American Cinematographer Manual PDF [PDF]

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Acknowledgements This edition, like all of the previous editions, was a joint effort. We have called on ASC members, associate members and manufacturers' representatives to discuss the state of the art in the areas of their expertise. I would like to thank each of the more than 50 contributors for taking time from their busy schedules to help in the preparation of this manual. Mehrdad Azarmi, Ph.D. ; Ed Blasko, Eastman Kodak; Paul Bourque, Agfa Photo Division; James K. Branch; Steven C. Chamberlain, Arriflex Corp.; Ed Clare, Matthews Studio Equipment Group; Chris J. Condon, StereoVision International, Inc.; Anthony Coogan, StereoMedia, Inc.; Jack Cooperman, ASC; Ed DiGiulio, Cinema Products Corp.; Fred Detmers; linwood G. Dunn, ASC; Richard Edlund, ASC; Jonathan Erland; Marianne Exbrayat, Aaton Des Autres, Inc.; Doug Fries, Fries Engineering; Tom Fraser; Richard Glickman, Gliconen Corp.; William Hansard, Sr., Hansard Enterprises; Frieider Hochheim, Killoflo Inc.; Michael Hofstein; Bill Hogan, Sprocket Digital; Robert C. Hummel III, Theme Park Productions, Inc.; Masaru Jibiki, Fuji Photo Film USA; John Jurgens, Cinema Products Corp.; Frank M. Kay, Panavision; Conrad Kiel, Photo-Sonics, Inc.; Jon Kranhouse; Bern Levy, Bern Levy Associates; Frank Leonetti, Leonetti Co.; Grant Loucks, Alan Gordon Enterprises; Harry Mathias; Rami Mina, Don Miskowich, Eastman Kodak; John Mosely, CAS; Martin Mueller, MSM Design, Inc.; Dennis Muren, ASC; Ryan O'Hara, Chapman Leonard; Marty Ollstein; Allan Peach, DemoGraFX; Steven Poster, ASC; David L. Quaid, ASC; Pete Romano, HydroImage; Gavin Schutz, Image Transform; Daniel L. Symmes, Spatial Technologies, Inc.; Bill Taylor, ASC; Ira Tiffen, Tiffen Manufacturing Corp.; Bill Turner, Century Precision Optics; Petro Vlahos, Vlahos Motion Pictures, Inc.; Paul Westerfer, AMPIP; Michael Whitney, DemoGraFX; Geoffrey H. Williamson, Wilcam Photo Research; Irwin W. Young, DuArt Laboratories. Special thanks to David Heuring, Martha Winterhalter, Steven Pizzello, Marji Rhea, and the American Cinematographer staff for their suggestions and assistance. -Rod Ryan

American Cinematographer Manual Seventh Edition

Copyright© 1993 by The ASC Press Hollywood, California, USA All Rights Reserved library of Congress Catalog Card



o. 79-93439

ISBN 0-935578-11-0 Cover Design and Artwork by George E. Turner Copy edited by David Heuring, Stephen PizzeUo and Marji Rhea Production by Martha Winterhalter Printed in the United States of America by Sinclair Printing Company


Dr. Rod Ryan retired as Regional Engineering Director ofEastman Kodak MP&A V Division after 40 years service with that company. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California BA, Ma, PhD, an Honorary Member of ASC, a Life Fellaw of SMPTE, Retired Fellow BKSTS, a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Academy of Telroision Arts and Sciences and the Motion Picture Pioneers. His awards include the Herbert T. Kalmus Gold Medal, three SMPTE Special Commendations, the AMPAS Scientific & Engineering Award and the AMPAS Medal OfCommendation. During World War II, he was a USN photographer, and after the war one ofthe photographers of the Atomic Bomb Tests at Bikini Atoll. He is the author of "A History of Motion Picture Color Technology, " editor and contributing author of "Color Sensitometry," "Sixtieth Anniversary Issue SMPTE Journal, " "Fiftieth Anniversary Issue American Cinematographer," contributing author of "Control Techniques in Film Processing," "Technologies in the Laboratory Handling ofMotion Picture and Other Lang Films," "The Book ofFilm Care," and several articles in the SMPTE Journal and other trad_ publications.




16mm Systems


Special Purpose Systems


Pros and Cons of 1.85, 2.35 and Super 35 Film Formats



Arriflex 765


Cinema Products CP-65


Fries 865


Mitchell Reflex TODD-AO

36 37

MSM8870 Panavision System-65

39 39

Panavision Panaflex System-65


Panavision AC/SPC


.16 mm/35 mm dailies, color or black and white • Video dailies, wet or dry, with time-code or key code • Answer prints, intermediates, volume release • Screening and editing rooms


Arriflex 535

45 46 47

Arriflex 535B


Arriflex 35-3




Arriflex 35-3C


Arriflex 35-2C


Cinema Products FX35


Cinema Products XR35


Feathercam CM35


IMAGE 300 35mm Mitchell NC, NCR, BNC, BNCR (35mm); FC, BFC (65mm)


Aaton35mm Aaton35-ll


• Most film/video formats including R-DAT • Rerecording, sweetening, transfers

Video • Film-to-tape ~ - N C/pAL wet gate • Standard



• Duplication all formats • Tape-to-film transfers • Satellite Services • Syndication

64 xvii ..ySlnn.AftC~Ani_E>pdaI; ronnally acrepls 100 "'" m daylight loads; 400' daylight reels may be used if 1/8~ is milled off the reel's edge. Loop is formed during loading 10< qukI< magaz;ne change. G'")' futish lUghspeed magazines must be used on 16HSR, 16HSR-2lUghspeed and 16SR Super 16 ~ cameras. Super 16: Both 16sR-2 and 16HSR-2 Highspeed ouneras are available in Super 16. Thl! wider Super 16 format (15mm x l23mm) n!< 2' 3" 8' 5-" 3' 6" 3' ,·x I' 8' 6' 3" < 2' 7" 2' O'x l' l' 4' 2-x l' 9"


1'11 -

2' S"

3' 2"












20'11-x l1 ' 4'







S' 9"








30' 2-


7" 607"















TV HEIGHT 1.594")

41'1O"x ?2' 85' 0,, 35' 31 ' 4', \7' 63' 9'x26'
























fiELD Of VIEW (w/projecled Image)

l' 2"



l' 4-



1'1" 13'




















1/ 22


1.85: 1 AR (,825'>' 2' PI,' l' 5'll l' 7' 0'11'/.. l' 'I,"





8'11" 46' 5'11' 12' 6" 4' 9' 8' 3" 3' 4V,' 4'10 V,2' 7'1.' 3' 5'/,1'10' 2' 2'1>' l ' 4'1.' l' 7'/,' 0'11Y>' l' '1>-

7' 8' 465' 5' 3' 16' 6' 4' 4' 9' 9' 3' 2' 5' 5' 2' 6' 3' 8W' l' 9V,' 2' 3'/2l' 4'1>' l' 8' 0'11'/,l' ]/,-






4' 8" 29' 3'11' 13' 1" 2'11' 6' 3" 2' 4'1>' 4' l' l ' 8'/,' 2' 5",' l ' 3'1" l' 9" 0'11' 1'1'1,'





3' 5' 27' 2' 8' 8' 32' 2' 4'11 ' 1'7' 2' 8W' l' 31'10V" 0' 10'/,1 ~"



INF 4'

INF 3' 3"




2' 4" 14' 1'11' 6' 7' l' 5'1>' 3' 2l' 2Y.· 2' V," 0'10'1.' l' 23/,'









2' 0'

l' 7'

l' 0'



INF 3'



2' 7"


2' 4'


2' 0'

INF l' 13' l' 4' 1' 2' 0' l'

84' 2" 1' S'!>' 9'/24'(,'






INF l'




INF l' 6" INF



l' 0"


l' 8'

l' 4'

l' 0'

0' 9'






l' 5'

l' 2-


l' 0'


0' 9'

l' 0-


0' 8'

0'10' 6' 80' 82' l '

0' 9'

0' 7'

0' 7' 3' 5'

0' 6-


l' 2' 6'11' l ' 0' 3' 2' 0' 9" l' 6'1t'








STo /lTV SUPER 16 1,85:1 Aft

(,463"X ,251 ") 20' l'x lS' l' 24' 6'x 13' 3' 12' O:X 9' l' 14' 8'x 7' 11' 6' 5"x 4' 10" 7'10" 4' 3" 4'10' 3' 7" 5'10' 3' 2' 3' 2' 2' 5' 3'11- 2' I' 2' 5' l' 92'11' l' 7' l ' 7' l' 2" 1'11' l' 0' l' 2'> 0'11 ' l' S-x 0' 9' 0' 9"x 0' 7' 0'11'X 0' 6'




55,11 '







5,01 '


2,51 '


(Ill/projected Image)


1/ 1.4























50 25 15 10

26' 539' 17' 2' 46' 12' 020' 7' 8' 6' 12' 3' 7' 0' 9' 4" 5' 5' 6' 9' 4' 7" 5' 63' 8'1.. 4' 3'/,' 2'10'1,3' 2'

8 6

5 4



1'11 1(, "

2' 1-





15' 4' 69' 10'10" 24' 3' 8' 0" 13' 5' 6' 810' 0" 5' 2",' 7' l' 4' 5',5' 9' 3' 7'1>' 4' 5'1>" 2' 9'1>' 3' 3-

13' 270' 9' 933' 7' 415' 86' 2' 11' 3' 4'11' 7' S" 4' 36' l' 3' 6" 4' 8' 2' 8Y,3' 4','

1 ' 10 '~'

1'10 1;, "

2' 1'1,'

2' 2-



INF 8' 63' 6' 20' 5' 13' 4' 8' 4' 6' 3' 5' 2' 3'









INF 68' 8' 6' 7' 8' 0' 84' 0" 71'," 6'Y

l' 9'A-

2' 2",'

7' 2'


5'10" 36' 5' I' 19' 4' 2' 10'


3' 87'10' 3' l ' 5' 82' 5'/2" 3'10l' 9' 2' 4'



5' 0-

INF 4' 543' 3' 915' 43' 4' 10' 22'106' 9' 2' 3'12' 4' 4l ' 8' 2' 6'









STo & TV

SUPER 16 1.85:1 AR

(,463' x, 251 ' )



30' 2'x22' 8' 36' 9'x 19'11 '







1~: J:~ lJ: l~:






2' 7-

2' 0'

9' O'x 11' O'x 6' O'x 7' 4'x 4' 9-x 5'10' 3' 7' 4' 4' 3' 0" 3' 82' 5' 2'11 -x l' ~"X 2' 2"x l' 2"x l' 5'


INF 4' I'


3' 8'


3' 3' 46' 2'1118' 2' 6' 9' 7' 2' l' 5' 4' l' 6'( 2' 10"


INF 3' 4'


3' l'




2' 6'


2' 3' 20' 1'11 ' 7' 6' l' 5' 3' 4'


2' 5'


2' 2'


2' 1-




1'7' 23' l' 3" 4' 9'



INF I' 6'




l' 5'


l' 9'


l' 8'


l ' 7'


l' 4'


l' 4'


l' 34'


l' 2'


1' 1'



l' 1'/29'11'



6' 9" 6' 0" 4' 6' 4' 03' 7' 3' 22' 8' 2' 4' 2' 3' 2' 0' l ' 9' l' 7' l' 4' l' 2" 0'110' 9'



50 25 15 10 B 6

5 4 3




62 .27'






8.41 '



FiElD OF VIEW (w/ prolecled Image)






1/ 5.6

1/ 8

fi ll

1/1 6

fl 22

fl 32

STD /I TV (,380" .286-)

NEAR FAR 16' INF 12' INF 9' 3' 40' 7' I" 17' 2" 6' 0" 12' 0" 4'W 8' 0" 4' lV,6' 4' 3' 54' 91/,' 2' B3' 5'/" 1'10'/,2' 21/,"

NEAR FAR 13' INF 10' INF 7' 11139' 6' 3" 25' 5' 5" 15' 3" 4' 5" 9' 4' 3'107' l ' 3' 3' 5' 32' 6'1,' 3' 8'

NEAR FAR 10' INF 8' INF 6' 9" INF 5' 6" 55' 4'10' 23' 4' 011' 9' 3' 7' 8' 53' O· 5'112' 5' 3'l1'i,' l ' 8.... 2' 4 ~','

NEAR FAR 7' INF 6' INF 5' 5" INF 4' 7' INF 4' l' 164' 3' 6" 21' 3' 212' 42' 9' 7' 8' 2' 2'h" 4' 8' I' 7'·,2' 71/,-

NEAR FAR 5' INF 5' INF 4' INF 3'10INF 3' 6" INF 3' 0317' 2' 9" 27' 2' 5' 11' 7' 2' 0' 5'11' l ' 62'l1 Y,'

NEAR FAR 4' INF 4' INF 3' INF 3' 0" INF 2' 9" INF 2' 6" INF 2' 3' INF 2' l ' 82' l ' 9" 10' 6' l' 4h" 3'10'

NEAR FAR 36' 80' 21' l ' 30' 8' 13' 6' 16'11' 9' 3V,' 10' 9V,7' 6'h" 8' 6" 5' 9" 6' 3'/,4' 9'45' 2'1" 3'10Y,' 4' 1'1z" 2'11 V,3' lA" l '11 V


