CAUSATIVE HAVE Rules + Exercises [PDF]

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CAUSATIVE HAVE Form: Have + Object + Past Participle Usage: When somebody does something for us (a kind of service) and it usually involves payment. An overview of some of the most frequently used verb tenses using the expression WASH/THE CAR: PRESENT SIMPLE: I have the car washed every week./He has the car washed every week. PRESENT CONTINUOUS: I am having the car washed now. PAST SIMPLE: I had the car washed yesterday. PRESENT PERFECT: I have had the car washed./I haven’t had the car washed yet. PAST CONTINUOUS: I was having the car washed when it started raining. PAST PERFECT: I had had the car washed before it started raining. WILL: I will have the car washed. BE GOING TO: I am going to have the car washed tomorrow. USED TO: I used to have the car washed. WOULD LIKE: I would like to have the car washed. MODAL VERBS (MAY, MUST, CAN, SHOULD…): I must have the car washed.    TIME TO PRACTISE    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

I ________________ my car ________________ every year. (service) My skirt is too long. I must __________it _______________.(shorten) He _____________ the roof __________________ yesterday. (repair) I want _______________ my photograph __________________. (take) Your roof is leaking. You should ___________it ___________. (repair) We _________ a telephone __________ in our flat yesterday. (install) We are building a new house. He will make a new suit. You must paint the front gate. I have to install this new video. She repaired her washing machine. We decorated our house last summer. Why don’t you ___________ the document ______________ ? (photocopy)

14 He didn’t like the color of the curtains so he _____them________. (dye) 15 He went to a garage to ________ the puncture _____________. (mend) 16 His arm was broken so he had to go to hospital to _____it_____. (set)

17 The battery is all right now. I ___________ just __________it ____________ (recharge) 18 It’s a beautiful photo. I’m going to _____________________. (enlarge) 19 Be careful of those knives. I ______ just ______________. (sharpen) 1 The nurse checked my blood pressure. _________________________________________________ 2 The optician will test her eyes. _________________________________________________ 3 Someone stole her purse. _________________________________________________ 4 The hotel porter took our luggage to the room. _________________________________________________ 5 A locksmith has put new locks on all our doors. _________________________________________________ 6 They are cleaning the carpets. _________________________________________________ 7 He is building a swimming pool in the back yard. _________________________________________________ 8 The garage has re-sprayed my car. _________________________________________________

1.I pay a garage to service my car. 2.The tap keeps dripping so I must send for a plumber to see to it. 3.I paid a watchmaker to clean my watch. 4.An artist is painting her portrait. She……….. 5.They arranged for the police to arrest the man. 6.He paid a lorry driver to tow the car to a garage. 7.They are employing builders to build a garage. 8.I pay a window cleaner to clean my windows every month. 9.The old gypsy is telling Tom’s fortune. Tom………… 10.I asked the fishmonger to open the oysters for me. 11.I went to a jeweler and he pierced my ears for me.