepare the Digitizer for usage with the old Error Viewer protocol as described in the SE service manual chapter 5 (Configuration) or as described in the software installation instructions for software ≥ ARC_1404.


No Error Code - Status LED triple red blinking


No error displayed in the Error Viewer on the workstation

Status LED is triple red blinking (approx. 3 on/off cycles per second followed by 1 second off)

Background: Ping sent from Digitizer to NX workstation with IP address configured in Digitizer failed. IMPORTANT: File ErrorInformation.html with information about the last error and the Digitizer configuration is written to USB flash memory if the connection to the Error Viewer on the NX workstation is not available (available as of software ARC_1302). This file is removed again when the Error Viewer is reconnected. Recommendation for efficient troubleshooting: (1) Remove the USB flash drive from the Digitizer. (2) Insert it in the NX workstation. (3) Double-click file: ErrorInformation.html (4) Follow the instructions. For an example of file ErrorInformation.html see page 108.

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Cause 1

Solution 1

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Network cable not connected or defective. 

Check network interface LEDs at NX workstation: They should light up (constant or intermittently).

Check network interface LEDs at the Digitizer: They should light up (constant or intermittently).

If the network LEDs on both sides do not light up, try another network cable.

Cause 2

Network cable connected directly between Digitizer and workstation and NX workstation is not configured for a fixed IP address.

Solution 2

Set a fixed IP address for the NX in the "General Settings" window. For instructions refer to the NX service manual chapter 4, Installation and Configuration. Note, that this features is available only as of NX software 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.

Cause 3

Network interface defective at NX Workstation or Digitizer.

Solution 3

Checking the network interface at the NX workstation: (1)

Connect the Service PC via network cable to the NX workstation (Service PC IP address configuration not required).


Check whether the network LEDs at the NX workstation light up.

If the network LEDs on the NX workstation does not light up, exchange the network interface at the NX workstation. Checking the network interface at the Digitizer: (3)

Connect the Service PC via network cable to the Digitizer (Service PC IP address configuration not required).


Check whether the network LEDs at the Digitizer light up.

If the network LED on the Digitizer does not light up, exchange the PMI board.

Cause 4

Wrong configuration settings on Digitizer and/or NX Workstation.

Solution 4

Following settings must be correct on the Digitizer and the NX Workstation to allow communication (see table below):

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Cause 5

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Setting on Digitizer

Setting on NX (correspondent parameter)


Destination IP Address

NX Workstation IP address (Windows setting)


Destination Name

NX Workstation “Processing Station Name” (Configuration Tool menu "General Configuration  Configure Workstation settings  General Settings")


AE title (Image)

NX Workstation “Performed Station AE Title” (Configuration Tool menu "General Configuration  Configure Workstation settings  General Settings")


Digitizer IP Address

IP address in Digitizer device configuration. As alternative also the Digitizer host name can be used.


Digitizer AE title

AE title in Digitizer device configuration.


Digitizer Hostname

Host Name in Digitizer device configuration. As alternative also the Digitizer IP address can be used.


Digitizer Type “CR 10-X” or “CR 12-X” or “CR 15-X”

Has to be selected when adding a new Digitizer with the NX Configuration Tool. Is later on displayed as “Type” in the Device Configuration Settings.

Digitizer IP address or subnet mask configured wrong (e.g. due to a typing error): Accessing the Digitizer service pages is not possible anymore, as the network settings are unknown.

Solution 5

Reset the IP address to default. Proceeding: (1)

Switch off the Digitizer.


Remove the USB flash drive and insert it at the Service PC.


Go to folder \ARC_1103 (or higher version) on the USB flash drive.


Double click on: RestoreDefaultAddress.cmd  A Command Line Window opens for a short time.  The file is written to the root of the USB flash drive.


Release the USB flash drive from the Service PC and re-insert it at the Digitizer.


Switch on the Digitizer.


Wait until the boot-up is finished (approximately 1 minute).

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After bootup of the Digitizer the network settings are as follows: IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Gateway IP Address:

Digitizer AE Title:


Digitizer Hostname:

NOTE: After a reset of the network settings it is required to configure the network settings again. Refer to section 4.

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Image Faults parallel to Image Plate Run


Calibration Lines


Calibration lines are visible in the clinical image or a flatfield image.

Figure 101: Example for calibration lines Cause


Digitizer not calibrated after exchange of the Optic Module or the PMT with Light Collector. Perform a shading calibration. Refer to section 5.

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Dust Stripes


Dust stripes are visible in the clinical image or a flatfield image.

Figure 102: Example for dust stripes Cause


Dust or other particles are in the scan path. (1)

Use the cleaning brush to clean the mirror and the entrance surface of the Light Collector by moving the brush a few times. For a detailed instruction refer to the Digitizer user manual.


Expose and scan a flatfield and evaluate again. For instructions how to create a flatfield image refer to section 5.


If the dust stripes are still visible: Escalate to the next support level.

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Image Faults vertical to Image Plate Run




Banding stripes are visible in the clinical image or a flatfield image.

Figure 103: Example for banding Cause



Inhomogeneous movement of the slow scan drive. (1)

Check the table where Digitizer is positioned. It must be solid and in a fixed position. No vibrations may disturb the scanning.


If no vibrations from the table are transferred to the Digitizer: Escalate to the next support level.

Troubleshooting shading calibration issues There are following main reasons for a failed shading calibration: 

Particles in the optical path: Use the cleaning brush to clean the optical path.

Contamination and/or any defects on the image plate: Clean the image plate according to the cleaning procedure or use another image plate.

Image plate wrong exposed (too high / low dose): Check exposure parameters.

Image plate not exposed on its entire area (wrong collimation): Ensure that the image plate is entirely exposed.

PMT exposed to intensive light before calibration (in this case PMT has lower sensitivity): Wait until the PMT has back the normal sensitivity (time depends on duration and brightness of the light exposure).

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Appendix: Using the Limit Pattern to judge image artifacts The limit pattern shows the limit of acceptable image quality concerning stripes parallel and vertical to the image plate run. It is available on the Digitizer USB flash drive.


Preparation (1)

Create a flatfield image as described in section 5. Main steps: - Check the image plate. - Erase the cassette. - Expose the image plate. - Scan the image.

(2) 7.8.2

Check the image.

Comparing the Flatfield with the Limit Pattern (1)

Switch off the Digitizer.


Remove the USB flash drive and insert it at the NX workstation.


On the NX workstation select the Main Menu.


Select import images.


Browse to the USB flash drive to select the limit pattern in directory \LimitPattern.


Wait until the image is imported (approx. 15 seconds).


Select the examination menu.


Visually compare the flatfield with the limit pattern.


Evaluate as follows: 

If the scanned image visually looks as good as or better than the limit pattern, the image quality is okay.

If there are unacceptable effects see sections 7.5 and 7.6 of this document.

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Appendix: Error Codes NOTE:  

This is the list of service error codes based on software ARC_2102. Defined range of ARC-numbers: 1xxx IP / Cassette: 1000 IP 1100 Cassette 1200 IP Jam 1300 IP Data / Barcode 2xxx, 3xxxx Hardware: 2000 General Hardware Problem 2100 Optic Module 2200 'PMT with Light Collector' (PMM = PhotoMultiplier Module) 2300 Cassette Unit 2400 IP-Drawer Module 2500 Slow Scan Unit 2600 Erasure Unit 2700 Power Board 2800 PMI Board 2900 User Interface Board 3000 External Power Supply 3100 Cover 3200 USB Flash Drive 3300 Mounting Rack 4xxx Software: 4000 Digitizer Software 4100 Processing Station 4200 Slow Scan Correction

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ARC1200 IP-transport error. Meaning: Movement of the Handling has not finished successfully. The control reached an unexpected situation. Check the description of the Error Code for more specific information. Reason 1: Error during operation. Cure 1: Restart digitizer to perform the startup selftest procedure. Watch out for messages, e.g. if an IP has to be removed. Reason 2: Software problem. Cure 2: Load new Software. Reason 3: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 3: Check 'Power Board' and replace if defective. ARC1201 No IP present at IP Sensor at the end of the tray. Meaning: Transport of the IP to the 'IP Detection Light Sensor' not successful. At the IP Detection Light Sensor no IP is detected after the scan movement. Reason 1: Transport of the IP not successful. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer. Reason 2: IP has jammed. Cure 2: Open Digitizer and remove jammed IP. ARC1202 Unexpected IP found at the beginning of a new cycle. IP present at IP Detection Light Sensor. Meaning: At the last cycle the expected transport of the IP into the Cassette was not successful. At the 'IP Detection Light Sensor' an IP is detected at the start movement of the new cycle. Reason 1: Handling of the IP not successful. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer. Reason 2: IP has jammed. Cure 2: Open Digitizer and remove jammed IP.

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ARC1203 Clean Up procedure failed. Meaning: The IP is not transported into the cassette successfully. Reason 1: Handling of the IP not successful. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer. Reason 2: Cassette not inserted straight into 'Cassette Unit'. The IP has been lost at Slow Scan Drum and is placed at IP-Tray. Cure 2: Check the Cassette for straight entry. The distances of the arrow marks at tube side of the inserted Cassette have to be equal to the slot. In case of repeated appearance of this failure the 'Cassette Unit' has to be replaced. Open the Digitizer and remove the lost IP. Reason 3: IP has jammed. Cure 3: Open Digitizer and remove jammed IP. Reason 4: The IP is not transported straight through the Digitizer. The IP has been lost at Slow Scan Drum and is placed at IP-Tray. Cure 4: Open the Digitizer and remove the lost IP. Check by help of Diagnose Cycle the 'Cassette Unit' for feeding the IP straight into the Digitizer. In case of repeated appearance of this failure the 'Cassette Unit' has to be replaced.

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ARC1204 Return IP procedure failed. Meaning: At a handling error situation the IP is not transported into the cassette successfully. Reason 1: Handling of the IP not successful. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer. Reason 2: Cassette not inserted straight into 'Cassette Unit'. The IP has been lost at Slow Scan Drum and is placed at IP-Tray. Cure 2: Check the Cassette for straight entry. The distances of the arrow marks at tube side of the inserted Cassette have to be equal to the slot. In case of repeated appearance of this failure the 'Cassette Unit' has to be replaced. Open the Digitizer and remove the lost IP. Reason 3: IP has jammed. Cure 3: Open Digitizer and remove jammed IP. Reason 4: The IP is not transported straight through the Digitizer. The IP has been lost at Slow Scan Drum and is placed at IP-Tray. Cure 4: Open the Digitizer and remove the lost IP. Check by help of Diagnose Cycle the 'Cassette Unit' for feeding the IP straight into the Digitizer. In case of repeated appearance of this failure the 'Cassette Unit' has to be replaced.

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ARC1205 IP transport problem. Meaning: IP transport to scan drum failed. Or transport of IP back to cassette not successful. Root Cause stored in Infocounter Error History. Reason 1: Transport of the IP failed. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer. Reason 2: Cassette not inserted straight into 'Cassette Unit'. The IP has been lost at Slow Scan Drum and is placed at IP-Tray. Cure 2: Check the Cassette for straight entry. The distances of the arrow marks at tube side of the inserted Cassette have to be equal to the slot. In case of repeated appearance of this failure the 'Cassette Unit' has to be replaced. Open the Digitizer and remove the lost IP. Reason 3: IP has jammed. Cure 3: Open Digitizer and remove jammed IP. Reason 4: The IP is not transported straight through the Digitizer. The IP has been lost at Slow Scan Drum and is placed at IP-Tray. Cure 4: Open the Digitizer and remove the lost IP. Check by help of Diagnose Cycle the 'Cassette Unit' for feeding the IP straight into the Digitizer. In case of repeated appearance of this failure the 'Cassette Unit' has to be replaced.

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ARC1206 Transport Motors stop as Cassette Release Button is pressed during IP transport. Meaning: The mechanical Cassette Release Button is pressed while the Digitizer is still working. The Motors stop to avoid any damage to IP, Cassette or Digitizer. Manual intervention needed. Reason 1: Pressing of the cassette release button before end of cycle. Cure 1: Please clamp the cassette again by pushing it towards the digitizer. Restart Digitizer. Reason 2: 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' does not work properly. The Light Sensor is not interrupted by the corresponding lever during IP transport. Cure 2: Check Cassette Detection Light Barrier and the corresponding lever. Check mounting of the 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 3: 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' does not work properly. Cure 3: Check cable and connectors to 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Replace 'Y-Cable Power Board to Drawer/Cass. LS'. Reason 4: 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' defective. Cure 4: Replace 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 5: The 'Cassette Unit' has a mechanical defect at the sensor lever. The Cassette Detection Light Sensor lever is not moving sufficiently towards the sensor gap. Cure 5: Check the 'Cassette Unit' for proper mechanical function when a Cassette is inserted. Replace 'Cassette Unit'. Reason 6: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 6: Replace 'Power Board'.