NEAR FAR 33' 104' 19'10' 33' 9' 13' O' 17' 9' 9' 'h' 11' 27' 4'h" 8' 95' 7'1,6' 4'1," 4' 9" 5' 3V.. 3'10" 4' 22'11' 3' l W' l'11 'h2' v,'



50 25 15 10 B 6

5 4





NEAR FAR 29' 195' l B' 3' 40' 12' 3' 19' 48' 9" 11' 9' 7' 2" 9' 15' 66' 7" 4' 7'1,5' 4'1,3' 9'/,4' 3' 2'10Y,3' 13/l'

1'11'. -



NEAR FAR 25' INF 16' 5' 52' 11' 521'10' B' 312' 7" 6'1 0" 9' r 5' 4" 6'10'1z4' 6V,5' r 3' 8%'" 4' 4V.. 2' 93)'3' 2112"

1'112' l '

NEAR FAR 20' INF 14' 98' 10' 5' 27' 7' 914' 3" 6' 6" 10' 6" 5' 17' 44' 4S'10'h' 3' 53/,"' 4' 6V,' 2' 9" 3' 3." 1'1031, '" 2' p,-

l ' 9ld'

2' 31/,-

SUPER 16 1.85:1 AR

(.463-x .251 1 19' 23' 9' 11' 5' 7'

3' 14' 6' 6'x 12' 9' 7"x 7' 39'" 6' 4' 9'" 4' 4' O-x 3'10'

~:1~:~ ~: lJ:

~: J:~ ~: ~:: 2' 3-x l ' 2' 9"x l' 1'1 1 ~X l ' 2' 4-x l'


9" 6' 53'


;: ~:~ gl~

0' 9"x 0' 7" O'11'x 0' 6-










23 ,97'




FIELD OF VIEW (w/prolecled Image)


fll .4


fl2 .8








STD & TV (.380"x .286")

NEAR FAR 16' INF 12' INF 9' 340' 7' 117' 2" 6' 0" 12' O· 4'108' 0' 4' l V,6' 4' 3' 5' 4' 9';" 2' B3' 5'/,l ' 10V,' 2' 2'1,'

NEAR FAR 12' INF 10' INF 7'10' 167' 6' 325' 5' 515' 64' 59' 53'10" 7' 23' 2'1,' 5' 3' 2' 6V,3' 8l' 9'/.. 2' 3'/,'

NEAR FAR 10' INF 8' INF 6' 8' INF 5' 5' 60' 4'10" 24' 4' o12' O· 3' 6' 8' 7' 3' O' 6' O· 2' 54' O· l ' B'II2' 4';"

NEAR FAR 7' INF 6' INF 5' INF 4' 6INF 4' 1273' S' 622' 3' l ' 12' 9' 2' 8' 7' 9' 2' 2y,4' 9" l' 7V,2' 7';'-

NEAR FAR 42' 062' 22'1027' 7" 14' 2y,15'119' 71{,10' 4'\7' 98' 3S'10W 6' 1'\4'115' l V.. 3 ' 1 1 ~-

4' 3~· 2'11'1,' 3' V':' 1'11'. ' 2' ~'

NEAR FAR 40' 68' 22' 128'10" 13'11' 16' 49' 610' 6Y," 7' 88' 4",. 5' 93A6' 2';'4'10Y,5' 13,, " 3'11' 4' l ' 2'11 'h' 3' W' 1'11'/,' 2' W'

NEAR FAR 36' 81' 21' 030'10" 13' 6" 16'119' 3'1710'107' 6Y,' 8' 65' 96' 31?" 4' 93". 5' 2'h' 3'10'h4' l 'h' 2'11'1,3' Ji~" 1'11'/,' 2' If..'

NEAR FAR 33' 107' 19' 9" 34' 012'1117'10" 9' 'Iz" 11' 27' 4'/,' 8' 95' 7 3~" 6' 54' 9' 5' 3'1,' 3'10' 4' 2'1" 2'11' 3' 1'1,l'11'1z2' V,-

NEAR FAR 28' 207' 18' 2' 40' 12' 319' 58' 8" 11' 9] ' l ilt

9' l ' 5' 6' 6' 7" 4'

7 ]~"

5' 5' 3' 9' .. 4' 3' 2'10'h"

3' 1)/..' 1'11'1,' 2' 31,"

NEAR FAR 24' INF 16' 4" 53' 11' 522' 0" 8' 3" 12' 8' 6'10" 9' r 5' 46'104' 6\,5' 7' 3' 8'1,' 4' 4'1z' 2' 9'/," 3' 2'h' 1'112' l '

NEAR FAR 20' INF 14' 104' 10' 428' 7' 814' 4' 6' 5' 10' 7' 5' 17' 44' 4' S'10'1z" 3' 6'.' 4' 6'h" 2' 93' 3'1,' 1'10';''' 2' 1';"

SUPER 16 1.85:1 AR

(.463"x .251 ")

1 ~: ~:~ 1~: ~: 6'10"x B' 4'x 4' 2'x 5' O-x 2' 9"x 3' 4'x 2' 2"x 2' 8-x I' 7-x 2' O-x l ' 4,:x I' 8'x l' l'x l ' 4"x 0'10"x l ' OOX 0' 6'x 0' 8-x

5' 2' 4' 63' 12' 9" 2' 11'10l ' 8" l ' 5l ' 3' 1' 1l ' O' 0'11 0'10" 0' 9" O· 70' 60' 5' 0' 4"



50 25 15 10 8 6

5 4 3






134 ,6'

96.11 '

67 ,27'





FIELD OF VIEW (w/ projecled Image)


1/1 .4




1/ 5,6

f/ 8

1/ 11




STO & TV (.380" ,286")

NEAR FAR 20' INF 14' 97' 10' 527' 7'9" 14' 36' 610' 6" 5' 17' 44' 4S'10'1t' 3' 6'1,-

NEAR FAR IS' INF 12' INF 9' 4" 39' 7' 1lS'116' 011'114'107'114' 2" 6' 33' 5'/24' 9'/22' 83' 51'10"'2' 2V.-

NEAR FAR 13' INF 10' INF 7'11139' S' 325' 5' 515' 34' 59' 4" 3'107' 13' 2'1,5' 32' sv,3' 8" l ' 9 '~2' 3'1,-

NEAR FAR 45' 955' 123'11" 2S' 314' 715' 5",9' 93/'." 10' 2'/,7'10'/28' l V,5'11 '/,6' 4'11 '115' W· 3'l W.4' If, " 2'11'1,3' W' 2' 0" 2' 0"


NEAR FAR 44' 357' S23' 62S' 914' 5"'15' 7'''' 9' 910' 3V,7'10" 8' 2" 5'11S' 11'.4'11'1,5' :It... 3'11'!,4' 2'11';'3' V." 2' 02' 0"


100 50 25 15 10 8 7


5 4

NEAR FAR 42' 261' 22'11" 22' 7' 14' 2'hlS' 10 '~"

9' 7 'J,~" 10' 4'1'\' 6' H~" 6' 2';."







33' 103' ,9'1,33' 713' 0' 17' 99' 111' 27' 58' 8V,5' HI' 6' 4¥'-

29' 195' 18' 40' 12' 19' 8' 11' 7' 9' 5' 6'


SUPER 16 1.85:1 AR (.463'x.251 ' ) 19' 3-x 14' 623' 6-)( 12' 9" 9' 7-x 7' 311' 9-x 6' 44' 9'x 3' 75-'O"x 3' 2" 2' 5-x l' 92'11-) l' 7l' 5' l ' " l' 9- 0'11 ' 0'11" 0' 8l' 2- 0' 7' 0' 9- 0'7' 0'11- 0' 6' 0' 7' 0' 50' 8- 0' 4-


57' 389' 36' 21' ,30' 8' 13' 616'119' 3Vz" 10' 9'/,7' 6V,8' 6' 5' !l" 6' 3';'-

STO & TV (.380" .286")








146' 132' 318' 417' 84' 79' 123' 135' 44' 345' !l" 55' 157' 6' 23'1123' 6' 26' 9' 26' 3' 14' 5'/,14' 7' IS' 5V,- 15' 7'1,9' 99' 9'A' 10' 3'1,10' 2V,7'101l" 7'108' 28' 11l" 5'11 '1,5'11' 6' 1'; '6' 'A-

FiElD OF VIEW (w/prolected Image)





1401 '









190' 4211' 97' 6' 102' 749' 4'h" 50' 824'10" 25' 2' 14'11 V,15' 3/." 9'11'1,10' W' 7'11 'A8' '1.''' 6' 0" 6' 0"

187' 215' 96' 7103' 849' l V,' 50'1124' 9'11' 25' 2'A14'1115' l' 9'11'h10' 'h7'11 'A' 8' y," 6' 06' 0"

182' 223' 95' 2105' 448' !l" 51' 424' 8';." 25' 3'A14'10'/'15' 1'/,9'11 V,10' '127'11'A' 8' Y..•

175' 233' 93' 4107' 848' 3" 51'10" 24' 6'A' 25' S'!l' 14'10" 15' 29'11%10' '1." 7'11 V,-


6' '/.. "

8' v" 5· lH~·







245 ,2'
















166' 156' 251' 280' 90' 9' 88' 111' 117' 47' 746' 8' 52' 853'10" 24' 4Th" 24' 1'h" 25' 825'1114' 9';'14' 8%' 15' 2'1." 15' 49'10'A9'10%' 10' l 'A' 10' 1>,\7'11 '1,7'118' 34" 8' 15'11'/,5'11 '176' '12' 6' '12'


142' 128' 338' 455' 83' 78' 126' 139' 45' 5' 43'1055' 8" 58' 2" 23' !l" 23' 426' 4' 26'1114' 6V,14' 4'/,15' 5'A- 15' 89' 9Vt' 9' 8'1,10' 2'!l' 10' 3V,7'10'12' 7' 9'A' 8' l V,' 8' 2'./,5'11 V,S'10¥.' 6' :W· 6' l V,-



71' 169' 41' 663' 22' 8' 27'1014' 1'h16' 0' 9' 7V,' 10' 5V,7' !l" 8' 3%5'10%' 6' l¥o-


INF 64'

228' 39' 70' 21'11' 29' 113'1016' 49' 5';'10' 7' 7' 88' 4'115' 9'12' 6' 2'12'



55' 542' 36' 84'

20' !l" 31' 513' 417' l' 9' 3' 10'10'12' 7' 6' 8' 6\'l" 5' 8 ~,' 6' 3'A-


.0006' (6/10,000")

FiElD OF VIEW (w/prolected Image)

STO & TV (.380' .2861

SUPER 16 1.85:1 AR (.463'x ,251") 14' 3-X l0' 9" 17' 5-x 9' 5" 7' l-x 5' 48' 8-x 4' 83' 6-x 2' 84' 4-x 2' 4' 1' !l"x I' 42' 2-x "2I' O-x 0' 9l' 3-)( 0' 80' 8-x 0' 6' 0'10-X 0' 50' 6'x 0' 5' 0' 8-x 0' 40' S-x 0' 40' 6-x 0' 3-

,. . .--.,..,- -,-- -- , .-

... C>

~ ~ ~ >

VERTICAL ANGLE VS. EFFECTIVE FOCAL LENGTH (Focal Length in Millimeters) RANSMITTEO DR PROJECTED 0.189' 0.l 60' 0.375' 0.500' 0.158' 0.l 86' 0.l51 ' 0.446' 0.594' 0.700' 0.991 ' 0.870' IMAGE



TV TV TV TV SUPER 16mm SUPER 35mm 35mm 35mm 35mm 65mm 2/ 3" ANA VISTA I' tw' 'It' ·16 1.85:1 TV ·8 1.85:1 AR TRANS TUBE TUBE TUBE TUBE




0.5 0.7 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

550 393 275 183 138 110 92 79 69 61 55 46 39 34 30 27 18 14 11 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2

757 541 378 252 189 151 126 108 95 84 76 63 54 47 42 38 25 19 15 12 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3

1091 1445 460 780 1039 328 546 728 230 364 485 153 273 364 115 218 291 92 182 242 77 156 208 66 136 182 57 121 162 51 109 145 46 91 121 38 78 104 33 68 91 29 61 81 25 54 73 23 36 48 15 27 36 11 21 29 9 18 24 7 15 20 6 13 17 6 11 15 5 10 14 4 9 12 4 8 11 3 7 10 3 7 9 3 6 8 3 6 8 2 5 7 2 5 6 2 4 6 2 4 5 2

832 595 416 277 208 166 139 119 104 92 83 69 59 52 46 42 28 21 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3

731 1298 1729 203712884 2532 522 927 1235 1455 ~060 1809 365 649 864 1019 1442 1266 244 433 576 679 961 844 183 325 432 509 721 633 146 260 346 407 577 506 122 216 288 339 481 422 104 185 247 291 412 362 91 162 216 255 360 316 81 144 192 226 320 281 73 130 173 204 288 253 61 108 144 170 240 21 1 52 93 123 145 206 181 46 81 108 127 180 158 41 72 96 113 160 140 36 65 86 102 144 126 24 43 57 68 96 84 18 32 43 50 71 63 14 26 34 40 57 50 12 21 28 33 47 41 10 18 24 28 40 35 9 16 21 24 35 30 8 14 18 21 30 2f 7 12 16 19 27 24 6 11 15 17 24 21 6 10 13 15 22 19 9 12 14 20 1f 5 5 8 11 13 18 16 4 7 10 12 16 14 4 7 9 11 15 13 6 8 10 14 12 3 3 6 8 9 13 11 3 5 7 8 12 10 9 3 5 6 7 11 196a


