Connections [PDF]

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Training Handouts

June 2015

Content The purpose of these hand-outs it to showcase the capabilities of ANSA in the area of Assembly. The topics that will be covered are the following:

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    

Introduction to ANSA Connection Entities Connection Files Handling Connections – Connection Manager Connection Templates Specific Cases: 1. Seam welds 2. Solid Bolts 3. Robscans Customization


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Connections in ANSA 

ANSA entities

Contain information about : 1. Type 2. Position 3. Geometry 4. Connected Parts

Create solver entities based on FE Representation Settings


Connections in ANSA

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The available types of connections in ANSA are: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Spotwelds Gumdrops Bolts Robscans

Point Connections

5) 6) 7) 8)

Spotweld Lines Seam lines Adhesive Lines Hemmings

Line Connections

9) Adhesive Faces

Surface Connections


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Reading Connection Files 1)

Open the following ANSA database: ./ANSA_files/Demo_BIW_Init.ansa


Use the File>Read Connections>XML option and select the following file: ./Connection_Files/Demo_BIW_connections_main.xml


Activate the Group Connections option in order to mark the connections with a user attribute (main).


Repeat the above steps for the following files: ./Connection_Files/Demo_BIW_connections_front.xml (front) ./Connection_Files/Demo_BIW_connections_roof_adhesives.xml (roof)



Reading Connection Files 1.

Click on the Connection Drawing mode button and select to draw the connections based on User Attributes


In the Draw Connection Attribute window select the User/Group attribute and press OK.


Right click on the roof group and select the Show Only > Connectivity option in order to isolate the connected parts.


Use the File>Output Connections>Xml option to export all the connections of the database in a single .xml.

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1 -2


General Handling of Connections

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1) Open the following ANSA database: ./ANSA_files/Demo_BIW_Connections_With_User_Attr.ansa 2)

Open the Connections list through the Database Browser and activate the User/Group and User/Adhesive_Type columns.


Using the Multi Condition Filter, filter first for the User/Adhesive_Type = Structural and then filter for connections who have D = 6 and User/Group = Main.


Press the pick button in order to highlight the selected connections on the screen




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Connection Manager 1)

Through the Part Manager isolate the ANSAPARTs with Module Ids: 104003 , 104004, 126004


Click on the Connection Manager button. In the Connection Selection Assistant window that opens set Visible Connectivity Only and press Select in order to select only the connections among the visible parts. Use the middle mouse button to confirm the selection.


The Connection Manager opens with the selected connections. In the FE Representation Settings section of the Connection Manager set the FE Rep Type field to RBE3-HEXA-RBE3.


Press Realize



4 8

Connection Manager – Inspect Connections 1) 2) 3)


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Pick one realized connection (Status = OK) and select the Show Only option (FE Rep and Connectivity) in order to check the realization result. Sort the connections according to Status. Select one not successfully realized connection (Status = ) and press the Inspect Connections button. Specify the settings in the Inspect options window as shown in the image below. Use the Next and Previous buttons in order to check the connections that failed to be realized. Press Esc to finish the inspection. Select all the un-realized connections and disable the Do not Move option, in order to allow the Connection Manager to slightly move the selected connections in order to realize them. Press Realize again. 4-5



Connection Manager - Templates 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


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Pick the newly realized connections and select the Template From Settings option of the context menu. Confirm in the Template From Connection Settings window that appears. A new Connection Template is created which stores the FE Rep. settings of the selected connections. This template will now be used in order to realize the rest of the spot welds of the database. Select all the connections and press Ctrl+R in order to clear the connections list Make all the connections of the database visible. In the Connection Manager press the Pick button and select all the connections of the database by pressing Ctrl+A and middle mouse button. Switch to Clipboard mode and type ? in the TID field of the FE Rep Settings. Pick the existing connection template from the list and confirm. Realize all the connections.


Connection Template Manager 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Erase FE of all the connections of the database. Open the Connection Template Manager and press the Read Scenario button. Select the ./Assembly_scenario/Assembly_Scenario_1.ansa and confirm. Double click on the Rails filter in order to check the active rule. Press the Distribute Button to distribute the connections according to the active rules. Pick each Rules Group in order to visualize the connections according to distribution. Press the Apply>ALL button to assign connection templates to the connections. In the Apply Templates window, select to realize the connections Now. The connections of the database are automatically assigned different templates according to specified rules and were subsequently realized.

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Skip Adhesives around Spot welds 1) 2) 3) 4)


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Through the Part Manager isolate parts : 128001 , 128002. Open the Connection Manager and with the Connection Selection Assistant select the connections with Visible Connectivity Only (see slide 8). Notice the intersection between the elements of the adhesive line and the spot welds. Through Windows>Settings>Connections activate the Skip adhesive elements around spot welds option.