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ARC1300 Decoded Barcode data is invalid. Meaning: Start marks of the Barcode Label successfully found, but the decoded data content is invalid. Reason 1: Barcode Label is not clean. Cure 1: Check for a clean Barcode Label on the IP. Reason 2: Ambient Light is too bright. Cure 2: Protect the digitizer from direct sunlight. Reason 3: Cleaning Brush is not in park position. Cure 3: Bring the Cleaning Brush outside into the proper park position. Reason 4: Barcode Label on the IP defective. Cure 4: Try it again with another IP. Replace the defective 'Image Plate MD 1.0'. Reason 5: 'PMT with Light Collector' defective. Cure 5: Replace 'PMT with Light Collector'. Reason 6: 'Optic Module' defective. Cure 6: Replace 'Optic Module'. ARC1301 Detection of a Barcode Label failed. No recognition of a barcode at all. Meaning: Start marks of the Barcode Label not found, no data content available for further processing. Reason 1: IP not transported into scanner. Cure 1: Try it again with another cassette. Reason 2: Ambient Light is too bright. Cure 2: Protect the digitizer from direct sunlight. Reason 3: Cleaning Brush is not in park position. Cure 3: Bring the Cleaning Brush outside into the proper park position. Reason 4: No Barcode Label is on the IP or Barcode Label is not clean. Cure 4: Check for a clean Barcode Label on the IP. Replace the defective IP. Reason 5: 'PMT with Light Collector' defective. Cure 5: Replace 'PMT with Light Collector'. Reason 6: 'Optic Module' defective. Cure 6: Replace 'Optic Module'.

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ARC1302 No Scan Data of the Barcode Label available at all. Meaning: No data present after Barcode Label scanning procedure. Reason 1: 'Optic Module' defective. Cure 1: Replace 'Optic Module'. ARC2000 The preventive maintenance interval has expired. Meaning: The preventive maintenance interval has expired. Reason 1: The configured interval for preventive maintenance has expired. Cure 1: Perform the preventive maintenance and confirm the completion of the maintenance task . ARC2100 'Optic Module' eLabel data are not accessible. Meaning: The access to data stored on the 'Optic Module' eLabel failed. Reason 1: The cable to 'Optic Module' is defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors in the wiring between 'PMI Board' and 'Optic Module'. Replace 'Cable PMI Board to Optic Module'. Reason 2: The 'Optic Module' data storage eLabel contains invalid data or no data at all. Cure 2: Replace 'Optic Module'.

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ARC2101 Optic Module operating conditions are not within specification. Meaning: The 'Optic Module' setting and adjustment are out of specification. Or the Galvo parameters are not adjustable. Or the Laser is not working stable. Or the detection of begin of scan failed. Or an optical line synchronisation signal is missing during scan. Reason 1: The 'Optic Module' synchronisation failed because of mechanical shock. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer to get detailed selftest result. Try to scan an IP again to test the 'Optic Module'. Reason 2: The software has no current settings for the 'Optic Module'. Cure 2: Install the newest digitizer software. Restart Digitizer to get relevant selftest result. Try to scan an IP again to test the 'Optic Module'. Reason 3: The cable to 'Optic Module' is defective or disconnected. Cure 3: Check cable and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'Optic Module'. Replace 'Cable PMI Board to Optic Module'. Reason 4: The 'Optic Module' is defective. Cure 4: Replace 'Optic Module'. Reason 5: 'PMI Board' defective. Cure 5: Replace 'PMI Board'. ARC2200 The shading calibration cannot be performed using the stored calibration file. Meaning: The stored shading calibration data is not valid any more. Prepare image processing failed. Reason 1: Previous repair with replacement of 'PMT with Light Collector' or 'Optic Module'. Cure 1: Perform a shading calibration. Reason 2: Shading calibration file is corrupt. Cure 2: Perform a shading calibration.

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ARC2201 Photomultiplier data is not accessible. Meaning: The access to data stored on the 'PMT with Light Collector' flash memory failed. Reason 1: The cables to 'PMT with Light Collector' are defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'PMT with Light Collector'. Replace 'Data Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Replace 'Signal Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Reason 2: The 'PMT with Light Collector' flash memory contains invalid data or is empty. Cure 2: Replace 'PMT with Light Collector'. ARC2202 Photomultiplier operating conditions not adjustable. Meaning: At the 'PMT with Light Collector' the setting failed. Or the PMT supply voltage is out of specification. Or the communication to the PMT is not successful. Reason 1: The cables to 'PMT with Light Collector' are defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer to get relevant selftest result. Try to scan an IP again to test the PMT. Check cables and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'PMT with Light Collector'. Replace 'Data Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Replace 'Signal Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Reason 2: The 'PMT with Light Collector' is defective. Cure 2: Replace 'PMT with Light Collector'. Reason 3: 'PMI Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'PMI Board'.

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ARC2300 Replace the 'Cassette Unit' due to end of its life time. Meaning: The maintenance plan requests to replace the 'Cassette Unit'. Reason 1: The maximum life time of the 'Cassette Unit' is reached. Cure 1: Replace the 'Cassette Unit'. Check via 'Maintenance Indicator' (Service Menue) whether other components have also to be replaced next time. Bundle these necessary mainentance activities. ARC2301 Lubrication of the 'Cassette Unit' is necessary. Meaning: The maintenance plan requests the lubrication of the 'Cassette Unit'. Reason 1: The 'Cassette Unit' has to be lubricated on regular base. The maximum defined cycles are reached. Cure 1: Lubrication of the 'Cassette Unit' according maintenance instruction. ARC2400 Replace the 'IP Drawer Module' due to end of its life time. Meaning: The maintenance plan requests to replace the 'IP Drawer Module'. Reason 1: The maximum life time of the 'IP Drawer Module' is reached. Cure 1: Replace the 'IP Drawer Module'. Check via 'Maintenance Indicator' (Service Menue) whether other components have also to be replaced next time. Bundle these necessary mainentance activities. ARC2404 Motor error at the 'IP Drawer Module'. Meaning: During motor selftest of 'IP Drawer Module' an error occurred. Reason 1: The cables are defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'Power Board' and motor of 'IP Drawer Module'. Replace 'Y-Cable Power Board to Motors'. Reason 2: The motor of 'IP Drawer Module' is defective. Cure 2: Replace the 'IP Drawer Module' Reason 3: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'Power Board'.

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ARC2407 Reference at the 'IP Drawer Module' cannot be detected. Meaning: The motor drive of the 'IP Drawer Module' does not reach reference position controlled by 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Reason 1: 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' is out of position. Cure 1: Bring 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' in correct position. Reason 2: The cable is defective or disconnected. Cure 2: Check cables and connectors to 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' of 'IP Drawer Module'. Replace 'Y-Cable Power Board to Drawer/Cass. LS'. Reason 3: Sensor defective. Cure 3: Replace 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Reason 4: 'IP Drawer Module' motor drive does not move at all or with difficulty. Cure 4: Check motor drive of 'IP Drawer Module' for proper work and replace if damaged. ARC2408 IP Transport error at position of 'IP Detection Light Sensor'. Meaning: 'IP Detection Light Sensor' has wrong status for object inside. Expected status is sensor-free. Reason 1: 'IP Detection Light Sensor' is covered by something. Cure 1: Check if 'IP Detection Light Sensor' is mounted correctly and not covered by something. Reason 2: The cable is defective or disconnected. Cure 2: Check cables and connectors in the wiring to 'IP Detection Light Sensor'. Replace 'Cable Power Board to IP Detection LS'. Reason 3 'IP Detection Light Sensor' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'IP Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 4: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 4: Check 'Power Board'. Replace if defective.

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ARC2409 Motor movement error of 'IP Drawer Module'. Meaning: Any standard movement of 'IP Drawer Module' not finished successfully. Reason 1: Software problem. Cure 1: Load new Software. Reason 2: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 2: Check 'Power Board' and replace if defective. ARC2410 IP transport fails reference sensor position. Meaning: Drawer does not reach the 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' position, while IP is transported by 'IP Drawer Module'. Reason 1: Image plate damaged. Cure 1: Check Image plate. Replace IP. Reason 2: Image plate blocked by something. Cure 2: Remove blocked IP. Check if IP transport path is free. Reason 3: 'IP Drawer Module' not working correctly. Cure 3: Restart digitizer to get selftest results. Check 'IP Drawer Module' with cables. Replace defective part 'Y-Cable Power Board to Drawer/Cass. LS', 'IP Drawer Light Sensor', 'IP Drawer Module'. Reason 4: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 4: Check 'Power Board'. Replace 'Power Board'. ARC2411 Selftest error of 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Meaning: Selftest detects 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' of 'IP Drawer Module' disconnected. Reason 1: Reference sensor is disconnected. Cure 1: Check cable and connectors to 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Reason 2: Sensor defective. Replace 2: Replace 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Reason 3: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'Power Board'.

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ARC2412 Selftest error 'IP Detection Light Sensor'. Meaning: Selftest detects 'IP Detection Light Sensor' disconnected. Reason 1: 'IP Detection Light Sensor' is disconnected. Cure 1: Check cable and connectors to 'IP Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 2: 'IP Detection Light Sensor' defective. Cure 2: Replace 'IP Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 3: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'Power Board'. ARC2413 Selftest error of 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Meaning: Selftest detects 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' disconnected. Reason 1: The cable is defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cable and connectors to 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Replace 'Y-Cable Power Board to Drawer/Cass. LS'. Reason 2: 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' defective. Cure 2: Replace 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 3: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'Power Board'. ARC2414 Selftest error of 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' and 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Meaning: Selftest detects 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' and 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' disconnected. Both sensors are connected via one Y-cable. Reason 1: The cable is defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors to 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' and 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Replace 'Y-Cable Power Board to Drawer/Cass. LS'. Reason 2: 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor' defective. Cure 2: Replace 'Cassette Detection Light Sensor'. Reason 3: 'IP Drawer Light Sensor' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'IP Drawer Light Sensor'. Reason 4: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 4: Replace 'Power Board'.

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ARC2500 Replace the 'Slow Scan Drum with Pulley' due to end of its life time. Meaning: The maintenance plan requests to replace the 'Slow Scan Drum with Pulley'. Reason 1: The maximum life time of the 'Slow Scan Drum with Pulley' is reached. Cure 1: Replace the 'Slow Scan Drum with Pulley'. Check via 'Maintenance Indicator' (Service Menue) whether other components have also to be replaced next time. Bundle these necessary mainentance activities. ARC2501 Replace the 'Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner' due to end of its life time. Meaning: The maintenance plan requests to replace the 'Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner'. Reason 1: The maximum life time of the 'Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner' is reached. Cure 1: Replace the 'Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner'. Check via 'Maintenance Indicator' (Service Menue) whether other components have also to be replaced next time. Bundle these necessary mainentance activities. ARC2504 Motor error at the Slow Scan Unit. Meaning: Motor selftest of the 'Slow Scan Motor' detects an error. Reason 1: The cables are defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'Power Board' and 'Slow Scan Motor'. Replace 'Y-Cable Power Board to Motors'. Reason 2: The 'Slow Scan Motor' is defective. Cure 2: Replace the 'Slow Scan Motor'. Reason 3: 'Power Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'Power Board'.

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ARC2600 Erasure Unit reports supply voltage error. Meaning: The fuse for supply voltage to the 'Erasure Unit' is defective. 'Power Board' defective. Reason 1: Defective 'Power Board' caused by short circuit at the 'Cable Power Board to Erasure Unit'. Cure 1: Replace 'Power Board' AND 'Cable Power Board to Erasure Unit' together! Reason 2: Defective 'Power Board' caused by short circuit at the 'Erasure Unit'. Cure 2: Replace 'Power Board' AND 'Erasure Unit' together! ARC2601 Erasure Unit reports LED current error. Meaning: The Erasure Unit could not be switched on successfully. LED currents are not OK. Reason 1: 'Cable Power Board to Erasure Unit' defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors to the 'Erasure Unit'. Replace 'Cable Power Board to Erasure Unit'. Reason 2: 'Erasure Unit' current path broken or partly disconnected. A LED line is defective. Only one colour 'on' during selftest. Cure 2: Check the short cable and connector to the overtemperature protection at connector P2. Let the 'Erasure Unit' cool down if hot. Replace 'Erasure Unit'. Reason 3: 'Power Board' current path interrupted or electronic driver defect. Cure 3: Replace 'Power Board'. ARC2602 Erasure Unit reports LED at standby current error. Meaning: The 'Erasure Unit' could not be switched off successfully. LED currents are not OK. The LEDs may still be on! Reason 1: The 'Power Board' is defective driver or LED sensoric fails. Cure 1: Replace 'Power Board'. ARC2603 Erase failed. Meaning: The Erasure procedure failed in active operation. Reason 1: 'Erasure Unit' or 'Cable Power Board to Erasure Unit' defective. Cure 1: Restart digitizer to get detailed selftest result.