-, Cl Cl

TRANS~ITTED OR ROJECTED 0.252" 0.346" 0.5" 0.667 ' 0.209" 0.380" 0.463" 0.825" 1.676" 1.485" 1.912" IMAGE



05 0.7 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100







TV 1" TU 8E

TV SUPER 16mm SUPER 35mm 35mm 35mm 65mm l W' -8 -16 1.85:1 ANA VISTA TU8E 1.85:1 AR AR

733 524 367 244 183 147 122 105 92 81

1007 719 504 336 252 201 168 144 126 112

1455 1941 1039 1387 728 971 485 647 364 485 291 388 242 323 208 277 182 243 162 216

608 435 304 203 152 122 101 87 76 68 61 51 43 38 34

73 101 145 194 61 84 121 162 52 72 104 138 46 63 91 121 41 56 81 108 37 50 73 97 30 24 33 45 64 20 18 25 36 48 15 14 20 29 38 12 12 16 24 32 10 10 14 20 27 8 9 12 17 23 7 8 11 15 20 6 7 9 14 18 6 6 8 12 16 5 6 8 11 15 5 5 7 10 13 4 5 6 9 12 4 4 6 8 11 3 4 5 8 10 3 3 5 7 9 3 3 4 6 8 3 3 4 6 8 2 3 4 5 7 2

1106 1348 2401 4878 4322 5565 790 963 1715 3484 3087 3975 553 674 1201 2439 2161 2782 369 449 800 1626 1441 1855 276 337 600 1219 1081 1391 221 269 480 975 864 1113 184 225 400 813 720 927 158 192 343 697 617 795 138 168 300 610 540 695 123 150 267 542 480 618 111 135 240 488 432 556 92 112 200 406 360 463 79 96 171 348 308 397 69 84 150 304 270 347 61 75 133 270 240 309 55 37 27 22 18

67 120 243 216 278 45 80 162 143 184 33 59 121 107 138 27 47 96 85 110 22 39 79 70 91

15 13 12 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4

19 16 14 13 11 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5

33 29 25 22 20

68 58 51 46 41

60 52 46 40 36

18 16 15 14 12 11 10 10 9

37 33 30 28 25 23 21 20 18

33 30 27 25 22 21 19 17 16

c::i c



... o

.., +


o '" '" c::i 0 0

. 00





~ 1----+- +-+-+--+--+--+-+ -+-+-+-+-+--1 eN


77 61

59 52 41

42 38 35 32 29 26 24 22 20










...: cc:

e:> e.>



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 21

31 32 8 33 34 8 35 36 8 37 38 8 39 40 8 41 42 8 43



24 17 25 IS' 27 19 28 20 30 21 31 22 33 23 34 24 36 25 37 26 39 27 40 28 42 29 43 30 45




45 46 8 47 48 8 49 50 8 51 52 8 53 54 8 55 56 8 57 58 8 59 60

46 48 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 66 67 69 70

...: cc:

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


73 75 76 78 79 81 82

8 8 8 8


85 87 88 90

8 8


16 frames) MINUTES





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

....... en

....... ...

90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810 900 990 1080 1170 1260 1350 1440 1530 1620 1710 1800 1890 1980 2070 2160 2250 2340 2430 2520 2610 2700




31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

.......... 2790 2880 2970 3060 3150 3240 3330 3420 3510 3600 3690 3780 3870 3960 4050 4140 4230 4320 4410 4500 4590 4680 4770 4860 4950 5040 5130 5220 5310 5400 303


35mm FOOTAGE TABLE 29.97 F.P.S. U.S. Television Film Sound Speed (1 fool = 16 frames)

25 F.P.S. European Television Film Sound Speed 11 foot = 16 frames) SECONDS MINUTES en C>






en ....::Een ........

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

en en .... .... .... :::> ::E

.......... ...< "" 93 187 281 375 468 562 656 750 843 937 1031 1125 1218 1312 1406 1500 1593 1687 1781 1875 1968 2062 2156 2250 2343 2437 2531 2625 2718 2812






...... ...""


12 31 2906 8 32 3000 4 33 3093 34 3187 12 35 3281 8 36 3375 4 37 3468 38 3562 12 39 3656 8 40 3750 4 41 3843 42 3937 12 43 4031 8 44 4125 4 45 4218 46 4312 12 47 4406 8 48 4500 4 49 4593 50 4687 12 51 4781 8 52 4875 4 53 4968 54 5062 12 55 5156 8 56 5250 4 57 5343 58 5437 12 59 5531 8 60 5625

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o o



30 sec. 1 min . 1 min . 30 sec. Time from switch-on


' -L~ Figure 26. 2500-W compact iodide daylight (00).

2 min.

Figure 28. Transient characteris tics of lamp fro m switch-on .

acteristi of the HMl and CST typ ,but precautions regarding flicker must still be ob erved. Filters for adjusting the pectral nergy di tribution of CID lamps are listed on page 66-367.


Light-Souroe Filters ll1ese light sources vary not only in color temperahtre, but there are likely to be significant green-magenta shifts. It is reconunended that anyone regula rly working with the types of AC arc discharge sources delineated above sho uld have a three-cglor color temperature meter. With s uch an instrume nt, and the system of filters created by Rasco Laborat~ri~s, inc., itl iS po~sib l e to deal properly with all of the vanatlons tha are lIkely to be encoun te red w ith these lamps. TIle possib le range of lamp-ta-Iamp variations in color balance is p rimarily due to aging and manufacturing variations. In many situations, it will be highly desirable or essential to assure that the lamps in lise will have the sam e co lor rendering characteristics. So me claims have been made for s le con version filters for the HM1 and CSI type lamps, bu t it is difficult to tmd erstand how a si.ngle filter could even come close to m eeting th e wide range of possi.ble lamp color balances that are likely to be encotUltered within a given type. The range of available m~teri.als has been proven in prac tice to meet the requirements of color balancing lights so that minimum variations are presen t.

High-Pressure DC Short Arc Xenon Light Sources This source is the best commercia lly availab le li ght somce for use in higher-powered projection systems. The very small size and very high brightness of the arc source, and the stabili~y o f the arc location d ue to the DC operati on, make it the source of ch oice around the worl d for motion-pictur~ projection. The efficacy of high-pressure xenon sources (lumens! wa tt) ranges from 35 to 50 LPW. Ballasting is very simple, CAUTION: ll1ese lamps have high internal pressure even when col d. They are s upplied with a protecti ve jacket ov~r the bulb, and this should not be removed tUltil the lamp is full y insta ll ed. It is required that a suita.ble face shield, body jacket and ga untlets be used any time that the protective jacket is removed. When removing a lamp the protective jacket should be insta lled before steps are taken to disconnect and rem ove the lamp.


requiring only a current-limiting rectifier that ca n produce DC that has less than 5% ri p ple. A high-voltage igniter is necessary to start these lamps, and they can be hot re-struck. TI1ese lamps permit the creation of an intense focused beam of pure, slightly cold daylight co lor ba lance light (about 6000" K), and have a Color Rend erin g Index of 95 to 98. They have fotUld some limited applica ti on in motion-picture photographi c lighting. The source is available in a wide variety of wattages up to 10KW.

Stroboscopic Lighting Stroboscopic ("strobe") lighting for motion pictures has been avai lable commercially for abou t 30 years. Typically these utilize xenon flashtubes which produce a good approximation of dayli ght (about 6000"K), an d a relatively stable color temperature th roughout life. Due to the fac t that the flashtubes that are s uitable for this application are either long slim sources or helical shapes, they can really only produce soft lig hting. They can be color-corrected or adjusted using the same filter materials described for application to any of the normall y util ized lig ht sources and lighting ins truments. It is common practice to utili ze continuous sources (such as tungsten) wi th strobes. Typical practice is to light 2 stops und er the strobe wi th the hmgsten lighting up to one stop over. The more tungsten ligh ting, the softer the image. The con trol equipment for these light sources permits an exposure duration of between 1;50.000 and Y1 OO,OlXl of a second. 111is perrnitsstop motion wi th extraordinary sharpness of various phenomena, and delineates detaiJ in realtime movement that is a blur in normal photography (even wi th very small shutter angles). 111e sha rp ness of results in slow-motion effects is tmm atched by other teclmiques. The strobes must be synchronized to the cam era shu tter. Usually the strobes are driven by the shutter pulse from the camera, and it is imperative that the un its Aash when the shutter is fully clear of the gate (otherwise a parti ally exposed frame w il l result). To check camera synchronization, the lens should be removed, and the cav ity illtuninated with the strobe wi th the camera turned on. The sh utter should appear to be frozen in one posi tion. The control equipment for these s trobes permits the addition of d elay to the pulse in d egree increments. The position of the shutter will either move forward or back-



in relationship to th gate until it is in the proper po than . For refle camera th trobe fires twice for each frame, once to iIluminat the ubj ct and a second time to illuminate the viewfinder. C U!'lO : People with photo en itive epi lep y hould be informed that trobe lighting will be in use.

lighting. (Alternatively, most lilboratories could corr ct for the temperature deficiency in printing from c lor negative.) If used,supplementallightiJlgcan be reduced in c lortemperature to match the ambient light; this would be done 010 tea ily by the addition of filters to the luminaire . It could also be accompli hed by the use of a dimm r.

Commercial/Industrial Light Sources

AC Discharge Lighting

This section will pr nt information about the rna t commonl encountered type of commercial/indu trial light urces whidl ma b found in location ituation . For man e teri r ituations, there is little or nothing that can b: dO~le about th color of the existing light (e.g., r adw~y Il~hbn9 ~r large-area ex terior lighting). In many ther ItuatlOns It I comp let Iy practical and/or po ible to apply filters to the light urces that are encountered in a I c~ ti on setting. Thi s ca n r suIt in minimizing th problem 111 the et-up, and achi ving a more natural look (mor nearly a the scene app ar t the eye). Furth ralternativei th useofcamerafiltersto compen ilt for the color balanc f the available light. [n order~ou . eco~l . entionalph t graphiclightsfor uppl mental hghtmg, It I anI nec sary that they be filtered 0 that th ir color balance i the me as the dominant ambient Ii htin o . This approach milke it po ible t r tain the "character" or "look" of the I ation lightin o and till al~ow ~ c:eative fr edam to add urn uppl~mentallight­ mg a mdtcated for the d ' ired dramatic or artistic effect.

The cinematograph r on location a igrtn1 nt is more and more likely to enc unter variou t p of discharge lamp . These may be in use for both interi r lighting in tor and commercial buildings and for exteri r lighting in ports stadiums, parki ng lots, shopping mall , and for treet lighting. Many of these typ of light sources give excellent color rendering for th ye, and the manufacturers often urce. This give a correlated color t mpera tme value to th "Kelvin" temperatu re usually has no meaning f r th pmpo s of color photo raphy. The following tions offer the means for d aling with these light sources to a me acceptable photographic rcults that should be well within the laborator tolerances for correction of color negative film. (See" I r Balancing.")

Domestic Incandescent Lighting Non-photogrilphic typ f incandescent lighting t nd to have color temperatur that may range from 2400K up through 2900K or so at their rated voltages. TIle color temp rature i' directly related to the wattage of the lamp, wi th very-I w-wattage types hav ing the lowest color t mperatur . Refer to page 319. 1f the~~ source are pr viding sufficient ligh t for xpour ,a nd It 1 fe~t that no upplemental lighting is requir d, th n a camera filter can be used to correct the lighting balanc to iln appro imation f 3200K. Typicall ,thi would repr nt application of on or more of the Wratten 2 serie filter. The table on page 230 !!ives an approximation of the appropriate Wratten filter or filter required and the effect f that filter on the color temperature of the ambient

Existing Fluorescent Lighting on Location 11Us is probably the 010 t widely used type of interior lighting in commercial and industrial ettings. It i not unusual to fmd commercial or industrial locati n which are lighted to 125 or so footcandle using fluor cent lighting. Considering the pe d and other rnaracteri tic of the n we t film emulsions, thi level is certainly sufficient to obtain reasonable po ure settings. By making use of the ambient fluorescent light, the cinematographer can maintain the lighting quality and the character of the setting, that is to say, a more n arl y"softlighted" appearanc . Most fluore cent illumination, because of its discontinuous pectrum, i not well-suited to color cinematography ( e Figures 29 through 34). The correlated color temperature of a fluorescent lamp may pro ide a i ual color match for a tungsten lamp of similar color temperatur ,but photographic color r uI will be quite dissimilar. Expoconditions ure may no longer be a problem under th


Figure 31. Cool White Deluxe F4OCWX.

Figure 30. Warm Wh te F40WW.