Replace Part 1) 2) 3)

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1) 2)

Bring everything to visible. Through the Part Manager, pick the Roof Panel (Module Id : 120003) and select the Replace option of the context menu. Select the following file and confirm: ./Replace_Part/BIW_MI_ROOF_PANEL_to_replace.ansa Press OK in all the confirmation windows that appear next. The Roof Panel part is replace and all the connections are automatically Realized.


Compare Connections 1) 2) 3)

4) 5)

Read the Compare_Connections/ANSA.ansa_defaults and Compare_Connections/Compare_Gui_Settings.xml files through Windows>Settings. Open the PID list, select all the PIDs and change their color to Silver with 60% Transparency. Through the Tools container select the Compare > Current with > Connections file > XML option in order to compare the connections of the database with a new connections file. Pick the Compare_Connections/Demo_BIW_connections_to_compare.xml In the Compare settings window select to compare only Connections. Press the Advanced button to specify the exact settings that will be used during comparison. In the connections tab, set the all options as shown in the image below and press OK.

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Compare Connections 1) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

In the Compare Report window, select to View>Model 1 deactivate the View>Explode option. Hide the Matched connection with no Diffs and inspect the model. Browse through the differences list in order to inspect the various types of differences that are detected. Select to keep the realized connections of the original database. In case of Bolts, select to keep all the incoming connections. Press OK to finish the comparison All the realized connection remain in the model apart from the Bolts which need to be realized.


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Solid Parts Assembly 1) 2)



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5) 6)


Open the following .ansa database: ./Solid_Parts/flex_joint_abaqus_solid_bolts_init.ansa Execute the Define Connections > Holes function in order to create Bolts to connect the solid flanges. Use the settings as shown in the image on the right. Press OK to confirm and middle mouse to accept the generated bolts during preview. Open the Connection Manager and select All the connections of the database. Set the Options>Transparent Model option to ON Pick the Bolts whose direction is not correct (see image below), and select the Flip Direction option through the context menu.



Solid Parts Assembly 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

The FE Rep settings of all the bolts are automatically generated (BOLT_ON_SOLID). Select to Realize all the Bolts. Through the Database Browser, pick the existing Cutting Plane and select the Show option. Inspect the realization result. Select the bolts of the upper smaller flange and specify TID = 2 (see slide 10) to create a SOLID BOLT with nut and washer Select the bolts of the lower larger flange and specify TID = 1 to create a SOLID BOLT attached on the geometry of the last tube ( Module ID : 200) Realize all the Bolts. Inspect the realization result.


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Solid Parts Assembly 1)

2) 3)


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Open the following .ansa database: . /Solid_Parts/Seam_Welds_Penta_On_Solids.ansa It contains two solid parts that will be connected using seam lines. Open the Connection Manager select all the connections of the database and press Realize. Inspect the generated PENTA-CONTACT-ON-SOLIDS FE representation. The weld is modeled with PENTA elements which connect the solid parts using tied contact.


Robscan 1) 2) 3) 4)

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5) 6)

The ROBSCAN is a novel connection type that stands for Robot guided laser Scanner It is a modern welding technique that allows the creation of small welds of customizable shape. Within ANSA the Robscan is point connection that combines several capabilities of Spot welds and Seam lines. Open the following .ansa database : ./Robscan/Robscan_Sample1.ansa Hide PID 2 and focus in connection with ID 100005. Through the Connection Manager change the W to 20 and Seamwidth to 3. Realize the Robscan.


Robscan 1) 2) 3) 4)


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Select the Edit Direction option and rotate the Robscan around the axis normal to the Robscan plane. Realize the Robscan. Double click on the Pattern field in order to change the Robscan shape. Among the available patterns select the SP. Realize the Robscan. New Robscan patterns can be created through Windows > Settings > Connections > Robscan Settings tab. The pattern has to be specified as a polyline (series of points) on a normalized plane.


Customization 1) 2) 3) 4)

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5) 6)

ANSA allows the creation of fully customizable FE Representation types with the aid of special purpose script function (Post Realization function). If specified, a post realization function is automatically executed after the realization of each connection. Post realization functions can be embedded within Connection Templates in order to have portable and system independent custom FE Reps. Open the following .ansa database and Realize the existing bolt: ./PostRealize/bolt_postreal_tmpl.ansa Open the existing Connection Template. Note that there is a Post Realization function assigned. Specify TID=1 to the bolt of the database and press Realize.