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ARC2700 Incorrect Power Board version. Meaning: Wrong hardware version for 'Power Board' detected during startup. This type of digitizer needs a 'Power Board' with increased power output for the erasure unit. Reason 1: 'Power Board' has been mounted, which is incompatible with this type of digitizer. Cure 1: Replace 'Power Board' with compatible version as described in the spare parts list. ARC2800 System time error detected. Meaning: The realtime clock is not usable. The coin cell battery for the realtime clock at the 'PMI Board' is empty. The system time is needed to generate unique identifiers as required by DICOM. Reason 1: The battery is disconnected or got loose. Cure 1: Check proper mounting of the coin cell battery at place B2 on the 'PMI Board'. Check time setting via service tool at item Digitizer-Settings in the webbrowser. Restart digitizer. Reason 2: Battery is flat. Battery voltage is too low. Cure 2: Replace 'PMI Board'. Check time setting via service tool at item Digitizer-Settings in the webbrowser.

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ARC2801 Connection between 'PMI Board' and 'PMT with Light Collector' failed. Meaning: At the 'PMT with Light Collector' module the tube electronic board detection failed. Reason 1: Cable defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'PMT with Light Collector' and 'PMI Board'. Replace 'Data Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Replace 'Signal Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Reason 2: 'PMT with Light Collector' is defective. Cure 2: Replace 'PMT with Light Collector'. Reason 3: 'PMI Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'PMI Board'. ARC2802 Connection between 'PMI Board' and 'Optic Module' failed. Meaning: 'Optic Module' electronic board not detected. Reason 1: Cable defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'Optic Module'. Replace 'Cable PMI Board to Optic Module'. Reason 2: 'Optic Module' is defective. Cure 2: Replace 'Optic Module'. Reason 3: 'PMI Board' defective. Cure 3: Replace 'PMI Board'. ARC2804 Flash memory error at 'PMI Board'. Meaning: The internal flash memory of the 'PMI Board' is corrupted or full. Reason 1: Due to a software error the flash memory was corrupted or is full. Cure 1: Install the newest software version with formatting of the flash memory. Restore previously saved backup data. Reason 2: Flash memory on 'PMI Board' is defective. Cure 2: Replace 'PMI Board'.

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ARC2805 Check of supply voltages on 'PMI Board' failed. Meaning: The check of the power supply voltages on the 'PMI Board' failed. Supply voltage for CAN, Optic, PMT or internal of PMI is missing or not in a valid range. Reason 1: Cable defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Check cable and connectors between 'Power Board' and the 'PMI Board'. Replace 'Cable PMI Board to Power Board'. Reason 2: 'Power Board' is defective. Cure 2: Replace 'Power Board'. Reason 3: 'PMI Board' is defective. Cure 3: Replace 'PMI Board'. ARC3100 Light inside the digitizer detected. Meaning: Check for light inside the digitizer failed. It is too bright to adjust the Photomultiplier. The optical image sensor is not ready for scan. Reason 1: Cover not closed. Cure 1: Close the covers. Restart digitizer. Reason 2: Ambient Light is too bright. Cure 2: Protect the digitizer from direct sunlight. Restart digitizer.

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ARC3200 Serial Number consistency check failed. Meaning: USB stick error during repair action. No valid digitizer serial number found on USB flash drive, PMI board or a mismatch between stored device serial numbers. The User has inserted a USB flash drive from another digitizer AND the PMI board has been exchanged. Reason 1: New or incorrect USB flash drive inserted AND PMI board exchanged. Cure 1: Insert correct USB flash drive. Restart the device and follow the instructions. Reason 2: New or incorrect USB flash drive inserted AND PMI board exchanged. Cure 2: Configure Digitizer according to service manual. Restart the digitizer and follow the instructions on processing station. ARC3201 Serial Number consistency check failed. Meaning: USB stick operating conditions error. No valid device serial number found on USB flash memory AND no valid device serial number found on PMI board. The User has inserted a USB flash memory from another digitizer, the USB flash memory is not readable or the USB flash memory is empty AND the PMI board has been exchanged or data on PMI board have been destroyed. Reason 1: New or incorrect USB flash memory inserted AND PMI board exchanged. Cure 1: Use the correct USB flash memory and press confirm to use configuration data from USB flash drive. Reason 2: New or incorrect USB flash memory inserted AND data on PMI board deleted. Cure 2: If you already use the correct USB flash memory and this message is displayed a second time, reinstall the Digitizer software with option format.

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ARC3300 Device E-Label data corrupt. Meaning: The Device E-Label is corrupt. The identification and serial number is needed for operation. The Device E-Label is fixed at the mounting rack and cannot be exchanged. Reason 1: The 'Device E-Label' connection is disturbed. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'Device ELabel'. Replace 'Cable Device E-Label to PMI Board'. Reason 2: The device eLabel is empty, was formatted or contains invalid data. Cure 2: Replace Digitizer. ARC3301 Device E-Label not accessible. Meaning: The Device E-Label is not detected. The identification and serial number is needed for operation. The Device E-Label is fixed at the mounting rack and cannot be exchanged. Reason 1: The 'Device E-Label' is not connected. Cure 1: Check cables and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'Device ELabel'. Replace 'Cable Device E-Label to PMI Board'. Reason 2: The 'PMI Board' is defective. Cure 2: Replace 'PMI Board'. Reason 3: The 'Device E-Label' is defective. Cure 3: Replace Digitizer.

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ARC4000 Identification data are invalid. Meaning: The identification data received from the processing station are corrupt or not present. No scan possible without this data. Or a configuration problem occured. Reason 1: Wrong digitizer type configured at the processing station software. Mismatch between the settings and the connected digitizer. Cure 1: Check the settings for the digitizer type at the processing station software in the 'Device Configuration'. If you configure the workstation via 'digitizer configuration wizard', use the configuration wizard for exactly the type of the connected digitizer. Use the service documentation for further information. Reason 2: Processing station sends wrong identification data. Cure 2: Restart digitizer and processing station, identify again at the processing station. Reason 3: Processing station hangs. Processing station sends no identification data. Digitizer waits to receive with retries but without answer. Cure 3: Restart digitizer and processing station, identify again at the processing station. Reason 4: Processing station configuration is wrong. Processing station sends no identification data. Digitizer waits to receive with retries but without answer. Cure 4: Check that processing station is correctly configured for this digitizer. Check configuration of examination studies. Reason 5: Ethernet connection failure. Cure 5: Check Ethernet connection. Reason 6: Software error at processing station Cure 6: Update software of processing station. Reason 7: Software error at digitizer Cure 7: Update software of digitizer.

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ARC4001 Software error. Meaning: A software error occurred. Digitizer cannot proceed the current action. Reason 1: A bug in the software at the current action. Cure 1: Restart digitizer to return IP into cassette and release cassette. Install the newest digitizer software. Reason 2: A bug in the software causing system stop. Restart not successfully. Cure 2: Clear IP jam manually. Install the newest digitizer software. ARC4002 Missing software functionality. Meaning: The installed software does not support this asked functionality. Reason 1: Software version is too old. Cure 1: Install the newest digitizer software. ARC4003 Software error Meaning: A software error is causing system stop. Reason 1: A bug in the software causing system stop. Restart not successfully Cure 1: Clear IP jam manually. Install the newest digitizer software.

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ARC4004 Shading calibration cannot be executed. Meaning: Image processing software module reports an error during line corrections. The shading calibration data is not used successfully. The image may be partly or completely uncorrected. Reason 1: 'Optic Module' or 'PMT with Light Collector' replaced without subsequent shading calibration. Cure 1: Perform a shading calibration according to the service documentation. Reason 2: Shading calibration file is corrupt. Cure 2: Perform a shading calibration according to the service documentation. Reason 3: The stored shading calibration data is not valid any more. The Calibration line does not cover the complete width of the image to be corrected. Cure 3: Perform a shading calibration with the biggest used cassette format. Refer to the service documentation. Reason 4: Calibration line of this image plate type not available, invalid or could not be loaded. Cure 4: Perform a shading calibration with the image plate type, which has generated the error. Refer to the service documentation. Reason 5: Software Bug. Preparation of the correction line is not successful. The image is uncorrected. Cure 5: Install newest software.

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ARC4005 Software error in the image processing module Meaning: Image processing software module indicates an error performing calibration line corrections. The image may be partly or completely uncorrected. Reason 1: A bug in the software. Cure 1: Restart digitizer to return IP into cassette and release cassette if possible. Remove jammed IP and cassette manually if restart not successful. Install the newest digitizer software. ARC4006 Patient identification data not received from workstation. Meaning: The identification data received from the processing station are not present after timeout. No scan possible without this data. Reason 1: Processing station sends no data. User did not identify at the processing station in time. Cure 1: Identify at the processing station. Reason 2: Processing station hangs. Processing station sends no identification data. Digitizer waits to receive ID data. Retries over a certain period without answer. Cure 2: Restart digitizer and processing station, identify again at the processing station. Reason 3: Processing station configuration is wrong. Processing station does not send ID data. Digitizer waits to receive ID data. Retries over a certain period without answer. Cure 3: Check that processing station is correctly configured. Check configuration of examination studies. Reason 4: Ethernet connection failure. Cure 4: Check Ethernet connection. Reason 5: Software error at processing station Cure 5: Update software of processing station. Reason 6: Software error at digitizer Cure 6: Update software of digitizer.

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ARC4007 Scanning unit operating conditions error. Meaning: The scanning process failed. the Slow Scan Motor has already stopped. ICC (Image Capture Control) is still waiting for end/begin of the scan, i.e. the required number of pixels has not been stored yet. Reason 1: The cables to 'PMT with Light Collector' are defective or disconnected. Cure 1: Restart Digitizer to get relevant selftest result. Try to scan an IP again to test the PMT. Check cables and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'PMT with Light Collector'. Replace 'Data Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Replace 'Signal Cable PMI Board to Tube Board'. Reason 2: The cable to 'Optic Module' is defective or disconnected. Cure 2: Check cable and connectors between 'PMI Board' and 'Optic Module'. Replace 'Cable PMI Board to Optic Module'. Reason 3: The 'PMT with Light Collector' is defective. Cure 3: Replace 'PMT with Light Collector'. Reason 4: 'PMI Board' defective. Cure 4: Replace 'PMI Board'. Reason 5: The 'Optic Module' is defective. Cure 5: Replace 'Optic Module'. ARC4008 Error information and storage problem while ErrorViewer is disabled. Meaning: Could not save error information file and ErrorViewer is not accessible. Reason 1: USB flash memory not inserted or has no free memory left. Cure 1: Insert a USB flash memory with 10 kBytes free memory left. Reason 2: USB flash memory is write protected or does not allow write access. Cure 2: Remove write protection or use an USB flash memory with 10 kBytes free memory left.

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ARC4009 Software version mismatch. Meaning: The software of the Digitizer and the ErrorViewer Remote Display on the Image Processing Station does not match. The ErrorViewer Remote Display is not able to display messages from the digitizer. Reason 1: A not matching version of the ErrorViewer Remote Display is installed on the Image Processing Station. Cure 1 : Please install the ErrorViewer Remote Display SW on Image Processing Station which is released for current version of Digitizer software.

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ARC4010 Connection of Digitizer to image processing station failed. Meaning: Connection between Image Processing Station and Digitizer failed. The ErrorViewer Remote Display on the Image Processing Station is not able to display messages from the Digitizer. Reason 1: The Image Processing Station is not available in the network or has been removed. Cure 1: Check network cable connection between Image Processing Station and Digitizer. Reason 2: The Image Processing Station is not started, shut down or user is not logged in. Cure 2: Start Image Processing Station and login. Reason 3: The ErrorViewer Remote Display on Image Processing Station is not started or shut down or user has logged out. Cure 3: Start the ErrorViewer Remote Display on image processing station. Reason 4: The ErrorViewer Remote Display is started but connection failed. Cure 4: Exit the ErrorViewer Remote Display and restart it. Reason 5: ErrorViewer Remote Display version on Image Processing Station is not supported. Cure 5: Install an ErrorViewer Remote Display with version 2.0 or higher and start the ErrorViewer on Image Processing Station. Reason 6: The Digitizer is configured for another Image Processing Station. Cure 6: Check configuration of Image Processing Station and Digitizer. ARC4011 Software error. Corrupt flash memory. Meaning: A software error occurred. Stored data in the flash memory is corrupt. Reason 1: A bug in the software. Cure 1: Restart digitizer to return IP into cassette and release cassette if possible. Remove jammed IP and cassette manually if restart not successful. Install the newest digitizer software with option format.