Figure 32. Warm White Deluxe F40wwx.

but color renditi n remains a serious consideration with fluorescents fo d in commercial or industrial situations. H color film is exposed without filter correction, the results will have a blue-green cast with weak reds, even with daylight emulsions. The result is·not at all what the viewer to see in a fluorescent-lighted setting.

Mercury Vapor and Color Improved Mercury Lamps


The clear mercury vapor lamp will not produce acceptable color photographic results with any d~ of filtering. The reason for this can be seen by exammmg the spee-


Fluorescent Lighting for Motion Pictures by Freider Hochheim, President of KinoFlo,. mc.

Figure 34. Incande cent Fluorescent F40lF.

trum in Figure 35. Note that there is essentially no light output in the r~ portion of the spectrum and only line spectrum outp t in the blue and blue-green portions. Obviously, there i no way to compensate for the lack of red energy, so that . source must either be overpowered with


Fluorescent lighting has traditionally had the reputation of being an inappropriate light source for motion picture production. The primary criticism has revolved around noisy ballasts, poor color rendering, green skin tones, 60Hz flicker and low light output. These criticisms are now a thing of the past. Technology has advanced to the point where high-quality fluorescent products are now being produced specifically for the motion-picture and television industry. The cinematographer can now consider using fluorescent lights not only in situations which are motivated by existing location fluorescent environments but rather in any situation requiring either daylight or 3200 Kelvin light. The flliorescent lamp by its very nature has an indirect or ambient light quality desirable in situations calling for natural light quality. Instead of bouncing the light from an HMI or an incandescent fixture, the cinematographer can utilize a fluorescent light source which embodies the characteristics of a bounce board. The light is soft and has a spread and drop-off very similar to bounced light. Finding this quality of light in a long narrow light source which can be easily hidden in a set opens up new lighting possibilities and provides new solutions for old problems. The low heat and low power requirements give this technology added appeal amongst actors and electricians alike. KinoFlo provides some of the most recent innovations. It is producing a line of location and studio lighting systems offering lightweight and portable, high-frequency flicker-free, color-eorrect fluorescent lighting instruments. KinoFlo offers a broad selection of color-eorrect lamps in sizes ranging from the micro at 100mm in length to the KF55 at 8 feet and in 5500 Kelvin and 3200 Kelvin color temperatures.


other lighting or allowed to render its subjects with only blue/blue gr n energy. A numbe of other types of mercury lamps have been made in whi a phosphor coating has been put on the inside of the 0 ter jacket of the lamps. In principle, this has worked very tPuch like a fluorescent lamp and has resulted inan~prov ~ color rendering capability. A number ill these types, s ~ch as the Color Improved Mercury, have sufficiently c( ~plete spectral energy distribution so that they are now finding application in certain types of commercial interi ruse.

1OlIO. J

•J 4


35ll 14

t U i 3 - ... 1454


~ 14J4





0 30





550 1m 50()


• 100

Olb Renoemg ......-47



Figure 36. spectral energy distribution of 400-W Warm Deluxe mercury lamp (H33GL-400-Wmo.


_ 9Iot--~--+---+---a--~~I---+---l ~ 1I01t---+---+--t--f:~t-- J-+---+----1

\ 1098



1M ~


~Olb""""'~ a : ~ . «XIy - 3M!







50() 550 1m w-IInglh In N8rlor.-w





- 320y - 319




Q:Q flIIndIImg Incleoo-22

Figure 35. Spectr iaI energy distribution of 400- W Clear mercury lamp.


lOt---+---+--+--f~ :-+---+---1 1IOI-"-I-_+---+-4:S--... :-+---+----1





... 201-. .- . . . .-+---+--1

Spectral ~ergy distributions for some of these lamps areshownin ~igures 36 through 38. It is evident from the examination( f these distributions that there is a substantial improven ent in the availability of energy at the intermediatewav ~engths between the mercury lines. This results in impr( :Ved color rendering.

Figure 37. Spectral energy distribution of 4DO-W Color Improved mercury lamp (H33GL-4OOC).

Metal Hal de Additive Lamps

distributions for these types are shown in figures 39 and 40.

Themet halide additive lamps known by a variety oftrademark d names such ~ Metalarc, Multi-Vapor and HQI, for eX!Ple, are essentially mercury vapor lamps which have d small additions of various metal halides made inside e arc tube. These lamps have generally high efficacies (ap roximately 85 lumens per watt typically). These la1pps are widely used in sports lighting as well as in shopping malls, and a wide variety of other commercial/industri applications. Some typical spectral energy










• • JII3y • .,g

OlbRerdemg nclex


Sodium Lamps High-pressure sodium lamps have become an extremely important light source for roadway and large-area lighting such as parking lots. These lamps are known by various trademarked names such as Lucalox and Lumalux. These are high-efficacy lamps, up to 120 lumens per watt. They have a charac~ristically yellow-orange color. A typical spectral energy distribution is shown in Figure 41.



lOD,I===!J:==1~=+"i212.:n78ii1~;;;;:iJ4===+==l E9 5! 8(j....-~- . .+---+---II......., l-4--l----l !


i'll11---*-......H - - - 4 -......1- 4 ....--+------l 601---#-"+---+--111---" -+---~--1


12. 450





eca ~-GlO'K


eca Rendemg 1nde>


2 (Plusgreen) +Hall blue + Thlrd blue



Full Blue 50 +2 (I'tusgreen) +Sun'OCTO


Full blue 50 3x(Plusgreen) +Third blue




Pholo lamp Fillers

Camera Fillers

CC50M ~ 85B

CC35M 1'" ,,,810

Full blue 50 11,)



t "



I +Third blue GTE M4001 C/U

CC40M CC35M +=8IB 1', ,=8IA .., +=85


,, 81EF " CC IOM "

Full blue SO ' Plusgreen • Ouarter blue

CCSOC Hall blue JCC25M 11'3 ,'I. Plusgreen , Eighth blue

GE MVR400/ U

CCSO CC35M 1+=85B 1', • =81B I '

Full blue SO Plusgreen t I tPlusgreen t Third blue I Eighth blue

GE MVR400/ C/U

CC50M CC30M , ,,85B 1'1

Full blue 50 t Plusgreen


+ 14Plusgreen





Hall blue Plusgreen ,'. Plus green ~ Ouarter blue Half blue • PkJsgreen


CC50R CC55M + CC40M 2'}, ,,81A + tt BIA

GTE H37 CC85M KC2SO/0X 1+n85B 2


It ,,810

Full blue 50

1~ + Half blue I

GE H2SO/ OX37 0

Third blue +Plusgreen ' ,flIusgreen i Quarter blue


Full blue 50 Plusgreen t Third blue



" Plusgreen ,SUIl ,~ CTO , Sun ', CTO

Hall blue Plusgreen

GTE H37KC 250/N

Not recom· mended



+3 (Plusgreenl + Third blue Not recommended


'" I


Third blue +Eiohth blue






Supply Cycles


Fig ure 43. Waveform for an HMll amp.


Figure 42. HMI applied lamp current and vollage with resultant light output ver u time; result for s tandard reactance-type ballast are represen ted.

[Example: Th flrst listed fluor cent light n page 368 (Dm otest oJor Classer 75) ca ll s fo r fil ter adj ustment of 1 Y:J stops; using 3200K film at El 320, read the exposLLre meter a t El 125 for the ambient fluorescent ligh ting. If fi ltered incandescent upplementary lights are used, the El column posure m t r to 100 to read them. calls for ~ t p, set th If arc r HMJ supplementary liaht are used, no further adju tment i required, 0 use the meter at 125, the same a for ambient lighting.] After color balancing a directed by the table, a Minolta olor Meter Umay b used to det ct and c rrect for differences between indi vid ual lamp if desired.

AC Arc Lamp Flicker Problem All of the AC phot graphic arc lamps described in th Lighting tion and in the Comm rcial / Indu triaJ light sources ecti n can exJ1ibi t the n flicker" phenom non.1hi includes fluor cen ,mercury vapor, metaJ halide additive types, and hjgh-pressure sod ium as well as th e p ho togra phic typ like HMJ, CSI and ill.



O L-


Supply Cycles

Figure 4-1. Waveform for a lOOo-W


I lamp.

All of the noted typ of lamps requ ire the us of a balla ting system to provide current limiting after th arc is s tr uck. Th e mos t co mm o nl y enco untered ty p of balla ting device i the induct r or "clloke." Wh~1I II e.d .on sill/pIe inductive bnllnst systems, nll ofthese lnll/ps W ill exll/b~t n clwrncteristic which is properly designnted ns tl/l/e-lI/adulntlOn of the ligltt Ol/tpl/t ("flicker"). is due to th fact that th.e light output of the e type of lamps follows the current wav form . The degree of modLuation, or amou nt of "flicker" is dilferent for each f the n oted lamp type . Referen ce to Figure 42 sh ws the effect as it is d isp layed for an HMI la mp. Not th voltag · waveform whjcll


A 24 fps N=1




m= 5

,;. u

"" u"



>Q. 0.






45 60


120 150 180 210 240 270 300 camera shutter angle , degrees

B 25fps

I N=1


N =2


" 60

in the case of the HMI lamp shown in Figure 43, note that the modulation at its minimum represent nly]7% or of the peak light output. With the CSllamp, thi number is approximately % of peak (F.igure ~), ~nd for ~e n werCIDtypes,itisr ported that this quantity nI 55 Yo of the peak light output. Obviou I ,the depth of th modulation will determine th amount of toleranc th re ma be in filming with this li ht relative to the n sar d~gree of c ntrol of those param t rs which affect the teadllles of th e posure. . . The time-related factor that are involved III a urlng Ulat a wliform exposur from frame to frame i guaranteed u ing th se types of light ources (i.e., flicker-h'e ) are the following: 1. Stability of Ule power frequency to th lamp ballast; 2. Ca mera fram ing ra te; 3. Stabili ty of cam ra peed; 4. Camera shutter angle; 5. Phase of shutt r relative to light (particularly at high camera peed).




'"u"" .::'"


>Q. 0.







45 ~~....-4~~~_~_~_~~~~~~,......J



120 150 180

210 240 270 300

camera shutter angle. degrees Figure 45A an d B. Co n tours of safe la mp su p ply fre qu e ncie for one rip pl e ra ti on value. m is the nea rest who le numbe r to th e number of ripple cycles in th e came ra fra me pedod. N is th e neares l·w hole number 10 the nu mber of ripple cycl es in th e expos u re in te rval.

i d,aract ristic of the effect f an inductance in a circuit, and furth r that the amperag i generally inu oida!. The light output do Iy track th amperage waveform (not g ing negative). The result is that there are two light pulsations for each full c de f th power line fundamental per frequenc (for 6O-cyde y t rns, there are 120 pul second; for a 5O-cyde y tern, th re are 100 light pulses p r second).


Simply stated, it i n ce sar to be ur

TungstenHalogen Lamp

o U

" Soft" Light Intensity (Foot Candles)

Figure 58. Optical system of various "soft" lights.

Figure 57. Characteri lic i ntensity curve for cyclorama light.

lil Q)

Cyclorama Luminaires

i5 c

These lighting fixtllfes were originally developed for lighting backing in television, but have broad application in similar types of situations in film. Because of the design of the refl ctor system, it is possible to utilize these futllfes very do to the backing that is being lit and accomplish a very LU1.iform distribution for a considerable vertical distance. TypicaJly th e lmits are made for tungsten-halogen linear SOLU:ces ranging from 500 to 1,500 watts. Based on th variations in design, some of these may be used as close a ' 3 to 6 feet from the backing being illuminated . The pacing of the luminaires from one another along the length of the backing is in part determined by the distance of the e fixtllfe from the backing itself. A typicaJ intensity distribution i hown for a floor positioned unit lighting a vertical backing in Figure 57.

Soft Lights The oft light, which attempts to produce essentially shadowl illumination, is now a fundamental tool in 00-

Umbrella Ught





~ z:'0; c


E Coverage (Fl.) Figure 59. Characteri stic inte nsi ty curves of "soft" lights.

ema lighting. Cllfrentl y, these are made in wattages from 500 up to about 8,000, and typically utilize multiple 1000W linear tube tLU1gs ten halogen lamps. The degree of softness is det rn1.ined by the effective area of the SOllfce. All of these fixtllfes are indirect, in the sense that no direct radiation is permitted from the light SOllfces into the beam of illumination. The "reflecting" sllffaces vary in finish from matte white paint to a variety of sen1.i-specuJar surfaces. The degree of pecularity of the backing is not as important a the size of the reflecting sur-


face which i uniforml l illuminated and ref! ct the energy which makes up the illumination beam. Formerly these were availabl nly in the form of the Cone Ligh t, but now a variety of other configmations have been developed largely due to the availability of the linear soW"ce tungsten halogen lamp. Figure 58 shows the configuHl tions of some of the types of ft lights in current u e. Typ ica l intensit distributions are hown in Figure 59. There are several typ of lioht urces which are upplied b the manufacture a ess ntiall complete lighting tems.

The effectiveness of the bamdoor is reduced as the focus is moved toward spot and is totally without useful effect at the spot focus. TIle ffectiveness of the barndoor as an acce soryon other typ s of luminaires varies sharply with the design of the specific item. In a number of the open reflector tungsten halogen systems (particularly floodJights) barndoor effectiveness is limited to the edge of the barndoor whleh is parallel to the ource. Overall, this i one of the most important and useful lighting accessorie available to the cin ematographer.

