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abstract Voronoi diagram, 92, 109 additively weighted Voronoi diagram, 88 affine diagrams, 80 algebraic numbers, 119 α-complex, 238 α-shape, 238 ambient isotopy, 184 anisotropic Voronoi diagram, 86 Apollonius diagram, 38, 88 arithmetic, 118 Bentley-Ottmann sweep, 4, 7 Betti numbers, 285 dependence on coefficient field, 294 incremental computation, 290 of a tree, 286 of the 2-sphere, 286 of the projective plane, 293 of the torus, 287 topological invariance, 289 Boolean set-operation, 55 boundary operator, 284 Boundary Representation, 49 BRep, see Boundary Representation B´ezout resultant, 38 CAD, see cylindrical algebraic decomposition chain homotopy, 292 chain map, 291 Chew’s algorithm for Delaunay mesh refinement, 202
closed ball property, see topological ball property codimension, 297 collapse, 292 elementary, 292 simplicial, 292 complex simplicial, 280 Constructive Solid Geometry, 49 contour, 307 contour tree, 307 contractible, 282 convergence of interval arithmetic, 191 Core library, 35 correctness of meshing algorithms, 183 critical point, 223, 243, 298 in a direction, 211 index, 244 maximum, 300 minimum, 300 non-degenerate, 300 saddle, 300 critical value, 223, 298 cylindrical algebraic decomposition, 5, 38, 47, 48 Davenport-Schinzel sequence, 23 Delaunay refinement by Chew’s algorithm, 202 Delaunay triangulation, 74, 235 restricted, 201, 238
Descartes method, 38 design pattern, 25 observer, 27 visitor, 32 differential, 295 distance function to sample points, 243 duality, 74 Euler characteristic, 280 excursion set, see lower level set ε-sample, 202, 248 weak ε-sample, 203 fiber, 185 filters, 121 dynamic, 122 static, 122 floating point, 119 flow, 244 functor, 34 Gabriel simplex, 237 general position, 195, 234 generalized polygons, 55 generic programming, 25, 31, 314 global parameterizability, 191 gradient vector field, 303 grazing intersections, 195 Hausdorff distance, 251 height function, 298 Hessian, 299 homeomorphism, 249, 279 homologous, 285 homology, 282 homology vector space, 285 homotopy, 250, 281 homotopy equivalence, 282 hybrid motion-planning, 58 IEEE 754 norm, 119 Implicit Function Theorem, 299 implicit surface, 182 inclusion property, 120 index Morse index, 300 integers, 118 interpolation
scattered data interpolation, 182 interval arithmetic, 120, 190 isolating interval, 19 isosurface, 182 isotopy, 184, 250, 282 Jacobi curve, 4, 20, 49 Johnson-Mehl diagrams, 88 join tree, 308 level set, 223, 301 lower level set, 301 Lipschitz function, 205 local feature size, 202, 247 lower envelope, 70 lower level set, 301 M¨ obius diagram, 81 map (continuous function), 279 marching cubes, 188 maximum, 300 medial axis, 110, 244 medial axis transform, 246 minimum, 300 Morse function, 300 genericity, 302 turning a function into a Morse function, 223 Morse inequalities, 302 Morse Lemma, 301 Morse number, 300 Morse theory, 223, 295 Morse-Smale complex, 306 Morse-Smale function, 305 multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram, 82 natural neighbor interpolation, 182 natural neighbors, 241 Nef polyhedra, 55 numerical difficulty, 208 observer design pattern, 27 one-root number, 12, 14–16, 20 oriented simplex, 280 point location algorithm landmarks, 23, 31, 33 walk, 23, 31, 40 polarity, 75
Index pole (Voronoi center), 207, 236 power, 79 power diagram, 79, 241 quadratic Voronoi diagram, 87 Randomized Incremental Construction, 53 randomized incremental construction, 99 rational numbers, 119 rational univariate representation, 47 real numbers, 118 Reeb graph, 307 regular triangulation, 80, 241 regular value, 298 remeshing, 213 restricted Delaunay triangulation, 201 rounding mode, 120 saddle point, 223, 300 sample ε-sample, 202, 248 ψ-sample, 202 weak ε-sample, 203 weak ψ-sample, 203 scattered data interpolation, 182 seed triangle, 206 silhouette, 210 simplex, 279 d-dimensional, 279 oriented, 280 simplicial k-chain, 283 simplicial k-cycle, 284 simplicial collapse, 292 simplicial complex, 280 simplicial homology, 282
simply connected, 282 sliver tetrahedron, 235 smooth surface, 295 Snyder’s meshing algorithm, 191–196 space of spheres, 75 spherical diagrams, 84 split tree, 309 stable manifold, 244, 304 Sturm sequences, 4, 19, 47 subcomplex, 280 submanifold, 297 surface implicit, 182 smooth, 295 surface Delaunay ball, 201 surface extraction, 182 surface network, 306 Sylvester matrix formulation, 38 systems of equations zero-dimensional, 213 tangent space, 297 tangent vector, 297 topological ball property, 209, 228, 241 topological space, 278 traits, 25–28, 30, 32–34, 40, 314, 315 triangulation, 280 tubular neighborhood, 185, 202, 247 unstable manifold, 304 vertical decomposition, 42 visitor design pattern, 32 Voronoi diagram restricted, 238 Voronoi diagram, 72, 235 Voronoi hierarchy, 106