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ARC4100 The processing station is not available. Meaning: The image processing station is not available. The processing station is not ready to receive the image. Reason 1: The processing station software is not running properly. Cure 1: Check processing station software. Restart processing station. Reason 2: The Ethernet connection is not working properly. Cure 2: Check Ethernet connection. Reason 3: Wrong digitizer or destination setting. Cure 3: Connect to service interface via browser and check the digitizer and destination settings (network addresses and names, AE titles, ports). ARC4101 The image destination is not known. Meaning: The Digitizer cannot send the data to the image processing application. The configured destination is unknown. Reason 1: Wrong Digitizer or destination setting. Cure 1: Connect to service interface via browser and check the Digitizer and destination settings (network addresses and names, AE titles, ports). ARC4102 SW error at the image processing station. Meaning: Software error in the processing station software. The IP cannot be scanned because the IP status is wrong. Digitizer rejects the scan because the processing station did not set the IP status to 'exposed'. Normally the IP status is set to 'exposed' by pressing the 'ID' button on the processing station. Reason 1: Problem with Digitizer configuration. Cure 1: Check if digitizer is configured correctly on the processing station. Reason 2: Problem with software installation at the image processing station. Cure 2: Check processing station software installation. Reinstall the image processing station software. Use the latest software version.

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ARC4103 The image destination is invalid. Meaning: The Digitizer cannot send the data to the image processing application. The configured destination unknown by the Digitizer or set to invalid values. Reason 1: Wrong Digitizer or destination setting. Cure 1: Connect to service interface via browser and check the Digitizer and destination settings (network addresses and names, AE titles, ports).

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ARC4200 Calculated Image Plate length reached a warning limit. Meaning: The automatic speed calibration reached a warning limit. There may be distortions on scanned image. Reason 1: Relocation or transportation of the digitizer. This can have a slight influence on transport mechanics. Cure 1: Try to repeat new scan cycles with the same IP. The speed calibration is automatically updated during a scan cycle. Reason 2: Ambient Light influences detection of begin of scan (Barcode). Cure 2: Protect the digitizer from direct sunlight. Reason 3: The replacement of modules leads at first scan cycle to a new correction value. Cure 3: Repeat scan cycles with the same IP. The speed calibration is automatically updated during a scan cycle. Reason 4: IP Barcode Label not at the defined position. Cure 4: Repeat scan cycles with the same IP. If the message only happens at a change between different IPs/Cassettes then the difference between the IPs is too large. Check the IPs for proper mounted Barcode Labels. Replace damaged IP. Reason 5: IP damaged. IP transportation not steady and stable. This causes a large variation in the correction from one scan cycle to the next cycle. Cure 5: Check the image plate for damages. Replace damaged IP. Reason 6: Slow Scan mechanics damaged. IP transportation not steady and stable. This causes a large variation in the correction from one scan cycle to the next cycle. Cure 6: Check belt tension of Slow Scan drum drive. Check the Slow Scan mechanics for damages. Check 'Slow Scan Belt'. Check the magnetic drum for damages. Replace 'Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner'. Replace 'Slow Scan Belt'.

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ARC4201 Calculated Image Plate length reached an error limit. There may be distortions in the scanned image. Meaning: The scan length changed and is far away from the allowed tolerance range. The automatic speed calibration of the Slow Scan drive transmission reached an error limit. Reason 1: IP damaged. IP transportation not steady and stable. This causes a large variation in the correction result from one scan cycle to the next cycle. Cure 1: Please check the image plate for damages. Replace IP. Reason 2: Slow Scan mechanics damaged. IP transportation not steady and stable. This causes a large variation in the correction result from one scan cycle to the next cycle. Cure 2: Check belt tension of Slow Scan drum drive. Check the Slow Scan mechanics for damages. Check 'Slow Scan Belt'. Check the magnetic drum for damages. Replace 'Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner'. Replace 'Slow Scan Belt'.

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Required tools For servicing the Digitizer following tools are required:

Part of Digitizer delivery:


1,5 mm Copper Filter Spare part number*: CM+9 5155 1015 2

To be organized locally:

Polynit wipes Spare Part Number*: 10+9 9999 1273 0



CR Phosphor Plate Cleaner Spare part number*: 10+9 9999 1197 0

Lint free cloth

Multimeter (Ohmmeter)

Service PC

Antistatic wrist strap

Flash light

Spare part number*: CM+9 9999 0830 0 Figure 104 * The last digit in the spare part number indicates the spare part revision at release of this document. When ordering, the actual revision of the spare part is delivered.

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Service user interface


Accessing the Service user interface Access to the “Service User Interface” for the Digitizer is done via browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox). Any PC with network access to the Digitizer can be used.

Figure 105: Digitizer Service User Interface

It is recommended using the NX workstation to access the Digitizer service user interface, as the NX workstation has the Error Viewer installed by default. When using a different PC in the network, following service functions are not accessible, as they require confirmation in the Error Viewer: 

Diagnose Cycle

Endurance Run Cycle

Shading Calibration

For more information se also section 8.2.4, Remote access to the service functions.

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Proceeding to access the Service User Interface: (1)

Start the browser via shortcut or by entering “iexplore” in the search window of the start menu.


Enter the Digitizer IP address (e.g. in the browser address window. Note, that IP address does not work with Internet Explorer 9 and software < ARC_1404. See also CR 10-X SB08.


Enter username and password which is provided during the web based training.

Proceeding to quit the Service User Interface: (1)

Select: Logout


Follow the Logout wizard.


Close the browser window.


Do not use the browser buttons “back” and “forward” for navigation. Use the menu in the service user interface for navigation only.

Do not quit a service session by closing the browser window. Only quit a service session via Logout button.

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Overview of the Digitizer service user interface menus: Menu

See Section



General Info Device Info

Network Info

Reporting Info Counter

Error Statistics

Service Activity Logfile

Install & Configure Software Installation

Digitizer Settings

Destination Settings

Site Specific Data

Installation Wizard

Error Viewer Installation

Log Settings

Protection Mechanism

Diagnose & Repair Error Code Explanation

Device Test

Diagnose Cycle

Endurance Run Cycle

PMT High Voltage on/off

Reset Relative Counters

Clear Image Queue

Maintain & Calibrate Maintenance Indicator

Shading Calibration

Backup / Restore Backup


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Digitizer service user interface menu details




Asks to confirm the performed interventions and creates corresponding entries in the info counter.

If data have been changed during the service intervention: Asks to perform a backup of the device specific data.

Exit the Service Mode in a controlled way.


Select service menu: Logout


Follow the logout wizard.

Figure 106



Home Shows the main screen. (1)

Select service menu: Home

Figure 107

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Device Info Show information about the Digitizer. (1)

Select service menu: Device Info

Figure 108



Network Info Show the network data of the Digitizer and the Workstation. (1)

Select service menu: Network Info

Figure 109

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Info Counter The Info Counter provides device specific information and counters for troubleshooting and evaluation of device usage. It is part of the complete backup (as ICN_5151_.txt file in the ZIP file) and can also be saved separately. See section Figure 110 shows a miniaturized infocounter example. Use the Adobe reader zoom functionality to view details.



Select service menu: Info Counter

INFO COUNTER CR15-X 1. Site and System Info Date: Time:

25-Nov-2013 15:24:10

1.1 Device Info Product Name: Type-No: Subtype-No: Serial-No: Manufacture Date: Installation Date:

CR15-X 5151 300 947 09-Oct-2013 19-Nov-2013



1.2 Site Info Site Name: Department Name: City: Site Address: Country: Phone:

1.3 Hardware Info PMI Board: Hardware revision: FPGA Version: Serial number:

1.10 7131 35909959

Power board: Hardware revision: Optic module: Hardware revision: Serial number:

1 3790

Pmt module: Hardware revision: Serial number:

2 3673

Cassette / IP Plate: Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Genrad PIP 100u 000420200122 Aug-2012 10 09-Oct-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Genrad PIP 100u 000470261163 Feb-2013 2 07-Nov-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Genrad PIP 100u 000490330265 Sep-2013 1 29-Oct-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Genrad PIP 100u 000500264711 Feb-2013 2 09-Oct-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Genrad PIP 100u 000590090002 Sep-2011 1 07-Nov-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Test Equipment 009490105002 Oct-2011 2 09-Oct-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Test Equipment 009500050010 May-2011 7 23-Oct-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Test Equipment 009500106001 Oct-2011 1 09-Oct-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Test Equipment 009500300117 Jun-2013 10 07-Nov-2013

Application Type: IP-ID Number: Manufacturing date: Cycles: Last use:

Test Equipment 009500300125 Jun-2013 4 07-Nov-2013

1.4 Software Info Portex version: Device SW release:

2011.02f ARC_2010

1.5 Configuration Info CPF file created: Error Logging: Maintenance indicator: Destination setting:

01-Jan-1970 normal activated Single NX

1.6 Network Info Hostname: Device IP-address: Device AE-title: Netmask: Default router: Destination name: Destination IP-address: Destination AE-title:

DefaultDig DIG_DEFAULT 0 local host NX_DEFAULT

1.7 License Info License key: Expire date:

unknown 01-Jan-1970

2. Device Statistics Installation Date:


2.1 Machine Running Time Since Installation: Since last power-on: Average hours / day:

1d 4h 0h 17min 1h 52min

2.2 Throughput Total scan cycles: Since counter reset: Average cycles / day:

197 109 13

05-Nov-2013: 09-Oct-2013: 3. Service statistics 3.1 Repair history Date: 06-Nov-2013


117 80

Total scans: 89

CBR: 89


Cycles 15000 15088

Time 0 years -----

Date: 05-Nov-2013 05-Nov-2013

Total scans: 88 85

CBM: 3 85

3.2 Maintenance history

Maintenance Exchange/Action Cassette unit Slow scan drum Slow scan plate IP-Drawer Module Lubricate Cassette Unit

Cycles done 20 108 197 197 197

Date exchange 13-Nov-2013 05-Nov-2013 -------------------

3.3 HW Replacement history Date: Total scans: Module.ID: 3.4 SW Modification history Date: Total scans: SW-Release: 29-Oct-2013 72 ARC_2010pre3 09-Oct-2013 0 ARC_2009 3.5 Calibration history Successful calibrations Date: 07-Nov-2013 07-Nov-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013

Total scans: 133 105 16 16 14 13 12

Cal. Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan Scan

Failed calibrations Date:

Total scans:

Cal. Type:

Type: line cal. line cal. line cal. line cal. line cal. line cal. line cal.

4. Technical Counters 4.1 Cassette / IP scan statistics: Successful scans: Format 18 x 24 cm: 130490292055 130490281573 030500264711 130490291992 130490292014 130490292030 139500300151

Total scans: 17 6 2 1 1 1 1

Format 24 x 30 cm: 120490292231 020500264711 120490281548 120490291986

Total scans: 5 2 1 1

Format 35 x 43 cm: 009510090005 000420200122 009500300117 009500050010 009500300125 000470261163 000500264711 009490105002 000490330265 000590090002

Total scans: 24 10 10 7 4 2 2 2 1 1

Format 15 x 30 cm: 140490281501 140490292153 140490292143 040500264711 140490281601 140490292179

Total scans: 19 19 17 2 1 1

Failed scans: Format 18 x 24 cm:

Total scans:

Format 24 x 30 cm:

Total scans:

Format 35 x 43 cm:

Total scans:

Format 15 x 30 cm:

Total scans:

4.2 Test cycles: Format: 18 x 24 cm: 24 x 30 cm: 30 x 15 cm: 35 x 43 cm:

Total scans: 5 7 5 15

Relative: 0 0 0 0

4.3 Component reliability: PMI Board: Total scans: 35909959 165

Inst.Date: Operating: 09-Oct-2013 6 h

Optic module: 3790 2369

Total scans: 165 0

Inst.Date: Operating: 09-Oct-2013 6 h 07-Nov-2013 0 h

Total scans: 165

Inst.Date: Operating: 09-Oct-2013 6 h

Total scans: 165 0

Inst.Date: Operating: 09-Oct-2013 6 h 07-Nov-2013 0 h

Total scans: 10 2 1 2 1 2 7 1 10 4 24 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 6 1 1 1 17 1 19 1 17 19 1

First Use: 09-Oct-2013 07-Nov-2013 29-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 07-Nov-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 07-Nov-2013 07-Nov-2013 07-Nov-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 07-Nov-2013 29-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 07-Nov-2013 29-Oct-2013 07-Nov-2013 09-Nov-2013 09-Oct-2013 29-Oct-2013 09-Nov-2013 07-Nov-2013