Sealed-Beam Types (PAR Lamps)


Th most popular of these are the PAR 64 and r AR 36 conJiourations. These lamps hav a parab lic reflecto r \ hich ha a high reflectance aluminized coating, and a pri matic t p of front lens. T picall theyar supplied in P (ver narrow spot), SP (narrow pot), MFL (medium f! ad) and WFL (wide flood) lens yst 111 • They are eXh·ell1ely effi cient optica l ystems. Fi xtLLres are ava ilabl which assemble ll1ultipl s of these typ of lamp for da light fill applications or for longthrow tadiurn and arena lighting requirements. Both 3200K type and the dichroic coated version of these (approximatel SOOOK) are available.

The type of scrim referred to here i placed directly in the accessory mounting clips on a luminaire. This type of scrim is normally wire netting, sometimes tainless steel wire, which is u ed as a mechanical dimmer. There are normally accessory clips at the front of the luminaire to accept the appropria te size crim. The advantage of tile scrim is tllat it permits a reduction in light intensity in several steps (single and double crims) without changing tile color temperature or the focus of th luminaire. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a diffuser. The half-scrirn is an extr mely useful variation on the full scrim. It permits the placement of a scrim material in only half of the beam, and is widely used on he nel spotlights. It overcomes the problem encountered when the fresnel is used at fairly high angles. The portion of the beam striking the floor or objects near the floor do est to the lurninaire produces intensitie that are too high to matdl the desired level at the distance associated with the center of the beam. The r ason for this, of course, is th ubstantial variation in the distances tha t the illumination energy travels. The half-scrim applied on tile portion of the beam impinging on the nearest objects can overcome this problem.

Light-Control Accessories Th most typica l lighting acces o r supplied with th luminai res of variou t pe describ d in the pr ced ing ctions \ auld b th barndoor and rim. Provi ion i made for mounting these acces aries on nearly all of the luminair de ·cribed.

Barndoors These have been bri fly described in the section n fresn I I ns potlights. Th purpo of thi acces or i to prevent the illumination b am from the fixture from readling certain portion of the t. It is intended tha t a relatively well-defined edg can be e tabli h d defining the end of an illuminated ar ·a and th beginning of an Lmilluminated zone. Barndoors are most effective when used on fresnel lens potlight when the spotl ight is in th wide fl ad position.

Gel Frames DiJferent forms of these holders are made and designed to fit into the accessory clips on tile front of most luminaires. They permit the convenient use of various types of plastic filter materials to modlfy the characteristics of the beam. Color media may be put in these holders for effect


color and a wid ra nge of diffusion products are ava ilable which may al 0 b mOtU1ted.

Grip Accessories for Light Control T pi all ,grip quipment for lighting control repreent d vi n t direct! mounted to the light.


fo r ~se as et illtllTtina~i on. Refle to r come in a w ide range of SJzes and constructlOn ,aJ1d a nu mb r of djfferent surfacll1g material are ava ilable for ace mpli hing the reflecting urfaces. These boards have b cn tll'faced with variou reflecting media, including sign paint r' I af. H wever, the b'cnd now i toward pia tic laminate for thi purpose. 111cse are nov.' a ailable from Rosco in urface fini h ranging from of difan ab olutely clear mirror throu h vari u degr fusion of the mirror charnct ri ti . These variations permit the lecti n of urfaces wruch accomplish both reflection and diffusion. A aded series of these is available and areal ,du toth laminatedc ntruction, very stable repeatable urfa . Th are not damaged by weather or by dust r dirt ince the can be ea iJ cleaned. In addition to being able to r flect and diffu e at the ne\ laminate matesame time, there are versions of th rial wrucl1 also do color filtering. One ersion of a "soft" reflector has a slight blue tint wruch corrects the sunlight to a closer approximation to da light. old reflector are tem. also available in these

Gobos obo come in the same form as the arious a im, d t , finger, butt rfli and overheads, but are opaque. In this form th yar utilized to keep light from fa ll ing in a givetHr a, and peflTtit very fine adj ustmen t of the lighting ina larg arca . Th amea ortmen t of holdersands tands is ava ilablc f r m unti ng these dev ices. A sp cial ized variation of the gobo is the cucolori , wh ich i a cut- ut pattern placed in the pa th of the sp tlight in ordcr to a t a hadow that might be comparable to the light c min throu h the leaves on a tree. Severa l v r ion of th e devices are available.

Reflectors Rcflect r board are widely used for redirecting SW1light and modifying its charactelistics so that it is suitable



Special Visual Effects Recent year have brought a high level of sophistication to th mechanic of pecial visual effects, allowing cinematograph r 'imagination a greater degree of freedom. Thi chapter i intended to give the cinematographer an overview of the techniques a ailable, including front and rear pr j ti n, the ptical printer, motion control photograph ,and digital image manipulation.

Shooting Background Plates n pr j ted n a translucent screen and re-photo raph d a a background for a Ii e-action foreground have been traditi naIl called "plat "or "ke ." Guidelines for the ri inal photograph of such enes also apply v hen th en are to be compo ited b mo t of the meth d discu in this ection.

General Requirements pin-r g i t red motion-picture camera should be emplo cd for fi lming all stationary background plates. ince the plate will later be re-photographed in combination with a Ii e f regrowld cene, often employing the use of a olid t pi e, the lightest amount of film movement due to po r r gi tration will be readily detectable. It i not absolut Inc ary, but de irable, that a pin-regi tered camera b emp lo ed for filming traveling plates. full cam 'ra ap rture i de irable, although an Academy aperture may be cmpl yed if it i the onl y size available. Vi taVi i nand 65mm cameras are also often used. The larg I' n gativ ar a I ad t finer-grained, sharper compo ite image. Medium- p ed emulsions are the usual elloice of mo t ba kgr und plat camera men for grain and harpne . High- pe d negative may be used tmder special circumstance . E pure h uld be on the ful l side; if in doubt, slightly overc p rath r than underexpo e. A crisp, full-scale p rint with rich blacks and elean highlights is desirable. A mudd print made from a thin, wlderexposed negative is unsati factory and would be very difficult to match when the compo it c ne i lat r photographed. Backlighted c n ,e ept f r effects Uell a wilight shinLmering on

water, should be avoided. Background plat s fall into two distinct categories: stationary and trav ling.

Stationary Camera A tationary plate is photograph d witll a rigidly fi ed camera, tied down and firmly brac d . Kn wing e acHy how and for what purpo e the plate will be used i a great aid in setting up. An imp rtant fact r in fi lming tationary plates is recording the proper p r pective, with ti,e correct ani hing point, to pr vide an appar nt match with the foreground scene in the final comp ite pictur . Unles the ani hing point is properl p ition d, th linear com'erg nce in ti,e foreground scene will n t matell that recorded on the plate. Camera elevation and tilt and h riz n placem nt must be given erious consideration in order to meet these requirements.lfindoubt, or if th plate i for library use, place the h rizon dead center ince it rna be moved up or down \ hen composited and allow the mo t leewa in fittinu0 . anous composite situation . The ideal ituation, of course is to film three plates: one with the k ~ from the top, one with the horizon centered, and one with the sk occuping Y-; of the frame. This will a llow fran eventuality and give ti,e director added scope if he d cid to hoot up or down. U ually, hm,,'ever, the h riz n is plac d about lA of tILe distance trom ti,e top of th fram . It' advi able to have slightly more foreground , wh ther water, pavement, or enery. If sufficient foregrowld i n t provided on ti,e fi lmed image, it may be nece ary to blow up a p rtion of the picture to provide it, re ulting in increa ed grain and poorer image quality. Platesshottoscriptar u uallyord r d with ufficient data for the cameranlan to do the job pI' perly. tock plates, filmed for library use, are a little m re difficult since they must be photographed in a mann r tha t wi.1I a llow using tI,em 111 a more genera l way to fill variou ituation . BackgrolUld images hould b iz d so that tILe fulle t po sible area of the fil med fram ca n b utilized . This provides the finest photographic quality, lea t grain and harpe t picture, and result in a top qua li ty combination of plate and foreground . It i inadvi able to employ a lens horter than 35mm (for 35mm phot !!"raphy) unle only a partof the image is later utilized . me background scene hot with an e h'emeI wide-angl len ma pr ent er

difficuJt match ing problems when compo ited. Slightly longer lenses, on the order of 40mm and SOmm, are best. (Len es of comparabl angle are recommended for istaVision or 6Smm ph tograph .) An excellent method for securing an accurate match for a plate shot to script is to use stand-ins .P.o itio~ed exactl the same as the playe will later be posItioned m fr~nt of the background. A few feet of film houJd be hot With the tand-ins in po ition and they then hould be mo ed out and the plate photographed . This will ~ive the compo iting cameraman a good idea of h?w th fmal shot houJd look and is particularly valuable If the plate cameraman i on an extend d location trip and might not be available houJd que tions arise. While the plate is being hot, be certain that no one walks closer to th camera than th positions occupied by the stand-ins. If someone were to walk between the stand-in position and the camera, ti,e p rson would appear to large, upsetting the required diminishing per pective. To b afe, keep everyone te~ feet or more behind the position ccupied by th t?Jld-ms. Background view seen through a door or wmdow are Ie critical to shoot, sinc the iew is a distant on and does not require an perfectl int grated relationship with the foreground. The camera angle must be correct, however, and present the prop r vartishing point. A scen supposedl occurring in an offic on the 20th floor houJd have a window plate p sessing a view taken ~om t~at appa~ent Ie ation, and presenting the proper \/Iewpomt. While a considerable amount of "cheating" can be tolerated ( uch a hooting from the 10th floor of a building), th i w preented shouJd be one that wouJd appear normal t a pern on the live t looking ut the window. TIl pla~e camra couJd not, for in tance, be angled up or down; It m.ust be shot dead level so that a " quar e on" view with vertical line i recorded. A sp cial backgr·owld slate should be u ed to film all pertinent da ta: prod uction number, scene nu mber, ca mera heigh t, camera angle, sun angle, ~ocall e~gtIl of lens, et cetera. 11Us data will be a help later m duplicatingthesetupwhenthec mpo itesceneisfilmed. Thebackground plate camerap r n h.ouJd bear in.~d ~at he is not expected to record b autlful compo ltion m themlves. He is impl furnishing the background to back up th combined scene.

Moving Camera Traveling backgrowld plates for rear proc pr jection are used in combination with suppo edly movmg vehid , airplanes, train or boats. They may be film~d with eith ringle or muJtiple camer~. In or~er to pro~lde. the arious plates necessary for hooting anous combmations of group hots, close-up, 0 er-the-shouJder cen , etc., se eral angle mu t b filmed from the moving camera platform. It is ad isable to use a in~le camera who ne~er p ible to allow "cheating" the sunlight 0 that a time mterval between run may b chosen which will record each plate with the best light condition. C~mera car p~ed may al be varied, if de ir d, for the vanous angl , If plates ar hot individually. Single cam ra plates wiJI usually suffice, ince tJ;e change in cam ra angle w hen th e process s~ene IS p hotgraphed is u ually ufficient .to co~e~ any nusmatch that exists. Rem emb r that the audIence ISm tent on watcl,ing the fo reground action and the background plate will not distract W1le s som thing very jarring app ars. Normally, a considerable amount of "cheating" is p rmiss~ble (indeed, often required) in order to record the best pOSSible t of plates, in the proper light, at the .correct rate of peed. Sometimes a single id of the treet LS filmed to ser e for both ide angles - b hooting left rear going one way and right rear going in the opposite direction. Or, a. ingle plate ma be turned over in projection (if no telltale 19:t1S appea~) t rve both ides of the treel. Turning the plate over IS u ually reserved for country road, ince its u on tr~Jfic­ lad n streets may be more obvious (parked car on eltl,er ide of the street will point the same direction). Of great importance in filming moving plat is ~h at th camera be at the correct height. For auto the heIgh t hould be at ti,e shoulders (not the eye level) of a person sa ted in the car w ho w ill later be seen in ti,e rea r projected com posite shot. This w ill vary, for example, with low-slung ports cars and bu e . It wouJd not d o to look outsid.e a port car window a nd see the roofs of car foll.owmg (which wouJd re uJt if the plate camera were too hIgh). On the other hand, a low-angle shot shooting up into tr and buildings i equally bad because it is n t feasible to angle a camera in a car to photograph seated p pIe and see this perspective through the window. ~e plat~ camera hould be tilted light! downward - JU t a trifle be-


low hori zontal. The va nishing point of a straight-on shot wo uld b just ab ve dead center of the screen. Remember it i alway b tt I' to have a Little more pavement than sky. A set-up may require tiJting down on a mock-up car, 0 add iti nal image in the lower corners of the frame is desirable. Traveling plate hould b photographed witl135mm or -lOmm I n on side and three-quarter angle shots. A 35mm, or m tin1 a 50mm if only a small area of the plate will b utilized, i used on traight-back hots.

