Business Goals 1 (Student's Book) [PDF]

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Contents Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

New faces 6

Around the office 10

Products and services 14


Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Time zones 20

On the phone 24

Placing and order 28


Unit 7

Unit 8

Making a reservation 34

Getting around 38

Unit 9

About the company 42


Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12

Routines 48

Small talk 52 getting personal 56


Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15



Getting help


Working together 70

REVIEW 5 74 Communication activities 76 Help files 83 Transcripts 113

Map of the book Unit



1 New faces page 6

A Introducing yourself

My name's ………I'm.. I'm form …..

B Introducing other people

I'd like to introduce you to ….. Nice to meet you, too Describing things when you don't know the word: stuff for.. Vocabulary the office: prepositions of place ; in front of, under

2 Around the office page 10

A In the office B Wrokplaces and locations

3 Products and services page 14

A Describing products and services.

Would like to ….. Vocabulary locations : in the south of; workplaces; factory, shown Vocabulary verbs describing products and services ; produce , provide, offer Comparatives

B Comparing products and services

Review 1 Page 18 4 Times zones Page 20

A Telling the time

Telling the time Vocabulary prepositions of time : on Saturday, around 5.00

B Planning schedules

5 On the phone Page 24 6 Placing an order Page 28

A Answering the phone B Calling for information A Ordering what you need

Present simple Giving opinions , agreeing , disagreeing Vocabulary verb and noun combinations; book a ticket ,give a presentation. Can I help you ? Who's calling , please ? Should I'm calling to ask for a brochure, I'd like to arrange a meeting Placing an order : I'd like to order …. Quantity : a few , a lot . How much ?

B Dealing with problems Past simple : I ordered …… Future simple : We'll send another one …….. Complaining : There are two problems with the order Review 2 Page 32 7 Making a reservation Page 34

A Making a booking B Choosing a service

8 Getting around page 38

A Getting around town

Want to ……. would like to ……… Booking / choosing a service. I'd like to make a reservation Vocabulary booking / choosing a service ; flight number, en suite Superlatives Vocabulary dates Giving directions Imperative Vocabulary transport prepositions : by train, on foot

B Arriving for an appointment 9 About the company Page 42

A Talking about company history B Company changes

Review 3 Page 46

I'm here to see….., I have an appointment at …. Vocabulary department names Vocabulary irregular verbs ( past simple ) ; opposites Present perfect Conjunctions : and , but , because Vocabulary irregular verbs ( past participle )




10 Routines Page 48

A Routines and past events B Comparing routines

Present continuous present simple Past simple Vocabulary verb and noun combinations : get to work, have a meeting

A Breaking the ice

Adverbs of frequency Avoiding repetition : I take a break, but she doesn't Meeting people : How are things ?

B Keeping a conversation going A Talking about your career

Present perfect : How long ….? for, since 'Answer plus'; And you? Vocabulary keeping a conversation going ; Really ? Prepositions : graduate from, work for

B Talking about your experiences

Present perfect : experiences

A Recommending B Inviting and responding

You should try…. OK. I'll have that. The passive voice Vocabulary cooking and taste ; boiled , steamed; sweet savoury Would you like to …. ? Oh, thank you, but …..

A Showing people how to do things

Sequencing adverbs : First , finally Imperative

B Talking about problems

Giving advice : I think you should …..

A Making requests

Could you ….. ? Would you mind …. ?

B Making suggestions

Why don't we ……? We could …….

11 Small talk Page 52 12 Getting personal Page 56

Review 4 Page 60 13 Entertaining Page 62 14 Getting help Page 66

15 working together Page 70 Review 5 Page 74 Communication activities Page 76 Help files Page 83 Transcripts Page 113



introducing yourself

talking about yourself

introducing other people

When you meet someone new, what do you say …. ……….. in your language ? Do you say different things to different people ?

PART A Listening


a Work in pairs. Look at the photograph of Florence Garnier and Andrew Walsh introducing themselves and answer these questions. 1 Which person do you think is a new employee ? 2 Which of these things will be in their conversations ?







b Listen to Florence Garnier and Andrew Walsh . What are the answers to the questions in ( a ) above ? 2

Language focus a Andrew Walsh introduced himself. Complete these sentences. 1 My …………….Andrew Walsh. 2 ……………. ……………….. Dublin ……………….Ireland. 3 ………………….. to meet ………….. .

b Florence Garnier introduced herself. Complete these sentences . 1 ………………. Florence Garnier. Please ……………………. ………………. Florence. 2 …………….. ………………….. the Human Resources Department . 3 …………….. to meet ……………………, ……………………….. . C Listen again and check.