PMT module: 3673 Galvo: 3790 2369

Cassettes /IP Plate: 000420200122 000470261163 000490330265 000500264711 000590090002 009490105002 009500050010 009500106001 009500300117 009500300125 009510090005 009510105004 020500264711 030500264711 040500264711 120490281548 120490291986 120490292231 130490281573 130490291992 130490292014 130490292030 130490292055 139500300151 140490281501 140490281601 140490292143 140490292153 140490292179

5. Failure Statistics 5.1 Last counter resets: Counter: Maintenance Relative counters

Date and Time: 05-Nov-2013 9:50:41 05-Nov-2013 9:50:40

5.2 Start-ups Event: Startups

Total: 84

5.3 Retries: Event: ICC_NumRetries_ReadBarcode IP_Retries_ReadBC_140490281501 IP_Retries_ReadBC_140490292153

Total: Relative: 23 23 8 8 15 15

5.4 Incorrect user handling: Event: Cassette released during cycle:

Relative 55

Total: Relative: 2 2

5.5 Cassette and IP jams Format 35 x 43 cm: Error: 5.6 Error history Error: Date and Time: ARC3100(010752) 19-Nov-2013 17:58:04 ARC1206(024074) 11-Nov-2013 16:35:58 ARC1206(024074) 11-Nov-2013 16:25:00 ARC3100(010752) 29-Oct-2013 13:09:36 004249 09-Oct-2013 6:39:06 020492 09-Oct-2013 6:39:05

Total: Relative:

Cassette/IP: 140490292143 140490292143 130490292055

5.7 Error list (sorted by relative): Error: Date first: Date and time last: ARC1206(024074) 11-Nov-2013 11-Nov-2013 16:35:58 ARC3100(010752) 29-Oct-2013 19-Nov-2013 17:58:04 004249 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 6:39:06 020492 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 6:39:05

Relative: 2 1 0 0

5.8 Error list (sorted by total): Error: Date first: Date and time last: ARC1206(024074) 11-Nov-2013 11-Nov-2013 16:35:58 ARC3100(010752) 29-Oct-2013 19-Nov-2013 17:58:04 004249 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 6:39:06 020492 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 6:39:05

Total: 2 2 1 1

5.9 Warning list (sorted by relative): Warning: Date first: Date and time last: 022758 07-Nov-2013 07-Nov-2013 16:08:23 021506 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 7:17:51 022531 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 6:55:57

Relative: 1 0 0

5.10 Warning list (sorted by total): Warning: Date first: Date and time last: 021506 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 7:17:51 022531 09-Oct-2013 09-Oct-2013 6:55:57 022758 07-Nov-2013 07-Nov-2013 16:08:23

Total: 16 8 1

Figure 110

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Error Statistics The menu “Error Statistics” shows hit lists (relative and total frequency) for occurred errors for troubleshooting purposes. The same information is also part of the info counter. (1)

Select service menu: Error Statistics to display the error hit lists.


Right-click on the link Save errorList.txt as .. to save it on the connected PC.

Figure 111



Service Activity Logfile The menu Service Activity Log shows a logfile of all actions carried out with the help of the service user interface. It is also part of the backup. (3)

Select service menu: Service Activity Log.


Right-click on the link Save Service Activity Log as .. to save it on the connected PC.

Figure 112

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Software Installation The menu “Software Installation” allows to upload and install software for the Digitizer. IMPORTANT: Software installation can be performed via USB flash drive (checked to be virus-free) or via any PC with network connection to the Digitizer. For software installation via USB flash drive: Preferably use the USB flash drive which is connected in the rear of the Digitizer. When using a different USB flash drive be aware that the Digitizer only accepts USB flash drives with a certain specification (e.g. maximum size 4 GB).


Software installation is described in section 11.

Figure 113

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Digitizer Settings The menu “Digitizer Settings” allows entering data to modify: 

The local settings of the Digitizer:



Date and Time


User interface language (language of the user messages displayed by the Error Viewer on the Workstation)

The Digitizer network settings.


Select service menu: Digitizer Settings.


Perform the required settings.


If you want to go back to the default Digitizer settings: Select Load default settings.


Select Load Digitizer Network Data from USB to read out the data from an adc.cpf file on the Digitizer USB flash drive.

Figure 114

This CPF file: 

Can be created with the CCM tool* or

Can be exported from the NX configuration tool.

*The CCM tool (Configuration and Customization Manager) is by default installed on the NX workstation


The configuration of the Digitizer settings is described in section 4.

Function “Load default settings” is available as of software version ARC_1404 only.

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Destination Settings The menu “Destination Settings” allows entering data to modify the destination network settings. (1)

Select service menu: Destination Settings


Change the required settings.


Select Load Destination Network Data from USB to read out the data from an adc.cpf file on the Digitizer USB flash drive. This CPF file:



Can be created with the CCM tool* or

Can be exported from the NX configuration tool.

If you want to go back to the default destination settings: Select Load default settings.

Figure 115

Select Test Communication to check the network connection to the Workstation.


The configuration of the destination settings is described in section 4.

Function “Load default settings” is available as of software version ARC_1404 only.

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Site Specific Data The menu “Site Specific Data” allows entering the site specific data for identification of the Digitizer. The data are part of the Info Counter. Must be filled-in during installation.



Select service menu: Site Specific Data


Enter the required data.


Click OK to save the entered data.

Figure 116


Installation Wizard The installation wizard guides through all required steps to set up the Digitizer. It starts automatically at first connection to the service user interface. It calls following screens, one after another: 

Digitizer settings

Destination settings

Site specific data

Error Viewer Installation

Installation Date Confirmation

As long as the installation date is not confirmed, a reminder is displayed in the service user interface to set up the Digitizer. Alternatively all data for set up can also be entered in separate menus below Install & Configure.



Select service menu: Installation Wizard


Follow the further instructions.

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Error Viewer Installation The menu “Error Viewer Installation” allows to install the Error Viewer on the connected PC from the browser. (1)

Check if the Error Viewer is already installed on the assigned workstation: An active Error Viewer is indicated by the Error Viewer icon on the task bar: De-install the Error Viewer in Control Panel > Programs and features




Select service menu: Error Viewer Installation


Click: ErrorViewerInstaller.msi


Follow the further instructions.

Figure 117

Log Settings The menu “Log Settings” allows to toggle different levels or error logging. This may be required to trace sporadic problems. (1)

Select service menu: Log Settings


Adapt the required settings:


Log Level: Standard or Extended. Default: Standard.

Days until extended Log Level is automatically reset to standard. Default: 1

Click: SAVE

Figure 118

NOTE: Only use the "extended logging" function if required for troubleshooting: Extended logging may have an impact on the performance of the system.

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Protection Mechanism The menu “Protection Mechanism” allows enabling or disabling the protecting mechanism to access the service menu. By default the protection mechanism is disabled. For more information to the “Protection Mechanism” contact the Agfa Service Manager in the National Sales organization.



Select service menu: Protection Mechanism


Enter access code and license code to enable protection of service tools.


Enter a deactivation code in the “Remove license key” window to disable the protection mechanism.

Figure 119

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Error Code Explanation The menu “Explain Error Code” list the description for the Digitizer error codes which are reported by the Error Viewer. (1)

Select service menu: Explain error code


Enter the error code and click button: Get Error Description. The error description is displayed.

Figure 120

NOTE: The Digitizer issues two types of error codes:

Error Code Type Pure service message R&D internal error code


Example code to be entered in the Service User Interface

ARC1001 (25613)




*Also the internal error code (in this example "25613") can be looked up.


Device Test The menu “Device Test” allows to initiate a self test of the Digitizer. The self test is identical to the self test during boot-up of the Digitizer.



Check, that nobody is using the system.


Select service menu: Device Test


Click: Start Selftest Figure 121

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Diagnose Cycle The menu “Diagnose Cycle” allows to perform a complete scan cycle manually step by step e.g. for troubleshooting purposes. (1)

Select service menu: Diagnose cycle: The Error Viewer window opens.


Click: Confirm

Figure 122


Put a cassette into the Digitizer.


Select the IP format, if the IP size is different to 35 x 43 cm, and the drop down box offers the possibility to change the value. If an IP format is used which is smaller than the default format “35x43 cm”, and the proper IP size is not selected, the diagnose cycle works with default timings for a 35x43 cm IP.


Press the grey marked buttons to perform the required actions. See also NOTE below.

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Figure 123

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The Error Viewer and related confirm / cancel window only pops up at the NX workstation. This means, that in any case entering the diagnose cycle window needs to be confirmed at the NX workstation.

Only leave the Diagnose Cycle window by the CANCEL button. Leaving it via browser back button requires a reboot of the Digitizer to allow further service activities.

NOTE: Description of the colored rectangles shown in the diagnose cycle overview:


A light blue displayed rectangle shows other statuses of the complete cassette cycle.

A green displayed rectangle shows the current status.

A dark blue displayed rectangle shows the next possible action.

A gray displayed rectangle shows the next possible action.

Endurance Run Cycle The menu “Endurance Run Cycle” allows to run up to 300 cassette cycles with or without scanning and erasure: This can be helpful when investigating sporadic image plate handling failures.



Select service menu: Endurance Run Cycle: The Error Viewer window opens.


Click: Confirm

Figure 124

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Enter the number of cycles


Select NO for Scanning (i.e. laser beam switched off during scan) and / or Erasure if required. If set to NO: Also set the Cassette format* (required, as without scanning the digitizer does not know the cassette format).


Put a cassette into the Digitizer.


Click: Start


Click Stop to interrupt before the number of adjusted cycles is completed.

Figure 125


The Error Viewer and related confirm / cancel window only pops up at the NX workstation. This means, that in any case, entering the Endurance Run window needs to be confirmed at the NX workstation.

Only leave the Endurance Run window by the CANCEL button. Leaving it via browser back button requires a reboot of the Digitizer to allow further service activities.

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PMT High Voltage on/off The menu “PMT High Voltage on/off” allows to switch on and off the high voltage at the PMT (Photomultplier). To switch the high voltage off may be required, to observe the image plate run with open covers for troubleshooting. With PMT high voltage switched on (default situation) and with covers opened, the Digitizer is blocked for further action., as it detects incident of light.



Select service menu: PMT High Voltage on/off


Set the IP format which shall be observed* and click Switch High Voltage off to switch PMT high voltage off: Now it is possible to observe the scan cycle with covers opened for the selected IP size.


To switch it on again, click Switch High Voltage on or reboot the Digitizer. * with PMT High Voltage switched off, the digitizer cannot read the bar code label, and as a consequence does not know the IP size. The IP size has to be entered manually, to select the proper timings for the scan cycle.

Figure 126

IMPORTANT: Always switch the high voltage on before handing over the equipment to the customer. With PMT high voltage switched off the Digitizer scans images, it does not record the image however. By a reset of the Digitizer (switch off / on) the high voltage for the PMT is switched on again.

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Reset Relative Counters With the menu “Reset Relative Counters” the relative counters* of the info counter are cleared. This may be required to easily track new info counter entries after a service intervention. (1)

Select service menu: Reset Relative Counters


Click: OK

Figure 127


Clear Image Queue There are cases, where an image cannot be transmitted, and stays in the queue forever, despite the processing station software is running. This may happen during setup of the Digitizer. Examples: 

An image is scanned while the network is disconnected. At the same time the destination settings are changed (e.g. IP address of Workstation).

Destination AE title is wrong configured in the Digitizer.

In this case after each subsequent scan a “destination not available” or “destination is invalid” warning is displayed. With the menu “Clear Image Queue” all images in the image queue can be erased. WARNING: By clearing the image queue all images in the queue of the Digitizer are erased. Retake possible. Before clearing the image queue, check all other troubleshooting options to get the image transmitted to the destination.

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Select service menu: Clear Image Queue


Select: Clear Image Queue.


Confirm deleting the image queue by clicking: OK Figure 128



Maintenance Indicator The menu “Maintenance Indicator” allows: 

To reset relative counters after performed maintenance.

To activate or deactivate the user message "Maintenance interval expired” in the Digitizer Remote Display if the maintenance due date is expired. By default the maintenance notification is disabled.

To change the target values for the Mean Cycle Between Maintenance (MCBM) and the Mean Time Between Maintenance (MTBM).


Select service menu: Maintenance Indicator


Select button Maintenance done to reset the time and cycle counters for preventive maintenance.


Select “Reminder for Preventive Maintenance” yes to enable user message "Maintenance interval expired” in the Digitizer Remote Display.


Select the required interval. Note, that it is possible to select either “Time based” or “Cycle based” maintenance, or both in parallel.


Select Done at the Maintenance parts, if one of the required activities has been performed. This resets the respective counter.

NOTE: For more information to the Maintenance Indicator and preventive Maintenance refer to the Service Plan for the Digitizer, Document ID 32332049.

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Figure 129: Maintenance Indicator set to “yes”

Figure 130: Maintenance Indicator set to “no”

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Shading Calibration The menu “Shading Calibration” provides: 

Functionality to compensate image inhomogeneities caused by certain properties of the scanning system of the Digitizer (Button "Calibrate").