Speed vs. Angle The camera angle on a moving hot affects the apparf th projected image. Plat hot from traight Ide angl appear to move much fa tel' than those filmed from eith I' trai ht fon ard or traight backward an.,.les - ev n if the peed of the vehicle from which tile hots were mad \Va the ame. It is often necessary, tl)erefor , to cheat tile cam ra vehicle peed (not tile camllfa peed) o that all an I - \ ill appear at the same relative peed \ hen I' ar-proj ct d. This effect i less apparent in open countr than in city treets with closely packed traffic and nearby building . It i advisable to use normal 24 frame per econd cam ra p d whenever possible 0 that pedestrian . appear to b moving normally. It may be necessary h ts to undercrank ince this is the only way on wLld cha to record ul tra-fa t vehicle peeds with safety. The following diagram will be useful for estimating cam~ra car. p eds for various camera angles. This is for city traffic. Vanou angle plate may be filmed in open COUlltry at the ame ca mera car speed for all angle if nothing clo e to the ca mera appears in the plate. 60% 80% ~t peed


100% 60%


For e ampl , if tile camera car travels at 50 mile per hour for the traight hots, it hould travel at 40 mile for


the three-quarter angles and at 30 mil s for the side shots. Be certain to set the camera at the same height and with the same slight downward tiJt for all angles.

Plate Print Preparation for Back Or Front Projection Or Aeriallmage Compositing Color matching is affected by the lenses, arc mirror, quartz protector plate, cooling water cell, and by the screen itseU. Preproduction te ting is suggested. Plate prints should incorporate color ra tio correction for projection conditions. Print contrast may be lowered by flashing and/or using low-eontrast print (IV) film; both will also affect color aturation. Masking has also been uggested (American Cil1ematographerMagazine, ov. 1984, p.109,J. Danforth). Prints should be on B & H perforated stock.

Front-Proj ection Process by Petro Vlaho The front projection process of composite photography was made possible by the development of a highly directional reflective material by 3-M (Scotchli te #7610). Scotchlite is a glass beaded reflex reflector that returns most of the reflected Light back to its source. The gain of Scotchlite is so high that a fraction of a footcandle of background image intensity is s ufficient to balance a 2OQ-footcandle foreground illumination . Although the projected image falls upon foreground subjects, its intensity is so low that it i not vi ible on the subject. When the camera is xactly aligned on the optical axis of the projector, it will not se the hadow cast by tlle foreground subject. The very low level of illlllTIination required by the Scotchli te screen makes possible background screens as large as 30,000 sq. ft. when using an arc projector. The practical use of front projection requires careful alignment of the camera and projector lenses to (optically) superimpose their fro nt nodal points. When the nodal points are misaligned, or when the ubject is too close for a given lens focal length and f- top, a dark halo is developed. The appendix at the end of this section defines a safe


minimwn object distance a a function of screen di ta nce, len focal length and f- t p. B observina the limitations of th front-projection proc , excellent r~ults ha e been obtained.

Geometric Relationships . TI,e hadows cast b an actor, or any foregrow,d obJ t, are largel obscured b the object as the proj tor i b~ought do to the camera. The hadows are completely hidden from the camera wh n the camera and projector len . occupy the same po ition.Since this is not ph icaIJy p Ible, the axes of both I nse are made to coincide optica ll b the use of a mi-transparent mirror. The arrangement of the camera, projector, mirror and screen are hown in Fig. 1. The function of the emi-mirror is to bend th axis of th projector in a right angle 0 tI,a t the light which reaches the r n appear to originat from within the camera lens. Sil~ tI~e ca~,era cannot arow,d or bel1ind a for ground object, It WIll not see tI,e hadow cast by tI,at obj ct if the ha~ow i confined strictly to tI,e area behind tI,e obj ct. PlaCIng the projector axis coincident ....ri th the camera axis accompU hes this objective wiiliin certain limitations tI,at 5COTCH LITE \










'Q I











I \

I \



I \

I \







" " , ,\


---u \


-).\1 1



Figure t. Arrangement of camera, projector, mirror and screen.

will be desa-ibed. Although the projector is loca t d to the right of the camera in Fig. 1, it may be located on either side or may project into th mirror from above or below. It is al permissible, fr m a functional point of vi w, to interchange the camera and pr jector locations. The mirror, at 45° to the projector and cam ra axis, r flects the projected image onto the screen; but the mirror, being semi-transparent, allows about half of the projected light to go dir tI through the mirror onto the neare t wall and be" a t d . uch wa tage is unavoidable ince the mirror must be emi-transparent to permit light from the foreground scene, a well as from the background itIf, to reach the cam ra In. The 45° mirror i al a partial mirror a een by the camera, and provid to the camera a view of th ide wall f the stage as well a a econd image re ulting from the projector waste light. To eliminate these secondary in,ages a mall, dull black scr n is placed opposite th proj ctor, a hown in Fig. 1. Introvision (Hollywood) replaces portion of the black sa-een with a piece of Scotchlite sa-een. Suppl mentary I nses permit focusing the projected image onto th supplementary segments. When matched to black flat on tI,e main set, it is possible to have actors appear to em rge from doorways and from bel1ind objects in the projected background. Another development by Courier Films Limited, the Zoptic Process, employ a zoom lens on the camera and the projector and interlocks the zoom control . B imultaneous zooming of the foreground and background lenses in the ame direction, objects in the field appear to move toward or away from the camera. This technique was used tensively in the 1978 production of Superll1an. Th transmission / reflection ratio of the mirror is not critical; howev r, for best utiliza tion of foreground and projection illumination, transmission should always equal or exceed reflection. Their relation hip is shown in Fig. 2. Th projector light that finally enters the camera experiences a reflection at the mirror to get to the screen, and then a transmision through the mirror to get to the camera. Utilization is ilierefore a function of the product of ilie reflection and transmission percentages. Even if one assumes no losses, th maximum efficiency cannot exceed 25% and it occurs at a SO/SO ratio. In front projection, one hould expect two stops of light loss.





F.6. - r


10 15 '20 25 30 35 40 45 so 55 60 65 70 r/lANSltf/SStCW % 90 50 70 60 50 -40 3AJREFl.£CTANCE "1'0

Figure 2. Front p rojection mirro r; transmission/reflection ra ti o and efficiency.

Since film expo ure of foregrOlUld objects requires a given amount of light at the camera, any transmission loss through the mirror must be made up by increasing the illumination of the foreground. Thus transmission should be as high as po ible. The efficiency of utilization of the foreground (FG) illumination is a linear function of transmision and increases a the transmi ion increa es. An increase of transmission from 50% to a val ue of 60% results in a 12% increase in the utiliza tion of the foregro und illumination. It can be een from the figure that this change from 50 to 60% in the transmission results in a drop of only 4% (25 down to 24) in the utilization efficiency of the background (B ) illumination. Th scene being projected onto the screen is also being projected onto the foreground object and actors. Whether or not the scene being projected on foreground objects will be visible in the photography depends upon the intensity f the projected light relative to the intensity of the foreground illumination. A specific high-gain intensity relation hip i thus far olely a property of the Scotchlite screen.

The Scotchlite Screen The pedal properties of the front-projection screen make front projection practicable. One screen made by the 3M Company, commonly known as Scotchlite, Type 7610, is a reflex reflec tor - that is, it has the property of reflect-


ing light back to its source. A reflex reflector can be made by using comer mirrors or gla beads. Th 3M screen u glas beads. The limHed angular ilistribution of reflection is illu trated in Fig. 3. Becau of the controlled angle f th reflect d light, the screen has a ry high gain. If on observ the screen from a vantag point not more than about yt0 fr m the axis of the proj ctor, it will app ar to be nearly 1,000 times brighter than wou ld a matte wh ite surface receiving the same illumination. Because of this high gain of Scotchlite, ver little illumination is required from the projector; therefore front projection can pro ide background of aIm t any d ired ize. A 13o-A arc lamp project r can ea iJ illuminat a 30,000 q. ft. screen of Scotchlite to baln. lllUS, screens up t 120 ance a 2OQ-fc-ke foreground X 250 f t can be used.







\ \

800 600






' I'--


0° 0.5 0 1.00 1.5 0 2.0 0 DIVERGENCE ANGLE

Fig u re 3. Relati ve a ngular d istri b u tion of re fl ect ion of 3M Scolchl ile reflective s heeting Type 7610.

The ability to u e large background screens is on of the principal advantages of front projection. By comparison, rear projection was limited to a screen ize of 20 to 30 ft., even when illuminated b three high-powered projectors. Even considering the 10 es of the emi-mirror, one need only use ab ut one footcandle of illumination on the screen to balance a foregrOlUld key light of 200 fe. Thi i a net ra tio of about 200:1 and i more than ad qu ate to result


in invisibili ty of the image projected on foregro lmd objects - even a white shirt. If one considers a white shirt to be nearly 100% reElective, and the reflectivity of black velvet , to be approximately 2%, this represents a ratio of only 50:1. Thus a white shirt is so dull compared to Scotchlite (200:1) that it appears to be blacker than black velvet when the Scotchli te is illuminated to the brightness of the foregrOlmd scene. The Scotchlite material is available in two-foot-wide rolls. The screen can be constructed by simply papering the material onto a wall-like surface or wooden backing or hanging it in horizontal strips. It is only necessary to cover all of the screen area. Butt edges are not required, and pieces may be overlapped. It is advisable, however, to prepare a screen from the same production batch since a second batch may differ slightly in brightness gain.


Alignment of Nodal Points The practical usage of front projection requires careful aligrU1lent of the camera and projector lenses. All multielement lenses, whether for camera or projector usage, have two or more nodal points. In the front-projection process we are interested only in the front nodal point. For the pro-



400 0°



Figure 4. Gain of Scotchlite screen as a function of the angle of incidence, for a constant d ivergence angle of 1(,. between incident beam and measuring axis.

Tesselating The Screen Irregularities in reflection of the Scotchlite material may be minimized by cutting or tearing the Scotdtlite into small pieces, scrambling the pieces, and reassembling them into a mosaic. This, however, is wasteful of ma terial and is labor intensive. Apogee, Inc. has designed a die which cuts ScotchJite into symmetrical hexagons with curved edges; with the aid of a template the tiles are mounted on a prepared Dacron and Mylar sheet with a 3% overlap . The completed screen is dlecked by photographing it using a ring light and highcontrast film in order to exaggerate any imperfections that might exist. (Apogee, Inc. holds a patent #4,548,470 covering this method of screen fabrication and supplies either the complete screen assemblies or separate tiles for the user's application .) It is not necessary that Scotchlite be absolutely flat or square to the camera since its gain is quite uniform over a rather wide angle of incidence, as shown in Fig. 4.





( .

jector lens, the front nodal point is that position within the lens from whidl the light appears to emanate. For the camera lens, the front nodal point is that point within the lens toward whidl all incoming light appears to converge. Since the camera lens has a finite field angle, and since it is possible to have foreground objects anywhere within the field of view of the camera, there is only one position of the camera lens that will eliminate shadows for all objects its field of view. This position is obtained when the front nodal point of the camera lens is effectively coincident in all axes with tlle front nodal point of the projector lens. If these nodal points are not effectively coincident, a black shadow line will appear at the edge of foreground objects. Where there is only one foregrollild object in the scene, and that object is located symmetrically on the camera axis (as in a doseup of one person), it is possible and sometimes desirable to place the camera nodal point al1ead of tlle projector nodal point. The desirability of this procedure will be explained later, in the discussion of shadow gradients. The camera and projector each have three degrees of freedom in h'anslational motion. A sliding movement of the camera or projector to the left or right is a translation along the x-axis. Similarly, a change of elevation is translation along the y-axis; movem ent toward or away from the screen is h'anslation along the z-axis. Adjustment of the position of the camera or projector along these three axes is required to obtain effective coincidence of their lens nodal


pint . An adjustable ba e for the projector or cam ra faci litat this adjustment. It is the virhtal, or reflected, nodal point of the projector that i to be co-located with tile nodal point of the ca mera lens. Thus any adjustment of the mirror's placement or an Ie hifts tile positi n of tile projector nodal point with I' p t to that ofthe camera. ince the nodal point of a len i a ingle point somewh r within the lens, it is n t acccsibl for making a direct m hanical alignment. Ther fore it i nece I' to make the alignment optical! b using test targ t I cated in the camera field. The degree of permisible error in the alignment of the lens nodal points i a n.U1Cti n of everal variabl . . The principal va riabl is th separa tion of for grow1d bJ ct from tl1e screen. When the foregrOlU1d obj ct are quite close to tile screen, on may misalign the ca mera by a . ~nu ch as an i:nch. in any direction without induci ng a Vistbl hadow Ime LL1 photograp hy. As foreground obj cts approach the cam era, the aIignment becomes more critica I, until onl y Yn in. of a li gnm nt erro r can cau e a vi ib le shad w line. Thus, when aligrunent targets are u d, tlley hou ld be placed clo e to the camera to simplify the a lignment pI' ccdure and to a ure alignment accuracy. The t pe of alignment target used can impose orne pI' blem . 11le use of whit card requires separat illumination, and balancing the brightn can be a bit of a chore. mal! ections of the tdllite creen may be us d, but ince the briahtness varie in er el wi th the square of tl1e di tanc , they are over-bri ht when brought cia to the canl ra. good procedur i to top down the projector and camera lenses to f!22, if po ible, and tip the Scotchlite targ t well past-l5°. At a very teep angle, tlleiJ' brightness ca n b made to match that f the sa-een. Under til s c ndition ,a misalignment of a little a YJ2in. can b readily obs rv -d. The source of light tha t produces a shadow Une origi':,ates fro m the projector len ", which in tum receives it light h'om the lamphouse and it optics. The alignment of the lamphollse and its optic hould resul t in symmetrical illumination f the exi t pupil of the projector lens. When the exit pupil i not symm trically illuminated, the center of the em rging light blmdle is not a t the lens center. And while thi off-cen ter illuminati n in no way affects the backaround scene, it does r ul t in hifting the hadow to one id or tl1e other, just a though ne had shifted the projec-


tor. Any change of the projector lens iris then acts not only to dlange light level, but produces the equivalent of a shift in x or Yof the whole projector. An iris change on a projector with a poorly centered lamp can result in up to :-2 in. of apparent misaligrLment. A computer-generated table has been prepared to show the aligrLment error that induces a 0.cXJ02 in. hadow line on the camera negative under a variety of conditions. This dimension (0.0002 in.) represents the thr hold of visibility of a line projected on a large screen. The primary utility of this data, found in the appendix on page 413, is to show the relative influence of the object-to-screen separation, and to indicate the magnitude of alignment accuracy required . The actual aUgrLffient error tha t can be accepted is reduced by the halo effect, which will be discussed a little later.