Possibility to view the current calibration curve (Link "Show calibration line") for troubleshooting.

Possibility to download the current calibration data to PC (Link "Download calibration line") for troubleshooting. Note, that the calibration curve is also part of a complete backup.

A shading calibration has to be performed after replacement of following spare parts:


Optics Module

PMT with Light Collector

To perform a shading calibration: (1)

Select service menu: Shading Calibration


Follow the instructions on the screen. For details refer to section 5.1

To view the current calibration curve for troubleshooting purpose: (1)

Select: Draw calibration line

To copy the current calibration curve to PC for troubleshooting purpose: (1)

Select: Download calibration line

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Figure 131

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Backup The menu “Backup” allows storing device specific settings and other relevant data (e.g. info counter, logfiles etc.) in a backup Zip file (= Backup). The backup file is one important part of the data to be provided when escalating a Digitizer problem. It is saved with following syntax: BAC_CR10-5151_DDMMMYYYY_HH-MM-SS.ZIP or BAC_CR12-5151_DDMMMYYYY_HH-MM-SS.ZIP or BAC_CR15-5151_DDMMMYYYY_HH-MM-SS.ZIP (1)

Select service menu: Backup

Figure 132

Perform the following steps to create a complete external backup: (1)

Choose option: Complete Backup


Click Save to USB Digitizer or Save to PC to perform the complete backup.


Wait a few seconds until the message Backup finished" is displayed.

Perform the following steps to create a backup of single files: (1)

Choose option: Backup Single Files Only


Select the required files: 

Infocounter and/or

Calibration Files and/or

Logfiles and/or

Service Activity Log


Select Save to USB Digitizer or Save to PC to perform the backup.


Wait a few seconds until the message Backup finished is displayed.

NOTE: It is recommended to perform in any case a "complete backup".

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Restore The menu “Restore” is required to restore a previously created backup file of the Digitizer.


Select service menu: Restore


Click: Read from USB Digitizer or Read from PC


Select the backup file. It is a file with following syntax: BAC_CR10-5151_DDMMMYYYY_HH-MM-SS.ZIP or BAC_CR12-5151_DDMMMYYYY_HH-MM-SS.ZIP or BAC_CR15-5151_DDMMMYYYY_HH-MM-SS.ZIP

Figure 133

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Remote access to the service functions


Remote access to the Digitizer means: Connection via a PC in the local network or via internet. To prevent that service actions initiated via service user interface interfere with the operation by the customer, two safety levels are built in the software: 

Level 1: When executing the function (e.g. software installation), the Digitizer status indicator changes to red constant. The user cannot scan an image. Note, that the status indicator only changes to red, when the function is really executed (e.g. by pressing OK). Just by opening the menu, the safety level 1 is not yet activated.

Level 2: The service engineer has to confirm in the Error Viewer (installed on the assigned Workstation), that the function can be executed.

The table below shows the safety level per service menu:

Service Menu Name


Level 1: Scanning blocked

Level 2: Confirmation required







Device Info



Network Info



Info Counter



Error Statistics



Service Activity Logfile



Software Installation



Digitizer Settings



Destination Settings



Site Specific Data



Installation Wizard



Error Viewer Installation



Log Settings



Protection Mechanism



Error Code Explanation



Device Test



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Service Menu Name


Level 1: Scanning blocked

Level 2: Confirmation required

Diagnose Cycle



Endurance Run Cycle



PMT High Voltage on/off



Reset Relative Counter



Clear Image Queue



Maintenance Indicator



Shading Calibration









*Scanning blocked during Error Viewer installation as of software > ARC_1404.

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Replacements The replacement instructions are enclosed to the Digitizer spare parts as printout. They are also available as PDF documents on the Agfa HealthCare Library: Computed Radiography => CR Digitizers => CR 10-X => Service Enclosures. Agfa Intranet / The “List of Service Documents”, Document ID 42863712, Agfa Portal via Internet, lists all available replacement instructions. NOTE: On the Agfa HealthCare Library always the latest released spare part enclosure document is available. Due to logistical reasons it is possible, that the document versions on the Agfa HealthCare Library and the printout provided with the spare part are different.

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Maintenance Purpose

To ensure image quality and functional reliability of the system all maintenance tasks listed here must be carried out. Depending on national regulations additional maintenance tasks may be required. Maintenance frequency The maintenance has to be carried out depending on the settings in the Maintenance Indicator screen. Refer to section








1 per year / after 15.000 cycles*




Visual checks and cleaning

1 per year / after 15.000 cycles*




Lubricating the Cassette Unit

After 52.500 cycles**




Exchange of wear parts

After 105.000 cycles**




Checking image quality

1 per year / after 15.000 cycles*




Finalizing preventive maintenance

1 per year / after 15.000 cycles*



* Recommended value, to be set in the Maintenance Indicator screen. ** Fixed value, independent on Maintenance Indicator settings.

REQUIRED TIME: Approximately 1 hour

NOTE: Use the Maintenance Checklist in section 9.8 to fill in the performed steps. Hand it out to the customer after completion of the preventive maintenance.

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Torx key TX 20

Flash light

1,5 mm copper filter, Spare part number*: CM+9 5155 1015 2


Vacuum cleaner

Lint free cloth

CR phosphor plate cleaner


Isoflex Topas NB52 (50 ml), Spare Part Number*: CM+9 9999 9247 0

REQUIRED SPARE PARTS In case of a preventive maintenance after 105.000 cycles, following spare parts are required: 

"Cassette Unit Multiformat", spare part number*: CM+6077160

“Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner", spare part number*: CM+6040520

“Slow Scan Drum with Pulley", spare part number*: CM+6040490

"IP Drawer Module Multiformat", spare part number*: CM+6077181

* The last digit in the spare part number indicates the spare part revision at release of this document. When ordering, the actual revision of the spare part is delivered.

NOTE: Digitizers with subtype 100, 110, 200 and 210 are specified for a lifetime of 7 years or 14.000 scan cycles. Therefore spare parts for subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210 are not listed as required spare parts to be replaced after 105.000 cycles.




Questioning of the customer (1)

Ask the customer for issues with the Digitizer since the last maintenance.

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Analyzing the Info Counter (1)

Start the browser on the NX Workstation.


Enter the Digitizer IP address (e.g. in the browser address window.


Enter username and password which is provided during the service training.


Click menu Infocounter.


Check the entries in menu 5.6 Error History.


Check the meaning of the errors in service menu Error Code Explanation.

Analyzing the Maintenance Indicator (1)

Click menu Maintenance Indicator.


Check the setting for “Reminder for Preventive Maintenance”: If it is set to “yes”, enter the displayed “Maintenance Status” values in the maintenance checklist.


Check the remaining cycles and time for the exchange of wear parts or lubrication of the Cassette Unit.

Documenting the technical image quality of the system NOTE: For a detailed description on how to create a flatfield image, refer to section 5. (1)

Select an image plate of size 35x43 cm. If this is not available on site: Select the widest available image plate.


Prepare the image plate. Refer to section 5.1.1.


Expose a flatfield. Refer to section 5.1.2.


Identify the image plate: Selection examination type System Diagnosis > Flatfield. See IMPORTANT note below.


Scan the image plate.


Check image quality.


Keep the image for comparison after the maintenance.

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IMPORTANT: By selection of examination type System Diagnosis > Flatfield, the correct settings for image processing of the flatfield are used. Any other examination type gives a result which cannot be used for image evaluation.


Visual checks and cleaning


Checking the condition of the image plates Perform following steps at each image plates on site: (1)

Take out the image plate.


Check the image plate for damage or dirtiness.


Check the Bar Code Label for dirtiness.


Clean image plate and /or Bar Code Label with a lint free cloth and CR Phosphor Plate Cleaner if required.

Bar Code Label 5151_maint_004.cdr

Figure 134


Checking of Power and Network Cable (1)

Switch off the Digitizer.


Unplug the mains and network cable at the Digitizer.


Check the condition of both cables:  No damages at insulation visible  No symptoms of bending or squeezing visible.

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Checking the condition of the Cassette Unit (1)

Remove and examine the Cassette Unit: No damage visible.


Check the condition of the brushes and the cassette flap. Both are in good condition: No damage visible causing intruding light.


Figure 135


Checking the condition of the Digitizer covers (1)


Check the condition of the Digitizer covers: Covers are in good condition: No damage visible causing intruding light.

Subtypes 300 and 310: Removing the IP Drawer Module and checking condition (1)

Remove two screws. 8 mm


Figure 136

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Pull out the IP Drawer Module Multiformat a few centimeters.


Open the cable holder (A).


Disconnect the motor cable (B).


Open the cable holder (C).





Figure 137


Turn the IP Drawer Module Multiformat by 180° (A).


Disconnect the light sensor cable (B).


Remove the IP Drawer Module Multiformat.




Figure 138


Check condition of the rubber surface of the three magnetic rollers. 

Rubber is not damaged.

Underlying magnets are completely covered.


Rubber surface


Figure 139

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(10) Check whether all five magnet bars are present.


Figure 140

(11) In case the Digitizer reached 45.000 cycles: Lubricate the cams of the ID Drawer Module Multiformat. See IMPORTANT note below.


Figure 141

IMPORTANT: When lubricating the cams of the IP Drawer Module Multiformat, use grease sparingly. It must be avoided that dropping grease contaminates the Digitizer.

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Subtypes 100, 110, 200 and 210: Removing the IP Drawer Module and checking condition (1)

Remove two screws. 8 mm


Figure 142


Take out the IP Drawer Module.


A 5151_ENC_017.cdr

Figure 143


Check condition of the rubber surface of the three magnetic rollers. 

Rubber is not damaged.

Underlying magnets are still completely covered.


Rubber surface


Figure 144

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Cleaning the inner side of the Digitizer (1)

Remove the IP Guide Cover.





Figure 145


Clean following parts with a vacuum cleaner. 

IP Guide Plate

IP Drawer Module (Multiformat)

Bottom plate of the Digitizer.


Figure 146

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Checking the Erasure Unit CAUTION: Sensitive surface. Reduced image quality possible due to clouded reflector. 

Do not touch the reflector of the erasure unit by hand.

Do not use cleaning agents to clean the reflector.

Only use a lint-free cloth for cleaning.

WARNING: During operation the erasure unit is hot: Risk of burns. 


Do not touch the Erasure Unit as long as it did not cool down.

Remove the Erasure Unit screws.

8 mm


Figure 147


Remove the Erasure Unit.


Check the condition of the reflector. Clean with a lint free cloth if required.



Figure 148

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Cleaning the scan drive The following steps (1) to (6) are not required, if the Digitizer reached 105.000 cycles, and the wear parts "Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner" and "Slow Scan Drum with Pulley" are exchanged. Refer to section 9.4. (1)

Remove the Top Cover. 12 mm


3x 5151_ENC_003a.cdr

Figure 149


Remove the Left Cover.

12 mm A




Figure 150

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Remove the C-clip.


Figure 151


Remove the Slow Scan Bearing.


Figure 152


Remove the Slow Scan Belt.


Figure 153

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Service Manual

Clean following parts with a lint free cloth and CR phosphor plate cleaner. 

Slow Scan Belt.

Slow Scan Pulley.

Axle of the Slow Scan Drive.


Figure 154


Turning the scan drum by hand, visually check the scan drum for dirt or sticking magnetic particles.


Clean the scan drum with a lint free cloth and manually remove magnetic particles if required.


Figure 155


Using the cleaning brush to clean the Light Collector and mirror CAUTION: Damage of the image plate possible if cleaning brush is not in its home position. 

Always drive back the cleaning brush to home position.

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Shift the cleaning brush to the right over the complete scan length and back again.


Figure 156


Lubricating the Cassette Unit Multiformat Lubricating the Cassette Unit Multiformat is required only, in case the Digitizer reached 52.500 cycles. Recommendation: In case of a maintenance at 45.000 cycles, perform this step now. (1)

Remove the Cassette Unit Cover. 12 mm


Figure 157


Lubricate the lower part of the Cassette Unit at the places as indicated in Figure 158.

IMPORTANT: When lubricating the Cassette Unit, use grease sparingly. It must be avoided that dropping grease contaminates the image plates or the Cassette Unit.

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Figure 158


Turn the Cassette Unit.


Lubricate the marked surfaces.


Figure 159


Shift back the movable assembly.


Lubricate the two pins.


Figure 160

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Keep the movable assembly with one hand


Press the release lever.


Gently release the movable assembly.




Figure 161


Exchanging wear parts (1)



Exchange the following wear parts. 

Cassette Unit Multiformat

Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner

Slow Scan Drum with Pulley

IP Drawer Module Multiformat

Follow the instructions in the replacement instructions which are part of delivery.