Alignment of Anamorphic Lens The use of anamorphic lenses introduces special problems in front projection. Such lenses have two front nodal points, one associated with the vertical tilt motion and the other with panning motion. Both nodal points exist in the camera and projector lens, since these lenses have, in effec t, two different focal lengths. If these nodal points in ilie camera and projector lenses are not equally spaced, there is no way to simultaneously superimpose both sets of nodal points. The problem can be minimized by splitting ilie distance between front nodal points for each lens and co-locating this median position. Simultaneously, one should keep foreground objects relatively dose to the screen, whereby rather large misalignment of nodal points can be tolerated wiiliout introducing a shadow line.

Pan, Tilt and Zoom It is possible in front projection to pan and tilt the camera during photography, provided that the x, y, z relationships of the nodal points are maintained. To do this, it becomes necessary to use a nodal-point camera mount that permits the front nodal point of the camera lens to be located at the center of rotation for both pan and tilt motions. This requirement of maintaining a co-location of projector and camera lens nodal points also applies to a zoom lens.


Beca use th fr nt nodal point of a zoom lens may shift by several inche during a cl1ange of focal length, it is neces ary to hift th camera body an equal distance, in order to maintain a fi ed patial relationship between the two axe of rotation and the nodal point. An alternative, of cour c, i t limit th zoom range, and to place all foreground bject eto e to the creen, thus taking advantage of th r ultant in r ased tolerance of nodal-point po itioning, a m ntioned earlier. --------------- - ---------------------- ---

resolution and increase in grain, it will look like a 16mm . . . backgrow1d. If, on the other hand, th entire background Image IS projected onto a sma ll creen that r pr nts, for example, a window then one can zoom in until th window fills the camera \ri~wfinder. At thi pint the cop ratio has again dropped to 1.0. Figure 5 illu trat the .r lative 10 of image quality as a function f the c p ratio. te the advantage of using a 65mm BG.

The Halo Effect

TYPI CAL RA n o IVHEN 35...... SEES Yz OF 3 5 ..... PLATE



CO PY' .. RATI O -

2.0 IWNI





Figure 5. Relative loss of image quality as a function of copy ratio.

Problems of Grain in Front Projection There are ratl1 l' evere Limitations on the use of zooming in a front proj ction cene and these limitations are caused by image grain. It mu t be remembered that the scene bing proj cted wa once photographed by a camera on negati film. In front projection, this scene is being copied onto th film in the camera and this film is a negative. Thu th background part of tJ1e scene is a dupe that ha been made on camera negativ rather than a fine grain duping tock. The graininess is therefore increased. If, for xample, both the camera and projector films are 35mm, and if the ntire projected scene just fits tl1e full aperture on th camera ground glass, then there is a oneto-one rela tionship between the image on the projected film and tJ1i same image a it is being exposed in the camera. In this ca we ha e a 1:1 copy ratio. If one now zooms to twice the initial focal length, only ~ of the widtl1 and ~ of tJ1e height (or Y4 of the area) of the projected print is being copied. This i in r alitya 16mm area. Owing to the loss of

From the earlier discu i n on the alignment of nodal points, we ma ha e implied that once e ac: aligr~m.ent is achieved there \ ill be no vi ible hadow Ime; thi IS not necessarily the case. Perfect alignment of nodal points asures the absence of a hadow line onl when both the projector and camera lens apertu~es ar a . mall as pinholes. ormal Lenses do not apprQ)omate a pll1hol~. Actu~ entrance pupil diameters are in the order of one mch, a IS the case for a 100mm lens at f/ 4.0. Since lenses have aperture dimensioflS significantly larger than a pinhole, tl1eir depth of focus is limited as a fW1ction of aperture. When a foreground object i in focus and the background is not in focu , a black halo f?rms a~ound ~1e foreground object on the camera negative.. ~s halo I not.a black line, such as is experienc d by ml ahgnment, but IS best described as a brighme gradient that faUs to 50% intensity at the edge of the foreground object. The halo is most often seen on closeup . As objects recede from the camera and appro~ch the screen the halo shrinks to a faint lin and, at some distance it see~s to disappear. This edge-gradien.t halo is most conspicuous when the background cene I a clear sky or a blank wall. It is less noticeable on background uch as dark .. . foliage. The halo phenomenon IS explam d by ref~ence t? FIg. 6. If tl1e camera is focused on a foregrow1d oblect, tJus object will be in sharp focus at the film plane. If ~ne as~wnes, for the moment, that the projector aperture I a pmhole, then the shadow cast by the foregrow1d object will appear quite sharp on the screen. In tJ1e c~era, tJ1e ~rojected background image and tl1e shadow wLlI botl1 be m I:arp focus at some plane ahead of the film, but ~ot on tl1e film: Fr?m the diagram it can be een that th light ray , contmwng

408 409






F. G.





- - ----::::: ::: .;.:::: :. =- -=- - -






- A

S CREEN·- - . . FILM P L A N E





~ '00r-_---...:A~~~Or---_/ --- - IOO~

~ ~ ~ ~




~ OL------..=-~


FOCUSED F. 6 . 0/VECTS '-."......--J


' " CAMERA IVEGATIVE Figure 6. The halo phenomenon.

past this plane of focus, di erge as they reach the film plane and become a blur on the film. Point A on the screen can be seen b aLI of the camera len ; but point 0, the edge of the harp hadow, can be seen by only half the lens. Thus A i at full intensity at th film plane, but as point 0 is reached, the light has fall n to half intensity on the filn1 (because half the len has b n ocduded). This gradient i shown in the lower part of th figure and exist for aLI object . The edge gradient described above is prod uced by the cam ra lens aperture alone, beca use the projector wa asurn d to be a pinl101e. In practice the projector aperture is not a pinl1ole, but ha ome finite diameter. This real diameter of the exit pupil of the projector lens causes the shadow on the screen to ha e a oft edge and this edge spreads out for orne real distance on the creen. However, the gradient already produced by th camera lens aperture does not this second gradient (produced by the projector lens) a long a the size of the projector lens aperture is equal to or maller than that of the camera aperture.

This conclusion wa verified by computing the size and shape of the edge gradient for two extreme conditions; one condition wa a knife-edged screen hadow, while the oth r condition was a uniformly increa ing shadow extending from A to B. These hvo conditions cover aLI po ible pr jectorlens apertur up to and equaling that of the camera aperture. The gradient on the camera negati e was id ntical in size and in hape for both cases. Th edg gradi nt halo is therefore a function of whiche er I n aperture i larger. In practice it can be conduded that one should always stop down the projector until its exit pupil diam ter is less than the diameter of th entrance pupil of the cam ra. If both lense have a foca l length of two inche (50mm) and th camera is at f/4.0, then the projector can b at f/4.0 or 5.6 or any smaller aperture. But if the projector len has a four-ind l focal length (100mm), it must be stopp d down to f/ .0 to match the entrance pupil d iameter of a two-inch camera lens at f/4.0.

Minimum Foreground-Object Distances A table has been prepared that pecifies the closest distance that foreground objects may approach th camera for a 0.0002 in. half-gradient halo as a function of creen distance, camera focal length and lens aperture tting. This table appears on pag 413. After the camera and projector nodal point are aligned in all three ax (x, y, z) by the method d ribed, one must then be concerned with the halo eff ct. Appendix I may be used as a practical guide to determine afe object distances that will not result in a visible halo. ~e Appendix is organized by lens focal length. After electing the table corresponding to the cam era lens, find the ca mera-to-screen distan ce loca ted in the left-hand colum n. The row of nunlbers oppo ite the screen distance repre ents the do est dis tance obj ct may safely approach the camera without developing a visible halo. This distance i listed for everal lens stops. These lens stops are for the camera, or for the projector lens if its aperture is the larger. ( ote: f/ 2.8 is a larger relative aperture than f/4.0.) The near distance limits listed in the tables of Appendix I will result in a halo around the object of 0.0004 in. on the film. Since the halo i a gradient, the first half of the


gradient b tween A and 0 (Fig. 6) i flow visibiJi ty. Therefore, ani the teeper half of the gradient i considered as capable of producing a vi ible hadow. The tables, therefore, defin an object di lance for which the teeper half of the gradient will produce a 0.0002 in. hadow line on th n gative; th re is ah a orne qu tion a to how much halo can b present b fore it is i ible. The 0.0002 in. value has been u ed by T hnicolor, f r example, a a limit for color regi tration. It r presents ~ in. n a 50-ft. CTeen. Th exact width at which a hadow lin i visibl or invisibl depend upon hm do one its to the creen, the quality and harpn of th projection lens, contras in the picture, and of course n' own visual acuity. Perhap the m t ignilicant ariable affecting the visibility of halo is pictur contrast. The most critical scene i white again t white, ince these bj cts matd, in color and are at high luminance. The daJ'ker and more mottled the backgrOLmd, the les vi ible the ha lo. The Appendix is for the worst case, whit against white. Most cenes do not present th e criticaJ brightness c nditions. It i therefore practicaJ in man cases, where th background is dark or mottled, to accept the nearer doseup limit indicated for the next mall r top. With a dark f liage background, even closer ubj ct-eamera distances can be tolerat d .

Z-Axis Displacement for Closeups Wh n it is e sentia l to make a rather extreme doseup of a singl bject or per on, it can be done without a halo by obser ing a pecial rule. If the ingle foreground object e tend outward in all directions from the center of the camera-I ns axi ,it then becomes p ible to mo e the camera forward b e eral inches, placing it well within the hadow c n of the projector. 1h.i action would normally produce a vere shadow on the in ide edge of all off-center objec . But the singl object ( r person) that extends outward in all direction from the camera center has no inside edges, and thus no had w line or halo will be vi ible.

Brightness and Color Matching Segments of th front-projection screen material can be placed in position f rward of the main screen for certain special ffects, sud, as doorways. It should be remembered that the inverse quare lawai a applie to Scotdilite. If one pia a piece of the ma terial at half the screen dis-


AppendiX I Minimum Object Distance (in ft.) for O.0002-in. Half-Gradient Halo. Screen distance

25mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 32mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 40mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 50mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 75mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 100mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 150mm lens 10 20 40 60 80 100 120

Lens aperture and object distance II II II 5.6 8.0 11


5 6

4 5


8 8

6 6 6





6 9

5 7


12 13 13 13

II 2.8

11 4.0

8 13 19 23 25 27 28

11 16 18 19 20 21

10 12 14 15 15 16

10 11 11 11

8 14 20 25 27 29 31



15 24 30 34 37 40 9

16 28 36 43 48 52 9



15 25 31 36 39


9 17


12 17

20 22 23 24 8

14 22 26 29 32 33 9

16 26

18 31 42 52 59

29 38 45 50



10 19 36 51 64 77 88

10 18 34 48 59 70 79


10 19 37 54 70 85

10 19 36 52 67 80



10 19 35 50 63 74 85

10 20

10 20 38 56 74 90 106


57 75

93 110


38 42 45 9

18 32 44

54 62

10 19 38 55

71 87


6 8

10 14 15 17 18 8

12 18 21 23 25 26 8

14 22 28 31 34 36 9 17

30 39

47 53 59 10 18 33

46 57 67 75 10 19 37 53 68 82 95



7 11 15 17

18 19 20 8

13 19 23 25 27 28 9

16 27 35 41 45 49 9



8 9 9 9

10 6 9

12 13 14

14 14 7 11

16 18 19 20 21 9

15 24 29 33

36 39 9

18 32 43 52 60

17 29 38 45 50 55

10 19 36 51 65

10 18 34 48 59 70


77 88



tance, for cxa mple, it will be 4X (2 stops) brighter than the main crc n. Thu all such application should strive to keep suppl mentary creen ma terial close to the main screen. A in r ar proj ction, the eye is not an adequa te instrument to dc termine c lor or lighting balance between foregro~nd and background. Where the background is simply pa mg scen r, e-balance rna be sufficient. When the fo reground i a continuation of the background, photograph.ic t h u1d be made to ensure a good color and brightn match. Lens coating, the ultra iolet cutoff of optical gla and the pectral sensitivity of color negative material are all inilu ntial in determining color balance of ~. The c I r r p nse f the hunlan eye is ignificantl differ nt from that of color film. TIle eye, therefore, i not an accurat predict r f the film' color rendition in thi application.

Steps to Avoid Shadows and Halos 1. lign cam ra and projector lens front nodal poin b pl~cing targpt of otchJite at the f/16 distance of AppendIX 1. Placc tar cts at left, center, and right of camera field. Tip targ ts until th ir brightness matche thatof main screen. top down camera and projector. Position ca mera and project r for no h.adow on any target. Camera is correcti located on nodal head when the camera is panned to place right target at left edge of camera field and no hadow appears. 2. t cam ra I 115 to de ired f-stop . Set projector len t a mall r f- t p. Rech ck for hadows at edge of target . Ann-uniform field of ligh t into the projector lens will cau e a hadow line a projector stop is changed. 3. b erv minimum object distance of Appendix I to avoid halo. Proj ctor exit pupil should not be larger than camera entranc pupil. (Pupils are equal when tile depth of field i th arne f r both len e . Use lens tables.) 4. If u ing a zoom len , line up shot at maximum focal length to be u d in til h t, and then check for shadows at minimum f cal l ngth.lf shadows appear, reduce zoom range or u pr per nodal head that couples to zoom control. S.lf pr j cted inlage is larger than camera field of view, background plate negative hould be larger than camera negative,otherwi background will be grainy.


6. When using anamorphic camera lens, keep objects close to screen and co-locate a median point between the two front nodal points of the camera lens with nodal point median of the projector. 7. 1£ camera is moved forward of normal nodal point location to make an extreme closeup, the object must be on camera center and have no inside edges (i.e., no space between arms and body). 8. Supplementary screen set forward of main screen should be kept very close to main screen to avoid a brightness change. 9. When background is a continuation of foreground, photographic tests are needed to assure a good color and brightness match. Additional information on front projection and on Scotchlite front projection screens 7610 and 7615 high contrast sheeting is available from Safety and Security Systems Division/3M, 225-4N-14, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55144-1000, (612) 733-4433, (BOO) 328-7098.

Compositing William Han ard ASC Associate Member President, Hansard Enterpri es

Rear-Screen Projection Rear-screen projection proc s essentially consists of filming live foreground action against a pecially photographed background "plate" which is being rear-projected onto a translucent screen.The following items are required: 1. Special backgrowld projector with camera-type registration and 220 volt, 3-pha e, AC sync motor. 2. Motion-picture camera with crystal-controlled motor with a cameralprojector electronically pha eable shutter sync box. 3. Specially prepared print on print stock with B & H perforations, made from plate n gative filmed to production specification or from stock library plate material. 4. Translucent projection screen.

Proce s shots usually are filmed on a motion-picture stage or in a warehouse. Portable process projectors and creen can be rolled nto any set and employed to back up the action by fumi hing the "view" seen through a window or door of a hou e, plane, train, automobile, etc. Camera and projector are electrically locked 0 that imultaneously. The projectheir hutter open and do tor d not have a "flicker blade" as in theater proj ctors, tint rrupt the creened imaae and shorten the dark interal b tween frame . Process projector have camera-type hutter and 010 m ntsso that the individual frames are in perfect ync with the camera' fi lming action. This results in a vi ual "flick ring" picture but a photographically perfect image inc each frame of film is proj cted for the entil"e interval the camera shutter is open and therefore provide maxiIllum light exposure fram fo r frame. If the projected image i a stationary plate itmu t perfectly regis tered, because any unsteadiness would be readily discernible when filmed in c mbination with a fixed f reground set.

amera and projector must be lin ed up so that the screen image is photographed with equal brilliance across its full width. Camera #2 will phot'ograph screen"A-B" with even brilliance. Camera 1 will record the " B" ide of the screen darker. Camera #3 will record the "A" side of the screen darker.

Traveling plates need not be critically registered sinc.e their movement wi ll u ually cover any inherent un teacUne . A tep printer (with camera-type registration) should be employed to print stationary plates. A continuous printer may be used for tra eling plates. A center line is drawn on the stage floor 0 that camera and projector may b t up in line with each other. Generally speaking, camera and projector should be lined up, although the screen ma be wung at a ligh t angle, if desired, to the foreground set. If the camera is not squarel on the projector center line,


an unevenly illuminated screen image, with one side dal"ker, will result. However, yo u do have th liberty of getting off center line app roximately five degree on each idewithaHi-Trans cr en and 45 degrees with a Lurniflex screen. There is absolutely no ubstitute for e p rience in photographing proce scenes. They cannot b done "b ' th book" - too many technical and arti tic factors are involved. It is up to the dir ctor of photography, along with the process coordinat r, to ba decisions on previou experience, inherent kill and ba ic knowledge of the many variables in each setup. One ba ic problem is balancing the light on the screen with the foregrOLUld illumination. The angle, hadoweffect and light quality f the illumination on th live set must match the projected plate to form an acceptable overall pictw·e. Care must to taken to keep all ligh t illuminating the foregrOLUld set off the background scr en or it will wa h out the projected picture. Screen brightnes will vary with the plate in use. Meau.ring is a matter of balancing by eye,·preferably with a m notone viewing filter and an out-of-phase sync box for dil"ect viewing through the camera (to achieve perfect balance while the camera i running without film). The screen i illuminated onJ half the time, while the for ground set is constantJy illuminated. The screen image i projected with a carbon arc light, which requires a daylight film index for black & white film , and the foreground is lit by tungsten lamps. "YellowFlame" carbons are used for projecting color plates so that tJlei.r color temperature matches the tungsten-illurninat d foreground set. The camera should be positioned at an elevation relative to that employed by tJle camera used to filmed the original plate. The floor of the set should be regarded as the camera floor - do not use the stage floor if the et is built higher on a false floor. Pr serving the relationship between foreground and background is of paramount importance - elements must appear to have been photographed together. Best results are achieved only when camera angles and lighting are matched to preserve persp ctive, space relationship, convergence of lines and photographic tonal values. On stage, short focus lenses should be avoided. The doser the camera is to the process screen, the more brilliant the center of the screen, causing what is known as a hotspot.


Longer focal length lenses on both camera and projector wiUproduce the best results. A 5-inch projection lens and a 2-inch camera lens is a popular combination. A 40mm lens sh uld be the shortest employed on the camera if the full screen is being filmed . A wide-angle lens may be u d on a large set where the proce screen is only partiaUy used, or when a relatively maU projected image is used for a view through a window or door. Care should be taken to keep the camera and projector lined up when filming a partial creen image on one side of a live et. The foreground set and the play r hould be positioned a dose to the screen as possible, a that the projected picture is photographed as sharp as the available depth of field permits.

Camera and projectormu t be lined upwhen the camera is panned &om a screen image on onesideofa live sello the action on the opposileside. Projedorll2 is correctly positioned . Projector #1 would result in a darker image on the "B" side of the screen.

Another advantage in working with the action dose to the creen is that it requir a smaller projected picture. Th result is greater image compression, lending colors richness an d brilliance. O n moving background h ts, sud1 as a ro ki ng boat, rocking th e camera sligh tly aids the illusion of motion. Such rocking m ust not be apparent, but give the appearan ce of integrat d motio n of foreground and background action. Print density will depend on the subject matter. It is advi able to have two prints for 35mm and three prints for VistaVision. One copy should be of good, rid1 normal denity with normal color, and the second copy should be 2;'3 of a stop lighter in density. OveraU creen brightness can be controUed by varying the amperage on the projector arc, adjusting the projection lens diaphragm and by employing neutral-density


filters. V ry little can be done to al ter the tonal c ntra t inherent in an individual print. A impl rul f thumb for calculating projection distance and f cal len th of projection lens for a particular cre n iz : th pr jector leI foca l length multiplied by the screen width plu 10% equals the projection distance give r tak a f w f et. Thus a 5-inch lens will fill a 20-ft. screen from appro imatel 110 feet awa . tatic background en can be handled with greater econom b u ing a 4" 5" tereopticon slide projector. ed behveen takes ince the film does not ha e Tim is to be r w undo I ,color lides ma be used for black & whit film ph t graph ; in fact the are often preferable becau th pI' nt a I grainy image and better black & whjt eparation. Rear projection tide projector are u uall equipped with arc lamp, although ometime tung ten bulb are employed for mall aeens. Specjally prepared W' .f' r 4" 5" slides are used. The emul ion i removed from th base and transferred onto Pyrex gla to elirrunate burrun or bleachillg of the transparency; this also r ults in harper focus and facilitates cooling of the transparenc and gla mOlmts. One final note: the profes ional result of any process ene i onl a good as the background plates provided.

Photographing Miniatures by Dennis Muren, ASC The rece nt increase in the use of miniatures in motion picture mean that live-action cinematographers may now b ca ll d upon to photograph miniatures, an area usuall y ha ndl ed by peciatists. Today's pinpointsharp In , very fine-grain color negatives, and crystalclear 70mm reI a e prints can reveal flaws, and the olution require th utmo t attention to detail by every member of the effect team. The cinematographer should talk to the dir ctor, the live-action director of photography, and the effect crew. He or he should look at a much footage from the job a possible, especially immediatel y preceding and f 1I0wing the miniature shot. Based on thi material, h h uld then visualize how the shot would

have been photographed had it been built fuJI- ized and apply that information to th following: 1. The notion that miniatur look big when photographed with w ide-angle len e from a low viewpoint is somewha t true. But when cut into a equ nce filmed from above cr with long len es the hot may look ut of place. 2. A s mall f-stop is u uall nec ary to hold the depth of field needed to keep the model in focu . 3. The entire model and et mu t appear to be in focu ,as it probably wou ld hav be n if the cene had been buHt full-size. 4. When shooting a full miniature hot, a 0-1 filter on the camera can give an artificial atmo phere which enhance the sen e of reality. 5. atch the preceding and following Ii e-action photography as closely as p ible. Lighting umts should be placed at the scaled di tanc from the model to duplicate natural light fall-off. Small unit help the scale. 6. rtificial smoke can b u d to Lightly cloud the atmosphere in a miniature and give a reali tic aerial haze. In instances where more control i ne ded, bridal veil material can be tightly tretched within a set and separately lit. 7. Panning, til ting, trucking, even jol ts and shakes can add greatly to a shot if they are appropriate with that moment. 8. lligh-speed film tack allow for extra stopping down. Perforation size a nd location can be checked on each roll to help insure rock- teady image, if nece sary. 9. For high-speed hooting any rental cameras should be loaded and te ted by th assistant who will use them. Registration s teady te ts hou ld be made at the chosen speeds, if necessa ry.

Model Size Water, fire, and exp lodiJlg model should be as large as the budget and safety allow, ven half-size if possible and shot high-speed. In ten e wind ca n help break up o ut of scale water droplets and in ome ca es, fire. Exploding models should be pre-broken, rea embled, and exploded within slow-moving, low-powered, and colorful pyrotechnics preferably with two or more blast. Other types of models can be built just big enough to be ad equa tely detailed and till carry depth of field .


Miniature explosion and fire can be dangerou becau the camera may need to be in close proximHy to the mi.njature. Plan accordingly.

Shooting Speeds there i no motion on the miniature, it can b photographed at an pe d. Water, fire, explosions, and falling ffects are usuall done \ ith large models and camera peeds up to 360 fp . The exact peed depend upon the cale of the model and the effect desired . The accompan ing chart i a starting point, but for the be t re ults, te t hould be made (page ill) . High-speed hots can often be expensive and w1predictabl vents becau e of th W1certainty of r quired cam ra peeds, pyro technic, winds, mechanical quipment, human error, and th ne d to seq uen ce events in mu ch faster succession tha n they will be viewed . If an xpl ion is photographed at four times norma l p ed (96 fp ), then all other con trollab le actio ns wi thin the shot must happen four time fa ter. Achjevi ng an adequate Ie el of good-looking lighting can be very difficu lt if h ting high-speed at a mall f-stop. If using HMls, make ure that there will be no flicker at the filming pe ds. Scenes \ hjch ar upp ed to take place outdoors hould be shoot outdoor if weather permit . With top-motion, h ting is accomplished at one fram at a time with the object being light! mov d by hand between each fram . One-fourth- econd exp ures or more per frame allow for great depth of field in low light I vels. Stop-m tion photography is used to giv a fr dom of movement and e pression to an object or figure. Motion-control photography is used w hen an object or fig ure is moved by computer-controlled motors at very sl w peeds. Long expo ur limes per frame allow for very sma ll f-stops. The computer can repea t the m vements of t!1e motors, which allows for multiple expo ures. An facet of a shot can be i olated and wedg d for intenity, c lor, filtration, and atmosphere. The image can be built lip tl1rough multiple e posures made from the choen w dge frames, while th computer repeat the ame motions each time. Go-motion hooting i u ed when shooting animal or cr ature model . The major b dy parts are attached to rod which are moved b computer-controlled motors. [f


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