Reassembling the Digitizer (1)

Remount all parts. Refer to IMPORTANT note below.


Connect power and network cable.

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IMPORTANT: When mounting the Cassette Unit Multiformat in its Cover, keep the left cassette flap open. Be careful, not to squeeze your finger. Only insert it this far, that the flap just opens.


Figure 162


Checking image quality (1)

Expose a flatfield on the same image plate that was used to record the image quality at start of the preventive maintenance.


Indentify and scan the image plate.


Compare these image with the image before the maintenance.


In case of image artifacts: Troubleshoot as described in section 7.

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Completing the maintenance


Confirming the preventive maintenance (5)

In the service user interface select menu Maintenance Indicator.


If the Maintenance Indicator is switch to “yes”: Click Maintenance Done.


In case of exchange of wear parts or lubrication of the Cassette Unit: Select Done for each single performed task.


Select menu Backup and perform a backup.


Click Logout. Figure 163



Informing the customer (1)

Fill-in the maintenance checklist. See chapter 9.8.


Hand-over the maintenance checklist and inform the customer about the results of the preventive maintenance.

Maintenance Checklist (1)

Double-click the attachment icon to open the Maintenance Checklist.

Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance Checklist

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader

Digitizer Serial Number Total cycles since installation: Cycles since last maintenance: Date:

E L P #



Exchange wear parts, in case the digitizer reached 105.000 cycles:

Not applicable

OK / Done



Cassette Unit Multiformat

Service Engineer name:

Slow Scan Plate with Belt Tensioner

Maintenance steps based on Service Manual, Document ID 42866196, chapter 9, Maintenance.

Slow Scan Drum with Pulley

IP Drawer Module Multiformat




Ask the customer for issues with the Digitizer.


Analyze the infocounter.


Analyze the Maintenance Indicator.


Document the technical image quality of the system.


Not applicable




Reassemble the Digitizer


Check image quality

Items to be solved:


Check the condition of the image plates.


Check the power and network Cable.


Check the condition of the Cassette Unit.


Checking the condition of the Digitizer covers.


OK / Done



Recommended due date

Remove IP Drawer Module (Multiformat) and check condition.


In case the Digitizer reached 45.000 cycles: Lubricate the cams of the ID Drawer Module Multiformat.


Clean the inner side of the Digitizer.


Check the Erasure Unit.

E 13.

Clean the Scan Drive.


Use the cleaning brush to clean the Light Collector and mirror.


Lubricate the Cassette Unit Multiformat, in case the digitizer reached 52.500 cycles.

Template Date: 12-2013 Version 1.0

English Template Node ID 43358821

Last printed: 2013-12-04 Page 1 of 2

Template Date: 12-2013 Version 1.0

English Template Node ID 43358821

Last printed: 2013-12-04 Page 2 of 2

Figure 164

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Release information


Software Release ARC_1103 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Type 5151 / 100: SN ≥ 1000


USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer


The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700. For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document


Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID 31333326


Features of Software ARC_1103 Software ARC_100X contains all features which are required to perform the functions as specified in the "Intended Use" statement. For more information to the "Intended Use" statement refer to CR 10-X Service Manual section 3.1, Safety Guidelines / General Repair Instruction.


Known Software Issues of Software ARC_1103 In some cases wrong or incomplete error messages are displayed.

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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_1201 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_1201 is installed in Digitizers with SN ≥ 1039 and additionally in SN 1014, 1016, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1028 ex factory.


Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.


For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID 31333326

DD+DIS033.12E, Service Bulletin No. 01, Digitizer CR 10-X released for controlled Delivery

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.


New Features and solved Issues of Software ARC_1201 

 

A new Error Viewer version is released together with software ARC_1201. New features of the Error Viewer: o Connection between Digitizer and PC is checked periodically: Status indicator switches to "red triple flashing" if a "ping" to the configured PC fails and to "fast red blinking" if the connection to the Error Viewer fails. The network connection failure has the higher priority. o Title of the Error Viewer panel is changed to "AGFA Digitizer Remote Display". o If an error is displayed, the user can browse through all previous errors i.e. errors messages which were closed by pressing the "OK" button. o Displays now the status “connected” or “offline” in the new status bar. o The Digitizer checks now the version of the Error Viewer: If this version is not compatible to the Digitizer software or has severe known bugs, the Digitizer switches the status indicator to "red fast blinking" to indicate that the ErrorViewer must be updated to the version which is integrated in the Digitizer software. Reliability of the barcode reading improved. Photomultiplier flash memory errors are repaired automatically: The software doesn't crash anymore if the Photomultiplier flash memory is corrupted.

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  


Service Manual

Galvo adjustment is optimized: The adjustment is checked and repeated once per minute if required. Infocounter values like installation/manufacture date and machine running time are corrected. Image is not lost anymore for following special case: - Network is disconnected during scan and - Cassette is not removed after scan and - Digitizer is switched off afterwards

Known Software Issues of Software ARC_1201 When running service menu “Endurance run” without scanning or without erasing: The status is not updated. It remains on "feeding IP".

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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_1202 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_1202 is installed in Digitizers with SN ≥ 1215 and additionally in 1206, 1211 and SN 1212 ex factory.


Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.


For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID* 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID* 31333326

DD+DIS184.12E, Service Bulletin No. 03, Software Update ARC_1202 available to solve Galvo Error 10852

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1202 In software ARC_1202 the Galvo adjustment time is adapted: This prevents error 10852 (Adjust Galvo failed) which may appear at a Digitizer fully warmed up and operated at higher ambient air temperature.

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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_1302 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_1302 is installed in Digitizers with SN ≥ 1517 and additionally in SN 1381, 1424, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1433, 1435


Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.


For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID* 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID* 31333326

DD+DIS189.12E, Service Bulletin No. 04, Software Update ARC_1302 available

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1302 

Solution for Headquarter Complaint HQ_1207130004: With ARC_1302 also a new version of the Digitizer operating system is installed. This solves the issue with some Digitizer USB flash drives, being too slow for software installation.

In software ARC_1201 a workaround was implemented to prevent a software crash in case of Photomultiplier flash memory errors. Now the final solution is implemented, to prevent read and write errors of the Photomultiplier flash memory.

Solved sporadic software issue with Error Viewer being offline each 15 seconds. The issue may appear if Digitizer and PC are switched on at the same time.

Solved issue with green blinking status LED after scan for several minutes, if an error occurred during scan.

The feedback messages during service function “endurance run” are now updated with each step (feeding IP, scanning, erasing etc.). Before, the feedback messages stopped with “feeding IP”, despite endurance run worked fine.

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Service Manual

Solved error ARC_4004 (22757) after exchange of the PMI Board: This error needed to be solved by performing a shading calibration.

The default destination settings, that are configured after installing software including formatting, are identical now with the destination settings as shipped from production.

The shading calibration now also can be performed, if the NX application software is not running.

Solved issue with wrong error message, if the transfer of the ID data from NX to the Digitizer does not work correctly: Wrong error message: “Error occurred. Image plate is not scanned and erased.”. Correct error message: “Error during read-out of the ID data. Restart PC and Digitizer.”

Solved software hang-up if the service function “endurance run” was started and stopped again before a cassette was inserted.

New Features of Software ARC_1302 

Improved error code descriptions for all error codes. They are also available offline in service manual section 3.3, Troubleshooting.

Function to read the barcode on the image plate is more reliable.

File ErrorInformation.html with information about the last error (if an error occurs) is written to USB flash memory if the connection to the Error Viewer on the NX workstation is not available. This file is removed again when the Error Viewer is reconnected.

Support of new type of "PMT with Light Collector". As a consequence, the spare part "PMT with Light Collector" requires software ≥ ARC_1302. The enclosure document to the spare part is adapted accordingly.

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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_1304 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_1304 is installed in Digitizers with SN ≥ 1551 and additionally in SN 1377, 1381, 1405, 1424, 1428, 1482, 1495, 1516 to 1523, 1525 to 1528, 1533, 1534, 1537 to 1549 ex factory.


Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.


For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID* 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID* 31333326

DD+DIS189.12E, Service Bulletin No. 06, Software Update ARC_1304 available

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.


Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1304 Software ARC_1304 solves some software issues, that appeared in production only:  During boot-up the target high voltage for the Photomultiplier is not reached. Bootup stops with error ARC2202 (10753). In software ARC_1304 the adjustment for the target high voltage is optimized to prevent the issue (HQ_1210190006).  When the image plate is slipping on the scan drum before scanning starts, the slow scan motor decelerates already before the last few scan lines were scanned. This may lead to a decreased density at the last few scan lines (< 1 mm scan length) (HQ_121008000). In software ARC_1304 scanning is extended by 3 mm to have enough safety margin.  Warning messages about scan length deviations are issued in the Error Viewer, despite no image distortions are available. In software ARC_1304 the mechanism to display the warning message is less sensitive.  Sporadically the Begin of Scan signal is detected too early, due to a timing problem. In this case error ARC4200 (4254) is displayed. After a reboot the image is usually scanned without error message. In software ARC_1304 the timing problem has been corrected.

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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_1404 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_1404 is installed in following Digitizers ex factory.





SN ≥ 2.500 and additionally in SN 2.342 and 2.497


SN ≥ 20.001


SN ≥ 30.001


SN ≥ 40.001

Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires:


For type 5151/100 and 110 software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.

For type 5151/200 and 210 software ≥ NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800.

For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID* 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID* 31333326

DD+DIS084.13E, Service Bulletin No. 10, Software ARC_1404 available

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.

NOTE: Software ARC_1404 is the first software which supports also the three Digitizer subtypes 110, 200 and 210 that were introduced in 04-2013.

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Solved Software Issues in Software ARC_1404 

Contains solution for Digitizer service user interface access problems with Internet Explorer 9 as long as IP address is on, by an upgrade of the Digitizer operating system. A detailed symptom description and workaround was communicated with SB No. 08 (HQ_1301090001).

Prevents image fault on the last 7 cm of the Image due to image plates delivered with wrong IP size code. This issue was communicated with MSB No. 09. As of software ARC_1404 a wrong IP size code is ignored, so that also image plates of the affected lot numbers can be used again.

New Features of Software ARC_1404 

Together with ARC_1404 a batch file is released to make the Digitizer compatible with the Error Viewer implemented in SE 2.0. The usage of the batch files is described in SE 2.0 Service Manual DD+DIS222.11E, Chapter 5, Configuration, as of revision 2. The batch file is available in the SE 2.0 software download area.

Supports the additional Digitizer subtypes 110, 200 and 210.

Some minor improvements in functionality for the operator:


Displays now an error message if an empty USB flash memory is detected at start-up.


Blinking of status indicator during a scan cycle improved: Now the pause between two "LEDs ON" states is always the same time, even at end of the cycle. Previously this pause could be “Zero” in some cases (i.e. green status LED continuously “ON”).


Improved clean-up cycle at start-up: The IP is moved to the tray only as much as necessary to be able to find IP and move IP back into the cassette (i.e. not a fixed distance anymore). This way the IP cannot be lost on the tray anymore.

Some minor improvements in functionality for the service user: o

Log file dump in case of an error: A so-called malfunction file with the syntax “MALF_TYPE_SN_ERRORCODE_DATE_TIME” is generated for each occurring error. These malfunction files are automatically part of a complete backup and part of the logfiles backup. They contain all required logfiles and configuration files for error evaluation when escalating a problem.


Creates an automatic backup file on the USB flash drive at logout if the configuration was changed and no backup was made.


Error Viewer shows now correct time stamps in its error history, i.e. the time when the error occurred.

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Restoring the backup file does not overwrite the infocounter and service activity log file anymore. Images can now be deleted from the image queue via the service interface.


Endurance run doesn't hang-up anymore if it is stopped in between.


ErrorViewer starts now correctly if two Ethernet network cards are installed in NX and the Digitizer is switched off when the PC is started: No hang-up anymore.


Counters for IP cycles and operating hours in the optic module and PMT with Light Collector are now working correctly.


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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_2012 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_2012 is installed in following Digitizers ex factory.





SN ≥ 5.000


SN ≥ 20.500


SN ≥ 30.500


SN ≥ 40.500

Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires:


For type 5151/100 and 110 software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.

For type 5151/200, 210, 300 and 310 software ≥ NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800.

For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID* 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID* 31333326

DD+DIS205.13E, Service Bulletin No. 15, Document ID : 43678653

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.

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Service Manual

Solved Software Issues and Improvements in Software ARC_2012 

PR1307090004: Improved galvo* control to support Optic Modules with extreme galvo characteristics and to minimize errors ARC2101 (10852). *Galvo = motor for oscillating mirror in the optic module.

New status indicator blinking codes are introduced to prevent the user from pressing the cassette release button too early. For details see Note below.

NOTE: The blinking code as of software ARC_2012 is changed as follows, compared to the blinking codes in software ARC_1201 to ARC_1404:


The previous green “600 ms on / 600 ms off” blinking if scan cycle is active is changed to a “350 ms on / 350 ms off” yellow blinking.

The previous blue “600 ms on / 600 ms off” blinking if erasure cycle is active is changed to a “350 ms on / 350 ms off” blinking. The colour did not change.

Solved software issues with software ARC_2012 

Solved memory leaks in the Error Viewer and some software components of software ARC_1404, which can lead to a software crash of the digitizer, when it is switched on for many hours.

Improved error handling in case of IP jams and barcode reading errors by clear separation of error causes.

Changes of service functionality: o

The error ARC2101 (10852) is split up in three different error codes (additional error codes ARC2101 (10858) and ARC2101 (10859)) to be able to distinguish between different reasons for galvo failures.


The latest USB driver is now always installed at software installation, no matter from which software version it starts.


The digitizer installation date is automatically set after 10 days of usage (i.e. minimum one scan cycle on 10 different days).


Backup file contains now all digitizer specific files (module counters, settings and module information like e.g. serial number).


Modules (PMI board, Photomultiplier, Optic Module) store now the list of devices, in which they have been installed, correctly.


Service function "Reporting > Error Statistics" does not crash anymore.

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If the Error Viewer is uninstalled, the specific settings (e.g. the used IP address in case of several installed network cards) are now kept automatically and needs not be set again after installing the new Error Viewer.


A software installation with formatting restores now only some necessary settings like network settings. Language settings, site information and destination configuration are removed and have to be set again.


If the barcode cannot be read because the image plate cannot be transported to the scan drum correctly, an image plate handling error instead of a barcode reading error is now displayed and stored in the infocounter. This prevents unnecessary optic module replacements.


If reading of the barcode fails, but the barcode can be read after some retries, the number of needed retries is stored in the infocounter for each image plate / barcode.


The USB flash memory, delivered with the digitizer, contains now the DICOM limit pattern. Before only the limit pattern in native NX format was included.

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Service Manual

Software Release ARC_2102 Release Date


Digitizer SNs

Software ARC_2102 is installed in following Digitizers ex factory.





SN ≥ 5.187


SN ≥ 20.525 and in SN 20.521, 20.522, 20.523


SN ≥ 30.550, 30.568, 30.569, 30.572, 30.573, 30.574, 30.575


SN ≥ 40.520


SN ≥ 50.003


SN ≥ 45.002

Agfa HealthCare Library*

USB flash drive, delivered with the Digitizer

The NX workstation connected to the Digitizer requires:


For type 5151/100 and 110 software ≥ NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700.

For type 5151/200, 210, 300 and 310 software ≥ NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800.

For additional system component compatibility information refer to following documents:

Reference Document

Solution Structure Data Document, Document ID* 30781759

CR/DR Interoperability Matrix, Document ID* 31333326

DD+DIS013.14E, Service Bulletin No. 16, Document ID 44052584

* On the Agfa HealthCare Library only the latest software release can be downloaded.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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Service Manual

New features of software ARC_2102 CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader is supported. This involves following software changes:     

The service GUI contains a new menu “Maintenance Indicator”. For details to this menu refer to SB No. 14, Document ID 43357111. If the maintenance indicator is configured: The user is reminded about a preventive maintenance visit after each boot-up, as soon as the configured time or cycle counter is reached. Independent on the maintenance indicator configuration: The user is reminded about a preventive maintenance visit after each boot-up, as soon as 52.500 cycles or 105.000 cycles are reached. A second light sensor as part of the “IP Detection Double Light Sensor” is supported. This sensor checks IP run for IP sizes other than 35 x 43 cm. The IP Drawer Motor for CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader is permanently controlled after scan, to enable cassette release.

Note, that these software changes are also present in software ARC_2012. They were not communicated with SB15, “Software ARC_2102 available with several improvements”, as ARC_2012 was not released yet for CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader. 10.8.2

Solved software issues with software ARC_2102 

A new galvo* control algorithm shifts the start of the galvo pulse to support a wide range of galvos. This solves the error messages ARC2101 (10852) with aged galvos (short pulses) and with high temperature and humidity (long pulses) and improves the stability of the galvo. This additionally minimizes the occurrence of user message 327 (internal error 4305: Adjustment of digitizer components…) if the user pushes the cassette into the input slot roughly (PR1307090004). *Galvo = motor for oscillating mirror in the optic module.

  

Barcode reading algorithm improved. Inhomogeneous barcodes are now read successfully. Correct error message is displayed if barcode cannot be read. The Digitizer Remote Display shows messages in Norwegian language, too.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

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Service Manual

Upgrade procedure The upgrade procedure is not integrated in this Service Manual. Refer to the following documents:






Installation instructions for Digitizer software ARC_2102 and higher versions

Document ID 34181094

Agfa Intranet Agfa Portal via Internet

Spare parts The spare parts list is not integrated in this Service Manual. Refer to the following documents: #




Spare Parts List CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15X / CR Multiformat Reader

Document ID 33979680

Spare Parts List NX 2.0.8700 / 3.0.8700

Document ID 35994465

Spare Parts List NX 2.0.8800 / 3.0.8800

Document ID 39101843

2 3

Agfa Intranet Agfa Portal via Internet

Agfa Intranet Agfa Portal via Internet

Agfa Intranet Agfa Portal via Internet

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

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Wiring diagram A






2, 5AT



* 50/ 50

* 50/50



* 6/ 6 F1#8


1AT LED gn F1#7

LED rd F1#6 2,5AT Type 2xx /3xx: 3,5AT



for Type 2xx/3xx: Power 2 Board



* 4/ 4



2, 5AT

Reset S3

* 4/ 4




#4/ 10


#4/ 10

* 4/ 4




BK 3/ 4

4/ 4

3/ 4

4/ 4

1/ 4

#2 /4

#2 /4

1/8 WHBK2/8 RD 3/8 WHRD4/8 WHGN5/8 GN 6/8 WHBU7/8 BU 8/8




#2/ 4


LD21 green

LD 20 red

#2/ 4

1,3 V+

Erasure Unit LED Board LD1 red

P1 2,4 G ND


A 602467.








ST5909X2508A M2


M1 ST 4118M 1204 Stepper Motor Drawer









F 8. 5170.4212.



2/ 4

4/4 4/4



1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8 8/8

1/4 2/4 3/4 1/4 2/4 3/4









A602421 . RD WH YE






IP Drawer Light Sensor*




* 4/ 4

*IP Drawer Light Sensor Multiformat in subtype 300 and 310






twisted pair

IMPORTANT Fuses are shown for information purpose only. Do not replace any fuse.


1,3 V+ #2/ 4

2, 4 GN D


* 4/ 4

Ty pe 3x x : A602425.


P16 #2/ 4



Cassette Detection Light Sensor

A602419. 1,2

P15 P21

3/ 8 4/ 8 7/ 8 8/ 8

1/8 2/ 8 5/ 8


3/ 8 4/ 8 7/ 8 8/ 8

6/ 8

1/8 2/ 8 5/ 8

6/ 8

F33 Type 2xx/3xx only


Subtype 1xx/2xx only

IP Detection Light Sensor




* 4/ 4

2,5AT F28


BU18 ST1


+24V R es _M irr


* 8/ 8 * 8/ 8

User Interface Board


* 4/ 4


ST4 P19

Subtype 3xx only

IP Detection Double Light Sensor

2/ 4

A602417. #8





2,5AT 5V F I X_IP F32 *8/8

* 6/ 6



Slow Sc an


ST28 P1



Power Board

* 10/10

* 8/ 8


* 6/ 6




* 4/ 4



Page 2. 1A to PMI Board





LD 39 green

P3 *10/10


P1 *10/10

R 553



Power Supply 24VDC/150W






100 to 240V 50/60Hz




Service Manual


Stepper M otor Slow Sc an

Wiring Diagram Page 1 of 3 D




DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

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Service Manual

0, 5AT

250m AF






* 4/4 * 4/ 4

* 64/ 64 F33





ELabel Addr#2


* 4/ 4 * 4/4

+20V_PM T _I F

* 10/ 10

Page 3. 1A to Optic M odule


250m AF










* 26/ 26 * 26/ 26



5, 0VD _PM T_I F

HV_M odule


250m AF

250m AF

5, 0VD F27

0, 5AT

3, 3VD F26

250m AF

RS2 32 debug F25

0, 5AT

Elabel 2 F24


+24V_G ALVO F6


1AT F2


* 50/ 50 *50/50


+12 V_OPT

BU12 P2





f rom Pow er Board Page 1.0F


1 2V_O PT


250m AF


+5V_Tube 250mAF





PMI Board S2 Abort debounced s w it c h

Reset debounced switch

P46 * 4/4

3,3V OK


















* 1 8/1 8 * 18 /1 8

* 8/8

ST11 P49

47 ST9 P *8/8








1/4 BN 2/4 OG3/4 RD4/4





* 18 /1 8 * 18/18

* 8/8

ST12 P8

* 8/ 8

ST10 P11

#4/5 #4 /5


1/5 1/ 5

SY4 P5 ST16




A602466 .

IMPORTANT Fuses are shown for information purpose only. Do not replace any fuse.





S Y3

#4 /5 #4/5


LAN ST15 P10






5,0V OK



USB 24V G alv o O K

High Voltage

P14 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4

Tube Board (on PMT) 4

+B9 A


Wiring Diagram Page 2 of 3 A






DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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Service Manual A







*4 /4

Optic Module - Do not open - No maintenance parts inside

eLabel 1

from PM I Board X Page 2.1F


BU10 * 26/26

P2 * 26/26



* 4/4

* 4/4

A602429. #4

ST20 P1 * 4/4






P1 ST21

Galvo Voltage F1

A602430. #12

* 12/12 *12/12

ST22 P1


* 12/12 *12/12






* 6/6 * 6/6 A602427.

ST25 P1

* 6/6 * 6/6

ST23 3

* 6/6 * 6/6



#2 /8

P4 ST26


#6 /8

P3 ST24

#2 /8


#6 /8


IMPORTANT Single boards of Optic Module are shown for information purpose only. Do not open the Optic Module. Do not replace any fuse.




Wiring Diagram Page 3 of 3 A






DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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Service Manual

Switches, LEDs and connectors on the PMI Board







LD14 P46


D32 R1519


S1 S2

LD15 LD1 P3


LD7 LD5 LD13 LD12 LD9 LD11 C700

LD3 LD16 LD10 P2


Figure 165: Location of switches and LEDs on the PMI Board

IMPORTANT: Fuses are not displayed on purpose. Do not replace any fuse. In case of a broken fuse, replace the board instead. 13.1.1

Switches on the PMI Board




Reset of CPU. For R&D purposes only.


Reset Hardware. For R&D purposes only.

NOTE: On some PMI Boards the switches S1 and S2 are not available.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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Service Manual

LEDs on the PMI Board


LD11 LD12 LD13 LD14 LD15 LD16

Status Indicator Green Green Green Green Green Green

Green Green Green Red Yellow Green

Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant

Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant



5 V for USB ok


5 V for USB missng


24 V for Galvo OK


24 V for Galvo missing


3,3 V for on board components OK


3,3 V for on board components missing


5 V for on board components OK


5 V for on board components missing


Supply voltages for Optics OK


Supply voltages for Optics missing


1,8 V and 1,4 V for CPU and SDRAM OK


1,8 V and 1,4 V for CPU and SDRAM missing


Supply voltages for PMT OK


Supply voltages for PMT missing


Analog supply voltages OK


Analog supply voltages missing


CAN Bus enabled


CAN Bus error


FPGA not configured


FPGA configured


Ethernet traffic


No Ethernet traffic


1,2 and 2,5 V for FPGA OK


1,2 and 2,5 V for FPGA missing

* Default during operation ** On only if there is ethernet traffic

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

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Service Manual

Power Board / Power II Board

C189 F27 R191






P18 L188 L189



P15 P16 P21 P22

S3 S1


1 2 S1



Figure 166: Location of switches on the Power Board / Power II Board

IMPORTANT: Fuses are not displayed on purpose. Do not replace any fuse. In case of a broken fuse, replace the board instead.

Switches on the Power Board / Power II Board

Meaning S1/1

Not used.


Not used.


Board reset. Only for R&D purpose.

NOTE: On some Power Boards / Power II Boars the switches S1 and S3 are not available.

DOCUMENT CONTROL NOTE: The controlled version of this document is available from the Agfa HealthCare Library. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.

Edition 1, Revision 2 02-2014

CR 10-X / CR Reader / CR 12-X / CR Advanced Reader / CR 15-X / CR Multiformat Reader Type 5151 / 100 / 110 / 200 / 210 / 300 / 310

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